
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból

This module conjugates Spanish verbs.

The module uses numbers to refer to individual verb forms. A map from these numbers to the verb form properties is below:

Public functions[szerkesztés]

  • frame objects take numbered parameters of 1=ending, 2=pattern, and parameters 3 onwards stems for the verb; and named parameters ref (to toggle reflexive conjugation) and json (to toggle JSON output).
  • json_raw: Takes a frame object. Returns a JSON object containing inflected forms and their properties.
  • json_wikt_forms: Takes a frame object. Returns a JSON object containing inflected forms and corresponding Wiktionary inflection templates.
  • json_combined_forms: Takes a table of inflections generated with inflect, and the ending of the verb. Returns a JSON object containing combined forms and corresponding Wiktionary inflection templates.
  • json_paradigms: Exports the list of verb paradigms as a JSON object (see Template:es-conj/paradigms)
  • inflect: Takes a table of args (containing ending, pattern, a table of stems, and boolean ref (reflexive)), a table of categories, and boolean toggle_decorate. Returns a table containing the inflected forms of the verb, decorated with links or plain based on toggle_decorate.
  • inflect_combined: Takes a table of inflections generated with inflect. Returns a table of some combined forms of the verb.
  • headword_line: Takes a frame object. Returns a headword line for the verb.
  • verb_table: Takes a frame object. Returns a conjugation table or JSON object containing inflected forms of the verb.

Data subpages[szerkesztés]

  • Data modules are located at data/ending/pattern (or data/ending for the basic -ar/-er/-ir patterns). Individual data modules inherit the base pattern of the parent module (-ar/-er/-ir), and return a table with the following properties:
  • description: Optional description of the conjugation type
  • replacement: Replacement rules to be applied to base conjugation pattern
  • patterns: Table of patterns that differ from base pattern
  • ref: Table of any reflexive forms that need to be specified
  • defective: Table of defective form numbers
  • unstressed: Table of forms that should not be automatically stressed in reflexive conjugation

Other subpages[szerkesztés]