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[szerkesztés]KANJIDIC Entry
[szerkesztés]- 誌 3B6F U8a8c B149 G6 S14 F851 N4366 V5620 H1548 DK1043 L601 K950 O2141 DO919 MN35501 MP10.0466 E880 IN574 DH891 DT974 DJ524 DG1687 P1-7-7 I7a7.8 Q0463.1 DR3058 Yzhi4 Wji シ {document} {records}
EDICT Entries
[szerkesztés]- 雑誌 [ざっし] / (n) journal / magazine / (P) /
- 誌 [し] / (n,n-suf) records / document / magazine / (P) /
- 誌上 [しじょう] / (n) in a magazine / (P) /
- 誌面 [しめん] / (n) page of a magazine / (P) /
- 週刊誌 [しゅうかんし] / (n) weekly publication / (P) /
- 書誌学 [しょしがく] / (n) bibliography / (P) /
- 地誌 [ちし] / (n) topography / (P) /
- 日誌 [にっし] / (n) diary / (P) /
[szerkesztés]- Frequency: 6823 out of 9933.
[szerkesztés]- Once
- Radical
- Graphical
Pinyin & Meaning
[szerkesztés]- zhi4 - sign/mark/to record/to write a footnote
Pronunciation Clues
[szerkesztés]- Pronunciation clue for 誌 (zhi4): The component 志 is pronounced as 'zhi4'.
- Pronunciation clue for 誌 (zhi4): The component 士 is pronounced as 'shi4'.
Example Words
[szerkesztés]- High Frequency
- Medium Frequency