Ugrás a tartalomhoz


A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból

A modult a Modul:languages/global/doc lapon tudod dokumentálni

local u = mw.ustring.char
local export = {}

Here is a list of the language fields by order of frequency according to [[User:Erutuon/language_stuff]].
If the order changes, change the order here for potentially greater efficiency.

local fields = {

Insert the fields into the table with their values as their frequency ranking
{export.most_common_field = 1, export.second_most_common_field = 2, ... }

for i, field in ipairs(fields) do
	export[field] = i	

export.CHARS = {
	-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
	GRAVE     = u(0x0300),
	ACUTE     = u(0x0301),
	CIRC      = u(0x0302),
	TILDE     = u(0x0303),
	MACRON    = u(0x0304),
	BREVE     = u(0x0306),
	DOTABOVE  = u(0x0307),
	DIAER     = u(0x0308),
	CARON     = u(0x030C),
	DGRAVE    = u(0x030F),
	INVBREVE  = u(0x0311),
	DOTBELOW  = u(0x0323),
	RINGBELOW = u(0x0325),
	CEDILLA   = u(0x0327),
	OGONEK    = u(0x0328),

	-- Puncuation to be used for standardChars field
	PUNCTUATION = ' \!\#\$\%\&\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\^\_\`\|\~\'\(\)',

export.SCRIPTS = {
	ARAB = {"Arab"},
	CYRL = {"Cyrl"},
	DEVA = {"Deva"},
	LATN = {"Latn"},
	LATINX = {"Latinx"},

return export