Függelék:Eszperantó Swadesh lista

A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból


For further information, including the full final version of the list, read the Wikipedia article: Swadesh list.

American linguist Morris Swadesh believed that languages changed at measurable rates and that these could be determined even for languages without written precursors. Using vocabulary lists, he sought to understand not only change over time but also the relationships of extant languages. To be able to compare languages from different cultures, he based his lists on meanings he presumed would be available in as many cultures as possible. He then used the fraction of agreeing cognates between any two related languages to compute their divergence time by some (still debated) algorithms. Starting in 1950 with 165 meanings, his list grew to 215 in 1952, which was so expansive that many languages lacked native vocabulary for some terms. Subsequently, it was reduced to 207, and reduced much further to 100 meanings in 1955. A reformulated list was published posthumously in 1971.


No. English Esperanto
1 I mi mi
2 you (singular) vi vi
3 he li li
4 we ni ni
5 you (plural) vi vi
6 they ili ˈi.li
7 this ĉi tio t͡ʃi ˈti.o
8 that tio ˈti.o
9 here ĉi tie t͡ʃi ˈti.e
10 there tie ˈti.e
11 who kiu ˈki.u
12 what kio ˈki.o
13 where kie ˈki.e
14 when kiam ˈki.am
15 how kiel ˈki.el
16 not ne ne
17 all ĉiuj ˈt͡ʃi.ui̯
18 many multaj ˈmul.tai̯
19 some kelkaj ˈkel.kai̯
20 few malmultaj mal.ˈmul.tai̯
21 other alia a.ˈli.a
22 one unu ˈu.nu
23 two du du
24 three tri tri
25 four kvar kvar
26 five kvin kvin
27 big granda ˈɡran.da
28 long longa ˈlon.ɡa
29 wide larĝa ˈlar.d͡ʒa
30 thick dika ˈdi.ka
31 heavy peza ˈpe.za
32 small malgranda mal.ˈɡran.da
33 short mallonga mal.ˈlon.ɡa
34 narrow mallarĝa mal.ˈlar.d͡ʒa
35 thin maldika mal.ˈdi.ka
36 woman virino vi.ˈri.no
37 man (male) viro ˈvi.ro
38 man (human) homo ˈho.mo
39 child infano in.ˈfa.no
40 wife edzino e.ˈdzi.no
41 husband edzo ˈe.dzo
42 mother patrino pa.ˈtr.ino
43 father patro ˈpa.tro
44 animal besto ˈbe.sto
45 fish fiŝo ˈfi.ʃo
46 bird birdo ˈbir.do
47 dog hundo ˈhun.do
48 louse pediko pe.ˈdi.ko
49 snake serpento ser.ˈpen.to
50 worm vermo ˈver.mo
51 tree arbo ˈar.bo
52 forest arbaro ar.ˈba.ro
53 stick bastono ba.ˈsto.no
54 fruit frukto ˈfruk.to
55 seed semo ˈse.mo
56 leaf folio fo.ˈli.o
57 root radiko ra.ˈdi.ko
58 bark (of a tree) arboŝelo ar.bo.ˈʃe.lo
59 flower floro ˈflo.ro
60 grass herbo ˈher.bo
61 rope ŝnuro ˈʃnu.ro
62 skin haŭto ˈhau̯.to
63 meat viando vi.ˈan.do
64 blood sango ˈsan.ɡo
65 bone osto ˈo.sto
66 fat (noun) graso ˈɡra.so
67 egg ovo ˈo.vo
68 horn korno ˈkor.no
69 tail vosto ˈvo.sto
70 feather plumo ˈplu.mo
71 hair haro ˈha.ro
72 head kapo ˈka.po
73 ear orelo o.ˈre.lo
74 eye okulo o.ˈku.lo
75 nose nazo ˈna.zo
76 mouth buŝo ˈbu.ʃo
77 tooth dento ˈden.to
78 tongue lango ˈlan.ɡo
79 fingernail ungo ˈun.ɡo
80 foot piedo pi.ˈe.do
81 leg kruro ˈkru.ro
82 knee genuo ɡe.ˈnu.o
83 hand mano ˈma.no
84 wing flugilo flu.ˈɡi.lo
85 belly ventro ˈven.tro
86 guts intestaro in.te.ˈsta.ro
87 neck kolo ˈko.lo
88 back dorso ˈdor.so
89 breast brusto, mamoj ˈbru.sto, ˈma.moi̯
90 heart koro ˈko.ro
91 liver hepato he.ˈpa.to
92 to drink trinki ˈtrin.ki
93 to eat manĝi ˈman.d͡ʒi
94 to bite mordi ˈmor.di
95 to suck suĉi ˈsu.t͡ʃi
96 to spit kraĉi ˈkra.t͡ʃi
97 to vomit vomi ˈvo.mi
98 to blow blovi ˈblo.vi
99 to breathe spiri ˈspi.ri
100 to laugh ridi ˈri.di
101 to see vidi ˈvi.di
102 to hear aŭdi ˈau̯.di
103 to know scii ˈst͡si.i
104 to think pensi ˈpen.si
105 to smell flari ˈfla.ri
106 to fear timi ˈti.mi
107 to sleep dormi ˈdor.mi
108 to live vivi ˈvi.vi
109 to die morti ˈmor.ti
110 to kill mortigi mor.ˈti.ɡi
111 to fight batali ba.ˈta.li
112 to hunt ĉasi ˈt͡ʃa.si
113 to hit bati ˈba.ti
114 to cut tondi ˈton.di
115 to split dividi, fendi di.ˈvi.di, ˈfen.di
116 to stab mortpiki mort.ˈpi.ki
117 to scratch grati ˈɡra.ti
118 to dig fosi ˈfo.si
119 to swim naĝi ˈna.d͡ʒi
120 to fly flugi ˈflu.ɡi
121 to walk marŝi ˈmar.ʃi
122 to come veni ˈve.ni
123 to lie (as in a bed) kuŝi ˈku.ʃi
124 to sit sidi ˈsi.di
125 to stand stari ˈsta.ri
126 to turn (intransitive) turniĝi ˈtur.ni
127 to fall fali ˈfa.li
128 to give doni ˈdo.ni
129 to hold teni ˈte.ni
130 to squeeze premi ˈpre.mi
131 to rub froti ˈfro.ti
132 to wash lavi ˈla.vi
133 to wipe viŝi ˈvi.ʃi
134 to pull tiri ˈti.ri
135 to push puŝi ˈpu.ʃi
136 to throw ĵeti ˈʒe.ti
137 to tie ligi, nodi ˈli.ɡi, ˈno.di
138 to sew kudri ˈku.dri
139 to count kalkuli kal.ˈku.li
140 to say diri ˈdi.ri
141 to sing kanti ˈkan.ti
142 to play ludi ˈlu.di
143 to float flosi ˈflo.si
144 to flow flui ˈflu.i
145 to freeze frostigi, frostiĝi fro.ˈsti.ɡi, fro.ˈsti.d͡ʒi
146 to swell ŝveli ˈʃve.li
147 sun suno ˈsu.no
148 moon luno ˈlu.no
149 star stelo ˈste.lo
150 water akvo ˈak.vo
151 rain pluvo ˈplu.vo
152 river rivero ri.ˈve.ro
153 lake lago ˈla.ɡo
154 sea maro ˈma.ro
155 salt salo ˈsa.lo
156 stone ŝtono ˈʃto.no
157 sand sablo ˈsa.blo
158 dust polvo ˈpol.vo
159 earth tero ˈte.ro
160 cloud nubo ˈnu.bo
161 fog nebulo ne.ˈbu.lo
162 sky ĉielo t͡ʃi.ˈe.lo
163 wind vento ˈven.to
164 snow neĝo ˈne.d͡ʒo
165 ice glacio ɡla.ˈt͡si.o
166 smoke fumo ˈfu.mo
167 fire fajro ˈfai̯.ro
168 ash cindro ˈt͡sin.dro
169 to burn bruli ˈbru.li
170 road vojo, strato ˈvo.jo, ˈstra.to
171 mountain monto ˈmon.to
172 red ruĝa ˈru.d͡ʒa
173 green verda ˈver.da
174 yellow flava ˈfla.va
175 white blanka ˈblan.ka
176 black nigra ˈni.ɡra
177 night nokto ˈnok.to
178 day tago ˈta.ɡo
179 year jaro ˈja.ro
180 warm varma ˈvar.ma
181 cold malvarma mal.ˈvar.ma
182 full plena ˈple.na
183 new nova ˈno.va
184 old malnova mal.ˈno.va
185 good bona ˈbo.na
186 bad malbona mal.ˈbo.na
187 rotten putra ˈpu.tra
188 dirty malpura mal.ˈpu.ra
189 straight rekta ˈrek.ta
190 round ronda ˈron.da
191 sharp (as a knife) akra ˈa.kra
192 dull (as a knife) malakra mal.ˈa.kra
193 smooth glata ˈɡla.ta
194 wet malseka mal.ˈse.ka
195 dry seka ˈse.ka
196 correct ĝusta ˈd͡ʒu.sta
197 near proksima prok.ˈsi.ma
198 far malproksima mal.prok.ˈsi.ma
199 right dekstra ˈdek.stra
200 left maldekstra mal.ˈdek.stra
201 at ĉe t͡ʃe
202 in en en
203 with kun kun
204 and kaj kai̯
205 if se se
206 because ĉar t͡ʃar
207 name nomo ˈno.mo
  • Orthography:

When the words have various forms (verbs conjugation, gender and number agreement, declensions), the orthography is the following:

  • verbs: infinitive
  • other words: masculine or neutral, singular, nominative (subject)

For specific cases (no infinitive, feminine name, plural name for instance), the simplest form is used.