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A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból

This module supports the accelerated entry creation gadget, WT:ACCEL. It automatically creates entries according to a set of language-specific rules, located in submodules.

The module will automatically try to merge multiple generated entries into one, if everything but the definitions is the same. Moreover, if the definitions use {{inflection of}}, then the inflection tags will be combined into a single {{inflection of}} definition line, separated by a semicolon ;. In addition, the module will attempt to group multiple semicolon-separated tag sets in a single {{inflection of}} call that differ in only one dimension, using multipart tags. For example, the following initially-generated entries


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|m|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|f|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|n|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|m|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|f|p}}

{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|n|p}}

will first be grouped into one entry as follows:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|m|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|f|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|n|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|m|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|f|p}}
# {{inflection of|la|bonus||abl|n|p}}

Then, the several inflection lines will be combined together into one:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|m|p|;|dat|f|p|;|dat|n|p|;|abl|m|p|;|abl|f|p|;|abl|n|p}}

Finally, the several tag sets in the single {{inflection of}} call will be grouped into one tag set with multipart tags, like this:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonīs}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat//abl|m//f//n|p}}

The use of multipart tags like this helps by indicating where syncretism occurs and reduces the amount of information that must be processed. The algorithm to do the grouping is quite smart; it will only group when it won't change the semantics of the inflections, and there are multiple possible groupings that yield the same number of tag sets, the one with the fewest number of multipart tags is preferred. As an example of the latter, an entry like this::


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonum}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||acc|m|s|;|nom|n|s|;|acc|n|s|;|voc|n|s}}

will be converted to the following:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonum}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||acc|m|s|;|nom//acc//voc|n|s}}

It could equally well be converted to the following, which also contains two tag sets:


{{head|la|adjective form|head=bonum}}

# {{inflection of|la|bonus||acc|m//n|s|;|nom//voc|n|s}}

However, this grouping is dispreferred because it results in two multipart tags, while the preferred grouping has only one.

Language-specific submodules[szerkesztés]

Default rules[szerkesztés]

The module uses a set of default rules which generate entries that should be acceptable in most cases:

  • The headword is formatted using {{head}}, using the part-of-speech of the lemma plus "form", e.g. noun → noun form, adjective → adjective form, etc.
    • For the tags comparative and superlative, "comparative" and "superlative" are added to before the part of speech instead.
  • The definition is formatted using {{inflection of}}, and the form tag is used directly as the form tag of the template. Thus, gen|s{{inflection of|lang|...||gen|s}}.
  • For some tags, a special-purpose template is used in the definition instead:

These defaults may change in the future as Wiktionary's needs change. Don't rely on particular default values. If in doubt, assume that everything will use {{inflection of}}, and override anything you want to be different.

Requesting new rules[szerkesztés]

First, consider whether new rules are needed at all. The default rules suffice for many cases, especially if you make sure to provide a value for the form tag that can be directly inserted into {{inflection of}}. If you really need language-specific rules, and are not able to edit the module yourself, please file requests for new features at the Grease Pit. Specify:

  1. What you want to generate the links for. That includes at least a link to the template whose links you want to make green.
  2. What the generated entries should look like. In particular, which headword-line template it should use, and which form-of template, which parameters they should receive in which situations, and so on. A link to a word that has blue links to all the forms in the template would work best, as an example.
  3. Ideally, a link to a word that has red links to all the forms. This is useful for testing to see if the generated entries are correct.

Adding new rules[szerkesztés]

Generation rules are used to create the entry's contents. The general parts are defined in this module, while the language-specific rules are handled by submodules. Each submodule must return a table containing one function named generate. This function has two parameters, params and entry, and it does not return any value.


The params parameter is a table that contains the information about the lemma, the form-of entry to be created, and the acceleration tags. It contains the following values:

The language code of the language in question.
The part of speech that the new entry is created for. This is taken from whatever part-of-speech header preceded the template in the lemma entry.
The name of the form. This is whatever was given in form-form-of as the form name.
The gender, or nil. Whatever was given in gender-gender as the gender.
The transliteration, or nil. Whatever was given in transliteration-translit as the transliteration.
The term that the new entry should link back to. If the origin-pagename tag was given, it will be that. Otherwise, it's the same as origin_pagename by default.
The page name of the lemma.
The origin_transliteration, or nil. Whatever was given in origin_transliteration-translit.
The form that the new entry is created for. This is taken automatically from the display form (alt) in the template's link to the form. It is used to give the head= parameter if necessary. This is the same as target_pagename in most cases, but can be different if the display form contains additional diacritics.
The page name of the entry to be created.


The entry parameter is essentially the return value of the function. It is a table that contains the different parts of the entry that is being created. Some of them will already have a default value when the language-specific function is run, while others are nil by default. The purpose of the generation function for each language is to fill in these values, or override the defaults, so that the entry is generated according to what is needed for the language. The entry table contains the following values:

The contents of the "Pronunciation" section, if any. Empty by default.
The name of the level 3 part-of-speech header for the new entry. This does not usually need to be changed, as it automatically matches the part of speech of the main entry. But you can change it if, for example, you are generating a participle entry and you want to show "Participle" instead of "Verb".
The headword template code and all its parameters. By default, it uses {{head|(lang)|(pos) form}}, with head= and tr= as necessary. You need to override this if you need something else.
The definition line, without the initial # . You must override this, as there is no default and the script will fail.
inflection, declension, conjugation
The contents of the "Inflection", "Declension" and "Conjugation" sections respectively, if any. Empty by default. This can be used if the new entry is a sub-lemma with its own inflection, such as participles or comparative/superlative forms that inflect themselves.
The contents of the "Mutation" section. Empty by default. This appears at level 3 rather than level 4.
The contents of the "Alternative forms" section. Empty by default. This appears after the definitions (rather than before, which is more common) and after the sections above (as per WT:EL).

local export = {}

local rsplit = mw.text.split

function no_rule_error(params) -- Intentionally global; better way to do this?
	return error(('No rule for "%s" in language "%s".')
		:format(params.form, params.lang), 2)

messages = require("Module:array")() -- intentionally global

function export.default_entry(params)
	local entry = {
		pronunc = nil,
		pos_header = mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(params.pos),
		head =
			"{{head|" .. params.lang .. "|" .. params.pos .. " form" ..
			( ~= params.target_pagename and '|head=' .. or "") ..
			(params.transliteration and "|tr=" .. params.transliteration or "") ..
			(params.gender and "|g=" .. params.gender or "") ..
		def =
			"{{inflection of|" .. params.lang ..
			"|" .. params.origin ..
			(params.origin_transliteration and "|tr=" .. params.origin_transliteration or "") ..
			"||" .. params.form ..
		inflection = nil,
		declension = nil,
		conjugation = nil,
		mutation = nil,
		altforms = nil,
	-- Exceptions for some forms
	local templates = {
		["p"] = "plural of",
		["f"] = "feminine of",
		["f|s"] = "feminine singular of",
		["m|p"] = "masculine plural of",
		["f|p"] = "feminine plural of",
	if params.form == "comparative" or params.form == "superlative" then
		entry.head =
			"{{head|" .. params.lang .. "|" .. params.form .. " " .. params.pos ..
			( ~= params.target_pagename and "|head=" .. or "") ..
			(params.gender and "|g=" .. params.gender or "") ..
		entry.def =
			"{{" .. params.form .. " of|" .. params.lang ..
			"|" .. params.origin ..
			(params.origin_transliteration and "|tr=" .. params.origin_transliteration or "") ..
			(params.pos ~= "adjective" and "|POS=" .. params.pos or "") ..
	elseif params.form == "equative" then
		entry.head =
			"{{head|" .. params.lang .. "|" .. params.pos .. " " .. params.form .. " form" ..
			( ~= params.target_pagename and "|head=" .. or "") ..
			(params.gender and "|g=" .. params.gender or "") ..
		entry.def =
			"{{" .. params.form .. " of|" .. params.lang ..
			"|" .. params.origin ..
			(params.origin_transliteration and "|tr=" .. params.origin_transliteration or "") ..
			(params.pos ~= "adjective" and "|POS=" .. params.pos or "") ..
	elseif templates[params.form] then
		entry.def =
			"{{" .. templates[params.form] .. "|" .. params.lang ..
			"|" .. params.origin ..
			(params.origin_transliteration and "|tr=" .. params.origin_transliteration or "") ..
	return entry

-- Given a list of tags, split into tag sets (separated by semicolons in
-- the initial list of tags).
local function split_tags_into_tag_sets(tags)
	local tag_set_group = {}
	local cur_tag_set = {}
	for _, tag in ipairs(tags) do
		if tag == ";" then
			if #cur_tag_set > 0 then
				table.insert(tag_set_group, cur_tag_set)
			cur_tag_set = {}
			table.insert(cur_tag_set, tag)
	if #cur_tag_set > 0 then
		table.insert(tag_set_group, cur_tag_set)
	return tag_set_group

-- Canonicalize multipart shortcuts (e.g. "123" -> "1//2//3") and
-- list shortcuts (e.g. "1s" -> {"1", "s"}); leave others alone.
local function canonicalize_multipart_and_list_shortcuts(tags)
	local result = {}
	for _, tag in ipairs(tags) do
		local expansion = require("Module:form of").lookup_shortcut(tag)
		if type(expansion) == "string" and not expansion:find("//", nil, true) then
			expansion = tag
		if type(expansion) == "table" then
			for _, t in ipairs(expansion) do
				table.insert(result, t)
			table.insert(result, expansion)
	return result

-- Split a multipart tag into component tags, normalize each component, and
-- return the resulting list. If MAP_TO_CANONICAL_SHORTCUT is given,
-- attempt to map each normalized component tag to its "canonical shortcut",
-- i.e. the first shortcut listed among its shortcuts.
-- If given a two-level multipart tag such as "1:sg//3:pl", the resulting
-- return value will be {"first:singular", "third:plural"}, or {"1:s", "3:p"}
local function split_and_normalize_tag(tag, map_to_canonical_shortcut)
	local m_form_of = require("Module:form of")
	local normalized = m_form_of.normalize_tags({tag}, true)
	assert(#normalized == 1, "Something is wrong, encountered list tag " .. tag .. ", which should have been canonicalized earlier")
	tag = normalized[1]
	if tag:find("://") then
		-- HTML URL???
		return {tag}
		local tags = rsplit(tag, "//")
		if map_to_canonical_shortcut then
			for i=1,#tags do
				if tags[i]:find(":") then
					local split_tags = rsplit(tags[i], ":")
					for j=1,#split_tags do
						local tagobj = m_form_of.lookup_tag(split_tags[j])
						split_tags[j] = tagobj and tagobj.shortcuts and tagobj.shortcuts[1] or split_tags[j]
					tags[i] = table.concat(split_tags, ":")
					local tagobj = m_form_of.lookup_tag(tags[i])
					tags[i] = tagobj and tagobj.shortcuts and tagobj.shortcuts[1] or tags[i]
		return tags

-- Given a normalized tag, return its tag type, or "unknown" if a tag type
-- cannot be located (either the tag isn't recognized or for some reason
-- it doesn't specify a tag type).
local function get_normalized_tag_type(tag)
	local tagobj = require("Module:form of").lookup_tag(tag)
	return tagobj and tagobj.tag_type or "unknown"

-- Combine multiple semicolon-separated tag sets into multipart tags if
-- possible. We combine tag sets that differ in only one tag in a given
-- dimension, and repeat this until no changes in case we can reduce along
-- multiple dimensions, e.g.
-- {{inflection of|la|canus||dat|m|p|;|dat|f|p|;|dat|n|p|;|abl|m|p|;|abl|f|p|;|abl|n|p}}
-- {{inflection of|la|canus||dat//abl|m//f//n|p}}
local function combine_tag_sets_into_multipart(tags)
	-- First, as an optimization, make sure there are multiple tag sets.
	-- Otherwise, do nothing.
	local found_semicolon = false
	for _, tag in ipairs(tags) do
		if tag == ";" then
			found_semicolon = true
	if not found_semicolon then
		return tags

	local m_table = require("Module:table")

	-- Repeat until no changes can be made.
	while true do
		-- First, canonicalize 1s etc. into 1|s
		local canonicalized_tags = canonicalize_multipart_and_list_shortcuts(tags)
		local old_canonicalized_tags = canonicalized_tags

		-- Then split into tag sets.
		local tag_set_group = split_tags_into_tag_sets(canonicalized_tags)

		-- Try combining in two different styles ("adjacent-first" =
		-- do two passes, where the first pass only combines adjacent
		-- tag sets, while the second pass combines nonadjacent tag sets;
		-- "all-first" = do one pass combining nonadjacent tag sets).
		-- Sometimes one is better, sometimes the other.
		-- An example where adjacent-first is better:
		-- {{inflection of|la|medius||m|acc|s|;|n|nom|s|;|n|acc|s|;|n|voc|s}}
		-- all-first results in
		-- {{inflection of|la|medius||m//n|acc|s|;|n|nom//voc|s}}
		-- which isn't ideal.
		-- If we do adjacent-first, we get
		-- {{inflection of|la|medius||m|acc|s|;|n|nom//acc//voc|s}}
		-- which is much better.
		-- The opposite happens in
		-- {{inflection of|grc|βουλόμενος||n|nom|s|;|m|acc|s|;|n|acc|s|;|n|voc|s}}
		-- where all-first results in
		-- {{inflection of|grc|βουλόμενος||n|nom//acc//voc|s|;|m|acc|s}}
		-- which is better than the result from adjacent-first, which is
		-- {{inflection of|grc|βουλόμενος||n|nom//voc|s|;|m//n|acc|s}}
		-- To handle this conundrum, we try both, and look to see which one
		-- results in fewer "combinations" (where a tag with // in it counts
		-- as a combination). If both are different but have the same # of
		-- combinations, we prefer adjacent-first, we seems generally a better
		-- approach.

		local tag_set_group_by_style = {}

		for _, combine_style in ipairs({"adjacent-first", "all-first"}) do
			-- Now, we do two passes. The first pass only combines adjacent
			-- tag sets, while the second pass combines nonadjacent tag sets.
			-- Copy tag_set_group, since we destructively modify the list.
			local tag_sets = m_table.shallowClone(tag_set_group)
			local combine_passes
			if combine_style == "adjacent-first" then
				combine_passes = {"adjacent", "all"}
				combine_passes = {"all"}
			for _, combine_pass in ipairs(combine_passes) do
				local tag_ind = 1
				while tag_ind <= #tag_sets do
					local from, to
					if combine_pass == "adjacent" then
						if tag_ind == 1 then
							from = 1
							to = 0
							from = tag_ind - 1
							to = tag_ind - 1
						from = 1
						to = tag_ind - 1
					local inner_broken = false
					for prev_tag_ind=from,to do
						local cur_tag_set = tag_sets[prev_tag_ind]
						local tag_set = tag_sets[tag_ind]
						if #cur_tag_set == #tag_set then
							local mismatch_ind = nil
							local innermost_broken = false
							for i=1,#tag_set do
								local tag1 = split_and_normalize_tag(cur_tag_set[i])
								local tag2 = split_and_normalize_tag(tag_set[i])
								if not m_table.deepEquals(m_table.listToSet(tag1),
									m_table.listToSet(tag2)) then
									if mismatch_ind then
										innermost_broken = true
									local combined_dims = {}
									for _, tag in ipairs(tag1) do
										combined_dims[get_normalized_tag_type(tag)] = true
									for _, tag in ipairs(tag2) do
										combined_dims[get_normalized_tag_type(tag)] = true
									if m_table.size(combined_dims) == 1 and not combined_dims["unknown"] then
										mismatch_ind = i
										innermost_broken = true
							if not innermost_broken then
								-- No break, we either match perfectly or are combinable
								if not mismatch_ind then
									-- Two identical tag sets
									table.remove(tag_sets, tag_ind)
									inner_broken = true
									-- Combine tag sets at mismatch_ind, using the canonical shortcuts.
									tag1 = cur_tag_set[mismatch_ind]
									tag2 = tag_set[mismatch_ind]
									tag1 = split_and_normalize_tag(tag1, true)
									tag2 = split_and_normalize_tag(tag2, true)
									local combined_tag = table.concat(m_table.append(tag1, tag2), "//")
									local new_tag_set = {}
									for i=1,#cur_tag_set do
										if i == mismatch_ind then
											table.insert(new_tag_set, combined_tag)
											local cur_canon_tag = split_and_normalize_tag(cur_tag_set[i])
											local canon_tag = split_and_normalize_tag(tag_set[i])
											table.insert(new_tag_set, cur_tag_set[i])
									tag_sets[prev_tag_ind] = new_tag_set
									table.remove(tag_sets, tag_ind)
									inner_broken = true
					if not inner_broken then
						-- No break from inner for-loop. Break from that loop indicates
						-- that we found that the current tag set can be combined with
						-- a preceding tag set, did the combination and deleted the
						-- current tag set. The next iteration then processes the same
						-- numbered tag set again (which is actually the following tag
						-- set, because we deleted the tag set before it). No break
						-- indicates that we couldn't combine the current tag set with
						-- any preceding tag set, and need to advance to the next one.
						tag_ind = tag_ind + 1
			tag_set_group_by_style[combine_style] = tag_sets

		local tag_set_group
		if not m_table.deepEqualsList(tag_set_group_by_style["adjacent-first"], tag_set_group_by_style["all-first"]) then
			local function num_combinations(group)
				local num_combos = 0
				for _, tag_set in ipairs(group) do
					for _, tag in ipairs(tag_set) do
						if tag:find("//") then
							num_combos = num_combos + 1
				return num_combos

			local num_adjacent_first_combos = num_combinations(tag_set_group_by_style["adjacent-first"])
			local num_all_first_combos = num_combinations(tag_set_group_by_style["all-first"])
			if num_adjacent_first_combos < num_all_first_combos then
				tag_set_group = tag_set_group_by_style["adjacent-first"]
			elseif num_all_first_combos < num_adjacent_first_combos then
				tag_set_group = tag_set_group_by_style["all-first"]
				tag_set_group = tag_set_group_by_style["adjacent-first"]
			-- Both are the same, pick either one
			tag_set_group = tag_set_group_by_style["adjacent-first"]

		canonicalized_tags = {}
		for _, tag_set in ipairs(tag_set_group) do
			if #canonicalized_tags > 0 then
				table.insert(canonicalized_tags, ";")
			for _, tag in ipairs(tag_set) do
				table.insert(canonicalized_tags, tag)
		if m_table.deepEqualsList(canonicalized_tags, old_canonicalized_tags) then
		-- FIXME, we should consider reversing the transformation 1s -> 1|s,
		-- but it's complicated to figure out when the transformation occurred;
		-- not really important as both are equivalent
		tags = canonicalized_tags

	return tags

-- Test function, callable externally.
function export.test_combine_tag_sets_into_multipart(frame)
	local combined_tags = combine_tag_sets_into_multipart(frame.args)
	return table.concat(combined_tags, "|")

local function find_mergeable(entry, candidates)
	local function can_merge(candidate)
		for _, key in ipairs({"pronunc", "pos_header", "head", "inflection", "declension", "conjugation", "altforms"}) do
			if entry[key] ~= candidate[key] then
				return false
		return true
	for _, candidate in ipairs(candidates) do
		if can_merge(candidate) then
			return candidate
	return nil

-- Merge multiple entries into one if they differ only in the definition, with all other
-- properties the same. The combined entry has multiple definition lines. We then do
-- further frobbing of {{inflection of}} lines:
-- 1. Convert lang= param to param 1 (there shouldn't be any remaining cases of accelerator
--    modules generating {{inflection of}} templates with lang=, but we do this just in case).
-- 2. Combine adjacent {{inflection of}} lines that differ only in the tags, e.g.:
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||nom|m|s}}
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||nom|n|s}}
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||acc|n|s}}
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||voc|n|s}}
--    becomes
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||nom|m|s|;|nom|n|s|;|acc|n|s|;|voc|n|s}}
-- 3. Further group {{inflection of}} lines with multiple tag sets (as may be generated b y
--    the previous step) using multipart tags, e.g. for the Latin entry ''bonum'',
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||nom|m|s|;|nom|n|s|;|acc|n|s|;|voc|n|s}}
--    becomes
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||nom|m|s|;|nom//acc//voc|n|s}}
--    This grouping can group across multiple dimensions, e.g. for the Latin entry ''bonīs'',
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat|m|p|;|dat|f|p|;|dat|n|p|;|abl|m|p|;|abl|f|p|;|abl|n|p}}
--    becomes
--    # {{inflection of|la|bonus||dat//abl|m//f//n|p}}
--    Another complex real-world example, for the Old English weak adjective form ''dēorenan'':
--    # {{inflection of|ang|dēoren||wk|acc|m|sg|;|wk|acc|f|sg|;|wk|gen|m|sg|;|wk|gen|f|sg|;|wk|gen|n|sg|;|wk|dat|m|sg|;|wk|dat|f|sg|;|wk|dat|n|sg|;|wk|ins|m|sg|;|wk|ins|f|sg|;|wk|ins|n|sg|;|wk|nom|m|pl|;|wk|nom|f|pl|;|wk|nom|n|pl|;|wk|acc|m|pl|;|wk|acc|f|pl|;|wk|acc|n|pl}}
--    becomes
--    # {{inflection of|ang|dēoren||wk|acc|m//f|sg|;|wk|gen//dat//ins|m//f//n|sg|;|wk|nom//acc|m//f//n|pl}}
--    Here, 17 separate tag sets are combined down into 3.
local function merge_entries(entries)
	local entries_new = {}

	-- First rewrite {{inflection of|...|lang=LANG}} to {{inflection of|LANG|...}}
	for i, entry in ipairs(entries) do
		local params = entry.def:match("^{{inflection of|([^{}]+)}}$")
		if params then
			params = rsplit(params, "|", true)
			local new_params = {}
			for j, param in ipairs(params) do
				local lang = param:match("^lang=(.*)$")
				if lang then
					table.insert(new_params, 1, lang)
					table.insert(new_params, param)
			entry.def = "{{inflection of|" .. table.concat(new_params, "|") .. "}}"

	for i, entry in ipairs(entries) do
		local merge_entry = find_mergeable(entry, entries_new)
		if merge_entry then
			local params1 = merge_entry.def:match("^{{inflection of|([^{}]+)}}$")
			local params2 = entry.def:match("^{{inflection of|([^{}]+)}}$")
			merge_entry.def = merge_entry.def .. "\n# " .. entry.def
			-- Do some extra-special merging with "inflection of"
			if params1 and params2 then
				-- Find the last unnamed parameter of the first template
				params1 = rsplit(params1, "|", true)
				local last_numbered_index
				for j, param in ipairs(params1) do
					if not param:find("=", nil, true) then
						last_numbered_index = j
				-- Add grammar tags of the second template
				params2 = rsplit(params2, "|")
				local tags = {}
				local n = 0
				for k, param in ipairs(params2) do
					if not param:find("=", nil, true) then
						n = n + 1
						-- Skip the first three unnamed parameters,
						-- which don't indicate grammar tags
						if n >= 4 then
							-- Now append the tags
							table.insert(tags, param)
				-- Add the new parameters after the existing ones
				params1[last_numbered_index] = params1[last_numbered_index] .. "|;|" .. table.concat(tags, "|")
				merge_entry.def = "{{inflection of|" .. table.concat(params1, "|") .. "}}"
			table.insert(entries_new, entry)
	-- Now combine tag sets inside a multiple-tag-set {{inflection of}} call
	for i, entry in ipairs(entries) do
		local infl_of_params = entry.def:match("^{{inflection of|([^{}]+)}}$")
		if infl_of_params then
			infl_of_params = rsplit(infl_of_params, "|", true)

			-- Find the last unnamed parameter
			local last_numbered_index
			for j, param in ipairs(infl_of_params) do
				if not param:find("=", nil, true) then
					last_numbered_index = j

			-- Split the params in three:
			-- (1) Params before the inflection tags, and any named params mixed in with the tags
			-- (2) The tags themselves
			-- (3) Named params after the tags
			local pre_tag_params = {}
			local tags = {}
			local post_tag_params = {}
			local n = 0
			for j, param in ipairs(infl_of_params) do
				if not param:find("=", nil, true) then
					n = n + 1
					-- Skip the first three unnamed parameters, which don't indicate grammar tags
					if n >= 4 then
						table.insert(tags, param)
						table.insert(pre_tag_params, param)
				elseif n >= last_numbered_index then
					table.insert(post_tag_params, param)
					table.insert(pre_tag_params, param)
				if not param:find("=", nil, true) then
					last_numbered_index = j

			-- Now combine tag sets.
			tags = combine_tag_sets_into_multipart(tags)

			-- Put the template back together.
			local combined_params = {}
			for _, param in ipairs(pre_tag_params) do
				table.insert(combined_params, param)
			for _, param in ipairs(tags) do
				table.insert(combined_params, param)
			for _, param in ipairs(post_tag_params) do
				table.insert(combined_params, param)
			entry.def = "{{inflection of|" .. table.concat(combined_params, "|") .. "}}"

	return entries_new

local function entries_to_text(entries, lang)
	lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang, "lang")
	for i, entry in ipairs(entries) do
		entry =
			(entry.pronunc and "===Pronunciation===\n" .. entry.pronunc .. "\n\n" or "") ..
			"===" .. entry.pos_header .. "===\n" ..
			entry.head .. "\n\n" ..
			"# " .. entry.def ..
			(entry.inflection and "\n\n====Inflection====\n" .. entry.inflection or "") ..
			(entry.declension and "\n\n====Declension====\n" .. entry.declension or "") ..
			(entry.conjugation and "\n\n====Conjugation====\n" .. entry.conjugation or "") ..
			(entry.mutation and "\n\n===Mutation===\n" .. entry.mutation or "") ..
			(entry.altforms and "\n\n====Alternative forms====\n" .. entry.altforms or "")
		entries[i] = entry
	return "==" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. "==\n\n" .. table.concat(entries, "\n\n")

function export.generate(frame)
	local fparams = {
		lang            = {required = true},
		origin_pagename = {required = true},
		target_pagename = {required = true},
		num             = {required = true, type = "number"},
		pos                    = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
		form                   = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
		gender                 = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
		transliteration        = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
		origin                 = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
		origin_transliteration = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
		target                 = {list = true, allow_holes = true},
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, fparams)
	local entries = {}
	-- Generate each entry
	for i = 1, args.num do
		local params = {
			lang = args.lang,
			origin_pagename = args.origin_pagename,
			target_pagename = args.target_pagename,
			pos = args.pos[i] or error("The argument \"pos\" is missing for entry " .. i),
			form = args.form[i] or error("The argument \"form\" is missing for entry " .. i),
			gender = args.gender[i],
			transliteration = args.transliteration[i],
			origin = args.origin[i] or error("The argument \"origin\" is missing for entry " .. i),
			origin_transliteration = args.origin_transliteration[i],
			target =[i],
		params.form = params.form:gsub("&#124;", "|")
		-- Make a default entry
		local entry = export.default_entry(params)
		-- Try to use a language-specific module, if one exists
		local success, lang_module = pcall(require, "Module:accel/" .. args.lang)
		if success then
			lang_module.generate(params, entry)
		-- Add it to the list
		table.insert(entries, entry)
	-- Merge entries if possible
	entries = merge_entries(entries)
	entries = entries_to_text(entries, args.lang)
	return entries

function export.generate_JSON(frame)
	local success, entries = pcall(export.generate, frame)
	-- If success is false, entries is an error message.
	local ret = { [success and "entries" or "error"] = entries, messages = messages }
	return require("Module:JSON").toJSON(ret)

return export