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[szerkesztés]- 産 1560 products
[szerkesztés]- 産 3B3A U7523 B117 C100 G4 S11 F161 N3354 V3716 H3298 DK2075 L1560 K142 O1520 DO317 MN21684P MP7.1041 E491 IN278 DS408 DH518 DT567 DC92 DJ574 DG1328 P3-6-5 I5b6.4 Q0021.4 DR472 ZPP2-2-9 ZPP2-4-7 Ychan3 Wsan サン う.む う.まれる うぶ- む.す T1 もと {products} {bear} {give birth} {yield} {childbirth} {native} {property}
EDICT Entries
[szerkesztés]お産 [おさん] / (n) (giving) birth / (P) / お土産 [おみやげ] / (n) present / souvenir / (P) /
- 遺産 [いさん] / (n) inheritance / bequest / (P) /
- 海産物 [かいさんぶつ] / (n) marine products / (P) /
- 共産 [きょうさん] / (n) communism / (P) /
- 共産主義 [きょうさんしゅぎ] / (n) communism / collectivism / (P) /
- 共産党 [きょうさんとう] / (n) Communist Party / (P) /
- 月産 [げっさん] / (n) monthly output (production) / (P) /
- 原産 [げんさん] / (n) place of origin / habitat / (P) /
- 原産地 [げんさんち] / (n) place of origin / home / habitat / (P) /
- 減産 [げんさん] / (n,vs) reduction in production / (P) /
- 固定資産 [こていしさん] / (n) fixed assets / (P) /
- 国産 [こくさん] / (n) domestic products / (P) /
- 国民総生産 [こくみんそうせいさん] / (n) gross national product / GNP / gross domestic product / GDP / (P) /
- 財産 [ざいさん] / (n) property / fortune / assets / (P) /
- 産む [うむ] / (v5m) to give birth / to deliver / to produce / (P) /
- 産科 [さんか] / (n) obstetrics / (P) /
- 産業 [さんぎょう] / (n) industry / (P) /
- 産業界 [さんぎょうかい] / (n) the industrial world / (P) /
- 産児制限 [さんじせいげん] / (n) birth control / (P) /
- 産地 [さんち] / (n) producing area / (P) /
- 産品 [さんぴん] / (n) products / (P) /
- 産婦人科 [さんふじんか] / (n) maternity and gynecology department / (P) /
- 産物 [さんぶつ] / (n) product / result / fruit / (P) /
- 産別 [さんべつ] / (n) (abbr) industrial union / (P) /
- 産油国 [さんゆこく] / (n) oil-producing countries (nations) / (P) /
- 産卵 [さんらん] / (n) egg-laying / spawning / (P) /
- 産量 [さんりょう] / (n) output / (P) /
- 資産 [しさん] / (n) property / fortune / means / assets / (P) /
- 出産 [しゅっさん] / (n) (child)birth / delivery / production (of goods) / (P) /
- 助産婦 [じょさんぷ] / (n) midwife / (P) /
- 情報産業 [じょうほうさんぎょう] / (n) information industry / (P) /
- 水産 [すいさん] / (n) marine products / fisheries / (P) /
- 水産業 [すいさんぎょう] / (n) fisheries industry / (P) /
- 水産庁 [すいさんちょう] / (n) (Japanese) Fisheries Agency / (P) /
- 水産物 [すいさんぶつ] / (n) marine products / (P) /
- 生産 [せいさん] / (n,vs) production / manufacture / (P) /
- 生産性 [せいさんせい] / (n) fecundity / productivity / (P) /
- 増産 [ぞうさん] / (n) production increase / (P) /
- 単産 [たんさん] / (n) (single-industry) industrial union / (P) /
- 畜産 [ちくさん] / (n) animal husbandry / (P) /
- 中産階級 [ちゅうさんかいきゅう] / (n) middle class / bourgeoisie / (P) /
- 通産省 [つうさんしょう] / (n) Ministry of International Trade and Industry / MITI / (P) /
- 通産相 [つうさんしょう] / (n) Minister of International Trade and Industry / (P) /
- 土産 [みやげ] / (n) present / souvenir / (P) /
- 倒産 [とうさん] / (n,vs) (corporate) bankruptcy / insolvency / (P) /
- 特産 [とくさん] / (n) specialty / special product / (P) /
- 日産 [にっさん] / (n) daily output / (P) /
- 妊産婦 [にんさんぷ] / (n) expectant and nursing mothers / (P) /
- 年産 [ねんさん] / (n) annual production / (P) /
- 農産 [のうさん] / (n) agricultural products / (P) /
- 農産物 [のうさんぶつ] / (n) agricultural produce / (P) /
- 破産 [はさん] / (n,vs) (personal) bankruptcy / (P) /
- 不動産 [ふどうさん] / (n) real estate / (P) /
- 不動産屋 [ふどうさんや] / (n) real estate agent / realtor / (P) /
- 副産物 [ふくさんぶつ] / (n) byproduct / side line / (P) /
- 物産 [ぶっさん] / (n) product / (P) /
- 文化遺産 [ぶんかいさん] / (n) cultural heritage / (P) /
- 量産 [りょうさん] / (n,vs) mass production / (P) /