Ugrás a tartalomhoz


Az oldal más nyelven nem érhető el.
Új téma nyitása
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból
  • 1983 drive
    • 1978 team of horses (horse)
      • ? * mane
        • ? * hair
          • 1920 long
            • ⊕ * something added
            • ? * hairpin
              • ? * scarf
  • 396 garment (clothing, clothes)
  • ⊖ * something taken away
              • ⊖ * something taken away
          • ⊖ * something taken away
        • ⊖ * something taken away
      • ? * tail feathers
    • 1696 ward
      • ⼕ * box
      • * sheaf


  • 366E U99c6 B187 G8 S14 XJ0366F XJ0715C XJ14154 F1033 N5200 V6736 H1823 DK1185 L1983 K1477 DO1271 MN44634 MP12.0506 E1183 IN1882 DJ1611 DG1916 P1-10-4 I10a4.5 Q7131.4 DR3475 Yqu1 Wgu ク か.ける か.る {drive} {run} {gallop} {advance} {inspire} {impel}

EDICT Entries

  • けつける [かけつける] / (v1) to run to / to come running / to rush (someplace) / to hasten / (P) /
  • ける [かける] / (v1) to run (race, esp. horse) / to gallop / to canter / (P) /
  • き [かけひき] / (n) bargaining / haggling / tactics / strategy / (P) /
  • る [かけまわる] / (v5r) to run around / to bustle about / (P) /
  • み [かけこみ] / (n) last-minute rush / stampede / (P) /
  • [かけあし] / (n) running fast / double time / (P) /
  • る [かる] / (v5r) to drive (car) / to spur on / to impel / (P) /
  • 使 [くし] / (n) order around / use freely / (P) /
  • [くじょ] / (n) extermination / expulsion / destruction / (P) /
  • [くちく] / (n,vs) extermination / expulsion / destruction / (P) /
  • [くちくかん] / (n) destroyer / (P) /
  • [くどう] / (n) driving force / (P) /
  • [せんく] / (n) (1) forerunner / pioneer / outrider / precursor / (2) herald / (3) pilot car / (P) /
  • け [さきがけ] / (n) charging ahead of others / the first to charge / pioneer / forerunner / harbinger / (P) /
  • ける [さきがける] / (v1) to be the first / (P) /