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1 ال the
2 و and; with
3 في in, inside; on (a date); at (a time); about (a topic); among (with pl pronoun) فيكم among you all; could (in requests) هل فينا أنْ could we…?
4 مِن from; (with following verb or masdar) since
5 ل for, to
6 ب with, by
7 بِسَبَب because of, due to
8 عَلى on, above
9 أنَّ that
10 إلى to, towards; till, until
11 كانَ، يَكونُ، الكَوْن to be
12 لا no; not, non-
13 ولا…ولا neither…nor
14 ألا doesn’t/didn’t?
15 الله Allah
16 والله I swear (by God)
17 أنْ to
18 لِأنْ in order to
19 [[بَعدَ أنْ after (with perf. or imperf) بَعدَ أنْ ذَهَبَ after he went, بَعدَ أنْ يَذهَبَ]] after he goes
20 عَن from, about
21 عَن طَريق by way of, via
22 قالَ، يَقولُ، القَوْل to say إنَّ that, to tell ل sb إنَّ that
23 هذا this (masc sing)
24 مَعَ with
25 مَعَ هَذا/ذَلِك nevertheless
26 معاً together
27 ألَّتي (fem sing) who, whom; which, that
28 كُلّ each; every; all (of)
29 الكُلّ everyone
30 كُلُّ شَيْءٍ everything
31 كُلُّ ما everything that
32 كُلُّ مَن everyone that
33 كُلُّ مِن each one of (the following)
34 عَلى كُلٍّ in any case, anyhow
35 هُوَ he, it
36 ف and, so
37 هَذِهِ this (fem sing)
38 أَوْ or
39 ألَّذي (masc sing) who, whom; which
40 أنا I
41 يَوْم، أيّام day
42 اليَوْم today
43 يَوْماً ما someday
44 يَوماً ever; (with neg) never
45 لَم (with jussive) did not
46 ألَم didn’t…?
47 ما not
48 أما don’t/doesn’t/didn’t…?
49 إنَّ truly; that (after قالَ)
50 ما what, whatever, that which
51 يَيْنَ/ما بَيْنَ between; among
52 فيما بَينَنا among ourselves
53 هِيَ she; it; they
54 بَعدَ after
55 يا O…!
56 ذَلِك (masc sing) that
57 قَد (with perf) has/have already
58 كانَ قَد had already
59 يَكونُ قَد will have already
60 آخَر، أُخرى other, another; one more, additional
61 شَيْء، أشياء thing, something
62 عِندَ with, next to; at (time, location); (to have)
63 أوَّل، أُولى، أوائِل first; best, top-most
64 أوَّل beginning
65 أوائِل forefathers
66 أوَّلاً first of all, primarily
67 غَيْر other (than), different (than); not
68 غَيْر أنَّ however, but
69 بِغَيْر without
70 إذا when, if, whenever;
71 و إذا ب and (then) suddenly
72 نَفْس، أنفُس same, self
73 عَرَبيّ، عَرَب Arab; Arabian; Arabic
74 أيّ any (in idaafa); what, which; whatever, whoever
75 رَئِيس، رُؤَساء president, leader; chief, head, chairman; main, chief, principal
76 عَمَل، أعمال working; work, activity, action
77 وَطَنيّ national; nationalistic
78 عَرَفَ، يَعرِفُ، المَعارِفة to know sth/sb or أنّ that; (perf) to learn, find out أنَّ that
79 بَعْض some, several
80 بَعضَ الشَّيْءٍ a little, to some extent
81 بَعضُهُم بَعضاً each other
82 مَعَ بَعض together
83 على بَعض on top of each other
84 وَراء بَعض in line, in a row (one behind the other)
85 دَوْلة، دُوَل state, country
86 كَما and, also, as well
87 إلّا except (for), but (for), save
88 إلّا أنَّ however, except that
89 وإلّا otherwise
90 أنتَ you (masc)
91 كَثير many, much, numerous
92 كَثيراً very much
93 كَثيراً ما frequently, often
94 واحِد one, single
95 لِأنَّ because
96 لَكِنَّ (with following noun) however, but
97 لَيْسَ to not be
98 ألَيْسَ isn’t…?
99 جَديد، جُدُد new, modern
100 مِن جَديد again, anew
101 إنْ if; whether
102 وإنْ even if, although
103 ما إنْ… حَتّى no sooner had… than, had just…when
104 عام، أعوام year
105 أحَد/إحدى one (of, someone; anyone; (neg) nobody, no one
106 أكثَر more/most, greater/est in number
107 كَبير، كِبار large; great, important, major; adult, senior
108 الكِبار the adults
109 أخ، إخوان/إخوة brother
110 يا أخي my friend; (hey) buddy
111 كَيْفَ how
112 قَبلَ before
113 مِن قَبلِ before, prior to
114 قَبلُ/من قَبلُ previously, earlier
115 سَنة، سَنَوات year
116 أمْر، أُمور matter, issue, concern, affair
117 قُوَّة، ات/قُوىً power, strength, force
118 هَل (question marker)
119 خِلال during, through
120 في خِلال in the course of
121 في خِلال ذَلِك meanwhile
122 من خِلال by means of, through; across, via; on the basis of; based on
123 مَرّة، ات/مِرار time, moment, occasion
124 مَرّةً once
125 مَرَّتَيْن twice
126 مِراراً repeatedly
127 مَرّاتٍ several times, repeatedly
128 بِالمَرّة totally; completely; (with neg) never, not at all
129 رَأَى، يَرى، الرَّؤية to see sth/sb; to think, believe أنَّ that
130 أب، آباء بشفاثق
131 الأبَوان the parents
132 هُناكَ there, over there; there is, there are
133 تَمَّ، يَتِمُّ، التَّمام to finish, conclude, come to an end; to take place, be held (event)
134 حَيْثُ where, in which (non-question word)
135 حَيْثُ/بِحَيْثُ so that, in order to
136 حَيْثُ أنَّ since, because, given that
137 من حَيْثُ ال in terms of, based on
138 ثانٍ/الثّاني second, additional; next, following
139 ثانياً secondly, furthermore
140 ثَانيةً again, once more
141 حَتّى until, up to
142 جَميع all (of); everyone one (of)
143 الجَميع everyone
144 جَميعاً altogether; all, entirely
145 مِنطَقة، مَناطِق region, area, zone, territory
146 حَقّ، حُقوق truth; legal right; true, right
147 الحُقوق the law
148 حَقّاً really, truly
149 أمريكيّ American
150 مِثْل، أمثال like, similar to
151 لَوْ if
152 وَلَوْ even if
153 لَوْ لا if not, if it weren’t for
154 عامّ general, common, public
155 اِسم، أسماء name
156 أمكَنَ to be possible (ل for sb) to do sth
157 يُمكِنُ أنْ it’s possible to (do sth)
158 رَجُل، رِجال man
159 لَكِن but
160 عالَم، عَوالِم world
161 حَياة life
162 مَوْضوع، مَواضيع subject, topic, issue, theme; placed, laid down; located, situated
163 وَزير، وُزَراء minister
164 نَحنُ we
165 وَقْت، أوْقات time, moment, period
166 في الوَقْت الذي while
167 بَلَد، بِلاد/بُلدان country, nation
168 مَن who, whom
169 مَجلِس، مَجالِس council, board
170 مَجلِس الشَّعْب parliament
171 مَجلِس الشُّيوخ US Senate
172 قامَ، يَقومُ، القَوْم to rise, stand up; to undertake, carry out ب (task, activity); to play ب (a role); to be based على on; (with imperf) to start to do sth
173 حُكومة ات government, administration
174 بَيْت، بُيوت house; family
175 بَيْت، أبَيات verse (of poetry)
176 دونَ without; under, below
177 مِن دَونَ/بِدونَ without
178 فِلَسطينيّ Palestinian
179 ثُمَّ then, afterwards; besides, furthermore
180 جاءَ، يَجيء، الجَيْئة to come (إلى to); to come to sb; to appear, show up (في in sth written or spoken)
181 قَلْب، قُلوب heart; center, essence; overthrowing, toppling (a regime); turning over (pages)
182 ألْف، آلاف thousand
183 ناس people, humans; persons
184 طَريق، طُرُق road, course; way, method
185 أرْض، أراضٍ/الأراضي earth, ground; land, territory
186 سَبَب، أسباب reason, cause
187 شَرِكة ات company, corporation
188 عَدَد، أعداد number, quantity; (periodical) issue, edition
189 بَيْنَ أعداد ال among those who
190 صورة، صُوَر picture, image, photo; manner, way, form
191 دَوْليّ international, wold, global
192 دُوَليّاً internationally, worldwide, globally
193 شَعْب، شُعوب people, nation
194 عادَ، يَعودُ، العَوْدة to return, go back إلى to sth; to be attributed إلى to sth/sb; (with imperf) عادَ يَفعَلُ to repeat sth, do sth again; لم يَعُد to no longer do sth or be sth
195 إنْ شاء الله hopefully, God willing
196 كَما شِئْتَ as you wish
197 الآن now
198 أرادَ، يُريدُ، الإرادة to want, desire sth or أنْ to do sth
199 أهْل، أهالٍ/الأهالي family, relatives, folks; people, inhabitants
200 تِلكَ (fem sing) that, those
201 عَيْن، عُيون eye; water spring, water source; spy, secret agent; eye (needle)
202 الَّذينَ (masc pl) who, whom
203 شَكْل، أشكال manner; form, shape; appearance, look
204 عَمَليّة ات operation, process
205 أمّا as for…, concerning…,
206 أمّا بَعدُ and now to our main point
207 خاصّ special, specific; private, personal; exclusive, elite
208 حَوْلَ around: about, concerning
209 عَمِلَ، يَعمَلُ، العَمَل to work, function; to make, prepare, build sth
210 عَنى، يَعني، العِناية to mean, imply sth or أنّ that
211 عُنِيَ، يُعنى to be concerned ب with, take an interest ب in
212 وَجَدَ، يَجِدُ، الوَجْد to find sth/sb
213 يوجِد there are
214 خَيْر goodness, good; better (من than), best
215 وَطَنيّ national; nationalistic; nationalist
216 مَدينة، مُدُن city
217 اِبْن، أبناء son
218 أبناء children
219 أبناء البِلاد th native population
220 أيضاً also, as well; besides
221 سَ/سَوْفَ will
222 طَيِّب good, nice; pleasant; delicious; OK
223 يَد، الأيدي hand
224 مَشروع، مَشاريع project, enterprise; lawful, legal
225 مَشروع قانون bill, draft law
226 صَوْت، أصوات , voice, sound; vote
227 أمامْ front, font part
228 أمامَ in front of, facing
229 إلى الأمام forward
230 سَمِعَ، يَسمَعُ، السَّماع to hear sb, listen (إلى) to sb
231 نِسبة، نِسَب ratio, rate, percentage
232 بِالنِّسبة إلى concerning, regarding, in relation to
233 حال، أحوال situation, condition, case
234 حالاً immediately, right now
235 شَهُر، شُهور/أشهُر month
236 بَل but, rather; in fact
237 بَرنامَج، بَرامِج program
238 أُمّ، أُمِّهات mother
239 بِأُم العين with one’s own eyes; the best, greatest, finest
240 حَرب، حُروب war, warfare
241 عِندَما when, as soon as
242 وَضْع، أوْضاع laying down, putting, placing; drafting (document); situation, state of affairs, status, condition
243 دَوْر، أدْوار role, part, task, function; floor (building level); stage; turn (chance to act, play a role)
244 وَجه، وُجوه face, font; side; way, manner
245 وَجه، أوْجُه aspect, facet
246 بِوَجهٍ عامّ/خاصّ generally/specifically
247 جِدّ seriousness, earnestness
248 بِجِدٍّ seriously, in earnest
249 بَدَأَ، يَبدَأُ، البَدء to start, to begin (في) sth or (with imperf) to do sth
250 كَلِمة ات word; remark; speech
251 طِفل، أطفال child, infant
252 مُنذُ since, ago; ever since, starting from
253 لَدى with, by, at; to have
254 أصبَحَ to become sth; to being, start (to do sth)
255 مَكان، أمكِنة/أماكِن place, location; position, role, post
256 صارَ، يَصيرُ to become; to happen; (with imperf) to begin to do
257 مُشكلة، مَشاكِل problem, issue
258 عَشَرات tens, scores, dozens
259 وَصَلَ to arrive إلى at; to connect, link, join (بين) between
260 إسلاميّ Islamic; Islamist
261 ساعة ات hour, time, o’clock; clock, watch
262 شَيخ، شُيوخ sheikh, leader; old man; senator
263 أكَّدَ to confirm sth or أنّ that; to underscore, emphasize (على) sth or على) أنّ) that
264 سَلام ات peace; (pl) greeting, salute
265 السلام الوَطَنيّ the national anthem
266 سَِّد، سادة Sir, Mr; lord, master, boss
267 صاحِب، أصحاب owner, possessor; originator; friend, companion
268 حَرَكة ات movement, motion, activity; organization, (political) movement
269 رَبّ، أرباب lord, master; Lord; owner, proprietor
270 حَدّ، حُدود extent, limit, level; edge, corner
271 حُدود border, frontier; range, scope
272 أخَذَ، يَزْخُذ، الأخذ to take sth; (imperf) to begin to do sth
273 نِظام، نُظُم/أنظِمة regime, government, system; orderliness
274 ذات، ذَوات ego, self; (idaafa) a certain, a given (day, time, occasion, person, thing)
275 بالذّات exactly, precisely
276 قَضِيّة، قَضايا problem, issue; lawsuit, legal case
277 ماضٍ/الماضي past; previous, last; the past
278 إنسان، أُناس human being
279 حالة ات condition, state, situation; case, instance
280 أخير last; latest, recent
281 الأخير the latter
282 أخيراً finally; recently lately
283 رَغم، على الرَّغمِ من، بالرَّغمِ من in spite of, despite
284 جانِب، جَوانِب side, aspect, part
285 إلى جانِب، بِجانِب next to, beside
286 حُبّ affection, love
287 حُبّاً ل out of affection for, for love of
288 جامِعة ات university; league
289 قَرار ات decision, resolution
290 لَقَد (with perf) has/have already
291 زالَ to cease
292 لا يَزالُ، ما زالَ، لا زالَ، ما يَزالُ to continue to be or do sth
293 رَأْس، رُؤُوس :head; tip, top
294 رَأْس مال، رُؤُوس أموال capital; (geo) cape
295 رَأساً immediately
296 تَحتْ bottom part
297 تَحتَ below, under
298 وِزارة ات ministry
299 هَدَف، أهداف goal, target; intention, objective; (sports) goal, point
300 عَلاقة ات relation, link, tie, connection
301 مُتَّحِد united
302 مُجتَمَع ات society
303 مَركَز، مَراكِز center; station; (sports) ranking, position
304 حَكى، يَحكي، الحِكاية to tell, relate, report
305 نَتيجة، نَتائِج result, outcome; consequence
306 نَتيجةً ل as a result of
307 رَأْي، آراء opinion, view; idea
308 إدارة ات administration, management; bureau, office, directorate
309 صَغير، صِغار small; young; children, youths
310 قانون، قَوانين law, statues, regulations
311 بما أنّ because, in light of the fact that, considering that
312 بما في ذلك including
313 اِستَطاعَ to be able ْأن/vn. to do sth, to be capable أنْ/vn. of doing sth
314 ماء، مِياه water; liquid; juice
315 مِياه (body of) water
316 أمْن safety, security, protection; order, control, discipline
317 قَدَّمَ to offer, present sth; to submit (request, complaint) to apply على for (position)
318 شَخص، أشخاص person, individual
319 كَلام speech, talk; statement, remark; saying, quote
320 مَوقِع، مَواقِع position, location, site; website
321 مِئَة، مائِة hundred
322 مئات hundreds
323 حينَ when
324 داخِلْ interior, inside
325 داخِلَ inside (of)
326 وَحدة ات unity, solitude, loneliness; unit, item; portion, selection
327 أُمّة، أُمَم nation; people, community
328 مُهِمّ important, serious
329 من المُهِمّ the important thing is that, what’s important is
330 مِليُون، مَلايين million
331 دُكتور، دَكاتِرة doctor (physician or holder of doctorate); (title) Dr
332 فِعْل، أفعال doing; deed, act, action, (ling) verb
333 فِعلاً، بالفعل really, actually, in fact
334 بِفِعل because of, owing to
335 حُلو sweet, nice pleasant
336 فَريق، فرقاء team, group, band; faction, party; (pl) lieutenant general
337 بَقِيَ، يَبقى البَقاء to remain, stay (على in a state); to last, endure; to be left over; to continue doing sth or being sth; (with neg) to no longer do sth or be sth
338 لَجنة، لِجان committee, council, commission
339 مُختَلِف different, divergent; various; in disagreement (في/على about sth)
340 وَجَبَ، يَجِبُ to be necessary على for sb أنْ to do sth; to be incumbent upon على sb أنْ to do sth
341 نَظَر، أنظار looking إلى at; examining, looking في into; view, looking, glance, opinion
342 نَظَراً ل due to, in view of the fact that
343 مَجال ات area, space; field, domain, sphere; sector; arena
344 مَجال جَوِّيّ air space
345 فَتْرة، فَتَرات time period, phase, interval
346 شَبّ، شَباب young man, youths
347 شَأْن، شُؤون matter, affair, case; situation, condition
348 ذَكَرَ، يَذكُرُ، الذِّكر to mention sth/sbh; to remember sth/sb;
349 يُذكَر أنّ it’s worth mentioning that
350 سُؤال، أسئِلة question, inquiry
351 وُجود existence, presence, being present
352 حَلّ solving (a problem); solution; dissolution, annulment; cancellation
353 طالِب student, applicant; seeking, requesting
354 مُستَوىً، مُستَوَيات level, standard
355 وَاللّهِ by God; I swear (an oath)
356 وحياتك I swear (on your life)
357 أمْ or (in questions)
358 أمْ لا؟ …or not?
359 فَقَط only, just, solely
360 ..ليس..فقط بل not just… but (also) …
361 وِلاية ات mandate, term of office; state, province
362 قَدْ (imperf) may, might
363 عَضو، أعضاء member, associate; (anat) organ, limb
364 حَتّى (with subjunctive) in order to, so that
365 عُمْر، أعمار age (of a person); life, lifetime
366 دائِم lasting, enduring; permanent, constant
367 سابِقٍ former, previous, preceding
368 سابِقاً formerly, perviously
369 خَبر، أخبار news, report; (gram) predicate
370 تاريخ date, history
371 دِراسة ات study, research, examination
372 مَوقِف، مَواقِف position
373 حِزْب، أحزاب political party
374 مُؤَسَّسة ات institution, organization; foundation
375 أضافَ، يُضيفُ، الإضافة to add sth
376 قِطاع ات sector, section
377 قِطاع غَزّة Gaza Strip
378 مَجموعة ات collection, group; squad; bloc
379 سَلَّمَ to turn over, surrender sth إلى to sb; to great, salute sb
380 سَلِّم لي على give my regards to
381 سوق، أسواق market
382 حَمْد praise, commendation
383 دَخَلَ، يَدخُلُ، الدُّخول to enter sth
384 باب، أبواب door, gate; category, rubric; section, chapter
385 مِمّا which
386 أجْل sake
387 من أجلِ/لأجلِ because of, for the sake of
388 لأجلِ أنْ in order to
389 اِتِّحاد ات unification, unifying; union
390 تَحقيق ات achievement, realization; investigation; interrogation (مع of sb)
391 الفُنون الجَميلة fine arts
392 نَوْع، أنواع type, kind, form
393 نَوْعاً ما somewhat, more or less
394 طَلَعَ to appear, emerge rise; to go outcome out, get out
395 خِدمة، خَدَمات service, assistance, aid
396 فيما while, meanwhile
397 فيما بَعدُ later
398 حاليّ present, current
399 حاليّاً presently, currently
400 حُكم، أحكام rule, government; (pl) judgement, decision, verdict; statutes laws
401 بِحُكمِ by virtue of, because of
402 أشارَ، يُشيرُ، الإشارة to indicate, mention, cite, refer to إلى sth
403 جِهة ات side; direction; part, party; sector, office, institution
404 جِهات entities, parties, individuals, “players”
405 نَحوَ towards, approximately
406 طَويلاً for a long time, extensively
407 كَذَلِكَ likewise, also
408 حاوَلَ to attempt, try to do sth
409 قَوْل، أقوال statement, remark; saying, utterance
410 اِمرَأة/المَرأة woman, wife
411 حَقيقة، حَقائِق truth, reality; fact
412 جَعَلَ، يَجعَلُ، الجِعل to make sb/sth do sth (imperf); to cause sb/sth to be sth; to appoint sb; to begin to do sth (imperf)
413 لَمّا when, after
414 سَأَلَ، يَسألُ to ask sb (في/عن about; إذا/إنْ whether); to request from sb (أنْ to do sth); to pray to (God)
415 عاشَ، يَعيشُ، العِيْش to live, be alive, to experience sth
416 مُواطِن ون citizen, compatriot
417 سُلطة، سُلُطات power, rule, authority
418 سُلُطات authorities, people in power
419 بَدا، يَبدو to appear, seem (ل to sb, أنّ that); to look, seem (big, small, happy, sad, etc)
420 على ما يَبدو/كَما يَبدو evidently, apparently, it seems
421 اِقتِصاديّ economic, economical
422 بَحْث، أبحاث search (عن for); discussion (في of); research, examination (في of)
423 دين، أديان religion
424 حَمَلَ، يَحمِلُ، الحَمَل to carry, bear sth; to transport (cargo); to become pregnant, to attack على sth, campaign على against
425 عَسكَريّ military; solider
426 كَم how many/much
427 جَيْش، جُيوش army; armed forces; troops
428 جِهاز، أجهِزة apparatus, machine; device, appliance; organization; agency, bureau, office
429 مُشارَكة participation, association
430 طَبْع nature, character; printing
431 طَبعاً/بالطَّبع of course, naturally
432 اِعتَبَرَ to consider sth/sb to be; to regard sb/sth as; to believe أنّ that
433 أحَبَّ to love, like sb; to want, like sth or to do sth
434 أتى to come إلى to sth; to come to sb; to bring ب sth
435 خَرَجَ، يَخرُجُ، الجُروج to exit, go out من/عن from; to leave من (a place); to deviate عن from;
436 أعطى to give, provide sth to sb or ل to sb
437 حَبيب، أحباب/أحِبّة dear, darling, beloved, sweetheart
438 فَوْقْ top, upper part
439 فَوْقَ above, over
440 خارِِجْ outside, outer part, exterior
441 خارِجَ outside of
442 في الخارِج/بالخارِج overseas, abroad
443 خارِجاً outside
444 مَثَل، أمثال example; proverb
445 مَثَلاً for example
446 رَقْم، أرقام number, numeral, figure; rate; record
447 ضِدّْ opposite
448 ضِدَّ against
449 جَرى، يَجرى، الجَري to occur, take place, to happen ل to sb; to flow, run (liquid); to run (person) وراء after sb
450 مَسؤول official, functionary; employer, boss, supervisor; responsible, dependable
451 بَعيد، بِعاد distant, far, remote
452 بَعيداً عن far away from
453 كَبَبَ to write sth
454 كُتِبَ لَهُ to be granted (success)
455 كُتِبَ عليهِ أنْ to be destined (by God) to
456 حين، أحيان time, moment, opportunity
457 وَضَعَ، يَضَعُ، الوَضَع to put, place sth في/على/تحت inside/on/under; to lay down (rules, conditions); to lay (an egg); to give birth to (a child); to write, compile, draft, compose sth
458 نائِب، نُوّاب deputy, delegate, vice-
459 خاصّةً especially, particularly
460 الخاصّة the elite, the upper-class
461 وَلَد، أوْلاد child, son, boy
462 دَم، دِماء blood
463 صَحيح true, correct; sound, healthy; authentic (Hadith); yes, right
464 صَحيحاً really, truly
465 مَرحَلة، مَراحِل phase, stage, step; (sports) round
466 اِجتِماعيّ social
467 حَديث، أحاديث discussion, conversation, talk; story, interview; Hadith
468 سِياسة ات politics; (pl) policy
469 طَرَف، أطراف edge, side; tip, end; extremity (body limb); participant, player, party, team
470 وَطَن، أوْطان nation, homeland
471 رُبَّما/لَرُبَّما perhaps, maybe
472 قَليل few, small amount
473 قَليلاً a little, somewhat; briefly, shortly
474 عَلِمَ to know sth or أنّ that; of find out أنّ that
475 حَتّى even, including; although, even though
476 مُدير director, manager; (office) boss, chief
477 نِهاية end, finish; termination, ending
478 إضافة addition
479 بالإضافة إلى in addition to
480 واقِع reality, fact; actual situation; falling (date), occurring (time); located, found, situated (place)
481 كامِل complete, full; integral, perfect
482 بالكامِل completely
483 عَبرَ across, over, via; through, by means of
484 شَرق east
485 شَرقاً eastward
486 ظَلَّ، يَظُلُّ to stay, remain; to continue to be; (imperf) to keep on doing
487 تَعليم education, teaching; instruction
488 تَعليمات instructions, guidelines
489 تَعاليم precepts
490 روح، أرواح spirit, should; life
491 أفضَل better/best
492 مال money, capital
493 أموال assets, funds, monies
494 لَيْلٍ/اللَّيْلي night, night-time
495 لَيْلاً by night
496 لَيْلاً ونَهاراً day and night
497 أُسبوع، أسابيع week
498 مُؤْتَمَر ات conferences, congress, convention
499 لِقاء ات meeting, encounter; interview
500 رَدَّ، يَرُدُّ، الرَّدّ to answer على sb, to respond على to sth/sb; to return, reciprocate (a favor)
501 كَي/لِكَي in order to, so that
502 بِناء building, constructing, erecting; structure, building, edifice
503 بِناء على based on, according to
504 طَريقة method, procedure, way
505 أعلى/عُليا higher/highest; advanced, superior
506 أعلاه above (mentioned), aforementioned
507 مُمكِن possible
508 دَعم support, assistance, bolstering, promotion
509 مَصدَر، مًصادِر source
510 حَدَثَ، يَحدُثُ to happen, occur, take place
511 لَحظة، لَحَظات moment, instant
512 فُرصة، فُرَص chance, opportunity
513 نادي، أندية club, association
514 مَعلومات information, data
515 هَيئة ات agency, organization; outward appearance, look
516 قِصّة، قِصَص story, tale
517 بِداية ات beginning, start; starting point
518 بِدايات origins, early history
519 جُنوب south, southern part
520 دَرى، يَدري to know, be aware of sth or ب sth or أنّ
521 دَعا، يَدعو، الدَعوة to call إلى for sth; to call (upon) sb إلى to do sth; to invite sb إلى to or to do sth
522 مُباراة، مُبَريات game, match, bout; competition
523 إذ as, since, seeing that; while, when
524 إذ أنّ since, given that
525 اِعتَقَدَ to believe في in sth, or بأنّ/أنّ that
526 ِحًسًب/بِحًسًبِ/على حًسًب according to
527 دَقيقة، دَقائِق minute
528 مَلِك، مُلوك king
529 أعلَنَ to announce, declare, proclaim (عن) sth or أنّ that
530 قيمة value, worth, importance
531 قِيَم values, morals, ethics
532 لاعِب player, athlete; playing
533 أدّى، يُؤدّي to cause, produce إلى sth; to lead, direct, guide ب sb إلى to; to perform (function), to carry out (duty, mission); to take (test, oath)
534 مادّة، مَوادّ substance, material; subject matter, topic; (school) course, subject; article, paragraph; material things, money
535 خَظ، خُظوظ line; phone line; air route; airline (company); handwriting; script, calligraphy
536 عَرْض، عُروض show, display presentation; offer, tender; width, breadth
537 رِسالة، رَسائِل letter, missive; message, communication; dissertation, thesis
538 رِسالات mission, task
539 اِنتِخاب ات election, selection
540 مَعنىً، مَعانٍ/الَمعاني sense, meaning, significance; concept, nuance
541 نُقطة، نِقاط point, dot; location, position
542 قَوِيّ strong, powerful; great
543 حِوار ات discussion, conversation, dialogue, talk
544 رَدّ، رُدود response, reply
545 رَدّ فِعل reaction
546 لُغة ات language
547 بَلَغَ، يَبلَغُ، البُلوغ to reach, arrive at, attain sth; to hear أنّ that
548 سِعر، أسعار price, cost, rate
549 حَصَلَ، يَحصُلُ، الحُصول to get, obtain, acquire على sth
550 أقَلّ less/least, smaller/smallest, lower/lowest; minimum
551 قَلَّ، يَقُلُّ to be less (عن than), decrease, diminish
552 تَمام exact; complete; good, fine
553 تَماماً exactly; completely, totally
554 صَباح morning
555 صَباحاً in the morning
556 مَوجود existing, found, located; present
557 تَمَنّى to wish ل sb (happiness, success); to hope أنْ that
558 مَرَض، أمراض illness, disease
559 تَحَدَّثَ to speak إلى/مع to/with sb; to discuss عن (a topic)
560 أهَمّ more/most important
561 بُدّ escape, avoidance
562 لا بُدَّ من there’s no escaping, it’s inevitable
563 فَعَلَ، يَفعَلُ، الفِعْل to do sth
564 طَلَبَ، يَطلُبُ to request, ask for sth (من from sb); to apply for sth; to order, place an order for sth; look for sth; to fail, press (number on a phone)
565 صِحّة health, wellness; authenticity, truth
566 وَقَعَ، يَقِعُ to fall down; to take place; to be located
567 لازِم necessary, required; needed
568 تَعاوُن cooperation
569 زَوْج، أزواج spouse; husband
570 زَوْجان married couple
571 لِذَلِك therefore
572 تالٍ/التّالي following, subsequent
573 بِالتّالي therefore, consequently
574 شارِع، شَوارِع street
575 الشّارِع (figurative) the public, public opinion
576 نار، نيران fire; gunfire; hellfire
577 عَديد large number, large quantity; numerous, many
578 صَلّى، يُصَلّي، الصَّلاة to pray; to worship; to say a prayer على for sb
579 فِكرة، أفكار idea, concept, notion (عن about)
580 على فِكرة now that you mention it, by the way
581 تَرَكَ، يَترُكُ، التُّرك to leave (behind), quit, abandon, sth
582 دَرَجة ات degree, grade, level; class, rank
583 آخِر، أواخِر last, final, concluding; end, tail, conclusion; bottom, foot
584 إلى آخِرِهِ et cetera
585 أخيراً ولَيسَ آخِراً last but not least
586 اِجتِماع ات meeting, gathering
587 قَريب near, close; related
588 وَسَط، أوساط middle, center; environment
589 وَسطَ amid, among, in the middle of
590 أوْساط diplomatic circle, quarters
591 نَظَرَ، نَنظُرُ، النَّظر to look إلى at; to examine, look في into
592 واضِح clear, explicit; obvious, visible
593 مَوْت death
594 خُصوص regarding this matter, issue; in this regard, respect
595 خُصوصاً especially, particularly
596 إنّما but rather, on the contrary; (not just) but (also)
597 مَصلَحة، مَصالِح interest, advantage, favor; department, agency
598 أساس، أُسُس foundation, base; basis, principle
599 أساساً basically, fundamentally
600 على الأساسِ on the basis of
601 في الأساسِ in principle
602 صَحيفة، صُحُف newspaper
603 وَقَفَ، يَقِفُ to stop, cease (doing sth); to stand, rise
604 ْقِف stop!
605 وَقَفَ جَنبَهُ to stand by, support sb
606 ذَهَبَ، يَذهَبُ، الذَّهاب to go, leave, depart
607 زِيارة ات visiting, visit
608 رائِع fantastic, amazing, marvelous, magnificent, awesome
609 إجراء conducting, carrying out, undertaking; procedure, process; step, measure; move, action
610 اِتِّصال ات contact, communication; connection, relation, relationship
611 دُنيا world
612 حَبَّ، يُحِبُّ، الحُبّ to love, like sb; to want, like sth or to do sth
613 زَوْجة ات wife
614 تَنفيذ execution, implementation, carrying out
615 لَوْن، ألوان color, tint, hue; type, sort, kind
616 قَديم، قُدَماء old, ancient
617 قُدامى old-timers, veterans
618 قادِم next, following, future; arriving, coming
619 كُرة ات ball, globe, sphere
620 زادَ، يَزيدُ، الزِّيادة to grow, increase; to exceed, go beyond على/عن sth; to increase, add to (من) sth
621 عِدّة (idaafa) a number of, (invariable) several, numerous
622 عَودة return, going; return trip
623 عالٍ/العالي high, elevated
624 سِوى other than, except for
625 بَحر، بِحار sea
626 شَعَرَ، يَشعُرُ، الشِّعر to feel, be aware of ب sth
627 تَقرير، تَقارير report, account
628 مَرَّ، يَمُرُّ، المَرارة to pass by, go by (time, event); to pass by, go past على/ب sth/sb; to visit, stop by على (sb’s place)
629 نِساء women
630 فَتَحَ، يَفتَحُ، الفَتْح to open sth; to open, start (a business); to turn on (lights, radio, TV); to conquer (city, land)
631 شَهِدَ، يَشهَدُ، الشَّهادة to witness, observe, see sth/sb; to testify, bear witness
632 سِلاح، أسلِحة weapon; branch of the armed forces
633 سِلاح الجَوّ air force
634 عِلم knowing; knowledge, information
635 عِلماً أنّ knowing that, in view of the fact that
636 إعادة repeating, doing sth again; returning, giving sth back
637 لَيْلة، اللَّيالي/لَيالٍ night, evening
638 اللَّيْلة tonight
639 ثَقافة ات culture, civilization
640 داخِليّ internal, domestic
641 مُنَظَّمة ات organization
642 فِكْر، أفكار thinking, thought; idea, concept, notion
643 رَسول messenger (Muhammad)
644 رُسُل messenger, apostle
645 جُزء، أجزاء part, section, piece; portion, fraction
646 اِنتَهى to end, finish, conclude sth
647 غَريب، غُرَباء strange; stranger, foreigner
648 غُرفة، غُرَف room, chamber
649 مُرور passing (of time); going through; passing by; stopping by (to visit); traffic
650 كَلِمة المُرور password
651 مُروراً ل passing, crossing, going through, via
652 حُرِّيّة ات freedom
653 تَسلَمُ thanks!
654 زِيادة increase, rise, growth; addition, supplement
655 قائِد، قادة leader, commander
656 وَسيلة، وَسائِل device, instrument, medium, means
657 نَقْل transportation, transfer; transmission, relaying (of news)
658 نَقْلاً عن quoting, as reported by
659 حَقيقيّ true, real, factual, authentic
660 اِحتاجَ to need, want إلى sth/sb
661 مُستَقبَل (noun) future
662 مُستَقبَلاً in the future
663 مَحكَمة، مَحاكِم court, tribunal
664 قِيادة leadership, command; driving (a vehicle), piloting (an aircraft)
665 قِيادات leaders, commanders
666 دِفاع defense (military, legal, sports); protection
667 سَبيل، سُبُل way, road; means
668 عِلميّ scientific, scholarly, academic
669 خِيال عِلميّ science fiction
670 بَينَما while
671 أصل، أُصول source, origin; descent, lineage; original, master copy
672 أصلاً originally, primarily
673 أُصول principles, basic rules; funds, assets, capital
674 عِلم، عُلوم science; the study of…
675 أمْنيّ security, safety, protection
676 مَنزَل، مَنازِل house, residence
677 زَمَن time, period, duration
678 بَيان statement, declaration; bulletin, communiqué; press release
679 بَيانات data, information
680 غَنيّ عن البَيان needless to say, it goes without saying
681 غَربيّ Western; Westerner; west of
682 أثَر، آثار record, trace; sign, mark; effect, influence
683 ِعلى/في أثَر immediately after
684 ضَرورة necessity, need
685 بالضَّرورة necessarily
686 كَريم، كِرام noble, distinguished; decent, dignified; generous; dear, precious
687 أساسيّ basic, fundamental
688 وَرَقة، وَرَق/أوْراق (collective) paper; leaves; cards
689 الوالِدان parents
690 جَمعيّة ات association, society
691 رَسميّ official, formal
692 رَسمياً officially, formally
693 أُستاذ، أساتِذة professor, teacher; (title) Prof, Mr; (polite) sir
694 اِحتِلال occupation (of land or property); filling (a post, a position)
695 أبيَض/بَيضاء/بِيض white; whites, Caucasians
696 مَكتَب، مَكاتِب office, bureau, department
697 مُنتَدىً، مُنتَدَيات assembly room, gathering place; (Internet) forum
698 مُقاوَمة resistance, opposition
699 شِعر poetry
700 مُحَلّيّ local
701 مُحَلّيّاً locally
702 عَظيم، عِظام great, mighty, powerful
703 إعلام information, media; informing, notifying
704 فيلم، أفلام film, movie
705 طَبيعيّ natural, normal
706 طَلَب ات request; demand; application; (purchase) order
707 َوَراء behind, past, beyond
708 إلى الوَراء backward, in reverse
709 وَحْد (with pron) alone, by itself, only it
710 فَهِمَ، يَفهَمُ، الفَهْم to understand sth/sb or في sth or أنّ that
711 بِلا without
712 دَعوة ات call; invitation; propaganda; (Islamic) missionary work
713 خَطوة، خَطَوات step, stride; measure
714 تَقديم offering, presenting, submitting
715 مَدىً range, extent, reach; time period, duration
716 تَجرِبة، تَجارِب experiment, test; experience, encounter; trial, ordeal
717 وَحيد only, sole, exclusive; alone
718 أمير prince, commander
719 مُدّة time period, length of time, interval
720 تَغْيير ات change, modification; replacement, switch
721 ماتَ، يَموتُ، المَوْت to die, pass away
722 دار، دِيار/دور house, home, abode; family, household
723 دُخول entering; entrance
724 أهَمّيّة importance, significance
725 صَعْب difficult, hard
726 مُقبِل next, coming, approaching, nearing
727 حَدَث، أحداث event, incident
728 دَوْرة ات (sports) championship, tournament; cycle, turn, rotation, lap; circulation; round (elections); session (meeting); tour, patrol, round; (school) course, class
729 دَوْرة مِياه bathroom, toilet
730 نَشاط، أنشِطة activity, movement, action
731 ضِمنَ within, inside; among
732 فَنّيّ artistic, technical; technician
733 أوُضَحَ، يوضِحُ، الإيضاح to clarify, explain (ل to sb) أنّ that
734 قُدرة، قُدُرات capacity, ability, potential, power
735 نِصْف half, middle, semi-
736 صَراحة sincerity, candor, frankness
737 بِصَراحة/صَراحةً frankly
738 جَماعة ات group, party; gang
739 مَعرِفة knowing sth/sb; meeting sb, becoming acquainted with sb
740 مَعارِف knowledge, information; culture, education
741 ظَهَرَ، يَظهَرُ، الظُّهور to appear; seem كَأنّ as if
742 مُواجَهة ات facing, confronting, encountering; confrontation, encounter
743 رَجَعَ، يَرجَعُ، الرُّجوع to return, go back, come back إلى to; to even عن (one’s decision); to go back (بِكَلامِهِ on one’s word)
744 إيّا (with object pron) to/of it
745 وَإيّا (with object pron) with it
746 بُطولة ات heroism; starring role; championship, tournament
747 نَجاح ات success
748 شُرطة police
749 لَعِبَ، يَلعَبُ، اللَّعِب to play (game, role)
750 تَنمية development, growth; progress
751 حاجة ات need, want (for what one lacks); desire, wish; objective, purpose, goal
752 بِحاجة إلى in need of
753 فَكَّرَ to think في/ب about sth/sb; to consider في أنّ doing sth; to think believe أنّ that
754 تَطوير development, advancement; promotion, encouragement
755 شَمال north; northern
756 بَنك، بُنوك bank (financial institution)
757 فَرْد، أفراد individual, person
758 فَرداً فَرداً one by one, separately, individually
759 قَدَم، أقدام foot (also as a unit of measure)
760 عامِل، عُمّال employee, worker, laborer; operator; regent, prefect
761 العامِلون staff, workforce, personnel
762 ثَقافيّ cultural, intellectual, educational
763 قاعِدة، قَواعِد rule, principle, basis; military base
764 عاديّ regular, normal; ordinary
765 أكيد sure, certain, definite
766 أكيداً definitely, for sure
767 سَواء except, whether (or not), regardless, either (or); equality
768 يَوْميّ daily
769 يَوْميّاً every day, on a daily basis; per diem
770 صَلاة، صَلَوات prayer
771 شاعِر، شُعَراء poet
772 حُلْم، أحلام dream
773 وُصول attainment, achievement
774 قَتَلَ، يَقتُلُ، القَتْل to kill (often passive)
775 سُرعة speed
776 بِسُرعة quickly
777 عَزيز، أعِزّاء dear, precious
778 مَساء evening
779 عُنوان، عَناوين address; title, headline; URL
780 طَبيب، أطِبّاء physician, doctor
781 اِستِخدام usage, using, utilization
782 عَقْل، عُقول mind, intellect
783 عيد، أعياد holiday, festival, feast
784 أمَل، آمال hope, wish
785 أمَلاً hoping, wishing, in the hope (في أنْ that)
786 خارِجيّة foreign ministry, foreign office
787 دَفَعَ، يَدفَعُ، الدَّفْع to push sth; to pay (a sum of money); to compel, move sb إلى to do sth
788 قِيام undertaking, carrying out ب (task, activity); playing ب (a role); rising, standing up
789 مُنتَخِب ات elected; national team
790 جُرديّ، جُنود soldier
791 إذَن/إذاً therefore, consequently
792 اِتِّفاق ات agreement; accord, treaty
793 نور، أنوار light; lamp
794 شَديد intense, strong, severe
795 شَعبيّ popular; national, of the people
796 مُحافظة ات province, governorate
797 اِنتَظَرَ to expect, wait for sth/sb
798 مَثَّلَ to represent, speak for sb; to play, act as sb (film); to exemplify, illustrate sth
799 ظَرْف، ظُروف circumstance, condition, situation
800 أُسرة، أُسَر family, community
801 قَريّة، قُرىً village
802 مُقابِل opposite (to), corresponding (to), vis-à-vis
803 جَوّ، أجواء air, atmosphere; weather, climate
804 جَوّاً by air, by plane
805 وِكالة ات agency; office; dealership; proxy, deputation, power of attorney
806 خُطّة، خُطَط plan, project
807 مَدَنيّ civil; civilian
808 شارَكَ to participate, share (with sb) في in sth
809 نَزَلَ، يَنزِلُ، النُّزول to descend; stay في at
810 صَحّ right, correct; true
811 أزمة، أزَمات crisis, crunch
812 بَحَثَ، يَبحَثُ، البَحْث to look, search عن for; to discuss, debate (في) sth; to research, examine, look into في sth
813 مَملَكة kingdom
814 إطلاق releasing, launching; (النّار) firing, shooting
815 إطلاقاً/على الإطلاق (yes) absolutely, definitely; (no) not at all
816 على وَجه الإطلاق for sure
817 أوْسَط/وُسطى middle, central
818 مُحاوَلة ات attempt, effort
819 قَدَرَ، يَقدُرُ، القُدرة to be able to, be capable of (doing sth)
820 أسوَد، سَوداء، سود black; black people
821 قِسْم، أقسام section, portion; department, division
822 تَحديد specification; definition
823 تَحديداً specifically
824 خَلْف back, rear part
825 من خَلف behind (of) sth/sb
826 من الخَلف from the back, from the rear; at the back, in the rear
827 شَمس (feminine) sun
828 مَزيد addition, added amount, greater number (من of); more, additional, increased (من)
829 تَعَرَّضَ to be exposed إلى to sth; to encounter, run into, have to deal with إلى sth
830 اِهتِمام interest, attention; care, concern
831 دينيّ religious; spiritual
832 مُساعَدة ات help, support
833 مُساعَدات aid
834 كافّة (idaafa) all of, the entirety of
835 كافّةً all together
836 عَبْد، عَبيد servant, slave
837 العِباد humanity, humankind
838 غَرْب west; West
839 غَرْباً westward, in the west
840 عاصِمة، عَواصِم capital city
841 إطار framework, context
842 صِحّيّ health-related, sanitary
843 مَشكور thankful, grateful; thanks!
844 حُضور arrival, coming; attending, being present at (meeting, party, concert); viewing (film, TV show)
845 مَحَلّ، ات/مَحالّ place, location; shop, store
846 يَهوديّ، يَهود Jew, Jewish
847 تَنظيم ات organizing, planning; regulating, controlling; organization, network
848 رِياضة sports; physical exercise; physical education; mathematics
849 فَضْل favor, grace; kindness, goodwill; distinction, merit, credit; surplus
850 بَفَضْل due to, thanks to
851 فَضْلاً عن aside from, not to mention
852 فَضلاً عن ذلك futhermore, moreover
853 أثناء/ في أثناء during
854 في هذه/تلك الأثناء meanwhile
855 حَقَّقَ to achieve, realize (success, goals); to serve, promote (interests); to investigate في sth; to interrogate مع sb
856 رَفَضَ، يَرفُضُ، الرَّفْض to reject, refuse sth
857 شَخصيّة ات personality, identity; person, individual
858 أمين، أُمَناء trustee, keeper; secretary; loyal, faithful, reliable
859 أمين الصُّندوق treasurer
860 مُستَشفىً، مُستَشفَيات hospital
861 طولْ length; height
862 طولَ throughout, during (the entire)
863 كَذا thus, like that, in this way
864 كَذا وكَذا such-and-such, so-and-so
865 كَذا وكَيْتَ this and that
866 طاقة energy, power; potential, ability
867 قائِل saying; (noun) saying
868 كاتِب، كُتّاب/كَتَبة writer, author; office worker, clerk; writing
869 مَعروف known, well-known; favor, kind gesture, good deed; what is right
870 رِياضيّ sports, sportive; mathematical; mathematician
871 رِياضيّات mathematics
872 تَربية رِياضية P.E.
873 اِتَّصَلَ to contact ب sb, get in touch ب with sb; to be connected or related إلى to sth
874 أجنَبيّ، أجانِب foreign, foreigner
875 جُمهور، جَماهير multitude, public, the masses
876 اِستَمَرَّ to last, go on (for a certain amount of time); to continue في doing sth
877 قَرَأَ، يَقرَأُ، القِراءة to read sth
878 سَماء، سَمَوات sky, heaven
879 نَسِيَ، يَنسى، النِّسيان to forget sth/sb
880 حَهْد، جُهود effort, exertion; endeavor
881 شَهيد، شُهَداء martyr
882 رَفَعَ، يَرفَعُ، الرَّفْع to lift, raise sth; to increase, boost sth; to lodge على against sb (a complaint)
883 عادة ات habit, custom, practice
884 عادةً usually, generally, typically
885 ضَغْط، ضُغوط pressing, exerting pressure; pressure, stress; voltage
886 سَهْم، أسهُم (econ) share, stock
887 سَهْم، سِهام arrow
888 زَمان time, period, duration
889 من زَمانٍ (it has been) for some time; (it was) a long time ago
890 مَسألة، مَسائِل issue, affair; matter, question
891 كَوْن being, by virtue of being
892 لِكَوْنِ because
893 الكَوْن the universe, existence
894 جَريمة، جَرائِم crime
895 إرهاب terror, terrorism; terrorizing, frightening
896 قَدْر extent, degree; amount, value; ability, capability, capacity
897 نِهائيّ ات final, definitive, conclusive; final (in sports)
898 نِهائيّاً finally, in the end
899 جِسْم، أجسام body; form, mass; organism
900 حِساب ات calculation, appraisal; account, invoice; expense
901 إنسانيّ human; humane, humanitarian
902 ساكِن، سُكّان resident, inhabitant; residing
903 شُغْل، أشغال work, labor; occupation, business
904 عِلاج treatment, therapy
905 يَعْني (used as filler) I mean, y’know, like, uh; (as a response) sort of, more or less
906 إقامة residency; setting up, establishing; erecting
907 سَعادة happiness; (honorific) His Excellency
908 أُصيبَ (passive) to suffer ب (injuries); to be struck, afflicted ب by (illness)
909 تَعَلَّقَ to be connected ب with, have to do ب with sth/sb
910 حِماية protection, protecting
911 اِعْتِبار ات considering, regarding; consideration, regard, belief
912 اِعْتِباراً من beginning on, starting from (date)
913 تَقَدُّم progress, advancement; coming forward
914 شَخصيّ personal, private
915 شَخصيّاً personally, in person
916 مُشير pointing out, indicating; indicative
917 شَبَكة، ات/شِباك net; web, network; grid, system
918 زَواج marriage; wedding
919 خارِجيّ foreign; outer, exterior, outside
920 مُجَرَّد bare, naked; from (عن/من from); pure, absolute (truth); mere, nothing but
921 بِمُجَرَّد as soon as, the instant
922 لِمُجَرَّد for no other reason but, for the sole reason that
923 قَرَّرَ to decide, resolve أنْ to do sth
924 حَديث new, recent; modern
925 حَديثاً recently, lately
926 عَمّ، عُموم paternal uncle
927 بال mind, attention
928 خَطَرَ على بالي it occurred to me
929 راحَ عن بالي it slipped my mind
930 كَشَفَ، يَكشِفُ، الكَشْف to reveal, disclose عن sth; to expose, uncover النِّقاب عن sth; to examine على sb (medically)
931 ذو possessing, having
932 طالَبَ to demand, call for ب sth (from sb); to require ب sth (from sb)
933 غَد/غَداً tomorrow
934 أحسَن better/best
935 مِلَفّ ات file, folder; dossier; (computer) document, file
936 حَجْم volume, size
937 شَرْط، شُروط precondition, stipulation
938 شَكَّلَ to constitute, form, compose sth
939 وَفْقَ/وِفْقاً ل according to, in accordance with, pursuant to
940 عُنصُر، عَناصِر factor, element; component, ingredient; race, ethnicity; member, agent
941 مُناسِبة ات occasion, opportunity
942 مُناسِبات special occasions (feasts, holidays)
943 بِالمُناسِبة incidentally, by the way
944 اللَّهُمَّ oh God! dear God!
945 اللَّهُمَّ إلّا apart from (the fact that)
946 غالٍ/الغالي expensive, costly; dear, precious, beloved
947 غالياً dearly
948 صَدْر، صُدور chest; bosom
949 سَمَحَ، يَسمَحُ، السَّماح to allow, permit ل sb (to do sth)
950 اِسمَح لي excuse me (allow me)
951 لَوْ سَمَحْت please (if you don’t mind)
952 فَوْز victory
953 سِجْن، سُجون prison
954 فَتاة، فَتَيات young woman, girl
955 سِرّ، أسرار secret
956 سِرّاً secretly, privately
957 أمين/كاتِب السِّرّ secretary
958 حُرّ، آحرار (adj) free, independent
959 أحرار liberals; independents
960 مَسؤُوليّة ات responsibility, duty
961 نَشْر spreading, propagation; publication, announcement
962 صِناعة manufacture, industry
963 صِناعات trade, craft
964 قِمّة، قِمَم summit
965 عَدُوّ، أعداء enemy
966 مَلَكَ، يَملِكُ، المِلْك to own, possess sth; to control sth
967 ناحية، نَواحٍ/النَّواحي side, perspective, aspect; area, region
968 مَطلوب wanted, needed; demanded, required, necessary
969 اِستِثمار ات investing; investment
970 تَوَقَّعَ to expect, anticipate sth; to look forward to sth
971 نَفْس، نُفوس (fem) soul, spirt
972 اِستِمرار continuation, continuity
973 باِستِمرار constantly
974 مُناسِب suitable, appropriate
975 حَوالَيْ approximately, around, about
976 حَضَرَ، يَحضُرُ، الحُضور to come, show up; to attend, be present at (meeting, party, concert); to view (film, TV show)
977 إمارة ات Emirate
978 خَطَأ، أخطاء mistake, blunder, error; (invariable) wrong, mistaken
979 تَحيّة، ات/تَحايا greeting, salute, salutation
980 نَبيّ، أنبياء prophet
981 تَطَوُّر ات progress, development, growth
982 تَطَوُّرات events, developments
983 إصابة ات affliction, illness; casualty, injury; point, score, goal
984 فَنّ، فُنون art; specialty; type, variety
985 قَتْل murder, killing
986 سارَ، يَسيرُ، السَّيْر to move, march
987 مَهَمّة، ات/مَهامّ task, assignment, mission
988 مُهِمّات equipment, material, supplies
989 حُزْن، أحزان sadness, grief, sorrow, anguish
990 مَريض، مَرضى patient, sick person; ill, sick
991 مُشتَرَك shared, common, join, collective
992 جُمهوريّة republic
993 واسِع wide, broad, extensive, widespread
994 قادِر capable, able
995 حاكِم، حُكّام ruler, governor; ruling, in power
996 تَربية education, pedagogy; raising, child-rearing; breeding
997 جَبَل، جِبال mountain
998 أطلَقَ to let go, let out sth; to release, set free سِراح sb; to fire, shoot النّار/الرَّصاص على at sb; to call على sth/sb (ب a name)
999 جَلسة، جَلَسات session, meeting; court hearing
1000 حَيّ، أحياء quarter, district
1001 عَدَّ، يَعُدُّ، العَدّ to count, enumerate sth; to consider, regard sth/sb as
1002 لا يُعَدُّ countless
1003 عافية good health, vigor
1004 يُعطيكُم العافية well done! nice job!
1005 تِجاريّ commercial, business
1006 أُغْنية، أغانٍ/الأغاني song, melody
1007 رَئيسيّ main, chief, principle
1008 كَأس، كُؤوس cup; Cup (in prize names)
1009 مُعظَم (idaafa) most of, the majority of
1010 شَكّ، شُكوك doubt
1011 لا شَكّ/بِلا شِكّ without a doubt
1012 لَعْب، ألعاب playing; game, sport
1013 قَناة، قَنَوات canal; channel (broadcasting)
1014 إنتاج production, output
1015 حُصول obtaining, getting, acquiring; occurring, happening
1016 مُعَيَّن specific, determined; fixed, set, prescribed; appointed, designated
1017 رَفْع raising, lifting, elevating; increasing, augmenting, boosting
1018 بَسيط، بُسَطاء simple, plain; naive, unsophisticated; easy, uncomplicated; insignificant (amount), trifle, pinch
1019 عائِلة ات family, household, clan
1020 مَسجِد، مَساجِد mosque
1021 سَريع quick, prompt
1022 سَريعاً quickly, promptly
1023 سَلامة security, safety; integrity
1024 ماليّة finance
1025 اِتِّجاه direction; course; trend, movement
1026 نَقَلَ، يَنقُلُ، النَّقْل to transfer, transport sth; to transmit (news); to translate sth
1027 ضَمْت silence
1028 سَعى، يَسعى، السَّعَيْاً to strive إلى for sth; to pursue, chase وَراء after (a goal)
1029 أقامَ to install, establish, set up sth; to hold, host (event, party); to reside, live, set up residence في at
1030 ضَوْء، أضواء light, lamp
1031 دَوْريّ الأضواء Premier League
1032 بَدَل substitute
1033 بَدَلاً من instead of, in lieu of
1034 طِبّيّ medical
1035 دائِرة، دَوائِر office, bureau; district, circuit; circle, ring
1036 رِئاسة presidency, leadership, direction, chairmanship
1037 اِرتِفاع rise, increase; height, elevation
1038 عالِم، عُلَماء scientist, scholar; knowing, knowledgeable of
1039 كَالتّالي as follows
1040 بَطَل، أبطال hero; (sports) champion; (film) star
1041 خُروج departure, leaving; getting out, exit; deviation (عن from)
1042 إعلان ات announcing, declaring; announcement, declaration, statement; advertisement; billboard
1043 عَقَدَ، يَعقِدُ، العَقْد to hold, conclude, convene (meeting)
1044 ظِلّ، ظِلال shade; patronage
1045 ظِلال auspices
1046 سَجَّلَ to register; to record (audio); to score (point)
1047 ساحة ات scene; filed, arena
1048 عَصْر عُصور age, period, time, epoch
1049 نَوَويّ nuclear, atomic; nucleic
1050 فِرقة، فِرَق group, team, troupe; (music) band, ensemble; (mil) division, squad
1051 قَرْن، قُرون century, age; horn
1052 حُكوميّ governmental, state; official; state or government officer
1053 رُؤُية vision, sight; view, viewing; perspective, view, opinion
1054 تِجارة commerce, business
1055 تابَعَ to continue, follow sth/sb; to monitor, keep an eye on sth/sb
1056 تَصريح ات declaration, statement
1057 وَقْف stopping, ceasing
1058 صِراع ات struggle, conflict, fight
1059 تَعامُل ات working, doing business (مع with); relations, (business) dealings
1060 عَهْد، عُهود age, period; tenure, administration, reign; treaty, pact, promise, oath
1061 وَلّي العَهْد crown prince
1062 كُلِّيّة ات college, institute, faculty; entirety, totality
1063 ثِقة confidence, trust
1064 ضَبْط adjusting; regulating; seizure, confiscation
1065 بِالضَّبْط exactly
1066 سَمّى to name, designate, call
1067 عانى to suffer sth or من from sth
1068 مُعَلِّم teacher, instructor, master (of a trade); foreman, boss, chief
1069 عْنف violence, force
1070 طَبيعة nature, character
1071 مُمَثِّل representing, acting on behalf of; representative, delegate; actor
1072 عِبارة ات expression; phrase, word
1073 بِعِبارةٍ أُخرى in other words
1074 صَفّ، صُفوف line, row, rank; class, classroom
1075 تَحرير liberation; editorship, editing
1076 مَضى، يَمضي to pass, go by, elapse (time); to continue (في) doing sth; to proceed, go نحو/إلى to/towards
1077 سُمُوّ loftiness, nobility; (title) His/Her Highness
1078 فَتْح opening; beginning; conquest (esp in Islamic history)
1079 خَطَر، أخطار danger, threat; risk, hazard; alarm (signal), warning (sign)
1080 مُباشِر direct, immediate; live (broadcast)
1081 تَقريب approximation
1082 تَقريباً approximately, around; almost, not quite
1083 نَصّ، نُصوص text; wording
1084 مُوَظَّف employee
1085 صَفحة، صَفَحات page; leaf
1086 مُسَلَّح gunman; armed, bearing arms; armored; reinforced
1087 حَملة، حَمَلات campaign, expedition; attack, raid
1088 باقٍ/الباقي، باقون remaining, lasting; remainder, remnant
1089 شَكَرَ to thank, give thanks to sb
1090 لَعَلَّ perhaps, maybe; (with pro) perhaps I, maybe I
1091 تَدريب ات training, coaching; practicing; exercise, drill, practice session
1092 قِرأءة reading; recitation; interpretation
1093 جَلَسَ، يَجلِسُ، الجُلوس to sit (down); to sit إلى at (a table) to sit على on/upon sth
1094 فَنّان artist
1095 تَكَلَّمَ to speak (a language); to speak مع with sb (عن/حول/على about)
1096 بَقيّة، بقايا remainder, left over, remnant; end, ending, conclusion (article or story)
1097 ألَم، آلام pain; hurt; suffering
1098 نَوْم sleep
1099 ضَمَّ، يَضِمُّ، الضَّمّ to include, incorporate sth
1100 ما دامَ as long as, provided that
1101 ما لَم unless
1102 دَليل، أدِلّة/دَلائِل sign, clue, indication, evidence, proof (على of)
1103 أدِلّة guide, handbook
1104 رَغْبة، رَغَبات wish, desire
1105 تَوَقَّفَ to stop, halt; to be dependent على on (sb’s will)
1106 قائِم carrying out ب (task, activity); playing ب (a role); ongoing, present; standing
1107 صُحُفيّ journalistic, press; journalist, reporter
1108 صَهْيونيّ Zionist
1109 مُحَطّة ات station (gas, electrical power, broadcasting); stop, layover
1110 مِلْيار ات billion
1111 ديمُقراطيّ democratic; democrat, Democrat
1112 إيرانيّ Iranian
1113 إصلاح ات reform, restoration
1114 إصلاحات corrections, amendments
1115 أداء performance, execution; rendering, carrying out; fulfillment, satisfaction
1116 شَعْر hair
1117 نِفْط petroleum, (mineral) oil
1118 صالِح advantage, interest; suitable, applicable; pious, upright, righteous
1119 سُاطان Sultan; power, authority (على over)
1120 إلى حَدٍّ ما to a certain extent
1121 تَغَيَّرَ to change, be modified
1122 شامِل comprehensive, thorough; extensive, sweeping, global; full, complete
1123 نَجَحَ، يَنجَحُ، النَّجاح to succeed
1124 شَهادة ات certificate, degree; testimony, witness
1125 تابِع belonging ل to; attached ل to, associated ل with; adherent, follower
1126 خِلاف ات: dispute, conflict; disagreement, difference (في الرَّأي of opinion)
1127 اِختِيار choice, selection; election; preference
1128 ذِكرى، ذِكرَيات remembrance, memory; anniversary
1129 ذِكرَيات memoirs, diary
1130 زَيْن beautiful, lovely, pretty, charming
1131 مَبلَغ، مَبالِغ amount, sum (of money); extent, degree; scope, range
1132 جَسَد، أجساد body
1133 ّرَجا، يَرجو، الرُّجُو to hope for sth; to request sth من from sb
1134 يُرجى الاِتِّصال ب would you please contact…
1135 أرجوكَ please!
1136 كِتابة ات writing; script; essay, piece of writing
1137 إنشاء establishing, setting up, founding
1138 سَيَّدة ات: lady
1139 اِقتِصاد economy; saving
1140 مَعْرَكة، مَعارِك battle, campaign
1141 بارَكَ to bless في sb; to send blessings على upon
1142 رَحْمة mercy, compassion
1143 طائِرة ات aircraft, airplane
1144 كُلَّما (with perf verb) whenever; the more (this)… the more (that)
1145 دَمعة، دَمْع/دُموع teardrop, tears
1146 كَفى، يَكفي، الكِف to be enough, be sufficient (for sth/sb)
1147 قُربْ nearness, proximity
1148 قْربَ/بِالقُربِ من/بِقُربِ near, near to
1149 مَوْسِم، مَواسِم season, festival
1150 ماليّ financial, monetary, fiscal
1151 نَهار daytime, day
1152 نَهاراً by day, during the day
1153 تَمَكَّنَ to be able من to do sth
1154 وَجَّهَ to send, direct sth إلى to
1155 جَنّة، جِنان/جَنّات paradise; garden
1156 كادَ، يَكادُ، الكَوْد to almost (with imperf) do sth or أنْ do sth
1157 ما كادَ…حَتّى/لَمْ يَكَدْ…حَتّى and as soon as (this happened)…(that happened); no sooner had (this happened) than (that happened)
1158 تَطبيق implementation (plan, project, decision, strategy); application, enforcement (law, regulation, standards)
1159 مُمارَسة ات practice, pursuit (profession, hobby); practicing, playing (sport); exercising, carrying out (policy); exerting (pressure); activity, practice, action
1160 صَدَّقَ to believe sb/sth; to confirm, ratify على sth
1161 وَفْد، وُفود delegation
1162 نَفْسيّ mental, spiritual; psychological
1163 تَقدير appreciation, gratitude (ل for); estimate, calculation; appraisal; (academic) level, performance
1164 تَقديراً ل in appreciation for
1165 خَليج gulf
1166 نَظْرة ات look, glance, view
1167 عَكْس opposite, reverse, contrary
1168 قَصيدة، قَصائِد poem, ode
1169 اِستِقرار stability; setting down
1170 تَشكيل formation, composition, constitution
1171 مُستَمِرّ continuous, incessant; continuing
1172 شَجَرة، شَجَر/أشجار tree
1173 ذِكْر mention, citation; memory
1174 ديمُقراطيّة democracy
1175 مَوْعِد، مَواعِد appointed time or date; deadline; appointment, engagement, commitment, rendezvous
1176 بَغى، يَبغي، البَغي to pursue, strive for sth
1177 واجَهَ to face, be opposite sth; to confront sb
1178 ضابِط، ضُبّاط officer
1179 ضابِط، ضَوابِط controller, controlling device
1180 رِحلة ات trip, excursion; journey, voyage; career
1181 مَعرِض، مَعارِض exhibit, exhibition, show
1182 جُرْح، جُروح/جِراح wound, injury
1183 تارِجييّ historical
1184 تَوْفير providing, furnishing; fulfillment (conditions, requirements); saving (time, money)
1185 سَفير/ سُفَراء ambassador
1186 كمبيوتر computer
1187 أُسلوب، أساليب style, manner, way; method, device
1188 دَوْريّ ات (sports) league, tournament; regular periodic, intermittent, cyclical; circulatory
1189 نَجْم، نُجوم star, constellation; celebrity
1190 تَأْثير ات effect, impact, influence, impression (على/في on)
1191 قَلَم، أقلام pencil;pen
1192 بَقَلَم written by
1193 مَقال ات article, essay
1194 بَدء start, beginning
1195 بَدءاً من starting from
1196 أظهَرَ to show, manifest, demonstrate
1197 سَبَقَ، يَسبِقُ، السَّبْق to precede, come before sth/sb
1198 سَبَقَ لَهُ أن to have done sth previously
1199 لِسان، ألسَنة tongue; language; spokesperson
1200 سَفَر travelling; journey, trip
1201 غاية ات (noun) utmost, extreme; goal, objective, purpose
1202 لِلغاية extremely, greatly
1203 لِغاية until
1204 شَمِلَ، يَشمَلُ، الشَّمْل to include, comprise, contain sth
1205 قَطَعَ، يَقطَعُ، القَطْع to cut off, sever sth; to interrupt, stop (flow); to block (street); to cover, travel (a distance); to pledge (a vow)
1206 ثَوْرة revolution, uprising
1207 تَأْكيد confirmation; affirmation; certainty
1208 بِالتَّأكيد certainly
1209 تَأْكيداً لِ in confirmation of; underscoring, emphasizing
1210 دارَ، يَدورُ، الدَّوْر to revolve, turn; to circle, go around حَوْلَ sth
1211 نَشَرَ، يَنشُرُ، النَّشْر to publish st; to announce sth; to propagate sth
1212 دينار، دَنانير dinar
1213 إشارة ات mentioning, pointing out; indication, sign, signal
1214 ظَنَّ to think, believe, presume أنّ that
1215 بِيئة environment; milieu
1216 مُسابَقة ات contest, competition; race
1217 رِعاية custody, protection; patronage, sponsorship; (social) welfare, (health) care
1218 خافَ، يَخافُ، الخَوْف to fear sth/sb; to be afraid من of sth/sb; to be worried على about sth/sb; to fear على for (sb’s safety)
1219 ألقى to throw, toss; to deliver, give (a speech)
1220 ألقى القَبْضَ على to arrest sb
1221 اِحتِرام respect, honor
1222 اِحتِراماً ل out of respect for, in honor of
1223 مَفتوح open, opened
1224 تَحَوَّلَ to be changed, be converted, be transformed
1225 فَجْر dawn
1226 اِلتَقى to meet, encounter مع/ب sb
1227 صَدَرَ، يَصدُرُ، الصُّدور to be published, be issued; to emerge, come forth, appear
1228 طَعام، أطعِمة food
1229 ضَحِكَ، يَضحَكُ، الضِّحْك to laugh (على at)
1230 اِستَخدَمَ to use, employ, utilize sth
1231 ساعَدَ to help, assist, support sb
1232 ظاهِرة، ظَواهِر phenomenon
1233 سَقَطَ، يَسقُطُ، السُّقوط to fall; drop, decline
1234 سُبحان praise
1235 مُؤَكِّد confirming; underscoring; emphasizing
1236 قَصير short, small (of stature)
1237 تَعبير expressing عن (opinion, feeling), stating عن (position, policy); expression, word, phrase
1238 عامِل working, operating, active; doing, making
1239 تَفكير thinking, pondering; reflection, meditation
1240 دَرَسَ، يَدرُسُ، الدِّراسة to study, learn sth
1241 تلفزيون television
1242 بَشَر humankind, humans
1243 صُندوف، صَناديق box, bin; treasury, fund; trunk (of a car)
1244 حَيّ، أحياء alive, living; active, lively; creature, living thing
1245 مَرحَباً hello!
1246 أقصى farthest, most remote
1247 رِيال riyal (currency)
1248 إعْلاميّ media, information; journalist, person from the media, media worker
1249 مُشارِك participant; participating
1250 مُتابَعة pursuing, following; continuation
1251 بَيْع sale; selling
1252 باتَ، يَبيتُ، البَيات to become (known, certain); to start, begin to do sth; to spend the night, stay overnight (في/عند at)
1253 نَحو، أنحاء way, manner, method; grammar; area, region
1254 قَمَر، أقمار moon
1255 قَمَر صِناعيّ satellite
1256 أعادَ to repeat sth, do sth again; to give back, return sth
1257 سِنّ age (of a person)
1258 أدرَكَ to grasp, understand, comprehend sth of أنّ that; to reach, attain sth
1259 قَوْميّ national, sate; nationalist
1260 جائِزة، جَوائِز prize, award, reward
1261 جارٍ/الجاري current, present (time); occurring, taking place, in progress; flowing, running (liquid)
1262 ضَرَبَ، يَضرُبُ، الضَّرْب to strike, hit
1263 ضَرَبَ مَثَلاً to give an example (ل of)
1264 قَضاء justice, judiciary; court, court system; district, province; judgement, ruling, decision; fate, destiny
1265 اِشتَغَلَ to work, be employed
1266 صِفْر، أصفار zero; empty
1267 حاضِر present (time); (person) present, attending
1268 الحُضور audience
1269 اِرتَفَعَ to rise, ascend; to increase, grow
1270 خَلْق creating, forming; creation; creatures, humankind
1271 قَبِلَ، يَقبَلُ، القُبول to accept, receive; approve
1272 قَائِمة، قَوائِم list, index; leg (of a chair)
1273 مَبدَأ، مَبادِئ principle, basis; fundamental concept
1274 تَقَدَّمَ to present, submit (request), offer (suggestion); to advance, be ahead (in age, experience)
1275 ثَمَن price, cost; value, worth
1276 إمام، أئِمّة imam
1277 جيل، أجيال generation, age
1278 مَشْعَر، مَشاعِر feeling, sense, emotion
1279 مُبادَرة ات initiative, proposal
1280 جَمَعَ، يَجمَعُ، الجَمْع to bring together, gather, assemble (things, people)
1281 اِختَلَفَ to be different عن from sb/sth; to disagree مع with sb (في/على about)
1282 أجابَ to respond, reply (إلى to sb or a question) على/عن about; to answer, reply أنّ that or ب with (a yes, a no); to comply إلى with (sb’s request)
1283 شُعور feeling, sentiment, awareness
1284 تَفصيل، تَفاصيل detail; elaboration
1285 بالتَّفصيل in detail
1286 إعداد preparation
1287 شَرقيّ Eastern, oriental; East, eastern region
1288 أَسَف sorry, regret, remorse; pity, sympathy
1289 لِلأسْفِ unfortunately
1290 يا لِلأسْف how unfortunate
1291 أفادَ to report أنّ/بِأنّ that; to provide ب (information); to be useful, effective (for sb)
1292 عَقْد holding, concluding, convening (meeting)
1293 بَشَريّ human
1294 صَيْف summer
1295 مُعَدَّل ات average, rate, mean figure; modified, altered, amended
1296 خَسارة، خَسائِر loss, failure; casualty, damage
1297 فائِدة، فَوائِد benefit, use, usefulness; (finance) interest
1298 خِبرة ات experience, expertise
1299 صِفة ات feature, characteristic, attribute; trait
1300 مَشهَد، مَشاهِد scene, view, spectacle, sight
1301 لَقِيَ to find; meet, encounter sb/sth
1302 تَحَدًّ/التَّحَدّي ات challenge
1303 عَمّا about what, from what; concerning, regarding
1304 عَمّا قَريبً shortly, soon
1305 عَمّا إذا (about, as to) whether
1306 جِدار، جُدران wall
1307 الجِدار العازِل/الفاصِل the Wall of Separation, the West Bank Wall
1308 مَجَلّة ات magazine, journal
1309 هُجوم attack, assault; raid, charge
1310 مُهَندِس engineer, technician
1311 تَجاوَزَ to surmount, overcome sth; exceed, go beyond, overstep sth; to disregard, bypass sth
1312 صِناعيّ industrial, industrialized; manufacturing, artificial
1313 مِساحة ات surface; space; land, terrain
1314 قَضى، يَقضي، القَضاء to eliminate على sth/sb; to pass, spend (time, holiday); to stipulate, decree ب sth; to fulfill, complete (a duty)
1315 قُضِيَ عَلَيْهِ he was sentenced
1316 مُحَدَّد defined, determined, set
1317 تَعديل ات change, modification; adjustment; amendment; reshuffle (cabinet)
1318 نُمُوّ development, growth; progress
1319 حَرْف، حُروف letter (of the alphabet)
1320 مُؤْمِن believing, faithful; believer; Muslim
1321 اِعتَمَدَ to depend, rely على on sth/sb; to adopt, authorize, accredit (plan, method, curriculum)
1322 فَجأَة surprise
1323 فَجأَةً suddenly
1324 سَهْل easy, simple
1325 مُباشَرة pursuit, practice; performance, execution, implementation
1326 مُباشَرةً directly, immediately
1327 بَنو sons
1328 مَنْع prevention, prohibition; depriving, withholding
1329 خَطير significant, important; serious, grave; dangerous, risky
1330 رَحِمَ to have mercy (God) on sb
1331 رَحَمِهُ الله God rest his soul
1332 حاجّ، حُجاج pilgrim, title of respect for someone who has completed pilgrimage to Mecca or is an older person
1333 لِذا therefore, that’s why, because of that
1334 وَظيفة، وَظائِف job, position; work, employment; function, task
1335 قانونيّ legal, law-related, statutory; legitimate, licit, legal
1336 قانونيّاً legally, from a legal standpoint
1337 عامِل، عَوامِل factor, element, agent; (math) coefficient
1338 إداريّ administrative, management, departmental
1339 إرهابيّ terrorist
1340 صَبْر patience, endurance
1341 َضحيّة، ضَحايا victim
1342 غَضَب anger, rage
1343 غَضَباً in anger, angrily
1344 ألمانيّ، ألمان German
1345 إنْجاز ات implementation, carrying out (project); accomplishment, achievement, success
1346 عَبَّرَ to express عن (opinion, feeling), state عن (position, policy)
1347 جَمال beauty
1348 صادِر issued, published; exported
1349 صادِرات exports
1350 فِئَة ات faction, party; group, sector; type, class, kind
1351 مُتَوَسِّط middle, central; medium, average
1352 زَعيم، زُعَماء leader, head of state
1353 اِنطَلَقَ to depart, take off; to begin, get started, to be fired (bullet)
1354 دَقَّ to beat (heart); to strike, hit sth; to knock on (door) or على (door); to ring bell, to call ل sb (on the phone)
1355 اِستِعداد preparation; readiness, willingness
1356 على استعداد ready
1357 دَفْع pushing; compelling, moving, driving; pushing back, repelling; payment
1358 تَعَلَّمَ to learn, study sth
1359 مِثال، أمثِلة/مُثُل example, model, ideal
1360 فَرَح، أفراح joy, happiness; party, celebration, festivity
1361 فَرَحاً with joy, joyfully
1362 رِواية ات novel, story; narration; report, account
1363 نَهْر، أنهار river
1364 كَهرَباء electricity
1365 وَصَفَ، يَصِفُ، الوَصْف to describe, characterize sb ب/بأنّ as; (doctor) to prescribe sth ل to sb
1366 مَهرَجان ات festival
1367 ألّا not to
1368 اِنتِظار waiting, anticipating
1369 رَضِيَ، يَرضى، الرِّضى to be pleased, satisfied ب/عن/على with sth
1370 سَنَويّ annual, yearly
1371 سَنَويّاً annually, yearly
1372 نَصْر victory, triumph
1373 تَعزيز strengthening, bolstering, reinforcing; reinforcement
1374 أَدَب، آداب literature; good manners, etiquette
1375 لَعبة game, contest, competition; (one) match, game; (fig) trick, fast one
1376 عَقْد، عُقود contract, agreement
1377 أثارَ to raise, provoke, stir up sth; to bring up (a subject)
1378 شَرّ evil, malice
1379 مُعارَضة opposition (esp in politics), resistance
1380 نَبَأ، أنباء news item, report
1381 عُدوان aggression, hostility; enmity, animosity
1382 خِطاب speech, message, letter
1383 عُموم generality, totality, whole; people, masses, public
1384 عُموماً generally, in general
1385 مَجلِس العُموم House of Commons
1386 اِختارَ to select, pick, choose sth/sb; to prefer, choose sth على over sth else
1387 إيجابيّ postive, good; affirmative
1388 جَوْلة ات tour, round, session; patrol
1389 رَفْض refusal, rejection
1390 أعظَم، عُظمى greater/est, mightier/est
1391 شِراء buying, purchasing; purchase acquisition
1392 مَسرَح، مَساِح theater, stage
1393 غِياب absence, disappearance
1394 حَلَقة ات ring, circle; link; program, show; (student) class, course
1395 شَريف، شُرَفاء honorable, noble, respectable
1396 ضَروريّ necessary, required
1397 فَساد corruption; deterioration, decomposition
1398 اِتِّفاقيّة ات treaty, accord
1399 تَذَكَّرَ to remember sth
1400 تَناوَلَ to deal with, treat (a subject, an issue); to eat (a meal); to ingest (medicine)
1401 هَواء air, atmosphere; climate
1402 على الهَواء live (broadcasting)
1403 الحرمَيْن الشَّريفَيْن The Two Holy Mosques (of Mecca and Medina)
1404 قاضٍ/القاضي، قُضاة judge, magistrate
1405 داعٍ/الداعي، دُعاة reason, cause, motive; calling for sth, calling on sb, inviting sb; person (or voice) calling for
1406 عَدْل justice, fairness
1407 وَزير العَدْل Minister of Justice
1408 طَرَحَ، يَطرَحُ، الطَّرْح to throw, cast sth; to pose, present, suggest (question, issue) على to sb (for discussion); to offer (gesture, greeting); to offer sth (for sale); to invite (bids, tenders); to float, put into circulation (shares)
1409 شَماليّ northern
1410 جَدّ/ة grandfather/mother
1411 هاتِف، هَواتِف phone
1412 حَفِظَ، يَحفَظُ، الحِفْظ to save, preserve, maintain; to protect, guard; to memorize
1413 ضُعْف weakness
1414 إقليميّ regional, territorial, area; provincial, district
1415 مَعهَد، مَعاهِد institute, academy, school
1416 طَيْر، طُيور bird
1417 إمّا/إمّا…أو either…or
1418 ريح، رِياح wind; odor
1419 سَلبيّ negative, passive
1420 سَلبيّات negative points
1421 بَكى، يَبكي، البُكى to cry, weep (على over sth/sb); to mourn, weep for sb
1422 دَواء، أدوية remedy, medicine, medication
1423 وِجهة ات direction, angle
1424 وِجهة النَّظَر point of view
1425 عُمْق، أعماق depth, deep, bottom
1426 عَميق deep, profound
1427 بَلَديّة ات municipality, community, township; city council
1428 لاسِيَّما especially
1429 ضَمان ات guarantee, insurance
1430 خَبير، خُبَراء expert, specialist
1431 مَشى، يَمشي، المَشي to walk, go; to leave, go away
1432 مَخُيَّم ات camp, refugee camp
1433 ماديّ material, physical; materialistic; financial
1434 ماديّاً materially, physically; financially
1435 تَوْفيق success; reconciliation, mediation
1436 صَعيد، أصعِدة level plane
1437 الصَّعيد Upper Egypt
1438 فَوْراً/على الفَوْر immediately, at once
1439 فَورَ immediately after
1440 فَرْض imposing, levying; religious duty
1441 مُدَرِّب trainer, coach; instructor
1442 حَمْل carrying; pregnancy
1443 يالله C’mon! Hurry up! Let’s go!
1444 كَمّيّة quantity, amount
1445 أيْ that is to say, in other word, i.e.
1446 قَدَّرَ to estimate, calculate, appraise sth; to appreciate, value sth; to allow, make possible (of God); to respect sth, take sth into consideration
1447 حَرام forbidden, out of bounds; sacred, holy
1448 يا حَرام what a shame!
1449 مِتْر، أمتار meter
1450 سوء offense; bad, ill; miss-
1451 فَقَدَ، يَفقُد، الفَقْد to lose sth; to lack, be missing sth
1452 اِشتَرى to buy, purchase sth
1453 كَلْب، كِلاب dog
1454 نامَ، يَنامُ، النَّوْم to sleep; lie down
1455 قَصْر،قُصور castle, palace
1456 حادِثة، حَوادِث accident, mishap; event, incident
1457 دَرْس، دُروس studying; examining, checking; lesson, course, study
1458 اِنتِهاء finish, completion, conclusion
1459 تَضَمَّنَ to guarantee; to include, comprise
1460 حَدَّدَ to specify, determine sth; to set, define sth
1461 لَوحة ات painting, picture; panel, board
1462 لَوحة المَفاتيح keyboard
1463 مِمَّن from whom
1464 طَرْح suggestion, proposal (topic, idea); offering (gesture, greeting); inviting (bids, tenders); floating, putting into circulation (shares)
1465 جُنوبيّ southern, south
1466 عَرَضَ، يَعرِضُ، العَرْض to show, exhibit, present sth; to review, inspect sth
1467 مَقَرّ center, headquarters, main residence
1468 باحِث searching (عن for); discussing (في sth); researching (في sth); researcher, scholar
1469 صُعوبة ات difficulty
1470 طالَ، يَطولُ، الطَّوْل to be long or length; to take a while ب for sb
1471 ضَعيف، ضُعَفاء weak, powerless
1472 مَفهوم، مَفاهيم understood; concept, notion; meaning, sense, definition
1473 دُستور، دَساتير constitution
1474 سَيْطَرة control, dominion
1475 قادَ، يَقودُ، القِيادة to lead, guide sb إلى to; to drive (a vehicle), pilot (a plane)
1476 إذْن permission, authorization
1477 بِإذْنِ الله god-willing
1478 أحَد Sunday
1479 اِثنَيْن Monday
1480 ثُلَثاء Tuesday
1481 أربِعاء Wednesday
1482 خَميس Thursday
1483 جُمعة Friday
1484 سَبت Saturday
1485 أسير، أسرى prisoner, captive
1486 تُجاهَ towards; facing
1487 حَسَّ، يَحِسُّ، الحَسّ to feel, sense ب sth or أنَّ that
1488 سَعيد، سُعَداء happy, content
1489 حِكاية ات story, tale, account, narrative
1490 تَشجيل registration; recording; documentation
1491 تَيّار ات current, stream
1492 جازَ، يَجوزُ، الجَوْز to be allowed, be possible ل بخق سز
1493 قُبول reception; acceptance, approval
1494 كافٍ/الكافي sufficient, adequate; competent
1495 إيمان faith, belief (ب in, بِأنّ that)
1496 حَفْل celebration, ceremony
1497 مَلعَب، مَلاعِب playground; stadium, sports field
1498 بَعدَما after
1499 ذاكِرة memory (human and computer)
1500 غاز natural gas
1501 شَرعيّ legitimate, lawful; legislative
1502 أحلى sweeter/sweetest
1503 مِن ثَمَّ therefore, because of that, that is why
1504 مَركَزيّ central
1505 هُدوء calmness, quiet, peace
1506 تَحَقَّقَ to become reality (dreams); to be achieved (peace, goals); to verify من sth
1507 حَيَوان ات animal, creature
1508 خَلَصَ، يَخلُصُ، الخُلوص to conclude إلى أنَّ that; to arrive إلى at (a place, a result)
1509 مُناقَشة ات argument, debate
1510 تَوْزيع distribution, handing out (على among)
1511 بالِغ extreme, intense, profound; serious, critical; reaching, attaining; adult
1512 تَأْمين securing, safeguarding, protecting; insuring, insurance
1513 خِيار option, choice; selection, preference
1514 مُعالَجة treatment (disease, sick person); dealing with (topic, problem, issue); processing (data)
1515 نُسخة، نُسَخ copy, replica
1516 تَعليق ات: commenting; suspending; comment, remark, commentary
1517 تَصميم, تَصاميم determination, perseverance; design, sketch, plan
1518 إله deity, god; God
1519 يَمين، أيمان right side; (fem) right hand; (fem) oath
1520 سَكَنَ، يَسكُنُ، السَّكْن to reside, live, dwell في at/in
1521 ساكِن residing, living في at/in
1522 شِعار ات slogan, motto; emblem, symbol
1523 قَصْد intent, purpose, goal
1524 يَنبَغي (imperf) to be to do sth; to be incumbent upon على sb أنْ to do sth (he should do sth)
1525 اِتَّفَقَ to agree (مع with sb, على on/about sth)
1526 واصَلَ to continue doing sth
1527 اِعتَرَفَ to admit, confess ب (having done) sth; to acknowledge, recognize, accept ب sth
1528 أثَّرَ to affect, influence على sb/sth
1529 قَصَدَ، يَقصِدُ، القَصْد to intend, mean sth; to pursue sth
1530 أكَلَ، يَأْكُلُ، الأكْل to eat sth; to corrode sth; (fig) to consume, gnaw at sth/sb
1531 جَريدة، جَرائِد newspaper, periodical, journal
1532 آه ouch
1533 مُتَوَقَّع expected, anticipated
1534 اِلتِزام ات following, adhering to ب (rules, laws, plans); commitment, obligation
1535 طِوال throughout, during
1536 مُمَيِّز distinguished, prominent, outstanding; special
1537 مِنصِب، مَناصِب post, position; office
1538 مَعقول reasonable, plausible, logical
1539 مَطار ات airport, airfield
1540 ثَمّة there is/are
1541 مُشتَرِك participant, subscriber; participating, subscribing
1542 فُندُق، فَنادِق hotel
1543 لاحَظَ to notice, observe sth or أنّ that
1544 أقرَب، أقارِب closer/closest, sooner/soonest; relative
1545 اِتِّخاذ taking; adopting, passing (a resolution)
1546 فِكريّ intellectual, mental
1547 فَقير، فُقَراء poor, destitute; poor person
1548 بُعد، أبعاد dimension; distance
1549 أصدَرَ to publish (book), release (film); to issue (decree, ruling, decision); to pass (sentence); to emit (sound)
1550 نَظَّمَ to organize, arrange; regulate
1551 صِفّة، صِفاف bank, shore
1552 الصِّفّة الغَربيّة the West Bank
1553 اِعتِماد reliance, dependence على on; recognition (of)
1554 حَجَر، حِجارة stone
1555 قَلَق unrest, unease; concern, anxiety
1556 مَسيرة march, parade; movement, course
1557 اِزدادَ to grow, increase, rise
1558 هامّ important, significant
1559 حَرارة temperature, heat; fever; passion
1560 خَليجيّ relating to the Persian Gulf
1561 سَيْر course, motion, march; going, walking
1562 ظَهْر back; rear; deck (ship)
1563 عن ظَهْرِ قَلبٍ by heart
1564 هَدَفَ، يَهدَفُ، الهَدْف to target, aim at إلى sth; to be intended, designated إلى for sth (as a goal)
1565 مُتَعَدِّد diverse, numerous, multi-, poly-
1566 إيجاد finding, discovery
1567 فَصْل separating, detaching; firing, laying off; rendering a judgement, reaching a decision (في قَضية in a case)
1568 عَفو pardon, amnesty
1569 بارِد cold, frigid; (food) dull, flat, bland
1570 تَحَرَّكَ to move, get moving
1571 واجِب ات necessary, obligatory (على for); duty, obligation, requirement
1572 اِقتَرَبَ to get close من to sth; approach من sth
1573 شِدّة intensity, forcefulness
1574 بِشِدّة forcefully, strongly
1575 مُفيد useful, beneficial
1576 اِبنة daughter (of)
1577 رَسَمَ، يَرسَمُ، الرَّسْم to draw, sketch (picture); to outline, describe sth; to design, plan sth; to chart (a course)
1578 فَهْم understanding, comprehension
1579 مَعنيّ concerned, affected; interested ب in, concerned ب with
1580 جَواب ات answer, response
1581 صادِق truthful, veracious
1582 مارَسَ to practice, pursue (profession, hobby); to practice, play (sport); to exercise, carry out (policy); to exert (pressure)
1583 وَليّ، أوْلِياء patron, protector
1584 وَليّ الأمْر legal guardian, parent
1585 مَيِّت، مَوْتى/أموات dead, deceased
1586 وادٍ/الوادي wadi (dry riverbed); valley
1587 أجرى to conduct, carry out, perform sth
1588 غالِب winner, victor; majority, most of
1589 غالِباً mostly, largely
1590 إلِكتُرونيّ electronic
1591 البَريد الإلِكتُرونيّ email
1592 تَعليميّ educational, instructional, pedagogical
1593 مُقارَنة ات comparison
1594 قَوْم people, nation
1595 ضَخْم large, voluminous
1596 ظُلْم injustice
1597 ظُلماً wrongly, unjustly
1598 مَغرَبيّ، مَغارِبة Moroccan; Maghrebi
1599 اِحتِمال probability, likelihood
1600 اِحتِمالات possibilities
1601 نافِذة، نَوافِذ window
1602 عَيْش life, living
1603 إمكانيّة ات possibility; capability
1604 أهليّ civil, domestic; family, home; private (school)
1605 آمَنَ to believe ب in sth or بِإنّ/أنّ that
1606 حَضارة ات civilization; culture
1607 بَرلَمان parliament
1608 تَقنيّة ات technology, technique
1609 جُهُد effort, exertion, strain
1610 وَعي consciousness; awareness, attention
1611 حارِس، حُرّاس guard, sentry; guardian, keeper; (sports) goalie, goal-keeper
1612 صَحافة journalism, press
1613 طَلَما/لَطَلَما as long as; how often!
1614 طَلَما أنّ provided that
1615 خَفيف light; slight, minor; sparse
1616 مَنَعَ، يَمنَعُ، المَنْع to prevent, forbid sth; to prevent sb من/عن from doing sth; to deprive sb عن/من of sth
1617 جُملة، جُمَل sentence, clause; group, bunch, handful
1618 بِالجُملة on the whole, altogether
1619 جُملةً وتَفصيلاً completely, through and through
1620 عَقْب، أعقاب heel
1621 عَقِبَ immediately after
1622 مُبَكِّر early
1623 ظُهْر noon, afternoon
1624 ظُهْراً in the afternoon, at noon
1625 وافَقَ to agree with sb على on sth; to approve, authorize على sth
1626 مُتَعَلِّق attached, connected (ب to sth/sb); concerning (ب sth/sb)
1627 زَميل، زُمَلاء colleague, associate, companion
1628 كَيْفيّة manner, mode; way; how
1629 نَموذَج، نَماذِج sample; model, example
1630 حادِث، حَوادِث event, occurrence; incident, accident
1631 فازَ، يَفوزُ، الفَوْز to win (ب sth); to defeat على سز
1632 ثَوْب، ثِياب garment, robe, tunic
1633 ثِياب clothes, clothing
1634 بَديل، بَدائِل altenative; replacement, substitute; (adj) alternate, substitute; equivalent
1635 مُحيط (adj) peripheral, surrounding; periphery, surrounding area; milieu, environment; ocean
1636 المُحيط الهادِئ the Pacific Ocean
1637 آية ات verse (in the Quran); sign, wonder, miracle
1638 تَهديد ات threatening, menacing; threat, menace; danger, risk
1639 هَديّة، هَدايا gift, present
1640 هَديّةً as a gift
1641 قاعِد sitting; (with imperf) in the process of doing sth
1642 موسيقى music
1643 بَعَثَ، يَبعَثُ، البَعْث to send, mail sth or ب sth إلى to sb
1644 نَدوة، نَدَوات seminar, symposium, colloquium
1645 جِهاد jihad (struggle, from the phrase الجِهاد في سبيل الله)
1646 قاعة ات hall, large room
1647 فَرْق difference, distinction; discrepancy
1648 حِفاظ guarding, preserving; memorization; diaper
1649 جَبهة (military, political, weather) front; front line
1650 الجَبهة الشَّعبيّة Popular Front
1651 تَوْقيع signing; signature
1652 مُمتاز excellent, superior, first-class; privileged, favored
1653 هَمّ، هُموم worry, concern; anxiety, distress; care, interest
1654 مُكافَحة fight, battle, confrontation
1655 فَشِلَ, يَفشَلُ، الفَشْل to fail, be unsuccessful في in sth
1656 حَظّ luck, fortune
1657 ضَيْف، ضُيوف guest, visitor
1658 ثانَويّ secondary; lower-ranking, subordinate
1659 جِسر، جُسور brige; (reinforcement) beam or bar; (dental) bridge
1660 مُتَمَيِّز distinguished, outstanding, prominent; different (عن from)
1661 بَلدة town, township, community
1662 اِستَحَقَّ to deserve, merit sth
1663 تَنفيذيّ executive, implementing
1664 وَزْن weighing, measuring the weight of
1665 أوْزان weight
1666 طَيَران aviation, flying; airline
1667 عُقوبة ات punishment, penalty, sanction
1668 ثابِت firm, established, constant; stable, steady
1669 مُؤَشِّر ات indicator, index; measure, gage
1670 مُؤَشِّرات clues, indications, pointers
1671 مَطَر، أمطار rain
1672 مَفروض necessary, required; imposed, prescribed; obligation, duty
1673 فَضَّلَ to prefer sth (على to sth else)
1674 جَمْع bringing together, gathering, assembling; joining together
1675 مَقعَد، مَقاعِد seat, place
1676 مَقتَل muder, killing
1677 ساهَمَ to participate in, contribute to
1678 اِتَّخَذَ to take sth; to adopt, pass (a resolution)
1679 راحة rest, relaxation, repose, leisure
1680 راحة اليَد palm of the hand
1681 أحَسَّ to feel, sense ب sth of أنّ that
1682 فَضاء space; (outer) space, cosmos; vacant (plot of land)
1683 مُستَقِلّ independent, autonomous
1684 تُركيّ، أتراك/تُرْك Turk; Turkish
1685 أُفْق، آفاق horizon; view, perspective; outlook, prospects
1686 حُثّة، حُثَث corpse, body
1687 شِبه semi-, almost, like
1688 شَرَف honor, distinction
1689 هِويّة identity; identity card
1690 بَطاقة ات card; tag; ticket; ballot
1691 رُكْن, أركان pillar, foundation, support; (mil) chief of staff; corner, nook; section (newspaper)
1692 مُصاب injured, wounded; afflicted
1693 صاروخ، صَواريخ missile, rocket
1694 تَحَوُّل ات change, transformation, conversion
1695 روسيّ، روس Russian
1696 ّجَوّي air, aerial; atmospheric; climatic, weather-related
1697 سَيِّء bad
1698 أمان safety, security, protection
1699 أكْل eating; consuming; food, meal
1700 مُرَشَّح nominated, selected; expected, prepared, slated; (most) likely; candidate, nominee
1701 وَصْف، أوْصاف description, portrayal, characterization; characteristic, trait
1702 بِوَصْفِهِ in his capacity as (chairman, minister, etc)
1703 مُلاحَظة ات observing, noticing; note, remark, observation
1704 لَقَب، ألقاب title; nickname
1705 مَسافة ات distance, interval
1706 فَقْر poverty, lack of
1707 فَقْر الدَّمّ anemia
1708 اِنتِشار spreading, diffusion
1709 خائِف afraid, fearful, frightened
1710 ما أحلاها how pretty she is!
1711 تَواصُل continuation, maintaining; interconnection, mutual contact; intercommunication
1712 ظُهور appearance, emergence; advent
1713 زِراعة agriculture, cultivation; implanting, transplanting (organ)
1714 غَرَض، أغراض goal, purpose, intent
1715 إمكان ات capability, ability, power; possibility, (what is) possible
1716 أثبَتَ to prove, ascertain, establish sth
1717 تَلَقّى to receive, get
1718 جلالة majesty; (in titles) His Majesty
1719 بِنية، بُنىً structure; make-up, physique
1720 بَنية تَحتيّة infrastructure
1721 تَحسين improving, enhancing, bettering; improvement, enhancement
1722 مَبنى، مَبانً/المَباني building, edifice; structure
1723 فَم، أفواه mouth
1724 أهَمَّ to concern sb; to be important to sb
1725 اِمتِحان ات examination, test; trial
1726 طِبّ medicine, medical treatment
1727 مُقَدِّمة ات preface, introduction; front part
1728 فَرْع، فُروع branch, department, subdivision, section
1729 مَصير path, destiny, fate
1730 سَليم correct, sound; flawless; safe
1731 تَرتيب ات preparation, arrangement, putting in order; organization, planning
1732 مَبروك (adj) blessed. happy; congratulations! (على on/for)
1733 ألف مَبروك many congratulations
1734 مُطلَق absolute, unlimited
1735 مُطلَقاً absolutely
1736 نَفَّذَ to implement, carry out, execute
1737 حَسْب sufficiency, enough
1738 فَحَسْب/وَحَسْب only
1739 قَبيلة، قَبائِل tribe
1740 تَوَفَّرَ to be plentiful; to be available ل for sb; to be met, fulfilled (condition, requirements) في in sth/sb
1741 تَمَتَّعَ to enjoy ب sth, be blessed ب sth; to possess, be endowed ب with (qualities)
1742 قَطْع breaking off, interruption; traversing (a distance); issuing (a ticket)
1743 قَطْعاً absolutely
1744 وَفاة، وَفَيات death
1745 الوَفَيات obituaries (newspaper section)
1746 سُقوط downfall, collapse; crash (aircraft)
1747 رائِحة، رَوائِح scent, odor, perfume
1748 فَعّاليّة effectiveness, efficiency
1749 فَعّاليّات events, activités
1750 داخِليّة (ministry) interior, of state
1751 عَدالة justice, fairness
1752 جار، جيران neighbor
1753 وَثيقة، وَثائِق document; certificate; title, dead; paper, record
1754 عَلامة ات mark, indiction, sign; point
1755 تَنسيق coordination, collaboration
1756 فَرَضَ، يَفرِضُ، الفَرْض to impose sth على on sb; to assume أنّ that
1757 بَقاء survival; remaining, staying
1758 اِحتِفال ات celebrating; celebration, ceremony
1759 أبرَز more/most prominent
1760 قَيْد، قُيود restriction, condition, stipulation; fetter, chain, shackle
1761 قَيْدَ undergoing, in the process of
1762 قَيدَ الإنشاء under construction
1763 على قَيد الحَياة alive
1764 لا قَيْد أُنمُلةٍ not one iota, not an inch
1765 حِكمة، حِكَم wisdom; wise saying, proverb, moral
1766 فِتنة، فِتَن charm, allure, enchantment; dissent, unrest; riot, rebellion
1767 مَسيحيّ Christian
1768 تليفون ات telephone
1769 زارَ، يَزورُ، الزِّيارة to visit sb or a place
1770 هائِل great, huge, formidable; frightful, appalling
1771 مُؤَخَّر rear, end, back; balance (of a payment)
1772 مُؤَخَّراً recently, lately; finally, in the end
1773 سِياحة tourism
1774 وُقوف standing, stopping, halting
1775 ثَقيل heavy, cumbersome
1776 رَسْم، رُسوم drawing, sketching, illustrating; picture, drawing; tax, fee
1777 جامِعيّ (adj) university
1778 أسبَهَ to ressemble, look like, be similar to sth/sb
1779 تَطَلَّبَ to require, demand sth (من from sb)
1780 تَوْجيه ات directing, guiding, sending; instruction, guideline, directive
1781 حَطَّ، يَحُطُ، الحَطّ to put, place, set down
1782 حَبّ (collective) grain, seed(s)
1783 حَبّة، حُبوب/حَبّاب grain, seed; pill; bead
1784 شَوْق desire, yearning
1785 دَقيق precise, accurate; minute, micro-; delicate
1786 مُتَقَدِّم advanced, developed; applicant; applying, seeking (job position or admission)
1787 زِراعيّ agricultural, farming
1788 شَيْطان، شَياطين devil
1789 قَتيل، قَتلى casualty, dead/killed person
1790 اِستِفادة benefiting من from, making use من of
1791 اِستِقبال reception; receiving, welcoming
1792 وَرْد (collective) roses, flowers
1793 وَرَدة، وُرود/وَرَدات rose, flower
1794 مَدَّ، يَمُدُّ، المَدّ to extend, stretch sth; to spread out, stretch out sth
1795 ظَلام darkness, injustice
1796 مُوافَقة agreement; approval
1797 سِياق context, course
1798 دَرْب، دَروب path, pathway, trail, road
1799 دُعاء call, appeal, request; invocation
1800 أرسَلَ to send, transmit (ب) sth إلى to sb
1801 هَوىً love, affection; inclination, preference; desire, wish
1802 على هَواهُ as he likes, according to his preference
1803 ذَهاب going; leaving, departure; first half (game, match)
1804 كَثرة abundance, large amount, great number
1805 هادِئ calm, quiet, peaceful
1806 حِفْظ saving, preserving, maintaining; protecting, guarding; memorizing
1807 شاشة ات screen, computer monitor
1808 شَريك، شُرَكاء partner, associate
1809 مَحدود limited; determined
1810 أدخَلَ to insert, introduce, include sth في/إلى هر
1811 تَبادُل exchange, interchange
1812 سِادة sovereignty, supremacy
1813 سِيادَته His Excellency
1814 رَمْز، رُموز symbol, sign, emblem; symbolic figure; (computer) icon; (telephone, postal) code; indicator; symbolizing, indicating, pointing (إلى to); dialing (phone number)
1815 ضَربة ات blow, strike; shot
1816 مَلامِح features, characteristics
1817 ُغابَ، يَغيب to be absent (عن from); to set (sun) عن on
1818 مُفاوَضة ات negotiation, discussion, talk
1819 تَدمير destruction, demolition; wrecking, ruining, damaging
1820 تَحليل، تَحاليل dissolution, dissolving; legalizing; analysis, (laboratory) test
1821 دَوْم continuance, continuation
1822 دَوْماً always
1823 وُلِدَ to be born
1824 شَريط tape, strip, ribbon
1825 مُتَحيل impossible
1826 مُحافِظ governor; conservative; preserving, protecting
1827 بَيَّنَ to clarify, explain sth; to show, demonstrate sth
1828 مُراقَبة surveillance, monitoring; censorship; observation, inspection; supervision, oversight
1829 تَفَضُّل please (followed by imperative)
1830 لَوْ تَفَضَّاْتَ if you would be so kind
1831 كُتلة، كُتَل bloc, group; mass, bulk
1832 باعَ، يَبيعُ، البَيْع to sell sth (ب for a price)
1833 ماشي ok
1834 إحساس feeling, sensation; sensitivity
1835 اِنفِجار ات explosion, detonation
1836 حَديقة، حَدائِق garden
1837 اِهتَمَّ to be interested ب in sth; to care, be concerned ب about sth
1838 اِعتِراف admission, confession (ب of sth); acknowledgement, recognition, acceptance (ب of sth)
1839 مَنطِق logic, mentality
1840 مُتَّهَم accused ب of, charged ب with, indicted ب for; (noun) suspect
1841 أصليّ original, master; real, true; genuine, authentic
1842 مِثلَما like, as, just as
1843 صَفقة، صَفَقات deal, transaction
1844 مَنهَج، مَناهِج method, approach; program, curriculum
1845 تَعَرَّفَ to get to know على sb, become acquainted على with sb; to identify على sb
1846 جِنسيّة nationality, citizenship
1847 اِتِّهام ات accusation, charge, indictment
1848 صِدْق sincerity, candor
1849 عاشِق, عُشّاق lover, person in love; admirer, fan; enthusiast, aficionado
1850 مُقَدَّس ات holy, sacred; sacred sites; sacred things
1851 هِنديّ، هُنود Indian (from India)
1852 الهُنود الحُمْر Native Americans
1853 تُهمة، تُهَم accusation, charge
1854 إبداع creativity, originality
1855 حادّ sharp, intense
1856 اِمتَدَّ to extend, reach, spread إلى to
1857 مِحوَر، مَحاوِر axle; axis; pivot
1858 طائِفيّ sectarian, factional
1859 إصدار exporting; issuing, publication
1860 غَيَّرَ to change, modify sth; to replace, switch sth
1861 مُنتَصَف (noun) middle, halfway
1862 حَلَّ، يَحُلُّ، الحَلّ to dissolve, split up, untie sth
1863 حَلَّ مَحَلَّهُ to replace, take the place of sth/sb; to solve (problem)
1864 أجَل time, period, term; final moment, death
1865 شاهِد، شُهود witness; spectator; witnessing, viewing
1866 جَماعيّ (adj) group, collective; common
1867 زاوية، زَوايا corner, nook; section (newspaper); angle
1868 تَصَرُّف ات behavior, conduct
1869 تَصَرُّفات actions
1870 مُساعِد assistant, aide, support; helping, assisting, supporting
1871 اِغتِيال ات assassination
1872 اِعتِداء ات assault, attack, aggression
1873 مَيْدان، مَيادين arena, field, domain; city square, plaza
1874 تاجِر، تُجّار merchant, businessman, trader; trading, dealing
1875 هَجمة ات attack, assault; raid, strike
1876 أداة، أدَوات tool, utensil, instrument; appliance, apparatus; (ling) particle
1877 تَدَخُّل intervention, interference
1878 أمْر، أوامِر order, command
1879 سَبَّبَ to cause, produce, provoke sth
1880 بواسِطة by means of, by using, by making use of
1881 عَيْب، عُيوب fault, weakness; shame, disgrace, shameful behavior
1882 صَرَّحَ to declare, announce بِأنَّ that
1883 سافَرَ to travel إلى to; to depart (on a trip)
1884 بَريء، أبرِياء innocent, blameless; naive, unsuspecting; exempt, free (من of); innocent person
1885 اِنطِلاق start, departure
1886 اِنطِلاقاً من proceeding from; on the basis on
1887 تامّ (adj) complete, concluded
1888 جُنَيْه ات pound (currency); Egyptian currency
1889 مِعيار، مَعايير standard, criterion, norm; standard measure, gauge
1890 تَمويل financing, funding, backing, underwriting
1891 خَشِيَ to fear sth/sb or من sth/sb; to fear, anticipate أنْ that; to be afraid, anxious على for (sb’s safety)
1892 تَقليديّ traditional, conventional
1893 أمانة loyalty, reliability; honesty, integrity; deposit, safekeeping; secretariat; office of mayor
1894 أمانة الصُّدوق office of treasurer
1895 في أمانة الله May God keep you safe (goodbye)
1896 اِختِلاف variance, difference, disagreement; conflict, controversy
1897 سُكَّر sugar
1898 مَرَض السُّكَّر diabetes
1899 تَركيز emphasis, focus, concentration (على on)
1900 أقوى stronger/est, more/most powerful
1901 تَناوُل dealing with (subject, issue); eating (meal); taking, ingesting (medicine)
1902 تَحويل conversion, transfer
1903 حَرَم holy site; (university campus)
1904 اِنتِخابيّ electoral, election; selection
1905 إستراتيجيّ strategic; strategist
1906 ذَهَبيّ golden, gilded
1907 صَحراء desert
1908 حَكَمَ، يَحكُمُ، الحُكْم to rule, govern (people, country); to judge, sentence على sb
1909 إستراتيجيّة ات strategy
1910 مُقَرَّر decided upon, stipulated; scheduled; agenda, plan; curriculum
1911 اِنسِحاب withdrawal, evacuation; pulling out, removing
1912 تَبَعَ، يَتبَعُ، التَّبَع to follow, pursue sth/sb
1913 تَزَوَّجَ to marry sb; to get married (من to sb)
1914 لَفَتَ، يَلفِتُ، الَّفْت to draw, turn (نَظَر/اِنتِباه) sb’s attention إلى to
1915 لَفَتَ نَظَرَهُاِنتِباهَهُ to catch sb’s attention
1916 ذاتيّ autonomous, self-, auto-; personal, individual
1917 مُسَلسَل ات serial show (esp. soap opera)
1918 وَلَيَ، يَلي، الوِلاية to follow, come after (sth/sb); to govern, rule sth or على over sth
1919 غادَرَ to leave (a place), depart (on a trip)
1920 كارِثة، كَوارِث catastrophe, tragedy
1921 اِستَهدَفَ to target, aim at sth/sb
1922 مَلبَس، مَلابِس clothes, dress, attire
1923 قاتِل، قَتَلة murderer, assassin; deadly, lethal; fatal
1924 سِياحيّ tourist, tourism
1925 نيّة، نَوايا intention, purpose; desire
1926 شيعة Shiites; partisans, followers
1927 نَقْص lack, loss; decrease, diminution; deficit; deficiency; inferiority
1928 تَدَخَّلَ to intervene, interfere, meddle
1929 إجابة ات answer, reply, response
1930 خَلَقَ، يَخلِقُ، الخَلْق to create, form sth
1931 دِراسيّ study-, school-related; instructional, pedagogical
1932 سِلسِلة chain, series
1933 حَديد iron; steel
1934 جِوار proximity, vicinity
1935 بِواجِر near, next to
1936 شِتاء winter
1937 حُسْن good, goodness; beauty
1938 ضَرَر, أضرار damage; injury, harm; evil, sin
1939 سُنّة Sunna (orthodox Islam; body of Islamic law; customary procedure)
1940 استَقبَلَ to meet, welcome, greet sb; to receive sth
1941 سُلوك behavior, conduct
1942 حَسَن good
1943 حَسَناً well; (interjection) good, fine, ok
1944 سينَما cinema
1945 مُرتَبِط connected, linked ب to; in a relationship ب with
1946 حَفلة، حَفَلات party, ceremony, celebration
1947 جَزيرة، جُزُر /: island
1948 شِبه جَزيرةٍ peninsula
1949 اِستَفادَ to benefit, profit من from, to make use من of
1950 صِلة ات link, connection; contact
1951 تَراجُع retreat, backing down/off عن from; decrease, decline
1952 اِكتَشَفَ to discover sth; to detect, uncover sth
1953 تَرَدَّدَ to hesitate في to do sth; to pause, wait (an instant); to frequent على (a place); to be repeated, occur repeatedly; to be widely discussed
1954 نَقْد criticism, critique
1955 مَجهول unknown, unidentified; unknown person, unidentified person
1956 صَنَعَ، يَصنَعُ، الصَّنْع to design, build; fabricate
1957 ثَروة، ثَرَوات wealth, fortune; abundance
1958 حِصار siege, blockade
1959 زَيْت oil (food, mineral)
1960 سَحَبَ، يَسحَبُ، السَّحْب to withdraw (support); to take out, pull sth (عن from)
1961 من قِبَلِ on the part of; by
1962 إرسال sending; deploying (troops); transmission, broadcast; signal (cell phone)
1963 كُرسيّ، كَراسٍ/الكَراسي chair, seat
1964 طَبَقة ات class, category, rank; level, layer
1965 صَحافيّ journalistic, press; journalist, reporter
1966 أكمَلَ to complete, finish sth
1967 تَجاوُز surmounting, overcoming; exceeding, going beyond, overstepping; disregarding, bypassing
1968 تَجاوُزات abuses, violations
1969 أزرَق/زَرقاء blue
1970 تَبَيَّنَ to become clear or evident (أنّ that); to appear, become visible
1971 تَخطيط planning, preparation; plan, sketch, diagram
1972 إرادة desire, will
1973 نِقاش argument, debate
1974 مُتَحَدَّث spokesperson, speaker
1975 هِجرة migration; emigration, exodus, flight
1976 هِجرة العُقول brain drain
1977 دَوام office of business hours, work schedule; duration, time period; constancy, permanence
1978 خَسَرَ، يَخسِرُ، الخَسْر to fail, lose, suffer a loss; to lose (a game, one’s life, time)
1979 صينيّ Chinese
1980 تَساءَلَ to ask oneself, wonder, ponder
1981 ناجِح successful, winning; winner
1982 حَزين sad, unhappy, sorrowful
1983 شَقيق، أشِقّاء brother, full brother
1984 خَدَمَ، يَخدِمُ، الخِدمة to serve, assist sb; to serve (الوَطَنَ one’s country, في الجَيْش in the army)
1985 مَزرَع، مَزارِع farm, plantation
1986 جَرّاء/من جَرّاء because of, as a result of
1987 رائِد، رُوّاد pioneer, explorer; leader; (mil) major, commandant; pioneering, leading
1988 رائِد الفَضاء astronaut!!
1989 قِلّة scarcity, lack of; small number or amount of
1990 مَهلَكيّ royal; of or relating to a kingdom
1991 مُوَحَّد united, unified, standardized, normalized
1992 جاهِز ready, prepared; equipped, outfitted
1993 راهِن present, current
1994 دُستوريّ constitutional
1995 راتِب، رَواتِب salary, wage, pay
1996 أمَلَ، يَأْمَلُ، الأمَل to hope أنْ or في أنْ that; to hope for, expect (ب/في) sth, من from sth/sb
1997 اِفتِتاح opening, inauguration
1998 سَفينة، سُفُن ship, vessel
1999 اِعتِقال ات arrest, detention
2000 لاحِق later, subsequent; next, flowing
2001 لاحِقاً shortly, soon
2002 ضَيِّق narrow, restricted, tight
2003 أخْذ taking; seizure
2004 قَبْر، قُبور tomb, sepulcher
2005 عَجيب wonderful, amazing; astonishing, strange
2006 تَمَثَّلَ to be represented, be incorporated في in sth; to appear, be seen في in sth
2007 شاهَدَ to see, watch, observe sth/sb
2008 اِنتِصار ات victory, triumph
2009 هُنالِك there, over there; there is, there are
2010 أدنى lower/est, nearer/est; inferior, low, near; (n/adj) minimum
2011 مُجاوِر neighboring, adjacent
2012 نِعمة، نِعَم blessing, grace
2013 لا بَأْس بِهِ not a bad…at all
2014 سَطح surface
2015 اِحتَوى to contain, include على sth
2016 أشَدّ stronger/est, more/most intense
2017 سُهولة ease, facility
2018 نالَ، يَنولُ، النَوْل to attain, achieve (prize); to acquire, gain (distinction)
2019 مُحامٍ/المُحامي، مُحامون lawyer, defense counsel
2020 عِذائِيّ nutritional, food-related
2021 مِسكير، مَساكير poor soul, wretch; poor, humble, miserable
2022 مِهنة، مِهَن vocation, trade, profession, occupation
2023 مَكتَبة ات library; bookstore
2024 مَظهَر، مَظاهِر view; appearance, looks
2025 ظاهِر evident, apparent; (n) obvious
2026 تُراب dirt, soil
2027 وُضوح clarity
2028 بِوُضوح clearly, plainly, explicitly
2029 مَكتوب, مَكاتيب written; predestined, message, letter
2030 حاجِز، حَواجِز obstacle, hurdle; blocking, blockading
2031 رَغِبَ، يَرغَبُ، الرَّغْبة to wish for, desire, want في sth
2032 مَوْرِد، مَوارِد source, resource
2033 قَهوة coffee; cafe, coffeehouse
2034 مَطلَب، مَطالِب request; demand, claim; desired goal, objective
2035 مُشرِف supervisor, director; supervising, directing
2036 ضَرْب beating, hitting, striking; striking, attack; type, kind, variety
2037 تَحَمَّلَ to bear, carry (burden); to should (responsibility)
2038 مِفتاح، مَفاتيح key (door, lock, computer keyboard); switch, wrench
2039 جَزى، يَجزي، الجَزاء to repay, reward sb
2040 جَزاك اللهُ خَيْراً may God reward you! (thanks)
2041 سِرّيّ secret; private
2042 تَشغيل operation, activation, employment, hiring
2043 حُجّة pretext, excuse; proof, evidence
2044 بِحُجّة أنّ under the pretext that
2045 مُستَعِدّ getting ready, preparing ل for; ready, prepared
2046 أُذُن، آذان ear
2047 مُفاجَأة، مُفاجَآت surprise
2048 عاجِل urgent, speedy
2049 فَصل، فُصول section, chapter; season; class, classroom; semester, term
2050 طاوِلة table
2051 مُعتَقَل prison camp; prisoner, detainee; detained, held prisoner
2052 مَصنَع، مَصانِع factory, industrial plant
2053 أصغَر smaller/est, younger/est; lesser, minor
2054 نادِر rare, unusual, infrequent
2055 نادِراً rarely, seldom
2056 مِقدار extent, amount; value; degree, level, dosage
2057 مِهنيّ professional, vocational, occupational, trade
2058 حِصّة، حِصَص share, quota, portion; (school) class period
2059 نَصيحة، نَصائِح advice, word of advice, counsel
2060 هَدَّدَ to threaten sb ب with (murder, blackmail); to threaten, intimidate sb ب with (a weapon)
2061 تِكنولوجِيا technology
2062 تَراجَعَ to retreat, back down/off عن from (a position); to lag behind, fall back, decrease
2063 وَرَدَ، يَرِدُ، الوَرْد to arrive, show up; to appear, be mentioned في in (a text)
2064 مُساهَمة participation, contribution
2065 شيعيّ Shiite
2066 تَعامَلَ to deal with مع sb/sth (ب with); to work together, do business مع with sb
2067 بَحْريّ maritime, sea; naval, navy
2068 ذِهْن, أذهان mind, thought, intellect
2069 أُولَئِك/أُولائِك those (human)
2070 رِبْح، أرباح winning, gaining; profit, gain; dividend, revenue; interest
2071 مُراجِعة review, inspection; checking, consulting
2072 زَهْر (collective) flowers
2073 تَصوير photography, filming; illustration; depiction; characterization, description
2074 بَنى، يَبني، البَناء to build, construct, erect sth
2075 كَرامة dignity, honor; generosity, magnanimity
2076 تَقَبَّلَ to receive, accept
2077 سِباق ات race; competition
2078 مُحافَظة protection, preservation; guarding, safeguarding; conservatism, modesty
2079 دِرهَم، دَراهِم Dirham (UAE currency)
2080 مُقَدَّم offered, submitted; advanced, ahead of schedule
2081 مُقَدَّماً in advance, beforehand
2082 جَدوَل، جَداوِل table, chart; schedule; stream, rivulet
2083 مُنافَسة ات competition, rivalry
2084 مَسار ات path, route; trajectory, orbit
2085 سِفارة ات embassy
2086 خَليّة، جَلايا (biological, political) cell; beehive
2087 صَرَخَ، يَصرُخ، الصُّراخ to shout, scream
2088 حَلَمَ، يَحلُمُ، الحُلْم to dream ب of sth/sb
2089 تَغَيُّر ات change, variation
2090 فَوْضى chaos, anarchy
2091 اِستِقلال independence
2092 وَدَّ، يَوَدُّ، الوَدّ to want, like sth or أنْ to do sth
2093 أوَدُّ I would like
2094 ضَريبة، ضَرائِب tax, levy
2095 علا، يَعلو، العُلوّ to rise, ascend, loom; to be elevated
2096 عِناية care, concern, attention, regard
2097 مُوَجَّه directed, aimed
2098 ذَهَب gold
2099 قاسٍ،القاسي harsh, cruel, severe
2100 طائِفة، طَوائِف faction, sect
2101 صَرْف spending, changing (money); diverting (attention)
2102 بِصَرفِ النَّظَرِ عن regardles of
2103 مُواصَلة ات continuation, continuing; communication, connection
2104 مُواصَلات public transportation
2105 إنهاء termination, completion, ending
2106 فَراغ vacuum, empty space; free time, leisure
2107 تَشريعيّ legislative
2108 آل family, clan
2109 فَصَلَ، يَفصِلُ، الفَصْل to separate, detach, disconnect sth; to dismiss, fire sb; to lay sb off; let sb go; to hang up (phone), get off (the line); to get disconnected, get cut off; to render a judgement, reach a decision (في قَضية in a case)
2110 سَمَك (collective) fish
2111 تَوَجُّه ات attitude, orientation, approach
2112 رَدَّدَ to repeat, reiterate sth
2113 إذاعة ات broadcasting; broadcast, transmission
2114 تَأْسيس establishment, foundation, creation; installation
2115 تَحَرُّك ات movement, activity, motion
2116 تَشجيع encouragement, promotion, support
2117 نادى، يُنادي، المُناداة to call ب for sth/sb; to call على for sb; to call out, announce (ب) sth
2118 مَنَحَ، يَمنَحُ، المَنْح to grant, bestow, award sb sth or sth ل to sb
2119 كَبُرَ، يَكبُرُ، الكِبَر to grow up, grow older; to get bigger
2120 فاعِل effective, efficient; active; doer, agent
2121 فاعِل خَيْر philanthropist, do-gooder
2122 بَرَكة ات blessing
2123 خالِص sincere; pure, clear
2124 ميلاد birthday; birth
2125 عيد الميلاد Christmas
2126 إجماليّ comprehensive, full; total, gross
2127 شِعريّ poetic
2128 نِطاق scope, range, extent
2129 مُعاناة effort; hardship, suffering
2130 تَأَكُّد assurance, confirmation (من of); certainty, conviction
2131 تَكوين creating, forming; educating, training (specialists); structure; education; formation
2132 تَمَيَّزَ to stand out, distinguish oneself ب by, due to (على compared with, above); to be different عن from
2133 قَدَر fate, destiny
2134 تَوَتُّر ات tension, strain, unrest
2135 دِقّة accuracy, precision; minuteness
2136 كِيان entity; essence, being; structure
2137 رَبيع spring (season)
2138 مُؤَقَّت temporary, interim, provisional
2139 مُوَقَّتاً temporarily
2140 بُكاء crying, weeping
2141 رَصاص lead (metal); (collective) bullets
2142 تَفاهُم mutual understanding, mutual comprehension
2143 حَكيم wise; wise man, sage; philosopher
2144 طُفولة childhood, infancy; youth
2145 جَلَّ، يَجِلُّ، الجَلالة to be majestic, exatled, lofty (of God)
2146 سَرير، أسِرّة bed, couch
2147 عُجوز old person, elderly
2148 فاقَ، يَفوق، الفَوْق to surpass, excel sth/sb; to wake up, regain one’s senses
2149 إيطاليّ Italian
2150 أرضيّ ground, land; ground-based, land-based
2151 مُضيف host, steward; adding; (sports) home team
2152 اِستِغلال utilization; exploitation, taking advantage (of an opportunity)
2153 ميزان، مَوازِين weight scales, balance; measure, standard
2154 سائِق chauffeur, driver
2155 مَدخَل، مَداخِل entrance; introduction, beginning
2156 مُحاضَرة ات lecture
2157 مَقبول acceptable; welcome
2158 تَربَويّ pedagogical, educational; related to child-rearing or breeding
2159 مُحتَلّ occupied (land); filled (post, position)
2160 تَعَرُّف getting to know على sb, becoming acquainted على with sb
2161 صُبْح morning, daybreak
2162 اِنتَشَرَ to spread out, extend; to be diffused, be publicized
2163 حَضاريّ cultural, civilized
2164 خاطِر، خَواطِر idea, thought; mind, feeling; wish, volition; inclination
2165 خِتام conclusion, closure, end
2166 مُثَقَّف (noun) intellectual; (adj) cultured, educated, cultivated
2167 اِجتَمَعَ to meet, hold a meeting مع/ب with
2168 خِيال imagination, fantasy
2169 الخِيال العِلْميّ science fiction
2170 مُتَواصِل continuous, constant, unceasing; connected
2171 جَريح، جَرحى wounded, injured
2172 مُستَشار counselor, advisor
2173 اِمتَلَكَ to possess, own sth
2174 جِنْس gender, sex; sexual intercourse; type, kind
2175 غِذاء، أغذية food, nourishment
2176 سِلميّ peaceful
2177 جَنْب side
2178 جَنْبَ next to
2179 جَنْباً إلى جَنْبٍ side by side
2180 تَجَمُّع ات gathering, assembly; grouping
2181 فَحْص، فُحوص/فُحوصات examination, check-up (medical), test (blood, IQ)
2182 سَعي endeavor, pursuit; striving, endeavoring
2183 آلة ات instrument, device; apparatus, appliance, machine
2184 عَريض wide, broad; bold (line)
2185 رَفيق، رِفاق companion, partner, colleague; comrade
2186 تَسليم delivery, handing over; surrender
2187 اِستِعمال usge, usage; handling; application
2188 عَكَسَ، يَعكِسُ، العَكْس to reflect, mirror (light, image); to contradict or oppose sb
2189 رَوى، يَروي، الرِّواية to tell, narrate sth; to report, provide an account of sth
2190 كَشْف revelation, disclosure, report; النِّقاب عن exposing, uncovering sth; examination, detection
2191 خُطورة significance, importance; seriousness, gravity; danger
2192 ذَنْب، ذُنوب fault, offense, misdeed
2193 تَفسير explanation, commentary; Tafsir (Quranic exegesis)
2194 جَناح، أجنِحة wing (of a bird, airplane, building; army wing; political wing; wing position in soccer); flank
2195 قُطعة parcel (of land), plot, lot
2196 فِعليّ actual, real; de facto
2197 فِعلياً really, actually
2198 مَذكور mentioned, cited
2199 كُلّيّ complete, total, full, entire
2200 كُلّيّاً completely, entirely
2201 قَضائيّ judicial, legal
2202 مُعامَلة ات treatment, procedure; dealing with
2203 ضاعَ، يَضوعُ، الضَّوْع to disappear, vanish
2204 مَنْح granting, bestowing, awarding
2205 اِتَّجَهَ to turn, face إلى/نَحو towards; to go, proceeds إلى to/towards; to be directed, be aimed إلى at
2206 وارِد arriving, coming; imported; recently arrived; apparent, showing; appearing, mentioned
2207 الوارِدات imports
2208 رَقابة censorship; surveillance; supervision, oversight
2209 وِلادة birth; childbearing, parturition
2210 رَصيد balance; funds; stock, inventory
2211 تَوَلّى to take charge of sth, to be in charge of sth; to seize control of sth; to go by, pass, be gone; to turn away عن from
2212 رَحيل departure; death, demise
2213 مُتَأَجِّر late, delayed
2214 مُتَأَخِّراً late, too late
2215 عُمانيّ Omani
2216 أعرَبَ to express, indicate, manifest عن (opinion, sentiment)
2217 مُخاطِر dangers, perils; adventures
2218 أخرَجَ to take out sth; to expel, oust sb; to emit, send out sth; to direct (film); to stage (play); to produce, publish sth
2219 ههه hahaha
2220 رَحَّبَ to welcome, receive ب sth/sb
2221 تَقليد، تَقاليد tradition, custom
2222 تَخَلُّص escape, freedom (من from); getting rid (من of)
2223 حَذَّرَ to warn, caution sb من of
2224 مُختَصّ responsible; competent, specialized; specialist, expert
2225 تَفعيل putting into effect, activating
2226 كيلو kilo, kilogram
2227 اِقتِراح proposal, suggestion
2228 أدَبيّ literary; ethical, moral
2229 اِبتِسامة smile
2230 اِختِبار ات testing, experimenting, probing; test, experiment, probe
2231 لَحِقَ، يَلقَقُ، اللَّحاق to follow, be attached to; to befall, afflict, hit, strike ب sb (calamity, tragedy, damages, loss)
2232 واقِف standing; stopped
2233 أعجَبَ to delight, please sb
2234 يُعجِبُني it pleases me, I like it
2235 أُعجِبَ ب to admire, be amazed at sth
2236 قَعَدَ، يَقعُدُ، القُعود to sit down, be seated
2237 مُقيم resident; residing في at
2238 تَوَصُّل arrival; attainment, achievement
2239 مُجاهِد fighting; fighter, warrior
2240 دَخْل income, revenue
2241 شَدَّدَ to strengthen, intensify, emphasize sth
2242 تَداوُل circulation, dissemination; alternation; consultation, deliberation
2243 تَسَبَّبَ to cause, result in في/ب sth
2244 مُخَصِّص designated, singled out; allocated, set aside
2245 عادِل fair, just, honest, equitable
2246 وَفاء loyalty, allegiance, faithfulness; fulfillment (promise, obligation)
2247 كَهرَبائيّ electrical; electrician
2248 عَميل، عُمَلاء agent, representative; lackey, stooge; operative, spy; client, customer
2249 خاليّ empty, devoid, free (من of)
2250 عَسَل honey
2251 قَبْض arrest, seizure, capture
2252 عَزَّ، يَعِزُّ، العِزّ to be strong, be dear
2253 كَنيسة، كَنائِس church, temple
2254 اِختَفى to disappear, vanish; to hide; to be absent
2255 صَدَدِ في in/with regard to
2256 في هذا الصَّدَد in this respect, in this regard
2257 كَمَنَ، يَكمُنُ، الكُمون to lie, be hidden في in (said of an answer or solution); to consist في of (said of a problem or issue)
2258 لَيْتَ/يا لَيْتَ if only, would that
2259 لَيْتَني I wish
2260 لَيْتَ شِعريّ I wish I knew
2261 عائِد ات returning إلى to, being attributed إلى to; revenue, profit, royalty
2262 مُؤَلِّف author, composer
2263 ناتِج resulting, ensuing عن/من from
2264 النّاتِج المَحَلّي الإجمالي the gross domestic product
2265 قَصْف bombardment, shelling
2266 فَتىً، فِتية young man, adolescent, youth
2267 اِنتَمى to belong إلى to, be affiliated إلى with
2268 مَلأَ، يَملأُ، المَلْء to fill sth up ب with; to fill out (form); to occupy (place); to fill (gap)
2269 مُخَطَّط ات plan, sketch; planned; patterned (material, fabric, dress)
2270 شاي tea
2271 هَزيمة defeat
2272 قِطعة، قِطَع piece, portion, segment
2273 قِطَع غِيار spare parts
2274 مُجَدَّد renewed, renovated
2275 مُجَدَّداً again, anew
2276 جَزاء reward; punishment; penalty
2277 تَجديد renovation, renewal
2278 عَمَليّ practical, pragmatic
2279 عَمَليّاً in practice
2280 قِتال fighting, combat
2281 سيرة، سِيَر biography, epic
2282 بَطْن stomach, abdomen; inside, interior; depth, core
2283 شَرِبَ، يَشرَبُ، الشُّرْب to drink sth
2284 مُسافِر traveler; passenger; traveling, away (on a trip)
2285 تَعريف defining, identifying; introducing, presenting; definition; notification
2286 تَبَقّى to reamin, be left over; to remain, stay (على in a state)
2287 كَفاءة ات qualification, competence; talent, ability, proficiency
2288 لَهجة، لَهَجات tone, voice; dialect
2289 نَظَريّة ات theory
2290 نَهَضَ، يَنهَضف، النَّهُض to rise, awaken; to stand, be based على upon; to assume, take charge of ب sth
2291 شَفة، شِفاه edge, ridge, margin
2292 مُشاهَدة observation, viewing; inspection
2293 أبَدى to show, demonstrate sth; to express sth
2294 ناقَشَ to debate, argue (an issue, topic)
2295 اِستِثناء exception, exclusion
2296 بِاِستِثناءِ excepting, with the exception (of)
2297 غَزو invasion, raid
2298 رَمْل، رِمال sand
2299 عَلَّقَ to comment على on sth; to hang, suspend sth; to postpone sth; to hang up (the phone) على on sb
2300 نَفَعَ، يَنفَعُ، الفَنْع to be useful ل to/for sb
2301 بِضعة، بِضَع some, several
2302 أصفَر، صَفراء، صُفْر yellow
2303 حَيَويّ vital; lively; biological
2304 مُضاف حَيَويّ antibiotic
2305 نَفى، يَنفي، النَّفي to deny, disavow; reject
2306 رَكَّزَ to focus, concentrate على sth; to emphasize على sth
2307 دَعَمَ، يَدعَمُ، الدَّعْم to support, back, bolster, promote sth/sb
2308 شَغَلَ، يَشغَلُ، الشُّغْل to occupy sth (a post or position); to preoccupy sb; to keep sb busy
2309 كَلّا not at all, definitely not
2310 تَقييم evaluation, assessment; rating
2311 اِدّعى to allege, claim أنّ/بأنّ that
2312 إلغاء cancellation; abrogation, repeal
2313 فَرحة joy, happiness
2314 نِزاع conflict, struggle
2315 فيديو video
2316 تَحالُف alliance
2317 حُدوث occurence, happening, take place
2318 إجازة vacation, holiday, furlough, time off; permit, license, permission; pass, admission; certificate, degree, diploma
2319 تَسهيل ات facilitation, assistance
2320 مَكانة position, standing, status, reputation
2321 عَجَب، أعجاب admiration, amazement; appreciation
2322 صَنْع making, building
2323 فارِق difference; distinctive feature
2324 عُرْس، أعراس wedding
2325 شَرْح explanation, commentary
2326 فَضائيّ (outer) space, satellite
2327 زائِر، زُوّار visitor, guest; tourist
2328 عَدا/ما عَدا/فيما عَدا except for
2329 فيما عَدا ذَلِك apart from that, other than that
2330 عَدا عن with the exception of
2331 تَعيين appointing, designating
2332 اِتَّهَمَ to accuse sb ب of
2333 عَذاب punishment, torture; pain, suffering
2334 هَزَّ، يَهُزُّ، الهَزّ to shake, jolt, rock sth
2335 هَزَّ رَأْسَهُ to nod (in agreement)
2336 خادِم serving, waiting on, assisting; servant, attendant; (web) server
2337 بارِز outstanding, prominent, distinguished
2338 شَتّى (noun) all, many, diverse
2339 وُقوع occurrence, happening; falling
2340 طابَع/طَبْع، طَوابِع postage stamp; stamp, mark, impression; feature, characteristic, personality
2341 سَرطان cancer
2342 بِمُثابة virtually, tantamount to
2343 خَلا، يَخلو، الخُلوّ to be free, devoid من of sth; to withdraw, be alone ل for sth; to be alone مع with sb; to elapse, run out, be over (time, period)
2344 مَرء man; person
2345 المَرء one (people in general)
2346 عَنيف violence, forceful, fierce
2347 إعدام execution, capital punishment
2348 تَسوية settlement, solution
2349 اِرتَكَبَ to commit, perpetrate (error, crime)
2350 شَهير famous, well-known
2351 اِستَمَعَ to listen إلى to
2352 غابة ات forest, jungle; (fig) haze, fog, confusion
2353 شَريحة، شَرائِح slice, cross-section; slide
2354 رَبْط connecting, linking, coupling; bond, connection
2355 دِبلوماسيّ diplomatic; diplomat
2356 كَلَّفَ to cost (money, time, effort); to charge, entrust, commission sb ب with (a task); to assign, appoint sb ب/أنْ to do sth
2357 عَطاء giving, offering, contributing; gift, present; (econ); offer, bid
2358 نِقابة ات union, syndicate
2359 مُخالَفة ات violation, infraction; (sports) foul
2360 ثُنائيّ dual, bilateral
2361 خُبْز bread
2362 شَرعيّة legitimacy, legality
2363 صَخْر (collective) rocks
2364 مُوَضِّح clarifying, explaining; indicating, pointing out
2365 صَدىً، أصداء echo; effect, repercussion
2366 جَمْع، جُموع crowd, gathering, assembly; collection, accumulation
2367 عَجْز weakness, deficiency, inability; (econ) deficit
2368 جِنرال military general
2369 أسعَدَ to make happy
2370 يُسَعِدُنا أنْ we’re delighted to…
2371 كَسَرَ، يَكسِرُ، الكَسْر to break sth; to violate, defy (tradition, the law)
2372 نَفَس، أنفاس breath
2373 مُنتِج productive, producing; manufacturer, maker, producer
2374 كِذْب lying; deceit
2375 مُستَقبَليّ future
2376 خَلَّصَ to purify, refine, clarify sth; to save, rescue sb; to extricate, set free, disentangle sb
2377 إزالة removal, elimination; uninstalling (software)
2378 اِنقَطَعَ to break, snap; to be severed, be cut off; to be interrupted
2379 سادَ، يَسودُ، السِّيادة to prevail, be predominant; to rule, govern
2380 مَوْجة ات wave
2381 خَلفيّة background, history; (computer) wallpaper
2382 تَوْسيع expanding, widening, augmenting
2383 دَوْريّة ات patrol, squad; journal, periodical
2384 تَساؤُل ات questions, doubts
2385 جِلد skin; leather
2386 تَعذيب torture; punishment
2387 اِنتِقال transfer; transition
2388 وَفَّرَ to provide sth ل to sb; to fulfill (conditions, requirements); to save (time, money, space)
2389 نِيابة representation; proxy
2390 النِّيابة العامّة prosecutor’s office
2391 نِيابةً عن in lieu of; on behalf of
2392 بالنِّيابة by proxy, acting
2393 اِكتِشاف discovery; detection, uncovering
2394 دافِع، دَوافِع incentive, motive, reason; pushing, paying; payer (person or entity)
2395 دافِع الضَّرائِب taxpayer
2396 جَدَل controversy, dispute; argument, debate
2397 جُوع hunger, starvation
2398 المَوْت جوعاً starving to death
2399 سَلّة basket
2400 مَقام place, position, rank
2401 حَسِبَ، يَحسَبُ، الحِساب to regard, consider sb/sth to be; to think, believe أنّ that
2402 حَسَبَ، يَحسُبُ، الحِساب to calculate, compute
2403 حَسُبَ، يَحسُبُ، الحَسْب to be esteemed, be valued
2404 تَحَكُّم control (في of)
2405 رَهيب awful, horrible, dreadful, gruesome
2406 مُثير influential, provocative; provoking, agitating, stirring up, raising
2407 رَفيع elevated, high; lofty, sublime; high-ranking; top-level; thin, slim, delicate; fine, exquisite, refined
2408 مُدَرِّس teachor, instructor
2409 بَذَلَ، يَبذُلُ، البَذل to exert, expend (effort)
2410 وَفَّقَ to grant success (God) to sb; to reconcile بين…وبين between…and
2411 ساحِل، سَواحِل coast, seashore, beach
2412 هَرَبَ، يَهرُبُ، الهُروب to flee, escape من from sth/sb; to desert من (the army)
2413 قارِئ، قُرّاء reader; Quranic reciter
2414 اِعتَقَلَ to arrest, detain sb
2415 رَحَلَ، يَرحَلُ، الرَّحيل to depart; to pass away; to travel
2416 رِئاسيّ presidential; executive
2417 أمَرَ، يَأمُرُ، الأمْر to order, command sb ب to do sth
2418 صَداقة friendship
2419 غَطّى to cover; conceal
2420 مَسرَحيّة play (theater)
2421 تَكليف، تَكاليف charging, entrusting, commissioning sb ب with (a task); assigning, pointing sb ب/أنْ to do sth; (usually pl) costs, expenses, charges
2422 بَساطة sincerity, frankness; simplicity
2423 بِبَساطة simply, plainly, without further ado
2424 فَيْروس ات virus
2425 غِناء singing
2426 رَبَطَ، يَربُطُ، الرَّبْط to tie, connect sth ب to sth ele; to make a connection بين وبين between sth and sth else
2427 نائِم sleeping, asleep
2428 إعطاء giving, donating; offer, donation, concession
2429 غالِبيّة majority
2430 مُوافِق agreeing, consenting; corresponding to, coinciding with (date)
2431 مَقهىً، مَقاهٍ/المَقاهي cafe, coffehouse
2432 مُحادَثة ات discussion, talk; negotiation
2433 شاطِئ، شَواطِئ shore, coast, beach
2434 تَأخَرَ to be late, to arrive late; to fall behind, to get late (of time); to be delayed or postponed
2435 واقِعة، وَقائِع incident, event; development
2436 مُغلَق closed, locked
2437 قابِل capable, able
2438 مَوْلىً master, lord, patron
2439 مُكالَمة ات conversation, discussion; (phone) call
2440 شَدَّ، يَشُدُّ، الشَّدّ to make sth tight or strong; to pull, draw sth/sb near
2441 تَرجَمة translation, interpretation; biography
2442 تَوْقيت (standard) time; timing
2443 أسرَع faster/est; sooner/est
2444 فَعّال effective, efficient; active
2445 نيابيّ representative; parliamentary
2446 اِحتِياج ات need, requirement
2447 حِذْر care, caution, prudence, vigilance
2448 مَسبوق previous, preceding
2449 مَسبوقاً in advance
2450 بَلَديّ indigenous, native; popular, folk; communal, local; municipal
2451 تَعويض ات compensation, restitution
2452 تَعويضات reparations; substitutes
2453 عَشاء dinner, supper, evening meal
2454 قَضاء extermination, annihilation على of sb/sth; spending (time, holiday); performing, fulfilling (a duty)
2455 قَضاء الحاجة going to the bathroom
2456 آمِن secure, safe
2457 بَرْد cold, coldness
2458 مُلتَقىً meeting; meeting place, juncture; forum, conference
2459 صيغة، صِيَغ form, shape; formula
2460 آتٍ/الآتي coming, future; following, next
2461 حَظِيَ، يَحظى، الحِظوة to enjoy ب (respect, confidence, support, popularity); to acquire, gain ب sth
2462 فَشَل failure
2463 بَنْد، بُنود article, clause
2464 مُجرِم criminal
2465 فَرديّ personal, private; individual, single
2466 سَلطَنة sultanate
2467 عَقْد، عُقود decade
2468 يَأْس despair, hopelessness
2469 مَصرَف, مَصارِف bank
2470 خَيْريّ charitable, philanthropic
2471 إثْرَ/في إثرِ right after, immediately after
2472 رابِط tying, connecting, linking; tie, connection; link (website)
2473 سَيطَرَ to control, dominate over, seize على
2474 اِحتَلَّ to occupy (land); to fill (post, position)
2475 مَأْساة، مَآسٍ/المَآسي tragedy, calamity
2476 مُستَثمِر ون investor; investing
2477 بِترول petroleum, oil
2478 أسوأ worse/worst
2479 جَدوى benefit, advantage, utility
2480 أسفَل lower/est; bottom or lower part
2481 أسْر capture, captivity
2482 بِأسرِهِ in its entirety, completely
2483 دُخان smoke; smoking
2484 مُذَكِّرة ات note, memorandum; notebook
2485 مُذَكِّرات memoirs, diary
2486 راحِل deceased, late
2487 حَليب milk
2488 أنهى to complete, finish
2489 ناطِق speaker, spokesperson; (fig) voice
2490 زَمَنيّ temporal, time; chronological; transitory
2491 اِنخِفاض reduction, decrease, drop
2492 اِرتَبَطَ to be tied, be connected ب to sth
2493 حَرَّكَ to make move, activate, stimulate sth/sb
2494 إشراف supervision, direction
2495 صَيْد hunting, fishing
2496 مَعلاة greatness, nobility; glory, loftiness
2497 يا مَعالي his Highness
2498 أسفَرَ to result عن in, cause عن sth
2499 مُضادّ ات anti, counter-; anti(biotic), anti(depressant)
2500 يَقين certainty; conviction
2501 مَقبَرة، مَقابِر grave, tomb; graveyard
2502 مُعَسْكَر ات camp, encampment
2503 مَلعَم، مَلاعِم sign, mark, marking; feature
2504 مَلاعِم features, contours; landmarks; sights
2505 أوليّ first, primary, chief, foremost
2506 جِنسيّ sexual
2507 مُخَدِّر anesthetic
2508 مُخَدِّرات narcotics, drugs
2509 مَلاك، مَلائِكة angel
2510 واقِعيّ realistic; actual
2511 نَصَّ، يَنُصُّ، النَّصّ to stipulate, specify على sth
2512 دَعوى lawsuit, legal action; claim, allegation
2513 كُرديّ، أكراد Kurd, Kurdish
2514 تَوْحيد unification, unity; standardization, oneness; monotheism
2515 صَبَّ، يَصُبُّ، الصَّبّ to flow; to fall (rain, snow); to pour, serve (tea or similar beverage)
2516 تَوَصَّلَ to arrive at, reach ب (agreement); to receive ب sth
2517 عِصابة ات gang, band, group
2518 صَدَقَ، يَصدُقٍ، الصِّدق to be sincere, be truthful, tell the truth; to be correct
2519 مُحاكَمة trial, legal proceeding
2520 ثانية، ثوانٍ/الثَّواني second (time span)
2521 أجْر، أُجور wage, pay; fee; recompense, renumeration
2522 خَلَل malfunction, breakdown; defect, flaw; deficiency, impairment; crack, gap
2523 حَوَّلَ to change, convert sth (إلى into); to divert sth عن away from
2524 غَضّ lowering (one’s gaze)
2525 بِغَضّ النَّظَر عن while ignoring, turning a blind eye to
2526 مَجنون، مَجانين crazy, insane (person)
2527 حَمّام bath, bathroom
2528 سِلْم peace
2529 ضَغَطَ، يَضغَطُ، الضَّغْط to press, push على sth; (computer) to click على sth
2530 لاجِئ refugee; seeking refuge
2531 بَرَزَ، يَبرُزُ، البُروز to emerge, appear; to stand out, be prominent
2532 فاضِل honorable, eminent, distinguished; left over, remaining; rest, leftover, remainder
2533 عِطْر، عُطور perfume
2534 تَغطية covering; (news) coverage
2535 شَريعة law; Sharia (Islamic law)
2536 نِداء call, appeal; invitation, summons
2537 مُخرِج (screen, stage) director; directing (movie, play)
2538 سَماح permission; magnanimity; indulgence
2539 شَقّة apartment
2540 أيمَن right, right hand; lucky
2541 صُلب hard, solid; stiff, inflexible; steel; core, crux, essence; steel
2542 مُطالَبة demand, requirement
2543 بَعثة ات delegation, mission
2544 مَجْد glory, magnificence, splendor
2545 مَحَبّة “ love, affection
2546 غَنّى to sing (sth)
2547 تَوازُن balance, equilibrium; balancing
2548 نَما، يَنمو، النَّماء to grow, develop; rise, increase
2549 نَوْعيّة peculiarity, characteristic
2550 اِبتَعَدَ to move away, distance oneself عن from sth/sb
2551 تَدخين smoking; fumigating
2552 سُرعان how quickly, it didn’t take long for
2553 عَصَبيّ nevous, irritable; (med) nervous, neural
2554 نَظيف clean, tidy
2555 تَصَوَّرَ to imagine, envision, ponder sth
2556 تَمثيل representation, exemplification; acting
2557 شَعبيّة popularity, mass appeal
2558 وَجبة، وَجَبات meal; menu
2559 هُدىً guidance
2560 الهُدى the right path
2561 سَكَن housing
2562 شَهريّ monthly
2563 شَهريّاً monthly
2564 أمسَكَ to grab, hold sth/sb or ب sth/sb; to refrain عن from
2565 سَيف sword
2566 يابانيّ Japanese
2567 مَجزَرة، مَجازِر massacre, blood bath, slaughter
2568 حَرِصَ، يَحرُصُ، الحِرْص to desire, be eager على for sth
2569 تَصَوُّر depiction, conception, imagination; concept, notion, view, idea
2570 مُرتَفِع high, elevated; rising, climbing, soaring
2571 مُحِبّ affectionate, loving, desiring; aficionado, fan, enthusiast
2572 تَأْهيل certification, qualification; training, education
2573 نِسائيّ women-related, women’s; feminine
2574 تَمييز distinction, differentiation; discrimination
2575 ساخِن hot, heated
2576 عِزّ prime, peak, height
2577 بَطالة unemployment; inactivity, idleness
2578 اِنفَجَرَ to explode, detonate; to burst, erupt
2579 ثُلث one third
2580 مُؤَثِّر influential, effective; moving, touching; effect, impact
2581 لائِحة، لَوائح list, table; schedule
2582 دَمَويّ bloody; blood-
2583 مُبَرِّر ات excusing, justifying; excuse, justification
2584 مَطروح submitted, proposed, suggested; presented, offered; thrown, cast; prostrate
2585 فَلسَفة philosophy
2586 اِلتَفَتَ to turn around; to pay attention ألى to sb/sth; to heed, consider إلى sb/sth
2587 تَفتيش search, inspection; (security) check
2588 مَجّانيّ free, free of charge
2589 شُرْب drinking
2590 مُعاصِر contemporary, contemporaneous; modern
2591 وَرَشة، وِرَش workshop
2592 رَحِم uterus, womb; bosom; inside; kin, kinfolk
2593 حِجاب hijab, veil
2594 تَوَجَّهَ to go, head إلى towards; to turn, face نحو/إلى towards; to direct ب (a question) إلى at
2595 مُتَنَوِّع diverse; sundry, various
2596 صَريح candid, frank, sincere
2597 صَيفيّ summer, summery
2598 جَوْدة excellence, good quality
2599 حارة quarter, district; neighborhood; alley, lane
2600 خاطِئ mistaken, at fault
2601 سِلعة، سِلَع commodity, commercial item, product
2602 سِلَع goods
2603 مَطلَع beginning, dawn (of an era)
2604 عَميد dean; chief; (military) brigadier general
2605 حَنان affection, love; sympathy, empathy, compassion
2606 بَصَر vision, perception; sight, seeing; view, glance
2607 قَرْض، قُروض (bank) loan
2608 صافٍ/الصّافي pure, clear; sincere; (econ) net (profit)
2609 رَجاء hope, expectation
2610 رَجاءً please, if you please
2611 قارّة ات continent
2612 حَريق، حَرائِق fire
2613 تَكلِفة cost, expense, charge
2614 مُرَبَّع quadruple; square; (noun) square
2615 رَمْز المُرَبَّع pound sign, hash mark, hashtag
2616 مُتَكامِل integral, comprehensive
2617 طارَ، يَطيرُ، الطَّيْر to fly; to hurry; to travel by air
2618 طارَ عقله to lose one’s mind
2619 جَوّال mobile (phone); itinerant, wandering
2620 حَلال permissible, legitimate; Halal (acceptable to Muslims)
2621 لَجَأَ، يَلجَأُ، اللَّجء to resort إلى to, take refuge إلى in
2622 جالِس seated, sitting
2623 سَكَنيّ housing, residential
2624 مُراقِب observer, inspector; supervisor, monitor; censor
2625 مَوْلود، مَواليد newborn infant; born in/on
2626 هي من مَوالِد she was born in/on
2627 طائِر bird; flying, airborne
2628 مُحتَمَل likely, expected, probable
2629 مَوْج, أمواج waves, surges
2630 حِدّة intensity, violence
2631 قِطار train
2632 بِموجِب according to, in accordance with; on the basis of; by virtue of
2633 مِرفَق، مَرافِق convenience, service
2634 مَرافِق facilities, installations
2635 ضَحْك laughter, laughing
2636 صَعِدَ، يَصعَدُ، الصُّعود to rise, go up; to increase
2637 أشادَ to praise, commend ب sth
2638 عامّة populace
2639 عامّة النّاس the general public
2640 عامّةً in general, generally
2641 تَصويب voting
2642 تِلميذ، تَلاميذ student, pupil
2643 مَجموع gathered; total
2644 لافِت interesting, noteworthy; attracting (attention) إلى to, indicating, pointing out إلى أنّ that
2645 إضافيّ additional, supplementary
2646 مُصيبة، مَصائِب misfortune, tragedy
2647 تَخَصُّص ات specialty, specialization, major field
2648 تَطَلَّعَ to look, glance إلى at sth; to anticipate, look forward إلى to sth
2649 يَسار left (also political)
2650 سَقْف roof; ceiling
2651 أصَّرَ to insist on, assert على sth
2652 اِفتَرَحَ to propose, suggest sth
2653 تَدريس teaching, instruction, pedagogy
2654 هَيئة التَّدريس faculty
2655 تَراوَحَ to vary, fluctuate, range بين…و between… and
2656 تَعْب trouble, inconvenience, burden
2657 حَرَمَ، يَحرِمُ، الحِرْم to deprive sb من of
2658 ثَبَّتَ to confirm, reinforce
2659 جُنون madness, insanity
2660 سور، أسوار wall, fence, enclosure
2661 نِسبيّ relative (adj)
2662 نِسبيّاً relatively
2663 بَوّابة door, gate, entrance; (web) portal, gateway
2664 تَصفية ات settling, solving; settlement, solution; (econ) liquidation, clearing; (sports) elimination series
2665 صامِت silent, quiet
2666 مُرتَبة level, rank; degree, class; place, position (in a competition)
2667 كائِن ات existing, located; creature, living thing
2668 دَيْن، دُيون debt
2669 سِنّ، أسنان tooth; sharp edge
2670 اِنتِباه attention, caution; alertness, vigilance
2671 عَصْر afternoon
2672 صَلاة العَصِر afternoon prayer
2673 اِلتَزَمَ to follow, adhere to ب ( rules, laws, plans); be committed to ب sth
2674 اِلتَزَمَ الصَّمْت to keep quiet
2675 ديوان office, agency, court
2676 اِستَغرَقَ to last (an amount of time); be immersed, engrossed في in
2677 راكِب، رُكّاب rider, passenger; riding
2678 هَندَسة engineering
2679 أولَويّة ات priority, precedence; goal; basic principle
2680 ذَوْق taste, sensitivity; good taste, refinement
2681 وَقَّعَ to sign على (treaty); to make sth/sb fall; to inflict, cause (damage)
2682 أجمَع/جَمعاء entire, complete; all of
2683 أجمَعهُم all of them
2684 صَبيّ، صَبية/صِبيان young boy, youth
2685 زائِد additional, extra; exceeding, going beyond (على/عن); excessive, extravagant
2686 مُبدِع innovative, creative; innovator, creator
2687 خَيْل. خُيول horse
2688 صَوْب direction; quarter
2689 صُدور appearance; publication
2690 حارّ hot, fervent, passionate (kisses), warm (greetings), heartfelt (condolences), spicy (condiments)
2691 إزاء towards, facing; vis-a-vis, regarding
2692 بَرلَمانيّ parliamentary; parliamentarian
2693 أغلَقَ to lock or bolt shut, to close (door)
2694 حَجّ pilgrimage, Hajj
2695 عَرْش throne
2696 اِستِثماريّ (adj) investment
2697 تلفزيونيّ television, televised
2698 مُبَيِّن clarifying, explaining, indicating (أنّ that)
2699 وُدّ affection, fondness, friendship
2700 سَجين، سُجَناء prisoner, inmate
2701 زَيْتون (coll) olives; olive tree
2702 ضَمير conscience; (gram) pronoun
2703 ميزانيّة budget
2704 فَصيلة، فَصائِل faction, branch, cell; (mil) platoon, squadron; (blood) type
2705 تَأثَّرَ to be affected, influenced, impressed من/ب by
2706 كَفّ palm of the hand; refraining, abstaining (عن from); stopping sb (عن from doing sth)
2707 جَهْل ignorance
2708 عَوْن help, assistance, aid
2709 آسيَويّ Asian, Asiatic
2710 آنذاك then, at that time
2711 أحدَث newer/est; more/most recent
2712 حَرَس guard, bodyguard
2713 مُعارِض opposing, resisting; adversary, opponent
2714 نُخبة، نُخَب selection, choice item; elite
2715 نَقديّ monetary, cash; critical, criticizing
2716 مُتَّصِل connected; continuous, constant
2717 فَقرة ات paragraph, clause; section, passage, part; vertebra
2718 مَذهَب، مَذاهِب manner, path; ideology, doctrine; legal school
2719 تَكَرَّرَ to be repeated, be reiterated, to be filtered, distilled; to be refined (petroleum)
2720 دُفعة batch, shipment; class, group (graduates); instance, time
2721 طُموح ات ambition, desire; wish, aspiration
2722 تَحفيف lowering, lessening; decrease, reduction
2723 أطَلَّ to overlook, face, provide a view على of (a place); to look out من (of a window); to stick بِرَأْسِهِ من one’s head out of (a window)
2724 مَشغول busy, occupied
2725 وَهْم، أوْهام illusion, delusion; fantasy, imagination
2726 ذَكيّ intelligent, clever
2727 خَضَعَ، يَخضَعُ، الخَضْع to submit, yield إلى to sb/sth; to be subjected إلى to sth; to undergo إلى (surgery)
2728 خَصَّصَ to specify, designate, single out sth/sb (ل for); to allocate, earmark, set aside sth (ل for)
2729 اِمتِداد extent, scope; extension, expansion
2730 مُواضَفة ات description
2731 مُواضَفات specifications, specs
2732 بَثّ transmission, broadcast; dissemination, spreading
2733 اِستِعادة recovering, regaining, reclaiming
2734 مُخابَرة correspondence, communication
2735 مُخابَرات intelligence service, secret service
2736 مُنافِس competing; competitor, rival
2737 جِدّيّ serious, earnest
2738 جِدّيّاً seriously, in earnest
2739 ضاقَ، يَضيقُ، الضَيْق to be narrow or confined; to be tight (situation)
2740 فارِغ unoccupied, not busy, free, idle; empty, void
2741 رَحيم compassionate (God)
2742 عَرَبيّة Arabic (language)
2743 أشبَه more/most similar ب to
2744 رضا/رِضىً approval, satisfaction, pleasure
2745 جَيْب، جُيوب pocket; purse; (math) sine; (anat) sinus cavity
2746 تَقسيم partition, division; distribution
2747 ناصِر، أنصار partisan, supporter, follower
2748 إغلاق locking, closing; barring
2749 صُعود ascent, rise; take-off (aircraft)
2750 تَشريع ات legislation, legislature
2751 مُفاجِئ surprising; sudden, unexpected
2752 اِطَّلَعَ to review, examine, study على sth; to read, peruse على sth
2753 اِضطِراب ات disturbance, disorder
2754 نَفطيّ (adj) petroleum, (mineral) oil
2755 صَلُحَ، يَصلُح، الصَّلاح to be suitable, be fitting; be valid
2756 تُوُفِّيَ to pass away
2757 بيئيّ environmental
2758 عاصِفة، عَواصِف storm, tempest
2759 تَوافُق congruence, compatibility; agreement, conformity; consensus, concord
2760 اِستَقَرَّ to settle down; to stabilize, become stable
2761 حافَظَ to preserve, protect على sth
2762 مَسرَحيّ theatrical
2763 أحسَنَ to master, be good at sth
2764 حَربيّ war, military
2765 عُملة ات currency, money, bills
2766 مَلِكة queen
2767 لاقى to meet, encounter; to find
2768 عَقار ات real estate, land property
2769 كَرِهَ، يَكرَهُ، الكُره/الكارِهة to hate, loath sth/sb; to dislike, have an aversion for sth
2770 أغلَبيّة majority
2771 مُوَكَّد certain, confirmed, established; guaranteed
2772 شَوْط round, phase; game, half period
2773 قَطَعَ شَوْطاً to make headway, major progress
2774 مُتَوَفِّر available, provided; ample, abundant
2775 تَوَقُّف stopping, halting, pausing
2776 مُحارَبة fight, struggle, combat
2777 فاتَ، يَفوتُ، الفَوْت to pass by, elusde sb or على sb (time, opportunity); to enter على sth; to stop by, visit على sb
2778 صَعُبَ، يَصعُبُ، الصُّعوبة to be difficult على for sb (to do sth)
2779 ناعِم smooth, soft; dainty
2780 ظَنّ opinion, assumption
2781 جُغرافيّ geographical; geographer
2782 عَظْم، عِظام bone
2783 اِنتَبَهَ to be careful (إلى with); to pay attention (إلى to)
2784 َ!اِنتَبِهَ Watch out!
2785 مُقتَرَح ات proposed, suggested; proposal, suggestion
2786 أحاطَ to surround, encircle ب sth
2787 تَحديث ات updating, renewing; update (website)
2788 مَناخ climate, atmosphere
2789 ثَبُتَ، يَثبُتُ، الثَّباتة to be confirmerd, be substantiated
2790 اِنهِيار collapse, downfall; breakdown
2791 هاتِفيّ (adj) telephone, telephonic
2792 هاتِفيّاً by phone
2793 صِيانة maintenance, preservation
2794 عَقيدة doctrine, dogma; creed, belief, faith
2795 مُتَطَلَّب required
2796 مُتَطَلَّبات requirements, demands
2797 صُدفة surprise; coincidence, chance
2798 أبعَد farther/est
2799 رُعب fright, panic, terror
2800 مَشهور famous, well-known
2801 دافَعَ to defend عن sth/sb
2802 أقَرَّ to ratify, accept; to confess ب sth
2803 قَهْر coercion; subjugation
2804 اِستِطلاع ات (opinion) poll; investigation; reconnaissance
2805 سائِر most of, the majority of
2806 موسيقيّ musical; musician
2807 ميناء port, harbor
2808 حَمى، يَحمي، الحَمي to protect sth (من against)
2809 كيلومِتْر ات kilometer
2810 هَبَّ، يَهُبُّ، الهَبّ to blow, rage (wind, storm); to break out (fire); to rise, take a stand
2811 كُلّ مَن هَبَّ وَدَبَّ everyone; every Tom, Dick, and Harry
2812 كُلّ ما هَبَّ وَدَدَّ anything and everything
2813 طارِئة، طَوارِئ urgent matter, emergency
2814 حالة طَوارِئ state of emergency
2815 فاتِح clear (color)
2816 آمين amen!
2817 اِستِجابة acceptance (invitation); granting (request); complying with (demands)
2818 اِستِجابةً لِ in compliance with; in response to
2819 مُعَدّ prepared, made
2820 مُعَدّات equipment, material
2821 غُربة exile; alienation
2822 قِياسيّ (adj) record; analogous
2823 تِكنولوجيّ technological
2824 نَصيب share, portion, dividend
2825 ساوى to equalize, make equal sth; to settle بين between
2826 حاصِل result; income; (adj) (which) happened, occurred; (which) was achieved, was obtained; (who) obtained, earned (degree, certificate)
2827 طِراز model, class, type
2828 مُقاطَعة boycott; interruption; district, province
2829 صالة hall
2830 مَنظَر، مَناظِر view, scenery; appearance, look
2831 سِحْر sorcery, magic
2832 ذَكَر، ذُكور male
2833 سَحاب (coll) clouds
2834 مَقصود purpose, intent; aim, goal; deliberate, intentional
2835 مُساواة equality, equal rights
2836 اِضِمام joining, being added (إلى to); affiliation; annexation
2837 مُنتَظَر anticipated, expected
2838 طُنّ ton
2839 نَظير counterpart, opposite number; colleague, peer
2840 نَظيرَ in return for, in exchange for
2841 مَليّء full, filled
2842 عَجِزَ، يَعجِزُ، العَجْز to be incapable, unable عن to do sth
2843 نُهوض promotion, advancement, furthering
2844 مُخلِص sincere; loyal
2845 جِذْر، جُذور root, stem
2846 جُذور roots, origins, heritage
2847 عِبء، أعباء burden, load
2848 ظالِم oppressor, tyrant; oppressive, tyrannical
2849 مُفَضَّل preferred; favorite, best (friend)
2850 اِقتَصَرَ to be limited على to; to abbreviate, shorten sth
2851 بُرج tower, constellation; zodiac, horoscope
2852 طَلاق divorce
2853 لَبِسَ، يَلبِسُ، اللِّبْس to put on (clothes); to wear
2854 مُكَوِّن ات component, constituent, element; forming, comprising, constituting
2855 إصبَع، أصابِع finger
2856 أتاحَ to grant, provide (opportunity)
2857 تَعِبَ، يَتعَبُ، التَّعَب to be or become tired; to get tired من of sth
2858 ضِياع loss; waste (esp. of time)
2859 تَدريبيّ (adj) exercise, practice; training, coaching
2860 نَقْد، نُقود money, cash
2861 سامٍ/السّامي lofty, exalted, sublime
2862 أطوَل longer/est; taller/est
2863 جِدّيّة seriousness, earnestness
2864 تَكرار repetition, reiteration; frequency
2865 تَكراراً repeatedly, frequently
2866 تَكَوَّنَ to be composed, consist من of
2867 مَعلموم known; of course!
2868 حِقْد hatred, resentment
2869 مالَ، يَمولُ، المَوْل to bend, incline, lean إلى towards; to have a tendency, inclination, preference إلى for; to sympathize إلى with
2870 كَرَّرَ to repeat sth, do sth again; to filter, distill; to refine (petroleum)
2871 حُلول advent, arrival; start, beginning; replacing, taking the place of
2872 وَقَّفَ to stop, detain sb
2873 مُكَثَّف intensive, heightened; thick, concentrated; compressed
2874 تَوْصية ات recommendation, advice
2875 رَخيص cheap, inexpensive
2876 عَثَرَ، يَعثُرُ، العَثير to find, discover, come across على sth
2877 دَمَّرَ to destroy, demolish sth; to wreck, ruin, damage sth
2878 حَيَّ، يَحيا to live, be alive; to experience, witness (a life of)
2879 رَمى، يَرمي، الرَّمي to attempt, pursue, intend, aim at, إلى sth (as a goal); to throw, fling sth or ب sth (at sb); to pelt, shoot at sb ب with (stones, bullets)
2880 شِراكة partnership
2881 عابِر passing by or through, crossing over; trans-, inter-; fleeting, transient, brief
2882 خَوْض waging, embarking on, carrying out; plunging (في into)
2883 اِستِكمال conclusions, termination, completion
2884 فَريد unique, exceptional, singular
2885 عَسى perhaps, maybe
2886 ماذا عَساني أنْ what could I possibly…
2887 عِقاب punishment, penalty
2888 تَلبية meeting (needs); fulfilling (desires, expectation); complying with (requests)
2889 وَضَّحَ to clarify, explain (ل to sb) أنّ that
2890 حيرة confusion, bewilderment; embarrassment
2891 غُبار dust
2892 طَقس weather, climate
2893 فِقدان loss; bereavement
2894 مَدار orbit, sphere; scope, range; axis, pivot; center, focus
2895 بابا Pope
2896 كيس، أكياس bag, sack
2897 اِحتِجاج protest
2898 اِحتِجاجاً protesting, in protest (على of)
2899 مانِع obstacle, impediment; preventing; forbidding
2900 وُقود fuel
2901 دَجاج (coll) chicken
2902 نَهْج method, procedure; way, path
2903 تَسمية naming, appellation, designation
2904 هامِش side, margin; periphery, sidelines
2905 حانَ، يَحينُ، الحَيْن to arrive, approach (time)
2906 تَكريم honoring, respecting, paying tribute
2907 تَكريماً لِ in honor of
2908 راجِع returning, going back إلى to; (to be) traced back, attributed, due إلى to
2909 نَهضة renaissance
2910 اِعتِقاد belief في in sth, or أنّ/بِأنّ that
2911 باطِل false, baseless; invalid; null, void; falsehood
2912 اِتَّضَحَ to become clear, to be clarified أنّ that
2913 تَصديّ resistance, confrontation
2914 أسهَمَ to participate, contribute, share
2915 قِيامة resurrection
2916 مَيْدانيّ field (work, research), survey; ground (troops)
2917 مُتاح provided, available, granted
2918 بَرّيّ (ad) land, rural; by land, land-based; wild (flower, fruit, honey)
2919 وَعَدَ، يَعِدُ، الوَعْد to promise sb ب sth or بأنْ to or بِأنّ that
2920 أخبَرَ to notify, inform, tell sb عن/ب about sth or بِأنّ/أنّ that
2921 حائِط wall
2922 غامِض obscure, vague, ambiguous; enigmatic, mysterious, inscrutable
2923 أيْسَر/يُرسى left, left hand
2924 خَريطة map, chart
2925 شَكوى، شَكاوى complaint, grievance
2926 رُؤْيا، رُؤىً vision, dream; idea, picture
2927 تَعَرُّض exposure إلى to sth; encountering, running into, having to deal with إلى sth; suffering إلى (loss)
2928 مُحاسَبة examination, review; accounting, bookkeeping; accountability, oversight
2929 بَيْض (coll) eggs
2930 عِملاق gigantic, huger; super
2931 لُجوء resorting إلى to; taking refuse إلى in; refuge; (political) asylum
2932 رَقيق gentle, delicate; slender; (coll) slaves
2933 مَوْضِع place, location, position; object, subject, focus (of interest, attention, concern)
2934 تارةً once; at time; sometimes
2935 تَفاعُل interaction, reaction; reciprocity
2936 مُفَكِّر intellectual
2937 اِضطَرَّ to compel, force, oblige sb إلى to do sth
2938 اُضطُرَّ to be compelled, forced, obligated إلى to do sth
2939 وَزَّعَ to distribute sth على among
2940 زِلزال، زَلازِل earthquake
2941 شَرَحَ، يَسرَحُ، الشُّرْح to explain sth ل to sb
2942 اِنتفاضة uprising
2943 اِرتَدى to wear, put on (clothes)
2944 فِلْس، فُلوس money
2945 فارِس، فُرسان horseman, rider; knight
2946 فُرسان cavalry
2947 نَمَط، أنماط type, kind; manner, style, form; (tech) model, configuration
2948 غِطاء cover; blanket
2949 شُعاع، أشِعّة ray, beam
2950 كَتيبة، كَتائِب squadron, brigade, regiment, corps
2951 طَبَّقَ to implement (plan, project, decision, strategy); to apply, enforce, carry out (law, regulation, standards)
2952 مُتَطَرِّف extemist, militant, radical
2953 أخفى to hide, conceal sth (عن from); to lower (one’s voice)
2954 فائِز victorious, winning; winner, victor
2955 جَرَّبَ to try out, test sth; to sample, taste sth; to tempt, test sb
2956 مُديريّة administration, management; office, department; district, province
2957 عِبادة worship, adoration, religious practice
2958 اِفتَتَحَ to open, inaugurate (conference, school)
2959 مُعَتَمَد depended عليه/ها upon; authorize, dependable, accredited; agent, representative
2960 مُظاهَرة ات demonstration, rally
2961 أوْسَع wider/est, broader/est
2962 اِستَدعى to summon, call sb; to recall, call back sb; to invoke sth
2963 عَقاريّ real estate; land mortgage
2964 سَهَّلَ to facilitate, make easy, help
2965 حَقَّ، يَحِقُّ، الحَقّ to be right
2966 يَحِقُّ له أنْ to have the right to
2967 كَثُرَ، يَكثُرُ، الكُثْر to be numerous, plentiful; to be more عن than sth
2968 حِمار donkey
2969 يا حِمار you idiot!
2970 حَنين yearning, nostalgia
2971 كَوْكَب، كَواكِب planet; star
2972 مُتَبادَل mutual, reciprocal; exchanged
2973 اِفتَرَضَ to assume, suppose sth or أنّ that
2974 مُغادَرة departure
2975 انطَبَقَ to be applicable (على to); to conform (على with)
2976 عَذْب sweet, pleasant
2977 مِياه عَذبة freshwater
2978 اِنسَحَبَ to withdraw, leave (من from); to pull out, withdraw (armed forces)
2979 عاطِفة، عَواطِف emotion, sentiment; affection
2980 مُعَبِّر expressing عن (opinion, feeling), stating عن (position, policy)
2981 عَقَبة ات obstacle
2982 فِراش bed
2983 سِرّيّة secrecy
2984 عَبَث joke, jest; frivolity
2985 عَبَثاً in vain
2986 إسبانيّ، إسبان Spanish, Spaniard
2987 ضاحية، ضَواحٍ،الضَّواحي suburb, neighborhood, vicinity
2988 تَضامُن solidarity, cooperation
2989 نُفوذ influence, effect
2990 مُماثِل similar, analogous; resembling
2991 خَليفة successor; caliph
2992 إصرار insistence, determination
2993 جَزيل abundant, ample
2994 وَلَكُم مِنّي جَزيل الشُّكْر (in closing a letter) my sincere thanks
2995 تَحتيّ under; infra-(structure)
2996 خَيْط، خُيوط string, thread; lead (evidence), clue
2997 قُبَيْلَ shortly before
2998 سائِد prevailing, dominant, ruling
2999 أعمى/عَمياء blind
3000 اِبتِداء beginning, start
3001 اِبتِداءً من beginning from, as of (date); starting with
3002 سَراح dismissal, release
3003 إطلاق سَراح setting free
3004 مائِدة table
3005 فَرَّقَ to differentiate, distinguish بين between; to disperse, break up, split up (crowd, demonstration)
3006 أُنثى، إناث female
3007 اِطِّلاع examination, inspection (على of sth); reading, perusal (على of sth)
3008 أعَدَّ to prepare sth, make sth ready; to set (table)
3009 لاقَ، يَليقُ، اللِّياقة to be proper or appropriate ب for sb; be suitable or convenient ب for sb
3010 عَمالة workforce, employees
3011 مَنطومة system, structure; hierarchy
3012 مُعَقَّد complicated, complex, intricate
3013 أوان، آوِنة time, moment
3014 قَسوة harshness, severity, brutality
3015 جَدير worth ب (mentioning, pointing out); appropriate, proper ب for sb (to do sth)
3016 جَدير بِالذِّكْر worth mentioning
3017 اِستيعاب comprehension, understanding; absorbing; assimilating; accommodating
3018 غَداء lunch; midday meal
3019 شابة young woman
3020 ضيق narrowness; shortness, lack of, shortage
3021 ضيق التَّنَفُّس short of breath
3022 تَخَلّى to give up, abandon, relinquish, surrender عن sth
3023 مِلكيّة property, ownership, possession
3024 صَوَّرَ to film, photograph sth/sb; to draw, portray, depict sth/sb
3025 تَحَمُّل bearing, carrying (burden); shouldering (responsibility)
3026 تفاوُض negotiation, debate, discussion
3027 مُظلِم dark, gloomy
3028 أكاديميّ academic, scholarly; scholar, academician
3029 عَزَّزَ to strengthen, bolster, reinforce
3030 بَعُدَ، يَبعُدُ، البُعد to be located, situation (a given distance) عن from sth
3031 تِقنيّ technical
3032 مُنَظَّم organized, arranged; systematic, disciplined
3033 مُرَكَّب ات installed, assembled; composed, consisting (من of); (chemical) compound; (psychological) complex
3034 تَناسَبَ to be compatible مع/و with, appropriate و/مع for
3035 داء sickness, disease; ailment, disorder
3036 مُطالِب demanding, claiming; claimant
3037 بَرّ land, mainland; dry land, earth
3038 بَرّاً by land
3039 تَواجُد presence; existence
3040 نَبات ات plants, vegetation
3041 عَلَّ perhaps, maybe
3042 عَلَّني perhaps I, maybe I
3043 تَحضير ات preparation; production
3044 سِرقة stealing, theft
3045 دَهْر fate, fortune; lifetime, eternity
3046 تَأْخير delay, postponement
3047 مِلْح salt
3048 فَتوى، فَتاوى fatwa
3049 مُكَلَّف chargest, entrusted (ب with); responsible (ب for)
3050 حَوْل power, might
3051 لا حول ولا قوّة إلا بألله there is no power but through God
3052 مُسَجِّل (audio) recorder; recording; scoring (point)
3053 طيلةَ throughout, during (the entire)
3054 شَفافيّة transparency; clarity, openness
3055 غاصِب angry, irate
3056 غَلَط error, mistake
3057 تَأْجيل postponement, delay; deferment, extension
3058 اِنعَكَسَ to be reflected (light, image); to have an effect على on
3059 جامِع mosque
3060 مُتَزايد growing, increasing, rising
3061 شِقاء cure, remedy; medication
3062 وَداع farewell; departure, exit
3063 وَداعاً farewell!
3064 نَطَقَ، يَنطُقُ، النُّطْق to speak, utter, pronounce ب sth
3065 مُعادَلة equation, balance
3066 تَسامُح tolerance, forbearance
3067 مَسَّ، يَمُسُّ، المَسّ to touch, handle sth; to violate, infringe upon sth
3068 أرجاء region
3069 في أرجاءِ throughout, in all corners of
3070 حالَ، يَحولُ، الحَيْلولة prevent دونَ sth (from happening)
3071 كاميرا camera
3072 صاحَ، يَصيح، الصَّيْح to scream, cry out, shout (sth, على/ب at sb)
3073 اِشتِباك ات skirmish, clash
3074 مَصرَفيّ (adj) bank, banking
3075 ناريّ (adj) fire, fiery; gunfire
3076 مُتواضِع modest, humble
3077 عُذْر excuse; apology
3078 عُذراً sorry, excuse me (على for)
3079 مُتَكَرِّر repeated, recurring; frequent
3080 مُنطَلَق premise, principle; starting line, starting point, point of departure; launch pad
3081 مَكَوَّن composed من of, consisting من of
3082 اِنقِلاب coup, overthrow, toppling
3083 مُسَمّىً title, name; called, named
3084 قِياس measurement; analogy
3085 قِياساً in comparison ب/إلى with
3086 فَائِق boundless, exceeding; outstanding, excellent
3087 طِبقاً ل in accordance with, in conformity with
3088 طِبقَ الأصلِ faithful copy
3089 خِرّيج graduate
3090 خِرّيجُ سِجنٍ former (political) prisoner
3091 دَعاية ات advertisement, advertising; propaganda
3092 كادِر, كَوادِر cadre, key group, staff, functionaries
3093 مِرآة mirror
3094 عَوْلَمة globalization
3095 مُصالَحة conciliation, compromise
3096 مَرارة bitterness; gall bladder
3097 مُخافة، مَخاوِف fear, anxiety; worry, apprehension
3098 مُؤْلِم painful, aching; saddening, distressing
3099 مَهما whatever, regardless of, no matter how
3100 عَشيّة evening; eve, night, night before
3101 وُضَحاها بَيْنَ عَشيّةٍ overnight, suddenly
3102 قارَبَ to approach, come close to sth; to approximate sth
3103 اِستِئْناف resumption, renewal; (jur) appeal
3104 كُثْر abundance, large amount, great number; much, a lot; excessive amount
3105 غَسَلَ، يَغسِلُ، الغَسْل to wash, clean sth
3106 فُلان so-and-so; such-and-such
3107 ثَمَر، أثمار fruit; result, yield, outcome
3108 أصيل authentic, original; native, indigenous; pure, noble; full-blooded, purebred
3109 تَغذية feeding, nutrition
3110 ضَمَّنَ to guarantee, insure
3111 طَعْم flavor, taste
3112 مُتعة pleasure, enjoyment
3113 مَجرىً، مَجرَيات course, path
3114 مَجرَيات events, happenings
3115 مَجرَيات الأحداث/الأُمور the course of events
3116 عالَجَ to treat (disease, sick person); to deal with (topic, problem); to process (data)
3117 مُعَلَّق suspended, hanging, pending, outstanding
3118 خُصوصيّ private, personal; special
3119 صَوْتيّ audio, sound, acoustic; verbal, vocal; phonetic
3120 اِستَعمَلَ to use, make use of, employ
3121 مَشي walking, going
3122 فَخْر pride; boasting
3123 صَلاحيّة suitability, viability; state of being valid or active (calling card, membership)
3124 صَلاحِيّات powers, privileges
3125 مُعتَبِر considering, regarding
3126 مَحتَرِف professional, expert
3127 أدارَ to direct, manage sth; to conduct sth; to turn (one’s face or back); to turn on or off (radio, television, car switch); to turn (key or door knob); to make spin sth
3128 اِشتَرَكَ to participate (مع with sb) في in sth
3129 تَطَرَّقَ to broach, discuss إلى (topic, issue); to reach, get as far as إلى sth
3130 إخراج production; extraction; removal, ousting
3131 سَماع hearing, listening
3132 مَدّ length, reach, extent; reaching, extending, lengthening; spreading
3133 رِفقة، رِفاق company, group
3134 بِرِفقة accompanied by, along with
3135 اِتَّسَعَ to expand, stretch, widen; to be sufficient, adequate ل for; to be large enough ل for
3136 سِتّ ات lady, miss
3137 مَهارة ات capability, skill; ability, proficiency
3138 اِنتِهاك ات violation, contravention
3139 ذِئْب، ذِئاب wolf, jackal
3140 جَلَبَ، يَجلِبُ، الجَلَب to bring, provide sth; to bring about, cause sth; to fetch, attract sth
3141 تَسَلَّمَ to receive, accept sth; to take on, assume (responsibility)
3142 سَلَف (coll) ancestors; advance (payment)
3143 سَلَفاً in advance; beforehand, previously
3144 تَرحيب welcome, welcoming; greeting
3145 تَنازُل ات: backing down عن from, renouncing عن sth; concession
3146 مِنبَر، مَنابِر pulpit, rostrum
3147 عِمارة building, edifice, structure
3148 اِكتَفى to be content, satisfied ب with
3149 مَتحَف museum
3150 خَفيّ hidden, secret; unless, invisible
3151 اِحتَفَظَ to maintain, preserve ب sth; to keep, reserve ب sth (لِنَفسِهِ for oneself)
3152 عاطِفيّ emotional, sentimental; affectionate
3153 عَيْن same, exactly the same (person, thing); self (with pronoun) itself, himself, etc
3154 هو بِيَعْنِهِ it/him specifically, exactly
3155 كَسَبَ، يَكسِبُ، الكَسْب to win, gain sth; to earn, make (salary); to achieve, attain sth
3156 وِزاريّ ministerial
3157 سَطْر، سُطور line, row
3158 كَسْب winning, gaining; earning, making (salary); achieving, attaining
3159 أشرَفَ to supervise, manage على sth/sb; to overlook, provide a view of على sth
3160 صَدمة shock, blow
3161 مُحتَرَم honorable, respected, esteemed
3162 واثِق confident, certain, sure
3163 مِحنة، مَحِن test; trial, ordeal
3164 مُتَطَوِّر advanced, developed; modern, sophisticated, high-tech
3165 تَبَع، أتباع follower, partisan
3166 تَبعاً ل according to, pursuant to
3167 فاصِل pause, break; interlude, intermission; separating, dividing; delimiting, demarcating; conclusive, decisive
3168 مُهاجِم assailant, attack; striker (soccer); assailing, attacking
3169 عُصويّة membership, affiliation
3170 حَتْم necessity
3171 حَتماً definitely, necessarily
3172 عَربة ات cart, wagon; vehicle
3173 أمثَل، مُثلى better/best; more/most exemplary, more/most ideal
3174 عُلبة، عُلَب can; case, box; pack
3175 بادَرَ to begin, take the initiative ب/إلى to do sth; to hasten, rush ب/إلى to do sth; to come, occur to sb spontaneously (a feeling, thought, idea)
3176 حاسِم decisive, definitive, final; key, critical
3177 بَرميل barrel; vat; drum
3178 سَباحة swimming
3179 حَوْض basin, sink; reservoir; aquarium
3180 شَرع law; legal
3181 خِيانة treason, treachery; betrayal, infidelity
3182 نَيْل attainment, achievement; acquiring, gaining
3183 خالة maternal aunt
3184 كاذِب false, untrue; lying, deceitful; liar
3185 كَذبة liar
3186 اِستِفتاء questionnaire, poll; referendum
3187 شورى consultation, deliberation
3188 مَجلِس الشّورى Shura Council
3189 حَسّاس sensitive
3190 حَقيبة briefcase, portfolio; suitcase; bag
3191 عُثور finding, discovering, coming across على sth
3192 اِرتِباط bond, connection, relationship, link
3193 تَوضيح explanation, clarification
3194 هَمَّ، يَهُمُّ، الهَمّ to preoccupy, concern sb; to matter, be important to sb; to worry, be concerned ب about sth; to be about ب/بأنْ to do sth
3195 اِستِحقاق ات worthiness
3196 اِستِحقاقات claims, rights, merits
3197 مَجمَع assembly; academy
3198 اِنتِقاد ات criticism, censure
3199 بَيْدَ أنّ although, however, (even) though
3200 دَلالة ات meaning, implication, significance, important
3201 دَلالات evidence, signs
3202 صَحَّ، يَصِحُّ، الصِّحّة to be correct, be true; to be right, proper, appropriate (to do sth)
3203 يورو euro
3204 تَوْعية informing, making aware; raising awareness, enlightening
3205 عَزْم firm will, determination (على to do sth)
3206 عاجِز incapable, unable عن to do sth; helpless, hopeless; unable, incapacitated
3207 عُطلة vacation, holiday, recess
3208 قاطِح decisive, definitive, categorical; convincing, conclusive; interrupting, preventing; blocking; traversing (a distance); cutter (person or instrument); vendor (of tickets); incisor, canine (tooth)
3209 اِبتِدائيّ elementary, preparatory; initial
3210 جَدَّدَ to renew, extend (permit); to renovate, modernize sth; to renew (one’s efforts), to try again to do sth
3211 اِستَغَلَّ to exploit sth, take advantage of (an opportunity)
3212 بَشَريّة humankind, human race
3213 تَحميل downloading (files); charging sb (with responsibility); loading (cargo)
3214 مُسَجَّل registered, recorded
3215 هُنَّ they (fem plural)
3216 عاقِل، عُقَلاء sane, rational, reasonable; sane person
3217 كُلّ عاقِلٍ anyone in his right mind
3218 إلقاء thorwing, tossing; delivering, giving (a speech); (القَبْض على) arresting sb
3219 كَثيف intense, intensive, heavy; thick, dense, concentrated
3220 كَراهيّة hatred, loathing; dislike, aversion
3221 مُهاجِر emigrant; migrant; immigrant; emigrating; migrating, immigrating
3222 مُنتَشِر scattered, spread out, prevalent
3223 تَعَوَّدَ to become accustomed على to sth, to get used على to sth
3224 مُتَمَثِّل represented, incorporated (في in); existing, present (في in)
3225 أروَع more/most magnificent
3226 راية flag, banner
3227 أخطَر more/most dangerous; more/most serious, critical
3228 أكمَل more/most complete, more/most perfect
3229 بِأكمَلِهِ entirely
3230 على أكمَلِ وَجهٍ perfectly, to perfection; in the best possible way
3231 اِشتِراك subscription; participation, partnership
3232 تَناقُض ات contradiction; incompatibility
3233 مَندوب delegate, representative; deputy, agent
3234 صِياغة drafting, composing; formulation, wording
3235 تَطَرُّف extremism, radicalism
3236 سَكَتَ، يَسكُتُ، السُّكوت to be quiet, be silent
3237 اُسكُت shut up!
3238 قَذيفة، قَذائِف shell, bomb
3239 بُقعة spot; stain
3240 بِقاع region, place, spot
3241 إدخال insertion, introduction, inclusion
3242 تَطَوَّرَ to develop, evolve, grow; to advance, make headway
3243 اِعتَذَرَ to apologize إلى to sb عن for sth
3244 نِسيان forgetfulness; oblivion
3245 خَمْر liquor, wine, alcohol
3246 أوْقَفَ to detain sb; to make sb stand
3247 تَخَلُّف backwardness; underdevelopment
3248 مُستَهلِك consumer; consuming
3249 كَلَّمَ to speak with, talk to sb
3250 تَوْظيف hiring, employment, recruitment; job appointment; usage, excise
3251 إقبال approach; concern على for; interest على in
3252 تَهنِئة، تَهانٍ/التَّهاني greetings, congratulations
3253 مُدافِع defender; advocate; defending; advocating
3254 تَحذير ات warning, caution
3255 الآخِرة the afterlife
3256 هُروب escaping, fleeing; deserting
3257 اِستَعَدَّ to get ready, prepare ل for sth
3258 جَواز permit, authorization
3259 جَواز السَّفْر passport
3260 مُعلَن declared, announced; posted, made public
3261 هَدَأَ، يَهدَأُ، الهُدوء to subside, abate (storm, noise); to calm down, quiet down
3262 قَطُّ (not) at all, never; nothing, no one
3263 مَطبَخ kitchen
3264 رِزْق livelihood, sustenance; food, daily bread
3265 اِحتَمَلَ to tolerate, put up with sb/sth; to expect sth
3266 يُحتَمَلُ أنْ it is likely that
3267 طارِئ emergency (situation); exceptional (conditions); unscheduled, special (meeting)
3268 اِعتَرَضَ to object, be opposed على to sth
3269 حِرمان deprivation, prohibition
3270 سَرَقَ، يَسرِقُ، السِّرقة to steal sth
3271 عار shame, disgrace, scandal
3272 سُمعة reputation
3273 مَلحوظ noticeable, observable; remarkable, significant
3274 آنَ، يَؤْونُ، الأْوْن to come, arrive, approach (of time)
3275 فاكِهة, فَواكِه fruit
3276 مُراعاة deference, respect; compliance, observance; watching out for
3277 غَلَبَ، يَغلِتُ، الغَلْب to defeat, overcome على sth/sb
3278 تَعادُل balance, equilibrium; (sports) tie
3279 اِستِهلاك consuming, consumption (of consumer goods); exhaustion, depletion (of resources)
3280 عُمود، أعْمِدة column, pillar
3281 سينَمائيّ cinema, cinematographic
3282 بارِحة yesterday
3283 عادَلَ to be equal to sth; to make equal to sth; (sports) to tie sb
3284 سِجِلّ ات register; archive, record
3285 اِنتَقَدَ to criticize sb/sth
3286 بورصة stock exchange, bourse
3287 مَوْهِبة، مَواهِب talent, gift
3288 اِستِقالة resignation
3289 مَخرَج exit, outlet; escape, way out, solution
3290 سالَ، يَسيلُ، السَّيْل to flow, run; to leak; to melt
3291 قَفَزَ، يَقفِزُ، القَفْز to jump, leap
3292 كِفاية sufficiency, adequacy; performance, productivity; competence
3293 تَوَسُّع expansion
3294 عَقيد colonel
3295 مُعطىً given
3296 مُعطَيات facts, data, factors
3297 زَوْجيّ marital; paired, coupled
3298 شَجَّعَ to encourage, promote, support sb/sth
3299 حَيّا to greet, salute sb; to prise, laud sb
3300 حَيّاك الله Good for you! Well done!
3301 خَريف autumn, fall
3302 جُمهوريّ republican; Republican
3303 السلام الجُمهوريّ the national anthem
3304 عَرَض، أعراض symptom
3305 أعراض جانِبيّة side effects
3306 تَوالٍ/التّوالي consecutive or continuous succession
3307 حِزبيّ party-related; partisan, factional
3308 حَبْل rope, cord, cable
3309 تَوَقُّع ات expectation, anticipation; forecast
3310 تَرشيع nomination, candidacy
3311 قَيِّم valuable, responsible (على for)
3312 راضٍ/الرّاضي pleased, satisfied; accepting, consenting
3313 كُفْر kufr (rejection of the Islamic faith), unbelief, apostasy
3314 مُصطَلَح ات technical term
3315 مُصطَلَحات terminology
3316 مَهشة surprise, astonishment; bewilderment, confusion
3317 مَسْح survey, measure; wiping off; sweeping
3318 أسىً affliction, sorrow, grief
3319 ظُلمة ات darkness
3320 زُجاج glass
3321 زُجاج أماميّ windshield
3322 رَعى، يَرعي، الرَّعي to graze, take out to pasture (sheep); to care for, protect sb; to sponsor, promote sb/sth; to safeguard, look after (sb’s affairs)
3323 جُلوس sitting down, being seated
3324 اِستِعمار colonialism; building of settlements
3325 مُخالِف divergent; against (the law); transgressor, offender
3326 أغلى more/most expensive
3327 مَضمون (noun) content; guaranteed, insured
3328 خُطبة، خُطَب speech; sermon
3329 حَظْر prohibition, ban; embargo
3330 اِقتِراب approach, approximation; getting near
3331 راقي rising, ascending; advanced; fancy, high-class
3332 ذَكاء intelligence, cleverness
3333 عُنصُريّ racist
3334 نَبيل noble
3335 وُدِّيّ friendly, cordial, amicable, warm
3336 جَحيم hell, inferno
3337 نُزول descent; reduction, losing (weight); resignation, stepping down
3338 اِنقَلَبَ to turn around; to turn over; to be reversed, be inverted
3339 اِحتَرَمَ to respect, revere sb/sth
3340 فَضائيّة ات satellite (broadcasting) station
3341 مَمنوع forbidden, prohibited, banned
3342 مُحَقِّق investigator; editor; investigating
3343 قِياديّ leading, guiding; commanding; commander
3344 أنتَجَ to produce, create, yield sth; to cause, result in sth
3345 رَكِبَ، يَركَبُ، الرُّكوب to get in/on (vehicle), board (ship, airplane), mount (horse, bicycle)
3346 رَقْص dance, dancing
3347 حَزَج impediment; objection
3348 شَجاعة courage
3349 تَوَلٍّ/التَّوَلي taking charge, assuming responsibility
3350 كَفيل guaranteeing, ensuring (ب sth); guarantor, sponsor, (person) responsible
3351 كَبِد liver (organ); center, middle
3352 عِزّة glory, honor; power
3353 عِزّة النَّفْس self esteem
3354 تَسويق marketing
3355 خَشَبة ات piece of wood; board or plank
3356 خَشَبة المَسرَح (theater) stage
3357 خَشَبات الجول goalpost
3358 سَمّ، سُموم poison, toxin
3359 فاضَ، يَفيضُ، الفَيْض to overflow; to exceed, go beyond عن sth
3360 مُستَخدِم employing, using; user
3361 مَنطِقيّ logical, rational
3362 فَضيحة scandal; disgrace, shame
3363 يا تُرى perhaps, maybe, I wonder…
3364 أخلاقيّ moral, ethical
3365 لَزِمَ، يَلزَمُ، اللُّزوم to be necessary (على for sb) to do sth; to cling to
3366 لَزِمَ الصَّمْت to keep quiet
3367 لَزِمَ الفِراش to stay in bed
3368 غَرِقَ، يَغرَقُ، الغَرَق to sink, drown, be submerged
3369 سوفييتيّ Soviet
3370 تَأَمَّلَ to reflect on, ponder (في) sth
3371 حِيال concerning, regarding
3372 تَصَرَّفَ to act, behave, proceed (في/مع with sb/sth; وكَأَنَّ as if)
3373 بائِع selling
3374 باعة selling, vendor; merchant
3375 إحياء reviving, enlivening; celebrating (anniversary); commemorating
3376 إحياءً لِذِكرى in memory of
3377 دافِئ warm
3378 قِطّ، قِطَط cat
3379 بَراءة innocence; acquittal
3380 بَراءة اِختِراع (invention) patent
3381 ذُلّ humiliation, dishonor
3382 حُجرة، حُجَر room, chamber; compartment, enclosure; (bio) cell
3383 مُحتَلّ occupier; occupying, occupation (forces)
3384 مَبنيّ built, based (على on)
3385 تَجَنُّب avoidance, avoiding
3386 كَذَبَ، يَكذِبُ، الكِذْب to lie (على to sb)
3387 مَنشور ات publication; brochure; published, posted (on the Web)
3388 خاضَ، يَخوضُ، الخَوْض to wage (war, battle) ضِدّ against; to embark on (a campaign); to wade في into (water); to plunge, dive في into (an issue)
3389 تَعَدّى to exceed, go beyond; to infringe على on (sb’s rights)
3390 دَبّابة ات tank
3391 رَوْضة، رِياض garden
3392 رَوْضة الأطفال kindergarten
3393 صُمود steadfastness, determination
3394 مَضبوط controlled, regulated; accurate, precise
3395 نَبْض beating, palpitation, throbbing
3396 عُموميّ general, public, common; plenary
3397 قَدِمَ، يَقدِمُ، القُدوم to arrive, come إلى to; approach على sth
3398 عُنْق neck (person, bottle)
3399 مُهتَمّ interested, concerned; (person, party) interested, concerned
3400 عِيان eyesight, (plain) view
3401 شاهِد عِيان eyewitness
3402 مُكَرَّم honored, revered
3403 اِنتِماء membership, affiliation; commitment
3404 قَطرة ات drop
3405 نَوى، يَنوي، النَّوْى to intend, want (to do sth)
3406 تَركيب installation, assembling; structure, construction
3407 مُرّ bitter
3408 أنكَرَ to deny, dispute (claim)
3409 مِشوار walk, stroll, promenade
3410 اِستَعرَضَ to review, go over sth; (mil.) to review (troops); to tour (facilities)
3411 مُرتَفَع height, altitude, elevation; highlands
3412 أولِمبيّ Olympic
3413 أوْحى to suggest, imply, indicate بِأنَّ that; to inspire ل sb ب to do sth
3414 خَجَل shame, bashfulness, shyness
3415 حَديديّ (adj) iron, iron-like
3416 تَصحيح correction
3417 تَبَنٍّ/التَّبَنّي adoption
3418 زَرَعَ، يَزرَعُ، الزَّرْع to plant (seed); to implant, transplant (organ); to set (bomb), lay (mines); to grow (plants, crops); to cultivate, farm (land)
3419 مُلائِم suitable, appropriate
3420 فَضيلة virtue; (in titles) فَضيلة الشَّيْخ His Eminence, the Sheikh
3421 مُنَوَّر illuminate; honored
3422 مُشاهِد viewer, spectator
3423 مَعبَر، مَعابِر crossig point, juncture
3424 أخطَأَ to be wrong, make a mistake (في in doing sth); to do (في sth) incorrectly
3425 أسَد، أُسود lion
3426 اِشتِراكيّ socialist
3427 عَداء aggression, hostility; enmity, animosity
3428 أنْف nose; (figurative) pride
3429 رَغمَ أنفِهِ against his will, to spite him
3430 قَصْر shortness, smallness; limiting, restricting
3431 اِختِصار abbreviation, shortening
3432 بِاِختِصار briefly, in short
3433 سيجارة، سَجائِر cigarette
3434 بَذْل spending, expenditure; exertion, effort; donating
3435 اِتَّسَمَ to be characterized ب by
3436 حِلُف alliance, treaty, pact
3437 حَصيلة result, outcome; sum, total count; revenue
3438 هَبَطَ، يَهبِطُ، الهُبوط to drop, fall, decline; to fall (night, darkness); to land (aircraft)
3439 كُلفة cost, expenditure, overhead
3440 غُضون interim
3441 في غُضون during
3442 مَسكَن، مَساكِن residence, domicile
3443 قُرابةَ almost, nearly
3444 اِستَجابَ to accept ل (an invitation); to grant ل (a request); to comply with ل (sb’s demands); to respond to ل (medical treatment)
3445 روحيّ spiritual; alcoholic
3446 َقُدّام in front of
3447 قَرُبَ، يَقرُبُ، القَرابة to approach, draw near
3448 فاشِل failed, failing, unsuccessful; a failure
3449 اِبتِعاد avoiding, moving or staying away; distancing oneself (عن from)
3450 فَسَّرَ to explain, interpret sth (ل for sb)
3451 قَناعة conviction, belief
3452 عن قَناعة out of conviction
3453 على قَناعة convinced
3454 شكا، يَشكو، الشَّكْو to complain إلى to sb من about; to suffer من from
3455 باكِستانيّ Pakistani
3456 وَحْش، وُحوش beast
3457 اِستَيْقَظَ to wake up; be alert
3458 لَطيف kind, gentle, polite, nice
3459 يا لَطيف oh my! wow!
3460 اِعتِذار apology; excuse
3461 مَأْزِق impasse, predicament; dilemma, crisis
3462 تَدَهوُر decline, deterioration; fall, drop
3463 تَخَلّي :relinquishment, surrender, renunciation (من of)
3464 تُزايُد (gradual) growth, increase, rise
3465 تَواصَلَ to maintain, pursue (efforts); to maintain mutual contacts or intercommunication مع with
3466 تِلوَ after, followed by
3467 خَطِر serious, grave, critical; dangerous, risky
3468 تَحكيم arbitration
3469 لَجنة تَحكيم jury
3470 لَعنة curse, oath; enchantment, spell
3471 خال maternal uncle
3472 فاجَأَ to surprise sb (ب with)
3473 فوجِئَ to be surprised (ب by)
3474 فَوْريّ immediate, instant; direct
3475 مَبيع sold
3476 مَبيعات sales
3477 حَريص mindful, careful, protective على of; eager, desirous على for, keen على on
3478 مَجّاناً/بِالمَجّان for free, free of charge
3479 سَمْع hearing
3480 مُسرِع hurrying, hastening
3481 مُغامَرة adventure, risk
3482 عائِليّ (adj) family, domestic, familial
3483 ذَكَّرَ to remind sb
3484 تَعَلُّم learning, study
3485 فَرِحَ، يَفرَحُ، الفَرَح to rejoice; to be happy ب/ل about sth
3486 سَويّ straight, correct
3487 سَويّاً together, jointly
3488 نِضال struggle, battle
3489 نَاهيك not to mention
3490 أديب، أُدَباء author, writer
3491 عود lute; stick, match stick; aloe plant
3492 دُهْن العودِ aloe gel; body, physique
3493 طَريّ/ناعِم العودِ frail, delicate
3494 أعانَ to assist, support sb/sth
3495 ميليشيا ات militia
3496 إنفاق spending, expenditure, disbursement; expenses
3497 جَوْهَر، جَواهِر gem; jewel; (fig) essence, substance, gist; heart, crux, core
3498 وَلاء loyalty, allegiance
3499 سيناريو scenario
3500 اِستَعادَ to recover, regain, reclaim sth
3501 مَيَّزَ to distinguish sth/sb, to set sth/sb apart (عن from the rest); to differentiate, tell the difference بين between
3502 تَدريجيّ gradual, progressive
3503 تَدريجيّاً gradually
3504 خَفَّفَ to lower, lessen, decrease sth; to alleviate, mitigate من sth
3505 تَمَرُّد rebellion, insurgency, insurrection
3506 نَتَجَ، يَنتَجُ، النَّتْج to result, arise من/عن from
3507 تَلَوُّث pollution, contamination
3508 ميثاق treaty, pact, charter
3509 نَظافة cleanliness
3510 هُبوط drop, fall, decline; descent; landing (aircraft); (med) prolapse
3511 مَسيح messiah
3512 سَتَرَ، يَستَرُ، السَّتْر to veil, cover, hide sth
3513 عَرَق sweat, perspiration; araq (alcoholic drink similar to ouzo)
3514 مُتَزَوِّج married (من to)
3515 حَصْر encirclement, containment; bounds, limits
3516 لا حَصْر لَهُ unlimited, immense
3517 وِقاية prevention; precaution; protection
3518 راعي guardian; patron, sponsor; steward
3519 بِئْر well, spring
3520 مُضيّ passing (of time); expiration (deadline)
3521 المُضيّ قُدُماً proceeding, continuing (في with)
3522 تَبَنّى to adopt sth; to claim responsibility for sth; to be built
3523 إقرار ratification, confirmation
3524 صَرَفَ، يَصرِفُ، صَريف to spend, change (money); to dismiss, fire sb; to divert sth (عن from)
3525 حَشْد (mil) buildup, mobilization; crowd, gathering
3526 يَتيم، أتيام orphan; orphaned; unique, sole, only (existing)
3527 حَرّ warmth, heat; warm, hot, spicy
3528 مَعيشة livelihood, subsistence; life, living
3529 أتَمّ to complete, finish, conclude sth
3530 نَسيج fabric, tissue, textile
3531 مَجهود expended (efforts); efforts, endeavors
3532 تَأْييد support, assistance; approval
3533 شُهرة reputation, fame
3534 تَنافُس competition, rivalry
3535 عَضَلة ات muscle
3536 غَيْرة jealousy; zeal
3537 حَدَّثَ to tell sb, speak to sb (عن about); to narrate
3538 عَقليّ mental, intellectual; rational
3539 أكاديميّة academy
3540 ضَرَّ، يَضٌرُّ، الضَّرّ to harm, injure ب sth (one’s health)
3541 غارة ات raid, foray
3542 خَيْمة، خِيام tent
3543 مُتَفَرِّق diverse, different, separate; dispersed, scattered, sporadic
3544 مُوازَرة budget; balance, comparison
3545 أُسطورة، أساطير myth, fable; tale, legend
3546 مُستَخدَم used, utilized, employed
3547 تَنظيف cleaning
3548 زَعَمَ، يَزعَمُ، الزَّعْم to allege, claim بِأنّ/أنّ that
3549 حِضْن، أحضان bosom; arms
3550 في/بين أحضان amidst, in the hearts of
3551 أقبَلَ to approach, draw near على sb/sth; to engage على in
3552 بَحرَنيّ Bahraini
3553 طين clay; mud
3554 زَادَ الطّين بِلّةً to make things worse
3555 مَقطَع، مَقاطِع section; selection, excerpt
3556 سُخريّة sarcasm, cynicism; ridicule
3557 مُشابِه similar
3558 سائِل، سَوائِل fluid, liquid
3559 سُلَّم ladder; stairs, staircase; scale
3560 مُمتَدّ stretching, extending; spreading
3561 اِستَنَدَ to support, lean on, rely on إلى st
3562 سَرى، يَسري، السَّيَران to flow, circulate, spread; to apply (a law) على to
3563 خَفْض lowering, decreasing; reduction, diminution
3564 مُفتَرَض assumed, presumed, supposed, alleged
3565 فِراق parting, farewell, going away
3566 كَتِف (fem) shoulder
3567 مَسَكَ، يَمسِكُ، المَسْك to grab, hold sth or ب sth
3568 تَنَوُّع variety, diversity
3569 مُنشَأة، مُنشَآت facility, installation, plant
3570 عشوائِيّ random, indiscriminate, arbitrary
3571 حَدّ limiting, curbing من (sb’s freedom, power); stopping, halting, ending من sth
3572 مُنَظَّم organizer, sponsor; organizing, sponsoring
3573 خَشية fear, anxiety; concern, worry
3574 ذِراع، أُذرُع arm, lever, crank
3575 قَدير capable, efficient; Omnipotent (God)
3576 أقدَمَ to undertake, tackle, approach على sth
3577 مِثاليّ ideal, perfect, exemplary, model
3578 نَبَويّ prophetic; relating to the Prophet Muhammad
3579 هَيْمَنة control, power, rule; supremacy, domination
3580 اِرتِكاب perpetration, commission (crime, error)
3581 نَزْع removal; elimination; deposition
3582 تَخصيص designation, specification; allocation, appropriation; reserving, earmarking
3583 اِختِصاص specialty, area of competence; jurisdiction, domain, area of responsibility
3584 نَسَمة person, soul (in a census)
3585 لِلتَّوِّ immediately; with pronoun تَوَّهُ he has just (done sth)
3586 غِنىً wealth, affluence
3587 لا غِنى عنه it is indispensable
3588 نحن في عِنىً عنه we can do without it
3589 غِرار manner, way; haste
3590 بِسمِ in the Name of God
3591 إقناع persuasion, convincing; conviction, firm belief
3592 أسهَل easier/est
3593 تَقليل diminution, reduction, decrease
3594 بَلى certainly, sure, yes indeed
3595 كَفَّ، يَكُفُّ. الكَفّ to give up, do without sth; to refrain, abstain عن from; to prevent, keep sb عن from doing sth
3596 تَخفيض ات lowering, reducing; reduction, decrease; discount
3597 حِصان horse
3598 صُراخ shouting, screaming
3599 شَرَعَ، يَشرَعُ، الشُّروع to start, undertake في sth
3600 وِفاق agreement, accord; reconciliation
3601 جِنائيّ criminal, penal
3602 حَفْر digging, drilling; excavation
3603 اِتِّحاديّ unionist, federal
3604 تَجَلّى to become clear, evident; to appear, manifest itself
3605 ميعاد، مَواعيد schedule, hours; appointed time; appointment, engagement; promise
3606 أصَعب more/most difficult, harder/est
3607 حَسّاسيّة sensitivity; allergy
3608 حَسْم settling (a matter, dispute)
3609 تَمهيد preparation; facilitating, paving (the way)
3610 تَمهيداً لِ in preparation for, paving the way for, in order to facilitate
3611 مُؤَسِّس founding, creating; constituent; founder, creator
3612 حَثَّ، يَحُثُّ، الحَثّ to encourage, urge, incite sb على to do sth
3613 سَواد blackness
3614 سَواد الناس masses, populace
3615 فُؤاد heart; mind
3616 حَليف، حُلَفاء ally, allied
3617 قَلَّلَ to lessen, reduce (من) sth; to diminish, downplay من sth
3618 صَواب correct, true
3619 جَبين forehead, brow
3620 شُيوعيّ Communist
3621 ضِعْف، أضعاف double, multiple; (with number) times
3622 جَعْل making (sb/sth do sth), causing (sb/sth to be sth); beginning (to do sth)
3623 إيقاف stopping, halting, detaining
3624 اِعتِراض objection, opposition على to sth
3625 عَبَرَ، يَعبُرُ، العُبور to cross (border, street)
3626 اِستِخبار inquiry
3627 اِستِخبارات intelligence service, secret service
3628 خَطَّطَ to plan, make plans ل to do sth; to draw lines, define (borders)
3629 سَهرة soiree, evening gathering
3630 إسقاط overthrowing (government); bringing down, shooting down (aircraft)
3631 هَرَب escape, flight; desertion
3632 بَقَر (coll) cows
3633 مَقولة statement, proposition; expression
3634 فَكَّ، يَفُكُّ، الفِكاك dismantling, taking apart; separating, breaking up; loosening, untying
3635 فَكَّ الاِشتِباك/الاِرتِباط disengagement of troops
3636 هَرَم، أهرام pyramid
3637 خَطْف abduction, kidnapping; hijacking; snatch (in weightlifting)
3638 مَركَبة vehicle, craft; cart, carriage; space shuttle
3639 فَلّاح peasant, farmer
3640 عَريق deep-rooted; ancient, noble, aristocratic
3641 بِضاعة، بِضائِع merchandise, goods
3642 إثبات proof, confirmation; verification
3643 نَوْعيّ specific, characteristic; qualitative
3644 مُعَلِّق commenting; commentator
3645 أبى، يَأبى، الإباء to refuse, decline sth or أنْ to do sth
3646 اِكتَمَلَ to be completed, finished; to be perfect, integral
3647 وَقفة stance, posture; pause, break
3648 لُقمة morself, bite
3649 لُقمة العَيْش one’s daily bread, making a living
3650 مِقياس، مَقاييس standard, measure, measurement
3651 تَشكيلة assortment, group; line-up (team sports)
3652 تَعَيَّنَ to be incumbent على on sb أنْ to do sth; to be appointed, be designated as sth
3653 مائيّ watery, liquid, fluid, aquatic; hydraulic
3654 أساءَ to harm, offend, insult إلى sb; (with following masdar) to do sth badly, incorrectly
3655 تَحَكَّمَ to control في/ب sth
3656 جَرَس bell
3657 عَليّ supreme, exalted, sublime
3658 العَليّ the Supreme (God)
3659 نَجمة star; female celebrity
3660 ثُلاثيّ three-part, tri-partite, tri-: corner (shot); trio
3661 الاِسْم الثُّلاثيّ one’s full name
3662 عُروبة Arabism
3663 عَزاء solace, consolation, comfort; condolence(s), sympathy
3664 أكثَريّة majority
3665 خَراب ruins, destruction
3666 مَكَّنَ to make possible من sth (for sb)
3667 جَدُرَ، يَجدُرُ، الجَدارة
3668 سِتار curtain; veil
3669 حَرَقَ، يَحرِقُ، الحَرْق to burn sth; to hurt sb
3670 مُفتي mufti (Muslim legal scholar)
3671 حَسْبما according to
3672 مَزيّة، مَزايا feature, characteristic; advantage
3673 هَيْكَل framework, structure; skeleton; temple, sanctuary
3674 مُنخَفِض low; reduced
3675 أحدَثَ to cause, bring about (reaction, change, situation)
3676 ثَوّريّ revolutionary
3677 مَرسوم decreed, ordered; drawn, sketched; charted (course); decree, edict, ordinance, statue
3678 عُرضة target, object (of criticism), exposed (to virus)
3679 مُؤَهَّل certified, qualified; competent, experienced
3680 لَبّى to meet (needs), fulfill (desires, expectations); to comply with (request)
3681 حَلَّ، يَحُلُّ، الحَلّ to befall, strike على/ب sb (misfortune); to arrive, start (month, season)
3682 لافِتة ات billboard, placard, sign
3683 حافة border, edge, side; seam, hem
3684 مُخيف frightful, terrifying, horrible
3685 آليّ mechanical, automatic; machine-
3686 شُرطيّ police officer, policeman
3687 أيَّدَ to support, assist sb; to approve of sth
3688 مَرجِعيّة authority; authoritative source
3689 سَلْب robbing, depriving
3690 سَلْباً negatively
3691 أُسبوعيّ weekly
3692 واجِهة face, facade; front, forefront; (computer) interface, front end
3693 مُشرِق splendid, shining; bright, auspicious
3694 زيّ، أزياء uniform, dress, clothing
3695 أزياء fashion clothes, haute couture
3696 اللَّواتي (fem pl) who, whom
3697 اِدِّعاء allegation, claim; prosecution
3698 الاِدِّعاء العامّ the public prosecutor
3699 تَقوية strengthening, reinforcement
3700 ساحِر sorcerer, magician; charming, enchanting
3701 ناقِص incomplete, defective; missing, lacking (sth); (math) minus
3702 تَنمَويّ development-related
3703 مُباحَثة ات discussion, debate; talk, dialogue
3704 جَذْب attraction, lure; gravitation
3705 سَحْب withdrawal, pulling out; removal
3706 إفراج liberation; release, freeing (عن of)
3707 عُزلة isolation, seclusion; separation
3708 تَصعيد escalation, intensification
3709 عِمام، عُمُم support, base; pillar, column, mast; (mil) major general
3710 بُطء slowness
3711 بِبًطءٍ slowly
3712 عَبرة، عَبِر lesson, moral
3713 رُجوع return, going back (إلى to); reversing عن (one’s decision)
3714 حَياء modesty, shyness, inhibition, shame
3715 أسبَق previous, former; earlier
3716 تَمَسُّك adherence, commitment (ب to)
3717 غُروب setting
3718 غُروب الشَّمْس sunset
3719 حافِلة ات bus
3720 مَسعىً، مَساعٍ/المَساعي effort, endeavor
3721 حَوى، يَحوي، الحَواية to contain, include (على) sth
3722 اِنعِدام non-existence, absence, lack of
3723 صالون salon, chat room, parlor, exhibit room
3724 تَصنيف classification, categorization, sorting
3725 مُعاهَدة treaty, accord, pact
3726 بُغْية wish
3727 بُغْيةَ with the purpose of
3728 سائِح، سُيّاح tourist
3729 قافِلة، قَوافىل convoy, column
3730 نَشرة report, bulletin; publication; announcement, proclamation
3731 جِراحيّ surgical
3732 مُلِحّ urgent, critical, pressing
3733 مُتَتالٍ/المُتَتالي consecutive, successive
3734 مُعْتاد accustomed, habituated على to sth; typical, usual, contrary
3735 حارَبَ to fight, wage war against sb/sth
3736 ناسَبَ to be suitable for sb
3737 تَجميل embellishment, decoration
3738 جَماهيريّة Jamahiriya (Libya?)
3739 لَفَّ، يَلُفُّ، اللَّفّ to wrap sth; to turn, rotate, go around
3740 عَجَل hurry, rush, haste
3741 راقَبَ to watch, observe, monitor sth/sb; to oversee, supervise sth/sb
3742 اِنقِطاع discontinuation, breaking off
3743 مُحَرِّك motor, engine
3744 بَدَويّ، بَدو Bedouin
3745 شَراب beverage, drink
3746 اِلتِهاب ات inflammation
3747 مُجَمِّع collecting, gathering; collector; battery; (web) aggregator (feed reader, news reader)
3748 اِقتَضى to demand, require sth
3749 عَدَّلَ to modify, alter sth; to amend, rectify (law); to adjust, correct sth
3750 قَبيل kind, sort, type
3751 تَفَوُّق excellence; superiority, supremacy
3752 طاعة obedience
3753 عَلَّمَ to teach sb sth or أنّ that; to mark (put a mark on) sth; to write down (phone number)
3754 مَنظور perspective, point of view, angle; anticipated, expected, foreseeable (future)
3755 جانِبيّ side, lateral; marginal; secondary
3756 مُفَوَّضيّة delegation, legation
3757 سوبَرماركت supermarket
3758 مُجتَمِع assembling, meeting; (meeting) participant, assemblage
3759 مُجتَمِعةً combined, collectively, as a whole, as a group
3760 مَرجِع، مَراجِع source; authority; reference work
3761 عَمَّ، يَعُمُّ، العُمومة to become general, prevalent, commonplace; to fill up, spread throughout (a place); to be rampant, widespread (chaos, unrest)
3762 تَهدِئَة calming, soothing; easing, relieving (tension)
3763 لاحَ، يَلوحُ، اللَّوْح to appear, loom (في الُفُق on the horizon)
3764 هَمَسَ، يَهمِسُ، الهَمْس to whisper ل to sb (في أُذْنِهِ in sb’s ear)
3765 بَثَّ، يَبُثُّ، البَثّ to transmit, broadcast (news, show); to disseminate, spread sth
3766 غَدا، يَغدو، الغَدْو to become (acquire a quality or feature); to seem, appear
3767 هاجِس، هَواجِس worry, concern; apprehension, misgiving, premonition; fixed idea, obsessive thought
3768 اِستِثنائِيّ exceptional, irregular; extraordinary
3769 قُدُماً forwards, forward
3770 عَلَم، أعلام flag, banner; badge, seal
3771 أعلام celebrities, famous people
3772 نِعْمَ (what a) wonderful
3773 مَحمول portable; carried, held; mobile (phone)
3774 صِيام fasting, abstinence
3775 رَماد ashes, cinders
3776 دِفاعيّ defensive, protective
3777 مُقَدَّمة preface, introduction; front part; vanguard, front, head
3778 سُكوت silence, calm
3779 فِقْه fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) ; understanding, knowledge, science
3780 فِقْه اللُّغة philology
3781 اِستَشهَدَ to quote, cite ب sth
3782 اُستُشهِدَ to be martyred, die in battle
3783 مِلْك possessions, property; land, real estate
3784 جُلّ majority, most, main part (of)
3785 دِماغ brain
3786 خَلاص liberation, deliverance, salvation; settlement
3787 حِسّ sensation, feeling; sound, noise
3788 عُبور (verbal noun) crossing (border, street)
3789 شَحْن charging (battery), loading (camera); cargo, freight; transportation, shipment
3790 مُطرِب delightful; musician, musical performer
3791 نَجاة survival, deliverance, salvation; escape
3792 سُكّانيّ residential, population-related
3793 أسرَعَ to hurry, hasten في in doing sth
3794 تَحريك stimulating, activating, putting in motion, making move
3795 قَمْح wheat
3796 جِراحة surgery
3797 مُشَرِّف honorable, noble; honorary
3798 أُمْنيّة، أمانٍ/الأماني wish, hope, aspiration, desire
3799 سِمة ات feature, characteristic; stamp, imprint
3800 تَعْقيد complication, complexity
3801 مِلعَقة، مَلاعِق spoon
3802 أذىً damage, harm; injury; offense
3803 ليرة ات pound, lira (Leb. and Syria)
3804 فَرعيّ (adj) branch, secondary, subdivision
3805 صانِع، صُنّاع manufacturer, producer; maker
3806 ثَلْج snow; ice
3807 عَصاً stick, baton, rod
3808 تَنظيميّ organizational, planning; controlling, regulatory
3809 تَقَرَّرَ to be decided, be resolved
3810 طَرْد expulsion; dismissal, firing; parcel, package
3811 باكِر early
3812 باكِراً early (adv)
3813 أدانَ to condemn, denounce, censure, disapprove of sth/sb
3814 ضانِع lost; stray; wasted (time)
3815 قُماش، أقمِشة fabric, cloth
3816 ساخِر satirical; ridiculing
3817 وَعى، يَعي، الوَعي to be aware of, pay attention to sth
3818 شَكَّ، يَشُكُّ، الشَّكّ to doubt, distrust في sth/sb
3819 مَعدِنيّ mineral, metal, metallic
3820 اِنعِقاد convening, holding (meeting)
3821 مُتَبَقٍّ/امُتَبَقّي remaining, left over; remainder, rest
3822 وِرْديّ rose-colored, rosy, pink
3823 كَثافة thickness, density; compactness; intensity
3824 تَشخيص diagnosis, analysis; characterization
3825 خارِطة map, chart
3826 مِصداقيّة credibility
3827 جَرَحَ، يَجرَحُ، الجَرْح to wound, injure sb
3828 جُرِحَ to be wounded, be injured
3829 رافِض rejecting, refusing
3830 مُلَوَّن colored, multi-colored
3831 حِراسة guard, escort, protection
3832 مَنشود pursued, desired, sought; goal, objective
3833 خَفِيَ، يَخفى، الخَفاء to be hidden
3834 لا يَخفى it’s obvious
3835 لا يَخفى على أحَدٍ أنّ as everyone knows…
3836 لا يَخفى عَلَيْكَ أنّ you are well aware of the fact that
3837 ضَبَطَ، يَضبِطُ، الضَّبْط to regulate, control; to adjust, fix
3838 اِعتادَ to become accustomed على to sth, to get used على to sth
3839 صَدارة chairmanship; precedence
3840 نَاقِد، نُقّاد critic
3841 تَضحية ات sacrifice
3842 مَطاف consequence, upshot
3843 في نِهاية المَطاف in the end, finally
3844 جَماهيريّ (adj) mass, throng; (of the) masses
3845 خَصيصة، خَصائِص attribute, characteristic, feature, trait; peculiarity
3846 تَدَفُّق flow, stream, flood; influx, invasion
3847 بَحيرة lake
3848 حَماس enthusiasm, eagerness, zeal; fortitude, bravery
3849 مِنحة gift, donation; grant, scholarship
3850 حَصَلَ، يَحصُلُ، الحُصول to happen, take place
3851 رُمّة entirety
3852 بِرُمَّتِهِ/ها completely, all of it/them
3853 وَطَنيّة nationalism, patriotism
3854 تَمَيُّز standing out, distinguishing oneself; distinction, excellence
3855 اِقتِراع balloting, voting, election
3856 طاهِر clean, pure; flawless, perfect; chaste
3857 على وَشْكِ on the verge of, just about to
3858 جَنين fetus, embryo; germ
3859 تُربة dust, ground, dirt; grave, graveyard
3860 شَبيه (adj) resembling, similar to
3861 مَسَحَ، يَمسَحُ، المَسْح to rub, wipe sth; to wipe, sweep, clean sth; to survey, measure sth
3862 عَيِّنة ات sample, specimen
3863 عُقْب، أعقاب consequence
3864 في أعقاب immediately after
3865 جَفاف dryness, drought; dehydration, desiccation
3866 تَقويم rating, valuation; calendar
3867 رَصْد observation; survey; following, tracking, monitoring
3868 تَشَرَّفَ to be honored, be happy (على to meet sb)
3869 وَحْشيّ brutal, savage
3870 نَفَقة ات expenditure, disbursement
3871 نَفَقات spending
3872 اِمتِلاك possession; control; seizure
3873 غَيْر مَسبوق unprecedented
3874 نامٍ/النّامي developing (country)
3875 تَلَقِّي receiving, receipt; acquisition
3876 لُغَويّ (adj) language, linguistic; linguist
3877 كِبْر pride, arrogance; greatness
3878 تَذكَرة، تَذاكِر ticket, card
3879 اِستِماع listening (إلى to)
3880 لَمَسَ، يَلمُسُ، اللَّمْس to touch, feel, sense sth
3881 اِنخَفَضَ to drop, fall, decrease; to be lowered, decreased, reduced
3882 مَشَدِّد stressing, emphasizing; strengthening, intensifying
3883 نَصَحَ، يَنصَحُ، النَّصْح to advise, counsel sb (ب to do sth)
3884 مَرحوم deceased, late
3885 اِنفِتاح opening up, welcoming; openness; receptiveness; open-door (policy)
3886 إنفاَوَنزا influenza, flu
3887 عَيَّنَ to appoint, designated sb as sth; to determine, define sth
3888 مُحَرَّم forbidden
3889 مُحَرَّمات forbidden things, taboos
3890 حُرمة sanctity, inviolability; taboo, prohibition; married woman, wife
3891 تَجهيز ات preparing, putting in order; equipment, gear
3892 نُكتة joke
3893 مُهلة extension, deferment; postponement, delay; break, respite; reprieve
3894 فاهِم understanding, comprehending
3895 اِنضَمَّ to join, become part إلى of sth
3896 جافّ dry
3897 نَزيف bleeding, hemorrhage
3898 عارَضَ to oppose, resist sth/sb
3899 تَهْيِئة preparation, arrangement
3900 اِستِعراض review, inspection; tour, parade
3901 أقسَمَ to swear يَميناً an oath, swear ب by
3902 مِنَصّة platform, podium
3903 مُوَفَّق successful; fortunate
3904 تَظاهِرة rally, demonstration
3905 عَناء hardship, trouble; distress, preoccupation
3906 إظهار expressing, showing, demonstrating
3907 أعلَم more/most knowledgeable
3908 بَرَّرَ to justify, warrant sth; to vindicate, acquit sth/sb
3909 سَدّ bridging (a gap); defrayal (of costs); paying off (a debt)
3910 بَلاء affliction, misfortune; tribulation
3911 وَظيفيّ functional; practical; work-related, employment-related
3912 مُواطَنة citizenship
3913 مَلموس noticeable, substantial; tangible, concrete
3914 تَحَسُّن improvement
3915 اِستِشهاد martyrdom
3916 أبلَغَ to inform, notify sb أنّ that; to report ب sth or أنّ that
3917 تَرويج distribution; promotion, marketing
3918 تَعاطٍ/التَّعاطي taking (medicine, drugs); treating, handling (على a problem)
3919 تَعارَضَ to clash, conflict, be at odds مع/و with sth
3920 تَبَرُّع ات donation, contribution
3921 هُدنة truce, armistice; calm, lull
3922 مَوْضوعيّ objective
3923 جِنّ demon; jinn; genie
3924 مُتَأكِّد certain, sure convinced (من of)
3925 اِختَتَمَ to conclude, finalize, wind up (an activity)
3926 تَصنيع manufacture, industrialization, processing
3927 تَحَرُّر (self) liberation, emancipation
3928 دِرع shield, armor; plaque (award)
3929 شَنَّ، يَشُنُّ، الشَّنّ to wage, launch sth (war, campaign)
3930 قَلِق worried, concerned, uneasy
3931 راديو radio
3932 مَعِدة stomach
3933 نَعَمَ، يَنعَمُ، النَّعمة to live in comfort; to enjoy ب sth
3934 حِقبة era, age, time period
3935 إدراك realization, awareness, comprehension; attainment
3936 فَجوة (mostly figurative) gap, gulf, breach
3937 خالَفَ to contradict sth/sb; to conflict with, go against sth; to violate (the law)
3938 تَرَتّبَ to derive or result على from; to carry the consequence على of
3939 أرضى to satisfy, please sb
3940 حِذاء shoe, pair of shoes
3941 اِستَوْعَبَ to comprehend, grasp, master sth; to contain, absorb, assimilate sth
3942 واحة oasis
3943 مَنفَذ، مَنافِذ exit, way out; escape, resort; gateway; port (computer)
3944 طاغٍ/الطّاغي، طُغاة tyrant, desopt, oppressor; tyrannical, oppressive (person, regime, weather)
3945 شِريان، شَرايين artery
3946 ألبوم album (music CD)
3947 مِلء filling; capacity; quantity
3948 تَدبير, تَدابير managing, arranging, preparing; arrangement, preparation
3949 كافِر، كُفّار kafir (person who rejects the Islamic faith), infidel, unbeliever, apostate
3950 تَرخيص license, permission
3951 مَلَل boredom
3952 عِلاوة increase, raise; bonus; allowance, subsidy
3953 عِلاوة على in addition to
3954 شُجاع brave
3955 سَدَّدَ to obstruct, block (way); to settle/pay off (debt); to aim, shoot (bullet, ball)
3956 هَدى، يَهدي، الهَدْي to lead, guide, direct sb (إلى to); to show sb (the way)
3957 طَيْف، أطياف spectrum (light); ghost, apparition, phantom; vision, fantasy
3958 مُفاد meaning, content
3959 مُفادُهُ/ها to the effect that, implying that
3960 خالِق creator; creating, creative
3961 لَحْن melody, music, song; tone
3962 مُريح comfortable, pleasant; soothing, restful
3963 خام raw, unprocessed; crude (oil)
3964 مُؤَدٍّ/المُؤَدّي leading إلى to; resulting in, causing إلى sth
3965 شَمعة، شُموع candle
3966 تَشَكَّلَ to be formed, be composed
3967 مِراج mixture; temperament; mood, feeling
3968 إسعاف first aid, medical service
3969 سَيّارة إسعاف ambulance
3970 رَقَميّ numerical; digital
3971 هيه uh-huh; huh?
3972 شَقيقة sister
3973 دِفء heat, warmth
3974 يونانيّ Greek
3975 ثَبات proof, corroboration; constancy, firmness
3976 تَزوير forgery; falsification (documents, the truth); counterfeiting
3977 عِبْريّ Hebrew
3978 العِبريّة Hebrew (language)
3979 الدَّوْلة العِبريّة the Jewish state (Israel)
3980 صِغَر smallness; youth, infancy
3981 نَفَق، أنفاق tunnel; underpass, subway
3982 مُتَّفَق عَلَيْهِ/ها agreed upon
3983 قَدوة example, role model; pattern
3984 موديل ات model, pattern
3985 وَطأة pressure, gravity; harshness, cruelty
3986 جَهَنَّم hell; Hell
3987 خَتَمَ، يَختِمُ، الخَتْم to complete, conclude sth; to stamp, seal sth
3988 مُستَفيد benefiting, profiting (من from); beneficiary
3989 وَباء epidemic, disease; scourge
3990 اِرتِقاء rise, ascent; advancement, promotion; progress; evolution
3991 اِتِّباع pursuing, following, compliance
3992 سُكون tranquility, quietude, calm; rest, repose
3993 شَنّ waging, launching (a war, campaign)
3994 تَثبيت confirmation; stabilization
3995 زَرْع planting (seed); implanting, transplanting (organ); setting (bomb), laying (mines); growing (plants, crops); cultivating, farming (land)
3996 قَلعة stronghold, citadel, fort
3997 جاهِد strenuous, vigorous; striving, endeavoring
3998 مَتْن deck (ship)
3999 على مَتْن on board (ship, airplane); surface; main text, content (book, article, poem); lexicon (language); body (person, object)
4000 مُتَحَرِّك moving, mobile
4001 مُقَوِّم ات component, ingredient; basic element
4002 وَهميّ imagined, imaginary; fake, bogus
4003 مُعلِن announcer; advertiser; announcing, signaling
4004 دونَما without any, without even
4005 عَدوى infection
4006 مُبالَغة exaggeration
4007 عاقِبة، عَواقِب consequence, result, effect
4008 بَياض white, whiteness
4009 ضَمِنَ، يَضمَنُ، الضَّمان to guarantee, insure
4010 مُنتَهىً (noun) utmost, extreme
4011 حُمّى fever; heat
4012 مَرّ (noun) passing, course (of time); going by
4013 قاوَمَ to resist, oppose sth
4014 اِئْتِلاف coalition, union
4015 مارّ، مارّة pedestrian, passerby
4016 كيميائيّ chemical
4017 حَداثة modernity, newness, novelty
4018 إيدز AIDS
4019 ناخِب voter, elector
4020 اِستِناد dependance
4021 اِستِناداً على on the basis of, according to
4022 مُجمَل total, full amount; summary
4023 اِحتِفاظ safeguarding, preservation
4024 عارٍ/عاري naked, bare
4025 سَيْل streaming, flowing
4026 مَفقود lost, missing; missing
4027 تَفاؤُل optimism
4028 ذَريّ atomic
4029 بَرازيليّ Brazilian
4030 عَتيق old, aged
4031 مُفرَدة ات word, term, expression
4032 مُفرَدات vocabulary
4033 كوريّ Korean
4034 تَعميم making general or public (education, announcement); spreading, disseminating, popularizing
4035 شائِعة ات rumor
4036 طاقِم crew, staff, team
4037 ثابِتة، ثَوابِت principle, rule
4038 ثَوابِت established norms, guiding principles
4039 تَشاوُر deliberation, joint consultation
4040 عَقَليّة mentality, attitude, way of thinking
4041 صَرخة shout, scream
4042 وافِد arriving, coming, visiting; foreign, imported; visitor, newcomer; envoy, delegate
4043 لَبِثَ، يَليَثُ، اللَّبث to stay, linger
4044 ما لَبِثَ أنْ/لم يَلبَثْ أنْ it wasn’t long before
4045 سَراب mirage, illusion
4046 لاتينيّ Latin
4047 شَقّ splitting, opening; crack, gap
4048 مُسانَدة support, aid, assistance
4049 شُكَّريّ diabetes
4050 عُقدة، عُقَد complex (emotion, feeling); knot (nautical)
4051 مُفَخَّخ booby-trapped
4052 سَيّارة مُفَخَّخة car bomb
4053 بَشِع ugly, horrible, disgusting
4054 تَعطيل hindering, obstructing; derailing; interrupting
4055 مُحتَوَيات content
4056 إبّان time
4057 إبّانَ during
4058 عَفَرَ، يَعفَرُ، العَفَر to pardon, forgive ل sb sth
4059 زالَ، يَزولُ، الزَّوْل to disappear, vanish
4060 أينَما wherever
4061 إجماع consensus
4062 بِالإجماع unanimously
4063 تَنَفُّس breathing, respiration; breath
4064 هَدْم demolition, destruction; leveling, razing
4065 قَفْص cage; prisoner’s dock
4066 جَسَّدَ to embody, personify sth; to put sth into concrete form
4067 خِزانة treasury; vault, safe
4068 خِزانة كُتُب bookcase
4069 شَبَح ghost, specter
4070 يَقظة wakefulness; alertness
4071 حَرِج delicate, sensitive; awkward
4072 باطِن inner, interior; hidden; inner part, inside
4073 رُخصة، رُخَص license, permit
4074 عالِق pending, outstanding (issues); related, connected, relevant; caught, stranded
4075 جَسَديّ corporeal, physical, bodily; sensual
4076 اِشتَدَّ to intensify, grow more intense
4077 مَعنَويّ moral, spiritual, mental; semantic
4078 مُزمِن enduring, chronic
4079 غازٍ/الغازي، غُزاة invading, raider
4080 فِطْر fitr (end of the Ramadan fast)
4081 عَيْد الفِطْر Eid al-Fitr (festival of the breaking of the Ramandan fast)
4082 فارِسيّ، فُرْس Persian
4083 عَلَن (the) open
4084 في العَلَن/عَلَناً openly, publicly
4085 اِنطَوى to contain, include على sth
4086 اِنطَوى على نَفسِهِ to isolate oneself; to be introverted
4087 اِنقِسام fragmentation, schism; disruption
4088 كَنْز، كُنوز treasure
4089 مُعادٍ/المُعادي (adj) hostile, anti-
4090 مُتعَب tired, weary
4091 راعى to heed, observe sth; to respect, show consideration for sth
4092 جُزْئيّ partial, incomplete
4093 جُزئيّاً partially, in part
4094 خَليط mixture, blend
4095 جانٍ/الجاني، جُناة delinquent, criminal
4096 فَقيه، فُقَهاء faqih (exper in Islamic jurisprudence)
4097 مُتَضَرِّر damaged; injured; victim; plaintiff
4098 ثَمين costly; valuable, precious
4099 اِنتِقاليّ transitional
4100 بَشَرة skin, epidermis
4101 مُضاعَفة doubling, compounding
4102 مُضاعَفات complications
4103 طُلّابيّ student-related
4104 فَاضٍ/الفاضي empty; unoccupied; available, free (not busy)
4105 بَنزين gas, gasoline, petrol
4106 اِعتَزَمَ to be determined, be resolute (على to do sth)
4107 زَهرة flower; (fig) splendor
4108 قَمْع oppression, repression
4109 عَصريّ contemporary, modern
4110 عُشْب (coll) grass, vegetation
4111 عُشبة، أعشاب herb, plant
4112 جُرأة boldness, audacity, courage
4113 عَصير juice
4114 أكثَرَ to do من sth frequently, to do a lot of من sth
4115 وَحي inspiration
4116 حَزْم determination, resoluteness
4117 إنتاجيّ production-related; productive
4118 إساءة insult, affront; (with following masdar) wrong, incorrect
4119 سَهُلَ، يَسهُلُ، السُّهولة to be easy, be convenient
4120 ريف country, countryside, rural area
4121 وَضعيّة situation, status; position
4122 طاغية tyrant, despot, dictator
4123 سَرْد enumeration, listing; presentation, account
4124 تِلفاز television
4125 اِنتَصَرَ to be victorious, triumph (على over sb/sth)
4126 تَفادٍ/التَّفادي avoidance, avoiding
4127 مُستَوْطَنة ات settlement
4128 عَقَلَ، يَعقِلُ، العَقْل to be reasonable, be sensible; to make sense, be conceivable
4129 تَرسيخ consolidating, reinforcing, bolstering
4130 تَأليف authoring, compiling, composing; forming, constituting; publication, compilation, composition; formation, figuration
4131 خَشَبيّ wooden, made of wood
4132 رَكَضَ، يَركُضُ، الرَّكْض to run, race
4133 أمَد period, duration, term; extent, range
4134 مُخّ brain
4135 إيصال sending, transmitting; transporting, conveying
4136 أطلَسيّ Atlantic; NATO-related
4137 مُتَشَدِّد extremist, fanatic; strict, intense
4138 نُفاية ات waste, refuse
4139 لَعَنَ، يَلعَنُ، اللَّعْن to curse, damn sb/sth
4140 الله يَلعَنْ على God damn sb
4141 مُحتاج needy (person); wanting, needing إلى sth
4142 تَأَكَّدَ to ascertain من sth; to be confirmed
4143 صَليب cross, crucifix
4144 ثَمرة fruit; result, yield, outcome
4145 عَزْل removal, dismissal, distancing; isolation, separation
4146 مُستَقِرّ settled, at ease; stable, permanent
4147 سُرور happiness; pleasure, delight
4148 رَدّة echo, reverberation
4149 رَدّة فِعْل reaction
4150 رَمْزيّ symbolic; (data) encoded, encrypted
4151 أُمّيّة illiteracy
4152 وَصْل link; connection, contact; receipt
4153 وَصْفة description, portrayal; (medical) prescription; (food) recipe
4154 شَرِس vicious, savage, fierce
4155 عَريس bridegroom
4156 نُصرة help, assistance; support, backing
4157 غَسيل washing; laundry, (dirty) clothes
4158 عَصَفَ، يَعصِفُ، العَصْف to be stormy, be tempestuous; to rage (wind, conflict, crisis)
4159 مُدَمِّر destructive, destroying
4160 نَشيد anthem, hymn, song
4161 عَمَّن from/about who/m
4162 شَلَل paralysis, inertia
4163 شَلَل الأطفال polio
4164 شاحِنة ات truck, lorry, freight car
4165 مَزعُوم so-called; alleged, claimed
4166 عَبوة ات package, pack; (explosive) charge
4167 عَبوة ناسِفة explosive device
4168 أمَّنَ to secure, safeguard, protect sth/sb; to insure, underwrite على sth/sb (ضد against)
4169 شُرفة balcony
4170 نَفْع benefit, advantage; use
4171 قُصور shortcoming, insufficiency; negligence
4172 إحداث effectuation, implementation; bringing about
4173 مُنتَظِم regular, systematic; orderly
4174 نَبَعَ، يَنبَعُ، النَّبْع to emerge, originate; to emanate, flow
4175 مُقاتِل combatant, warrior
4176 راوٍ/الرّاوي narrator, storyteller; reciter (of poetry)
4177 رَقَبة neck
4178 في رَقَبتِهِ his responsibility
4179 عُصفور، عَصافير bird, sparrow
4180 اِحتَفَلَ to celebrate ب (anniversary, graduation)
4181 قَوِيَ، يَقوى، القُوّة to be strong (enough)
4182 مُعتَدِل moderate (weather, policy), restrained; balanced
4183 تَمديد lengthening; extension, prolongation
4184 اِنتِحار suicide
4185 خَصْم adversary
4186 تَقصير deficiency, inadequacy
4187 فَرَج relief, relaxation, happiness
4188 إعجاب admiration, amazement; wonder, surprise
4189 إبعاد removal; distancing; banishment, deportation, exile
4190 سَدَّ، يَسِدُّ، السَّداد to close, barricade (door); to turn off (electricity, water); to pay, settle (a debt); to fill (gap), provide (need)
4191 حَلَّقَ to fly, soar, hover; to circle (the skies)
4192 مُرتاح relaxed; at ease, resting; happy, satisfied
4193 أبسَط simpler/est; more/most basic
4194 نَقيب leader, head; union boss; (military) captain
4195 يورانيوم uranium
4196 نَسَب lineage; kinship
4197 سامِع listening, hearing, able to hear; having heard
4198 تَداعٍ/التَّداعي ات breakdown, collapse
4199 تَداعيات reflections, thoughts; repercussions
4200 خَيْرة ات good deed
4201 خَيْرات resources, wealth, treasures
4202 حُفرة، حُفَر pit, hole
4203 اِستَأْهَلَ to deserve, merit sth
4204 مُقَدِّم person presenting or submitting; offering, presenting, submitting (request, complaint)
4205 تَواجَدَ to exist, live; to be found, be located; to be present
4206 نَسمة smile
4207 إسراع hurrying, speeding up; acceleration
4208 لَفْظ uttering, saying
4209 ألفاظ word, term, expression
4210 خَبيث malicious, evil; malignant, pernicious
4211 جَمرة جَبيثة anthrax
4212 طابِق floor, story
4213 وُجوب necessity, obligation, duty
4214 خَبَّرَ to tell sb sth or عن about sth or أنّ that
4215 اِنتِقام revenge; retaliation, reprisal
4216 جامِع comprehensive, extensive; gathering, collecting; collector (stamps, etc)
4217 خالِد immortal, eternal; glorious
4218 صَحابة Sahaba (companions of the Prophet)
4219 تَصاعُد rise, ascent; escalation
4220 لَوْم blame, fault, disapproval, reproach
4221 مَنزَِليّ (adj) domestic, household
4222 صُحبة friendship
4223 بِصُحبة accompanied by
4224 اِفتَقَرَ to lack, be in need إلى of sth
4225 دَفتَر notebook; ledger
4226 تَعبِئة (mil) mobilization, alert; (manufacture) packaging, canning, bottling
4227 مِظَلّة umbrella
4228 مُطَّلِع well-informed (على about sth)
4229 لِمَ why
4230 مُراد object, goal, intention; (what is) desired, intended
4231 رَصَدَ، يَرصُدُ، الرَّصْد object, goal, intention; (what is) desired, intended
4232 جالية expatriate community, colony
4233 اِختَرَقَ to exceed, break (barrier); to pierce, penetrate sth; to hack into (computer, network); to traverse, cross (region)
4234 ألغى to cancel, terminate; abrogate
4235 مَثيل equal, match; peer
4236 لا مَثيل لَهُ beyond comparison
4237 وِجدان feeling, emotion; conscience
4238 مُرتَقَب expected, anticipated
4239 أكرَمَ to honor, respect sb; to venerate pay tribute to sb
4240 مُستَهدَف targeted, aimed at, intended
4241 صَحراويّ desert; Saharan
4242 اِندَرَجَ to be inserted, included; to be classified, categorized, filed
4243 لِباس clothes, dress, attire
4244 أضاعَ to lose sth; to waste (time); to miss, let go by (opportunity)
4245 حَراك movement, motion
4246 أنزَلَ to bring or send down, lower sth
4247 جامِد frozen; rigid
4248 بَهجة splendor, magnificence; delight
4249 ذابَ، يَذوبُ، الذَّوْب to dissolve, melt
4250 ساحِليّ coastal, seaside
4251 ضَجيج noise; commotion
4252 مَوْضوعيّة objectivity
4253 نِتاج result, outcome; production; offspring
4254 مُزارِع farmer
4255 مَرَضيّ pathological; diseased; medical
4256 حَنيف orthodox
4257 الدّين الحَنيف Islam
4258 سارَعَ to hurry, hasten إلى to a place, or to do sth
4259 خِلافة succession; caliphate
4260 ناسِف explosive, exploding
4261 بُلوغ reaching, attaining
4262 تَرَكَّزَ to be centered, concentrated حول/على/في in/on/around sth; to be focused على خر sth
4263 حلا، يَحلو، الحَلاوة to be sweet
4264 يَحلو لَهُ أنْ to enjoy doing sth
4265 كَما يَحلو لَهُ as he pleases
4266 تَوافَقَ to agree, concur
4267 اِستَضافَ to host, invite sb
4268 مَصرَع death, fatality
4269 مُتَظاهِر demonstrator; demonstrating
4270 مَفعول impact, effect; result
4271 ساري المَفعول valid (permit)
4272 خَياليّ imaginary, fantastic; fictitious
4273 كَمّ amount, quantity
4274 تَشكيليّ visual, graphic
4275 اِزدياد growth, increase, rise
4276 اِستِعانة seeking help ب from sb, resorting ب to sth, making use of ب sth
4277 مُحَلِّل analyst
4278 مُنصَرِم gone by, elapsed (time period)
4279 عِندئذٍ then, at that time
4280 صِنْف، أصناف type, class, kind, category
4281 اِستَبعَدَ to rule out (regard as unlikely) sth
4282 أضحى to become; (with imperf) to begin, start (doing)
4283 حِبْر embellishment, adornment, decoration
4284 اِستِشاريّ advisory, consultative, consulting; advisor, consultant
4285 جَليل venerable, eminent; glorious, great
4286 هاتِ bring, french, get sth; to give, hand over sth
4287 تَبرير justification, pretext; vindication, exoneration
4288 جِذريّ radical, fundamental, basic
4289 تَوالى to follow in succession, come on after the other
4290 خُضار (coll) vegetables, greens
4291 حَرَّمَ to outlaw, ban sth; to forbid على sb to do sth; to prevent على sb from doing sth
4292 مُحاوِل attempting, trying (to do sth)
4293 جَمَل، جِمال camel
4294 مُؤَلَّف composed (من of); compiled; publication, book; compilation, composition
4295 أُلوف مُؤَلَّفة thousands and thousands
4296 مَعروض on display, shown; offered, available; offering, proposal
4297 ذَرّة atom, particle
4298 جَمْر embers
4299 تَسَلَّلَ to infiltrate إلى sth
4300 مُرضٍ/المُرضي satisfactory, satisfying, pleasing; adequate, sufficient
4301 مُصَلٍّ/المُصَلّي praying, worshipping; person praying or worshipping
4302 هاجَمَ to attack, assault sth/sb; to raid, launch a strike against sth
4303 زبون، زَبائِن custom, client
4304 مُقَرَّب close, near; close companion, protege
4305 طائِفيّة sectarianism, factionalism
4306 طُمَأْنينة calm, tranquility, serenity; rest, repose
4307 تَهريب smuggling (goods or persons)
4308 إتْمام completion; realization
4309 صَحوة awakening, revival; resurgence
4310 وِقائيّ protective; preservative; preventative
4311 خَطَرَ، يَخطِرُ. الخَطْر to occur ل to sb; to come على/ب to sb’s minds
4312 دائِر taking place, happening; ongoing, current
4313 وَيْل woe, distress
4314 يا وَيْلي woe is me!
4315 أجدى to be useful, helpful
4316 يُجدي نَفْعاً it’s useful
4317 عَتمة dark, darkness, gloom
4318 شَقَّ، يَشُقُّ، الشَّقّ to split, cut through sth
4319 شَقَّ طَريقه to make one’s way (إلى towards)
4320 مَعمَل، مَعامِل laboratory; factory, installation, (production) facility
4321 دِبموماسيّة diplomacy
4322 دُهْن، دُهون oil, grease, fat (esp in food)
4323 فيتامين ات vitamin
4324 اِختِراق breaking (barrier); incursion, penetration; traversing, crossing (region); hacking into (computer, network)
4325 [[فَخامة excellence, eminence; (in titles) فَخامة الرَّئيس]] His Excellency, the President
4326 حَيِّز sphere, scope; field, domain, area
4327 رَبْع، رُبوع housing, lodging; residence, home; territory, inhabited area
4328 مالِك proprietor, owner; possessing, owning; having, holding
4329 زَكاة zakat (almsgiving in Islam); charity
4330 مُصادَرة confiscation, seizure; expropriation; impounding
4331 مَظلوم oppressed, treated unjustly
4332 طَيَّبَ to make pleasant; to enhance, make delicious (food); to perfume, scent sth
4333 طَيَّبَ خاطِرَهُ to appease sb
4334 خِتاميّ concluding, closing, final
4335 هادِف purposeful, directed; (plans, efforts) aimed at
4336 ريفيّ rural, countryside; rustic
4337 اِحتِواء containing, including; controlling, holding back, curbing; inclusion, content
4338 إسكان housing
4339 أرُزّ rice
4340 مُقاوِم antagonist, adversary; resisting, opposing
4341 نَزَفَ، يَنزِفُ، النَّزْف to bleed, hemorrhage; drain
4342 غَمرة inundation, flood
4343 غِمار heat, passion (of conflict)
4344 قَبضة grip; fistful; seizure
4345 أقدَم older/est, more/most ancient
4346 نَخيل date palms
4347 مُعَوِّق ات obstacle, hurdle, impediment
4348 عامَلَ to treat, deal with sb/sth (ب in a manner)
4349 تَركيبة structure, composition; arrangement, configuration
4350 حُنون affectionate, compassionate; loving, dear
4351 مَذهَبيّ doctrinal, sectarian
4352 لَوَّحَ to wave ب with (hand) إلى at sb; to allude to, hint at ب sth
4353 مُفرَد (adj) individual, separate
4354 بِمُفرَدِهِ alone, by itself/himself
4355 رُوَيْداً slowly, gradually; (with pronoun) رُوَيْدَك slow down!
4356 قاتَلَ to fight (sb)
4357 ميزة characteristic, distinguishing feature; merit, distinction, advantage, asset
4358 بَحريّة navy
4359 نَزْعة inclination, tendency; trend
4360 رَأَسَ، يَرأَسُ، الرَّأْس to head, lead, direct sth; to chair (meeting)
4361 نَدىً dew; generosity
4362 طَرَأَ، يَطرَأُ، الطَّرء to happen (unexpectedly) على to sb; to occur على to sb (an idea)
4363 خُلاصة gist, synopsis, abstract, summary
4364 خُلاصة القَوْل in brief, in short
4365 مَعرِفيّ knowledge-related, information-related; cognitive
4366 شَيْخة matron, elderly woman, elderly female
4367 يا شَيْخة my dear lady, ma’am
4368 حَراريّ thermal, caloric, heat-related
4369 الاِحتِباس الحَراريّ greenhouse effect, global warming
4370 لُعبة، لُعَب game, sport; toy, play thing; (fig) deal, trick; (sports) move
4371 مُتَغَيِّر changing, alternating
4372 مُتَغَيِّرات variables
4373 قُطر، أقطار region, district
4374 أقطار countries
4375 مُلتَزِم committed (ب to); involved, loyal
4376 طالِب requesting, demanding
4377 كَليب ات (film, video) clip
4378 زُحمة (traffic) congestion, jam, bottleneck; crowd, throng
4379 فِداء sacrifice; self-sacrifice
4380 اِجتِياح strike, invasion
4381 حَيَويّة vigor, vitality; liveliness
4382 بِرّ charity; piety, righteousness
4383 حَامِل pregnant
4384 إنسانيّة humanity, humankind; humaneness
4385 اِقتِحام incursion, assault; storming into, breaching
4386 تَلا، يَتلو، التَّلاوة to follow, come after sth/sb; to recite (Quran)
4387 مِئَويّ one-hundred, hundredth; percent; Celsius, centigrade
4388 نَوَّهَ to point out, mention ب/إلى أنّ that
4389 رِوائيّ novelist, narrator; narrative, novelistic
4390 اِنعِكاس ات repercussion; reflection
4391 على حِدةٍ separately, individually
4392 دَوّامة spiral, cycle; whirlpool, vortex; dizziness, confusion
4393 إهمال neglect, negligence, carelessness
4394 فائِت past, expired, elapsed, gone by
4395 رَصيف sidewalk; platform
4396 ضَبيّة، ضَبايا young girl, young (unmarried) woman
4397 هِبة gift, grant
4398 مَعدود limited in number, countable
4399 رَكْب procession, cavalcade; entourage, retinue
4400 تَقارُب mutual affinity; rapprochement
4401 رافِد tributary
4402 الرَّافِدان Tigris and Euphrates
4403 بِلاد الرّافِدَيْن Mesopotamia
4404 طَوَّلَ to lengthen, extend, prolong sth; to take (a long) time; to stay, linger; to last
4405 هُوّة abyss, chasm; gulf, gap
4406 مُشاوَرة ات consultation, deliberation, discussion
4407 مُطمَئِن calm, at east; relieved, reassured; certain, sure, confident (إلى about)
4408 نَظَريّ theoretical
4409 تَدَفَّقَ to flow, stream; to drip, drop
4410 أبعَدَ to remove, eliminate sb عن from; to expel, banish sb; to distance نَفسَهُ عن oneself from sth
4411 حَكَم، حُكّام (sports) referee
4412 تَضَخُّم (econ) inflation
4413 رَشيد rational, sensible, wise, mature
4414 جَبان coward; cowardly
4415 تَقاعُد retirement
4416 مَوْطِن، مُواطِن home country; residence; locality, area
4417 عَجَلة wheel, tire
4418 ضَئِيل small, meager, sparse
4419 مُروريّ traffic-related
4420 فَسيح wide, extensive; lengthy, extended; ample, roomy
4421 مَرئيّ visual, visible
4422 مُرونة flexibility
4423 رَافَقَ to accompany, escort sb
4424 عُمرانيّ (adj) building, construction, architectural; civilized, populated
4425 شُبهة ات suspicion, doubt
4426 سِحريّ magical, magic; enchanting
4427 تَعَدُّد pluralism, multi-
4428 عِرقيّ ethnic, racial
4429 إكمال completion, conclusion; perfection
4430 ذِمّة protection, security; conscience
4431 تَواضُع modesty, humility
4432 مَبعوث envoy; delegate; representative
4433 مَشرِق (noun) East, Levant
4434 رَحمَن merciful (God)
4435 دُكتوراه doctorate
4436 تَنشيط stimulation, encouragement, energizing
4437 قَصَّرَ to shorten, curtail sth
4438 زِمام reins
4439 طَبَّق dish, course, meal
4440 اِستَغرَبَ to be surprised (من at), regard sth as strange
4441 كَسْر breaking; violating, defying (tradition, the law); fracture, crack; (math) fraction
4442 اللاتي (fem. pl.) who, whom
4443 حَلوى pastry, dessert
4444 حَدَّ to limit, curb من (sb’s freedom, power); to halt, stop من sth
4445 مُتَسائِل asking oneself, wondering, pondering
4446 مَولِد birthday, anniversary; birthplace
4447 آسِف sorry, regretful, remorseful
4448 حَرْق burning, incineration; burn (wound)
4449 ناجِم arising, originating, resulting عن from
4450 عائِق، عَوائِق obstacle, hurdle, impediment
4451 رامي aimed (إلى at), attempting (إلى to do sth); (person) throwing; rifleman; archer
4452 قُبّة dome, cupola
4453 حُزمة، حُزَم package, bundle; set, collection
4454 رَقَصَ، يَرقُصُ، الرَّقْص to dance
4455 اِرتِداء wearing, putting on (clothes)
4456 تَزويد providing, supplying (ب with)
4457 أُسَريّ (adj) family, domestic
4458 ذُهول numbness, indifference, confusion
4459 إلَهيّ divine, heavenly, holy; theological
4460 مُراسِل correspondent, reporter
4461 تَجَمَّعَ to gather together, assemble, rally
4462 عِنَب (coll) grapes
4463 غَزير abundant, plentiful; substantial, generous
4464 اِجتاحَ to strike, invade (country, region)
4465 ماجِستير master’s degree, MA
4466 سَبَحَ، يَسبَحُ، السِّباحة to swim
4467 فَوات expiration, passing (time, deadline)
4468 تَخَيَّلَ to imagine, suppose sth or أنّ that
4469 تَخَيَّلْ just imagine! fancy that!
4470 خانة compartment, partition; square (chessboard); field (form, questionnaire); cell (spreadsheet)
4471 مُحَمَّل loaded, burdened, charged
4472 جَرُؤَ، يَجرُؤُ، الجُرْاة to dare على to do sth
4473 عَشِقَ، يَعشَقُ، العِشْق to love, be fond of sth/sb
4474 حَطَّ، يَحُطُّ، الحَطّ to descend, land (على on)
4475 فِنجان cup, coffee cup
4476 ثانَويّة secondary school, high school
4477 شُبّاك window
4478 اِكتَسَبَ to earn, gain, win sth
4479 مَخلوق ات created; creature
4480 سُدّ dam
4481 مَناعة resistance, immunity
4482 عَقّار، عَقاقير drug, medicine
4483 غَضِبَ، يَغضَبُ، الغَضَب to become angry
4484 مَيْل inclination, tendency; leaning, sympathy
4485 تَجاهُل disregard; feigned ignorance; mutual disregard
4486 اِستِجواب interrogation, questioning
4487 تَعاقُد contract, mutual agreement
4488 فاسِد spoiled, rotten; corrupt, immoral
4489 تَأَثُّر being influenced, affected (ب by); emotion, sensitivity
4490 عَلّامة eminent scholar, erudite person
4491 أفلَحَ to succeed, prosper, thrive في in sth
4492 مَوْكِب parade, procession
4493 بُنّيّ brown
4494 خَشَب wood
4495 طَرَّقَ to knock on (door)
4496 تَرَدُّد repetition; frequenting (على a place); hesitation (في to do sth); frequency (of waves)
4497 مُنَشِّق coordinator
4498 مُنكَر reprehensible; vice
4499 النَّهي عن المَنكُر the prevention of vice
4500 نَسيم breeze, wind
4501 شَمّ النَسيم Egyptian spring festival
4502 تَغَلُّب surmounting, overcoming على (challenges)
4503 تَوَجَّبَ to be necessary على for sb أنْ to do sth
4504 غَيْب (noun) (what is) invisible, concealed
4505 فاعِليّة effectiveness; activity
4506 مَحْض (invariable) pure, mere, complete (fantasy, lies, coincidence)
4507 سَعَة volume, capacity
4508 رَجعة return, going back, turning back
4509 خَصخَصة privatization
4510 حاسوب computer
4511 تَخَرُّج graduation
4512 كريم cream (food, cosmetic)
4513 لا مَحالة without fail, without a doubt
4514 ميل mile
4515 سَبْق precedence, antecedence
4516 مَدعوم supported, bolstered, promoted
4517 أماميّ (adj) front, frontward
4518 ضَحكة laugh, laughter
4519 عاقَبَ to punish sb ب (with a sentence) على for (a crime)
4520 مُساهِم shareholder, stockholder; participant
4521 اِنهارَ to collapse, fall down; to break down, fall apart
4522 اِختِطاف abduction, kidnapping; hijacking
4523 تَأَخُّر delay, slowness; backwardness, lack of development
4524 حافِز، حَوافِز incentive, stimulus, motive
4525 قِبلة qiblah (direction faced in prayer, i.e. the Kaaba in Mecca); (fig) onu,s focus of attention
4526 رَهْن mortgage, security
4527 رَهْنَ subject/liable to, dependent/conditional on
4528 تَمرين، تَمارين exercise, drill, practice, training
4529 إغاثة aid, relief assistance
4530 زَوال ending, cessation; disappearance, vanishing; noon, noontime
4531 زَوالاً at noon
4532 تَوْبة repentance, penance
4533 حَلاوة sweetness, pleasantness; sweets, candy; confectionary
4534 حيلة، حِيَل trick, ruse, stratagem
4535 جَوهَريّ fundamental, essential; core, central
4536 حُدوديّ (adj) frontier, border
4537 نُطْق pronunciation; utterance
4538 حَمام (coll) dove, pigeon
4539 حَسَنة ات good deed, merit
4540 المُشار إلَيْهِ/ها the aforementioned
4541 اِستِهداف targeting, aiming at, intending; allergy
4542 روميّ، روم Byzantine
4543 الروم الكاثوليك Roman Catholics
4544 خِضَمّ (fig) sea, ocean
4545 في خِضَمّ in the middle of, in the thick of
4546 كَنَّ، يَكُنُّ، الكَنّ to conceal, hide sth; to harbor (feelings) ل towards sb; to hold, maintain (respect) ل for sb
4547 أضاءَ to illuminate, shine upon sth
4548 ناشِئ growing, emerging; resulting عن/من from
4549 النّاشِئة the youth, adolescents
4550 غُموض vagueness, obscurity, lack of clarity
4551 مَعجِزة miracle
4552 تَجميع gathering, assembling
4553 حاسِب calculator
4554 طابَ، يَطيبُ، الطّيب to be good or pleasant; to heal, get well; to be cured
4555 مُبين plain, clear, obvious
4556 تَعايُش coexistence, living together
4557 صَوْم fasting, abstinence
4558 رَوَّجَ to promote, market sth; to circulate, spread sth
4559 نِفاق hypocrisy
4560 شَمْل inclusion, containing
4561 مُواكَبة accompanying, keeping pace with; escorting
4562 قاع bottom, floor
4563 اِستِبدال substitution, replacement; exchange
4564 غَلَقَ، يَغلِقُ، الغَلْق to lock or bolt shut, to close (door)
4565 خَلفيّ (adj) back, rear, end; background
4566 مُرَتَّب organized, in order; neat, tidy, trim; arranged, prepared; regulated; salary, wage, pay
4567 حَيَوانيّ animal, animal-like, zoological
4568 نُصْب monument, memorial
4569 نُصبَ in front of
4570 مُعضِلة dilemma, problem, difficulty
4571 بَلاغ report, communiqué, notice, notification
4572 بَلاغ كاذِب false statement
4573 بُندُقيّة rifle; gun, weapon
4574 جَبّار mighty, powerful; huge, gigantic
4575 اِقتِتال fighting (each other)
4576 تِلقائيّ automatic, spontaneous
4577 تِلقائيّاً automatically, spontaneously
4578 اِحتِياطيّ reserves (economic, geological, military, sports); precautionary, contingency, reserve
4579 اِستِسلام surrender, capitulation; resignation
4580 ثارَ، يَثورُ، الثَّورة to revolt, arise
4581 وَتيرة way, manner, style; method, approach
4582 اِندِماج integration, assimilation; absorption, fusion
4583 قابَلَ to meet, encounter, face sb
4584 بُرهة moment, instant
4585 ضياء light, glow
4586 نَدَم remorse, regret
4587 راغِب (person) wanting, wishing for, desiring (في sth)
4588 اِندِلاع breaking out, flaring up (fire, war)
4589 نَعيم comfort, luxury, happiness
4590 مُستَجِدّ new, recent
4591 مُستَجِدّات recent events or incidents, latest developments
4592 تَشويه distortion
4593 اِمتِياز distinction, excellence; special right, privilege
4594 بَدَنيّ bodily, physical
4595 مُصَوِّر photographer; illustrator
4596 قُبلة kiss
4597 مَحفِل، مَحافِل gathering, assembly
4598 مَحافِل circles, groups
4599 ضاحِك laughing
4600 تارِك leaving (behind), quitting, abandoning
4601 اِشتَمَلَ to include, comprise, contain على sth
4602 ساكِن quiet, calm, motionless
4603 لم يُحَرِّك ساكِناً he didn’t do a thing, he didn’t lift a finger
4604 قَلَبَ، يَقلِبُ، القَلْب to turn around; to turn (one’s face, a page); to overthrow, topple (a regime)
4605 سائِل asking, inquiring; requesting; person asking; beggar
4606 رَنَّ، يَرِنُّ، الرَّنّة to ring, sound (phone, bell)
4607 جُغْرافيا geography
4608 كَثَب nearness, closeness
4609 عن كَثَب closely
4610 جُند army, soldiers
4611 تَسَرُّب leak, escape; infiltration
4612 مُتَرَتِّب derived or resulting على from; associated or connected على with; arrange, organized, regulated
4613 تَقليص reducing, shrinking, cutting back
4614 خَلَّفَ to give birth to (a child); to appoint sb as successor; to leave sth behind
4615 عَمْد intent; deliberate, premeditated
4616 عَمْداً deliberately, voluntarily
4617 شَغّال busy, occupied; in operation, running, functioning; working, employed
4618 مُبتَسِم smiling
4619 إيقاع imposition (of a punishment); causing (discord); rhythm, beat
4620 مُهَدَّد threatened, intimidated; in danger, at risk
4621 عَلْمانيّ secular
4622 مَصروف، مَصاريف expenditure, expense; allowance
4623 تَسَلُّل infiltration
4624 شابَهَ to resemble, be similar to sth/sb
4625 سَماويّ heavenly, celestial
4626 رَبِحَ، يَربَحُ، الرِّبْح to profit من from sth; to gain sth; to win (money, sporting event); to prevail (truth)
4627 مُدّعٍ/المُدّعي plaintiff, prosecutor; claiming, alleging
4628 مَزيج combination, mixture, blend
4629 تِباعاً in succession, consecutively, one after the other
4630 اِنفِصال separation, break-up; secession
4631 جاهِليّة ignorance (esp of divine guidance); Jahiliyah (pre-Islam)
4632 بَصَل (coll) coins
4633 اِستِقطاب polarization, attraction
4634 دَمْج inclusion, incorporation, integration; consolidation, merger
4635 غَقلة negligence, lack of attention
4636 مُذيع broadcaster, announcer
4637 طَوْر stage, phase; period, time
4638 بَذْر، بُذور seed
4639 أثَريّ archeological; historical
4640 لِصّ، لُصوص thief
4641 تَقوى piety, religiousness, devoutness
4642 تَأَهُّل qualification, competency; marriage, getting married
4643 لِبْس clothing, dress, attire
4644 بَوْل urination; urine
4645 مُوَزَّع distributed, scattered (على among)
4646 حَذِرَ، يَحذَرُ، الحَذَر to be cautious, beware من of
4647 تَوافُر availability
4648 هَوْل fright, shock
4649 جُمرُك، جَمارِك customs; customs house
4650 الجَمارِك customs; customs duties, tariffs
4651 إنجاح granting success, making successful; success
4652 عُثمانيّ Ottoman
4653 مُتَمَنّي wishing, desiring; hoping for
4654 بادية desert, wilderness
4655 بَوْح uncovering, revealing (a secret); disclosure, confession
4656 صَلَّحَ to fix, repair, mend sth; to put sth in order
4657 غَرام love, infatuation
4658 قَوْميّة nationalism
4659 اِرتاحَ to relax, rest; to be satisfied, pleased ل with sth; to delight, find please ل in sth
4660 اِاتِحاق entering; joining; affiliation
4661 شِمال left
4662 عَلَنيّ public, open
4663 هولَنديّ Dutch
4664 كَرَم generosity, magnanimity
4665 مَفصِل، مَفاصِل (anatomy) joint; articulation; juncture, turning point, crossroads
4666 تَنَقُّل transfer; movement; transportation
4667 إفطار iftar (evening meal, usually of dates that breaks the daily fast during Ramadan); breakfast
4668 شَوْك (coll) thorns
4669 شَوْكة fork
4670 ذَريعة means; pretext, excuse
4671 صارِم severe, strict; ruthless
4672 مَبذول exerted, expended; expenditure; exertion, effort
4673 حينئِذٍ then, at that time
4674 كَيْفَما however, whatever, whichever
4675 عَلِقَ، يَعلَقُ، العُلوق to hang, be suspended; to be pending or outstanding; to be attached ب to sth; to latch on ب to sb
4676 نَقلة move, shift; advance, progress
4677 نَقلة نَوْعيّة quantum leap
4678 أسعَد happier/est; luckier/est
4679 فِرار escape (من from); desertion, defection (من from)
4680 مُتَمَرِّد rebel, insurgent
4681 قَوْس bow, arch; vault, arc
4682 بَيْن قَوْسَيْن between parentheses
4683 مُذ since, ago
4684 فاتِحة opening, preface
4685 الفاتِحة the first surah (chapter) in the Quran
4686 شَيْخوخة old age, seniority
4687 جَوْف belly, abdomen; cavity, hollow
4688 في خَوْفِ in the middle of
4689 حَذْف deletion, omission
4690 زِرّ button; (push) button, switch button
4691 داجِن، دَواجِن tame, domesticated
4692 دَواجِن chickens, poultry
4693 ديوان anthology or collection of poems
4694 رِجْل leg
4695 صَميم depth, innermost part; true, genuine
4696 تَفاقُم aggravation, exacerbation; worsening
4697 جالَ، يَجولُ، الجَوْل to wander, roam about (في/ب a place)
4698 ما يَجولُ بِخاطِرِهِ/بِبالِهِ what’s on his mind, what’s he worried about
4699 قُبالة facing, in front of
4700 تَكثيف increasing, heightening, intensifying; thickening (hair); compression, condensation
4701 لَيْمون lemon
4702 عَظمة majesty, greatness, grandeur
4703 مَفَرّ escape, avoiding
4704 لا مَفَرّ منهُ (it’s) inevitable
4705 تَجاوُب response, responsiveness (to need); rapport
4706 اِحتَضَنَ to embrace, welcome sb; to comprise, encompass, include sth
4707 عِيادة clinic, outpatient clinic
4708 غارِق drowned; immersed, engrossed (في in)
4709 مَركَب ship, vessel
4710 كُلية، كُلىً kidney
4711 باكٍ/الباكي crying, weeping (على over sth/sb); mourning, weeping (for sb)
4712 رامَ، يَريمُ، الرّيْم to desire, crave sth
4713 على ما يُرامُ fine, okay; in order
4714 فَرْط excess, excessive amount, hyper-
4715 جَليّ clear, evident, obvious
4716 خُلود immortality; perpetuity; remaining, staying (في at a place)
4717 عَلمانيّة secularism
4718 عُلويّ upper, top; superior
4719 لَمَحَ، يَلمَحُ، اللَّمْح to see, notice sth
4720 اِكتِمال completion; perfection
4721 سَماحة magnanimity; (honorific) His Eminence
4722 اِنطِلاقة start, launch, outset
4723 أنجَزَ to implement, carry out (project); to accomplish, perform sth
4724 ماسّ urgent, pressing; touching
4725 عَصَب، أعصاب nerve
4726 كَهْف cave, cavern; hole, cavity
4727 مُتَفاوِت different, diverse
4728 نَوَّرَ to illuminate; to enlighten; (fig) to brighten (a home, a Web forum, by one’s visit)
4729 بَرْق lightning; telegraph
4730 بَديع wonderful, magnificent, marvelous
4731 تَأَمُّل contemplation, reflection; pondering
4732 فِردَوْس paradise
4733 تِمثال statue
4734 عَتَبة step, stair; threshold
4735 عَتَبة دارِهِ sb’s front door, sb’s doorsteps
4736 مُصَمِّم determined, resolute (على to do sth); designer, stylist
4737 تَجَدَّدَ to be renewed, to be revived; to come up again, to repeat itself
4738 نَهْب looting, plundering; stealing, robbing
4739 فاتورة invoice, bill
4740 عِوَض replacement; compensation, restitution
4741 عِوَضَ/عِوَضاً عن instead of, in compensation for
4742 مُتَبَّع followed, observed, adhered to
4743 وَجَع ache, pain
4744 تَوافَرَ to be abundantly available
4745 اِستِغناء dispensing with, doing without عن sth
4746 أعَزّ stronger/est; dearer/est
4747 ذَوْرة peak, summit, height
4748 قَدّ amount
4749 قَدّ ما as much as
4750 كَنَديّ Canadian
4751 تَذكير reminding
4752 لَهَب flame
4753 مُنَوِّه pointing out, mentioning ب/إلى أنّ that
4754 اِستِبداد despotism, absolutism, tyranny
4755 رَيّ irrigation
4756 كَمال perfection, completeness
4757 تَفكيك dismantling, taking apart; separating, breaking up; fragmentation, dissolution
4758 هَندَسيّ engineering; technical
4759 فُرْن oven; furnace; bakery
4760 زِحام crowd, throng; (traffic) congestion
4761 أُسوة model, example; pattern; concept
4762 أُسوةً ب based on the model of
4763 مَقرُبة vicinity, proximity
4764 على مَقرُبةٍ من close to, near
4765 هَيْبة reverence, respect; dignity, prestige; fear, awe
4766 بَصَريّ visual; optical
4767 جَرَّ، يَجُرُّ، الجَرّ to drag, pull sth
4768 خَفَّ، يَخِفُّ، الخِفّة to become lighter (weight); to decrease in intensity; to quicken (one’s pace); to rush, hurry إلى to do sth
4769 اِتِّساع expansion, extension, stretching, widening
4770 قُدوم arrival, coming; entering (a chat room)
4771 بَرقيّة telegram
4772 هَيْهاتُ Not even close! How impossible! In vain!
4773 جَنَّنَ to infuriate sb; to drive sb insane
4774 مُقام raised, erected; installed, established, set up; held, hosted (event, party)
4775 مُعرِب expressing, indicating, manifesting عن (opinion, sentiment)
4776 ما + ل + pronoun what is wrong with (pronoun)
4777 هاوُن mortar (weapon)
4778 فَقيد deceased
4779 اِستيراد importing, importation
4780 مِساس violation, infringement (ب of)
4781 اِكتِفاء contentment, satisfaction; sufficiency, adequacy
4782 أجادَ to be proficient, be an expert at sth; to do sth well
4783 نِسوة women
4784 لَذّة pleasure, joy, delight, enjoyment
4785 وِساطة mediation, intercession
4786 حَخْز reservation (seat, room); seizure, confiscation, impounding
4787 مُخَلَّف left behind
4788 مُخَلَّفات leftovers
4789 وَهَبَ، يَهَبُ، الوَهْب to donate, grant sth ل to sb; to give, dedicate (one’s life) ل to
4790 مُجيب responding, answering; responsive; person answering, person able or willing to answer
4791 مُضطَرّ compelled, forced, obligated (إلى to do sth)
4792 أسمَر، سَمْراء، سُمْر brown, tanned, brown-skinned
4793 غَنيّ stupid, ignorant
4794 مَشرَف، مَشارِف view
4795 مَشارِف heights, elevations
4796 حَميد praiseworthy, laudable; positive, good; (medical) benign
4797 أذان adhan (Islamic call to prayer)
4798 هَمْس whispering
4799 هَمْساً in whisper, by whispering
4800 قُطْب axis, pole; leader, top figure
4801 مُكَعَّب cubic (foot, meter); cube-shaped
4802 عافى to heal, cure sb
4803 َأشرَق to rise, shine
4804 أنسَأَ to establish, found; to install, set up
4805 ضَباب fog, mist; vapor
4806 بَشَّرَ to give good news; to evangelize
4807 يُبَشِّرُ بالخَيْر to augur well, to be a good omen
4808 مَجيد glorious, exalted
4809 وَجيز brief, short; summarized
4810 مَكروه detested, loathsome; accident, misfortune, mishap
4811 نَقَصَ، يَنقُصُ، النَّقْص to lack sth; to be less (عن than); to be reduced
4812 لِئَلّا in order not to
4813 صُهْيونيّة Zionism
4814 كِفاح struggle, fight
4815 مُكافَأة compensation, remuneration; reward
4816 مُتَداوَل in circulation, in common, prevailing
4817 قَفْز jumping, leaping
4818 قامة stature, status; height
4819 رَيْب doubt, suspicion
4820 لا رَيْب فيه/ها there is no doubt about it
4821 بِلا رَيْبٍ without a doubt
4822 حَزِنَ، يَحزُنُ، الحُزْن to be sad, grieve على/ل for
4823 عُدوانيّ hostile, aggressive
4824 اِستِدعاء summons, call, appeal, petition; recall, calling back
4825 أجَنْدة agenda, schedule, program; roadmap, blueprint
4826 جَفَّ، يَجِفُّ، الجَفاف to dry, become dry; (fig) to freeze, run cold (blood)
4827 وَلَّدَ to generate, produce (energy)
4828 مُتَعاقِب consecutive, succesive, alternating
4829 أرضيّة floor, basis, groundwork; background
4830 مُبالَغ فيه/ها exaggerated
4831 زُجاجة bottle; (piece of) glass
4832 اِقتَحَمَ to invade sth; to storm, burst into sth
4833 خَيْبة failure, frustration
4834 خَيْبة أملٍ disappointment
4835 تَنازَلَ to back down عن from; to renounce, waive, forego عن sth
4836 اِندَلَعَ to break out, flare up (fire, war)
4837 مُشتَبَه فيه/ها suspicious, suspected
4838 اِختِفاء disappearance; absence
4839 مُوَجِّه sending, guiding, directing
4840 تَرميم restoration, renovation
4841 سَهَر sleeplessness, night without sleep; watchfulness, vigilance
4842 اِختِراع invention
4843 سَعِدَ، سَسعَدُ، السَّعادة to be happy, delight ب in sth
4844 نازِح displaced person; emigrant
4845 تَعَصُّب fanaticism, extremism; intolerance
4846 مَبدَئيّ fundamental, basic
4847 مَبدَئيّاً in principle
4848 مُختار mukhtar (village chief); elder; mayor; chosen, selected; elected; favorite, preferred
4849 دَرَج step, stairs; route, course
4850 إجمال sum, whole
4851 إجمالاً in general, on the whole
4852 مَعمول in use, applied, carried out, effected
4853 تَسَنّى to be feasible, be possible
4854 عَرَّفَ to introduce sb ب to sb else; to let sb know sth
4855 موضة fashion, style
4856 مَرسَم، مَراسِم art studio, shop
4857 مَراسِم ceremonies, rituals; conventions, protocol
4858 حَمَّلَ to load (cargo)
4859 حَمَّلَهُ المَسؤوليّة to put sb in charge; to blame sb; to download (files)
4860 صَحْن bowl, plate; courtyard (of a mosque)
4861 ذِهْنيّ mental, intellectual
4862 فَيْض abundance; flood, stream
4863 نَشوة intoxication, rapture, elation
4864 شُعبة، شُعَب branch, subdivision, department
4865 مُقتَنِع satisfied, content; convinced
4866 رِئة lung
4867 بادِرة، بَوادِر gesture, sign, indication
4868 بَوادِر early signs, first indications
4869 إخفاء hiding, concealing, keeping secret; lowering (one’s voice)
4870 أرحَم more/most merciful
4871 تَحصيل acquisition, attainment
4872 تَحصيل حاصِل foregone conclusion; self-evident (fact, truth)
4873 مَقدِرة ability, potential, capacity
4874 تَكريس dedication, devotion; consecration
4875 نَجا، يَنجو، النَّجاء to survive, come out alive; to escape, be rescued من from
4876 قُطن cotton
4877 أعمَق deeper/est
4878 بروفسور professor
4879 صُنْع manufacture, industry
4880 مُراهَقة adolescence, puberty
4881 تَعاوَنَ to cooperate, collaborate مع with sb
4882 مَليّ (noun) long time
4883 مَليّاً for a long time, for quite some time
4884 تَوْليد producing, generating (energy, electricity)
4885 عُنصُريّة racism
4886 شائِع widespread, well-known
4887 مُرفَق attached, appended; enclosed
4888 مِستَر Mister
4889 خاطَبَ to address, speak to sb
4890 في مُتَناوَل اليَد within reach, available
4891 تَخَرَّجَ to graduate من from
4892 كابتِن captain
4893 غَيْمة، غُيوم cloud
4894 دِراما drama
4895 مَسيحيّة Christianity
4896 دِيانة ات religion, creed
4897 هَيْكَلة structuring, framing; organizing, composing; framework, structure, make-up
4898 تَعميق deepening, broadening, strengthening (collaboration, partnership)
4899 مُعَظَّم glorified, venerated; majesty
4900 عَوَّضَ to repay, compensate, reward sb; to replace, substitute for sth/sb
4901 هاوية cliff, precipice; abyss, chasm
4902 أدَقّ more/most accurate, precise
4903 مِسْك musk
4904 رُقعة patch, plot of land, area; range, scope; chess board, checkers board; coupon, ticket
4905 اِستِعماريّ colonialist; (related to) building of settlements
4906 تَعَدُّديّة multiplicity, pluralism, plurality
4907 وَثيق secure, firm, solid; steady, reliable
4908 اِستِبعاد ruling out, regarding as unlikely; excluding
4909 باقة bouquet (flowers); packet (computer, satellite communications, etc)
4910 كَرْه/كُرْه hatred, loathing
4911 على كُرهٍ/كُرْهاً unwillingly, reluctantly, forcibly
4912 شَهيّة appetite
4913 مُرشِد guide, instructor; advier, aide
4914 قابِض holding (company, bank)
4915 تَمكين enabling, making possible
4916 رَصاصة bullet; shot
4917 مَحو eradication, elimination; erasing, wiping out
4918 تَوْصيل connection, contact
4919 بَحْت pure, exclusive
4920 حَشَرة ات insect
4921 رَيْثَما as long as; until
4922 قاموس dictionary, lexicon; vocabulary
4923 بِناية building, edifice; structure
4924 سُيولة liquidity
4925 تَلاعُب manipulation, tampering
4926 تَخصيب fertilization; enrichment (uranium)
4927 شِلْو، أشلاء corpse; body part, limb; piece, fragment
4928 شَبابيّ youthful, juvenile; of or relating to youths
4929 رَكلة kick, shot (in sports)
4930 مَرجوّ requested, desired, wished for
4931 صُلْح peace, reconciliation
4932 عاطِل unemployed (عن العَمَل), jobless; broken, non-functioning, out of order; useless, worthless, no-good
4933 سَريّة، سَرايا (military) company, squadron
4934 أَنَّ، يَئِنُّ. الأنّ to complain, moan
4935 مُحال impossible, absurd; referred, assigned على to; transferred, passed on إلى to
4936 لِ + المُضارِع المَجزوم let…
4937 لِيَكُنْ let there be
4938 هَنيء healthful, beneficial; good, pleasant
4939 هَنيئاً bon appétit, cheers!
4940 شاكِر thankful, grateful
4941 ياسمين jasmine
4942 أرجَح more/most likely, probable
4943 مُلاحَقة pursuit, chase; legal prosecution
4944 كَربون carbon
4945 زِفاف wedding
4946 لَذيذ delicious; delightful, marvelous
4947 تُفّاح (coll) apples
4948 حَياتيّ biological, living; daily life related
4949 تَبِعة ات consequence; responsibility
4950 خُضوع submission, subjection; undergoing (surgery)
4951 مُهاجَمة attack, assault; raid, strike
4952 أضحى sacrifice, immolation
4953 عيد الأضحى Feat of the Sacrifice
4954 إمساك holding (sth); refrain (عن from); restraint; (med) constipation; imsak (start of Ramadan fast)
4955 تَنبيه warning, alarm
4956 تَنامٍ/التَّنامي gradual growth, steady increase
4957 غُيوبة unconsciousness; trance; coma
4958 بَدَّلَ to change, modify sth; to substitute sth ب for sth else
4959 مُحَذِّر warning, cautioning
4960 يُسْر ease, facility; affluence, prosperity
4961 كامِن hidden, concealed, secret; latent, dormant
4962 مَدعُوّ invited, called; named
4963 غَرابة strangeness, oddness
4964 طَموح ambitious, desirous
4965 ثَأْر revenge, retaliation
4966 خَلْط mixing, blending; mixture, blend
4967 غِشّ cheating, swindling
4968 عَدا، يَعدو، العَدْو to run, race; to gallop
4969 لا يَعدو أنْ يَكونَ ، لا يَعدو كَوْنُهُ it is nothing but, it is merely
4970 تُراثيّ heritage-based, historical; inherited
4971 حَلبة arena, ring, circuit, track
4972 أسمى higher/est, loftier/est
4973 أصدَق truer/est; more/most reliable
4974 تَراكُم build-up, accumulation; backlog
4975 قَميص، قُمصان shirt
4976 حَمِدَ، يَحمَدُ، الحَمْد to praise, extol, glorify sb; to applaud (sb’s position)
4977 سِمنة fat; obesity
4978 مُسوَدّة rough draft
4979 فَتحة opening; porthole; fatha (Arabic short vowel “a”)
4980 اِعتِصام adhering, holding on (ب to); taking refuge (ب in); sit-in strike
4981 لَعين accursed, damned; hateful
4982 اِستِلام receiving, accepting
4983 حامٍ/الحامي، حُماة protector, guardian; patron; hot, burning; fierce, passionate
4984 فَناء extinction, doom, end
4985 أهوَن easy, simple; comfortable, convenient; unimportant, insignificant; easier/est; lesser/least, lower/est
4986 قَوّى to strengthen, fortify
4987 مَعيشيّ livelihood-related; living (conditions, circumstances)
4988 عَشيرة، عَشائِر clan, tribe
4989 عِشاء evening
4990 آلَ، يَؤولُ، الأوْل to become, turn into, come to be إلى st (to reach a certain state)
4991 عِنان bridle, reins
4992 عَذراء (fem) virgin
4993 مَريَم العَذراء The Virgin Mary
4994 بَطيء slow
4995 مُذهِل amazing, startling
4996 أدلى to give, express ب (opinion); to provide, grant ب sth
4997 مُدرَج registered, listed; included, incorporated
4998 صَرْح building, structure, edifice; institution
4999 بَريق sparkle, glitter; luster, shine
5000 مَسبوط happy, cheerful; satisfied, content
5001 إنذار warning, caution, alarm
5002 قُرآنيّ Quranic
5003 إبراز highlighting, emphasizing, accentuating
5004 جَليد ice
5005 عَجيبة، عَجائِب marvel, wonder
5006 البَتّة (noun that functions as adverb) (not) at all; (none) whatsoever; in (no) way, shape, or form
5007 أشهَر more/most famous
5008 تَمْر (coll) dates
5009 اِشتَرَطَ to stipulate sth
5010 كُردِستانيّ Kurdistani
5011 أفضى to lead إلى to (solution, agreement); to communicate, disclose ب sth
5012 مُتَلَقٍّ/المُتَلَقّي recipient, (person) receiving
5013 عَيَّطَ to scream, shout
5014 طَبْخ cooking, cuisine
5015 بَعثيّ Baathist
5016 يَدَويّ manual, by hand
5017 ثَدي breast; udder
5018 واصِف describing, portraying, depicting, characterizing
5019 مُؤْسِف regrettable, unfortunate; sorry, sad
5020 عَمَدَ، يَعمِدُ، العَمْد to do sth deliberately
5021 اِعتِدال moderation, restraint
5022 اِستَحالَ to be impossible (على for sb) أنْ to do sth; to be transformed (إلى into)
5023 عَسكَر (coll) army, troops
5024 اِستيلاء appropriation, seizure
5025 كَفَلَ، يَكفُلُ، الكَفْل to guarantee sth ل for sb; to support, maintain, provide for sb
5026 فَريضة religious duty
5027 مَنقول conveyed, transferred; quoted, copied (عن from); mobile
5028 أوْصى to advise sb (ب to do sth); to make a will
5029 تَعادَلَ to be balanced, be equitable; to tie (each other, in sports)
5030 أقسى harsher/est, more/most cruel
5031 وَهَج blaze, fire; glare, glow
5032 كُرَويّ round, spherical, ball-shaped; of or relating to football (soccer)
5033 شَمسيّ solar, sun-
5034 تَسيير propulsion; steering, guidance
5035 واقِعيّة realism, reality
5036 مَعلوماتيّ informatics, information technology, information science
5037 وَثِقَ، يَثِقُ، الوَثاقة to trust ب in sth/sb; to rely, depend ب on sth/sb
5038 إستاد stadium
5039 اِستِهلاكيّ consumer (goods)
5040 ناشِر publisher
5041 مَنفىً exile, banishment
5042 هَوى، يَهوي، الهَويّ to drop, fall down, collapse
5043 مَكشوف open, public, candid; exposed, uncovered; open-air
5044 في/بَيْنَ ثَنايا inside, within, among
5045 تَحَقُّق ascertainment, verification من of sth
5046 وَقْع impact, effect; impression, imprint; beat (music); fall, falling
5047 مُشكِل problem, difficulty
5048 مَقطوع cut off, severed; blocked; interrupted; disconnected
5049 مُفتَرَق intersection, junction, crossroads
5050 مَعدِن، مَعادِن mineral, metal
5051 مُستَدام sustainable (development); sustained
5052 لِحاق catching up ب with; enrollment ب in; meeting, joining up ب with
5053 مُزمَع imminent, expected; scheduled, planned, intended
5054 خَلَف substitute; successor; descendant; recompense, compensation
5055 خَرَقَ، يَخرِقُ، الخَرْق to pierce, perforate sth; to violate (the law); to exceed, break (barrier)
5056 فِقريّ spinal, vertebral
5057 مُمَرِّض (male) nurse
5058 عِرْض، أعراض honor, dignity
5059 أمضى to complete, finalize sth; to spend, pass (time)
5060 مُرَكَّز concentrated, intensive; centralized; condensed; concentrate (orange juice)
5061 أحرى more/most adequate
5062 بِالأحرى rather, to be more precise
5063 تَوْقيف detention; stopping, halting
5064 صوماليّ Somali
5065 عُمّاليّ labor (party); workers
5066 اِحتِقان congestion; (political) tension
5067 بَطريرك (chr.) patriarch
5068 رَمْي throwing, tossing, pelting; shooting (bullets)
5069 مَلَأ crowd; audience, assembly
5070 على المَلَأ in public
5071 اِستَوْجَبَ to require sth, make sth necessary
5072 مَوَدّة friendship, affection
5073 سالِم safe, secure, sound, intact
5074 رَقيب observer, inspector; censor; (military) sergeant
5075 نَمْل (coll) ants
5076 كَوْنيّ cosmic, relating to the universes
5077 تَجَزَّأ to be divided, be partitioned; to be separated, be detached
5078 مُخاطِب speaker, interlocutor; addressing, speaking to
5079 قَلبيّ cardiac, heart-related
5080 حُسبان consideration, estimation, calculation
5081 فَضيل excellent, splendid; commendable; virtuous; distinguished, eminent
5082 قَصَرَ، يَقصِرُ، القَصْر to shorten, curtail sth; to fall short عن of sth, to fail عن to do sth
5083 قَصُرَ، يَقصُرُ، القِصَر to be insufficient
5084 مُستَلزَم required
5085 مُستَلزَمات requirements
5086 تَصاعَدَ to climb, increase, rise
5087 أرقى higher/est; more/most advanced; top, finest
5088 تَدعيم supporting, backing, propping up
5089 عَنوة force, violence
5090 عَنوةً forcibly, by force
5091 تَطَرَّقَ broaching, discussing إلى (a topic)
5092 رَحبة، رِحاب open area; public square
5093 رِحاب vastness; generosity, protection; (university) campus
5094 غازيّ gaseous; soft (drinks)
5095 مُأْلوف familiar, typical, usual; customary
5096 تَسديد payment, settlement; aiming, shooting
5097 إدانة condemnation, denunciation, censure
5098 عِداد number, quantity
5099 شَفّاف transparent, translucent
5100 بُروز emergence, appearance; prominence
5101 قَصَفَ، يَقصِفُ، القَصْف to bomb, shell sth
5102 نَبْد discarding; rejection, renunciation
5103 خاتِم ring; seal, stamp
5104 خاتِم الأنبِياء/النَّبيّين the Seal of the Prophets (Muhammad)
5105 وِراثيّ hereditary; genetic, congenital
5106 وِراثيّاً genetically
5107 تَحطيم demolition, destruction
5108 رِواق، أروِقة corridor, hall; porch, portico
5109 مَلَّ، يَمُلُّ، المَلّ to be bored, get fed up (من with sth)
5110 حَرير silk
5111 قَبَليّ tribal
5112 رُجولة masculinity, manhood, virility
5113 غُرور deception, delusion; vanity
5114 بِليون billion
5115 تَخريب destruction; sabotage, terrorism
5116 تَبديل replacement, substitution, exchange
5117 مَرفوض rejected, refused; intolerable, unacceptable
5118 زَعامة leadership
5119 فادِح serious, grave; heavy
5120 أخَصّ more/most specific
5121 بِالأخَصّ particularly, especially
5122 قِتاليّ (adj) fighting, battle
5123 أزالَ to remove, eliminate; to uninstall (software)
5124 كابوس nightmare
5125 مَلْجَأ shelter, refuge
5126 فَحْم coal
5127 فَريسة victim, prey
5128 شَغَب unrest, disturbance
5129 نَقّال portable, mobile
5130 تَساقَطَ to collapse; to fall gradually
5131 رُطوبة moisture, dampness, humidity
5132 واعٍ/الواعي conscious, awake; aware, informed; alert
5133 اِنتِظام order, regularity
5134 سِكّين knife
5135 وَسيط mediator, intermediary, go-between; middle, medium
5136 فَخّ trap, snare
5137 مَعشَر assembly, community, group, society
5138 مُلّا mullah (Muslim cleric)
5139 مُصادَفة coincidence
5140 مِرصاد lookout, ambush
5141 بِالمِرصاد (lying) in wait
5142 شُروع embarking في on, engaging في in
5143 جُرعة dosage, dose; vaccine; gulp
5144 أسِفَ، يَأسَفُ، الأسَف to be or feel sorry ل/على about/for sth/sb
5145 نَصرانيّ، نَصارى Christian
5146 صِباً/الصِّبا (noun) youth, childhood
5147 صارِخ shouting, screaming, crying out
5148 بُرتُقال (coll) oranges
5149 مَدروس studied, planned, investigated; calculated, deliberate
5150 إيميل ات email
5151 مُستَورَد imported
5152 مُستَطاع (what is) possible feasible
5153 حِزام belt, band; cordon, barrier
5154 مُتَطَوِّع volunteer
5155 تَزايَدَ to increase, grow in number
5156 مُستَعمَل used, in use, employed
5157 مَغرِب sunset; evening, time of sunset
5158 مانِح granting, donating; donor
5159 مَمَرّ passageway, corridor
5160 تَمَتُّح enjoyment
5161 أسلَمَ to handover, surrender sth إلى to sb; to become a Muslim, embrace Islam
5162 اِمتِصاص absorption, suction
5163 أفسَدَ to spoil, ruin sth; to corrupt sth
5164 نُبُوّة prophethood; prophecy
5165 مَنزِلة grade, rank, position
5166 لُغْز، ألغاز mystery, enigma; puzzle, riddle
5167 مُجتَمَعيّ societal
5168 زَعلان angry (على/من with/at), mad (at), annoyed (with)
5169 أحصى to count, calculate
5170 لا يُحصى innumerable
5171 لَهيب flame
5172 حَريم (coll) women, harem
5173 لَهْو entertainment, amusement
5174 طَقْس، طُقوس ritual, rite
5175 رُكوب getting in/on, riding in/on (vehicle); boarding, traveling by (ship, airplane); mounting, riding (horse, bicycle)
5176 وِعاء container, receptacle; vessel
5177 تَطَلُّع ات aspiration, hope
5178 دَقّة ات knock, stroke, tick, beat
5179 تَأْشيرة visa (travel, entrance, exit)
5180 حُجْب hiding, veiling; covering, shielding; withholding, restraining, holding back
5181 فَرَّ، يَفِرُّ، الفَرّ to escape, flee; to defect, desert
5182 تَدَنٍّ/التَّدَنّي fall, decline; sinking
5183 حَلْق throat; chasm, gorge
5184 تَأسَسَ to be established, be founded
5185 بالكاد almost
5186 رِهان bet, wager; contest
5187 عَزيمة determination, (firm) resolve, (strong) will; incantation
5188 عُمرة “lesser” pilgrimage to Mecca
5189 كَفَّلَ to support, maintain, provide for sb
5190 بَنّاء constructive, positive
5191 شُعلة torch, flame, fire
5192 طَمْأنَ (quadrilateral) to pacify, assuage, reassure sb
5193 تَنافُسيّ competitive; antagonistic
5194 عَباية abaya (traditional black robe worn by Muslim women)
5195 بُؤْرة center, focus
5196 بُركان volcano
5197 تَحريض incitement, provocation; induction
5198 اِفتِتَاحيّ opening, leading, introductory; inaugural
5199 المَغفور له/ها the late, deceased
5200 والٍ/الوالي ruler, governor
5201 قَلَّما rarely, seldom; hardly, barely
5202 نَقيّ pure, clean; undiluted
5203 مُفَدىً beloved, cherished, greatly esteemed
5204 مُرَجَّح probable, likely
5205 مَحضَر report, minutes; attendance
5206 عُبوديّة slavery, servitude; veneration
5207 نَصْح advice, counsel
5208 تَمرير passing, transfer
5209 شَتان scattering; diaspora
5210 مَنام sleep; sleeping place
5211 نَفَر group, party; soldier, private; person, individual (in a population)
5212 أبقى to maintain, preserve (على) sth/sb; to keep sth/sb (على in a state)
5213 حَشَّنَ to improve sth, make sth better; to decorate sth, make sth nice
5214 ثَلّاجة refrigerator, cooler; freezer, ice-box
5215 أبلَغ more/most eloquent
5216 فيزياء physics
5217 حَيْثُما wherever
5218 اِستِراحة intermission, recess; time-out, (fig) truce; rest, relaxation; lodge, hostel ,rest house; rest area, waiting room, visitors long; shrine (esp. martyr); refuge, shelter (animal protection)
5219 حَفنة handful
5220 مُعاقَبة punishment, sanction
5221 شِبْر span of the hand or foot
5222 ولا شِبْر not (even) an inch
5223 اِستَغْفَرَ to beg (God) for forgiveness
5224 تَسَوُّق shopping
5225 مَشروب ات beverage, drink
5226 مُخاطَبة speaking to, addressing sb; conversation
5227 اِمتَلَأَ to be filled, to become full
5228 عاتِق shoulder
5229 ضُحىً forenoon; morning
5230 مَرأى sight, view
5231 قالِب form, model; mold
5232 اِستِخراج extraction; removal
5233 بِتروليّ petroleum-, oil-based or related
5234 فَرَقَ، يَفرُقُ، الفَرق to differ, be different; to make a difference
5235 ما بِتَفرِق it doesn’t matter (مع to sb)
5236 ثَناء praise, commendation; appreciation
5237 حَلَوِيّات sweets, candy; confectionary; pastries, desserts
5238 وِصاية trusteeship, guardianship; care, custody, tutelage
5239 ألحَقَ to attach, append ب sth; to enroll, register sb ب in (a school)
5240 مَأْوىً refuge, shelter
5241 بِركة pool, puddle; (swimming) pool
5242 أجَل yes, of course
5243 تَخزين storage, safekeeping
5244 تَمَسَّكَ to clutch, adhere to ب sth
5245 تَجَسُّس espionage, spying
5246 أبرَزَ to highlight, expose sth
5247 مَنال attainment, achievement; reach, capacity
5248 هاجَرَ to emigrate
5249 تَنقيب drilling, excavation; exploration
5250 عُضويّ organic
5251 ظَهيرة noon, midday
5252 نِقابيّ union, syndicate
5253 مُتَساوٍ/المُتَساوي equivalent, similar
5254 فتبول football, soccer
5255 مَعمور populated, inhabited
5256 المَعمورة the world
5257 مَردود returns, revenue, yield
5258 تَحَسُّب expectation, anticipation
5259 تَحَسُّباً لِ in anticipation of
5260 وَجْد love, affection, intimacy; passion, ecstasy; contentment, well-being
5261 ضَخّ pumping; injecting
5262 جِنازة funeral; funeral procession
5263 خاطِرة، خَواطِر idea, thought
5264 لاشَيْء nothingness, non-existence; (sports) zero, nil
5265 اِطمِئْنان peace of mind, serenity; calm, tranquility
5266 تَقَيُّد being bound ب to sth; restriction, limitation
5267 مُستَقيم straight, correct; righteous
5268 مُشتاق yearning, longing إلى for sth/sb (= to miss sth/sb)
5269 قُرْص disk, tablet
5270 عِلاجيّ therapeutic, healing, curative
5271 مُثَلِّث triangle; triangle-shaped
5272 موبايِل ات mobile phone, cell phone
5273 جَهِلَ، يَجهَلُ، الجَهْل to ignore, not know sth
5274 اِحتِراف professionalism
5275 أحضَرَ to bring, supply sth; to prepare (food)
5276 فَضّ resolving, settling (conflict, disputes); breaking up, dispersing, dissolving
5277 مَطبوع printed
5278 مَطبوعات publications, printed materials
5279 صَليليّ cross-shaped; Crusader
5280 تَوْجيهيّ directing, guiding; instructional
5281 التَّوْجيهيّ tawjihi (secondary school exam and diploma in Jordan and Palestine)
5282 مُصاحِب accompanying
5283 تَعَهَّدَ to commit oneself, pledge ب to do sth
5284 كَبَسَ، يَكبِسُ، الكَبْس to press (button, key); to dial (phone number); to click (mouse)
5285 مُتَوَجِّه going, heading إلى to; turning, facing إلى towards
5286 خيرة choice, pick, elite
5287 أسمى to name, designate, call
5288 مُختَلِط mixed, co-ed (schools); hybrid, blended (forces)
5289 مُعتَدٍ/المُعتَدي aggressor, assailant
5290 قَبَضَ، يَقبِضُ، القَبْض to arrest, apprehend, seize على sb
5291 دَقيق flour
5292 مُتَفائِل optimistic; optimist
5293 عَدّ counting, calculating
5294 مُصحَف manuscript, copy (esp. of the Quran)
5295 ناوٍ/النّاوي intending, wanting (to do sth)
5296 عارِم tempestuous, frenzied
5297 نَطَرَ، يَنطُرُ، النَّطْر to wait for sth/sb; to watch, guard sth/sb
5298 بُرتُغاليّ Portugese
5299 تَعَدَّدَ to be numerous; to be diverse or varied
5300 وَفيّ loyal, faithful
5301 كَيْد trick, ruse, plot, scheme
5302 أشرَف nobler/est; more/most honorable
5303 وُسع capability, capacity
5304 تَوَرُّط involvement, entanglement
5305 جابَ، يَجوبُ، الجَوْب to explore, traverse, pass through
5306 مَتين firm, strong, solid, unshakable
5307 مُوَقَّع signed, bearing signature
5308 اِرتَكَزَ to be centered, focused على around/on sth
5309 مَلحَمة fierce battle; epic
5310 اِحتِكار monopoly, hoarding
5311 فاحَ، يَفيحُ، الفَيْح to be fragrant; to emanate من from sb (scent, perfume)
5312 أضعَف weaker/est
5313 ضمّ joining; addition, annexation