Ugrás a tartalomhoz


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Új téma nyitása
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból
  • 687 portable
    • ⺘ * fingers (finger)
    • ⾫ * turkey
    • 686 fist (from)


  • 3748 U643a B64 G8 S13 XJ05A38 XJ14129 F1017 N1977 V2253 H648 DK465 L687 K1284 DO1666 MN12529 MP5.0354 E1202 IN1686 DJ1486 DG919 P1-3-10 I3c10.4 Q5002.7 DR1345 ZSP1-3-11 Yxie2 Whyu ケイ たずさ.える たずさ.わる {portable} {carry (in hand)} {armed with} {bring along}

EDICT Entries

  • える [たずさえる] / (v1) to carry in one's hand / (P) /
  • わる [たずさわる] / (v5r) to participate / to take part / (P) /
  • [けいたい] / (n,vs) (1) something carried (in the hand) / (2) mobile telephone (abbr) / (P) /
  • [ていけい] / (n) cooperation / tie-up / joint business / link-up / (P) /
  • [ひっけい] / (n) handbook / manual / vade mecum / (P) /
  • [れんけい] / (n) cooperation / (P) /