
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból


ka 1

   ka the first consonant of the alphabet, and the first guttural letter (corresponding in sound to k in keep or king)

⋙ kakāra

   ○kāra m. the letter or sound ka TPrāt

⋙ kavat

   ○vat mfn. having the word ka NBD

⋙ kavarga

   ○varga m. the gutturals (of which ka is the first letter) TPrāt. Siddh. (cf. vargá.)

ka 2

   ká kas, kā, kim, interrog. pron. ( kim and 2. kad, and the. following words in which the interrogative base ka appears, katama, katara, kati, katham, kadā, karhi, kā, &c.), who? which? what? In its declension ka follows the pronoun tad except in nom. acc. sing. neut., where kim has taken the place of kad or kat in classical Sanskṛit 
   • but the old form kad is found in the Veda ( Gram. 227) ; [Zd. ka, kô, kâ, kat 
   • Gk. ?, ?, (Ion. ?, ?,) ?, ? ; Lat. quis, [240, 2] quid ; Lith. kas ká ; Goth. hvas, hvô, hva, Angl. Sax. hwā, hwaet ; Eng. who, what.] The interrogative sentence introduced by ka is often terminated by iti (e.g. kasya sa putra iti kathyatām, let it be said, 'whose son is he?'), but iti may be omitted and the sentence lose its direct interrogative character (e.g. kasya sa putro na jñāyate, it is not known whose son he is). ka with or without √1. as may express 'how is it possible that?' 'what power have I, you, they, &c.?' (e.g. ke mama dhanvino'nye, what can the other archers do against me? ke āvām paritrātum, what power have we to rescue you?) ka is often connected with a demonstrative pron. (e.g. ko'yam āyāti, who comes here?) or with the potential (e.g. ko hariṃ nindet, who will blame Hari?) ka is sometimes repeated (e.g. kaḥ ko'tra, who is there? kān kān, whom? whom? i.e. which of them? Gram. 54), and the repetition is often due to a kind of attraction (e.g. keṣāṃ kiṃ śāstram adhyayanīyam, which book is to be read by whom? Gram. 836. a). When kim is connected with the inst. c. of a noun or with the indecl. participle it may express 'what is gained by doing so, &c.?' (= ko'rthas) [Page 240, Column 3] 
   • (e.g. kiṃ vilambena, what is gained by delay? kim bahunā, what is the use of more words? dhanena kiṃ yo na dadāti, what is the use of wealth to him who does not give? with inst. and gen., nīrujaḥ kim auṣadhaiḥ, what is the use of medicine to the healthy?) ka is often followed by the particles iva, u, nāma, nu, vā, svid, some of which serve merely to generalize the interrogation (e.g. kim iva etad, what can this be? ka u śravat, who can possibly hear? ko nāma jānāti, who indeed knows? ko nv ayam, who, pray, is this? kiṃ nu kāryam, what is to be done? ko vā devād anyaḥ, who possibly other than a god? kasya svid hṛdayaṃ nâsti, of what person is there no heart?) ka is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pronoun, especially in negative sentences (e.g. na kasya ko vallabhaḥ, no one is a favourite of any one 
   • nânyo jānāti kaḥ, no one else knows 
   • kathaṃ sa ghātayati kam, how does he kill any one?) Generally, however, ka is only made indefinite when connected with the particles ca, caná, cid, vā, and ápi, in which case ka may sometimes be preceded by the relative ya (e.g. ye ke ca, any persons whatsoever 
   • yasyai kasyai ca devatāyai, to any deity whatsoever 
   • yāni kāni ca mitrāṇi, any friends whatsoever 
   • yat kiṃca, whatever). The particle cana, being composed of ca and na, properly gives a negative force to the pronoun (e.g. yasmād indrād ṛte kiṃcana, without which Indra there is nothing), but the negative sense is generally dropped (e.g. kaścana, any one 
   • na kaścana, no one), and a relative is sometimes connected with it (e.g. yat kiṃcana, anything whatsoever). Examples of cid with the interrogative are common 
   • vā and api are not so common, but the latter is often found in classical Sanskṛit (e.g. kaścid, any one 
   • kecid, some 
   • na kaścid, no one 
   • na kiṃcid api, nothing whatsoever 
   • yaḥ kaścid, any one whatsoever 
   • kecit - kecit, some - others 
   • yasmin kasmin vā deśe, in any country whatsoever 
   • na ko'pi, no one 
   • na kimapi, nothing whatever). ka may sometimes be used, like 2. kad, at the beginning of a compound. ka-pūya, &c

ka 3

   ká m. (according to native authorities) N. of Prajāpati or of a Prajāpati VS. xx, 4 ; xxii, 20 TS. i ŚBr. &c 
   • of Brahman MBh. i, 32 BhP. iii, 12, 51 ; xii, 13, 19 ; 20 
   • of Daksha BhP. ix, 10, 10 
   • of Vishṇu L 
   • of Yama L 
   • of Garuḍa 
   • the soul Tattvas 
   • a particular comet VarBṛS 
   • the sun L 
   • fire L 
   • splendour, light L 
   • air L 
   • a peacock L 
   • the body L 
   • time L 
   • wealth L 
   • sound L 
   • a king L 
   • = kāma-granthi (?) 
   • (am), n. happiness, joy, pleasure ChUp. iv, 10, 5 Nir. &c 
   • water MaitrS. i, 10, 10 ŚBr. x Yājñ. &c 
   • the head 
   • hair, a head of hair L 
   • (also regarded as ind 
   • 1. kam.)

⋙ kaja

   ○ja mfn. produced in or by water, watery, aquatic 
   • (am), n. a lotus AgP 
   • -"ṣâsana m. 'sitting on a lotus', N. of Brahmā Hcat

⋙ kada

   ○da m. 'water-giver', a cloud L

ka 4

   ka a Taddhita affix (much used in forming adjectives 
   • it may also be added to nouns to express diminution, deterioration, or similarity, e.g. putraka, a little son 
   • aśvaka, a bad horse or like a horse)


   kaṃya &c. 1. kam. [Page 241, Column 1] 


   kaṃvūla n. (in astrol.) N. of the eighth Yoga, = Arabic ?


   kaṃśá = kaṃsá below


   kaṃs cl. 2. Ā. kaṃste, cakaṃse, kaṃsitā, &c., to go 
   • to command 
   • to destroy Dhātup. xxiv, 14


   kaṃsá as, am m. n. (√kam Uṇ. iii, 62), a vessel made of metal, drinking vessel, cup, goblet AV. x, 10, 5 AitBr. ŚBr. &c 
   • (a noun ending in as followed by kaṃsa in a compound does not change its final, cf. ayas-kaṃsa, &c. Pāṇ. 8-, 3, 46) 
   • a particular measure (= two Āḍhakas Car 
   • = one Āḍhaka L.) 
   • a metal, tutanag or white copper, brass, bell-metal 
   • m. N. of a king of Mathurā (son of Ugra-sena and cousin of the Devakī who was mother of Kṛishṇa [Ugra-sena being brother of Devaka, who was father of Devakī] ; he is usually called the uncle, but was really a cousin of Kṛishṇa, and became his implacable enemy because it had been prophesied to Kaṃsa that he would be killed by a child of Devakī ; as the foe of the deity he is identified with the Asura Kālanemi ; and, as he was ultimately slain by Kṛishṇa, the latter receives epithets like kaṃsa-jit, conqueror of Kaṃsa, &c.) MBh. VP. BhP. &c 
   • N. of a place, g. takṣaśilâdi Pāṇ. 4-3, 93 
   • (ā), f. N. of a sister of Kaṃsa Hariv. BhP. VP

⋙ kaṃsakāra

   ○kāra m. a worker in white copper or brass, bell-founder (considered as one of the mixed castes) BrahmaP

⋙ kaṃsakṛṣ

   ○kṛṣ m. 'punisher of Kaṃsa', N. of Kṛishṇa Śiś. i, 16

⋙ kaṃsakeśīniṣūdana

   ○keśī-niṣūdana m. the destroyer or conqueror of Kaṃsa and Keśin, N. of Kṛishṇa MBh. iii, 623

⋙ kaṃsajit

   ○jit m. N. of Kṛishṇa L

⋙ kaṃsaniṣūdana

   ○niṣūdana m. id. MBh. iii, 15528

⋙ kaṃsapātra

   ○pātra n. a particular measure (= one Āḍhaka) ŚārṅgS

⋙ kaṃsamardana

   ○mardana m. N. of Kṛishṇa L

⋙ kaṃsamākṣika

   ○mākṣika m. a metallic substance in large grains, a sort of pyrites

⋙ kaṃsayajña

   ○yajña m. a particular sacrifice

⋙ kaṃsavaṇij

   ○vaṇij m. a brazier or seller of brass vessels

⋙ kaṃsavatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a sister of Kaṃsa and Kaṃsā

⋙ kaṃsavadha

   ○vadha m. 'killing of Kaṃsa', N. of a drama by Śesha-Kṛishṇa

⋙ kaṃsavidrāvaṇakarī

   ○vidrāvaṇakarī f. 'driver away of Kaṃsa', N. of Durgā, MB3h. iv, 180

⋙ kaṃsaśatru

   ○śatru m. N. of Kṛishṇa

⋙ kaṃsasthāla

   ○sthāla n. a vessel made of metal Lāṭy

⋙ kaṃsahan

   ○han m. N. of Kṛishṇa

⋙ kaṃsahanana

   ○hanana n. the slaying of Kaṃsa

⋙ kaṃsārāti

   kaṃsârāti m. 'enemy of Kaṃsa', N. of Kṛishṇa

⋙ kaṃsāri

   kaṃsâri m. id 
   • N. of a king, Kshit

⋙ kaṃsāsthi

   kaṃsâsthi n. tutanag, white copper, any alloy of tin and copper L

⋙ kaṃsodbhavā

   kaṃsôdbhavā f. a fragrant earth L

≫ kaṃsaka

   kaṃsaka m. a vessel made of metal, goblet, cup Pat 
   • (am), n. a kind of unguent applied to the eyes L

≫ kaṃsika

   kaṃsika mf(ī)n. relating to or made of bell-metal Pāṇ. 5-1, 25

≫ kaṃsīya

   kaṃsīya mfn. id. Pāṇ. 4-3, 168 
   • (am), n. bell-metal


   kaṃ-sāra mfn. having a hard centre (said of rice) BRD. AitBr. ii, 9, 2, (but Aufrecht divides according to Sāy., yatkiṃcitkaṃ sāram.)


   kak cl. 1. Ā. kakate, cakake, kakitā, &c., to be unsteady 
   • to be proud 
   • to wish Dhātup. iv, 16


   kakajā́-kṛta mf(ā)n. mutilated, torn to pieces Bṛḍ. AV. xi, 10, 25


   kakanda m. gold L 
   • N. of a king L


   kákara m. a kind of bird VS. xxiv, 20 MaitrS. iii, 14, 1


   kakárdu m. destruction of enemies ṣāy. RV. x, 102, 6


   kakāṭa mfn. whirling up. reṇu-ka○


   kakāṭikā f. a particular part of the frontal bone AV. x, 2, 8 
   • the back of the neck T. (cf. kṛkāṭikā.)


   kakuñjala m. the bird Cātaka L. (cf. kapiñjala.)


   kakuṭhá m. a kind of bird MaitrS. iii, 14, 13 (cf. kakkaṭa.)


   kakutsala n. (perhaps) an expression of endearment applied to a child Bṛḍ. AV. xviii, 4, 66, (= kakut-sthala, jāmayo navôḍhāḥ kakut-sthalam vastreṇa yathôrṇuvanti tathâiva mana ācchādaya, ity-arthaḥ T.) [Page 241, Column 2] 


   kakut-stha below


   kakúd t f. a peak or summit (Lat. cacumen) 
   • chief, head RV. viii, 44, 16 AV. vi, 86, 3 TS. ŚBr 
   • any projecting corner or projection (as of a plough) BhP. v, 25, 7 
   • the hump on the shoulders of the Indian bullock AV. TS. BhP. &c 
   • the hump (of a man) Kathās 
   • N. of a metre (= kakúbh) TS 
   • an ensign or symbol of royalty (as the white parasol &c.) 
   • N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma 
   • (cf. tri-kakud, sthūla-kakud, &c., where the form kakud is said to be substituted for kákuda below Pāṇ. 5-4, 146 ; 147.)

⋙ kakuddruma

   ○druma m. N. of a jackal Pañcat

⋙ kakudmat

   ○mat mfn. having a projection or elevation, possessing a hump RV. x, 8, 2 ; 102, 7 VS. ix, 6 Ragh. Pañcat. &c 
   • (ān), m. a mountain Ragh. xiii, 47 
   • a bullock with a hump on his shoulders Kum. i, 57 
   • N. of a medicinal plant L 
   • (tī), f. the hip and loins L 
   • N. of a metre 
   • N. of the wife of Pradyumna VP

⋙ kakudman

   ○man mfn. high, lofty Hariv

⋙ kakudmi

   ○mi (in comp. for -min), -kanyā f. 'mountain-daughter', a river L 
   • N. of Revatī (wife of Bala-rāma) Śiś. ii, 20

⋙ kakudmin

   ○min mfn. peaked, humped MBh. VarBṛS 
   • (ī), m. a mountain L 
   • a bullock with a hump on his shoulders BhP 
   • N. of Vishṇu Hariv 
   • of a king of the Ānartas Hariv. 644 BhP. ix, 3, 29 VP 
   • (inī), f. N. of a river PadmaP

⋙ kakudvat

   ○vat mfn. having a hump 
   • (ān), m. a bullock with a hump on his shoulders R 
   • (tī), f. N. of the wife of Pradyumna (v. l. kakudmatī) VP

≫ kakut

   kakut (in comp. for kakúd above)

⋙ kakutstha

   ○stha m. 'standing on a hump', N. of a son of Saśāda and grandson of Ikshvāku MBh. Hariv. BhP. &c. (so called because in a battle he stood on the hump of Indra who had been changed into a bull 
   • according to the R. he is a son of Bhagīratha)

≫ kakuda

   kákuda as, am m. n. a peak, summit (of a mountain &c.) 
   • chief, head, pre-eminent AV. x, 10, 19 ŚBr. Ragh. &c 
   • the hump on the shoulders of the Indian bullock MBh 
   • a species of serpent Suśr 
   • an ensign or symbol of royalty (as the white parasol &c.) Ragh 
   • m. N. of a king VP

⋙ kakudakātyāyana

   ○kātyāyana m. N. of a Brāhman (who was a violent adversary of Śākyamuni)

⋙ kakudarūpin

   ○"ṣrūpin mfn. shaped like a hump DaivBr

⋙ kakudavat

   ○vat mfn. hump-backed VarBṛ

⋙ kakudākṣa

   kakudâkṣa m. N. of a man, g. revaty-ādi Pāṇ. 4-1, 146

⋙ kakudāvarta

   kakudâvarta m. a kind of curl on the coat (of a horse)

⋙ kakudāvartin

   kakudāvartin m. a horse having the above curl L

≫ kakun

   kakún (in comp. for kakúd above)

⋙ kakunmat

   ○mat mfn. = kakúd-mat, q.v. TS


   kakundara n. (connected with kakud?) the cavities of the loins Yājñ. iii, 96 Bhpr


   kakúbh p f. (cf. kakud) a peak, summit RV 
   • space, region or quarter of the heavens BhP. Mṛicch. Kathās. &c 
   • N. of a metre of three Pādas (consisting of eight, twelve, and eight syllables respectively 
   • so called because the second Pāda exceeds the others by four syllables) RPrāt. 889 AV. xiii, 1, 15 VS. ŚBr. &c 
   • unornamented hair or the hair hanging down like a tail L 
   • a wreath of Campaka flowers L 
   • splendour, beauty L 
   • a Śāstra or science L 
   • a Rāgiṇī or mode of music L 
   • N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma (as a personified quarter of the sky) BhP

⋙ kakubhvat

   ○vat mfn. having an elevation, rising to a peak MaitrS. i, 11, 1

≫ kakup

   kakup (in comp. for kakúbh),

⋙ kakupkāram

   ○kāram ind. p. accompanied by rendering into Kakubh metres ŚāṅkhBr

⋙ kakuppradāha

   ○pradāha m. 'a glowing of the quarters of the sky', unusual redness of the horizon VarBṛS

≫ kakub

   kakub (in comp. for kakúbh)

⋙ kakubjaya

   ○jaya m. conquest of the quarters or of the world Rājat

⋙ kakubbhaṇḍa

   ○bhaṇḍá m. a mythical being Suparṇ

≫ kakubha

   kakubhá mfn. lofty, excelling, distinguished VS. TS 
   • m. a kind of evil spirit AV. viii, 6, 10 
   • a kind of bird Svapnac 
   • the tree Terminalia Arjuna MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • a part of the Indian lute called the belly (a wooden vessel covered with leather placed under its neck to render the sound deeper, or a crooked piece of wood at the end of the lute) L 
   • (in mus.) a particular Rāga or mode 
   • a kind of disease L 
   • N. of a man, g. tika-kitavâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 68 
   • of a mountain BhP 
   • (ā), f. space, region L 
   • (in mus.) a particular Rāgiṇī 
   • (am), n. the flower of Terminalia Arjuna Kāvyâd. [Page 241, Column 3] 

⋙ kakubhamaya

   ○maya mfn. made of the wood of Terminalia Arjuna VarBṛS

⋙ kakubhākāra

   kakubhâkāra m. a kind of bird (cf. kakubha) L

⋙ kakubhādinī

   kakubhâdinī f. 'tasting like Kakubha' ṭ., a kind of perfume L. (cf. nalī.)

≫ kakum

   kakum (by Sandhi for kakúbh)

⋙ kakummatī

   ○matī f. N. of a metre, ChandS. iii, 56

≫ kakuha

   kakuhá (= kakubhá), mfn. lofty, high, eminent, great RV

≫ kakuhastinā

   kakuhastinā v. l. for kakuhá Nigh


   kakuyaṣṭikā f. a kind of bird Car


   kakeruka m. a worm in the stomach Car. ŚārṅgS


   kakk v. l. for kakh, q.v


   kakkaṭá m. a species of animal (offered at a sacrifice to the goddess Anumati) VS. xxiv, 32 TS. v


   kakka-rāja m. N. of a king


   kakkala m. N. of a man


   kakkula m. N. of a Buddhist Bhikshu Lalit. (v. l. vakula)


   kakkola m. a species of plant (bearing a berry, the inner part of which is waxy and aromatic) Suśr. R. &c 
   • (ī), f. id. Pañcad 
   • (am), n. a perfume prepared from the berries of this plant Suśr

≫ kakkolaka

   kakkolaka n. the above perfume Suśr

≫ kakkolikā

   kakkolikā f. a species of plant L


   kakkh v. l. for kakh, q.v


   kakkhaṭa mfn. hard, solid L 
   • (ī), f. chalk L

⋙ kakkhaṭapattraka

   ○pattraka m. Corchorus Olitorius (rope is made from its fibre) L


   kakvala m. N. of a man (vv. ll. kakkvala, kakvalla)


   kákṣa m. (√kaṣ Uṇ. iii, 62 
   • √.kac), lurking-place, hiding-place RV. x, 28, 4 VS. xi, 79 
   • a wood, large wood (?) RV. vi, 45, 31 
   • a forest of dead trees, a dry wood, underwood (often the lair of wild beasts) VS. TS. TāṇḍyaBr. Mn. &c 
   • an inner recess, the interior of a forest 
   • grass, dry grass 
   • a spreading creeper, climbing plant L 
   • side or flank L 
   • sin L 
   • a gate W 
   • a buffalo L 
   • Terminalia Bellerica W 
   • (as, ā), mf. the armpit (as the most concealed part of the human body), region of the girth AV. vi, 127, 2 Suśr. Mṛicch. &c. ; [Lat. coxa, 'hip' ; O. H. G. hahsa ; Zd. kasha ; Sk. kaccha] 
   • a girdle, zone, belt, girth MBh. BhP. &c 
   • the end of the lower garment (which, after the cloth is carried round the body, is brought up behind and tucked into the waistband) 
   • hem, border, lace BhP. ix, 10, 37 
   • the scale of a balance Kāvyâd. Vcar 
   • (ā), f. painful boils in the armpit Suśr 
   • a surrounding wall, a wall, any place surrounded by walls (as a court-yard, a secluded portion of a building, a private chamber or room in general) MBh. BhP. Mn. &c 
   • the orbit of a planet VarBṛS. Sūryas. &c 
   • the periphery, circumference Sūryas. xii, 65 
   • balance, equality, similarity, resemblance MBh. xii, 7269 VarBṛS. 26, 6 
   • emulation, rivalry, object of emulation Naish 
   • the jeweller's weight called Retti L 
   • objection or reply in argument L 
   • a particular part of a carriage L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. VP

⋙ kakṣadhara

   ○dhara m. the part of the body where the upper arm is connected with the shoulder, the shoulder-joint Suśr

⋙ kakṣapa

   ○pa m. one of the nine treasures of Kuvera (cf. kacchapa.)

⋙ kakṣapuṭa

   ○puṭa m. the armpit 
   • N. of wk. on magic

⋙ kakṣaruhā

   ○ruhā f. a fragrant grass, Cyperus L

⋙ kakṣaloman

   ○loman n. the hair under the armpit R

⋙ kakṣaśāya

   ○śāya m. 'sleeping upon dry grass' ṭ., a dog L. (cf. kaṅka-śāya.)

⋙ kakṣasena

   ○sena m. N. of a Rājarshi MBh

⋙ kakṣastha

   ○stha mfn. situated on the side, seated on the heap or flank

⋙ kakṣāgni

   kakṣâgni m. fire in dry wood or grass MBh. iii, 14757

⋙ kakṣādhyāya

   kakṣâdhyāya m. N. of a part of a commentary by Bhū-dhara on the Sūrya-siddhānta

⋙ kakṣāntara

   kakṣântara n. an inner or private apartment

⋙ kakṣāpaṭa

   kakṣā-paṭa or m. a cloth passed between the legs to cover the privities Pañcat

⋙ kakṣāpuṭa

   kakṣā-puṭa m. a cloth passed between the legs to cover the privities Pañcat

⋙ kakṣāpuṭi

   kakṣāpuṭi m. N. of a physician (wrong for kākṣapuṭi?)

⋙ kakṣāvekṣaka

   kakṣâvêkṣaka m. overseer of the inner apartments L 
   • keeper of a royal garden, door-keeper L 
   • a poet L 
   • a debauchee L 
   • a player, painter L. [Page 242, Column 1] 
   • warmth of feeling, strength of sentiment W

⋙ kakṣāśrita

   kakṣâśrita n. 'being in the arm-pit', the hair under the armpit L

⋙ kakṣotthā

   kakṣôtthā f. a species of Cyperus L

⋙ kakṣodaka

   kakṣôdaka n. moisture in a thicket AitĀr. v, 3, 3, 18

≫ kakṣaka

   kakṣaka m. N. of a Nāga MBh

≫ kakṣatu

   kakṣatu m. N. of a plant Kāś. Pāṇ. 4-2, 71

≫ kakṣas

   kakṣas asī n. du. (perhaps) the depressions on both sides of the wrist AitĀr. i, 2, 6, 20

≫ kakṣāya

   kakṣāya Nom. Ā. kakṣāyate, to wait for any one in a hidden place, lie in ambush 
   • to intend anything wicked Kāty. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 14

≫ kakṣin

   kakṣin mfn. having or furnished with a kakṣa g. sukhâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 131 (not in Kāś.)

≫ kakṣī

   kakṣī (in comp. for kakṣa)

⋙ kakṣīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. the act of admitting or assenting Sarvad

⋙ kakṣīkartavya

   ○kartavya mfn. to be adopted or admitted (as an opinion) ib

⋙ kakṣīkāra

   ○kāra m. adoption, admission, holding (as of an opinion) ib

⋙ kakṣīkṛ

   ○√kṛ 'to put anything under the arm', accept, assent to, hold (as an opinion), admit, recognize (cf. aṅgī-√kṛ, urarī-√kṛ, &c.) Sarvad

⋙ kakṣīkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. assented, held, promised, admitted

≫ kakṣīvat

   kakṣī́vat ān m. (for kakṣyā-vat Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 12), N. of a renowned Ṛishi (sometimes called Pajriya 
   • he is the author of several hymns of the Ṛig-veda, and is fabled as a son of Uśij and Dīrgha-tamas) RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c 
   • (antas), m. pl. the descendants of Kakshīvat RV. i, 126, 4

≫ kakṣeyu

   kakṣeyu m. N. of a son of Raudrāśva and Ghṛitācī MBh. Hariv. VP

≫ kakṣya

   kákṣya mfn. being or abiding in shrubs or dry grass VS. xvi, 34 
   • (kakṣyá, fr. kakṣyā́), filling out the girth, well fed ṣāy. RV. v, 44, 11 
   • (kakṣyā́), f. girth (of an animal), girdle, zone RV. AV. viii, 4, 6 ; xviii, 1, 15 MBh. &c. (cf. baddha-kakṣya) 
   • the enclosure of an edifice (either the wall &c. so enclosing it, or the court or chamber constituting the enclosure, the inner apartment of a palace) MBh. R. &c 
   • the orbit of a planet Āryabh 
   • the scale of a balance Pat 
   • an upper garment L 
   • similarity, equality L 
   • effort, exertion L 
   • a shrub yielding the black and red berry (that serves as a jeweller's weight), the Retti or Guñja, Abrus Precatorius L 
   • (ās), f. pl. the fingers Nigh 
   • (am), n. the scale of a balance Comm. on Yājñ 
   • a part of a carriage R 
   • a girdle, girth

⋙ kakṣyaprā

   ○prā́ mfn. filling out the girth, well fed RV. i, 10, 3

⋙ kakṣyāvat

   kakṣyā-vat mfn. furnished with a girth 
   • (ān), m. = kakṣīvat Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 12

⋙ kakṣyāvekṣaka

   kakṣyâvêkṣaka m. = kakṣâvêkṣaka, q.v. L

⋙ kakṣyāstotra

   kakṣyā-stotra n. N. of a Stotra


   kakh cl. 1. P. kakhati, cakākha, kakhitā, &c., to laugh, laugh at or deride: Caus. kakhayati, to cause to laugh Dhātup. v, 6 ; xix, 22 ; [Lat. cachinnare ; Gk. ?, O. H. G. huoch ; Germ. hā0her, [242, 1] heher ; Eng. cackle.]


   kakhyā incorrect for kakṣyā, q.v. L


   kag cl. 1. P. kagati, to act, perform (?) Dhātup. xix, 29


   kagittha v. l. for kapittha, q.v. L


   kaṅk cl. 1. Ā. kaṅkate, cakaṅke, kaṅkitā, &c., to go Dhātup. iv, 20 ; [Hib. cichet, 'walking' ; Lith. kankú, 'to come to.']


   kaṅká m. (fr. the above according to T.), a heron (the first heron is supposed to be a son of Surasā MBh. i, 2633) VS. xxiv, 31 SV. MBh. Mṛicch. &c 
   • a kind of mango L 
   • N. of Yama L 
   • of several men MBh. Hariv. BhP. &c 
   • a N. assumed by Yudhishṭhira (before king Virāṭa, when in the disguise of a Brāhman) MBh. iv 
   • a false or pretended Brāhman L 
   • a man of the second or military tribe L 
   • one of the eighteen divisions of the continent W 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. BhP. VarBṛS 
   • (ā), f. a kind of sandal L 
   • the scent of the lotus L 
   • (ā and ī), f. N. of a daughter of Ugrasena (and sister of Kaṅka) BhP. VP

⋙ kaṅkacit

   ○cít mfn. collected into a heap resembling a heron TS. v ŚBr. Śulbas. &c

⋙ kaṅkatuṇḍa

   ○tuṇḍa m. N. of a Rakshas R

⋙ kaṅkatroṭa

   ○troṭa m. a kind of fish, Esox Kankila L

⋙ kaṅkatroṭi

   ○troṭi m. id. L

⋙ kaṅkapattra

   ○pattra n. a heron's feather (fixed on an arrow) R. Ragh 
   • (mfn.) furnished with the feathers of a heron (as an arrow) MBh 
   • m. an arrow furnished with heron's feathers

⋙ kaṅkapattrin

   ○"ṣpattrin mfn. furnished with heron's feathers MBh. R

⋙ kaṅkaparvan

   ○parvan m. a kind of serpent AV

⋙ kaṅkapṛṣṭhī

   ○pṛṣṭhī f. a species of fish L. [Page 242, Column 2] 

⋙ kaṅkamālā

   ○mālā f. beating time by clapping the hands W

⋙ kaṅkamukha

   ○mukha mfn. shaped like a heron's mouth (said of a sort of forceps) Suśr

⋙ kaṅkarola

   ○rola m. Alangium Hexapetalum L

⋙ kaṅkalatā

   ○latā f. a species of plant L

⋙ kaṅkaloḍya

   ○loḍya v. l. for aṅga-loḍya, q.v

⋙ kaṅkavadana

   ○vadana n. 'heron's mouth', a pair of tongs Veṇis

⋙ kaṅkaśatru

   ○śatru m. Desmodium Gangeticum L

⋙ kaṅkaśāya

   ○śāya m. 'sleeping like a heron' (?), a dog L. (cf. kakṣa-śāya.)


   kaṅkaṭa m. (√kaṅk Uṇ. iv, 81), armour, mail R. Ragh. Veṇis 
   • an iron hook (to goad an elephant) L 
   • boundary, limit 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛ

≫ kaṅkaṭaka

   kaṅkaṭaka m. armour, mail L

≫ kaṅkaṭika

   kaṅkaṭika mfn. relating to armour, g. kumudâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80

≫ kaṅkaṭin

   kaṅkaṭin mfn. furnished with armour, g. prekṣâdi ib 
   • (ī), m. a chamberlain Hcar. 121, 24

≫ kaṅkaṭila

   kaṅkaṭila mfn. armed with mail, g. kāsâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80


   kaṅkaṭerī f. turmeric W


   kaṅkaṇa n. (as m. L.), (√kai Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 24), a bracelet, ornament for the wrist, ring MBh. Bhartṛ. Hit. &c 
   • a band or ribbon (tied round the wrist of a bride or bridegroom before marriage) Mcar 
   • an annual weapon MBh 
   • an ornament round the feet of an elephant MBh. iii, 15757 
   • any ornament or trinket 
   • a crest 
   • m. N. of a teacher 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the mothers in the retinue of Skanda MBh. ix, 2634 
   • (ī), f. an ornament furnished with bells L. (cf. kakṣā 
   • kiṅkiṇī.)

⋙ kaṅkaṇadhara

   ○dhara m. a bridegroom Mcar 
   • (ā), f. a bride ib

⋙ kaṅkaṇapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Rājat

⋙ kaṅkaṇapriya

   ○priya m. N. of a demon causing fevers Hariv

⋙ kaṅkaṇabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa mfn. adorned with tinkling ornaments L

⋙ kaṅkaṇamaṇī

   ○maṇī f. a jewel in a bracelet Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 117

⋙ kaṅkaṇavarṣa

   ○varṣa mfn. 'raining down bracelets', a magician Rājat. iv, 246 
   • N. of a king Rājat

⋙ kaṅkaṇavarṣitā

   ○varṣi-tā f. the state of being the above ib

⋙ kaṅkaṇahārikā

   ○hārikā f. a kind of bird Comm. on PārGṛ

≫ kaṅkaṇin

   kaṅkaṇin mfn. ornamented with a bracelet Kathās

≫ kaṅkaṇīka

   kaṅkaṇīka m. N. of a Nāga VP 
   • (ā), f. an ornament furnished with bells L 
   • a string tied round the wrist L


   káṅkata m. (ī, am fn. L.) a comb, hair-comb AV. xiv, 2, 68 (v. l. kaṇṭaka) TBr. PārGṛ. &c 
   • a slightly venomous animal ṣāy. RV. i, 191, 1 
   • N. of a teacher 
   • (ī), f. Sida Rhombifolia

≫ kaṅkatikā

   kaṅkatikā f. a comb 
   • Sida Rhombifolia Bhpr

≫ kaṅkatīya

   kaṅkatī́ya ās m. pl., N. of a family


   kaṅkara mfn. vile, bad L 
   • (am), n. buttermilk mixed with water L 
   • a particular high number Lalit


   kaṅkāla as, am m. n. a skeleton MBh. Kathās. &c 
   • m. a particular mode in music

⋙ kaṅkālaketu

   ○ketu m. N. of a Dānava

⋙ kaṅkālabhairava

   ○bhairava n. N. of wk 
   • -tantra n. id

⋙ kaṅkālamālabhārin

   ○māla-bhārin m. 'wearing a necklace of bones', N. of Śiva

⋙ kaṅkālamālin

   ○"ṣmālin m. id

⋙ kaṅkālamusala

   ○musala n. N. of a mythical weapon R

≫ kaṅkālaya

   kaṅkālaya m. the human body T 
   • N. of an author

≫ kaṅkālin

   kaṅkālin ī m. N. of a Yaksha BrahmaP 
   • (inī), f. N. of a form of Durgā Kathās. lxxviii, 92


   kaṅku m. a kind of Panic seed (= kaṅgu) VarBṛS 
   • N. of a son of Ugra-sena (erroneous for kaṅka)


   kaṅkuṣṭha m. a medicinal earth (described as of two colours, one of silvery and one of a gold colour, or one of a light and one of a dark yellow) Suśr


   káṅkūṣa ās m. pl. a particular part of the head, ṇBḍ. AV. ix, 8, 2 (= ābhyantaradeha T.)


   kaṅkeru m. a kind of crow L


   kaṅkeli m. the tree Jonesia Asoka Bālar

≫ kaṅkella

   kaṅkella m. id. L

≫ kaṅkelli

   kaṅkelli is, ī mf. id. Vām


   kaṅkola m. a kind of plant Bhartṛ. [Page 242, Column 3] 
   • N. of a Nāga RāmatUp 
   • of an author 
   • (am), n. cubeb Bhpr

≫ kaṅkolaka

   kaṅkolaka n. cubeb L


   kaṅkha n. (perhaps a combination of ka and kha), enjoyment, fruition L


   kaṅganīla m. N. of a Nāga VP


   kaṅgu f. a kind of Panic seed (several varieties are cultivated as food for the poor) VarBṛS. Comm. on ŚBr. &c

≫ kaṅguka

   kaṅguka as, ā mf. id. Suśr

≫ kaṅgunī

   kaṅgunī f. Celastrus Paniculatus Bhpr 
   • = kaṅgu L

⋙ kaṅgunīpattrā

   ○pattrā f. Panicum Verticillatum L

≫ kaṅgū

   kaṅgū f. = kaṅguka L


   kaṅgula m. a particular position of the hand PSarv


   kac cl. 1. P. kacati, to sound, cry Vop.: Ā. kacate, cakace, kacitā, &c., to bind, fetter 
   • to shine Dhātup. vi, 8 
   • [cf. kañc ; Lat. cingere ; Lith. kinkau.]

≫ kaca

   kaca m. the hair (esp. of the head) Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • a cicatrix, a dry sore, scar L 
   • a band, the hem of a garment L 
   • a cloud L 
   • N. of a son of Bṛihaspati MBh. BhP. Rājat 
   • N. of a place 
   • (ā), f. a female elephant L 
   • beauty, brilliancy L. (cf. a-kaca, ut-kaca, &c.)

⋙ kacagraha

   ○graha m. seizing or grasping the hair MBh. Ragh. &c

⋙ kacagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. id. BhP

⋙ kacadugdhikā

   ○dugdhikā f. Cucurbita Hispida Nigh

⋙ kacapa

   ○pa m. 'cloud-drinker', grass 
   • a leaf W 
   • (am), n. a vessel for vegetables L

⋙ kacapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. thick or ornamented hair

⋙ kacapāśa

   ○pāśa m. id. Naish. (cf. keśa-pāśa.)

⋙ kacabhāra

   ○bhāra m. id., Śārṅg

⋙ kacamāla

   ○māla m. smoke (kacaṃ kacakāntiṃ malate T 
   • v. l. khatamāla) L

⋙ kacaripuphalā

   ○ripuphalā f. = śamī, q.v. L

⋙ kacahasta

   ○hasta m. thick or ornamented hair, beautiful hair L

⋙ kacākaci

   kacā-kaci ind. hair against hair, pulling each other's hair Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 127 MBh. Bālar. (cf. keśā-keśi.)

⋙ kacācita

   kacâcita mfn. having long or dishevelled hair W

⋙ kacāmoda

   kacâmoda n. a fragrant ointment for the hair L

⋙ kaceśvara

   kacêśvara n. N. of a temple

≫ kacaka

   kacaka m. a kind of mushroom Nigh

≫ kacela

   kacela n. a string or cover containing and keeping together the leaves of a manuscript L. (cf. kācana.)


   kacaṅgala n. the ocean L 
   • a free market (a place of sale paying no duty or custom) L 
   • N. of a region


   kacāku mfn. ill-disposed, wicked L 
   • difficult to be borne, intolerable, difficult to be approached L 
   • (us), m. a snake L


   kacāṭura m. a kind of gallinule L. ( dātyūha)


   kacu f. Arum Colocasia (an esculent √cultivated for food 
   • cf. kacvii)

⋙ kacurāya

   ○rāya m. N. of a man


   kacora m. Curcuma Zerumbet Nigh


   kaccaṭa n. an aquatic plant (= jalapippalī)


   kaccara mfn. dirty, foul, spoiled by dirt L 
   • vile, wicked, bad L 
   • (am), n. buttermilk diluted with water (cf. kaṅkara, kaṭura, &c.)


   kac-cid under 2. kad


   kaccha m. (ā, am fn. L.) a bank or any ground bordering on water, shore ; [Zd. kasha, voura-kaṣa, the 'wide-shored', the Caspian Sea 
   • cf. kakṣa] 
   • a mound or causeway 
   • watery soil, marshy ground, marsh, morass MBh. Megh. Pañcat 
   • N. of several places, e.g. Cutch Pāṇ. VarBṛS 
   • Cedrela Toona (the timber of which is used for making furniture &c.) L 
   • Hibiscus Populneoides L 
   • a particular part of a tortoise L 
   • a particular part of a boat L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. for kakṣa) VP 
   • (as, ā), mf. the hem or end of a lower garment (tucked into the girdle or waistband) L., (probably a Prākṛit form for kakṣa) 
   • (ā), f. a cricket L 
   • N. of a plant L 
   • girdle, girth (v. l. for kakṣā) Nīlak. on MBh. (ed. Bomb.) iv, 13, 22

⋙ kacchajā

   ○jā f. a species of Cyperus L

⋙ kacchadeśa

   ○deśa m. N. of a place

⋙ kacchanīra

   ○nīra m. N. of a Nāga 
   • -bila n. N. of a place

⋙ kacchapa

   ○pa m. 'keeping or inhabiting a marsh', a turtle, tortoise MBh. Gaut. Mn. &c 
   • a tumour on the palate Suśr. i, 306, 8 [Page 243, Column 1] 
   • an apparatus used in the distillation of spirituous liquor, a flat kind of still L 
   • an attitude in wrestling L 
   • Cedrela Toona L 
   • one of the nine treasures of Kuvera L 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh 
   • of a son of Viśvā-mitra Hariv 
   • of a country Kathās 
   • (ī), f. a female tortoise or a kind of small tortoise L 
   • a cutaneous disease, wart, blotch Suśr 
   • a kind of lute (so named from being similar in shape to the tortoise 
   • cf. testudo) 
   • -deśa m. N. of a country

⋙ kacchapaka

   ○"ṣpaka m. a tortoise VarBṛS 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of small tortoise 
   • a pimple, blotch, wart Suśr 
   • a wart accompanying gonarrhoea W

⋙ kacchapuṭa

   ○puṭa m. a box with compartments VarBṛS

⋙ kacchabhū

   ○bhū f. marshy ground, swamp, morass W

⋙ kaccharuhā

   ○ruhā f. 'marsh-growing', a kind of grass W

⋙ kacchavihāra

   ○vihāra m. N. of a marshy region

⋙ kacchādi

   kacchâdi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 4-2, 133

⋙ kacchānta

   kacchânta m. the border of a lake or stream 
   • -ruhā f. Dūrvā grass L

⋙ kacchālaṃkāra

   kacchâlaṃkāra m. a kind of reed (used for writing) Nigh

⋙ kaccheśvara

   kacchêśvara m. N. of a town (cf. kacêśvara.)

⋙ kaccheṣṭa

   kacchêṣṭa m. the tortoise L

≫ kacchaṭikā

   kacchaṭikā f. the end or hem of a lower garment or cloth (gathered up behind and tucked into the waistband) L

≫ kacchāṭikā


⋙ kacchāṭī

   kacchāṭī f. id. L

≫ kacchāra

   kacchāra ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS

≫ kacchiya

   kacchiya ās m. pl., N. of a people VP

≫ kacchoṭikā

   kacchoṭikā f. = kacchaṭikā L


   kacchu = kacchū below L 
   • a species of plant L

⋙ kacchughna

   ○ghna m. Trichosanthes Dioeca L 
   • (ī), f. a species of Hapushā (q.v.) L

≫ kacchura

   kacchura mfn. (fr. the next), scabby, itchy, affected by a cutaneous disease Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 107 
   • unchaste, libidinous 
   • (as, am), m. n. a species of turmeric L 
   • (ā), f. Alhagi Maurorum Suśr 
   • Carpopogon Pruriens L 
   • a species of turmeric L

≫ kacchū

   kacchū f. (√kaṣ Uṇ. i, 86), itch, scab, any cutaneous disease Suśr

⋙ kacchūmatī

   ○matī f. Carpopogon Pruriens (said to cause itching on being applied to the skin) L

⋙ kacchūrākṣasa

   ○rākṣasa n. (scil. taila) a kind of oil (applied in cutaneous diseases) Bhpr

≫ kacchora

   kacchora am n. a kind of turmeric L


   kacvī f. Arum Colocasia (a plant with an esculent √, cultivated for food)

⋙ kacvīvana

   ○vana n. N. of a forest, Kshit


   kaj cl. 1. P. kajati, to be happy 
   • to be confused with joy or pride or sorrow Dhātup. vii, 58 
   • to grow (in this sense a Sautra root)


   ka-ja under 3. ka


   kajiṅga ās m. pl., N. of a people VP


   kajjala m. a cloud (in this sense perhaps for kad-jala) L 
   • (ā, ī), f. a species of fish L 
   • (ī), f. AEthiops Mineralis L 
   • ink L 
   • (am), n. lampblack (used as a collyrium and applied to the eyelashes or eyelids medicinally or as an ornament) 
   • sulphuret of lead or antimony (similarly used) Suśr. Kathās. &c 
   • (fig.) dregs BhP. vi, 2, 27

⋙ kajjaladhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. a lamp L

⋙ kajjalamaya

   ○maya mfn. consisting of lampblack Hcar

⋙ kajjalarocaka

   ○rocaka m. n. the wooden stand or tripod on which a lamp is placed, a candlestick L

⋙ kajjalītīrtha

   kajjalī-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha

≫ kajjalikā

   kajjalikā f. powder (esp. made of mercury) Bhpr

≫ kajjalita

   kajjalita mfn. covered with lampblack or with a collyrium prepared from it, g. tārakâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 36 
   • blackened, soiled Hcar


   kajjvala kajvala, vv. ll. for kajjula above


   kañc cl. 1. Ā. kañcate, cakañce, kañcitā, &c., to bind 
   • to shine Dhātup. vi, 9 
   • [cf. kac and kāñc, kakṣa ; Lat. cingere.]


   kañcaṭa m. Commelina Salicifolia and Bengalensis L

≫ kañcaḍa

   kañcaḍa m. Commelina Bengalensis Bhpr


   kañcāra m. the sun L 
   • = arkavṛkṣa T


   kañcikā f. a small boil 
   • the branch of a bamboo L


   kañcideka n. N. of a village MBh. v, 934

≫ kañcidevā

   kañcidevā f. id. MBh. v, 2595


   kañcuka as, ī (ifc. f. ā), am mf. n. (fr. √kañc?) a dress fitting close to the upper part of the body, armour, mail 
   • a cuirass, corselet, bodice, jacket BhP. [Page 243, Column 2] Ratnāv. Kathās. &c 
   • m. the skin of a snake Pañcat 
   • husk, shell Bhpr 
   • cover, cloth, envelope Bhpr 
   • (fig.) a cover, disguise Hcat 
   • = karabha L 
   • (ī), f. Lipeocercis Serrata L

⋙ kañcukoṣṇīṣin

   kañcukôṣṇīṣin mfn. having armour and a turban R. vi, 99, 23

≫ kañcukālu

   kañcukālu m. a snake L

≫ kañcukita

   kañcukita mfn. furnished with armour or mail, g. tārakâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 36 (cf. pulakakañcukita.)

≫ kañcukin

   kañcukin mfn. furnished with armour or mail 
   • (ifc.) covered with, wrapped up in Bhartṛ 
   • (ī), m. an attendant or overseer of the women's apartments, a chamberlain Śak. Vikr. Pañcat. &c 
   • a libidinous man, a debauchee L 
   • a snake L 
   • N. of several plants (Agallochum, barley, Cicer Arietinum, Lipeocercis Serrata) L

⋙ kañcukirecaka

   kañcuki-recaka au m. du. the chamberlain and the forester

≫ kañcukīya

   kañcukīya m. a chamberlain Nāṭyaś

≫ kañcula

   kañcula m. a partridge L 
   • (ī), f. a bodice, jacket &c. L

≫ kañculikā

   kañculikā f. a bodice, corset Amar

≫ kañcūla

   kañcūla as, am m. n. id. L


   kaṃ-ja m. (fr. kam = 3. ka and ja), 'produced from the head', the hair L 
   • 'produced from water', N. of Brahmā L 
   • (am), n. a lotus R. BhP 
   • Amṛita, the food of the gods L

⋙ kaṃjaja

   ○ja m. 'born from a lotus', N. of Brahmā L

⋙ kaṃjanābha

   ○nābha m. 'lotus-naveled', N. of Vishṇu BhP. iii, 9, 44

⋙ kaṃjabāhu

   ○bāhu m. 'having hairy arms', N. of an Asura Hariv

⋙ kaṃjavadana

   ○vadana n. a lotus-face (cf. vadanakaṃja.)

⋙ kaṃjasū

   ○sū ūs m. the god of love L


   kañjaka m. the bird Gracula Religiosa L

≫ kañjana

   kañjana as m. id. L 
   • N. of Kāma, the god of love L

≫ kañjala

   kañjala m. the bird Gracula Religiosa L

≫ kañjinī

   kañjinī f. a courtezan L


   kañjara m. the belly 
   • an elephant 
   • the sun 
   • N. of Brahmā L

≫ kañjāra

   kañjāra m. a peacock 
   • the belly 
   • an elephant 
   • a Muni, hermit 
   • the sun 
   • N. of Brahmā 
   • = vyañjana L


   kañjikā f. Siphonantus Indica Pañcat

kaṭ 1

   kaṭ cl. 1. P. kaṭati or kaṇṭati, to go Dhātup. ix, 33

kaṭ 2

   kaṭ cl. 1. P. kaṭati, cakāṭa, kaṭitā, &c. to rain 
   • to surround 
   • to encompass, cover, screen 
   • to divide Dhātup. ix, 6 (cf. √cat.)

≫ kaṭa

   káṭa m. (perhaps for karta fr. √3. kṛt) a twist of straw of grass, straw mat, a screen of straw TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c 
   • the hip MBh. (cf. kaṭi) 
   • the hollow above the hip or the loins, the hip and loins 
   • the temples of an elephant Ragh 
   • a glance or side look BhP. x, 32, 6 (cf. kaṭâkṣa) 
   • a throw of the dice in hazard Mṛicch 
   • a corpse L 
   • a hearse or any vehicle for conveying a dead body L 
   • a burning-ground or place of sepulture L 
   • a time or season L 
   • excess, superabundance L 
   • (kaṭa ifc. is considered as a suffix, cf. ut-kaṭa, pra-kaṭa, &c.) 
   • an annual plant L 
   • grass L 
   • Saccharum Sara L 
   • a thin piece of wood, a plank L 
   • agreement L 
   • environs L 
   • N. of a Rakshas R 
   • (ī), f. long pepper L 
   • (am), n. (ifc.) dust of flowers (considered as a suffix Kāty. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 29)

⋙ kaṭakaṭa

   ○kaṭa m. N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10364

⋙ kaṭakuṭi

   ○kuṭi m. a straw hut BhP. x, 71, 16

⋙ kaṭakṛt

   ○kṛt m. a plaiter of straw mats BhP

⋙ kaṭakola

   ○kola m. a spittoon L

⋙ kaṭakriyā

   ○kriyā f. plaiting straw mats

⋙ kaṭakhādaka

   ○khādaka mfn. eating much voracious L 
   • m. a jackal L 
   • a crow L 
   • a glass vessel, tumbler, bowl L

⋙ kaṭaghoṣa

   ○ghoṣa m. N. of a place in the east of India Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 139

⋙ kaṭaghoṣīya

   ○"ṣghoṣīya mfn. belonging to the above place ib

⋙ kaṭaṃkaṭa

   ○ṃ-kaṭa m. N. of Śiva MBh. Yājñ 
   • of Agni AgP

⋙ kaṭaṃkaṭerī

   ○ṃ-kaṭerī f. turmeric Suśr

⋙ kaṭacchu

   ○cchu f. (?) a spoon VarBṛS

⋙ kaṭajaka

   ○"ṣjaka m. N. of a man Pat. on Vārtt. 3, on Pāṇ. 1-1, 23

⋙ kaṭanagara

   ○nagara n. N. of a place in the east of India Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 139

⋙ kaṭanagarīya

   ○"ṣnagarīya mfn. belonging to the above place ib

⋙ kaṭapallikuñcikā

   ○palli-kuñcikā f. a straw hut (-pari-k○ and -pali-k○ vv. ll.)

⋙ kaṭapalvala

   ○palvala m. N. of a place Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 139

⋙ kaṭapalvalīya

   ○"ṣpalvalīya mfn. belonging to the above place ib

⋙ kaṭapūtana

   ○pūtana as, ā mf. a kind of Preta (q.v.) or demon (a form assumed by the deceased spirit of a Kshatriya who when alive neglected his duties) Mn. xii, 71 Mālatīm. [Page 243, Column 3] 

⋙ kaṭaprū

   ○prū m. a worm L 
   • a player with dice, gambler L 
   • N. of Śiva L 
   • a Rakshas L 
   • a Vidyā-dhara L

⋙ kaṭabhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. plucking or gleaning corn with the hands L 
   • destruction of a prince, royal misfortune L

⋙ kaṭabhī

   ○bhī f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum Suśr 
   • N. of several other plants L

⋙ kaṭabhū

   ○bhū f. the cheek or region of the temples of an elephant Śiś. v, 46

⋙ kaṭamarda

   ○marda m. N. of Śiva L

⋙ kaṭamālinī

   ○mālinī f. any vinous liquor

⋙ kaṭaṃbhara

   ○ṃ-bhara m. Bignonia Indica L 
   • (ā), f. a female elephant L 
   • red arsenic L 
   • N. of several plants

⋙ kaṭavraṇa

   ○vraṇa m. N. of Bhīmasena L

⋙ kaṭaśarkarā

   ○śarkarā f. a species of sugar-cane (?) Suśr 
   • Guilandina Bonducella L

⋙ kaṭasaṃghāta

   ○saṃghāta m. a frame of wicker-work Comm. on AitĀr

⋙ kaṭasthala

   ○sthala n. the hip and loins 
   • an elephant's temples

⋙ kaṭasthāla

   ○sthāla n. a corpse L

⋙ kaṭākṣa

   kaṭâkṣa m. a glance or side look, a leer MBh. BhP. Megh. &c 
   • -kṣetra n. N. of a country 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk 
   • -muṣṭa mfn. caught by a glance 
   • -viśikha m. an arrow-like look of love Bhartṛ 
   • -"ṣkṣâvêṣaṇa n. casting lewd or amorous glances, ogling

⋙ kaṭākṣita

   kaṭākṣita mfn. looked at with a side glance, leered at Kathās. lxxi, 9

⋙ kaṭākṣipya

   kaṭâkṣipya ind. p. (of an irr. compound verb kaṭâkṣip), having looked at with a side glance BhP. x, 36, 10

⋙ kaṭākṣepa

   kaṭâkṣepa m. a side glance, leer BhP

⋙ kaṭāgni

   kaṭâgni m. fire kept up with dry grass or straw 
   • straw placed round a criminal (according to Kull. the straw is wound round his neck and then kindled) Mn. viii, 377 Yājñ. ii, 282 MBh

⋙ kaṭodaka

   kaṭôdaka n. libation of water offered to a dead person BhP. vii, 2, 17

≫ kaṭaka

   kaṭaka m. (Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 32 and v, 35) a twist of straw, a straw mat Comm. on KātyŚr 
   • (as, am), m. n. a string Kād 
   • a bracelet of gold or shell &c. Śak. Mṛicch. &c 
   • a zone 
   • the link of a chain 
   • a ring serving for a bridle-bit Suśr 
   • a ring placed as ornament upon an elephant's tusk 
   • the side or ridge of a hill or mountain 
   • a valley, dale Ragh. Kathās. Hit 
   • a royal camp Kathās. Hit. &c 
   • an army L 
   • a circle, wheel W 
   • a multitude, troop, caravan Daś 
   • collection, compilation Kād. 40, 11 
   • sea-salt L 
   • N. of the capital of the Orissa (Cuttack) 
   • (ikā), f. a straw mat Comm. on KātyŚr

⋙ kaṭakagṛha

   ○gṛha m. a lizard L

⋙ kaṭakavalayin

   ○"ṣvalayin mfn. ornamented with a bracelet and an armlet Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 128

⋙ kaṭakavārāṇasī

   ○vārāṇasī f. N. of a town

≫ kaṭakin

   kaṭakin ī m. a mountain L

≫ kaṭakīya

   kaṭakīya mfn. belonging to a mat or string &c., g. apūpâdi Pāṇ. 5-1, 4

≫ kaṭakya

   kaṭakya mfn. id. ib

≫ kaṭamba

   kaṭamba m. (Uṇ. iv, 82) a kind of musical instrument 
   • an arrow L

≫ kaṭambarā

   kaṭambarā f. Helleborus Niger L

≫ kaṭasī

   kaṭasī f. a cemetery L

≫ kaṭāṭaṅka

   kaṭāṭaṅka m. N. of Śiva L

≫ kaṭāyana

   kaṭāyana n. Andropogon Muricatus L

≫ kaṭāra

   kaṭāra m. a libidinous man, lecher L

⋙ kaṭāramalla

   ○malla m. N. of a man

≫ kaṭāla

   kaṭāla mfn. (fr. kaṭā), g. sidhmâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 97

≫ kaṭālu

   kaṭālu m. Solanum Melongena L

≫ kaṭāha

   kaṭāha m. (rarely ī f. n.) a frying-pan 
   • a boiler, caldron, saucepan (of a semi-spheroidal shape and with handles) MBh. Suśr. Sūryas. &c 
   • a turtle's shell L 
   • anything shaped like a caldron (as the temple of an elephant) Śiś. v, 37 
   • a well L 
   • a winnowing basket W 
   • a mound of earth 
   • hell, the infernal regions L 
   • a cot L 
   • a young female buffalo whose horns are just appearing L 
   • N. of a Dviipa Kathās

≫ kaṭāhaka

   kaṭāhaka n. a pan, caldron, pot L

≫ kaṭi

   kaṭi is, ī f. the hip, buttocks MBh. Mn. Suśr. &c 
   • the entrance of a temple VarBṛS 
   • an elephant's cheek L 
   • long pepper L

⋙ kaṭikarpaṭa

   ○karpaṭa n. a ragged garment wrapped round the hip Kathās

⋙ kaṭikuṣṭha

   ○kuṣṭha n. a kind of leprosy

⋙ kaṭikūpa

   ○kūpa m. the hollow above the hip, the loins L

⋙ kaṭitaṭa

   ○taṭa n. the loins, the hip L

⋙ kaṭitra

   ○tra n. anything to protect the hips, a cloth tied round the loins, a girdle, zone BhP. vi, 16, 30 
   • armour for the hips or loins Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 172 
   • an ornament of small bells worn round the loins

⋙ kaṭideśa

   ○deśa m. the loins

⋙ kaṭināḍikā

   ○nāḍikā f. a zone, girdle L

⋙ kaṭiprotha

   ○protha m. the buttocks L. (cf. kata-pr○.)

⋙ kaṭibandha

   ○bandha m. a zone, girdle L

⋙ kaṭimālikā

   ○mālikā f. id. ib

⋙ kaṭirohaka

   ○rohaka m. the rider on an elephant (as sitting behind and not, like the driver, sitting in front) L

⋙ kaṭivāsa

   ○vāsa m. a cloth worn round the loins Hcat

⋙ kaṭiśīrṣaka

   ○śīrṣaka m. the hip (as projecting like a head) L 
   • the hip and loins or the hollow above the hip W. [Page 244, Column 1] 

⋙ kaṭiśūla

   ○śūla m. sciatic pain, stitch in the side 
   • pleurisy Bhpr

⋙ kaṭiśṛṅkhalā

   ○śṛṅkhalā f. a girdle of small bells L

⋙ kaṭisūtra

   ○sūtra n. a zone or waistband, girdle BhP. Pañcad

≫ kaṭika

   kaṭika ifc. = haṭi, the hip Suśr 
   • (ā), f. the hip MBh

≫ kaṭin

   kaṭin mfn. matted, screened 
   • having handsome loins 
   • (ī), m. an elephant L

≫ kaṭilla

   kaṭilla m. Momordica Charantia Car

≫ kaṭillaka

   kaṭillaka m. id. L

≫ kaṭī

   kaṭī f. = kaṭi above

⋙ kaṭītala

   ○tala n. a crooked sword, sabre, scymitar L

⋙ kaṭīnivasana

   ○nivasana n. a cloth worn round the hip Kathās

⋙ kaṭīpaṭa

   ○paṭa m. id. Rājat

≫ kaṭīka

   kaṭīka ifc. = kaṭī above

⋙ kaṭīkataruṇa

   ○taruṇa e n. du. a particular part of the hip-bone Suśr

≫ kaṭīra

   kaṭīra as, am m. n. the cavity of the loins or the iliac region L 
   • a cave, indentation L 
   • m. Mons Veneris L

≫ kaṭīraka

   kaṭīraka n. the hip Śiś. xiii, 34

≫ kaṭu

   kaṭu mf(vii and us)n. (Uṇ. i, 9 
   • √2. kṛt) pungent, acrid, sharp (one of the six kinds of flavour, rasa, q.v.) MBh. Suśr. Bhag. &c 
   • pungent, stimulating (as smell), strong-scented, ill-smelling MBh. xiv Ragh. v, 48 R. &c 
   • bitter, caustic (as words) displeasing, disagreeable (as sounds) 
   • fierce, impetuous, hot, envious Ragh. vi, 85 Pañcat. &c 
   • (us), m. pungency, acerbity (as of a flavour) L. ; [Lith. kartus, 'bitter'] 
   • Trichosanthes Dioeca Suśr 
   • Michelia Campaka L 
   • N. of several other plants L 
   • a kind of camphor L 
   • (us and vii), f. N. of several plants 
   • (u), n. an improper action, an act which ought not to have been done 
   • blaming, reviling, scandal W

⋙ kaṭukanda

   ○kanda m. ginger L 
   • garlic L 
   • Hyperanthera Moringa L

⋙ kaṭukarañja

   ○karañja m. Guilandina Bonducella L

⋙ kaṭukīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. a gnat or musquito L

⋙ kaṭukīṭaka

   ○kīṭaka m. id

⋙ kaṭukvāṇa

   ○kvāṇa m. 'making a piercing noise', a species of chicken (Parra Jacana or Goensis) L

⋙ kaṭugranthi

   ○granthi m. dried ginger L 
   • the √of long pepper L

⋙ kaṭucāturjātaka

   ○cāturjātaka n. an aggregate of four acid substances (cardamoms, the bark and leaves of Laurus Cassia, and black pepper) L

⋙ kaṭucchada

   ○cchada m. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L

⋙ kaṭuja

   ○ja mfn. produced from or made of acid substances (as a kind of drink) MBh

⋙ kaṭutā

   ○tā f. sharpness, pungency, Śārṅg 
   • strong scent or smell Bhām 
   • harshness, coarseness Hariv

⋙ kaṭutikta

   ○tikta m. a species of plant L

⋙ kaṭutiktaka

   ○tiktaka m. Cannabis Sativa R 
   • Gentiana Cherayta L 
   • (ā), f. a kind of gourd L

⋙ kaṭutuṇḍikā

   ○tuṇḍikā f. N. of a plant L

⋙ kaṭutuṇḍī

   ○tuṇḍī f. id. ib

⋙ kaṭutumbinī

   ○tumbinī f. a particular plant L

⋙ kaṭutumbī

   ○tumbī f. a kind of bitter gourd Suśr

⋙ kaṭutaila

   ○taila m. white mustard L

⋙ kaṭutraya

   ○traya n. an aggregate of three pungent substances or spices (as ginger, black and long pepper) L

⋙ kaṭutrika

   ○trika n. id. Suśr

⋙ kaṭutva

   ○tva n. pungency, acerbity Subh

⋙ kaṭudalā

   ○dalā f. Cucumis Utilissimus L

⋙ kaṭuniṣpāva

   ○niṣpāva m. Lablab Vulgaris L

⋙ kaṭupattra

   ○pattra m. Oldenlandia Biflora L 
   • white basil L

⋙ kaṭupattraka

   ○pattraka m. white basil L 
   • (ikā), f. N. of a plant L

⋙ kaṭupadra

   ○padra m. N. of a place (?)

⋙ kaṭupāka

   ○pāka mfn. producing acrid humors in digestion Suśr

⋙ kaṭupākin

   ○"ṣpākin mfn. id. ib

⋙ kaṭuphala

   ○phala m. Trichosanthes Dioeca L 
   • (ā), f. Luffa Foetida Car 
   • (am), n. a species of plant

⋙ kaṭubadarī

   ○badarī f. N. of a plant and of a village called after it Comm. on Pāṇ. 1-2, 51

⋙ kaṭubījā

   ○bījā f. long pepper L

⋙ kaṭubhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. dried ginger L

⋙ kaṭubhadra

   ○bhadra m. id. Car

⋙ kaṭubhāṣitā

   ○bhāṣi-tā f. sarcastic speech Prasannar

⋙ kaṭumañjarikā

   ○mañjarikā f. Achyranthes Aspera

⋙ kaṭumūla

   ○mūla n. the √of long pepper L

⋙ kaṭumoda

   ○moda n. a particular perfume L

⋙ kaṭuṃbharā

   ○"ṣṃ-bharā f. N. of a plant L

⋙ kaṭurava

   ○rava m. a frog L

⋙ kaṭurohiṇikā

   ○rohiṇikā f. Helleborus Niger

⋙ kaṭurohiṇī

   ○rohiṇī f. id. Suśr

⋙ kaṭuvallī

   ○vallī f. Gaertnera Racemosa L

⋙ kaṭuvārttākī

   ○vārttākī f. a species of Solanum L

⋙ kaṭuvipāka

   ○vipāka mfn. = -pāka above Suśr

⋙ kaṭuśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga n. a particular vegetable L

⋙ kaṭuśṛṅgāṭa

   ○śṛṅgāṭa n. id. ib

⋙ kaṭusneha

   ○sneha m. Sinapis Dichotoma L

⋙ kaṭūtkaṭa

   kaṭū7tkaṭa n. dried ginger L

⋙ kaṭūtkaṭaka

   kaṭū7tkaṭaka n. id. ib

⋙ kaṭūṣaṇa

   kaṭū7ṣaṇa n. dried ginger L 
   • the √of long pepper (cf. ūṣaṇa.)

≫ kaṭuka

   káṭuka mf(ā and ī)n. sharp, pungent, bitter 
   • fierce, impetuous, hot, bad RV. x, 85, 34 MBh. Kathās. &c 
   • m. N. of several plants L 
   • N. of a man 
   • (ā, ī), f. N. of several plants L 
   • (am), n. pungency, acerbity MBh. ii 
   • (ifc. in a bad sense, e.g. dadhi-kaṭuka m. bad coagulated milk Pāṇ. 6-2, 126) 
   • N. of a plant L 
   • an aggregate of three pungent substances ( -traya) L

⋙ kaṭukatā

   ○tā f. pungency, acerbity Subh

⋙ kaṭukatraya

   ○traya n. an aggregate of three pungent substances (long and black pepper, and ginger) Suśr

⋙ kaṭukatva

   ○tva n. = -tā above Suśr

⋙ kaṭukaphala

   ○phala n. N. of a plant (= kakkolaka) L. [Page 244, Column 2] 

⋙ kaṭukabhakṣin

   ○bhakṣin mfn. N. of a man

⋙ kaṭukarohiṇī

   ○rohiṇī f. Helleborus Niger Suśr

⋙ kaṭukavallī

   ○vallī f. N. of a plant L

⋙ kaṭukaviṭapa

   ○viṭapa ās m. pl., N. of a species of plant VarBṛS

⋙ kaṭukāñjanī

   kaṭukâñjanī f. Helleborus Niger L

⋙ kaṭukārohiṇī

   kaṭukârohiṇī f. id. Car

⋙ kaṭukālābu

   kaṭukâlābu m. Trichosanthes Dioeca L

⋙ kaṭukodaya

   kaṭukôdaya mfn. leading to disagreeable consequences, having bad results MBh

≫ kaṭukita

   kaṭukita mfn. (Prākṛit kaḍuida) spoken to sharply or bitterly, treated harshly, Ratnāv

≫ kaṭukiman

   kaṭukiman ā m. sharpness Nir. v, 4

≫ kaṭura

   kaṭura n. buttermilk mixed with water L

≫ kaṭora

   kaṭora as, ā mf. a kind of cup or vessel

≫ kaṭola

   kaṭola mfn. (Uṇ. i, 67) pungent, acrid, sharp 
   • m. a Caṇḍāla

⋙ kaṭolapāda

   ○pāda mfn. footed like a Caṇḍāla, g. hasty-ādi Pāṇ. 5-4, 138

⋙ kaṭolavīṇā

   ○vīṇā f. a kind of lute played by Caṇḍālas

≫ kaṭolaka

   kaṭolaka m. a Caṇḍāla

⋙ kaṭolakapāda

   ○pāda mfn. having feet like a Caṇḍāla, g. hasty-ādi Pāṇ. 5-4, 138

≫ kaṭphala

   kaṭ-phala m. (for kaṭu-phala, but different in meaning from it), N. of a small tree (found in the north-west of Hindūstān, the aromatic bark and seeds of which are used in medicine 
   • the fruit is eaten 
   • the common name is Kāyaphal) Suśr 
   • (ā), f. N. of several plants

≫ kaṭvara

   kaṭvara n. (Uṇ. iii, 1 
   • cf. kaṭura) buttermilk mixed with water Suśr 
   • a sauce, condiment Comm. on Uṇ 
   • (mfn.) despised L


   kaṭakaṭā ind. an onomatopoetic word (supposed to represent the noise of rubbing) MBh. Dhūrtas 
   • [cf. kiṭakiṭāya.]

≫ kaṭakaṭāpaya

   kaṭakaṭāpaya Nom. P. ○payati, to rub two substances together, produce a creaking or grating noise R


   kaṭana n. the roof or thatch of a house W


   kaṭuṅka-tā f. (for kaṭuka-tā?, but cf. khaṭunka) harshness L


   kaṭeraka-grāma m. N. of a village


   kaṭṭ cl. 10. P. kaṭṭayati, to heap, cover with earth Kṛishis

≫ kaṭṭana

   kaṭṭana n. the act of heaping, covering with earth ib


   kaṭṭari-nṛtya n. a kind of dance


   kaṭṭāra m. a weapon, dagger W

≫ kaṭṭāraka

   kaṭṭāraka as, ikā mf. id. Rājat. Comm. on KātyŚr


   kaṭ-phala above


   kaṭvara above


   kaṭvāṅga a wrong reading for khaṭvâṅga, q.v. BhP. (ed. Burnouf)


   kaṭh cl. 1. P. kaṭhati, to live in distress Dhātup. ix, 48

≫ kaṭha 1

   kaṭha (for 2. s.v.), am n. distress (?)

⋙ kaṭhamarda

   ○marda m. 'dissipating distress' (?), N. of Śiva L. (cf. kaṭa-marda.)

≫ kaṭhara

   kaṭhara mfn. hard L. (cf. kaṭhina.)

≫ kaṭhalya

   kaṭhalya n. gravel Buddh

≫ kaṭhalla

   kaṭhalla n. id. ib

≫ kaṭhāku

   kaṭhāku m. (Uṇ. iii, 77) a bird or a particular bird

≫ kaṭhāhaka

   kaṭhāhaka m. a kind of fowl L

≫ kaṭhikā

   kaṭhikā f. chalk W. (cf. kaṭhinī.)

≫ kaṭhiñjara

   kaṭhiñjara m. Ocimum Sanctum (commonly called Tulasī) L

≫ kaṭhina

   kaṭhina mfn. (Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 49) hard, firm, stiff (opposed to mṛdu) 
   • difficult Megh. Suśr. Pañcat. &c 
   • harsh, inflexible, cruel Kum. Amar. &c 
   • violent (as pain) Vikr 
   • (ā), f. crystallized sugar, a sweetmeat made with refined sugar L 
   • a species of betel L 
   • (ī), f. chalk Pañcat. Hit 
   • (am), n. an earthen vessel for cooking MBh. R 
   • a strap or pole for carrying burdens Pāṇ. 4-4, 72 (cf. vaṃśa-kaṭhina) 
   • a shovel, scoop L

⋙ kaṭhinacitta

   ○citta mfn. hard-hearted, cruel, unkind

⋙ kaṭhinatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kaṭhinatva

   ○tva n. hardness, firmness, harshness, severity, Śāntiś. BhP. &c 
   • difficulty, obscurity W

⋙ kaṭhinapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha m. 'hard-backed', a tortoise L

⋙ kaṭhinapṛṣṭhaka

   ○pṛṣṭhaka m. id. ib

⋙ kaṭhinaphala

   ○phala m. Feronia Elephantum L

⋙ kaṭhinahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya mfn. = -citta above

⋙ kaṭhināvadāna

   kaṭhinâvadāna n. N. of a Buddhist legend. [Page 244, Column 3] 

⋙ kaṭhinekṣu

   kaṭhinêkṣu m. a kind of sugar-cane L

≫ kaṭhinaka

   kaṭhinaka m. a shovel, scoop L 
   • (ikā), f. chalk L

≫ kaṭhinaya

   kaṭhinaya Nom. P. kaṭhinayati, to harden, indurate, render hard Viddh

≫ kaṭhinīkṛ

   kaṭhinī-√kṛ id. Car

≫ kaṭhinībhū

   kaṭhinī-√bhū to become hard

⋙ kaṭhinībhūbhūta

   kaṭhinī-√bhū--bhūta mfn. hardened, indurated

≫ kaṭhilla

   kaṭhilla m. Momordica Charantia L 
   • gravel (cf. kaṭhalya.)

≫ kaṭhillaka

   kaṭhillaka m. Momordica Charantia L 
   • Ocimum Sanctum L. (cf. kaṭhiñjara) 
   • Boerhavia Diffusa L

≫ kaṭhura

   kaṭhura mf(ā)n. hard, cruel VCāṇ

≫ kaṭhera

   kaṭhera m. (Uṇ. i, 59) a needy or distressed man, pauper

≫ kaṭheru

   kaṭheru m. = cāmara-vāta T

≫ kaṭhora

   kaṭhora mf(ā)n. (Uṇ. i, 65) hard, solid, stiff, offering resistance BhP. Prab. &c 
   • sharp, piercing BhP. Pañcat. &c 
   • hard, severe, cruel, hard-hearted Pañcat. Sāh 
   • full, complete, full-grown (as the moon) Comm. on Uṇ. Comm. on Śiś 
   • luxuriant, rank Mṛicch

⋙ kaṭhoragiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain, BrahmāṇḍaP

⋙ kaṭhoracitta

   ○citta mfn. hard-hearted, cruel, Śārṅg

⋙ kaṭhoratā

   ○tā f

⋙ kaṭhoratva

   ○tva n. hardness, firmness 
   • rigour, severity

⋙ kaṭhoratārādhipa

   ○tārâdhipa m. 'full-star-lord', full moon Śiś. i, 20

⋙ kaṭhorahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya mfn. = -citta above Sāh

≫ kaṭhoraya

   kaṭhoraya Nom. P. kaṭhorayati, to cause to thrive, make luxuriant Mālatīm

≫ kaṭhorita

   kaṭhorita mfn. made to thrive, strengthened Hcar

≫ kaṭhorībhū

   kaṭhorī-√bhū to grow strong, become hard or intense Hcar

≫ kaṭhola

   kaṭhola mfn. = kaṭhora L

kaṭha 2

   kaṭha m. N. of a sage (a pupil of Vaiśampāyana and founder of a branch of the Yajur-veda, called after him) MBh. &c 
   • m. a pupil or follower of Kaṭha (esp. pl.) 
   • a Brāhman L 
   • (ī), f. a female pupil or follower of Kaṭha Comm. on Pāṇ 
   • the wife of a Brāhman L

⋙ kaṭhakalāpa

   ○kalāpa am or ās n. or m. pl. the schools of Kaṭha and Kalāpin R. ii, 32, 18 
   • g. kārtakaujapâdi Pāṇ. 6-2, 37

⋙ kaṭhakauthuma

   ○kauthuma am or ās n. or m. pl. the schools of Kaṭha and Kuthumin ib

⋙ kaṭhadhūrta

   ○dhūrta m. a Brāhman skilled in the Kaṭha branch of the Yajur-veda W

⋙ kaṭhavallī

   ○vallī f. N. of an Upanishad (cf. kaṭhôpaniṣad.)

⋙ kaṭhaśākhā

   ○śākhā f. the Kaṭha branch of the Yajur-veda

⋙ kaṭhaśāṭha

   ○śāṭha m. Kaṭha and Śāṭha Kāś., g. śaunakâdi Pāṇ. 4-3, 106

⋙ kaṭhaśāṭhin

   ○"ṣśāṭhin inas m. pl. the schools of Kaṭha and Śāṭha ib

⋙ kaṭhaśruti

   ○śruti f. N. of an Upanishad (cf. kaṭhôpaniṣad.)

⋙ kaṭhaśrotriya

   ○śrotriya m. a Brāhman who has studied the Kaṭha branch W

⋙ kaṭhādhyāpaka

   kaṭhâdhyāpaka m. a teacher of the above branch

⋙ kaṭhopaniṣad

   kaṭhôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad (generally said to belong to the Atharva-veda, but in some MSS. and books ascribed to the Black Yajur-veda, probably because the story of Naciketas occurs also in TBr. iii, 1, 8) 
   • -bhāṣya n. N. of a commentary on the Kaṭhôpanishad 
   • -bhāṣya-ṭīkā f. N. of a commentary on the last 
   • -bhāṣyaṭīkā-vivaraṇa n. N. of a commentary on the last


   kaṭheraṇi m. N. of a man, g. upakâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 69


   kaḍ cl. 1. P. kaḍati, to be confused or disturbed by pleasure or pain 
   • to be elated or intoxicated Dhātup.: cl. 6. P. kaḍati, to eat, consume Vop.: Caus. kāḍayati, to break off a part, separate, divide 
   • to remove the chaff or husk of grain &c 
   • to preserve Dhātup. xxxii, 44 (cf. kaṇḍ.)

≫ kaḍa

   kaḍá mfn. dumb, mute ŚBr. xiv 
   • ignorant, stupid L

⋙ kaḍaṃkara

   ○"ṣṃ-kara m. straw, the stalks of various sorts of pulse &c. Pāṇ. 5-1, 69

⋙ kaḍaṃkarīya

   ○"ṣṃ-karīya mfn. to be fed with straw ib

⋙ kaḍaṃgara

   ○"ṣṃ-gara vḷ. for kaḍaṃ-kara above

⋙ kaḍaṃgarīya

   ○"ṣṃ-garīya mfn. = kaḍaṃ-karīya Ragh. v, 9

≫ kaḍaka

   kaḍaka n. sea-salt (obtained by evaporation) L

≫ kaḍaṅga

   kaḍaṅga m. a spirituous liquor, a kind of rum L

≫ kaḍaṅgaka

   kaḍaṅgaka = niṣpāva L


   kaḍacchaka m. a kind of spoon, ladle


   kaḍat ind. an onomatopoetic word expressive of noise

⋙ kaḍatkāra

   ○kāra m. a noise Bālar


   kaḍatra n. (fr. √gaḍ Uṇ. iii, 106?) = kalatra Comm. on Uṇ 
   • a kind of vessel L. [Page 245, Column 1] 


   kaḍandikā f. science L. (cf. kalandikā, kalindikā.)


   kaḍamba m. (Uṇ. iv, 82) an end or point Comm. on Uṇ 
   • the stalk of a pot-herb L 
   • Convolvulus Repens Car 
   • (ī), f. id. L


   kaḍavaka n. a section of a great poem written in an Apabhraṃśa dialect Sāh. 562


   kaḍāra mfn. (fr. √gad Uṇ. iii, 135 ?), tawny Śiś. v, 3 
   • m. tawny (the colour) L 
   • a servant, slave L

⋙ kaḍārādi

   kaḍārâdi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 2-2, 38


   kaḍitula m. a sword, scymitar 
   • a sacrificial knife L


   kaḍulī f. a kind of drum


   kaḍera m. N. of a people Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 195


   kaḍḍ cl. 1. P. kaḍḍati, to be hard or rough 
   • to be harsh or severe Dhātup. ix, 65


   kaṇ cl. 1. P. kaṇati, cakāṇa, kaṇiṣyati, akaṇīt, or akāṇīt, kaṇitā, to become small 
   • to sound, cry Dhātup. xiii, 6 
   • to go, approach Dhātup. xix, 32: cl. 10. P. kāṇayati, to wink, close the eye with the lids or lashes Dhātup. xxx, 41: Caus. kāṇayati (aor. acīkaṇat and acakāṇat Pat. on Pāṇ. 7-4, 3), to sigh, sound 
   • [√.can and √kvan.]

≫ kaṇa

   káṇa m. (Nir. vi, 30 
   • related to kanā, kaniṣṭha, kanīyas, kanyā, in all of which smallness is implied BRD.), a grain, grain of corn, single seed AV. x, 9, 26 
   • xi, 3, 5 KātyŚr. Mn. &c 
   • a grain or particle (of dust) Ragh. i, 85 Vikr 
   • flake (of snow) Amar 
   • a drop (of water) Śak. 60 a Megh. BhP. &c 
   • a spark (of fire) Pañcat 
   • the spark or facet of a gem 
   • any minute particle, atom Prab. Śāntiś 
   • (ā), f. a minute particle, atom, drop 
   • long pepper Suśr 
   • cummin seed L 
   • a kind of fly (= kumbhīra-makṣikā) L 
   • (ī), f. = kaṇikā below L 
   • (am), n. a grain, single seed Kathās. (cf. kaniṣṭha.)

⋙ kaṇaguggulu

   ○guggulu m. a species of bdellium L

⋙ kaṇaja

   ○ja m. a particular measure Hcat

⋙ kaṇajīra

   ○jīra m. a white kind of cummin seed L

⋙ kaṇajīraka

   ○jīraka n. id. L

⋙ kaṇadhūma

   ○dhūma m. a kind of penance MatsyaP

⋙ kaṇapa

   ○pa (kaṇān, lohagulikāḥ pibatī), m. a kind of weapon MBh. Daś. &c

⋙ kaṇapāyin

   ○pāyin m. id. MBh. viii, 744

⋙ kaṇapriya

   ○priya m. 'fond of seeds', a sparrow L

⋙ kaṇabha

   ○bha m. 'shining like a grain' (kaṇa iva bhāti), a kind of fly with a sting Suśr

⋙ kaṇabhaka

   ○"ṣbhaka m. id. ib

⋙ kaṇabhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa m. = kaṇâda below

⋙ kaṇabhakṣaka

   ○bhakṣaka m. a kind of sparrow L

⋙ kaṇabhuj

   ○bhuj m. = kaṇâda below

⋙ kaṇalābha

   ○lābha m. a whirlpool L

⋙ kaṇaśas

   ○śas ind. in small parts, in minute particles Kum. Bālar. &c

⋙ kaṇāda

   kaṇâda m. 'atom-eater', N. given to the author of the Vaiśeshika branch of the Nyāya philosophy (as teaching that the world was formed by an aggregation of atoms 
   • he is also called Kāśyapa, and considered as a Devarshi 
   • also ulūka) Prab. Sarvad. &c 
   • a goldsmith (= kalāda) L 
   • -rahasya-saṃgraha m. N. of wk

⋙ kaṇānna

   kaṇânna mfn. one whose food consists of grains (of rice) 
   • -tā f. the state of the above Mn. xi, 167

⋙ kaṇāhvā

   kaṇâhvā f. a kind of white cummin seed L

≫ kaṇika

   kaṇika m. a grain, ear of corn 
   • a drop, small particle VarBṛS 
   • the meal of parched wheat, the heart of wheat L 
   • an enemy L 
   • a purificatory ceremony (= nīrājana q.v.) L 
   • N. of a minister of king Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i 
   • (ā), f. an ear of corn Comm. on BhP 
   • a drop, atom, small particle Prab. Megh. &c 
   • a small spot Kād 
   • the meal of parched wheat 
   • Premna Spinosa or Longifolia L 
   • a kind of corn Pañcad

≫ kaṇita

   kaṇita n. crying out with pain L

≫ kaṇiśa

   kaṇiśa m. an ear or spike of corn Kād

⋙ kaṇiśakiṃsāru

   ○kiṃsāru m. the beard of corn L

≫ kaṇīka

   kaṇīka mfn. small, diminutive L 
   • (ā), f. a grain, single seed MBh. xii

≫ kaṇīci

   kaṇīci is, ī f. (Uṇ. iv, 70) a sound 
   • a creeper in flower 
   • Abrus Precatorius 
   • a cart L. (cf. kanīci.)

≫ kaṇīyas

   kaṇīyas mfn. very small, young, younger L 
   • = kanīyas, q.v

≫ kaṇūkaya

   kaṇūkaya Nom. P. (pres. p. f. kaṇūkayántī) to desire to utter words (of blame or censure) RV. x, 132, 7


   kaṇāṭīna m. a wagtail L

≫ kaṇāṭīra


⋙ kaṇāṭīraka

   kaṇāṭīraka m. id. ib


   kaṇâda under káṇa [Page 245, Column 2] 


   kaṇe ind., considered as a gati in the sense of 'satisfying a desire' Pāṇ. 1-4, 66, (e.g. kaṇe-hatya payaḥ pibati, he drinks milk till he is satiated Kāś.)


   kaṇera m. Pterospermum Acerifolium L 
   • (ā), f. a she-elephant L 
   • a courtezan L

≫ kaṇeru

   kaṇeru us m. = kaṇera 
   • cf. kareṇu


   kaṇṭ cl. 1. P. kaṇṭati, to go, move Nir. (cf. kaṭ.)


   kaṇṭa m. (thought by some to be for original karnta, fr. √2. kṛt) a thorn BhP. ix, 3, 7 (cf. tri-kaṇṭa, bahu-kaṇṭa, &c.) 
   • the boundary of a village L 
   • [Gk. ? ? ??]

⋙ kaṇṭakāra

   ○kāra m. [245, 2] a particular plant L 
   • (ī), f. Solanum Jacquini Suśr 
   • Bombax Heptaphyllum L 
   • Flacourtia Sapida L

⋙ kaṇṭakāraka

   ○kāraka m. a kind of Solanum L 
   • (ikā), f. Solanum Jacquini Suśr

⋙ kaṇṭakārītraya

   ○kārī-traya n. the aggregate of three sorts of Solanum L

⋙ kaṇṭakāla

   ○kāla m. Artocarpus Integrifolia L

⋙ kaṇṭakuraṇṭa

   ○kuraṇṭa m. Barleria Cristata L

⋙ kaṇṭatanu

   ○tanu f. a sort of Solanum L

⋙ kaṇṭadalā

   ○dalā f. Pandanus Odoratissimus L

⋙ kaṇṭapattra

   ○pattra m. Flacourtia Sapida L 
   • -phalā f. a particular plant L

⋙ kaṇṭapattrikā

   ○pattrikā f. Solanum Melongena L

⋙ kaṇṭapāda

   ○pāda m. Flacourtia Sapida L

⋙ kaṇṭapuṅkhikā

   ○puṅkhikā f. Solanum Jacquini L

⋙ kaṇṭaphala

   ○phala m. N. of several plants (Asteracantha Longifolia 
   • bread-fruit tree 
   • Datura Fastuosa 
   • Guilandina Bonduc 
   • Ricinus Communis) L 
   • (ā), f. a sort of Cucurbita L

⋙ kaṇṭavallī

   ○vallī f. Acacia Concinna L

⋙ kaṇṭavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. Guilandina Bonduc L

⋙ kaṇṭāphala

   kaṇṭā-phala m. Asteracantha Longifolia L

⋙ kaṇṭārtagalā

   kaṇṭârtagalā f. Barleria Caerulea L

⋙ kaṇṭālu

   kaṇṭâlu m. Solanum Jacquini L 
   • another species of Solanum L 
   • a bamboo L

⋙ kaṇṭāhvaya

   kaṇṭâhvaya n. the tuberous √of the lotus L

≫ kaṇṭaka

   káṇṭaka m. (n. L.) a thorn ŚBr. v MBh. Yājñ. &c 
   • anything pointed, the point of a pin or needle, a prickle, sting R 
   • a fish-bone R. iii, 76, 10 Mn. viii, 95 
   • a finger-nail (cf. karaka○) Naish. i, 94 
   • the erection of the hair of the body in thrilling emotions (cf. kaṇṭakita) 
   • unevenness or roughness (as on the surface of the tongue) Car 
   • any troublesome seditious person (who is, as it were, a thorn to the state and an enemy of order and good government), a paltry foe, enemy in general (cf. kṣudra-śatru) Mn. ix, 253, &c. BhP. R. &c 
   • a sharp stinging pain, symptom of disease Suśr 
   • a vexing or injurious speech MBh. i, 3559 
   • any annoyance or source of vexation, obstacle, impediment R. Hit 
   • the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth lunar mansions VarBṛS. and VarBṛ 
   • a term in the Nyāya philosophy implying refutation of argument, detection of error &c. L 
   • a bamboo L 
   • workshop, manufactory L 
   • boundary of a village L 
   • fault, defect L 
   • N. of Makara (or the marine monster, the symbol of Kāma-deva) L 
   • of the horse of Śākya-muni Lalit. (wrong reading for kaṇṭhaka BRD.) 
   • of an Agrahāra Rājat 
   • of a barber Hariv. (v. l. kaṇḍuka) 
   • (ī), f. a species of Solanum Suśr

⋙ kaṇṭakatraya

   ○traya n. an aggregate of three sorts of Solanum L

⋙ kaṇṭakadalā

   ○dalā f. Pandanus Odoratissimus L.,

⋙ kaṇṭakadruma

   ○druma m. a tree with thorns, a thorn bush BhP. Mṛicch 
   • Bombax Heptaphyllum L

⋙ kaṇṭakaprāvṛtā

   ○prāvṛtā f. Aloe Perfoliata L

⋙ kaṇṭakaphala

   ○phala m. Artocarpus Integrifolia L 
   • Ruellia Longifolia L 
   • (the term is applicable to any plant the fruit of which is invested with a hairy or thorny coat W 
   • cf. kaṇṭaki-phala.)

⋙ kaṇṭakabhuj

   ○bhuj m. 'eating thorns', a camel Hit

⋙ kaṇṭakayukta

   ○yukta mfn. having thorns, thorny

⋙ kaṇṭakalatā

   ○latā f. Capparis Zeylanica Nigh

⋙ kaṇṭakavat

   ○vat mfn. id 
   • covered with erect hair

⋙ kaṇṭakavṛntākī

   ○vṛntākī f. Solanum Jacquini L

⋙ kaṇṭakaśreṇī

   ○śreṇī f. id. ib 
   • a porcupine W

⋙ kaṇṭakasthalī

   ○sthalī f. N. of a country VarBṛS

⋙ kaṇṭakākhya

   kaṇṭakâkhya m. Trapa Bispinosa

⋙ kaṇṭakāgāra

   kaṇṭakâgāra n. 'dwelling among thorns', a kind of lizard L 
   • a porcupine W

⋙ kaṇṭakāḍhya

   kaṇṭakâḍhya mfn. full of thorns, thorny VarBṛS

⋙ kaṇṭakāluka

   kaṇṭakâluka m. Hedysarum Alhagi L

⋙ kaṇṭakāśana

   kaṇṭakâśana m. 'whose food is thorns', a camel L

⋙ kaṇṭakāṣṭhīla

   kaṇṭakâṣṭhīla m. 'having sharp bones', a kind of fish L

⋙ kaṇṭakoddharaṇa

   kaṇṭakôddharaṇa n. weeding or extracting thorns &c 
   • removing annoyances, extirpating thieves or rogues or any national and public nuisance Mn. ix, 252 R. &c

⋙ kaṇṭakoddhāra

   kaṇṭakôddhāra m. N. of wk

≫ kaṇṭaki

   kaṇṭaki (in comp. for kaṇṭakin, col. 3)

⋙ kaṇṭakikṣīrin

   ○kṣīrin m. pl. thorn-plants and milk-plants

⋙ kaṇṭakija

   ○ja mfn. produced from or grown upon a thorny plant Vishṇus 
   • produced from a fish W

⋙ kaṇṭakiphala

   ○phala m. = kaṇṭaka-phala, q.v. L

⋙ kaṇṭakilatā

   ○latā f. a gourd L

⋙ kaṇṭakivṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. a sort of tree Suśr. [Page 245, Column 3] 

≫ kaṇṭakita

   kaṇṭakita mfn. thorny MBh. Kathās. &c 
   • covered with erect hairs, having the hair of the body erect Śak. 68 b Kum. Kād. &c

≫ kaṇṭakin

   kaṇṭakin mfn. thorny, prickly ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • vexatious, annoying 
   • (ī), m. N. of several plants (viz. Acacia Catechu 
   • Vanguiera Spinosa 
   • Ruellia Longifolia 
   • Zizyphus Jujuba 
   • bamboo) L 
   • a fish L 
   • (inī), f. Solanum Jacquini L 
   • a kind of date-palm 
   • red amaranth L 
   • N. of a mother in the retinue of Skanda MBh

≫ kaṇṭakila

   kaṇṭakila m. Bambusa Spinosa L

≫ kaṇṭala

   kaṇṭala m. Mimosa Arabica (commonly called Vāvalā 
   • a tree yielding a species of Gum Arabic 
   • the branches are prickly, whence the name W.) L

≫ kaṇṭārikā

   kaṇṭārikā f. N. of a plant L

≫ kaṇṭālikā

   kaṇṭālikā f. Solanum Jacquini L

≫ kaṇṭin

   kaṇṭin mfn. thorny 
   • (ī), m. N. of several plants (viz. Achyranthes Aspera 
   • Acacia Catechu 
   • Ruellia Longifolia 
   • a species of pea) L


   kaṇṭh cl. 1. P. Ā. kaṇṭhati, -te: cl. 10. P. kaṇṭhayati, to mourn 
   • to long for, desire (cf. 2. ut-kaṇṭha) Dhātup. viii, 11 
   • xxxiv, 40


   kaṇṭhá m. (√kaṇ Uṇ. i, 105), the throat, the neck (cf. ā-kaṇṭha-tṛpta 
   • kaṇṭhe √grah, to embrace Kathās.) 
   • the voice (cf. sanna-kaṇṭha) MBh. BhP. &c 
   • sound, especially guttural sound W 
   • the neck (of a pitcher or jar), the narrowest part (e.g. of the womb 
   • of a hole in which sacrificial fire is deposited 
   • of a stalk &c.) Suśr. Hcat. Kathās. &c 
   • immediate proximity Pañcat 
   • Vanguiera Spinosa L 
   • N. of a Maharshi R 
   • (ī), f. neck, throat L 
   • a rope or leather round the neck of a horse L 
   • a necklace, collar, ornament for the neck L

⋙ kaṇṭhakubja

   ○kubja m. a kind of fever (cf. adhara-kaṇṭha, 1. ut-kaṇṭha, &c.) 
   • -pratīkāra m. the cure of the preceding disease

⋙ kaṇṭhakūṇikā

   ○kūṇikā f. the Vīnā or Indian lute L

⋙ kaṇṭhakūpa

   ○kūpa m. cavity of the throat

⋙ kaṇṭhaga

   ○ga mf(ā)n. reaching or extending to the throat Mn. ii, 62

⋙ kaṇṭhagata

   ○gata mfn. being at or in the throat, reaching the throat R. Pañcat. Ratnāv. &c

⋙ kaṇṭhagraha

   ○graha m. 'clinging to the neck, embracing, embrace Kathās. Ratnāv. Mṛicch

⋙ kaṇṭhagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. id. Amar

⋙ kaṇṭhaccheda

   ○ccheda m. cutting off the neck

⋙ kaṇṭhataṭa

   ○taṭa m. n. the side of the neck

⋙ kaṇṭhatalāsikā

   ○talāsikā f. the leather or rope passing round the neck of a horse L

⋙ kaṇṭhatas

   ○tas ind. from the throat 
   • distinctly 
   • singly

⋙ kaṇṭhadaghna

   ○daghná mfn. reaching to the neck ŚBr. xii

⋙ kaṇṭhadvayasa

   ○dvayasa mfn. id

⋙ kaṇṭhadhāna

   ○dhāna ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS

⋙ kaṇṭhanāla

   ○nāla n. 'neck-stalk', the throat compared to a lotus-stalk Ragh. xv, 52 
   • the neck Prab. Bālar 
   • (ī), f. throat, neck Prasannar

⋙ kaṇṭhanīḍaka

   ○nīḍaka m. Falco Cheela L 
   • a kite W

⋙ kaṇṭhanīlaka

   ○nīlaka m. a torch, whisp of lighted straw &c. (= ulkā) L

⋙ kaṇṭhapaṇḍita

   ○paṇḍita m. N. of a poet

⋙ kaṇṭhapāśaka

   ○pāśaka m. a halter, a rope passing round an elephant's neck L 
   • an elephant's cheek L

⋙ kaṇṭhapīṭha

   ○pīṭha n. gullet, throat Bālar 
   • (ī), f. id. Prasannar

⋙ kaṇṭhapīḍā

   ○pīḍā f. sharp pains in the throat Bhpr

⋙ kaṇṭhaprāvṛta

   ○prāvṛta n. covering the throat Gaut. ii, 14

⋙ kaṇṭhabandha

   ○bandha m. a rope tied round an elephant's neck L

⋙ kaṇṭhabhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. 'break of the voice', stammering

⋙ kaṇṭhabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n. an ornament for the neck, collar, necklace Hcat

⋙ kaṇṭhabhūṣā

   ○bhūṣā f. id. L

⋙ kaṇṭhamaṇi

   ○maṇi m. a jewel worn on the throat L 
   • a dear or beloved object 
   • thyroid cartilage L. ṇBḍ. ṇachtrag 2

⋙ kaṇṭhamūla

   ○mūla n. the deepest part of the throat

⋙ kaṇṭhamūlīya

   ○"ṣmūlīya mfn. being in the deepest part of the throat Comm. on TS. xxiii, 17

⋙ kaṇṭharava

   ○rava m. N. of an author

⋙ kaṇṭharodha

   ○rodha m. stopping or lowering the voice ( sa-ka○)

⋙ kaṇṭhalagna

   ○lagna mfn. fastened round the throat 
   • clinging to, embracing

⋙ kaṇṭhalatā

   ○latā f. a collar, necklace

⋙ kaṇṭhavartin

   ○vartin mfn. being in the throat (as the vital air), about to escape Ragh. xii, 54

⋙ kaṇṭhavibhūṣaṇa

   ○vibhūṣaṇa n. ornament for the neck L

⋙ kaṇṭhaśālūka

   ○śālūka n. hard tumour in the throat Suśr

⋙ kaṇṭhaśuṇḍī

   ○śuṇḍī f. swelling of the tonsils ib

⋙ kaṇṭhaśoṣa

   ○śoṣa m. dryness of the throat, a dry throat, ŚārṅgS

⋙ kaṇṭhaśruti

   ○śruti f. N. of an Upanishad (belonging to the Atharva-veda)

⋙ kaṇṭhasañjana

   ○sañjana n. hanging on or round the throat

⋙ kaṇṭhasūtra

   ○sūtra n. a particular mode of embracing Ragh. xix, 32

⋙ kaṇṭhastha

   ○stha mfn. staying or sticking in the throat 
   • being in or upon the throat 
   • guttural 
   • being in the mouth ready to be repeated by rote, learnt by heart and ready to be recited W

⋙ kaṇṭhasthalī

   ○sthalī f. throat

⋙ kaṇṭhāgata

   kaṇṭhâgata mfn. come to the throat (as the breath or soul of a dying person) W

⋙ kaṇṭhāgni

   kaṇṭhâgni m. 'digesting in the throat or gizzard', a bird L

⋙ kaṇṭhābharaṇa

   kaṇṭhâbharaṇa n. an ornament for the neck, necklace [Page 246, Column 1] 
   • a shorter N. of the work called Sarasvatī-kaṇṭhābharaṇa (cf. also kavika○) 
   • -darpaṇa, -mārjana n. N. of two commentaries on the above work

⋙ kaṇṭhāvasakta

   kaṇṭhâvasakta mfn. clinging to the neck, embracing

⋙ kaṇṭhāśleṣa

   kaṇṭhâśleṣa m. the act of embracing, embrace Bhartṛ. Ratnāv

⋙ kaṇṭhekāla

   kaṇṭhe-kāla m. 'black on the neck', N. of Śiva L

⋙ kaṇṭheviddha

   kaṇṭhe-viddha m. N. of a man (cf. kāṇṭheviddhi.)

⋙ kaṇṭheśvaratīrtha

   kaṇṭhêśvara-tīrtha m. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ kaṇṭhokta

   kaṇṭhôkta mfn. spoken of or enumerated singly or one by one Comm. on TPrāt

⋙ kaṇṭhokti

   kaṇṭhôkti f. speaking of or enumerating one by one ib

≫ kaṇṭhaka

   kaṇṭhaka m. an ornament for the neck Kathās 
   • N. of the horse of Śākyamuni Lalit 
   • (ikā), f. a necklace of one string or row L 
   • ornament for the neck Kathās

≫ kaṇṭhārava

   kaṇṭhā-rava = kaṇṭhī-rava below

≫ kaṇṭhin

   kaṇṭhin mfn. belonging to the throat

≫ kaṇṭhīrava

   kaṇṭhī-rava m. 'roaring from the throat', a lion Pañcat 
   • an elephant in rut L 
   • a pigeon L 
   • (ī), f. Gendarussa Vulgaris L

≫ kaṇṭhya

   káṇṭhya mfn. being at or in the throat VS. xxxix, 9 Suśr. ii, 130, 13 
   • suitable to the throat Suśr 
   • belonging to the throat, pronounced from the throat, guttural (as sounds 
   • they are, according to the Prātiśākhyas, a, ā, h, and the Jihvāmūlīya or Visarjanīya 
   • according to the Comm. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 9, a, ā, k, kh, g, gh, ṅ and h 
   • according to Vop. also e) 
   • m. a guttural sound or letter PārGṛ

⋙ kaṇṭhyavarṇa

   ○varṇa m. a guttural sound or letter

⋙ kaṇṭhyasvara

   ○svara m. a guttural vowel (i.e. a and ā)


   kaṇṭhalā f. a basket made of canes L. (cf. kaṇḍola.)


   kaṇṭhāla as m. a boat, ship L 
   • a hoe, spade L 
   • war L 
   • Arum Campanulatum L 
   • a camel L 
   • a churning-vessel L 
   • (ā), f. a churning-vessel L

≫ kaṇṭhīla

   kaṇṭhīla m. a camel L 
   • (as, ī), mf. a churning-vessel L


   kaṇḍ cl. 1. P. Ā. kaṇḍati, -te, to be glad or wanton: cl. 10. P. kaṇḍayati, to separate (the chaff from the grain) Dhātup. (cf. kaḍ.)

≫ kaṇḍana

   kaṇḍana n. the act of threshing, separating the chaff from the grain in a mortar Hcat 
   • that which is separated from the grain, chaff Suśr 
   • (ī), f. a wooden bowl or mortar (in which the cleaning or threshing of grain is performed) Mn. iii, 68

≫ kaṇḍarā

   kaṇḍarā f. a sinew (of which sixteen are considered to be in the human body) Suśr. Bhpr. &c 
   • a principal vessel of the body, a large artery, vein &c. W

≫ kaṇḍikā

   kaṇḍikā f. a short section, the shortest subdivision (in the arrangement of certain Vedic compositions) 
   • [cf. kāṇḍa and kāṇḍikā.]

≫ kaṇḍīkṛ

   kaṇḍī-√kṛ to pound, bray Car

≫ kaṇḍīra

   kaṇḍīra m. a sort of vegetable Car. (cf. gaṇḍīra.)

≫ kaṇḍu

   kaṇḍu f. = kaṇḍū below Suśr 
   • (us), m. N. of a Ṛishi VP. BhP. &c

≫ kaṇḍuka

   kaṇḍuka m. N. of a barber Hariv

≫ kaṇḍura

   kaṇḍura mf(ā)n. scratching 
   • itching Suśr 
   • m. Momordica Charantia L 
   • a species of reed L 
   • (ā), f. Mucuna Pruritus L 
   • a species of creeper L

≫ kaṇḍula

   kaṇḍula mfn. itching Car

≫ kaṇḍū

   kaṇḍū ūs f. itching, the itch Suśr. Kum. &c 
   • scratching, Śāntiś. (cf. sa-kaṇḍūka.)

⋙ kaṇḍūkarī

   ○karī f. Mucuna Pruritus L

⋙ kaṇḍūghna

   ○ghna m. Cathartocarpus Fistula L 
   • white mustard L

⋙ kaṇḍūjuṣ

   ○juṣ mfn. feeling a desire to scratch, itching Hcar. 44, 7

⋙ kaṇḍūmakā

   ○makā f. a kind of insect whose bite is poisonous Suśr

⋙ kaṇḍūmat

   ○mat mfn. scratching, itching Suśr

⋙ kaṇḍvādi

   kaṇḍv-ādi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 3-1, 27

≫ kaṇḍūti

   kaṇḍūti f. scratching 
   • itching, the itch BhP. Sāh. &c 
   • (fig.) sexual desire (of women) Rājat 
   • N. of one of the mothers in the retinue of Skanda MBh. ix

≫ kaṇḍūna

   kaṇḍūna mfn. feeling a desire to scratch, itching, desiring or longing for Sāh

≫ kaṇḍūya

   kaṇḍūya Nom. P. Ā. kaṇḍūyáti, -te, to scratch, scrape, rub TS. ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • to itch, Śārṅg.: Pass. kaṇḍūyate, to be scratched VarBṛS.: Desid. kaṇḍūyiyiṣati Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 3 Vop

≫ kaṇḍūyana

   kaṇḍūyana n. the act of scratching, scraping, rubbing 
   • itching, the itch KātyŚr. Suśr. Ragh. &c 
   • (ī), f. a brush for scraping or rubbing KātyŚr. [Page 246, Column 2] 

≫ kaṇḍūyanaka

   kaṇḍūyanaka mfn. serving for scratching or tickling (as a straw) Pañcat. (Hit.)

≫ kaṇḍūyā

   kaṇḍūyā f. scratching, itching Comm. on Pāṇ. Vop

≫ kaṇḍūyita

   kaṇḍūyita n. id

≫ kaṇḍūyitṛ

   kaṇḍūyitṛ mfn. scratching, a scratcher Ragh. xiii, 43

≫ kaṇḍūra

   kaṇḍūra m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus Car 
   • (ā), f. Mucuna Pruritus L

≫ kaṇḍūla

   kaṇḍūla mfn. having or feeling a desire to scratch, itchy Uttarar. Bālar 
   • (ā), f. Amorphophallus Campanulatus L

⋙ kaṇḍūlabhāva

   ○bhāva m. the itch, a state of eager desire for (loc.) Naish


   kaṇḍarīka m. N. of a man Hariv


   kaṇḍānaka m. N. of a being attendant on Śiva L


   kaṇḍola m. a basket for holding grain (made of bamboo or cane) Comm. on Mn 
   • a safe, any place in which provisions are kept W 
   • a camel (cf. kaṇṭhāla) L 
   • (ī), f. the lute of a Caṇḍāla (cf. kaṭola, gaṇḍola) L

⋙ kaṇḍolapāda

   ○pāda mfn. camel-footed (?), g. hasty-ādi Pāṇ. 5-4, 138 (not in Kāś.)

⋙ kaṇḍolavīṇā

   ○vīṇā f. the lute of a Caṇḍāla, a common lute L

≫ kaṇḍolaka

   kaṇḍolaka m. a basket, safe, store-room L


   kaṇḍoṣa m. a scorpion, tarantula L


   káṇva m. (√kaṇ Uṇ. i, 151), N. of a renowned Ṛishi (author of several hymns of the Ṛig-veda 
   • he is called a son of Ghora and is said to belong to the family of Aṅgiras) RV. AV. VS. KātyŚr. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl. the family or descendants of Kaṇva ib. (besides the celebrated Ṛishi there occur a Káṇva Nārshadá AV. iv, 19, 2 KáṇvaŚrāyasa TS. v, 4, 7, 5 KaṇvaKāśyapa MBh. Śak. &c 
   • the founder of a Vedic school 
   • several princes and founders of dynasties 
   • several authors) 
   • a peculiar class of evil spirits (against whom the hymn AV. ii, 25 is used as a charm) AV. ii, 25, 3 ; 4 ; 5 
   • (mfn.) deaf KātyŚr. x, 2, 35 
   • praising, a praiser L 
   • one who is to be praised T 
   • (am), n. sin, evil Comm. on Uṇ

⋙ kaṇvajambhana

   ○jámbhana mf(ī)n. consuming or destroying the evil spirits called Kaṇva AV. ii, 25, 1

⋙ kaṇvatama

   ○tama m. the very Kaṇva, a real Kaṇva RV. i, 48, 4 ; x, 115, 5

⋙ kaṇvabṛhat

   ○bṛhat n. N. of several Sāmans

⋙ kaṇvamat

   ○mat mfn. prepared by the Kaṇvas (as the Soma NBD.) 
   • united with the praisers or with the Kaṇvas (as Indra Sāy.) RV. viii, 2, 22

⋙ kaṇvarathaṃtara

   ○rathaṃtara n. N. of several Sāmans

⋙ kaṇvavat

   ○vát ind. like Kaṇva RV. viii, 6, 11 AV. ii, 32, 3

⋙ kaṇvaveda

   ○veda m. N. of wk

⋙ kaṇvasakhi

   ○sakhi ā m. having the Kaṇvas as friends, friendly disposed to them RV. x, 115, 5

⋙ kaṇvasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of wk

⋙ kaṇvahotṛ

   ○hotṛ mfn. one whose Hotṛi priest is a Kaṇva RV. v, 41, 4

⋙ kaṇvādi

   kaṇvâdi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 4-2, 111

⋙ kaṇvāśrama

   kaṇvâśrama m. N. of a Tīrtha Vishṇus

⋙ kaṇvopaniṣad

   kaṇvôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

≫ kaṇvāya

   kaṇvāya Nom. Ā. kaṇvāyate, to do mischief (cf. kaṇva n.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 17

≫ kaṇvīya

   kaṇvīya mfn. relating to or performed by Kaṇva

⋙ kaṇvīyasaṃhitāhoma

   ○saṃhitā-homa m. N. of wk


   kata m. Strychnos Potatorum (cf. the next) L 
   • N. of a Ṛishi Pāṇ

⋙ kataphala

   ○phala n. = the next

≫ kataka

   kataka m. Strychnos Potatorum or the clearing nut plant (its seeds rubbed upon the inside of water-jars precipitate the earthy particles in the water W.) Mn. vi, 67 Suśr 
   • N. of a commentator on the Rāmāyaṇa


   katamá as, ā, at mfn. (superlative of 2. ka 
   • declined as a pronom., Gram. 236), who or which of many? (e.g. katamena pathā yātās te, by which road have they gone?) 
   • it is often a mere strengthened substitute for ka, the superlative affix imparting emphasis 
   • hence it may occasionally be used for 'who or which of two?' (e.g. tayoḥ katamasmai, to which of these two?) 
   • it may optionally be compounded with the word to which it refers (e.g. katamaḥ kaṭhaḥ, or katama-kaṭhaḥ, which Kaṭha out of many?) 
   • when followed by ca and preceded yatama an indefinite expression is formed equivalent to 'any whosoever', 'any whatsoever', &c. (e.g. yatamad eva katamac ca vidyāt he may know anything whatsoever). In negative sentences katama with cana or katama with api = not even one, none at all (e.g. na katamaccanâhaḥ, not even on a single day, on no day at all) [Page 246, Column 3] 
   • in addition to the above uses katama is said to mean 'best', 'excessively good-looking' (cf. 3. ka) RV. &c

⋙ katamoraga

   katamôraga m. N. of a man

≫ katara

   katará as, ā, at mfn. (comparative of 2. ka 
   • declined as a pronom., Gram. 236), who or which of two? whether of two? Analogously to katama above katara may occasionally be used to express 'who or which of many?' (e.g. katarasyāṃ diśi, in which quarter?), and may optionally be compounded with the word to which it refers (e.g. kataraḥ kaṭhaḥ or katara-kaṭhaḥ) 
   • in negative sentences katara with cana = neither of the two (e.g. na kataraś-cana jigye), neither of the two was conquered RV. &c. ; [Zd. katāra 
   • Gk. ?, ? ; Goth. hvathar ; Eng. [246, 3] whether ; Lat. uter ; Old Germ. huedar ; Slav. kotoryi.]

⋙ kataratas

   ○tas ind. on which of the two sides? ŚBr. vi

≫ kati 1

   káti (fr. 2. ka declined in pl. only, Gram. 227 a 
   • all the cases except the nom. voc. and acc. taking terminations, whereas the correlative iti has become fixed as an indeclinable adverb), how many? quot? several (e.g. kati devāḥ, how many gods? kati vyāpādayati kati vā tāḍayati, some he kills and some he strikes). In the sense of 'several', 'some', kati is generally followed by cid or api (e.g. katicid ahāni, for several or some days) 
   • it may be used as an adverb with cid in the sense of 'oftentimes', 'much', in many ways' (e.g. katicit stutaḥ, much or often praised) RV. &c. ; [Zd. caiti 
   • Gk. ? ; Lat. quot ; Sk. tati and [246, 3] Lat. tot.]

⋙ katikṛtvas

   ○kṛtvas ind. how many times? Vop. (cf. káti, kṛ́tvas ŚBr. xii, 3, 2, 7.)

⋙ katibheda

   ○bheda mfn. of how many divisions or kinds? Car

⋙ katividha

   ○vidha mfn. of how many kinds?

⋙ katiśas

   ○śas ind. how many at a time? Kum

⋙ katisaṃkhya

   ○saṃkhya mfn. how many in number? Pañcat

⋙ katihāyana

   ○hāyana mfn. how many years old? Bālar

≫ katika 1

   katika (for 2. below), mfn. how many? Car 
   • bought for how much? Pat

≫ katititha

   katititha mfn. with following cid or ca, the so-maniest Bālar

≫ katitha

   katithá mfn. the how-maniest? Pāṇ. 5-2, 51 
   • with cid, the so-maniest RV. x, 61, 18 (= katipayānāṃ pūraṇaḥ Sāy.) 
   • to such and such a point 
   • [Gk. [246, 3] ? ; Lat. quotus.]

≫ katidhā

   katidhā́ ind. how many times? how often? in how many places? in how many parts? RV. &c 
   • with cid, everywhere RV. i, 31, 2

≫ katipaya

   katipayá mf(ī, ā [only BhP. ix, 18, 39])n. (m. pl. e and ās) several, some 
   • a certain number, so many (e.g. katipayenâhar-gaṇena, after some days 
   • also katipayair ahobhiḥ, katipayâhasya, &c.) ŚBr. &c 
   • (am), n. a little, some (at the end of Tatpurusha compounds, e.g. udaśvit-katipayam, a little Udaśvit) Pāṇ. 2-1, 65 
   • (ena or āt), ind. with some exertion, with difficulty, narrowly Pāṇ. 2-3, 33

≫ katipayatha

   katipayatha mfn. somewhat advanced, somaniest Kāṭh. Pāṇ. 5-2, 51


   katamāla m. fire L 
   • (incorrect for khatamāla BRD 
   • cf. kacamāla, karamāla.)

kati 2

   kati (for 1. above), m. N. of a sage (son of Viśvā-mitra and ancestor of Kātyāyana) Hariv

≫ katika 2

   katika (for 1. above), am n. N. of a town Rājat


   katīmuṣa m. N. of an Agrahāra Rājat


   kattā-śabda m. the rattling sound of dice Mṛicch


   kat-tṛṇa &c. 2. kad


   katth cl. 1. Ā. katthate, cakatthe, katthitā, &c. (Dhātup. ii, 36), to boast MBh. R. BhP 
   • to mention with praise, praise, celebrate MBh. iv, 1252 
   • xvi R 
   • to flatter, coax W 
   • to abuse, revile BhP. viii

≫ katthaka

   katthaka m. N. of a man

≫ katthana

   katthana mfn. boasting, praising MBh. R 
   • (am), n. the act of boasting MBh. R. Suśr 
   • (ā), f. id. Comm. on Bhaṭṭ

≫ katthita

   katthita n. boasting MBh. i, 5995

≫ katthitavya

   katthitavya mfn. to be boasted Car


   kat-payá mfn. (fr. 2. kad and paya fr. √pyai BRD.), swelling, rising RV. v, 32, 6 
   • (= sukha-payas Nir. vi, 3 [Page 247, Column 1] 
   • and accordingly = sukha-karaṃ payo yasya Sāy.)


   katr cl. 10. P. katrayati, to loosen, slacken, remove Dhātup. xxxv, 60 (cf. kart, kartr.)


   katsavara m. the shoulder, shoulder-blade L


   kath cl. 10. P. (ep. also Ā.) kathayati (-te), aor. acakathat (Pāṇ. 7-4, 93 Kāś.) and acīkathat (Vop.), to converse with any one (instr., sometimes with saha) MBh 
   • to tell, relate, narrate, report, inform, speak about, declare, explain, describe (with acc. of the thing or person spoken about) MBh. R. Śak. &c 
   • to announce, show, exhibit, bespeak, betoken Mn. xi, 114 Śak. 291, 4 Suśr. &c 
   • to order, command Pañcat. 57, 22 
   • to suppose, state MBh. iii, 10668 Mn. vii, 157: Pass. kathyate, to be called, be regarded or considered as, pass for Pañcat. Hit. &c 
   • [fr. katham, 'to tell the how' ; Goth. qvith4an ; Old High Germ. quethan and quedan ; Eng. quoth and quote.]

≫ kathaka

   kathaka mfn. relating, reciting, Śāntiś 
   • m. a narrator, relater, one who recites a story (or who publicly reads and expounds the Purāṇas &c.), one who speaks or tells, a professional story-teller MBh. Kathās. &c 
   • the speaker of a prologue or monologue, chief actor L 
   • N. of a man 
   • of a being in the retinue of Skanda

≫ kathana

   kathana mfn. telling, talkative W 
   • (am), n. the act of telling, narration, relating, informing Suśr. Bhartṛ. Pañcat. &c

≫ kathanika

   kathanika m. a narrator, story-teller Hcar

≫ kathanīya

   kathanīya mfn. to be said or told or declared, worthy of relation or mentioning MBh. BhP. &c 
   • to be called or named Śrutab

≫ kathayāna

   kathayāna mfn. (ep. pres. p.) relating, telling MBh. iii, 2906

≫ kathayitavya

   kathayitavya mfn. to be told or mentioned 
   • to be communicated Śak. 233, 4

≫ kathā

   kathā (for 2. col. 3), f. conversation, speech, talking together ĀśvGṛ. MBh. Mn. &c 
   • talk, mention 
   • (kā kathā [with gen. or more commonly with loc. and sometimes with prati), what should one say of? how should one speak of? e.g. eko'pi kṛcchrād varteta bhūyasāṃ tu kathâiva kā, even one person would live with difficulty, what should one say of many? i.e. how much more many? Kathās. iv, 123 
   • kā kathā bāṇa-saṃdhāne, what mention of fitting the arrow? i.e. what necessity for fitting the arrow? Śak. 53 a) 
   • story, tale, fable MBh. R. Hit. &c 
   • a feigned story, tale (as one, of the species of poetical composition) Sāh. 567 Kāvyâd 
   • Story (personified) Kathās 
   • (in log.) discussion, disputation Sarvad

⋙ kathākośa

   ○kośa m. N. of wk

⋙ kathākautuka

   ○kautuka n. N. of wk

⋙ kathākrama

   ○krama m. uninterrupted progress of conversation, continuous conversation Kathās

⋙ kathācaṇa

   ○caṇa mfn. famous by report, far renowned Sarvad. 99, 6

⋙ kathāchala

   ○chala n. or ○cchala, the device or artifice or guise of fables Hit

⋙ kathājava

   ○java m. N. of a pupil of Bāshkali VP

⋙ kathādi

   ○"ṣdi (kathâdi), m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 4-4, 102

⋙ kathānurāga

   ○"ṣnurāga (kathânu○), m. taking pleasure in a story, attention to a discourse

⋙ kathānta

   ○"ṣnta (kathânta), m. end of a conversation

⋙ kathāntara

   ○"ṣntara (kathântara), n. the course of a conversation Mṛicch. Kathās

⋙ kathāpīṭha

   ○pīṭha n. 'pedestal of Story', N. of the first Lambaka or book of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara

⋙ kathāprabandha

   ○prabandha m. a continuous narrative, the connection or course of a narrative, tale, composed story, fiction

⋙ kathāprasaṅga

   ○prasaṅga m. occasion to speak or talk 
   • course of conversation Naish. Hit 
   • (ena or āt), ind. on the occasion of a conversation, in the course of conversation Kathās. Comm. on Kāvyâd 
   • (mfn.) talkative, talking much, half-witted L 
   • a conjurer, dealer in antidotes &c

⋙ kathāprāṇa

   ○prāṇa m. an actor, the speaker of a prologue or monologue, the introducer of a drama 
   • a professed story-teller L

⋙ kathāmātra

   ○mātra n. a mere story, nothing but a narrative 
   • (mfn.) one of whom nothing but the narrative is left, i.e. deceased, dead BhP. xii, 2, 44 
   • -"ṣtrâvaśiṣṭa mfn. id. BhP. xii, 2, 36 
   • -"ṣtrâvaśeṣita mfn. id. MBh. xv, 988 (cf. kathâvaśeṣa and kathā-śeṣa.)

⋙ kathāmukha

   ○mukha n. the introduction to a tale Pañcat 
   • N. of the second Lambaka or book of the Kathā-sarit-sāgara

⋙ kathāmṛtanidhi

   ○"ṣmṛta-nidhi (kathâmṛ○), m. N. of a work

⋙ kathāyoga

   ○yoga m. conversation, talk, discourse MBh. Hariv. Hit

⋙ kathārambha

   ○"ṣrambha (kathâra○), m. beginning of a story or tale, story-telling 
   • -kāla m. story-beginning-time Hit. [Page 247, Column 2] 

⋙ kathārāma

   ○"ṣrāma (kathârā○), m. garden of fable

⋙ kathārṇava

   ○"ṣrṇava (kathârṇa○), m. N. of wk

⋙ kathālakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ kathālāpa

   ○"ṣlāpa (kathâlā○), m. speech, conversation, discourse Kathās. Hit

⋙ kathāvatāra

   ○"ṣvatāra m. incarnation of Kathā or Story

⋙ kathāvalī

   ○"ṣvalī (kathâva○), f. a string or collection of stories Kathās

⋙ kathāvaśeṣa

   ○"ṣvaśeṣa (kathâva○), m. a narrative as the only remainder, (○ṃ-√gam, to enter into a state in which nothing is left but the story of one's life, i.e. to die Naish.) 
   • (mfn.) one of whom nothing remains but his life-story, i.e. deceased, dead 
   • -tā f. the state of the above, (kathâvaśeṣatāṃ gataḥ, deceased, dead Prab.)

⋙ kathāvaśeṣībhū

   ○"ṣvaśeṣī-√bhū (kathâva○), to die Kād. (cf. the last.)

⋙ kathāvirakta

   ○virakta mfn. disliking conversation, reserved, taciturn

⋙ kathāśeṣa

   ○śeṣa mfn. = kathâvaśeṣa above Rājat

⋙ kathāsaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. a collection of tales or fables

⋙ kathāsaritsāgara

   ○sarit-sāgara m. 'the ocean of rivers of stories', N. of wk. by Soma-deva

⋙ kathodaya

   kathôdaya m. the beginning of or introduction to a tale BhP

⋙ kathodghāta

   kathôdghāta m. the beginning of a tale Ragh. iv, 20 
   • (in dram.) the opening of a drama by the character that first enters overhearing and repeating the last words of the Sūtradhāra or manager (cf. udghātyaka) Sāh. 290 Daśar

⋙ kathopakathana

   kathôpakathana n. conversation, talking together, conference, narration

⋙ kathopākhyāna

   kathôpâkhyāna n. narration, narrative, relation, telling a story

≫ kathānaka

   kathānaka n. a little tale Vet. Hcat. &c

≫ kathāpaya

   kathāpaya Nom. P. kathāpayati, to tell, relate, recite

≫ kathika

   kathika mfn. a narrator, relater, story-teller by profession W

≫ kathita

   kathita mfn. told, related, reckoned Mn. vii, 157 
   • (am), n. conversation, discourse MBh. Śak 
   • narration, tale Ragh. xi, 10

⋙ kathitapada

   ○pada n. repetition, tautology W

≫ kathīkṛ

   kathī-√kṛ to reduce to a mere tale

⋙ kathīkṛta

   kathīkṛta mfn. reduced to a mere tale, i.e. deceased, dead (e.g. kathī-kṛtaṃ vapuḥ, a body reduced to a mere tale, a dead body Kum. iv, 13)

≫ kathya

   kathya mfn. to be spoken about or told, fit to be mentioned R 
   • to be related Daś


   kathám ind. (fr. 2. ka), how? in what manner? whence? (e.g. katham etat, how is that? katham idānīm, how now? what is now to be done? katham mārâtmake tvayi viśvāsaḥ, how can there be reliance on thee of murderous mind? katham utsṛjya tvāṃ gaccheyam, how can I go away deserting you? katham buddhvā bhaviṣyati sā, how will she be when she awakes? katham mṛtyuḥ, prabhavati vedavidām, whence is it that death has power over those that know the Veda? katham avagamyate, whence is it inferred?) 
   • sometimes katham merely introduces an interrogation (e.g. katham ātmānaṃ nivedayāmi kathaṃ vâtmâpahāraṃ karomi, shall I declare myself or shall I withdraw?) katham is often found in connection with the particles iva, nāma, nu, svid, which appear to generalize the interrogation (how possibly? how indeed? &c.) 
   • with nu it is sometimes = kimu, or kutas (e.g. katkaṃ nu, how much more! na kathaṃ nu, how much less!) katham is often connected, like kim, with the particles cana, cid, and api, which give an indefinite sense to the interrogative (e.g. kathaṃ cana, in any way, some how 
   • scarcely, with difficulty 
   • na kathaṃ cana, in no way at all 
   • kathaṃcit, some how or other, by some means or other, in any way, with some difficulty, scarcely, in a moderate degree, a little 
   • na kathaṃcit, not at all, in no way whatever 
   • na kathaṃcid na, in no way not, i.e. most decidedly 
   • yathā kathaṃcit, in any way whatsoever 
   • kathaṃcid yadi jīvati, it is with difficulty that he lives 
   • katham api, some how or other, with some difficulty, scarcely a little 
   • katham api na, by no means, not at all) RV. &c 
   • according to lexicographers katham is a particle implying amazement 
   • surprise 
   • pleasure 
   • abuse

≫ kathaṃ

   kathaṃ (in comp. for katham 
   • at the beginning of an adjective compound it may also have the sense of kim)

⋙ kathaṃruru

   ○ruru m. N. of a Rājarshi Sāy. on RV. iv, 16, 10

⋙ kathaṃrūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. of what shape? R

⋙ kathaṃvīrya

   ○vīrya mfn. of what power? R. iii, 73, 9

⋙ kathaṃkathika

   ○kathika mfn. one who is always asking questions, an inquisitive person L 
   • -tā f. questioning, inquiring, inquisitiveness L

⋙ kathaṃkarman

   ○karman mfn. how acting?

⋙ kathaṃkāram

   ○kāram ind. in what manner? how? Naish. Śiś. ii, 52

⋙ kathaṃjātīyaka

   ○jātīyaka mfn. of what kind? Pat

⋙ kathaṃtarām

   ○tarām ind. still more how or why? (used in emphatic questions) Sarvad. 105, 12. [Page 247, Column 3] 

⋙ kathaṃtā

   ○tā f. 'the how', the what state? Yogas

⋙ kathaṃpramāṇa

   ○pramāṇa mfn. of what measure? R

⋙ kathaṃbhāva

   ○bhāva m. = -tā above Comm. on KātyŚr

⋙ kathaṃbhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. how being, of what kind? Caurap

≫ kathā 2

   kathā́ (for 1. col. 1), ind. (Ved. for kathám Pāṇ. 5-3, 26) how? whence? why? RV. AV. viii, 1, 16 TS. &c 
   • (yathā́ kathā́ ca, in any way whatsoever ŚBr. iv) 
   • sometimes merely a particle of interrogation (e.g. kathā́ śṛṇoti.. índraḥ, does Indra hear? RV. iv, 23, 3 
   • kathā́-kathā́, whether-or? TS. ii, 6, 1, 7)

kad 1

   kad cl. 1. Ā. kadate, cakāda (R. ed. Gorresio vi, 65, 23 
   • but ed. Bomb. vi, 86, 24 reads cakāra), to be confused, suffer mentally 
   • to grieve 
   • to confound 
   • to kill or hurt 
   • to call 
   • to cry or shed tears Dhātup. xix, 10

≫ kadana

   kadana n. destruction, killing, slaughter MBh. R. Pañcat. &c

⋙ kadanapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town L

⋙ kadanapriya

   ○priya mfn. loving slaughter BhP. vii, 12, 13

≫ kadamba

   kadamba m. (Uṇ. iv, 82) Nauclea Cadamba (a tree with orange-coloured fragrant blossoms) MBh. Suśr. Megh. &c 
   • white mustard L 
   • Andropogon Serratus L 
   • turmeric L 
   • a particular mineral substance L 
   • a particular position of the hand 
   • (in astron.) the pole of the ecliptic Comm. on Sūryas 
   • an arrow (cf. kādamba) L 
   • N. of a dynasty 
   • (ī), f. N. of a plant L 
   • (am), n. a multitude, assemblage, collection, troop, herd Gīt. Sāh. &c

⋙ kadambada

   ○da m. Sinapis Dichotoma L

⋙ kadambapuṣpā

   ○puṣpā f. N. of a plant (the flowers of which resemble those of the Kadamba, commonly called Muṇḍerī) L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a plant Suśr

⋙ kadambabhramamaṇḍala

   ○bhrama-maṇḍala n. (in astron.) the polar circle of the ecliptic

⋙ kadambayuddha

   ○yuddha n. a kind of amorous play or sport, Vātsy

⋙ kadambavallarī

   ○vallarī f. N. of a medicinal plant L

⋙ kadambavāyu

   ○vāyu m. a fragrant breeze

⋙ kadambavṛtta

   ○vṛtta n. = -bhrama-maṇḍala above

⋙ kadambānila

   kadambânila m. a fragrant breeze 
   • 'accompanied by fragrant breezes', the rainy season Kir. iv, 24

≫ kadambaka

   kadambaka m. Nauclea Cadamba VarBṛS 
   • Sinapis Dichotoma L 
   • Curcuma Aromatica 
   • (ikā), f. a particular muscle in the nape of the neck (cf. kalambikā) L 
   • (am), n. multitude, troop, herd Śak. Kir. Śiś

≫ kadambakīkṛ

   kadambakī-√kṛ to transform into flowers of the Kadambaka MBh. vii, 6276

kad 2

   kád ind. (originally the neuter form of the interrogative pronoun ka), a particle of interrogation (= Lat. nonne, num) RV 
   • anything wrong or bad BhP. vii, 5, 28 (cf. below) 
   • = sukha Nigh 
   • kad is used, like kim, with the particles cana and cid, 'sometimes, now and then' 
   • kac-cana with the negation na, 'in no way or manner' RV 
   • kac-cid is also used, like the simple kad, as a particle of interrogation (e.g. kaccid dṛṣṭā tvayā rājan damayantī, was Damayantī seen by thee, O king?) MBh., or kaccid may be translated by 'I hope that' 
   • at the beginning of a compound it may mark the uselessness, badness or defectiveness of anything, as in the following examples

⋙ kadakṣara

   ○akṣara n. a bad letter, bad writing L

⋙ kadagni

   ○agni m. a little fire Vop

⋙ kadadhvan

   ○adhvan m. a bad road L

⋙ kadanna

   ○anna n. bad food or little food, Bhp. Śārṅg 
   • (mfn.) eating bad food VarBṛS 
   • -tā f. the state of bad food VCāṇ

⋙ kadapatya

   ○apatya n. bad posterity, bad children BhP

⋙ kadartha

   ○artha m. a useless thing 
   • (mfn.) having what purpose or aim? RV. x, 22, 6 
   • useless, unmeaning W

⋙ kadarthana

   ○"ṣarthana am, ā n. f. (fr. kadarthaya below), the act of tormenting, torture, trouble Daś. Kathās

⋙ kadarthanīya

   ○"ṣarthanīya mfn. (fr. the next), to be tormented or troubled Naish. Hcar

⋙ kadarthaya

   ○"ṣarthaya Nom. (fr. kad-artha) P. kadarthayati, to consider as a useless thing, estimate lightly, despise Bhartṛ. Vcar 
   • to torment, torture, trouble Pañcat. Kathās. Naish. &c

⋙ kadarthita

   ○"ṣarthita mfn. rendered useless 
   • despised, disdained, rejected

⋙ kadarthīkṛ

   ○"ṣarthī-√kṛ to disdain, disregard, despise, overlook MBh. BhP 
   • to torment, torture

⋙ kadarthīkṛti

   ○"ṣarthī-kṛti f. contempt, disdain 
   • tormenting, torture Hcar

⋙ kadarya

   ○arya mfn. avaricious, miserly, stingy, niggardly Gaut. ChUp. Mn. iv, 210, 224 Yājñ. &c 
   • little, insignificant, mean W 
   • bad, disagreeable W 
   • m. a miser 
   • -tā f. -tva n. the state or condition of the above MBh 
   • -bhāva m. id. ib

⋙ kadaśva

   ○aśva m. a bad horse Comm. on Pāṇ

⋙ kadākāra

   ○ākāra mfn. ill-formed, ugly L

⋙ kadākhya

   ○ākhya mfn. having a bad name T 
   • (am), n. Costus Speciosm L. (commonly called Kushṭha). [Page 248, Column 1] 

⋙ kadācāra

   ○ācāra m. bad conduct 
   • (mfn.) of bad conduct, wicked, abandoned W

⋙ kadāhāra

   ○āhāra m. bad food Car 
   • (mfn.) taking bad food ib

⋙ kadindriya

   ○indriya āṇi n. pl. bad organs of sense BhP 
   • (mfn.) having bad organs of sense BhP. viii, 3, 28 
   • -gaṇa m. and mfn. id. BhP. x, 60, 35

⋙ kaduṣṭra

   ○uṣṭra m. a bad camel Comm. on Pāṇ

⋙ kaduṣṇa

   ○uṣṇa mfn. tepid, lukewarm Pāṇ. Suśr. &c 
   • harsh, sharp (as a word) Naish. ix, 38 
   • (am), n. slight warmth, lukewarmness W. (cf. kavôṣṇa, kôṣṇa.)

⋙ kadratha

   ○ratha m. a bad carriage ŚāṅkhŚr. Pāṇ

⋙ kadvat

   ○vat mfn. containing the word ka ŚBr. vi ŚāṅkhŚr

⋙ kadvada

   ○vada mfn. speaking ill or inaccurately or indistinctly Pāṇ. 6-3, 102 Vop. &c. (with neg. a○ Śiś. xiv, 1) 
   • contemptible, vile, base L

⋙ kadvara

   ○vara n. whey or buttermilk mixed with water L. (cf. kaṅkara, kaṭvara, &c.)

≫ kat

   kat (in comp. for 2. kad above)

⋙ kattṛna

   ○tṛna n. a fragrant grass Suśr 
   • Pistia Stratiotes L

⋙ kattoya

   ○toya n. an intoxicating drink, wine or vinous spirit L

⋙ kattri

   ○tri mfn. pl. three inferior (persons or articles &c.) Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 101

⋙ kattryādi

   ○try-ādi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 4-2, 95 (cf. kāttreyaka.)

≫ kal

   kal (in comp. for 2. kad)

⋙ kallola

   ○lola m. a wave, surge, billow Pañcat. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • an enemy, foe L 
   • joy, happiness, pleasure L 
   • -jātaka n. N. of an astrological work

⋙ kallolita

   ○"ṣlolita mfn. surging, billowy, g. tārakâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 36

⋙ kallolinī

   ○lolinī f. a surging stream, river in general Prab


   ka-da 3. ka


   kadaka m. an awning L. (cf. kandaka.)


   kadamba under 1. kad


   kadara m. a saw L 
   • an iron goad (for guiding an elephant) L 
   • a species of Mimosa (= śveta-khadira 
   • Gk. ?) Bhpr. Comm. on [248, 1] KātyŚr 
   • (as, am), m. n. a corn, callosity of the feet (caused by external friction) Suśr 
   • (am), n. coagulated milk L. (cf. kaṅkara, kaṭura, &c.)


   kadala as, ī (ā L.), mf. the plantain or banana tree, Musa Sapientum (its soft, perishable stem is a symbol of frailty) Suśr. R. Megh 
   • (ā), f. N. of several plants (Pistia Stratiotes, Bombax Heptaphyllum, Calosanthes Indica) L 
   • (ī), f. the plantain tree Bhpr 
   • a kind of deer (the hide of which is used as a seat) MBh. Suśr 
   • a flag, banner, flag carried by an elephant L 
   • (am), n. the banana Suśr

≫ kadalaka

   kadalaka m. Musa Sapientum L 
   • (ikā), f. id. Śiś. v, 2 
   • a flag carried by an elephant Kād

≫ kadalin

   kadalin ī m. a kind of antelope L

≫ kadalī

   kadalī f. ( above)

⋙ kadalīkanda

   ○kanda m. the √of the plantain Bhpr

⋙ kadalīkṣatā

   ○kṣatā f. a sort of cucumber W 
   • a fine woman W

⋙ kadalīgarbha

   ○garbha m. the pith of the plantain tree MaitrUp. Kathās. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Maṅkaṇaka Kathās. xxxii, 104

⋙ kadalīsukham

   ○sukham ind. as easily as a plantain tree ( = kadalīvat sukham Mall.) Ragh. xii, 96

⋙ kadalīskandha

   ○skandha m. a particular form of illusion (Buddh.) L


   kadā́ ind. (fr. 2. ka), when? at what time? (with following fut. or pres. tense Pāṇ. 3-3, 5) RV. MBh. Pañcat. &c 
   • at some time, one day RV. viii, 5, 22 
   • how? RV. vii, 29, 3 
   • with a following nu khalu, when about? MBh. iii 
   • with a following ca and preceding yadā, whenever, as often as possible (e.g. yadā́ kadā́ ca sunávāma sómam, let us press out the Soma as often as may be or at all times RV. iii, 53, 4) 
   • with a following caná, never at any time RV. AV. TUp. Hit. &c 
   • (irr. also) at some time, one day, once MBh. xiii Kathās. &c 
   • na kadā́, never RV. vi, 21, 3 Subh 
   • na kadā cana, never at any time RV. AV. &c 
   • kadā cit, at some time or other, sometimes, once 
   • na kadā cit, never 
   • kadâpi, sometimes, now and then 
   • na kadâpi, never ; [Zd. kadha 
   • Gk. ? and ? ; Lat. quando ; Lith. kadá ; [248, 1] Slav. [k�uda].]

⋙ kadāmatta

   ○matta m. N. of a man, g. upakâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 69


   kadūhi m. N. of a man


   kádru mfn. (etym. doubtful 
   • fr. √kav Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 102) tawny, brown, reddish-brown TS. KātyŚr. &c 
   • (us), m. tawny (the colour) W 
   • (us, ūs), f. a brown Soma-vessel RV. viii, 45, 26 
   • N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Kaśyapa and mother of the Nāgas) MBh. BhP. &c 
   • (ū́s), f. a particular divine personification (described in certain legends which relate to the bringing down of the Soma from heaven [Page 248, Column 2] 
   • according to the Brāhmaṇas, 'the earth personified') TS. vi ŚBr. iii, vi Kāṭh. &c 
   • N. of a plant (?)

⋙ kadruja

   ○ja m. 'Kadru's son', a serpent L

⋙ kadruputra

   ○putra m. id. Hariv

⋙ kadrusuta

   ○suta m. id. L

≫ kadruka

   kadruka tri-ka○

≫ kadruṇa

   kadruṇa mfn. (fr. kadru g. pāmâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 100), tawny

≫ kadrūṇa

   kadrūṇa mfn. (fr. kadrū ib.), id


   kadrūka n. the hump on the back of the Indian bullock Hcat. i, 399, 6 (cf. gadrūka.)


   kadryañc mf(kadrī́cī)n. (fr. 2. añc and 2. ka Pāṇ. 6-3, 92), turned towards what? RV. i, 164, 17


   kadvat &c. under 2. kad


   kadha-priya mfn. ever pleased or friendly ṇBḍ. 
   • fond of praise ṣāy. RV. i, 30, 20 
   • (kadha = kadā ; Zd. kadha 
   • cf. also adhapriya.)

≫ kadhaprī

   kadha-prī mfn. id. RV. i, 38, 1


   ka-dhi m. the ocean (cf. kaṃ-dhi.)


   kan (kā in Veda), cl. 1. P. kanati, cakāna, cake, akānīt, kanitā, &c. Dhātup. xiii, 17 
   • (aor. 1. sg. akāniṣam, 2. sg. kāniṣas RV.), to be satisfied or pleased RV. iv, 24, 9 
   • to agree to, accept with satisfaction RV. iii, 28, 5 
   • to shine 
   • to go Dhātup.: Intens. P. (Subj. cākánat 
   • Pot. cākanyāt 
   • pf. 1. sg. cākana) 
   • Ā. (Subj. 3. pl. cākánanta and cakánanta RV. i, 169, 4), to be satisfied with, like, enjoy (with loc., gen., or instr.) RV 
   • to please, be liked or wished for (with gen. of the person) RV. i, 169, 4 ; v, 31, 13 ; viii, 31, 1 
   • to strive after, seek, desire, wish (with acc. or dat.) RV 
   • [cf. kā, kai, kam, kvan, and can: cf. also Zd. -kan 
   • Gk. ? ; Angl. Sax. hana ; [248, 2] Lat. canus, caneo, candeo, candela (?) ; Hib. canu, 'full moon.']

≫ kanaka

   kánaka n. (Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 32) gold MBh. Suśr. Śak. &c 
   • m. thorn-apple Suśr 
   • Mesua Ferrea Bhartṛ 
   • several other plants (Michelia Campaka, Butea Frondosa, Bauhinea Variegata, Cassia Sophora, a kind of bdellium, a kind of sandal-wood) L 
   • a kind of decoction Car 
   • N. of particular Grahas or Ketus AV.Par 
   • N. of several men 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS 
   • (ā), f. one of the seven tongues of fire L 
   • (mfn.) of gold, golden SaṃhUp. 44, 1

⋙ kanakakadalī

   ○kadalī f. a species of plantain Megh. 77

⋙ kanakakalaśa

   ○kalaśa m. N. of a man Kathās

⋙ kanakakāra

   ○kāra m. a goldsmith

⋙ kanakakuṇḍalā

   ○kuṇḍalā f. N. of the mother of the Yaksha Harikeśa

⋙ kanakaketakī

   ○ketakī f. a species of Pandanus with yellow blossoms L

⋙ kanakakṣāra

   ○kṣāra m. borax L

⋙ kanakakṣīrī

   ○kṣīrī f. Cleome Felina L

⋙ kanakagiri

   ○giri m. N. of the founder of a sect 
   • = kāñcana-giri L

⋙ kanakagairika

   ○"ṣgairika n. a species of ochre Suśr. (cf. kāñcana-gai○.)

⋙ kanakagaura

   ○gaura n. saffron Caurap

⋙ kanakacandra

   ○candra m. N. of a king

⋙ kanakacampaka

   ○campaka m. a species of Campaka Caurap

⋙ kanakaṭaṅka

   ○ṭaṅka m. a golden hatchet

⋙ kanakatālābha

   ○tālâbha mfn. bright as a golden palm tree

⋙ kanakadaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa n. 'goldensticked', a royal parasol Gīt

⋙ kanakadatta

   ○datta m. N. of a man Vet

⋙ kanakadhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. N. of a son of Dhritarāshṭra MBh

⋙ kanakapattra

   ○pattra n. a particular ornament for the ear Caurap

⋙ kanakaparāga

   ○parāga m. gold-dust

⋙ kanakaparvata

   ○parvata m. the mountain Meru MBh. xii

⋙ kanakapala

   ○pala m. a Pala (a weight of gold and silver equal to sixteen Māshakas, or about 280 grains troy) L

⋙ kanakapiṅgala

   ○piṅgala n. N. of a Tīrtha Hariv

⋙ kanakapura

   ○pura n. N. of several towns

⋙ kanakapurī

   ○purī f. id

⋙ kanakapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā f. Premna Spinosa Nigh

⋙ kanakapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. a species of Pandanus with yellow blossoms L. -"ṣprabha mfn. bright as gold 
   • (ā), f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L 
   • N. of a metre (consisting of four lines of 13 syllables each) 
   • N. of a princess Kathās

⋙ kanakaprasavā

   ○prasavā f. = -puṣpī above

⋙ kanakaprasūna

   ○prasūna m. Dalbergia Ougeinensis L

⋙ kanakaphala

   ○phala n. the seed of Croton Tiglium

⋙ kanakabhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. a piece of gold

⋙ kanakamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. N. of a woman Kathās

⋙ kanakamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting or made of gold, golden Pañcat. Ratnāv. &c

⋙ kanakamālā

   ○mālā f. N. of a woman Pañcad

⋙ kanakamuni

   ○muni m. N. of a Buddha Lalit

⋙ kanakarambhā

   ○rambhā f. a species of Musa L

⋙ kanakarasa

   ○rasa m. fluid gold, a golden stream Śak. 279, 4 
   • yellow orpiment L

⋙ kanakarekhā

   ○rekhā f. N. of a woman Kathās

⋙ kanakalatā

   ○latā f. N. of a plant (to which the slender figure of a woman is compared), Kuv

⋙ kanakalatikā

   ○latikā f. id. Kpr

⋙ kanakavatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a town 
   • of a woman Kathās

⋙ kanakavarṇa

   ○varṇa m. N. of a king (supposed to be a former manifestation of Śākyamuni)

⋙ kanakavarman

   ○varman m. N. of a merchant Kathās. [Page 248, Column 3] 

⋙ kanakavarṣa

   ○varṣa m. N. of a king ib

⋙ kanakavāhinī

   ○vāhinī f. 'gold stream', N. of a river Rājat

⋙ kanakavigraha

   ○vigraha m. N. of a king of Viśālapurī

⋙ kanakaśaka

   ○śaka ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS

⋙ kanakaśakti

   ○śakti m. 'the golden-speared one', N. of Kārttikeya Mṛicch

⋙ kanakasikharin

   ○"ṣsikharin m. 'golden-crested', N. of the mountain Meru Kād

⋙ kanakasūtra

   ○sūtra n. a golden cord or chain Hit

⋙ kanakasena

   ○sena m. N. of a king Pañcad

⋙ kanakastambha

   ○stambha m. a golden column or stem &c 
   • (ā), f. 'having a golden stem', a species of Musa L 
   • -rucira mfn. shining with columns of gold Hit

⋙ kanakasthalī

   ○sthalī f. a gold mine, golden soil W

⋙ kanakākara

   kanakâkara m. id. Suśr

⋙ kanakākṣa

   kanakâkṣa m. 'gold-eyed', N. of a being attendant on Skanda MBh 
   • of a king Kathās

⋙ kanakāṅgada

   kanakâṅgada n. a golden bracelet Śiś 
   • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh 
   • of a Gandharva Bālar

⋙ kanakācala

   kanakâcala m. 'the golden mountain', N. of Meru 
   • a piece of gold shaped like a mountain (cf. hema-parvata)

⋙ kanakādri

   kanakâdri m. the mountain Meru 
   • -khaṇḍa n. N. of a section of the Skanda-purāṇa

⋙ kanakādhyakṣa

   kanakâdhyakṣa m. the superintendent of gold, treasurer

⋙ kanakāntaka

   kanakântaka m. Bauhinia Variegata L

⋙ kanakāpīḍa

   kanakâpīḍa m. N. of a being attending on Skanda MBh

⋙ kanakābha

   kanakâbhá mfn. similar to gold, like gold TĀr. i, 4, 1

⋙ kanakāyu

   kanakâyu or m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. (vḷ. karakâyu)

⋙ kanakāyus

   kanakâyus m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. (vḷ. karakâyu)

⋙ kanakāraka

   kanakâraka m. Bauhinia Variegata L. (cf. kanakântaka above.)

⋙ kanakālukā

   kanakâlukā f. a golden jar or vase L

⋙ kanakāvalī

   kanakâvalī f. a golden chain Pañcad

⋙ kanakāhva

   kanakâhva n. the blossom of Mesua Ferrea L

⋙ kanakāhvaya

   kanakâhvaya m. the thorn apple L 
   • N. of a Buddha Lalit

⋙ kanakeśvaratīrtha

   kanakêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha

≫ kanakāvatī

   kanakā-vatī f. N. of one of the mothers in the retinue of Skanda MBh 
   • -mādhava m. N. of wk. Sāh

≫ kanala

   kanala mfn. shining, bright ṭ., g. arihaṇâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80


   kana mfn. (substituted for alpa, 'little, small', in forming its comparative and superlative, below 
   • cf. kaṇa 
   • according to Gmn. fr. √kan, 'to shine, be bright or merry', originally meaning 'young, youthful')

⋙ kanakalodbhava

   ○kalôdbhava m. resin of the plant Ṣorea Robusta L

⋙ kanakhala

   ○khala n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. Hariv. AgP 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of mountains MBh. iii

⋙ kanadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a Buddhist patriarch

⋙ kanapa

   ○pa n. = kaṇapa, q.v. MBh. iii, 810 
   • N. of a man

≫ kanaya

   kanaya Nom. P. kanayati, to make less or smaller, diminish Bhaṭṭ. xviii, 25

≫ kanā

   kanā́ f. a girl, maid RV. x, 61, 5 ; 10 ; 11 ; 21

≫ kanānakā

   kanā́nakā f. the pupil of the eye TS. v, 7, 12, 1 (cf. kanī́nakā below.)

≫ kaniṣṭha

   kaniṣṭhá and mfn. the youngest, younger born (opposed to jyeṣṭha and vṛddha) RV. iv, 33, 5 AV. x, 8, 28 AitBr. KātyŚr. &c

⋙ kaniṣṭha

   kániṣṭha mfn. the youngest, younger born (opposed to jyeṣṭha and vṛddha) RV. iv, 33, 5 AV. x, 8, 28 AitBr. KātyŚr. &c 
   • the smallest, lowest, least (opposed to bhūyiṣṭha) TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • m. a younger brother L 
   • (scil. ghaṭa) the descending bucket of a well, Kuv 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a class of deities of the fourteenth Manvantara VP 
   • (ā), f. (with or without aṅguli) the little finger Yājñ. i, 19 R. Suśr 
   • a younger wife, one married later (than another) Mn. ix, 122 
   • an inferior wife Vātsy. (cf. kaṇa and kanyā.)

⋙ kaniṣṭhaga

   ○ga m. a Jina L

⋙ kaniṣṭhatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kaniṣṭhatva

   ○tva n. the state of being younger or smaller

⋙ kaniṣṭhapada

   ○pada n. least √(that quantity of which the square multiplied by the given multiplicator and having the given addend added or subtrahend subtracted is capable of affording an exact square root) Colebr

⋙ kaniṣṭhaprathama

   ○prathama mfn. having the youngest as the first

⋙ kaniṣṭhamūla

   ○mūla n. id. ib

⋙ kaniṣṭhātreya

   kaniṣṭhâtreya m. 'the younger Ātreya', N. of an author on medicine

≫ kaniṣṭhaka

   kaniṣṭhaka mf(ikā́)n. the smallest AV. i, 17, 2 
   • (kaníṣṭhikā), f. the little finger (aṅguli) ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c 
   • subjection, obedience, service VCāṇ 
   • (am), n. a sort of grass L

≫ kanī

   kanī́ f. a girl, maiden RV. (only gen. pl. kanī́nām) Pañcad. Kāvyâd

≫ kanīna

   kanī́na mfn. young, youthful RV. ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • (ī), f. the pupil of the eye L 
   • the little finger L

≫ kanīnaka

   kanīnaká m. a boy, youth RV. x, 40, 9 
   • (kanī́naka), the pupil of the eye VS. ŚBr. Suśr 
   • the caruncula lacrymalis W 
   • (ā́), f. a girl, maiden, virgin RV. iv, 32, 23 
   • (kanī́nakā and kanī́nikā), the pupil of the eye AV. iv, 20, 3 TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • the little finger L

≫ kanīnika

   kanīnika n. N. of several Sāmans

≫ kanīyas

   kánīyas mfn. younger, a younger brother or sister, younger son or daughter (opposed to jyāyas) RV. iv, 33, 5 AitBr. MBh. &c. [Page 249, Column 1] 
   • smaller, less, inferior, very small or insignificant (opposed to bhūyas and uttama) RV. AV. iii, 15, 5 ; xii, 4, 6 TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • (yasī), f. the younger sister of a wife L

⋙ kanīyastva

   ○tva n. the state of being smaller or less Hcat

⋙ kanīyasvin

   ○vin mfn. less, inferior TāṇḍyaBr

≫ kanīyasa

   kanīyasa mfn. younger MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • smaller, less MBh. xiii, 2560 
   • (am), n. 'of less value', copper L

≫ kanya

   kanya mf(ā)n. the smallest (opposed to uttama and madhyama) Hcat. i, 302, 8 ff 
   • (ā́), f. kanyā́ below ; [Zd. kainin ; Hib. cain, 'chaste, undefiled.']

⋙ kanyakubja

   ○kubja n. (ā f. L.), N. of an ancient city of great note (in the north-western provinces of India, situated on the kālī nadī, a branch of the Gaṅgā, in the modern district of Farrukhabad 
   • the popular spelling of the name presents, perhaps, greater variations than that of any place in India [e.g. Kanauj, Kunnoj, Kunnouj, Kinoge, Kinnoge, Kinnauj, Kanoj, Kannauj, Kunowj, Canowj Canoje, Canauj, &c.] 
   • in antiquity this city ranks next to Ayodhyā in Oude 
   • it is known in classical geography as Canogyza 
   • but the name applies also to its dependencies and the surrounding district 
   • the current etymology [kanyā, 'a girl', shortened to kanya, and kubja, 'round-shouldered or crooked'] refers to a legend in R. i, 32, 11 ff., relating to the hundred daughters of Kuśanābha, the king of this city, who were all rendered crooked by Vāyu for non-compliance with his licentious desires 
   • the ruins of the ancient city are said to occupy a site larger than that of London) MBh. Kathās. &c 
   • -deśa m. the country round Kanyakubja

⋙ kanyakumārī

   ○kumārī f. N. of Durgā TĀr

≫ kanyaka

   kanyaka mfn. the smallest Hcat. i, 302, 16 
   • (ā), f. a girl, maiden, virgin, daughter MBh. Śak. Yājñ. &c 
   • the constellation Virgo in the zodiac VarBṛS 
   • N. of Durgā BhP. x, 2, 12 
   • Aloe Indica L 
   • (ikā), f. a girl, maiden, daughter L

⋙ kanyakāgāra

   kanyakâgāra n. the women's apartments BhP

⋙ kanyakāguṇa

   kanyakā-guṇa ās m. pl., N. of a people VP

⋙ kanyakāchala

   kanyakā-chala n. or ○cchala, beguiling a maiden, seduction Yājñ. i, 61

⋙ kanyakājāta

   kanyakā-jāta m. the son of an unmarried woman Yājñ. ii, 129

⋙ kanyakāpati

   kanyakāpati m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law L

≫ kanyanā

   kanyánā f. a maiden, girl RV. viii, 35, 5

≫ kanyalā

   kanyálā f. id. AV. v, 5, 3 ; xiv, 2, 52

≫ kanyasa

   kanyasa mf(ā and ī)n. younger MBh. R 
   • smaller, the smallest Hcat 
   • (ā), f. the little finger L

≫ kanyā

   kanyā́ f. (√kan Uṇ. iv, 111), a girl, virgin, daughter RV. AV. &c. MBh. &c. (kanyāṃ √dā or pra-√dā or pra-√yam or upa-√pad, Caus. to give one's daughter in marriage Mn. viii, ix 
   • kanyāṃ prati-√grah or √hṛ or √vah, to receive a girl in marriage, marry Mn. ix) 
   • the sign of the zodiac Virgo VarBṛ. and BṛS. &c 
   • the female of any animal Mṛicch 
   • N. of Durgā MBh. iii, 8115 
   • N. of a tuberous plant growing in Kaśmīra Suśr 
   • Aloe Perfoliata L 
   • several other plants L 
   • N. of a metre (of four lines, each of them containing four long syllables)

⋙ kanyākāla

   ○kāla m. the time of maidenhood T

⋙ kanyākubja

   ○kubja am, ā n. f. = kanya-kubja above L

⋙ kanyākumārī

   ○kumārī f. = kanya-ku○

⋙ kanyākūpa

   ○kūpa m. N. of a Tīrtha MBh

⋙ kanyāgata

   ○gata mfn. inherent in or pertaining to a virgin 
   • the position of a planet in the sign Virgo

⋙ kanyāgarbha

   ○garbha m. the offspring of an unmarried woman MBh. xii, 49

⋙ kanyāgrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. taking a girl in marriage

⋙ kanyāja

   ○ja m. the son of an unmarried woman L

⋙ kanyājāta

   ○jāta m. id. ib

⋙ kanyāṭa

   ○"ṣṭa (kanyâṭa), mfn. following after young girls L 
   • m. the women's apartments L

⋙ kanyātīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh

⋙ kanyātva

   ○tva n. virginity, maidenhood MBh

⋙ kanyādātṛ

   ○dātṛ m. (a father) who gives a girl in marriage Mn. ix, 73

⋙ kanyādāna

   ○dāna n. giving a girl in marriage Mn. iii, 35 
   • (kanyâdāna, receiving a girl in marriage W.)

⋙ kanyādūṣaka

   ○dūṣaka m. the violator of a virgin Mn. iii, 164 
   • the calumniator of a girl W

⋙ kanyādūṣaṇa

   ○dūṣaṇa n. defilement of a virgin 
   • calumniating a maiden

⋙ kanyādūṣayitṛ

   ○dūṣayitṛ m. the defiler of a maiden MārkP

⋙ kanyādūṣin

   ○dūṣin m. id. Yājñ. i, 223

⋙ kanyādoṣa

   ○doṣa m. a blemish in a virgin (as disease, bad repute &c.)

⋙ kanyādhana

   ○dhana n. a girl's property, portion, dowry R 
   • (if a girl dies unmarried her property falls to her brother's share T.)

⋙ kanyāpati

   ○pati m. a daughter's husband, son-in-law L

⋙ kanyāpāla

   ○pāla m. the protector or father of a girl L 
   • a dealer in slave girls W 
   • a dealer in spirituous liquors (for kalyā-pāla) L

⋙ kanyāputra

   ○putra m. the offspring of an unmarried woman L

⋙ kanyāpura

   ○pura n. the women's apartments BhP. Daś. &c. [Page 249, Column 2] 

⋙ kanyāpradāna

   ○pradāna n. giving a daughter in marriage Mn. iii, 29 ff

⋙ kanyābhartṛ

   ○bhartṛ m. ( = kanyābhiḥ prârthanīyo bhartā T.), N. of Kārttikeya MBh. iii 
   • a daughter's husband, son-in-law L

⋙ kanyābhāva

   ○bhāva m. virginity, maidenhood MBh

⋙ kanyābhaikṣa

   ○bhaikṣa n. begging for a girl MBh

⋙ kanyāmaya

   ○maya mfn. consisting of a girl (as property &c.), being a girl or daughter Ragh. vi, 11 ; xvi, 86

⋙ kanyāratna

   ○ratna n. 'girl-jewel', an excellent maiden, a lovely girl

⋙ kanyārāma

   ○"ṣrāma (kanyârāma), m. N. of a Buddha

⋙ kanyārāśi

   ○rāśi m. the sign Virgo

⋙ kanyārthika

   ○"ṣrthika (kanyârthika), mfn. wanting or desiring a girl

⋙ kanyārthin

   ○"ṣrthin (kanyârthin), mfn. id. MBh

⋙ kanyāvat

   ○vat mfn. possessing a daughter 
   • (ān), m. the father of a girl Gaut. iv, 8

⋙ kanyāvedin

   ○vedin m. a son-in-law Yājñ. i, 261

⋙ kanyāvratasthā

   ○vrata-sthā f. a woman in her monthly state Kathās. xxvi, 55

⋙ kanyāśulka

   ○śulka n. = -dhana above

⋙ kanyāśrama

   ○"ṣśrama (kanyâśrama), m. N. of a hermitage MBh

⋙ kanyāsaṃvedya

   ○saṃvedya n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii

⋙ kanyāsamudbhava

   ○samudbhava mfn. born from an unmarried woman Mn. ix, 172

⋙ kanyāsaṃpradāna

   ○saṃpradāna n. the giving away a maiden in marriage

⋙ kanyāsvayaṃvara

   ○svayaṃvara m. the voluntary choice of a husband by a maiden

⋙ kanyāharaṇa

   ○haraṇa n. carrying a girl off forcibly, rape W

⋙ kanyāhrada

   ○hrada m. N. of a Tīrtha MBh

≫ kanyikā

   kanyikā under kanyaka


   kanaka under √kan


   kanáknaka mfn. an epithet given to a kind of poison Bṛḍ. AV. x, 4, 22


   kana-khala kana-deva, kana


   kanaṭī f. red arsenic (= kunaṭī)


   kanavaka m. N. of a son of Śūra Hariv


   kanā́ p. 248, col. 3


   kanāṭha m. N. of a man


   kanikradá mfn. (√krand, Intens.), neighing VS. xiii, 48


   kaniṣka m. N. of a celebrated king of Northern India (whose reign began in the first century of our era and who, next to Aśoka, was the greatest supporter of Buddhism 
   • his empire seems to have comprised Afghānistān, the Panjāb, Yarkand, Kashmīr, Ladak, Agra, Rājputāna, Gujarāt, and Sindh) Rājat

⋙ kaniṣkapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town founded by him


   kaniṣṭha &c. p. 248, col. 3


   kanīci f. (cf. kaṇīci) a cart L 
   • a creeping plant with blossoms L 
   • Abrus Precatorius L


   kanerā f. (cf. kaṇerā) a female elephant W 
   • a harlot W


   kanta mfn. (fr. 1. kam ind.), happy Pāṇ. 5-2, 138

≫ kanti

   kanti mfn. id. ib

≫ kantu

   kantu mfn. id. ib 
   • (us), m. (fr. √kam Uṇ. i, 28 ; 73), love, the god of love 
   • the mind, heart Comm. on Uṇ 
   • a granary L

≫ kantva

   kantvá n. happiness, prosperity MaitrS. i, 10, 10


   kanthaka m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 105 
   • (ā), f. a species of Opuntia L

≫ kantharī

   kantharī f. a species of Opuntia L

≫ kanthārikā


⋙ kanthārī

   kanthārī f. id


   kanthā f. a rag, patched garment (especially one worn by certain ascetics) Bhartṛ. Pañcat 
   • [Gk. [249, 2] ? ; Lat. centon ; O. H. G. hadara ; Germ. hader] 
   • a wall L 
   • a species of tree L 
   • a town L 
   • (a Tatpurusha compound ending in kanthā is neuter if it imply a town of the Uśīnaras Pāṇ. 2-4, 20.)

⋙ kanthādhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa n. wearing a patched garment (as practised by certain Yogins)

⋙ kanthādhārin

   ○dhārin m. 'rag-wearer', a Yogin, religious mendicant Bhartṛ

⋙ kantheśvaratīrtha

   kanthêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha, ŚivP


   kand cl. 1. P. kandati, cakanda, to cry, utter lamentations: Ā. kandate, to be confounded, confound Dhātup. iii, 33 (cf. 1 . kad, krand.)


   kaṃ-da p. 252, col. 1


   kanda as, am m. n. (√kan Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 98), a bulbous or tuberous √, a bulb MBh. BhP. Suśr. &c 
   • the bulbous √of Amorphophallus Campanulatus L 
   • garlic L 
   • a lump, swelling, knot Suśr. i, 258, 9 [Page 249, Column 3] 
   • [Gk. ?, ? ; O. H. G. [249, 3] hnūtr, hnūta] 
   • an affection of the female organ (considered as a fleshy excrescence, but apparently prolapsus uteri W.) 
   • N. of a metre (of four lines of thirteen syllables each) 
   • (in mus.) a kind of time 
   • (ī), f. māṃsa-k○

⋙ kandaguḍūcī

   ○guḍūcī f. a species of Cocculus L

⋙ kandaja

   ○ja mfn. growing or coming from bulbs Suśr

⋙ kandada

   ○da mfn. giving or forming bulbs MBh. xii, 10403 (v. l. kakuda ed. Bomb.)

⋙ kandaphalā

   ○phalā f. N. of a cucurbitaceous plant L

⋙ kandabahulā

   ○bahulā f. N. of a bulbous plant L

⋙ kandamūla

   ○mūla n. a radish L

⋙ kandamūlaka

   ○mūlaka n. id. L

⋙ kandarohiṇī

   ○rohiṇī f. N. of a plant L

⋙ kandalatā

   ○latā f. N. of a plant with a bulbous √L

⋙ kandavat

   ○vat m. a species of the Soma plant Suśr. ii, 168, 14

⋙ kandavardhana

   ○vardhana m. the esculent √of Amorphophallus Campanulatus

⋙ kandavallī

   ○vallī f. N. of a medical plant L

⋙ kandaśāka

   ○śāka n. a kind of vegetable Bhpr

⋙ kandaśūraṇa

   ○śūraṇa m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus

⋙ kandasaṃjña

   ○saṃjña n. prolapsus uteri (cf. kanda) L

⋙ kandasaṃbhava

   ○saṃbhava mfn. growing from bulbs Suśr

⋙ kandasāra

   ○sāra n. Indra's garden L

⋙ kandasāraka

   ○sāraka n. id. ib

⋙ kandāḍhya

   kandâḍhya m. a kind of tuberous plant L

⋙ kandāmṛtā

   kandâmṛtā f. a species of Opuntia L

⋙ kandārha

   kandârha m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus L

⋙ kandālu

   kandâlu m. N. of several tuberous plants L

⋙ kandāśana

   kandâśana mfn. living upon bulbs Bālar. 298, 12

⋙ kandekṣu

   kandêkṣu m. a sort of grass Nigh

⋙ kandottha

   kandôttha n. the blue lotus L. (cf. kandoṭa.)

⋙ kandodbhavā

   kandôdbhavā f. a species of Cocculus L

⋙ kandauṣadha

   kandâuṣadha n. a sort of Arum L

≫ kandaṭa

   kandaṭa m. the white esculent water-lily L

≫ kandin

   kandin ī m. Amorphophallus Campanulatus L

≫ kandirī

   kandirī f. Mimosa Pudica L

≫ kandila

   kandila m. a kind of tuberous plant L

≫ kandoṭa

   kandoṭa m. Nymphaea Esculenta L 
   • the blue lotus L

≫ kandota

   kandota m. Nymphaea Esculenta L


   kandara ā, am fn. (as m. L.), (√kand Comm. on Uṇ. iii, 131 
   • kaṃ, jalena dīryate T.), 'great cliff', an artificial or natural cave, glen, defile, valley R. Pañcat. Megh. &c 
   • m. a hook for driving an elephant L 
   • (ā), f. the lute of the Caṇḍālas L 
   • N. of a mother in the retinue of Skanda MBh. BhP 
   • (am), n. ginger L

⋙ kandaravat

   ○vat mfn. containing caves or valleys R

⋙ kandarākara

   kandarâkara m. a mountain L

⋙ kandarāntara

   kandarântara n. the interior of a cave L

≫ kandarāla

   kandarāla m. N. of several plants (Hibiscus Populneoides 
   • Ficus Infectoria 
   • the walnut tree) L

≫ kandarālaka

   kandarālaka m. Ficus Infectoria L


   kandarpa m. (etym. doubtful 
   • according to some fr. kaṃ-darpa, 'inflamer even of a god', 3. ka, or 'of great wantonness'), N. of Kāma (q.v.), love, lust MBh. Bhag. Suśr. &c 
   • (in mus.) a particular Rāga (q.v.) 
   • a kind of time 
   • membrum virile L 
   • N. of a man Kathās 
   • (ā), f. one of the divine women attending on the fifteenth Arhat (Jain.)

⋙ kandarpakūpa

   ○kūpa m. 'a well of love', pudendum muliebre L

⋙ kandarpaketu

   ○ketu m. N. of a prince Hit

⋙ kandarpakeli

   ○keli m. N. of wk

⋙ kandarpacūḍāmaṇi

   ○cūḍā-maṇi m. N. of wk

⋙ kandarpajīva

   ○jīva m. N. of a plant (= kāma-vṛddhi)

⋙ kandarpajvara

   ○jvara m. passion, desire L

⋙ kandarpadahana

   ○dahana n. a section of the Śiva-purāṇa

⋙ kandarpamathana

   ○mathana m. N. of Śiva L

⋙ kandarpamātṛ

   ○mātṛ f. N. of Lakshmī L

⋙ kandarpamusala

   ○musala m. membrum virile L

⋙ kandarpaśṛṅkhala

   ○śṛṅkhala m. a kind of coitus, Ratim

⋙ kandarpasiddhānta

   ○siddhānta m. N. of a commentator

⋙ kandarpasenā

   ○senā f. N. of a woman Kathās 
   • of a Surāṅganā


   kandala as, ā, am mf. n. the cheek (or the cheek and temple) W 
   • girth, girdle L 
   • a new shoot or sprig L 
   • a low soft tone L 
   • a portent (as an eclipse, supposed to forbode evil) L 
   • reproach, censure L 
   • m. gold L 
   • war, battle Subh 
   • (ī), f. a species of deer (the hide of which is useful) L 
   • N. of a plant with white flowers (which appear very plentifully and all at once in the rainy season) Suśr. Ṛitus. Bālar 
   • lotus seed L 
   • a flag, banner L 
   • N. of wk 
   • (am), n. the flower of the Kandalī tree Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c

⋙ kandalānta

   kandalânta m. a species of serpent L

≫ kandalaya

   kandalaya Nom. P. kandalayati, to bring forth or produce in abundance or simultaneously Bālar. Prasannar

≫ kandalāyana

   kandalāyana m. N. of an ancient sage Sarvad

≫ kandalita

   kandalita mfn. put forth or emitted in abundance or simultaneously Bālar

≫ kandalin

   kandalin mfn. covered with Kandalī flowers Bhartṛ. [Page 250, Column 1] 
   • (ifc.) abounding with, full of Kād 
   • (ī), m. a kind of deer L

≫ kandalī

   kandalī f. above

⋙ kandalīkāra

   ○kāra m. N. of an author

⋙ kandalīkusuma

   ○kusuma n. the flower of Kandali L 
   • a mushroom L


   kandu us mf. (√skand Uṇ. i, 15), a boiler, saucepan, or other cooking utensil of iron Suśr. Mālav. Comm. on KātyŚr 
   • an oven, or vessel serving for one W 
   • a kind of fragrant substance L 
   • (us), m. N. of a man

⋙ kandugṛha

   ○gṛha n. a cookery Comm. on KātyŚr

⋙ kandupakva

   ○pakva mfn. parched or roasted (as grain) or fried in a pan, dressed without water W

⋙ kanduśālā

   ○śālā f. = -gṛha L

≫ kanduka

   kanduka m. a boiler, saucepan Comm. on KātyŚr 
   • a ball of wood or pith for playing with MBh. Bhartṛ. Ragh 
   • a pillow Bhartṛ. iii, 93, (n. v. l.) 
   • a betel-nut L 
   • a kind of time in music:

⋙ kandukagṛha

   ○gṛha n. a place for cooking Comm. on KātyŚr

⋙ kandukaprastha

   ○prastha n. N. of a town, g. karkyādi Pāṇ. 6-2, 87 (not in Kāś.)

⋙ kandukeśa

   kandukêśa n. N. of a Liṅga

⋙ kandukeśvaraliṅga

   kandukêśvara-liṅga n. id

≫ kandukāya

   kandukāya Nom. Ā. kandukāyate, to be like a playing ball Bālar

≫ kandūraka

   kandūraka m. a kind of fragrant substance L


   kandoṭa &c. p. 249, col 3


   kaṃ-dha m. (fr. kam, water, and dha fr. √dhā), a cloud L. (cf. kaṃ-da.)

≫ kaṃdhara

   kaṃ-dhara as, ā mf. (fr. kam, head, and dhara fr. √dhṛ), the neck Yājñ. Kathās. Ragh. &c 
   • m. (kam = water) a cloud L. (cf. the last) 
   • Ameranthus Oleraceus L

≫ kaṃdhi

   kaṃ-dhi m. (fr. kam, water, and dhi fr. √dhā), the ocean L 
   • (kam = head), the neck L


   kanna m. N. of a Ṛishi R. (ed. Gorresio) v, 91, 7, (v. l. kaṇva) 
   • (am), n. fainting, falling in a fit or state of insensibility L 
   • sin L 
   • (v. l. kalla.)


   kanya kanyaka, kanyā, &c. p. 249, col. 1


   kanyuṣa n. the hand below the wrist


   kap v. l. for krap, q.v. Dhātup. xix, 9


   kapa ās m. pl., N. of a class of deities MBh


   kapaṭa as, am m. n. (√kamp Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 81), fraud, deceit, cheating, circumvention MBh. Bhartṛ. Pañcat. &c 
   • m. N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2534 
   • (ī), f. a measure equal to the capacity of the hollows of the two hands joined L 
   • N. of a tree Nigh

⋙ kapaṭacīḍā

   ○cīḍā f. N. of a tree Nigh

⋙ kapaṭatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kapaṭatva

   ○tva n. deceitfulness

⋙ kapaṭatāpasa

   ○tāpasa m. one who deceitfully pretends to be an ascetic Kathās

⋙ kapaṭadaitya

   ○daitya m. N. of a Daitya, or one who pretends to be a Daitya GaṇP 
   • -vadha m. N. of a section of the Gaṇeśa-purāṇa

⋙ kapaṭanāṭaka

   ○nāṭaka m. N. of a man

⋙ kapaṭaprabandha

   ○prabandha m. continued series of frauds, machination, cunning contrivance, fraud, plot, trick Hit

⋙ kapaṭalekhya

   ○lekhya n. a forged document, false or fraudulent statement W

⋙ kapaṭavacana

   ○vacana n. deceitful talk

⋙ kapaṭaveśa

   ○veśa m. disguise 
   • (mfn.) assuming a false dress or appearance, masked, disguised W

⋙ kapaṭaveśin

   ○"ṣveśin mfn. disguised, in masquerade L

⋙ kapaṭeśvara

   kapaṭêśvara n. N. of a particular shrine Kathās 
   • (ī), f. N. of a plant L

≫ kapaṭika

   kapaṭika mfn. acting deceitfully, fraudulent, dishonest, a rogue, cheat L

≫ kapaṭin

   kapaṭin mfn. id. L 
   • (inī), f. a kind of perfume L


   kapanā f. (√kamp Nir. vi, 4), a worm, caterpillar RV. v, 54, 6 
   • [cf.?.]


   kaparda m. a small shell or cowrie (of which eighty = one paṇa, used as a coin or as a die in gambling, Cypraea Moneta) Comm. on VS. Comm. on Pāṇ 
   • braided and knotted hair (esp. that of Śiva, knotted so as to resemble the cowrie shell) L 
   • (cf: cátuṣ-kaparda.)

⋙ kapardayakṣa

   ○yakṣa m. N. of a Yaksha Śatr

≫ kapardaka

   kapardaka m. the cowrie shell (= kaparda) Comm. on ŚBr. Hit. &c 
   • braided and knotted hair L 
   • (ikā), f. Cypraea Moneta Comm. on VS. Pañcat

≫ kapardin

   kapardín mfn. wearing braided and knotted hair (like the cowrie shell) RV. VS. (said of Rudra, Pūshan, &c.) 
   • shaggy RV. x, 102, 8 
   • (ī), m. N. of Śiva Gaut. MBh. &c 
   • of one of the eleven Rudras VP. [Page 250, Column 2] 
   • of a Yaksha Śatr 
   • of an author Sāy. on RV. i, 60, 1 
   • (inī), f. N. of a goddess BrahmaP

⋙ kapardikārikā

   kapardi-kārikā ās f. pl., N. of wk

⋙ kapardibhāṣya

   kapardi-bhāṣya n. N. of wk

⋙ kapardisvāmin

   kapardisvāmin m. N. of an author

⋙ kapardīśaliṅga

   kapardī7śa-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga

⋙ kapardīśvaratīrtha

   kapardī7śvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha


   kapala n. a half, part ŚāṅkhŚr. and Br


   kapāṭa as, (ī L.) am m. (f.) n. a door, the leaf or panel of a door MBh. BhP. Pañcat. Mṛicch. &c

⋙ kapāṭaghna

   ○ghna mfn. one who breaks a door, a house-breaker, thief. Pāṇ. 3-2, 54

⋙ kapāṭatoraṇavat

   ○toraṇa-vat mfn. furnished with doors surmounted by ornamental arches R

⋙ kapāṭavakṣas

   ○vakṣas mfn. having a door-like chest, broad-chested Ragh. iii, 34

⋙ kapāṭasaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi m. the junction of the leaves of a door 
   • a mode of multiplying (in which the multiplicand is placed in a peculiar manner under the multiplier)

⋙ kapāṭasaṃdhika

   ○"ṣsaṃdhika mfn. a term used for a kind of bandage Suśr 
   • (similarly ardha-kapāṭasaṃdhika.)

⋙ kapāṭodghāṭana

   kapāṭôdghāṭana n. a door-key

≫ kapāṭaka

   kapāṭaka as, ikā mf. = kapāṭa MBh. BhP

≫ kapāṭita

   kapāṭita mfn. (p.p. of a Nom. kapāṭaya) locked up Rājat. viii, 321


   kapā́la (as m. L.), n. (√kamp Uṇ. i, 117), a cup, jar, dish (used especially for the Puroḍāśa offering) TS. ŚBr. Suśr. &c. (cf. trikapāla, pañca-kapāla, &c.) 
   • the alms-bowl of a beggar Mn. vi, 44 ; viii, 93 R. &c 
   • a fragment of brick (on which the oblation is placed) ŚBr. vi, xii KātyŚr. Suśr. &c 
   • a cover, lid ĀśvGṛ. iv, 5, 8 Bhāshāp. &c 
   • the skull, cranium, skull-bone AV. ix, 8, 22 ; x, 2, 8 ŚBr. i Yājñ. &c 
   • the shell of an egg ŚBr. vi, 1, 3 Kathās. &c 
   • the shell of a tortoise ŚBr. vii, 5, 1, 2 
   • the cotyla of the leg of an animal, any flat bone AitBr. Suśr 
   • a kind of leprosy Suśr. i, 268, 1 ; 13 
   • multitude, assemblage, collection L 
   • m. a treaty of peace on equal terms Kām. ix, 2 (cf. kapāla-saṃdhi below) 
   • N. of an intermediate caste 
   • N. of several men 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a school 
   • (ī), f. a beggar's bowl Bhartṛ 
   • (am), n. N. of a Tantra 
   • [Gk., ? 'handle' ; [250, 2] Lat. capere 
   • Hib gabhaim ; Goth. hafyan ; Angl. Sax. haban, haefene, hafoc ; Eng. haven, hawk ; Gk. ? Lat. caput ; Goth. haubith ; Angl. Sax. [250, 2] heafud.]

⋙ kapālaketu

   ○ketu m. N. of a comet VarBṛS

⋙ kapālakhaḍgin

   ○"ṣkhaḍgin mfn. bearing a skull and a sword Hcat

⋙ kapālanālikā

   ○nālikā f. a sort of pin or spindle (for winding cotton, thread &c.) L

⋙ kapālapāṇitva

   ○pāṇi-tva n. the state of bearing a skull in the hand (as Śiva does) Kathās. ii, 14

⋙ kapālapāśin

   ○"ṣpāśin mfn. bearing a skull and a snare Hcat

⋙ kapālabhātī

   ○bhātī f. a particular sort of penance (consisting in alternate suppression and emission of the breath)

⋙ kapālabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'bearing a skull', N. of Śiva L

⋙ kapālamālā

   ○mālā f. N. of a being in the retinue of Devii

⋙ kapālamālin

   ○"ṣmālin mfn. bearing a garland of skulls MBh. Kathās. Hcat

⋙ kapālamocana

   ○mocana n. N. of a Tirtha MBh. iii, 7007 Hariv. &c

⋙ kapālavajrin

   ○"ṣvajrin mfn. bearing a skull and a thunderbolt Hcat

⋙ kapālavat

   ○vat mfn. having or bearing a skull Bālar

⋙ kapālaśaktihasta

   ○śakti-hasta mf(ā)n. bearing a skull and spear in hand Hcat

⋙ kapālaśiras

   ○śiras m. (kapālaṃ śirasi yasya T.), N. of Siva R. ii, 54, 31 
   • (the larynx NBD.)

⋙ kapālaśūlakhaṭvāṅgin

   ○"ṣśūla-khaṭvāṅgin mfn. 'bearing a skull, a spear, and a club', N. of Śiva Hcat

⋙ kapālasaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi m. a treaty of peace on equal terms Kām. ix, 8 (= Hit. iv, 114)

⋙ kapālasphoṭa

   ○sphoṭa m. 'splitting the skull, N. of a Rakshas Kathās

⋙ kapāleśvaratīrtha

   kapālêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha

≫ kapālaka

   kapālaka mfn. shaped like a bowl (cf. kāpālika) Pañcat 
   • m. a cup, jar, bowl Hcat 
   • (ikā), f. a potsherd MBh. Mn. &c 
   • the tartar of the teeth Suśr. i, 205, 9 ; ii, 128, 13

≫ kapāli

   kapāli m. N. of Śiva (cf. the next)

≫ kapālin

   kapālin mfn. bearing a pot (to receive food, as a beggar) Nār 
   • furnished with or bearing skulls Yājñ. iii, 243 BhP. Kum 
   • (ī, inī), mf. a man or woman of low caste (son or daughter of a Brāhman mother and a fisherman father) 
   • the follower of a particular Śaiva sect (carrying skulls of men as ornament and eating and drinking from them 
   • cf. kāpālika) Prab. Kathās. &c 
   • (ī), m. N. of Śiva MBh. i Bālar. &c 
   • of one of the eleven Rudras MBh. ii Hariv. &c 
   • of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9557 
   • of a teacher 
   • (inī), f. a form of Durgā (as the wife of Śiva-kapālin) Hariv. Kathās 
   • of a being attending on Devi. [Page 250, Column 3] 

⋙ kapālina

   kapālina mfn. relating to Kapālin VāmP


   kapí m. (√kamp Uṇ. iv, 143), an ape, monkey RV. x, 86, 5 AV. Mn. Suśr. &c 
   • an elephant L 
   • Emblica Officinalis L 
   • a species of Karañja L 
   • Olibanum L 
   • the sun L 
   • N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa MBh. xiii, 7045 
   • N. of several men 
   • (ayas), m. pl., N. of a school 
   • (i, ī), f. a female ape L 
   • (mfn.) brown Comm. on Uṇ. ; [Gk. ? [250, 3] ? ? ? Old Germ. affo ; Angl. Sax. apa ; Eng. ape.]

⋙ kapikacchu

   ○kacchu us and ūs f. Mucuna Pruritus VarBṛS 
   • -phalôpamā f. a kind of creeping plant L

⋙ kapikacchurā

   ○kacchurā f. Mucuna Pruritus L

⋙ kapikanduka

   ○kanduka n. 'a playing-ball for monkeys', the skull, cranium L

⋙ kapiketana

   ○ketana m. 'having a monkey as symbol', N. of Arjuna (the third son of Pāṇḍu) MBh

⋙ kapikeśa

   ○keśa mfn. brown-haired L

⋙ kapikoli

   ○koli m. a species of Zizyphus

⋙ kapicūḍa

   ○cūḍa as, ā mf. Spondias Mangifera

⋙ kapicūta

   ○cūta m. id. L

⋙ kapija

   ○ja mfn. born of a monkey L 
   • (as), m. 'produced from the tree Kapi', the oil of Olibanum 
   • incense, benzoin L

⋙ kapijaṅghikā

   ○jaṅghikā f. a species of ant L

⋙ kapitīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha, ŚivP

⋙ kapitaila

   ○taila n. benzoin, storax, liquid ambar Bhpr

⋙ kapitva

   ○tva n. the state of an ape, apishness

⋙ kapidhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. N. of Arjuna (cf. -ketana above) MBh

⋙ kapināmaka

   ○nāmaka m. storax, liquid ambar Bhpr

⋙ kapināman

   ○nāman m. id. L

⋙ kapināśana

   ○nāśana n. an intoxicating beverage L

⋙ kapināsa

   ○nāsa m. a kind of musical instrument

⋙ kapināsikā

   ○nāsikā f. id

⋙ kapinṛtta

   ○nṛtta f. a kind of medicinal substance L

⋙ kapipati

   ○pati m. 'lord of apes', N. of Hanumat Comm. on Prab

⋙ kapipippalī

   ○pippalī f. Scindapus Officinalis L 
   • another plant L

⋙ kapiprabhā

   ○prabhā f. Mucuna Pruritus L

⋙ kapiprabhu

   ○prabhu m. 'master of the monkeys', N. of Rāma L

⋙ kapipriya

   ○priya m. Spondias Mangifera L 
   • Feronia Elephantum L

⋙ kapibhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa m. 'food of apes', N. of a sweet substance R

⋙ kapiratha

   ○ratha m. N. of Rāma (cf. -prabhu above) L 
   • of Arjuna T

⋙ kapirasādhyā

   ○rasâdhyā f. Spondias Mangifera L

⋙ kapiromaphalā

   ○roma-phalā f. Mucuna Pruritus L

⋙ kapiromalatā

   ○roma-latā f. id

⋙ kapilomaphalā

   ○loma-phalā f. id

⋙ kapilolā

   ○lolā f. Piper Aurantiacum L

⋙ kapiloha

   ○loha n. 'monkey-coloured metal', brass L

⋙ kapivaktra

   ○vaktra m. 'monkey-faced', N. of Nārada (a saint and philosopher, and friend of Kṛishna) L

⋙ kapivana

   ○vana m. N. of a man

⋙ kapivallikā

   ○vallikā f. Scindapsus Officinalis L

⋙ kapivallī

   ○vallī f. id

⋙ kapiśāka

   ○śāka m. n. a cabbage L

⋙ kapiśiras

   ○śiras n. the upper part or coping of a wall L

⋙ kapiśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa n. id. Vcar

⋙ kapiśīrṣṇī

   ○śīrṣṇī f. a kind of musical instrument Lāṭy

⋙ kapiṣṭhala

   ○ṣṭhala m. N. of a Ṛishi Pāṇ. VarBṛS. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of the above, g. upakâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 69 
   • -saṃhitā f. N. of wk

⋙ kapiskandha

   ○skandha m. N. of a Dānava Hariv 
   • of a being in the retinue of Skanda MBh

⋙ kapisthala

   ○sthala n. the abode of an ape Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-3, 91

⋙ kapisvara

   ○svara m. N. of a man

⋙ kapīkacchu

   kapī-kacchu m. = kapi-ka○ above

⋙ kapījya

   kapī7jya m. 'to be revered by monkeys', Mimusops Kauki L 
   • N. of Sugriva T

⋙ kapīndra

   kapī7ndra m. 'lord of monkeys', N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii, 7002 
   • of Jāmbavat (the father-in-law of Kṛishṇa) MBh. xiii, 629 
   • of Sugriva RāmatUp 
   • of Hanumat R

⋙ kapīvat

   kapī-vat m. N. of a sage Hariv 
   • (tī), f. N. of a river R

⋙ kapīśvara

   kapī7śvara m. 'lord of the apes', N. of Sugrīva RāmatUp

⋙ kapīṣṭa

   kapī7ṣṭa m. Feronia Elephantum L

⋙ kapyākhya

   kapyākhya n. incense L

⋙ kapyāsa

   kapy-āsa n. the buttocks of an ape ChUp. i, 6, 7, (as m. Comm.)

≫ kapikā

   kapikā f. Vitex Negundo

≫ kapittha

   kapittha m. (ttha = stha) 'on which monkeys dwell', Feronia Elephantum MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • a particular position of the hands and fingers 
   • (am), n. the fruit of Feronia Elephantum Suśr. VarBṛS. &c

⋙ kapitthatvac

   ○tvac f. the bark of Feronia Elephantum Bhpr

⋙ kapitthaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. N. of a plant L

⋙ kapitthaphala

   ○phala m. a species of Mango tree L

⋙ kapitthāsya

   kapitthâsya m. 'having a face like a wood apple', a species of monkey L

≫ kapitthaka

   kapitthaka m. Feronia Elephantum 
   • (am), n. the fruit of it R

≫ kapitthānī

   kapitthānī f. N. of a plant (= kapitthaparṇī) L

≫ kapitthinī

   kapitthinī f. a region abounding in Kapitthas, g. puṣkarâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 135

≫ kapiraka

   kapiraka = kapilaka, q.v. Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 18

≫ kapila

   kapilá mf(ā)n. (√kam Uṇ. i, 56 
   • more probably connected with kapi BRD.), monkeycoloured', brown, tawny, reddish RV. x, 27, 16 ŚBr. R. &c 
   • red-haired Mn. iii, 8 
   • m. the brown or tawny or reddish colour Suśr 
   • a kind of mouse 
   • a kind of ape Kathās 
   • a (brown) dog L 
   • incense L 
   • N. of an ancient sage (identified by some with Vishṇu and considered as the founder of the Sāṃkhya system of philosophy) MBh. Bhag. &c. [Page 251, Column 1] 
   • N. of several other men 
   • of a Dānava Hariv. 197 BhP 
   • of a Nāga MBh. iii, 8010 Hariv. &c 
   • of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvipa VP. ii, 4, 37 
   • of several mountains 
   • a form of fire MBh. iii, 14197 
   • N. of the sun MBh. iii, 154 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS 
   • of the Brāhmans in Śālmala-dviipa VP. ii, 4, 31 
   • (ā), f. a brown cow Yājñ. i, 205 MBh. &c 
   • a fabulous cow celebrated in the Purāṇas W 
   • a kind of leech Suśr. i, 40, 20 
   • a kind of ant Suśr. ii, 296, 12 
   • Dalbergia Sissoo L 
   • Aloe Perfoliata L 
   • a sort of perfume L 
   • a kind of medicinal substance L 
   • a kind of brass L 
   • N. of a daughter of Daksha MBh 
   • of a Kiṃnara woman Kāraṇḍ 
   • of a river MBh. iii, 14233 VP 
   • N. of the female of the elephant Puṇḍarika (q.v.) L

⋙ kapilagītā

   ○gītā f. N. of wk

⋙ kapilajaṭa

   ○jaṭa m. N. of a Muni Kathās

⋙ kapiladeva

   ○deva m. N. of the author of a Smṛiti

⋙ kapiladyuti

   ○dyuti m. N. of the sun L

⋙ kapiladrākṣā

   ○drākṣā f. a vine with brown or tawny-coloured grapes L

⋙ kapiladruma

   ○druma m. Cytisus Cajan L

⋙ kapiladhārā

   ○dhārā f. N. of the Gaṅgā L 
   • N. of a Tīrtha L

⋙ kapiladhūsara

   ○dhūsara mfn. brownish grey Kathās

⋙ kapilapañcarātra

   ○pañcarātra n. N. of wk

⋙ kapilapura

   ○pura n. = -vastu below

⋙ kapilaphalā

   ○phalā f. = -drākṣā above

⋙ kapilabhadrā

   ○bhadrā f. N. of a woman

⋙ kapilabhāṣya

   ○bhāṣya n. N. of a commentary on Kapila's Sāṃkhya-pravacana

⋙ kapilarudra

   ○rudra m. N. of a poet

⋙ kapilarṣi

   ○"ṣrṣi (kapila-ṛṣi), m. the Ṛishi Kapila

⋙ kapilaloha

   ○loha m. a kind of brass Nigh

⋙ kapilavastu

   ○vastu n. N. of the town in which Śākyamuni or Buddha was born

⋙ kapilaśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of Brahman Kathās

⋙ kapilaśiṃśapā

   ○śiṃśapā f. a variety of Śiṃśapā with reddish flowers L

⋙ kapilasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. N. of an Upa-purāṇa

⋙ kapilasāṃkhyapravacana

   ○sāṃkhya-pravacana n. N. of wk. (= sāṃkhya-pravacana) 
   • bhāṣya n. N. of a commentary on the above

⋙ kapilākṣā

   kapilâkṣā f. a variety of Śiṃśapā (with reddish flowers,) L 
   • (ī), f. id 
   • a species of Colocynth L

⋙ kapilācārya

   kapilâcārya m. the teacher Kapila

⋙ kapilāñjana

   kapilâñjana m. 'using a brown collyrium', N. of Śiva L. (cf. kapiśâñjana,)

⋙ kapilātīrtha

   kapilā-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha (any one bathing and performing worship there obtains a thousand brown cows) MBh. iii, 6017 f

⋙ kapilādhikā

   kapilâdhikā f. a kind of ant Nigh

⋙ kapilāpati

   kapilā-pati m. N. of Drupada L

⋙ kapilāvaṭa

   kapilâvaṭa m. N. of a Tīrtha MBh

⋙ kapilāśrama

   kapilâśrama m. N. of a hermitage VP

⋙ kapilāśva

   kapilâśva m. 'having brown horses', N. of Indra L 
   • N. of a man MBh. BhP. &c

⋙ kapilāṣaṣṭhī

   kapilāṣaṣṭhī f. the sixth day in the dark half of the month Bhādrapada

⋙ kapilāhrada

   kapilā-hrada m. N. of a Tīrtha MBh

⋙ kapileśvaratīrtha

   kapilêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ kapileśvaradeva

   kapilêśvara-deva m. N. of a king

≫ kapilaka

   kapilaka mf(ikā)n. reddish Suśr 
   • (ikā), f. N. of a woman, g. śivâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 112

≫ kapilāya

   kapilāya Nom. Ā. kapilāyate, to be somewhat brown or reddish Hcar. 40, 20

≫ kapilīkṛ

   kapilī-√kṛ to colour brown or reddish MBh. R. Kād

≫ kapiśa

   kapiśa mf(ā)n. 'ape-coloured', brown, reddishbrown MBh. BhP. &c 
   • m. brown or reddish colour 
   • incense L 
   • the sun L 
   • N. of Śiva L 
   • (ā, ī), f. a spirit, sort of rum L 
   • (ā), f. N. of the mother of the Piśācas W 
   • N. of a river Ragh. iv, 38 
   • (am), n. a sort of rum L

⋙ kapiśabhrū

   ○bhrū f. N. of a woman Kathās

⋙ kapiśāñjana

   kapiśâñjana m. N. of Śiva (cf. kapilâñjana.)

⋙ kapiśāputra

   kapiśā-putra m. a Piśāca, an imp or goblin W

⋙ kapiśāvadāna

   kapiśâvadāna n. N. of a Buddhist work

≫ kapiśaya

   kapiśaya Nom. P. kapiśayati, to redden, embrown Śiś. iv, 24 Prasannar. &c

≫ kapiśita

   kapiśita mfn. embrowned, made brown or duskyred Mall. on Śiś. &c

≫ kapiśīkā

   kapiśīkā f. a sort of rum L

≫ kapiśīkṛ

   kapiśī-√kṛ to make brown or red

≫ kapīta

   kapīta m. N. of a tree L

≫ kapītaka

   kapītaka n. Berberis Asiatica Bhpr

≫ kapītana

   kapītana m. Spondias Mangifera 
   • Thespesia Populnea 
   • Acacia Sirisa 
   • Ficus Religiosa 
   • Areca Faufel 
   • AEgle Marmelos Suśr


   kapiṅgala v. l. for the next L


   kapíñjala m. (etym. doubtful) the francoline partridge, heathcock VS. TS. ŚBr. Suśr. &c 
   • Cuculus Melanoleucus (= caṭaka) L 
   • N. of a Vidyādhara Bālar 
   • of a man Kād 
   • of a sparrow Pañcat 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river VP

⋙ kapiñjalāda

   kapiñjalâda m. N. of a man (cf. kāpiñjalādi)

⋙ kapiñjalārma

   kapiñjalârma n. N. of an old city (cf. arma) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 90. [Page 251, Column 2] 


   kapúcchala n. a tuft of hair on the hind part of the head (hanging down like a tail) Gobh. ii, 9, 18 
   • the fore-part of a sacrificial ladle (i.e. the part with which the fluid is skimmed off) ŚBr

≫ kaputsala

   kapútsala v. l. for the above

≫ kapuṣṭikā

   kapuṣṭikā f. = the next L

≫ kapuṣṇikā

   kapuṣṇikā f. a tuft of hair on each side of the head Gobh. ii, 9, 19


   kapūya mf(ā)n. smelling badly, stinking ChUp. v, 10, 7 Nir


   kápṛth t m. (fr. 4. ka and √pṝ Sāy.), 'causing or increasing pleasure', membrum virile RV. x, 86, 16 ; 17 
   • N. of Indra ṣāy. RV. x, 101, 12

≫ kapṛtha

   kapṛthá m. N. of Indra ṣāy. RV. x, 101, 12


   kapóta m. (√kav Uṇ. i, 63 
   • fr. 2. ka + pota?), a dove, pigeon, (esp.) the spottynecked pigeon (in the Vedas often a bird of evil omen) RV. AV. VS. MBh. &c 
   • a bird in general L 
   • a frieze, cornice 
   • a particular position of the hands Comm. on Śak. PSarv. &c 
   • the grey colour of a pigeon Suśr. ii, 280, 1 
   • the grey ore of antimony Suśr. ii, 84, 10 
   • (ī), f. the female of a pigeon Pañcat

⋙ kapotacaraṇā

   ○caraṇā f. a kind of perfume Bhpr

⋙ kapotapāka

   ○pāka m. the young of a pigeon, g. nyaṅkv-ādi Pāṇ. 7-3, 53 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a mountain-tribe Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 113 
   • (ī), f. a princess of this tribe ib

⋙ kapotapāda

   ○pāda mfn. pigeon-footed, g. hasty-ādi Pāṇ. 5-4, 138 (Kāś. reads kaṭola)

⋙ kapotapāli

   ○pāli f. frieze, cornice VarBṛS

⋙ kapotapālikā

   ○pālikā f. a dove-cot, pigeon-house, aviary L

⋙ kapotapālī

   ○pālī f. id

⋙ kapotabāṇā

   ○bāṇā f. a kind of perfume L

⋙ kapotaretasa

   ○retasa m. N. of a man

⋙ kapotaroman

   ○roman m. N. of a king MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ kapotavakra

   ○vakra n. a particular plant L

⋙ kapotavaṅkā

   ○vaṅkā f. N. of a medicinal plant (used as a remedy for the stone) Suśr

⋙ kapotavarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. pigeoncoloured, lead-grey Suśr 
   • (ī), f. small cardamoms L

⋙ kapotavallī

   ○vallī f. N. of a plant Bhpr

⋙ kapotavegā

   ○vegā f. Ruta Graveolens L

⋙ kapotasāra

   ○sāra m. the grey ore of antimony L

⋙ kapotahasta

   ○hasta m. a particular position of the hands

⋙ kapotahastaka

   ○hastaka m. id

⋙ kapotāṅghri

   kapotâṅghri f. a kind of perfume L

⋙ kapotāñjana

   kapotâñjana n. ore of antimony L

⋙ kapotābha

   kapotâbha mfn. pigeon-coloured, lead-grey Suśr 
   • m. a pale or dirty white colour W

⋙ kapotāri

   kapotâri m. 'enemy of the pigeons', a hawk, falcon L

≫ kapotaka

   kapotaká mf(ikā)n. pigeon-coloured, lead-grey Pat 
   • m. a small pigeon or dove MBh. VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c 
   • a particular position of the hands 
   • (ikā), f. the female of a pigeon Pañcat 
   • (ī), f. a kind of bird (= śyāmā) VarBṛS 
   • (am), n. ore of antimony Car

≫ kapotakīya

   kapotakīya mf(ā)n. abounding in or relating to pigeons, g. naḍâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 91

≫ kapotin

   kapotín mfn. pigeon-shaped ŚBr. xi, 7, 3, 2 
   • having pigeons L


   kapola m. (ifc. f. ā), (√kap Uṇ. i, 67) the cheek (of men or elephants &c.) Suśr. Yājñ. Ragh. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a school belonging to the white Yajur-veda 
   • (ī), f. the fore-part of the knee, knee-cap or pan L

⋙ kapolakavi

   ○kavi m. N. of a poet

⋙ kapolakāṣa

   ○kāṣa m. any object against which the cheeks or temples are rubbed Kir 
   • the elephant's temples and cheeks W

⋙ kapolatāḍana

   ○tāḍana n. striking the cheeks (as a token of confession of fault) MW

⋙ kapolapattra

   ○pattra n. a mark painted on the cheek Naish. vii, 60

⋙ kapolapāli

   ○pāli is, ī f. the side of a cheek Kād

⋙ kapolaphalaka

   ○phalaka n. (ifc. f. ā), the cheekbone Amar

⋙ kapolabhitti

   ○bhitti f. id. Bhartṛ. Śiś

⋙ kapolarāga

   ○rāga m. colour or flush in the cheek


   kapphiṇa m. N. of a man (Buddh.)

≫ kapphilla


⋙ kaphina


⋙ kaphila


⋙ kamphilla

   kamphilla vvḷl. for the above


   káplaka mfn. = kapivad-gamanasamartha Sāy. TBr. ii, 7, 18, 4 (the text has the reading kálpaka)


   kapha m. phlegm (as one of the three humors of the body, also vāyu and pitta) Suśr 
   • watery froth or foam in general (cf. abdhik○, megha-k○, &c.)

⋙ kaphakara

   ○kara mfn. producing phlegm 
   • occasioning cold. -kūrcikā f. saliva, spittle L. -kṣaya m. pulmonary consumption

⋙ kaphagaṇḍa

   ○gaṇḍa m. a particular disease of the throat, ŚārṅgS

⋙ kaphagulma

   ○gulma m. a disease of the belly

⋙ kaphaghna

   ○ghna mf(ī)n. removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic, curing colds (said of several plants) Suśr. [Page 251, Column 3] 
   • (ī), f. a particular plant L

⋙ kaphaja

   ○ja mfn. arising from or produced by phlegm Suśr

⋙ kaphajvara

   ○jvara m. fever arising from excess of phlegm

⋙ kaphada

   ○da mfn. = -kara above

⋙ kaphanāśana

   ○nāśana mfn. -ghna above

⋙ kaphaprāya

   ○prāya m. phlegmatic Suśr

⋙ kaphavardhaka

   ○vardhaka mfn. exciting or increasing phlegm

⋙ kaphavardhana

   ○vardhana mfn. id 
   • m. a species of Tabernaemontana

⋙ kaphavātika

   ○vātika mfn. (fr. kaphavāta), one in whom phlegm and wind prevail

⋙ kaphavirodhin

   ○virodhin mfn. obstructing the phlegm 
   • (ī), n. black pepper L

⋙ kaphavairin

   ○vairin m. id. L

⋙ kaphasaṃbhava

   ○saṃbhava mfn. arising from phlegm Suśr

⋙ kaphahara

   ○hara mfn. removing phlegm, antiphlegmatic ib

⋙ kaphahṛt

   ○hṛt mfn. id. ib

⋙ kaphātmaka

   kaphâtmaka mfn. phlegmatic Suśr

⋙ kaphāntaka

   kaphântaka or m. N. of a plant L

⋙ kaphāntika

   kaphântika m. N. of a plant L

⋙ kaphāri

   kaphâri m. dry ginger L

≫ kaphala

   kaphala mfn. phlegmatic Suśr

≫ kaphin

   kaphin mfn. id. L 
   • (i), m. an elephant L 
   • v. l. for kapphiṇa, q.v 
   • (inī), f. N. of a river L

≫ kaphelū

   kaphelū ūs m. Cardia Latifolia Comm. on Uṇ. i, 95


   kaphaṇi is mf. the elbow L

≫ kaphoṇi

   kaphoṇi is mf. the elbow L

⋙ kaphoṇiguḍa

   ○guḍa m. a ball on the elbow (as a symbol of unsteadiness or uncertainty)

⋙ kaphoṇighāta

   ○ghāta m. a stroke with the elbow L

≫ kaphoṇiguḍāya

   kaphoṇiguḍāya Nom. Ā. ○āyate, to be like a ball on the elbow, i.e. to be unsteady or uncertain Sarvad. 116, 12


   kaphauḍa m. the elbow (? BRD.) AV.x, 2, 4


   kab cl. 1. Ā. kabate, cakabe, kabitā, &c., to colour, tinge with various hues Dhātup. x, 17 
   • to praise Vop. (cf. kav.)


   kábandha as, am m. n. (sometimes written kávandha) a big barrel or cask, a largebellied vessel (metaphorically applied to a cloud) RV. AV. ix, 4, 3 ; x, 2, 3 
   • (ep.) the clouds which obscure the sun at sunset and sunrise (sometimes personified) MBh 
   • the belly Nir 
   • a headless trunk (shaped like a barrel 
   • esp. one retaining vitality W.) R. Pañcat. Ragh. &c 
   • m. N. of the Rākshasa Danu (son of Śrī 
   • punished by Indra for insolently challenging him to combat 
   • his head and thighs were forced into his body by a blow from the god's thunderbolt, leaving him with long arms and a huge mouth in his belly 
   • it was predicted that he would not recover his original shape until his arms were cut off by Rāma and Lakshmaṇa). R. iii, 69, 27ff. Hariv. Ragh. &c 
   • N. of Rāhu L 
   • N. of certain Ketus (96 in number) VarBṛS 
   • N. of an Ātharvaṇa and Gandharva ŚBr. xiv (kabándha) VP. &c 
   • (am), n. water Sāy. & L

⋙ kabandhatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kabandhatva

   ○tva n. headlessness, decapitation Śiś

⋙ kabandhamuni

   ○muni ṃ., N. of a sage VāyuP

⋙ kabandhavadha

   ○vadha m. 'the slaying of Kabandha', N. of a chapter of the Padma-purāṇa

≫ kabandhin

   kabandhín mfn. 'bearing huge vessels of water or clouds' ('endowed with water' Sāy.), N. of the Maruts RV. v, 54, 8 (i) m. N. of a Kātyāyana PraśnUp


   kabara kavara


   kabittha = kapittha, q.v. L


   kabila = kapila, q.v. L


   kabuli f. the hinder part of an animal L


   kábru n. (perhaps erroneous for kambu and = kambūka NBD.) AV. xi, 3, 6

kam 1

   kám ind. (Gk. ?) well (opposed to a-kam, [251, 3] ill') TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • a particle placed after the word to which it belongs with an affirmative sense, 'yes', 'well' (but this sense is generally so weak that Indian grammarians are perhaps right in enumerating kam among the expletives Nir 
   • it is often found attached to a dat. case, giving to that case a stronger meaning, and is generally placed at the end of the Pāda, e.g. ájījana óṣadhīr bhójanāya kám, thou didst create the plants for actual food RV. v, 83, 10) RV. AV. TS. v 
   • kam is also used as an enclitic with the particles nu, su, and hi (but is treated in the Pada-pāṭha as a separate word 
   • in this connection kam has no accent but once AV. vi, 110, 1) RV. AV 
   • a particle of interrogation (like kad and kim) RV. x, 52, 3 
   • (sometimes, like kim and kad, at the beginning of compounds) marking the strange or unusual character of anything or expressing reproach L. [Page 252, Column 1] 
   • head L 
   • food Nir 
   • water Nir. Nigh 
   • happiness, bliss L

⋙ kaṃvat

   káṃ-vat mfn. blissful ŚBr. xiii

⋙ kaṃda

   kaṃ-da m. 'water giver', a cloud L

≫ kaṃya

   kaṃya mfn. happy, prosperous L

≫ kaṃyu


⋙ kaṃyya


⋙ kaṃyyu


⋙ kaṃva

   kaṃva mfn. id. ib

≫ kanta


⋙ kanti


⋙ kantu

   kantu mfn. id. T

≫ kambha

   kambha mfn. id. L

kam 2

   kam cl. 1. Ā. (not used in the conjugational tenses) cakame, kamitā, kamiṣyate, acakamata Dhātup. xii, 10 to wish, desire, long for RV. v, 36, 1 ; x, 117, 2 AV. xix, 52, 3 ŚBr. Ragh. &c 
   • to love, be in love with, have sexual intercourse with ŚBr. xi BhP.: Caus. Ā. (ep. also P.) kāmayate, -ti, kāmayāṃ-cakre, acīkamata, &c 
   • to wish, desire, long for (with acc. or inf. or Pot. Pāṇ. 3-3, 157 
   • e.g. kāmaye bhuñjīta bhavān, I wish your worship may eat 
   • kāmaye dātum, I wish to give Kāś.) RV. AV. TS. MBh. &c 
   • to love, be in love with, have sexual intercourse with RV. x, 124, 5 ; 125, 5 ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • to cause any one to love Ṛitus. (in that sense, P. Vop.) 
   • (with bahu or aty-artham) to rate or value highly R.: Desid. cikamiṣate and cikāmayiṣate: Intens. caṃkamyate ; [Lat. comis ; also amo, with the loss of the initial, for camo ; câ-rus for cam-rus: Hib. caemh', love, desire 
   • fine, handsome, pleasant' ; caomhach, 'a friend, companion' ; caomhaim, 'I save, spare, protect' ; Armen. kamim.]

≫ kamaka

   kamaka m. N. of a man 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of this man, g. upakâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 69

≫ kamaṭha

   kamaṭha m. (Uṇ. i, 102) a tortoise BhP. Pañcat. &c 
   • a porcupine L 
   • a bamboo L 
   • N. of a king MBh 
   • of a Muni 
   • of a Daitya 
   • (as or am), m. or n. a water-jar (esp. one made of a hollow gourd or cocoa-nut, and used by ascetics) L 
   • (ī), f. a female tortoise, a small one Śāntiś

⋙ kamaṭhapati

   ○pati m. the king of tortoises

⋙ kamaṭhāsuravadha

   kamaṭhâsura-vadha m. 'the slaying of the Asura Kamaṭha', N. of a section of the Gaṇeśa-purāṇa

≫ kamadyū

   kama-dyū́ ūs f. (= kāmasya dīpanī Sāy.), N. of a woman RV. x, 65, 12

≫ kamana

   kamana mf(ā)n. wishing for, desirous, libidinous L 
   • beautiful, desirable, lovely BhP 
   • m. N. of Kāma L 
   • of Brahmā L 
   • Jonesia Asoka L

⋙ kamanacchada

   ○cchada m. 'having beautiful plumage, a heron L

≫ kamanīya

   kamanīya mfn. to be desired or wished for, desirable Kum. i, 37 
   • lovely, pleasing, beautiful Śak. 62 b Bhartṛ. &c

⋙ kamanīyatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kamanīyatva

   ○tva n. desirableness, loveliness, beauty

≫ kamara

   kamara mfn. (Uṇ. iii, 132) desirous, lustful L

≫ kamala

   kámala mfn. (Comm. on Uṇ. i, 106) pale-red, rose-coloured TS. vii, 3, 18, 1 
   • (kamála) AV. viii, 6, 9 (desirous, lustful BRD.) 
   • m. a species of deer L 
   • the Indian crane (Ardea Sibirica) L 
   • N. of Brahmā L 
   • of a pupil of Vaiśampāyana Kāś 
   • of an Asura GaṇP 
   • (in mus.) a particular Dhruvaka (q.v.) 
   • (as, am), m. n. a lotus, lotusflower, Nelumbium Suśr. Śak. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of Lakshmi BhP. Sāh. Kathās 
   • wealth, prosperity Subh 
   • N. of Dākshyāyaṇī MatsyaP 
   • of one of the mothers in the retinue of Skanda MBh 
   • of the wife of Jayāpiḍa Rājat 
   • an excellent woman L 
   • an orange Tantras 
   • (ī, am), fn., N. of a metre (four times three short syllables) 
   • (am), n. a particular constellation VarBṛ 
   • water Kir. v, 25 
   • copper L 
   • the bladder L 
   • a medicament, drug L 
   • N. of a town built by Kamalā Rājat 
   • a particular number Buddh

⋙ kamalakīṭa


⋙ kamalakīra

   ○kīra m. (?), N. of two villages, g. palady-ādi Pāṇ. 4-2, 110 (Kāś.)

⋙ kamalakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. a group of lotuses Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 51

⋙ kamalagarbha

   ○garbha mfn. 'offspring of the lotus', N. of Brahmā Kathās 
   • the lotus-cup

⋙ kamalagarbhābha

   ○garbhâbha mfn. bright as the lotus-cup

⋙ kamalaja

   ○ja m. N. of Brahmā VarBṛS. Kathās. (cf. the last.)

⋙ kamaladeva

   ○deva m. N. of a man 
   • (ī), f. N. of the wife of king Lalitāditya (and mother of king Kuvalāpīḍa)

⋙ kamalanayana

   ○nayana m. 'lotus-eyed', N. of a king

⋙ kamalanābha

   ○nābha m. 'lotus-naveled', N. of Vishṇu BhP. Kād

⋙ kamalanetra

   ○netra mfn. lotus-eyed Dhūrtas

⋙ kamalapattra

   ○pattra n. leaf of the lotus-flower

⋙ kamalapattrākṣa

   ○pattrâkṣa mfn. having eyes like leaves of the lotus-flower R. &c

⋙ kamalabāndhava

   ○bāndhava m. 'the friend of the lotus', the sun Kād

⋙ kamalabālanāla

   ○bāla-nāla n. the stalk of a young lotus. [Page 252, Column 2] 

⋙ kamalabālanālaya

   ○"ṣbālanālaya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be like the stalk of a young lotus Siṃhâs

⋙ kamalabhava

   ○bhava m. 'sprung from the lotus', N. of Brahmā VarBṛS

⋙ kamalabhavana

   ○bhavana m. id

⋙ kamalabhidā

   ○bhidā f. N. of a village, g. paladyādi Pāṇ. 4-2, 110

⋙ kamalabhū

   ○bhū m. 'rising out of a lotus', N. of Brahmā Viddh

⋙ kamalamati

   ○mati m. N. of a man Kathās

⋙ kamalamaya

   ○maya mfn. consisting of lotusflowers Hcar. Kād

⋙ kamalayoni

   ○yoni m. 'lotus-born', N. of Brahmā VarBṛS. Hcat

⋙ kamalalocana

   ○locana mf(ā)n. lotuseyed 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman Kathās

⋙ kamalavatī

   ○vatī f. = -devii above Rājat 
   • N. of a princess Kathās

⋙ kamalavadana

   ○vadana mf(ā)n. lotus-faced Śrutab

⋙ kamalavana

   ○vana n. a cluster of lotuses 
   • -maya mfn. consisting of masses of lotuses, nothing but lotuses Kād

⋙ kamalavardhana

   ○vardhana m. N. of a king of Kampana Rājat

⋙ kamalavarman

   ○varman m. N. of a king Kathās

⋙ kamalaśīla

   ○śīla m. N. of a scholar Buddh

⋙ kamalaṣaṣṭhīvrata

   ○ṣaṣṭhī-vrata n. N. of a particular religious observance BhavP

⋙ kamalasaptamīvrata

   ○saptamī-vrata n. id. MatsyaP

⋙ kamalasaṃbhava

   ○saṃbhava m. N. of Brahmā

⋙ kamalākara

   kamalâkara m. a mass of lotuses 
   • a lake or pool where lotuses abound R. Ratnāv. &c 
   • N. of the author of a commentary on the Mitāksharā, and of several other authors and men 
   • tīrtha-yātrā f. N. of wk

⋙ kamalākeśava

   kamalā-keśava m. N. of a shrine built by Kamalavati Rājat

⋙ kamalākṣa

   kamalâkṣa mf(ī)n. lotus-eyed 
   • (ī), f. N. of a mother in the retinue of Skanda MBh 
   • (am), n. N. of a town MatsyaP

⋙ kamalāgrajā

   kamalâgrajā f. 'born before Lakshmi', N. of A-lakshmī or Bad Luck

⋙ kamalāchāyā

   kamalā-chāyā f. (or ○cchāyā), N. of an Apsaras VP

⋙ kamalātīrtha

   kamalā-tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha SkandaP

⋙ kamalādi

   kamalâdi m. N. of a gaṇa Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 51

⋙ kamalānandana

   kamalânandana n. 'Kamalā's joy', N. of Miśra-dinakara

⋙ kamalāpati

   kamalā-pati m. N. of a man

⋙ kamalāpāta

   kamalāpāta m. N. of a man

⋙ kamalābhakta

   kamalābhakta m. id

⋙ kamalāyatākṣa

   kamalâyatâkṣa mfn. having large lotus eyes,

⋙ kamalayudha

   kamaláyudha m. N. of a poet

⋙ kamalālaya

   kamalâlaya m. N. of a country MatsyaP 
   • (ā), f. 'abiding in a lotus', N. of Lakshmi R

⋙ kamalāsana

   kamalâsana n. a lotus-flower serving as a seat RāmatUp 
   • a particular manner of sitting 
   • m. 'having a lotus as seat', N. of Brahmā MBh. BhP. Kum. &c 
   • -stha m. id

⋙ kamalāhaṭṭa

   kamalā-haṭṭa m. N. of a market-place (founded by Kamalavati) Rājat. 1

⋙ kamalāhāsa

   kamalâhāsa m. the 'smiling', i.e. opening or shutting of a lotus. 2

⋙ kamalāhāsa

   kamalāhāsa Nom. (fr. the above) P. ○sati, to smile like a lotus Dhūrtas

⋙ kamalekṣaṇa

   kamalêkṣaṇa mf(ā)n. lotus-eyed MBh. R. &c

⋙ kamalottara

   kamalôttara n. safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius) L

⋙ kamalotpalamālin

   kamalôtpalamālin mfn. having garlands of Kamala and Utpala lotuses MBh. iii

⋙ kamalodaya

   kamalôdaya m. N. of a man Kathās

⋙ kamalodbhava

   kamalôdbhava m. N. of Brahmā Kathās

≫ kamalaka

   kamalaka n. N. of a town Rājat

≫ kamalinī

   kamalinī f. the lotus plant Kathās 
   • a number of lotus plants 
   • a pool or place abounding with them MBh. Ragh. &c

⋙ kamalinīkānta

   ○kānta m. 'the lover of the lotus', N. of the sun Kathās

⋙ kamalinībandhu

   ○bandhu m. id

≫ kamalīkā

   kamalīkā f. a small lotus Kād

≫ kamā

   kamā f. loveliness, beauty, radiance L

≫ kamitṛ

   kamitṛ mfn. lustful, desirous, cupidinous Naish 
   • the male, husband Hcar

≫ kamra

   kamra mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 167) loving, being in love, desirous L 
   • desirable, beautiful, lovely Kāvyâd 
   • (ā), f. a kind of musical instrument

≫ kānta

   kānta &c. s.v

≫ kāma

   kāma &c. s.v


   kamaṇḍalu us, u m. n. (in the Veda ūs f. according to Pāṇ. 4-1, 71) a gourd or vessel made of wood or earth used for water (by ascetics and religious students), a water-jar MBh. BhP. Yājñ. &c 
   • a kind of animal ĀśvŚr 
   • (us), m. Ficus Infectoria L 
   • (ūs), f. a kind of animal Pāṇ. 4-1, 72


   kamantaka m. N. of a man 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of his descendants, g. upakâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 69


   kamandaka as, m 
   • (ās), m. pl. id. ib


   kamandha n. water L. (cf. kabandha.)


   kamala col. 1


   kamujā f. a tuft or lock of hair

≫ kamuñjā

   kamuñjā f. id. Parāś


   kamp cl. 1. Ā. (ep. also P.) kampate (-ti), cakampe, kampiṣyate, akampiṣṭa, kampitā (Dhātup. x, 13), to tremble, shake MBh. BhP. Pañcat. &c.: Caus. P. Ā. kampayati, -te, to cause or make to tremble, shake MBh. R. &c. [Page 252, Column 3] 
   • to pronounce in a tremulous manner (i.e. with a thrill or shake): Desid. cikampiṣate: Intens. caṃkampyate, caṃkampti ; [Gk.? Hib. cabhôg, 'hastening.'] [252, 3]

≫ kampa

   kampa m. trembling, tremor, trembling motion, shaking MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • earthquake (cf. bhūmi-kampa, mahī-k○, &c.) 
   • tremulous or thrilling pronunciation (a modification of the Svarita accent which may take place if the Svarita syllable is followed by an Udātta syllable) Nir. &c 
   • a kind of time (in mus.) 
   • N. of a man

⋙ kamparāja

   ○rāja m. N. of a man

⋙ kampalakṣman

   ○lakṣman m. air, wind L

⋙ kampāṅka

   kampâṅka m. id. L

⋙ kampānvita

   kampânvita mfn. affected with trembling, agitated

≫ kampana

   kampana mf(ā)n. trembling, shaken, unsteady 
   • causing to tremble, shaking MBh 
   • m. a kind of weapon MBh. i, 2836 R 
   • a kind of fever Bhpr 
   • the cool or dewy season (from about the middle of January to that of March) L 
   • N. of a king MBh. ii, 117 
   • of a country near Kāśmira Rājat 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. VP 
   • (am), n. trembling, quivering Suśr 
   • an earthquake MBh. v, 7239 
   • quivering or thrilling pronunciation ( kampa) Comm. on RPrāt 
   • the act of shaking, swinging KātyŚr. Suśr. i, 85, 9 Tarkas. &c

≫ kampanīya

   kampanīya mfn. to be shaken, movable, vibratory

≫ kampāka

   kampāka a wrong reading for kampâṅka above

≫ kampāya

   kampāya Nom. Ā. kampāyate, to tremble, shake Comm. on VarBṛS

≫ kampikā

   kampikā f. a kind of musical instrument

≫ kampita

   kampita mfn. trembling, shaking MBh. Ṛitus 
   • caused to tremble, shaken, swung MBh. iv, 1290 Tattvas 
   • (am), n. trembling, a tremor

≫ kampin

   kampin mfn. trembling, quivering Kathās 
   • (ifc.) causing to tremble, shaking (cf. śiraḥ-kampin.)

≫ kampila

   kampila m. N. of a man Buddh 
   • = the next L

≫ kampilya

   kampilya m. N. of a pigment (produced from the plant Rottleria Tinctoria) L

≫ kampilyaka

   kampilyaka m. (Car.),

⋙ kampilla

   kampilla m. (Suśr.),

⋙ kampillaka

   kampillaka m. (Suśr.),

⋙ kampilvaka

   kampilvaka m. (Car.), and kampīla, n. (L.), id

≫ kampya

   kampya mfn. to be shaken or made to tremble (cf. a-kampya) 
   • to be moved away from one's place 
   • to be pronounced in a quivering or trilling manner

≫ kampra

   kampra mf(ā)n. trembling, shaken Pāṇ.: Bālar 
   • movable 
   • agile, quick KātyŚr. Lāṭy 
   • unsteady, uncertain Naish


   kamphilla m. v. l. for kapphiṇa, q.v


   kamb cl. 1. P. kambati, to go, move 
   • (vḷ. karb.)


   kambara mfn. variegated, spotted L 
   • m. variegated colour L


   kambalá as, am m. n. (√kam Comm. on Uṇ. i, 108), a woollen blanket or cloth or upper garment AV. xiv, 2, 66 ; 67 MBh. Hit. &c 
   • m. a dew-lap VarBṛS. Hcat 
   • a small worm or insect L 
   • a sort of deer with a shaggy hairy coat L 
   • N. of a teacher 
   • of a man 
   • of a Nāga MBh. MārkP. &c 
   • (am), n. water (cf. kamala) 
   • N. of a Varsha in Kuśa-dvipa MBh. vi, 454

⋙ kambalakāraka

   ○kāraka m. a woollen-cloth manufacturer

⋙ kambalacārāyaṇīya

   ○cārāyaṇīya ās m. pl. a nickname of a school of the Cārāyaṇas Pat. on Kāty., on Pāṇ. 1-1, 73 (cf. odana-pāṇinīya.)

⋙ kambaladhāvaka

   ○dhāvaka m. one who cleans woollen clothes

⋙ kambalabarhiṣa

   ○barhiṣa m. N. of a man Hariv. BhP. VP

⋙ kambalavāhya

   ○vāhya or m. = kambali-vāhyaka below

⋙ kambalavāhyaka

   ○vāhyaka m. = kambali-vāhyaka below

⋙ kambalahāra

   ○hāra m. N. of a man 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of this man, g. yaskâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 63

⋙ kambalārṇa

   kambalārṇa (for kambala-ṛṇa Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 89), n. a debt consisting of a woollen blanket or garment

⋙ kambalalukā

   kambalálukā f. a kind of vegetable L

≫ kambalaka

   kambalaka m. a woollen cloth or garment Suśr 
   • (ikā), f. g. pakṣâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80

≫ kambalin

   kambalin mfn. covered with a woollen cloth or blanket, wearing a woollen garment Jain 
   • (ī), m. 'having a dew-lap', an ox L

⋙ kambalivāhyaka

   kambali-vāhyaka n. a carriage drawn by oxen

≫ kambalīya

   kambalīya mf(ā)n. fit for woollen blankets &c. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 3. [Page 253, Column 1] 

≫ kambalya

   kambalya n. (ifc. f. ā Pāṇ. 4-1, 22) one hundred Palas of wool (necessary for making a woollen blanket) Pāṇ. 5-1, 3


   kambālāyin ī m. a sort of kite W. (?)


   kambi f. a ladle or spoon L 
   • a shoot or branch or joint of a bamboo L


   kambu m. (u n. L.) a conch 
   • a shell MBh. iv, 255 BhP. Kathās. &c 
   • (us), m. a bracelet or ring made of shells MBh 
   • a bracelet in general L 
   • three lines or marks in the neck (indicative of good fortune) VarBṛS 
   • the neck L 
   • an elephant L 
   • a tube-shaped bone L 
   • a vein or tubular vessel of the body W 
   • a sort of Curcuma L

⋙ kambukaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha mf(ī)n. 'shell-neck', having folds in the neck like a spiral shell (cf. above) Kathās

⋙ kambukaṃdhara

   ○kaṃdhara mfn. id. BhP

⋙ kambukāṣṭhā

   ○kāṣṭhā f. Physalis Flexuosa L

⋙ kambugrīva

   ○grīva mf(ā)n. = -kaṇṭha above MBh. R. &c 
   • m. 'shell-neck', N. of a tortoise Pañcat 
   • (ā), f. a shell-like neck (i.e. one marked with three lines, above.) L

⋙ kambuja

   ○ja m. a kind of drum

⋙ kambupuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. Andropogon Aciculatus L

⋙ kambumālinī

   ○mālinī f. id. L

⋙ kambvātāyin

   kambv-ātāyin m. the bird Falco Cheela L

≫ kambuka

   kambuka m. a conch, shell L 
   • a mean person W 
   • (ā), f. Physalis Flexuosa L 
   • (am), n. N. of a town Kathās

≫ kambū

   kambū ūs m. (√kam Uṇ. i, 95), a thief. plunderer 
   • a bracelet W

≫ kambūka

   kambū́ka m. the husk of rice AV. xi, 1, 29 Gṛihyās

≫ kamboja

   kamboja ās m. pl., N. of a people and its country 
   • m. the king of this people Pāṇ. 4-1, 175 
   • a shell L 
   • a species of elephant L. (cf. kāmboja.)

⋙ kambojamuṇḍa

   ○muṇḍa mfn. bald like a Kamboja, g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi Pāṇ. 2-1, 72 (cf. Hariv. 780.)

⋙ kambojādi

   kambojâdi m. N. of a gaṇa, Kāty on Pāṇ. 4-1, 175


   kambha p. 252, col. 1


   kambhārī f. Gmelina Arborea L


   kambhu u n. the fragrant √of Andropogon Muricatus


   kam-vat p. 252, col. 1


   káya (Ved. for 2. ka 
   • only gen. sg. with cid), every one (e.g. ní ṣū́ namấtimatiṃ káyasya cit, bow well down the haughtiness of every one RV. i, 129, 5) RV. i, 27, 8 ; viii, 25, 15 ; [Zd. kaya ; Armen. ui.]

≫ kayā

   káyā ind. (inst. fem. of 2. ka) in what manner? RV


   kayasthā f. a medicinal plant L 
   • (v. l. for vayaḥsthā.)


   kayā́d v. l. for kravyâd q.v. SV


   kayādhu us (ūs, v. l.), f. N. of Hiraṇyakaśipu's wife BhP. vi, 18, 12 Comm. on TBr


   kayya m. N. of a prince (founder of a shrine and a Vihāra called after him) Rājat

≫ kayyaka

   kayyaka m. N. of a man Rājat


   kayyaṭa m. = kaiyyaṭa, q.v

kara 1

   kará (for 2. p. 254, col. 3), mf(ī, rarely ā)n. (√1. kṛ), a doer, maker, causer, doing, making, causing, producing (esp. ifc 
   • cf. duḥkhakara, bhayaṃ-k○, sampat-k○, &c 
   • Lat. cerus, 'creator') AV. xii, 2, 2 Mn. Pañcat. &c 
   • helping, promoting RV. i, 116, 13 
   • m. the act of doing, making &c. (ifc 
   • cf. īṣatkara, su-k○, duṣ-k○, &c.) 
   • 'the doer', the hand RV. x, 67, 6 MBh. Mn. &c 
   • a measure (the breadth of twenty-four thumbs) 
   • an elephant's trunk MBh. Pañcat. &c 
   • the claws of a crab Hit 
   • symbolical expression for the number two 
   • the lunar mansion Hasta VarBṛS

⋙ karakacchapikā

   ○kacchapikā f. a particular position of the fingers

⋙ karakaṭa

   ○kaṭa m. an elephant's temple (cf. karaṭa) 
   • Centropus Pyropterus Nigh

⋙ karakaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka m. 'hand-thorn', a finger-nail L

⋙ karakamala

   ○kamala n. 'hand-lotus', the hand (esp. of a lover or a mistress) Ṛitus. (cf. -padma, -paṅkaja, &c. below.)

⋙ karakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. N. of a man Buddh

⋙ karakalaśa

   ○kalaśa m. the hand hollowed to receive water W

⋙ karakisalaya

   ○kisalaya m. n. 'hand-bud', the hand closed in the form of a bud L 
   • 'hand-shoot', the finger Ṛitus. Daś

⋙ karakudmala

   ○kudmala n. 'hand-bud' (cf. above), the finger W. [Page 253, Column 2] 

⋙ karakṛtātman

   ○kṛtâtman mfn. 'living from hand to mouth', destitute MBh. xiii, 1625

⋙ karakoṣa

   ○koṣa m. the hand hollowed to receive water (cf. -kalāśa.)

⋙ karagṛhīti

   ○gṛhīti f. the act of taking the hand Hcar

⋙ karagraha

   ○graha (1. kara-graha 
   • for 2. p. 254, col. 3), m. taking the hand (of the bride 
   • one part of the ceremony being the placing of the bride's right hand with the palm uppermost in the right hand of the bridegroom), marriage Kathās

⋙ karagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa (1. kara-grahaṇa 
   • for 2. p. 254, col. 3), n. id. MBh. ii, 900 Pañcad. &c. (cf. pāṇi-gr○.)

⋙ karagrāham

   ○grāham ind. p. so as to take the hand Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-4, 39

⋙ karagrāhin

   ○grāhin (1. kara-grāhin 
   • for 2. p. 254, col. 3), mfn. taking the hand W 
   • a bridegroom T

⋙ karagharṣaṇa

   ○gharṣaṇa m. a churning-stick W 
   • (n.) the act of rubbing the hands together W

⋙ karagharṣin

   ○gharṣin m. a churning-stick W

⋙ karaghāṭa

   ○ghāṭa m. a kind of poisonous tree Suśr. ii, 251 14 ; 252, 2

⋙ karacchada

   ○cchada m. Trophis Aspera Bhpr 
   • (ā), f. a species of tree (commonly called sindūra-puṣpī-vṛkṣa) L

⋙ karaja

   ○ja m. 'produced in or from the hand', a finger-nail Mn. MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • Pongamia Glabra (= karañja) L 
   • (am), n. a kind of perfume (resembling a nail in appearance, = vyāghra-nakha) L 
   • -vardhana m. N. of a prince 
   • ○jâkhya n. a perfume (= -ja) L

⋙ karajapya

   ○japya m. N. of a man 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of his tribe Hariv

⋙ karajyoḍi

   ○jyoḍi m. N. of a tree (= hasta-jyoḍi) L

⋙ karatala

   ○tala m. the palm of the hand R. Suśr. BhP. &c 
   • (ā), f. a knife Kathās 
   • -gata mfn. being in the hand or in one's possession Pañcat. Śak 
   • -tāla m. clapping the hands Gīt 
   • -dhṛta mfn. held in the hand W 
   • -stha mfn. resting in the palm of the hand W 
   • -"ṣlamalaka n. 'a myrobalan lying in the hand', anything quite clear to all eyes

⋙ karatalīkṛ

   ○talī-√kṛ to take in the palm of the hand BhP. viii, 7, 42

⋙ karatalīkṛta

   ○talī-kṛta mfn. taken in the open hand, lying open

⋙ karatas

   ○tas ind. from the hand, out of the hand

⋙ karatāla

   ○tāla as, ī 
   • mf. a musical instrument, a cymbal L 
   • (am), n. beating time by clapping the hands Bālar

⋙ karatālaka

   ○tālaka n. a cymbal 
   • (ikā), f. clapping the hands Naish 
   • beating time by clapping Kathās 
   • a kind of cymbal L

⋙ karatṛṇa

   ○tṛṇa n. Pandanus Odoratissimus Nigh

⋙ karatoyā

   ○toyā f. N. of a river in the north-east of Bengal (said to have, originated from the water poured into the hand of Śiva at his marriage with Pārvati, and thrown by him on the ground) MBh. VP

⋙ karatoyinī

   ○toyinī f. N. of a river (probably = the last) MBh. xiii, 4887

⋙ karada

   ○da (1. kara-da 
   • for 2. p. 254, col. 3), mfn. one who gives his hand W

⋙ karadakṣa

   ○dakṣa mfn. handy, dexterous, ready W

⋙ karadruma

   ○druma m. N. of a poisonous tree (= kāra-skara) L

⋙ karadviṣ

   ○dviṣ m. pl., N. of a tribe or school TāṇḍyaBr. ii, 15, 4 ; iii, 6, 4

⋙ karadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. Guilandina Bonducella Nigh

⋙ karadhṛta

   ○dhṛta mfn. held or supported by the hand Megh

⋙ karanihita

   ○nihita mfn. held in the hand W

⋙ karaṃdhama

   ○"ṣṃ-dhama m. N. of two princes MBh. VP. &c

⋙ karaṃ dhaya

   ○"ṣṃ dhaya mfn. sucking the hand Vop

⋙ karanyastakapolāntam

   ○nyasta-kapolântam ind. the end of the cheek held in the hand

⋙ karanyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. marking the hand with mystical figures BhP

⋙ karapaṅkaja

   ○paṅkaja m. = -kamala above

⋙ karapattra

   ○pattra n. a saw Suśr. Hit 
   • splashing water about while bathing, playing or gamboling in water L 
   • (ā), f. a species of fig-tree L 
   • -vat m. Borassus Flabelliformis (the leaves being compared to a saw) L

⋙ karapattraka

   ○pattraka n. a saw L 
   • (ikā), f. playing in water (cf. -pattra.)

⋙ karapadma

   ○padma m. n. = -kamala above

⋙ karaparṇa

   ○parṇa m. Abelmoschus Esculentus L 
   • a kind of Ricinus L

⋙ karapallava

   ○pallava m. 'hand-shoot, a finger MārkP 
   • = -kisalaya above T

⋙ karapātra

   ○pātra n. splashing water about while bathing (cf. -pattra above) L 
   • the hand hollowed so as to hold anything W 
   • (ī), f. a cup made of leather L

⋙ karapāla

   ○pāla (1. kara-pāla 
   • for 2. p. 254, col. 3), m. 'handprotecting', a sword, scymitar L

⋙ karapālaka

   ○pālaka m. id. L 
   • (ikā), f. a cudgel, short club or wooden sword, a sword or one-edged knife L

⋙ karapāli

   ○pāli m. a kind of sword L

⋙ karapuṭa

   ○puṭa m. joining the palms of the hands in token of respect W 
   • the hands joined and hollowed to receive anything W 
   • a box, chest with a lid MBh. xiv, 1928 
   • -ṭâñjali m. cavity made in joining the palms of the hands R

⋙ karapuṭī

   ○puṭī f. the hollow of the hand, Śārṅg

⋙ karapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha n. the back of the hand W

⋙ karapraceya

   ○praceya (1. kara-praceya 
   • for 2. p. 254, col. 3), mfn. to be held or taken hold of by the hand W

⋙ karaprada

   ○prada (1. kara-prada 
   • for 2. p. 254, col. 3), mfn. giving the hand &c

⋙ karaprāpta

   ○prāpta mfn. held in the hand, obtained, possessed Hit

⋙ karabaka

   ○baka m. a species of bird VarBṛS

⋙ karabadara

   ○badara n. 'a jujube lying in the hand', anything quite clear to all eyes, Vāsav. [Page 253, Column 3] 

⋙ karabāla

   ○bāla -vāla below

⋙ karabhañjaka

   ○bhañjaka ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh

⋙ karabhañjika

   ○bhañjika v. l. for the above VP

⋙ karabhājana

   ○bhājana m. N. of a Brāhman BhP

⋙ karabhū

   ○bhū m. a fingernail

⋙ karabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n. a hand-ornament, bracelet

⋙ karamaṇḍalin

   ○maṇḍalin m. Achyranthes Aspera L

⋙ karamadhya

   ○madhya m. a particular measure (= karṣa), ŚārṅgS

⋙ karamanda

   ○manda m. N. of a man

⋙ karamarda

   ○marda m. Carissa Carandas MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river, ŚivP 
   • (ī), f. Carissa Carandas L

⋙ karamardaka

   ○mardaká m. id 
   • (am), n. the fruit of Carissa Carandas Suśr. i, 210, 18

⋙ karamālā

   ○mālā f. the hand used as a rosary (the joints of the fingers corresponding to the beads) Tantras. &c

⋙ karamukta

   ○mukta n. (scil. astra) a missile, weapon thrown with the hand 
   • a dart, javelin &c. L 
   • -"ṣtêśvara n. N. of a temple

⋙ karamokṣa

   ○mokṣa m. the act of setting free the hand (of the bride by her father when the wedding is finished 
   • Kathās. xvi, 82) Pañcad

⋙ karamocana

   ○mocana n. id. ib

⋙ kararuddha

   ○ruddha mfn. stopped by the hand, held tight or fast

⋙ kararuha

   ○ruha m. 'growing from the hand', a finger-nail Śak. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • Unguis Odoratus L 
   • -pada n. a scratch with the finger-nail Megh. 95

⋙ kararddhi

   ○"ṣrddhi (kara-ṛddhi) = -tālī above L 
   • indication of luck by the hand T

⋙ karavartam

   ○vartam ind. p. whilst turning the hand Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-4, 39

⋙ karavallī

   ○vallī f. a kind of plant L

⋙ karavāraka

   ○vāraka m. N. of Skanda L

⋙ karavāri

   ○vāri n. water from the hand

⋙ karavāla

   ○vāla m. a sword, scymitar MBh. BhP. &c. (cf. -pāla above) 
   • a finger-nail L 
   • -putrī f. a knife Virac

⋙ karavāli

   ○vāli m. a kind of sword L

⋙ karavālikā

   ○vālikā f. = -pālika above L

⋙ karavinda

   ○vinda m. N. of an author

⋙ karavindīya

   ○"ṣvindīya n. (fr. the last), the work of Karavinda

⋙ karavimukti

   ○vimukti f. N. of a Tirtha

⋙ karavīra

   ○vīra m. Oleander (Nerium Odorum) MBh. Suśr. Mṛicch. VarBṛS 
   • a species of Soma Suśr. ii, 164, 15 
   • a sword L 
   • a particular spell (for recovering a missile of mystic properties after its discharge) R 
   • the thumb 
   • a cemetery L 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1557 
   • of a Daitya L 
   • of a town on the river Veṇvā (founded by Padma-varṇa) Hariv. 5230 (cf. kara-viira-pura below) 
   • of a town on the river Dṛishadvati (the residence of Candraśekhara) KapS 
   • of a mountain BhP 
   • (ā), f. red arsenic L 
   • (ī), f. a woman who has borne a son, a mother L 
   • a good cow L 
   • N. of Aditi T 
   • (am), n. the flower of Oleander L 
   • -kandasaṃjña m. a species of onion 
   • a bulb (= tailakanda) L 
   • -karambhin n. N. of a wood Hariv. 8954 (vḷ. karaviirākara) 
   • -pura n. N. of a town founded by Padma-varṇa (cf. karaviira) MBh 
   • -bhujā f. Cajanus Indicus L 
   • -bhūṣā f. = -bhujā T 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk 
   • -vrata n. a certain rite 
   • -"ṣrâkara n. N. of a wood Hariv

⋙ karavīraka

   ○vīraka m. the poisonous √of Oleander L 
   • Terminalia Arjuna L 
   • a sword L 
   • a cemetery L 
   • a particular part of the face VarBṛS 
   • N. of a Nāga Hariv 
   • (ā), f. red arsenic Nigh 
   • (am), n. the flower of Oleander L

⋙ karavīrya

   ○vīrya m. N. of a physician Suśr. i, 18

⋙ karavraṇa

   ○vraṇa m. N. of Bhīmasena L

⋙ karaśākhā

   ○śākhā f. a finger L

⋙ karaśīkara

   ○śīkara m. water expelled by an elephant's trunk L

⋙ karaśuddhi

   ○śuddhi f. cleansing the hands with fragrant flowers Tantras

⋙ karaśūka

   ○śūka m. 'hand-spicule', a finger-nail L

⋙ karasāda

   ○sāda (1. kara-sāda 
   • for 2. p. 254, col. 3), m. languor of the hands Pañcat

⋙ karasūtra

   ○sūtra n. an auspicious string (tied to the hand at marriage &c.) T

⋙ karastha

   ○stha mfn. lying in the hand Naish

⋙ karasthālin

   ○sthālin m. 'using the hands for a jar', N. of Śiva MBh. xiii ; 1243

⋙ karasthīkṛ

   ○sthī-√kṛ to lay on the hand

⋙ karaspanda

   ○spanda m. trembling of the hands

⋙ karasphoṭa

   ○sphoṭa m. extending the hands Pañcat

⋙ karasvana

   ○svana m. sound produced by clapping the hands R

⋙ karasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ karahati

   ○hati f. a blow with the hand. 1

⋙ karāgra

   karâgra (for 2. p. 254, col. 3), n. the tip of an elephant's trunk L 
   • tip of the finger Śiś 
   • -pallava m. 'hand-shoot', a finger 
   • -ja m. a finger-nail

⋙ karāghāta

   karâghāta m. a blow with the hand Bhartṛ

⋙ karāṅgaṇa

   karâṅgaṇa m. a much-frequented market L

⋙ karāṅguli

   karâṅguli f. a finger of the hand Kathās

⋙ karāmarda

   karâmarda m. = kara-marda

⋙ karāmalaka

   karâmalaka n. = karatalâmalaka

⋙ karāmbuka

   karâmbuka m. Carissa Carandas L

⋙ karāmla


⋙ karāmlaka

   karâmlaka m. id. L

⋙ karāroṭa

   karâroṭa m. finger-ring

⋙ karāroha

   karâroha m. id. L

⋙ karārgala

   karârgala n. a lute L

⋙ karārpita

   karârpita mfn. placed in hand

⋙ karālamba

   karâlamba m. a support of the hand, means of safety Hit 
   • (mfn.) stretching out one's hand to support or raise another W

⋙ karālambana

   karâlambana n. the act of supporting the hand, helping, sustaining

⋙ karenduka

   karênduka m. a sort of grass L

⋙ karotpala

   karôtpala n. a lotus-hand (cf. -kamala above.) [Page 254, Column 1] 

⋙ karodaka

   karôdaka n. water held in or poured into the hand W

≫ karaka 1

   karaka (for 2. col. 3), as m. a watervessel (esp. one used by students or ascetics) MBh. R 
   • a species of bird L 
   • hand (?) L 
   • N. of several plants (the pomegranate tree, Pongamia Glabra, Butea Frondosa, Bauhinia Variegata, Mimusops Elengi, Capparis Aphylla) L 
   • a cocoa-nut shell L 
   • (as, am), m. n. a cocoa-nut shell hollowed to form a vessel 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. VP 
   • (am), n. fungus, mushroom L 
   • (ikā), f. a wound caused by a finger-nail Śiś. iv, 29

⋙ karakacaturthī

   ○caturthī f. the fourth day in the dark half of the month Āśvina

⋙ karakatoya

   ○toya m. the cocoa-nut tree L

⋙ karakapātrikā

   ○pātrikā f. a leather vessel for holding water

⋙ karakāmbu

   karakâmbu m. the cocoa-nut tree L

⋙ karakāmbhas

   karakâmbhas m. id. L

≫ karaṇa

   káraṇa (once karaṇá RV. i, 119, 7) mf(ī)n doing, making, effecting, causing (esp. ifc 
   • cf. antakaraṇa, uṣṇaṃ-k○, &c.) R. &c 
   • clever, skilful RV. i, 119, 7 
   • m. a helper, companion AV. vi, 46, 2 ; xv, 5, 1-6 ; xix, 57, 3 
   • a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast Kshatriya Mn. x, 22 
   • or the son of a Śūdra woman by a Vaiśya Yājñ. i, 92 
   • or the son of a Vaiśya woman by a Kshatriya MBh. i, 2446 ; 4521 
   • the occupation of this class is writing, accounts &c.) a writer, scribe W 
   • (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context 
   • in this sense usually n.) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 41 Pat. Comm. on RPrāt 
   • (in mus.) a kind of time Kum. vi, 40 
   • (ī), f. a woman of the above mixed tribe Yājñ. i, 95 
   • (with sutā) an adopted daughter R. (ed. Gorr.) i, 19, 9 
   • (in arithm.) a surd or irrational number, surd √ 
   • the side of a square, Śulbas. Comm. on VS 
   • a particular measure Comm. on KātyŚr 
   • a particular position of the fingers 
   • (am), n. the act of making, doing, producing, effecting ŚBr. MBh. &c. (very often ifc., e.g. muṣṭi-k○, virūpa-k○) 
   • an act, deed RV 
   • an action (esp. a religious one) Yājñ. i, 250 R 
   • the special business of any tribe or caste L 
   • a calculation (esp. an astronomical one) VarBṛS 
   • an astrological division of the day (these Karaṇas are eleven, viz. vava, valava, kaulava, taitila, gara, vaṇija, viṣṭi, śakuni, catuṣpada, kintughna, and nāga, two being equal to a lunar day 
   • the first seven are called a-dhruvāṇi or movable, and fill, eight times repeated, the space from the second half of the first day in the moon's increase to the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane 
   • the four others are dhruvāṇi or fixed, and occupy the four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the first day in its increase) VarBṛS. Suśr. &c 
   • pronunciation, articulation, APrāt 
   • (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech, separated from its context Pāṇ. Kāś. &c., (karaṇa may be used in this way like kāra e.g. iti-karaṇa ŚāṅkhŚr.) 
   • the posture of an ascetic 
   • a posture in sexual intercourse 
   • instrument, means of action ŚvetUp. Yājñ. Megh 
   • an organ of sense or of speech VPrāt. PārGṛ 
   • (in law) an instrument, document, bond Mn. viii, 51 ; 52 ; 154 
   • (in Gr.) the means or instrument by which an action is effected, the idea expressed by the instrumental case, instrumentality Pāṇ. 1-4, 42 ; ii, 3, 18 ; iii, 2, 45 
   • cause (= kāraṇa) 
   • a spell, charm Kathās. (cf. karaṇa-prayoga) 
   • rhythm, time Kum 
   • body Megh. Kum. Kād 
   • N. of a treatise of Varāha-mihira on the motion of the planets 
   • of a work belonging to the Śiva-darśana 
   • a field L 
   • the mind, heart W. (cf. antaḥ-karaṇa) 
   • grain W

⋙ karaṇakutūhala

   ○kutūhala n. N. of wk. on practical astronomy by Bhāskara

⋙ karaṇakesarin

   ○kesarin m. N. of wk

⋙ karaṇagrāma

   ○grāma m. the senses collectively L

⋙ karaṇatā

   ○tā f. instrumentality, the state of being an instrument Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 33

⋙ karaṇatrāṇa

   ○trāṇa n. 'protecting the organs of sense', the head L

⋙ karaṇatva

   ○tva n. instrumentality, mediate agency KapS

⋙ karaṇaniyama

   ○niyama m. repression or restraint of the organs of sense

⋙ karaṇaneri

   ○neri and m. a kind of dance

⋙ karaṇanerika

   ○nerika m. a kind of dance

⋙ karaṇapaddhati

   ○paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ karaṇaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. N. of wk

⋙ karaṇaprabodha

   ○prabodha m. N. of wk

⋙ karaṇaprayoga

   ○prayoga m. spell, charm Kathās. xliv, 151 
   • xlix, 147

⋙ karaṇayati

   ○yati f. a kind of time (in mus.)

⋙ karaṇavat

   ○vat mfn. articulated TPrāt

⋙ karaṇavinyaya

   ○vinyaya m. manner of pronunciation TPrāt

⋙ karaṇavyāpāra

   ○vyāpāra m. action of the senses T

⋙ karaṇasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of wk. on practical astronomy by Bhāskara

⋙ karaṇasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of wk., Lil

⋙ karaṇasthānabheda

   ○sthāna-bheda m. difference of articulation or organ of pronunciation

⋙ karaṇāṭṭa

   karaṇâṭṭa n. N. of a place. [Page 254, Column 2] 

⋙ karaṇādhikāra

   karaṇâdhikāra m. a chapter on the subject of pronunciation

⋙ karaṇādhipa

   karaṇâdhipa m. 'lord of the organs', the principle of life, living soul T 
   • the god presiding over each sense (e.g. the sun is the lord of the eye &c.) T

⋙ karaṇābda

   karaṇâbda ās m. pl. the years used in astronomical calculations, i.e. years of the Sāka era Comm. on VarBṛS

≫ karaṇi

   karaṇi f. doing, making (cf. a-karaṇi) 
   • form, aspect Bālar. &c

≫ karaṇin

   karaṇin mfn. having instruments VP 
   • (ī), m. N. of a teacher

≫ karaṇīya

   karaṇīya mfn. to be done or made or effected &c. MBh. R. &c

≫ karaṇḍa

   karaṇḍa as, (ī L.), am mfn. (Uṇ. i, 128) a basket or covered box of bamboo wicker-work BhP. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • a bee-hive, honey-comb L 
   • m. a sword L 
   • a sort of duck L 
   • a species of plant (= dalāḍhaka) L 
   • (am), n. a piece of wood, block Bhpr

⋙ karaṇḍaphalaka

   ○phalaka m. Feronia Elephantum L

⋙ karaṇḍavyūha

   ○vyūha m. N. of a Buddhist work

≫ karaṇḍaka

   karaṇḍaka as, ikā mf. a basket Kathās

⋙ karaṇḍakanivāpa

   ○nivāpa m. N. of a place near Rājagṛiha

⋙ karaṇḍakavat

   ○vat ind. like a basket Kāraṇḍ

≫ karaṇḍin

   karaṇḍin ī m. (karaṇḍas tad-ākāro'sty asya T.) a fish L

≫ karabha 1

   karabha (for 2. col. 3), as m. (√kṝ Uṇ. iii, 122 
   • but more probably connected with 1. kara), the trunk of an elephant MBh. Śak. &c 
   • a young elephant BhP 
   • a camel MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • a young camel Pañcat 
   • the metacarpus (the hand from the wrist to the √of the fingers) Sāh. Comm. on Uṇ. &c 
   • (in mus.) a singer who wrinkles the forehead when singing 
   • a kind of perfume L 
   • a wall L 
   • N. of Danta-vakra (king of the Karūshas) MBh. ii, 577 
   • (ā), f. a particular plant L 
   • (ī), f. a she-camel L 
   • Tragia Involucrata L

⋙ karabhakāṇḍikā

   ○kāṇḍikā f. Echinops Echinatus L

⋙ karabhagrāma

   ○grāma m. N. of a village Kathās

⋙ karabhagrīva

   ○grīva m. N. of a fortress in the Vindhya mountain Kathās

⋙ karabhapriya

   ○priya m. a sort of tree L 
   • (ā), f. a sort of Alhagi L

⋙ karabhavallabha

   ○vallabha m. Feronia Elephantum

⋙ karabhādanī

   karabhâdanī f. a species of Alhagi (= -priyā above)

⋙ karabhāṣṭaka

   karabhâṣṭaka n. N. of wk

⋙ karabhorū

   karabhôrū f. a woman whose thighs resemble the trunk of an elephant Śak. Naish. &c

≫ karabhaka

   karabhaka m. N. of a messenger Śak 
   • of a village Kathās. (cf. karabha-grāma above.)

≫ karabhin

   karabhin ī m. 'having a trunk', an elephant L

≫ karas

   káras as n. a deed, action RV. iv, 19, 10

≫ karasna

   karásna m. the fore-part of the arm RV 
   • a finger-nail ŚāṅkhŚr

≫ kari 1

   kari mfn. (ifc.) causing, accomplishing (cf. śakṛt-k○) 
   • (is), m. the hand L

≫ kari 2

   kari (in comp. for karin col. 3)

⋙ karikaṇā

   ○kaṇā f. Piper Chaba 
   • -vallī f. id

⋙ karikumbha

   ○kumbha m. the frontal globe of an elephant

⋙ karikusumbha

   ○kusumbha m. a fragrant powder prepared from the flowers of Nāgakeśara L

⋙ karikusumbhaka

   ○kusumbhaka m. id

⋙ karikṛt

   ○kṛt m. Pongamia Glabra L

⋙ karikṛṣṇā

   ○kṛṣṇā f. Piper Chaba Nigh

⋙ karigarjita

   ○garjita n. the roaring of elephants L

⋙ karicarman

   ○carman n. an elephant's hide

⋙ karija

   ○ja m. a young elephant L

⋙ karidanta

   ○danta m. an elephant's tusk W 
   • ivory W

⋙ karidāraka

   ○dāraka m. a lion L

⋙ karināsā

   ○nāsā f. the trunk of an elephant L

⋙ karināsikā

   ○nāsikā f. a kind of musical instrument W

⋙ karipa

   ○pa m. the keeper of an elephant ṭ., g. cūrṇâdi Pāṇ. 6-2, 134

⋙ karipattra

   ○pattra n. N. of a plant (cf. tālīśa-pattra.)

⋙ karipatha

   ○patha m. the way of an elephant, g. devapathâdi Pāṇ. 5-3, 108

⋙ karipippalī

   ○pippalī f. Pothos Officinalis L 
   • Piper Chaba L

⋙ karipota

   ○pota m. a young elephant L

⋙ karibandha

   ○bandha m. the post to which an elephant is tied L

⋙ karimakara

   ○makara m. a fabulous monster L

⋙ karimaṇḍita

   ○maṇḍita n. N. of a wood Kathās. lxx, 40

⋙ karimācala

   ○mācala m. 'destroyer of elephants', a lion L

⋙ karimuktā

   ○muktā f. a pearl (said to be found sometimes in an elephant's head) L

⋙ karimukha

   ○mukha m. 'elephant-faced', N. of Gaṇeśa L

⋙ kariyādas

   ○yādas n. a water-elephant, hippopotamus W

⋙ karirata

   ○rata n. 'elephant's coitus', a kind of coitus Kir. v, 23

⋙ karivara

   ○vara m. an excellent elephant

⋙ karivaijayantī

   ○vaijayantī f. a flag carried by an elephant L

⋙ kariśāvaka

   ○śāvaka m. a young elephant under five years old L

⋙ karisundarikā

   ○sundarikā f. a gauge, water-mark L

⋙ kariskandha

   ○skandha m. a herd of elephants Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 51

⋙ karihasta

   ○hasta m. a particular position of the hands

⋙ karīndra

   karī7ndra m. a large elephant a war or state elephant 
   • Indra's elephant W

≫ karika

   karika m. ifc. (= karin) an elephant Śiś. iv, 29 
   • (karikā f. 1. karaka.) [Page 254, Column 3] 

⋙ kariṇī

   kariṇī f. (fr. the next), a female elephant Bhartṛ. Vikr. Kathās 
   • -sahāya m. the mate of the female elephant

≫ karin

   karin mfn. doing, effecting &c. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 
   • (ī), m. 'having a trunk', an elephant MBh. BhP. Pañcat. &c 
   • (iṇī), f. above

≫ kariṣṭha

   káriṣṭha mfn. (superl.) doing most, doing very much RV. vii, 97, 7

≫ kariṣṇu

   kariṣṇu mfn. (ifc.) doing, accomplishing Daś

≫ kariṣya

   kariṣyá mfn. to be done [= kartavya Sāy.] RV. i, 165, 9

≫ kariṣyat

   kariṣyat mfn. (fut. p. of √1. kṛ, q.v.) about to do 
   • future AitBr

≫ karīyas

   karīyas mfn. (compar.) one who does more W. (?)

≫ kareṭa

   kareṭa m. a finger-nail L

≫ kareṇu

   kareṇu m. (Uṇ. ii, 1) an elephant MBh. Pañcat. &c 
   • Pterospermum Acerifolium L 
   • (us [and ūs L.]), f. a female elephant MBh. Suśr. Ragh. &c 
   • a sort of plant Suśr. ii, 171, 16 ; 173 ; 7 
   • the Svarabhakti (q.v.) between r and h Comm. on TPrāt

⋙ kareṇupāla

   ○pāla m. 'keeper of an elephant', N. of a man

⋙ kareṇubhū

   ○bhū m. N. of Pālakāpya L

⋙ kareṇumatī

   ○matī f. N. of the wife of Nakula (and daughter of a king of the Cedis) MBh

⋙ kareṇuvarya

   ○varya m. a large or powerful elephant

⋙ kareṇusuta

   ○suta m. = -bhū above

≫ kareṇuka

   kareṇuka n. the poisonous fruit of the plant Kareṇu Suśr. ii, 251, 18 
   • (ā), f. a female elephant Pañcat

kara 2

   kara (for 1. p. 253, col. 1), m. (√kṝ), a ray of light, sunbeam, moonbeam R. Megh. Pañcat. &c 
   • hail L 
   • royal revenue, toll, tax, tribute, duty Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c

⋙ karagraha

   ○graha (2. kara-graha 
   • for 1. p. 253, col. 2), m. levying or gathering taxes 
   • a tax-gatherer

⋙ karagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa (2. kara-grahaṇa), n. levying or gathering taxes

⋙ karagrāhin

   ○grāhin (2. kara-grāhin), mfn. levying a tax, a tax-collector

⋙ karajāla

   ○jāla n. a pencil of rays, a stream of light W

⋙ karada

   ○da mfn. paying taxes, subject to tax, tributary MBh 
   • ○dī-√kṛ, to render tributary Hcar 
   • ○dī-kṛta mfn. made tributary, subjugated MBh. i, 4462

⋙ karapaṇya

   ○paṇya n. a commodity given as tribute MBh. ii, 1052

⋙ karapāla

   ○pāla (2. karapāla 
   • for 1. p. 253, col. 2), m. chief tax-gatherer Pañcat

⋙ karapraceya

   ○praceya mfn. to be collected by taxes

⋙ karaprada

   ○prada (2. kara-prada), mfn. paying taxes, tributary MBh. iii, 14774

⋙ kararudh

   ○rudh mfn. ray-obstructing

⋙ karavat

   ○vat mfn. paying tribute

⋙ karasāda

   ○sāda (2. kara-sāda 
   • for 1. p. 253, col. 3), m. the fading away of rays Pañcat

⋙ karaspanda

   ○spanda (2. kara-spanda 
   • for 1. p. 253, col. 3), m. trembling of rays

⋙ karasphoṭa

   ○sphoṭa (2. kara-sphoṭa 
   • for 1. p. 253, col. 3), m. extending the rays

⋙ karahāra

   ○hāra mfn. taking tribute BhP. 2

⋙ karāgra

   karâgra (for 1. p. 253, col. 3), n. point of a ray

⋙ karotkara

   karôtkara m. a bundle of rays 
   • a heavy tax W

≫ karaka

   karaka (for 1. col. 1), m. hail 
   • toll, tax, tribute

⋙ karakābhighāta

   karakâbhighāta m. shower of hail, Śārṅg. 1

⋙ karakāsāra

   karakâsāra m. a shower of hail

≫ karakāsāra 2

   karakāsāra Nom. P. karakāsārati, to pour or shower down like hail Dhūrtas

≫ karabha 2

   karabha (for 1. col. 2), am n. the lunar mansion called Hasta Hcat

≫ karīkṛ

   karī-√kṛ to offer as a tribute Kathās. xix, 114


   karakāyu m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra (cf. kanakāyu) MBh. i, 6982


   karaṅka m. the skull, head Kathās. Mālatīm 
   • a cocoa-nut hollowed to form a cup or vessel L 
   • a kind of sugar-cane (cf. the next) L 
   • any bone of the body L 
   • [Gk. ?, ?, ? ; Lat. carina, [254, 3] cornu, cancer ; Eng. horn ; cf. karka.]

⋙ karaṅkaśāli

   ○śāli m. a sort of sugar-cane

≫ karaṅkiṇī

   karaṅkiṇī f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat


   karaṅgaṇa (v. l. for karâṅgaṇa), m. a market, fair W


   karaculi m. N. of a country Viddh


   kárañja m. the tree Pongamia Glabra (used medicinally) Āp. Suśr. MBh. iii 
   • N. of an enemy of Indra (slain by this god) RV. i, 53, 8 
   • (ī), f. Galedupa Piscidia Bhpr

⋙ karañjaphalaka

   ○phalaka m. Feronia Elephantum L

⋙ karañjaha

   ○há mfn. pernicious to Karañja RV. x, 48, 8

≫ karañjaka

   karañjaka as, ikā mf. Pongamia Glabra MBh. R. Suśr 
   • Verbesina Scandens L. [Page 255, Column 1] 


   karaṭa m. an elephant's temple MBh. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • the spot between the forehead and ear of a bird VarBṛS 
   • a crow BhP. v, 14, 29 Śāntiś. &c 
   • a kind of drum Comm. on VarBṛS 
   • a man of a low or degraded profession L 
   • a bad Brāhman L 
   • an atheist, unbeliever, impugner of the doctrines of the Veda L 
   • a kind of funeral ceremony L 
   • Carthamus Tinctorius L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 370 VP 
   • of a royal dynasty 
   • (ā), f. an elephant's temple 
   • a cow difficult to be milked L 
   • (ī), f. a crow L 
   • (mfn.) dark-red VarBṛS. 61, 2 
   • 6

⋙ karaṭāmukha

   karaṭā-mukha n. the spot where an elephant's temple bursts MBh

≫ karaṭaka

   karaṭaka m. a crow L 
   • N. of a jackal Pañcat. Hit. &c

≫ karaṭin

   karaṭin ī m. an elephant Subh

⋙ karaṭikautuka

   karaṭikautuka n. N. of wk. treating on elephants


   karaṭu m. the Numidian crane L. (cf. kareṭavyā, kareṭu, &c.)


   karaṇa &c. p. 254, col. 1


   karaṇḍa p. 254, col. 2


   karatha m. N. of a physician BrahmaP


   karantha ās m. pl., N. of a people VP


   karaphu a particular high number L. (Buddh.)


   karabha &c., for 1. p. 254, col. 2 
   • for 2., p. 254, col. 3


   karama m. (= kalama) a reed for writing with Kāraṇḍ


   karamaṭṭa m. the betel-nuttree L


   karamarī f. a prisoner L


   karamāla m. smoke (probably a corruption of khatamāla)


   karamba mfn. (√1. kṛ Uṇ. iv, 82), mixed 
   • set, inlaid W 
   • m. a kind of gruel

≫ karambita

   karambita mfn. intermingled, mixed Gīt. Naish. Viddh. &c 
   • pounded, reduced to grains or dust W 
   • set, inlaid W


   karambhá m. groats or coarsely-ground oats &c 
   • a dish of parched grain, a cake or flour or meal mixed with curds, a kind of gruel (generally offered to Pūshan as having no teeth to masticate hardfood) RV. AV. VS. &c 
   • a mixture 
   • N. of a poisonous plant Suśr 
   • of a son of Śakuni and father of Devarāta Hariv 
   • of the father of Asura Mahisha 
   • of a monkey R 
   • of a brother of Rambha 
   • (ā), f. Asparagus Racemosus L 
   • fennel 
   • N. of the daughter of a king of Kaliṅga and wife of Akrodhana MBh. i, 3775 
   • (mfn.) mixed (as an odour) BhP

⋙ karambhapātra

   ○pātrá n. a dish of gruel ŚBr

⋙ karambhabhāga

   ○bhāga mfn. one who receives gruel for his part ŚāṅkhBr

⋙ karambhavālukā

   ○vālukā ās f. nom. pl. hot sand as gruel (a certain punishment in hell) MārkP. MBh 
   • -tāpa, ās m. pl. the pains caused by this punishment Mn. xii, 76

⋙ karambhād

   karambhấd mfn. eating groats or gruel RV. vi, 56, 1

≫ karambhaka

   karambhaka m. a kind of Achyranthes Nigh 
   • N. of a man Kathās 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MārkP 
   • (am), n. groats, coarsely-ground oats &c. Rājat 
   • a document drawn up in different dialects Sāh

≫ karambhi

   karambhi m. N. of a son of Śakuni and father of Devarāta BhP. VP 
   • (ayas), pl. the lineage of Karambhi

≫ karambhin

   karambhín mfn. possessing gruel RV


   kararddhi f. a cymbal L


   karavī f. the leaf of the plant Asa Foetida Suśr. (cf. karvarī, kavarī, kāvarī.)


   karavīka m. N. of a mountain


   kara-vīra p. 253, col. 3


   káras under 1. kará


   karásna under 1. kará


   karahañcā f. N. of a metre of four lines (each consisting of seven syllables)


   karahāṭa m. the tree Vangueria Spinosa Suśr 
   • the fibrous √of a lotus L 
   • N. of a region. [Page 255, Column 2] 

⋙ karahāṭaka

   karahāṭaka m. Vangueria Spinosa Suśr 
   • N. of an heretical prince MBh. ii, 1173 
   • a series of six ślokas with one sentence running through Comm. on Kāvyâd


   karāṅgaṇa under 1. kará, p. 253, col. 3


   karā́ṭa m. N. of Gaṇeśa MaitrS


   karāyikā f. a bird, a small kind of crane Pañcat


   karārin ī m. (○riṇas pl.), N. of a sect worshipping Devii


   karāla mfn. opening wide, cleaving asunder, gaping (as a wound) Mṛicch. Pañcat. R. &c 
   • having a gaping mouth and projecting teeth BhP. R. Prab 
   • formidable, dreadful, terrible MBh. R. Suśr 
   • m. a species of animal, musk-deer Suśr. Nigh 
   • a mixture of oil and the resin of Ṣorea Robusta L 
   • N. of a region Rājat 
   • of an Asura 
   • of a Rakshas 
   • of a Deva-gandharva 
   • (ā), f. Hemidesmus Indicus L 
   • N. of Durgā Mālatīm 
   • of a procuress Hit 
   • (ī), f. one of the seven tongues and nine Samidhs of Agni MuṇḍUp. Gṛihyās 
   • a sword 
   • (am), n. a sort of basil Car 
   • a kind of Ocimum L

⋙ karālakara

   ○kara mfn. having a powerful arm or hand 
   • having a large trunk (as an elephant)

⋙ karālakesara

   ○kesara m. N. of a lion Pañcat

⋙ karālajanaka

   ○janaka m. N. of a prince (also called Janaka) MBh

⋙ karālatripuṭā

   ○tripuṭā f. a species of corn L

⋙ karāladaṃṣṭra

   ○daṃṣṭra mfn. having terrific teeth BhP

⋙ karālabhairava

   ○bhairava n. N. of a Tantra, KūrmaP. ṭ.

⋙ karālamukha

   ○mukha mfn. having a terrible mouth Pañcat

⋙ karālalocana

   ○locana mfn. terrific

⋙ karālavaktra

   ○vaktra mfn. having a terrible mouth BhP. Pañcat

⋙ karālavadana

   ○vadana mfn. id. Bhag. R. BhP 
   • (ā), f. N. of Durgā

⋙ karālākṣa

   karālâkṣa m. 'having terrible eyes', N. of a follower of Skanda MBh

⋙ karālānana

   karālânana mfn. having a terrific face

≫ karālaka

   karālaka n. a kind of Ocimum

≫ karālika

   karālika m. a tree L 
   • a sword L 
   • (ā), f. N. of Durgā

≫ karālita

   karālita mfn. rendered formidable, afraid of, alarmed at 
   • magnified, intensified Kād

≫ karālin

   karālin mfn. singing with a gaping and distorted mouth 
   • (ī), m. a tree L


   kari &c. p. 254, col. 2


   karikrata m. N. of the author of RV. x, 130, 5


   karibha m. Ficus Religiosa L


   karira as, am m. n. the shoot of a bamboo (cf. karīra.)


   káriṣṭha &c. p. 254, col. 3


   karīti m. ayas pl., N. of a people VP


   karī́ra as, am m. n. the shoot of a bamboo Suśr. Hcat 
   • m. a water-jar L 
   • Capparis Aphylla (a thorny plant growing in deserts and fed upon by camels) ŚBr. MBh. Suśr 
   • (ā, or ī), f. the √of an elephant's tusk L 
   • a cricket, small grasshopper L 
   • (am), n. the fruit of Capparis Aphylla

⋙ karīrakuṇa

   ○kuṇa m. the fruit-season of Capparis Aphylla

⋙ karīraprastha

   ○prastha m. N. of a town 
   • (v. l. karīriprastha.)

⋙ karīravatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a woman

≫ karīrikā

   karīrikā f. the √of an elephant's tusk L


   karīraka n. fight, battle L


   karīla-deśa m. N. of a country


   kárīṣa as, am m. n. (√1. kṝ Uṇ. iv, 26), rubbish, refuse 
   • dung, dry cow-dung ŚBr. ii Mn. viii, 250 R. &c 
   • N. of a mountain

⋙ karīṣagandhi

   ○gandhi m. N. of a man Comm. on Pāṇ

⋙ karīṣaṃkaṣa

   ○"ṣṃ-kaṣa mf(ā)n. sweeping away dung Pāṇ. 3-2, 42

⋙ karīṣāgni

   karīṣâgni m. a fire of dry cow-dung (this substance is very generally used as fuel in Hindūstān) L

⋙ karīṣottha

   karīṣôttha m. (scil. agni) id. L

≫ karīṣaka

   karīṣaka ās m. pl., N. of a people VP

≫ karīṣin

   karīṣín mfn. abounding in dung AV. iii, 14, 3 ; xix, 31, 3 
   • (iṇī), f. N. of a river MBh. VP 
   • a region abounding in dung, g. puṣkarâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 135


   karúṇa mf(ā)n. (√1. kṝ Uṇ. iii, 53 
   • but in some of its meanings fr. √1. kṛ), mournful, miserable, lamenting MBh. Daś. &c 
   • compassionate BhP. [Page 255, Column 3] 
   • (am), ind. mournfully, wofully, pitifully, in distress MBh. Pañcat. Vet. &c 
   • m. 'causing pity or compassion', one of the Rasas or sentiments of a poem, the pathetic sentiment Sāh. &c 
   • Citrus Decumana L 
   • a Buddha L 
   • N. of an Asura Hariv 
   • (ā), f. pity, compassion BhP. Ragh. Pañcat. &c 
   • one of the four Brahma-vihāras (Buddh.) 
   • the sentiment of compassion (cf. above) L 
   • a particular tone (in mus.) 
   • (ī), f. a particular plant L 
   • (am), n. an action, holy work RV. i, 100, 7 AV. xii, 3, 47 TS. i

⋙ karuṇadhvani

   ○dhvani m. a cry of distress Vikr

⋙ karuṇapuṇḍarīka

   ○puṇḍarīka n. N. of a Buddhist work

⋙ karuṇamallī

   ○mallī f. Jasminum Sambac

⋙ karuṇaveditva

   ○vedi-tva n. compassion, sympathy Mn. vii, 211 R

⋙ karuṇavedin

   ○vedin mfn. compassionate, sympathizing Car. R

⋙ karuṇākara

   karuṇâkara m. N. of a Brāhman

⋙ karuṇākalpalatā

   karuṇākalpa-latā f. N. of wk

⋙ karuṇātman

   karuṇâtman mfn. miserable, mournful Bālar

⋙ karuṇānandakāvya

   karuṇânandakāvya n. N. of a poem

⋙ karuṇāpara

   karuṇā-para mfn. compassionate, tender L

⋙ karuṇāmaya

   karuṇā-maya mfn. 'consisting of compassion', compassionate Bālar

⋙ karuṇāmallī

   karuṇā-mallī f. = -mallī above W

⋙ karuṇārambha

   karuṇârambha mfn. engaging in deplorable actions R

⋙ karuṇārdra

   karuṇârdra mfn. tender with pity, tender-hearted, sensitive

⋙ karuṇāvat

   karuṇā-vat mfn. being in a pitiful state, pitiable R 
   • pitiful, compassionate 
   • (vatī), f. N. of a Surāṅganā Jain

⋙ karuṇāvipralambha

   karuṇāvipralambha m. grief of separation with the uncertainty of meeting again 
   • sorrowful events occurring during separation W

⋙ karuṇāvṛtti

   karuṇā-vṛtti mfn. disposed to pity

⋙ karuṇāveditā

   karuṇā-veditā f. charitableness, kindliness, sympathy W

⋙ karuṇeśvara

   karuṇêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP

≫ karuṇāya

   karuṇāya Nom. P. (MBh.) Ā. Pāṇ.) karuṇāyati, -te, to be compassionate, pity

≫ karuṇin

   karuṇin mfn. (fr. karuṇā g. sukhâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 131), being in a pitiful condition, pitiable 
   • compassionate, pitiful


   karutthāma m. N. of a son of Dushyanta (and father of Ākrīḍa) Hariv 
   • (v. l. karūtthāma.)


   karundhaka m. N. of a son of Śūra (and brother of Vasu-deva) VP


   karúma m. a kind of demon AV. viii, 6, 10


   karū́kara n. the joint of the neck and the back-bone AV. xi, 9, 8 ŚBr. xii


   kárūḻatin mfn. one whose teeth are decayed and broken, having gaps in the teeth RV. iv, 30, 24 Nir


   karūṣa ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • m. N. of Danta-vakra (a king of that people) MBh. ii, 577 
   • N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata (the founder of the above people) Hariv. BhP. &c

⋙ karūṣaja

   ○ja m. N. of Danta-vakra (or Danta-vaktra) BhP. vii, 10, 37

≫ karūṣaka

   karūṣaka m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata BhP. ix, 1, 12 (cf. above) 
   • (am), n. N. of a species of fruit MBh. iii, 10039


   kareṭa p. 254, col. 3


   kareṭavyā f. the Numidian crane L

≫ kareṭu

   kareṭu m. id. L

≫ kareḍuka

   kareḍuka m. id. L. (cf. karaṭu, &c.)


   kareṇu &c. p. 254, col. 3


   karenara m. benzoin, storax W


   karevara m. Olibanum L


   karoṭa m. a basin, cup L 
   • the bones of the head, the skull L

≫ karoṭaka

   karoṭaka m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1553 (cf. karkoṭaka.)

≫ karoṭi

   karoṭi is, ī f. a basin, cup 
   • the skull Rājat. &c

≫ karoṭika

   karoṭika ifc. (= karoṭi) the skull Rājat. v, 417


   karôtkara &c. under 1. and 2. kara


   kark (a Sautra root), to laugh


   karká mf(ī́)n. (√kṛ Uṇ. iii, 40 
   • cf. karaṅka), white AV. iv, 38, 6 ; 7 
   • good, excellent W 
   • m. a white horse MBh 
   • a crab L 
   • the sign Cancer 
   • a water-jar L 
   • fire L 
   • a mirror L 
   • a younger brother of the father L 
   • beauty L 
   • a particular gem L. [Page 256, Column 1] 
   • N. of a plant (= karkaṭa) L 
   • N. of a commentator 
   • (ā), f. a white mare Kathās. cxxi, 278

⋙ karkakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh

⋙ karkacandreśvaratantra

   ○candrêśvara-tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ karkacirbhiṭā

   ○cirbhiṭā f. a species of cucumber L

⋙ karkaphala

   ○phala n. N. of a plant L

⋙ karkarāja

   ○rāja m. N. of a man

⋙ karkavallī

   ○vallī f. Achyranthes Aspera L

⋙ karkasāra

   ○sāra n. flour or meal mixed with curds L

⋙ karkasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a man

⋙ karkākṣa

   karkâkṣa mfn. 'white-eyed' (said of the owl) Pañcat. (ed. Bombay)

⋙ karkāhva

   karkâhva m. N. of a plant L

≫ karkaṭa

   karkaṭa m. a crab Suśr. Pañcat. &c 
   • the sign Cancer VarBṛS. VarBṛ. &c 
   • a particular bird L 
   • N. of several plants 
   • the fibrous √of a plant L 
   • the curved end of the beam of a balance (to which the strings supporting the scale are attached), Mit 
   • a pair of compasses in a particular position 
   • a particular position of the hands 
   • a kind of fever Bhpr 
   • a kind of coitus L 
   • (ā), f. Momordica Mixta L 
   • (ī), f. a female crab MBh 
   • Cucumis Utilissimus, a kind of cucumber Comm. on TāṇḍyaBr 
   • a small water-jar Pañcat 
   • the fruit of Bombax Heptaphyllum L 
   • N. of a Rākshasī 
   • [Gk. ? 
   • Lat. [256, 1] cancer.]

⋙ karkaṭapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town

⋙ karkaṭavallī

   ○vallī f. Achyranthes Aspera L 
   • Piper Chaba L 
   • Carpopogon Pruriens L

⋙ karkaṭaśriṅga

   ○śriṅga n. the claw of a crab. Mit 
   • (ī), f. gall-nut (an excrescence on Rhus Succedana) Suśr 
   • (ikā), f. id

⋙ karkaṭākṣa

   karkaṭâkṣa m. Cucumis Utilissimus L

⋙ karkaṭākhyā

   karkaṭâkhyā f. gall-nut Suśr

⋙ karkaṭāṅgā

   karkaṭâṅgā f. id. L

⋙ karkaṭāsthi

   karkaṭâsthi n. the shell or crust of a crab Suśr. ii, 389, 17

⋙ karkaṭāhva

   karkaṭâhva m. AEgle Marmelos L 
   • (ā), f. gall-nut (cf. śriṅgī above) Bhpr

⋙ karkaṭeśa

   karkaṭêśa m. N. of a sanctuary Rājat

⋙ karkaṭeśvaratīrtha

   karkaṭêśvaratīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha, ŚivP

≫ karkaṭaka

   karkaṭaka m. a crab Suśr. Pañcat. &c 
   • the sign Cancer VarBṛS 
   • a pair of tongs Daś 
   • a pair of compasses (cf. karkaṭa) 
   • a kind of plant Suśr 
   • a particular position of the hands 
   • N. of a Nāga R 
   • (ikā), f. a sort of plant Suśr. ii, 276, 3 Pañcat 
   • a kernel L 
   • (am), n. a kind of poisonous √Suśr 
   • a particular fracture of the bones Suśr. i, 301, 5

⋙ karkaṭakāsthi

   karkaṭakâsthi n. the shell or crust of a crab Suśr

≫ karkaṭi

   karkaṭi f. Cucumis Utilissimus L

≫ karkaṭinī

   karkaṭinī f. Curcuma Xanthorrhiza L

≫ karkaṭu

   karkaṭu m. the Numidian crane (cf. karaṭu, &c.)

≫ karki

   karki m. the sign Cancer

≫ karkin

   karkin ī m. id. VarBṛS

⋙ karkiprastha

   karki-prastha or m. N. of a town Pāṇ. 6-2, 87

⋙ karkīprastha

   karkī-prastha m. N. of a town Pāṇ. 6-2, 87

⋙ karkyādi

   karky-ādi m. N. of a gaṇa ib


   karkándhu us, ūs mf. (fr. karka and √dhā Comm. on Uṇ. i, 95 
   • according to others fr. karka and andhu, 'a well'), Zizyphus Jujuba 
   • (u), n. the fruit of this tree, the jujube berry VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Suśr. &c 
   • (us), m. a well without water, one dried up Comm. on Uṇ. i, 28 
   • N. of a man RV. i, 112, 6 
   • (ūs), f. a term or name applied to a fetus which is ten days old BhP. iii, 31, 2

⋙ karkandhukuṇa

   ○kuṇa m. the fruit-season of the jujube tree, g. pīlvâdi Pāṇ. 5-2, 24

⋙ karkandhuprastha

   ○prastha m. N. of a town, g. karky-ādi Pāṇ. 6-2, 87

⋙ karkandhumatī

   ○matī f. N. of a woman, g. madhv-ādi Pāṇ. 4-2, 86

⋙ karkandhurohita

   ○rohita mfn. red like a berry of the jujube tree VS. xxiv, 2

⋙ karkandhusaktu

   ○saktú avas m. pl. flour of jujube berries ŚBr. xii

≫ karkandhūkā

   karkandhūkā́ f. a small berry of the jujube tree (?) AV. xx, 136, 3


   karkara mf(ā)n. (perhaps connected with karka) hard, firm Gīt. Mālatīm. Amar 
   • m. a bone L 
   • a hammer L 
   • a mirror L. (cf. karphara) 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1561 
   • (as, am), m. n. stone, limestone (esp. the nodule found in Bengal under the name of Kaṅkar W.), Satr 
   • a species of date L 
   • [cf. karaṅka, śarkara 
   • Gk. ?, ? ; Lat. hallus, [256, 1] calx ; Hib. carraice ; Gael. carraig W. careg.]

⋙ karkaracchadā

   ○cchadā f. N. of a plant L

⋙ karkarākṣa

   karkarâkṣa m. a wagtail L

⋙ karkarāṅga

   karkarâṅga m. id. L

⋙ karkarāndhaka

   karkarândhaka or m. a blind well (one of which the mouth is over grown with grass &c. so as to be hidden

⋙ karkarāndhuka

   karkarândhuka m. a blind well (one of which the mouth is over grown with grass &c. so as to be hidden 
   • cf. karkándhu and andhakūpa) L

⋙ karkarāhvā

   karkarâhvā f. N. of a plant L


   karkarāṭu m. a glance, sidelook L


   karkarāṭuka m. the Numidian crane L. [Page 256, Column 2] 

⋙ karkareṭu

   karkareṭu m. id. L

≫ karkareḍu

   karkareḍu m

⋙ karkareḍuka

   karkareḍuka m. id. L


   karkarí is, ī f. a kind of lute RV. ii, 43, 3 AV. iv, 37, 4 ; xx, 132, 8 ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • (ī), f. a water-jar Bhartṛ. AgP. &c 
   • a kind of plant L

⋙ karkarikarṇa

   ○karṇá mf(ī)n. having ears like a lute MaitrS

≫ karkarika

   karkariká m. a kind of lute AV. xx, 132, 3

≫ karkarīkā

   karkarīkā f. a small water-jar Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 20


   karkareṭa (connected with karka?), m. the hand curved like a claw for the purpose of grasping anything L


   karkaśa mf(ā)n. (perhaps connected with karka and karkara) hard, firm, rough, harsh (lit. and metaph.) Suśr. Mṛicch. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • m. a sword, scymitar L 
   • Cassia or Sennia Esculenta 
   • a species of sugar-cane 
   • = guṇḍorocanī L 
   • (ā), f. Tragia Involucrata L 
   • N. of an Apsaras MārkP 
   • (ī), f. the wild jujube L

⋙ karkaśacchada

   ○cchada m. Trophis Aspera L 
   • Trichosanthes Dioeca L 
   • (ā), f. Luffa Acutangula L 
   • = dagdhā L

⋙ karkaśatva

   ○tva n. hardness 
   • harshness, rough manners MBh. Kum

⋙ karkaśadala

   ○dala m. Trichosanthes Dioeca L 
   • (ā), f. = dagdhā L

≫ karkaśikā

   karkaśikā f. wild jujube L


   karkāru m. Beninkasa Cerifera (a species of gourd) Suśr 
   • (u), n. the fruit of this plant L

≫ karkāruka

   karkāruka m. Beninkasa Cerifera Suśr 
   • (am), n. its fruit L


   karki &c. col. 1


   karkeṇata m. a species of quartz Car

≫ karketana


⋙ karketila

   karketila m. id. L


   karkoṭa m. N. of one of the principal Nāgas of Pātāla VP. Rājat. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS 
   • (ī), f. N. of a plant with a bitter fruit 
   • (am), n. N. of a plant Suśr

⋙ karkoṭavāpī

   ○vāpī f. N. of a reservoir of water in Benares SkandaP

≫ karkoṭaka

   karkoṭaka m. Momordica Mixta Suśr 
   • AEgle Marmelos L 
   • the sugar-cane L 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. viii, 2066 
   • (ikā), f. Momordica Mixta L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a plant with yellow flowers Bhpr. Car 
   • Momordica Mixta L 
   • (am), n. the fruit of Momordica Mixta Suśr. i, 222, 1

⋙ karkoṭakaviṣa

   ○viṣa n. the poison of Karkoṭaka MW

≫ karkoṭaki

   karkoṭaki m. N. of a Nāga (cf. above) Bālar. 225, 5


   karcarikā f. a kind of pastry or cake 
   • (Beng. kacurī.)

≫ karcarī

   karcarī f. a kind of medicinal substance Bhpr

≫ karcūṭikā

   karcūṭikā f. a kind of pastry L


   karcūra m. turmeric L 
   • (am), n. an orpiment Śiś. iii, 11 
   • gold L. (cf. karbura, karbūra.)

≫ karcūraka

   karcūraka m. turmeric L. (cf. karbūraka.)


   karj cl. 1. P. karjati, cakarja, &c., to pain, torment Dhātup. vii, 53


   karṇ cl. 10. P. karṇayati, to pierce, bore Dhātup. xxxv, 71 
   • (ā-karṇaya, p. 126, col. 2, is a Nom. fr. the next.)


   kárṇa m. (√kṛt Nir 
   • √1. kṝ Uṇ. iii, 10), the ear RV. AV. TS. Suśr. (ápi kárṇe, behind the ear or back, from behind RV. [cf. apikarṇá] 
   • karṇe, in dram. into the ear, in a low voice, aside Mṛicch. Mālav 
   • karṇaṃ √dā, to give ear to, listen to Śak. Mṛicch 
   • karṇam ā-√gam, to come to one's ear, become known to Ragh. i, 9) 
   • the handle or ear of a vessel RV. viii, 72, 12 ŚBr. ix KātyŚr. &c 
   • the helm or rudder of a ship R 
   • (in geom.) the hypothenuse of a triangle or the diagonal of a tetragon Hcat. &c 
   • the diameter of a circle, Sūryas 
   • (in prosody) a spondee 
   • Cassia Fistula L 
   • Calotropis Gigantea L 
   • N. of a king of Aṅga (and elder brother by the mother's side of the Pāṇḍu princes, being the son of the god Sūrya by Pṛithā or Kuntī, before her marriage with Pāṇḍu 
   • afraid of the censure of her relatives, Kuntī deserted the child and exposed it in the river, where it was found by a charioteer named Adhi-ratha and nurtured by his wife Rādhā [Page 256, Column 3] 
   • hence Karṇa is sometimes called Sūta-putra or Sūta-ja, sometimes Rādheya, though named by his foster-parents Vasu-sheṇa) MBh. BhP. &c 
   • N. of several other men 
   • (mfn. karṇá), eared, furnished with ears or long ears AV. v, 13, 9 VS. TS 
   • furnished with chaff (as grain) TS. i, 8, 9, 3

⋙ karṇakaṇḍū

   ○kaṇḍū f. painful itching of the ear Suśr

⋙ karṇakarṇikā

   ○karṇikā f. a kind of colocynth L

⋙ karṇakaṣāya

   ○kaṣāya m. dirt in the ears BhP. ii, 6, 45

⋙ karṇakiṭṭa

   ○kiṭṭa n. the wax of the ear Nigh

⋙ karṇakīṭā


⋙ karṇakīṭī

   ○kīṭī f. Julus Cornifex (an insect or worm with many feet and of reddish colour) L

⋙ karṇakutūhala

   ○kutūhala n. N. of wk. L

⋙ karṇakubja

   ○kubja n. N. of an imaginary town Vet

⋙ karṇakumārī

   ○kumārī f. N. of Bhavānī

⋙ karṇakuvalaya

   ○kuvalaya n. a lotus flower stuck into the ear (as an ornament) Daś

⋙ karṇakrośa

   ○krośa m. an affection of the ear, singing in the ears Gobh. iii, 3, 27

⋙ karṇakṣveḍa

   ○kṣveḍa m. id. Suśr

⋙ karṇakharaka


⋙ karṇakharika

   ○kharika m. N. of a Vaiśya Comm. on Pāṇ

⋙ karṇaga

   ○ga mfn. touching the ear, hanging on it, next to the ear, extending to it W

⋙ karṇagiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain

⋙ karṇagūtha

   ○gūtha m. n. ear-wax 
   • m. hardening of the wax of the ear Suśr

⋙ karṇagūthaka

   ○gūthaka m. id

⋙ karṇagṛhīta

   ○gṛhītá mfn. seized by the ear TS. vi, 1, 7, 6

⋙ karṇagṛhyā

   ○gṛ́hyā (Padap. -gṛ́hya), ind. p. seizing by the ear RV. viii, 70, 15

⋙ karṇagocara

   ○gocara m. the range of hearing, anything perceptible by the ear T

⋙ karṇagrāha

   ○grāha m. a helmsman, g. revaty-ādi Pāṇ. 4-1, 146 
   • -vat mfn. furnished with a helmsman (as a ship) R

⋙ karṇacāmara

   ○cāmara n. a cowrie as ornament for the ear of an elephant Kād

⋙ karṇacchidra

   ○cchidra n. the outer auditory passage Suśr

⋙ karṇaja

   ○ja m. ear-wax L

⋙ karṇajapa

   ○japa m. 'ear-whisperer', an informer Kathās

⋙ karṇajalūkā

   ○jalūkā f. = -kīṭā above L

⋙ karṇajalaukas

   ○jalaukas n

⋙ karṇajalaukā

   ○jalaukā f. id. L

⋙ karṇajāpa

   ○jāpa m. the act of whispering in the ear 
   • tale-bearing, calumniating Pañcat

⋙ karṇajāha

   ○jāha n. the √of the ear Pāṇ. 5-2, 24 Mālatīm

⋙ karṇajit

   ○jit m. 'the conqueror of Karṇa', N. of Arjuna (Karṇa having taken the part of the Kurus, was killed by Arjuna in one of the great battles between them and the Pāṇḍus, MBh. viii, 4798 f.) L

⋙ karṇajyoti

   ○jyoti f. Gynandropsis Pentaphylla Nigh

⋙ karṇajvara

   ○jvara m. affection of the ears

⋙ karṇatas

   ○tás ind. away from or out of the ear AV. ix, 8, 3

⋙ karṇatā

   ○tā f. the being an ear Amar

⋙ karṇatāla

   ○tāla m. the flapping of an elephant's ears Ragh. Śiś 
   • -latā f. the flap of the ear of an elephant HYog

⋙ karṇadarpaṇa

   ○darpaṇa m. a particular ornament for the ear L

⋙ karṇadundubhi

   ○dundubhi f. 'a drum in the ear', a kind of worm, = -kīṭā above L

⋙ karṇadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a king

⋙ karṇadhāra

   ○dhāra m. a helmsman, pilot Suśr. BhP. &c 
   • a sailor, seaman Kathās. xviii, 300 
   • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ 
   • -tā f. the office of a helmsman Kathās. xxvi, 8

⋙ karṇadhāraka

   ○dhāraka m. a helmsman L

⋙ karṇadhāriṇī

   ○dhāriṇī f. a female elephant L

⋙ karṇadhvanana

   ○dhvanana n. singing in the ear

⋙ karṇanāda

   ○nāda m. id

⋙ karṇanāsā

   ○nāsā e f. du. ear and nose R. iii, 18, 21

⋙ karṇanīlotpala

   ○nīlôtpala n. a blue lotus-flower stuck into the ear, Kuv

⋙ karṇapa

   ○pa m. N. of a man Rājat

⋙ karṇapattraka

   ○pattraka m. the lobe of the ear Yājñ. iii, 96

⋙ karṇapattrabhaṅga

   ○pattrabhaṅga m. ornamenting the ears (one of the 64 Kalās) Vātsyāy

⋙ karṇapatha

   ○patha m. the compass or range of hearing, (○m ā-√yā, to come within the range of or reach the ear, be heard Śak. 232, 11 
   • ○m upa-√i id. BhP. ii, 3, 19) 
   • ○thâtithi m. 'a visitor in the compass of the ear', anything heard of or learnt Rājat

⋙ karṇaparaṃparā

   ○paraṃ-parā f. the going from one ear to another Pañcat. Kathās

⋙ karṇaparākrama

   ○parâkrama m. N. of wk

⋙ karṇaparvan

   ○parvan n. N. of the eighth book of the Mahābhārata

⋙ karṇapāka

   ○pāka m. inflammation of the outer ear Suśr

⋙ karṇapāli

   ○pāli f. the lobe of the ear, the outer ear Suśr 
   • (ī), f. id. ib 
   • a particular ornament for the ear L 
   • N. of a river 
   • -"ṣlyāmaya m. a particular disease of the outer ear (produced from piercing the ear) Suśr

⋙ karṇapitṛ

   ○pitṛ m. 'Karṇa's father', N. of Sūrya L

⋙ karṇapiśācī

   ○piśācī f. N. of a goddess Tantras

⋙ karṇapīṭha

   ○pīṭha n. the concha or outer end of the auditory passage Suśr

⋙ karṇapuṭa

   ○puṭa n. the auditory passage of the ear BhP

⋙ karṇaputraka

   ○putraka m. the concha of the ear Car 
   • (ikā), f. id. L

⋙ karṇapur

   ○pur ūr f. 'the capital of Karṇa', Campā (the ancient N. for Bhagalpur) L

⋙ karṇapurī

   ○purī f. id. ib

⋙ karṇapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. blue Amaranth Nigh

⋙ karṇapūra

   ○pūra m. n. an ornament (esp. of flowers) worn round the ears MBh. Ragh. Kād. &c 
   • a blue lotus-flower L 
   • Acacia Sirissa L 
   • Jonesia Asoka L 
   • N. of the father of Kavicandra and author of the Alaṃkāra Kaustubha

⋙ karṇapūraka

   ○pūraka m. Nauclea Cadamba L 
   • N. of a servant Mṛicch

⋙ karṇapūraṇa

   ○pūraṇa m. N. of an author (= -pūra above) 
   • the act of filling the ears (with cotton &c.) 
   • any substance used for that purpose Suśr

⋙ karṇapūrīkṛ

   ○pūrī-√kṛ to make (anything) an ornament for the ear Kād. Hcar. [Page 257, Column 1] 

⋙ karṇaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. N. of wk

⋙ karṇapratināha

   ○pratināha m. a particular disease of the ear (suppression of its excretion or wax, which is supposed to have dissolved and passed out by the nose and mouth) Suśr

⋙ karṇapratīnāha

   ○pratīnāha m. id. ib

⋙ karṇaprayāga

   ○prayāga m. N. of the confluence of the rivers Gaṅgā and Pindur

⋙ karṇaprādheya

   ○prādheya ās m. pl., N. of a people

⋙ karṇaprānta

   ○prânta m. the lobe of the ear L

⋙ karṇaprāvaraṇa

   ○prāvaraṇa mf(ā)n. using the ears for a covering R. v, 17, 5 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a fabulous people MBh. R. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2643

⋙ karṇaprāveya

   ○prāveya ās m. pl., N. of a people

⋙ karṇaphala

   ○phala m. a sort of fish (Ophiocephalus Kurrawey) L

⋙ karṇabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa n. an ornament for the ear

⋙ karṇabhūṣā

   ○bhūṣā f. id 
   • the art of ornamenting the ears (one of the 64 Kalās)

⋙ karṇamadgura

   ○madgura m. a sort of fish, Silurus unitus L

⋙ karṇamala

   ○mala n. the excretion or wax of the ear L

⋙ karṇamukura

   ○mukura m. a particular ornament for the ear L

⋙ karṇamukha

   ○mukha mfn. headed by Karna, having Karṇa as leader

⋙ karṇamuni

   ○muni m. N. of a man

⋙ karṇamūla

   ○mūla n. the √of the ear Suśr. BhP. &c

⋙ karṇamūlīya

   ○"ṣmūlīya mfn. belonging to the √of the ear

⋙ karṇamoṭā

   ○moṭā f. Acacia arabica L

⋙ karṇamoṭi

   ○moṭi f. N. of Durgā in her form as Cāmuṇḍā L

⋙ karṇamoṭī

   ○moṭī id. L

⋙ karṇayoni

   ○yoni (kárṇa○), mfn. having the ear as a source or starting-point, going forth from the ear (said of arrows, because in shooting the bow-string is drawn back to the ear) RV. ii, 24, 8

⋙ karṇarandhra

   ○randhra m. the orifice or auditory passage of the ear, Bhp

⋙ karṇaroga

   ○roga m. disease of the ear Suśr 
   • -pratiṣedha m. cure of a disease of the ear 
   • -vijñāna n. diagnosis of any disease of the ear

⋙ karṇalatā

   ○latā f. the lobe of the ear L 
   • -maya mfn. representing the lobe of an ear Naish. vii, 64

⋙ karṇalatikā

   ○latikā f. the lobe of the ear L

⋙ karṇavaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa m. an elevated platform of bamboo

⋙ karṇavat

   ○vat (kárṇa○), mfn. having ears RV. x, 71, 7 R 
   • long-eared 
   • furnished with tendrils or hooks Suśr 
   • having a helm

⋙ karṇavarjita

   ○varjita m. 'earless', a snake L

⋙ karṇavallī

   ○vallī f. the lobe of the ear L

⋙ karṇaviṭka

   ○viṭka n. (fr. -viṣ below), excretion or wax of the ear Suśr

⋙ karṇavivara

   ○vivara n. the auditory passage of the ear BhP

⋙ karṇaviṣ

   ○viṣ f. ear-wax Mn. v, 135

⋙ karṇaviṣa

   ○viṣa n. 'earpoison' (any bad precept) Pañcat

⋙ karṇaviṣayīkṛta

   ○viṣayīkṛta mfn. made an object of hearing, made known Kathârṇ

⋙ karṇavedha

   ○vedha m. 'ear-boring' (a religious ceremony sometimes performed as a saṃskāra or to prevent a woman from dying if the birth of a third son be expected) PSarv 
   • piercing the ear to receive ear-rings

⋙ karṇavedhanikā

   ○vedhanikā f. an instrument for piercing the ear of an elephant L

⋙ karṇavedhanī

   ○vedhanī f. id. L

⋙ karṇaveṣṭa

   ○veṣṭa m. an ear-ring R 
   • N. of a king MBh. i, 2696

⋙ karṇaveṣṭaka

   ○veṣṭaka m. an ear-ring PārGṛ

⋙ karṇaveṣṭakīya


⋙ karṇaveṣṭakya

   ○"ṣveṣṭakya mfn. belonging or relating to an ear-ring, g. apūpâdi

⋙ karṇaveṣṭana

   ○veṣṭana n. an ear-ring L

⋙ karṇavyadha

   ○vyadha m. piercing the ear (to receive ear-rings) Suśr

⋙ karṇaśaṣkulikā

   ○śaṣkulikā f. the auditory passage of the ear Car

⋙ karṇaśaṣkulī

   ○śaṣkulī f. id

⋙ karṇaśirīṣa

   ○śirīṣa n. a Śirīsha-flower fastened to the ear (as an ornament) Śak

⋙ karṇaśūnya

   ○śūnya mfn. deaf L

⋙ karṇaśūla

   ○śūlá n. ear-ache AV. ix, 8, 1 ; 2 Suśr

⋙ karṇaśūlin

   ○"ṣśūlin mfn. having ear-ache Suśr

⋙ karṇaśobhana

   ○śóbhana n. an ornament for the ear RV. viii, 78, 3

⋙ karṇaśrava

   ○śrava mfn. perceptible by the ears, audible Mn. iv, 102

⋙ karṇaśravas

   ○śravas m. N. of a man TāṇḍyaBr. MBh. iii

⋙ karṇaśrāvin

   ○śrāvin mfn. audible Gaut

⋙ karṇaśrut

   ○śrut m. N. of a Vedic author RAnukr

⋙ karṇasaṃsrāva

   ○saṃsrāva m. running of the ear, discharge of pus or ichorous matter from the ear Suśr

⋙ karṇasakha

   ○sakha m. 'Sakha's friend', N. of Jarāsaṃdha L

⋙ karṇasundarī

   ○sundarī f. N. of a drama

⋙ karṇasubhaga

   ○subhaga mfn. pleasant to the ear, pleasant to be heard Veṇis

⋙ karṇasū

   ○sū m. 'Karṇa's father', N. of Sūrya L

⋙ karṇasūci

   ○sūci f. a kind of insect

⋙ karṇasphoṭā

   ○sphoṭā f. Gynandropsis pentaphylla L

⋙ karṇasrāva

   ○srāva m. = -saṃsrāva above Suśr

⋙ karṇasrotas

   ○srotas n. the auditory passage of the ear Hariv. 2921 VarBṛS 
   • the wax of the ear MBh. vi

⋙ karṇahallikā

   ○hallikā f. a particular disease of the ear, ŚārṅgS

⋙ karṇahīna

   ○hīna mfn. deaf 
   • m. 'earless', a snake T

⋙ karṇākarṇi

   karṇākarṇi ind. from ear to ear, whispering into each other's ear R. (cf. keśākeśi, &c.)

⋙ karṇākhya

   karṇâkhya m. white amaranth Npr

⋙ karṇāñjali

   karṇâñjali m. the ears pricked up BhP. iii, 13, 50

⋙ karṇātarda

   karṇâtarda m. a hole on both sides of a chariot into which the poles are fixed ĀpŚr. Comm. on TS

⋙ karṇādarśa

   karṇâdarśa m. an ear-ring L

⋙ karṇādi

   karṇâdi m. N. of a gaṇa Pāṇ. 5-2, 24

⋙ karṇānuja

   karṇânuja m. 'Karṇa's younger brother', N. of Yudhishṭhira L

⋙ karṇāntikacara

   karṇântika-cara mfn. going close to the ear Śak

⋙ karṇāndu

   karṇându f. an ornament for the ear L 
   • an ear-ring L

⋙ karṇāndū

   karṇândū f. id. L

⋙ karṇābharaṇa

   karṇâbharaṇa n. an ornament for the ear, Ratnāv. [Page 257, Column 2] 

⋙ karṇābharaṇaka

   karṇābharaṇaka m. Cathartocarpus fistula L

⋙ karṇāmṛta

   karṇâmṛta n. nectar for the ears ŚārṅgP 
   • N. of wk

⋙ karṇārā

   karṇârā f. an instrument for perforating the ear of an elephant L

⋙ karṇāri

   karṇâri m. 'Karṇa's enemy', N. of Arjuna L 
   • Terminalia Arjuna L

⋙ karṇārdha

   karṇârdha m. n. (?) the radius of a circle Sūryas

⋙ karṇārpaṇa

   karṇârpaṇa n. applying the ear, giving ear, paying attention, listening to

⋙ karṇārśas

   karṇârśas n. a particular disease of the ears, ŚārṅgS

⋙ karṇālaṃkaraṇa

   karṇâlaṃkaraṇa n. an ornament for the ear

⋙ karṇālaṃkāra

   karṇâlaṃkāra m. id

⋙ karṇālaṃkṛti

   karṇâlaṃkṛti f. id

⋙ karṇāvataṃsa

   karṇâvataṃsa m. n. (?) id. Vām. Kpr. &c 
   • ○ṃsī- √kṛ, to make (anything) an ornament for the ear Kād

⋙ karṇāvadhāna

   karṇâvadhāna n. giving ear to, listening to, attention (○dhānam ava-dhā, to pay attention, attend)

⋙ karṇāśva

   karṇâśva m. N. of a man

⋙ karṇāsphāla

   karṇâsphāla m. the flapping to and fro of an elephant's ears L

⋙ karṇecuracurā

   karṇe-curacurā or f. whispering into the ear, tale-bearing, g. pātre-samitâdi

⋙ karṇecurucurā

   karṇe-curucurā f. whispering into the ear, tale-bearing, g. pātre-samitâdi

⋙ karṇejapa

   karṇe-japa m. an earwhisperer, tale-bearer, informer Pāṇ. Bhaṭṭ

⋙ karṇeṭiṭṭibha

   karṇe-ṭiṭṭibha m

⋙ karṇeṭiriṭirā

   karṇe-ṭiriṭirā f. whispering into the ear, tale-bearing, g. pātre-samitâdi

⋙ karṇendu

   karṇêndu f. = karṇându, q.v. L

⋙ karṇotpala

   karṇôtpala n. a lotus-flower fastened to the ear (as an ornament) Ragh. vii, 23 
   • m. N. of a poet 
   • of a king

⋙ karṇodaya

   karṇôdaya m. N. of wk

⋙ karṇopakarṇikā

   karṇôpakarṇikā f. the going from one ear to the other Pañcat

⋙ karṇorṇa

   karṇôrṇa m. an animal with wool on the ears BhP. iv, 6, 21

≫ karṇaka

   kárṇaka m. (ifc. f. ā) a prominence or handle or projection on the side or sides (of a vessel &c.), a tendril ŚBr. KātyŚr 
   • a rime, ring Car 
   • a kind of fever 
   • a particular defect of wood Comm. on KātyŚr 
   • N. of a man 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of this man, g. upakâdi 
   • (au), m. du. the two legs spread out AV. xx, 133, 3 
   • (ikā), f. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 65) an ear-ring or ornament for the ear Kathās. Daś. &c 
   • a knot-like tubercle Suśr 
   • a round protuberance (as at the end of a reed or a tube) Suśr 
   • the pericarp of a lotus MBh. BhP. &c 
   • central point, centre Car. Bālar 
   • the tip of an elephant's trunk L 
   • the middle finger L 
   • chalk L 
   • a pen, small brush L 
   • Premna spinosa or longifolia L 
   • Odina pinnata L 
   • a bawd L 
   • N. of an Apsaras MBh

⋙ karṇakavat

   ○vat (kárṇaka-), mfn. having prominences or handles &c., furnished with tendrils MaitrS. Kāṭh

⋙ karṇakāvat

   kárṇakā-vat mfn. id. TS. ŚBr

≫ karṇakita

   karṇakita mfn. having handles, furnished with tendrils &c., g. tārakâdi

≫ karṇandu

   karṇandu f. = karṇându, q.v. L

≫ karṇala

   karṇala mfn. furnished with ears, g. sidhmâdi

≫ karṇi

   karṇi m. a kind of arrow (the top being shaped like an ear) L. (cf. karṇika n.) 
   • the act of splitting, breaking through T

≫ karṇika

   karṇika mfn. having ears, having large or long ears W 
   • having a helm W 
   • m. a steersman W 
   • a kind of fever Bhpr 
   • N. of a king in Potāla 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VP 
   • (as, am), m. n. the pericarp of a lotus MBh 
   • (am), n. a kind of arrow (the top being shaped like an ear), Śārṅg

≫ karṇikā

   karṇikā kárṇaka

⋙ karṇikācala

   karṇikâcala m. 'the central mountain' [karṇikāyāṃ sthito'calaḥ T.], N. of Meru L. (cf. BhP. v, 16, 7.)

⋙ karṇikādri

   karṇikâdri m. id. L

≫ karṇikāra

   karṇikāra mfn. (fr. karṇikā BRD 
   • karṇiṃ bhedanaṃ karoti T.), Pterospermum acerifolium MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • Cathartocarpus fistula L 
   • (am), n. the flower of Pterospermum acerifolium Ṛitus 
   • the pericarp of a lotus Hcat. Rājat

⋙ karṇikārapriya

   ○priya m. 'fond of Karṇikāra', N. of Śiva

≫ karṇikāraka

   karṇikāraka m. Pterospermum acerifolium L

≫ karṇikikā

   karṇikikā f. a heifer L

≫ karṇikin

   karṇikin ī m. an elephant L

≫ karṇin

   karṇín mfn. having ears AV. x, 1, 2 TS. vii 
   • relating to the ears 
   • (ifc.) having (a ring &c.) attached to the ear MBh. xiii 
   • furnished with flaps or anything similar (said of shoes) KātyŚr. xxii 
   • barbed, furnished with knots &c. (as a missile) Mn. vii, 90 MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • having a helm W 
   • (ī), m. a missile, arrow 
   • the side of the neck, the part near the ear W 
   • a steersman Kathās 
   • N. of one of the seven principal ranges of the mountains dividing the universe L 
   • (inī), f. (scil. yoni) a disease of the uterus (prolapsus or polypus uteri) Suśr. ii, 397, 7 ; 398, 11

⋙ karṇīratha

   karṇī-ratha (for karṇi-ratha), m. a kind of litter Ragh. xiv, 13 Rājat. vii, 479. [Page 257, Column 3] 

⋙ karṇī

   karṇī f. of ○ṇa ifc. (e.g. ayas-k○ and payas-k○) Pāṇ. 8-3, 46 
   • 'N. of Kaṃsa's mother', in comp

⋙ karṇīratha

   karṇī-ratha s.v. karṇín

⋙ karṇīsuta

   karṇī-suta m. N. of Kaṃsa L 
   • of the author of a thieves' manual Kād

≫ karṇya

   kárṇya mfn. being in or at the ear AV. vi, 127, 3 
   • suitable to the ear Comm. on Pāṇ


   karṇāṭa ās m. pl., N. of a people and the country they inhabit (the modern Karnatic 
   • the name, however, was anciently applied to the central districts of the peninsula, including Mysore) VarBṛS. Rājat. Kathās. &c 
   • m. a king or inhabitant of Karṇāṭa Kathās 
   • (in mus.) a particular Rāga 
   • (ī), f. a queen of Karṇāṭa Rājat. iv, 152 
   • a kind of Mimosa L 
   • (in mus.) a particular Rāgiṇī

⋙ karṇāṭagauḍa

   ○gauḍa m. (in mus.) a particular Rāga

⋙ karṇāṭadeśa

   ○deśa m. the country of Karṇāṭa

⋙ karṇāṭabhāṣā

   ○bhāṣā f. the language spoken in Karṇāṭa Sarvad

≫ karṇāṭaka

   karṇāṭaka ās m. pl., N. of a people and the country they inhabit VP. BhP. &c 
   • (ikā), f. (in mus.) a particular Rāgiṇī

⋙ karṇāṭakadeśa

   ○deśa m. the Karṇāṭa country

⋙ karṇāṭakabhāṣā

   ○bhāṣā f. the dialect of Karṇāṭa


   kart v. l. for kartr, q.v


   kartá m. (√1. kṛt 
   • a more recent form is 2. gárta), a hole, cavity RV. AV. iv, 12, 7 AitBr. &c 
   • separation, distinction BhP

⋙ kartapatya

   ○patya n. falling or tumbling into a hole TāṇḍyaBr

⋙ kartapraskanda

   ○praskanda m. id. ib

≫ kartana 1

   kartana n. the act of cutting off, excision Yājñ. Hit. &c 
   • the act of extinguishing, extinction Vīrac 
   • (ī), f. scissors W

≫ kartari

   kartari f. scissors, a knife, or any instrument for cutting Suśr. Hcat

≫ kartarikā

   kartarikā f. id. Hit. Hcat

≫ kartarī

   kartarī f. id. Hcat 
   • the part of an arrow to which the feathers are attached L 
   • a kind of dance

⋙ kartarīphala

   ○phala n. the blade of a knife Hcat

⋙ kartarīmukha

   ○mukha m. a particular position of the hands PSarv

⋙ kartaryāsya

   kartary-āsya m. id

≫ kartarīya

   kartarīya n. (?) a kind of poisonous plant Suśr

≫ karttavya

   karttavya mfn. to be cut off 
   • to be destroyed or extinguished MBh

≫ karttṛ 1

   karttṛ mfn. one who cuts off 
   • one who extinguishes, a destroyer Vīrac

≫ karttṛkā

   karttṛkā f. = kartari Tantras

≫ karttrikā


⋙ karttrī

   karttrī f. id

≫ kartya

   kartya mfn. to be cut off or down Mn. viii, 367

kartana 2

   kartana n. (√2. kṛt), the act of spinning cotton or thread L

⋙ kartanasādhana

   ○sādhana n. a spindle L

≫ karttṛ 2

   karttṛ mfn. one who spins, a spinner MBh. viii


   kártave ṛV. and āV. and kártavaí ṇaigh. "ṣBr., Ved. inf. of √1. kṛ, to do, q.v

≫ kartavya

   kártavya and mfn. (fut. pass. p. of √1. kṛ, q.v.) to be done or made or accomplished &c. TS. ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. &c

⋙ kartavya

   kartavyá mfn. (fut. pass. p. of √1. kṛ, q.v.) to be done or made or accomplished &c. TS. ŚBr. AitBr. Mn. &c 
   • (am), n. that which ought to be done, obligation, duty, task MBh. Pañcat. Kathās. &c

⋙ kartavyatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kartavyatva

   ○tva n. the state of being necessary to be done or accomplished Sāh 
   • necessity, obligation, task Yājñ. Hit. &c 
   • the possibility or suitableness of being done Tattvas

≫ kartu

   kartu (for kartum inf. of √1. kṛ, q.v.)

⋙ kartukāma

   ○kāma mfn. desirous or intending to do

≫ kartṛ

   kartṛ́ mfn. one who makes or does or acts or effects, a doer, maker, agent, author (with gen. or acc. or ifc., cf. bhaya-kartṛ, &c.) RV. AV. &c. MBh. Mn. &c 
   • doing any particular action or business, applying one's self to any occupation (the business or occupation preceding in the compound, cf. suvarṇa-kartṛ, rājya-k○, &c.) 
   • one who acts in a religious ceremony, a priest ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. &c 
   • (tā), m. the creator of the world ŚBr. xiv Yājñ. iii, 69 
   • N. of Vishṇu Pañcat 
   • of Brahman L 
   • of Śiva L 
   • (in Gr.) the agent of an action (who acts of his own accord [sva-tantra]), the active noun, the subject of a sentence (it stands either in the nom. in active construction, or in the instr. in passive construction, or in the gen. in connection with a noun of action 
   • it is opposed to karman, the object) Pāṇ. &c 
   • one who is about to do, one who will do (used as periphr. fut.) MBh

⋙ kartṛkara

   ○kara mfn. ? Pāṇ. 3-2, 21

⋙ kartṛga

   ○ga mfn. going towards or falling to the share of the agent Comm. on Pāṇ

⋙ kartṛgāmin

   ○gāmin mfn. id. ib

⋙ kartṛgupta

   ○gupta n. (a kind of artificial sentence) in which the subject or agent is hidden, Śārṅg. [Page 258, Column 1] 

⋙ kartṛguptaka

   ○guptaka n. id. ib

⋙ kartṛtā

   ○tā f. the state of being the agent of an action Sāh

⋙ kartṛtva

   ○tva n. id. Kāś 
   • the state of being the performer or author of anything MBh. BhP. &c

⋙ kartṛpura

   ○pura n. N. of a town

⋙ kartṛbhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. that which has become or is the agent of an action Kāś

⋙ kartṛmat

   ○mat mfn. having a kartṛ Comm. on Pāṇ

⋙ kartṛvācya

   ○vācya n. the active voice W

⋙ kartṛstha

   ○stha mfn. standing or being or contained in the agent of an action Pāṇ. 1-3, 37 
   • -kriyaka mfn. (any √&c.) whose action is confined to the agent 
   • -bhāvaka mfn. (any √&c.) whose state stands within the agent

≫ kartṛka

   kartṛka mfn. ifc. = kartṛ́

⋙ kartṛkatva

   ○tva n. agency, action

≫ kartos

   kártos Ved. inf. of √1. kṛ, q.v

≫ kartra

   kártra n. a spell, charm AV. x, 1, 19 and 32

≫ kartrīya

   kartrīya Nom. (fr. kartṛ) P. ○yati, to be an agent Vop. xxi, 2

≫ kartva

   kártva mfn. to be done or accomplished RV 
   • (am), n. obligation, duty, task ib


   karttavya &c. p. 257, col. 3


   kartr cl. 10. P. kartrayati, to unloose, remove Dhātup. xxxv, 60 (perhaps connected with √1. kṛt)


   kard cl. 1. P. kardati, to rumble (as the bowels) Dhātup. iii, 22 
   • to caw (as a crow) ib 
   • to make any unpleasant noise ib. (cf. pard.)

≫ karda

   karda m. mud, clay L. (cf. kardama.)

≫ kardaṭa

   kardaṭa m. mud, dirt L 
   • the fibrous √of the lotus L 
   • any aquatic weed (as Vallisneria &c 
   • = paṅkāra) L

≫ kardana

   kardana n. rumbling of the bowels, borborygm L 
   • m. N. of a prince Daś 
   • (ī), f. = kūrdanī, q.v

≫ kardama

   kardama m. (Uṇ. iv, 84) mud, slime, mire, clay, dirt, filth MBh. Yājñ. Ragh. &c 
   • sin Comm. on Uṇ 
   • shade, shadow (in Veda according to BrahmaP.) 
   • N. of a Prajāpati (born from the shadow of Brahmā, husband of Devahūti and father of Kapila) MBh 
   • a kind of rice Suśr 
   • a kind of poisonous bulb 
   • N. of Pulaka (a son of Prajāpati) VP 
   • of a Nāga MBh. i, 1561 
   • (ī), f. a species of jasmine 
   • (am), n. flesh L 
   • Civet L 
   • (mfn.) covered with mud or mire or dirt, dirty, filthy Suśr

⋙ kardamarāja

   ○rāja or m. N. of a man (a son of Kshema-gupta) Rājat

⋙ kardamarājan

   ○rājan m. N. of a man (a son of Kshema-gupta) Rājat

⋙ kardamavīsarpa

   ○vīsarpa m. a kind of erysipelas Car

⋙ kardamākhya

   kardamâkhya m. a kind of poisonous bulb Suśr. ii, 253, 4

⋙ kardamāṭaka

   kardamâṭaka m. a receptacle for filth, a sewer &c

⋙ kardameśvaramāhātmya

   kardamêśvara-māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ kardamodbhava

   kardamôdbhava m. marsh-produced kind of rice L

≫ kardamaka

   kardamaka m. a kind of rice Suśr 
   • a kind of poisonous bulb Suśr 
   • a kind of snake Suśr 
   • a kind of erysipelas Car

≫ kardamita

   kardamita mfn. muddy, dirty, soiled Kathās. Mālatīm

≫ kardaminī

   kardaminī f. a marshy region, g. puṣkarâdi

≫ kardamila

   kardamila n. (g. kāśâdi), N. of a place MBh. iii, 10692


   karpaṭa n. (as m. L.) old or patched or ragged garments, a patch, rag Pañcat. Kathās. &c 
   • N. of a mountain KālP

⋙ karpaṭadhārin

   ○dhārin m. 'wearing rags or a rag', a beggar L

≫ karpaṭika

   karpaṭika mfn. covered with patched or ragged garments, clothed in a beggar's raiment L

≫ karpaṭin

   karpaṭin mfn. id. ib


   karpaṇa m. (?) a kind of lance or spear Daś


   karpara m. a cup, pot, bowl Pañcat. Kathās. &c 
   • the skull, cranium L 
   • the shell of a tortoise 
   • a kind of weapon L 
   • Ficus glomerata L 
   • N. of a thief Kathās. lxiv, 43 ff 
   • (ī), f. a kind of collyrium L 
   • (am), n. a pot, potsherd Pañcat

⋙ karparāṃśa

   karparâṃśa m. a potsherd

≫ karparaka

   karparaka m. N. of a thief Kathās. lxiv, 52 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of collyrium L

≫ karparāla

   karparāla m. v. l. for kandarāla, q.v

≫ karparāśa

   karparāśa m. sand, gravel, a sandy soil W 
   • (erroneous for karparâṃśa BRD.)


   karpāsa as, ī, am mf. n. the cotton tree, cotton, Gossypium Herbaceum Suśr 
   • [Gk. ? ; [258, 1] Lat. carbasus.]

⋙ karpāsadhenumāhātmya

   ○dhenu-māhātmya n. N. of wk

≫ karpāsakī

   karpāsakī f. the cotton tree Bhpr. [Page 258, Column 2] 

karpūra 1

   karpūra as, am m. n. (√kṛp Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 90), camphor (either the plant or resinous exudation or fruit) Suśr. Pañcat. &c 
   • m. N. of several men 
   • of a Dviipa Kathās. lvi, 61 f 
   • (ā), f. a kind of yellowish pigment Bhpr 
   • mf(ā)n. made of camphor Hcat

⋙ karpūrakeli

   ○keli m. N. of a flamingo Hit

⋙ karpūragaura

   ○gaura n. 'yellowish-white like camphor', N. of a lake Hit

⋙ karpūratilaka

   ○tilaka m. N. of an elephant Hit 
   • (ā), f. N. of Jayā (one of Durgā's female friends) L

⋙ karpūrataila

   ○taila n. camphor liniment L

⋙ karpūradvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dviipa Viddh

⋙ karpūranālikā

   ○nālikā f. a kind of food prepared with camphor (rice dressed with spices and camphor and ghee) Bhpr

⋙ karpūrapaṭa

   ○paṭa m. N. of a dyer Hit

⋙ karpūraprakaraṇa

   ○prakaraṇa n. N. of a Jaina work

⋙ karpūramañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. N. of a daughter of Karpūra-sena, Kathārṇ 
   • of a daughter of the flamingo Karpūra-keli Hit 
   • of a drama by Rājaśekhara

⋙ karpūramaṇi

   ○maṇi m. a kind of white mineral L

⋙ karpūramaya

   ○maya mfn. made of camphor, like camphor Kād

⋙ karpūrarasa

   ○rasa m. camphorated mixture

⋙ karpūravarṣa

   ○varṣa m. N. of a king Viddh

⋙ karpūravilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of a washerman Hit

⋙ karpūrasaras

   ○saras n. N. of a lake or pond Hit

⋙ karpūrasena

   ○sena m. N. of a king, Kathārṇ

⋙ karpūrastava

   ○stava m. N. of wk

⋙ karpūrastotra

   ○stotra n. id

⋙ karpūraharidrā

   ○haridrā f. Curcuma Amada

⋙ karpūrāśman

   karpūrâśman m. crystal L

≫ karpūra 2

   karpūra Nom. P. karpūrati, to be like camphor Dhūrtas. Kuval

≫ karpūraka

   karpūraka m. Curcuma Zerumbet L

≫ karpūrin

   karpūrin mfn. having camphor, g. suvāstvādi

≫ karpūrila

   karpūrila mfn. id., g. kāśâdi


   karphara m. a mirror L. (cf. karkara.)


   karb cl. 1. P. karbati, to go, move, approach Dhātup. xi, 26


   karbara 2. karvara

≫ karbu

   karbu mfn. variegated, spotted Yājñ. iii, 166

⋙ karbudāra

   ○dāra m. Bauhinia candida Suśr. Car 
   • Bauhinia variegata L 
   • Barleria caerulea L

⋙ karbudāraka

   ○dāraka m. Cordia latifolia L

≫ karbuka

   karbuka ās m. pl., N. of a people R

≫ karbura

   karbura mf(ā)n. variegated, of a spotted or variegated colour Suśr. Hit. Kum. &c 
   • m. sin L 
   • a Rakshas L 
   • Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet L 
   • a species of Dolichos L 
   • (ā), f. a venomous kind of leech Suśr. i, 40, 10 
   • Bignonia suaveolens L 
   • = barbarā L 
   • (ī), f. N. of Durgā L 
   • (am), n. gold L 
   • thorn-apple L 
   • water L

⋙ karburaphala

   ○phala m. a particular plant L

⋙ karburāṅgā

   karburâṅgā f. a species of fly or bee L

≫ karburaka

   karburaka mfn. variegated, spotted VarBṛS

≫ karbūra

   karbūra m. a Rakshas L 
   • Curcuma Amhaldi or Zerumbet L 
   • (ā), f. a kind of venomous leech L 
   • (am), n. gold L 
   • a yellow orpiment L

≫ karbūraka

   karbūraka m. a kind of Curcuma L

≫ karbūrita

   karbūrita mfn. variegated, many-coloured W


   karbela m. N. of the copyist Vishṇu-bhaṭṭa


   kárman a n. (ā m. L.), (√kṛ Uṇ. iv, 144), act, action, performance, business RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • office, special duty, occupation, obligation (frequently ifc., the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action [e.g. vaṇik-k○] or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed [e.g. rāja-k○, paśu-k○] or a specification of the action [e.g. śaurya-k○, prīti-k○]) ŚBr. Mn. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • any religious act or rite (as sacrifice, oblation &c., esp. as originating in the hope of future recompense and as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of spirit) RV. AV. VS. Ragh. &c 
   • work, labour, activity (as opposed to rest, praśānti) Hit. RPrāt. &c 
   • physicking, medical attendance Car 
   • action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nyāya philosophy 
   • of these motions there are five, viz. ut-kṣepaṇa, ava-kṣepaṇa, ā-kuñcana, prasāraṇa, and gamana, qq. vv.) Bhāshāp. Tarkas 
   • calculation Sūryas 
   • product, result, effect Mn. xii, 98 Suśr 
   • organ of sense ŚBr. xiv (or of action, karmêndriya) 
   • (in Gr.) the object (it stands either in the acc. in active construction, or in the nom. in passive construction, or in the gen. in connection with a noun of action 
   • opposed to kartṛ the subject) Pāṇ. 1-4, 49 ff. (it is of four kinds, viz. a. nirvartya, when anything new is produced, e.g. kaṭaṃ karoti, 'he makes a mat' [Page 258, Column 3] 
   • putraṃ prasūte, 'she bears a son' 
   • b. vikārya, when change is implied either of the substance and form, e.g. kāṣṭhaṃ bhasma karoti, 'he reduces fuel to ashes' 
   • or of the form only, e.g. suvarṇaṃ kuṇḍalaṃ karoti, 'he fashions gold into an ear-ring' 
   • c. prāpya, when any desired object is attained, e.g. grāmaṃ gacchati, 'he goes to the village' 
   • candraṃ paśyati, 'he sees the moon' 
   • d. anīpsita, when an undesired object is abandoned, e.g. pāpaṃ tyajati, 'he leaves the wicked') 
   • former act as leading to inevitable results, fate (as the certain consequence of acts in a previous life) Pañcat. Hit. Buddh., (cf. karma-pāka and -vipāka) 
   • the tenth lunar mansion VarBṛS. &c

≫ karma

   karma (in comp. for kárman above)

⋙ karmakara

   ○kara mf(ī)n. doing work, a workman, a hired labourer, servant of any kind (who is not a slave W.), mechanic, artisan MBh. BhP. Pañcat. &c 
   • m. N. of Yama L 
   • (ī), f. Sanseviera zeylanica L 
   • Momordica monadelpha L

⋙ karmakarībhāva

   ○karī-bhāva m. the state of being a female servant Kathās

⋙ karmakartṛ

   ○kartṛ m. (in Gr.), 'an object-agent' or 'object-containing agent', i.e. an agent which is at the same time the object of an action (this is the idea expressed by the reflexive passive, as in odanaḥ pacyate, 'the mashed grain cooks of itself') Pāṇ. 3-1, 62 (cf. Gr. 461, iii) 
   • (ārau), m. du. the work and the person accomplishing it

⋙ karmakāṇḍa

   ○kāṇḍa n. that part of the Śruti which relates to ceremonial acts and sacrificial rites Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 Kāś. Prab 
   • N. of a Jaina work

⋙ karmakāra

   ○kāra mfn. = doing work (but without receiving wages, according to native authorities) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 22 Pañcat. &c 
   • m. a blacksmith (forming a mixed caste, regarded as the progeny of the divine artist Viśva-karman and a Śūdrā woman) BrahmaP 
   • a bull L 
   • (ī), f. = -karī above L

⋙ karmakāraka

   ○kāraka mfn. one who does any act or work

⋙ karmakārāpaya

   ○"ṣkārāpaya Nom. P. ○yati, to cause any one to work as a servant SaddhP

⋙ karmakārin

   ○kārin mfn. (ifc.) doing or accomplishing any act or work or business (cf. tat-k○, śubha-k○.)

⋙ karmakārmuka

   ○kārmuka m. a strong bow W. (?)

⋙ karmakāla

   ○kāla m. the proper time for action 
   • -nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ karmakīlaka

   ○kīlaka m. a washerman L

⋙ karmakṛt

   ○kṛ́t mfn. performing any work, skilful in work AV. ii, 27, 6 VS. iii, 47 TBr. &c. (cf. tīkṣṇa-k○) 
   • one who has done any work Pāṇ. 3-2, 89 
   • (t), m. a servant, workman, labourer Rājat. Kām. &c

⋙ karmakṛtavat

   ○kṛta-vat m. the director of a religious rite, reciter of Mantras W. (?)

⋙ karmakṛtya

   ○kṛ́tya n. activity, the state of active exertion AV. iv, 24, 6

⋙ karmakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of wk

⋙ karmakriyākāṇḍa

   ○kriyā-kāṇḍa n. N. of wk. by Soma-śambhu (q.v.)

⋙ karmakṣama

   ○kṣama mfn. able to do an action Ragh. i, 13

⋙ karmakṣaya

   ○kṣaya m. annihilation or termination of all work or activity ŚvetUp

⋙ karmakṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. the place or region of (religious) acts BhP. v, 17, 11 (cf. -bhūmi below.)

⋙ karmagati

   ○gati f. the course of Fate Kathās. lix, 159

⋙ karmagupta

   ○gupta n. a kind of artificial sentence which has the object hidden, Śārṅg

⋙ karmagrantha

   ○grantha m. N. of a Jaina work

⋙ karmagranthiprathamavicāra

   ○granthi-prathama-vicāra m. id

⋙ karmaghāta

   ○ghāta m. annihilation or termination of work or activity L. (cf. -kṣaya above.)

⋙ karmacaṇḍāla

   ○caṇḍāla m. 'a Caṇḍāla by work' (as opposed to a born Caṇḍāla), a contemptible man T 
   • N. of Rāhu T

⋙ karmacandra

   ○candra m. N. of several princes

⋙ karmacārin

   ○cārin mfn. engaged in work

⋙ karmacit

   ○cít mfn. collected or accomplished by work ŚBr. x

⋙ karmaceṣṭā

   ○ceṣṭā f. active exertion, activity, action Mn. i, 66 MBh. Daś. &c

⋙ karmacodanā

   ○codanā f. the motive impelling to ritual acts W

⋙ karmaja

   ○ja mfn. 'act-born', resulting or produced from any act (good or bad) Mn. xii, 3 and 101 Daś. &c 
   • m. Ficus religiosa 
   • the Kaliyuga (q.v.) 
   • a god L

⋙ karmaguṇa

   ○guṇa m. a quality or condition resulting from human acts (as separation, reunion &c.) W

⋙ karmajit

   ○jit mfn. N. of a king BhP

⋙ karmajña

   ○jña mfn. skilled in any work 
   • acquainted with religious rites W

⋙ karmatattvapradīpikā

   ○tattva-pradīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ karmatā

   ○tā f

⋙ karmatva

   ○tva n. the state or effect of action &c. Car. Sarvad. &c 
   • activity 
   • the state of being an object Comm. on TPrāt

⋙ karmatyāga

   ○tyāga m. abandonment of worldly duties or ceremonial rites W

⋙ karmadīpa

   ○dīpa m. N. of wk

⋙ karmaduṣṭa

   ○duṣṭa mfn. corrupt in action, wicked in practice, immoral, disreputable

⋙ karmadeva

   ○deva (kárma○), m. a god through religious actions (ye'gnihotrâdiśrautakarmaṇā devalokaṃ prâpnuvanti te karmadevāḥ Comm. on ŚBr. xiv, 7, 1, 35) ŚBr. TUp. &c

⋙ karmadoṣa

   ○doṣa m. a sinful work, sin, vice Mn 
   • error, blunder W 
   • the evil consequence of human acts, discreditable conduct or business W. [Page 259, Column 1] 

⋙ karmadhāraya

   ○dhāraya m. N. of a class of Tatpurusha (q.v.) compounds (in which the members would stand in the same case [samānâdhikaraṇa] if the compound were dissolved) Pāṇ. 1-2, 42 ( Gr. 735, iii ; 755 ff.)

⋙ karmadhvaṃsa

   ○dhvaṃsa m. loss of benefit arising from religious acts W 
   • destruction of any work, disappointment W

⋙ karmanāman

   ○nāmán n. a name in accordance with or derived from actions ŚBr. xiv, 4, 2, 17 
   • a participle, APrāt. iv, 29

⋙ karmanāśā

   ○nāśā f. 'destroying the merit of works', N. of a river between Kāśī and Vihāra Bhāshāp

⋙ karmanibandha

   ○nibandha m. necessary consequence of works

⋙ karmanirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ karmanirhāra

   ○nirhāra m. removal of bad deeds or their effects

⋙ karmaniṣṭha

   ○niṣṭha (Ved. -niṣṭhā́), mfn. diligent in religious actions, engaged in active duties RV. x, 80, 1 Mn. iii, 134 
   • m. a Brāhman who performs sacrifices &c. W

⋙ karmanyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. the giving up of active duties Āp

⋙ karmapatha

   ○patha m. the way or direction or character of an action MBh. Kāraṇḍ

⋙ karmapaddhati

   ○paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ karmapāka

   ○pāka m. 'ripening of acts', matured result of previous acts or actions done in a former birth BhP. Pañcat. (cf. -vipāka below.)

⋙ karmapāradā

   ○pāra-dā f. N. of a goddess BrahmaP

⋙ karmaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m

⋙ karmaprakāśikā

   ○prakāśikā f

⋙ karmaprakāśinī

   ○prakāśinī f

⋙ karmapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m

⋙ karmapradīpikā

   ○pradīpikā f. N. of several works

⋙ karmapravacanīya

   ○pravacanīya mfn. 'employed to denote an action' 
   • m. (scil. śabda 
   • in Gr.) a term for certain prepositions or particles not connected with a verb but generally governing a noun (either separated from it or forming a compound with it 
   • a Karma-pravacanīya never loses its accent, and exercises no euphonic influence on the initial letter of a following verb 
   • also upa-sarga, gati, and nipāta) Pāṇ. 1-4, 83-98 ; ii, 3, 8, &c

⋙ karmapravāda

   ○pravāda m. N. of a Jaina work

⋙ karmaphala

   ○phala n. the fruit or recompense of actions (as pain, pleasure &c., resulting from previous acts or acts in a former life) Āp 
   • the fruit of Averrhoa Carambola L 
   • ○lôdaya m. the appearance of consequences of actions Mn. xi, 231

⋙ karmabandha

   ○bandha m. the bonds of action (i.e. transmigration or repeated existence as a result of actions) Bhag. ii, 39

⋙ karmabandhana

   ○bandhana n. id 
   • (mfn.) bound by bonds of actions (as worldly existence) Bhag

⋙ karmabāhulya

   ○bāhulya n. much or hard work

⋙ karmabīja

   ○bīja n. the seed of works

⋙ karmabuddhi

   ○buddhi f. the mental organ of action, Manas (q.v.) MBh. xi

⋙ karmabhū

   ○bhū f. tilled or cultivated ground L

⋙ karmabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. the land or region of religious actions (i.e. where such actions are performed, said of Bhārata-varsha) R. VP. &c., (cf. -kṣetra above 
   • cf. also phala-bhūmi) 
   • the place or region of activity or work Kāraṇḍ

⋙ karmabhūya

   ○bhūya n. the becoming an action, (○ṃ-√bhū, to assume the peculiar characteristic of any action Comm. on Bādar. iv, 1, 6.)

⋙ karmabhedavicāra

   ○bheda-vicāra m. N. of wk

⋙ karmamaya

   ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting of or resulting from works ŚBr. x MBh. &c

⋙ karmamārga

   ○mārga m. the course of acts, activity VP. vi, 6, 9 
   • the way of work (a term used by thieves for a breach in walls &c.) Mṛicch

⋙ karmamāsa

   ○māsa m. the calendar month of thirty days

⋙ karmamīmāṃsā

   ○mīmāṃsā f. = pūrva-mīmāṃsā, q.v

⋙ karmamūla

   ○mūla n. Kuśa grass (as essential part in many religious acts) L

⋙ karmayuga

   ○yuga n. the Kali-yuga (q.v.) L

⋙ karmayoga

   ○yoga m. performance of a work or business (esp. of religious duties) Bhag. Mn. &c 
   • active exertion, industry 
   • agriculture and commerce Kull. Mn. x, 115 
   • practical application Sarvad 
   • connection with a sacrifice KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Āp

⋙ karmayoni

   ○yoni f. source of an action Tattvas

⋙ karmaraṅga

   ○raṅga m. Averrhoa Carambola R. (cf. -phala above.)

⋙ karmaratnāvalī

   ○ratnâvalī f. N. of wk

⋙ karmargha

   ○"ṣrgha (karma + ṛgha fr. ṛghā), m. N. of a teacher

⋙ karmalocana

   ○locana n. N. of wk

⋙ karmavacana

   ○vacana n. (with Buddh.) the ritual

⋙ karmavajra

   ○vajra mfn. 'whose power (thunderbolt) is work' (said of Śūdras) MBh. i, 6487

⋙ karmavat

   ○vat mfn. busy with or employed in any work MBh

⋙ karmavaśa

   ○vaśa m. the necessary influence of acts, fate (considered as the inevitable consequence of actions done in a former life) 
   • (mfn.) being in the power of or subject to former actions MBh. xiii

⋙ karmavaśitā

   ○"ṣvaśi-tā mfn. the condition of having power over one's works (as a quality of a Bodhi-sattva) Buddh

⋙ karmavāṭī

   ○vāṭī f. 'demarcation or regulation of religious actions', a lunar day

⋙ karmavighna

   ○vighna m. an impediment to work, obstruction

⋙ karmavidhi

   ○vidhi m. rule of actions or observances, mode of conducting ceremonies Mn

⋙ karmaviparyaya

   ○viparyaya m. perversity of action, perverse action, mistake Hit

⋙ karmavipāka

   ○vipāka m. 'the ripening of actions', i.e. the good or evil consequences in this life of human acts performed in previous births (eighty-six consequences are spoken of in the Śātātapa-smṛiti) MBh. Yājñ. &c. [Page 259, Column 2] 
   • N. of several works 
   • -saṃgraha m. N. of wk 
   • -sāra m. id

⋙ karmavirodhin

   ○virodhin mfn. disturbing or preventing any one's works Sāy

⋙ karmaviśeṣa

   ○viśeṣa m. variety of acts or actions W

⋙ karmavyatihāra

   ○vyatihāra m. reciprocity of an action Pāṇ

⋙ karmaśataka

   ○śataka n. N. of a Buddhist work

⋙ karmaśalya

   ○śalya n. an impediment of action Nāṭyaś

⋙ karmaśālā

   ○śālā f. workshop, the hall or room where daily work is done, sitting-room MBh. R

⋙ karmaśālī

   ○śālī f. N. of a river in Caturgrāma

⋙ karmaśīla

   ○śīla mfn. assiduous in work L 
   • one who perseveres in his duties without looking to their reward W 
   • m. N. of a man Buddh

⋙ karmaśūra

   ○śūra m. a skilful or clever workman L 
   • (mfn.) assiduous, laborious L

⋙ karmaśauca

   ○śauca n. humility L

⋙ karmaśreṣṭha

   ○śreṣṭha m. N. of a son of Pulaha by Gati BhP. VP

⋙ karmasaṃvatsara

   ○saṃvatsara m. the calendar year of 360 days

⋙ karmasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. assemblage of acts (comprising the act, its performance, and the performer) W

⋙ karmasaciva

   ○saciva m. an officer, assistant L

⋙ karmasaṃnyāsika

   ○saṃnyāsika mfn. one who has given up works, an ascetic L

⋙ karmasamāpta

   ○samāpta mfn. one who has performed all religious actions Āp

⋙ karmasaṃbhava

   ○saṃbhava mfn. produced by or resulting from acts

⋙ karmasākṣin

   ○sākṣin m. 'the witness of all acts', the sun L

⋙ karmasādhaka

   ○sādhaka mfn. accomplishing a work

⋙ karmasādhana

   ○sādhana n. implement, means 
   • articles essential to the performance of any religious act

⋙ karmasārathi

   ○sārathi m. a companion, assistant BhP

⋙ karmasiddhi

   ○siddhi f. accomplishment of an act, success Mālav. Kum

⋙ karmasena

   ○sena m. N. of a king Kathās

⋙ karmasenīya

   ○"ṣsenīya mfn. belonging to that king ib

⋙ karmastava

   ○stava m. N. of wk

⋙ karmastha

   ○stha mfn. contained or being in the object

⋙ karmasthāna

   ○sthāna n. public office or place of business Rājat 
   • a stage or period in the life of an Ājīvika (q.v.) T

⋙ karmahasta

   ○hasta mfn. clever in business L

⋙ karmahīna

   ○hīna ās m. pl., N. of a Vaishṇava sect

⋙ karmahetu

   ○hetu mfn. caused by acts, arising from acts

⋙ karmākṣama

   karmâkṣama mfn. incapable of business

⋙ karmāṅga

   karmâṅga n. part of any act, part of a sacrificial rite

⋙ karmājīva

   karmâjīva m. livelihood earned by work, trade, profession VarBṛS

⋙ karmātman

   karmâtman mfn. one whose character is action, endowed with principles of action, active, acting Mn. i, 22 & 53 Tattvas. &c

⋙ karmāditya

   karmâditya m. N. of a king

⋙ karmādhikāra

   karmâdhikāra m. the right of action MW

⋙ karmādhyakṣa

   karmâdhyakṣa m. overseer or superintendent of actions ŚvetUp. vi, 11

⋙ karmānubandha

   karmânubandha m. connection with or dependance upon acts W

⋙ karmānubandhin

   karmânubandhin mfn. connected with or involved in works ib

⋙ karmānurūpa

   karmânurūpa mfn. according to action, according to function or duty W 
   • -tas ind. conformably to act or function ib

⋙ karmānuṣṭhāna

   karmânuṣṭhāna n. the act of practising one's duties, discharging peculiar functions W

⋙ karmānuṣṭhāyin

   karmânuṣṭhāyin mfn. practising duties, performing rites &c. W

⋙ karmānusāra

   karmânusāra m. consequence of or conformity to acts W 
   • -tas ind. according to one's deeds W

⋙ karmānta

   karmânta m. end or accomplishment of a work Mṛicch. Subh 
   • end or conclusion of a sacred action SāmavBr. Karmapr 
   • work, business, action, management, administration (of an office) MBh. Mn. Yājñ. &c 
   • tilled or cultivated ground L

⋙ karmāntara

   karmântara n. interval between religious actions, suspense of such an action MBh. R 
   • another work or action BhP. x, 9, 1 Nyāyam. &c

⋙ karmāntika

   karmântika mfn. completing an act W 
   • m. a labourer, artisan R 
   • -loka m. labourers Kād

⋙ karmābhidhāyaka

   karmâbhidhāyaka mfn. enjoining or prescribing duties or acts W

⋙ karmābhidhāyin

   karmâbhidhāyin mfn. id. ib

⋙ karmārambha

   karmârambha m. commencement of any act W

⋙ karmārha

   karmârha mfn. fit for work, able to perform a sacrificial rite Jyot 
   • m. a man L

⋙ karmāśaya

   karmâśaya m. receptacle or accumulation of (good and evil) acts Sarvad. Comm. on Bādar 
   • on Nyāyad. &c

⋙ karmāśritabhakta

   karmâśrita-bhakta ās m. pl., N. of a Vaishṇava sect

⋙ karmendriya

   karmêndriya n. an organ of action (five in number like the five organs of sense, viz. hand, foot, larynx, organ of generation, and excretion) MBh. Mn. ii, 91 Vedāntas. 91, &c

⋙ karmodāra

   karmôdāra n. any honourable or valiant act, magnanimity, prowess W

⋙ karmodyukta

   karmôdyukta mfn. actively labouring, busily engaged W

⋙ karmodyoga

   karmôdyoga m. activity in work W

⋙ karmopakaraṇa

   karmôpakaraṇa mfn. one who gives aid by work

≫ karmaka

   karmaka ifc. = karman, work, action &c. (cf. a-k○, sa-k○, &c.)

≫ karmaṭha

   karmaṭha mfn. capable of work, skilful or clever in work, clever Pāṇ. Bhaṭṭ 
   • working diligently, eagerly engaged in sacred actions or rites Rājat. &c. [Page 259, Column 3] 
   • m. the director and performer of a sacrifice W

≫ karmaṇi

   karmaṇí mfn. connected with or being in the action ŚBr. vi, 6, 4, 9

≫ karmaṇya

   karmaṇyá mfn. skilful in work, clever, diligent RV. i, 91, 20 ; iii, 4, 9 AV. vi, 23, 2 TS. &c 
   • proper or fit for any act, suitable for a religious action Gaut. &c 
   • (ifc.) relating to any business or to the accomplishment of anything Suśr 
   • (ā), f. wages, hire L 
   • (am), n. energy, activity W

⋙ karmaṇyatā

   ○tā f. cleverness 
   • activity VarYogay

⋙ karmaṇyabhuj

   ○bhuj mfn. receiving wages, working for hire L

⋙ karmaṇyābhuj

   karmaṇyā-bhuj mfn. id. L

≫ karmanda

   karmanda m. N. of a man (author of a Bhikshu-sūtra) Pāṇ. 4-3, 111

≫ karmandin

   karmandin ī m. one who studies Karmanda's work ib 
   • a beggar (= bhikṣu) L

≫ karmara

   karmara m. Averrhoa Carambola (cf. karmāra) L 
   • (ī), f. the manna of the bamboo L

≫ karmaraka

   karmaraka m. id. (cf. karma-raṅga.)

≫ karmaśa

   karmaśa m. N. of a son of Pulaha (= karma-śreṣṭha) VP

≫ karmasa

   karmasa m. v. l. for the last

≫ karmāra

   karmā́ra m. an artisan, mechanic, artificer 
   • a blacksmith &c. RV. x, 72, 2 AV. iii, 5, 6 VS. Mn. iv, 215 &c 
   • a bamboo L 
   • Averrhoa Carambola L

⋙ karmāravana

   ○vana n. N. of a place, g. kṣubhnâdi

≫ karmāraka

   karmāraka m. Averrhoa Carambola L

≫ karmika

   karmika mfn. active, acting, g. vrīhy-ādi and purohitâdi

≫ karmin

   karmin mfn. acting, active, busy 
   • performing a religious action, engaged in any work or business ĀśvŚr. MBh. BhP. &c 
   • belonging or relating to any act W 
   • (ī), m. performer of an action Sarvad 
   • labourer, workman VarBṛS 
   • Butea frondosa Nigh

≫ karmiṣṭha

   karmiṣṭha mfn. (superl. of the last) very active or diligent L

≫ karmīṇa

   karmīṇa mfn. only ifc., cf. anuṣṭúp-karmī́ṇa, alaṃ-karmīṇa


   karmaṣa = kalmaṣa, q.v


   karmīra = kirmīra, q.v


   karv cl. 1. P. karvati, to be proud, boast Dhātup. xv, 72 (cf. kharv, garv.)


   karva m. (√1. kṝ Uṇ. i, 155), love L 
   • a mouse, rat L


   karvaṭa (as m. L.), n. declivity of a mountain L 
   • a village, market-town, the capital of a district (of two or four hundred villages W 
   • cf. kāvaṭa) Yājñ. ii, 167 Hcat. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1098 VarBṛS 
   • (ī), f. N. of a river R

≫ karvaṭaka

   karvaṭaka n. (?) declivity of a mountain L

karvara 1

   kárvara mfn. (√1. kṛ), a deed, action RV. vi, 24, 5 ; x, 120, 7 AV

karvara 2

   karvara or karbara mfn. (√1. kṝ Uṇ. ii, 123), variegated, spotted L 
   • m. sin L 
   • a Rakshas L 
   • a tiger L 
   • a particular medicament L 
   • (ī), f. night L 
   • a Rākshasī L 
   • a tigress L 
   • the leaf of Asa foetida L 
   • N. of Durgā L 
   • (am), n. red lead L. (cf. karbu, karbura, &c 
   • karavii 
   • kāravii.)


   karviṇī f. a term for the Svarabhakti between l and h Comm. on TPrāt


   karśana mfn. (√kṛś), rendering lean, attenuating, causing emaciation Suśr 
   • troubling, hurting MBh. xiii, 6307 (cf. karṣaṇa) 
   • (am), n. the act of rendering lean, causing emaciation Car

≫ karśanīya

   karśanīya mfn. serving for emaciation Car

≫ karśita

   karśita mfn. emaciated, thin R. Suśr. Ragh. Kum. &c

≫ karśya

   karśya m. turmeric plant L


   karśápha m. a class of imps or goblins AV. iii, 9, 4


   karṣa m. (√kṛṣ), the act of drawing, dragging Pāṇ 
   • (with and without halasya) ploughing, agriculture Āp. Yājñ. ii, 217 
   • 'anything scratched off', kṣāma-karṣa-miśrá 
   • (as, am), m. n. a weight of gold or silver (= 16 Māshas = 80 Rettis = 1/4 Pala = 1/400 of a Tulā = about 176 grains troy 
   • in common use 8 Rettis are given to the Māsha, and the Karsha is then about 280 grains troy) Suśr. VarBṛS. &c. [Page 260, Column 1] 
   • Terminalia Bellerica (also called akṣa, q.v.) L 
   • a boat L

⋙ karṣaphala

   ○phala m. Terminalia Bellerica L 
   • (ā), f. Emblica officinalis L

⋙ karṣārdha

   karṣârdha n. = tolaka L

≫ karṣaka

   karṣaka mfn. pulling to and fro, dragging, tormenting, vexing AgP 
   • ploughing, one who ploughs or lives by tillage, a husbandman Gaut. MBh. Yājñ. &c

≫ karṣaṇa

   karṣaṇa mfn. pulling to and fro, dragging, tormenting, vexing (v. l. karśana) MBh. R. &c 
   • extending (in time), APrāt 
   • the act of drawing or dragging near Śak. (v. l.) 
   • drawing out, pulling off 
   • tugging, pulling (cf. keśa-k○), drawing to and fro, removing, hurting, injuring, tormenting Mn. vii, 112 MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • drawing back, bending (a bow) Ragh. xi, 46 (cf. dhanuṣ-k○) 
   • prolonging (a sound) SaṃhUp 
   • ploughing, cultivating the ground Mn. iv, 5 MBh. BhP 
   • cultivated land MBh. iii, 10082 
   • erroneous for karśana, q.v. Car 
   • (ī), f. N. of a plant (= kṣīriṇī) L

≫ karṣaṇi

   karṣaṇi f. an unchaste woman ('attracting men' BRD 
   • erroneous for dharṣaṇi T.) L

≫ karṣaṇīya

   karṣaṇīya mfn. to be drawn or pulled &c 
   • (am), n. (?) a kind of defensive weapon Hariv. 14459

≫ karṣi

   karṣí mfn. drawing, furrowing Kapishṭh. (cf. kā́rṣi.)

≫ karṣita

   karṣita mfn. ploughed L

≫ karṣin

   karṣin mfn. drawing along, pulling, dragging Ragh. Mṛicch. &c 
   • attractive, inviting Ragh. xix, 11 
   • ploughing, furrowing 
   • m. a ploughman, peasant, husbandman Kathās 
   • (iṇī), f. the bit of a bridle L 
   • a particular plant (= kṣīriṇī) L

≫ karṣū

   karṣū́ ūs f. (Uṇ. i, 82) a furrow, trench, incision ŚBr. KātyŚr. &c 
   • a river, canal Comm. on Uṇ 
   • (ūs), m. a fire of dried cow-dung ib 
   • agriculture L 
   • livelihood L

⋙ karṣūśaya

   ○śaya mfn. lying in a trench (karṣū-śayasya śaśasya vratam, a kind of vow ĀrshBr. 72, 3)

⋙ karṣūsveda

   ○sveda m. causing sweat by (putting hot coals in) a trench-like receptacle (underneath the bed of a sick person) Car


   karṣāpaṇa = kārṣāpaṇa, q.v


   kárhi ind. (fr. 2. ka), when ? at what time ? Pāṇ. 5-3, 21 
   • (with svid, or cid or api [BhP. v, 17, 24]) at any time RV. MBh. BhP. &c 
   • (with cid and a particle of negation) never, at no time Mn. Pañcat. &c. ; [Goth. hvar, 'where ?' Eng. where ?]

kal 1

   kal cl. 1. Ā. kalate, to sound Dhātup. xiv, 26 
   • to count ib. ; [Lat. calculo.]

kal 2

   kal cl. 10. P. (rarely Ā.) kālayati (○te), to push on, drive forward, drive before one's self or away, carry off MBh. BhP 
   • to go after (with hostile intention), persecute R. iii, 41, 26 
   • to count, tell over MBh. iii, 14853 
   • to throw L 
   • to announce the time (?)

kal 3

   kal P. (rarely Ā.) kalayati (○te), to impel, incite, urge on MBh. BhP. &c 
   • to bear, carry Gīt. Śāntiś. &c 
   • to betake one's self to Naish. ii, 104 
   • to do, make, accomplish Bhartṛ. iii, 20 Sāh 
   • to utter a sound, murmur Naish. Śiś. &c 
   • (sometimes in connection with nouns merely expressing the verbal conception, e.g. mūrchāṃ √kal, to swoon Bālar 
   • culukaṃ jalasya √kal, to take a draught of water ib.) 
   • to tie on, attach, affix Gīt 
   • to furnish with 
   • to observe, perceive, take notice of 
   • to consider, count, take for Gīt. Bālar. Ratnāv 
   • ( 1. kalaya, col. 3.)

≫ kalana

   kalana mf(ā)n. (ifc.) effecting, causing Bhartṛ 
   • m. Calamus Rotang L 
   • (ā), f. the act of impelling, inciting Sūryas. i, 10 
   • doing, making, effecting Comm. on MBh 
   • behaving, behaviour Kathās 
   • touching, contact VarBṛS 
   • tying on, putting on Śiś. iii, 5 
   • (according to Mall. also letting loose, shedding, āmocanam avamocanaṃ vā) 
   • the state of being provided with or having Bālar 
   • calculation Jyot 
   • (am), n. the act of shaking, moving to and fro Prasannar 
   • murmuring, sounding W 
   • an embryo at the first stage after conception L. (cf. kalaka) 
   • a spot, stain, fault, defect L. (cf. kalaṅka.)

≫ kalita

   kalita mfn. impelled, driven &c. (cf. √3. kal) 
   • made, formed Śiś. iii, 81 
   • furnished or provided with Vikr. Bhpr. &c 
   • divided, separated L 
   • sounded indistinctly, murmured W


   kala mf(ā)n. (etym. doubtful) indistinct, dumb BṛĀrUp. ChUp 
   • (ifc., bāṣpa, or aśru preceding) indistinct or inarticulate (on account of tears) MBh. R. &c. [Page 260, Column 2] 
   • low, soft (as a tone), emitting a soft tone, melodious (as a voice or throat) R. BhP. Vikr. &c 
   • a kind of faulty pronunciation of vowels Pat 
   • weak, crude, undigested L 
   • m. (scil. svara) a low or soft and inarticulate tone (as humming, buzzing &c.) L 
   • Ṣorea robusta L 
   • (in poetry) time equal to four Mātras or instants W 
   • (ās), m. pl. a class of manes MBh 
   • (am), n. semen virile L 
   • Zizyphus Jujuba 
   • (ā), f. kalā below

⋙ kalakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. a pleasing tone or voice L 
   • 'having a pleasant voice', the Indian cuckoo L 
   • a dove, pigeon L 
   • a species of goose L 
   • (ī), f. the female of that goose Prasannar 
   • N. of an Apsaras Bālar

⋙ kalakaṇṭhikā

   ○kaṇṭhikā f. the female of the Indian cuckoo, Śārṅg

⋙ kalakaṇṭhin

   ○kaṇṭhin m. the Indian cuckoo Bālar

⋙ kalakala

   ○kala m. any confused noise (as a tinkling or rattling sound, the murmuring of a crowd &c.) Mṛicch. Śiś. Ratnāv. &c 
   • the resinous exudation of Ṣorea robusta L 
   • a N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10378 
   • -rava m. a confused noise Bhartṛ 
   • -vat mfn. tinkling, rattling Amar 
   • ○lârava m. a confused noise Pañcat 
   • ○lêśvaratīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha, ŚivP

⋙ kalakīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. N. of a village, g. palady-ādi

⋙ kalakūjikā

   ○kūjikā f. a wanton, lascivious wife W

⋙ kalakūṭa

   ○kūṭa ās m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe Pāṇ. 4-1, 173

⋙ kalakūṇikā

   ○kūṇikā f. = -kūjikā above L

⋙ kalaghoṣa

   ○ghoṣa m. the Indian cuckoo L

⋙ kalaṃkaṣa

   ○"ṣṃ-kaṣa m. a lion L 
   • a cymbal L

⋙ kalaṃkura

   ○"ṣṃkura m. an eddy, whirlpool L

⋙ kalacuri

   ○curi m. N. of a royal family Bālar

⋙ kalacūri

   ○cūri m. id

⋙ kalaja

   ○ja m. a cock Bhpr

⋙ kalatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kalatva

   ○tva n. melody, music W

⋙ kalatūlikā

   ○tūlikā f. a wanton or lascivious woman L. (cf. -kūṇikā above.)

⋙ kaladhūta

   ○dhūta n. silver L

⋙ kaladhauta

   ○dhauta n. gold and silver MBh. Śiś. Prasannar. &c 
   • (as, am), m. n. a low or pleasing tone L 
   • (mfn.) golden R 
   • -maya mfn. golden Hcat 
   • -lipi f. (?) a streak of gold, illumination of a MS. with gold Gīt

⋙ kaladhvani

   ○dhvani m. a low and pleasing tone L 
   • (in mus.) a particular time 
   • 'having a pleasing voice', the Indian cuckoo L 
   • a pigeon L 
   • a peacock L

⋙ kalanātha

   ○nātha m. N. of an author

⋙ kalanāda

   ○nāda m. a kind of goose L. (cf. -haṃsa below.)

⋙ kalabhava

   ○bhava m. the thorn-apple tree L

⋙ kalabhāṣaṇa

   ○bhāṣaṇa n. the act of speaking in a low voice

⋙ kalabhāṣin

   ○bhāṣin mfn. speaking with a pleasing voice Mālav

⋙ kalabhairava

   ○bhairava m. or n. (?), N. of a deep ravine in the mountain between the rivers Tāpī and Narmadā

⋙ kalamūka

   ○mūka mfn. deaf and dumb (cf. kalla-mūka) L

⋙ kalarava

   ○rava m. a low sweet tone Bhartṛ 
   • 'having a sweet voice', the Indian cuckoo L 
   • a pigeon L

⋙ kalavacas

   ○vacas mfn. speaking sweetly, singing L

⋙ kalavikarṇī

   ○vikarṇī f. N. of a form of Durgā Hcat

⋙ kalavikala

   ○vikala m. N. of an Asura 
   • -vadha m. N. of a chapter of the Gaṇêśa-purāṇa

⋙ kalavyāghra

   ○vyāghra m. a mongrel breed between a tigress and panther L

⋙ kalasvana

   ○svana mfn. having a charming voice (as a bird) L

⋙ kalasvara

   ○svara n. a low musical sound W

⋙ kalahaṃsa

   ○haṃsa m. N. of several species of the Haṃsa bird or goose MBh. R. Pañcat. &c 
   • an excellent king L 
   • Brahma or the Supreme Spirit L 
   • a particular metre (consisting of four lines of thirteen syllables each) 
   • (ī), f. the female of the Kala-haṃsa above Ragh. viii, 58

⋙ kalahaṃsaka

   ○haṃsaka m. a kind of duck or goose Kād

⋙ kalānunādin

   kalânunādin m. 'giving out a low note', a sparrow L 
   • the Cātaka bird L 
   • a kind of bee L

⋙ kalālāpa

   kalâlāpa m. a sweet sound, pleasing voice Kathās 
   • 'having a low voice', a bee L

⋙ kalottāla

   kalôttāla mf(ā)n. sweet and loud (as a voice) Gīt. i, 47


   kalaka m. a sort of fish L 
   • a kind of prose L 
   • (am), n. the √of Andropogon Muricatus L


   kalaṅka m. (etym. doubtful) a stain, spot, mark, soil 
   • defamation, blame Kathās. Mṛicch. &c

⋙ kalaṅkakara

   ○kara mfn. causing stains, soiling 
   • censorious, calumniating, defaming

⋙ kalaṅkakalā

   ○kalā f. a digit of the moon in shadow Gīt

⋙ kalaṅkamaya

   ○maya mfn. full of stains, spotted 
   • calumniated, defamed

⋙ kalaṅkalekhā

   ○lekhā f. a line of spots, spotted streak Ragh. xiii, 15

⋙ kalaṅkahṛt

   ○hṛt m. N. of Śiva

⋙ kalaṅkāṅka

   kalaṅkâṅka m. the spots or marks of the moon R

≫ kalaṅkaya

   kalaṅkaya Nom. P. kálaṅkayati, to spot, soil Kād 
   • to defame, disgrace Daś

≫ kalaṅkita

   kalaṅkita mfn. spotted, soiled, stained, disgraced, defamed Bhartṛ. Kathās. &c

≫ kalaṅkin

   kalaṅkin mfn. id. Kāvyâd. Naish. &c


   kalaṃ-kura kala


   kalañja m. Calamus Rotang 
   • tobacco 
   • a particular weight (= 10 Rūpakas) Bhpr 
   • an animal (struck with a poisonous weapon) L. [Page 260, Column 3] 
   • (am), n. the flesh of such an animal Nyāyam


   kalaṭa n. the thatch of a house L. (cf. kuṭala.)


   kalata mfn. bald-headed L. (cf. khalati.)


   kalatra n. a wife, consort MBh. Bhartṛ. Hit. &c 
   • the female of an animal Vikr 
   • the hip and loins L 
   • pudendum muliebre L 
   • a royal citadel, a stronghold or fastness W 
   • (in astron.) the seventh lunar mansion VarBṛ

⋙ kalatratā

   ○tā f. the state of being a wife or consort, Ratnāv

⋙ kalatravat

   ○vat mfn. having a wife, united with one's wife BhP. Mṛicch. &c

⋙ kalatrīkṛ

   kalatrī-√kṛ to make any one one's wife Viddh

≫ kalatrin

   kalatrin mfn. having a wife Ragh. viii, 82


   kalantaka = the next


   kalandaka m. a squirrel (or a kind of bird ?) Buddh 
   • a particular vessel used by Śramaṇas Buddh 
   • (ikā), f. = kalindikā, q.v

≫ kalandana

   kalandana m. N. of a man


   kalandara m. a man of a mixed caste BrahmaP


   kalandhu m. a kind of vegetable (= gholi) L


   kalabha m. (√3. kal Uṇ. iii, 122), a young elephant (one thirty years old) Ragh. Mṛicch. Pañcat. &c 
   • a young camel Pañcat. iv 
   • Datura Fastuosa (= dhustūra) L 
   • (ī), f. a sort of vegetable L

⋙ kalabhavallabha

   ○vallabha m. N. of a tree L

≫ kalabhaka

   kalabhaka m. the young of an elephant Kād


   kalama m. (√1. kal Uṇ. iv, 84), a sort of rice (sown in May and June and ripening in December or January) Suśr. Ragh. &c 
   • a reed for writing with ; [Lat. calamus 
   • Gk. ? 
   • and Arab. ?] 
   • a [260, 3] thief L

⋙ kalamagopavadhū

   ○gopa-vadhū f. a woman employed to guard a rice-field Śiś. vi, 49

⋙ kalamagopī

   ○gopī f. id. Bālar

⋙ kalamasthāna

   ○sthāna n. an ink-stand L

⋙ kalamottama

   kalamôttama m. fragrant rice L

≫ kalamba

   kalamba m. the stalk of a pot-herb L 
   • Convolvulus repens L 
   • Nauclea Cadamba L 
   • an arrow L 
   • (ī), f. Convolvulus repens Hariv 
   • (am), n. a panicle of flowers (?) Car 
   • Calumba-√W. (cf. kaḍamba, kadamba.)

≫ kalambaka

   kalambaka m. a species of Kadamba L 
   • (ikā), f. Convolvulus repens L 
   • (ike), f. du. the nape of the neck L

≫ kalambukā

   kalambukā f. Convolvulus repens Jain

≫ kalambū

   kalambū ūs f. id. L


   kalambuṭa n. fresh butter L

kalaya 1

   kalaya Nom. P. (fr. kali) kalayati, to take hold of the die called Kali Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 21

kalaya 2

   kalaya v. l. for kala-ja, q.v


   kalayaja = kalalaja below Npr


   kalala n. (as m. L.) the embryo a short time after conception Suśr. BhP. (cf. kalana.)


   kalalaja m. the resinous exudation of the Ṣorea robusta L. (cf. kala-kala.)

⋙ kalalajodbhava

   kalalajôdbhava m. Ṣorea robusta L


   kalavíṅka m. a sparrow VS. TS. &c. Mn. &c 
   • the Indian cuckoo Kāraṇḍ 
   • a spot, stain (cf. kalaṅka) L 
   • a white Cāmara L 
   • N. of a plant (= kaliṅg4aka) L 
   • N. of a Tīrtha MBh

⋙ kalaviṅkasvara

   ○svara m. a kind of Samādhi (q.v.) Kāraṇḍ


   kaláśa m. (n. L.) a waterpot, pitcher, jar, dish RV. &c. Śak. Hit. &c. (the breasts of a woman are frequently compared to jars, cf. stana-k○ and kumbha) 
   • m. a butter-tub, churn MBh 
   • a particular measure (= droṇa) ŚārṅgS 
   • a round pinnacle on the top of a temple (esp. the pinnacle crowning a Buddhist Caitya or Stūpa) Kād 
   • N. of a man RV. x, 32, 9 
   • of a poet 
   • of a Nāga MBh. v 
   • (ī), f. a pitcher &c. Bālar 
   • a churn L 
   • Hemionitis cordifolia Suśr 
   • N. of a Tīrtha MBh 
   • [Gk. ? ; Lat. calix.]

⋙ kalaśajanman

   ○janman m. N. of [260, 3] Agastya SkandaP

⋙ kalaśadir

   ○dír mfn. one whose pitcher is broken ŚBr. iv

⋙ kalaśapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās. [Page 261, Column 1] 

⋙ kalaśapotaka

   ○potaka m. N. of a Nāga MBh

⋙ kalaśabhū

   ○bhū m. 'jar-born', N. of Agastya Bālar

⋙ kalaśayoni

   ○yoni m. id. Kād 
   • N. of Droṇa Hcar

⋙ kalaśodara

   kalaśôdara m. N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh 
   • of a Daitya Hariv 
   • (ī), f. N. of a great river Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kalaśodbhava

   kalaśôdbhava m. N. of Agastya Bālar

≫ kalaśi

   kalaśi f. a water-pot, pitcher, jar L 
   • a churn Śiś. xi, 8 
   • Hemionitis cordifolia L

≫ kalaśī

   kalaśī f. of kalaśa

⋙ kalaśīkaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi

⋙ kalaśīpadī

   ○padī f. a woman with feet like a water-jar, g. kumbhapady-ādi

⋙ kalaśīmukha

   ○mukha m. a sort of musical instrument L

⋙ kalaśīsuta

   ○suta m. N. of Agastya L


   kalasa v. l. for kalaśa above

≫ kalasi

   kalasi v. l. for kalaśi above

kalaha 1

   kalaha m. (n. L.) strife, contention, quarrel, fight MBh. Mn. &c 
   • the sheath of a sword L 
   • a road, way W 
   • deceit, falsehood W 
   • violence without murderous weapons, abuse, beating, kicking W 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman

⋙ kalahakandala

   ○kandala m. N. of an actor

⋙ kalahakāra

   ○kāra mf(ī)n. quarrelsome, turbulent, contentious, pugnacious Pāṇ. Hit 
   • N. of the wife of Vikrama-caṇḍa Kathās

⋙ kalahakārikā

   ○kārikā f. a species of bird VarBṛS

⋙ kalahakārin

   ○kārin mfn. quarrelsome, contentious

⋙ kalahanāśana

   ○nāśana m. Guilandina Bonduc L

⋙ kalahapriya

   ○priya mf(ā)n. fond of contention, quarrelsome, turbulent R 
   • N. of Nārada MBh 
   • of a king L 
   • (ā), f. Gracula religiosa L

⋙ kalahavat

   ○vat mfn. having a quarrel, quarreling with Pañcat

⋙ kalahākulā

   kalahâkulā f. Gracula religiosa L

⋙ kalahāṅkura

   kalahâṅkura m. N. of a man

⋙ kalahāntaritā

   kalahântaritā f. a heroine separated from her lover in consequence of a quarrel Sāh. Gīt. &c

⋙ kalahāpahṛta

   kalahâpahṛta mfn. taken away by force W

≫ kalaha 2

   kalaha Nom. P. kalahati, to quarrel MBh. xii, 5349

≫ kalahāya

   kalahāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to quarrel, contend Pāṇ. 3-1, 17

≫ kalahin

   kalahin mfn. contentious, quarrelsome ĀśvGṛ. ChUp. &c


   kalahu m. (f. ?) a particular high number Lalit. (cf. karahu.)


   kalā́ f. (etym. doubtful) a small part of anything, any single part or portion of a whole, esp. a sixteenth part RV. viii, 47, 17 TS. ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • a digit or one-sixteenth of the moon's diameter Hit. Kathās 
   • (personified as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Marīci BhP.) 
   • a symbolical expression for the number sixteen Hcat 
   • interest on a capital (considered as a certain part of it) Śiś. ix, 32 
   • a division of time (said to be 1/900 of a day or 1-6 minutes Mn. i, 64 Hariv 
   • or 1/1800 of a day or 0-8 minutes Comm. on VP 
   • or 2 minutes and 26 54/201 seconds Suśr 
   • or 1 minute and 35 205/301, seconds, or 8 seconds BhavP.) 
   • the sixtieth part of one-thirtieth of a zodiacal sign, a minute of a degree Sūryas 
   • (in prosody) a syllabic instant 
   • a term for the seven substrata of the elements or Dhātus of the human body (viz. flesh, blood, fat, phlegm, urine, bile, and semen 
   • but according to Hemacandra, rasa, 'chyle', asthi, 'bone', and majjan, 'marrow', take the place of phlegm, urine, and bile) Suśr 
   • an atom (there are 3015 Kalās or atoms in every one of the six Dhātus, not counting the rasa, therefore in all 18090) 
   • (with Pāśupatas) the elements of the gross or material world Sarvad 
   • an embryo shortly after conception (cf. kalana) 
   • a designation of the three constituent parts of a sacrifice (viz. mantra, dravya, and śraddhā Nīlak. on MBh. ed. Bomb. xiv, 89, 3) 
   • the menstrual discharge L 
   • any practical art, any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four are enumerated in the Śaivatantra ṭ. 
   • the following is a list of them: gītam, vādyam, nṛtyam, nātyam, ālekhyam, viśeṣaka-cchedyam, taṇḍula-kusuma-balivikārāḥ, puṣpâstaranam, daśana-vasanâṅgarāgāḥ, maṇi-bhūmikā-karma, śayana-racanam, udaka-vādyam, udaka-ghātaḥ, citrā yogāḥ, mālya-granthana-vikalpāḥ, keśa-śekharâpīḍayojanam, nepathya-yogāḥ, karṇa-pattra-bhaṅgāḥ, gandha-yuktiḥ, bhūṣaṇa-yojanam, indrajālam, kaucumāra-yogāḥ, hasta-lāghavam, citraśākâpūpa-bhakṣya-vikāra-kriyā, pānaka-rasarāgâsava-yojanam, sūcīvāpa-karma, viiṇā-ḍama-ruka-sūtra-krīḍā, prahelikā, pratimā, durvacakayogāḥ, pustaka-vācanam, nāṭakâkhyāyikā-darśanam, kāvya-samasyā-pūraṇam, paṭṭikā-vetrabāṇa-vikalpāḥ, tarkū-karmāṇi, takṣaṇam, vāstu-vidyā, rūpya-ratna-parīkṣā, dhātu-vādaḥ, maṇi-rāga-jñānam, ākara-jñānam, vṛkṣâyur-veda-yogāḥ, meṣa-kukkuṭa-lāvaka-yuddha-vidhiḥ, śuka-sārikā-pralāpanam, utsādanam, keśa-mārjana-kauśalam, akṣara-muṣṭikā-kathanam, mlechitaka-vikalpāḥ, deśa-bhāṣā-jñānam, puṣpa-śakaṭikā-nimitta-jñānam, yantra-mātṛkā, dhāraṇa-mātṛkā, saṃpāṭyam, mānasī kāvya-kriyā, kriyā-vikalpāḥ, chalitakayogāḥ, abhidhāna-koṣa-cchando-jñānam, vastra-gopanāni, dyūta-viśeṣaḥ, ākarṣaṇa-krīḍā, bālaka-krīḍanakāni, vaināyikīnāṃ vidyāṇāṃ jñānam, vaijayikīnāṃ vidyānāṃ jñānam [Page 261, Column 2] 
   • also Vātsy. i, 3, 17) R. Pañcat. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • skill, ingenuity 
   • ignorance 
   • a low and sweet tone Bālar 
   • a boat L 
   • a N. given to Dākshāyaṇī in the region near the river Candrabhāgā MatsyaP 
   • N. of a grammatical commentary

⋙ kalāṃśa

   ○ṃśa (kalâṃśa), m. the part of a part BrahmaP

⋙ kalākanda

   ○kanda n. (?) a particular metre

⋙ kalākuśala

   ○kuśala mfn. skilled in the arts (enumerated above)

⋙ kalākeli

   ○keli m. amorous play Bālar 
   • 'frolicsome', N. of Kāma L

⋙ kalāṅkura

   ○"ṣṅkura (kalâṅk○), m. N. of Mūladeva or Kaṃsa (the author of a book on the art of stealing T.) 
   • the bird Ardea Sibirica L

⋙ kalājājī

   ○jājī f. N. of a tree T

⋙ kalājña

   ○jña mf(ā)n. skilled in arts Subh 
   • m. an artist

⋙ kalātman

   ○"ṣtman (kalât○), f. a particular ceremony of ordination

⋙ kalāda

   ○"ṣda (kalâda ?), m. a goldsmith Jain

⋙ kalādīkṣā

   ○dīkṣā f. N. of wk

⋙ kalādhara

   ○dhara mfn. bearing or skilled in an art 
   • m. 'having digits', the moon 
   • 'bearing a digit of the moon', N. of Śiva

⋙ kalānātha

   ○nātha m. 'lord of the digits', the moon Subh 
   • N. of an author of Mantras

⋙ kalānidhi

   ○nidhi m. 'a treasure of digits', the moon Dhūrtas

⋙ kalāntara

   ○"ṣntara (kalântara), n. interest Rājat

⋙ kalānyāsa

   ○nyāsa m. tattooing a person's body with particular mystical marks Tantras

⋙ kalāpa

   ○"ṣpa (kalâpa, fr. √āp), m. 'that which holds single parts together', a bundle, band (cf. jaṭā-k○, muktā-k○, raśanā-k○) MBh. Kum. &c 
   • a bundle of arrows, a quiver with arrows, quiver MBh. R. &c 
   • (once n. MBh. iii, 11454) 
   • a peacock's tail MBh. Pañcat. &c 
   • an ornament in general Mālav 
   • a zone, a string of bells (worn by women round the waist) L 
   • the rope round an elephant's neck L 
   • totality, whole body or collection of a number of separate things (esp. ifc 
   • cf. kriyā-k○, &c.) 
   • the moon L 
   • a clever and intelligent man L 
   • N. of a grammar also called Kātantra (supposed to be revealed by Kārttikeya to Śarvavarman) 
   • N. of a village (cf. kalāpa-grāma) VP 
   • a poem written in one metre W 
   • (ī), f. a bundle of grass KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr 
   • -khañja m. a particular disease (said to be St. Vitus's dance 
   • v. l. kalāyakhañja) Bhpr 
   • -grāma m. N. of a village Hariv. BhP. VP 
   • -cchanda m. an ornament of pearls consisting of twenty-four strings L 
   • -tattvârṇava m. N. of a commentary on the grammar called Kalāpa 
   • -dviipa m. v. l. for kalāpa-grāma above 
   • -varman m. N. of a man Kād 
   • -śas ind. in bundles, bundle by bundle MBh. xiii 
   • -śiras m. N. of a man (v. l. kapāla-śiras) R

⋙ kalāpaka

   ○"ṣpaka (kalāpaka), m. a band, bundle Śiś 
   • a kind of ornament MBh 
   • a string of pearls L 
   • the rope round an elephant's neck L 
   • a sectarian mark on the forehead L 
   • (am), n. a series of four stanzas in grammatical connection (i.e. in which the government of noun and verb is carried throughout, contrary to the practice of closing the sense with each stanza, e.g. Kir. xvi, 21-24) Sāh. 558 
   • = candraka L 
   • a debt to be paid when the peacocks spread their tails (kalāpini [see kalāpin below] kāle deyam ṛṇam Kāś.) Pāṇ. 4-3, 48

⋙ kalāpin

   ○"ṣpin (kalāpin), mfn. furnished with a bundle of arrows, bearing a quiver with arrows KātyŚr. MBh 
   • spreading its tail (as a peacock) MBh. iii, 11585 
   • (with kāla, the time) when peacocks spread their tails Pāṇ. 4-3, 48 
   • (ī), m. a peacock Ragh. Pañcat. &c 
   • the Indian cuckoo L 
   • Ficus infectoria L 
   • N. of an ancient teacher Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 
   • (inī), f. a peahen Śatr 
   • night L 
   • the moon L 
   • a species of Cyperus L

⋙ kalāpūra

   ○pūra am, ā n. f. a kind of musical instrument L

⋙ kalāpūrṇa

   ○pūrṇa mfn. filled up or counterbalanced by the sixteenth part of (gen.), (na kalā-pūrṇo mama, he is not equal to the sixteenth part of myself, i.e. he is far under me) MBh. iv, 1299 
   • m. 'full of digits', the moon L

⋙ kalābāhya

   ○bāhya n. a kind of fault in singing L

⋙ kalābhara

   ○bhara m. 'possessing the arts', an artist, mechanic Gaut

⋙ kalābhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. id 
   • 'digit-bearer', the moon L

⋙ kalāyana

   ○"ṣyana (kalâyana), m. a tumbler, dancer (esp. one who dances or walks on the edge of a sword &c.) L. [Page 261, Column 3] 

⋙ kalārūpa

   ○rūpa n. a particular ceremony 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the five Mūla-prakṛitis

⋙ kalārṇava

   ○"ṣrṇava (kalârṇava), m. N. of a dancing-master Comm. on Pratāpar

⋙ kalāvat

   ○vat m. 'having digits', the moon Kum 
   • (ī), f. a mystical ceremony (the initiation of the Tantrika student in which the goddess Durgā is supposed to be transferred from the water-jar to the body of the novice) Tantras 
   • (in mus.) a particular Mūrchanā 
   • the lute of the Gandharva Tumburu L 
   • N. of an Apsaras 
   • of a daughter of the Apsaras Alambushā Kathās. cxxi, 111 ff 
   • of several other women

⋙ kalāvāda

   ○vāda n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kalāvikala

   ○vikala m. a sparrow L. (cf. kalavíṅka.)

⋙ kalāvid

   ○vid mfn. knowing or conversant with arts 
   • (t), m. an artisan VarBṛS 
   • a Vidyā-dhara L

⋙ kalāvidvas

   ○vidvas m. id. ib

⋙ kalāvidhi

   ○vidhi m. the practice of the sixty-four arts 
   • -tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kalāvilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of wk. on rhetoric

⋙ kalāśas

   ○śas ind. in single parts, part by part

⋙ kalāśāstra

   ○śāstra n. N. of wk. by Viśākhila

⋙ kalāślāghya

   ○ślāghya m. N. of Śiva Sarvad. 95, 19

⋙ kalāsāra

   ○sāra n. N. of a Tantra

≫ kalikā

   kalikā f. the sixteenth part of the moon Bhartṛ 
   • a division of time (= kalā, q.v.) 
   • an unblown flower, bud Śak. Ragh. &c 
   • the bottom or peg of the Indian lute (made of cane) L 
   • N. of several metres 
   • a kind of artificial verse (cf. kānta-k○) 
   • N. of wk. on medicine

⋙ kalikāpūrva

   kalikâpūrva n. an unforeseen event (as birth &c.) partly resulting from an act and leading to totally unforeseen consequences (as heaven &c 
   • paramâpūrvajanako'ṅgajanyâpūrvabhedaḥ T.) Nyāyak


   kalākula n. a kind of poison L. (cf. halāhala.)


   kalāṅgala (ifc. f. ā) a kind of weapon Bṛḍ. MBh. iii, 642 
   • [according to T. saśataghnīkalāṅgalā is thus to be resolved: śataghnyā sahitaṃ saśataghnīkaṃ tādṛśaṃ lāṅgalaṃ yatra 
   • in that case kalāṅgala is no word.]


   kalācika m. (?) a ladle, spoon L 
   • (ā), f. the fore-arm L

≫ kalācī

   kalācī f. the fore-arm L


   kalāṭīna m. the white waterwagtail L


   kalāṇḍī f. N. of a plant L


   kalādhika m. (fr. kala and adhika ?), a cock L. (cf. kalāvika.)


   kalānaka m. N. of one of the attendants of Śiva L


   kalâpa &c. kalā


   kalāmaka m. a kind of rice (ripening in the cold season) L. (cf. kalama.)


   kalāmbi f. lending, usury L

≫ kalāmbikā

   kalāmbikā f. id. ib


   kalāya m. a sort of pea or pulse MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • a kind of plant with darkcoloured flowers Śiś. xiii, 21 
   • (ā), f. a species of Dūrvā-grass L

⋙ kalāyakhañja

   ○khañja m. = kalāpa-khañja, q.v., ŚārṅgS

⋙ kalāyasūpa

   ○sūpa m. pea-soup L


   kalāvika m. = kalādhika, q.v


   kalā-vikala kalā


   kalāśuri m. N. of a royal family L. (cf. kalacuri.)


   kalāhaka m. a kind of musical instrument L. (cf. kāhala.)


   káli m. (√1. kal Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 117), N. of the die or side of a die marked with one dot, the losing die AV. vii, 109, 1 ŚBr. &c. (personified as an evil genius in the episode of Nala) 
   • symbolical expression for the number 1 
   • Terminalia Bellerica (the nuts of which in older times were used as dice) L 
   • N. of the last and worst of the four Yugas or ages, the present age, age of vice AitBr. Mn. i, 86 ; ix, 301 f. MBh. &c. (the Kali age contains, inclusive of the two dawns, 1200 years of the gods or 432, 000 years of men, and begins the eighteenth of February, 3102 B. C 
   • at the end of this Yuga the world is to be destroyed 
   • yuga) 
   • strife, discord, quarrel, contention (personified as the son of krodha, 'Anger', and hiṃsā, 'Injury', and as generating with his sister durukti, 'Calumny.' two children, viz. bhaya, 'Fear', and mṛtyu, 'Death' BhP. iv, 8, 3 ; 4) MBh. Hit. &c. [Page 262, Column 1] 
   • the worst of a class or number of objects MBh. xii, 361 ; 363 
   • a hero (or an arrow, śūra, or śara) L 
   • N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1192 
   • N. of an Upanishad (= kalisaṃtaraṇa) 
   • (ís), m. N. of a class of mythic beings (related to the Gandharvas, and supposed by some to be fond of gambling 
   • in epic poetry Kali is held to be the fifteenth of the Deva-gandharvas or children of the Munis) AV. x, 10, 13 MBh. Hariv 
   • N. of a man RV 
   • (is, ī), f. an unblown flower, bud L

⋙ kalikāra

   ○kāra m. (in all its meanings L.) the forktailed shrike 
   • Loxia philippensis 
   • a kind of chicken 
   • Pongamia glabra 
   • Guilandina Bonduc 
   • N. of Nārada 
   • (ī), f. Methonica superba L

⋙ kalikāraka

   ○kāraka m. N. of Nārada L 
   • Caesalpina Bonducella L 
   • (ikā), f. N. of a plant

⋙ kalikāla

   ○kāla m. the Kali age Kathās

⋙ kalikuñcikā

   ○kuñcikā f. a younger sister of a husband L

⋙ kalikṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. contentious, quarreling

⋙ kalicchandas

   ○cchandas n. a kind of metre

⋙ kalidru

   ○dru m. 'tree of strife', Terminalia Bellerica (supposed to be the haunt of imps) Bhpr

⋙ kalidruma

   ○druma m. id. Comm. on Uṇ. i, 108

⋙ kalidharmanirṇaya

   ○dharma-nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ kalidharmasārasaṃgraha

   ○dharma-sāra-saṃgraha m. N. of a work

⋙ kalinātha

   ○nātha m. N. of a writer on music

⋙ kaliprada

   ○prada m. a liquorshop Nigh

⋙ kalipriya

   ○priya mfn. fond of quarreling, quarrelsome, mischievous 
   • m. N. of Nārada, an ape L

⋙ kalimāraka

   ○māraka m. Caesalpina Bonducella L

⋙ kalimālaka


⋙ kalimālya

   ○mālya m. id. ib

⋙ kaliyuga

   ○yuga n. the Kali age ( above) Mn. i, 85 MBh. &c

⋙ kalivināśinī

   ○vināśinī f. N. of a goddess BrahmaP

⋙ kalivṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. Terminalia Bellerica L

⋙ kaliśāsana

   ○śāsana m. a Jina L

⋙ kalisaṃtaraṇa

   ○saṃtaraṇa n. N. of an Upanishad

⋙ kalisaṃśraya

   ○saṃśraya m. the act of betaking one's self to Kali

⋙ kalistoma

   ○stoma m. a particular Stoma

⋙ kalihārī

   ○hārī f. Methonica Superba Bhpr


   kalika m. a curlew W


   kalikā p. 261, col. 3


   kalikātā f. the town Calcutta


   kaliṅga ās m. pl., N. of a people and their country (the N. is applied in the Purāṇas to several places, but especially signifies a district on the Coromandel coast, extending from below Cuttack Kaṭaka to the vicinity of Madras) MBh. Hariv. VP. &c 
   • m. an inhabitant of Kaliṅga Sāh 
   • N. of a king of Kaliṅga (from whom the Kaliṅga people are said to have originated 
   • he is sometimes mentioned as a son of Dīrghatamas and Sudeshṇā, sometimes identified with Bali) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • N. of a being attending on Skanda MBh. (ed. Bomb.) ix, 45, 64 (v. l. kalinda ed. Calc.) 
   • N. of several authors 
   • the fork-tailed shrike L 
   • Caesalpina Bonducella L 
   • Wrightia antidysenteria L 
   • Acacia Sirissa L 
   • Ficus infectoria L 
   • (ā), f. a beautiful woman L 
   • Opomea Turpethum 
   • (am), n. the seed of Wrightia antidysenteria Suśr 
   • (mfn.) clever, cunning L

⋙ kaliṅgabīja

   ○bīja n. the seed of Wrightia antidysenteria L

⋙ kaliṅgayava

   ○yava m. id. Npr

⋙ kaliṅgasenā

   ○senā f. N. of a princess Kathās

≫ kaliṅgaka

   kaliṅgaka m. the country of the Kaliṅgas 
   • the seed of Wrightia antidysenteria Car 
   • (ā), f. a particular plant L


   kaliñja m. a mat L 
   • (am), n. wood L. (cf. kiliñja.)


   kaliñjara m. N. of a king (?) Rājat. vii, 1268


   kalita √3. kal


   kalinī f. pea-plant, pulse L


   kalinda m. Terminalia Bellerica L 
   • the sun L 
   • N. of a mountain on which the river Yamunā rises 
   • N. of a being attending on Skanda MBh. (ed. Calc.) ix, 2566 (v. l. kaliṅga ed. Bomb.) 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. (ed. Calc.) xiii, 2104 (v. l. kaliṅga ed. Bomb.) 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river R 
   • (ī), f. N. of the river Yamunā (= kālindī, q.v.) R

⋙ kalindakanyā

   ○kanyā f. 'Kalinda's daughter', N. of the river Yamunā Ragh

⋙ kalindatanayā


⋙ kalindanandinī


⋙ kalindaśailajātā


⋙ kalindasutā

   ○sutā f. id. Bālar. Kād. &c

⋙ kalindātmajā

   kalindâtmajā f. id


   kalindikā f. science L 
   • (v. l. kalandikā.)


   kalila mfn. (√1. kal Uṇ. i, 55), mixed with Śiś. xix, 98 
   • full of, covered with MBh. BhP. &c. [Page 262, Column 2] 
   • impenetrable, impervious 
   • (am), n. a large heap, thicket, confusion ŚvetUp. Bhag. &c


   kalukka m. a cymbal L 
   • (ā), f. a tavern L 
   • a meteor L


   kaluṣa mf(ā)n. (√3. kal Uṇ. iv, 75), turbid, foul, muddy, impure, dirty (lit. and fig.) Mn. Suśr. Kathās. &c 
   • hoarse (as the voice) Śak 
   • (ifc.) unable, not equal to Ragh. v, 64 
   • m. a buffalo L 
   • a sort of snake Suśr 
   • (ā), f. the female of a buffalo L 
   • (am), n. foulness, turbidness, dirt, impurity (lit. and fig.) MBh. R. &c 
   • sin, wrath L

⋙ kaluṣacetas

   ○cetas mfn. of impure mind 
   • bad, wicked R

⋙ kaluṣatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kaluṣatva

   ○tva n. foulness, turbidness &c

⋙ kaluṣamati

   ○mati mfn. = -cetas above

⋙ kaluṣamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. Odina Wodier Nigh

⋙ kaluṣayoni

   ○yoni f. impure origin 
   • -ja mfn. of impure origin Mn. x, 57 ; 58

⋙ kaluṣātman

   kaluṣâtman mfn. of impure mind, bad, wicked Kathās

⋙ kaluṣīkṛ

   kaluṣī-√kṛ to make turbid or unclean, dirty, defile MBh. R. Prabh. &c

⋙ kaluṣībhū

   kaluṣī-√bhū to become troubled or agitated MW

≫ kaluṣaya

   kaluṣaya Nom. P. kaluṣayati, to make unclean or dirty, dirty Viddh

≫ kaluṣāya

   kaluṣāya Nom. Ā. kaluṣāyate, to become turbid or unclean Mṛicch

≫ kaluṣita

   kaluṣita mfn. foul, impure W 
   • defiled, contaminated W 
   • wicked W

≫ kaluṣin

   kaluṣin mfn. id. ib


   kalūtara v. l. for kulūna, q.v


   kalevara as, am m. n. the body MBh. R. &c. ; [Lat. cadāver] 
   • m. Olibanum L


   kalka m. (n. L.), (√3. kal Uṇ. iii, 40), a viscous sediment deposited by oily substances when ground, a kind of tenacious paste Suśr. Yājñ. &c 
   • dirt, filth 
   • the wax of the ear 
   • ordure, faeces L 
   • impurity, meanness, falsehood, hypocrisy, deceit, sin MBh. BhP. &c 
   • Terminalia Bellerica L 
   • Olibanum L 
   • (mfn.) sinful, wicked L. (cf. kaluṣa, kalmaṣa, kílbiṣa.)

⋙ kalkaphala

   ○phala m. the pomegranate plant L

⋙ kalkālaya

   kalkâlaya m. N. of a man

⋙ kalkīkṛ

   kalkī-√kṛ to knead, render doughy (by kneading) Suśr

⋙ kalkībhū

   kalkī-√bhū to become doughy Rājat. vii, 1544 (śalkī ed.)

≫ kalkana

   kalkana n. meanness, wickedness BhP

≫ kalki

   kalki m. N. of the tenth incarnation of Vishṇu when he is to appear mounted on a white horse and wielding a drawn sword as destroyer of the wicked (this is to take place at the end of the four Yugas or ages) MBh. &c

⋙ kalkidvādaśīvrata

   ○dvādaśī-vrata n. N. of a particular observance

⋙ kalkipurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of a Purāṇa

≫ kalkin

   kalkin mfn. foul, turbid, having sediment, dirty W 
   • wicked W 
   • (ī), m. = kalki above


   kalkala ās m. pl., N. of a people VP


   kalkuṣī́ f. or n. du. wrist and elbow ŚBr. x, 2, 6, 14

kalpa 1

   kálpa mf(ā)n. (√kḷp), practicable, feasible, possible ŚBr. ii, 4, 3, 3 
   • proper, fit, able, competent, equal to (with gen., loc., inf., or ifc 
   • e.g. dharmasya kalpaḥ, competent for duty 
   • svakarmaṇi na kalpaḥ, not competent for his own work 
   • yadā na śāsituṃ kalpaḥ, if he is not able to rule) BhP 
   • m. a sacred precept, law, rule, ordinance (= vidhi, nyāya), manner of acting, proceeding, practice (esp. that prescribed by the Vedas) RV. ix, 9, 7 AV. viii, 9, 10 ; xx, 128, 6-11 MBh 
   • (prathamaḥ kalpaḥ, a rule to be observed before any other rule, first duty Mn. iii, 147 MBh. &c 
   • etena kalpena, in this way 
   • cf. paśu-k○, &c.) 
   • the most complete of the six Vedāṅgas (that which prescribes the ritual and gives rules for ceremonial or sacrificial acts) MuṇḍUp. Pāṇ. &c 
   • one of two cases, one side of an argument, an alternative (= pakṣa 
   • cf. vikalpa) Sarvad 
   • investigation, research Comm. on Sāṃkhyak 
   • resolve, determination MW 
   • (in medic.) treatment of the sick, manner of curing Suśr. ii 
   • the art of preparing medicine, pharmacy Car 
   • the doctrine of poisons and antidotes Suśr. i 
   • (ifc.) having the manner or form of anything, similar to, resembling, like but with a degree of inferiority, almost (e.g. abhedya-kalpa, almost impenetrable 
   • cf. prabhāta-k○, mṛta-k○, &c 
   • according to native grammarians, kalpa so used is an accentless affix [Pāṇ. 5-3, 67], before which a final s is left unchanged, and final ī and ū shortened Pāṇ. Vop 
   • kalpam ind., may be also connected with a verb, e.g. pacati-kalpam, he cooks pretty well Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-1, 57) [Page 262, Column 3] 
   • a fabulous period of time (a day of Brahmā or one thousand Yugas, a period of four thousand, three hundred and twenty millions of years of mortals, measuring the duration of the world 
   • a month of Brahmā is supposed to contain thirty such Kalpas 
   • according to the MBh., twelve months of Brahmā constitute his year, and one hundred such years his lifetime 
   • fifty years of Brahmā's are supposed to have elapsed, and we are now in the śvetavārāha-kalpa of the fifty-first 
   • at the end of a Kalpa the world is annihilated 
   • hence kalpa is said to be equal to kalpânta below L 
   • with Buddhists the Kalpas are not of equal duration) VP. BhP. Rājat. &c 
   • N. of Mantras which contain a form of √kḷp TS. v ŚBr. ix 
   • a kind of dance 
   • N. of the first astrological mansion VarBṛS 
   • N. of a son of Dhruva and Bhrami BhP. iv, 10, 1 
   • of Śiva MBh. xii, 10368 
   • the tree of paradise 
   • = -taru below L 
   • (with Jainas) a particular abode of deities (cf. -bhava and kalpâtīta below) 
   • (am), n. a kind of intoxicating liquor (incorrect for kalya) L

⋙ kalpakāra

   ○kāra m. an author of rules on ritual or ceremonies

⋙ kalpakeḍāra

   ○keḍāra m. N. of a medical work by Kālīśiva

⋙ kalpakṣaya

   ○kṣaya m. the end of a Kalpa, destruction of the world Kathās

⋙ kalpagā

   ○gā f. N. of a river, ŚivP

⋙ kalpacintāmaṇi

   ○cintā-maṇi m. N. of wk

⋙ kalpatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of wk

⋙ kalpataru

   ○taru m. one of the five trees (cf. pañca-vṛkṣa) of Svarga or Indra's paradise fabled to fulfil all desires (cf. saṃkalpa-viṣaya), the wishing tree, tree of plenty Hit. Pañcat. Ragh. i, 75, xvii, 26 
   • any productive or bountiful source BhP. i, 1, 3 
   • (fig.) a generous person MW 
   • N. of various works 
   • -parimala m. N. of wk 
   • -rasa m. a particular kind of mixture Bhpr

⋙ kalpatā

   ○tā f. fitness, ability, competency BhP. xi

⋙ kalpadūṣya

   ○dūṣya n. cloth produced by the Kalpa-taru Buddh

⋙ kalpadru

   ○dru m. = -taru above 
   • N. of various works 
   • -kalikā f. N. of wk. by Lakshmī Vallabha expounding the Kalpa-sūtra of the Jainas

⋙ kalpadruma

   ○druma m. = -taru above Rājat. Daś. Kum. ii, 39 Pañcat. iii, 10 
   • N. of various works [cf. kavi-k○ and śabdak○] 
   • -tantra n. N. of wk 
   • -kalikā f. = -drukalikā above 
   • -tā f. state of possessing the qualities of a Kalpa-druma Ragh. xiv, 48 
   • kalpadrumâvadāna n. N. of a Buddhist work

⋙ kalpadrumībhū

   ○drumī-√bhū to become a Kalpa-druma Kathās

⋙ kalpadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. a particular Samādhi Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kalpadhenu

   ○dhenu f. N. of the cow of plenty

⋙ kalpanṛtya

   ○nṛtya n. a particular kind of dance

⋙ kalpapādapa

   ○pādapa m. = -taru above Naish

⋙ kalpapāla

   ○pāla m. 'order-preserver', a king Rājat. [-pālyā, Calc. ed. for -pālī] 
   • mf(ī). a distiller or seller of spirituous liquors Rājat 
   • ( kalya-pāla.)

⋙ kalpapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m. N. of wk

⋙ kalpapradīpikā

   ○pradīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ kalpabhava

   ○bhava ās m. pl., N. of a class of deities among the Jainas

⋙ kalpamahīruh

   ○mahīruh (ṭ),

⋙ kalpamahīruha

   ○mahīruha m. = -taru Rājat. i, 1 Kathās

⋙ kalpamātra

   ○mātra m. N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10368

⋙ kalpayukti

   ○yukti f. N. of wk

⋙ kalpalatā

   ○latā f. a fabulous creeper granting all desires Śak. Bhartṛ. ii, 38 
   • N. of various works [cf. kavik○] 
   • -tantra n. N. of a Tantra 
   • -prakāśa m. N. of a comm. on the Vishṇu-bhakti-latā

⋙ kalpalatāvatāra

   ○latâvatāra m. N. of a comm. of Kṛishṇa on the Vījagaṇita

⋙ kalpalatikā

   ○latikā f. = -latā Bhartṛ. i, 89 
   • a kind of magical pill

⋙ kalpavaṭa

   ○vaṭa n. N. of a Tīrtha KapSaṃh

⋙ kalpavarṣa

   ○varṣa m. N. of a prince (son of Vasu-deva and Upa-devā)

⋙ kalpavallī

   ○vallī f. = -latā Kathās. i, 66 
   • lī, 21

⋙ kalpavāyu

   ○vāyu m. the wind that blows at the end of a Kalpa W

⋙ kalpaviṭapin

   ○viṭapin m. = -taru Kathās. xxii, 29 
   • lxxxvi, 77

⋙ kalpavidhi

   ○vidhi m. a rule resembling a ceremonial injunction MW

⋙ kalpavivaraṇa

   ○vivaraṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ kalpavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru MBh. Śak. Kum. vi, 6 Megh. Mṛicch 
   • -latā f. N. of wk. by Lollaṭa

⋙ kalpaśata

   ○śata Nom. Ā. ○tāyate, to appear as long as a hundred Kalpas

⋙ kalpaśākhin

   ○śākhin m. = -taru

⋙ kalpasiddhānta

   ○siddhānta m. N. of a Jaina work

⋙ kalpasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of various ceremonial guides or manuals containing short aphoristic rules for the performance of Vedic sacrifices 
   • N. of a medicinal work 
   • N. of a Jaina work giving the life of Mahāviira 
   • -vyākhyā f. N. of a commentary on the Jaina Kalpa-sūtra

⋙ kalpasthāna

   ○sthāna n. the art of preparing drugs Car. vii 
   • the science of poisons and antidotes Suśr

⋙ kalpāgni

   kalpâgni m. the destroying fire at the end of a Kalpa Veṇis. 153

⋙ kalpāṅka

   kalpâṅka m. a kind of plant L

⋙ kalpātīta

   kalpâtīta ās m. pl., N. of a class of deities among the Jainas

⋙ kalpādi

   kalpâdi m. the beginning of a Kalpa W

⋙ kalpādhikārin

   kalpâdhikārin m. the regent of a Kalpa W

⋙ kalpānupada

   kalpânupada n. N. of wk. belonging to the Sāma-veda

⋙ kalpānta

   kalpânta m. the end of a Kalpa, dissolution of all things L. (cf. pralaya) 
   • -vāsin mfn. living at the end of a Kalpa R. iii, 10, 4 [Page 263, Column 1] 
   • -sthāyin mfn. lasting to the end of time Hit. i, 50 BhP

⋙ kalpāntara

   kalpântara n. another Kalpa

⋙ kalpetara

   kalpêtara mf(ā)n. having or requiring a different kind of treatment Suśr. ii, 216, 8

⋙ kalpotthāyin

   kalpôtthāyin mfn. MBh. v, 135, 35, misprint for kalyôtthāyin

⋙ kalpopaniṣad

   kalpôpaniṣad f. 'science of medicine', pharmacology Car. i, 4

≫ kalpa 2

   kalpa Nom. Ā. ○pāyate, to become a Kalpa, to appear as long as a Kalpa Hcar

≫ kalpaka

   kálpaka mfn. conforming to a settled rule or standard BhP. i, 8, 6 ; ix, 11, 1 
   • adopting Hariv 
   • m. a rite, ceremony MBh. [TBr. ii, 7, 18, 4 of doubtful meaning Comm. kaplaka] 
   • a barber (cf. kalpanī ; Lith. kerpikas) L 
   • a kind of Curcuma (commonly karcūra) L

⋙ kalpakataru

   ○taru m. = kalpataru above

≫ kalpana

   kalpana n. forming, fashioning, making, performing L 
   • 'forming in the imagination, inventing', composition of a poem Prab 
   • cutting, clipping, working with edge-tools VarBṛS 
   • N. of a religious ceremony 
   • anything put on for ornament MBh. xiii, 2784 
   • (ā), f. making, manufacturing, preparing Suśr. BhP 
   • practice Car 
   • fixing, settling, arranging Mn. ix, 116 Yājñ 
   • creating in the mind, feigning, assuming anything to be real, fiction KapS. &c 
   • hypothesis Nyāyam 
   • caparisoning an elephant Daś 
   • form, shape, image 
   • a deed, work, act Mṛicch 
   • (ī), f. a pair of scissors or shears L

⋙ kalpanavidhi

   ○vidhi m. a particular method of preparing (food) Bhpr

⋙ kalpanāśakti

   kalpanā-śakti f. the power of forming ideas MW

≫ kalpanīya

   kalpanīya mfn. to be accomplished, practicable, possible Sch. on ŚBr. ii, 4, 3, 3 
   • to be assumed, to be supposed Sarvad. Comm. on Nyāyam. and Bādar 
   • to be arranged or settled VarBṛS

≫ kalpayitavya

   kalpayitavya mfn. to be assumed, to be supposed, to be conceived Comm. on Bādar. ii, 2, 13

≫ kalpika

   kalpika mfn. fit, proper Buddh

≫ kalpita

   kalpita mfn. made, fabricated, artificial 
   • composed, invented 
   • performed, prepared 
   • assumed, supposed 
   • inferred 
   • regulated, well arranged Yājñ 
   • having a particular rank or order MBh. Mn. ix, 166 
   • caparisoned (as an elephant) L 
   • m. an elephant armed or caparisoned for war W 
   • (ā), f. a kind of allegory Vām. iv, 2, 2

⋙ kalpitatva

   ○tva n. the existing merely as an assumption or in the imagination Comm. on Vām. iv, 2, 2

≫ kalpin

   kalpín mfn. forming plans, contriving, designing (applied to a gambler) VS. xxx, 18

≫ kalpya

   kalpya mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 110 Vop. xxvi, 17, 18) to be formed from (inst.) Naish. viii, 21 
   • to be performed, to be prescribed 
   • to be settled or arranged VarBṛS 
   • to be conceived or imagined VarBṛS 
   • to be substituted W 
   • relating to ritual W


   kalman a n. = karman Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 18 
   • Pat. (K.), vol. i, p. 336, and vol. iii, p. 398, g. kapilakâdi


   kalmalí m. (√3. kal + mala, 'dispelling darkness' T.) splendour, brightness, sparkling AV. xv, 2, 1

≫ kalmalīka

   kalmalīka n. (artificially formed to serve as source of the next) = tejas Sāy. on RV. ii, 33, 8

≫ kalmalīkin

   kalmalīkín mfn. (Naigh. i, 17) flaming, burning RV. ii, 33, 8


   kalmaṣa n. (as m. BhP. viii, 7, 43 = karmaṣa fr. karma + √so, 'destroying virtuous action' Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-2, 18) stain, dirt 
   • dregs, settlings (cf. jala-k○) 
   • darkness 
   • moral stain, sin MBh. R. BhP. Mn. iv, 260 ; xii, 18, 22 
   • ifc. f. ā Bhag. iv, 30 &c 
   • mf(ā)n. dirty, stained L 
   • impure, sinful L 
   • (am), n. the hand below the wrist L 
   • m. or (am), n. a particular hell L

⋙ kalmaṣadhvaṃsa

   ○dhvaṃsa m. destruction of darkness or sin 
   • -kārin mfn. causing the destruction of darkness or sin, preventing the commission of crime Comm. on Hit. i, 17


   kalmā́ṣa mf(ī)n. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 40, g. gaurâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 41) variegated, spotted, speckled with black VS. TS. ŚBr. ĀśvGṛ. MBh 
   • black L 
   • m. a variegated colour (partly black, partly white) L 
   • a Rakshas L 
   • a species of fragrant rice L 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh 
   • a form of Agni Hariv 
   • N. of an attendant on the Sun (identified with Yama) L 
   • a kind of deer T 
   • N. of Śākya-muni in a former birth 
   • (ī), f. the speckled cow (of Jamad-agni, granting all desires) MBh. R 
   • N. of a river (the Yamunā) MBh. i, 6360 
   • (am), n. a stain ŚBr. vi, 3, 1, 31 [Page 263, Column 2] 
   • N. of a Sāman

⋙ kalmāṣakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. 'having a stained neck', N. of Śiva (cf. nīla-kaṇṭha.)

⋙ kalmāṣagrīva

   ○grīva (kalmā́ṣa-), mfn. having a variegated neck AV. iii, 27, 5 ; xii, 3, 59 TS. v

⋙ kalmāṣatantura

   ○tantura m. N. of a man

⋙ kalmāṣatā

   ○tā f. spottedness, the state of being variegated BhP

⋙ kalmāṣapāda

   ○pāda mfn. having speckled feet R 
   • m. N. of a king of Saudāsa (descendant of Ikshvāku transformed to a Rākshasa by Vasishṭha) MBh. R. Hariv. VP 
   • -carita n. N. of wk

⋙ kalmāṣapuccha

   ○puccha mfn. having a speckled tail Up

⋙ kalmāṣāṅghri

   kalmāṣâṅghri m. N. of a king ( = ○ṣa-pāda) BhP

⋙ kalmāṣābhibhava

   kalmāṣâbhibhava n. sour boiled rice L

≫ kalmāṣita

   kalmāṣita mfn. speckled, bespotted with (inst.) Kād


   kalya mf(ā)n. (√3. kal T.) well, healthy, free from sickness (cf. a-k○ Gaut. ix, 28) 
   • hale, vigorous MBh. ii, 347 Naish. Yājñ. i, 28 
   • sound, perfect, strong MBh 
   • clever, dexterous L 
   • ready or prepared for (loc. or inf.) MBh 
   • agreeable, auspicious (as speech) L 
   • instructive, admonitory L 
   • deaf and dumb (cf. kala and kalla) L 
   • (am), n. health L 
   • dawn, morning L 
   • yesterday L 
   • (am, e), ind. at day-break, in the morning, tomorrow MBh. Nal. xxiv, 14 R. BhP 
   • (am, ā), n. f. spirituous liquor L. (cf. kadambarī) 
   • (ā), f. praise, eulogy T 
   • good wishes, good tidings L 
   • Emblic Myrobalan (harītakī, q.v.), [Gk. ?.] [263, 2]

⋙ kalyajagdhi

   ○jagdhi f. 'morning-meal', breakfast L

⋙ kalyatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kalyatva

   ○tva n. health, convalescence Hit

⋙ kalyapāla

   ○pāla mf(ī). or a distiller or seller of spirituous liquors Rājat. v, 202

⋙ kalyapālaka

   ○pālaka mf. a distiller or seller of spirituous liquors Rājat. v, 202 
   • [cf. śaṇḍika.]

⋙ kalyavarta

   ○varta m. a morning meal, any light meal L 
   • (am), n. anything light, a trifle, trivial matter Mṛicch 
   • (Prākṛit kalla-vatta.)

⋙ kalyotthāyin

   kalyôtthāyin mfn. rising at day-break MBh. v, 4616

≫ kalyāṇa

   kalyā́ṇa mf(ī́)n. (g. bahv-ādi) beautiful, agreeable RV. ŚBr. &c 
   • illustrious, noble, generous 
   • excellent, virtuous, good (kalyāṇa voc. 'good sir' 
   • kalyāṇi, 'good lady') 
   • beneficial, salutary, auspicious 
   • happy, prosperous, fortunate, lucky, well, right RV. i, 31, 9 ; iii, 53, 6 TS. AV. ŚBr. Nir. ii, 3 MBh. R 
   • m. a particular Rāga (sung at night) 
   • N. of a Gandharva 
   • of a prince (also called Bhaṭṭa-śrī-kalyāṇa) 
   • of the author of the poem Gītā-gaṅgā-dhara 
   • (ī), f. a cow L 
   • the plant Glycine Debilis L 
   • red arsenic L 
   • a particular Rāgiṇī 
   • N. of Dākshāyaṇī in Malaya 
   • N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix, 2625 
   • N. of a city in the Dekhan and of one in Ceylon 
   • a river in Ceylon 
   • (am), n. good fortune, happiness, prosperity 
   • good conduct, virtue (opposed to pāpa) ŚBr. Bhag. R. Ragh. Pañcat. Mn. iii, 60, 65 Suśr 
   • a festival Mn. viii, 292 
   • gold L 
   • heaven L 
   • N. of the eleventh of the fourteen Pūrvas or most ancient writings of the Jainas L 
   • a form of salutation ('Hail!' 'May luck attend you!'), Śāntiś

⋙ kalyāṇakaṭaka

   ○kaṭaka m. N. of a place Hit

⋙ kalyāṇakara


⋙ kalyāṇakāra

   ○kāra mf(ī)n. causing prosperity or profit or good fortune

⋙ kalyāṇakāraka

   ○kāraka mfn. id. Yājñ. ii, 156 
   • m. N. of a Jaina work by Ugrâdityâcārya

⋙ kalyāṇakīrti

   ○kīrti mfn. having a good reputation AitĀr

⋙ kalyāṇakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. doing good, virtuous 
   • propitious Bhag. vi, 40

⋙ kalyāṇagiri

   ○giri m. 'mountain of good conduct', N. of an elephant Kathās

⋙ kalyāṇacandra

   ○candra m. N. of an astronomer in the twelfth century 
   • of a king

⋙ kalyāṇacāra

   ○cāra mf(ī)n. following virtuous courses

⋙ kalyāṇatara

   ○tara mfn. more agreeable ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 5

⋙ kalyāṇadevī

   ○devī f. N. of the wife of Jayâpīḍa Rājat

⋙ kalyāṇadharman

   ○dharman mfn. of virtuous character or conduct

⋙ kalyāṇapañcakapūjā

   ○pañcaka-pūjā f. N. of a Jaina work

⋙ kalyāṇapañcamīka

   ○pañcamīka mfn. (scil. pakṣa) any fortnight the fifth lunar day of which is lucky W

⋙ kalyāṇapuccha

   ○puccha mf(ī)n. having a beautiful tail Pāṇ. 4-1, 55

⋙ kalyāṇapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Rājat

⋙ kalyāṇabīja

   ○bīja m. = -viija, q.v

⋙ kalyāṇabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man

⋙ kalyāṇamandira

   ○mandira n. temple or abode of health or prosperity 
   • N. of wk 
   • -ṭīkā f. the commentary on it 
   • -stotra n. N. of a Jaina work

⋙ kalyāṇamaya

   ○maya mfn. abounding in blessings, prosperous Kathās

⋙ kalyāṇamalla

   ○malla m. N. of a prince 
   • of the author of the work Anaṅga-raṅga 
   • of a son of Gaja-malla (author of the comm. called Mālatī)

⋙ kalyāṇamitra

   ○mitra n. a friend of virtue 
   • a well-wishing friend Kāraṇḍ. lxvii, 1 
   • a good counsellor (opposed to pāpa-mitra) Buddh 
   • N. of Buddha 
   • ○tra-tā f. the perfect life of Buddhism 
   • ○tra-sevana n. the becoming a disciple of Buddha

⋙ kalyāṇarājacaritra

   ○rāja-caritra n. 'the life of king Kalyāṇa' by Madana

⋙ kalyāṇarāya

   ○rāya m. N. of a man

⋙ kalyāṇavacana

   ○vacana n. friendly speech, good wishes

⋙ kalyāṇavat

   ○vat mfn. happy, lucky L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a princess. [Page 263, Column 3] 

⋙ kalyāṇavartman

   ○vartman m. 'walker on a noble path', N. of a king 
   • f. N. of a princess who erected an image of Vishṇu ( kalyāṇa-svāmi-keśava)

⋙ kalyāṇavardhana

   ○vardhana m. 'increase of prosperity', N. of a man Buddh

⋙ kalyāṇavarman

   ○varman m. N. of an astronomer 
   • of a man Kathās

⋙ kalyāṇavīja

   ○vīja m. a sort of lentil (Ervum Hirsutum, = masūra) L

⋙ kalyāṇavṛtta

   ○vṛtta mfn. of virtuous conduct

⋙ kalyāṇaśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of a commentator on Varāha-mihira

⋙ kalyāṇasattva

   ○sattva mfn. of noble character

⋙ kalyāṇasaptamī

   ○saptamī f. an auspicious seventh day 
   • -vrata n. a religious observance on that day

⋙ kalyāṇasūtra

   ○sūtra m. N. of a Brāhman

⋙ kalyāṇasena

   ○sena m. N. of a king

⋙ kalyāṇasvāmikeśava

   ○svāmi-keśava n. N. of an image of Vishṇu Rājat

⋙ kalyāṇācāra

   kalyāṇâcāra mfn. following good practices W

⋙ kalyāṇābhijana

   kalyāṇâbhijana mf(ī)n. of illustrious birth Nal. R

⋙ kalyāṇābhiniveśin

   kalyāṇâbhiniveśin mfn. intent on virtue or on benefiting others Kād. 153

≫ kalyāṇaka

   kalyāṇaka mf(ikā)n. auspicious, prosperous, happy 
   • efficacious 
   • (ikā), f. red arsenic L

⋙ kalyāṇakaguḍa

   ○guḍa m. a particular drug Suśr

⋙ kalyāṇakaghṛta

   ○ghṛta n. a kind of clarified butter Suśr

⋙ kalyāṇakalavaṇa

   ○lavaṇa n. a kind of salt Suśr

≫ kalyāṇin

   kalyāṇin mfn. happy, lucky, auspicious, prosperous 
   • illustrious 
   • virtuous, good Kathās 
   • (inī), f. the aquatic plant Sida cordifolia L

≫ kalyāṇī

   kalyāṇī in comp., g. priyâdi

⋙ kalyāṇīdaśama

   ○daśama mfn. having the tenth night lucky Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 116

⋙ kalyāṇīpañcama

   ○pañcama mfn. having the fifth lucky 
   • (ās), f. pl. (scil. rātrayas) nights of which the fifth is lucky Vop. vi, 15

⋙ kalyāṇīpañcamīka

   ○pañcamīka mfn. (scil. pakṣa) a fortnight having the fifth night lucky Vop. vi, 16

⋙ kalyāṇīpriya

   ○priya mfn. having a beloved one worthy of honour Pāṇ. 5-4, 116 Sch. on Vop. vi, 15

⋙ kalyāṇīstotra

   ○stotra n. N. of wk

⋙ kalyāṇyādi

   kalyāṇy-ādi m. a g. of Pāṇ. 4-1, 126


   kalyā-pāla = kalya-pāla, q.v. L


   kall cl. 1. Ā. kallate, to utter an indistinct sound Dhātup. xiv, 27 
   • to be mute ib

≫ kalla

   kalla mfn. deaf L 
   • also v. l. for kanna, q.v

⋙ kallatā

   ○tā f

⋙ kallatva

   ○tva n. stammering, hoarseness L 
   • a sound L 
   • deafness L

⋙ kallamūka

   ○mūka mfn. deaf and dumb L

⋙ kallavīratantra

   ○vīra-tantra n. N. of a Buddhist work (also called Caṇḍā-mahā-roshaṇa-tantra)

⋙ kallārya

   kallârya m. N. of an author


   kallaṭa m. N. of a king Rājat. iv, 461 
   • of a pupil of Vasu-gupta (q.v.) and father of Mukula (q.v.) Rājat. v, 66 (śrī-k○)


   kallāṭa ās m. pl. (probably) N. of a tribe Inscr


   kallârya m. kalla


   kallāleśa m. N. of a god (Lakshmī-kānta)


   kalli ind. to-morrow W


   kallinātha m. N. of a writer on music


   kallola m. (1. kam, water, + lola T., but according to Uṇ. i, 67 fr. √kall) a wave, billow Bhartṛ. iii, 37 Pañcat 
   • gambol, recreation L 
   • an enemy L 
   • mfn. hostile L

≫ kallolita

   kallolita mfn. surging, billowing (g. tārakâdi)

≫ kallolinī

   kallolinī f. a surging stream, river Prab. (g. puṣkarâdi)


   kalhaṇa m. (also spelt kahlaṇa), N. of the author of the Rāja-taraṅgiṇī


   kalhāra v. l. for kahlāra, q.v


   kalhoḍī-gaṅgêśvaratīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha


   kav cl. 1. Ā. kavate, to describe (as a poet) W 
   • to praise T 
   • to paint, picture W.: cl. 10. P. Ā. kāvayati, ○te, to compose (as a poet) W 
   • [√.kab.]

≫ kavayitṛ

   kavayitṛ tā m. a poet Viddh. ix, 12 Comm. on Kum

kava 1

   kava a form substituted for ka, kā, and 1. ku, to express depreciation or deficiency Pāṇ. 6-3, 107, 108 Vop. vi, 97

⋙ kavapatha

   ○patha m. a bad way Pāṇ. 6-3, 108

⋙ kavāgni

   kavâgni m. a little fire Vop. vi, 97

⋙ kavoṣṇa

   kavôṣṇa mfn. slightly warm, tepid 
   • (am), n. slight warmth 
   • -tā f. slight warmth Kād

kava 2

   kava mfn. (√1. ku) 'miserly' (perhaps originally 'provident'), 'selfish', in á-kava, q.v., and kavā-sakhá below 
   • [cf. kavatnú and kavārí.) [Page 264, Column 1] 


   kavaka n. a fungus, mushroom Mn. Yājñ. Hcat 
   • a mouthful L


   kávaca as, am m. n. (√3. ku Uṇ. iv, 2 Nir. v, 25) g. ardharcâdi, armour, cuirass, a coat of mail ŚBr. xii, 2, 2, 7 KātyŚr. xiii, 3, 10 MBh. R. &c 
   • any covering 
   • a corset, jacket Kāṭh. xxxiv, 5 [ifc. f. ā] Pāṇ. 3-2, 129 
   • bark, rind Śārṅg 
   • m. a war-drum, a kettle-drum L 
   • (am), n. a piece of bark or birch-leaf or any substance inscribed with mystical words and carried about as an amulet, any amulet, charm W 
   • a mystical syllable (such as hum, or hūm) forming part of a Mantra used as an amulet [cf. bīja] W 
   • m. the tree Oldenlandia herbacea Bhpr 
   • the tree Hibiscus Populneoides L

⋙ kavacadhara

   ○dhara mfn. = -hara below

⋙ kavacapattra

   ○pattra n. a birch-leaf L 
   • a species of birch L. (cf. bhūrja-pattra.)

⋙ kavacapāśa

   ○pāśá m. the fastening of a coat of mail AV. xi, 10, 22

⋙ kavacahara

   ○hara mfn. wearing a coat of mail or jacket W 
   • wearing an amulet W 
   • m. a Kshatriya youth when arrived at the age suitable for martial training Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 10

≫ kavacita

   kavacita mfn. covered with armour Lalit

≫ kavacin

   kavacín mfn. covered with armour, mailed AV. xi, 10, 22 VS. xvi, 35 ŚBr. MBh. R 
   • (ī), f. N. of Śiva 
   • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh


   kavaṭī f. (= kavāṭa) the leaf or panel of a door L


   kavaḍa m. a mouthful of water &c., water for rinsing the mouth Suśr 
   • [cf. kavala.]


   ka-vat mfn. having the word ka TāṇḍyaBr


   kavatnú mfn. (fr. 2. kava), avaricious, stingy RV. vii, 32, 9


   kavana m. N. of a man 
   • (am), n. water Nir. x, 4


   kavantaka m. N. of a man 
   • (ās), m. pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi


   kávandha and kavandhín, kában○


   kava-patha 1. kava


   kavayiṭri √kav


   kavayī f. the fish Cojus Cobojus (commonly Kavay or Kay, said to go by land from one piece of water to another) L. (cf. kavikā.)


   kavara mf.(ā)n. (√3. ku Uṇ. iv, 154) mixed, intermingled, variegated Śiś. v, 19 
   • m. a lecturer L 
   • (as, ī), m. f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 42 Vop. iv, 26 
   • also n. according to a Sch.) a braid, fillet of hair BhP. Gīt. Sāh. Śiś 
   • (am), n. salt L 
   • sourness, acidity L 
   • (ā), f. (Sch. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 42) the plant Ocimum gratissimum L 
   • (ī), f. id. L 
   • Acacia arabica or another plant Npr

⋙ kavarapuccha

   ○puccha mf(ī)n. having a twisted tail or one resembling a braid Pāṇ. 4-1, 55 Vārtt. 2

⋙ kavarabhāra

   ○bhāra m. a fine head of hair BhP. v, 2, 6

≫ kavarī

   kavarī (f. of ○ra, q.v.)

⋙ kavarībhara

   ○bhara m. a fine head of hair Gīt. xii, 26

⋙ kavarībhāra

   ○bhāra m. id. Pañcar

⋙ kavarībhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. wearing a fillet of hair Śiś


   kavarakī f. a captive, a prisoner L. (cf. vandi.)


   ka-varga m. the class of guttural letters TPrāt. (cf. varga.)


   kavala m. (n. ?) a mouthful (as of water &c.) 
   • a morsel MBh. R. Ragh. Mn. Bhartṛ 
   • a wash for cleansing the mouth, gargle Suśr 
   • a kind of fish (commonly Baliya) L

⋙ kavalagraha

   ○graha m. the taking a mouthful of water for swallowing 
   • water for rinsing the mouth Bhpr 
   • a weight = karṣa ŚārṅgS

⋙ kavalagrāha

   ○grāha m. water enough for swallowing or for rinsing the mouth, gargle Car

⋙ kavalatā

   ○tā f. the state of being a mouthful, a morsel Vcar

⋙ kavalaprastha

   ○prastha m. N. of a town, g. karkyādi

⋙ kavalīkṛ

   kavalī-√kṛ to swallow or eat up, devour Nāg. Bālar

≫ kavalana

   kavalana mfn. swallowing by the mouthful 
   • (am), n. swallowing, gulping down, eating Vām 
   • putting into the mouth Bālar

≫ kavalaya

   kavalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to swallow or gulp down, devour Hcar. &c. [Page 264, Column 2] 

⋙ kavalikā

   kavalikā f. a piece of cloth over a sore or wound, a bandage Suśr

≫ kavalita

   kavalita mfn. swallowed by the mouthful, eaten, devoured Pañcat. Kathās

≫ kavalīkṛ

   kavalī-√kṛ kavala


   kaváṣ mfn. (according to Mahīdhara fr. √3. ku) 'emitting sound', 'creaking' (said of the leaves of a door), open, yawning (faulty ?) VS. xxix, 5 = MaitrS. iii, 16, 2. (Instead of kaváṣas the TS. v, 11, 1, 2 (cf. kaví) and the Kāṭh. have kaváyas.)

≫ kavaṣa

   kaváṣa mf(ī́)n. opened (as the legs) AitBr 
   • m. a shield L 
   • (or kavaṣa ailūṣa) N. of a Ṛishi (son of Ilūsha by a slave girl, and author of several hymns in the tenth Maṇḍala of the Ṛig-veda 
   • when the Ṛishis were performing a sacrifice on the banks of the Sarasvatī he was expelled as an impostor and as unworthy to drink of the water, being the son of a slave 
   • it was only when the gods had shown him special favour that he was readmitted to their society) RV. vii, 18, 12 AitBr. ii, 19 
   • N. of a Muni BhP 
   • N. of the author of a Dharma-śāstra

≫ kavaṣin

   kavaṣin ī m. N. of a Ṛishi R. vii, 1, 4


   kavasa m. (fr. √3. ku Uṇ. iv, 2) armour, mail L 
   • a prickly shrub (cf. kávaca.)


   kavâgni 1. kava above


   kavāṭa as, ī, am mfn. (for kapāṭa) the leaf or panel of a door, a door R. Naish. &c 
   • (ifc. kavāṭaka 
   • cf. kavaṭī.)

⋙ kavāṭaghna

   ○ghna m. 'doorbreaking', a thief

⋙ kavāṭavakra

   ○vakra n. N. of a plant (commonly kavāṭa-veṭu, or kavāḍa-veṇṭuyā) L

≫ kavāṭaka

   kavāṭaka ifc. = kavāṭa Kathās


   kávā-tiryañc (fr. 1. kava + t○), mfn. arranged or directed a little across TS. TĀr


   kavāra m. the bird Tantalus falcinellus W 
   • (am), n. a lotus L 
   • [cf. kavela.]


   kavārí mfn. (fr. 2. kava), selfish, stingy RV. x, 107, 3

≫ kavāsakha

   kavā-sakhá mfn. 'having a selfish man for companion, being the companion of a selfish man', selfish RV. v, 34, 3 Nir. vi, 19


   kaví mfn. (√1. kū, 2. kava, ā́kūta, ā́kūti, kāvya Naigh. iii, 15 Nir. xii, 13 Uṇ. iv, 138) gifted with insight, intelligent, knowing, enlightened, wise, sensible, prudent, skilful, cunning 
   • (is), m. a thinker, intelligent man, man of understanding, leader 
   • a wise man, sage, seer, prophet 
   • a singer, bard, poet (but in this sense without any technical application in the Veda) RV. VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. i, 4, 2, 8 KaṭhUp. iii, 14 MBh. Bhag. BhāgP. Mn. vii, 49 R. Ragh 
   • N. of several gods, (esp.) of Agni RV. ii, 23, 1 ; x, 5, 4, 3 ; iii, 5, 1 ; i, 31, 2 ; 76, 5 
   • of Varuṇa, Indra, the Aśvins, Maruts, Ādityas 
   • of the Soma 
   • of the Soma priest and other sacrificers 
   • (probably) N. of a particular poet 
   • cf. áṅgiras (Mn. ii, 151) and uśánas (Bhag. x, 37) 
   • of the ancient sages or patriarchs (as spirits now surrounding the sun) 
   • of the Ṛibhus (as skilful in contrivance) 
   • of Pūshan (as leader or guider) 
   • N. of a son of Brahmā MBh. xiii, 4123, 4142-4150 
   • of Brahmā W 
   • of a son of Bhṛigu and father of Śukra MBh. i, 2606 (cf. 3204 BhāgP. iv, 1, 45 and Kull. on Mn. iii, 198) 
   • that of Śukra (regent of the planet Venus and preceptor of the demons) Rājat. iv, 495 
   • of the planet Venus NBD 
   • of the sons of several Manus Hariv. BhāgP. VP 
   • of a son of Kauśika and pupil of Garga Hariv 
   • of a son of Ṛishabha BhāgP 
   • of Vālmīki L 
   • a keeper or herd RV. vii, 18, 8 
   • (fig.) N. of the gates of the sacrificial enclosure TS. v, 11, 1, 2 (cf. kaváṣ) 
   • the sun W 
   • of various men 
   • the soul in the Sāṃkhya philosophy Comm 
   • a cunning fighter L 
   • an owl L 
   • (is, or ī W.), f. the bit of a bridle L 
   • the reins (cf. kavikā) W 
   • a ladle (cf. kambi) L

⋙ kavikaṇṭhahāra

   ○kaṇṭha-hāra m. 'poet's necklace', N. of a work on rhetoric L

⋙ kavikamalasadman

   ○kamala-sadman m. 'lotus-seat of poets', N. of Brahmā (cf. kamala) as the supporter of poets Prasannar

⋙ kavikarṇapūrṇa

   ○karṇa-pūrṇa m. N. of a poet

⋙ kavikarpaṭī

   ○karpaṭī f. N. of wk. on prosody

⋙ kavikalpadruma

   ○kalpadruma m. N. of a metrical collection of roots written by Vopa-deva

⋙ kavikalpalatā

   ○kalpa-latā f. N. of wk. on rhetoric by Devêndra

⋙ kavikratu

   ○kratu (kaví-), mfn. having the insight of a wise man, full of discernment, wise (said of Agni and the Soma) RV. VS. AV. [Page 264, Column 3] 
   • one who possesses wisdom or sacrifices Sāy

⋙ kavicakravartin

   ○cakra-vartin m. N. of Pūrṇānanda

⋙ kavicandra

   ○candra m. N. of various authors (of the Kāvyacandrikā 
   • of the Dhātu-candrikā 
   • of the Ratnāvalī 
   • of the Rāmacandra-campū 
   • of the Śānti-candrikā 
   • of the Sārala-harī grammar 
   • of a book named Stavāvali)

⋙ kavicchad

   ○cchád mfn. delighting (cf. √chad) in wise men ['causing pleasure to the wise' Sāy.] RV. iii, 12, 15

⋙ kavijanavinoda

   ○jana-vinoda m. 'delight of wise men', N. of wk

⋙ kavijyeṣṭha

   ○jyeṣṭha m. 'oldest of poets', N. of Vālmīki (author of the Rāmāyaṇa) L

⋙ kavitama

   ○tama (kaví-), mfn. wisest RV

⋙ kavitara

   ○tara (kaví-), mfn. wiser RV. AV

⋙ kavitā

   ○tā f. poetry, ornate style (whether of verse or prose) Bhartṛ. Prasannar 
   • a poem W 
   • ○tâmṛta-kūpa m. 'well of nectar of poetry', N. of a modern collection of verses 
   • -rahasya n. 'the secret of style', N. of wk. on rhetoric 
   • -vedin mfn. 'understanding poesy', wise, learned 
   • a poet, genius W 
   • -śakti f. poetic talent MW

⋙ kavitārkikasiṃha

   ○tārkika-siṃha m. 'lion of poets and philosophers', N. of Veṅkaṭa-nātha

⋙ kavitṛ

   ○tṛ v. l. for kavayitṛ L

⋙ kavitva

   ○tvá n. intelligence RV. x, 124, 7 
   • poetic skill or power or gift Daś. Sāh. Vet 
   • -ratnâkara m. 'jewel-mine of poesy', N. of a modern work on rhetoric

⋙ kavitvana

   ○tvaná n. wisdom RV. viii, 40, 3

⋙ kavidarpaṇa

   ○darpaṇa m. 'poet's mirror', N. of wk. by Raghu

⋙ kaviputra

   ○putra m. N. of a dramatic author Mālav

⋙ kavipraśasta

   ○praśastá mfn. esteemed or praised by sages RV. v, 1, 8

⋙ kavipriyā

   ○priyā f. N. of wk. on rhetoric by Keśavadāsa

⋙ kavibhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a poet

⋙ kavibhūma

   ○bhūma m. N. of a man

⋙ kavibhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa m. N. of the son of Kavi-candra

⋙ kavimaṇḍana

   ○maṇḍana m. N. of Sambhubhaṭṭa

⋙ kaviratnapuruṣottamamiśra

   ○ratna-puruṣôttama-miśra m. N. of a man

⋙ kaviratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a prince (son of Citraratha)

⋙ kavirahasya

   ○rahasya n. 'secret of the learned', N. of a collection of roots by Halāyudha

⋙ kavirāja

   ○rāja m. a king of poets Vām. iv, 1, 10 
   • N. of the author of the Rāghavapāṇḍaviiya Bālar. viii, 20 
   • -kautuka m. N. of wk 
   • -bhikṣu m. N. of a man 
   • -yati m. N. of a man 
   • -vasuṃdhara m. N. of a man

⋙ kavirāmāyaṇa

   ○rāmāyaṇa m. N. of Vālmīki (for rāmâyaṇa-kavi)

⋙ kavilāśikā

   ○lāśikā (W.) or (L.), f. a kind of lute

⋙ kavilāsikā

   ○lāsikā (L.), f. a kind of lute

⋙ kavivallabha

   ○vallabha m. N. of the son of Kavi-candra

⋙ kavivṛdha

   ○vṛdhá mfn. prospering the wise RV. viii, 63, 4

⋙ kavivṛṣan

   ○vṛṣan m. an eminent poet Bālar. vii, 7

⋙ kaviśasta

   ○śastá (and ○ví-śasta ŚBr. i, 4, 2, 8), mfn. (g. pravṛddhâdi) pronounced by wise men RV 
   • praised by wise men RV. AV

⋙ kaviśikṣā

   ○śikṣā m. instruction for poets

⋙ kavīndu

   kavī7ndu m. 'moon of poets', N. of Vālmīki, Śārṅg

⋙ kavīndra

   kavī7ndra m. a prince among poets Prasannar 
   • -kalpa-taru m. N. of wk

⋙ kavīśvara

   kavī7śvara m. 'lord among poets', N. of a poet

≫ kavika

   kavika n. the bit of a bridle or the reins L 
   • (ā), f. the bit of a bridle Mudr 
   • N. of a flower (= kevikā-puṣya) L 
   • a sort of fish (commonly Kay) Bhpr. [cf. kavayī.]

≫ kaviṭa

   kaviṭa m. N. of a Ṛishi

≫ kaviya

   kaviya as, am m. n. the bit of a bridle or the reins W

≫ kavila

   kavila g. pragady-ādi (for kaliva according to Kāś.)

≫ kavīya

   kavīya as, am m. n. the bit of a bridle or the reins W 
   • [cf. kaviya.]

≫ kavīyat

   kavīyát mfn. (pr. p. P.) acting like a wise man RV. ix, 94, 1

≫ kavīyamāna

   kavīyámāna mfn. (pr. p. Ā.) making pretension to wisdom RV. i, 164, 18

≫ kavīyas

   kávīyas mfn. compar. ( = kavítara) wiser, v. l. of SV. for RV. ix, 94, 1 
   • ( kaviiyát above.)

≫ kavya 1

   kavyá mfn. (= kavi Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-4, 30) wise RV. x, 15, 9 (at VS. xxii, 2 read kavyā́ḥ) 
   • a sacrificer, sacrificial priest RV. ix, 91, 2 
   • N. of a class of deities associated with Aṅgiras and Ṛikvan [Gmn 
   • a class of manes] RV. x, 14, 3 AV 
   • N. of one of the seven sages of the fourth Manv-antara Hariv 
   • (am), n. (generally in connection with havya, havya-kavya) 'what must be offered to the wise', an oblation of food to deceased ancestors MBh. Mn

⋙ kavyatā

   ○tā (kavyá-), f. the state of a sage, wisdom RV. i, 96, 2

⋙ kavyabhuj


⋙ kavyabhojana

   ○bhojana m. pl. 'oblation-eaters', the manes or a class of manes L

⋙ kavyavah

   ○vah nom. vāt,

⋙ kavyavāḍa

   ○vāḍa mfn. = vā́hana below

⋙ kavyavāla

   ○vāla mfn. a corrupted form of -vāḍa, which is derived fr. the nom. -vāṭ of -vah

⋙ kavyavāhana

   ○vā́hana mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 65) conveying oblations to the manes (said of fire) RV. x, 16, 11 ṣāy. VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. ĀśvŚr. [Page 265, Column 1] 
   • m. fire (= Agni) W 
   • N. of Śiva W 
   • [cf. kravya-v○, havya-v○, vahni.]

≫ kavya 2

   kavya Nom. P. kavyati, to be wise Pāṇ. 7-4, 39


   kaviṭa kaviya, kaví


   kavūla n. (in astrol.) = Arabic ? (cf. kaṃvūla.)


   kavera-kanyā f. (= kāverī), N. of a river in the Dekhan


   kavela n. a lotus flower L. (cf. kavāra.)


   kavôṣṇa 1. kava


   kaś cl. 1. P. kaśati, to go, move Comm. on TBr. i 
   • to sound Dhātup. xvii, 75 
   • to strike, punish, hurt, kill (v. l. for kaṃs, kas, jhaṣ, śaś, √kaṣ)

≫ kaśa

   káśa m. a species of rodent animal VS. TS. (cf. kaśīkā́) 
   • a whip, thong MBh. (cf. prakaśá) 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people BhP. (ed. Bomb.)

⋙ kaśakṛtsna

   ○kṛtsna m. N. of a man (v. l. for kāśa-kṛtsna, q.v.), g. arīhaṇâdi

⋙ kaśaplaka

   ○plaká au m. du. 'parts struck by the whip', the hinder parts (originally of beasts of burden), [Gmn 
   • 'pudenda muliebria' BRD.] RV. viii, 33, 19 (cf. plaka.)

≫ kaśā

   káśā f. (Naigh. i, 11 Nir. ix, 19) a whip RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. R. &c. (also written kaṣā R. BhP.) 
   • a rein, bridle Śiś 
   • whipping, flogging W 
   • a string, rope, thong L 
   • face, mouth L 
   • quality L

⋙ kaśāghāta

   ○ghāta m. stroke of a whip Pañcat

⋙ kaśātraya

   ○traya n. three modes of whipping (a horse) W

⋙ kaśānipāta

   ○nipāta m. blow or stroke with a whip R

⋙ kaśāvat

   ○vat (○śā́-), mfn. furnished with a whip RV

⋙ kaśārha

   kaśârha mfn. deserving a whipping L

≫ kaśya

   kaśya mfn. (g. daṇḍâdi) deserving the whip L 
   • (am), n. a horse's flank L 
   • a spirituous liquor (cf. kāśya) L


   kaśaku Coix Barbata (= gavedhukā) Comm. on KātyŚr


   kaśambūká m. a particular mythical being Suparṇ. xxiii, 5


   káśas n. moving, motion TBr. i, 4, 8, 3 
   • water Naigh. i, 12 (v. l. śaka, q.v 
   • cf. kaśo-jū́)


   káśā &c. √kaś


   kaśāya m. N. of a preceptor Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 106 (v. l. kaṣāya)


   kaśāri f. N. of the Uttaravedi Kāṭh. xxv, 6


   kaśika and g. hasty-ādi

⋙ kaśikapāda

   ○pāda g. hasty-ādi


   kaśipú us, u m. n. a mat, pillow, cushion, mattress AV. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Kauś. Vait. BhP 
   • a couch BhP 
   • (us), m. food L 
   • clothing L 
   • (ū), m. du. food and clothing L 
   • (sometimes spelt kasipu.)

⋙ kaśipūpabarhaṇa

   kaśipū7pabarhaṇá n. the cover of a pillow, covering, cloth AV. ix, 6, 10 Vait


   kaśīkā́ f. (= nakulī) a weasel (Sāy.) RV. i, 126, 6 (cf. káśa, kaṣīkā, and √kaṣ.)


   kaśú m. N. of a man RV. viii, 5, 37


   kaśeraka m. N. of a Yaksha MBh. ii, 397


   kaśeru u n. m. (fr. ka, water or wind, + √śṝ Uṇ. i, 90 
   • also written kaseru) the back-bone L 
   • (ūs), f. (Uṇ. i, 90) and (u), n. the √of Scirpus Kysoor (a kind of grass with a bulbous root) Suśr 
   • (us), m. one of the nine divisions of Bhāratavarsha Hariv. 6793 VP. Rājat 
   • (ū), f. N. of the daughter of Tvashṭṛi Hariv. 6793 (v. l.)

⋙ kaśerumat

   ○mat m. N. of a Yavana king MBh. iii, 491 Hariv

⋙ kaśeruyajña

   ○yajña m. a kind of oblation Pat. (cf. kāśeruyajñika.)

≫ kaśeruka

   kaśeruka ā, am fn. (Uṇ. i, 90) = kaśeru, the back-bone L 
   • m. [ā, am fn. L.] the √of Scirpus Kysoor Suśr 
   • (sometimes spelt kaseruka.)

≫ kaśerus

   kaśerus n. = kaśeru above L

≫ kaśerū

   kaśerū s.v. kaśeru

⋙ kaśerūmat

   ○mat m. N. of a division of Bhārata-varsha VP


   kaśóka ās m. pl., N. of a class of demons AV. v, 2, 4 (= yātu-dhā́nās of RV.) [Page 265, Column 2] 


   kaśojū́ ūs (acc. úvam), m. 'hastening to the water' (káśas Sāy.), 'impelling with the whip' (káśas = káśā Gmn.), N. of Divodāsa RV. i, 112, 14 
   • [√.kaṣ.]


   kaś-cana &c. 2. ká


   kaśmala mf(ā, or ī)n. foul, dirty, impure Dhūrtas 
   • timid, pusillanimous 
   • (am), n. dirt, filth Subh 
   • impurity, sin L 
   • (as, am), m. n. (ifc. f. ā) consternation, stupefaction, faintheartedness, pusillanimity MBh 
   • dejection of mind, weakness, despair MBh. BhP

⋙ kaśmalacetas

   ○cetas mfn. debased or dejected in mind

⋙ kaśmalamaya

   ○maya mfn. filled with or producing distress of mind Comm. on R. (ed. Bomb.) ii, 42, 22


   káśmaśa as, or am m. or n. ? stupefaction ? AV. v, 21, 1


   kaśmīra ās m. pl. (ifc. f. ā 
   • √kaś ? perhaps contraction of kaśyapa-mīra 
   • Rājat. i, 25 R. i, 70, 19), N. of a country and of the people inhabiting it (cf. kāśmīra), g. bhargâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 178 
   • saṅkāśâdi, iv, 2, 80 
   • kacchâdi, iv, 2, 133 
   • sindhv-ādi, iv, 3, 93 Rājat

⋙ kaśmīrajanman

   ○janman n. 'produced in Kaśmīr', saffron L


   kaśya √kaś


   kaśyata m. N. of a man VP


   kaśyápa mfn. (fr. kaśya + 2. pa) having black teeth Comm. on KātyŚr. x, 2, 35 
   • m. a tortoise (kacchapa) VS. xxiv, 37 AitBr. ŚBr 
   • a sort of fish W 
   • a kind of deer (cf. kāśyapa) L 
   • a class of divine beings associated with Prajāpati AV. TS. VS 
   • (ās), m. pl. a class of semidivine genī connected with or regulating the course of the sun AV. xiii, 1, 23 TĀr. i, 8 PārGṛ. ii, 9, 13 
   • N. of a mythical Ṛishi AitBr. ŚBr 
   • of an ancient sage VS. AV. &c., (a descendant of Marīci and author of several hymns of the Ṛig-veda RV. AV. ŚBr 
   • he was husband of Aditi and twelve other daughters of Daksha MBh. i, 2598 Mn. ix, 129 
   • by Aditi he was father of the Ādityas [cf. kāśyapeya] TS. ŚBr 
   • and of Vivasvat R 
   • and of Vishṇu in his vāmana avatāra R. BhP. VP 
   • by his other twelve wives he was father of demons, nāgas, reptiles, birds, and all kinds of living things 
   • from the prominent part ascribed to him in creation he is sometimes called Prajā-pati 
   • he is one of the seven great Ṛishis and priest of Paraśu-rāma and Rāma-candra 
   • he is supposed by some to be a personification of races inhabiting the Caucasus, the Caspian, Kaśmīr, &c.) 
   • a patronymic from Kaśyapa ŚBr 
   • the author of a Dharmaśāstra called Kaśyahôllara-saṃhitā ; the constellation Cancer (cf. Pers. kashaf) VP 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of Kaśyapa AitBr. ĀśvŚr 
   • (ā), f. a female Ṛishi (authoress of a verse in the White Yajur-veda)

⋙ kaśyapagrīva

   ○grīva n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr

⋙ kaśyapatuṅga

   ○tuṅga m. N. of a place

⋙ kaśyapadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dviipa (v. l. kāśyapa-dviipa)

⋙ kaśyapanandana

   ○nandana m. 'son of Kaśyapa', N. of Garuḍa (bird of Vishṇu) L

⋙ kaśyapapuccha

   ○puccha n. N. of a Sāman

⋙ kaśyapabhāskara

   ○bhāskara m. N. of the author of a commentary called Paribhāshābhāskara

⋙ kaśyapavrata

   ○vrata n. N. of a Sāman

⋙ kaśyapasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. N. of wk

⋙ kaśyapasūnujyeṣṭha

   ○sūnu-jyeṣṭha m. 'eldest of the sons of Kaśyapa', N. of Hiraṇyâksha L

⋙ kaśyapasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of wk

⋙ kaśyapāpatya

   kaśyapâpatya n. a descendant of Kaśyapa Comm. on Pat 
   • N. of a Daitya L 
   • of Garuḍa L

⋙ kaśyapeśvara

   kaśyapêśvara and -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ kaśyapottarasaṃhitā

   kaśyapôttarasaṃhitā f. N. of a Dharma-śāstra


   kaṣ cl. 1. P. Ā. kaṣati, ○te, to rub, scratch, scrape Pāṇ. 3-4, 34 Naish.: Ā. to rub or scratch one's self ChUp. (pr. p. Ā. kaṣamāṇa) Vait 
   • to itch (Ā.) BhP 
   • to rub with a touchstone, test, try Kāś. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 22 
   • to injure, hurt, destroy, kill Dhātup. xvii, 34 
   • to leap ib. xvii, 77 (v. l.): Caus. P. kāṣayati, to hurt ib. xxxii, 121 (v. l.) 
   • [Gk. ?, ?.] [265, 2]

≫ kaṣa

   kaṣa mfn. (ifc.) rubbing, scraping, rubbing away 
   • m. rubbing Naish 
   • a touchstone, assay (nikaṣa) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-3, 119 Mṛicch 
   • (ā), f. (for kaśā, q.v.) a whip R. vi, 37, 41 BhP

⋙ kaṣapaṭṭikā

   ○paṭṭikā f. a touchstone

⋙ kaṣapāṣāṇa

   ○pāṣāṇa m. a touchstone Naish

⋙ kaṣotka

   kaṣôtka m. TĀr., = paramêśvara (Comm.)

≫ kaṣā

   kaṣā^ f. before s.v. kaṣa

⋙ kaṣāputra

   ○putra m. a Rākshasa L. (cf. nikaṣâtmaja.) [Page 265, Column 3] 

⋙ kaṣāghāta

   kaṣâghāta (or kaṣā-gh○), m. a cut or stroke with a whip (v. l. for kaśā-ghāta, q.v.)

≫ kaṣaṇa

   kaṣaṇa mfn. (ifc.) rubbing one's self on, adapting one's self to BhP. x, 90, 49 
   • unripe, immature L 
   • (am), n. rubbing, scratching Kād. Kir 
   • shaking Śiś 
   • marking W 
   • the touching or testing of gold by a touchstone

≫ kaṣanmukha

   kaṣan-mukha m. (pres. p. of √kaṣ + mukha), N. of a man Rājat. vi, 319 (ed. Calc. kaṣaṇ-mukha)

≫ kaṣāku

   kaṣāku m. fire Uṇ 
   • the sun ib

≫ kaṣi

   kaṣi mfn. hurtful, injurious Uṇ. iv, 139

≫ kaṣita

   kaṣita mfn. rubbed 
   • tested 
   • hurt, injured

≫ kaṣīkā

   kaṣīkā f. a kind of bird Uṇ. iv, 16

≫ kaṣkaṣa

   káṣkaṣa m. a kind of noxious insect or worm AV. v, 23, 7

≫ kaṣṭi 1

   kaṣṭi f. test, trial W


   kaṣāya mfn. astringent MBh. xiv, 1280 and 1411 R. Suśr. Pañcat. BhP 
   • fragrant Megh. 31 
   • red, dull red, yellowish red (as the garment of a Buddhist Bhikshu) MBh. Hariv. Mṛicch. Yājñ 
   • (as, am), m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) an astringent flavour or taste Suśr 
   • a yellowish red colour Yājñ. i, 272 Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 1 
   • an astringent juice, extract of juice ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. xi, 153 
   • a decoction or infusion Suśr. (the result of boiling down a mixture consisting of one part of a drug and four or, according to some, eight or sixteen parts of water until only one quarter is left Suśr.) 
   • any healing or medicinal potion Bhpr 
   • exudation from a tree, juice, gum, resin L 
   • ointment, smearing, anointing L 
   • colouring or perfuming or anointing the person with cosmetics MBh 
   • dirt, filth 
   • stain or impurity or sin cleaving to the soul ChUp. BhP 
   • dulness, stupidity Vedāntas 
   • defect, decay, degeneracy (of which, according to Buddhists, there are five marks, viz. āyus-k○, dṛṣṭi-k○, kleśa-k○, sattva-k○, kalpa-k○) 
   • attachment to worldly objects W 
   • m. red, redness 
   • a kind of snake Suśr. ii, 265, 14 
   • emotion, passion (rāga, of which the Jainas reckon four kinds HYog. iv, 6 and 77) 
   • the Kali-yuga L 
   • the tree Bignonia Indica R. ii, 28, 21 
   • N. of a teacher (v. l. kaśāya), g. śaunakâdi 
   • (as, ā, am), mf. n. the tree Grislea tomentosa L 
   • (ā), f. a thorny shrub, a species of small Hedysarum L 
   • (am), n. a dull or yellowish red garment or robe MBh. ii, 675 (cf. kāṣāya, pañca-kaṣāya 
   • a-niṣkaṣāya, full of impure passions MBh. xii, 568.)

⋙ kaṣāyakṛt

   ○kṛt m. the tree Symplocos racemosa (its bark is used in dyeing) L

⋙ kaṣāyacitra

   ○citra mfn. dyed of a dull-red colour W

⋙ kaṣāyatā

   ○tā f. contraction (of the mouth) Suśr

⋙ kaṣāyadanta

   ○danta m. 'having red teeth', a kind of mouse Suśr

⋙ kaṣāyadaśana

   ○daśana m. id. ib

⋙ kaṣāyapāṇa

   ○pāṇa ās m. pl. 'drinkers of astringent liquids', N. of the Gāndhāras Kāś. on Pāṇ. 8-4, 9

⋙ kaṣāyapāda

   ○pāda m. a decoction of a kind of drug Suśr

⋙ kaṣāyayāvanāla

   ○yāva-nāla m. a sort of grain L

⋙ kaṣāyavaktratā

   ○vaktra-tā f. contraction of the mouth, ŚārṅgS

⋙ kaṣāyavasana

   ○vasana n. the yellowish-red garment of Buddhist mendicants (forming with head-shaving their distinctive badge, cf. kaṣāya n. above, and kāṣāya-v○) Yājñ. i, 272

⋙ kaṣāyavastra

   ○vastra n. id. Mṛicch

⋙ kaṣāyavāsas

   ○vāsas n. id

⋙ kaṣāyavāsika

   ○vāsika m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr

⋙ kaṣāyānvita

   kaṣāyânvita mfn. having astringent properties, styptic 
   • harsh W

⋙ kaṣāyīkṛ

   kaṣāyī√-kṛ to make red

⋙ kaṣāyīkṛta

   kaṣāyī-kṛta mfn. made red, reddened 
   • -locana mfn. having reddened eyes MBh. R

⋙ kaṣāyībhūta

   kaṣāyī-bhūta mfn. become red, reddened

≫ kaṣāyaka

   kaṣāyaka m. the shrub Acacia Catechu L

≫ kaṣāyita

   kaṣāyita mfn. reddened, red Bālar. Viddh 
   • coloured Prab 
   • spotted, soiled 
   • prepared for dyeing or colouring W 
   • ifc. permeated with, rendered full of Bālar. Kād 
   • dimmed, cloaked (with envy, īrṣyā) Sarvad. 121, 6

≫ kaṣāyin

   kaṣāyin mfn. yielding a resinous exudation, astringent, dyed of a red colour 
   • worldly-minded W 
   • (ī), m. the plant Ṣorea robusta (śāla) L 
   • Artocarpus Lakucha L 
   • the wild date-palm (kharjūrī) L

≫ kaṣāyīkṛ

   kaṣāyī-√kṛ &c. kaṣāya


   kaṣi &c. √kaṣ

≫ kaṣīkā

   kaṣīkā ib


   kaṣerukā f. the back-bone, spine (v. l. for kaśer○, q.v.) L


   káṣkaṣa √kaṣ


   kaṣṭa mfn. (perhaps p.p. of √kaṣ Pāṇ. 7-2, 22 Vop. 26, 111 Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 47), bad R. [Page 266, Column 1] 
   • ill, evil, wrong Mn. MBh. R. Suśr. &c 
   • painful Suśr 
   • grievous, severe, miserable Mn. xii, 78 Yājñ. iii, 29 Bhartṛ 
   • difficult, troublesome Mn. vii, 186 and 210 
   • worst Mn. vii, 50 and 51 
   • pernicious, noxious, injurious Suśr 
   • dangerous (= kṛcchra) Pāṇ. 7-2, 22 Nal. xiii, 16 
   • inaccessible (= gahana) Pāṇ. 7-2, 22 
   • boding evil Comm. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 188 
   • m. 'N. of a man', kāṣṭāyana 
   • (in rhetoric) offending the ear Vām. ii, 1, 6 
   • forced, unnatural 
   • (am), n. a bad state of things, evil, wrong 
   • pain, suffering, misery, wretchedness 
   • trouble, difficulty 
   • bodily exertion, strain, labour, toil, fatigue, weariness, hardship, uneasiness, inquietude (mental or bodily) R. Kathās. Pañcat. Śak. Hit 
   • kaṣṭāt-kaṣṭam, or kaṣṭataram, worse than the worst 
   • kaṣṭena or kaṣṭāt, with great difficulty Pañcat 
   • (am), ind. an exclamation of grief or sorrow 
   • ah! woe! aIas! MBh. R. Mṛicch

⋙ kaṣṭakara

   ○kara mf(ī)n. causing pain or trouble W

⋙ kaṣṭakāraka

   ○kāraka mfn. causing trouble L 
   • m. the world L

⋙ kaṣṭaguggula

   ○guggula m. a kind of perfume Comm. on VarBṛS

⋙ kaṣṭatapas

   ○tapas m. one who practises severe austerities Śak. 282, 2

⋙ kaṣṭatara

   ○tara mfn. worse, more pernicious Mn. vii, 53 
   • more difficult MW 
   • (am), n. a worse evil

⋙ kaṣṭatā

   ○tā f. and (in rhetoric) state of being forced or unnatural

⋙ kaṣṭatva

   ○tva n. (in rhetoric) state of being forced or unnatural

⋙ kaṣṭabhāgineya

   ○bhāgineya m. a wife's sister's son L

⋙ kaṣṭamātula

   ○mātula m. a brother of a step-mother L

⋙ kaṣṭalabhya

   ○labhya mfn. difficult to be obtained Hit. (v. l. kaṣṭatara-labhya)

⋙ kaṣṭaśrita

   ○śrita mfn. undergoing pain or misfortune or hardships, performing penance Sch. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 47

⋙ kaṣṭasādhya

   ○sādhya mfn. to be accomplished with difficulty, painful, toilsome MW

⋙ kaṣṭasthāna

   ○sthāna n. a bad situation, disagreeable place or site W

⋙ kaṣṭāgata

   kaṣṭâgata mfn. arrived with difficulty Viddh

⋙ kaṣṭādhika

   kaṣṭâdhika mf(ā)n. more than bad, = worse 
   • excessively bad, wicked

⋙ kaṣṭārtha

   kaṣṭârtha mfn. giving a forced or unnatural meaning 
   • -tva n. state of having a forced meaning Sāh. 227, 18

≫ kaṣṭāya

   kaṣṭāya Nom. Ā. kaṣṭāyate, to have wicked intentions Pāṇ. 3-1, 14 
   • and Vārtt. Vop. xxi, 10

≫ kaṣṭi 2

   kaṣṭi f. pain, trouble W 
   • (for 1, p. 265, col. 3.)


   kaṣphila m. N. of a Bhikshu Lalit. (kasphila ed. Calc.)

kas 1

   kas cl. 1. P. kasati (Dhātup. xx, 30), to go, move, approach Naigh. ii, 14 
   • (perf. cakāsa = śuśubhe Comm.) to beam, shine, Nalod. ii, 2: Intens. canīkasīti, canīkasyate Pāṇ. 7-4, 84 Vop. xxi, 10 (cf. kaś, kaṃs, niḥ-kas, and vi-kas.)

≫ kasa 1

   kasa mfn. Pāṇ. 3-1, 140

≫ kasvara

   kasvara mfn. Pāṇ. 3-2, 175

kas 2

   kas kaste, v. l. for kaṃs, kaṃste Dhātup. xxiv, 14

kas 3

   kas in the Bhāshā = √kṛṣ Pat

kasa 2

   kasa m. (= kaṣa) a touch stone Sch. on L 
   • (ā), f. (= kaśā) a whip Sch. on L


   kasana m. cough (= kāsa) T 
   • (ā), f. a kind of venomous snake (or spider, lūtā T.) Suśr

⋙ kasanotpāṭana

   kasanôtpāṭana m. 'coughrelieving', the plant Gendarussa vulgaris L


   kasarṇī́ra or kasarṇī́la m. a kind of snake AV. x, 4, 5 
   • (personified) TS. i, 5, 4, 1


   kásāmbu n. a heap of wood (?) AV. xviii, 4, 37


   kasāra n. (v. l. kaṃsāra, or kaṃsāra) = kṛsara, q.v. Gal


   kasāras ās m. ? a kind of bird MBh. xiii, 736


   kasipu m. food (= kaśipu) L


   kasīya n. brass (kāṃsya) Gal


   kasun the kṛt suffix as forming in the Veda an indeclinable (avyaya Pāṇ. 1-1, 40) infinitive with abl. sense Pāṇ. 3-4, 13 and 17 (cf. vi-sṛ́pas, ā-tṛ́das.)


   kasetu m. (= kaseru), N. of a part of Bhārata-varsha VP


   kaseru &c. kaśeru, &c. [Page 266, Column 2] 


   kaskâdi a g. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 48)


   ka-stambhī́ f. (fr. ka, 'head' ? + stambha) the prop of a carriage-pole, piece of wood fastened on at the extreme end of the pole serving as a prop or rest (popularly called 'sipoy' in Western India, and in English, 'horse') ŚBr. i, 1, 2, 9


   kastīra n. (said to be from √kāś, 'to shine'), tin L. (cf. kāstīra 
   • ?.)


   kastūrikā (or kasturikā ?), f. musk-deer T 
   • musk, the animal perfume (supposed to come out of the navel of the musk-deer, and brought from Kaśmīr, Nepāl, Western Assam or Butan, the latter being the best)
   VarBṛS. Pañcat. Kathās. &c. (cf. Gk. ?.) [266, 2]

⋙ kastūrikākuraṅga

   ○kuraṅga m. the musk-deer Kād

⋙ kastūrikāmada

   ○mada m. musk

⋙ kastūrikāmṛga

   ○mṛga m. the musk-deer 
   • (ī), f. the female musk-deer Kād

⋙ kastūrikaiṇī

   kastūrikâiṇī f. the female musk-deer Bālar

≫ kastūrī

   kastūrī f. musk Sāh. 337, 3 Bhpr. &c 
   • the plant Hibiscus Abelmoschus L 
   • the plant Amaryllis zeylanica L

⋙ kastūrīmallikā

   ○mallikā f. a species of jasmine L

⋙ kastūrīmṛga

   ○mṛga m. the musk-deer Comm. on Kum. i, 55


   kasphila m. N. of a Buddhist Bhikshu (v. l. for kaṣphila)


   kasmala for kaśmala, q.v


   kásmāt ind. (abl. fr. 2. ká AV. &c.) where from? whence? why? wherefore? MBh. R. Śak. Pañcat. &c. (cf. a-kasmāt.)


   kasvara √1. kas


   kahaya m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi


   kahika m. a family N. for Kahoḍa Pāṇ. 5-3, 83 Pat


   kahūya (or kahūṣa Kāś.), m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi


   kahóḍa m. (g. śivâdi), N. of a man with the patr. kauṣītaki, or kauṣītakeya ŚBr. MBh

≫ kahola

   kahola m. id. BṛĀrUp 
   • (am), n. N. of wk. by Kahoḍa or Kahola ĀśvGṛ. iii, 4, 4


   kahlaṇa for kalhaṇa, q.v


   kahlāra n. the white esculent water-lily (Nymphaea Lotus) MBh. Suśr. Ṛitus. &c. (cf. kalhāra.)


   kahva m. a kind of crane (Ardea nivea) L

kā 1

   kā onomat. imitation of the cry of the ass BhP. x, 15, 30

kā 2

   kā = 2. kád and 1. ku in comp. to express depreciation, e.g. kâkṣa, kā-patha, kāpuruṣa, kôṣṇa, qq. vv. Pāṇ. 6-3, 104 Vop. vi, 93

kā 3

   kā = √kan (perf. cake, cakāná 
   • kā́yamāna s.v.), to seek, desire, yearn, love (with acc. and dat.) RV 
   • to like, enjoy, be satisfied with (loc., gen. or inst.) RV.: Intens. (p. cākát) to please, be sought after, be wished for, satisfy RV. x, 29, 1 (cf. anu-, ā-, saṃ- √3. kā, kāti.)


   kāṃśi m. a cup Kauś. (cf. kāṃsya.)


   kāṃs cl. 1. Ā. kāṃsate, to shine, glitter Dhātup. xvi, 46 (v. l. for kāś)


   kāṃsa mf(ī)n. born in Kaṃsa, g. takṣaśilâdi


   kāṃsī-kṛ √1. kāṃsya


   kāṃsīya for kaṃs○, q.v. W

≫ kāṃsya

   kāṃsya mf(ā)n. (fr. kaṃsa) consisting of white-copper or bell-metal or brass KātyŚr. MBh. xiii, 94, 91 R. Mn. iv, 65 
   • (am), n. whitecopper or bell-metal or brass, queen's metal, any amalgam of zinc and copper Mn. v, 114 
   • xi, 167 ; xii, 62 Yājñ. i, 190 Suśr 
   • a drinking vessel of brass, goblet ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. R 
   • (ifc. f. ā) Hcat. (cf. AV. xviii, 3, 17) 
   • a kind of musical instrument (a sort of gong or plate of bell-metal struck with a stick or rod) L 
   • a particular measure of capacity L. [Page 266, Column 3] 

⋙ kāṃsyakāra

   ○kāra mf(ī). a brass-founder, worker in white or bell-metal Comm. on Yājñ

⋙ kāṃsyakośī

   ○kośī f. a kind of musical instrument Hcar

⋙ kāṃsyaghana

   ○ghana m. a kind of cymbal

⋙ kāṃsyaja

   ○ja mfn. made of brass Suśr

⋙ kāṃsyatāla

   ○tāla m. a cymbal Rājat. Bālar

⋙ kāṃsyadoha

   ○doha mf(ā)n. having a copper milk-pail MBh. xiii, 71, 33

⋙ kāṃsyadohana

   ○dohana mf(ā)n. id. MBh. ii, 53, 2 R. i, 72, 23

⋙ kāṃsyanīla

   ○nīla mfn. 'dark as copper', N. of a monkey R. iv, 39, 23 (occasionally written kāṃśya-nīla) 
   • (am), n. = (ī), f. L 
   • (ī), f. blue vitriol (considered as a collyrium) Suśr. ii, 380, 4 
   • (○la ifc.) Suśr. ii, 109, 1 ; 512, 10

⋙ kāṃsyapātra

   ○pātra n

⋙ kāṃsyapātrī

   ○pātrī f. a copper or brazen vessel Suśr

⋙ kāṃsyabhājana

   ○bhājana id. ib

⋙ kāṃsyamakṣika

   ○makṣika n. a metallic substance (probably a kind of pyrites) Suśr

⋙ kāṃsyamaya

   ○maya mfn. consisting of brass Hcat

⋙ kāṃsyamala

   ○mala n. verdigris Suśr

⋙ kāṃsyābha

   kāṃsyâbha mfn. coloured like copper or brass Suśr

⋙ kāṃsyopadoha

   kāṃsyôpadoha mf(ā)n. = kāṃsya-doha MBh. iii, 186, 11 and 13 ; xviii, 6, 13

⋙ kāṃsyopadohana

   kāṃsyôpadohana mf(ā)n. id. MBh. xiii, 64, 33

≫ kāṃsīkṛ

   kāṃsī-kṛ^ √1. to make the measure called kāṃsya Naish. (v. l. for kaṃs○.)

≫ kāṃsyaka

   kāṃsyaka n. copper, brass L 
   • (mfn.) consisting of brass Hcat


   kāka m. (onomat. imitation of the cawing of the crow, √.kai Nir. iii, 18 Uṇ.), a crow AdbhBr. Mn. MBh. R. Suśr. Hit 
   • (metaphorically, as an expression of contempt, e.g. na tvāṃ kākaṃ manye, I rate thee less than a crow Pāṇ. 2-3, 17 Pat 
   • cf. tīrtha-kāka Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 42) 
   • an impudent or insolent fellow L 
   • a lame man, a cripple W 
   • washing the head, bathing by dipping the head only in water (after the manner of crows) L 
   • a sectarial mark (tilaka) L 
   • a particular measure L 
   • the plant Ardisia Humilis L 
   • N. of a Dviipa or division of the world L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VP. Nal 
   • (ī), f. a female crow Pāṇ. 6-3, 42 Pat. on Vārtt. 2 Pañcat. Kathās 
   • personified as a daughter of Kaśyapa by Tāmrā and mother of crows (Hariv. 222) and owls (MBh. i, 2620) 
   • the plant Kākolī L 
   • N. of one of the seven mothers of Śiśu 
   • (ā), f. the plant Abrus precatorius L 
   • Leea Hirta L 
   • Solanum indicum L 
   • Ficus oppositifolia L 
   • the plant Kākolī L 
   • the plant Raktikā L 
   • (am), n. a multitude or assembly of crows Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 37 
   • a modus coeundi L

⋙ kākakaṅgu

   ○kaṅgu f. a kind of panic grass (Panicum miliaceum) L

⋙ kākakaṅgunī

   ○kaṅgunī f. id. Gal

⋙ kākakadalī

   ○kadalī f. a particular plant Comm. on ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 23

⋙ kākakarkaṭī

   ○karkaṭī f. a kind of small date Npr

⋙ kākakalā

   ○kalā f. the plant Leea Hirta (kākajaṅghā) L

⋙ kākakāṣṭha

   ○kāṣṭha n. a position in the game Catur-aṅga

⋙ kākakulāyagandhika

   ○kulāya-gandhika mfn. having the smell of a crow's nest AitĀr

⋙ kākakūrmamṛgākhu

   ○kūrmamṛgâkhu avas m. pl. the crow, tortoise, deer, and mouse Hit

⋙ kākakūrmādi

   ○kūrmâdi ayas m. pl. the crow, the tortoise, and the rest Hit

⋙ kākakhara

   ○khara ās m. pl., N. of a people

⋙ kākaguha

   ○guha mfn. 'crow-concealing', g. mūla-vibhujâdi Pāṇ. 3-2, 5 Kāś

⋙ kākaghnī

   ○ghnī f. a kind of Karañja (Galedupa arborea, mahā-karañja) L

⋙ kākacaṇḍīśvara

   ○caṇḍī7śvara m. N. of a man

⋙ kākacaṇḍeśvarī

   ○caṇḍêśvarī f. N. of wk

⋙ kākaciñcā


⋙ kākaciñci

   ○ciñci f. Abrus precatorius L

⋙ kākaciñcika

   ○ciñcika m. or n. (?) a particular soft substance Lalit. 29, 11 RLM 
   • (vv. ll. kācilindi and ○dika, the down on the pod of the Abrus precatorius)

⋙ kākaciñcī

   ○ciñcī f. = ciñcā Bhpr

⋙ kākacchada

   ○cchada m. a wagtail L 
   • side-locks of hair (kāka-pakṣa) W

⋙ kākacchadi

   ○cchadi v. l.,

⋙ kākacchardi

   ○cchardi m. a wagtail L 
   • a crow's vomit W

⋙ kākajaṅghā

   ○jaṅghā f. the plant Leea Hirta Suśr 
   • Abrus precatorius L

⋙ kākajambū

   ○jambū f. the plant Ardisia humilis L

⋙ kākajambū

   ○jambū f. another kind of Jambu L

⋙ kākajāta

   ○jāta m. 'crowborn', the Indian cuckoo (pika) L

⋙ kākatā

   ○tā f. the state of a crow Mn. xi, 25

⋙ kākatālīya

   ○tālīya mfn. after the manner of the crow and the palm-fruit (as in the fable of the fruit of the palm falling unexpectedly at the moment of the alighting of a crow and killing it), unexpected, accidental R. iii, 45, 17 Comm. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 106 (cf. Pat. and Kaiy.) 
   • (am), ind. unexpectedly, suddenly MBh. xii, 6596 
   • (am), n. the fable of the crow and the palm-fruit 
   • -vat ind. as in the fable of the crow and the palm-fruit, unexpectedly, suddenly Hit

⋙ kākatālukin

   ○tālukin mfn. having the palate of a crow, contemptible Comm. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 128

⋙ kākatiktā

   ○tiktā f. Abrus precatorius L

⋙ kākatindu


⋙ kākatinduka

   ○tinduka m. a kind of ebony (Diospyros tomentosa) L

⋙ kākatuṇḍa

   ○tuṇḍa m. the dark Agallochum BhP. v, 14, 12 
   • (ī), f. Asclepias Curassavica L 
   • Xanthochymus pictorius L 
   • a kind of brass L. [Page 267, Column 1] 

⋙ kākatuṇḍaka

   ○tuṇḍaka m. a kind of water-fowl Car 
   • (ikā), f. the plant Xanthochymus Pictorius L

⋙ kākatulya

   ○tulya mfn. like a crow, crow-like, crafty MW

⋙ kākatva

   ○tva n. the state of a crow Kathās

⋙ kākadanta

   ○danta m. 'crow's tooth', anything impossible or not existing, chimera (cf. śaśa-viṣāṇa) Jyot. &c 
   • -vicāra m. a discussion about nothing Comm. on Nyāyam

⋙ kākadantaki

   ○dantaki ayas m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe, g. dāmany-ādi

⋙ kākadantakīya

   ○"ṣdantakīya m. a prince of the Kāka-dantakis ib

⋙ kākadanti

   ○danti m. id. ib. Kāś

⋙ kākadantīya

   ○"ṣdantīya m. id. ib. Kāś

⋙ kākadhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. submarine fire (personified in Hindū mythology, cf. aurva) L

⋙ kākanāman

   ○nāman m. the plant Agati Grandiflora L

⋙ kākanāsa

   ○nāsa m. the plant Asteracantha Longifolia L 
   • (ā), f. the plant Leea Hirta Suśr

⋙ kākanāsikā

   ○nāsikā f. the plant Leea Hirta L 
   • the red-blossomed Trivṛit L

⋙ kākanidrā

   ○nidrā f. 'crow's sleep', light slumber (easily broken)

⋙ kākanīlā

   ○nīlā f. = -jambū

⋙ kākapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. 'crow's wing', side-locks of hair on the temples of young men (three or five locks on each side left when the head is first shaved and allowed to remain there, especially in persons of the military caste) 
   • -dhara mfn. wearing side-locks R. Ragh. xi, 1 and 42

⋙ kākapakṣaka

   ○pakṣaka mfn. (ifc.) id. Ragh. iii, 28 and xi, 31

⋙ kākapada

   ○pada n. the mark of a crow's foot or a similar mark or figure Suśr. VarBṛS 
   • marks or lines in the skin similar to a crow's foot Suśr 
   • the foundation or base of anything so shaped Jyot 
   • the sign V in MSS. marking an omission 
   • a particular flourish of the pen indicating an oft-recurring word 
   • m. a modus coeundi L

⋙ kākaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. the plant Phaseolus trilobus Bhpr

⋙ kākapīlu

   ○pīlu m. the plant Diospyros tomentosa (kāka-tinduka) L 
   • Xanthochymus pictorius (kāka-tuṇḍī) L 
   • a variety of Abrus precatorius (śveta-guñjā) Bhpr

⋙ kākapīluka

   ○pīluka m. the plant Diospyros tomentosa (kāka-tinduka) L

⋙ kākapuccha

   ○puccha for -puṣṭa L

⋙ kākapuṣṭa

   ○puṣṭa m. 'crownourished', the Kokila or Indian cuckoo (said to leave its eggs in the nest of the crow &c.) L

⋙ kākapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. a kind of plant Bhpr

⋙ kākapeya

   ○peya mfn. 'crowdrinkable', full to the brim or to the brink with water so that a crow may drink Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 33 (cf. Pāli kāka-peyya in Mahāparinibbāna Sutta.)

⋙ kākaphala

   ○phala m. the tree Azadirachta Indica (nimba) L 
   • (ā), f. a kind of Jambū L

⋙ kākabandhyā

   ○bandhyā for -vandhyā

⋙ kākabali

   ○bali m. 'crowoffering', N. of the Bali-karaṇa or offerings of food for crows and other animals RTL. p. 329

⋙ kākabījaka

   ○bījaka m. the plant Diospyros tomentosa Gal

⋙ kākabhāṇḍī

   ○bhāṇḍī f. a species of Karañja L

⋙ kākabhīru

   ○bhīru m. 'afraid of crows', an owl (cf. kākâri) L

⋙ kākamadgu

   ○madgu m. a water-hen, gallinule (dātyūha, resembling a crow in colour) MBh

⋙ kākamarda

   ○marda and m. a kind of gourd (Cucumis colocynthis, mahā-kāla) L

⋙ kākamardaka

   ○mardaka m. a kind of gourd (Cucumis colocynthis, mahā-kāla) L

⋙ kākamācikā

   ○mācikā f. the plant Solanum indicum (commonly Gūrkamai) L

⋙ kākamācī

   ○mācī f. id. Suśr

⋙ kākamātā

   ○mātā f. id. L

⋙ kākamārin

   ○mārin m. Menispermum Cocculus

⋙ kākamukha

   ○mukha ās m. pl. 'crow-faced', N. of a mythical people W

⋙ kākamudgā

   ○mudgā f. the wild bean Phaseolus trilobus L

⋙ kākamṛga

   ○mṛga au m. du. the crow and the deer Hit 
   • -go-carita mfn. following the manner of the crow in drinking, of the deer in eating, and of the cow in making water BhP. v, 5, 34

⋙ kākameṣī

   ○meṣī f. Vernonia anthelminthica L

⋙ kākayava

   ○yava m. barren corn (the ear of which has no grains) MBh. Pañcat

⋙ kākarakta

   ○rakta n. crow's blood

⋙ kākaranti

   ○ranti ayas m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe, g. dāmany-ādi

⋙ kākarantīya

   ○"ṣrantīya m. a prince of the Kāka-rantis ib. Kāś

⋙ kākarava

   ○rava mfn. crying out like a crow, cowardly 
   • a coward Pañcat. (ed. Bomb.) i, 7, 16 (v. l. kākaruka)

⋙ kākarudrasaṃvāda

   ○rudra-saṃvāda m. N. of wk. on omens

⋙ kākaruhā

   ○ruhā f. a parasitic plant (Epidendrum tesseloides, &c.) L

⋙ kākavaktra

   ○vaktra m. 'crow-faced', a kind of duck L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a Buddhist goddess Buddh

⋙ kākavat

   ○vat ind. like a crow, in the manner of a crow

⋙ kākavandhyā

   ○vandhyā f. a woman that bears only one child Comm. on Gobh. iii, 5, 7

⋙ kākavarṇa

   ○varṇa m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kākavarṇin

   ○varṇin m. N. of a prince (or descendant of Bimbisāra) Buddh

⋙ kākavartaka

   ○vartaka au m. du. the crow and the quail

⋙ kākavallabhā

   ○vallabhā f. a particular plant (= kāka-jambū) L

⋙ kākavallarī

   ○vallarī f. a kind of creeper Bhpr 
   • Abrus precatorius Bhpr

⋙ kākavāśika

   ○vāśika mfn. crying kāka MBh. viii, 41, 58

⋙ kākavairin

   ○vairin m. 'crow's enemy', an owl Mahīdh. on VS. xxiv, 23

⋙ kākavyāghragomāyu

   ○vyāghra-gomāyu avas m. pl. the crow, the tiger, and the jackal

⋙ kākaśabda

   ○śabda m. the cawing of a crow

⋙ kākaśāva

   ○śāva m. a young crow Pat. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 42 Vārtt. 2

⋙ kākaśimbī

   ○śimbī f. the plant Xanthochymus pictorius L

⋙ kākaśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa m. the tree Agati grandiflora L

⋙ kākaśīrṣi

   ○śīrṣi m. N. of a man (probably a patronymic) L. [Page 267, Column 2] 

⋙ kākasampāta

   ○sampāta m. the flight of a crow Kauś. 31 and 34

⋙ kākastrī

   ○strī f. = -śīrṣa W

⋙ kākasparśa

   ○sparśa m. the touching of a crow Nīlak. on MBh. xii, 177, 11 
   • a ceremony performed on the tenth day after a death consisting in the offering of rice to crows

⋙ kākasphūrja

   ○sphūrja m. the plant Diospyrus tomentosa L

⋙ kākasvara

   ○svara m. a shrill tone

⋙ kākahradatīrtha

   ○hradatīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

⋙ kākākṣi

   kākâkṣi n. the eye of a crow (crows are supposed to have but one visual orb which, as occasion requires, moves from the cavity on one side into that on the other) AgP. ix, 13 
   • -nyāyena, -nyāyāt, and -vat ind. in the manner of a crow's eye (said of a word which follows two rules), on this side and that, in such a way as to belong both to the preceding and subsequent Comm. on Lāṭy 
   • on Mn. iv, 83 &c. Comm. on Naish. i, 11 (○kṣi-golakanyāyāt)

⋙ kākāṅgā


⋙ kākāṅgī

   kākâṅgī f. the plant Leea Hirta L

⋙ kākāñcī

   kākâñcī f. id. ib 
   • an esculent vegetable (Solanum indicum) W

⋙ kākāṇḍa

   kākâṇḍa m. a kind of bean Suśr 
   • Diospyros tomentosa L 
   • Melia Bukayun L 
   • (ā), f. a kind of spider Suśr 
   • Carpopogon pruriens L 
   • (ī), f. a kind of plant L

⋙ kākāṇḍaka

   kākâṇḍaka m. Diospyros tomentosa MBh 
   • (ā), f. a kind of spider Suśr

⋙ kākāṇḍolā

   kākâṇḍolā f. a plant similar to the Carpopogon pruriens Car

⋙ kākātanī

   kākâtanī f. the gourd Cucumis colocynthis ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 23 (v. l. for the next)

⋙ kākādanī

   kākâdanī f. id., g. gaurâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 41 
   • a white variety of the Abrus precatorius Suśr 
   • the plant Capparis sepiaria

⋙ kākāyu

   kākâyu m. a kind of creeping plant Bhpr

⋙ kākāri

   kākâri m. 'enemy of crows', an owl L

⋙ kākāsyā

   kākâsyā f. 'crow-faced', N. of a Buddhist goddess Buddh

⋙ kākāhvānā

   kākâhvānā f. 'named after the crow', (sc. udumbarī) the Ficus oppositifolia Suśr

⋙ kākekṣu

   kākêkṣu m. a kind of reed (Saccharum spontaneum, kāśa) L

⋙ kākendu

   kākêndu m. a kind of ebony (Diospyros tomentosa) L

⋙ kākeṣṭa

   kākêṣṭa m. the tree Melia Azadirachta L 
   • -phalā f. a kind of plant Gal

⋙ kākocchvāsa

   kākôcchvāsa mfn. breathing quickly like a crow (in fear) Hariv. 4510 Suśr

⋙ kākoḍumbara

   kākôḍumbara m. (ī), f. and f. the opposite-leaved fig-tree (Ficus oppositifolia) Suśr

⋙ kākoḍumbarikā

   kākôḍumbarikā f. the opposite-leaved fig-tree (Ficus oppositifolia) Suśr

⋙ kākodara

   kākôdara m. 'crow-bellied', a serpent L

⋙ kākodumbara

   kākôdumbara m. = kākôḍumbara

⋙ kākolūka

   kākôlūka n. the crow and owl (as natural enemies) Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-4, 9

⋙ kākolūkikā

   kākôlūkikā f. the natural enmity between the owl and the crow Pāṇ. 4-3, 125 Kāś. ; iv, 2, 104 Pat. on Vārtt. 21

⋙ kākolūkīya

   kākôlūkīya n. 'the story of the crow and the owl', N. of the third book of the Pañcatantra

⋙ kākoṣṭhaka

   kākoṣṭhaka and mfn. shaped like the beak of a crow (said of a bandage) Suśr

⋙ kākauṣṭhaka

   kākâuṣṭhaka mfn. shaped like the beak of a crow (said of a bandage) Suśr

≫ kākakāyani

   kākakāyani m. a patr. fr. kāka g. vākinâdi

≫ kākaṇa

   kākaṇa n. (g. gaurâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 41) a kind of leprosy with black and red spots (so called from its similarity to the black and red seed of the plant Abrus precatorius) 
   • a small coin (= kākaṇi) L

⋙ kākaṇāhvā

   kākaṇâhvā f. Abrus precatorius Car. vii, 7

≫ kākaṇaka

   kākaṇaka n. a kind of leprosy Suśr

≫ kākaṇantikā

   kākaṇantikā f. the plant Abrus precatorius Suśr

≫ kākaṇi

   kākaṇi and f. a small coin (= kākiṇī) L

⋙ kākaṇī

   kākaṇī f. a small coin (= kākiṇī) L 
   • (Pāṇ. 4-1, 41.)

≫ kākati

   kākati f. N. of a household deity of the prince of Ekaśilā (a form of Durgā), Pratāpar

≫ kākatīya

   kākatīya mfn. a worshipper of Kākati 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people, Pratāpar

⋙ kākatīyarudra

   ○rudra m. N. of a king of Nāgapura

≫ kākanantī

   kākanantī f. = kākaṇantikā Suśr

≫ kākani

   kākani and f. a small coin (= kākiṇī) L

⋙ kākanī

   kākanī f. a small coin (= kākiṇī) L

≫ kākandaka

   kākandaka mfn. fr. kakandī Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 123

≫ kākandi

   kākandi ayas m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe, g. dāmany-ādi

≫ kākandī

   kākandī f. N. of a land or town Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 123 Uṇ. iv, 98 
   • Emblic myrobalan W

≫ kākandīya

   kākandīya m. N. of a prince of the Kākandi tribe, g. dāmany-ādi

≫ kākambīra

   kākambī́ra m. 'crow-bearer' (Sāy.), N. of a tree RV. vi, 48, 17


   kākaruka mfn. faint-hearted, cowardly, timid 
   • a coward, craven Pañcat. ix, 15 
   • naked L 
   • poor, indigent L 
   • m. a henpecked husband (governed by his wife) L 
   • an owl L 
   • deceit (dambha) L. (cf. kāka-rava.)

≫ kākarūka

   kākarūka v. l. for kākaruka. kākala m. (?) n. (?) the thyroid cartilage Car. i, 18 [Page 267, Column 3] 
   • a jewel worn upon the neck W 
   • m. a raven

≫ kākalaka

   kākalaka n. the larynx, thyroid cartilage Pat. (vol. i, p. 61) Suśr 
   • an ornament of the neck W 
   • a kind of rice Suśr


   kākali f. a soft sweet sound (kala) Kathās. Ṛitus 
   • N. of an Apsaras L

≫ kākalikā

   kākalikā f. N. of an Apsaras VP

≫ kākalī

   kākalī f. a low and sweet tone Bhartṛ. i, 35 
   • a musical instrument with a low tone (for ascertaining whether a person is asleep or not) Daś. 71, 1 
   • a kind of grape without a stone L

⋙ kākalīdrākṣā

   ○drākṣā f. a kind of grape without a stone or with a very small one L

⋙ kākalīrava

   ○rava m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo L. (cf. kala-rava.)

≫ kākalīka

   kākalīka (?) = kākali


   kākā onomat. from the cawing of the crow

⋙ kākākṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. uttering that cry MBh. viii, 1932 (v. l.)


   kākâyu kāka


   kâkāra as, ī, am mf. n. scattering water W


   kākāla m. a raven Vet. iv, 18 (cf. kāka and kākola.)


   kāki m. a son or descendant of Kāka, g. vākinâdi


   kākiṇi m. = kākiṇī BhP. xi, 23, 20

≫ kākiṇika

   kākiṇika mfn. worth a Kākiṇī BhP. xii, 3, 41 
   • (ā), f. = kākiṇī BhP. v, 14, 26

≫ kākiṇī

   kākiṇī f. a small coin or a small sum of money equal to twenty Kapardas or cowries, or to a quarter of a Paṇa Pañcat. Daś 
   • a seed of the Abrus precatorius used as a weight L 
   • the shell Cypraea moneta or a cowrie used as a coin L 
   • a cubit, the fourth part of a Daṇḍa or short pole L 
   • a Daṇḍa L 
   • a part of a measure (unmānasyâṃśaka) L

≫ kākiṇīka

   kākiṇīka mfn. worth a Kākiṇī Pat. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 33 Vārtt. 3

≫ kākinī

   kākinī f. the fourth part of a Paṇa Hit 
   • a quarter of a Māna L 
   • the seed Abrus precatorius L 
   • the shell Cypraea moneta L 
   • a kind of Svarabhakti, Māṇḍūkī Śikshā ix, 13 
   • N. of a goddess


   kākila m. the larynx (= kākala) L 
   • a jewel worn upon the neck W


   kāku f. a peculiar tone or change of the voice resulting from distress or fear or anger or grief &c. Uṇ. i, 1 Sāh 
   • a cry of sorrow, complaint, lamentation Vikr. 42 
   • stress, emphasis Naish 
   • the tongue L 
   • muttering, murmuring W. (cf. śevākāku.)

⋙ kākuvāc

   ○vāc f. a cry of sorrow L 
   • m. Ardea Sibirica L


   kākutstha m. (g. śivâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 112) a descendant of Kakutstha R. ii, 110, 28 Rājat 
   • N. of Anenas MBh. iii, 13516 
   • of Aja Ragh. vi, 2 
   • of Daśa-ratha R. i, 23, 3 
   • of Rāma, i, 24, 18 Ragh. xii, 46 
   • of Lakshmaṇa R. iii, 49, 22 
   • N. of a sovereign (also Puraṃjaya) L 
   • (au), m. du. Rāma and Lakshmaṇa R. ii, 99, 3 Ragh. xii, 30


   kākúd t f. the hollow of the mouth, the palate (cf. kakud, Lat. cacūmen) RV. i, 8, 7 ; vi, 41, 2 and viii, 69, 12 
   • (Naigh. i, 11 Nir. v, 26.)

≫ kākuda

   kākuda n. id. L

≫ kākudākṣika

   kākudākṣika m. a son or descendant of Kakudâksha, g. revaty-ādi

≫ kākudra

   kākudra mfn. palatable AitBr. vii, 1 ('the palate' Sāy.)

≫ kākubh

   kākubh v. l. for kākud Naigh. i, 11


   kākudīka n. a particular mythical weapon MBh. v, 3490

kākubha 1

   kākubha mfn. consisting of Kakubh verses, g. utsâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 86 RPrāt. xviii, 1, 2 ŚāṅkhŚr. (cf. pragātha)

⋙ kākubhabārhata

   ○bārhata m. a species of Pragātha RPrāt. xviii, 10

≫ kākubha 2

   kākubha m. a son or descendant of Kakubh, g. śivâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 112


   kākulī-mṛga m. an animal belonging to the class of Bhūmi-śayas Car. i, 27


   kākecī f. a kind of fish L. [Page 268, Column 1] 

≫ kākocika

   kākocika m. the fish Cyprinus Cachius L

≫ kākocin

   kākocin ī m. id. L

≫ kākocī

   kākocī f. id. L


   kākola m. a raven Mn. v, 14 Yājñ. i, 174 &c. (cf. kāka and kākāla) 
   • a boar L 
   • a snake L 
   • a potter (cf. kulāla) L 
   • the plant Kākolī L 
   • (as, am), m. n. a kind of poison L 
   • a poisonous substance of a black colour or the colour of a raven (perhaps the berry of the Cocculus indicus) W 
   • (am), n. a division of hell Yājñ. iii, 223

≫ kākoli

   kākoli f. a medicinal plant Suśr

≫ kākolī

   kākolī f. id. Car. vi, 13 ; viii, 10


   kākvaśeya for kārkaśeya

kākṣa 1

   kâkṣa mfn. (fr. 2. kā + akṣa) frowning, looking scornfully or in displeasure Siddh. on Pāṇ. 6-3, 104 Sch. on Bhaṭṭ. v, 24 
   • (as, am), m. n. a glance, wink, leer Pāṇ. 6-3, 104 Bhaṭṭ. v, 24 Vop. vi, 93 (cf. kaṭâkṣa.)

kākṣa 2

   kākṣa m. a kind of plant, g. plakṣâdi in the Kāś 
   • (am), n. the fruit of the same ib 
   • (ī), f. the plant Cytisus Cajan L 
   • a kind of fragrant earth, perfume (kacchī, saurāṣṭra-mṛttikā) L


   kākṣatava mfn. fr. kakṣatu Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 71 
   • (am), n. the fruit of the Kakshatu, g. plakṣâdi


   kākṣaseni m. 'son of Kakshasena', N. of Abhipratārin TāṇḍyaBr. x 
   • xiv ChUp. iv, 3, 5


   kākṣi m. N. of a man


   kākṣīva m. the plant Hyperanthera Moringa L 
   • (patr. fr. kakṣīvat) N. of a son of Gautama and Auśīnarī MBh. ii, 802

≫ kākṣīvaka

   kākṣīvaka m. the plant Hyperanthera Moringa L

≫ kākṣīvat

   kākṣīvat = kakṣīvat MBh. BhP

≫ kākṣīvata

   kākṣīvata mf(ī)n. composed by or relating to Kakshīvat (scil. sūkta) ŚāṅkhŚr. ix, 20, 12 
   • ākhyāna, xvi, 11, 4 
   • m. (patr. fr. kakṣīvat), N. of Nodhas TāṇḍyaBr. vii 
   • of Kauravya 
   • of Śabara 
   • (ī), f. a female descendant of Kakshīvat MBh. i, 4695 
   • (am), n. N. of different kinds of Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. xiv


   kāga m. (cf. kāka) a crow (in Prākṛit dialects 'a raven') L


   kāgada n. paper (Hindūstānī kāghaś)


   kâgni m. (fr. 2. kā + agni) a little fire Vop. vi, 96


   kāṅkata ās m. pl. the school of Kaṅkata Pat


   kāṅkāyana m. 'descendant of Kaṅka', N. of a physician


   kāṅkṣ (connected with √kam), cl. 1. P. kāṅkṣati (cakāṅkṣa, akāṅkṣīt Dhātup. xvii, 16), ep. also Ā. ○te, to wish, desire, long for, hope for (with acc.), expect, wait for, await (with acc.), strive to obtain, look for anything (dat.) ĀśvŚr. Mn. MBh. R. Bhag. Megh. Suśr.: Caus. kāṅkṣayati, acakāṅkṣat Pat. on Pāṇ. 7-4, 1 Vārtt. 1: Desid. cikāṅkṣiṣati: Intens. cākāṅkṣyate and cākāṃṣṭi

≫ kāṅkṣaṇīya

   kāṅkṣaṇīya mfn. to be desired Kād. 102, 17

≫ kāṅkṣat

   kāṅkṣat mfn. wishing, desiring 
   • hoping, expecting

≫ kāṅkṣamāṇa

   kāṅkṣamāṇa mfn. id

≫ kāṅkṣā

   kāṅkṣā f. (ifc.) wish, desire, inclination R. Nal. Suśr. Pañcat

≫ kāṅkṣita

   kāṅkṣita mfn. wished, desired, longed for 
   • expected MBh. R. Ragh 
   • considered, thought upon (dat., acc. ed. Bomb.) R. ii, 25, 43 
   • (am), n. wish, desire R. v, 29, 9

≫ kāṅkṣin

   kāṅkṣin mfn. desiring, longing for, expecting, waiting for (acc. or in comp.) MBh. R. Bhag. Pañcat 
   • waiting R. v, 33, 27 Pañcat. iii, 134

⋙ kāṅkṣintā

   ○tā f. wish, desire R. ii, 34, 28


   kāṅkṣī f. a kind of fragrant earth L. (cf. kākṣī and kacchī́.)


   kāṅkṣoru m. a heron L 
   • (also written kāṅkṣāru ?) [Page 268, Column 2] 


   kāṅgā f. Orris √(= varāṭikā) L


   kāṅguka n. a kind of corn Suśr. (cf. kaṅgu.)


   kācá m. (√kac) glass Suśr. Pañcat. Kathās 
   • (pl. glass pearls) ŚBr. xiii, 2, 6, 8 
   • crystal or quartz (used as an ornament) W 
   • alkaline ashes, any salt of potash or soda in a crystalline state W 
   • a class of diseases of the eye (especially an affection of the optic nerve or gutta serena) Suśr 
   • a loop, a string fastened to each end of a pole with a net in which burdens &c. are held or suspended, a yoke to support burdens &c. (= śikya) L 
   • the string of the scale of a balance L 
   • a Dviśālaka having one room on the north side and another on the south 
   • (am), n. alkaline salt, block salt L 
   • wax L 
   • (mfn.) having the colour of glass

⋙ kācakāmala

   ○kāmala n. a kind of disease of the eyes

⋙ kācakāmalin

   ○kāmalin mfn. afflicted with the preceding disease

⋙ kācakūpī

   ○kūpī f. a glass bottle W

⋙ kācaghaṭī

   ○ghaṭī f. a glass ewer W

⋙ kācatilaka

   ○tilaka n. black salt L

⋙ kācabakayantra

   ○baka-yantra n. a glass retort L

⋙ kācabhājana

   ○bhājana n. a vessel of glass or crystal, cup, goblet L

⋙ kācamaṇi

   ○maṇi m. a 'glass-jewel', crystal, quartz Hit

⋙ kācamala

   ○mala n. the impurity secreted by the eye in the disease kāca 
   • black salt or soda L

⋙ kācamācī

   ○mācī f. a spirituous liquor L

⋙ kācamālī

   ○mālī f. = mālatī L

⋙ kācamāṣa

   ○māṣa m. Dolichos Catjang L

⋙ kācalavaṇa

   ○lavaṇa n. black salt (a medicinal salt prepared by calcining fossil salt and the fruit of the Emblic myrobalan together 
   • it consists chiefly of muriate of soda with a small quantity of iron, lime, and sulphur, and is a tonic aperient W.) L

⋙ kācavakayantra

   ○vakayantra = -baka-yantra above

⋙ kācasambhava

   ○sambhava n. 'produced from alkaline ashes', black salt L

⋙ kācasauvarcala

   ○sauvarcala n. black salt L

⋙ kācasthālī

   ○sthālī f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia suaveolens) L

⋙ kācākṣa

   kācâkṣa m. 'glass-eyed', N. of an aquatic bird Suśr. i, 205, 14

≫ kācaka

   kācaka m. glass W 
   • stone W 
   • alkaline ashes &c. W

≫ kācana

   kācana or n. a string or tape or wrapper which ties or keeps together a parcel or bundle of papers or leaves of a manuscript &c. L. (cf. kacela.)

⋙ kācanaka

   kācanaka n. a string or tape or wrapper which ties or keeps together a parcel or bundle of papers or leaves of a manuscript &c. L. (cf. kacela.)

≫ kācanakin

   kācanakin ī m. a writing, manuscript L

≫ kācara

   kācara mfn. 'consisting of glass', glass-like (said of a cat's eyes) Kathās

≫ kācita

   kācita mfn. suspended by a swing or in a loop, carried in the basket hanging from each end of a yoke or pole L


   kācalindi v. l. for kāka-ciñcika Lalit


   kācigha m. a mouse, rat L 
   • gold L 
   • a legume W


   kāciñcika v. l. for kāka-ciñcika Lalit. xix, 3


   kācita kācá


   kācit-kará mfn. (fr. kā-cid = kāni-cid) doing everything, doing various things, serving various purposes, very active RV. x, 86, 13


   kācima m. a sacred tree (growing near a temple) L


   kācilindi and kācilindika, vv. ll. for kāka-ciñcika Lalit


   kāccha and kācchaka mfn. (fr. kaccha) being on the bank of a river (not applicable to human beings) Pāṇ. 4-2, 133 and 134 
   • (ī), f. a kind of fragrant earth (cf. kākṣī) L

≫ kācchika

   kācchika mf(ī)n. being on the bank of a river (?) W 
   • a preparer of perfumes VarBṛS


   kācchapa mf(ī)n. (fr. kacchapa) relating or belonging to a tortoise


   kācchika kāccha


   kācchima mfn. (= accha) clear (as water) L


   kāja n. a wooden hammer Āp. R. ii, 55, 17


   kā-jala n. ( 2. kā) a little water Vop. vi, 95 
   • (mfn.) waterless, Caraka vi, 2


   kāñc cl. 1. Ā. kāñcate, to shine Dhātup. vi, 10 
   • to bind ib. (cf. kac, kañc.)

≫ kāñcana

   kāñcana n. gold Naigh. i, 2 Mn. Yājñ. Nal. Suśr. Hit. [Page 268, Column 3] 
   • money, wealth, property W 
   • the filament of the lotus L 
   • (mf(ī)n.) golden, made or consisting of gold MBh. R. Mn. Megh. Śak. BhP 
   • m. N. of several edible plants (Mesua ferrea L 
   • Michelia Champaca L 
   • Ficus glomerata L 
   • Bauhinia variegata L 
   • Datura fastuosa L 
   • Rottleria tinctoria L.) 
   • a covenant binding for the whole life Kām. (= Hit.) 
   • a particular form of temple Hcat 
   • N. of the fifth Buddha L 
   • N. of a son of Nārāyaṇa (author of the play Dhanañjayavijaya) 
   • N. of a prince (cf. kāñcana-prabha) 
   • (ī), f. turmeric L 
   • a kind of Asclepias (svarṇakṣīrī) L 
   • a plant akin to the Premna spinosa L 
   • a kind af yellow pigment

⋙ kāñcanakadalī

   ○kadalī f. a variety of the plant Musa sapientum L

⋙ kāñcanakandara

   ○kandara m. a gold mine W

⋙ kāñcanakānti

   ○kānti mfn. shining like gold Daś. xii, 5

⋙ kāñcanakāriṇī

   ○kāriṇī f. the plant Asparagus Racemosus L

⋙ kāñcanakṣīrī

   ○kṣīrī f. a kind of Asclepias, (ifc. ○rya mfn. ) Suśr. ii, 62, 5

⋙ kāñcanagarbha

   ○garbha R. iii, 53, 33 (probably for -varṇa ed. Bomb. iii, 47, 27)

⋙ kāñcanagiri

   ○giri m. 'golden-mountain', N. of Meru BhP. v, 16, 28 
   • of an elephant Kathās

⋙ kāñcanagairika

   ○gairika n. a kind of ochre Suśr

⋙ kāñcanacaya

   ○caya m. a heap of gold W

⋙ kāñcanadaṃṣṭra

   ○daṃṣṭra m. N. of a prince Kathās

⋙ kāñcanapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās. Vet

⋙ kāñcanapurī

   ○purī f. id. Kathās

⋙ kāñcanapuṣpaka

   ○puṣpaka n. the plant Tabernaemontana coronaria L

⋙ kāñcanapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. a plant akin to the Premna spinosa L

⋙ kāñcanaprabha

   ○prabha mfn. glittering with gold R 
   • m. N. of a prince (son of Bhīma and father of Suhotra) Hariv. VP 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Vidyā0-dhara princess Kathās

⋙ kāñcanabhū

   ○bhū f. golddust, a golden or yellow soil W

⋙ kāñcanabhūṣā

   ○bhūṣā f. ochre Npr

⋙ kāñcanamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. made of gold R. Pañcat

⋙ kāñcanamālā

   ○mālā f. 'having a golden garland', N. of the daughter of Kṛikin and wife of Kuṇāla (son of Aśoka) Buddh 
   • N. of another woman Kathās 
   • N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ. iii, 14

⋙ kāñcanaruci

   ○ruci mfn. shining like gold

⋙ kāñcanavapra

   ○vapra m. a hill or mound of gold

⋙ kāñcanavarman

   ○varman m. 'golden-armoured', N. of a prince MBh. v, 189, 20

⋙ kāñcanavega

   ○vega m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās

⋙ kāñcanaśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga n. N. of a mythical town ib

⋙ kāñcanaśṛṅgin

   ○śṛṅgin mfn. golden-peaked Hcat

⋙ kāñcanasaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi m. a treaty of friendship between two parties on equal terms Hit. iv

⋙ kāñcanasaṃnibha

   ○saṃnibha mfn. like gold

⋙ kāñcanākṣa

   kāñcanâkṣa m. 'gold-eyed', N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix 
   • N. of a Dānava Hariv 
   • (ī), f. N. of the river Sarasvatī Gal

⋙ kāñcanāṅga

   kāñcanâṅga mf(ī)n. golden-bodied

⋙ kāñcanāṅgadin

   kāñcanâṅgadin mfn. wearing a golden bracelet (aṅgada) on the upper arm MBh. xii, 4, 9

⋙ kāñcanācala

   kāñcanâcala m. 'golden mountain', N. of mount Meru MBh. i, 67, 30

⋙ kāñcanācārya

   kāñcanâcārya m. N. of the author of the Dhanañjaya-vijaya

⋙ kāñcanādri

   kāñcanâdri m. 'golden mountain' N. of mount Meru

⋙ kāñcanābhā

   kāñcanâbhā f. 'golden splendour', N. of a town Kathās

⋙ kāñcanābhidhānasaṃdhi

   kāñcanâbhidhāna-saṃdhi m. the alliance called golden ( -saṃdhi above) Hit. iv

⋙ kāñcanāhva

   kāñcanâhva mfn. called after gold 
   • (am), n. (scil. gairika) a kind of ochre Suśr

⋙ kāñcaneṣudhi

   kāñcanêṣudhi m. 'goldenquiver', N. of a prince Hariv. 1683

≫ kāñcanaka

   kāñcanaka mfn. golden 
   • m. the fruit of rice or grain L 
   • the mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata) L 
   • (ā), f. N. of a town VP 
   • (ikā), f. a plant related to the Premna Spinosa L 
   • N. of a servant, Vāsav 
   • (am), n. yellow orpiment L

≫ kāñcanāra

   kāñcanāra m. mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata) Bhpr. Bālar

≫ kāñcanāraka


⋙ kāñcanāla

   kāñcanāla m. id. L

≫ kāñcanīya

   kāñcanīya mf(ā)n. golden MBh 
   • (ā), f. a yellow pigment (go-rocana) L


   kāñci ayas m. pl., N. of a people MBh. i, 6684 
   • (is), f. = kāñcī Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 117 
   • (ifc. ○ci ind.) Śiś. ix, 82

⋙ kāñcipurī

   ○purī f. N. of a town (= kāñcī-pura) W


   kāñcika n. sour gruel (kāñjika) L


   kāñcī f. (fr. √kac 
   • cf. kāñci) a girdle (especially a woman's zone or girdle furnished with small bells and other ornaments, raśanā) R. Ragh. Megh. BhP. Suśr 
   • the plant Abrus precatorius L 
   • N. of an ancient city (one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindūs, now Koñjīvaram, not very far from Madras, = kāñcī-varam, -puram RTL. p. 446) VarBṛS. BhP. &c

⋙ kāñcīkalāpa

   ○kalâpa m. (ifc. f. ā) a girdle Bhartṛ. i, 66

⋙ kāñcīkṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. N. of the district round Kāñcī

⋙ kāñcīguṇasthāna

   ○guṇa-sthāna n. the hips, haunches Kum. i, 37 Vām. xvi, 3 (cf. kāñcīpada.)

⋙ kāñcīnagara

   ○nagara n. N. of a town (Kāñcī)

⋙ kāñcīpada

   ○pada n. the hips, haunches (= -guṇa-sthāna) L. [Page 269, Column 1] 

⋙ kāñcīpura

   ○pura n. N. of a town (Kāñcī) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-2, 99 
   • (ī), f. id. PadmaP

⋙ kāñcīpuraka

   ○puraka mfn. of or belonging to Kāñcī-pura Pat

⋙ kāñcīprastha

   ○prastha m. N. of a town, g. mālâdi

⋙ kāñcīyamaka

   ○yamaka n. a kind of paronomasia or punning, e.g. Bhaṭṭ. x, 8


   kāñcukin mfn. = kañcukin, clad in armour Āp

≫ kāñcukīya

   kāñcukīya m. = kañc○ Lalit. 241, 17


   kāñjika n. sour gruel, water of boiled rice in a state of spontaneous fermentation Suśr 
   • (ā), f. id. L 
   • a medicinal plant L 
   • an edible legume L 
   • a kind of creeping plant L

⋙ kāñjikapūjā

   ○pūjā f. N. of a Jaina work

⋙ kāñjikavaṭaka

   ○vaṭaka m. a dish consisting of sour gruel, meal, and several condiments Bhpr

≫ kāñjī

   kāñjī f. sour gruel (kāñjika) L 
   • N. of a plant (mahā-droṇa) L

≫ kāñjīka

   kāñjīka n. sour gruel (kāñjika) L


   kāṭá m. (= kartá from which it is derived Naigh. iii, 23) deepness, hole, well (Sāy.) RV. i, 106, 6 AV. xii, 4, 3 MaitrS. iii, 12, 12 ĀpŚr. xvii, 2

≫ kāṭya

   kā́ṭya mfn. being in a hole VS. xvi, 37 and 44


   kāṭayavema m. N. of a commentator on Kālidāsa's Śakuntalā


   kāṭava n. (fr. kaṭu) sharpness Vām


   kāṭavema for kāṭayavema


   kāṭākṣa as, or am m. or n. (?) (cf. kāṭá), a sort of vessel for holding liquid, Kaṭh. xl, 4


   kāṭipya mfn. fr. kaṭipa g. saṃkāśâdi


   kāṭuka n. (fr. kaṭuka) acidity, g. yuvâdi


   kāṭha mf(ī)n. proceeding from or composed by Kaṭha Pāṇ. 4-3, 107 Kāś 
   • m. a rock, stone L

≫ kāṭhaka

   kāṭhaka mf(ī)n. relating to Kaṭha, according to the Kaṭhaka school of the Black Yajur-veda Pat. Sarvad 
   • (am), n. N. of one of the recensions of the Black Yajur-veda Nir. Pāṇ. Pat

⋙ kāṭhakagṛhyasūtra

   ○gṛhya-sūtra n. N. of wk

⋙ kāṭhakopaniṣad

   kāṭhakôpaniṣad f. the Kaṭhôpanishad, q.v

≫ kāṭhaśāṭhin

   kāṭhaśāṭhin inas m. pl. the pupils of Kaṭhaśāṭha, g. śaunakâdi Pāṇ. 4-3, 106 
   • or of Kaṭha and Śāṭha ib. Kāś


   kāṭhina n. (fr. kaṭhina) hardness, sternness W 
   • m. the date fruit W

≫ kāṭhinya

   kāṭhinya n. hardness, rigidity, stiffness, sternness, severity (N. of a disease) ŚārṅgS 
   • firmness of character, difficulty, obscurity (of style) Comm. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 24 Vop. xiii, 1 Śak. 63 Kum. BhP 
   • error for kaṭhilla Lalit. xliv, 7

⋙ kāṭhinyaphala

   ○phala n. the plant Feronia Elephantum (kapittha) L


   kāṭheraṇi m. (fr. kaṭheraṇi), N. of a man, g. gahâdi

≫ kāṭheraṇīya

   kāṭheraṇīya mfn. relating to Kāṭheraṇi, g. gahâdi


   kāṇá mf(ā)n. (etym. doubtful 
   • g. kaḍārâdi) one-eyed, monoculous (akṣṇā kāṇaḥ, blind of one eye Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 30 and 3, 20) RV. x, 155, 1 AV. xii, 4, 3 TS. ii, 5, 1, 7 Mn. MBh 
   • pierced, perforated (as a cowrie perforated or broken by insects) Comm. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 20 Hit. Pañcat. Bhartṛ. iii, 5 
   • 'having only one loop or ring' and 'one-eyed' Pañcat 
   • m. a crow L

⋙ kāṇatva

   ○tva n. one-eyedness Sāh

⋙ kāṇadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a man Buddh

⋙ kāṇabhūti

   ○bhūti m. N. of a Yaksha Kathās. i, 59 (cf. á-kāṇa, ekâkṣa, and kāṇūka.)

≫ kāṇeya

   kāṇeya m. the son of a one-eyed woman Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 131 
   • one-eyed W

⋙ kāṇeyavidha

   ○vidha n. a country inhabited by Kāṇeyas, g. bhaurikyādi

≫ kāṇera

   kāṇera m. = kāṇeya Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 131

≫ kāṇeri

   kāṇeri is, or ī m. N. of a teacher (vḷ. kānerin)

⋙ kāṇerin

   kāṇerin ī m. N. of a teacher (vḷ. kānerin)


   kāṇabhuja mf(ī)n. descended from Kana-bhuj or Kaṇâda (q.v.), composed by or relating to Kaṇâda Comm. on Bādar. [Page 269, Column 2] 
   • m. a follower of Kaṇâda ib. Hcar

≫ kāṇāda

   kāṇāda mf(ī)n. composed by or relating to Kaṇâda


   kāṇikera m. a metron. fr. kaṇikā Pat


   kāṇuká mfn. an adj. qualifying saras RV. viii, 77, 4 (Nir. v, 11)


   kāṇūka m. (√kaṇ Uṇ. iv, 39) a crow (wrongly written kānūka, cf. kāṇá) Uṇ 
   • the bird which makes a hanging nest on the Tāl tree W 
   • a cock W 
   • a species of goose W


   kāṇeri kāṇá


   kāṇelī-mātṛ (perhaps connected with kāṇera above), ā m. a bastard (a name of reproach occurring generally in the voc. case and according to native Comm. designating one whose mother was an unmarried woman) Mṛicch


   kāṇṭaka mf(ī)n. (fr. kaṇṭaka) consisting of thorns ĀpŚr. xv, 1

≫ kāṇṭakamardanika

   kāṇṭakamardanika mfn. (from kaṇṭakamardana) effected by or resulting from the treading down or crushing of thorns or enemies, g. akṣa-dyūtâdi


   kāṇṭakāra mfn. made of the wood of Kaṇṭakāra, g. rajatâdi


   kāṇṭheviddhi m. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 81) a descendant of Kaṇṭhe-viddha VBr. Pravar 
   • (○ddhī, or ○ddhyā), f. a female descendant of Kaṇṭhe-viddha Pat


   kā́ṇḍa [or kāṇḍá TS. vii], as, am m. n. (ifc. f. ā, or ī) [cf. khaṇḍa, with which in some of its senses kāṇḍa is confounded] a single joint of the stalk or stem of a plant, such as a bamboo or reed or cane (i.e. the portion from one knot to another, cf. tri-k○), any part or portion, section, chapter, division of a work or book (cf. tri-k○), any distinct portion or division of an action or of a sacrificial rite (as that belonging to the gods or to the manes) AV. TS. VS 
   • a separate department or subject (e.g. karma-kāṇḍa, the department of the Veda treating of sacrificial rites Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 51) AV. TS. ŚBr. R 
   • a stalk, stem, branch, switch MBh. R. Mn. i, 46, 48 Kauś. Suśr 
   • the part of the trunk of a tree whence the branches proceed W 
   • a cluster, bundle W 
   • a multitude, heap, quantity (ifc.) Pāṇ. 4-2, 51 Kāś 
   • an arrow MBh. xiii, 265 Hit 
   • a bone of the arms or legs, long bone (cf. kāṇḍa-bhagna and pucchakāṇḍá) Suśr 
   • a rudder (?) R. ii, 89, 19 
   • a kind of square measure Pāṇ. 4-1, 23 Vop. vii, 55 
   • a cane, reed, Saccharum Sara (śara) L 
   • water L 
   • opportunity, occasion (cf. a-kāṇḍa) L 
   • a private place, privacy L 
   • praise, flattery L 
   • (ifc. implying depreciation) vile, low Pāṇ. 6-2, 126 
   • = kāṇḍasyâvayavo vikāro vâ g. bilvâdi 
   • (ī), f. a little stalk or stem Rājat. vii, 117

⋙ kāṇḍaṛṣi

   ○ṛṣi m. the Ṛishi of a particular Kāṇḍa of the Veda TĀr. i, 32, 2

⋙ kāṇḍakaṭu

   ○kaṭu and m. the plant Momordica Charantia L

⋙ kāṇḍakaṭuka

   ○kaṭuka m. the plant Momordica Charantia L

⋙ kāṇḍakaṇṭa

   ○kaṇṭa m. a kind of plant Gal

⋙ kāṇḍakāṇḍaka

   ○kāṇḍaka m. the grass Saccharum spontaneum L

⋙ kāṇḍakāra

   ○kāra m. the Areca or betel-nut tree L 
   • the betel-nut W

⋙ kāṇḍakīlaka

   ○kīlaka m. the tree Symplocos racemosa L

⋙ kāṇḍaguṇḍa

   ○guṇḍa m. a species of grass L

⋙ kāṇḍagocara

   ○gocara m. an iron arrow L

⋙ kāṇḍatikta


⋙ kāṇḍatiktaka

   ○tiktaka m. a kind of gentian (Gentiana Chirayita) Bhpr

⋙ kāṇḍadhāra

   ○dhāra m. N. of a country, g. takṣaśilâdi Pāṇ. 4-3, 93 
   • (mfn.) coming from or relating to that country ib. (v. l. kāṇḍa-vāraṇa)

⋙ kāṇḍanīla

   ○nīla m. the plant Symplocos racemosa L

⋙ kāṇḍapaṭa

   ○paṭa m. an outer tent, screen surrounding a tent, curtain Daś. Kād. ii, 121, 14 
   • (ī), f. id. L

⋙ kāṇḍapaṭaka

   ○paṭaka m. id. Śiś

⋙ kāṇḍapatita

   ○patita m. N. of a serpent-king Kāṭh

⋙ kāṇḍapattra

   ○pattra m. a kind of sugarcane L

⋙ kāṇḍapāta

   ○pāta m. an arrow's fall or flight Hit

⋙ kāṇḍapuṅkhā

   ○puṅkhā f. the plant Galega purpurea L

⋙ kāṇḍapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. the flower of the Artemisia indica L 
   • (ā), f. the plant Artemisia indica Pāṇ. 4-1, 64 Vārtt. 1 
   • g. ajâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 4 Vop. iv, 15

⋙ kāṇḍapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha m. 'arrow-backed', a Brāhman who lives by making arrows and other weapons MBh. (cf. kāṇḍa-spṛṣṭa) 
   • a soldier W 
   • the husband of a courtezan 
   • an adopted or any other than a natural son W 
   • (am), n. the bow of Karṇa L. [Page 269, Column 3] 
   • the bow of Kāma W

⋙ kāṇḍaphala

   ○phala m. the plant Ficus glomerata L

⋙ kāṇḍabhagna

   ○bhagna n. a fracture or dislocation of the bones Suśr 
   • -tva n. the state of having a fractured limb Suśr

⋙ kāṇḍamaya

   ○maya mfn. consisting of reed or cane L 
   • (ī), f. a kind of lute (= kāṇḍa-viiṇā) Lāṭy

⋙ kāṇḍaruhā

   ○ruhā f. the plant Helleborus niger Bhpr. i, 173

⋙ kāṇḍarṣi

   ○"ṣrṣi m. = kāṇḍa-ṛṣi above Comm. on Bādar. 301, 7

⋙ kāṇḍalāva

   ○lāva mfn. cutting canes or twigs Comm. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 1 ; 3, 12

⋙ kāṇḍavat

   ○vat mfn. armed with arrows, an archer Pāṇ. 5-2, 111

⋙ kāṇḍavastra

   ○vastra n. a curtain Caurap

⋙ kāṇḍavāraṇa

   ○vāraṇa n. the warding off of arrows Bālar 
   • N. of a country (v. l. for kāṇḍa-dhāra) 
   • (mfn.) coming from or relating to that country, g. takṣaśilâdi Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 93

⋙ kāṇḍavāriṇī

   ○vāriṇī f. N. of Durgā, DeviiP

⋙ kāṇḍavīṇā

   ○vīṇā f. a kind of lute composed of joints of reed Kāṭh. Lāṭy. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • (said to be played by Cāṇḍālas L 
   • cf. kāṇḍola-viiṇā.)

⋙ kāṇḍaśākhā

   ○śākhā f. a kind of Soma-vallī L

⋙ kāṇḍasandhi

   ○sandhi m. a joint in the stem of a tree or of a reed L

⋙ kāṇḍaspṛṣṭa

   ○spṛṣṭa m. a Brāhman who lives by making weapons (cf. -pṛṣṭha) Hariv

⋙ kāṇḍahīna

   ○hīna n. 'without knots', the grass Cyperus pertenuis L

⋙ kāṇḍāgnaka

   kāṇḍâgnaka mfn. relating to kāṇḍâgni Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 126

⋙ kāṇḍāgni

   kāṇḍâgni (v. l. kuṇḍâgni), m. N. of a particular locality ib

⋙ kāṇḍānukrama

   kāṇḍânukrama m

⋙ kāṇḍānukramaṇikā

   kāṇḍânukramaṇikā or f. an index of the kāṇḍas of the Taittirīya-Saṃhitā

⋙ kāṇḍānukramaṇī

   kāṇḍânukramaṇī f. an index of the kāṇḍas of the Taittirīya-Saṃhitā

⋙ kāṇḍānusamaya

   kāṇḍânusamaya m. the performance of all prescribed acts of ritual in orderly succession for a particular object before performing the same acts in the same order for a second object Comm. on ĀśvGṛ. i, 24, 7 
   • on KātyŚr. i, 5, 9 and 11 ; viii, 8, 14 ; 15 ; 17 
   • on Nyāyam. v, 2, 1 (cf. padârthânusamaya)

⋙ kāṇḍekṣu

   kāṇḍêkṣu m. the plant Saccharum spontaneum Bhpr. ii, 64, 9 Car. iii, 8 
   • the plant Asteracantha longifolia L

⋙ kāṇḍeruhā

   kāṇḍeruhā f. = kāṇḍa-ruhā L

≫ kāṇḍanī

   kāṇḍanī f. the plant Sūkshma-parṇī L

≫ kāṇḍāra

   kāṇḍāra m. a kind of mixed caste BrahmaP

≫ kāṇḍāla

   kāṇḍāla m. a reed-basket (cf. kāṇḍola) L

≫ kāṇḍikā

   kāṇḍikā f. a part or division of a book Comm. on ŚBr. xiii, 2, 5, 1 
   • a kind of corn (cf. laṅkā) L 
   • a kind of gourd (Cucumis utilissimus) L

≫ kāṇḍin

   kāṇḍín mfn. reed-shaped, grass-like, hollow AV. viii, 7, 4 TBr. ii

≫ kāṇḍīra

   kāṇḍīra mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 110 Vop. vii, 32 and 33) armed with arrows, an archer L 
   • m. the plant Achyranthes aspera L 
   • the plant Momordica Charantia L 
   • (ā and ī), f. the plant Rubia Munjista L

≫ kāṇḍera

   kāṇḍera m. the plant Amaranthus polygonoides Bhpr. i, 282 
   • (ī), f. the plant Tiaridium indicum L. (cf. kīḍera.)

≫ kāṇḍola

   kāṇḍola m. = kāṇḍāla L


   kāṇḍamāyana m. (fr. kāṃdama ?), N. of a grammarian TPrāt


   kāṇvá mfn. relating to or worshipping Kaṇva Pāṇ. 4-2, 111 
   • m. a descendant of Kaṇva RV. TāṇḍyaBr. ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • a worshipper of Kaṇva Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 111 
   • (ās), m. pl. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 111) the school of Kāṇva 
   • N. of a dynasty VP 
   • (am), n. N. of several Sāmans

⋙ kāṇvadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a man

⋙ kāṇvaśākhā

   ○śākhā f. the Kāṇva branch or school of the White Yajur-veda

⋙ kāṇvaśākhin

   ○"ṣśākhin m. a follower of the Kāṇva branch of the Veda

≫ kāṇvaka

   kāṇvaka mfn. pertaining to Kaṇva Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 23 
   • (am), n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy. vi, 11, 4

≫ kāṇvāyana

   kāṇvāyana m. a descendant of Kaṇva 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants or followers of Kaṇva RV. viii, 55, 4 
   • N. of a dynasty BhP. xii, 1, 19

≫ kāṇvāyani

   kāṇvāyani m. a descendant of Kaṇva ṢaḍvBr. according to Sāy. on RV. i, 51, 1 (kaṇv○ in printed text) and viii, 2, 40 Comm. on Nyāyam. ix, 1, 21

≫ kāṇvīputra

   kāṇvī-putra m. N. of a teacher BṛĀrUp. vi, 5, 1

≫ kāṇvīya

   kāṇvīya mfn. fr. kaṇva Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 111

≫ kāṇvya

   kāṇvya m. (g. gargâdi) a descendant of Kaṇva TāṇḍyaBr. (cf. kāṇva.)

≫ kāṇvyāyana

   kāṇvyāyana m. a descendant of Kāṇva ṢaḍvBr 
   • (ās), m. pl. Hariv. i, 32, 5 
   • N. of a dynasty VP. iv, 24, 12

≫ kāṇvyāyanīya

   kāṇvyāyanīya ās m. pl. the school of Kāṇvyāyana Pat


   kāt ind. a prefix implying contempt (cf. 2. kad), only in comp. with

⋙ kātkṛ

   ○√kṛ 'to insult, dishonour', p.p. kāt-kṛta mfn. insulted, dishonoured BhP. vi, 7, 11. [Page 270, Column 1] 


   kā-tantra n. N. of a grammar, also called kalāpaka, or ○pa-sūtra or kaumāravyākaraṇa (composed by Śrī-śarvavarman 'after the Sūtra composed by Bhagavat-Kumāra, and at his command' 
   • (ās), m. pl. the followers of the Kātantra grammar

⋙ kātantrakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of a comm. on the above by Go-vardhana. Other similar works are: -gaṇa-dhātu, -catuṣṭaya-pradīpa, -candrikā, -dhātu-ghoṣā, -pañjikā, -pariśiṣṭa, -pariśiṣṭa-prabodha, -laghu-vṛtti, -vibhramasūtra, -vistara or -vistāra, -vṛtti, -vṛtti-ṭīkā, vṛtti-pañjikā, -śabda-mālā, -ṣaṭ-kāraka, and kātantrôṇādi-vṛtti)


   kātara mf(ā)n. (etym. doubtful, perhaps from katara, 'uncertain as to which of the two' BRD.), cowardly, faint-hearted, timid, despairing, discouraged, disheartened, confused, agitated, perplexed, embarrassed, shrinking, frightened, afraid of (loc. or inf. or in comp.) R. Mṛicch. Ragh. Megh. Śak. Pañcat. Hit 
   • m. a kind of large fish (Cyprinus Catla, kātala) L 
   • N. of a man ( kātarāyaṇa) 
   • (am), n. (in sa-kātara) 'timidity, despair, agitation.'

⋙ kātaratā

   ○tā f. or cowardice, timidity, agitation Śak. Megh. Pañcat

⋙ kātaratva

   ○tva n. cowardice, timidity, agitation Śak. Megh. Pañcat

≫ kātarāyaṇa

   kātarāyaṇa m. a descendant of Kātara, g. naḍâdi

≫ kātarya

   kātarya n. cowardice, timidity, dejection, agitation, fear MBh. R. Ragh


   kātala m. a kind of large fish (Cyprinus Catla, cf. kātara) L 
   • N. of a man, g. naḍâdi

≫ kātalāyana

   kātalāyana m. a descendant of Kātala, g. naḍâdi (cf. kātarāyaṇa.)


   kāti mfn. (fr. √3. kā), 'wishing, desiring' (only in comp., ṛṇá-kāti and kā́ma-kāti, cf. ṛṇa-cít) 
   • (ayas), m. pl., N. of a school


   kātīya mfn. (fr. kātya), composed by Kātya

⋙ kātīyakalpasūtra

   ○kalpa-sūtra n. N. of wk

⋙ kātīyagṛhyasūtra

   ○gṛhya-sūtra n. N. of wk. by Pāraskara (belonging to the White Yajur-veda)

⋙ kātīyasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of wk


   kā-tīra n. a bad shore Pāṇ. 6-1, 155 Kāś


   kā́tu m. = kūpa Naigh. iii, 23 (cf. kāṭá.)


   kā-tṛṇa n. 'bad grass', a particular kind of grass (Rohisha-tṛiṇa) L. (cf. kattṛṇa.)


   kāt-√kṛ kāt


   kāttreyaka mfn. (fr. 2. kád + tri), produced from or pertaining to any combination of three inferior articles Pāṇ. 4-2, 95


   kātthaka m. 'descendant of Katthaka', N. of a commentator Nir


   kātya m. = kātyāyana g. gargâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 105

≫ kātyāyana

   kātyāyana m. 'descendant of Kati' ( 2. kati), N. of the author of several treatises on ritual, grammar, &c. Hariv. 1461 & 1768 R. ii, 67, 2 VPrāt. Yājñ. i, 4 (he is also author of the Vārttikas or critical annotations on the aphorisms of Pāṇini, of the Yajur-veda Prātiśākhya, and of the Śrauta-sūtras, and is identified with Vara-ruci, the author of the Prākṛita-prakāśa) 
   • (ī́), f. N. of one of the two wives of Yājñavalkya ŚBr 
   • of a Pravrājikā Kathās 
   • of Durgā Hariv. Lalit. Prab 
   • a middle-aged widow dressed in red clothes L 
   • mf(ī)n. composed by Kātyāyana

⋙ kātyāyanatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of wk

⋙ kātyāyanamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ kātyāyanasūtra

   ○sūtra n. the Śrauta-sūtras of Kātyāyana 
   • -paddhati f. a commentary on the same by Yājñika-deva 
   • -bhāṣya n. a commentary on the same by Karka

⋙ kātyāyaneśvara

   kātyāyanêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP

≫ kātyāyanikā

   kātyāyanikā f. a widow in middle age L

≫ kātyāyanī

   kātyāyanī f. of ○yana, q.v

⋙ kātyāyanīkalpa

   ○kalpa m. N. of a Kalpa

⋙ kātyāyanīputra

   ○putra m. N. of a teacher BṛĀrUp. vi, 5, 1

≫ kātyāyanīya

   kātyāyanīya ās m. pl. the school of Kātyāyana 
   • (am), n. N. of several works 
   • (mfn.) composed by Kātyāyana (e.g. -śāstra, the law-book composed by Kātyāyana) [Page 270, Column 2] 
   • m. a pupil of Kātyāyana W


   kāthaka m. a son or descendant of Kathaka Pravar

≫ kāthakya

   kāthakya m. id., g. gargâdi

≫ kāthakyāyanī

   kāthakyāyanī f. of Kāthakya, g. lohitâdi


   kāthañcitka mf(ī)n. (fr. kathaṃcid), accomplished with difficulty, g. vinayâdi


   kāthika mf(ī)n. (fr. 1. kathā), belonging to a tale, told in a tale W 
   • knowing stories Pāṇ. 4-4, 102 
   • m. a narrator of stories W


   kādamba m. (Uṇ. iv, 84) a kind of goose with dark-grey wings (kala-haṃsa) MBh. R. Ragh. Suśr 
   • an arrow L 
   • the plant Nauclea Cadamba L 
   • (ā), f. a kind of plant L 
   • (am), n. the flower of the Nauclea Cadamba Suśr

≫ kādambaka

   kādambaka m. an arrow L

≫ kādambinī

   kādambinī f. a long line or bank of clouds Prasannar. iv, 20 
   • N. of a daughter of Takshaka Vīrac


   kādambara as, am m. n. the surface or skim of coagulated milk, sour cream L 
   • (am, ī), n. f. (n. L.) a spirituous liquor distilled from the flowers of the Cadamba Kād. 102, 19 
   • the rain water which collects in hollow places of the tree Nauclea Cadamba when the flowers are in perfection (it is supposed to be impregnated with honey) L 
   • wine L 
   • spirituous liquor (in general) L 
   • the fluid which issues from the temples of a rutting elephant L 
   • (ī), f. the female of the Kokila or Indian cuckoo L 
   • the preaching-crow L 
   • N. of Sarasvatī L 
   • of a daughter of Citra-ratha and Madirā 
   • of a celebrated story by Bāṇa named after her

≫ kādambarī

   kādambarī f. of ○bara, q.v

⋙ kādambarīkathāsāra

   ○kathā-sāra m. N. of wk. by Abhinanda (q.v.)

⋙ kādambarībīja

   ○bīja n. any cause of fermentation, ferment, yeast L

⋙ kādambarīlocanānanda

   ○locanânanda m. 'the pleasure of Kādambarī's eyes', N. of the moon Kād. ī. 133, 7

≫ kādambarya

   kādambarya m. the tree Nauclea Cadamba (kādamba) L


   kādaleya (fr. kadala), g. sakhyādi


   kādācitka mf(ī)n. (fr. kadā-cid Vop. vii, 15), appearing now and then, produced sometimes, occasional, incidental Comm. on Bādar. ii, 3, 18 and iii, 2, 10

⋙ kādācitkatā

   ○tā f. and the state of occurring occasionally Sāh

⋙ kādācitkatva

   ○tva n. the state of occurring occasionally Sāh


   kādi-krama-stuti f. N. of wk. attributed to Śaṅkarācārya

≫ kādimata

   kādi-mata n. N. of a Tantra work L


   kādrava mfn. dark yellow, reddish brown MBh. v, 1708

≫ kādraveya

   kādraveyá m. (fr. kadrū Pāṇ. 6-4, 147 
   • g. śubhrâdi Pāṇ. 4-1, 123 Vop. vii, 6), N. of certain Nāgas or serpent-demons supposed to people the lower regions, e.g. of Arbuda AitBr. vi, 1 ŚBr. xiii, 4, 3, 9 ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 2, 14 ĀśvŚr. x, 7 
   • of Kasarṇīra TS. i, 5, 4, 1 MBh. Hariv. BhP 
   • a serpent (?) L


   kānaka mfn. (fr. kanaka), golden Suśr. i, 99, 5 
   • (am), n. the seed of Croton Jamalgota L


   kānac the suffix āna 
   • (forming perf. p. Ā.)


   kānaḍā f. a particular Rāgiṇī


   kānada m. N. of a son of Dhīmarana

kānana 1

   kānana n. (said to be fr. √kan) a forest, grove (sometimes in connection with vana) R. Nal. Ragh. Pañcat. Suśr 
   • (ifc. f. ā R. Ragh.) 
   • a house L

⋙ kānanānta

   kānanânta n. the skirts or neighbourhood of a forest, wooded district, forest R. (cf. vanânta.)

⋙ kānanāri

   kānanâri m. 'forest-enemy', a species of the Mimosa-tree (śamī) L

⋙ kānanaukas

   kānanâukas m. 'forest-dweller', a monkey R. (cf. vanâukas.)

kānana 2

   kânana n. (fr. 3. ka + ānana), the face of Brahmā L


   kānalaka mfn. (fr. kanala), g. arīhaṇâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 80 
   • (v. l. kālanaka.) [Page 270, Column 3] 


   kānāyana (?), m. a patronymic Pravar


   kāniṣṭhika mfn. (fr. kaniṣṭhikā), g. śarkarâdi

≫ kāniṣṭhineya

   kāniṣṭhineyá m. (g. kalyāṇy-ādi) a son of the youngest or of a younger wife TBr. ii, 1, 8, 1 
   • (pl.) Comm. on Mn. ix, 123 (kaniṣ○ printed text)

≫ kāniṣṭhya

   kāniṣṭhya n. the position of the youngest or a younger Hariv. 113


   kānītá m. a patr. of Pṛithuśrávas RV. viii, 46, 21 and 24 ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 11, 23


   kānīná mf(ī)n. (fr. kanīna), born of a young wife Pāṇ. 4-1, 116 Mn. ix, 160 and 172 Yājñ. ii, 129 MBh. Hariv. BhP 
   • m. N. of Vyāsa Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 116 (cf. MBh. i, 3802) 
   • of Karṇa Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 116 (cf. Hariv. 4057 BhP. ix, 23, 13) 
   • of Agniveśya BhP. ix, 2, 21 
   • (mfn.) suitable to or designed for the eyeball (cf. kanīnaka) Suśr. ii, 353, 13


   kānīyasá ās m. pl. (fr. kanīyas), less in number ŚBr. xiv, 4, 1, 1


   kānerin m. = kāṇerin, q.v

kānta 1

   kānta mf(ā)n. (fr. √2. kam), desired, loved, dear, pleasing, agreeable, lovely, beautiful 
   • m. any one beloved, a lover, husband 
   • the moon L 
   • the spring L 
   • the plant Barringtonia Acutangula L 
   • iron L 
   • a stone (cf. sūrya-k○, &c.) L 
   • N. of Kṛishṇa L 
   • of Skanda MBh. iii, 14631 
   • of a son of Dharma-netra Hariv. i, 33, 3 
   • (ā), f. a beloved or lovely woman, wife, mistress Kathās 
   • a charming wife L 
   • the earth L 
   • N. of certain plants L 
   • large cardamoms L 
   • a kind of perfume (reṇukā, Piper aurantiacum) L 
   • N. of a metre of four lines of seventeen syllables each 
   • a kind of Śruti 
   • (am), n. saffron L 
   • a kind of iron L 
   • a magnet Buddh 
   • a kind of house L

⋙ kāntakalikā

   ○kalikā f. a particular kind of artificial verse

⋙ kāntatva

   ○tva n. loveliness, beauty, agreeableness MBh. iii, 14437

⋙ kāntapakṣin

   ○pakṣin m. 'lovely-bird', a peacock L

⋙ kāntapāṣāṇa

   ○pāṣāṇa m. the iron-stone, load-stone L

⋙ kāntapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. the mountain-ebony (Bauhinia variegata) L

⋙ kāntamiśra

   ○miśra m. N. of an author

⋙ kāntaloha

   ○loha n. the loadstone L

⋙ kāntalauha

   ○lauha n. cast-iron (cf. loha-kānta) L

⋙ kāntānuvṛtta

   kāntânuvṛtta m. compliance with a beloved one

⋙ kāntāyasa

   kāntâyasa n. the iron-stone, loadstone, magnet L. (cf. -pāṣāṇa, -loha, and ayas-kānta.)

⋙ kāntotpīḍā

   kāntôtpīḍā f. N. of a metre consisting of four lines of twelve syllables each

≫ kāntaka

   kāntaka m. N. of a man Daś

≫ kāntalaka

   kāntalaka m. the tree Cedrela Toona (commonly tunna, the wood of which resembles mahogany) L

≫ kāntā

   kāntā f. of kānta, q.v

⋙ kāntāṅghridohada

   kāntâṅghri-dohada and m. 'having a longing desire for contact with the foot of a beautiful woman' (to hasten its blossoms), the tree Jonesia Asoka L

⋙ kāntācaraṇad

   kāntā-caraṇa-d○ m. 'having a longing desire for contact with the foot of a beautiful woman' (to hasten its blossoms), the tree Jonesia Asoka L

⋙ kāntāpurī

   kāntā-purī v. l. for kānti-purī VP

≫ kāntāya

   kāntāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to behave like a lover Bhartṛ. i, 50

≫ kānti

   kānti f. desire, wish L 
   • loveliness, beauty, splendour, female beauty, personal decoration or embellishment Nal. Śak. Megh. Pañcat. Suśr. Kathās 
   • a lovely colour, brightness (especially of the moon) Kathās 
   • (ifc. f. ī) Caurap 
   • (in rhetoric) beauty enhanced by love Vām. iii, 1, 22 ; xxii, 14 Sāh 
   • a lovely or desirable woman personified as wife of the moon Hariv. 5419 
   • N. of Lakshmī BhP. x, 65, 29 
   • of Durgā, DeviiP

⋙ kāntikara

   ○kara mfn. causing beauty, beautifying, illuminating W

⋙ kāntikosala

   ○kosala ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 9, 40

⋙ kāntida

   ○da mfn. giving beauty, beautifying, adorning W 
   • (ā), f. the plant Serratula anthelminthica (vākucī) L 
   • (am), n. bile, bilious humor L

⋙ kāntidāyaka

   ○dāyaka mf(ikā)n. granting beauty, beautifying, adorning W 
   • (am), n. a fragrant wood (a kind of Curcuma from the √of which a yellow dye is prepared 
   • C. Zanthorrhizza, cf. kālīyaka) L

⋙ kāntipura

   ○pura n. N. of a town in Nepal VarBṛS 
   • (ī), f. N. of a town PadmaP

⋙ kāntimat

   ○mat mfn. lovely, splendid R. Kum. Suśr 
   • (ī), f. N. of a metre 
   • N. of a woman 
   • -tā f. loveliness, beauty Kum

⋙ kāntirāja

   ○rāja m. N. of a prince

⋙ kāntivrata

   ○vrata n. a kind of ceremony

⋙ kāntihara

   ○hara mfn. destroying beauty, making ugly, dulling, dimming W. [Page 271, Column 1] 

≫ kāntika

   kāntika ās m. pl., N. of a people VP

≫ kāntī

   kāntī f. N. of a town

⋙ kāntīnagarī

   ○nagarī f. N. of a city in the north (for kānti-nagarī, cf. kānti-pura)


   kāntāra as, am m. n. a large wood, forest, wilderness, waste MBh. R. Yājñ. ii, 38 Kathās. Pañcat 
   • a difficult road through a forest, forest-path L 
   • a hole, cavity L 
   • m. a red variety of the sugar-cane Suśr 
   • a bamboo L 
   • the mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata) L 
   • (in music) a kind of measure, (ī), f. a kind of sugar-cane L 
   • (am), n. a national calamity, calamity Kāraṇḍ. xlvii, 15 and 20 
   • the blossom of a kind of lotus, lotus L 
   • a symptom or symptomatic disease W

⋙ kāntāraga

   ○ga mfn. wood-going

⋙ kāntārapatha

   ○patha m. a path through a forest Daś

⋙ kāntārapathika

   ○"ṣpathika mfn. going on or conveyed on forest-roads Pāṇ. 5-1, 77 Vārtt. 1

⋙ kāntārabhava

   ○bhava m. a dweller in the woods VarBṛS

⋙ kāntāravāsinī

   ○vāsinī f. 'wood-dwelling', N. of Durgā MBh. vi, 23, 11

⋙ kāntārekṣu

   kāntārêkṣu m. a kind of sugar-cane Bhpr. ii, 64

≫ kāntāraka

   kāntāraka m. a kind of sugar-cane L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1117 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of bee Suśr


   kāntôtpīḍā kānta


   kānthaka n. 'coming from the town Kanthā', a particular substance Pāṇ. 4-2, 103

≫ kānthika

   kānthika mfn. (fr. kanthā) Pāṇ. 4-2, 102


   kānthakya m. a descendant of Kanthaka, g. gargâdi 
   • ○kyâyanī f. g. lohitâdi


   kānda g. aśmâdi

≫ kāndakāyana

   kāndakāyana m. a descendant of Kāndaki, g. taulvaly-ādi Kāś

≫ kāndaki

   kāndaki m. a patr., g. taulvaly-ādi Kāś


   kāṃdama m. a patr. of Ekayāvan TBr. ii, 7, 11, 2 (cf. gāṃ-dama.)


   kāndarpa m. descended from or relating to Kandarpa, g. bidâdi

≫ kāndarpika

   kāndarpika n. 'treating of aphrodisiaca', N. of the seventy-sixth Adhyāya of VarBṛS


   kāndava mfn. (fr. kandu), roasted or baked in an iron pan or oven (as bread cakes &c.) W

≫ kāndavika

   kāndavika mfn. employed in baking L 
   • m. a baker Pañcad


   kāndā-viṣá n. a species of poison AV. x, 4, 22


   kāṃdiś k mfn. (fr. kāṃ diśam, 'to which region shall I fly?'), put to flight, running away, flying MBh. xii, 6320 (cf. MBh. iii, 11113.)

⋙ kāṃdigbhūta

   kāṃdig-bhūta mfn. run away MBh. v, 1870 MārkP

≫ kāṃdiśī

   kāṃdiśī ind. with √bhū, to take to flight L

≫ kāṃdiśīka

   kāṃdiśīka mfn. running away MBh. ix, 134 Rājat. &c


   kāndulā f. a particular Rāgiṇī


   kāndūrā f. a kind of plant Gal


   kānyakubja n. N. of a city (= kanya-kubja, q.v.) MBh. R. BhP. &c 
   • (mf(ī)n.) belonging to or dwelling in Kānyakubja 
   • (ī), f. a princess or a female inhabitant of Kānyakubja Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 78. [In Kathās. lxi, 219 wrongly printed Kānyākubja.]


   kānyajā f. a kind of perfume L


   kāpaṭa mf(ī)n. (fr. kapaṭa), addicted to deceit or fraud, dishonest VarBṛS

≫ kāpaṭika

   kāpaṭika mf(ī)n. fraudulent, dishonest, wicked, perverse, bad L 
   • m. a flatterer, parasite W 
   • a student, scholar L

≫ kāpaṭya

   kāpaṭya n. deceit, fraud, dishonesty, wickedness W


   kāpaṭava m. (g. śārṅgaravâdi) a son or descendant of Kāpaṭu VBr 
   • (ī), f. a female descendant of Kapaṭu Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 78

≫ kāpaṭavaka

   kāpaṭavaka mfn. coming from Kāpaṭava or from his family Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 80


   kā-patha m. (fr. 2. kā + patha), a bad road, bad ways, erring or evil course Pāṇ. 6-3, 104 and 108 Vop. vi, 94 MBh. v, 4193 R. ii, 108, 7 ; v, 86, 2 
   • m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. 14287 
   • (am), n. the fragrant √of Andropogon muricatus L. [Page 271, Column 2] 


   kā́pā f. a carriage (Gmn.) RV. x, 40, 3


   kāpāṭika mfn. = kapāṭikêva. g. śarkarâdi (kāpālika Kāś.) 
   • also v. l. for kārpaṭika L


   kāpāla mf(ī)n. (fr. kapāla), relating to the skull or cranium R. i, 29, 13 VarBṛS. (= Pañcat.) 
   • made of skulls Prasannar. lxxviii, 15 
   • m. a follower of a particular Śaiva sect of ascetics ( kāpālika) 
   • the plant Cucumis utilissimus L 
   • (ās), m. pl. the school of Kapālin 
   • (ī), f. the Embelia Ribes L 
   • a clever woman L 
   • (am), n. a kind of leprosy Car. vi, 7

≫ kāpāli

   kāpāli m. N. of a Siddha Sarvad

≫ kāpālika

   kāpālika mf(ī)n. relating to or belonging to a skull (= kapālikêva), g. śarkarâdi Pāṇ. 5-3, 107 
   • m. a kind of Śaiva ascetic who carries a human skull and uses it as a receptacle for his food (he belongs to the left-hand sect) VarBṛS. Bhartṛ. i, 64 Prab. liii, 5 Kathās. &c 
   • N. of a mixed class (kapālin) L 
   • N. of a teacher 
   • (am), n. a kind of leprosy 
   • (mfn.) peculiar to a Kāpālika Prab. Pañcat

≫ kāpālin

   kāpālin ī m. 'adorned with skulls', N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1217 (cf. kapālin) 
   • N. of a mixed caste BrahmaP 
   • N. of a son of Kṛishṇa and Yaudhishṭhirī Hariv. 9196


   kāpika mf(ī)n. (fr. kapi), shaped or behaving like a monkey, g. aṅguly-ādi


   kāpiñjala mfn. (fr. kap○), coming from the francoline partridge Kauś. 46 
   • m. a patr. fr. kap○ (v. l. kup○), g. śivâdi

≫ kāpiñjalāda

   kāpiñjalāda ās m. pl. the school of Kāpiñjalādya Pat

≫ kāpiñjalādi

   kāpiñjalādi m. a patr. fr. kapiñjalâda g. kurv-ādi

≫ kāpiñjalādya

   kāpiñjalādya m. a patr. fr. ○lādi ib

≫ kāpiñjali

   kāpiñjali m. a patr. fr. kapiñjala Pat


   kāpittha mfn. (fr. kapittha), belonging to the tree Feronia elephantum Pāṇ. 4-3, 140

≫ kāpitthaka

   kāpitthaka m. (?) N. of a place Comm. on VarBṛ

≫ kāpitthika

   kāpitthika mfn. N. of certain ascetics Hariv. 7988 
   • (ā), f. (perhaps) the tree Feronia elephantum Hariv. 7984


   kāpila mf(ī)n. (fr. kapila), peculiar or belonging to or derived from Kapila MBh. R 
   • of a tawny or brownish colour L 
   • m. a follower of the teacher Kapila, follower of the Sāṅkhya system of philosophy (founded by Kapila) MBh. xii Kāvyâd. Hcar 
   • a tawny colour L 
   • (am), n. N. of wk. by Kapila (= sāṅkhya, or according to others an Upa-purāṇa) Pañcar 
   • (with tīrtha) N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP. KapSaṃh

⋙ kāpilapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ kāpilabali

   ○bali m. N. of a man Car

⋙ kāpileśvaratīrtha

   kāpilêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

≫ kāpilika

   kāpilika m. a metron. fr. kapilikā g. śivâdi

≫ kāpileya

   kāpileya mfn. derived from Kapila Pañcar 
   • m. a patr. fr. kapila or a metron. fr. kapilā AitBr. vii, 17 MBh

≫ kāpilya

   kāpilya mfn. fr. kapila g. saṃkāśâdi


   kāpivana m. (fr. kapi-v○), N. of a festival lasting two days KātyŚr. ĀśvŚr. Vait


   kāpiśa n. (fr. kapiśa), a kind of spirituous liquor L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a place Pāṇ. 4-2, 99

≫ kāpiśāyana

   kāpiśāyana mf(ī)n. coming from Kāpiśī (e.g. madhu, honey, or drākṣā, grape W.) Pāṇ. 4-2, 99 
   • m. a patr. or metron. Pravar 
   • (am), n. a kind of spirituous liquor Śiś. x, 4 
   • a deity L

≫ kāpiśeya

   kāpiśeya m. (fr. kapiśā), a Piśāca, imp, goblin L


   kāpiṣṭhala m. a son or descendant of Kapishṭhala Comm. on Nir. iv, 14 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people (cf. ?) VarBṛS

⋙ kāpiṣṭhalakaṭha

   ○kaṭha m. pl., N. of a school of the Yajur-veda

≫ kāpiṣṭhalāyana

   kāpiṣṭhalāyana mfn. (fr. kāpiṣṭhala) Pāṇ. 8-3, 91 Pat

≫ kāpiṣṭhali

   kāpiṣṭhali m. a son or descendant of Kapishṭhala, g. krauḍy-ādi: Pāṇ. 8-3, 91 Vārtt 
   • (○lyā), f. of ○li g. krauḍy-ādi


   kāpī f. a patr. fr. kāpya 
   • N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 24 VP

⋙ kāpīputra

   ○putra m. N. of a teacher BṛĀrUp. [Page 271, Column 3] 

⋙ kāpīyakānika

   kāpīyakānika m. N. of a Muni VāyuP

≫ kāpeya

   kāpeya mf(ī)n. (fr. kapi), belonging or peculiar to a monkey R. vi, 111, 19 
   • m. a descendant of Kapi Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 107 
   • (pl.) TāṇḍyaBr 
   • (am), n. monkey tricks Pāṇ. 5-1, 127

≫ kāpya 1

   kāpya m. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 107 
   • g. gargâdi) a descendant of Kapi BṛĀrUp

≫ kāpyāyanī

   kāpyāyanī f. of kāpya g. lohitâdi


   kā-puruṣa m. (fr. 2. kā Pāṇ. 6-3, 106 Vop. vi, 94), a contemptible man, coward, wretch R. Pañcat. Hit 
   • (mf(ā)n.) unmanly, cowardly, miserable Hariv. R. vi, 88, 13

⋙ kāpuruṣatā

   ○tā f. and unmanliness, cowardliness

⋙ kāpuruṣatva

   ○tva n. unmanliness, cowardliness

≫ kāpuruṣya

   kāpuruṣya n. unmanliness, meanness, cowardice, g. brāhmaṇâdi


   kāpota mf(ī)n. (fr. kapota Pāṇ. 4-3, 135 Sch., 154 Sch.), belonging to or coming from a pigeon MBh. BhP. Pat 
   • of the colour of a pigeon, of a dull white colour, grey VarBṛS 
   • m. natron, fossil alkali L 
   • antimony, a collyrium or application for the eyes W 
   • (ī), f. a kind of plant Suśr. ii, 173, 12 
   • (am), n. a flock of pigeons Comm. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 44 
   • antimony L 
   • N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr

⋙ kāpotāñjana

   kāpotâñjana n. antimony, a collyrium for the eyes L

≫ kāpotaka

   kāpotaka mfn. fr. kapotakīya g. bilvakâdi

≫ kāpotapākya

   kāpotapākya m. a prince of the Kapotapākas Pāṇ. 5-3, 113 Kāś

≫ kāpotaretasa

   kāpotaretasa m. a patr. fr. kapota-r○ Comm. on ŚāṅkhBr. iii, 2

≫ kāpoti

   kāpoti m. (Pat.) a patr. fr. kapota MBh. xiv, 2712


   kāpola ās m. pl., N. of a school of the Sāma-veda

kāpya 1

   kāpya kāpī

kāpya 2

   kāpya only in comp

⋙ kāpyakara

   ○kara mfn. confessing sin L

⋙ kāpyakāra

   ○kāra mfn. confessing sin L 
   • m. confession of sin L


   kā-phala m. = kaṭphala L


   kābandha (fr. kab○). kāv○

≫ kābandhya

   kābandhya n. the state of being a trunk


   kābavá m. N. of certain evil spirits AV. iii, 9, 3-5


   kā-bhartṛ ā m. a bad husband or lord or master Sāh


   kām ind. an interjection used in calling out to another L


   kā́ma m. (fr. √2. kam 
   • once kāmá VS. xx, 60), wish, desire, longing (kāmo me bhuñjīta bhavān, my wish is that you should eat Pāṇ. 3-3, 153), desire for, longing after (gen., dat., or loc.), love, affection, object of desire or of love or of pleasure RV. VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. MBh. R. &c 
   • pleasure, enjoyment 
   • love, especially sexual love or sensuality 
   • Love or Desire personified AV. ix 
   • xii 
   • xix (cf. RV. x, 129, 4) VS. PārGṛ 
   • N. of the god of love AV. iii. 25, 1 MBh. Lalit 
   • (represented as son of Dharma and husband of Rati [MBh. i, 2596 ff. Hariv. VP.] 
   • or as a son of Brahmā VP 
   • or sometimes of Saṃkalpa BhP. vi, 6, 10 
   • cf. kāma-deva) 
   • N. of Agni SV. ii, 8, 2, 19, 3 AV. TS. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • of Vishṇu Gal 
   • of Baladeva (cf. kāma-pāla) L 
   • a stake in gambling Nār. xvi, 9 
   • a species of mango tree (= mahā-rāja-cūta) L 
   • N. of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each 
   • a kind of bean L 
   • a particular form of temple Hcat 
   • N. of several men 
   • (ā), f. 'wish, desire' (only instr. kāmayā, q.v.) 
   • N. of a daughter of Pṛithuśravas and wife of Ayuta-nāyin MBh. i, 3774 
   • (am), n. object of desire L 
   • semen virile L 
   • N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 5047 
   • (am), ind., s.v 
   • (ena), ind. out of affection or love for 
   • (āya, or e), ind. according to desire, agreeably to the wishes of, out of love for (gen. or dat.) RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. ChUp 
   • (āt), ind. for one's own pleasure, of one's own free will, of one's own accord, willingly, intentionally Mn. R 
   • (kāmá), mfn. wishing, desiring RV. ix, 113, 11 
   • (ifc.) desirous of, desiring, having a desire or intention (cf. go-k○, dharma-k○ 
   • frequently with inf. in tu, cf. tyaktu-k○.)

⋙ kāmakandalā

   ○kandalā f. N. of a woman

⋙ kāmakarśana

   ○karśana in á-kāma-k○, q.v

⋙ kāmakalā

   ○kalā f. N. of Rati (wife of Kāma) L 
   • ○lâṅganā-vilāsa m. N. of wk. [Page 272, Column 1] 
   • ○lā-tantra n. another work 
   • ○lā-bīja n. the essential letter or syllable of a charm or spell

⋙ kāmakalikā

   ○kalikā f. N. of a Surâṅganā

⋙ kāmakākurava

   ○kākurava m. a dove Gal

⋙ kāmakāti

   ○kāti (kā́ma-), mfn. requesting the fulfilment of a wish RV. viii, 92, 14

⋙ kāmakāntā

   ○kāntā f. the plant Jasminum Sambac L

⋙ kāmakāma

   ○kāma and mfn. 'wishing wishes', having various desires or wishes, following the dictates of passion TĀr. i, 31, 1 MBh. iii, 11256 Bhag

⋙ kāmakāmin

   ○kāmin mfn. 'wishing wishes', having various desires or wishes, following the dictates of passion TĀr. i, 31, 1 MBh. iii, 11256 Bhag

⋙ kāmakāra

   ○kāra mfn. fulfilling the desires of any one (gen.) R. vii, 63, 8 
   • m. the act of following one's own inclinations, spontaneous deed, voluntary action, acting of one's own free will, free will Mn. MBh. R. Bhag 
   • ○raṃ-√kṛ, to act as one likes 
   • ○reṇa and ○rāt and ○ra-tas ind. according to one's desires or inclinations, willingly, spontaneously Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ kāmakuṇḍa

   ○kuṇḍa n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP

⋙ kāmakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. the paramour of a harlot L 
   • wanton caresses L

⋙ kāmakṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. done intentionally or knowingly Āp. ii, 28, 12

⋙ kāmakḷpti

   ○kḷpti f. arranging to one's liking Vait

⋙ kāmakeli

   ○keli m. 'love-sport', amorous sport, sexual intercourse L 
   • the Vidūshaka of the drama L 
   • (mfn.) having amorous sport, wanton L 
   • -rasa m. a kind of aphrodisiac

⋙ kāmakoṣṇī

   ○kôṣṇī f. N. of a river BhP

⋙ kāmakrīḍā

   ○krīḍā f. amorous sport 
   • N. of a metre consisting of four lines of fifteen long syllables each

⋙ kāmakhaḍgadalā

   ○khaḍga-dalā f. the plant Pandanus Odoratissimus (cf. svarṇa-ketakī) L

⋙ kāmaga

   ○ga mfn. going or coming of one's own accord 
   • moving or acting as one pleases MBh. R 
   • following one's impulses, indulging one's passions, running after men or women Yājñ. iii, 6 (of a woman = kulaṭā Comm.) 
   • m. one who comes accidentally or unexpectedly, casual visitor, one who travels about without any specific purpose Nal. xviii, 23 
   • (ā), f. a female Kokila L

⋙ kāmagati

   ○gati mfn. going or coming of one's own accord Ragh. xiii, 76

⋙ kāmagama

   ○gama mf(ā)n. id. MBh. R 
   • (ās), m. pl. a class of deities of the eleventh Manvantara VP

⋙ kāmagavī

   ○gavī f. = -dhenu

⋙ kāmagāmin

   ○gāmin mfn. = -gati L

⋙ kāmagiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain VP

⋙ kāmaguṇa

   ○guṇa m. 'quality of desire', affection, passion 
   • satiety, perfect enjoyment 
   • an object of sense 
   • (ās), m. pl. the objects of the five senses, sensual enjoyments Lalit. 225, 4

⋙ kāmago

   ○go f. = -dhenu

⋙ kāmaṃgāmin

   ○"ṣṃ-gāmin mfn. = -gati L

⋙ kāmacakra

   ○cakra n. a kind of mystical circle

⋙ kāmacandra

   ○candra m. N. of a prince Buddh

⋙ kāmacara

   ○cara mf(ī)n. moving freely, following one's own pleasure, unrestrained MBh 
   • (ī), f. N. of one of the mothers attending on Skanda MBh. ix. 2641 
   • -tva n. the state of being free to move or act as one likes Kathās

⋙ kāmacaraṇa

   ○caraṇá n. free or unchecked motion ŚBr. vi, 7, 3, 3

⋙ kāmacāra

   ○cāra mf(ā)n. moving freely, following one's own pleasure, unrestrained MBh 
   • (ás), m. free unrestrained motion, independent or spontaneous action 
   • the following one's own desires, sensuality, selfishness ŚBr. ChUp. Yājñ. ii, 162 Kathās. Comm. on Pāṇ. 1-4, 96 Ragh 
   • -tas ind. according to one's inclination, voluntarily Mn. ii, 220 
   • (eṇa), ind. at pleasure, at will Comm. on TPrāt 
   • -vāda-bhakṣa mfn. following one's inclinations in behaviour and speech and eating Gaut. ii, 1

⋙ kāmacārin

   ○cārin mfn. moving or acting at pleasure, acting unrestrainedly MBh. R. Megh 
   • indulging the desires, behaving libidinously (para-strī-kāma-cārin, lusting after the wife of another) MBh. xiii, 2265 
   • m. N. of a Yaksha Kathās 
   • a sparrow (caṭaka) L 
   • N. of Garuḍa L 
   • (iṇī), f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī in mount Mandara MatsyaP 
   • an Artemisia Npr 
   • ○ri-tva n. moving or acting at pleasure Kād. ii, 130, 18 
   • lewdness KapS

⋙ kāmacālana

   ○cālana n. an erotic term

⋙ kāmaja

   ○ja mfn. produced or caused by passion or desire, arising from lust Mn. vii, 46. 47. 50 
   • begotten or born of desire or lust Mn. ix, 107. 143. 147 
   • m. 'born of Kāma', N. of Aniruddha W 
   • (ās), m. pl. = kāmagamās VP

⋙ kāmajananī

   ○jananī f. betel-pepper Npr

⋙ kāmajani

   ○jani m. the Indian cuckoo L

⋙ kāmajāna

   ○jāna m. id. L

⋙ kāmajāla

   ○jāla m. = -tāla W

⋙ kāmajit

   ○jit m. 'conquering desire', N. of Skanda MBh

⋙ kāmajyeṣṭha

   ○jyeṣṭha (kā́ma-), mfn. having the god Desire at the head, led by Kāma AV. ix, 2, 8

⋙ kāmatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of wk

⋙ kāmataru

   ○taru m. the god of love considered as a tree (cf. -vṛkṣa) Śak 
   • the plant Vanda Roxburghī Npr

⋙ kāmatas

   ○tas ind. according to wish or affection, passionately, from passion or feeling (opposed to dharma-tas) 
   • of one's own accord, of one's own free will, willingly, intentionally, by consent Mn. Yājñ. MBh. R. (cf. a-kāma-tas.)

⋙ kāmatāla

   ○tāla m. the Indian cuckoo (considered as an incentive to love) L

⋙ kāmatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ kāmada

   ○da mf(ā)n. giving what is wished, granting desires R. Kathās. &c. [Page 272, Column 2] 
   • N. of the sun MBh. iii, 154 
   • of Skanda MBh. iii, 14631 
   • (ā), f. = -dhenu R. i, 53, 20 
   • betel-pepper Npr 
   • the yellow Myrobalan Npr 
   • a Sanseviera Npr 
   • N. of one of the mothers in attendance on Skanda MBh. ix, 2645 
   • of a daughter of Śata-dhanvan 
   • -tva n. the granting desires

⋙ kāmadattā

   ○dattā f. N. of wk

⋙ kāmadattikā

   ○dattikā f. N. of a daughter of Śata-dhanvan Hariv. 2037

⋙ kāmadantikā

   ○dantikā f. v. l. for -dattikā Hariv. i, 38, 6

⋙ kāmadaminī

   ○daminī f. 'taming love', N. of a libidinous woman Pañcat

⋙ kāmadarśana

   ○darśana mfn. having the look of a charming person, looking lovely Hariv

⋙ kāmadahana

   ○dahana n. 'the burning up of the god of love by Śiva', N. of a chapter of the LiṅgaP 
   • a particular festival on the day of full moon in the month Phālguna

⋙ kāmadāna

   ○dāna n. a gift to one's satisfaction Hcat. i, 14, 7 
   • a kind of ceremony among prostitutes BhavP

⋙ kāmadugha

   ○dúgha mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 70 Kāś.) 'milking desires', yielding objects of desire like milk, yielding what one wishes VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c. Bālar 
   • (ā), f. = -dhenu

⋙ kāmaduh

   ○duh mfn. (nom. sg. -dhuk), id. MBh. &c

⋙ kāmaduha

   ○duha mf(ā)n. id. MBh 
   • (ā), f. the cow of plenty W

⋙ kāmadūtikā

   ○dūtikā f. the plant Tiaridium Indicum L

⋙ kāmadūtī

   ○dūtī f. the female of the Indian cuckoo W 
   • the plant Bignonia suaveolens Bhpr

⋙ kāmadeva

   ○deva m. the god of love ( kāma above 
   • according to some, son of Sahishṇu and Yaśo-dharā VP.) 
   • N. of Vishṇu (as the god who creates, preserves, or destroys at will) Vishṇ. xcviii, 10 (cf. BhP. v, 18, 15) 
   • of Śiva L 
   • of a poet 
   • of a king of Jayantī-purī 
   • N. of the author of the Prāyaścitta-paddhati 
   • -tva n. the being the god of love Kathās 
   • -maya mfn. representing the god of love AgP

⋙ kāmadohanā

   ○dohanā f. yielding milk easily, yielding desires Hcat

⋙ kāmadohinī

   ○dohinī f. 'yielding desires', = -dhenu Hcat

⋙ kāmadhara

   ○dhara m. N. of a lake in Kāma-rūpa KālP

⋙ kāmadharaṇa

   ○dháraṇa n. the procuring of desires, fulfilment of desire VS. iii, 27 ; xii, 46

⋙ kāmadharma

   ○dharma m. amorous behaviour

⋙ kāmadhātu

   ○dhātu m. the region of the wishes, seat of the Kāmâvacara Buddh

⋙ kāmadhenu

   ○dhenu f. the mythical cow of Vasishṭha which satisfies all desires, cow of plenty (= surabhi) Kathās. BrahmaP 
   • N. of a goddess BrahmaP 
   • N. of several works 
   • -gaṇita n. N. of wk 
   • -tantra n. N. of wk. on the mystical signification of the letters of the alphabet

⋙ kāmadhvaṃsin

   ○dhvaṃsin m. 'subduing the god of love', N. of Śiva L

⋙ kāmanāśaka

   ○nāśaka mfn. destroying irregular desires, subduing sensual appetite

⋙ kāmanīḍā

   ○nīḍā f. musk L

⋙ kāmaṃdhamin

   ○"ṣṃ-dhamin m. a brazier (= kāraṃ-dhamin) L

⋙ kāmapati

   ○pati m. the lord of desire

⋙ kāmapatnī

   ○patnī f. the wife of Kāma (viz. Rati) Hariv

⋙ kāmaparṇikā


⋙ kāmaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. Trichodesma Zeylanicum Npr

⋙ kāmapāla

   ○pāla m. 'gratifier of human desires', N. of Vishṇu Vishṇ 
   • of Śiva L 
   • of Baladeva L 
   • of a man Daś

⋙ kāmapālaka

   ○pālaka m. N. of Baladeva Gal

⋙ kāmapīḍita

   ○pīḍita mfn. tormented with lust or irregular desires

⋙ kāmapūra

   ○pūra mfn. fulfilling wishes, gratifying desires BhP

⋙ kāmapra

   ○pra mfn. id. RV. AV. ŚBr 
   • (ām), n. the fulfilment of desire AV. Kauś. ŚāṅkhŚr

⋙ kāmaprada

   ○prada mfn. granting desires 
   • m. a kind of coitus L

⋙ kāmapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m. N. of wk

⋙ kāmapraśna

   ○praśná m. questioning as one pleases, asking unrestrainedly ŚBr

⋙ kāmaprastha

   ○prastha m. N. of a town, g. mālâdi

⋙ kāmaprasthīya

   ○"ṣprasthīya mfn. relating to that town, g. gahâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 138

⋙ kāmapri

   ○pri m. one whose wishes are fulfilled [Sāy 
   • 'son of Kāma-pra', N. of Marutta BRD.] AitBr. viii, 21

⋙ kāmapriyakarī

   ○priyakarī f. Physalis Flexuosa L

⋙ kāmaphala

   ○phala m. a species of mango tree L

⋙ kāmabaddha

   ○baddha mfn. bound by love 
   • (am), n. a wood W

⋙ kāmabala

   ○bala n. force of desire, sexual power Bhpr

⋙ kāmabāṇa

   ○bāṇa m. an arrow of the god of love

⋙ kāmabindu

   ○bindu m. 'wish-drop', anything dropped into the fire to procure the fulfilment of a wish, drop of melted butter BhP

⋙ kāmabhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa (ed. -bhakṣya), m. eating according to one's inclinations Comm. on Yājñ

⋙ kāmabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. partaking of sensual enjoyment, enjoying all desires KaṭhUp. i, 24

⋙ kāmabhoga

   ○bhoga ās m. pl. gratification of desires, sensual gratification Nal. R. BhP

⋙ kāmamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. 'love-bud', N. of a woman Daś

⋙ kāmamaya

   ○máya mf(ī)n. consisting of desire ŚBr. BṛĀrUp 
   • answering all desires R. iv, 33, 6

⋙ kāmamardana

   ○mardana m. 'destroyer of the god of love', N. of Śiva L

⋙ kāmamaha

   ○maha m. the festival of the god of love (on the day of full moon in the month Caitra or March-April) L

⋙ kāmamālin

   ○mālin m. N. of Gaṇêśa

⋙ kāmamūḍha

   ○mūḍha mfn. infatuated by lust MW

⋙ kāmamūta

   ○mūta (kā́ma-), mfn. strongly affected or impelled by love RV. x, 10, 11

⋙ kāmamoha

   ○moha m. infatuation of lust

⋙ kāmamohita

   ○mohita mfn. infatuated by desire or love or passion

⋙ kāmaratna

   ○ratna n. N. of a Tantra. [Page 272, Column 3] 

⋙ kāmarasa

   ○rasa m. enjoyment of sexual love MBh

⋙ kāmarasika

   ○rasika mfn. libidinous Bhartṛ

⋙ kāmarāja

   ○rāja m. N. of a prince 
   • of a poet

⋙ kāmarūpa

   ○rūpa n. a shape assumed at will 
   • (mfn.) assuming any shape at will, protean MBh. R. Megh 
   • m. a god L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people and of their country (east of Bengal and in the west part of Assam) Ragh. Kathās. &c 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha 
   • -dhara mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean MBh. R 
   • -dhara-tva n. the state of assuming any form at will R 
   • -nibandha m. N. of wk 
   • -pati m. N. of an author 
   • -yātrā-paddhati f. N. of wk 
   • ○pôdbhavā f. a kind of musk Npr

⋙ kāmarūpin

   ○rūpín mfn. assuming any shape at will, protean ŚBr. TUp. MBh. R. Suśr 
   • m. a pole-cat L 
   • a boar L 
   • a Vidyā-dhara (a kind of subordinate deity) L 
   • (iṇī), f. the plant Physalis Flexuosa L

⋙ kāmarūpīyanibandha

   ○rūpīya-nibandha m. = -rūpa-nibandha

⋙ kāmarekhā

   ○rekhā f. a harlot, courtezan (cf. -lekhā) L

⋙ kāmalatā

   ○latā f. membrum virile, penis L 
   • the plant Ipomaea (Quamoclit Pennata)

⋙ kāmalekhā

   ○lekhā f. a harlot, courtezan (cf. -rekhā) L

⋙ kāmalola

   ○lola mfn. overcome with desire or passion W

⋙ kāmavat

   ○vat (kā́ma-), mfn. being in love, enamoured, wanton MBh. R 
   • containing the word kāma ŚBr 
   • (tī), f. a species of Curcuma (Curcuma Aromatica, dāru-haridrā) 
   • N. of a town

⋙ kāmavatsa

   ○vatsa (kā́ma-), mf(ā)n. having the wish for a calf, having the wish in place of a calf TBr. iii, 12, 3, 2

⋙ kāmavara

   ○vara m. a gift chosen at one's own liking or will BhP

⋙ kāmavarṣin

   ○varṣin mfn. raining according to one's wishes

⋙ kāmavallabha

   ○vallabha m. 'love's favourite', spring W 
   • a species of mango tree L 
   • the cinnamon tree 
   • (ā), f. moonlight L

⋙ kāmavaśa

   ○vaśa m. subjection to love MW

⋙ kāmavaśya

   ○vaśya mfn. being in subjection to the god of love, enamoured MBh

⋙ kāmavasati

   ○vasati f. an erotic term

⋙ kāmavāda

   ○vāda m. speech at will Comm. on Yājñ. (cf. Gaut. ii, 1.)

⋙ kāmavāsin

   ○vāsin mfn. dwelling where one pleases, choosing or changing one's residence at will Nal

⋙ kāmaviddha

   ○viddha mfn. wounded by the god of love 
   • m. N. of a man, g. kārtakaujapâdi 
   • (ās), m. pl. his descendants ib

⋙ kāmavivarjita

   ○vivarjita mfn. freed from all desires Up

⋙ kāmavihantṛ

   ○vihantṛ mfn. disappointing desires W

⋙ kāmavīrya

   ○vīrya m. 'displaying heroism at will', N. of Garuḍa MBh. i, 1240 ; iii, 14360

⋙ kāmavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. a parasitical plant (vandāka, Vanda Roxburghī) L

⋙ kāmavṛtta

   ○vṛtta mfn. eating licentiously, dissipated Mn. v, 154 MBh. R

⋙ kāmavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. increase of sexual desire or passion L 
   • (is), m. a shrub of supposed aphrodisiac properties (called Kāma-ja in the Karṇāṭaka) L

⋙ kāmavṛntā

   ○vṛntā f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia suaveolens)

⋙ kāmaveraṇi

   ○veraṇi v. l. in g. gahâdi in the Kāś

⋙ kāmaveraṇīya

   ○"ṣveraṇīya mfn. fr. the preceding ib

⋙ kāmavyāhārin

   ○vyāhārin mfn. singing sweetly

⋙ kāmaśara

   ○śara m. 'love's shaft', an arrow of the god of love Pañcat 
   • the mango tree L 
   • ○rônmādinī f. N. of a Surâṅganā

⋙ kāmaśalya

   ○śalya (kāma-), mf(ā)n. having love for a shaft AV. iii, 25, 2

⋙ kāmaśāsana

   ○śāsana m. 'punisher of Kāma', N. of Śiva Daś

⋙ kāmaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. a treatise on pleasure or sexual love MBh 
   • = -sūtra, N. of several erotic works

⋙ kāmaśaila

   ○śaila m. N. of a mountain R. (ed. Bomb.) iv, 43, 28

⋙ kāmasaṃyoga

   ○saṃyoga m. attainment of desired objects W

⋙ kāmasakha

   ○sakha m. 'Kāma's friend', spring L 
   • the month Caitra L 
   • the mango tree L

⋙ kāmasaṃkalpa

   ○saṃkalpa mfn. having all kinds of wishes BrahmabUp

⋙ kāmasani

   ○sani mfn. fulfilling wishes TāṇḍyaBr

⋙ kāmasamūha

   ○samūha m. N. of wk. of Ananta

⋙ kāmasuta

   ○suta m. Aniruddha (the son of Kāma-deva) L

⋙ kāmasū

   ○sū mfn. gratifying wishes Ragh 
   • (ūs), f. N. of Rukmiṇī L

⋙ kāmasūkta

   ○sū7kta n. a kind of hymn Hcat

⋙ kāmasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of a treatise on sexual love by Vātsyāyana

⋙ kāmasena

   ○sena m. N. of a king of Rāmavatī 
   • (ā), f. the wife of Nidhipati

⋙ kāmahāni

   ○hāni m. N. of a teacher

⋙ kāmahaituka

   ○haituka mfn. caused or produced by mere desire, of one's own accord Bhag

⋙ kāmākṣā

   kāmâkṣā f. a form of Dākshāyaṇī 
   • -tantra n. N. of wk

⋙ kāmākṣī

   kāmâkṣī f. a form of Durgā 
   • N. of a district sacred to Durgā in Assam

⋙ kāmākuya

   kāmâkuya n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh 
   • (ā), f. a form of Durgā VP 
   • N. of a Tantra 
   • -tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kāmāgni

   kāmâgni m. the fire of love, passion, lust 
   • -saṃdīpana n. kindling the fire of lust, excitement of sexual love

⋙ kāmāṅkuśa

   kāmâṅkuśa m. the pointed hook by which the god of love excites or inflames lovers 
   • a finger nail (which plays an important part in erotic acts) L 
   • membrum virile L

⋙ kāmāṅga

   kāmâṅga m. the mango tree, Magnifera indica L 
   • (ā), f. a particular Śruti L

⋙ kāmātura

   kāmâtura mfn. love-sick, affected by love or desire 
   • m. N. of a man Pañcat

⋙ kāmātman

   kāmâtman mfn. 'whose very essence is desire', consisting of desire, indulging one's desires, given to lust, sensual, licentious MBh. Mn. vii, 27 [Page 273, Column 1] 
   • desiring, wishing for W 
   • ○tma-tā f. passion, lust Mn. ii, 2 R. ii, 21, 57

⋙ kāmādhikāra

   kāmâdhikāra m. the influence of passion or desires W 
   • that part of a Śāstra that relates to human wishes or desires W

⋙ kāmādhiṣṭhita

   kāmâdhiṣṭhita mfn. influenced or dominated by love W

⋙ kāmānala

   kāmânala m. the fire of love, passion, lust W

⋙ kāmāndha

   kāmândha mfn. blinded through love, blind with lust Mn. vii, 27 (vḷ.) Subh 
   • m. 'blind from love', the Indian cuckoo L 
   • the falcon L 
   • (ā), f. musk L

⋙ kāmānnin

   kāmânnin mfn. having as much food as one likes TUp. iii, 10, 5

⋙ kāmābhikāma

   kāmâbhikāma mfn. lustful MW

⋙ kāmābhivarṣaṇa

   kāmâbhivarṣaṇa n. granting of desires BhP

⋙ kāmāyudha

   kāmâyudha m. a species of the mango tree L 
   • (am), n. the weapon or arrow of the god of love 
   • membrum virile W

⋙ kāmāyus

   kāmâyus m. a vulture L 
   • N. of Garuḍa L

⋙ kāmāraṇya

   kāmâraṇya n. a pleasure grove or wood L

⋙ kāmāri

   kāmâri m. 'love's adversary', N. of Śiva R. vii, 6, 31 Prasannar 
   • a mineral substance used in medicine, a sort of pyrites (= viṭa-māṣika) L

⋙ kāmārta

   kāmârta mfn. afflicted by love or passion, in love W

⋙ kāmārthin

   kāmârthin mfn. desirous of pleasure or love, amorous MW 
   • ○rthi-nagara n. N. of a town

⋙ kāmāvacara

   kāmâvacara ās m. pl. the spheres or worlds of desire (six in number, also called devaloka, q.v) Buddh 
   • the gods or inhabitants of the worlds of desire (1. cāturmahārāja-kāyikās 
   • 2. trāyastriṃśās 
   • 3. tuṣitās 
   • 4. yāmās 
   • 5. nirmāṇa-ratayas 
   • 6. paranirmitavaśa-vartinas) ib

⋙ kāmāvatāra

   kāmâvatāra m. N. of a metre consisting of four lines of six syllables each 
   • N. of wk

⋙ kāmāvasāya

   kāmâvasāya m. suppression of the passions

⋙ kāmāvasāyitṛ

   kāmâvasāyitṛ mfn. one who or anything that suppresses or destroys passion or desire L

⋙ kāmāvasāyin

   kāmâvasāyin mfn. suppressing desire W 
   • ○yitā f. ○yi-tva n. the power of suppressing desire (one of the eight supernatural faculties of Śiva) L. (cf. yatra-kām○.)

⋙ kāmāśana

   kāmâśaná n. eating at will, unrestrained eating ŚBr. vi

⋙ kāmāśaya

   kāmâśaya m. the seat of desire BhP

⋙ kāmāśoka

   kāmâśoka m. N. of a king Buddh

⋙ kāmāśrama

   kāmâśrama m. the hermitage of the god of love R. i, 25, 17 
   • -pada n. id. ib

⋙ kāmāsakta

   kāmâsakta mfn. intent on gratifying desire, engrossed with love, deeply in love W

⋙ kāmāsakti

   kāmâsakti f. addiction to love W

⋙ kāmepsu

   kāmêpsu mfn. desirous of sensual objects SāmavBr

⋙ kāmeśvara

   kāmêśvará m. N. of Kubera TĀr 
   • (ī), f. N. of a goddess 
   • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha 
   • -modaka m. or n. a kind of plant with aphrodisiac properties

⋙ kāmeṣṭa

   kāmêṣṭa m. 'desired by Kāma', the mango tree Npr

⋙ kāmotthāpya

   kāmôtthāpya mfn. to be sent away at will AitBr. vii, 29

⋙ kāmoda

   kāmôda m. a particular Rāga 
   • (ī), f. the plant Phaseolus trilobus L 
   • a particular Rāgiṇī (also kāmôdā)

⋙ kāmodaka

   kāmôdaka n. a voluntary oblation of water to deceased friends &c. (exclusive of those for whom it is obligatory) PārGṛ. iii, 10 Yājñ. iii, 4

⋙ kāmonmatta

   kāmônmatta mfn. mad with love Daś

⋙ kāmonmādinī

   kāmônmādinī f. N. of a Surâṅganā

⋙ kāmopahata

   kāmôpahata mfn. overcome with passion or desire W 
   • -cittâṅga mfn. one whose mind and body are overcome with love W

≫ kāmana

   kāmana mfn. lustful, sensual, lascivious L. [O. Pers. kamana, 'loving, true, faithful'] 
   • (ā), f. wish, desire L 
   • the plant Vanda Roxburghī Npr

≫ kāmanīyaka

   kāmanīyaka n. loveliness, beauty Naish

≫ kāmam

   kā́mam ind. (acc. of kā́ma g. svarâdi, not in Kāś.) according to wish or desire, according to inclination, agreeably to desire, at will, freely, willingly RV. TS. AitBr. ŚBr. ChUp. MBh. R. &c 
   • with pleasure, readily, gladly MBh. iii, 298 Ragh 
   • (as a particle of assent) well, very well, granted, admitted that, indeed, really, surely MBh. iii, 17195 R. v, 24, 4 Śak. Bhartṛ 
   • well and good, in any case, at any rate MBh. iii, 310, 19 R. iv, 9, 105 ; v, 53, 11 Śak. Dhūrtas 
   • (with na, 'in no case' R. iii, 56, 17) 
   • granted that, in spite of that, notwithstanding R. iv, 16, 50 Pañcat. &c 
   • though, although, supposing that (usually with Impv.) R. vi, 95, 49 and 56 Ragh. ii, 43 Śāntiś. (kāmaṃ-na or na tu or na ca, rather than, e.g. kāmam ā maraṇāt tiṣṭhed gṛhe kanyā - na enām prayacchet tu guṇa-hīnāya, 'rather should a girl stay at home till her death, than that he should give her to one void of excellent qualities' Mn. ix, 89 
   • the negative sentence with na or natu or na ca may also precede, or its place may be taken by an interrogative sentence, e.g. kāmaṃ nayatu māṃ devaḥ kim ardhenâtmano hi me, 'rather let the god take me, what is the use to me of half my existence?' BhP. vii, 2, 54 [Page 273, Column 2] 
   • kāmaṃ - tu or kiṃ tu or ca or punar or athâpi or tathâpi, well, indeed, surely, truly, granted, though - however, notwithstanding, nevertheless, e.g. kāmaṃ tvayā parityaktā gamiṣyāmi - imaṃ tu bālaṃ saṃtyaktuṃ, nârhasi, 'granted that forsaken by thee I shall go - this child however thou must not forsake' MBh. i, 3059 
   • or the disjunctive particles may be left out R. Ragh. ii, 43 Śāntiś 
   • yady-api-kāmaṃ tathâpi, though - nevertheless Prab.)

⋙ kāmaṃgāmin

   kāmaṃ-gāmin kāma

≫ kāmayā

   kāmayā ind. (instr. of kāmā, q.v.) only used with brūhi or pra-brūhi (e.g. kāmayā me brūhi deva kas tvam, 'for love of me, say, O god, who thou art' MBh.)

≫ kāmayāna

   kāmayāna mfn. (irreg. pr. p., Caus. √kam) desiring, lusting after MBh. BhP. x, 47, 17

≫ kāmayitṛ

   kāmayitṛ mfn. libidinous, lustful, desirous L

≫ kāmala

   kāmala mfn. libidinous, lustful L 
   • m. the spring L 
   • dry and sterile soil, desert L 
   • (as, ā), mf. a form of jaundice Suśr. Hcat 
   • excessive secretion or obstruction of bile W 
   • (ā), f. N. of an Apsaras L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a daughter of Reṇu (also called Reṇukā) Hariv. 1453

≫ kāmalakīkara

   kāmalakīkara mfn. fr. kamala-kīkara g. palady-ādi

≫ kāmalakīṭa

   kāmalakīṭa mfn. fr. kamala-kīṭa ib

≫ kāmalabhida

   kāmalabhida mfn. fr. kamala-bhidā ib

≫ kāmalāyana

   kāmalāyana m. a descendant of Kamala, N. of Upakosala ChUp. iv, 10, 1

≫ kāmalāyani

   kāmalāyani m. a descendant of Kamala Pravar

≫ kāmali

   kāmali m. a descendant of Kamala, N. of a pupil of Vaiśampāyana Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Kāś 
   • g. taulvaly-ādi in the Kāś

≫ kāmalika

   kāmalika mfn. customary in (or symptomatic of) jaundice Car. vi, 18

≫ kāmalin

   kāmalin mfn. suffering from jaundice Suśr 
   • (inas), m. pl. the school of Kamala Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Kāś

≫ kāmāyanī

   kāmāyanī f. a patr. of Śraddhā RAnukr

≫ kāmi 1

   kāmi m. a lustful or libidinous man L 
   • (is), f. N. of a Rati (wife of Kāma) L

≫ kāmi 2

   kāmi (in comp. for kāmin)

⋙ kāmijana

   ○jana m. a lover

⋙ kāmitā

   ○tā f. or the state of a lover, love, desire

⋙ kāmitva

   ○tva n. the state of a lover, love, desire

⋙ kāmimaha

   ○maha m. = kāma-maha L

⋙ kāmivallabha

   ○vallabha m. Ardea sibirica L

≫ kāmika

   kāmika mfn. desired, wished for MBh. xiii, 6025 
   • satisfying desires MBh. iii, 13860 
   • (ifc.) relating to or connected with a desire or wish 
   • m. a wild duck (kāraṇḍava) L 
   • N. of an author of Mantras 
   • (ā), f. a mystical N. of the letter t 
   • (am), n. N. of wk. Hcat

≫ kāmita

   kāmita mfn. wished, desired 
   • (am), n. a wish, desire, longing MBh. i, 58, 22 Kir. x, 44

≫ kāmin

   kāmín mfn. desirous, longing after (acc. or in comp.) 
   • loving, fond, impassioned, wanton 
   • amorous, enamoured, in love with (acc. or with saha or sârdham) RV. AV. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. R. Śak. &c 
   • (ī), m. a lover, gallant, anxious husband 
   • the ruddy goose (cakra-vāka) L 
   • a pigeon L 
   • Ardea Sibirica L 
   • a sparrow L 
   • N. of Śiva L 
   • (inī), f. a loving or affectionate woman Mn. viii, 112 R. Megh. Hariv. Ragh. &c 
   • a timid woman L 
   • a woman in general L 
   • a form of Devii Hcat 
   • the plant Vanda Roxburghī L 
   • the plant Curcuma aromatica L 
   • a spirituous liquor L

≫ kāminī

   kāminī (f. of kāmin, q.v.)

⋙ kāminīkānta

   ○kānta n. a metre consisting of four lines of six syllables each

⋙ kāminīpriyā

   ○priyā f. a kind of spirituous liquor Npr

⋙ kāminīśa

   kāminī7śa m. the plant Hyperanthera Moringa L

≫ kāmīna

   kāmīna or m. the plant Areca Triandra L

⋙ kāmīla

   kāmīla m. the plant Areca Triandra L

≫ kāmuka

   kā́muka mf(ā)n. wishing for, desiring, longing after (in comp.) R. BhP 
   • loving, enamoured or in love with (acc.) TS. vi 
   • (f. ī), desirous, lustful Pāṇ. 4-1, 42 
   • m. a lover, gallant R. Ragh. xix, 33 &c 
   • (with gen.) Vārtt. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 69 
   • a sparrow L 
   • the plant Jonesia Aśoka L 
   • the creeping plant Gaertnera racemosa L 
   • a bow (v. l. for kārmuka) W 
   • a kind of pigeon L 
   • N. of an author of Mantras 
   • (ā), f. N. of Dākshyāyaṇī in Gandha-mādana 
   • a woman desirous of wealth &c. W 
   • (ī), f. a lustful woman, Pāṇ. 4-1, 42, and Vop. iv, 26 
   • a kind of crane L

⋙ kāmukakāntā

   ○kāntā f. the plant Gaertnera racemosa L

⋙ kāmukatva

   ○tva n. desire Megh. Comm. on Mṛicch

≫ kāmukāya

   kāmukāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, 'to act the part of a lover', p. ○yita n. the actions or behaviour of a lover Kathās. civ, 89. [Page 273, Column 3] 

⋙ kāmukāyana

   kāmukāyana m. (g. 1. naḍâdi) 'a descendant of Kāmuka', N. of a teacher Jaim

≫ kāmya 1

   kāmya Nom. P. ○yati, to have a desire for (only ifc., e.g. putra-kāmyati, to have a desire for children) Pāṇ. 3-1, 9 Comm. on Pāṇ. 8-3, 38 and 39 Vop. xxi, 1 Śāntiś. Bhaṭṭ. ix, 59

≫ kāmya 2

   kā́mya mf(ā)n. desirable, beautiful, amiable, lovely, agreeable RV. VS. R. ii, 25, 9 ; v, 43, 13 Ragh. vi, 30 Śāntiś. ii, 7 Bhartṛ. iii, 40 
   • to one's liking, agreeable to one's wish KātyŚr. iv, 5, 1 ŚāṅkhŚr. iii, 11, 5 ĀśvGṛ. iv, 7 
   • optional (opposed to nitya or indispensable observance), performed through the desire of some object or personal advantage (as a religious ceremony &c.), done from desire of benefit or from interested motives KātyŚr. xii, 6, 15 ĀśvŚr. ii, 10 ĀśvGṛ. iii, 6 Kauś. 5 ChUp. v, 2, 9 Mn. ii, 2 MBh. &c 
   • (ā), f. N. of an Apsasas MBh. i, 4820 Hariv 
   • of several women VP

⋙ kāmyakarman

   ○karman n. any act or ceremony done from interested or selfish motives

⋙ kāmyagir

   ○gir f. a pleasing sound, agreeable speech

⋙ kāmyatā

   ○tā f. loveliness, beauty MBh

⋙ kāmyatva

   ○tva n. the state of being done from desire or from interested motives, selfishness Jaim. v, 3, 34

⋙ kāmyadāna

   ○dāna n. a desirable gift 
   • voluntary gift

⋙ kāmyamaraṇa

   ○maraṇa n. voluntary death, suicide W

⋙ kāmyavrata

   ○vrata n. a voluntary vow

⋙ kāmyābhiprāya

   kāmyâbhiprāya m. self-interested motive or purpose

⋙ kāmyāṣṭamī

   kāmyâṣṭamī f. a particular eighth day Hcat

⋙ kāmyeṣṭi

   kāmyêṣṭi f. N. of wk 
   • -tantra n. id

≫ kāmyaka

   kāmyaka m. N. of a forest MBh. iii, 218 ; 242 sqq 
   • of a lake ib. ii, 1877

≫ kāmyā

   kāmyā f. wish, desire, longing for or striving after (gen. or in comp., e.g. putra-kāmyayā, through desire for a son R. i, 13, 36 Ragh. i, 35) 
   • will, purpose, intention (e.g. yat-kāmyā́, irreg. instr. 'with which intention' ŚBr. iii, 9, 3, 4) Mn. MBh. R. Ragh. &c. ; [Zd. khshathro1-kāmya, 'wish for dominion.']


   kāmaṭha mfn. (fr. kamaṭha), peculiar or belonging to the tortoise R. i, 45, 30

≫ kāmaṭhaka

   kāmaṭhaka m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 2157


   kāmaṇḍalava mfn. (fr. kamaṇḍalu), contained in a water-pot Hcar 
   • (am), n. the business or trade of a potter, g. yuvâdi

≫ kāmaṇḍaleya

   kāmaṇḍaleya m. a metron. fr. kamaṇḍalū Pāṇ. 4-1, 135 Kāś. ; vii, 1, 2 
   • (ī), f. g. śārṅgaravâdi


   kāmanda m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. xii, 4535 ff

≫ kāmandaka

   kāmandaka m. = kāmanda ib. 4534 
   • (ī), f. N. of a Buddhist priestess Mālatīm 
   • N. of a town Kathās 
   • (am), n. N. of wk. Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 75

≫ kāmandaki

   kāmandaki m. 'son of Kamandaka', N. of the author of a nīti-śāstra called Nīti-sāra (in which are embodied she principles of his master Cāṇakya)

≫ kāmandakīya

   kāmandakīya mfn. relating to or composed by Kāmandaki Daś


   kāmerī f. N. of a locality


   kāmpila m. N. of a country (believed to be situated in the north of India) L 
   • (ī), f. its capital W

≫ kāmpilya

   kāmpilya m. N. of a country L 
   • of one of the five sons of Hary-aśva or Bharmyâśva (called collectively Pañcālas) VP. BhP 
   • of a plant (probably a Crinum, cf. kampila and kāmpīla) L 
   • a perfume (commonly Sunda Rocanī) L 
   • (ā, am), fn., N. of a city of the Pañcālas MBh. R. Kathās. VP

≫ kāmpilyaka

   kāmpilyaka m. an inhabitant of Kāmpilya Pat 
   • N. of a plant (= kāmpilya) Mālatīm. (ed. Bomb. vḷ.)

≫ kāmpilla

   kāmpilla m. (= kāmpilya), N. of a country (said to be in the north-west of India) L 
   • of a plant L 
   • of a perfume and drug L

≫ kāmpillaka

   kāmpillaka m. (= kāmpilya), N. of a plant Mālatīm 
   • (ikā) f. id. L 
   • a drug (commonly called Sunda Rocanī) L 
   • a perfume L 
   • (am), n. a kind of medicinal substance (śuṇḍārocanikā) Suśr

≫ kāmpīla

   kāmpīla m. (= kāmpilya), N. of a plant Kauś 
   • (mf(ī)n.), coming from that plant ib 
   • (am), n. N. of a town Comm. on VS. xxiii, 18

⋙ kāmpīlavāsin

   ○vāsín mfn. dwelling in that town VS. xxiii, 18


   kāmbala mfn. (fr. kambala), covered with a woollen cloth or blanket (as a carriage) L. [Page 274, Column 1] 

≫ kāmbalika

   kāmbalika m. sour milk-mixed with whey and vinegar, gruel, barley-water Car. Suśr

≫ kāmbalikāyana

   kāmbalikāyana mfn. (fr. kambalikā), g. pakṣâdi


   kāmbavika m. (fr. kambu), a dealer in shells, maker or vendor of shell ornaments L

≫ kāmbukā

   kāmbukā f. (= kamb○) Physalis flexuosa L


   kāmbuva m. N. of a locality (? ḍhakka) Rājat. iii, 227


   kāmboja mfn. (fr. kamboja g. sindhv-ādi and kacchâdi), born in or coming from Kamboja (as horses) R. v, 12, 36 &c 
   • m. a native of Kamboja (a race who, like the Yavanas, shave the whole head 
   • originally a Kshatriya tribe, but degraded through its omission of the necessary rites W.) 
   • a prince of the Kambojas MBh. i, 6995 
   • a horse of the Kamboja breed W 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people= Kamboja Mn. x, 44 MBh. R.: Ragh. BhP. Rājat 
   • the plant Rottleria tinctoria (commonly Punnag) L 
   • a kind of white Mimosa L 
   • (ī) f. the plant Glycine debilis L 
   • a kind of Mimosa L 
   • the tree Abrus precatorius L 
   • the plant Serratula anthelminthica L

≫ kāmbojaka

   kāmbojaka mfn. born in or coming from Kamboja, g. kacchâdi Pāṇ. 4-2, 134 
   • (ikā), f. the white Abrus Npr

≫ kāmboji

   kāmboji f. (metrically for kāmbojī) the plant Glycine debilis Suśr

≫ kāmbojinī

   kāmbojinī f. N. of an attendant on Devii


   kâmla mfn. (fr. 2. [kA+amla]), slightly acid, acidulous W

kāya 1

   kāyá mf(ī)n. (fr. 3. ka Pāṇ. 4-2, 25), relating or devoted to the god Ka (Prajā-pati RV. x, 121) VS. TS. ŚBr 
   • &c 
   • m. one of the eight modes of marriage (= Prājāpatya, vivāha) Mn. iii, 38 Yājñ. i, 60 
   • (am), n. part of the hand sacred to Prajā-pati, the √of the little finger Mn. ii, 58 and 59

kāya 2

   kāya m. (√ci Pāṇ. 3-3, 41), the body KātyŚr. Mn. &c 
   • the trunk of a tree R 
   • the body of a lute (the whole except the wires) L 
   • assemblage, collection, multitude SaddhP 
   • principal, capital Nār. Bṛih 
   • a house, habitation L 
   • a butt, mark L 
   • any object to be attained L 
   • natural temperament L

⋙ kāyakāraṇakartṛtva

   ○kāraṇa-kartṛ-tva n. activity in performing bodily acts

⋙ kāyakleśa

   ○kleśa m. bodily suffering, toil Mn. MBh. iii, 1472

⋙ kāyacikitsā

   ○cikitsā f. 'body-cure', treatment of bodily diseases Suśr

⋙ kāyadaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. complete command over one's body Mn. xii, 10

⋙ kāyabandhana

   ○bandhana n. 'body-fastening', a girdle Buddh

⋙ kāyavat

   ○vat mfn. embodied Mcar

⋙ kāyavadha

   ○vadha m. N. of an Asura VP

⋙ kāyavalana

   ○valana n. 'body-fence', armour L

⋙ kāyaśuddhi

   ○śuddhi f. = -cikitsā VP

⋙ kāyastha

   ○stha m. 'dwelling in the body', the Supreme Spirit L 
   • a particular caste or man of that caste, the Kāyath or writer caste (born from a Kshatriya father and Śūdra mother) Yājñ. Mṛicch. &c 
   • (ā), f. a woman of that caste L 
   • Myrobalanus Chebula L 
   • Emblica officinalis Bhpr 
   • Ocimum sanctum L 
   • a drug (commonly Kākolī) L 
   • cardamoms L 
   • (ī), f. the wife of a Kāyath or writer L

⋙ kāyasthālī

   ○sthālī f. a red variety of Bignonia Npr

⋙ kāyasthikā

   ○sthikā f. (= -sthā) a drug (commonly Kākolī) Npr

⋙ kāyasthita

   ○sthita mfn. situated in the body, corporeal

⋙ kāyāgni

   kāyâgni m. 'body-fire', the digestive secretion Car

⋙ kāyārohaṇa

   kāyârohaṇa and n. two names of places

⋙ kāyāvarohaṇa

   kāyâvarohaṇa n. two names of places

⋙ kāyotsarga

   kāyôtsarga m. a kind of religious austerity Jain

≫ kāyaka

   kāyaka mf(ikā)n. belonging or relating to the body, &c., corporeal L 
   • m. ifc. = kāya, body Sarvad 
   • (ikā), f. (with or without vṛddhi), interest obtained from capital, &c. Mn. viii, 153 Gaut. xii, 35. [kāyikā vṛddhi f. interest consisting in the use of an animal or any capital stock pawned or pledged 
   • service rendered by the body of an animal (as a cow, &c.) pledged and used by the person to whom it is pledged 
   • or (according to some) interest of which the payment does not affect the principal.]

≫ kāyika

   kāyika mf(ī)n. performed with the body Mn. xii, 8 MBh. xviii, 303 
   • corporeal Suśr. &c 
   • (ifc.) belonging to an assemblage or multitude Buddh

kāyamāna 1

   kāyamāna n. a hut made of grass or thatch Kād. Vāsav

≫ kāyamānikaniketana

   kāyamānika-niketana n. id., Vāsav

kāyamāna 2

   kā́yamāna mfn. (pr. p. Ā. √3. kā?) shunning, avoiding RV. iii, 9, 2, [Page 274, Column 2] 


   kāyavya m. N. of a man MBh. xii, 4854 ff

kāra 1

   kāra mf(ī)n. (√1. kṛ Pāṇ. 3-2, 23), making, doing, working, a maker, doer (ifc., kumbha-k○, yajña k○, suvarṇa-k○) 
   • an author (e.g. vārttika-k○) 
   • m. (ifc.) an act, action ( kāma-k○, puruṣa-k○) 
   • the term used in designating a letter or sound or indeclinable word (e.g. a-k○, ka-k○, qq. vv 
   • eva-k○, the word eva 
   • phūt-k○, q.v.) Prāt. Mn. &c 
   • effort, exertion L 
   • determination L 
   • religious austerity L 
   • a husband, master, lord L 
   • (as or ā), m. or f. act of worship, song of praise Divyāv 
   • (ī), f. N. of a plant (= kārikā, kāryā &c.) L

⋙ kārakara

   ○kara mf(ī)n. doing work, acting as agent (?) Pāṇ. 3-2, 21

⋙ kārāvara

   kārâvara m. a man of a mixed and low caste (born from a Nishāda father and Vaidehī mother, working in leather and hides) Mn. x, 36 = MBh. xiii, 2588

≫ kāraka 1

   kā́raka mf(ikā)n. (generally ifc.) making, doing, acting, who or what does or produces or creates MBh. &c. (cf. siṃha-k○, kṛtsna-k○, śilpa-k) 
   • intending to act or do Pāṇ. 2-3, 70 Sch 
   • (am), n. 'instrumental in bringing about the action denoted by a verb (= kriyā-hetu or -nimitta)', the notion of a case (but not co-extensive with the term case 
   • there are six such relations accord. to Pāṇ., viz. karman, karaṇa, kartṛ, sampradāna, apâdāna, adhikaraṇa, qq. vv. The idea of the genitive case is not considered a kāraka, because it ordinarily expresses the relation of two nouns to each other, but not the relation of a noun and verb)

⋙ kārakagupti

   ○gupti f. a sentence with a hidden subject Sāh

⋙ kārakaparīkṣā

   ○parī7kṣā f. N. of wk. on the cases

⋙ kārakavat

   ○vat mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 115 Vārtt. 2) relating to one who is active in anything W 
   • instrumental, causal W

⋙ kārakavāda

   ○vāda m. a treatise on the cases by Rudra

⋙ kārakavicāra

   ○vicāra m. N. of wk

⋙ kārakahetu

   ○hetu m. the efficient cause

⋙ kārakānvitā

   kārakânvitā f. = kriyā Gal

≫ kāraja

   kāraja mfn. (fr. kar○), of or relating to the finger-nail W 
   • m. (for ○ruja) a young elephant W

≫ kāraṇa 1

   kāraṇa n. cause, reason, the cause of anything (gen., also often loc.) KātyŚr. MBh. Mn. &c 
   • instrument, means 
   • motive origin, principle 
   • a cause (in phil., i.e. that which is invariably antecedent to some product, cf. samavâyi-k○, asamavâyi-k○, nimitta-k○) 
   • an element, elementary matter Yājñ. iii, 148 Bhag. xviii, 13 
   • the origin or plot of a play or poem Sāh 
   • that on which an opinion or judgment is founded (a sign, mark 
   • a proof 
   • a legal instrument, document) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • an organ of sense Ragh. xvi, 22 &c 
   • an action MBh. xii, 12070 
   • agency, instrumentality, condition Kathās. cxii, 178 
   • 'the cause of being', a father W 
   • 'cause of creation', a deity W 
   • the body L 
   • a kind of musical instrument L 
   • a sort of song L 
   • a number of scribes or Kāyasthas W 
   • (ā), f. pain, agony Daś 
   • an astronomical period W. [kāraṇāt, from some cause or reason, Rprāt. iii, 13 Mn. viii, 355 
   • kasmāt kāraṇāt, from what cause? mama-kāraṇāt, for my sake R. &c 
   • a-kāraṇena, without a reason Yājñ. ii, 234 
   • yena kāraṇena, because 
   • yasmin kāraṇe, from which motive, wherefore.]

⋙ kāraṇakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. a primary cause, elementary cause, atom W

⋙ kāraṇakāritam

   ○kāritam ind. in consequence of R. ii, 58, 24

⋙ kāraṇagata

   ○gata mfn. referred to a cause, resolved into first principles W

⋙ kāraṇaguṇa

   ○guṇa m. 'a quality of cause', an elementary or causal property Sāṃkhyak. 14 
   • ○ṇôdbhava-guṇa m. a secondary or derivative property (as form, taste, smell, &c. produced by combinations of elementary or causal particles) Bhāshāp. 95

⋙ kāraṇatas

   ○tas ind. fr. a certain reason (cf. kārya-k○) Ragh. x, 19

⋙ kāraṇatā

   ○tā f. causality, causation Kum. ii, 6 
   • -vāda m. N. of wk

⋙ kāraṇatva

   ○tva n. = -tā MBh. xiii, 38 BhP. &c

⋙ kāraṇadhvaṃsa

   ○dhvaṃsa m. removal of a cause

⋙ kāraṇadhvaṃsaka

   ○dhvaṃsaka mf(ikā)n. removing a cause

⋙ kāraṇadhvaṃsin

   ○dhvaṃsin mfn. id

⋙ kāraṇabhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. become a cause

⋙ kāraṇamālā

   ○mālā f. 'a series or chain of causes', a particular figure in rhet. Sāh

⋙ kāraṇavat

   ○vat mfn. having a cause Nyāyad

⋙ kāraṇavādin

   ○vādin m. 'cause-declarer', a complainant, plaintiff W

⋙ kāraṇavāri

   ○vāri n. primeval water, the water produced and created (from which as from an original reservoir the Hindūs suppose all the water in the universe to be supplied) W

⋙ kāraṇavihīna

   ○vihīna mfn. destitute of a cause or reason, unreasonable

⋙ kāraṇaśarīra

   ○śarīra n. 'causal body', the original embryo or source of the body existing with the Universal impersonal Spirit and equivalent to A-vidyā (equivalent also to Māyā, and when investing the impersonal Spirit causing it to become the Personal God or Īśvara RTL., p. 35 and 36), Vedântas. [Page 274, Column 3] 

⋙ kāraṇākṣepa

   kāraṇâkṣepa m. (in rhet.) an objection raised to the cause of a phenomenon Kāvyâd

⋙ kāraṇākhyā

   kāraṇâkhyā f. (with the Pāśupatas) a N. of the organs of perception and action, of Buddhi, Ahaṃkāra, and Manas

⋙ kāraṇānvita

   kāraṇânvita mfn. possessed of a cause or reason, following as an effect fr. its cause

⋙ kāraṇābhāva

   kāraṇâbhāva m. absence of cause

⋙ kāraṇottara

   kāraṇôttara n. answer to a charge, denial of the cause (of complaint 
   • e.g. acknowledgment that a debt was incurred, but assertion that it has been repaid, &c.)

≫ kāraṇaka

   kāraṇaka ifc. = 1. kāraṇa, cause Sāh

≫ kāraṇika

   kāraṇika mfn. (g. kāśy-ādi) 'investigating, ascertaining the cause', a judge Pañcat 
   • a teacher MBh. ii, 167

≫ kāram

   kāram (√1. kṛ), adv. ind. p. ifc. ( svāhā-k○ ŚBr 
   • namas-k○ 
   • cauraṃ-k○ ākrośati, he abuses a person by calling him a thief Pāṇ. 3-4, 26 Sch 
   • svāduṃ-k○ ib. Kāś. &c.)

≫ kārayat


⋙ kārayamāṇa

   kārayamāṇa pr. p. Caus. √kṛ, q.v

≫ kārayitavya

   kārayitavya mfn. to be caused or effected or made to do R. Pañcat. xxiv

⋙ kārayitavyadakṣa

   ○dakṣa mfn. clever at performing what has to be done Kum. vii, 27

≫ kārayitṛ

   kārayitṛ mfn. causing or instigating to act or do Mn. xii, 12 MBh 
   • performer of a religious ceremony Hcat

≫ kārayiṣṇu

   kārayiṣṇu mfn. causing to act or perform Vop

≫ kāri 1

   kāri is mf. an artist, artificer, mechanic Pāṇ. 4-1, 152 
   • (is), f. action, act, work (only used in questions) Pāṇ. 3-3, 110

≫ kārikā

   kārikā (f. of kāraka), a female dancer L 
   • a business L 
   • trade L 
   • concise statement in verse of (esp. philos. and gramm.) doctrines MBh. ii, 453 &c 
   • torment, torture L 
   • interest L 
   • N. of a plant L 
   • (ās), f. pl. or more commonly hari-kārikās, the Kārikās of Bhartṛi-hari, i.e. the verses contained in his gramm. work Vākya-padīya (q.v.)

⋙ kārikānibandha

   ○nibandha m. N. of wk

⋙ kārikāvalī

   kārikâvalī f. N. of wk

≫ kārita

   kārita mfn. ifc. caused to be made or done, brought about, effected Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (ā), f. (scil. vṛddhi) forced to be paid, interest exceeding the legal rate of interest Gaut. Comm. on Mn. viii, 153 
   • (am), n. the Caus. form of a verb Nir. i, 13

⋙ kāritavat

   ○vat mfn. one who has caused to be made or done

⋙ kāritānta

   kāritânta mfn. ending with a Caus. affix APrāt

≫ kārin 1

   kārin mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 72) doing, making, effecting, producing, acting, an actor Yājñ. MBh. &c. (mostly ifc. ŚBr. Mn. &c.) 
   • (ī), m. a mechanic, tradesman L

kāra 2

   kāra m. (= 2. kara) tax, toll, royal revenue Pāṇ. 6-3, 10 
   • a heap of snow or a mountain covered with it L 
   • (mfn.) produced by hail Suśr

⋙ kārakukṣīya

   ○kukṣīya m. N. of the country of king Sālva on the skirts of the Himālaya ridge in the N. W of Hindūstān L 
   • (ās), m. pl. the people of this country L

⋙ kāramihikā

   ○mihikā f. camphor (?) L

≫ kāraka 2

   kāraka n. hail-water L

kāra 3

   kārá m. (√2. kṛ), a song or hymn of praise RV 
   • a battle song RV

≫ kāri 2

   kā́ri mfn. raising hymns of praise VS. xxx, 6 and 20

≫ kārin 2

   kārín mfn. rejoicing, praising RV

kāra 4

   kāra m. (√2. kṝ), killing, slaughter L

≫ kāraṇa 2

   kāraṇa n. killing, injury L


   kārañja mfn. produced by or coming fr. the tree Karañja (Pongamia glabra) Suśr 
   • (ī), f. a kind of pepper L


   kāraṇḍa m. a sort of duck R. vii, 31, 21 (cf. karaṇḍa.)

⋙ kāraṇḍavatī

   ○vatī f. 'abounding in Kāraṇḍavas', N. of a river, g. ajirâdi Comm. on Pāṇ. 6-1, 220

⋙ kāraṇḍavyūha

   ○vyūha m. N. of a Buddha L 
   • of a Buddhist work (cf. karaṇḍa-vy○.)

≫ kāraṇḍava

   kāraṇḍava m. = kāraṇḍa MBh. R. &c


   kāratantavikā or ○kī f. fr. kara-tantu Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 3 and 24 Pat


   kāraṃdhama m. (fr. karaṃ-dh○), a patr. of Avikshit MBh. xiv, 63 and 80 
   • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. i, 7841

≫ kāraṃdhamin

   kāraṃdhamin ī m. a brazier, worker in mixed or white metal L 
   • an assayer L


   kārapacava N. of a region near the Yamunā TāṇḍyaBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c


   kārapatha kārāp○


   kārabha mfn. (fr. kar○), produced by or coming fr. a camel Car. Suśr. [Page 275, Column 1] 


   kāra-mihikā 2. kāra


   kārambhā f. (cf. kar○), N. of a plant bearing a fragrant seed (commonly Priyaṃgu) L


   kā-rava m. 'making the sound kā', a crow L 
   • N. of a man Saṃskārak


   kāravallī f. Momordica Charantia Car. (cf. kāravella and kāṇḍīra.)


   kāravī f. the Asa foetida plant or its leaf (= Hiṅgu-parṇī) L 
   • Celosia cristata L 
   • a kind of anise (Anethum Sowa) L 
   • Nigella indica Bhpr 
   • a kind of fennel ib 
   • a small kind of gourd L 
   • Carum Carvi Bhpr


   kāravella m. the gourd Momordica Charantia Suśr 
   • (ī), f. id. Bhpr 
   • (am), n. its fruit L

≫ kāravellaka

   kāravellaka m. and id. Suśr

⋙ kāravellikā

   kāravellikā f. id. Suśr


   kāravya 2. kārú


   kāraskara m. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 156), N. of a poisonous medicinal plant BhP. v, 14, 12 
   • a tree in general L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1804 ; viii, 2066 
   • (vv. ll. kāraskāra and kāraskṛta.)

⋙ kāraskarāṭikā

   kāraskarâṭikā f. (√aṭ), a centipede or worm resembling it L


   kārā f. (√1. kṛ?), a prison Vikr. Daś 
   • binding, confinement, g. bhidâdi 
   • the part of a lute below the neck (for deadening the sound) L 
   • pain, affliction L 
   • a female messenger L 
   • a female worker in gold L 
   • a kind of bird L

⋙ kārāgāra

   ○"ṣgāra (kārâg○), n. a gaol or place of confinement Daś. Bālar

⋙ kārāgupta

   ○gupta mfn. 'prison-confined', imprisoned

⋙ kārāgṛha

   ○gṛha a prison-house Ragh. &c

⋙ kārāpāla

   ○pāla m. prison-guard

⋙ kārābhū

   ○bhū Pāṇ. 6-4, 84 Kāś

⋙ kārāvāsa

   ○vāsa m. a prison Daś

⋙ kārāveśman

   ○veśman n. id. Bālar

⋙ kārāstha

   ○stha mfn. imprisoned Kathās


   kā́rādhunī f. a kind of musical instrument (Sāy 
   • 'battle-cry' NBD.) RV. i, 180, 8


   kārāpatha m. N. of a country Ragh. xv, 90 
   • (vḷ. kārup○ R. vii 
   • kārap○ VP.)


   kārāyikā f. = karāy○ L


   kārīra mfn. (g. palāśâdi) made of the shoots of reed Lalit. Pāṇ. 4-3, 135 Kāś 
   • (ī́), f. (scil. íṣṭi) 'connected with the fruit of the plant Capparis aphylla', a sacrifice in which this fruit is used MaitrS. Kāṭh. &c

≫ kārīrya

   kārīrya mfn. connected with the sacrifice called karīrī́ ĀtrAnukr


   kārīṣa mfn. (fr. kar○), produced from or coming from dung Suśr 
   • (am), n. a heap of dung L 
   • (Hariv. 4355 misprinted for kar○.)

≫ kārīṣi

   kārīṣi m. N. of a man MBh. xiii, 254 
   • (ayas), m. pl., N. of a family Hariv

kāru 1

   kāru us mf. (fr. √1. kṛ), a maker, doer, artisan, mechanic Mn. Yājñ. &c 
   • (us), m. 'architect of the gods', N. of Viśva-karman L 
   • an art, science L 
   • mfn. (only etymological) horrible MBh. i, 1657

⋙ kārucaura

   ○caura m. 'mechanical thief', burglar L

⋙ kāruja

   ○ja m. anything produced by an artist or mechanic, any piece of mechanism or product of manufacture L 
   • a young elephant L 
   • an ant-hill L 
   • froth, foam L 
   • sesamum growing spontaneously L 
   • the tree Mesua ferrea L 
   • red orpiment L

⋙ kāruhasta

   ○hasta m. the hand of an artisan Mn. v, 129

≫ kāruka

   kāruka as, ā mf. an. artisan, artificer Mn. MBh. VarBṛS

⋙ kārukasiddhāntin

   ○siddhântin inas m. pl., N. of a Śaiva sect Comm. on Bādar. ii, 2, 37

kāru 2

   kārú m. (fr. √2. kṛ), one who sings or praises, a poet RV. AV 
   • (avas), m. pl., N. of a family of Ṛishis GopBr

⋙ kārudveṣin

   ○dveṣín mfn. hating the singer MaitrS

⋙ kārudhāyas

   ○dhāyas (kārú-), mfn. favouring or supporting the singer RV

≫ kāravya

   kāravya mfn. 'relating to the singer', (ās), f. pl. (scil. ṛcas), N. of certain verses of the AV. (xx, 127, 11-14) AitBr. vi, 32

≫ kāruṇya 1

   kāruṇyá mfn. praiseworthy Comm. TBr. ii


   kāruṇika mfn. (fr. karuṇa), compassionate MBh. &c

⋙ kāruṇikatā

   ○tā f. compassion BhP

≫ kāruṇya 2

   kāruṇya n. compassion, kindness MBh. R. &c

⋙ kāruṇyadhenu

   ○dhenu m. 'compassion-cow', N. of Buddha Divyâv

⋙ kāruṇyavedin

   ○vedin mfn. compassionate R. &c 
   • ○ditva n. compassion R

⋙ kāruṇyasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of a Sūtra. [Page 275, Column 2] 


   kāruṇḍikā ○ṇḍī f. a leech L


   kārupatha kārāp○


   kāruvidā f. ? GopBr. i, 2, 21


   kārūṣa m. (gana bhargâdi) a prince of the Kārūshas Hariv. 4964 BhP 
   • (ās), m. pl. (= kar○), N. of a country MBh. ii, 1864 
   • of a people MBh. BhP. VP 
   • m. (= kar○), N. of a son of Manu MBh 
   • an intermediate caste or man of that caste Mn. x, 23

≫ kārūṣaka

   kārūṣaka mfn. reigning over the Kārūshas MBh. i, 2700


   kāreṇava mfn. (fr. kareṇu), drawn from a female elephant (as milk) Suśr 
   • a patr. of Pālakāpya L

≫ kāreṇupālāyana

   kāreṇupālāyana m. a descendant of Kāreṇupāli, g. taulvaly-ādi

≫ kāreṇupāli

   kāreṇupāli m. a son or descendant of Kareṇu-pāla ib


   kārotará m. a filtering vessel or a cloth used to purify the liquor called Surā RV. i, 116, 7 VS. ŚBr. &c

≫ kārottama

   kārottama m. the froth of Surā L

≫ kārottara 1

   kārottara m. id. L 
   • a well L


   kā́rotī f. N. of a river or of a locality ŚBr. ix, 5, 2, 15

kārottara 2

   kārôttara mfn. followed by kāra TPrāt


   kārkaṭya m. N. of a man, g. vākinâdi (Kāś.)

≫ kārkaṭyāyani

   kārkaṭyāyani m. a patr. fr. ○ṭya ib


   kārkaṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. kṛkaṇa), relating to a pheasant Pāṇ. 4-2, 145 
   • g. śuṇḍikâdi


   kārkandhava mf(ī)n. coming from or belonging to the plant Karkandhū (q.v.), g. bilvâdi


   kārkalāseya m. (fr. kṛkalāsá), N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi


   kārkavākava mf(ī)n. (fr. kṛkavāku), relating to a cock W


   kārkaśya n. (fr. karkaśa), roughness, hardness Suśr. &c 
   • rough labour MBh. xiii, 5551 
   • firmness, sternness Pañcat. &c


   kārkaṣa v. l. for kārkaṭya, q.v


   kārkīka mfn. (fr. karka), resembling a white horse Pāṇ. 5-3, 110


   kārkoṭa m. N. of a serpent-demon Kathās

≫ kārkoṭaka

   kārkoṭaka m. id. ib 
   • (am), n. N. of a town ib


   kārṇa mfn. (fr. kárṇa), relating to the ear L 
   • a patr. fr. karṇa g. śivâdi 
   • (am), n. ear-wax W 
   • an ear-ring W

≫ kārṇakharaki

   kārṇakharaki m. a patr. fr. karna-kharaka Pāṇ. 2-4, 58 Pat

≫ kārṇacchidrika

   kārṇacchidrika mfn. (fr. karṇa-cchidraka), (a well) shaped like the opening of the ear Pāṇ. 4-2, 79 Kāś

≫ kārṇaveṣṭakika

   kārṇaveṣṭakika mf(ī)n. (fr. karṇa-veṣṭaka), ornamented with or fit for ear-rings Pāṇ. 5-1, 99 Kāś

≫ kārṇaśravasa

   kārṇaśravasa n. (fr. karṇa-śravas), N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. ĀrshBr. Lāṭy

≫ kārṇāyani

   kārṇāyani mfn. fr. kárṇa Pāṇ. 4-2, 80

≫ kārṇi

   kārṇi mfn. id., g. sutaṃ-gamâdi

≫ kārṇika

   kārṇika mf(ī)n. relating to the ear W


   kārṇāṭa-bhāṣā f. the dialect of Karṇāṭa

kārta 1

   kārta mfn. (fr. 1. kṛt), relating to or treating of the kṛt suffixes Pāṇ. 4-3, 66 Kāś

kārta 2

   kārta m. (fr. kṛtá), N. of a son of Dharma-netra Hariv. 1845 
   • a patr. in the compound

⋙ kārtakaujapau

   kārta-kaujapau nom. du. m. which begins a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 6-2, 37

≫ kārtayaśa

   kārtayaśa n. (irreg. fr. kṛta-yaśas), N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. ĀrshBr. Lāṭy

≫ kārtayuga

   kārtayuga mfn. relating to the Kṛita age MBh. i, 3600 ; xii, 2681. [Page 275, Column 3] 

⋙ kārtavīrya

   kārtavīrya m. 'son of Kṛita-viirya', N. of Arjuna (a prince of the Haihayas, killed by Paraśurāma) MBh. &c 
   • N. of one of the Cakravartins (emperors of the world in Bhārata-varsha) Jain

≫ kārtasvara

   kārtasvara n. (fr. kṛta-sv○), gold MBh. BhP 
   • the thorn-apple W

≫ kārtāntika

   kārtântika m. an astrologer Daś

≫ kārtārthya

   kārtârthya n. (fr. kṛtârtha), the attainment of an object, Sah

≫ kārti

   kārti m. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 42 Vārtt. 3) a son or descendant of Kṛita Hariv. 1082 
   • (ayas), m. pl., N. of his family ib

⋙ kārtisiṃhadeva

   ○siṃha-deva m. N. of a man


   kārttika m. (fr. kṛttikā, q.v 
   • with or without māsa), N. of a month corresponding to part of October and November (the twelfth month of the year, when the full moon is near the Pleiades) Pāṇ. Lāṭy. MBh. &c 
   • N. of Skanda ( kārttikeya) BrahmaP 
   • of a Varsha 
   • of a medical author 
   • (as, or am), m. n. N. of the first year in Jupiter's period of revolution VarBṛS. Sūryas 
   • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha MatsyaP

⋙ kārttikakuṇḍa

   ○kuṇḍa m. N. of a physician Comm. on Suśr

⋙ kārttikamahiman

   ○mahiman m. 'the greatness of Kārttika', N. of a treatise on the festivals of that month

⋙ kārttikamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of a section of the PadmaP

⋙ kārttikaśāli

   ○śāli m. rice ripening in the month Kārttika (forming the principal harvest in India) W

⋙ kārttikasiddhānta

   ○siddhânta m. N. of a scholiast on the Mugdha-bodha

⋙ kārttikotsava

   kārttikôtsava m. a festival on the day of full moon in the month Kārttika L

≫ kārttikika

   kārttikika mfn. taking place in Kārttika Vām 
   • m. the month Kārttika Pāṇ. 4-2, 23

≫ kārttikī

   kārttikī f. of kārttika above, (with or without rātri) the night of full moon in the month Kārttika, the day on which the moon stands in the constellation Kṛittikā KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c 
   • the night of new moon in the month Kārttika Jain 
   • the śakti of Kārttikeya BrahmaP

⋙ kārttikīvrata

   ○vrata n. N. of a particular religious observance

≫ kārttikeya

   kārttikeya m. N. of a son of Śiva and Pārvatī (popularly regarded as god of war, because he leads the Gaṇas or hosts of Śiva against the demon hosts, RTL. p. 213 
   • accord. to one legend he was son of Śiva without the intervention of Pārvatī, the generative energy of Śiva being cast into the fire and then received by the Ganges, whence he is sometimes described as son of Agni and Gaṅgā 
   • when born he was fostered by the six Kṛittikās, q.v., and these offering their six breasts to the child he became six-headed 
   • he is also called Kumāra, Skanda, and Subrahmaṇya 
   • his N. Kārttikeya may be derived from his foster mothers or from the month Kārttika as the best for warfare: in the Mṛicch. and elsewhere he is regarded as presiding over thieves) MBh. &c

⋙ kārttikeyaprasū

   ○prasū f. 'mother of Kārttikeya', N. of Pārvatī


   kārtsna n. (fr. kṛtsná 
   • probably for the next), the whole, totality Suśr

≫ kārtsnya

   kārtsnya n. id. MBh. &c 
   • (ena), ind. in full, entirely Mn. iii, 183


   kārdama mf(ī)n. (fr. kardama), made of mud, muddy, filled or covered with mud R. v, 27, 16 Pāṇ. 4-2, 2 Kāś 
   • belonging to Prajāpati Kardama BhP. iii, 24, 6

≫ kārdami

   kārdami m. a son of Kardama ( iḍa) R. vii, 87, 29

≫ kārdamika

   kārdamika mf(ī Pāṇ. 4-2, 2 Vārtt.)n. muddy Daś

≫ kārdameya

   kārdameya m. = kārdami R. vii


   kārpaṭa m. (fr. karpaṭa), 'one dressed in ragged garments', a beggar, petitioner, suitor L 
   • lac L

≫ kārpaṭika

   kārpaṭika m. a pilgrim Kathās 
   • a caravan of pilgrims W 
   • a deceiver, rogue BhavP 
   • a trusty follower Hcar 
   • an experienced man of the world L 
   • N. of a pilgrim Kathās


   kārpaṇī f. gladness Npr


   kārpaṇya n. (fr. kṛpaṇa), poverty, pitiful circumstances MBh. &c. R 
   • poorness of spirit, weakness ib 
   • parsimony, niggardliness Hit. &c.: compassion, pity BhP. v, 8, 10


   kārpāṇá n. (fr. kṛpāṇa), a sword-fight ṣāy. RV. x, 22, 10


   kārpāsa mf(ī L.)n. (fr. karpāsa 
   • g. bilvâdi), made of cotton, cottony ĀśvŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. &c. [Page 276, Column 1] 
   • (as, am), m. n. cotton, cotton cloth, &c. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • paper W 
   • (ī), f. the cotton plant Suśr

⋙ kārpāsatāntava

   ○tāntava n. texture made of cotton Mn. xii, 64

⋙ kārpāsanāsikā

   ○nāsikā f. a spindle L

⋙ kārpāsasautrika

   ○sautrika n. = -tāntava Yājñ. ii, 179

⋙ kārpāsāsthi

   kārpāsâsthi n. the seed of the cotton plant Mn. iv, 78

≫ kārpāsaka

   kārpāsaka mfn. made of cotton W 
   • (ikā), f. the cotton plant L

≫ kārpāsika

   kārpāsika mf(ī)n. made of cotton MBh. &c


   kārpūra mfn. (fr. karpūra), made of camphor Hcat

≫ kārpūriṇa

   kārpūriṇa mfn. fr. karpūrin g. suvāstvādi

≫ kārpūreya

   kārpūreya mfn. N. of a man, g. śubhrâdi

kārma 1

   kārma mf(ī)n. (fr. kárman 
   • g. chattrâdi), active, laborious Pāṇ. 6-4, 172

≫ kārmaṇa

   kārmaṇa mf(ī)n. relating to or proceeding from a work or action W 
   • finishing a work W 
   • performing anything by means of magic 
   • (am), n. magic, sorcery, witchcraft Pāṇ. 5-4, 36 Rājat

⋙ kārmaṇatva

   ○tva n. magic, sorcery Śiś. x, 37

≫ kārmaṇeyaka

   kārmaṇeyaka ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS

≫ kārmāra

   kārmārá m. = karmā́ra, a mechanic, smith RV. ix, 112, 2 
   • a patr. fr. Karmāra, g. śivâdi

≫ kārmāraka

   kārmāraka n. smith's work, g. kulālâdi

≫ kārmāryāyaṇi

   kārmāryāyaṇi m. a patr. fr. Karmāra Pāṇ. 4-1, 155

≫ kārmika

   kārmika ās m. pl. 'engaged in action', N. of a Buddh. philos. school 
   • (am), n. 'manufactured, embroidered', any variegated texture Yājñ. ii, 180

≫ kārmikya

   kārmikya n. (fr. karmika), activity, industry, g. purokitâdi

≫ kārmuka 1

   kārmuka mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-1, 103) efficacious (as a medicine) Car 
   • m. a bamboo L 
   • the plant Melia sempervirens Bhpr 
   • the white Khadira tree L 
   • Smilax China Npr 
   • a kind of honey (v. l. gārmuta, q.v.) L

kārma 2

   kārma mfn. (fr. kṛ́mi), belonging to a worm Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 121

⋙ kārmaraṅga

   ○raṅga mfn. deep red, crimson Hcar

kārmuka 2

   kārmuka mf(ī́)n. consisting of the wood kṛmúka ŚBr. KātyŚr 
   • (am), n. (ifc. f. ā MBh.) a bow ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. &c 
   • a bowshaped instrument L 
   • a geometrical arc Sūryas 
   • the rainbow VarYogay 
   • Sagittarius VarBṛS 
   • a particular constellation VarBṛ

⋙ kārmukabhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. bearing a bow Veṇis 
   • (t), m. Sagittarius VarBṛ

⋙ kārmukopaniṣad

   kārmukôpaniṣad f. the secret of the art of shooting Bālar

≫ kārmukāya

   kārmukāya Nom. Ā. ○kāyate, to form or represent a bow, Śṛiṅgār

≫ kārmukin

   kārmukin mfn. armed with a bow R. iii


   kāryá mfn. (fut. p.p. √1. kṛ), to be made or done or practised or performed, practicable feasible AV. iii, 24, 5 TS. Mn. &c 
   • to be imposed (as a punishment) Mn. viii, 276 & 285 
   • to be offered (as a libation) Mn. &c 
   • proper to be done, fit, right 
   • (am), n. work or business to be done, duty, affair Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a religious action or performance Mn. &c 
   • occupation, matter, thing, enterprise, emergency, occurrence, crisis 
   • conduct, deportment 
   • occasion, need (with inst., e.g. tṛṇena kāryam, there is need of a straw 
   • na bhūmyā kāryam asmākam, we have no business with the earth R. i, 13, 50) 
   • lawsuit, dispute 
   • an operation in grammar (e.g. sthāny-āśrayaṃ kāryam, an operation resting on the primitive form as opposed to the ādeśa, or substitute) Kāś. on Pāṇ 
   • an effect, result MBh. Sāṃkhyak. Vedântas 
   • motive, object, aim, purpose (e.g. kiṃ kāryam, for what purpose? wherefore?) Mn. R. &c 
   • cause, origin L 
   • the denouement of a drama Sāh 
   • (ā), f. (= kārī, ○rikā), N. of a plant L

⋙ kāryakara

   ○kara mfn. efficacious Suśr

⋙ kāryakartṛ

   ○kartṛ m. one who works in the interest of (gen.) Pañcat

⋙ kāryakāraṇa

   ○kāraṇa n. a particular or special cause (tat-kārya-kāraṇāt, in consequence of that) Pañcat. Kathās 
   • -tas ind. from some special cause, with a particular design or motive Hit. i, 33 
   • -tva n. the state of both cause and effect Sarvad 
   • -bhāva m. state or relation of cause and effect

⋙ kāryakārin

   ○kārin mfn. performing a work

⋙ kāryakāla

   ○kāla m. time for action, appointed time, season, opportunity R. i, 30, 12 &c

⋙ kāryakuśala

   ○kuśala mfn. skilful in work. [Page 276, Column 2] 

⋙ kāryakṣama

   ○kṣama mfn. fit for a work

⋙ kāryagurutā

   ○guru-tā f. importance of any act

⋙ kāryagurutva

   ○guru-tva n. id

⋙ kāryagaurava

   ○gaurava n. id. Nal. xx, 22

⋙ kāryacintaka

   ○cintaka m. 'taking care of a business', manager of a business Yājñ. ii, 191 
   • prudent, cautious

⋙ kāryacintā

   ○cintā f. prudence in action, caution

⋙ kāryacyuta

   ○cyuta mfn. removed from office, out of work

⋙ kāryatama

   ○tama mfn. most proper to be done MBh. R. v, 77, 16

⋙ kāryatas

   ○tas ind. consequently, necessarily, actually

⋙ kāryatā

   ○tā f. the being an effect, the relation or state of an effect KapS

⋙ kāryatva

   ○tva n. id. BhP. Vedântas. Sāh

⋙ kāryadarśana

   ○darśana n. inspection of work, revision Mn. viii, 9 and 23

⋙ kāryadarśin

   ○darśin m. an inspector or superintendent of affairs

⋙ kāryanirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m. ascertainment of a fact, settlement or decision of an affair Yājñ. ii, 10

⋙ kāryanirvṛtti

   ○nirvṛtti f. the result of an action Suśr

⋙ kāryapariccheda

   ○pariccheda m. right estimate of a case, discrimination Hit. xxxii, 22

⋙ kāryapuṭa

   ○puṭa m. one who does useless things L 
   • a crazy or hair-brained man L 
   • an impudent fellow L 
   • an idler L

⋙ kāryapradveṣa

   ○pradveṣa m. 'hatred of work', idleness L

⋙ kāryapreṣya

   ○preṣya m. a person sent on any business, messenger Sāh

⋙ kāryabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. undergoing or subject to a grammatical operation Comm. on TPrāt 
   • -([bhAk)-tva] n. the state of being so ib.,

⋙ kāryabhājana

   ○bhājana n. any one fit for business

⋙ kāryabhraṣṭa

   ○bhraṣṭa mfn. = -cyuta

⋙ kāryavat

   ○vat mfn. having any business or duty, engaged in a business Mn. ix, 74 MBh. &c 
   • having a cause or motive R. vii, 53, 26 
   • pursuing a certain purpose R. v, 8, 9 (-tā) 
   • the state of being engaged in a work 
   • -tā f. any business or affair MBh. i, 1789 R 
   • -tva n. id

⋙ kāryavaśa

   ○vaśa m. 'the force of a reason', (āt), abl. ind. for some reason Pañcat

⋙ kāryavastu

   ○vastu n. anything that has to be done, aim, object W

⋙ kāryavinimaya

   ○vinimaya m. mutual engagement to do something Mālav

⋙ kāryavinirṇaya

   ○vinirṇaya m. = -nirṇaya Mn. i, 114 ; viii, 8

⋙ kāryavipatti

   ○vipatti f. failure of an action, reverse Hit

⋙ kāryavṛttānta

   ○vṛttânta m. a matter of fact, actual occurrence MBh

⋙ kāryavyasana

   ○vyasana n. failure of an affair Kām

⋙ kāryaśeṣa

   ○śeṣa m. the remainder of a business Mn. vii, 153 and 179 Ratnāv

⋙ kāryasaṃdeha

   ○saṃdeha m. uncertainty about a work, embarrassment W

⋙ kāryasama

   ○sama m. (in Nyāya phil.) a particular sophistical objection (ignoring that similar effects may result from dissimilar circumstances) Nyāyad. v, 1, 37 Sarvad

⋙ kāryasāgara

   ○sāgara m. 'ocean of business', mass or weight of affairs W

⋙ kāryasādhaka

   ○sādhaka mfn. effective of any work, accomplishing any object, agent W

⋙ kāryasiddhi

   ○siddhi f. accomplishment of a work, fulfilment of an object, success Mudr

⋙ kāryasthāna

   ○sthāna n. a place of business, office W

⋙ kāryahantṛ

   ○hantṛ m. one who obstructs an affair, mar-plot Hit

⋙ kāryākārya

   kāryâkārya n. what is to be done and not to be done 
   • -vicāra m. deliberation on what is to be done or not

⋙ kāryākṣama

   kāryâkṣama mfn. unfit for work Hit

⋙ kāryākṣepa

   kāryâkṣepa m. (in rhet.) a denial of the results stated to follow on a particular condition of things Kāvyâd

⋙ kāryākhyā

   kāryâkhyā f. (with the Pāśupatas) N. of the five elements and the five Guṇas

⋙ kāryātipāta

   kāryâtipāta m. neglect of business Śak

⋙ kāryātipātin

   kāryâtipātin mfn. neglecting business Comm. on Yājñ

⋙ kāryādhikārin

   kāryâdhikārin m. a superintendent of affairs, minister Hit

⋙ kāryādhipa

   kāryâdhipa m. a dominant or presiding planet determining any matter (in astrol.) VarBṛ

⋙ kāryānta

   kāryânta m. the end of a business

⋙ kāryāntara

   kāryântara n. interval of business, leisure Hariv. 4339 
   • another affair Comm. on Yājñ 
   • -saciva m. the associate of a prince in his leisure hours Mālav

⋙ kāryāpekṣin

   kāryâpêkṣin mfn. pursuing a particular object Kathās. lvi, 134

⋙ kāryārtha

   kāryârtha m. the object of a business or enterprise 
   • any object or purpose 
   • application for employment 
   • (am), ind. for the sake of any business or for any particular object Mn 
   • -siddhi f. the accomplishment of any object or purpose Mn. vii, 167

⋙ kāryārthin

   kāryârthin mfn. making a request, seeking for business, applying for employment 
   • pleading a cause in court, going to law Mṛicch. Comm. on Mn. vii, 124

⋙ kāryekṣaṇa

   kāryêkṣaṇa n. superintendence of public affairs Mn. vii, 141

⋙ kāryeśa

   kāryêśa and m. = kāryâdhipa

⋙ kāryeśvara

   kāryêśvara m. = kāryâdhipa

⋙ kāryodyukta

   kāryôdyukta mfn. engaged in any business, intent upon any object

⋙ kāryodyoga

   kāryôdyoga m. active engagement in any business

⋙ kāryopekṣā

   kāryôpêkṣā f. neglect of duty Hit

≫ kāryika

   kāryika mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 115 Pat.) pleading a cause in court Mn. vii, 124

≫ kāryin

   kāryin mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 115 Pat.) one who transacts business, assiduous 
   • seeking for employment 
   • having an object 
   • a party to a suit either as plaintiff or defendant Mn. viii, ix 
   • (in Gr.) subject to the operation of a grammatical rule, requiring an affix, &c. Pāṇ. Pat. & Kāś. [Page 276, Column 3] 


   kārvaṭika m. the chief of a village (karvaṭa) Divyâv


   kārśa m. Curcuma Zedoaria L


   kā́rśakeyī-pútra m. (the first part fr. kṛśaka?), N. of a teacher ŚBr. xiv


   kārśaná mfn. (fr. kṛśana), consisting of pearl or mother-of-pearl AV. iv, 10, 7 [MSS. karśaná.]


   kārśānava mfn. (fr. kṛsānu), fiery, hot, glaring Bālar


   kārśâśvīya n. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 80) the Sūtra of Kṛiśāśva, ṇBḍ.


   kārśmarī f. N. of a plant (= kārṣmaryá, kāśmarī) L

kārśya 1

   kārśya m. N. of a plant (= kārṣya, kārṣmaryá) L 
   • another plant (= karcūra) L 
   • the plant Artocarpus Lacucha L

kārśya 2

   kārśya n. (fr. kṛśá g. dṛḍhâdi), emaciation, thinness Suśr. BhP. Kathās. &c 
   • 'smallness (of property)', artha-k○


   kārṣa m. (√kṛṣ 
   • g. chattrâdi), 'one who ploughs', a peasant, husbandman Divyâv 
   • (ī), f. gomaya-k○

≫ kārṣaka

   kārṣaka m. id. Kathās. Rājat. v, 169

≫ kārṣāpaṇa

   kārṣâpaṇa as, am m. n. (g. ardharcâdi 
   • cf. karṣ) 'weighing a Karsha', a coin or weight of different values (if of gold, = 16 Māshas, karṣa 
   • if of silver, = 16 Paṇas or 1280 Kowries, commonly termed a Kahān 
   • if of copper, = 80 Raktikās or about 176 grains 
   • but accord. to some = only 1 Paṇa of Kowries or 80 Kowries) Mn. viii, 136 ; 336 ; ix, 282 
   • (ifc.) worth so many Kārshāpaṇas Pāṇ. 5-1, 29 
   • (am), n. money, gold and silver L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe, g. parśv-ādi 
   • m. the chief of this tribe ib. and iv, 1, 177 Vārtt. 2

⋙ kārṣāpaṇāvara

   kārṣāpaṇâvara mfn. having the value of at least one Kārshāpaṇa (as a fine) Mn. viii, 274 and x, 120

≫ kārṣāpaṇaka

   kārṣâpaṇaka as, am m. n. a weight or measure = kārṣâpaṇa L

≫ kārṣāpaṇika

   kārṣâpaṇika mf(ī)n. worth one Kārshāpaṇa, bought &c. with one Kārshāpaṇa Pāṇ. 5-1, 25 Vārtt. 2 
   • ifc. id. v, 1, 29

≫ kārṣi

   kā́rṣi mfn. (cf. karṣí) drawing, ploughing VS. vi, 28 [v. l. kārṣín MaitrS. Kāṭh.] 
   • (is), m. fire Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 128 
   • (is), f. drawing, ploughing, cultivation W

≫ kārṣika

   kārṣika mfn. (g. chedâdi) weighing a Karsha Mn. viii, 136 Yājñ. i, 364 Suśr 
   • m. a coin (= kārṣâpaṇa) L 
   • = kārṣaka, cf. tila-k○

≫ kārṣin

   kārṣín mfn. kā́rṣi

≫ kārṣīvaṇa

   kā́rṣīvaṇa m. (fr. kā́rṣi with i lengthened), one who ploughs a field, husbandman AV. vi, 116, 1

≫ kārṣuka

   kārṣuka mfn. = ○ṣaka Gal

≫ kārṣman

   kā́rṣman a n. the goal of a race-course (a line like a furrow) RV. i, 116, 17 ; ix, 36, 1 and 74, 8


   kā́rṣṇa mf(ī)n. (fr. kṛṣṇá), coming from or belonging to the black antelope, made of the skin of the black antelope TS. v, 4, 4, 4 Lāṭy. Mn. ii, 41 
   • belonging to the dark half of a month 
   • belonging to the god Kṛishṇa or to Kṛishṇa-dvaipāyana or composed by him &c. (e.g. kārṣṇaveda i.e. the Mahā-bhārata MBh. i, 261 & 2300) Ragh. xv, 24 
   • belonging to a descendant of Kṛishṇa, g. kaṇvâdi 
   • (ī), f. the plant Asparagus racemosus L 
   • (am), n. the skin of the black antelope AV. xi, 5, 6 
   • N. of two Sāmans ĀrshBr

≫ kārṣṇakarṇa

   kārṣṇakarṇa mfn. fr. kṛṣṇa-k○ g. suvāstv-ādi

≫ kārṣṇasundari

   kārṣṇasundari ayas m. pl. the descendants of Kṛishṇa-sundara Pāṇ. 2-4, 68 Kāś

≫ kārṣṇājina

   kārṣṇâjina mfn. (fr. kriṣṇâjiná), made from the skin of the black antelope ĀpŚr. xv, 5

≫ kārṣṇājini

   kārṣṇâjini m. (Pāṇ. 2-4, 68 Kāś.) 'a son or descendant of Kṛishnâjina', N. of a teacher KātyŚr. i, 6, 23 
   • of a philosopher Jaim. Bādar 
   • of an author on law

≫ kārṣṇāyana

   kārṣṇāyana m. a descendant of Kṛishṇa, g. 1. naḍâdi

≫ kārṣṇāyasa

   kārṣṇâyasa mf(ī)n. (fr. kṛṣṇâyas), made of black iron ChUp. vi, 1, 6 Mn. xi, 133 MBh. &c. [Page 277, Column 1] 
   • (am), n. iron Mn. x, 52 R. i, 38, 20

≫ kārṣṇi

   kārṣṇi m. (g. bāhv-ādi Gaṇar. 34 Comm.) a son or descendant of Kṛishṇa MBh. BhP 
   • N. of Viśvaka 
   • of a Deva-gandharva MBh. Hariv 
   • of the god of love L. (cf. Hariv. 9209.)

≫ kārṣṇya

   kārṣṇya m. a son or descendant of Kṛishṇa, g. gargâdi 
   • (am), n. (g. dṛḍhâdi 
   • ifc. f. ā) blackness, black colour, darkness MBh. i, 4236 Suśr. Rājat 
   • iron filings L


   kā́rṣman kārṣa


   kārṣmaryá m. (= kāśm○) the tree Gmelina arborea TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr

⋙ kārṣmaryamaya

   ○máya mf(ī)n. made of that tree ib


   kārṣya m. the tree Ṣorea robusta L 
   • the tree Artocarpus Lacucha L

⋙ kārṣyavaṇa

   ○vaṇa n. a forest of Ṣorea robusta Pāṇ. 8-4, 5

kāla 1

   kāla mf(ī Pāṇ. 4-1, 42)n. (fr. √3. kal?), black, of a dark colour, dark-blue MBh. R. &c 
   • m. a black or dark-blue colour L 
   • the black part of the eye Suśr 
   • the Indian cuckoo L 
   • the poisonous serpent Coluber Nāga (= kālasarpa) Vet 
   • the plant Cassia Sophora L 
   • a red kind of Plumbago L 
   • the resin of the plant Ṣorea robusta L 
   • the planet Saturn 
   • N. of Śiva 
   • of Rudra BhP. iii, 12, 12 
   • of a son of Hrada Hariv. 189 
   • of the prince Kāla-yavana BhP. iii, 3, 10 
   • of a brother of king Prasena-jit Buddh 
   • of a future Buddha 
   • of an author of Mantras (= Aśva-ghosha) Buddh 
   • of a Nāga-rāja Buddh 
   • of a Rakshas R. vi, 69, 12 
   • of an enemy of Śiva L 
   • of a mountain R. iv, 44, 21 Kāraṇḍ 
   • of one of the nine treasures Jain 
   • a mystical N. of the letter m 
   • (ā), f. N. of several plants (Indigofera tinctoria L 
   • Piper longum L 
   • (perhaps) Ipomoea atropurpurea Suśr 
   • Nigella indica L 
   • Rubia Munjista L 
   • Ruellia longifolia L 
   • Physalis flexuosa L 
   • Bignonia suaveolens Bhpr.) 
   • the fruit of the Kālā, g. harītaky-ādi 
   • N. of a śakti Hcat 
   • of a daughter of Daksha (the mother of the Kāleyas or Kālakeyas, a family of Asuras) MBh. i, 2520 Hariv 
   • N. of Durgā L 
   • (ī), f. black colour, ink or blacking L 
   • abuse, censure, defamation L 
   • a row or succession of black clouds L 
   • night L 
   • a worm or animalcule generated in the acetous fermentation of milk (= kṣīra-kīṭa or kṣāra-kīṭa) L 
   • the plant Kālâñjanī L 
   • Ipomoea Turpethum L 
   • a kind of clay L 
   • Bignonia suaveolens L 
   • one of the seven tongues or flames of fire MuṇḍUp. i, 2, 4 
   • a form of Durgā MBh. iv, 195 Hariv. Kum 
   • one of the Mātṛis or divine mothers L 
   • N. of a female evil spirit (mother of the Kālakeyas) Hariv. 11552 
   • one of the sixteen Vidyā-deviis L 
   • N. of Satyavatī, wife of king Śāntanu and mother of Vyāsa or Kṛishṇa-dvaipāyana (after her marriage she had a son Vicitra-viirya, whose widows were married by Kṛishṇa-dvaipāyana, and bore to him Dhṛita-rāshṭra and Pāṇḍu MBh. Hariv 
   • according to other legends Kālī is the wife of Bhīmasena and mother of Sarvagata BhP.) 
   • (with or without gaṅgā) N. of a river 
   • (am), n. a black kind of Agallochum L 
   • a kind of perfume (kakkolaka) L 
   • iron L

⋙ kālakacu

   ○kacu f. Arum Colocasia L

⋙ kālakañja

   ○kañjá ās m. pl., N. of a race of Asuras [or Dānavas MBh. &c.], (some of whom ascended into heaven and there shine as stars) TBr. Kāṭh. &c 
   • m. N. of in Asura Hariv. 12940

⋙ kālakañjya

   ○kañjya = -kañjá KaushUp

⋙ kālakaṭaṅkaṭa

   ○kaṭaṅkaṭa m. N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1172

⋙ kālakaṇī

   ○kaṇī f. a kind of Rākshasī

⋙ kālakaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka m. a gallinule L

⋙ kālakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. a peacock L 
   • a gallinule L 
   • a wagtail L 
   • a sparrow L 
   • = pīta-śāla, -sāra (Terminalia tomentosa W.) L 
   • N. of Śiva 
   • of a being in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2571

⋙ kālakaṇṭhaka

   ○kaṇṭhaka m. a sparrow Bhpr 
   • a gallinule L

⋙ kālakandaka

   ○kandaka m. a water-snake L

⋙ kālakarṇikā

   ○karṇikā f. misfortune (predicted as the consequence of having black ears) L

⋙ kālakarṇī

   ○karṇī f. id. L 
   • N. of Lakshmī NṛisUp 
   • of a Yoginī Hcat

⋙ kālakalāya

   ○kalāya m. Phaseolus Max. L

⋙ kālakavi

   ○kavi m. N. of Agni Hcat

⋙ kālakastūrī

   ○kastūrī f. Hibiscus Abelmoschus (the seeds smelling of musk when rubbed) W

⋙ kālakāñja

   ○kāñjá ās m. pl. = -kañjá AV. vi, 80, 2 MaitrS

⋙ kālakīrti

   ○kīrti m. N. of a king identified with the Asura Suparṇa MBh. i, 2673

⋙ kālakuñja

   ○kuñja m. N. of Vishṇu L

⋙ kālakuṣṭha

   ○kuṣṭha m. a kind of earth brought from mountains L. - 1

⋙ kālakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. (n. L.) a poison (contained in a bulbous √or tube) MBh. iii, 540 Pañcat 
   • a poison (produced at the churning of the ocean, swallowed by Śiva and causing the blueness of his neck) MBh. i, 1152 BhP. &c. [Page 277, Column 2] 
   • poison (in general) BhP. iii, 2, 23

⋙ kālakūṭaka

   ○kūṭaka m. a poison (contained in a bulbous root) MBh. i, 5008 ff 
   • N. of a poisonous plant L

⋙ kālakūṭīya

   ○kūṭīya n. the legend of Śiva and the poison Kāla-kūṭa Bālar

⋙ kālakoṭi

   ○koṭi f. N. of a locality MBh. iii, 8513 VarBṛS

⋙ kālaklītaka

   ○klītaka n. the indigo plant ŚāṅkhGṛ

⋙ kālakhañja

   ○khañja ās m. pl. = -kañjá MBh. ii, iv 
   • (am), n. the liver L

⋙ kālakhañjana

   ○khañjana n. the liver L

⋙ kālakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. id. Bālar 
   • -han m. N. of Arjuna L

⋙ kālagaṅgā

   ○gaṅgā f. N. of a river in Ceylon

⋙ kālagaṇḍikā

   ○gaṇḍikā f. N. of a river Rājat

⋙ kālagandha

   ○gandha m. = -kandaka W

⋙ kālaghaṭa

   ○ghaṭa m. N. of a Brahman MBh. i, 2048

⋙ kālajihva

   ○jihva m. 'having a black tongue', N. of a Yaksha Kathās. lxx, 35. -1

⋙ kālatā

   ○tā f. blackness Kpr 
   • (for 2. kāla-tā, p. 278, col. 2.)

⋙ kālatāla

   ○tāla m. Xanthochymus pictorius (= tamāla) L

⋙ kālatinduka

   ○tinduka m. a kind of ebony Bhpr

⋙ kālatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 8153

⋙ kāladantaka

   ○dantaka m. N. of a Nāga (a son of Vāsuki) MBh. i, 2147. -1

⋙ kālanara

   ○nara m. N. of a son of Sabhā-nara (a son of Anu) BhP. ix, 23, 1 (cf. kālânala.)

⋙ kālanābha

   ○nābha m. (fr. nābhi), N. of an Asura Hariv. 199 BhP 
   • of a son of Hiraṇyâksha Hariv. 195 VP 
   • of a son of Hiraṇya-kaśipu BhP. vii, 2, 18 
   • of a son of Vipra-citti and Siṃhikā Hariv. 216 VP

⋙ kālaniryāsa

   ○niryāsa m. a fragrant and resinous exudation from the plant Amyris Agallocha L

⋙ kālanetra

   ○netra mf(ā)n. black-eyed Kauś. 106

⋙ kālaparṇa

   ○parṇa m. Tabernaemontana coronaria L 
   • (ī), f. a dark kind of Ipomoea Npr 
   • N. of Nirṛiti

⋙ kālaparvata

   ○parvata m. N. of a mountain MBh. iii, 15998

⋙ kālapātrika

   ○pātrika m. a kind of mendicant whose alms-dish is painted black Buddh

⋙ kālapālaka

   ○pālaka n. a kind of earth L. (cf. -kuṣṭha, kaṅkuṣṭha.)

⋙ kālapīluka

   ○pīluka m. a kind of ebony L

⋙ kālapuccha


⋙ kālapucchaka

   ○pucchaka m. a species of animal living in marshes Suśr. (cf. asita-pucchaka) 
   • a kind of sparrow Npr

⋙ kālapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. N. of a plant (= kalāya) Comm. on Śiś. xiii, 21

⋙ kālapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha m. 'having a black back', a species of antelope L 
   • a heron L 
   • a bow L 
   • Karṇa's bow L

⋙ kālapeśikā

   ○peśikā f. Rubia Munjista Npr

⋙ kālapeśī

   ○peśī f. N. of a plant (= śyāmā) L

⋙ kālabījaka

   ○bījaka m. a Diospyros L

⋙ kālabhāṇḍikā

   ○bhāṇḍikā f. Rubia Munjista L

⋙ kālabhairava

   ○bhairava m. a form of Bhairava

⋙ kālabhogin

   ○bhogin m. Coluber Naga Daś

⋙ kālamallikā

   ○mallikā f. an Ocimum L

⋙ kālamasī

   ○masī f. N. of a river R. iv, 40, 24 
   • (vḷ. -mahī Hariv. 12828.)

⋙ kālamahī

   ○mahī f. = -masī

⋙ kālamāna

   ○māna m. = -māla L

⋙ kālamāpanī

   ○māpanī f. yā́ma-dundubhi s.v. yā́ma- L

⋙ kālamāla

   ○māla m. Ocimum sanctum Car. Suśr

⋙ kālamālaka

   ○mālaka m. id. Car

⋙ kālamukha

   ○mukha mfn. black-faced, dark-faced Pat 
   • m. a kind of monkey MBh. iii, 16613 R 
   • N. of a fabulous people MBh. ii, 1171 R 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman Pāṇ. 4-1, 58 Kāś

⋙ kālamuṣkaka

   ○muṣkaka m. N. of a plant L

⋙ kālamūla

   ○mūla m. the plant Plumbago L

⋙ kālamegha

   ○megha m. a black cloud R. Kād 
   • N. of an elephant Kathās

⋙ kālameśikā

   ○meśikā or f. Rubia Munjista L

⋙ kālameṣikā

   ○meṣikā f. Rubia Munjista L 
   • Ipomoea atropurpurea (?) L

⋙ kālameṣī

   ○meṣī f. = -meṣikā 
   • Vernonia anthelminthica L

⋙ kālayavana

   ○yavana m. N. of a prince of the Yavanas Hariv. VP 
   • of a tyrannical Asura (the foe of Kṛishṇa, destroyed by him by a stratagem) ib 
   • N. of a Dviipa Daś. -1

⋙ kālarātri

   ○rātri f

⋙ kālarātrī

   ○rātrī f. a dark night W 
   • (for 2. -rātri, p. 278, col. 3.)

⋙ kālalavaṇa

   ○lavaṇa n. a kind of black factitious and purgative salt (commonly called viḍ-lavaṇa) L

⋙ kālalocana

   ○locana m. 'black-eyed', N. of a Daitya Hariv. 12941

⋙ kālaloha

   ○loha n. iron Daś

⋙ kālalauha

   ○lauha n. id. L

⋙ kālavadana

   ○vadana m. 'black-faced', N. of a Daitya Hariv. 14291 
   • (vḷ. śāla-v○ ib. 2288.)

⋙ kālavarāṭaka

   ○varāṭaka m. N. of a man Kathās. lxxiv, 179

⋙ kālavāla

   ○vāla n. a kind of black earth Npr. (cf. -pālaka.)

⋙ kālavāluka

   ○vāluka n. id. ib

⋙ kālavāhana

   ○vāhana m. a buffalo Npr

⋙ kālaviṣa

   ○viṣa is, (probably) the venom of Coluber Nāga MBh. iii, 141, 14

⋙ kālavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. a kind of vetch (Dolichos biflorus 
   • cf. kulattha) W

⋙ kālavṛkṣīya

   ○"ṣvṛkṣīya m. N. of a Ṛishi Hariv. 9570

⋙ kālavṛnta

   ○vṛnta m. = -vṛkṣa L 
   • (ī), f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia suaveolens) L 
   • ○tikā f. id. Npr

⋙ kālavelā

   ○velā f. 'the time of Saturn', a particular time of the day at which any religious act is improper (half a watch in every day) L

⋙ kālaśambara

   ○śambara m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. 9210

⋙ kālaśāka

   ○śāka n. the potherb Ocimum sanctum Mn. iii, 272 MBh. &c 
   • Corchorus capsularis L

⋙ kālaśali

   ○śali m. a black kind of rice L

⋙ kālaśibi

   ○śibi m. N. of a man Pravar

⋙ kālaśaila

   ○śaila m. N. of a mountain MBh. iii, 10820 ff

⋙ kālasarpa

   ○sarpa m. the black and most venomous variety of the Cobra, Coluber Nāga Gīt. x, 12 Vet

⋙ kālasāra

   ○sāra mfn. having a black centre or pupil Naish. vi, 19 
   • m. the black antelope ib 
   • a sort of sandalwood Bhpr 
   • N. of a Prākṛit poet

⋙ kālasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of a Prākṛit poet

⋙ kālasūkarikā

   ○sūkarikā f. N. of a woman Jain. [Page 277, Column 3] 

⋙ kālaskandha

   ○skandha m. the plant Diospyros embryopteris Suśr 
   • the Jamāla tree (bearing dark blossoms, Xanthochymus pictorius) L 
   • Ficus glomerata L 
   • a kind of Acacia (Catechu) L 
   • another plant (= jīvaka) L

⋙ kālaskandhin

   ○skandhin m. Ficus glomerata L

⋙ kālahastipura

   ○hasti-pura n. N. of a town

⋙ kālahastiśaila

   ○hastiśaila n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ kālahastīśvara

   ○hastī7śvara n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ kālāguru

   kālâguru m. (n. L.) a kind of black aloe wood or Agallochum MBh. R. &c

⋙ kālāṅga

   kālâṅga mfn. having a dark-blue body (as a sword with a dark-blue edge) MBh. iv, 231

⋙ kālājājī

   kālâjājī f. a kind of cummin L

⋙ kālājina

   kālâjina ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS

⋙ kālāñjana

   kālâñjana n. a black unguent Kum. vii, 20 
   • (ī), f. a small shrub (used as a purgative) L

⋙ kālāṇḍaja

   kālâṇḍaja m. 'the black bird', Indian cuckoo Daś

⋙ kālānusāraka

   kālânusāraka n. N. of the powder called tagara, q.v. L 
   • yellow sandal L

⋙ kālānusārin

   kālânusārin m. benzoin or benjamin Suśr 
   • (iṇī), f. id. Car

⋙ kālānusārivā

   kālânusārivā f. id. Suśr

⋙ kālānusārya

   kālânusārya m. n. id. L 
   • (ā), f. id. Suśr 
   • (as or am), m. n. a yellow fragrant wood L 
   • Dalbergia Sissoo L 
   • (am), n. the powder tagara, q.v. L

⋙ kālānusāryaka

   kālânusāryaka n. gum benzoin or benjamin L

⋙ kālāmukha

   kālā-mukha ās m. pl., N. of a Śaiva sect (cf. kālī-m○.)

⋙ kālāmra

   kālâmra m. N. of a Dviipa Hariv. 8653

⋙ kālāyasa

   kālâyasa n. (fr. áyas), iron R. Hariv. &c 
   • (mfn.) made of iron R. vii, 8, 15 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. id. R. v, 49, 32

⋙ kālāśoka

   kālâśoka m. N. of a king (probably N. of the celebrated king Candra-gupta, q.v.)

⋙ kālāsuhṛd

   kālâsuhṛd m. 'an enemy of Kāla', N. of Śiva L

⋙ kālīkṛ

   kālī-√kṛ to blacken Kād. Hcar

⋙ kālodaka

   kālôdaka n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. xiii, 1746 
   • of an ocean R. iv, 40, 36

⋙ kālodāyin

   kālôdāyin m. 'the black Udāyin', N. of a pupil of Śākya-muni Buddh

≫ kālaka 1

   kālaka mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 33) dark-blue, black Lalit 
   • freckled (? or 'dark', as with anger) Pat 
   • m. a freckle (? 'black colour') Pat 
   • the black part of the eye Suśr 
   • a water-snake L 
   • a kind of grain Suśr 
   • (in alg.) the second unknown quantity, Bījag 
   • N. of a Rakshas R. iii, 29, 30 
   • of an Asura Hariv 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS 
   • of a dynasty VP 
   • (kā́lakā), f. a kind of bird VS. xxiv, 35 
   • (g. sthūlâdi) N. of a female evil spirit (mother of the Kālakeyas 
   • daughter of Daksha R 
   • also of Vaiśvānara Hariv. & BhP.) MBh. &c 
   • (kālikā), f. blackness or black colour L 
   • ink or blacking L 
   • a dark spot, rust VarBṛS 
   • a fault or flaw in gold L 
   • change of complexion L 
   • the liver Comm. on Yājñ 
   • a particular bloodvessel in the ear Suśr 
   • the line of hair extending from the pudenda to the navel L 
   • a multitude of clouds R. ii Ragh. xi, 15 
   • snow L 
   • fog L 
   • the female of the bird Aṅgāraka Pat 
   • a female crow L 
   • the female of the bird Turdus macrourus (commonly śyāmā) L 
   • a scorpion L 
   • a small worm or animalcule formed by the fermentation of milk L 
   • N. of several plants (Vṛiścika-pattra, Valeriana Jaṭāmāṃsī, a kind of Terminalia, a branch of Trichosanthes dioeca) L 
   • a kind of fragrant earth L 
   • a N. or form of Durgā L 
   • a girl of four years old who personates the goddess Durgā at a festival held in honour of that deity L 
   • a kind of female genius MBh. ii, 457 Hariv. 9532 
   • one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2632 
   • N. of a Vidyādharī Kathās. cviii, 177 
   • of a Kiṃnarī L 
   • of a Yoginī L 
   • of an attendant of the fourth Arhat Jain 
   • of a river MBh. iii, 8534 
   • (am), n. a worm-hole (in wood) VarBṛS 
   • the liver L 
   • N. of a pot-herb Bhpr

⋙ kālakavana

   ○vana m. N. of a mountain Pāṇ. 2-4, 10 Pat

⋙ kālakavṛkṣīya

   ○"ṣvṛkṣīya m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. ii, 299 ; xii, 3059 and 3849 (cf. kāla-v○.)

⋙ kālakākranda

   kālakâkranda m. N. of two Sāmans

⋙ kālakākṣa

   kālakâkṣa m. 'black-eyed', N. of an Asura Hariv. 14289 
   • of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2571

⋙ kālakācārya

   kālakâcārya m. N. of a Jaina teacher and astronomer

⋙ kālakendra

   kālakêndra m. N. of a prince of the Dānavas R

≫ kālakeya

   kālakeya m. (a metron. fr. kālakā), N. of an Asura Hariv. 2286 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a Dānava race MBh. Hariv. R. vii, 12, 2

≫ kālala

   kālala mfn. g. sidhmâdi

≫ kālika 1

   kālika m. a species of heron (Ardea jaculator) L. (vḷ. kālīka) 
   • N. of a king of the Nāgas Lalit 
   • of a prince Pañcad

⋙ kālikācārya

   kālikâcārya m. vḷ. for kālakâc○, q.v

⋙ kālikārya

   kālikârya m. = kālakâcārya

≫ kālikā 1

   kālikā (f. of 1. kālaka q.v.)

⋙ kālikākrama

   ○krama m. N. of wk. (= kālī-kr○)

⋙ kālikāguru

   ○guru avas m. pl., N. of certain authors of mystical prayers

⋙ kālikāgrantha

   ○grantha m. a medical work

⋙ kālikātantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kālikāpurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. 'the Purāṇa of Kālikā (i.e. of Durgā)', N. of an Upa-purāṇa. [Page 278, Column 1] 

⋙ kālikāmukha

   ○mukha m. N. of a Rakshas R. iii, 29, 30

⋙ kālikārahasya

   ○rahasya n. N. of wk

⋙ kālikāvrata

   ○vrata n. N. of a ceremony KālP

⋙ kālikāśrama

   kālikâśrama m. N. of a hermitage MBh. xiii, 1710

⋙ kālikāstotra

   kālikā-stotra n. N. of a Stotra

⋙ kālikopaniṣad

   kālikôpaniṣad f. N. of an Upanishad

⋙ kālikopapurāṇa

   kālikôpapurāṇa n. = kālikā-pur○

≫ kālikeya

   kālikeya mfn. relating to Kālikā BrahmaP

≫ kālitarā

   kāli-tarā f. (compar.) Pāṇ. 5-3, 55 Pat

≫ kāliman

   kāliman ā m. blackness Śiś. iv, 57 Hit. &c

≫ kāliṃmanyā

   kāliṃ-manyā f. thinking oneself to be Kālī Pāṇ. 6-3, 66 Kāś

≫ kāliya

   kāliya m. N. of a Nāga (inhabiting the Yamunā, slain by Kṛishṇa, also written kālīya VP.) MBh. Hariv. &c

⋙ kāliyajit

   ○jit m. 'destroyer of Kāliya', N. of Kṛishna or Vishṇu L

⋙ kāliyadamana

   ○damana m. id. L

≫ kāliyaka

   kāliyaka n. (= kālīyaka) a yellow fragrant wood (perhaps sandal-wood or Agallochum) L

≫ kālila

   kālila mfn. g. picchâdi

≫ kālī

   kālī (f. of 1. kāla, q.v.)

⋙ kālīkulasarvasva

   ○kula-sarvasva n. N. of wk

⋙ kālīkrama

   ○krama m. = kālikā-kr○

⋙ kālītattva

   ○tattva n. N. of wk

⋙ kālītanaya

   ○tanaya m. 'son (or favourite) of Durgā', a buffalo L. (cf. haṃsakālī-t○.)

⋙ kālītantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kālīpurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. 'the Purāṇa of Kālī', N. of an Upa-purāṇa

⋙ kālīmanu

   ○manu avas m. pl., N. of certain mystical prayers

⋙ kālīmāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. = devii-māh○

⋙ kālīmukha

   ○mukha īs m. pl., N. of a religious sect (cf. kālā-m○.)

⋙ kālīyantra

   ○yantra n. N. of a Yantra

⋙ kālīrahasya

   ○rahasya n. N. of wk

⋙ kālīvilāsatantra

   ○vilāsa-tantra n. id

⋙ kālīvilāsin

   ○vilāsin m. 'the husband of Kālī', a form of Śiva Daś

⋙ kālīsamastamantra

   ○samastamantra m. N. of a Mantra

⋙ kālīsahasranāman

   ○sahasra-nāman n. N. of wk

⋙ kālīsāratantra

   ○sāra-tantra n. id

⋙ kālīhṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya n. id

⋙ kālyupaniṣad

   kāly-upaniṣad f. N. of an Up

≫ kālīya

   kālīya m. = kāliya 
   • (am), n. a dark kind of sandal-wood Suśr

⋙ kālīyadamana

   ○damana m. = kāliya-jit Gal

⋙ kālīyamardana

   ○mardana m. id. Gal

≫ kālīyaka

   kālīyaka n. = kāliyaka MBh. R. Suśr. &c 
   • (as, am), m. n. a kind of turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) L 
   • m. N. of a Nāga (different fr. Kāliya) MBh. i, 1555

≫ kāleya 1

   kāleya n. (fr. 1. kāla), the liver L 
   • a yellow fragrant wood Kum. vii, 9 
   • saffron L

≫ kāleya 2

   kāleya as n. (metron. fr. kālā), N. of a Nāga (= Kāliya) L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a family of Daityas MBh. iii BhP

≫ kāleyaka

   kāleyaka m. the plant Curcuma xanthorrhiza L 
   • a particular part of the intestines (different fr. the liver) Suśr 
   • a disease like jaundice Suśr 
   • a dog (for kaul○) Hcar 
   • (am), n. a fragrant wood R

kāla 2

   kālá m. (√3. kal, 'to calculate or enumerate'), [ifc. f. ā RPrāt.], a fixed or right point of time, a space of time, time (in general) AV. xix, 53 & 54 ŚBr. &c 
   • the proper time or season for (gen., dat., loc., in comp., inf., or Pot. with yad e.g. kālaḥ prasthānasya or ○nāya or ○ne, time for departure 
   • kriyā-kāla, time for action Suśr 
   • nâyaṃ kālo vilambitum, this is not the time to delay Nal 
   • kālo yad bhuñjīta bhavān, it is time for you to eat Pāṇ. 3-3, 168 Kāś.) ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • occasion, circumstance MBh. xii, 2950 Mṛicch 
   • season R. &c 
   • meal-time (twice a day, hence ubhau kālau, 'in the morning and in the evening' MBh. i, 4623 
   • ṣaṣṭhe kāle, 'in the evening of the third day' MBh 
   • ṣaṣṭhânna-kāla, 'one who eats only at the sixth meal-time, i.e. who passes five meals without eating and has no meal till the evening of the third day' Mn. xi, 200 
   • or without anna e.g. caturtha-kālam, 'at the fourth meal-time, i.e. at the evening of the second day' Mn. xi, 109) 
   • hour (hence ṣaṣṭhe kāle'hnaḥ, 'at the sixth hour of the day, i.e. at noon' Vikr.) 
   • a period of time, time of the world (= yuga) Rājat 
   • measure of time, prosody Prāt. Pāṇ 
   • a section, part VPrāt 
   • the end ChUp 
   • death by age Suśr 
   • time (as leading to events, the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man), destiny, fate MBh. R. &c 
   • time (as destroying all things), death, time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of Yama, regent of the dead, or even identified with him: hence kālam-√i or kālaṃ-√kṛ, 'to die' MBh. &c 
   • kāla in this sense is frequently connected with antaka, mṛtyu e.g. abhy-adhāvata prajāḥ kāla ivântakaḥ, 'he attacked the people like Time the destroyer' R. iii, 7, 9 
   • cf. kālântaka 
   • kāla personified is also a Devarshi in Indra's court, and a son of Dhruva MBh. i, 2585 Hariv. VP.) 
   • (am), acc. ind. for a certain time (e.g. mahāntaṃ kālam, for a long time Pañcat.) [Page 278, Column 2] 
   • nitya-k○, constantly, always Mn. ii, 58 and 73 
   • dīrgha-k○, during a long time Mn. viii, 145 
   • (ena), instr. ind. in the course of time Mn. ix, 246 MBh. &c 
   • with gacchatā id. VP 
   • dīrgheṇa kālena, during a long time MBh 
   • after a long time R. i, 45, 40 
   • kālena mahatā or bahunā id 
   • (āt), abl. ind. in the course of time Mn. viii, 251 
   • kālasya dīrghasya or mahataḥ id. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • kasya-cit kālasya, after some time MBh. i, 5299 Hariv 
   • (é), loc. ind. in time, seasonably RV. x, 42, 9 ŚBr. (cf. a-kāle) 
   • kāle gacchati, in the course of time 
   • kāle yāte, after some time 
   • kāle kāle, always in time MBh. i, 1680 Ragh. iv, 6 
   • [cf. ? ; Lat. calen-doe: Hib. ceal, 'death and everything terrible.']

⋙ kālakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. appointing or fixing a time

⋙ kālakarman

   ○karman n. 'Time's act', death R. vi, 72, 11

⋙ kālakalpa

   ○kalpa mfn. like death, fatal, deadly

⋙ kālakāra

   ○kāra mfn. making or producing time ŚvetUp

⋙ kālakārita

   ○kārita mfn. effected or brought about by or in time (cf. kāla-kṛta.)

⋙ kālakuṇṭha

   ○kuṇṭha m. N. of Yama L. -2

⋙ kālakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. id. L 
   • (for 1. and 3. p. 277, col. 1, and p. 279, col. 2.)

⋙ kālakṛt

   ○kṛt m. 'producing the times, i.e. seasons', the sun L

⋙ kālakṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. produced by time Suśr 
   • appointed (as to time), lent or deposited (by a giver) for a certain time Yājñ. ii, 58 
   • (kāla-kārita) Mn. viii, 348 
   • m. (= -kṛt) the sun L 
   • time L

⋙ kālakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of wk

⋙ kālakrama

   ○krama m. lapse of time Kathās 
   • (eṇa), instr. ind. in process of time 
   • (āt), abl. ind. id. Pañcat. Kathās

⋙ kālakriyā

   ○kriyā f. 'fixing the times', N. of a chapter of the Sūrya-siddhânta 
   • death Buddh

⋙ kālakṣepa

   ○kṣepa m. allowing time to pass away, delay, loss of time Megh. Pañcat. &c 
   • a-kālakṣepam ind. without delay Śak

⋙ kālagata

   ○gata mfn. dead Lalit

⋙ kālagati

   ○gati f. lapse of time W

⋙ kālagupta

   ○gupta m. N. of a Vaiśya Daś

⋙ kālagranthi

   ○granthi m. 'a joint of time', year L

⋙ kālaghātin

   ○ghātin mfn. (said of a poison) killing in the course of time (i.e. by degrees, slowly) Suśr

⋙ kālacakra

   ○cakra n. the wheel of time (time represented as a wheel which always turns round) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • a given revolution of time, cycle [according to the Jainas, the wheel of time has twelve Aras or spokes and turns round once in 2000, 000, 000, 000, 000 Sāgaras of years 
   • cf. ava-sarpiṇī and ut-s○ 
   • the wheel of fortune (sometimes regarded as a weapon) R 
   • N. of a Tantra Buddh 
   • m. N. of the sun MBh. iii, 151 
   • -jātaka n. -prakāśa m. N. of wks

⋙ kālacodita

   ○codita mfn. summoned by Death 
   • -karman mfn. acting under the influence of fate

⋙ kālajoṣaka

   ○joṣaka ās m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. ○ṣika and -toyaka) MBh. vi, 353 VP

⋙ kālajña

   ○jña mfn. knowing the fixed times or seasons Mn. vii, 217 Ragh. xii, 33 
   • m. an astrologer W 
   • a cook L

⋙ kālajñāna

   ○jñāna n. knowledge of the fixed times or seasons Jyot. VP 
   • N. of several medical works (by Malladeva, Śambū-nātha, and others)

⋙ kālajñānin

   ○jñānin mfn. knowing the fixed times or seasons L

⋙ kālatattvārṇava

   ○tattvârṇava m. 'ocean of the truth of time', N. of wk

⋙ kālatantrakavi

   ○tantra-kavi m. an astrologer

⋙ kālatara

   ○tara m. (compar.) Pāṇ. 5-3, 55 Pat

⋙ kālataraṅga

   ○taraṅga m. the first part of the Smṛity-artha-sāgara by Nṛi-siṃha

⋙ kālatas

   ○tas ind. in the course of time Kathās. vi, 101. -2

⋙ kālatā

   ○tā f. seasonableness, timeliness Ghaṭ

⋙ kālatulya

   ○tulya mfn. like death, deadly

⋙ kālatoyaka

   ○toyaka -joṣaka

⋙ kālatraya

   ○traya n. the three times, i.e. past, present, and future

⋙ kālatritaya

   ○tritaya n. id

⋙ kāladaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. the staff of death, death MBh. R. &c

⋙ kāladamanī

   ○damanī f. 'conquering Kāla', N. of Durgā

⋙ kāladāsa

   ○dāsa m. = tintiḍa (?) L

⋙ kāladivākara

   ○divâkara m. N. of wk

⋙ kāladūta

   ○dūta m. the angel of death Hcat 
   • an omen pointing to death Kād

⋙ kāladeśavibhāga

   ○deśa-vibhāga m. the difference of time and locality Suśr

⋙ kāladharma

   ○dharma m. the law or rule or operation of time, death, dying MBh. Hariv. R 
   • line of conduct suitable to any time or season 
   • influence of time, seasonableness 
   • effects suited to the time or season

⋙ kāladharman

   ○dharman m. the law or operation of time, death MBh. Hariv

⋙ kāladhāraṇā

   ○dhāraṇā f. 'prolongation of time', a pause RPrāt. -2

⋙ kālanara

   ○nara m. 'a time-man', i.e. (in astrol.) the figure of a man's body on the various limbs of which the twelve signs of the zodiac are distributed for the purpose of foretelling future destinies Comm. on VarBṛ

⋙ kālanātha

   ○nātha m. 'the lord of time', N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10368

⋙ kālanidhi

   ○nidhi m. N. of Śiva

⋙ kālaniyoga

   ○niyoga m. 'time's ordinance', fate, destiny W

⋙ kālanirūpaṇa

   ○nirūpaṇa n. chronology

⋙ kālanirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m. 'determination or fixing of times', N. of wk. (composed 1336 AḌ., also called kāla-mādhaviiya, by Mādhavâcārya) 
   • -candrikā, -dīpikā f. -prakasa m. -śikṣā f. -siddhânta m. N. of wks

⋙ kālanirvāha

   ○nirvāha m. providing for daily wants

⋙ kālanemi

   ○nemi m. 'felly of the wheel of time', N. of an Asura (slain by Kṛishṇa, identified with Kaṃsa) MBh. Hariv. &c. [Page 278, Column 3] 
   • N. of a Rakshas R. vi, 82, 64 
   • N. of a son of the Brāhman Yajña-soma Kathās. x, 7 
   • -purāṇa n. N. of a legendary work 
   • -ripu, -han, -hara, [-(nemy-)ari] m. 'destroyer of Kāla-nemi', N. of Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu L

⋙ kālanemin

   ○nemin mfn. having the fellies of Kāla as a weapon Hariv. 2640 
   • (ī), m. = -nemi ib. seqq

⋙ kālapakva

   ○pakva mfn. ripened or matured by time, i.e. naturally (opposed to agni-p○) Mn. vi, 17 and 21 Yājñ. iii, 49 
   • 'ripe for death', destined to die MBh. vii

⋙ kālapatha

   ○patha m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra MBh. xiii, 249

⋙ kālaparipāka

   ○paripāka m. 'time-ripening', the change of times Bālar

⋙ kālaparivāsa

   ○parivāsa m. standing for a time (so as to become stale or fermented) W

⋙ kālaparyaya

   ○paryaya m. the revolution or course of time 
   • (āt), abl. ind. in the course of time Hcat

⋙ kālapāśa

   ○pāśa m. Yama's noose or death Kād 
   • -parī7ta mfn. destined to death Car

⋙ kālapāśika

   ○"ṣpāśika m. 'having Yama's noose', an executioner Mudr

⋙ kālapuruṣa

   ○puruṣa m. = -nara, time personified VarBṛS 
   • a servant of the god of death Kād

⋙ kālapūga

   ○pūga m. 'a time-heap', a long time, ○gasya mahataḥ, after a long time MBh. ii, 1329

⋙ kālaprabodhin

   ○prabodhin mfn. awakening in time (as a Mantra) Kathās. xcī, 68

⋙ kālaprabhāta

   ○prabhāta n. 'the dawning of the best season', the two months following the rainy season, autumn L

⋙ kālaprarūḍha

   ○prarūḍha mfn. too long developed, overgrown, overripe

⋙ kālapriya

   ○priya N. of a place consecrated to the sun 
   • -nātha m. N. of a Liṅga in Ujjayinī (= Mahākāla) Uttarar. Mālatīm. Mcar

⋙ kālabhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa m. 'time-devourer', N. of Śiva

⋙ kālabhāga

   ○bhāga m. a degree of time Sūryas

⋙ kālabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. (cf. -kṛt), the sun L

⋙ kālamayūkha

   ○mayūkha m. = tithi-m○ or samaya-m○, qq. vv

⋙ kālamahiman

   ○mahiman m. the power of time

⋙ kālamādhava

   ○mādhava m. N. of wk. on jurisprudence 
   • -kārikā f. a metrical version of the same work

⋙ kālamārtāṇḍa

   ○mārtāṇḍa m. N. of wk

⋙ kālamāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. = -mahiman

⋙ kālamūrti

   ○mūrti f. time personified

⋙ kālayāpa

   ○yāpa m. allowing time to pass, delaying, procrastination Hit

⋙ kālayāpana

   ○yāpana n. id. ib

⋙ kālayukta

   ○yukta m. n. the fifty-second year in the sixty years' cycle of Jupiter. VarBṛS

⋙ kālayoga

   ○yoga m. connection with or consequence of fate or destiny MBh. iii Hariv

⋙ kālayogin

   ○yogin m. 'reigning over destiny', N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1162. -2

⋙ kālarātri


⋙ kālarātrī

   ○rātrī f. the night of all-destroying time, night of destruction at the end of the world (often personified and identified with Durgā or with one of her Śaktis) MBh. R. &c 
   • the night of a man's death Pañcad 
   • a particular night in the life of a man (on the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventy-seventh year, after which period a man is exempt from attention to the usual ordinances) L 
   • N. of a Brāhman woman (skilled in magic) Kathās. xx, 104

⋙ kālarudra

   ○rudra m. Rudra regarded as the fire that is to destroy the world, DeviibhP

⋙ kālarūpadhṛṣ

   ○rūpa-dhṛṣ mfn. wearing the form of Yama or death

⋙ kālarūpin

   ○rūpin m. id., N. of Śiva

⋙ kālavat

   ○vat mfn. connected with time or with the future (as hope) MBh. i, 5629 R 
   • (tī), f. N. of a daughter of Kāla-jihva Kathās. cx, 34

⋙ kālavikrama

   ○vikrama m. power of time, death

⋙ kālavid

   ○vid mfn. knowing the times R. iv, 32, 13

⋙ kālavidyā

   ○vidyā f. knowledge of the calendar

⋙ kālavidvas

   ○vidvas mfn. (perf. p. P.) 'knowing the seasons', a maker of calendars VarBṛS

⋙ kālavidhāna

   ○vidhāna m. N. of wk

⋙ kālavidhṛti

   ○vidhṛti f. lapse of time Bhpr

⋙ kālavidhvaṃsana

   ○vidhvaṃsana m. (scil. rasa) N. of a particular drug or medicine

⋙ kālaviprakarṣa

   ○viprakarṣa m. interval of time, APrāt. Prab

⋙ kālavibhakti

   ○vibhakti f. a section or part of time Mn. i, 24

⋙ kālavibhāga

   ○vibhāga m. id. MBh. Pāṇ. 3-3, 137

⋙ kālaviveka

   ○viveka m. N. of wk. (by Jīmūta-vāhana)

⋙ kālavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. periodical interest (payable monthly, &c.) Mn. viii, 153 Gaut. (cf. 2. kālaka.)

⋙ kālavega

   ○vega m. N. of a Nāga (a son of Vāsuki) MBh. i, 2147

⋙ kālavyāpin

   ○vyāpin mfn. filling all time, everlasting

⋙ kālavrata

   ○vrata n. N. of a ceremony

⋙ kālaśakti

   ○śakti f. the Śakti or all-destroying time Vcar

⋙ kālasaṃrodha

   ○saṃrodha m. remaining for a long time (in the possession of any one) Mn. viii, 143

⋙ kālasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. N. of an astronomical work (written in Jaina Prākṛit, by Kālakâcārya)

⋙ kālasaṃkarṣā

   ○saṃkarṣā f. a girl nine years old who personates Durgā at a festival in honour of this goddess

⋙ kālasaṃkarṣin

   ○saṃkarṣin mfn. shortening time (as a Mantra) Kathās. lxviii, 65

⋙ kālasaṃkhyā

   ○saṃkhyā f. fixing or calculating the time Pañcat

⋙ kālasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. period of time, term R. iv, 31, 8

⋙ kālasadṛśa

   ○sadṛśa mfn. 'conformable to time', seasonable 
   • death-like

⋙ kālasamanvita

   ○samanvita mfn. 'possessed by death', dead R. ii, 65, 16

⋙ kālasamāyukta

   ○samāyukta mfn. id. R. vi, 93, 23

⋙ kālasampanna

   ○sampanna mfn. effected by time 
   • dated, bearing a date. [Page 279, Column 1] 

⋙ kālasāhvaya

   ○sâhvaya m. (scil. niraya, a hell) named after Kāla (= kāla-sūtra) MBh. xiii, 2479

⋙ kālaśiddhānta

   ○śiddhânta m. N. of wk

⋙ kālasūkta

   ○sū7kta n. N. of a hymn Hcat

⋙ kālasūtra

   ○sūtra n. the thread of time or death MBh. iii, 11495 
   • (as, am), m. n. one of the twenty-one hells Mn. iii, 249 ; iv, 88 VP. &c

⋙ kālasūtraka

   ○sūtraka n. N. of the hell Kāla-sūtra Yājñ. iii, 222

⋙ kālasūrya

   ○sūrya m. the sun at the end of the world MBh. vii, 633

⋙ kālasvarūpa

   ○svarūpa mfn. having the very form of death (applied to any terrific object)

⋙ kālahāra

   ○hāra m. loss of time Kathās. cī, 119 
   • profit of time Kathās. xxxi, 75 ff., xxxii, 10

⋙ kālāṃśa

   kālâṃśa m. = kālabhāga Sūryas

⋙ kālākāṅkṣin

   kālâkāṅkṣin mfn. expecting (quietly) the coming time R. Kathās. cvii, 8

⋙ kālākṛṣṭa

   kālâkṛṣṭa mfn. led to death or destruction, drawn to or by one's fate 
   • produced or brought about by time

⋙ kālākṣarika

   kālâkṣarika m. a pupil who has begun to read

⋙ kālāgni

   kālâgni m. the fire that is to destroy the world, conflagration at the end of time 
   • -bhairava n. N. of a Tantra 
   • -rudra m. = kāla-rudra 
   • (scil. rasa) N. of a particular drug or medicine 
   • -rudra-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha, ŚivP 
   • -rudrôpaniṣad f. N. of several Upanishads

⋙ kālātikramaṇa

   kālâtikramaṇa n. lapse of time, loss or destruction by lapse of time Pañcat

⋙ kālātipāta

   kālâtipāta m. delay of time Kād. Prasannar

⋙ kālātīta

   kālâtī7ta mfn. elapsed, passed away, become unseasonable MBh. xii R. iv, 28, 16

⋙ kālātmaka

   kālâtmaka mfn. depending on time or destiny MBh. xiii, 52 ff

⋙ kālātyaya

   kālâtyaya m. passing away of time Mn. viii, 145 R 
   • ○yâpadiṣṭa mfn. invalidated by lapse of time (term for a vam argument [hetv-ābhāsa], also called atī7ta-kāla and bādhita) Bhāshāp. Sarvad. Comm. on Nyāyam. (wrongly spelt ○tyayôpad○)

⋙ kālādarśa

   kālâdarśa m. 'the mirror of time', N. of wk

⋙ kālādika

   kālâdika m. (scil. māsa) the month Caitra L

⋙ kālādhyakṣa

   kālâdhyakṣa m. 'the overseer or ruler of time', the sun MBh. iii, 152

⋙ kālānayana

   kālânayana n. calculation of time Comm. on VarBṛ

⋙ kālānala

   kālânala m. = kālâgni R. iii, 69, 19 Bhag 
   • N. of a son of Sabhā-nara (also called kālānara VP.) Hariv. 1669 VP 
   • of another man 
   • -rasa m. N. of a medical drug

⋙ kālāntaka

   kālântaka m. time regarded as the god of death MBh. iii, 11500 R 
   • -yama m. all-destroying time in the form of Yama MBh. iii R

⋙ kālāntayama

   kālânta-yama m. id. R. vi, 86, 3 (cf. yamântaka.)

⋙ kālāntara

   kālântara n. 'interval, intermediate time', (eṇa, āt), ind. after some time MBh. Pañcat 
   • 'another time', opportunity Pañcat.: -kṣama mfn. able to bear an interval of delay Mālav 
   • -viṣa m. 'venomous at certain times', an animal venomous only when enraged or alarmed (as a rat, &c.) L 
   • kālântarâvṛta mfn. hidden or concealed by time 
   • ○râvṛtti-śubhâśubha, āni n. pl. good and evil things occurring within the revolutions of time

⋙ kālāpahāra

   kālâpahāra m. waste of time, delay Rājat. viii, 127

⋙ kālābhyāgamana

   kālâbhyāgamana n. N. of R. iii, chapter 97

⋙ kālāvadhi

   kālâvadhi m. a fixed period of time

⋙ kālāvara

   kālâvara mfn. later in time Vop. iii, 37

⋙ kālāvyavāya

   kālâvyavâya m. absence of pause RPrāt

⋙ kālāśuddhi

   kālâśuddhi f. a season of ceremonial impurity (as at the birth of a child, the death of a relation, &c., when it is considered unlawful to perform any religious rites)

⋙ kālāśauca

   kālâśauca n. id

⋙ kāleja

   kāle-ja mfn. born or produced in due season Pāṇ. 6-3, 15

⋙ kāleśvara

   kālêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP 
   • -māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ kālehikā

   kālêhikā f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2641

⋙ kālottara

   kālôttara n. N. of wk. Hcat 
   • -śaiva-śāstra n. id. ib

⋙ kālotpādita

   kālôtpādita mfn. produced in due season

⋙ kālopta

   kālôpta mfn. sown in due season Mn. ix, 39

≫ kālaka 2

   kālaka mf(ikā)n. to be paid monthly (as interest, vṛddhi)

≫ kālaya

   kālaya Nom. P. ○yati, to show or announce the time Dhātup. xxxv, 28 (vḷ.)

≫ kālika 2

   kālika mf(ī Pāṇ. 5-1, 108)n. relating to or connected with or depending on time Bhāshāp 
   • fit for any particular season, seasonable MBh. iii, 868 
   • lasting a long time Pāṇ. 5-1, 108 
   • (often ifc., e.g. āsanna-k○, relating to a time near at hand, impending Pāṇ. 5-4, 20 Sch 
   • māsa-k○, monthly MBh. ii, 2080)

⋙ kālikatā

   ○tā f. time, date, season

⋙ kālikatva

   ○tva n. id

≫ kālin

   kālin ī m. N. of a son of Caidyôparicara Hariv. 1806 
   • (inī), f. 'bringing death', N. of the sixth lunar mansion L

≫ kālīna

   kālīna mfn. (only ifc.) belonging or relating to any particular time

≫ kālya

   kālya mf(ā)n. timely, seasonable Pāṇ. 5-1, 107 
   • being in a particular period, g. aig-ādi 
   • ifc., g. vargyâdi 
   • pleasant, agreeable, auspicious (as discourse, cf. kalya) L 
   • (ā), f. (with prajane) a cow fit for the bull Pāṇ. 3-1, 104: (am), n. 'day-break', (am, e), acc. loc. ind. at day-break R. Suśr. [Page 279, Column 2] 

≫ kālyaka

   kālyaka kālpaka


   kāla-kañja &c. 1. kāla


   kālakīṭa mfn. fr. kal○ g. palady-ādi


   kālakīla m. a confused or mingled sound, tumult L. (cf. kalakala.)


   kāla-kuñja 1. kāla

kālakūṭa 3

   kālakūṭa ās m. pl. (1. fr. kalak○), N. of a country near the Himâlaya and of the people inhabiting it MBh 
   • mfn. relating to that country, g. palady-ādi

⋙ kālakūṭapati

   ○pati m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Kathās. cviii, 177

≫ kālakūṭi

   kālakūṭi m. a prince of the Kalakūṭas Pāṇ. 4-1, 173


   kālaṅkata m. the plant Cassia Sophora Car. iii, 8


   kālañjara m. N. of a sacred mountain in Bundalkhand (the modern Kalliñjer, a spot adapted to practices of austere devotion) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (pl.) N. of the people living near that mountain Pāṇ. 4-2, 125 Kāś 
   • an assembly or meeting-place of religious mendicants L 
   • N. of Śiva L 
   • (ā), f. N. of Durgā L 
   • (ī), f. id. L

≫ kālañjaraka

   kālañjaraka mfn. Pāṇ. 4-2, 125 Kāś


   kālada kālava


   kālabava m. a patr. of Āryamabhūti VBr 
   • (ās), m. pl. his family ĀśvŚr. xii

≫ kālabavin

   kālabavin inas m. pl., N. of a school


   kālabdhī f. a female descendant of Ka-labdha (accord. to Śākaṭ.) Gaṇar. 48 Comm


   kālambya m. N. of a caravansery Rājat. iii, 480


   kālava ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 370 (v. l. kālada)

≫ kālaveya

   kālaveya ās m. pl., N. of a school of the SV


   kālaśeya n. (fr. kalaśi Pāṇ. 4-3, 56), buttermilk Daś


   kālānara kālânala


   kālânunādin for kal○, q.v


   kālāpa m. (fr. kalâpa), a serpent's hood L 
   • a demon, imp or goblin L 
   • a student of the Kalāpa grammar L 
   • (fr. kalāpin) a pupil of Kalāpin Pāṇ. MBh. ii, 113 
   • N. of Ārāḍa (a teacher of Śākya-muni) Buddh. (v. l. kālāma) 
   • (ās), m. pl. the school of Kalāpin (often named together with the Kaṭhas, q.v.)

≫ kālāpaka

   kālāpaka n. the school of Kalāpin Pāṇ. 4-3, 104 Kāś 
   • the Veda recension of this school ib. 101 Vārtt. 1 Pat. Sarvad 
   • N. of the Kātantra grammar Kathās. vii, 13


   kālāma kālāpa


   kālā-mukha 1. kāla


   kālāyana mfn. fr. kalā g. pakṣâdi 
   • (ī), f. N. of Durgā L

≫ kālāyani

   kālāyani m. N. of a teacher (a pupil of Bāshkali) VP


   kālāyasūpika mfn. fr. kalāya-sūpa Pāṇ. 5-1, 19 Vārtt. 2 Pat

kālika 1

   kālika. and 2 col. 1 and p. 277, col. 3

≫ kālikā

   kālikā p. 277, col. 3

≫ kālikeya

   kālikeya p. 278, col. 1


   kāliṅga m. 'produced in or belonging to the Kaliṅga country', a Kaliṅga man VP 
   • (Pāṇ. 4-1, 170) a prince of the Kaliṅgas Hariv. Ragh. iv, 40 &c 
   • (pl.) the Kaliṅgas MBh. VP 
   • an elephant L 
   • a snake L 
   • a species of cucumber (Cucumis usitatissimus) L 
   • Beninkasa cerifera 
   • a poisonous plant L 
   • a sort of iron 
   • (as, am), m. n. the plant Wrightia antidysenterica Bhpr 
   • (ī), f. a princess of the Kaliṅgas MBh. i, 3775 ff 
   • a kind of gourd L 
   • (am), n. the water-melon

≫ kāliṅgaka

   kāliṅgaka m. a prince of the Kaliṅgas MBh. ii, 1270 
   • the plant Wrightia antidysenterica Bhpr 
   • (ikā), f. Ipomoea Turpethum L. [Page 279, Column 3] 


   kāliñjara m. (cf. kālañj○), N. of a mountain Kathās. cxi, 70 and 81 
   • of a country Rājat. viii, 917 
   • (ī), f. N. of Gaurī L


   kāli-tarā p. 278, col. 1

≫ kālidāsa

   kāli-dāsa m. (fr. kālī, the goddess Durgā, and dāsa, a slave, the final of kālī being shortened 
   • Pāṇ. 6-3, 63), N. of a celebrated poet (author of the Śakuntalā, Vikramôrvaśī, Mālavikâgnimitra, Megha-dūta, and Raghu-vaṃśa 
   • described as one of the nine gems of Vikramâditya's court, and variously placed in the first, second, third, and middle of the sixth century AḌ 
   • the name is, however, applied to several persons, especially to two others who may have written the Nalôdaya and Śruta-bodha [hence the N. is used to denote the number, 'three'], and seems, in some measure, to have been used as an honorary title)

≫ kālidāsaka

   kālidāsaka m. = preceding L


   kālin col. 1


   kālinda n. the water-melon Suśr 
   • (ī), f. a sort of vessel L 
   • a sort of Trivṛit with red flowers L 
   • N. of a wife of Kṛishṇa (a daughter of Sūrya BhP.) Hariv. VP 
   • N. of the wife of Asita and mother of Sagara R 
   • a patr. of the river Yamunā MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (mfn.) connected with or coming from the river Yamunā, Laṭy

≫ kālindaka

   kālindaka n. a water-melon Suśr 
   • (ikā), f. (= kal○) science L

≫ kālindī

   kālindī (f. of ○nda, q.v.)

⋙ kālindīkarṣaṇa

   ○karṣaṇa m. 'diverting the Yamunā stream', N. of Bala-rāma (who diverted the Yamunā into a new and devious channel marked out by his ploughshare) L

⋙ kālindīpati

   ○pati m. 'the lord of Kālindī', N. of Kṛishṇa L

⋙ kālindībhedana

   ○bhedana m. = -karṣaṇa L

⋙ kālindīmāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ kālindīsū

   ○sū m. 'generator of Kālindī', N. of Sūrya L 
   • (ūs), f. 'giving birth to Kālindī', N. of one of Sūrya's wives L

⋙ kālindīsodara

   ○sôdara m. 'brother of Yamunā', N. of Yama L


   kāliman &c. p. 278, col. 1

≫ kāliṃmanyā


⋙ kāliya

   kāliya &c. ib


   kālivya mfn. fr. kaliva g. pragady-ādi 
   • (vḷ. kāvilya fr. kavila.)


   kālī p. 278, col. 1

≫ kālīka

   kālīka vḷ. for 1. ○lika, q.v


   kālīcī f. (fr. 2. kāla and añc?), the judgment-hall of Yama (judge of the dead) L


   kālīna col. 1


   kālīya p. 278, col. 1


   kāluṣya n. (fr. kaluṣa), foulness, dirtiness, turbidness, opacity Kathās. xix, 95 Kām 
   • disturbance or interruption of harmony Rājat. v, 63 Sarvad


   kāle-ja 2. kāla

kāleya 3

   kāleya n. (fr. 1. kalí [see s.v. káli Pāṇ. 4-2, 8), the Sāman of Kali ŚāṅkhŚr. ĀrshBr. Lāṭy 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a school of the black Yajur-veda 
   • (mfn.) belonging to Kali or the Kali age, &c. Pāṇ. 4-2, 8 Pat


   kāleyaka p. 278, col. 1


   kālêśvara &c. 2. kāla

≫ kālodaka


⋙ kālodāyin

   kālôdāyin 1. kāla


   kā-lola m. (= mahā-l○) a crow Npr


   kālpa mfn. (fr. kálpa), preceptive, ritual W 
   • relating to a period called Kalpa W 
   • m. the plant Curcuma Zerumbet L

≫ kālpaka

   kālpaka m. Curcuma Zerumbet L. (vḷ. kālyaka)

≫ kālpanika

   kālpanika mfn. (fr. kalpanā), existing only in fancy, invented, fictitious Sāh. Sarvad 
   • artificial, fabricated

⋙ kālpanikatā

   ○tā f. fictitiousness

⋙ kālpanikatva

   ○tva n. id

≫ kālpasūtra

   kālpasūtra m. (fr. kalpa-s○), one who is familiar with the Kalpa-sūtras Pāṇ. 4-2, 60 Kāś


   kālya 2. kāla


   kālyāṇaka n. the state of being kalyāṇa (q.v.), g. manojñâdi

≫ kālyāṇineya

   kālyāṇineya m. the son of a virtuous or fortunate-woman (kalyāṇī) Pāṇ. 4-1, 126. [Page 280, Column 1] 


   kālvālá mfn. 'bald (?)', only kālvālī́-kṛta mfn. made bald (?) ŚBr. ii, 2, 4, 3


   kāva n. (fr. kaví), N. of a Sāman TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy


   kāvacika n. (fr. kávaca), a multitude of men in armour Pāṇ. 4-2, 41


   kāvaṭa n. a district containing 100 Grāmas L. (cf. karvaṭa)

≫ kāvaṭikā

   kāvaṭikā f. a district of 200 Grāmas L


   kāvandha mf(ī)n. (fr. káv○) having the appearance of a headless trunk Śiś. xix, 51


   kāvaṣa n. (fr. kaváṣ), N. of a Sāman

≫ kāvaṣeya

   kāvaṣeyá or m. a patr. of Tura ŚBr. ix, x, xiv AitBr. viii, 21 BhP

⋙ kāv

   kā́v○ m. a patr. of Tura ŚBr. ix, x, xiv AitBr. viii, 21 BhP


   kâvāra n. the aquatic plant Vallisneria L 
   • (ī), f. 'keeping off the water', an umbrella (esp. one without a stick) L


   kā-virāj ṭ f. a metre consisting of 9 + 12 + 19 syllables RPrāt


   kāvilya kālivya


   kā-vṛka m. a gallinaceous fowl (= kukkuṭa, kṛkavāku) L 
   • the ruddy goose (Anas Casarca, = koka) L 
   • a small singing bird (Loxia philippensis) L


   kāvera n. saffron L 
   • (ī), f. turmeric L 
   • a courtezan, harlot L 
   • N. of a river in the Dekhan (accord. to a legend [Hariv. 1421 f., 1761 f.] daughter of Yuvanâśva and wife of Jahnu, changed by her father's curse from one half of the Gaṅgā into the river Kāverī, therefore also called Ardha-gaṅgā or -jāhnavii) MBh. Hariv. R. &c

≫ kāveraka

   kāveraká m. a patr. of Rajata-nābhi AV. viii, 10, 28 
   • (ikā), f. N. of the river Kāverī

≫ kāveraṇi

   kāveraṇi g. gahâdi

≫ kāveraṇīya

   kāveraṇīya mfn. fr. ○raṇi ib


   kāvyá mfn. (fr. kaví), endowed with the qualities of a sage or poet, descended or coming from a sage, prophetic, inspired, poetical RV. i, 117, 12 ; viii, 8, 11 VS. AV 
   • [kā́vya mfn. id. RV. v, 39, 5 ; x, 144, 2 VS.] 
   • mf(ā)n. coming from or uttered by the sage Uśanas Parāś. MBh. ii, 2097 
   • (ás), m. (gaṇi kuru-ādi) a patr. of Uśanas RV. TS. &c 
   • of the planet Śukra VarBṛS. Sarvad 
   • (ās), m. pl. poems MBh. ii, 453 
   • a class of Manes ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. iii, 199 
   • the descendants of Kavi VP 
   • (ā), f. intelligence L 
   • N. of a female fiend (= pūtanā) L 
   • (kā́vyam), n. wisdom, intelligence, prophetic inspiration, high power and art (often in pl.) RV. AV. ŚBr. xi 
   • a poem, poetical composition with a coherent plot by a single author (opposed to an Itihāsa) R. Sāh. &c 
   • term for the first tetrastich in the metre Ṣaṭ-pada 
   • a kind of drama of one act Sāh. 546 
   • a kind of poem (composed in Sanskṛit interspersed with Prākṛit) Sāh. 563 
   • happiness, welfare L

⋙ kāvyakartṛ

   ○kartṛ m. a poet Subh

⋙ kāvyakalpalatā

   ○kalpa-latā f. N. of wk. on artificial poems 
   • -vṛtti f. a Comm. by Amara-candra on the last work 
   • -vṛtti-parimala m. another Comm. on the preceding work

⋙ kāvyakāmadhenu

   ○kāma-dhenu f. N. of a Comm. by Vopa-deva on his work called Kavi-kalpadruma

⋙ kāvyagoṣṭhī

   ○goṣṭhī f. a conversation on poetry Kād

⋙ kāvyacandrikā

   ○candrikā f. N. of wk. on artificial poems by Kavi-candra 
   • another work on the same subject by Nyāya-vāgīśa. L

⋙ kāvyacaurya

   ○caurya n. plagiarism L

⋙ kāvyatā

   ○tā f. the being a poetical composition Sāh

⋙ kāvyatva

   ○tva n. id. ib

⋙ kāvyadevī

   ○devī f. N. of a princess who erected a statue of Śiva called Kāvya-devîśvara

⋙ kāvyaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. 'illustration of poetry', N. of a work on rhetoric or the composition of artificial poems by Mammaṭa 
   • -ṭīkā, -dīpikā f. -nidarśana n. -pradīpa m. -mañjarī f. -saṃketa m. N. of commentaries on Mammaṭa's work

⋙ kāvyapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m. N. of a Comm. on the Kāvyaprakāśa

⋙ kāvyamīmāṃsaka

   ○mīmāṃsaka m. a rhetorician Comm. on Śak

⋙ kāvyamīmāṃsā

   ○mīmāṃsā f. theory of poetry Sarvad 
   • N. of wk. on it

⋙ kāvyarasa

   ○rasa m. the flavour or sweetness of poetry ŚārṅgP

⋙ kāvyarasika

   ○"ṣrasika mfn. having a taste for poetical compositions, Śrut

⋙ kāvyarākṣasa

   ○rākṣasa n. N. of an artificial poem

⋙ kāvyalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. illustration of poetry or rhetoric

⋙ kāvyaliṅga

   ○liṅga n. a kind of Alaṃkāra or figure of rhetoric in which a statement is explained or made clearer by giving the reason for it Kpr. x, 28. [Page 280, Column 2] 

⋙ kāvyavilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of wk

⋙ kāvyaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. N. of a short work on poetics

⋙ kāvyasaṃhāra

   ○saṃhāra m. the benediction pronounced at the end of a play Sāh

⋙ kāvyasaṃjīvanī

   ○saṃjīvanī f

⋙ kāvyasārasaṃgraha

   ○sāra-saṃgraha m. N. of wks

⋙ kāvyasudhā

   ○sudhā f. N. of a Comm. on a work on artificial poems

⋙ kāvyahāsya

   ○hāsya n. a farce

⋙ kāvyādarśa

   kāvyâdarśa m. N. of wk. on poetics by Daṇḍin 
   • -mārjana n. N. of a Comm. on it

⋙ kāvyāmṛta

   kāvyâmṛta m. N. of wk

⋙ kāvyālaṃkāra

   kāvyâlaṃkāra m. N. of wk. on poetics by Vāmana 
   • -vṛtti f. N. of Vāmana's Comm. on it

⋙ kāvyāloka

   kāvyâloka m. N. of wk. on poetics Comm. on Pratāpar. lxiii, 19

⋙ kāvyāṣṭaka

   kāvyâṣṭaka n. N. of wk. by Sūrya

⋙ kāvyodaya

   kāvyôdaya m. N. of wk

≫ kāvyāyana

   kāvyāyana m. a patr. fr. kāvya g. 1. naḍâdi (cf. Gaṇar. 233 and 236.)


   kāś cl. 1. Ā. kāśate (perf. cakāśe, 3. pl. ○śire), to be visible, appear MBh. &c 
   • to shine, be brilliant, have an agreeable appearance ib.: cl. 4. kāśyate Dhātup. xxvi, 53: Intens. P. Ā. cā́kaśīti, cākaśyáte, to shine brightly ŚBr. ii KātyŚr 
   • to see clearly, survey ŚBr. xi Pāṇ. 7-3, 87 Vārtt. 1 Pat

≫ kāśa 1

   kāśa m. 'the becoming visible, appearance', only in sa-k○, q.v 
   • N. of a man, g. aśvâdi 
   • of a prince (the son of Suhotra and father of Kāsi-rāja) Hariv. VP 
   • a species of grass (Saccharum spontaneum, used for mats, roofs, &c 
   • also personified, together with the Kuśa grass, as one of Yama's attendants) Kauś. R. Kum. &c 
   • (ā, ī), f. id. L. (am), n. id. L

⋙ kāśakṛtsna

   ○kṛtsna m. (gaṇas upakâdi and arīhaṇâdi) N. of a grammarian (quoted by Kaiy. and others) 
   • N. of a philosopher Bādar 
   • (mf(ī)n.) taught by Kāśakṛitsni Pat 
   • (mf(ā)n.) studying Kāśakṛitsni's doctrines Pat

⋙ kāśakṛtsnaka

   ○"ṣkṛtsnaka mfn. relating to Kāśa-kṛitsna, g. arīhaṇâdi

⋙ kāśakṛtsni

   ○"ṣkṛtsni m. N. of a teacher KātyŚr 
   • of a philosopher Pat

⋙ kāśaja

   ○ja mfn. Pāṇ. 6-2, 82

⋙ kāśapauṇḍra

   ○pauṇḍra ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. viii, 2084

⋙ kāśamaya

   ○maya mfn. consisting of the grass Saccharum spontaneum Lāṭy. BhP

⋙ kāśādi

   kāśâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 4-2, 80 Gaṇar. 296)

≫ kāśaka

   kāśaka m. the grass Saccharum spontaneum L 
   • N. of the prince Kāśa Hariv. 1733 (vḷ. ○śika)

≫ kāśaya

   kāśaya m. N. of a son of Kāśa or Kāśi Hariv. 1734 
   • of the country of the Kāśis Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 117

≫ kāśi

   kāśí m. 'shining', the sun L 
   • the clenched hand, fist, handful RV. iii, 30, 5 ; vii, 104, 8 ; viii, 78, 10 Kauś 
   • N. of a prince (the ancestor of the kings of Kāśi, of the family of Bharata, son of Suhotra and grandfather of Dhanvantari Hariv. 1734 
   • the son of Kāśya and grandson of Suhotra BhP.ix, 17, 4) 
   • (áyas), m. pl. the descendants of this prince BhP. ix, 17, 10 
   • N. of the people of Kāśi ŚBr. xiii MBh. &c 
   • (is), f. 'the splendid', N. of a celebrated city and place of pilgrimage (the modern Benares, usually written Kāśī, q.v.) Uṇ. iv, 119 
   • fine cotton or silk (from Kāśi) Divyâv

⋙ kāśikanyā

   ○kanyā f. a girl or virgin from Kāśi MBh. v

⋙ kāśikosalīya

   ○"ṣkosalīya mfn. connected with or coming from Kāśi and Kosala Pat

⋙ kāśikhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. the section of the Skanda-purāna treating of Benares

⋙ kāśinagara

   ○nagara n. 'the city of the Kāśis', Benares MBh. v

⋙ kāśinātha

   ○nātha m. N. of a man

⋙ kāśipa

   ○pa m. a sovereign of the Kāśis MBh. i, 1809 VarBṛS

⋙ kāśipati

   ○pati m. id. MBh. i, 4083 Bhag 
   • N. of Divodāsa Dhanvantari (a king of Benares, author of certain medical works and teacher of the Āyur-veda 
   • he is often confounded with the celestial namesake, the physician of the gods) Suśr

⋙ kāśipurī

   ○purī f. = -nagara MBh. xiii, 7785

⋙ kāśimanuja

   ○manuja m. a man from Kāśi VarBṛS

⋙ kāśirāja

   ○rāja m. = -pa MBh. Hariv. BhP 
   • N. of the Dānava Dīrgha-jihva MBh. i, 2676 
   • of Divo-dāsa Dhanvantari Suśr 
   • of Pratardana Daivodāsi RAnukr 
   • of a grandfather of Dhanvantari VP 
   • of a prince who has been killed by his wife VarBṛS

⋙ kāśirājan

   ○rājan m. = -pa MBh. v

⋙ kāśirāma

   ○rāma m. N. of a scholiast (who commented on the Tithitattva and several other works)

⋙ kāśivilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. = kāśīvil○

⋙ kāśīśa

   kāśī7śa m. 'the lord of the Kāśis', N. of Divo-dāsa W 
   • N. of Śiva W 
   • (am), n. wrongly spelt for kāsīsa, q.v

⋙ kāśīśvara

   kāśī7śvara m. a sovereign of the Kāśiś MBh. iii, 6027 
   • N. of a grammarian

⋙ kāśyādi

   kāśy-ādi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 4-2, 116

≫ kāśika

   kāśika mf(ā, ī Pāṇ. 4-2, 116)n. coming from Kāśi Pat.: Lalit 
   • silken Divyâv 
   • m. N. of a prince ( kāśaka) 
   • (ā), f. (scil. purī) 'the city of the Kāśis', Benares 
   • (with or without vṛtti) 'the Comm. composed or used in Kāśi', N. of a Comm. on Pāṇ. by Vāmana and Jayâditya. [Page 280, Column 3] 

⋙ kāśikavastra

   ○vastra n. fine cotton from Kāśi Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kāśikasūkṣma

   ○sūkṣma n. id. L

≫ kāśikā

   kāśikā (f. of kāśika, q.v.)

⋙ kāśikātilaka

   ○tilaka n. N. of a poem by Nīla-kaṇṭha

⋙ kāśikānyāsa

   ○nyāsa -vivaraṇapañjikā

⋙ kāśikāpriya

   ○priya m. 'dear to the Kāśikā city', N. of the king Divo-dāsa L

⋙ kāśikāvivaraṇapañjikā

   ○vivaraṇa-pañjikā f. N. of a Comm. on the kāśikā vṛtti by Jinêndra buddhi (also called ○kā-nyāsa or ○kā-nyāsa-pañjikā)

≫ kāśin

   kāśin mfn. (only ifc.) shining, appearing, having the semblance of (e.g. jita-k○, appearing or behaving like a conqueror MBh 
   • jaya-k○ id. BhP. iv, 10, 15) 
   • (ī), m. N. of a man (as son of Brahman Kavi) MBh. xiii, 4150

≫ kāśila

   kāśila mfn. Pāṇ. 4-2, 80

≫ kāśiṣṇu

   kāśiṣṇu mfn. shining, brilliant BhP. iv, 30, 6

≫ kāśī

   kāśī f. = kāśi, Benares, q.v 
   • N. of the wife of Sudeva and mother of Supārśva Hariv. 9204 VP

⋙ kāśīkhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. = kāśi-kh○

⋙ kāśīnātha

   ○nātha m. 'lord of Benares', N. of Śiva L 
   • of several men 
   • -bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man

⋙ kāśīpati

   ○pati m. a sovereign of Benares R. i, 12, 22 [kāśi-p○ ed. Bomb i, 13, 23] 
   • N. of a dramatist

⋙ kāśīprakāśa


⋙ kāśīpraghaṭṭaka

   ○praghaṭṭaka m. N. of wks

⋙ kāśīmāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. 'the glory of Benares', a section of the BrahmaP

⋙ kāśīmokṣa

   ○mokṣa m. N. of wk

⋙ kāśīrāja

   ○rāja m. a sovereign of Benares MBh. iv, 2351 (kāśi-r○, ed. Bomb.)

⋙ kāśīvilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of wk

⋙ kāśīsetu

   ○setu m. N. of wk

⋙ kāśīstotra

   ○stotra n. N. of a panegyric poem on Benares

≫ kāśīya

   kāśīya mfn. fr. kāśa g. utkarâdi 
   • fr. kāśi Pāṇ. 4-2, 113 
   • m. N. of a prince (v. l. for kāśi-rāja) VP

≫ kāśeya

   kāśeya m. (fr. kāśi), a prince of the Kāśis R. vii, 38, 19 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a dynasty VP 
   • (ī), f. a princess of the Kāśis MBh. i, 3785

≫ kāśya 1

   kā́śya m. 'belonging to the Kāśis, ruling over the Kāśis', a king of Kāśi (as Dhṛitarāshṭra ŚBr. xiii 
   • or Ajāta-śatru ib. xiv) ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c 
   • N. of a king (the father of Kāśyapa and ancestor of Kāśi-rāja Dhanvantari Hariv. 1521 
   • the son of Suhotra [cf. kāśa] BhP. ix, 17, 3 
   • the son of Senā-jit, Bh. ix, 21, 23 VP.) 
   • (ā), f. (Gaṇar. 37 Comm.) a princess of Kāśi MBh. Hariv

≫ kāśyaka

   kāśyaka m. a king of Kāśi Hariv. 1520

≫ kāśyāyana

   kāśyāyana m. a patr. fr. 1. kāśya g. naḍâdi

kāśa 2

   kāśa wrongly spelt for kāsa, q.v


   kāśapharī f. g. nady-ādi

≫ kāśaphareya

   kāśaphareya mfn. fr. ○pharī ib


   kā-śabda m. the sound kā


   kā-śālmali f. a kind of silk-cotton tree, Bombax heptaphyllum L


   kāśí kāśika, col 2

≫ kāśin


⋙ kāśiṣṇu


⋙ kāśī

   kāśī above


   kāśīta n. N. of a Sāman Lāṭy


   kāśū ūs f. = vikala-dhātu Comm. on Uṇ. i, 87, an iron spear (= kāsū) ib

⋙ kāśūkāra

   ○kāra m. the Areca or betel-nut tree W


   kāśeya above


   kāśeruyajñika mfn. fr. kaśeruyajña Pat


   kāśmarī f. the plant Gmelina arborea (Gambhārī) MBh. R. Suśr. Mālatīm

≫ kāśmarya

   kāśmarya m. (= kārṣm○) id. MBh. Suśr


   kāśmalya n. (fr. kaśmala), dejection of mind, weakness, despair Mcar


   kāśmīra mf(ī)n. (gaṇas kacchâdi and sindhv-ādi) born in or coming from Kaśmīra MBh. iv, 254 
   • m. a king of Kaśmīra Mudr. Kathās 
   • the country Kaśmīra MBh. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl. the inhabitants of Kaśmīra ib 
   • the country Kaśmīra ib 
   • (ā), f. a sort of grape L 
   • (ī), f. = kāśmarī Bhpr 
   • the tree Ficus elastica L 
   • (am), n. the tuberous √of the plant Costus speciosus L 
   • saffron Bhartṛ. Gīt. L 
   • = ṭaṅka L

⋙ kāśmīraja

   ○ja n. 'coming from Kāśmīra', saffron Naish. xxii, 56 Bhām 
   • the tuberous √of the plant Costus speciosus 
   • (ā), f. birch (or Aconitum ferox?) L

⋙ kāśmīrajanman

   ○janman n. saffron L

⋙ kāśmīrajīrakā

   ○jīrakā f. a sort of cummin L

⋙ kāśmīradeśa

   ○deśa m. the country Kaśmīra

⋙ kāśmīrapura

   ○pura n. the city of the Kaśmīras

⋙ kāśmīramaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. = -deśa

⋙ kāśmīraliṅga

   ○liṅga n. N. a Liṅga

⋙ kāśmīravṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. N. of a tree with oily seeds Npr

⋙ kāśmīrasambhava

   ○sambhava n. saffron L. [Page 281, Column 1] 

≫ kāśmīraka

   kāśmīraka mfn. (g. kacchâdi) born or produced in Kaśmīra, relating to Kaśmīra MBh. Rājat.: m. a prince of Kaśmīra VarBṛS 
   • m. pl. the inhabitants of Kaśmīra MBh. iii, 1991 
   • (ikā), f. a princess of Kaśmīra Rājat. vi, 254

≫ kāśmīrika

   kāśmīrika mfn. born or produced in Kaśmīra Rājat

⋙ kāśmīrikanivāsa

   ○nivāsa m. the residence of the Kaśmīras Rājat. iii, 480

≫ kāśmīrya

   kāśmīrya mfn. g. saṃkāśâdi

kāśya 2

   kāśya n. = kaśya, a spirituous liquor L


   kā́śyapa mf(ī)n. belonging to Kaśyapa, relating to or connected with him (e.g. kāśyapī devii, the earth Hariv. 10645 
   • kāśyapī below) MBh. &c 
   • (g. bidâdi) a patr. fr. Kaśyapa (designating an old grammarian [VPrāt. Pāṇ. 8-4, 67] and many other persons, including some, whose family-name was unknown Comm. on Kāty"ṣr. 
   • many subdivisions of Kāśyapa families are known, e.g. urubilvā-k○, gayā-k○, daśabala-k○, nadī-k○, mahā-k○ hasti-k○) 
   • N. of Aruṇa (the sun) VP. iii, 12, 41 
   • of Vishṇu L 
   • a sort of deer L 
   • a fish L 
   • (ī), f. a female descendant of Kaśyapa VarBṛS 
   • the earth (according to a legend of the Purāṇas, Paraśu-rāma, after the destruction of the Kshatriya race and the performance of an Aśvamedha sacrifice, presented the sovereignty of the earth to Kaśyapa) MBh. viii, 3164 Hcar 
   • (am), n. N. of different Sāmans ĀrshBr

⋙ kāśyapadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dviipa MBh. vi

⋙ kāśyapanandana

   ○nandana ās m. pl. 'the children of Kaśyapa', N. of the gods MBh. xiii, 3330

⋙ kāśyapaparivarta

   ○parivarta m. N. of a section of the Ratnakūṭa-text Buddh

⋙ kāśyapasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of wk

≫ kāśyapaka

   kāśyapaka mf(ikā)n. relating to or connected with Kaśyapa VāyuP

≫ kāśyapāyana

   kāśyapāyana m. a patr. fr. Kāśyapa, g. 1. naḍâḍi

≫ kāśyapi

   kāśyapi m. id., N. of Tārkshya Kathās. xc, 110 
   • of Garuḍa L 
   • of Aruṇa L

≫ kāśyapin

   kāśyapin inas m. pl. the school of Kāśyapa Pāṇ. 4-3, 103

≫ kāśyapī

   kāśyapī (f. of kāśyapa, q.v.)

⋙ kāśyapībālākyāmāṭharīputra

   ○bālākyā-māṭharī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr. xiv

⋙ kāśyapībhuj

   ○bhuj m. 'enjoying the earth', a king Rājat. i, 45

≫ kāśyapīya

   kāśyapīya ās m. pl. the school of Kāśyapa Buddh

≫ kāśyapeya

   kāśyapeya m. a patr. of the twelve Ādityas MBh. xiii, 7094 
   • of Garuḍa MBh. i, 1247 
   • of Aruṇa (the sun) L


   kāśyāyana p. 280, col. 3


   kāśvarī f. = kāśmarī L


   kāṣa kapola-k○

≫ kāṣaṇa

   kāṣaṇa mfn. unripe Divyâv


   kāṣāya mfn. (fr. kaṣ○), brownred, dyed of a reddish colour ĀśvGṛ. Kauś. MBh. &c 
   • (ī), f. (with makṣikā) a sort of fly or wasp Suśr 
   • (am), n. a brown-red cloth or garment MBh. R. Yājñ. iii, 157

⋙ kāṣāyagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. N. of a Caitya Lalit

⋙ kāṣāyadhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa n. wearing a brown-red garment MBh. xii, 11898

⋙ kāṣāyavasana

   ○vasana mf(ā)n. = -vāsas Nal. xxiv, 9 
   • (ā), f. a widow L

⋙ kāṣāyavāsas

   ○vāsas mfn. wearing a brown garment MBh. Hariv

⋙ kāṣāyavāsika

   ○vāsika m. (= kaṣ○), a kind of poisonous insect Suśr

≫ kāṣāyaṇa

   kāṣāyaṇá m. (a patr. fr. kaṣāya or kāṣ○), N. of a teacher ŚBr. xiv

≫ kāṣāyin

   kāṣāyin ī m. 'wearing a brown-red garment', a Buddhist monk Car. Vishṇ 
   • (iṇas), m. pl. the school of Kashāya, g. śaunakâdi


   kāṣin pat-k○

≫ kāṣeya

   kāṣeya ās m. pl., N. of a dynasty VP


   kāṣṭāyana m. a patr. fr. kaṣṭa Pravar


   kāṣṭha m. N. of one of Kubera's attendants MBh. ii, 415 
   • (ám), n. a piece of wood or timber, stick ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c 
   • wood or timber in general 
   • an instrument for measuring lengths 
   • a kind of measure SaddhP 
   • [kāṣṭha-, in comp., or kāṣṭham ind. with a verb expresses excellence or superiority Pāṇ. 8-1, 67 and 68.]

⋙ kāṣṭhakadalī

   ○kadalī f. the wild plantain L

⋙ kāṣṭhakīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. a small insect or worm found in decayed wood L

⋙ kāṣṭhakuṭṭa

   ○kuṭṭa m. a sort of woodpecker (Picus bengalensis) Pañcat

⋙ kāṣṭhakuddāla

   ○kuddāla m. a kind of wooden shovel or scraper (used for baling water out of a boat, or for scraping and cleaning its bottom) L. [Page 281, Column 2] 
   • (vv. ll. -kudāla and -kūddāla.)

⋙ kāṣṭhakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. = -kuṭṭa Pañcat

⋙ kāṣṭhakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. a stick, spar, piece of wood Megh. Śiś. Hit

⋙ kāṣṭhagarbha

   ○garbha mfn. woody in the interior Bhpr

⋙ kāṣṭhaghaṭana

   ○ghaṭana m. framing and joining timber

⋙ kāṣṭhaghaṭita

   ○ghaṭita mfn. framed or formed of wood, wooden

⋙ kāṣṭhacitā

   ○citā f. a funeral pile Pañcad

⋙ kāṣṭhajambū

   ○jambū f. the plant Premna herbacea L

⋙ kāṣṭhatakṣ

   ○takṣ m. 'cutting and framing timber', a carpenter L

⋙ kāṣṭhatakṣaka

   ○takṣaka m. id. L

⋙ kāṣṭhatantu

   ○tantu m. a caterpillar (which secretes itself in wood and there passes into a chrysalis) L 
   • a small worm found in timber W

⋙ kāṣṭhadāru

   ○dāru m. the tree Pinus Deodora L

⋙ kāṣṭhadru

   ○dru m. the plant Butea frondosa L

⋙ kāṣṭhadhātrīphala

   ○dhātrī-phala n. the fruit of the plant Emblica officinalis L

⋙ kāṣṭhapaṭṭa

   ○paṭṭa m. a wooden board Bhpr

⋙ kāṣṭhapattropajīvin

   ○pattrôpajīvin mfn. living by working on wood and leaves Sāh

⋙ kāṣṭhapāṭalā

   ○pāṭalā f. N. of a plant (= sita-pāṭalikā) L

⋙ kāṣṭhapāṣāṇavāsas

   ○pāṣāṇa-vāsas āṃsi n. pl. wood, stone, and clothes

⋙ kāṣṭhaputtalikā

   ○puttalikā f. a wooden image,

⋙ kāṣṭhapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa āṇi n. pl. a kind of flower Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kāṣṭhapradāna

   ○pradāna n. piling up wood, forming a funeral pile Pañcat

⋙ kāṣṭhabhakṣaṇa

   ○bhakṣaṇa n. 'devouring of wood (of the funeral pile)', -"ṣṣṭhâdhirohaṇa Pañcad

⋙ kāṣṭhabhāra

   ○bhāra m. a particular weight of wood Hariv. 4356 R. i, 4, 21

⋙ kāṣṭhabhārika

   ○"ṣbhārika mfn. a wood-carrier, bearer of wood Kathās. vi, 42

⋙ kāṣṭhabhid

   ○bhid mfn. cleaving wood Pāṇ. 3-2, 61 Kāś

⋙ kāṣṭhabhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. one who has become wood or stands stock still (as an ascetic) R. i, 65, 3 
   • m. N. of a demon who causes diseases Hariv. 9559

⋙ kāṣṭhabhṛt

   ○bhṛ́t s.v. kā́ṣṭhā

⋙ kāṣṭhabheda

   ○bheda m. cleaving of wood Pāṇ. 6-2, 144 Kāś

⋙ kāṣṭhamaṭhī

   ○maṭhī f. a funeral pile L

⋙ kāṣṭhamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. made of wood, wooden, consisting of pieces of wood Mn. ii, 157 MBh. &c

⋙ kāṣṭhamalla

   ○malla m. a bier or plank &c. on which dead bodies are carried L

⋙ kāṣṭharajanī

   ○rajanī f. = dāru-haridrā L

⋙ kāṣṭharajju

   ○rajju f. a cord for binding together a load of wood R. i, 4, 20

⋙ kāṣṭhalekhaka

   ○lekhaka m. a small worm found in wood L

⋙ kāṣṭhaloṣṭamaya

   ○loṣṭa-maya mfn. made of wood or clay Mn. viii, 289

⋙ kāṣṭhalohin

   ○lohin m. a club, short cudgel (especially if bound with iron) L

⋙ kāṣṭhavat

   ○vat mfn. having wood for fuel, &c 
   • (t), ind. like a piece of wood, like a stick (as when petrified with fear, &c.)

⋙ kāṣṭhavallikā

   ○vallikā f. N. of a plant (= kaṭukā) L

⋙ kāṣṭhavallī

   ○vallī f. id. L

⋙ kāṣṭhavāṭa

   ○vāṭa m. a wall made of wood Rājat. vi, 202

⋙ kāṣṭhavāstuka

   ○vāstuka n. a sort of spinage Npr

⋙ kāṣṭhavivara

   ○vivara n. the hollow of a tree Comm. on Śak

⋙ kāṣṭhasārivā

   ○sārivā f. the plant Ichnocarpusfrutescens L

⋙ kāṣṭhastambha

   ○stambha m. a beam of wood Hit

⋙ kāṣṭhāgāra

   kāṣṭhâgāra m. a wooden house L

⋙ kāṣṭhāguru

   kāṣṭhâguru m. Agallochum L

⋙ kāṣṭhādi

   kāṣṭhâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 8-1, 67

⋙ kāṣṭhādhirohaṇa

   kāṣṭhâdhirohaṇa n. ascending the funeral pile Pañcad

⋙ kāṣṭhāmbuvāhinī

   kāṣṭhâmbu-vāhinī f. a wooden bucket or baling vessel L

⋙ kāṣṭhāluka

   kāṣṭhâluka n. a species of Āluka Suśr. Hcar

⋙ kāṣṭhībhū

   kāṣṭhī-√bhū to stand stock still or become immovable like a piece of wood Bhpr

⋙ kāṣṭhīrasa

   kāṣṭhī-rasa m. the wild plantain, Musa sapientum L. (cf. kâṣṭhīlā.)

⋙ kāṣṭhekṣu

   kāṣṭhêkṣu m. a kind of sugar-cane L

≫ kāṣṭhaka 1

   kāṣṭhaka m. a kind of wheat L 
   • (ikā), f. a small piece of wood Pañcat. Kathās 
   • wild Pisang L 
   • (am), n. aloe wood or Agallochum L

≫ kāṣṭhika

   kāṣṭhika m. a bearer of wood Kād. Kathās 
   • (ā), f. ○ṣṭhaka

≫ kāṣṭhin

   kāṣṭhin mfn. wooden W 
   • having wood W


   kā́ṣṭhā f. a place for running, raceground, course (also the course, path or track of the wind and clouds in the atmosphere) RV 
   • the mark, goal, limit VS. TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • the highest limit, top, summit, pitch Kum. Daś. &c 
   • a quarter or region of the world, cardinal point Naigh. Nir. MBh. &c 
   • the sixteenth part of the disk of the moon BhP. i, 12, 31 
   • a measure of time (= 1/30 Kalā Mn. i, 64 Suśr 
   • = 1/12 Kalā Jyot 
   • = 1/15 Laghu, = 1/225 Nāḍikā, = 1/450 Muhūrta BhP. iii, 11, 7) MBh. i, 1292 &c 
   • form, form of appearance BhP. iii, 28, 12 ; vii, 4, 22 
   • the sun Nir. ii, 15 
   • water ib 
   • the plant Curcuma xanthorrhiza L 
   • N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa (mother of the solidungulous quadrupeds). BhP. vi, 6, 25 ff 
   • N. of a town

⋙ kāṣṭhabhṛt

   kāṣṭha-bhṛ́t mfn. leading to a mark or aim ŚBr. xi

≫ kāṣṭhaka 2

   kāṣṭhaka mfn. relating to kāṣṭhakīya g. bilvakâdi

≫ kāṣṭhakīya

   kāṣṭhakīya n. Kāś., á f. fr. kāṣṭhā (a mark, goal), g. 2. naḍâdi


   kâṣṭhīla m. a large kind of Calotropis L 
   • (ā), f. a plantain, Musa sapientum L. [Page 281, Column 3] 

kās 1

   kās cl. 1. Ā. kāsate (perf. kāsāṃ cakre Pāṇ. 3-1, 35 ( also Comm. on Bhaṭṭ. v, 105) 
   • cakāse or kāsām āsa Vop.), to cough Suśr. (once P. Pot. kāset)

≫ kās 2

   kā́s f. cough AV. i, 12, 3 ; v, 22, 10 and 11

≫ kāsa 1

   kāsa m. id. Suśr. BhP 
   • (ā), f. id. AV. vi, 105, 1-3

⋙ kāsakanda

   ○kanda m. a species of √(= kāsâlu) L

⋙ kāsakara

   ○kara mfn. producing cough or catarrh

⋙ kāsakuṇṭha

   ○kuṇṭha mfn. 'afflicted with cough', N. of Yama

⋙ kāsaghna

   ○ghna mf(ī)n. removing or alleviating cough, pectoral Suśr 
   • (ī), f. a sort of prickly nightshade (Solanum Jacquini) L

⋙ kāsajit

   ○jit f. 'removing cough', Clerodendrum siphonanthus L

⋙ kāsanāśinī

   ○nāśinī f. N. of a thorny plant (= karkaṭa-śṛṅgī) L

⋙ kāsamarda

   ○marda m. 'cough-destroying', Cassia Sophora Suśr 
   • a remedy against cough (an acid preparation, mixture of tamarinds and mustard) L

⋙ kāsamardaka

   ○mardaka m. Cassia Sophora L

⋙ kāsamardana

   ○mardana m. Trichosanthes dioeca L

⋙ kāsavat

   ○vat mfn. having a cough Car. Suśr

⋙ kāsāri

   kāsâri m. 'enemy of cough', Cassia Sophora L

⋙ kāsālu

   kāsâlu m. an esculent √(sort of yam) L

≫ kāsikā

   kā́sikā f. cough AV. v, 22, 12, xi, 2, 22

≫ kāsin

   kāsin mfn. having a cough Suśr

≫ kāsundīvaṭikā

   kāsundī-vaṭikā f. a remedy against cough (= kāsa-marda) L

kāsa 2

   kāsa as, am m. n. for kāśa (the grass Saccharum spontaneum) L 
   • m. the plant Moringa pterygosperma L

kāsa 3

   kāsa mfn. fr. √kas Pāṇ. 3-1, 140

≫ kāsaka

   kāsaka ās m. pl., N. of a dynasty VP


   kā-saktika mfn. wearing a turban (or = baddha-parikara kañcukin) Gobh. i, 2, 25


   kā-sara m. (cf. kā-sṛti) a buffalo L


   kāsāra m. [am n. L.] a pond, pool Hariv. Daś. Bhartṛ. Gīt 
   • N. of a teacher BhP. xii, 6, 59


   kā́sikā kāsin, √kās


   kāsīsa n. green vitriol, green sulphate of iron Car. Suśr


   kāsundī-vaṭikā √kās


   kāsū ūs f. (cf. kāśū) a sort of spear or lance Pāṇ. 5-3, 90 Uṇ. i, 85 
   • indistinct speech L 
   • speech in general L 
   • light, lustre L 
   • disease L 
   • devotion W 
   • understanding L

⋙ kāsūtarī

   ○tarī f. a short spear, javelin L


   kā-sṛti f. a by-way, secret path L


   kāseruyajñika kās○


   kāstambara m. N. of a man, (pl.) his family Saṃskārak


   kāstīra n. N. of a village of the Bāhīkas Pāṇ. 6-1, 155

≫ kāstīrika

   kāstīrika mf(ikā, ikī)n. Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Pat


   kāstūrika mf(ā)n. (fr. kastūrikā), made or consisting of musk Hcat


   kāhakā f. (cf. kāhalā) a kind of musical instrument L


   kâhan kâhas n. (fr. 3. ká), a day of Brahmā (or one thousand Yugas, kalpa) Āryabh


   kāhaya m. a patr. fr. kahaya g. śivâdi


   kāhala mfn. speaking unbecomingly HYog 
   • speaking indistinctly L 
   • mischievous L 
   • large, excessive L 
   • dry, withered L 
   • m. a large drum Pañcat 
   • a sound L 
   • a cat L 
   • a cock L 
   • N. of an author 
   • (ā), f. a kind of musical instrument Rājat. v, 464 
   • N. of an Apsaras L 
   • (ī), f. a young woman L 
   • N. of Varuṇa's wife L 
   • (am), n. unbecoming speech SāmavBr 
   • a kind of musical instrument L

⋙ kāhalāpuṣpa

   kāhalā-puṣpa n. a thorn-apple (Datura Metel, = dhustūra) L

≫ kāhali

   kāhali m. N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 1179

≫ kāhalin

   kāhalin ī m. N. of a Ṛishi, Tantr


   kâhas kâhan


   kā́hābāha n. a rumbling noise in the bowels AV. ix, 8, 11. [Page 282, Column 1] 


   kā-hāraka m. a bearer of a palanquin


   kāhī f. the plant Wrightia antidysenterica L


   kāhūjī m. N. of the author of an astronomical work (father of the writer Mahā-deva)


   kāhūya m. a patr. fr. kahūya g. śivâdi (kāhūṣa Kāś.)


   kāhūṣa kāhūya


   kāhoḍa m. a patr. fr. kahoḍa g. śivâdi

≫ kāhoḍi

   kāhoḍi m. id. Kāṭh. xxv, 7


   kāhlāra mfn. (fr. kahl○), coming from the white water-lily Kuval

ki 1

   ki a pronominal base, like 2. ká and 1. ku, in the words kím, kíyat, kis, kī-dṛkṣa, kī-dṛ́ś, kī-dṛśa, kī́vat

ki 2

   ki cl. 3. P. cikéti. √ci


   kiṃ-yú kim-rāja, &c. kím

≫ kiṃśāru


⋙ kiṃśila

   kiṃ-śilá ib

≫ kiṃśuka

   kiṃ-śuka &c.,

⋙ kiṃstughna

   kiṃ-s-tu-ghna ib


   kiṃstya n. a kind of fruit (?) Kauś


   kiki m. a blue jay. L 
   • the cocoa tree (Nārikela) L

⋙ kikidiva


⋙ kikidivi

   ○divi m. a blue jay L

⋙ kikidīvi

   ○dīví m. id. RV. x, 97, 13 
   • a partridge TS. v, 6, 22, 1

≫ kikin

   kikin ī m. a blue jay L

≫ kikī

   kikī f. id. L

⋙ kikīdiva


⋙ kikīdivi


⋙ kikīdīvi

   ○dīvi m. id. L


   kikirā́ ind. with √1. kṛ, to tear into pieces, rend into rags and tatters RV. vi, 53, 7 and 8


   kikkiṭā́ ind. a particular exclamation TS. iii, 4, 2, 1 Kāṭh

⋙ kikkiṭākāram

   ○kā́ram ind. p. with the exclamation kikkiṭā TS. iii


   kikkiśa m. a kind of worm (pernicious to the hair, nails, and teeth) Suśr

≫ kikkisa

   kikkisa m. id. Car

⋙ kikkisāda

   kikkisâda m. 'eating the Kikkisa', a species of snake Suśr


   kiknasa as, in. particles of ground corn, bruised grain, groats AitBr. ii, 9


   kikviśa v, l. for kikkiśa


   kikhi m. a monkey L 
   • (is), f. a small kind of jackal or fox L


   kiṅkaṇī vḷ. for kiṅkiṇī


   kiṃ-kara &c. kím


   kiṅkiṇa m. a kind of drum L 
   • N. of a son of Bhajamāna BhP. ix, 24, 7 
   • (ī), f. a small bell MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • N. of an acid sort of grape (= Vikaṅkata) L 
   • N. of a goddess Tantras

≫ kiṅkiṇi

   kiṅkiṇi f. (= ○ṇī) a small bell L

≫ kiṅkiṇikā

   kiṅkiṇikā f. id. Śiś. v, 58 Hcat

≫ kiṅkiṇī

   kiṅkiṇī (f. of kiṅkiṇa, q.v.)

⋙ kiṅkiṇījālamālin

   ○jāla-mālin mfn. having a circlet of small bells MBh. Hcat

⋙ kiṅkiṇīsāyaka

   ○sāyaka m. an arrow ornamented with small bells MBh. iv, 1336

≫ kiṅkiṇīka

   kiṅkiṇīka id. Kum. vii, 49

⋙ kiṅkiṇīkāśrama

   kiṅkiṇīkâśrama m. N. of an hermitage MBh. xiii, 1709

≫ kiṅkiṇīkin

   kiṅkiṇīkin mfn. decorated with small bells MBh. Hariv. 2023


   kiṅkira m. a horse L 
   • the Indian cuckoo (Kokila or Koī0l) L 
   • a large black bee L 
   • the god of love L 
   • (ā), f. blood L 
   • (am), n. the frontal sinus of an elephant L

≫ kiṅkirāta

   kiṅkirāta m. (or kiṃ-k○ 
   • g. kiṃśukâdi) a parrot L 
   • the Indian cuckoo 
   • the god of love L 
   • Jonesia Aśoka L 
   • red or yellow amaranth Kād

≫ kiṅkirāla

   kiṅkirāla m. N. of a plant (= varvūra) L

≫ kiṅkirin

   kiṅkirin ī m. the plant Flacourtia sapida L


   kiṃ-kṛte kím

≫ kiṃkṣaṇa

   kiṃ-kṣaṇa &c.,

⋙ kiṃca

   kiṃ-ca &c. ib


   kiñcilika m. an earth-worm L

≫ kiñculaka

   kiñculaka m. id. Bhpr

≫ kiñculuka

   kiñculuka m. id. ib


   kiṃ-ja -jopya, kím


   kiñjala as, m.= ○jalka L. [Page 282, Column 2] 

⋙ kiñjalka

   kiñjalka as, am m. n. (or kiṃ-j○ 
   • g. kiṃśukâdi) the filament of a plant (especially of a lotus) AśvŚr. MBh. R. &c 
   • (am), n. the flower of Mesua ferrea L

≫ kiñjalkin

   kiñjalkin mfn. having filaments Deviim


   kiṭ cl. 1. P. keṭati, to go or approach Dhātup 
   • to alarm or terrify ib 
   • to fear ib


   kiṭa m. a kind of ape Gal

≫ kiṭaka

   kiṭaka n. kiṭika


   kiṭakiṭāpaya Nom. P. ○yati, to gnash the teeth Car

≫ kiṭakiṭāya

   kiṭakiṭāya Nom. Ā. ○yate id. Suśr


   kiṭi m. (cf. kira, kiri) a hog Kauś. 25 
   • Batatas edulis Npr

⋙ kiṭimūlaka

   ○mūlaka m

⋙ kiṭimūlābha

   ○mūlâbha m. Batatas edulis Npr

⋙ kiṭivaravadanā

   ○vara-vadanā f. N. of a deity Buddh

≫ kiṭika

   kiṭika n. (vḷ. ○ṭaka), a kind of weapon (?) Pāṇ. 2-4, 85 Vārtt. 3 Pat


   kiṭibha m. a bug L 
   • a louse L 
   • (am), n. a kind of exanthema Suśr

≫ kiṭibhaka

   kiṭibhaka m. a louse Divyâv

≫ kiṭima

   kiṭima n. a kind of leprosy Suśr


   kiṭṭa n. secretion, excretion Suśr 
   • dirt, rust (of iron) ib. (cf. tila-k○, taila-k○.)

⋙ kiṭṭavarjita

   ○varjita n. 'free from any impurity', semen virile L

≫ kiṭṭāla

   kiṭṭāla m. rust of iron L 
   • a copper vessel L

≫ kiṭṭima

   kiṭṭima n. unclean water L


   kiṇa m. a corn, callosity MBh. Mṛicch. Śak. &c 
   • a scar, cicatrix Bhpr.: Hcar 
   • an insect found in wood L

⋙ kiṇakṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. (for kṛta-kiṇa) callous MBh. iv, 53

⋙ kiṇajāta

   ○jāta mfn. (for jāta-kiṇa), id. ib. iii, 11005

⋙ kiṇavat

   ○vat mfn. id. MBh. iv, 633 and 639


   kiṇi f. Achyranthes aspera L

≫ kiṇihī

   kiṇihī f. id. Suśr


   kiṇva [as m. L], n. ferment, drug or seed used to produce fermentation in the manufacture of spirits from sugar, bassia, &c. Āp. Mn. viii, 326 Suśr. (cf. taṇḍula-k○) 
   • (am), n. sin Uṇ. i, 150

≫ kiṇvin

   kiṇvin ī m. a horse L. (cf. kindhin.)

≫ kiṇvīya

   kiṇvīya mfn. fr. kiṇva g. apūpâdi

≫ kiṇvya

   kiṇvya mfn. id. ib


   kit cl. 3. cíketti, 2. cit and ketaya


   kita m. N. of a man, g. aśvâdi


   kitavá m. (g. śauṇḍâdi [also vyāghrâdi, but not in Kāś. and Gaṇar.]) a gamester, gambler RV. VS. AV. &c 
   • a cheat, fraudulent man BhP. viii, 20, 3 Megh. Amar 
   • (also ifc., e.g. yājñika-k○ Pāṇ. 2-1, 53 Kāś.) 
   • (= matta) a crazy person L 
   • thorn-apple (cf. dhūrta and unmatta) L 
   • a kind of perfume (commonly Rocana) Bhpr 
   • N. of a man, g. tikâdi, utkarâdi, aśvâdi 
   • (ās), m. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1832 
   • (ī), f. a female gambler ĀśvGṛ

≫ kitavīya

   kitavīya mfn. g. utkarâdi


   kidarbha m. N. of a man, g. bidâdi (vv. ll. kiṃ-d○, vid○, &c 
   • Gaṇar. 243)


   kínāṭa n. the inner part of a tree ŚBr. xiv


   kināri-lipi f. a kind of writing Lalit


   kiṃ-tanu -tu-ghna, &c. kím


   kindu-bilva N. of the place where Jaya-deva was born and where his family resided Gīt. iii, 10 (vv. ll. kinduvilla, kenduvilla, and tinduvilla)


   kiṃ-deva &c. kím


   kindhin ī m. a horse L. (v.]. for kilkin)


   kiṃ-nara &c. kím

≫ kiṃnu

   kiṃ-nu s.v. kím


   kippa m. a kind of worm Suśr. (vḷ. kiṣya)


   kím ind. (fr. 1. ki, originally nom. and acc. sg. n. of 2. ká, q.v.), what? how? whence? wherefore? why? [Page 282, Column 3] 

≫ kim

   kim is much used as a particle of interrogation like the Lat. num, an, sometimes translatable by 'whether?' but oftener serving only like a note of interrogation to mark a question (e.g. kiṃ vyādhā vane'smin saṃcaranti, 'do hunters roam about in this wood?' In an interrogation the verb, if uncompounded with a preposition, generally retains its accent after kim Pāṇ. 8-1, 44). To this sense may be referred the kim expressing inferiority, deficiency, &c. at the beginning of compounds (e.g. kiṃ-rājan, what sort of king? i.e. a bad king Pāṇ. 2-1, 64 ; v, 4, 70) 
   • also the kim prefixed to verbs with a similar meaning (e.g. kim-adhī7te, he reads badly Pāṇ. 8-1, 44 Kāś.) kim-uta, or kim-uta-vā or kim-athavā-uta, whether-or-or R. Śak. Bhartṛ. &c. (cf. utá.)

≫ kim

   kim is very frequently connected with other particles, as follows: kím aṅgá, wherefore then? RV 
   • atha kim, átha 
   • kim api, somewhat, to a considerable extent, rather, much more, still further Śak. Megh. &c 
   • kim iti, why? Śak. Kum. Pañcat. &c 
   • kim-iva, what for? Śiś. xvi, 31 
   • kím-u or kím-utá how much more? how much less? RV. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • kiṃ kila, what a pity! (expressing dissatisfaction) Pāṇ. 3-3, 146 
   • kiṃ-ca, moreover, further Pañcat. Kathās. &c 
   • what more (expressing impatience) Śak 
   • kiṃ-cana (originally -ca na, negative = 'in no way'), to a certain degree, a little Kathās 
   • (with a negation) in no way, not at all MBh. i, 6132 
   • kiṃ-cid, somewhat, a little MBh. R. &c 
   • kiṃ tarhi, how then? but, however Pāṇ. 2-2, 4 Pat. ; iv, 1, 163, Kaś 
   • kiṃ-tu, but, however, nevertheless (bearing the same relation to tu that kiṃ-ca bears to ca) MBh. R. &c 
   • kiṃ-nu, whether indeed? (a stronger interrogative than kim alone) MBh. R. &c 
   • how much more? how much less? Bhag. i, 35 
   • kiṃ nu khalu, how possibly? (a still stronger interrogative) Śak 
   • kim punar, how much more? how much less? R. Bhag. ix, 33 &c 
   • however Bālar 
   • but ib 
   • kiṃ vā, whether? or whether? Śak. Pañcat. &c 
   • or (often a mere particle of interrogation) 
   • kíṃ svid, why? Kathās. xxvi, 75 
   • a stronger interrogative than kim alone RV. MBh. Kathās

≫ kiṃ 1

   kiṃ (in comp. for kím)

⋙ kiṃyu

   ○yú mfn. what wishing? RV. iii, 33, 4

⋙ kiṃrāja

   ○rāja m. whose sovereign? Pāṇ. 5-4, 70 Pat

⋙ kiṃrājan

   ○rājan s.v. kím

⋙ kiṃrūpa

   ○rūpa mf(ā)n. of what shape? MBh. i, 1327 Pañcat. Hcat

⋙ kiṃlakṣaṇaka

   ○lakṣaṇaka mfn. distinguished by what marks? Comm. on Bādar

⋙ kiṃvat

   ○vat mfn. having what? Pāṇ. 1-1, 59 Pat 
   • (t), ind. like what? Sarvad

⋙ kiṃvadanta

   ○vadanta m. N. of an imp (inimical to children) PārGṛ. i, 16 
   • (ī) f. (Uṇ. iii, 50) 'what do they say?' the common saying or rumour, report, tradition, tale Prab. Dhūrtas. Hit

⋙ kiṃvadanti

   ○vadanti f. = -vadantī before L

⋙ kiṃvarāṭaka

   ○varāṭaka m. one who says 'what is a cowrie?' i.e. a spendthrift who does not value small coins Hit. ii, 87

⋙ kiṃvarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. of what colour? MBh. BhP

⋙ kiṃvid

   ○vid mfn. what knowing? ŚāṅkhBr

⋙ kiṃvidya

   ○vidya mfn. possessing the science of what? MBh. xii

⋙ kiṃvidha

   ○vidha mfn. of what kind? Bālar

⋙ kiṃvibhāga

   ○vibhāga mf(ā)n. having what subdivisions? Sūryas

⋙ kiṃviśeṣaṇa

   ○viśeṣaṇa mfn. distinguished by what? Comm. on Nyāyad

⋙ kiṃviṣayaka

   ○viṣayaka mfn. relating to what? Comm. on Bādar

⋙ kiṃvīrya

   ○vīrya mfn. of what power? R. BhP

⋙ kiṃvṛtta

   ○vṛtta m. who says 'what is an event?' i.e. who does not wonder at any event (N. of the attendants of a lion) Pañcat 
   • (am), n. any form derived from the pron. ká Pāṇ. 3-3, 6 and 144 ; viii, 1, 48

⋙ kiṃvyāpāra

   ○vyāpāra mfn. following what occupation? Śak

⋙ kiṃśāru

   ○śāru m. ūṇ., n. the beard of corn AitBr. ii, 9 
   • (us), m. an arrow L 
   • a heron L

⋙ kiṃśila

   ○śilá mfn. (land) having small stones or gravelly particles VS. TS. MaitrS. Kāṭh

⋙ kiṃśīla

   ○śīla mfn. of what habits? in what manner generally existing or living? MBh

⋙ kiṃśuka

   ○śuka m. the tree Butea frondosa (bearing beautiful blossoms, hence often alluded to by poets) MBh. &c 
   • (am), n. the blossom of this tree R. Suśr. (cf. palāśá and sukiṃśuká) 
   • ○kâdi, a Gaṇa of Bhoja (Gaṇar. 107) 
   • ○kôdaka n. a decoction made from the blossoms of the tree Butea frondosa Suśr

⋙ kiṃśulaka

   ○śulaka m. a variety of the tree Butea frondosa Pāṇ. 6-3, 117 
   • ○lakā-giri m. N. of a mountain ib 
   • ○lakâdi, a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. ib

⋙ kiṃśuluka

   ○śuluka v. l. for -śulaka, q.v

⋙ kiṃsa

   ○sa mfn. = kiṃ syati Pāṇ. 8-3, 110 Kāś

⋙ kiṃsakhi

   ○sakhi nom. ā m. (Pāṇ. 2-1, 64 Kāś.) a bad friend Kir. i, 5

⋙ kiṃsaṃniśraya

   ○saṃniśraya mf(ā)n. having what support or substratum? Comm. on Bādar

⋙ kiṃsamācāra

   ○samācāra mfn. of what behaviour? MBh. xii

⋙ kiṃsādhana

   ○sādhana mfn. having what proof? Comm. on Nyāyad. [Page 283, Column 1] 

⋙ kiṃsuhṛd

   ○suhṛd m. = -sakhi Hit

⋙ kiṃstughna

   ○s-tu-ghna mṇ. = kiṃ-tu-ghna (below) Jyot. VarBṛS. Sūryas

⋙ kiṃsvarūpa

   ○svarūpa mf(ā)n. of what characteristics? Comm. on Sūryas

≫ kiṃ 2

   kiṃ (in comp. for kím)

⋙ kiṃkara

   ○kara m. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 21) a servant, slave MBh. R. &c 
   • (probably) a particular part of a carriage AV. viii, 8, 22 
   • a kind of Rākshasa MBh. R 
   • N. of one of Śiva's attendants Kathās. cxviii, 5 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people R. iv, 44, 13 
   • (ā), f. a female servant Pāṇ. 3-2, 21 Vārtt 
   • (ī), f. the wife of a servant ib 
   • a female servant MBh. iv, 634 BhP. Kathās 
   • -tva n. the condition of a servant or slave Pañcat 
   • -pāṇi mfn. (fr. kiṃ karavāṇi, 'what am l to do?'), having hands ready to attend any one MBh. iii, 303 
   • kiṃkarī-√bhū, to become a slave Comm. on Naish. vi, 81 
   • kiṃkarīya Nom. P. ○yati, to think (any one) to be a slave HYog

⋙ kiṃkarāla

   ○karāla m. the tree Acacia arabica L

⋙ kiṃkartavyatā

   ○kartavya-tā f. any situation or circumstances in which one asks one's self what ought to be done? Daś. (cf. iti-kart○.)

⋙ kiṃkarman

   ○karman mfn. of what occupation? R. iii, 73, 9

⋙ kiṃkala

   ○kala m. N. of a man, g. 1. naḍâdi

⋙ kiṃkāmya

   ○kāmya Nom. P. ○yati, to wish what? Pāṇ. 3-1, 9. Siddh

⋙ kiṃkāmyā

   ○kāmyā́ (old instr.) ind. from a desire for what? ŚBr. i, 2, 5, 25

⋙ kiṃkāraṇa

   ○kāraṇa mfn. having what reason or cause? ŚvetUp

⋙ kiṃkāryatā

   ○kārya-tā f. = -kartavya-tā Kathās. x, 101 
   • lxxx, 50

⋙ kiṃkirāta

   ○kirāta s.v. kiṅkira

⋙ kiṃkṛte

   ○kṛte loc. ind. what for? Kathās. lxxi, 79

⋙ kiṃkṣaṇa

   ○kṣaṇa m. who says 'what is a moment?' i.e. a lazy fellow who does not value moments Hit. ii, 87

⋙ kiṃgotra

   ○gotra mfn. belonging to what family? Kauś. 55

⋙ kiṃcana

   ○cana 2. ká and kím above 
   • m. (= kiṃ-śuka) Butea frondosa L 
   • -tā f. something, somewhat

⋙ kiṃcanaka

   ○canaka m. N. of a Nāga demon Buddh

⋙ kiṃcanya

   ○"ṣcanya n. property MBh. xii, 11901 (cf. a-kiṃcana.)

⋙ kiṃcid

   ○cid n. ( 2. ká) 'something', N. of a particular measure (= eight handfuls) Comm. on ŚāṅkhGṛ 
   • (kiṃcic) -cīrita-pattrikā f. the plant Beta bengalensis (= cīrita-cchadā) Npr 
   • -cheṣa (○cid-z○), mf(ā)n. of which only a small remainder is left MBh. ix, 34 and 1442 Kathās 
   • (kiṃcij). jña mfn. knowing a little, a mere smatterer 
   • (kiṃcit) -ka mfn. (with the pron. ya preceding) whatever AitBr. ii, 9 
   • -kara mfn. significant Pāṇ. 1-2, 27 Vārtt. 6 Pat 
   • [a-kiṃc○ mfn. not able to do anything, insignificant Pañcat. Veṇis.] 
   • -pare loc. ind. a little after 
   • -pāṇi m. N. of a particular weight (= karṣa) ŚārṅgS 
   • -prâṇa mfn. having a little life left 
   • (kiṃcin) -mātra n. only a little

⋙ kiṃchandas

   ○chandas mfn. conversant with which Veda? ŚāṅkhBr 
   • having what metre? TāṇḍyaBr

⋙ kiṃja

   ○ja mfn. of low origin Bhaṭṭ. vi, 133 
   • (am), n. the blossom of Mesua ferrea L

⋙ kiṃjapya

   ○japya n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 6049 (cf. kiṃ-dāna.)

⋙ kiṃjyotis

   ○jyotis (kíṃ-), mfn. having which light? ŚBr. xiv

⋙ kiṃtanu

   ○tanu m. an insect (described as having eight legs and a very slender body), a species of spider L

⋙ kiṃtamām

   ○tamām ind. whether? whether of many?

⋙ kiṃtarām

   ○tarām ind. whether? whether of two?

⋙ kiṃtā

   ○tā f. 'the state of whom?' any despicable state or condition, contemptibleness 
   • (ayā), instr. ind. contemptibly

⋙ kiṃtughna

   ○tu-ghna m. 'destroying all but', one of the eleven periods called Karaṇa (cf. kiṃ-s-tu-ghna before.)

⋙ kiṃtva

   ○tvá mfn. (fr. kím tvám. 'what thou?') questioning impudently (as a drunken man) VS. xx, 28

⋙ kiṃdatta

   ○datta m. N. of a sacred well MBh. iii, 6069 (vḷ. ○data)

⋙ kiṃdama

   ○dama m. N. of a Muni MBh. i, 4585 Kād

⋙ kiṃdarbha

   ○darbha vḷ. for kidarbha, q.v

⋙ kiṃdāna

   ○dāna n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 6049

⋙ kiṃdāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of a man, g. bidâdi

⋙ kiṃdeva

   ○deva m. an inferior god, demi-god BhP. xi, 14, 6

⋙ kiṃdevata

   ○devata (kíṃ-), mfn. having what deity? ŚBr. xiv

⋙ kiṃdevatya

   ○devatyá mfn. belonging to or devoted to what deity? TS. ŚBr

⋙ kiṃdharmaka

   ○dharmaka mfn. of what nature or character? Comm. on Nyāyad

⋙ kiṃnara

   ○nara m. 'what sort of man?' a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (or with a horse's body and the head of a man Śiś. iv, 38 
   • originally perhaps a kind of monkey, cf. vā-nara 
   • in later times (like the Naras) reckoned among the Gandharvas or celestial choristers, and celebrated as musicians 
   • also attached to the service of Kubera 
   • (with Jains) one of the eight orders of the Vyantaras) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • N. of a prince VP 
   • of Nara (a son of Vibhīshaṇa) Rājat. i, 197 
   • of the attendant of the fifteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpinī Jain 
   • N. of a locality, g. takṣaśilâdi 
   • (ā), f. a kind of musical instrument L. (cf. ?) 
   • (ī), f. a female Kiṃnara R. Megh. &c 
   • a female Kimpurusha R. vii, 89, 3 
   • the lute of the Caṇḍālas L. [Page 283, Column 2] 
   • -kaṇṭha mfn. singing like a Kiṃnara Viddh 
   • -nagara n. a town of the Kiṃnaras Divyâv 
   • -pati m. 'the lord of the Kiṃnaras', N. of Kubera Bālar 
   • -varṣa m. a division of the earth (said to be north of the Himālaya mountains) 
   • kiṃnarêśa, ○śvara m. 'the lord of the Kiṃnaras', N. of Kubera L

⋙ kiṃnāmaka

   ○nāmaka mf(ikā)n. having what name? Sāh

⋙ kiṃnāmadheya

   ○nāmadheya mfn. id. Pañcat

⋙ kiṃnāman

   ○nāman mfn. id., Śāntiś. Kuval

⋙ kiṃnimitta

   ○nimitta mfn. having what cause or reason? Mālav. BhP 
   • (am), ind. from what cause? for what reason? why? R. &c

≫ kim

   kim (in comp.)

⋙ kimadhikaraṇa

   ○adhikaraṇa mf(ā)n. referring to what? Śāntiś

⋙ kimantara

   ○antara mf(ā)n. being at what distance from each other? Sūryas

⋙ kimabhidhāna

   ○abhidhāna mfn. having what name? Kād. Sāh

⋙ kimartha

   ○artha mfn. having what aim? AitĀr. MBh. &c 
   • (kim-ártham), ind. from what motive? what for? wherefore? why? ŚBr. xiv MBh. &c

⋙ kimavastha

   ○avastha mfn. being in what condition (of health)? Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 1 Vārtt. 11

⋙ kimākāra

   ○ākāra mf(ā)n. of what shape? Sūryas

⋙ kimākhya

   ○ākhya mfn. how named? Śak

⋙ kimācāra

   ○ācāra mfn. being of what conduct or behaviour? R. vii, 62, 1

⋙ kimātmaka

   ○ātmaka mf(ikā)n. of what particularity? Comm. on Sūryas

⋙ kimādhāra

   ○ādhāra mfn. referring to what? Śāntiś

⋙ kimāyus

   ○āyus mfn. reaching what age? R. vii, 51, 9

⋙ kimāśraya

   ○āśraya mf(ā)n. being supported by what? Sūryas

⋙ kimāhāra

   ○āhāra mfn. taking what food? R. vii, 62, 1

⋙ kimicchaka

   ○icchaka n. what one wishes or desires, anything desired MBh. xii, xiii 
   • m. N. of a particular form of austerity (by which any object is obtained) MārkP

⋙ kimutsedha

   ○utsedha mf(ā)n. of what height? Sūryas

⋙ kimpaca

   ○paca mfn. 'who cooks nothing', miserly, avaricious L

⋙ kimpacāna

   ○pacāna mfn. id. L

⋙ kimparākrama

   ○parākrama mfn. of what power? MBh. R

⋙ kimparivāra

   ○parivāra mfn. having what attendance? Daś

⋙ kimparyantam

   ○paryantam ind. to what extent? how far? how long?

⋙ kimpāka

   ○pāka mfn. not mature, childish, ignorant, stupid L 
   • m. a Cucurbitaceous plant (of a very bad taste, Trichosanthes palmata) Bhartṛ. MārkP 
   • Strychnos nux vomica L., (am), n. the fruit of Trichosanthes palmata R. ii, 66, 6 Jain. Prasannar

⋙ kimpunā

   ○punā f. N. of a river MBh. ii, 373 ; iii, 12910

⋙ kimpuruṣa

   ○puruṣá "ṣBr. vii or m. 'what sort of a man?' a mongrel being (according to the Brāhmaṇas an evil being similar to man

⋙ kimpuruṣa

   ○púruṣa "ṣBr. i, m. 'what sort of a man?' a mongrel being (according to the Brāhmaṇas an evil being similar to man 
   • perhaps originally a kind of monkey [BhP. xi, 16, 29] 
   • in later times the word is usually identified with kiṃ-nara, though sometimes applied to other beings in which the figure of a man and that of an animal are combined 
   • these beings are supposed to live on Hema-kūṭa and are regarded as the attendants of Kubera 
   • with Jains the Kimpurushas, like the Kiṃnaras, belong to the Vyantaras) 
   • N. of one of the nine sons of Āgnīdhra (having the Varsha Kimpurusha as his hereditary portion) VP 
   • a division of the earth (one of the nine Khaṇḍas or portions into which the earth is divided, and described as the country between the Himâcala and Hema-kūṭa mountains, also called kimpuruṣa-varṣa Kād.) VP. BhP. MatsyaP. &c 
   • (ī), f. a female Kimpurusha R. vii, 88, 22 
   • kimpuruṣī- √1. kṛ, to change into a Kimpurusha ib 
   • kimpuruṣêśa m. 'lord of the Kimpurushas', N. of Druma MBh. ii, 410 Hariv. 5014 = 5495 
   • ○ṣêśvara m. N. of Kubera L

⋙ kimpuruṣīya

   ○"ṣpuruṣīya n. story about a Kimpurusha R

⋙ kimpūruṣa

   ○pūruṣá m. 'what sort of a man?' (probably) a low and despicable man VS. xxx, 16 
   • a mongrel being (= -puruṣá) BhP. &c 
   • (am), n. N. of the Kimpurusha-varsha L

⋙ kimprakāram

   ○prakāram ind. in what manner? Vop. vii, 110

⋙ kimprabhāva

   ○prabhāva mfn. possessing what power? Pañcat

⋙ kimprabhu

   ○prabhu m. a bad lord or master Hit

⋙ kimpramāṇa

   ○pramāṇa n. what circumference? R. vii, 51, 9 
   • mf(ā)n. of what circumference? R. Sūryas. Hcat

⋙ kimphala

   ○phala mfn. giving what kind of fruit? Daś

⋙ kimbala

   ○bala mfn. possessing what strength or power? BhP. vii, 8, 7

⋙ kimbharā

   ○bharā f. a kind of perfume (commonly called Nalī) L

⋙ kimbhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. being what? Comm. on VS., on Ragh. &c 
   • (am), ind. how? in what manner or degree? like what?

⋙ kimbhṛtya

   ○bhṛtya m. a bad servant Hit

⋙ kimmantrin

   ○mantrin m. a bad minister Hit

⋙ kimmaya

   ○máya mfn. consisting of what? RV. iv, 35, 4

⋙ kimmātra

   ○mātra mf(ā)n. of what circuit? Sūryas

≫ kimīya

   kimīya mfn. belonging to whom or what? Daś


   kimīdín ī m. N. of a class of evil spirits RV. vii, 104, 2 and 23 ; x, 87, 24 AV 
   • (ínī), f. id. AV. ii, 24, 5-8


   kimpala (= ??), a kind of musical instrument Lalit. [Page 283, Column 3] 


   kíyat mfn. (fr. 1. ki Pāṇ. 5-2, 40 ; vi, 3, 90), how great? how large? how far? how much? of what extent? of what qualities? RV. AV. &c. (Ved. loc. kíyāti with following ā́, how long ago? since what time? RV. i, 113, 10 ; ii, 30, 1 
   • kiyaty adhvani, at what distance? how far off? MBh. xiv, 766 
   • kiyad etad, of what importance is this to (gen.) Kathās. iii, 49 
   • tena kiyān arthah, what profit arises from that? BhP 
   • kiyac ciram ind. how long? Kathās 
   • kiyac cireṇa, in how long a time? how soon? Śak 
   • kiyad dūre, how far? Pañcat. lī, 4 
   • kiyad rodimi, what is the use of my weeping? Kād 
   • kiyad asubhis, what is the use of living? BhP. i, 13, 22) 
   • little, small, unimportant, of small value (often in comp., e.g. kiyad-vakra, a little bent Comm. on Yājñ 
   • kiyad api, how large or how far soever Pañcat 
   • yā́vat kíyac ca, how large or how much soever, of what qualities soever AV. viii, 7, 13 ŚBr.) 
   • (kíyat), ind. how far? how much? how? RV. AV. ŚBr 
   • a little Pañcat. Hit

⋙ kiyatkālam

   ○kālam ind. how long? some little time ago

≫ kiyad

   kiyad (in comp. for kiyat)

⋙ kiyadetikā

   ○etikā or f. effort, vigorous or persevering exertions according to one's strength L

⋙ kiyadehikā

   ○ehikā f. effort, vigorous or persevering exertions according to one's strength L

⋙ kiyaddūra

   ○dūra n. 'what distance?' -dūre above s.v. kíyat 
   • 'some small distance', (e, am, or in comp.), ind. not far, a little way Hit

≫ kiyan

   kiyan (in comp. for kiyat)

⋙ kiyanmātra

   ○mātra mfn. of little importance Pañcat 
   • (am), n. trifle, small matter Kathās. lxv, 139

≫ kiyedhā

   kiyedhā́ mfn. (for kiyad-dhā́) containing or surrounding much (N. of Indra) RV. i, 61, 6 and 12 (Nir. vi, 20)


   kiyā́mbu u, in. a kind of aquatic plant (= kyā́mbū) RV. x, 16, 13


   kiyāha m. a chestnut-coloured horse L


   kiyedhā́ kíyat


   kir mfn. (√1. kṝ) ifc. pouring out Viddh

≫ kira

   kira mf(ā)n. scattering, &c. Pāṇ. 3-1, 135 (cf. mṛt-kirā) 
   • m. a hog L. (cf. kiṭi, kiri.)

≫ kiraka

   kiraka m. a scribe L 
   • (ikā), f. ink-stand Gal

≫ kiraṇa

   kiráṇa m. dust, very minute dust RV 
   • a rein (a meaning drawn probably fr. RV. iv, 38, 6) Naigh. i, 5 
   • a ray or beam of light, a sun- or moonbeam MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • (perhaps) thread RV. x, 106, 4 AV. xx, 133, 1 and 2 
   • N. of a kind of Ketu (of which twenty-five are named) VarBṛS 
   • the sun L 
   • N. of a Śaiva work Sarvad 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river SkandaP

⋙ kiraṇapati

   ○pati m. 'the lord of rays', the sun VarBṛS

⋙ kiraṇapāṇi

   ○pāṇi m. 'whose hands are rays', she sun ṢaḍvBr

⋙ kiraṇamaya

   ○maya mfn. radiant, bright

⋙ kiraṇamālin

   ○mālin m. 'garlanded with rays', the sun L

≫ kiraṇākhyatantra

   kiraṇâkhya-tantra n. N. of wk. on architecture Comm. on VarBṛS

⋙ kiraṇāvalī

   kiraṇâvalī f. N. of a Comm. by Udayana 
   • of another Comm. by Dādābhāi on the Sūryas 
   • -prakāśa m. -prakāśa-vyākhyā f. N. of comments on the preceding commentaries

≫ kirat

   kirat mfn. (pr. p.) scattering, spreading 
   • pouring out Amar 
   • throwing (as arrows) MBh 
   • strewing, pouring over, filling with MBh. &c

≫ kiri

   kiri m. 'a pile', ākhu-kirí 
   • a hog (= kiṭi) Uṇ. iv, 144 
   • Batatas edulis Npr 
   • for giri, q.v

≫ kirika

   kiriká mfn. sparkling, beaming VS. xvi, 46 (cf. gir○) 
   • (ā), f. kiraka

≫ kiryāṇī

   kiryāṇī f. a wild hog L


   kirāṭa m. a merchant Rājat. viii, 132 (cf. kirīṭa.)


   kírāta ās m. pl. N. of a degraded mountain-tribe (inhabiting woods and mountains and living by hunting, having become Śūdras by their neglect of all prescribed religious rites 
   • also regarded as Mlecchas 
   • the Kirrhadae of Arrian) VS. xxx, 16 TāṇḍyaBr. Mn. x, 44 MBh. &c 
   • m. a man of the Kirāta tribe 
   • a prince of the Kirātas VarBṛS. xi, 60 
   • a dwarf. L. (cf. kubja-k○) 
   • a groom, horseman L 
   • the plant Agathotes Chirayta (also called kirāta-tikta) L 
   • N. of Śiva (as a mountaineer opposed to Arjuna, described in Bhāravi's poem Kirātârjunīya) 
   • (ī), f. a woman of the Kirāta tribe 
   • a low-caste woman who carries a fly-flap or anything to keep off flies Ragh. xvi, 57 
   • a bawd, procuress L 
   • N. of the goddess Durgā Hariv. 10248 
   • of the river Gaṅgā L 
   • of the celestial Gaṅgā as river of Svarga L

⋙ kirātakula

   ○kula mf(ī)n. belonging to the Kirāta tribe TāṇḍyaBr 
   • ( kilāta.)

⋙ kirātatikta

   ○tikta m. the plant Agathotes Chirayta (a kind of gentian) Suśr. [Page 284, Column 1] 

⋙ kirātatiktaka

   ○tiktaka m. id. ib

⋙ kirātavallabha

   ○vallabha n. a kind of sandalwood Gal

⋙ kirātārjunīya

   kirātârjunīya n. N. of a poem by Bhāravi (describing the combat of Arjuna with the god Śiva in the form of a wild mountaineer or Kirāta 
   • this combat and its result is described in the MBh. iii, 1538-1664)

⋙ kirātāśin

   kirātâśin m. 'swallowing the Kirātas', N. of Vishṇu's bird Garuḍa L

≫ kirātaka

   kirātaka m. ifc. a man of the mountaintribe of the Kirātas 
   • Agathotes Chirayta L

≫ kirāti

   kirāti f. (= kirātī), N. of Gaṅgā L

≫ kirātinī

   kirātinī f. Indian spikenard (Nardostachys Jaṭāmāṃsī) L


   kiri kiriká, kir


   kiriṭa áti-kir○

≫ kiriṭi

   kiriṭi i n. the fruit of the marshy date tree (Phoenix paludosa) L


   kiriśa m. the ancestor of Kairiśi, q.v


   kirīṭa mfn. ati-kir○ 
   • (am), n. [as m. g. ardharcâdi], a diadem, crest, any ornament used as a crown, tiara MBh. R. &c 
   • N. of a metre of four lines (each containing twenty-four syllables) 
   • m. (= kirāṭa) a merchant BhP. xii, 3, 35 
   • (ī), f. Andropogon aciculatus L

⋙ kirīṭadhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa n. wearing a diadem, assuming the crown

⋙ kirīṭadhārin

   ○dhārin mfn. crowned, having a tiara 
   • (ī), m. a king

⋙ kirīṭabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'wearing a diadem', N. of Arjuna MBh. xiv, 2436

⋙ kirīṭamālin

   ○mālin m. ornamented with a diadem Hariv. 13018 
   • N. of Arjuna MBh. BhP

≫ kirīṭin

   kirīṭin mfn. decorated with a diadem MBh. &c 
   • (ī), m. N. of Indra MBh. i, 1525 ; xiii, 765 
   • of Arjuna MBh. Bhag. Pañcat 
   • of Nara according to the Comm. MBh. i 
   • of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2573 
   • of an attendant of Śiva Comm. on Kum. vii, 95


   kiroḍāṭya Nom, P. ○ṭyati, to cheat, g. kaṇḍv-ādi


   kirbira mfn. variegated Gal

≫ kirmira

   kirmirá mfn. id. VS. xxx, 21 (cf. karbara.)

≫ kirmīra

   kirmīra mfn. id. Hcar 
   • m. a variegated colour L 
   • the orange tree L 
   • N. of a Rākshasa conquered by Bhīma-sena MBh. iii, 368 ff

⋙ kirmīrajit

   ○jit m. 'conquering the Rākshasa Kirmīra', N. of Bhīmasena L

⋙ kirmīratvac

   ○tvac m. 'having a variegated rind', the orange tree L

⋙ kirmīraniṣūdanabhid

   ○niṣūdana-bhid m. = -jit L

⋙ kirmīrasūdana

   ○sūdana m. id. Gal

⋙ kirmīrāri

   kirmīrâri m. 'the enemy of Kirmīra', N. of Bhīma-sena L

≫ kirmīrita

   kirmīrita mfn. 'variegated', mingled with (in comp.) Naish. vi, 97 
   • variegated, spotted Prab


   kirmī f. a hall L 
   • an image of gold or iron L 
   • (= karmin) the Palāśa tree (Butea frondosa) L


   kirmīra kirbira


   kiryāṇī kir


   kil cl. 6. P. kilati, to be or become white (or 'to freeze') Dhātup. xxviii, 61 
   • to play ib.: cl. 10. P. kelayati, to send, throw Dhātup. xxxii, 64

≫ kila 1

   kila m. play, trifling L

⋙ kilakiñcita

   ○kiñcita n. amorous agitation (such as weeping, laughing, being angry, merry, &c. in the society of a lover) Sāh. Daśar. ii, 30 and 37

kila 2

   kíla ind. (a particle of asseveration or emphasis) indeed, verily, assuredly RV. AV. &c 
   • (or of explanation) namely ŚBr. &c 
   • 'so said' 'so reported', pretendedly VarBṛS. Kād 
   • (kila is preceded by the word on which it lays stress, and occurs very rarely at the beginning of a sentence or verse [R. iv, 14, 14 Pañcat. lxxxix, 4] 
   • according to native lexicographers kila may be used in communicating intelligence, and may imply 'probably', 'possibly', 'agreement', 'dislike', 'falsehood', 'inaccuracy', and 'reason.')

kila 3

   kila m. N. of a man Pravar


   kilakila m. N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10365 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a Yavana tribe VP. (cf. kilikila) 
   • (ā), f. (an onomatopoetic word), sounds or cries expressing joy, or the expression of joy by any sound or cry MBh. R. Mcar. Bālar

≫ kilakilāya

   kilakilāya Nom. P. Ā. ○yati, ○yate, to raise sounds expressing joy Bhaṭṭ. vii, 102 Kāraṇḍ 
   • to cry, give a shriek Kāraṇḍ. [Page 284, Column 2] 

⋙ kilikilaya

   kilikilaya Nom. P. ○yati, to raise sounds expressing joy Bālar

≫ kilikilāya

   kilikilāya Nom. Ā. ○yate id. Hcar

≫ kilikilita

   kilikilita n. sounds expressing joy Bālar


   kilañja m. (= kiliñja) a mat Comm. on KātyŚr


   kilāṭa m. inspissated milk Hariv. (vḷ. kilāda) Suśr. Bhpr 
   • (ī), f. id. L

≫ kilāṭin

   kilāṭin ī m. 'having white juice like kilāṭa milk', a bamboo L


   kilāta m. (= kír○) a dwarf. L 
   • (g. bidâdi), 'N. of an Asura priest', only in comp

⋙ kilātākulī

   kilātâkulī́ m. du. the two Asura priests Kilāta and Ākuli ŚBr. i, 1, 4, 14 (vḷ. kirāta-kulyau f. du. TāṇḍyaBr.)


   kilā́sa mfn. leprous VS. xxx, 21 Kāṭh. TāṇḍyaBr 
   • (ī́), f. a kind of spotted deer (described as the vehicle of the Maruts) RV. v, 53, 1 
   • (am), n. a white leprous spot AV. i, 23, 1 and 2 ; 24, 2 
   • (in med.) a species of leprosy (resembling the so-called white leprosy in which the skin becomes spotted without producing ulcers) KātyŚr. Suśr

⋙ kilāsaghna

   ○ghna m. 'removing leprosy', a sort of gourd (Momordica Mixta) L

⋙ kilāsatva

   ○tva n. the state of being leprous TāṇḍyaBr

⋙ kilāsanāśana

   ○nā́śana mfn. removing leprosy AV. i, 24, 2

⋙ kilāsabheṣaja

   ○bheṣajá n. a remedy against leprosy ib

⋙ kilāsamaya

   ○maya mfn. scabby (as a dog), Kaus. 13

≫ kilāsin

   kilāsin mfn. leprous ŚāṅkhBr. Gaut. Pāṇ. 5-2, 128 Kāś


   kilikila ās m. pl., N. of a people VP 
   • (ā), f. N. of a town BhP. xii, 1, 30 
   • (= ○lak○) cries expressing joy Divyâv


   kilikilaya &c. kilakila


   kiliñca m. a thin plank, board L 
   • (= vaṃśa) a bamboo L

≫ kiliñcana

   kiliñcana m. a sort of fish Npr

≫ kiliñja

   kiliñja m. a thin plank of green wood L 
   • a mat Suśr

⋙ kiliñjahastin

   ○hastin m. an elephant formed by mats Sāh

≫ kiliñjaka

   kiliñjaka m. a mat L


   kilima n. a kind of pine (Pinus Deodar, cf. deva-dāru) Car 
   • m. id. L


   kilkin ī m. (= kindhin) a horse L


   kílbiṣa n. (ifc. f. ā) fault, offence, sin, guilt RV. v, 34, 4 AV. VS. &c. (once m. BhP. iii, 28, 11) 
   • injustice, injury MBh. i, 882 
   • disease L

⋙ kilbiṣaspṛt

   ○spṛ́t mfn. removing or avoiding sins RV. x, 71, 10 AitBr. i, 13

≫ kilbiṣin

   kilbiṣin mfn. one who commits an offence, wicked, culpable, sinful Mn. MBh. &c. (often ifc., e.g. artha-k○ q.v., rāja-k○, who as a king commits an offence MBh. i, 1703)


   kilvin ī m. (= ○lkin) a horse L


   kiśara m. a fragrant article for sale Pāṇ. 4-4, 53 (vḷ. kisara) 
   • (ā), f. g. madhv-ādi

⋙ kiśarādi

   kiśarâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 4-4, 53 Gaṇar. 387)

⋙ kiśarāvat

   kiśarā-vat mfn. g. madhv-ādi

≫ kiśarika

   kiśarika as, ī mf. selling Kiśara Pāṇ. 4-4, 53


   kiśala v. l. for kisala L


   kiśorá m. a colt AV. xii, 4, 7 Hariv. R 
   • a youth, lad BhP 
   • the sun L 
   • Benjamin or Styrax Benzoin (= taila-parṇy-oṣadhi) L 
   • N. of a Dānava Hariv 
   • (ī) f. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 107 Pat.) a female colt R 
   • a maiden BhP

≫ kiśoraka

   kiśoraka m. a colt L 
   • the young of any animal Daś. Kād. Prasannar. Kathās 
   • (ikā), f. 'a female colt' or 'a maiden', g. śubhrâdi


   kiṣk cl. 10. Ā. ○ṣkayate, to injure, kill Dhātup. xxxiii, 12

≫ kiṣkin

   kiṣkin śva-kiṣkín


   kiṣkindha m. N. of a mountain (in the south of India, in Oḍra, containing a cave, the residence of the monkey-prince Vālin who was slain by Rāma 
   • the territory which is said to be in the northern part of Mysore, near the sources of the Pampā river, was transferred after the conquest by Rāma to Su-grīva, brother of Vālin and rightful king) VarBṛS 
   • (ās), m. pl., 'N. of a people', -gandika 
   • (ā), f. (gaṇas pāraskarâdi and sindhv-ādi), N. of the cave contained in the mountain Kishkindha (the city of Vālin and Sugrīva) MBh. R. [Page 284, Column 3] 
   • N. of the mountain Kishkindha

⋙ kiṣkindhagandika

   ○gandika n. (vḷ. ○ndhika) Pāṇ. 2-4, 10 Pat

⋙ kiṣkindhākāṇḍa

   kiṣkindhā-kāṇḍa n. N. of the fourth book of the Rāmāyaṇa

⋙ kiṣkindhādhipa

   kiṣkindhâdhipa m. 'the ruler of Kishkindha', N. of Vālin L

≫ kiṣkindhaka

   kiṣkindhaka ās m. pl., N. of a people Hariv. 784

≫ kiṣkindhya

   kiṣkindhya m. incorrect reading for ○ndha 
   • (ā), f. likewise for ○ndhā


   kiṣkiśa vḷ. for kikk○


   kiṣku m. f. ḻ. the fore-arm R. v, 32, 11 
   • the handle (of an axe) TāṇḍyaBr 
   • a kind of linear measure (= hasta, or kara = twentyfour thumbs' breadths = 1/400 of a Nalva) MBh. &c 
   • g. pāraskarâdi 
   • mfn. contemptible, bad L

⋙ kiṣkuparvan

   ○parvan m. a bamboo L 
   • sugar-cane L 
   • Arundo tibialis L


   kís ind, (fr. 1. ki, cf. nákis, mā́kis), a particle of interrogation, 'whether' [= kartṛ, 'a doer' Nir. vi, 34] RV. x, 52, 3


   kisa m. N. of an attendant of the sun L


   kisara &c. kiśara


   kisala as, am, mṇ. = 1. kisalaya. L

≫ kisalaya 1

   kisalaya n. [as m. L.] a sprout or shoot, the extremity of a branch bearing new leaves Gaut. R. Śak. &c

⋙ kisalayakarā

   ○karā f. (a woman) having hands as tender as buds Gaṇar. 43 Comm

≫ kisalaya 2

   kisalaya Nom. P. ○yati, to cause to shoot or spring forth Prasannar

≫ kisalayita

   kisalayita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) furnished with leaf-buds or young shoots Bhartṛ. ŚārṅgP


   kī́kaṭa m. N. of a son of Ṛishabha BhP. v, 4, 10 
   • of a son of Saṃkaṭa BhP. vi, 6, 6 
   • a horse (perhaps originally a horse of the Kīkaṭas) L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people not belonging to the Āryan race RV. iii, 53, 14 BhP 
   • (mfn.), poor L 
   • avaricious L

≫ kīkaṭaka

   kīkaṭaka m. a horse Npr

≫ kīkaṭin

   kīkaṭin ī m. a hog Npr


   kīkasa mfn. hard, firm L 
   • m. the breast-bone and the cartilages of the ribs connected with it (cartilagines costarum) ĀrshBr 
   • a kind of worm (= kikkiśa?) L 
   • (kī́kasā), f. Ved. vertebra or a rib (of which six are enumerated) RV. x, 163, 2 AV. TS. &c 
   • (am), n. id. VS. xxv, 6 
   • a bone L. (cf. kaikasa.)

⋙ kīkasamukha

   ○mukha m. 'having a mouth of bone', a bird L

⋙ kīkasāsthi

   kīkasâsthi n. vertebra L

⋙ kīkasāsya

   kīkasâsya m. = kīkasa-mukha L


   kīki m. (= kiki) the blue jay L


   kīcaka m. (√cīk. Uṇ. v, 36) a hollow bamboo (whistling or rattling in the wind, Arundo Karka) MBh. R. &c 
   • N. of a chief of the army of king Virāṭa (conquered by Bhīma-sena) MBh. i, 328 ; iv, 376 ff. Pañcat 
   • N. of a Daitya L 
   • of a Rākshasa L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people (a tribe of the Kekayas) MBh

⋙ kīcakajit

   ○jit m. 'conquering Kīcaka', Bhīma-sena L

⋙ kīcakaniṣūdana

   ○niṣūdana m. id. L

⋙ kīcakabhid

   ○bhid m. id. L

⋙ kīcakavadha

   ○vadha m. 'the killing of Kīcaka', N. of a poem

⋙ kīcakasūdana

   ○sūdana m. = -jit Gal


   kī́ja m. a kind of instrument ['spur' Gmn.] RV. viii, 66, 3


   kīṭ cl. 10. P. kīṭayati, to tinge or colour Dhātup. xxxii, 98 
   • to bind ib


   kīṭa m. (ifc. f. ā Hcat.) a worm, insect ŚBr. xiv ĀśvŚr. &c 
   • the scorpion in the zodiac VarBṛS 
   • (ifc.) an expression of contempt (cf. śūra-k○) Mcar 
   • (ī), f. a worm, insect L 
   • (am), n. id. L 
   • (= kiṭṭa) feces L

⋙ kīṭagardabhaka

   ○gardabhaka m. N. of a particular insect Suśr

⋙ kīṭaghna

   ○ghna m. 'killing insects', sulphur L

⋙ kīṭaja

   ○ja n. 'coming from insects', silk Mn. xi, 168 MBh. ii, 1847 
   • (ā), f. an animal dye of red colour, lac L

⋙ kīṭanāman

   ○nāman the plant Cissus pedata Npr

⋙ kīṭapakṣodgama

   ○pakṣôdgama m. the change from chrysalis or pupa to butterfly W

⋙ kīṭapakṣodbhava

   ○pakṣôdbhava m. id. W

⋙ kīṭapataṃga

   ○pataṃgá ās m. pl. Kīṭa worms and pilsers ŚBr. xiv

⋙ kīṭapāḍikā

   ○pāḍikā f. = -nāman L

⋙ kīṭamaṇi

   ○maṇi m. a glow-worm ŚārṅgP

⋙ kīṭamātṛ

   ○mātṛ f. a female bee Gal 
   • the plant Cissus pedata Bhpr

⋙ kīṭamārī

   ○mārī f. = -nāman L

⋙ kīṭayoni

   ○yoni f. (= -mātṛ) a female bee Gal

⋙ kīṭaśatru

   ○śatru m. 'enemy of worms', the plant Embelia Ribes Suśr. [Page 285, Column 1] 

⋙ kīṭāri

   kīṭâri m. id. ib 
   • sulphur Gal

⋙ kīṭāvapanna

   kīṭâvapanna mfn. anything on which an insect has fallen Kapishṭh. MānŚr. (cf. keśa-kīṭâvapatita.)

⋙ kīṭotkara

   kīṭôtkara m. an ant-hill Kathās. ci, 290

≫ kīṭaka

   kīṭaka m. a worm, insect R. BhP. MārkP 
   • a kind of bard, panegyrist (descended from a Kshatriya father and Vaiśya mother) L 
   • N. of a prince MBh. i, 2696 
   • (mfn.), hard, harsh L


   kīḍera m. the plant Amaranthus polygonoides L


   kīdṛkṣa mf(ī Gr.)n. (fr. 1. ki, or kid and dṛkṣa, √dṛś, cf. īdṛkṣa), of what kind? of what description? of what qualities?

≫ kīdṛg

   kīdṛg (in comp. for kīdṛś)

⋙ kīdṛgākāra

   ○ākāra mfn. of what appearance? Pañcad

⋙ kīdṛgrūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. of what shape? MBh. xiii, 4086

⋙ kīdṛgvarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. of what colour? ib

⋙ kīdṛgvyāpāravat

   ○vyāpāra-vat mfn. of what occupation? Hit

≫ kīdṛś

   kīdṛ́ś mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 90) of what kind? who or what like? RV. x, 108, 3 MBh. Pañcat. &c 
   • yādṛk-kīdrik-ca, of whatsoever kind Comm. on KātyŚr

≫ kīdṛśa

   kīdṛśa mf(ī Gr.)n. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 90) of what kind? what like? MBh. Pañcat. &c 
   • of what use? i.e. useless Bhartṛ


   kīna n. flesh L. (cf. kīra.)


   kīnā́ra m. (perhaps = kīnā́śa) a cultivator of the soil ['a vile man' Sāy.] RV. x, 106, 10

≫ kīnāśa

   kīnā́śa m. (√kliś Uṇ. v, 56) a cultivator of the soil RV. iv, 57, 8 VS. xxx, 11 AV. &c 
   • niggard MBh 
   • Das. BhP. Kathās 
   • N. of Yama Naish. vi, 75 Bālar 
   • (= kīśa) a kind of monkey L 
   • a kind of Rākshasa L 
   • (mfn.), killing animals (or 'killing secretly') L


   kīm ind. ā́-kīm, mā́-kīm


   kīra m. a parrot Vet. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of the people and of the country of Kaśmir VarBṛS. Mudr 
   • (am), n. flesh L

⋙ kīravarṇaka

   ○varṇaka n. a kind of perfume (= sthauṇeyaka) L

⋙ kīreṣṭa

   kīrêṣṭa m. the tree Mangifera indica L 
   • the walnut tree L 
   • another plant (= jala-madhūka) L

⋙ kīrodbhūta

   kīrôdbhūta mfn. coming from the Kīra country (as a horse) Gal

≫ kīraka

   kīraka m. a kind of tree L 
   • gaining, obtaining (prâpaṇa) L 
   • a Jain ascetic (kṣapaṇaka) L


   kīrí m. (√2. kṛ) a praiser, poet RV

⋙ kīricodana

   ○códana mfn. exciting the praiser RV. vi, 45. 19

≫ kīrin

   kīrín mfn. praising RV. v, 4, 10 and 40, 8 
   • (ī́), m. a praiser RV. i, 100, 9 ; v, 52, 12


   kīrêṣṭa &c. kīra

kīrṇa 1

   kīrṇa mfn. (√1. kṝ) scattered, thrown, cast R. &c 
   • filled with, full of (instr.) ib 
   • covered, hidden Śak. Pañcat. &c 
   • stopped up (as the ears) Rājat. iv, 34 
   • given (= datta) L

⋙ kīrṇapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. 'having scattered blossoms', N. of a creeper L

≫ kīrṇi

   kīrṇi f. scattering, throwing Pāṇ. 8-2, 44 Vārtt. 2 
   • covering, concealing ib

≫ kīrya

   kīrya uda-k○

≫ kīryamāṇa

   kīryamāṇa mfn. (pr. p. Pass.) being covered or strewed MBh. &c 
   • being scattered or thrown

≫ kīrvi

   kīrvi mfn. = kīrṇi Vop. xxvi, 167

kīrṇa 2

   kīrṇa mfn. (√2. kṝ) injured, hurt L


   kīrt cl, 10. P. kīrtáyati (rarely Ā. ○yate), aor. acikīrtat or acīkṛtat (Pāṇ. 7-4, 7 Kāś.), to mention, make mention of, tell, name, call, recite, repeat, relate, declare, communicate, commemorate, celebrate, praise, glorify (with gen. AV. TS. ŚBr. AitBr 
   • with acc. ŚBr. AitBr. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. &c.)

≫ kīrtana

   kīrtana n. mentioning, repeating, saying, telling MBh. Pañcat. &c 
   • (ā), f. id. Suśr 
   • fame L

≫ kīrtanīya

   kīrtanīya mfn. to be mentioned or named or celebrated MBh. Ragh

≫ kīrtanya

   kīrtanya mfn. deserving to be mentioned or related BhP

≫ kīrtayat

   kīrtayat mfn. (pr. p.) mentioning, relating, &c

≫ kīrti

   kīrtí f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 97 
   • fr. √2. kṛ) mention, making mention of, speech, report RV. x, 54, 1 AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • good report, fame, renown, glory AV. ŚBr. TUp. Mn. &c. [Page 285, Column 2] 
   • Fame (personified as daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) MBh. Hariv. VP 
   • (in music) a particular measure or time 
   • extension, expansion L 
   • lustre L 
   • = prasāda (favour) or prāsāda (a palace) L 
   • (fr. √1. kṝ), dirt L 
   • N. of one of the Mātṛikās (or personified divine energies of Kṛishṇa) L 
   • (is), m. N. of a son of Dharma-netra VP

⋙ kīrtikara

   ○kara mf(ī)n. conferring fame Hit

⋙ kīrtidhara

   ○dhara m. N. of an author

⋙ kīrtipratāpabalasahita

   ○pratāpa-bala-sahita mfn. attended with or possessed of fame and majesty and power

⋙ kīrtibhāj

   ○bhāj m. 'receiving fame, famous', N. of Droṇâcārya (military preceptor of the Pāṇḍus and Kurus) L

⋙ kīrtimat

   ○mat mfn. praised, famous ChUp. R. &c 
   • (ān), m. N. of one of the Viśve Devās MBh. xiii, 4356 
   • of a son of Uttāna-pāda and Sūnṛitā Hariv. 62 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva and Devakī, Bh. ix, 24, 53 VP 
   • of a son of Aṅgiras VP 
   • (atī), f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī MatsyaP

⋙ kīrtimaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of fame R. BhP

⋙ kīrtimālinī

   ○mālinī f. 'garlanded with fame', N. of a woman SkandaP

⋙ kīrtiyuta

   ○yuta mfn. famous Hit

⋙ kīrtiratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a prince of the Videhas (son of Pratîndhaka 
   • also called Kṛitti-ratha, son of Prasiddhaka) R. i, 71, 9 and 10

⋙ kīrtirāja

   ○rāja ās m. pl., N. of certain Ṛishis

⋙ kīrtirāta

   ○rāta m. N. of a prince of the Videhas (son of Mahándhraka 
   • also called Kṛiti-rāta, son of Andhaka) R. i, 71, 11 and 12

⋙ kīrtivarman

   ○varman m. N. of a prince Prab

⋙ kīrtivāsa

   ○vāsa m. N. of an author 
   • of an Asura SkandaP

⋙ kīrtiśeṣa

   ○śeṣa m. 'the leaving behind of nothing but fame', death L. (cf. ālekhya-ś○, nāma-ś○, yaśah-ś○.)

⋙ kīrtisāra

   ○sāra m. N. of a man Daś

⋙ kīrtisiṃhadeva

   ○siṃha-deva m. N. of a man

⋙ kīrtisena

   ○sena m. N. of a nephew of the serpent-king Vāsuki Kathās. vi, 13

⋙ kīrtisoma

   ○soma m. N. of a man Kathās. lxi, 300

⋙ kīrtistambha

   ○stambha m. a column of fame Bālar

≫ kīrtita

   kīrtita mfn. said, mentioned, asserted 
   • celebrated known, notorious

≫ kīrtitavya

   kīrtitavya mfn. to be praised BhP. i, 2, 14

≫ kīrtenya

   kīrténya mfn. deserving to be named or praised RV. i, 103, 4 and 116, 6

≫ kīrtti

   kīrtti f. incorrectly for kīrtí

≫ kīrtya

   kīrtya mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 110 Kāś.) 'to be recited', divā-k○


   kīrmī f. a house for straw (?) W


   kīrya mfn. uda-k○

≫ kīryamāṇa


⋙ kīrvi

   kīrvi 1. kīrṇa


   kī́rśā f. a species of bird TS. v


   kīl cl. 1. kīlati, to bind, fasten, stake, pin Dhātup. xv, 17

≫ kīla

   kīla m. (ifc. f. ā), a sharp piece of wood, stake, pin, peg, bolt, wedge, &c. MBh. &c 
   • a post, post in a cow-house to which cows are fastened, pillar L 
   • a gnomon L 
   • handle, brace Suśr 
   • the elbow VP 
   • a kind of tumour (having the form of a stake) Suśr 
   • a position of the foetus impeding delivery Suśr 
   • N. of the inner syllables of a Mantra RāmatUp 
   • N. of Vîta-rāga Mahêśa (= kīlêśvara) 
   • = bandha Comm. on VS. ii, 34 
   • a weapon L 
   • flame, lambent flame L 
   • a minute particle L 
   • a blow with the elbow (= kilā) L 
   • (ā), f. a stake, pin L 
   • the elbow L 
   • a weapon L 
   • flame L 
   • a minute particle L 
   • a blow with the elbow (or 'a blow in copulation') Vātsyāy 
   • (am), n. (= kīna), flesh Gal

⋙ kīlapādikā

   ○pādikā f. v. l. for kīṭa-p○ L

⋙ kīlasaṃsparśa

   ○saṃsparśa m. N. of the plant Diospyros glutinosa (commonly called Gāva, a plant the fruit of which yields a substance like turpentine used to cover the bottom of boats) L

⋙ kīleśvara

   kīlêśvara m. N. of Vitarāga Mahêśa

≫ kīlaka

   kīlaka m. a pin, bolt, wedge Pañcat. Hit 
   • a splint (for confining a broken bone) Suśr 
   • a kind of tumour (having the form of a pin) L 
   • (= śivaka) a kind of pillar for cows &c. to rub themselves against, or one to which they are tied L 
   • N. of the forty-second year of the sixty years' cycle of Jupiter VarBṛS 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of certain Ketus ib 
   • (ikā), f. a pin, bolt Pañcat. Hcat 
   • (am), n. N. of the inner syllables of a Mantra

⋙ kīlakavivaraṇa

   ○vivaraṇa n. N. of wk

≫ kīlana

   kīlana n. fastening, staking

≫ kīlanīya

   kīlanīya mfn. to be fastened or staked

≫ kīlita

   kīlita mfn. staked, impaled 
   • set up as a stake or pole Kād 
   • pinned, fastened by a stake, &c 
   • bound, tied, confined Mālatīm. Kathās 
   • m. N. of a Mantra Sarvad


   kīlā́la m. a sweet beverage (also a heavenly drink similar to Amṛita, the food of the gods) AV. VS. Kauś. [Page 285, Column 3] 
   • (ám), n. id. Naigh. ii, 7 
   • blood Prab 
   • water L

⋙ kīlālaja

   ○ja n. flesh MBh. iii, 15341

⋙ kīlāladhi

   ○dhi m. 'receptacle of water', the ocean L

⋙ kīlālapa

   ○pa mfn. drinking blood MBh. iii, 13241 
   • m. a Rākshasa (sort of goblin) L

⋙ kīlālapā

   ○pā́ mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 74 Kāś.) drinking the beverage kīlā́la (N. of Agni) RV. x, 91, 14

⋙ kīlālapeśas

   ○peśas (kī́l○), mfn. ornamented with the beverage kīlā́la MaitrS

⋙ kīlālodhan

   kīlā́lôdhan mfn. f. ○dhnī, (a cow) who carries the beverage kīlā́la in her udder AV. xii, 1, 59

⋙ kīlālauṣadhi

   kīlālauṣadhi f. a kind of herb used to prepare the beverage kīlā́la Āp

≫ kīlālin

   kīlālin ī m. a lizard, chameleon Npr


   kīlita √kīl


   kī́vat mfn. (fr. 1. ki 
   • cf. kíyat), only in the expression ā́ kī́vatas, how long? how far? RV. iii, 30, 17 (Nir. vi, 3)


   kīśa mfn. naked L 
   • m. an ape BhP. Pañcat. (cf. ambu-k○) 
   • a bird L 
   • the sun L

⋙ kīśaparṇa

   ○parṇa m. the tree Achyranthes aspera (= apâmārgá) L 
   • (ī), f. id. L. (cf. keśa-p○.)


   kīśmīla m. N. of a disease AV. Paipp. xix, 8, 4


   kīstá m. (= kīrí) a praiser, poet RV. i, 127, 7 ; vi, 67, 10

ku 1

   ku a pronom. base appearing in kútas, kútra, kuvíd, kúha, kvá, and as a prefix implying deterioration, depreciation, deficiency, want, littleness, hindrance, reproach, contempt, guilt 
   • originally perhaps ku signified 'how (strange!)' 
   • as a separate word ku occurs only in the lengthened form 3. kū́, q.v

⋙ kukathā

   ○kathā f. a bad or miserable tale BhP. iii, 15, 23

⋙ kukanyakā

   ○kanyakā f. a bad girl Kathās. xxvi, 58

⋙ kukara

   ○kara mfn. having a crooked or withered hand L

⋙ kukarman

   ○karman n. a wicked deed Pañcat 
   • (ifc.) Rājat 
   • (mfn.), performing evil actions, wicked BhP. i, 16, 22 
   • (kukarma) -kārin mfn. wicked, depraved

⋙ kukalatra

   ○kalatra n. a bad wife ŚārṅgP

⋙ kukavi

   ○kavi m. a bad poet, poetaster

⋙ kukārya

   ○kārya n. a bad action, wickedness

⋙ kukāvya

   ○kāvya n. a bad poem, Śāntiś

⋙ kukīrti

   ○kīrti f. ill-repute

⋙ kukuṭumbinī

   ○kuṭumbinī f. a bad house-wife Kathās. xxiii, 27

⋙ kukuṇḍaka

   ○kuṇḍaka n. the fruit of Chattrāka

⋙ kukudru

   ○ku-dru n. Blumea lacera Npr

⋙ kukuvāc

   ○ku-vāc m. 'having a very disagreeable voice', jackal Npr

⋙ kukṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. badly made VarBṛS 
   • one who has acted badly Divyâv

⋙ kukṛtya

   ○kṛtya n. an evil deed, wickedness Pañcat. Hit

⋙ kukriyā

   ○kriyā f. a bad action 
   • (○ya), mfn. wicked

⋙ kukhāṭi

   ○khāṭi f. (= asad-graha) wantonness Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 124

⋙ kukhyāti

   ○khyāti f. evil report, infamy 
   • bad reputation

⋙ kugaṇin

   ○gaṇin mfn. belonging to an evil set of people Lalit

⋙ kugati

   ○gati f. 'wrong path', deviation from the path of righteousness Buddh

⋙ kugehinī

   ○gehinī f. = -kuṭumbinī Kathās

⋙ kugo

   ○go m. a miserable or weak bull R. vi, 112, 6

⋙ kugraha

   ○graha m. an unpropitious planet (five are reckoned, viz. Maṅgala, Ravi, Śani, Rāhu, and Ketu) Subh

⋙ kugrāma

   ○grāma m. a petty village (without a Rājā, an Agnihotrin, a physician, a rich man, or a river)

⋙ kucaṇḍikā

   ○caṇḍikā f. the plant Aletris hyacinthoides (= mūrvā) L

⋙ kucandana

   ○candana n. red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus) Suśr 
   • sappan or log-wood (Caesalpina Sappan, cf. pattrâṅga) W 
   • a leguminous plant (Adenanthera pavonina) W 
   • saffron L

⋙ kucara

   ○cará mfn. roaming about RV. i, 154, 2 ; x, 180, 2 TBr. iii 
   • following evil practices, wicked MBh. xiv, 107 off 
   • speaking ill of any one, detracting L 
   • m. a wicked man Gaut

⋙ kucaritra

   ○caritra n. evil conduct VarBṛ

⋙ kucaryā

   ○caryā f. id. Mn. ix, 17

⋙ kucāṅgerī

   ○cāṅgerī f. a kind of wood sorrel (Rumex vesicarius, = cukrikā) L

⋙ kucīrā

   ○cīrā f. N. of a river (vḷ. ku-viirā VP.) MBh. vi, 334

⋙ kucela

   ○cela n. a bad garment Mn. vi, 44 
   • rag Car 
   • (mfn.), badly clothed, dressed in dirty or tattered garments MBh. v, 1132 
   • (ā), f. N. of a plant (= avi-karṇī or viddha-parṇī). L 
   • (ī), f. the plant Clypea hernandifolia (or accord. to Haughton 'Cissampelos hexandra') L

⋙ kuceṣṭā

   ○ceṣṭā f. a wicked contrivance

⋙ kucaila

   ○caila mf(ā)n. badly clothed BhP. x, 80, 7

⋙ kucailin

   ○cailin mfn. id

⋙ kucodya

   ○codya n. an unsuitable question

⋙ kujana

   ○jana m. a bad or wicked man BhP 
   • vulgar people

⋙ kujananī

   ○jananī f. a bad mother R. vi, 82, 118. -1

⋙ kujanman

   ○janman mfn. of inferior origin BhP 
   • (ā), m. a low-born man, slave

⋙ kujambha

   ○jambha m. N. of a Daitya (younger brother of Jambha and son of Prahlāda or Prahrāda, a son of Hiraṇya-kaśipu) Hariv

⋙ kujīvikā

   ○jīvikā f. a miserable kind of living MBh. v, 2698

⋙ kujñāna

   ○jñāna n. imperfect or defective knowledge

⋙ kutanaya

   ○tanaya m. a degenerate son Pañcat. [Page 286, Column 1] 

⋙ kutanu

   ○tanu m. 'deformed', N. of Kubera (this deity being of a monstrous appearance, having three legs and but eight teeth) L

⋙ kutantrī

   ○tantrī f. tail MBh. xii, 5355 and 5363

⋙ kutapa

   ○tapa mfn. slightly hot W 
   • (as, am), m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) a sort of blanket (made of the hair of the mountain goat) Gaut. Mn. Yājñ. VarBṛS 
   • m. the Kuśa grass (Poa cynosuroides) Hcat 
   • the eighth Muhūrta or portion of the day from the last Daṇḍa of the second watch to the first of the third or about noon (an eligible time for the performance of sacrifices to the Manes) MBh. xiii, 6040 MatsyaP 
   • grain L 
   • a daughter's son L 
   • a sister's son L 
   • a twice-born man (one of the first three classes) L 
   • a Brāhman L 
   • a guest L 
   • the sun L 
   • fire L 
   • an ox L 
   • a kind of musical instrument L 
   • -saptaka n. a Śrāddha in which seven constituents occur (viz. noon, a horn platter, a Nepāl blanket, silver, sacrificial grass, Sesamum, and kine) W 
   • -sauśruta m. N. of a man, g. pārthivâdi

⋙ kutapasvin

   ○tapasvin m. a wicked or bad ascetic Pañcat

⋙ kutarka

   ○tarka m. fallacious argument, sophistry BhP. MārkP 
   • a bad logician KapS. vi, 34

⋙ kupatha

   ○patha m. 'the way of sophists', a sophistical method of arguing Rājat. v, 378

⋙ kutāpasa

   ○tāpasa m. a wicked ascetic Kathās 
   • (ī) f. a wicked female ascetic ib

⋙ kutārkika

   ○tārkika m. a bad logician

⋙ kutittiri

   ○tittiri m. a species of bird resembling the partridge Suśr

⋙ kutīrtha

   ○tīrtha m. a bad teacher

⋙ kutumbuka

   ○tumbuka m. a kind of pot-herb Car

⋙ kutumburu

   ○tumburu n. a bad fruit of the plant Diospyros embryopteris Pāṇ. 6-1, 143 Kāś

⋙ kutṛṇa

   ○tṛṇa n. water houseleek (Pistia Stratiotes) L

⋙ kudaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. unjust punishment L

⋙ kudarśana

   ○darśana n. a heterodox doctrine. -1

⋙ kudāra

   ○dāra mfn. having a bad wife VarBṛ 
   • -dāra, ās m. pl. a wife who is a bad wife Subh. -1

⋙ kudina

   ○dina n. an evil day 
   • a rainy day

⋙ kudiṣṭi

   ○diṣṭi f. a measure of length (longer than a Dishṭi, shorter than a Vitasti) Kauś. 85

⋙ kudṛśya

   ○dṛśya mfn. ill-favoured, ugly

⋙ kudṛṣṭa

   ○dṛṣṭa mfn. seen wrongly or indistinctly Pañcat

⋙ kudṛṣṭi

   ○dṛṣṭi mfn. having bad eyes 
   • (is) f. weak sight 
   • a heterodox philosophical doctrine (as that of the Sāṃkhyas, &c.) Mn. xii, 95 Kād

⋙ kudṛṣṭin

   ○dṛṣṭin mfn. one who has adopted a heterodox doctrine Kād

⋙ kudeśa

   ○deśa m. a bad country (where it is difficult to obtain the necessaries of life) Kathās. &c 
   • a country subject to oppression

⋙ kudeha

   ○deha m. a miserable body BhP. v, 12, 2

⋙ kudravya

   ○dravya n. bad riches

⋙ kudvāra

   ○dvāra n. backdoor Gaut

⋙ kudharma

   ○dharma m. a bad practice

⋙ kudharman

   ○dharman n. bad or no justice MBh. iii, 10571

⋙ kudhānya

   ○dhānya n. an inferior kind of grain Suśr

⋙ kudhī

   ○dhī mfn. foolish 
   • (īs), m. a fool Pañcat. BhP

⋙ kunakha

   ○nakha mfn. having ugly nails or claws VarBṛS 
   • (am), n. a disease of the nails Suśr

⋙ kunakhin

   ○nakhín mfn. having bad or diseased nails AV. TS. Kāṭh. &c 
   • (ī), m. N. of a man 
   • of a work belonging to the AV

⋙ kunaṭa

   ○naṭa m. a sort of trumpet flower (Bignonia, śyonāka) L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. (v. l. kunatha) 
   • (ī), f. a kind of coriander (Coriandrum sativum) L 
   • red arsenic Bhpr

⋙ kunadikā

   ○nadikā f. a small river MBh. v, 4502 Pañcat

⋙ kunadī

   ○nadī f. id

⋙ kunannama

   ○nannamá mfn. (√nam) inflexible RV. x, 136, 7

⋙ kunaraka

   ○naraka m. a bad hell

⋙ kunarendra

   ○narêndra m. a bad king Subh

⋙ kunalin

   ○nalin m. the plant Agati grandiflora L

⋙ kunātha

   ○nātha m. a bad protector BhP. ix, 14, 28 
   • (mfn.), having a bad leader ib. v, 14, 2

⋙ kunādīkā

   ○nādīkā for -nadikā. -nāman m. 'having a bad name', N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi and kāśy-ādi 
   • (a), n. a bad name, ill repute

⋙ kunāyaka

   ○nāyaka mfn. having a bad leader BhP. v, 13, 2

⋙ kunārī

   ○nārī f. a bad woman VarBṛ

⋙ kunāśaka

   ○nāśaka m. the plant Alhagi Maurorum L

⋙ kunāsa

   ○nāsa m. 'ugly-nosed', a camel Npr

⋙ kuniṣañja

   ○niṣañja m. N. of a son of the tenth Manu Hariv. 474

⋙ kunīta

   ○nīta m. bad leading Mudr

⋙ kunīti

   ○nīti f. ill conduct W 
   • corrupt administration W 
   • a low state of morals W

⋙ kunīlī

   ○nīlī f. N. of a shrub

⋙ kunṛpa

   ○nṛpa m. a bad prince VarBṛS

⋙ kunṛpati

   ○nṛpati m. id. Veṇis

⋙ kunetraka

   ○netraka m. N. of a Muni VāyuP

⋙ kupaṅka

   ○paṅka m. a slough, heap of filth and mud

⋙ kupaṭa

   ○paṭa m. or n. a miserable garment BhP. v, 9, 11 
   • m. 'covered with a miserable garment', N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2534

⋙ kupaṭu

   ○paṭu mfn. stupid Hcar

⋙ kupaṇḍita

   ○paṇḍita m. a bad scholar. -1

⋙ kupati

   ○pati m. a bad husband Kād 
   • a bad king ib

⋙ kupatha

   ○patha m. a bad road, evil way BhP 
   • bad conduct 
   • heterodox doctrine 
   • (mfn.), walking in a wrong road 
   • m. N. of an Asura or Dānava MBh. i, 2664 Hariv 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VP 
   • -ga, -gāmin, -cara mfn. going in a wrong road, wicked

⋙ kupathya

   ○"ṣpathya mfn. belonging to a bad way (lit. and fig.) 
   • unwholesome (as diet, regimen, &c.), improper

⋙ kuparijñāta

   ○parijñāta mfn. badly understood Pañcat. [Page 286, Column 2] 

⋙ kuparīkṣaka

   ○parī7kṣaka mfn. making a wrong estimate, not valuing rightly Bhartṛ

⋙ kuparīkṣita

   ○parī7kṣita mfn. badly examined Pañcat

⋙ kupāka

   ○pāka m. 'not digestive', Strychnos nux vomica L

⋙ kupāṇi

   ○pāṇi mfn. having a deformed or maimed hand L

⋙ kupātra

   ○pātra n. an unfit recipient

⋙ kupātraka

   ○pātraka n. a bad vessel MBh. xii, 227, 15

⋙ kupiñjala

   ○piñjala m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi

⋙ kupitṛ

   ○pitṛ m. a bad father MārkP

⋙ kupīlu

   ○pīlu m. a sort of ebony tree (= kāraskara) Bhpr 
   • = -pāka L

⋙ kuputra

   ○putra m. (g. manojñâdi) a bad or wicked son 
   • a son of an inferior degree (as an adopted son, &c.) Mn. ix, 161 Pañcat

⋙ kupuruṣa

   ○puruṣa m. a low or miserable man Pāṇ. 6-3, 106 MBh. &c 
   • a poltroon MBh. v, 5493 (cf. kā-pur○) 
   • -janitā f. N. of a metre (consisting of four lines of eleven syllables each)

⋙ kupūya

   ○pūya mfn. inferior, low, contemptible L. (cf. ka-p○.)

⋙ kuprabhu

   ○prabhu m. a bad lord Kathās. lix, 69

⋙ kuprāvaraṇa

   ○prâvaraṇa mfn. wearing a bad mantle L

⋙ kuprāvṛta

   ○prâvṛta mfn. badly dressed R. i, 6, 8

⋙ kupriya

   ○priya mfn. disagreeable, contemptible L

⋙ kuplava

   ○plava m. a weak or frail raft Mn. ix, 161

⋙ kubandha

   ○bandha m. a disgraceful stigma Yājñ. ii, 294 (cf. aṅka-bandha.)

⋙ kubandhu

   ○bandhu m. a bad relative

⋙ kubāhula

   ○bāhula m. camel L

⋙ kubimba

   ○bimba m. n. (?) L

⋙ kubuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. having vile sentiments Pañcat. Hcat 
   • stupid BhP 
   • (is), f. a wrong opinion

⋙ kubrahma


⋙ kubrahman

   ○brahman m. a degraded or contemptible Brāhman Pāṇ. 5-4, 105

⋙ kubrāhmaṇa

   ○brāhmaṇa m. id. Pat

⋙ kubhartṛ

   ○bhartṛ m. a bad husband Kathās. cxx, 65

⋙ kubhārya

   ○bhārya mfn. having a bad wife BhP 
   • (ā), f. a bad wife MārkP. Kathās

⋙ kubhikṣu

   ○bhikṣu m. a bad mendicant Kathās

⋙ kubhukta

   ○bhukta n. bad food Vet

⋙ kubhukti

   ○bhukti f. id

⋙ kubhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. bad (i.e. barren) ground VarBṛ

⋙ kubhṛtya

   ○bhṛtya m. a bad servant Pañcat

⋙ kubhoga

   ○bhoga m. bad pleasure Kathās

⋙ kubhojana

   ○bhojana n. = -bhukta

⋙ kubhojya

   ○bhojya n. id

⋙ kubhrātṛ

   ○bhrātṛ m. a bad brother Kathās

⋙ kumata

   ○mata n. a bad doctrine Subh

⋙ kumati

   ○mati f. vile sentiment 
   • weak intellect, folly Daś. BhP 
   • (mfn.), of slow intellect, foolish BhP

⋙ kumanas

   ○manas (kú-), mfn. displeased, angry MaitrS. iv, 2, 13

⋙ kumanīṣa


⋙ kumanīṣin

   ○manīṣin mfn. of slow intellect BhP

⋙ kumantra

   ○mantra m. a bad advice BhP 
   • a bad charm Kathās

⋙ kumantrin

   ○mantrin m. a bad counsellor BhP

⋙ kumārga

   ○mārga m. a bad way (lit. and fig.) Pañcat. &c

⋙ kumitra

   ○mitra n. a bad friend ib

⋙ kumukha

   ○mukha m. a hog L

⋙ kumud

   ○mud mfn. unfriendly L 
   • avaricious L 
   • ( also s.v.)

⋙ kumuda

   ○muda s.v

⋙ kumudvin

   ○mudvin mfn. unfriendly BhP. x, 20, 47

⋙ kumuhūrta

   ○muhūrta m. a fatal hour Kathās

⋙ kumedhas

   ○medhas mfn. of little intellect BhP

⋙ kumeru

   ○meru m. the southern hemisphere or pole (region of the demons and Titans) W

⋙ kumodaka

   ○modaka m. N. of Vishṇu L. (cf. kaumodakī.)

⋙ kuyajvin

   ○yajvin m. a bad sacrificer BhP. iv, 6, 50

⋙ kuyava

   ○yava (kú-), mfn. causing a bad harvest (N. of a demon slain by Indra) RV 
   • m. N. of another demon RV. i, 103, 8 (and 104, 3) 
   • (am), n. a bad harvest(?), kū́-y○

⋙ kuyoga

   ○yoga m. an inauspicious conjunction of planets or signs or periods, &c

⋙ kuyogin

   ○yogin m. a bad Yogin, impostor BhP

⋙ kuyoni

   ○yoni f. a base womb, womb of a low woman MārkP

⋙ kurava

   ○rava mfn. having a bad voice W 
   • m. a kind of dove L 
   • (ī), f. a species of pepper L 
   • [see also s.v. kuraba, which is sometimes written kurava.]

⋙ kurasa

   ○rasa mfn. having bad juice or flavour or essence W 
   • m. spirituous or vinous liquor L 
   • (ā), f. a wild creeping plant (species of hieracium, = go-jihvā) L

⋙ kurājan

   ○rājan m. a bad king Pañcat

⋙ kurājya

   ○rājya n. a bad dominion Pāṇ. 6-2, 130 Vārtt

⋙ kurūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. ill-shaped, deformed, ugly Pañcat. Kathās 
   • -tā f. -tva n. ugliness

⋙ kurūpin

   ○rūpin mfn. ill-shaped, ugly

⋙ kurūpya

   ○rūpya n. 'bad silver', tin L

⋙ kulakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa mf(ā)n. having fatal marks on the body Kathās. xci, 17 and 19

⋙ kuliṅga

   ○liṅga m. 'having bad marks, kind of mouse Suśr 
   • the fork-tailed shrike MBh. i, 2239 Suśr. BhP 
   • a sparrow Bhpr 
   • (ā), f. a kind of oak-apple L 
   • N. of a town (or of a river) R. ii, 68, 16 
   • (ī), f. the female of the forktailed shrike BhP 
   • N. of a plant (-karkaṭaśṛṅgī) L 
   • kuliṅgâkṣī f. N. of a plant (= peṭikā, kuberâkṣī) L

⋙ kuliṅgaka

   ○liṅgaka m. a sparrow (vḷ. kuliṅkaka) L 
   • N. of a bird of prey Car

⋙ kuluñca

   ○luñcá m. one who plucks out hairs VS. xvi, 22

⋙ kuvakra

   ○vakra mfn. slightly bent ŚāṅkhBr

⋙ kuvaṅga

   ○vaṅga n. (= vaṅga) lead L

⋙ kuvaca

   ○vaca mfn. using bad language, abusive L

⋙ kuvajraka

   ○vajraka m. a stone resembling a diamond L

⋙ kuvaṇij

   ○vaṇij m. a bad merchant Kathās. ci, 266

⋙ kuvada

   ○vada mfn. = -vaca W

⋙ kuvadhū

   ○vadhū f. a bad wife Kathās. xix, 39

⋙ kuvapus

   ○vapus mfn. ill-shaped

⋙ kuvartman

   ○vartman n. 'a bad road', bad doctrine MBh. iii, 10571 (ed. Bomb.) Sarvad

⋙ kuvarṣa

   ○varṣa m. a sudden and violent shower of rain R. vi, 89, 15. [Page 286, Column 3] 

⋙ kuvastra

   ○vastra n. a bad garment Subh

⋙ kuvākya

   ○vākya n. injurious or censorious language Pañcat

⋙ kuvāc

   ○vāc f. id. BhP. iv, 3, 15

⋙ kuvāda

   ○vāda mfn. detracting, censorious L

⋙ kuvādika

   ○vādika m. 'crying unpleasantly', a charlatan, quack Kād

⋙ kuvikrama

   ○vikrama m. bravery exhibited in the wrong place Naish. i, 132

⋙ kuviḍambanā

   ○viḍambanā f. cheat or deceit of a very low kind, Śarvad

⋙ kuvivāha

   ○vivāha m. degrading or improper marriage Mn. iii, 63

⋙ kuvīṇā

   ○vīṇā f. the lute of the Cāṇḍālas L

⋙ kuvṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. bad living

⋙ kukṛt

   ○kṛt m. the plant Caesalpina Bonducella (= pūtika) L

⋙ kuvṛṣala

   ○vṛṣala m. a bad Sūdra Pat

⋙ kuveṇā

   ○veṇā f. (= -veṇī) a fish-basket L 
   • N. of a river (v. l. tuṅga-v○) VP

⋙ kuveṇī

   ○veṇī f. a badly braided tress of hair W 
   • a woman with her hair badly braided W 
   • a fish-basket L

⋙ kuvedhas

   ○vedhas m. bad fate Kathās. lxx, 232

⋙ kuvaidya

   ○vaidya m. a bad physician Suśr. Subh

⋙ kuvyāpāra

   ○vyāpāra m. a bad occupation HYog

⋙ kuśaṅku

   ○śaṅku m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kuśara

   ○śara (kú-), m. a kind of reed RV. i, 191, 3

⋙ kuśarīra

   ○śarīra n. a bad body BhP. v, 26, 17 
   • (mfn.), ill-shaped MārkP 
   • N. of a Muni, VayuP 
   • -bhṛt mfn. furnished with a body that is miserable in comparison with the soul BhP. x, 87, 22

⋙ kuśālmalī

   ○śālmalī f. the plant Andersonia Rohitaka Npr. -1

⋙ kuśāsana

   ○śāsana n. a bad doctrine, heterodoxy

⋙ kuśiṃśapā

   ○śiṃśapā f. a kind of Sisu tree (Dalbergia Sisu, = kapila-śiṃśapā) L

⋙ kuśimbi

   ○śimbi f. N. of a plant Suśr

⋙ kuśimbī

   ○śimbī f. id. L

⋙ kuśiṣya

   ○śiṣya m. a bad pupil Kathās

⋙ kuśīla

   ○śīla n. a bad character Kathās. xxxii, 153

⋙ kuśruta

   ○śruta mfn. indistinctly heard Pañcat 
   • ignorant in (in comp.) Bālar. lxxvi, 7 
   • (am), n. a bad rumour Vet. (= Subh.)

⋙ kuśvabhra

   ○śvabhra n. a small hole L

⋙ kuṣaṇḍa

   ○ṣaṇḍa m. N. of a priest TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy

⋙ kusakhī

   ○sakhī f. a bad female friend Kathās

⋙ kusaṃgata

   ○saṃgata n. a bad connection MBh. v, 1362

⋙ kusaciva

   ○saciva m. a bad minister Mudr. Rājat

⋙ kusambandha

   ○sambandha m. a bad relation MBh. xii, 5226 (= Hariv.1160)

⋙ kusarit

   ○sarit f. a shallow stream Pañcat

⋙ kusahāya

   ○sahâya m. a bad companion L

⋙ kusārathi

   ○sārathi m. a bad charioteer BrahmaP. MārkP

⋙ kusṛti

   ○sṛti f. a by-way, secret way Āp 
   • evil conduct, wickedness 
   • cheating, trickery, jugglery Kathās 
   • (mfn.), going evil ways, wicked BhP. viii, 23, 7

⋙ kusauhṛda

   ○sauhṛda m. a bad friend

⋙ kustrī

   ○strī f. (g. yuvâdi) a bad wife VarBṛS. Kathās

⋙ kustrīka

   ○strī-ka mfn. having a bad wife VarBṛ

⋙ kusthāna

   ○sthāna n. a bad place

⋙ kusmaya

   ○smaya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to smile improperly Dhātup. xxxiii, 37 
   • to see mentally, guess ib 
   • to perceive, imagine ib

⋙ kusmayana

   ○smayana n. smiling improperly ib

⋙ kusmita

   ○smita n. a fart Gal

⋙ kusvapna

   ○svapna m. a bad dream, nightmare

⋙ kusvāmin

   ○svāmin m. a bad master Pañcat

⋙ kuhārīta

   ○hārīta m. N. of a man Pravar

⋙ kuhuṃkāra

   ○huṃkāra m. N. of a particular noise Viddh

⋙ kuhvāna

   ○hvāna n. a disagreeable noise BhP. i, 14, 14

⋙ kūdara

   kū7dara m. 'sprung from a bad womb', the offspring of a Brāhman woman (by a Ṛishi) begotten during menstruation BrahmaP

⋙ kūmanas

   • s.v

ku 2

   ku f. the earth Āryabh. VarBṛS. VarBṛ. BhP. vi, 1, 42 
   • the ground or base of a triangle or other plane figure, Comm on Āryabh 
   • the number 'one.'

⋙ kukīla

   ○kīla m. 'a pin or bolt of the earth', mountain L

⋙ kuja

   ○ja m. 'born from the earth', a tree L 
   • 'the son of the earth', N. of the planet Mars VarBṛS 
   • of the Daitya Naraka (conquered by Kṛishṇa) BhP 
   • (ā), f. 'earth-daughter', Durgā L 
   • of Sītā W 
   • (am), n. the horizon (= kṣiti-ja) 
   • -dina n. 'the day of Mars', i.e. Tuesday VarBṛS 
   • -pa m. 'whose protector is Mars', N. of the ancestor of Kaujapa. -2

⋙ kujanman

   ○janman m. (= -ja) the planet Mars

⋙ kujyā

   ○jyā f. = kṣiti-jyā. -2

⋙ kudina

   ○dina n. (= kṣiti-d○) a civil day Āryabh

⋙ kudhara

   ○dhara m. 'earthsupporter', a mountain L

⋙ kudhra

   ○dhra m. id., g. mūla-vibhujâdi

⋙ kunābhi

   ○nābhi m. 'having the earth for its navel', the air, atmosphere L 
   • the collective treasures of Kubera L. -2

⋙ kupati

   ○pati m. 'lord of the earth', a king VarBṛS. Rājat

⋙ kupapa

   ○papa or m. the sun MBh. xiii, 93, 90

⋙ kupapi

   ○papi or m. the sun MBh. xiii, 93, 90

⋙ kupapī

   ○papī m. the sun MBh. xiii, 93, 90

⋙ kuprada

   ○prada mfn. making gifts consisting in land Comm. on Nir. ii, 7

⋙ kubhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. = -dhara 
   • (hence) the number 'seven',

⋙ kuruha

   ○ruha m. 'growing from the earth', a tree L

⋙ kuvalaya

   ○valaya n. the orb BhP. v, 16, 5 and 7 
   • kuvalayêśa m. 'ruler of the earth', a king Rājat. iv, 372,

⋙ kusuta

   ○suta m. (= -ja) the planet Mars Comm. on VarBṛ

⋙ kusū

   ○sū m. 'earth-born', an earth-worm L

ku 3

   ku √1. kū


   kuṃś or kuṃs, cl. 1. or 10. P. kuṃśati, ○śayati or kuṃsati, ○sayati, 'to speak' or 'to shine' Dhātup. xxxiii, 90 and 92. [Page 287, Column 1] 

≫ kuṃśa


⋙ kuṃsa

   kuṃsa bhṛk○, bhrak○, bhru-k○, bhrū-k○


   kuṃs √kuṃś

≫ kuṃsa

   kuṃsa kuṃśa


   kuk cl. 1. Ā. kokate, to take, accept, seize Dhātup. iv, 17

≫ kuka

   kuka mfn. taking, accepting W


   ku-kathā &c. 1. ku


   kukabha n. a kind of spirituous liquor L


   ku-kara &c. 1. ku


   kukuṭa m. (= kukkuṭa), N. of a pot-herb (= sitâvara, commonly called suṣaṇiśāka, Marsilea quadrifolia) L


   ku-kuṭumbinī &c. 1. ku


   kukuda = kūkuda, q.v. L


   ku-ku-dru 1. ku


   kukundanī f. the plant Cardiospermum halicacabum Bhpr


   kukundara e n. du. [au m. du. L.] = kakundara, q.v. Suśr. VarBṛS. (ifc. f. ā) 
   • m. = ku-ku-dru, q.v. Bhpr

≫ kukundura

   kukundura n. = kakundara L


   kukúndha m. N. of a kind of evil spirit AV. viii, 6, 11


   kukubhā f. one of the female personifications of music or Rāgiṇīs L


   kukura m. (Uṇ. i, 41) = kukkura (a dog) L 
   • N. of a plant and perfume (= granthi-parṇī) L 
   • N. of a prince (son of Andhaka) MBh. xiii, 7679 Hariv. BhP 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of that prince Hariv. 2030 
   • N. of a people (branch of the Yadu race) MBh. R. &c. (often named in connection with the Andhakas or Andhas) 
   • the country of the Kukura people

⋙ kukurajihvā

   ○jihvā f. a species of fish (Acheiris Kookur Zibha) L 
   • the plant Leea staphylea L 
   • the plant lxora undulata L

⋙ kukurādhinātha

   kukurâdhinātha m. 'lord of the Yādavas', N. of Kṛishṇa


   ku-ku-vāc 1. ku


   kukūṭi f. (= kukkuṭī) the plant Salmalia malabarica L


   kukūṇaka m. a kind of disease of the eyes in infants Suśr


   kukūnána mf(ā)n. (onomat.) gargling VS. viii, 48


   kukū́rabha m. a kind of evil spirit AV. viii, 6, 11


   kukūla as, or am m. or n. chaff Prab 
   • conflagration or fire made of chaff L 
   • (am), n. a hole filled with stakes L 
   • armour, mail L

⋙ kukūlamurmura

   ○murmura m. a fire made of chaff Bālar

⋙ kukūlāgni

   kukūlâgni m. id. Kathās. cxvii, 92


   kukū-vāc k, m.= kukku-vāc Gal. (cf. ku-ku-vāc.)


   ku-kṛta &c. 1. ku


   kukola m. the jujube (Zizyphus Jujuba) L. (cf. koli.)


   kukkuṭ ind. an onomatopoetic word imitating the cock's cry Pāṇ. 1-3, 48 Pat

≫ kukkuṭa

   kukkuṭá m. (ifc. f. ā Pāṇ. 4-1, 14 Kāś.) a cock VS. i, 16 Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a wild cock (Phasianus gallus) 
   • (= kukuṭa) the plant Marsilea quadrifolia L 
   • a whisp of lighted straw or grass L 
   • a firebrand, spark of fire L 
   • the offspring of a Nishāda by a Sūdra woman (cf. kukkura) L 
   • (ī) L 
   • (Pāṇ. 4-4, 46) a hen VarBṛS. lxiii, 3 
   • a small houselizard L 
   • the plant Dolichos pruriens Suśr 
   • (= kukūṭī) the plant Salmalia malabarica (or the silk-cotton tree Bombax heptaphyllum) Suśr 
   • hypocrisy (cf. kaukkuṭika) L 
   • (am), n. = kukkuṭâsana Tantras

⋙ kukkuṭakantha

   ○kantha n. N. of a town, g. cihaṇâdi

⋙ kukkuṭadhvani

   ○dhvani m. the crowing of a cock, cackling of fowls

⋙ kukkuṭanāḍīyantra

   ○nāḍīyantra n. N. of an instrument

⋙ kukkuṭapakṣaka

   ○pakṣaka m. a knife shaped like the wing of a cock L

⋙ kukkuṭapāda

   ○pāda m. 'cock-foot', N. of a mountain Buddh. [Page 287, Column 2] 

⋙ kukkuṭamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f. a sort of pepper (Piper Chaba) Npr

⋙ kukkuṭamaṇḍapa

   ○maṇḍapa m. N. of a sanctuary in Benares (standing on the right side of a statue of Śiva, a place where final emancipation may be attained) SkandaP. (cf. mukti-maṇḍapa.)

⋙ kukkuṭamardaka

   ○mardaka m. N. of a plant (with fragrant leaves) L 
   • (ikā), f. id. L

⋙ kukkuṭamardana

   ○mardana m. id. L

⋙ kukkuṭamastaka

   ○mastaka m. = -mañjarī L

⋙ kukkuṭamiśra

   ○miśra m. a fictitious nickname ('Mr. Cock') Sāh

⋙ kukkuṭavrata

   ○vrata n. a religious observance (worship of Śiva, on the seventh of the light fortnight of the month Bhādra, by women, especially for the sake of offspring) BhavP

⋙ kukkuṭaśikha

   ○śikha m. 'cockscomb', safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) L

⋙ kukkuṭāgiri

   kukkuṭā-giri m. N. of a mountain, g. kiṃśulakâdi

⋙ kukkuṭāṇḍa

   kukkuṭâṇḍa n. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 42 Vārtt.) a fowl's egg Suśr 
   • m. a species of rice Gal 
   • -sama m. N. of a plant (having a white fruit) Npr

⋙ kukkuṭāṇḍaka

   kukkuṭâṇḍaka m. a species of rice Suśr. Bhpr

⋙ kukkuṭabha

   kukkuṭábha m. 'resembling a fowl', a kind of snake L

⋙ kukkuṭārāma

   kukkuṭârāma m. N. of a grove (celebrated hermitage near Gayā) Buddh

⋙ kukkuṭārma

   kukkuṭârma n. N. of a place Pāṇ. 6-2, 90 Kāś

⋙ kukkuṭāsana

   kukkuṭâsana n. a particular posture of an ascetic in religious meditation

⋙ kukkuṭāhi

   kukkuṭâhi m. = ○ṭâbha L

⋙ kukkuṭeśvara

   kukkuṭêśvara m. N. of a Mantra 
   • (am), n. N. of a Liṅga, Skandap 
   • -tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kukkuṭoraga

   kukkuṭôraga m.= ○ṭâhi Npr

≫ kukkuṭaka

   kukkuṭaka m. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus) L 
   • the offspring of a Nishāda by a Śūdra woman Mn. x, 18 
   • (ikā), f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2633

≫ kukkuṭi

   kukkuṭi f. hypocrisy L

≫ kukkuṭī

   kukkuṭī f. of ○ṭa, q.v

⋙ kukkuṭīmarkaṭīvrata

   ○markaṭī-vrata n. a religious observance (in honour of Śiva and Durgā) BhavP. (cf. kukkuṭa-vrata.)

⋙ kukkuṭīvrata

   ○vrata n. id. ib

⋙ kukkuṭyādi

   kukkuṭy-ādi N. of a Gaṇa (Pāṇ. 6-3, 42 Kāś. Gaṇar. 140b)

≫ kukkubha

   kukkubha m. the wild cock (Phasianus gallus) MBh. xiii, 2835 
   • varnish, oily gloss W


   kukkura m. (Uṇ. i, 41 
   • fr. kurkurá), a dog Mṛicch. PSarv. Hit 
   • a despicable man of a mixed caste (= kukkuṭa) Kāraṇḍ 
   • N. of a Muni MBh. ii, 113 
   • of a prince (son of Andhaka) VP 
   • of an author, Tantr 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1872 ; vi, 368 VP. VarBṛS 
   • (ī), f. a bitch VarBṛS 
   • (am), n. a vegetable perfume L

⋙ kukkuradru

   ○dru m. the plant Blumea lacera L


   kukku-vāc k m. (fr. kukku, an onomatopoetic word), a kind of deer (= sāraṅgamṛga) L. (cf. kukū-vāc and ku-ku-v○.)


   ku-kriyā 1. ku


   kukṣa n. the belly Uṇ. iii, 67 
   • (ī), f. id. VarBṛS

≫ kukṣi

   kukṣí m. f. ḻ. the belly, cavity of the abdomen (in the earlier language generally used in du. RV. VS. AV.) 
   • the interior of anything W 
   • the womb R. Ragh. x, 60 &c 
   • a cavity in general (e.g. adri-kukṣi, cavity of a mountain Ragh. ii, 38) MBh. iii, 10694 &c 
   • a valley Kathās. lxv, 214 
   • (with sāgara or samudra) an ocean-cavity, i.e. a bay, gulf MBh. Pañcat 
   • the sheath of a sword L 
   • steel L 
   • N. of a son of Priya-vrata and Kāmyā Hariv. 59 
   • of Bali Hariv. 191 
   • of a king MBh. i, 2692 
   • of a son of Ikshvāku and father of Vikukshi R 
   • of a teacher BhP 
   • of a region, g. dhūmâdi, (is), f. N. of a daughter of Priyavrata and Kāmyā VP. ; [Lat. coxa, coxendix ; Gk. ?? Old Germ. bûh ; Mod. Germ. [287, 2] Bauch.]

⋙ kukṣigata

   ○gata mfn. being in the belly 
   • ○tī- √1. kṛ, to devour Naish. ii, 83

⋙ kukṣija

   ○ja m. 'born from the womb', son Ragh. xv, 15

⋙ kukṣibheda

   ○bheda m. N. of one of the ten ways in which darkness terminates VarBṛS

⋙ kukṣimbhari

   ○"ṣm-bhari mfn. one who nourishes only his belly, filling or pampering the belly, gluttonous Pāṇ. 3-2, 26 Vārtt

⋙ kukṣirandhra

   ○randhra m. a kind of reed (Amphidonax Karka) L

⋙ kukṣirandhraka

   ○randhraka m. id. Gal

⋙ kukṣiśūla

   ○śūla m. n. belly-ache, colic Suśr

⋙ kukṣyāmaya

   kukṣyāmaya m. disease of the belly VarBṛS


   kukṣilá m. a species of evil spirit AV. viii, 6, 10


   kukṣeyu vḷ. for kakṣ○ BhP


   ku-khāṭi 1. ku

≫ kukhyāti


⋙ kukhyātigaṇin

   ○gaṇin &c. ib


   kuṅkuṇa N. of a locality AV. Pariś. [Page 287, Column 3] 


   kuṅkuma n. saffron (Crocus sativus, the plant and the pollen of the flowers) Suśr. Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c

⋙ kuṅkumatāmra

   ○tāmra mfn. red, coppery red

⋙ kuṅkumapaṅka

   ○paṅka m. saffron used as an unguent Bhartṛ

⋙ kuṅkumareṇu

   ○reṇu f. the pollen of saffron

⋙ kuṅkumākṛti

   kuṅkumâkṛti m. 'resembling saffron', a kind of rice Gal

⋙ kuṅkumākta

   kuṅkumâkta mfn. dyed with saffron, orange

⋙ kuṅkumāṅka

   kuṅkumâṅka mfn. marked or dyed with saffron, orange

⋙ kuṅkumāruṇa

   kuṅkumâruṇa mfn. red, ruddy


   kuṅganī f. N. of a plant (= mahā-jyotiṣmatī) L


   kuc cl. 1. P. kocati, to sound high, utter a shrill cry (as a bird) Dhātup 
   • to polish ib 
   • to go ib. vii, 2 
   • to connect, mix ib 
   • to bend, make curved ib 
   • to be curved or crooked ib 
   • to oppose, impede ib.: to mark with lines, write ib. xx, 27: cl. 6. P. kucati, to contract Dhātup. xxviii, 75 
   • to be or make small ib. vii, 3 (cf. √kuñc.)

≫ kuca

   kuca m. (generally du. au 
   • ifc. f. ā), the female breast, teat Suśr. Śak. &c

⋙ kucakumbha

   ○kumbha m. the female breast

⋙ kucataṭa

   ○taṭa n. id 
   • ○ṭâgra n. 'point of the breast', a nipple

⋙ kucaphala

   ○phala m. 'having fruits shaped like the female breast', the pomegranate L 
   • the plant Feronia elephantum L

⋙ kucamukha

   ○mukha n. 'breast-top', a nipple L

⋙ kucaharā

   ○harā f. N. of an evil spirit who deprives women of their breasts MārkP

⋙ kucāgra

   kucâgra n. a nipple L

≫ kucita

   kucita mfn. contracted Dhātup. vii, 3 
   • small Uṇ. iv, 187


   ku-caṇḍikā 1. ku

≫ kucandana


⋙ kucandanacara

   ○cará &c. ib


   kucika as, ā mf. a kind of fish (in shape like an eel, commonly Kuñciya, Unibranchapertura Cuchiya, or Muraena apterygia synbrache 
   • the Hindūs affirm that its bite is mortal to cows, though perfectly harmless to men) L 
   • (ās), m. pl. (vḷ. for kuśika), N. of a people VarBṛS 
   • (ā), f. N. of a plant L

⋙ kucikarṇa

   ○rṇa (○ka-ṛṇa), m. N. of a man HYog


   ku-cīrā 1. ku


   kucuṇṭaka m. a kind of potherb Npr


   kucumāra m. N. of the author of the Aupanishadâdhikaraṇa


   ku-cela &c. 1. ku


   kuccha n. the white water-lily L


   kucchilā f. N. of a river VP


   kuj cl. 1. P. kojati, to steal Dhātup. vii, 19: cl. 6. P. kujati, to be crooked Nir. vii, 12


   ku-ja 2. ku


   ku-jana &c. 1. ku


   kujambhala m. a thief who breaks into a house L. (vv. ll. ○mbhira and ○mbhila 
   • cf. kumbhila)


   kujjiśa m. a sort of fish L. (cf. kudiśa.)


   kujjhaṭi f. a fog or mist L

≫ kujjhaṭikā

   kujjhaṭikā ○ṭī f. id. L


   ku-jyā 2. ku


   kuñc cl. 1. P. kuñcati, to make crooked Dhātup.: to bend or curve, move crookedly Suśr.: Caus. kuñcayati, to curl, crisp, frounce Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 117 ; [Hib. cuachaim, 'I fold, plait' ; cuach, 'a curl' ; cuachach, 'curled.']

≫ kuñcana

   kuñcana n. curving, bending, contracting 
   • contraction (of a vein) Suśr 
   • a particular disease of the eyes (contracting the eyelids)

≫ kuñcaphalā

   kuñca-phalā f. a kind of gourd (Beninkasa cerifera) L

≫ kuñci

   kuñci f. a measure of capacity (equal to eight handfuls, = kiṃ-cid) Hcat. Comm. on Mn. vii, 126

≫ kuñcikā

   kuñcikā f. a key Bhartṛ. Prasannar 
   • N. of a fish (= kucika, q.v.) L 
   • a plant bearing a red and black seed used as a weight (Abrus precatorius) L 
   • fennel-flower seed (Nigella indica) Car 
   • a reed (Trigonella foenum graecum) L. the branch or shoot of a bamboo L. [Page 288, Column 1] 
   • a bawd Gal 
   • 'key', N. of a commentary on the Mañjūshā (cf. keli-k○.)

≫ kuñcita

   kuñcita mfn. crooked 
   • curved, bent, contracted R. &c 
   • curled MBh. Suśr. BhP 
   • (ā), f. (scil. sirā) an unskilful way of opening a vein Suśr 
   • (am) n. the plant Tabernaemontana coronaria L

⋙ kuñcitāṅguli

   kuñcitâṅguli mfn. with bent or curved fingers

≫ kuñcī

   kuñcī f. cummin Bhpr 
   • (= kuñcikā) Trigonella foenum graecum L


   kuñj cl. 1. P. kuñjati, to murmur (= √kūj) Hcar


   kuñja m. [am n. L.]a place overrun with plants or overgrown with creepers, bower, arbour MBh. &c 
   • (with sarasvatyās) 'the bower of Sarasvatī', N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 6078 ff 
   • the lower jaw L 
   • an elephant's tusk or jaw Pāṇ. 5-2, 107 Vārtt 
   • a tooth L 
   • N. of a man Pāṇ. 4-1, 98

⋙ kuñjakuṭīra

   ○kuṭīra m. a bower, arbour Mālatīm. Gīt

⋙ kuñjavallarī

   ○vallarī f. N. of a plant similar to Mimosa concinna L

⋙ kuñjavallī

   ○vallī f. id. Gal

⋙ kuñjādi

   kuñjâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. 4-1, 98 Gaṇar. 245)

≫ kuñjikā

   kuñjikā f. = kuñja-vallarī L 
   • fennel-flower seed (= kuñcikā, Nigella indica) Car


   kuñjara m. (ifc. f. ā MBh. R.) an elephant Mn. iii, 274 MBh. &c 
   • anything pre-eminent in its kind (generally in comp., e.g. rāja-k○, 'an eminent king' MBh. Kathās 
   • Pāṇ. 2-1, 62 and g. vyāghrâdi) 
   • the number 'eight' (there being eight elephants of the cardinal points) Sūryas 
   • a kind of temple VarBṛS 
   • a kind of step (in dancing to music) 
   • the tree Ficus religiosa L 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1560 
   • of a prince (of the Sauviiraka race) MBh. iii, 15597 
   • of a mountain Hariv. R 
   • of a locality 
   • (ā), f. a female elephant L 
   • the plant Bignonia suaveolens L 
   • the plant Grislea tomentosa 
   • (ī), f. a female elephant L

⋙ kuñjarakara

   ○kara m. an elephant's trunk

⋙ kuñjarakṣāramūla

   ○kṣāra-mūla n. a kind of radish (= mūlaka) L

⋙ kuñjaragraha

   ○graha m. an elephantcatcher R. ii, 91, 55

⋙ kuñjaratva

   ○tva n. the state of an elephant MBh. xii, 4282

⋙ kuñjaradarī

   ○darī f. 'elephant's cave', N. of a locality VarBṛS

⋙ kuñjarapādapa

   ○pādapa m. the plant Ficus benjamina Npr

⋙ kuñjarapippalī

   ○pippalī f. the plant Gajapippalī (described as bearing a fruit resembling long pepper, Scindapsus officinalis) L

⋙ kuñjararūpin

   ○rūpin mfn. elephant-shaped

⋙ kuñjarānīka

   kuñjarânīka n. the division of an army consisting of elephants, elephant-corps

⋙ kuñjarārāti

   kuñjarârāti m. 'the enemy of elephants', a lion L 
   • the Śarabha (a fabulous animal with eight legs) L

⋙ kuñjarāroha

   kuñjarâroha m. a driver mounted on an elephant's back R. vi, 19, 10

⋙ kuñjarāluka

   kuñjarâluka n. a species of esculent √L

⋙ kuñjarāśana

   kuñjarâśana n. 'elephant's food', the holy fig tree (Ficus religiosa) L


   kuñjala m. N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh. ix, 2578 
   • (am), n. sour gruel (cf. kāñjika) L


   kuñjikā kuñja


   kuṭ cl. 6. P. kuṭati, to become crooked or curved, bend, curve, curl Dhātup. xxviii, 73 
   • ? Nir. vi, 30 
   • to be dishonest, cheat Dhātup.: cl. 4. P. kuṭyati, or cl. 10. Ā. koṭayate, to break into pieces, tear asunder, divide Dhātup. xxxiii, 25 
   • to speak indistinctly ib 
   • to be warm, burn ib. (cf. √kuṭṭ and √kuṇṭ.)

≫ kuṭa

   kuṭa as or am m. n. a house, family (cf. kuṭi) RV. i, 46, 4 [?= kṛta Nir. v, 24] 
   • a water-pot, pitcher L 
   • m. a fort, stronghold L 
   • a hammer, mallet for breaking small stones, ax L 
   • a tree L 
   • a mountain L 
   • N. of a man, g. aśvâdi and kurv-ādi [also RV. i, 46, 4, accord. to Gmn.] 
   • (ī), f. g. gaurâdi (Gaṇar. 47)

⋙ kuṭakārikā

   ○kārikā f. a female servant (bringing the water-jar)

⋙ kuṭaja

   ○ja m. Wrightia antidysenterica (having seeds used as a vermifuge 
   • cf. indra-yava) MBh. R. &c 
   • 'born in a pitcher', N. of the sage Agastya (cf. Nir. v, 13 and 14) L 
   • of Droṇa L 
   • -mallī f. a kind of plant L

⋙ kuṭajīva

   ○jīva m. the plant Putraṃjīva Roxburghī L

⋙ kuṭahārikā

   ○hārikā f. = -kārikā Hcar

⋙ kuṭāmoda

   kuṭâmoda m. civet L

≫ kuṭaka

   kuṭaka m. a kind of tree Kauś. 8 (vḷ. kuṭuka) 
   • = kuṭhara, q.v. L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people BhP. v, 6, 8 and 10 
   • (ikā), f. a hut Divyâv 
   • N. of a river R. ii, 71, 15 (v. l. kuṭilā) 
   • (am), n. a plough without a pole L

⋙ kuṭakācala

   kuṭakâcala m. N. of a mountain, Bh. v, 6, 8

≫ kuṭan

   kuṭan (in comp. for kuṭat, pr. p.)

⋙ kuṭannaka

   ○naka m. v. l. for -naṭa Bhpr

⋙ kuṭannaṭa

   ○naṭa m. the fragrant grass Cyperus rotundus Bhpr 
   • Calosanthes indica Suśr. [Page 288, Column 2] 

≫ kuṭi

   kuṭi f. 'a curvature, curve', bhṛk○, bhruk○ 
   • a hut, cottage, hall, shop (= kuṭī, q.v.) Uṇ. iv, 144 
   • (is), m. a tree L 
   • the body L

⋙ kuṭicara

   ○cara m. a crocodile L

⋙ kuṭipārthiva

   ○pārthiva m. N. of a man

≫ kuṭika

   kuṭika mfn. bent, crooked MBh. iii, 13454 
   • (ā), f. kuṭaka

≫ kuṭita

   kuṭita mfn. crooked, bent Uṇ. iv. 187

≫ kuṭitṛ

   kuṭitṛ mfn. (Pāṇ. 1-2, 1) making crooked 
   • acting dishonestly 
   • being bent

≫ kuṭira

   kuṭira n. (= kuṭīra) a hut L

≫ kuṭila

   kuṭila mf(ā)n. bent, crooked, curved, round, running in curved lines, crisped, curled KātyŚr. MBh. &c 
   • dishonest, fraudulent Pañcat. Vet. &c 
   • m. a he-goat with particular marks VarBṛS 
   • (ā), f. (scil. gati) a particular period in the retrograde course of a planet Sūryas 
   • N. of a magic power 
   • of a river (v. l. for kuṭikā) R 
   • of the river Sarasvatī L 
   • (ā, am), fn., N. of a metre (containing four lines of fourteen syllables each) 
   • (am), n. N. of a plant (= tagara, kuñcita, vakra) L 
   • a kind of perfume L 
   • tin W

⋙ kuṭilakīṭaka

   ○kīṭaka m. a kind of spider L

⋙ kuṭilagati

   ○gati mfn. being in a particular period of the retrograde course (as a planet) 
   • (is), f. a species of the Ati-jagatī metre (= candrikā)

⋙ kuṭilagā

   ○gā f. 'going crookedly', a river 
   • kuṭilagêśa m. 'the lord of rivers', the ocean VarBṛS

⋙ kuṭilagāmin

   ○gāmin mfn. going crookedly, tortuous Nir. ix, 26 
   • (-gāmi) -tva n. the state of being capricious Sāh

⋙ kuṭilatā

   ○tā f. crookedness, guile, dishonesty

⋙ kuṭilatva

   ○tva n. id 
   • deviation from (in comp.) Vām

⋙ kuṭilapakṣman

   ○pakṣman mfn. having curved eyelashes or brows Śak

⋙ kuṭilapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā f. Trigonella corniculata Npr

⋙ kuṭilamati

   ○mati mfn. crookedminded, deceitful Mudr

⋙ kuṭilamanas

   ○manas mfn. id

⋙ kuṭilasvabhāva

   ○svabhāva mfn. id

⋙ kuṭilāṅgī

   kuṭilâṅgī f. N. of a magical faculty

⋙ kuṭilāśaya

   kuṭilâśaya mf(ā)n. 'going crookedly' and, 'ill-intentioned, deceitful' Kathās. xxxvii, 143

⋙ kuṭilīkṛ

   kuṭilī-√kṛ to distort (the brows), Ratnāv

≫ kuṭilaka

   kuṭilaka mfn. bent, curved, crisped Pañcat 
   • (ikā), f. (Pāṇ. 4-4, 18) crouching, coming stealthily (like a hunter on his prey 
   • a particular movement on the stage) Vikr 
   • a tool used by a blacksmith Pāṇ. 4-4, 18 Kāś

≫ kuṭī

   kuṭī f. 'a curvature, curve', bhṛk○, bhruk○ 
   • a hut, cottage, house, hall, shop MBh. R. &c 
   • a room with openings used for fumigations Car. Suśr 
   • a bawd L 
   • a nosegay, bundle or tuft of flowers or vegetables L 
   • a kind of perfume (commonly Murā), or = surā (spirituous liquor) L

⋙ kuṭīkuṭa

   ○kuṭa n. g. gavâśvâdi

⋙ kuṭīkṛta

   ○kṛta n. 'twisted, frizzled', anything (as woollen cloth) curled or twisted MBh. ii, 1847

⋙ kuṭīgata

   ○gata mfn. inside the house

⋙ kuṭīgu

   ○gu m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi

⋙ kuṭīcaka

   ○caka m. 'delighting in staying in the house', a kind of religious mendicant (who lives at his son's expense) MBh. xiii, 6478 BhP. iii, 12, 43

⋙ kuṭīcara

   ○cara m. id. ĀruṇUp. Bālar 
   • (= bahiṣ-kuṭ○) crawfish Gal

⋙ kuṭīnivātam

   ○nivātam ind. so as to be protected in a hut against wind Pāṇ. 6-2, 8 Kāś

⋙ kuṭīpraveśa

   ○praveśa m. 'entering a hut', settling in a cottage Car

⋙ kuṭīmaya

   ○maya mfn. g. śarâdi

⋙ kuṭīmaha

   ○maha m. a festival held in a Vihāra Buddh

⋙ kuṭīmukha

   ○mukha m. N. of one of the attendants of Kubera MBh. ii, 415

≫ kuṭīkā

   kuṭīkā f. a small house (cf. Hariv. 15829)

≫ kuṭīya

   kuṭīya Nom. P. ○yati, to imagine one's self in a hut Pāṇ. 3-1, 10 Sch. (not in Kāś.)

≫ kuṭīra

   kuṭīra as or am m. n. (Pāṇ. 5-3, 88) a cottage, hut, hovel Bhartṛ. Vcar. (cf. kuñja-k○) 
   • N. of a plant, g. bilvâdi 
   • (am), n. sexual intercourse L 
   • = kevala (exclusiveness?) L

≫ kuṭīraka

   kuṭīraka m. a hut, Vet 
   • = kuṭī-caka


   kuṭaṅka m. a roof, thatch L

≫ kuṭaṅga

   kuṭaṅga m. N. of a locality Romakas

≫ kuṭaṅgaka

   kuṭaṅgaka m. = kuṭuṅg○, q.v

≫ kuṭala

   kuṭala n. = kuṭaṅka L


   kuṭaca vḷ. for kuṭa-ja (Wrightia antidysenterica) L


   kuṭa-ja m. s.v. kúṭa


   kuṭan-naka and -naṭa, √kuṭ


   kuṭapa m. a measure of grain, &c. (= kuḍava) Jyot. Uṇ. iii, 141 
   • m. a divine sage or Muni L 
   • a garden or grove near a house (= niṣkuṭa) L 
   • (am), n. a lotus L

≫ kuṭapinī

   kuṭapinī f. (= kamalinī) a lotus plant Npr


   kuṭara vḷ. for kuṭhara, q.v


   kuṭáru m. a cock VS. xxiv, 23 MaitrS. TS. v 
   • a tent L. [Page 288, Column 3] 


   kuṭaruṇā f. the plant Ipomoea Turpethum (commonly Te"ri)


   kuṭala kuṭaṅka


   kuṭa-hārikā √kuṭ

≫ kuṭi


⋙ kuṭika

   kuṭika &c. ib


   kuṭikuṭī ind. (onomat.) only in comp. with

⋙ kuṭikuṭīkṛ

   ○√kṛ to fill with warbling or twittering Hcar


   kuṭikoṣṭikā f. N. of a river R. ii, 71, 10


   kuṭiñjara m. a kind of Chenopodium Car


   kuṭila col. 2

≫ kuṭī

   kuṭī &c.,

⋙ kuṭīra

   kuṭīra &c. ib


   kuṭuka v. l. for kuṭaka, q.v


   kuṭuṅgaka m. an arbour or bower formed of creeping plants L 
   • a creeper winding round a tree 
   • a thatch, roof (cf. kuṭaṅka) L 
   • a hut, cottage L 
   • a granary, store-room L


   kuṭumba n. a household, members of a household, family ChUp. Āp. Mn. &c 
   • the care of a family, house-keeping (hence metaphorically care or anxiety about anything 
   • ifc. BhP. i, 9, 39) 
   • N. of the second astrological mansion (= artha) VarBṛ 
   • (as, am), m. n. name L 
   • race L 
   • a relation (by descent, or by marriage from the mother's side) L 
   • offspring, progeny L

⋙ kuṭumbakalaha

   ○kalaha m. n. domestic dissension

⋙ kuṭumbavyāpṛta

   ○vyāpṛta m. an attentive father of a family

⋙ kuṭumbārtham

   kuṭumbârtham ind. for the support or on account of a family

⋙ kuṭumbaukas

   kuṭumbâukas n. apartments &c. appropriated to the accommodation of relations, &c

≫ kuṭumbaka

   kuṭumbaka n. a household, family Daś. Hit. &c 
   • the duties and cares of a householder 
   • m. N. of a grass (= bhū-tṛṇa) L

≫ kuṭumbaya

   kuṭumbaya Nom. P. ○yati, to support a family Dhātup. xxxiii, 5

≫ kuṭumbika

   kuṭumbika mfn. taking care of a household MBh. xiii, 4401 
   • m. a home-slave L

≫ kuṭumbin

   kuṭumbin ī m. a householder Āp. Mn. iii, 80 Yājñ. &c 
   • ifc. (metaphorically) one who takes care of anything R. vi, 89, 19 
   • a member of a family, any one (also a servant) belonging to a family Pañcat. Kathās. Śāntiś 
   • a peasant Inscr 
   • (inī), f. the wife of a householder, mother of a family MBh. Ragh. &c 
   • a female servant of a house Comm. on Yājñ 
   • a large household, g. khalâdi 
   • a small shrub used in med. (kṣīriṇī, a kind of moon-plant) L 
   • (inau), m. pl. the householder and his wife Āp

⋙ kuṭumbitā

   kuṭumbi-tā f

⋙ kuṭumbitva

   kuṭumbi-tva n. the state of being a householder or a member of a family 
   • family connection or union, living as one family


   kuṭṭ cl. 10. kuṭṭayati (Dhātup. xxxii, 23), to crush, bruise Bhpr. AV. Pariś 
   • to grind or pound, paw (the ground) VarBṛS 
   • to strike slightly Bālar. Comm. on KātyŚr 
   • to multiply 
   • to censure, abuse Dhātup 
   • to fill ib

≫ kuṭṭa

   kuṭṭa mfn. ifc. breaking or bruising, grinding, &c., cf. aśma-k○, śilā-k○ 
   • m. a multiplier such that a given dividend being multiplied by it and a given quantity added to (or subtracted from) the product, the sum (or difference) may be measured by a given divisor

⋙ kuṭṭapracaraṇa

   ○pracaraṇa ās m. pl., N. of a people VP

⋙ kuṭṭaprāvaraṇa

   ○prâvaraṇa ās m. pl. id. ib

⋙ kuṭṭahārikā

   ○hārikā f. for kuṭa-hār○, q.v. L

⋙ kuṭṭākāra

   kuṭṭâkāra m. N. of the mathematical operation relative to a multiplier called kuṭṭa Comm. on Āryabh

⋙ kuṭṭāparānta

   kuṭṭâparânta ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 356 (vḷ. kundâp○)

≫ kuṭṭaka

   kuṭṭaka mfn. ifc. cutting, breaking, bruising, grinding, &c., cf. aśma-k○, ikṣu-k○ 
   • m. a grinder, pulveriser 
   • a multiplier (= kuṭṭa, q.v.) 
   • a buck-goat with particular marks VarBṛS 
   • a kingfisher W

⋙ kuṭṭakavyavahāra


⋙ kuṭṭakādhyāya

   kuṭṭakâdhyāya m. that branch or chapter of arithmetic (treated by Brahmagupta) which treats of the multiplier called kuṭṭaka

≫ kuṭṭana

   kuṭṭana n. cutting 
   • pounding, grinding, beating, threshing BhP. &c. (cf. śilā-k○) 
   • abusing 
   • (ī), f. a kind of spear Gal 
   • a bawd Kathās. Hit

≫ kuṭṭantī

   kuṭṭantī f. a kind of dagger L

≫ kuṭṭāka

   kuṭṭāka mf(ī Pāṇ. 3-2, 155)n. ifc. cutting, breaking, splitting Mālatīm. [Page 289, Column 1] 

≫ kuṭṭita

   kuṭṭita mfn. bruised Bhpr 
   • pounded, flattened 
   • (ā), f. (scil. sirā) unskilful opening of a vein (the latter being cut to pieces by repeated application of the knife) Suśr

≫ kuṭṭin

   kuṭṭin mfn. cutting, pounding 
   • (inī), f. (= kuṭṭanī) a bawd Prab

≫ kuṭṭima

   kuṭṭima mf(ā)n. plastered or inlaid with small stones or with mosaic L 
   • (as, am), m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) an inlaid or paved floor, pavement, ground paved with mosaic, ground smoothed and plastered MBh. R. &c 
   • ground prepared for the site of a mansion W 
   • a cottage L 
   • the pomegranate L


   kuṭṭamita n. affected repulse of a lover's caresses (one of the ten blandishments of women 
   • v. l. kuṭṭum○) Sāh


   kuṭṭāra m. a mountain L 
   • (am), n. 'sexual intercourse' or, 'pleasure' L 
   • a woollen cloth L 
   • = kevala (exclusiveness?) L. (cf. kuṭīra.)

≫ kuṭṭīra

   kuṭṭīra m. a mountain L


   kuṭṭumita kuṭṭam○


   kuṭmala kuḍmala


   kuṭha m. a tree (cf. kuṭa) L


   kuṭhara as m. the post round which the string of the churning-stick winds L 
   • m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1560 (vḷ. kuṭara)


   kuṭhāku m. the wood-pecker (Picus bengalensis, commonly Kāṭhṭhskro) L


   kuṭhā-ṭaṅka as, ā mf. an axe L

≫ kuṭhāra

   kuṭhāra m. an axe R. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • a sort of hoe or spade W 
   • a tree (= kuṭha) L 
   • N. of a man, g. śivâdi 
   • of a Nāga MBh. i, 2156 
   • (ī), f. an axe L

≫ kuṭhāraka

   kuṭhāraka m. an axe VarBṛS 
   • (ikā), f. a small axe Bhartṛ. iii, 23 
   • a similarly shaped instrument (used in surgery for scarification) Suśr 
   • N. of a woman, g. śubhrâdi

≫ kuṭhārika

   kuṭhārika m. a wood-cutter Rājat

≫ kuṭhāru

   kuṭhāru m. a tree L 
   • a monkey L 
   • an armourer L


   kuṭhi mfn. 'leafless, bare' or 'crooked, wry' (Comm 
   • said of a tree) ṢaḍvBr 
   • (is), m. a tree L 
   • a mountain L

≫ kuṭhika

   kuṭhika m. the plant Costus speciosus or arabicus L


   kuṭhumi m. N. of a teacher (author of a law-book)


   kuṭhera m. the plant Ocimum pilosum Car. Bhpr 
   • fire L

⋙ kuṭheraja

   ○ja m. (= kuṭheraka) a kind of Basilicum L

≫ kuṭheraka

   kuṭheraka m. a kind of Basilicum (Ocimum sanctum or Ocimum, gratissimum) Suśr 
   • Cedrela Toona L


   kuṭheru m. the wind produced by a fan or chowrie L


   kuḍ cl. 6. P. kuḍati, to play or act as a child, trifle Dhātup. xxviii, 89 
   • to eat ib 
   • to heap ib 
   • to plunge, dive ib. 101


   kuḍaṅga m. (found in Prākṛit) = kuṭaṅga(ka), a bower L


   kuḍapa as, am m. n. a measure of grain, &c. (= kuḍava), g. ardharcâdi

≫ kuḍava

   kuḍava as, am m. n. a measure of grain or of wood or of iron &c. (4th part of a Prastha, described by some as a vessel four fingers wide and as many deep and containing 12 Prakṛitis or handfuls 
   • also said to contain 13 1/2 cubic Aṅgulas, or to contain 64 cubic Aṅgulas "ṣārṅgṣ., or to be a finger and a half deep and three fingers each in length and breadth 
   • it med. it is equal to two Prakṛitis or thirty-two Tolakas) MBh. Jyot. VarBṛS. &c


   kuḍāyikā f. (in music) N. of a particular Rāga


   kuḍāyī f. id


   kuḍālagācchi N. of a village (v. l. kuḍālig○.)


   kuḍi m. (= kuṭi) the body Uṇ

≫ kuḍikā

   kuḍikā f. (= kuṭa) a water-pot (used by ascetics) W 
   • (perhaps for kuṇḍikā.) [Page 289, Column 2] 


   kuḍiśa m. a kind of fish (commonly Kūrchi, Cyprinus Curchius) L


   kuḍī f. (a wrong reading) for kuṭī, q.v. MBh. xiii, 6471


   kuḍukka m. (in music) N. of a measure or time


   kuḍupa m. the clasp or fastening of a necklace or bracelet W


   kuḍūhuñcī f. (a Mahrattī N. of) Solanum trilobatum Npr


   kuḍmala mfn. filled with buds MBh. iv, 393 R. Ragh. xviii, 36 
   • (as, or am) m. or n. a bud (sometimes written kuṭmala) Mṛicch. Ragh. BhP. &c. (cf. stana-k○) 
   • (am), n. a particular hell Mn. iv, 89 Yājñ.iii, 222

⋙ kuḍmalatā

   ○tā f. the state of being shut like a bud

⋙ kuḍmaladantī

   ○dantī f. N. of a metre (= anukūlā)

⋙ kuḍmalāgradat


⋙ kuḍmalāgradanta

   kuḍmalâgra-danta mfn. one whose teeth look like buds Pāṇ. 5-4, 145 Kāś

≫ kuḍmalāya

   kuḍmalāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to (look i.e. to) be shut like a bud Bālar

≫ kuḍmalita

   kuḍmalita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) filled with buds Bālar 
   • shut like a bud W


   kuḍya n. a wall Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • plastering (a wall) L 
   • curiosity L 
   • (ā), f. (g. kattry-ādi) a wall BhP. vii, 1, 27

⋙ kuḍyacchedin

   ○cchedin m. a housebreaker, thief L

⋙ kuḍyacchedya

   ○cchedya n. a hole in the wall, breach L

⋙ kuḍyapucchā

   ○pucchā f. a house-lizard Npr

⋙ kuḍyamatsī

   ○matsī f. id. L

⋙ kuḍyamatsya

   ○matsya m. id. VarBṛS

⋙ kuḍyalepa

   ○lepa m. a plasterer Pāṇ. 3-2, 1 Vārtt. 6 Pat

≫ kuḍyaka

   kuḍyaka n. a wall L


   kuṇ cl. 6. P. kuṇati, to sound Dhātup. xxviii, 45 
   • to support or aid (with gifts, &c.) ib 
   • to be in pain (?) ib.: cl. 10. P. kuṇayati, to converse with, address, invite Dhātup. xxxv, 41 ; [Lat. cano]

≫ kuṇitāhi

   kuṇitâhi is m. N. of an author of a Dharmaśāstra Parāś


   kuṇa m. a kind of insect living in clothes 
   • dirt on the navel Gal 
   • (ifc. with aśvatthapīlu, and other names of trees or flowers) the time when a plant bears fruit Pāṇ. 5-2, 24

≫ kuṇaka

   kuṇaka m. a young animal just born (ifc. e.g. eṇa-k○, a young antelope just born) BhP. v, 8, 4-6


   kuṇajī f. orach L

≫ kuṇañja

   kuṇañja m

⋙ kuṇañjara

   kuṇañjara n. id. L


   kúṇapa n. [as m. g. ardharcâdi] a dead body, corpse AV. TS. ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • (said contemptuously of) the living body BhP 
   • dung 
   • m. a spear MBh. R 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS 
   • (ī), f. a small bird (Maina or Salik, cf. viṭ-sārikā) 
   • (kuṇápa), mfn. mouldering, smelling like a carcase ŚBr. Suśr

⋙ kuṇapagandha

   ○gandhá m. the smell of a dead body ŚBr. iv

⋙ kuṇapagandhi

   ○gandhi mfn. smelling like dead body Suśr

⋙ kuṇapāṇḍya

   kuṇapâṇḍya m. 'having dead testicles', N. of a man

⋙ kuṇapāśana

   kuṇapâśana mfn. eating dead bodies Śak


   kuṇara-vāḍava m. N. of a grammarian Pāṇ. 3-2, 14 and vii, 3, 1 Pat


   kúṇāru mfn. having a withered arm (cf. kuṇi 
   • 'crying out', fr. √kuṇ Sāy.) RV. iii, 30, 8


   kuṇāla m. a kind of bird Lalit 
   • N. of a son of Aśoka (whose eyes were put out in consequence of a rivalry between Aśoka's wives) 
   • N. of a place Uṇ. iii, 75


   kuṇāvī f. N. of a plant (?) Suśr


   kuṇi mfn. having a crooked or withered arm or an arm without a hand or finger MBh. iii, 1270 Suśr 
   • (is), m. a whitlow W 
   • the tree Cedrela Toona (= tunna) L 
   • N. of a prince (son of Jaya) BhP. ix, 24, 13 
   • of the author of a Comm. on Pāṇ. Bhartṛ. Comm. on Pat. of a man, Tāṇḍya. Br. xiii, 4, 11 Sch 
   • of a Ṛishi, Vāyup 
   • of Garga MBh. ix, 2981 f 
   • of the author of a Dharma-śāstra Parāś

⋙ kuṇitva

   ○tva n. the state of being maimed, mutilation, lameness Sāṃkhyak. Tattvas

⋙ kuṇipadī

   ○padī f. g. .kumbhapady-ādi

⋙ kuṇibāhu

   ○bāhu m. 'having a withered arm', N. of a Muni VāyuP

≫ kuṇika

   kuṇika m. N. of a teacher Āp. [Page 289, Column 3] 


   kuṇin ī m. a kind of savage (= kaṇabha) Suśr


   kuṇinda m. (√kuṇ) sound Uṇ. iv, 86


   kuṇṭ = √kuṇḍ, q.v


   kuṇṭaka mfn. fat, corpulent L


   kuṇṭh cl. 1. P

⋙ kuṇṭhati

   kuṇṭhati to be lame or mutilated or blunted or dulled Dhātup. ix, 57 
   • to be lazy or stupid ib.: cl. 10. kuṇṭhayati, to cover, conceal (cf. √guṇṭh) Dhātup. xxxii, 46 (cf. avakuṇṭhana)

≫ kuṇṭha

   kuṇṭha mfn. (g. kaḍārâdi) blunt, dull MBh. i, 1178 R. &c 
   • stupid, indolent, lazy, foolish

⋙ kuṇṭhatā

   ○tā f. bluntness, dulness (of a part of the body) Suśr 
   • indolence

⋙ kuṇṭhatva

   ○tva n. indolence, stupidity Rājat. iv, 618

⋙ kuṇṭhadhī

   ○dhī mfn. 'dull-minded', foolish Gol

⋙ kuṇṭhamanas

   ○manas mfn. weak-minded BhP. iii, 32, 17

⋙ kuṇṭharava

   ○rava m. N. of a man Comm. on AitĀr

≫ kuṇṭhaka

   kuṇṭhaka mfn. stupid L 
   • (ās), m. N. of a pupil of Luṇṭaka 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. kuṇḍala) MBh. vi, 370 VP

≫ kuṇṭhita

   kuṇṭhita mfn. blunted, dulled, (a-k○ neg.) Ragh. xi, 74 
   • blunt Kathās. lxviii, 3 
   • weak, of no vigour Rājat. v, 138 
   • stupid 
   • grasped, held, encircled W. (cf. vi-.)

⋙ kuṇṭhitāśri

   kuṇṭhitâśri mfn. having the edge or corners blunted Kum. ii, 20


   kuṇḍ cl. 1. P. kuṇḍati, to mutilate Dhātup. ix, 37: cl. 1. Ā. kuṇḍate, to burn ib. viii, 17: cl. 10. kuṇḍayati, to protect ib. xxxii, 45


   kuṇḍa n. [as m. L.], a bowlshaped vessel, basin, bowl, pitcher, pot, water-pot KātyŚr. MBh. &c 
   • a vessel for coals R. v, 10, 16 &c 
   • a round hole in the ground (for receiving and preserving water or fire, cf. agni-kuṇḍa), pit, well, spring or basin of water (especially consecrated to some holy purpose or person) MBh. R. &c 
   • m. an adulterine, son of a woman by another man than her husband while the husband is alive Mn. iii, 174 
   • (see. gola and -golaka below) 
   • N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10358 
   • of a Nāga MBh. i, 4828 
   • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4550 
   • (ā), f. (√kuṇḍ) mutilation Pāṇ. 3-3, 103, Kāś 
   • N. of Durgā L 
   • (ī) f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 42) a bowl, pitcher, pot Hcat. Prasannar 
   • (ami), n. ifc. a clump (e.g. darbha-k○, a clump of Darbha grass) Pāṇ. 6-2, 136 
   • a particular measure L 
   • N. of certain mystical figures 
   • a particular appearance of the moon (surrounded by a circle) VarBṛS. iv, 15

⋙ kuṇḍakarṇa

   ○karṇa (kuṇḍá-), m. 'pot-eared', N. of a mythical being Suparṇ

⋙ kuṇḍakalpadruma

   ○kalpa-druma m

⋙ kuṇḍakalpalatā

   ○kalpa-latā f. N. of wks

⋙ kuṇḍakīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. the son of a Brāhman woman born in adultery with a man of an inferior caste L 
   • a keeper of concubines L 
   • a follower of the Cārvāka doctrine L

⋙ kuṇḍakīla

   ○kīla m. a low or vile man (nāgara) W

⋙ kuṇḍakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of wk. by Viśva-nātha

⋙ kuṇḍagola

   ○gola m. sour rice, gruel W 
   • (au), m. du. an adulterine (kuṇḍa) and the son of a widow (gola) Yājñ. i, 222

⋙ kuṇḍagolaka

   ○golaka n. sour rice, gruel L 
   • (au), m. du. = kuṇḍa-golau Mn. iii, 156 and 174 MBh. iii, 13366

⋙ kuṇḍaja

   ○ja m. 'pitcher-born', N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 2740

⋙ kuṇḍajaṭhara

   ○jaṭhara m. 'pitcher-bellied', N. of an old sage MBh. i, 2048 ; iii, 8263 (cf. kuṇḍôdara.)

⋙ kuṇḍadhāra

   ○dhāra m. N. of a Nāga MBh. ii, 361 
   • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4546 ff

⋙ kuṇḍanadī

   ○nadī f. N. of a river Hariv. (v. l. luṇṭha-n○)

⋙ kuṇḍapāyin

   ○pāyin mfn. drinking out of pitchers (○yinām ayana n. a particular religious ceremony) TāṇḍyaBr. ĀśvŚr. KātyŚr. (cf. kauṇ ḍapāyina.)

⋙ kuṇḍapāyya

   ○pā́yya mfn. (scil. kratu, &c., a ceremony or sacrifice) at which ewers or pitchers are used for drinking Pāṇ. 3-1, 130 
   • m. N. of a man RV. viii, 17, 13

⋙ kuṇḍaprastha

   ○prastha m. N. of a town Pāṇ. 6-2, 87 Sch

⋙ kuṇḍabhedin

   ○bhedin mfn. 'breaking pots', clumsy Car 
   • (ī), m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. i

⋙ kuṇḍamaṇḍapakaumudī

   ○maṇḍapa-kaumudī f

⋙ kuṇḍamaṇḍapasaṃgraha

   ○maṇḍapasaṃgraha m. N. of wks

⋙ kuṇḍamaṇḍapasiddhi

   ○maṇḍapa-siddhi f. N. of wk. by Viṭṭhala-dikshita

⋙ kuṇḍamārtaṇḍa

   ○mārtaṇḍa m. N. of wk

⋙ kuṇḍaratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m. N. of wk. by Viśva-nātha

⋙ kuṇḍavāsinī

   ○vāsinī f. 'pitcher-dwelling', Gautama's tutelar deity BrahmaP

⋙ kuṇḍavidhāna

   ○vidhāna n. N. of wk

⋙ kuṇḍaśāyin

   ○śāyin m. N. of a son of Dhṛitarāshṭra MBh. i, 4549

⋙ kuṇḍasiddhi

   ○siddhi f. N. of wk

⋙ kuṇḍāgni

   kuṇḍâgní m. 'N. of a locality', kauṇḍâgnaka

⋙ kuṇḍārka

   kuṇḍârka m. N. of wk

⋙ kuṇḍāvṛṣa

   kuṇḍā-vṛṣa mfn. adulterous Hariv. 11162 (cf. kuṇḍīviṣa)

⋙ kuṇḍāśin

   kuṇḍâśin mfn. one who is supported by an adulterine, Gaut. Mn. iii, 158 Yājñ. i, 224 MBh. xiii [Page 290, Column 1] 
   • (ī), m. a pander L 
   • N. of a demon causing fever Hariv. 9563 
   • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 4553

⋙ kuṇḍīvṛṣa

   kuṇḍī-vṛṣa vḷ. for ○NDA-v○

⋙ kuṇḍeśvaratīrtha

   kuṇḍêśvaratīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

⋙ kuṇḍoda

   kuṇḍôda m. N. of a mountain MBh. iii, 8321

⋙ kuṇḍodara

   kuṇḍôdara mfn. having a belly like a pitcher Pāṇ. 6-2, 108 Kāś 
   • m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1561 
   • of a son of Janamejaya and brother of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib. 3744 
   • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra ib. 2732 
   • ○darêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP

⋙ kuṇḍoddyotadarśana

   kuṇḍôddyota-darśana n. N. of wk. by Śaṃkarabhaṭṭa

⋙ kuṇḍodhnī

   kuṇḍôdhnī f. a cow with a full udder Ragh. i, 84 
   • a woman with a full bosom

⋙ kuṇḍopadhānīyaka

   kuṇḍôpadhānīyaka m. 'using a pitcher as a pillow', N. of Pūrṇa Buddh

⋙ kuṇḍoparatha

   kuṇḍôparatha m. 'N. of a man', kauṇḍôparatha

≫ kuṇḍaka

   kuṇḍaka m. or n. a pot Kathās. iv, 47 
   • m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 6983 
   • N. of Kshudraka VP 
   • (ikā), f. (ifc. Pāṇ. 8-3, 45 Kāś.) a pot, student's water-pot Up. Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 6 Hariv. 14836 &c 
   • N. of an Up

≫ kuṇḍanī

   kuṇḍanī f. N. of a utensil Hcat

≫ kuṇḍika

   kuṇḍika m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 3747 
   • (ā), f. kuṇḍaka

≫ kuṇḍin

   kuṇḍin mfn. furnished with a pitcher MBh. Hcat 
   • (ī), m. a kind of vessel (vḷ. kuṇḍinī) MBh. ii, 2061 
   • a horse (= kindhin) L 
   • a pander L 
   • (inī), f. a kind of vessel MBh. ii, 2061 
   • (with the Yogins) matter (as opposed to spirit) RāmatUp 
   • N. of a woman Pat

≫ kuṇḍina

   kuṇḍina m. N. of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra MBh. i, 3747 
   • of an author 
   • of a Ṛishi Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 49 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of Kuṇḍina Pāṇ. 2-4, 70 ĀśvŚr. &c 
   • the descendants of Kuṇḍinī Pat 
   • (am), n. (Uṇ. ii, 50), N. of the capital of Vidarbha (ruled over by Bhīma, the father-in-law of Nala, apparently the modern Kondavir in Berar) Nal. Hariv. Ragh. vii, 30


   kuṇḍala n. (ifc. f. ā 
   • g. sidhmâdi and ardharcâdi) a ring, ear-ring ĀśvGṛ. Lāṭy. Mn. &c 
   • a bracelet Śiś. vi, 27 
   • a fetter, tie L 
   • the coil of a rope L 
   • a particular disease of the bladder Car 
   • m. (in music) a kind of measure 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 2154 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. kuṇṭhaka) MBh. vi 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman MārkP 
   • (ī), f. a kind of drum (perhaps kuṇḍalī nom. sg. fr. ○lin, m.) 
   • a particular, dish (curds boiled with ghee and rice) 
   • N. of a Śakti 
   • mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata) L 
   • Cocculus cordifolius Bhpr 
   • Mucuna pruritus (= kapi-kacchu) L 
   • N. of two other plants (Sarpiṇī-vṛiksha and Kuṇḍalī-cālana) L 
   • N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 21

⋙ kuṇḍaladhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa n. the wearing of ear-rings

⋙ kuṇḍalākāra

   kuṇḍalâkāra mfn. shaped like an ear-ring, circular

⋙ kuṇḍaloddyotitānana

   kuṇḍalôddyotitânana mfn. having his face radiant with glittering pendants

≫ kuṇḍalanā

   kuṇḍalanā f. drawing a circle round a word which is to be left out in a MS. Naish. i, 14

≫ kuṇḍalikā

   kuṇḍalikā f. N. of a metre in Prākṛit poetry (cf. vāta-k○.)

⋙ kuṇḍalikātva

   ○tva n. the state of being circular Comm. on KātyŚr

⋙ kuṇḍalikāmata

   ○mata n. N. of a Tantra

≫ kuṇḍalita

   kuṇḍalita mfn. annulated Sāh

≫ kuṇḍalin

   kuṇḍalin mfn. decorated with ear-rings MBh. R. &c 
   • circular, annulate, Harriv. 4664 
   • (ī), m. a snake Rājat. i, 2 
   • the spotted or painted deer L 
   • a peacock L 
   • the tree Bauhinia variegata Bhpr 
   • N. of Śiva 
   • of Varuṇa L 
   • (inī), f. the plant Coccus cordifolius L 
   • a particular dish (curds boiled with ghee and rice) Bhpr 
   • a Śakti or form of Durgā

≫ kuṇḍalī

   kuṇḍalī ind. for ○la

⋙ kuṇḍalīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. bending a bow so as to form a circle Hcar

⋙ kuṇḍalīkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. forming a ring, curled, moving in circles Nal. Suśr

⋙ kuṇḍalībhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. id. BhP 
   • having the disease of the bladder called Kuṇḍala Car

≫ kuṇḍalīkā

   kuṇḍalīkā f. a circle Hcat


   kuṇḍā-vṛṣa kuṇḍa


   kuṇḍīra mfn. strong, powerful L 
   • m. a man L


   kuṇḍīviṣa ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 2083 (cf. kuṇḍī-vṛṣa, kauṇḍī-.)


   kuṇḍṛṇā́cī f. a house-lizard [= kuṭila-gati Sāy.] RV. i, 29, 6 VS. xxiv, 37


   kut a Santra √(i.e. one found in grammatical Sūtras only), to spread. [Page 290, Column 2] 


   kuta m. N. of one of the eighteen attendants of the sun (identified with the god of the ocean) L


   ku-tanaya 1. ku

≫ kutanu


⋙ kutapa

   ku-tapa &c. ib


   kútas ind. (fr. 1. ku), from whom? (for the abl. case of 2. ká) RV. i, 164, 18 AV. viii, 9, 4 
   • (kutaḥ kālāt, since what time? VP.) 
   • from where? whence? RV. &c 
   • whereto? in which direction? BhP. viii, 19, 34 
   • (ā kutas, up to where? Pat.) 
   • where? R. vii, 23, 3 
   • wherefore? why? from what cause or motive? because Lāṭy. &c. (often in dramas before verses giving the reason of what precedes) 
   • how? in what manner? ChUp. &c 
   • how much less? much less ChUp. MuṇḍUp. MBh. &c. In a-kutas, which occurs in comp., kutas has an indefinite sense (e.g. a-kuto-mṛtyu, not fearing death from any quarter BhP. iii, 17, 19 
   • cf. a-kutobhaya) 
   • kutas is also indefinite when connected with the particles api, cid, cana (e.g. kuto'pi, from any quarter, from any cause Pañcat 
   • kuto'pi kāraṇāt, from any cause Prab 
   • kutaś-cid, from any one, from anywhere RV. KaṭhUp. &c. (cf. akutaścid-bhaya) 
   • kutaś cana, (with a negation preceding) from no side RV. TUp. &c 
   • to no side R. v, 74, 21 
   • yataḥ kutaś-cid from any person soever Comm. on KātyŚr.)

⋙ kutastarām

   ○tarām ind. how? in what manner? KapS. i, 80

⋙ kutastya

   ○tya mfn. coming from where? Uttarar. Prasannar 
   • (with api) of unknown origin Uttarar

≫ kuto

   kuto (in comp. for kutas)

⋙ kutonimitta

   ○nimitta mfn. having what cause or reason? R. ii, 74, 17

⋙ kutomūla

   ○mūla mfn. having what origin? MBh. i, 6205 Car


   kutasta m. (for ○tas-tya ?), N. of a man Comm. on TāṇḍyaBr. (cf. kautasta.)


   ku-tāpasa &c. 1. ku


   kutīpāda m. N. of one of the Ṛishis of the Sāma-veda ĀrshBr


   kutuka n. (g. yuvâdi) curiosity Rājat. viii, 1613 
   • eagerness, desire for (in comp.) Gīt. i, 42 (cf. kautuka.)

≫ kutukita

   kutukita mfn. curious, inquisitive Prasannar

≫ kutukin

   kutukin mfn. id. Naish. ii, 35


   kutupa m. a small kutū, or leathern oil-bottle Pāṇ. 5-3, 89 
   • (as, am), m. n. the eighth Muhūrta of the day (= ku-tapa, q.v.) L

≫ kutū

   kutū ūs f. a leathern oil-bottle Pāṇ. 5-3, 89


   ku-tumbuka &c. 1. ku


   kutūṇaka = kukūṇ○ L


   kutūhala n. (fr. kutas and hala, 'calling out' ?), curiosity, interest in any extra-ordinary matter Sāh. &c 
   • inclination, desire for (prati loc. or in comp.) Śak. &c 
   • eagerness, impetuosity 
   • what excites curiosity, anything interesting, fun Pañcat 
   • (mfn.) surprising, wonderful W 
   • excellent, celebrated W. (cf. kautūhala.)

⋙ kutūhalakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. exciting curiosity Hcar

⋙ kutūhalavat

   ○vat mfn. curious, taking interest in anything Mālav

≫ kutūhalita

   kutūhalita mfn. g. tārakâdi

≫ kutūhalin

   kutūhalin mfn. curious, highly interested in anything Mn. iv, 63 &c 
   • eager, impatient


   ku-tṛṇa 1. ku


   kuttha (in astron.) the fifteenth Yoga VarBṛ


   kútra ind. (fr. 1. ku), where? whereto? in which case? when? RV. &c 
   • wherefore? Pañcat. Hit 
   • kutra-kva, where (this) -where (that), i.e. how distant or how different is this from that, how little is this consistent with that? BhP. vii, 9, 25. kutra becomes indefinite when connected with the particles api, cid e.g. kutrâpi, anywhere, somewhere, wherever, to any place, wheresoever Pañcat. MārkP 
   • kútrā cid ṛV. or kutra cid [R. &c.], anywhere, somewhere, wheresoever 
   • na kutra cid, nowhere, to no place whatsoever MBh. Pañcat 
   • = kasmiṃś-cid e.g. kutra cid araṇye, in a certain wood Pañcat 
   • kutra cid-kutra cid, in one case-in the other case, sometimes-sometimes Mn. ix, 34 
   • yatra kutra cid, wherever it be, here or there Comm. on KapS. i, 69

⋙ kutratya

   ○tya mfn. where living or residing? BhP. Daś. [Page 290, Column 3] 


   kuts (perhaps related to kútas), cl. 10. P. kutsayati [also Ā. ○yate Dhātup 
   • rarely cl. 1. P. kutsati MBh. ii, 2298 and 2303 
   • once cl. 4. P. kutsyati R. vii, 43, 18], to despise, abuse, revile, contemn Mn. Yājñ. &c. ; [Lith. kussinu.]

≫ kutsana

   kutsana n. abuse, reviling, reproach Pāṇ. Mn. iv, 163 
   • reproachful or abusive expression Pāṇ. 2-1, 53 
   • (ā), f. an expression of contempt Nir. ii, 3

≫ kutsā

   kutsā f. reproach, contempt Pāṇ. MBh 
   • (ayā), instr. ind. contemptuously Kathās. lxi, 298

≫ kutsita

   kutsita mfn. despised, reviled, contemptible, vile Nir. Pāṇ. MBh. &c 
   • (am), n. the grass Cyperus L

≫ kutsībhū

   kutsī-√bhū to become subject to reproach Comm. on Nir. vi, 30

≫ kutsya 1

   kutsya mfn. blamable Bhartṛ


   kútsa m. N. of a Ṛishi (called Ārjuneya, author of several hymns of the RV 
   • when attacked by the demon Śushṇa, Indra defended him and killed the demon 
   • but in other hymns [RV. i, 53, 10 ; ii, 14, 7 ; iv, 26, 1 ; viii, 53, 2] Kutsa is represented as persecuted by Indra) RV. AV. iv, 29, 5 TāṇḍyaBr 
   • N. of a descendant of Aṅgiras (author of the hymns RV. i, 94-98 ; 100-115 ; ix, 97, 45 seqq.) ĀśvŚr 
   • lightning, thunderbolt Naigh. Nir 
   • (ās), m. pl. (Pāṇ. 2-4, 65) the descendants or the family of Kutsa RV. vii, 25, 5 Lāṭy 
   • (am), n. the plant Costus speciosus or arabicus L. (cf. kaútsa, puru-kútsa, &c.)

⋙ kutsakuśikikā

   ○kuśikikā f. the intermarriage of the Kutsa and Kuśika families Pāṇ. 4-3, 125 Kāś

⋙ kutsaputra

   ○putrá m. a son of Kutsa RV. x, 105, 11

⋙ kutsavatsa

   ○vatsá m. id. ib

≫ kutsāyana

   kutsāyana m. N. of a man MaitrUp. (cf. kautsāyana.)

≫ kutsya 2

   kutsyá m. N. of the Ṛishi Kutsa RV. iv, 16, 12


   kutsalā f. the indigo plant L


   kutsava puru-k○


   ku-tsāra (fr. 2. ku), a fissure in the earth Comm. on KātyŚr. xv, 1, 10

kutsya 1

   kutsya. and 2 √kuts and kútsa


   kuth cl. 4. kuthyati, to stink, become putrid Dhātup. xxvi, 11: Caus. P. kothayati, to cause to putrify Suśr

≫ kuthita

   kuthita mfn. stinking Suśr. (also a-k○ neg.)


   kutha as, ā mf. [am n. L.] a painted or variegated cloth (serving as an elephant's housings) MBh. R. &c 
   • m. sacrificial or Kuśa grass (Poa cynosuroides) L. Śākya-muni in one of his former thirty-four births L

⋙ kuthodarī

   kuthôdarī f. N. of a daughter of Nikumbha KalkiP

≫ kuthaka

   kuthaka m. a variegated cloth Car


   kuthuma ās m. pl. the family of Kuthumin VāyuP

≫ kuthumi

   kuthumi m. = ○thumin VāyuP

≫ kuthumin

   kuthumin ī m. N. of a teacher Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. (cf. kuṭhumin.)


   kud cl. 10. P. kodayati, to tell a lie Dhātup. xxxii, 6 
   • (v. l. for √kundr.)

kudāra 2

   kudāra m. mountain-ebony (Bauhinia variegata) L 
   • [for 1. ku-dāra, 1. ku.]

≫ kudāla

   kudāla m. id. L. (cf. kuddāla.)


   ku-dina 2. ku


   ku-dṛśya -deśa, &c. 1. ku


   kuddala m. = 2. kudāra L

≫ kuddāla

   kuddāla m. id. L 
   • (as, am), m. n. a kind of spade or hoe L

⋙ kuddālakhāta

   ○khāta n. N. of a town Pāṇ. 6-2, 146 Kāś

⋙ kuddālapāda

   ○pāda mfn. g. hasty-ādi

≫ kuddālaka

   kuddālaka as or am m. or n. (?) a spade or hoe L 
   • (am), n. a copper pitcher L

⋙ kuddālakakhāta

   ○khāta v. l. for kuddāla-kh○, q.v


   kudmala for kuḍm○, q.v


   kudya for kuḍya, q.v


   kudraṅka m. a watch-house ('a dwelling raised on a platform or scaffold' W.) L

≫ kudraṅga

   kudraṅga m. id. L


   kudrava = kodrava, q.v. L. [Page 291, Column 1] 


   kudri m. N. of a man, g. gṛṣṭyādi 
   • (ayas), m. pl. his descendants, g. yaskâdi

≫ kudryākṣi

   kudryâkṣi m. N. of a man Pravar


   ku-dvāra 1. ku


   ku-dhara 2. ku


   ku-dharma &c. 1. ku


   kudhi m. (= kuvi) an owl Gal


   ku-dhī 1. ku


   ku-dhra 2. ku


   kunaka ās m. pl., N. of a people VP


   ku-nakha &c. 1. ku

≫ kunannama


⋙ kunannamanaraka

   ○naraka &c. ib

≫ kunalin


⋙ kunātha

   ku-nātha &c. ib


   ku-nābhi 2. ku


   ku-nāman &c. 1. ku


   kunāla m. a kind of bird (living on the Himālaya) Buddh 
   • N. of a son of king Aśoka (named after the eyes of that bird) ib. (cf. kuṇāla.)

≫ kunālika

   kunālika m. the Indian cuckoo L


   ku-nāśaka -nāsa, 1. ku


   ku-niṣañja 1. ku

≫ kunīta


⋙ kunītanīti


⋙ kunītanīlī

   ○nīlī &c. ib


   kunta m. a spear, lance [Lat. contus 
   • Gk. [291, 1] ?] R. &c 
   • a small animal, insect L 
   • a species of grain (Coix barbata) L 
   • passion L 
   • the god of love Gal

⋙ kuntaprāvaraṇa

   ○prâvaraṇa ās m. pl., N. of a people MārkP. lvii, 57

⋙ kuntavanamaya

   ○vanamaya mfn. consisting of a forest of spears Kād

≫ kuntara

   kuntara m. (= kuntala) the hair Gal

≫ kuntala

   kuntala m. (ifc. f. ā Gīt. ii, 15) the hair of the head, lock of hair BhP. Sāh. &c 
   • a particular head-dress L 
   • a drinking cup L 
   • a plough L 
   • barley L 
   • a kind of perfume (= hrīvera) L 
   • (in music) a certain Dhruvaka 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. VP. &c 
   • m. a prince of that people MBh. ii, 1270 VarBṛS

⋙ kuntalavardhana

   ○vardhana m. the plant Eclipta prostrata L

⋙ kuntalasvātikarṇa

   ○svāti-karṇa m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kuntalośīra

   kuntalôśīra n. a perfume L

≫ kuntalikā

   kuntalikā f. a species of plant Suśr 
   • butter knife or scoop L


   kúntāpa n. N. of certain organs or glands (twenty in number, supposed to be in the belly) ŚBr. xii, xiii 
   • N. of a section of the AV. (xx, 127 and 128 according to Sāy. on AitBr. vi, 32 
   • or xx, 127-136 according to the MSS.) ŚāṅkhBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. ĀśvŚr


   kunti ayas m. pl., N. of a people Kāṭh. Pāṇ. 4-1, 176 MBh. &c 
   • (is), m. a prince of that people (also called Kunti-bhoja) Hariv. &c 
   • N. of a son of Dharma-netra VP 
   • of a son of Netra and grandson of Dharma BhP. ix, 23, 21 ff 
   • of a son of Kratha BhP. ix, 24, 3 VP 
   • of a son of Vidarbha and father of Dhṛishṭa Hariv 
   • of a son of Supārśva and grandson of Sampati and great-grandson of Garuḍa MārkP 
   • of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. x, 61, 13

⋙ kuntijit

   ○jit m. 'conqueror of Kuntī', N. of a prince VP

⋙ kuntinandana

   ○nandana for kuntī-n○, q.v

⋙ kuntibhoja

   ○bhoja m. N. of a Yādava prince (king of the Kuntis, who adopted Kuntī) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. x, 15

⋙ kuntirājan

   ○rājan m. king Kunti, i.e. Kunti-bhoja MBh. i, iii

⋙ kuntisurāṣṭra

   ○surāṣṭra ās m. pl. the Kuntis and the inhabitants of Surāshṭra, g. kārtakaujapâdi

≫ kuntika

   kuntika ās m. pl., N. of a people VP

≫ kuntī

   kuntī f. N. of Pṛithā (daughter of a Yādava prince named Śūra or Vasu ḥariv. 5255, who gave her to his childless cousin Kunti or Kuntibhoja, by whom she was adopted 
   • she afterwards became one of the wives of Pāṇḍu 
   • on one occasion before her marriage she paid such respect to the powerful sage Durvāsas that he taught her an incantation or charm, by virtue of which she was to have a child by any god she liked to invoke 
   • out of curiosity she invoked the Sun, by whom she had a child, cf. karṇa 
   • but the Sun afterwards restored to her her maidenhood: soon after his marriage Pāṇḍu retired to the woods to indulge his passion for hunting 
   • there he killed a male and female deer, who turned out to be a Ṛishi and his wife in the form of these animals 
   • the sage cursed Pāṇḍu and predicted that he would die in the embrace of one of his wives [Page 291, Column 2] 
   • hence Pāṇḍu lived apart from Kuntī, but with his approval she made use of her charm and had three sons, Yudhishṭhira, Bhīma, and Arjuna, by the three deities Dharma, Vāyu, and Indra respectively 
   • cf. mādrī) Pāṇ. MBh. &c 
   • N. of a Rākshasī Buddh 
   • of a river VP 
   • the wife of a Brāhman L 
   • the plant Boswellia thurifera L 
   • a fragrant resin (= guggulu) L

⋙ kuntīnandana

   ○nandana m. either of the three elder Pāṇḍava princes

⋙ kuntībhoja

   ○bhoja a wrong spelling for kunti-bh○ q.v. MBh. iii, 17067

⋙ kuntīmātṛ

   ○mātṛ m. 'having Kuntī as his mother', N. of Arjuna MBh. i, 8665

⋙ kuntīsuta

   ○suta m. a son of Kuntī


   kunth cl. 1. kunthati, to hurt, injure Dhātup. iii, 6 
   • to suffer pain, want, &c. ib.: cl. 9. kuthnāti, to cling to, twine round, embrace Dhātup. xxxi, 42 
   • to injure ib. ; [Lat. quatio, percutio.]

≫ kuntha

   kuntha bāhu-k○

≫ kunthana

   kunthana n. = stanana L

≫ kunthita

   kunthita n. id. L


   kunthu m. N. of the sixth Jaina Cakravartin or emperor in Bhārata 
   • of the seventeenth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī


   kunda m. (Uṇ. iv, 101) a kind of jasmine (Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens) MBh. &c 
   • fragrant oleander (Nerium odorum, karaviira) L 
   • Olibanum (the resin of the plant Boswellia thurifera) L 
   • a turner's lathe L 
   • one of Kubera's nine treasures (N. of a guhyaka Gal.) L 
   • the number 'nine' W 
   • N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii. 7036 
   • of a mountain BhP. v, 20, 10 
   • (am), n. the jasmine flower

⋙ kundakara

   ○kara m. a turner W

⋙ kundakundācārya

   ○kundâcārya m. N. of a Jain teacher (author of the Pañcâstikāya-saṃgraha-sūtra)

⋙ kundacaturthī

   ○caturthī f. the fourth day in the light half of the month Māgha

⋙ kundapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. fragrant oleander (Nerium odorum) Gal

⋙ kundamālā

   ○mālā f. N. of wk

⋙ kundasamadanta

   ○sama-danta mfn. one whose teeth are like the jasmine

⋙ kundāparānta

   kundâparânta = kuṭṭâp○ q.v

≫ kundaka

   kundaka m. the resin of the plant Boswellia thurifera L

≫ kundinī

   kundinī f. an assemblage of jasmines L


   kundama m. a cat, g. cūrṇâdi


   kundara m. a kind of grass L 
   • N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii, 7036

≫ kundarikā

   kundarikā f. the plant Boswellia thurifera L

≫ kundu

   kundu m. a mouse, rat L 
   • (us), f. ( = kunda) Olibanum L

≫ kundura

   kundura m. Olibanum L

≫ kunduru

   kunduru us mf. Boswellia thurifera VarBṛS. lvii, 5 
   • the resin of that plant (Olibanum)

≫ kunduruka

   kunduruka m. Olibanum Suśr. VarBṛS 
   • (ā), f. id. L 
   • (ī), f. Boswellia thurifera L

≫ kundurūka

   kundurūka m. Olibanum VarBṛS. lvii, 3


   kundr cl. 10. P. kundrayati, to tell a lie Dhātup. xxxii, 6 (cf. √kud and √gundr.)

kup 1

   kup cl. 4. P. Ā. kupyati, ○te (perf. cukopa), to be moved or excited or agitated Suśr. BhP 
   • to swell, heave or boil with rage or emotion, be angry, be angry with (dat 
   • also gen., once [R. i, 49, 7] acc 
   • or with upari and gen., e.g. tasmai or tasya or tasyôpari cukopa, he was angry with him) MBh. &c.: Caus. P. kopáyati, to move, shake, agitate RV. i, 54, 4 ; v, 57, 3 ; x, 44, 8 Suśr 
   • P. Ā. kopayati, ○te, to cause to swell with anger, provoke, make angry MBh. &c. ; [Lat. cupio ; Eng. hope ; Germ. hoffe.]

≫ kupa

   kupá m. the beam or lever of a pair of scales ŚBr. KātyŚr 
   • field-lark Npr

≫ kupana

   kupana m. N. of an Asura Hariv. 2284

≫ kupaya

   kúpaya mfn. heaving, swelling with emotion ['to be guarded' Sāy. fr. √gup] RV. i, 140, 3

≫ kupāyu

   kupāyú mfn. inclined to be angry AV. xx, 130, 8

≫ kupita

   kupita mfn. provoked, incensed, offended, angry

⋙ kupitavāyu

   ○vāyu m. aggravated flatulence, hypochondria W

⋙ kupitāntaka

   kupitântaka m. imminent death W

≫ kupya

   kupya mfn. to be excited MBh. xv, 821 (a-k○ neg.) 
   • (am), n. base metal, any metal but silver and gold, copper, brass, &c., zinc, lapis calaminaris, pewter, tutenag Mn. vii, 96 ; x, 113 
   • xi Yājñ. &c 
   • m. N. of a man Rājat. vi, 264

⋙ kupyadhauta

   ○dhauta n. silver L

⋙ kupyaśālā

   ○śālā f. a braziery, place where metallic vessels &c. are made or sold or kept L. [Page 291, Column 3] 

⋙ kupyaka

   kupyaka n. ifc. (= kupya) a vile metal Yājñ. i, 262

kup 2

   kup cl. 10. P. kopayati, 'to speak' or 'to shine' Dhātup. xxxiii, 106 ; [Hib. cubhas, 'word, promise', Lat. nun-cupo ; Goth. huf, 'to lament.']


   ku-paṅka &c. 1. ku


   kupata mfn. excellent W


   ku-pati 1. ku and 2. ku


   ku-patha &c. 1. ku


   kupana √1. kup


   ku-papa &c. 2. ku


   kúpaya √1. kup


   ku-parijñāta &c. 1. ku


   kupāyú √1. kup


   ku-piñjala &c. 1. ku


   kupinin ī m. a fisherman L

≫ kupinī

   kupinī f. a net for catching small fish (made of bamboos or rushes) L


   kupinda m. a weaver Uṇ


   ku-pīlu &c. 1. ku


   kupya √1. kup


   ku-prada 2. ku


   ku-prabhu &c. 1. ku


   kúbera or in later Sanskṛit kuvera m. (originally) N. of a chief of the evil beings or spirits or darkness having the N. Vaiśravaṇa AV. viii, 10, 28 ŚBr. &c 
   • (afterwards) the god of riches and treasure (regent of the northern quarter which is hence called kubera-guptā diś Kum. iii, 25) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (he is regarded as the son of Viśravas by Iḍaviḍā BhP., the chief of the Yakshas, and a friend of Rudra ḥariv. 13131 
   • he is represented as having three legs and only eight teeth 
   • with Jainas he is the attendant of the nineteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī) 
   • N. of a prince of Devarāshṭra 
   • of the great-grandfather of Bāṇa-bhaṭṭa (author of the Kādambarī) 
   • of the author of the Datta-candrikā 
   • the tree Cedrela Toona 
   • (mfn.), deformed, monstrous L 
   • slow, lazy L

⋙ kuberagiri

   ○giri m. 'Kubera's mountain', the Himālaya Gal

⋙ kuberatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

⋙ kuberadatta

   ○datta m. N. of a mythical being Kathās

⋙ kuberanalinī

   ○nalinī f. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 10894

⋙ kuberabāndhava

   ○bāndhava m. 'a relation of Kubera's', N. of Śiva

⋙ kuberavana

   ○vana n. 'the forest of Kubera', N. of a place, g. kṣubhnâdi

⋙ kuberavallabha

   ○vallabha m. 'Kubera's favourite', N. of a Vaiśya Daś

⋙ kuberahṛdaya

   ○hṛdaya or n. N. of a hymn VarBṛS

⋙ kuberahṛdya

   ○hṛdya n. N. of a hymn VarBṛS

⋙ kuberākṣa

   kuberâkṣa m. N. of a plant (= vallī-karañja) Gal 
   • (ī), f. the plant Bignonia suaveolens Suśr 
   • the plant Guilandina Bonduc L 
   • also N. of other plants L

⋙ kuberācala

   kuberâcala m. 'Kubera's mountain', N. of the Kailāsa mountain L

⋙ kuberādri

   kuberâdri m. id. L

≫ kuberaka

   kuberaka m. a kind of pot-herb Car 
   • the tree Cedrela Toona (= tunna) L 
   • (ikā), f. N. of a woman, g. śubhrâdi

≫ kuberin

   kuberin ī m. N. of a mixed caste


   kubjá mf(ā)n. hump-backed, crooked VS. xxx, 10 ṢaḍvBr. MBh. &c 
   • m. N. of a person born under certain constellations and being an attendant of the model man Haṃsa VarBṛS 
   • a curved sword L 
   • a sort of fish (Bola Cuja) W 
   • the plant Achyranthes aspera (= apâmārgá) L 
   • (ā), f. a kind of musical instrument 
   • [cf. nyubja and kanya-kubja ; cf. also Lith. kupra, kupotas 
   • Gk. ?, ? ; [291, 3] Lat. gibbus, gibba, gibber.]

⋙ kubjakaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka m. a white species of Mimosa L

⋙ kubjakirāta

   ○kirāta n. sg. a hump-backed person and a dwarf, g. gavâśvâdi

⋙ kubjatā

   ○tā f. the state of being humpbacked Car

⋙ kubjapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. the flower of Trapa bispinosa L

⋙ kubjalīḍha

   ○līḍha m. N. of the founder of a sect (v. l. kubjâl○)

⋙ kubjavāmana

   ○vāmana n. = -kirāta g. gavâśvâdi

⋙ kubjāmra

   kubjâmra n. N. of a Tīrtha Vishṇus

⋙ kubjāmraka

   kubjâmraka n. id. MBh. iii, 8018 MatsyaP. VārP

⋙ kubjālīḍha

   kubjâlīḍha kubja-l○

⋙ kubjīkaraṇa

   kubjīkaraṇa n. curving (as of a stalk) Tattvas

≫ kubjaka

   kubjaka mfn. hump-backed, crooked Pañcat. Vet 
   • m. the plant Rosa moschata L 
   • the aquatic plant Trapa bispinosa L. [Page 292, Column 1] 
   • (ikā), f. a girl eight years old (personating the goddess Durgā at a festival of this deity)

≫ kubjikā

   kubjikā (f. of kubjaka, q.v.)

⋙ kubjikātantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

≫ kubjita

   kubjita mfn. crooked, curved

≫ kubjimat

   kubji-mat mfn. id. TāṇḍyaBr


   kubra n. a forest Uṇ. ii, 29 
   • a hole for sacrificial fire L 
   • a ring, ear-ring L 
   • a thread L 
   • a cart L


   ku-brahma &c. 1. ku


   kubhanyú mfn. desirous of water [Sāy 
   • said of the poets] RV. v, 52, 12


   kúbhā f. the Kabul river (?, a river falling into the Indus) RV. v, 53, 9 ; x, 75, 6


   ku-bhārya &c. 1. ku


   ku-bhṛt 2. ku


   ku-bhṛtya &c. 1. ku


   kubhrá m. a hump-backed bull MaitrS. ii, 5, 3 
   • (unnatá TS. ii, 1, 5, 2.)


   kum ind. an interjection, g. câdi


   ku-mata -mati, &c. 1. ku


   kumārá m. (fr. 1. ku + māra, √m.ṛ ? 'easily dying' 
   • fr. √2. kam Uṇ. iii, 138) a child, boy, youth 
   • son RV. AV. &c 
   • a prince, heir-apparent associated in the kingdom with the reigning monarch (especially in theatrical language) Ragh. Mālav. &c 
   • a groom L 
   • N. of Skanda (or Kārittikeya, q.v 
   • represented as a beautiful youth 
   • also as the author of certain grammatical Sūtras, cf. kalâpa 
   • also as causing certain diseases Suśr.) MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • N. of a son of Agni (who is the author of some Vedic hymns) RAnukr 
   • one of the nine names of Agni ŚBr. vi 
   • N. of a Prajāpati VāyuP 
   • of Mañju-śrī Buddh 
   • of a river VP 
   • of the Sindhu river L 
   • of the author of a Dharmaśāstra 
   • of the attendant of the twelfth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Jain 
   • a parrot L 
   • the tree Capparis trifoliata (cf. kumāraka) 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1075 and 1870 (cf. kumālaka) 
   • (ī́), f. a young girl, one from ten to twelve years old, maiden, daughter AV. AitBr. &c 
   • or (in the Tantras) any virgin up to the age of sixteen or before menstruation has commenced 
   • N. of certain flags (set up along with Indra's banner) VarBṛS 
   • N. of the wife of Bhīma-sena (son of Parīkshit) MBh. i, 3796 
   • of a daughter of Vasu-deva by Rohiṇī Hariv. 1952 
   • of Sītā (Rāma's wife) L 
   • of the goddess Durgā Hariv. 9425 
   • of Dākshāyaṇī (in Māyā-purī) MatsyaP 
   • of a metre (a kind of Śakvarī, consisting of four lines of sixteen syllables each) 
   • the bird commonly called Śyāmā L 
   • the plant Aloe perfoliata L 
   • the plant Clitoria ternatea (= a-parājitā) L 
   • the plant Jasminum Sambac L 
   • the plant commonly called bandhyā-karkoṭakī L 
   • the blossom of the plants Taruṇī and Modinī L 
   • great cardamoms L 
   • the most southerly of the nine portions of the known continent or of Jambū-dviipa (the southern extremity of the peninsula, whence the modern name Cape Comorin Kumārī) W 
   • the central part of the universe (according to Hindū geography, Jambū-dviipa or India) L 
   • N. of a river flowing from the mountain Śuktimat MBh. Hariv. VP 
   • of another river Hcat 
   • (when a name is given to a pupil to indicate his attachment to any particular master, kumārī may be prefixed to denote that the pupil's object is to gain the affections of the master's daughter, e.g. kumārī-dākṣa, q.v. s.v. kumārī) 
   • (am), n. N. of a Varsha governed by Kumāra (the son of Bhavya) VP 
   • pure gold L

⋙ kumārakulaṭā

   ○kulaṭā f. unchaste while still a girl, g. śramaṇâdi

⋙ kumārakuśala

   ○kuśala mfn. skilful while still a boy ib

⋙ kumāragarbhiṇī

   ○garbhiṇī f. pregnant while still a girl ib

⋙ kumāragupta

   ○gupta m. 'protected by the god of war', N. of several princes, Daś Hcar. &c

⋙ kumāraghātin

   ○ghātin m. the slayer of a boy or child Pāṇ. 3-2, 51

⋙ kumāracapala

   ○capala mfn. giddy while still a boy, g. śramaṇâdi

⋙ kumārajīva

   ○jīva m. the plant Putraṃ-jīva Roxburghī Car

⋙ kumāratāpasī

   ○tāpasī f. an ascetic while still a girl, g. śramaṇâdi

⋙ kumāratva

   ○tva n. boyhood, youth Ragh. xvii, 30

⋙ kumāradatta

   ○datta m. 'given by the god of war', N. of a son of Nidhipati Kathās

⋙ kumāradarśana

   ○darśana m. N. of a prince of the Gandharvas Kāraṇḍ. [Page 292, Column 2] 

⋙ kumāradāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of a poet 
   • (ī), f. a slave while still a girl, g. śramaṇâdi

⋙ kumāradevī

   ○devī f. N. of the mother of Samudra-gupta

⋙ kumāradeṣṇa

   ○deṣṇa (○rá-), mfn. granting perishable gifts ['granting children' Sāy.] RV. x, 34, 7

⋙ kumāradhārā

   ○dhārā f. N. of a river MBh. iii, 8127 Kathās

⋙ kumāranipuṇa

   ○nipuṇa mfn. = -kuśala g. śramaṇâdi

⋙ kumārapaṭu

   ○paṭu mfn. id. ib

⋙ kumārapaṇḍita

   ○paṇḍita m. a scholar while still a boy ib

⋙ kumārapāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a king (= śāli-vāhana W.) 
   • N. of a king of Guzerat W

⋙ kumārapravrajitā

   ○pravrajitā f. religious while still a girl, g. śramaṇâdi

⋙ kumārabandhakī

   ○bandhakī f. = -kulaṭā ib

⋙ kumārabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a poet

⋙ kumārabhṛtyā

   ○bhṛtyā f. care of a young child or of a pregnant or lying-in woman, midwifery Ragh. iii, 12

⋙ kumāralalitā

   ○lalitā f. 'boy's play', N. of a metre (consisting of four lines of eight syllables each)

⋙ kumāravana

   ○vana n. Kumāra's (i.e. Kārttikeya's) grove

⋙ kumāravāridhārā

   ○vāri-dhārā f. = -dhārā Kathās

⋙ kumāravāhin

   ○vāhin m. 'carrying Skanda', a peacock (as being Skanda's usual vehicle) L

⋙ kumāravrata

   ○vrata n. a vow of eternal chastity Vikr

⋙ kumāraśiras

   ○śiras m. N. of the physician Bharadvāja Car

⋙ kumāraśramaṇā

   ○śramaṇā f. = -tāpasī g. śramaṇâdi

⋙ kumārasambhava

   ○sambhava m. the birth of Skanda or Kārttikeya R. i, 38, 31 
   • N. of a poem by Kālidāsa

⋙ kumārasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of an astronomer

⋙ kumārasū

   ○sū m. 'the father of the god of war', N. of Agni MBh. ii, 1148 
   • (ūs), f. 'the mother of the god of war', N. of the river Gaṅgā L 
   • of Durgā L

⋙ kumārasena

   ○sena m. N. of a minister Rājat. iii, 382

⋙ kumārasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of the author of a Comm. on the Mīmāṃsā-bhāshya

⋙ kumārahārita

   ○hāritá m. N. of a teacher ŚBr. xiv

⋙ kumārāgāra

   kumārâgāra m. 'child's room', nursery Car. iv, 8

⋙ kumārādhyāpaka

   kumārâdhyāpaka m. a teacher while still a youth, g. śramaṇâdi

⋙ kumārābhirūpaka

   kumārâbhirūpaka mfn. instructed while still a boy ib

⋙ kumārābhiṣeka

   kumārâbhiṣeka m. 'inauguration of Kumāra', N. of Kum. xiii

⋙ kumāreśvaratīrtha

   kumārêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

≫ kumāraka

   kumāraká m. a little boy, boy, youth RV. viii, 30, 1 ; 69, 15 ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • (also ifc., e.g. ṛṣi-k○, a young Ṛishi Śak 
   • nāga-k○, a young Nāga Kathās.) 
   • the pupil of the eye ŚBr. iii 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. i. 2154 
   • the plant Capparis trifoliata L 
   • (ikā́), f. a girl from ten to twelve years old, virgin AV. TāṇḍyaBr. MBh. &c 
   • a female servant VarBṛS 
   • an insect (Sphex asiatica) L 
   • double jasmine (Jasminum Sambac) L 
   • large cardamoms L 
   • N. of a part of Bhārata-varsha (a division of the known continent) VP 
   • N. of a river Hcat

≫ kumāraya

   kumāraya Nom. P. ○yati, to play (as a child) Dhātup. xxxv, 25

≫ kumārayu

   kumārayu m. a prince Comm. on Uṇ

≫ kumāri

   kumāri (shortened for ○rī, q.v 
   • Pāṇ. 6-3, 63)

⋙ kumāritamā

   ○tamā f. (superl.) Pāṇ. 1-1, 22 Kāś

⋙ kumāritarā

   ○tarā f. (compar.) ib

⋙ kumāridatta

   ○datta m. N. of a man Kathās. li, 123

⋙ kumāridā

   ○dā mfn. Ved. 'granting children', v. l. for -dārā, q.v

⋙ kumāridārā

   ○dārā f. 'being a wife while still a girl' (?) Pāṇ. 6-3, 63 Kāś

≫ kumārika

   kumārika mfn. furnished with or abounding in girls, g. vrīhy-ādi

≫ kumārikā

   kumārikā́ f. of ○raká, q.v

⋙ kumārikākṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. N. of a part of Bhārata-varsha

⋙ kumārikākhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. id 
   • N. of a section of the SkandaP

≫ kumārin

   kumārín mfn. (g. vrīhy-ādi) having children RV. viii, 31, 8 
   • granting children SāmavBr

≫ kumārila

   kumārila m. N. of a renowned teacher of the Mīmāṃsā philosophy

⋙ kumārilabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa or m. id

⋙ kumārilasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. id

≫ kumārī

   kumārī f. of ○rá, q.v 
   • (mfn.) desirous of a daughter Pāṇ. 1-4, 3 Pat

⋙ kumārīkalpa

   ○kalpa m. N. of wk

⋙ kumārīkrīḍanaka

   ○krīḍanaka n. a plaything for girls, g. yāvâdi

⋙ kumārītantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kumārīdākṣa

   ○dākṣa ās m. pl. the Dākshas desirous of a girl Pāṇ. 6-2, 69 Kāś

⋙ kumārīpāla

   ○pāla m. the guardian of a virgin or bride Kauś. 75 and 76

⋙ kumārīputra

   ○putrá m. (g. sthūlâdi) the child of an unmarried woman VS. xxx, 6

⋙ kumārīputraka

   ○"ṣputraka mfn. fr. -putra g. sthūlâdi

⋙ kumārīpura

   ○pura n. a part of the gynaeceum in which the girls are kept MBh. iv, 309 Daś. Kād

⋙ kumārīpūjā

   ○pūjā f. the worship of Kumārī or Durgā (a ceremony performed at the great Durgā festival, when a girl between ten and twelve years old is placed on a pedestal as the representative of the goddess, and fed with offerings made to the idol)

⋙ kumārīśvaśura

   ○śvaśura m. the father-in-law of a maiden, g. sthūlâdi

⋙ kumārīśvaśuraka

   ○"ṣśvaśuraka mfn. fr. ○śura ib


   ku-mārga 1. ku


   kumālaka ās m. pl., N. of a people L. [Page 292, Column 3] 


   kumālana m. N. of a man Āp


   kumālaya v. l. for ○māraya, q.v


   ku-mitra -mukha, &c. 1. ku


   ku-mud mfn. 1. ku 
   • (t), n. (= kumuda) the white water-lily BhP. iii, 23, 38

⋙ kumudvat

   ○vat (kúmud-), mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 87) abounding in lotuses Ragh. iv, 19 BhP 
   • (ān), m. the moon BhP. x, 29, 3 
   • N. of a wind MaitrS. iv, 9, 8 
   • (atī), f. an assemblage of lotuses, place or pond filled with them Kauś. Śak. &c 
   • the flexible stalk of a waterlily W 
   • N. of a plant bearing a poisonous fruit (Villarsia indica) Suśr 
   • N. of a sister of the serpentking Kumuda and wife of Kuśa Ragh 
   • of the wife of the Kirāta king Vimarshaṇa SkandaP 
   • of the wife of Pradyumna VP 
   • of a river ib 
   • kumudvatī7śa m. 'lord of the lotuses', N. of the moon L

≫ kumuda

   kú-muda n. [as m. L.], 'exciting what joy', the esculent white water-lily (Nymphaea esculenta) AV. iv, 34, 5 Suśr. Śak. &c 
   • the red lotus (Nymphaea rubra) L 
   • m. camphor Bhpr 
   • (in music) N. of a Dhruvaka 
   • N. of a particular comet VarBṛS 
   • of a Nāga MBh. Ragh 
   • of an attendant of Skanda [MBh. ix, 2558] or of Vishṇu BhP. 
   • of the elephant of the south-west or southern quarter L 
   • of a Daitya L 
   • of a son of Gada by Bṛihatī Hariv. 9193 
   • of a confidant of king Unmattâvanti Rājat 
   • of a monkey-hero MBh. R 
   • of a poet 
   • of a pupil of Pathya BhP. xii, 7, 2 
   • of a mountain BhP. VP 
   • of one of the smaller Dviipas VP 
   • (ā), f. a form of Durgā BhP. x, 2, 12 MatsyaP 
   • the plant Gmelina arborea L 
   • the plant Pistia Stratiotes L 
   • the plant Desmodium gangeticum L 
   • the plant Grislea tomentosa L 
   • another plant (commonly Kaṭphala) L 
   • (ī), f. the plant Kaṭphala (Myrica sapida) 
   • (am), n. camphor L 
   • silver L

⋙ kumudakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. an assemblage of Kumudas, g. kamalâdi

⋙ kumudaghnī

   ○ghnī f. 'pernicious to the Kumudas', N. of a plant containing a poisonous milky juice Suśr

⋙ kumudacandra

   ○candra m. N. of the astronomer Siddha-sena

⋙ kumudanātha

   ○nātha m. 'lord of the lotuses', the moon Kād

⋙ kumudapattrābha

   ○pattrâbha mfn. resembling the leaves of the white water-lily

⋙ kumudapuṣpā

   ○puṣpā f. N. of a Gandharva girl Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kumudabandhu

   ○bandhu m. 'friend of the lotus' (the white esculent lotus expanding its petals during the night and closing them in the daytime), the moon L

⋙ kumudabāndhava

   ○bāndhava m. id. L

⋙ kumudamaya

   ○maya mfn. consisting of white lotus flowers Kād

⋙ kumudavatī

   ○vatī f. an assemblige of Kumudas, place abounding in them L

⋙ kumudavana

   ○vana n. id

⋙ kumudasuhṛd

   ○suhṛd m. = -bandhu L

⋙ kumudākara

   kumudâkara m. a number of water-lilies Viddh. Kathās 
   • -bāndhava, m.= ○da-bandhu Comm. on VarBṛ

⋙ kumudākṣa

   kumudâkṣa m. 'lotuseyed', N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1560 
   • of an attendant of Vishṇu BhP. viii, 21, 16

⋙ kumudadi

   kumudádi m. N. of a teacher VP

⋙ kumudāvāsa

   kumudâvāsa mfn. abounding in lotuses L

⋙ kumudeśa

   kumudêśa m. = ○da-nātha L

⋙ kumudottara

   kumudôttara m. N. of a Varsha MBh. vi, 425

⋙ kumudotpalin

   kumudôtpalin mfn. richly furnished with Kumudas and Utpalas R. iii, 78, 26

≫ kumudika

   kumudika mf(ī)n. abounding with Kumudas Pāṇ. 4-2, 80 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman Kathās 
   • N. of the plat Kaṭphala L 
   • of a small tree (the seeds of which are aromatic) W

≫ kumudinī

   kumudinī f. (g. puṣkarâdi) an assemblage of Kumudas or a place abounding in them Pañcat. Śiś. &c 
   • N. of the daughter of a Daitya Kathās 
   • of the mother of Raghu-deva

⋙ kumudinīnāyaka

   ○nāyaka m. (= kumuda-bandhu) the moon Hit

⋙ kumudinīpati

   ○pati m. id. L

⋙ kumudinīvadhūvara

   ○vadhū-vara m. id. Kād

⋙ kumudinīvanitā

   ○vanitā f. a loved woman fancifully represented as an assemblage of lotus flowers


   ku-muhūrta &c. 1. ku


   kump vḷ. for √kumb, q.v


   kumpa mfn. crooked-armed L


   kumb cl. 6. and 10. P. kumbati, ○bayati, to cover Pāṇ. 3-3, 105 Dhātup


   kúmba as, or am m. or n. (ifc. f. ā) a kind of head-dress for women AV. vi, 138, 3 
   • the thick end (of a bone or of a club) TS 
   • (ā), f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 105) a thick petticoat L 
   • an enclosure round a place of sacrifice L

⋙ kumbakurīra

   ○kurīra m. a kind of headdress for women ĀpŚr


   kúmbyā or kumbyā́ f. a precept in form of a verse or formula ŚBr. xi AitĀr. [Page 293, Column 1] 


   kumbh v. l. for √kumb, q.v


   kumbhá m. a jar, pitcher, waterpot, ewer, small water-jar [often ifc. (f. ā), e.g. chidra-k○, a perforated pitcher R 
   • āma-k○, a jar of unbaked clay Pañcat 
   • hema-k○, a golden ewer Ragh. ii, 36 Amar 
   • jala-k○, a water-pot Pañcat.] RV. AV. &c 
   • an urn in which the bones of a dead person are collected ĀśvGṛ. KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • the sign of the zodiac Aquarius Jyot. VarBṛS. &c 
   • a measure of grain (equal to twenty Droṇas, a little more than three bushels and three gallons 
   • commonly called a comb 
   • some make it two Droṇas or sixty-four Seers) Mn. viii, 320 Hcat 
   • the frontal globe or prominence on the upper part of the forehead of an elephant (there are two of these prominences which swell in the rutting season) MBh. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • a particular part of a bed VarBṛS 
   • N. of a plant (and also of its fruit) BhP. x, 18, 14 
   • the √of a plant used in medicine 
   • a religious exercise, viz. closing the nostrils and mouth so as to suspend breathing L 
   • the paramour of a harlot, bully, flash or fancy man L 
   • N. of a Mantra (pronounced over a weapon) R. i 
   • N. of a Dānava (a son of Prahlāda and brother of Nikumbha) MBh. i, 2527 Hariv 
   • of a Rākshasa (son of Kumbhakarṇa) R. BhP 
   • of the father of the nineteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī Jain 
   • of a monkey R. iv, 33, 14 
   • one of the thirty-four Jātakas or former births of Śākya-muni L 
   • N. of wk. Sāh 
   • (ā), f. a harlot L 
   • the plant Tiaridium indicum L 
   • (fr. √kumbh) covering Vop 
   • (ī́), f. a small jar or pot, earthen cooking vessel VS. AV. TS. &c 
   • N. of a hell Kāraṇḍ 
   • of a plant Bālar 
   • a small tree (the seeds of which are used in medicine, commonly Kaṭphala) L 
   • Bignonia suaveolens L 
   • Pistia Stratiotes L 
   • another plant (commonly Romaśa) L 
   • the plant Croton polyandrum L 
   • the plant Myrica sapida L 
   • (am), n. the plant Ipomoea Turpethum L 
   • a fragrant resin (gúggulu), or the plant which bears it L 
   • gold Gal 
   • [Gk. [293, 1] ? ; Lat. cymba.]

⋙ kumbhakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. 'pot-eared', N. of a Rākshasa (the brother of Rāvaṇa, described in R. vi as sleeping for six months at a time and then waking to gorge himself MBh. iii R. Ragh. xii, 80 BhP 
   • N. of a Daitva Hariv 
   • of a Muni VāyuP 
   • of a locality 
   • of Śiva MBh. xii, 10350 
   • -vadha m. 'the slaughter of Kumbhakarṇa', N. of a section of the PadmaP

⋙ kumbhakāmalā

   ○kāmalā f. a bilious affection (sort of jaundice together with swelling of the joints Suśr 
   • cf. kumbha-pāda)

⋙ kumbhakāra

   ○kāra m. a potter (being according to some authorities the son of a Brāhman by a wife of the Kshatriya caste) Yājñ. iii, 146 MBh. &c 
   • a serpent L 
   • a wild fowl (Phasianus gallus) L 
   • (ī), f. the wife of a potter Pāṇ. 4-1, 15 Kāś 
   • N. of a girl Lalit 
   • a mineral substance used as an application to strengthen the eyes and beautify the eyelashes L 
   • red arsenic L

⋙ kumbhakāraka

   ○kāraka m. a potter W 
   • (ikā), f. the wife of a potter, woman of the potter caste Kathās 
   • a sort of collyrium L 
   • -kukkuṭa m. a wild fowl (Phasianus gallus) L

⋙ kumbhaketu

   ○ketu m. N. of a son of Śambara Hariv. 9254

⋙ kumbhaghoṇatīrtha

   ○ghoṇa-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ kumbhajanman

   ○janman m. 'born in a pitcher', N. of Agastya Ragh. xii, 31

⋙ kumbhatāla

   ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure

⋙ kumbhatumbī

   ○tumbī f. a kind of large round gourds L

⋙ kumbhadāsa

   ○dāsa m.? Rājat. iii, 456 
   • (ī), f. a harlot Hcar 
   • a bawd L

⋙ kumbhadhara

   ○dhara m. 'pot-holder', the sign Aquarius 
   • N. of a Mantra (pronounced over a weapon) R. i

⋙ kumbhadhānya

   ○dhānya mfn. having grains only to fill a single pot MBh. xii

⋙ kumbhanābha

   ○nābha m. N. of a son of Bali Hariv

⋙ kumbhapadī

   ○padī f. of -pāda, q.v

⋙ kumbhapāda

   ○pāda mf(-padī)n. having swollen legs bulging like a pitcher Pāṇ. 5-4, 139

⋙ kumbhaphalā

   ○phalā f. the plant Cucurbita Pepo L

⋙ kumbhabāhu

   ○bāhu m. N. of a Daitya Hariv

⋙ kumbhabila

   ○bila n. Pāṇ. 6-2, 102

⋙ kumbhabījaka

   ○bījaka m. a kind of Karañja L

⋙ kumbhabhava

   ○bhava m. (= -janman) the star Canopus (= Agastya)

⋙ kumbhabhū

   ○bhū m. = -janman Hcar

⋙ kumbhamaṇḍūka

   ○maṇḍūka m. 'a frog in a pitcher', i.e. an inexperienced man, g. pātresamitâdi and yuktârohy-ādi (cf. kūpa-maṇḍūka.)

⋙ kumbhamuṣka

   ○muṣka (○bhá-), mfn. having a jar-shaped scrotum (N. of demons) AV

⋙ kumbhamūrdhan

   ○mūrdhan m. 'pot-headed', a particular demon causing diseases Hariv. 9560

⋙ kumbhayoni

   ○yoni m. 'born in a waterjar', N. of Agastya MBh. Ragh. BhP 
   • of Droṇa (the military preceptor of the Kurus and Pāṇḍus) L 
   • of Vasishṭha L 
   • (is), f. the plant Phlomis ceylanica (commonly droṇa-puṣpī) L 
   • 'having a jar-shaped pudendum', N. of an Apsaras MBh. iii, 1785

⋙ kumbharāśi

   ○rāśi m. the sign Aquarius. [Page 293, Column 2] 

⋙ kumbharetas

   ○retas n. semen virile deposited in a Kumbha MBh. xiii, 7372 
   • (ās), m. a form of Agni MBh. iii, 14139

⋙ kumbhalagna

   ○lagna n. that time of day in which Aquarius rises above the horizon

⋙ kumbhavaktra

   ○vaktra m. N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2577

⋙ kumbhaśālā

   ○śālā f. a pottery L

⋙ kumbhasaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi m. the hollow on the top of an elephant's head between the frontal globes L

⋙ kumbhasambhava

   ○sambhava m. (= -yoni), N. of Agastya R. vii, 80, 1 BhP 
   • of Nārāyaṇa Hariv. 11426

⋙ kumbhasarpis

   ○sarpis n. butter placed in a jar Suśr

⋙ kumbhastanī

   ○stanī f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 54) having breasts like jars BhP

⋙ kumbhahanu

   ○hanu m. 'having a chin shaped like a Kumbha', N. of a Rākshasa R. vi, 32, 15

⋙ kumbhāṇḍa

   kumbhâṇḍa ās m. pl. (perhaps a Prākṛit form for kuṣmāṇḍa, q.v., but cf. kumbhá-muṣka) 'having testicles shaped like a Kumbha', a class of demons (at whose head stands Rudra) Buddh 
   • m. N. of a minister of the Asura Bāṇa BhP 
   • (ī), f. a pumpkin gourd (v. l. for kuṣmāṇḍī) L

⋙ kumbhāṇḍaka

   kumbhâṇḍaka ās m. pl. the class of demons called Kumbhâṇḍa Buddh 
   • N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2571 (v. l. kumbhâṇḍakôdara)

⋙ kumbheśvaratīrtha

   kumbhêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

⋙ kumbheṣṭakā

   kumbhêṣṭakā f. N. of a particular brick ĀpŚr

⋙ kumbhodara

   kumbhôdara m. N. of an attendant of Śiva Ragh. ii, 35

⋙ kumbhodbhava

   kumbhôdbhava m. (= kumbha-sambh○), N. of Agastya

⋙ kumbhodbhūta

   kumbhôdbhūta m. id

⋙ kumbholūka

   kumbhôlūka m. a kind of owl MBh. xiii, 5499

≫ kumbhaka

   kumbhaka m. ifc. a pot Kathās 
   • a measure (of grain, &c.) Jyot 
   • the prominence on the upper part of an elephant's forehead MBh. xii, 4280 
   • (as, am), m. n. stopping the breath by shutting the mouth and closing the nostrils with the fingers of the right hand (a religious exercise) BhP. Vedântas. Sarvad. &c 
   • m. the base of a column Buddh 
   • N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2577 
   • (ikā), f. a small pot or pitcher Kathās. vi, 41 
   • the plant Myrica sapida Bhpr 
   • the plant Pistia Stratiotes L 
   • Bignonia suaveolens L 
   • a small shrub (= droṇapuṣpī) L 
   • a disease of the eyes (= kumbhīkā) 
   • N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2633

⋙ kumbhakapaddhati

   ○paddhati f. N. of wk

≫ kumbhi

   kumbhi (in comp. for ○bhin, q.v.)

⋙ kumbhinaraka

   ○naraka m. N. of a hell L

⋙ kumbhimada

   ○mada m. the juice that exudes from an elephant's temples at certain seasons L

≫ kumbhin

   kumbhín mfn. having a jar RV. i, 191, 14 Lāṭy. Vait 
   • shaped like a jar W 
   • (ī), m. 'having on his forehead the prominence called kumbha', an elephant 
   • (hence) the number 'eight' 
   • a crocodile L 
   • a kind of poisonous insect. Susr 
   • a sort of fragrant resin (gúggulu) or the plant bearing it L 
   • N. of a demon hostile to children PārGṛ. i, 16 
   • (inī), f. the earth Gal

≫ kumbhinī

   kumbhinī (f. of ○bhin, q.v.)

⋙ kumbhinībīja

   ○bīja n. the croton-nut (Croton Jamalgota) L

≫ kumbhila

   kumbhila m. a thief who breaks into a house (often in Prākṛit [kumbh�Ilā] Mṛicch. Vikr. &c.) L 
   • a plagiarist L 
   • a wife's brother L 
   • a child begotten at undue seasons or a child of an imperfect pregnation W 
   • a kind of fish (the gilthead, Ophiocephalus Wrahl) L

≫ kumbhī

   kumbhī (f. of ○bha, q.v.)

⋙ kumbhīdhānya

   ○dhānya m. one who has grain stored in jars sufficient for six days or (according to others) for one year's consumption Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 7 Vārtt. 5

⋙ kumbhīdhānyaka

   ○dhānyaka m. id. Mn. iv, 7 (cf. Yājñ. i, 128.)

⋙ kumbhīnasa

   ○nása m. 'jar-nosed', a kind of large venomous snake TS. v, 5, 14, 1 
   • a kind of venomous insect Suśr 
   • (ī), f. N. of the wife of the Gandharva Aṅgāra-parṇa MBh. i, 6469 
   • of a Rākshasī (mother of Lavaṇa) R. v, 78, 8 Ragh. xv, 15

⋙ kumbhīnasi

   ○nasi m. N. of a demon MBh. xiii, 2238

⋙ kumbhīpāka

   ○pāka m. the contents of a cooking vessel Kauś. 6 
   • a kind of fever Bhpr 
   • (as, ās), m. sg. or pl. a hell in which the wicked are baked like potter's vessels or cooked like the contents of a cooking vessel Mn. xii, 76 Yājñ. iii, 224 MBh. &c

⋙ kumbhībīja

   ○bīja n. = kumbhinī-b○, q.v. L

⋙ kumbhīmāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wk

⋙ kumbhīmukha

   ○mukha n. N. of a particular wound Car

≫ kumbhīka

   kumbhī́ka m. a pathic, catamite Suśr 
   • the plant Rottleria tinctoria or perhaps Pistia Stratiotes (the bark of which furnishes a yellow dye) Suśr 
   • (ā), f. id. ib 
   • a swelling of the eyelids (similar to a seed or grain of the Kumbhīka 
   • hordeolum or stye) Suśr 
   • a kind of demon AV. xvi, 6, 8

⋙ kumbhīkapiḍakā

   ○piḍakā f. the eye-disease called Kumbhīkā Suśr

≫ kumbhīkin

   kumbhīkin mfn. similar to a seed of the Kumbhīka Suśr

≫ kumbhīra

   kumbhīra m. a crocodile of the Ganges (the long-nosed alligator) MBh. xiii, 5457 Suśr 
   • N. of a Yaksha [Page 293, Column 3] 
   • of a plant Gal

⋙ kumbhīramakṣikā

   ○makṣikā f. a sort of fly (Vespa solitaria) L

≫ kumbhīraka

   kumbhīraka m. a thief W

≫ kumbhīla

   kumbhīla m. (= ○bhīra) a crocodile L


   kumbharī f. a form of Durgā L


   kumbhalā f. a plant the flowers of which are compared to those of Nauclea Cadamba (Sphaeranthus Hirtus) L


   kumbhila &c. kumbhá


   ku-yajvin &c. 1. ku


   kúya-vāc mfn. (kuya = 1. ku), speaking ill, abusing (N. of a demon slain by Indra) RV. i, 174, 7 (cf. RV. v, 29, 10 and 32, 8.)


   ku-yoga &c. 1. ku


   kur cl. 6. P. kurati, to utter a sound Dhātup. xxviii, 51


   kurakā f. the olibanum tree (Boswellia thurifera) L


   kuraṅkara m. the Indian crane (Ardea sibirica) L

≫ kuraṅkura

   kuraṅkura m. id. L


   kuraṅga m. (√1. kṝ Uṇ. i, 120), a species of antelope, antelope or deer (in general) Suśr. Pañcat. &c 
   • (hence like mṛga) the spot in the moon Prasannar 
   • N. of a mountain MBh. xiii, 1699 BhP. v, 16, 27 
   • (ī), f. a female antelope Gīt 
   • N. of a daughter of Prasena-jit Kathās

⋙ kuraṅganayanā

   ○nayanā f. 'fawn-eyed', a handsome woman Caurap

⋙ kuraṅganābhi

   ○nābhi m. musk (formed in a bag attached to the belly of the deer above the navel) Naish. Prasannar

⋙ kuraṅganetrā

   ○netrā f. = -nayanā ib

⋙ kuraṅgalāñchana

   ○lāñchana m. 'deer-spotted', the moon Dhūrtan

⋙ kuraṅgalocanā

   ○locanā f. = -nayanā Prasannar

⋙ kuraṅgavadhū

   ○vadhū f. a female antelope ib

⋙ kuraṅgākṣī

   kuraṅgâkṣī f. = kuraṅga-nayanā Prasannar 
   • N. of a woman Hcar

≫ kuraṅgaka

   kuraṅgaka m. an antelope Kād 
   • N. of a man Viddh 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of bean (= mudgaparṇī) L 
   • N. of a female servant Viddh

≫ kuraṅgama

   kuraṅgama m. an antelope L

≫ kuraṅgāya

   kuraṅgāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to take the shape of an antelope Bhartṛ


   kuracilla for kuru-c○, q.v. L


   kuraṭa m. a shoemaker, leatherseller L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people (vḷ. for kar○)


   kuraṇṭa m. yellow amaranth (pītâmlāna) L 
   • the plant Marsilea quadrifolia L

≫ kuraṇṭaka

   kuraṇṭaka m. yellow amaranth L 
   • a yellow kind of Barleria L 
   • (ikā), f. id. Suśr 
   • (am), n. the blossom of that plant ib

≫ kuraṇḍa

   kuraṇḍa m. the plant commonly called sākuruṇḍa L 
   • enlargement of the testicles or rather of the scrotum (including inguinal hernia &c.) L

≫ kuraṇḍaka

   kuraṇḍaka m. yellow amaranth L 
   • a yellow kind of Barleria L

≫ kuraba

   kuraba m. a red kind of Barleria L 
   • a kind of tree ['the Sesam tree' Comm.] BhP. iii, 15, 19

≫ kurabaka

   kurabaka m. red amaranth (or a red kind of Barleria) MBh. Suśr. Ragh. &c 
   • a species of rice Suśr 
   • (am), n. the blossom of red amaranth (or of a red kind of Barleria) Śak. Mālav. Vikr. &c


   kurayāṇa m. (probably) N. of a man, kauray○


   kurara m. (fr. √3. ku Uṇ. iii, 133) an osprey Yājñ. i, 174 MBh. &c 
   • also another species of eagle W 
   • the plant Capparis aphylla Gal 
   • N. of a mountain BhP. v, 16, 27 
   • (ī), f. a female osprey MBh. &c 
   • an ewe L

⋙ kurarāṅghri

   kurarâṅghri m. a kind of mustard (= deva-sarṣapa) L

≫ kurarāva

   kurarāva mfn. abounding with ospreys (as a place) Pāṇ. 5-2, 109 Pat

≫ kurarin

   kurarin ī m. N. of a mountain VP

≫ kurarī

   kurarī (f. of ○ra, q.v.)

⋙ kurarīgaṇa

   ○gaṇa m. a flight of ospreys

≫ kurala

   kurala m. an osprey AV. Pariś 
   • = kurula, q.v. L

⋙ kuralaprastha

   ○prastha m. N. of a town, g. karcyādi Kāś


   ku-rava &c. 1. ku

≫ kurājan


⋙ kurājanrājya

   ○rājya ib. [Page 294, Column 1] 


   kurī f. a kind of grass or corn L


   kurī́ra n. (√1. kṛ Uṇ. iv, 33), a kind of head-dress for women RV. x, 85, 8 AV. vi, 138, 3 GopBr 
   • copulation Uṇ

≫ kurīrin

   kurīrín mfn. decorated with the head-dress called kurī́ra AV. v, 31, 2 ; vi, 138, 2


   kúru avas m. pl., N. of a people of India and of their country (situated near the country of the Pañcālas 
   • hence often connected with Pañcāla or Pañcāla [see kuru-pañc○ below]: the uttara-kuravaḥ, or uttarāḥ kuravaḥ are the northern Kurus, the most northerly of the four Mahā-dviipas or principal divisions of the known world [distinguished from the dakṣiṇāḥ kuravaḥ or southern Kurus MBh. i, 4346], by other systems regarded as one of the nine divisions or Varshas of the same 
   • it was probably a country beyond the most northern range of the Himâlaya, often described as a country of everlasting happiness [AitBr. MBh. &c.], and considered by some to be the ancient home of the Āryan race) 
   • = ṛtvijas (priests) Naigh 
   • = kartāras ('doers', fr. √1. kṛ) Comm. on ChUp 
   • (us), m. N. of the ancestor of the Kurus (son of Saṃvaraṇa and Tapatī, daughter of the sun [MBh. i, 3738 ff. Hariv. 1799 &c.] 
   • Kuru is the ancestor of both Pāṇḍu and Dhṛita-rāshṭra, though the patronymic derived from his name is usually applied only to the sons of the latter, the sons and descendants of the former being called Pāṇḍavas) 
   • N. of a son of Āgnīdhra and grandson of Priya-vrata VP. BhP 
   • boiled rice L 
   • the plant Solanum Jacquini (= kaṇṭakārikā) L 
   • (ūs), f. a princess of the Kuru race Pāṇ. 4-1, 66 & 176 (cf. kaurava, &c.)

⋙ kurukata

   ○kata m. N. of a man, g. gargâdi and anuśatikâdi

⋙ kurukandaka

   ○kandaka n. horse-radish (Raphanus sativus) L

⋙ kurukurukṣetra

   ○kuru-kṣetra n. the country of the Kurus and Kuru-kshetra Pāṇ. 2-4, 7 Kāś

⋙ kurukurujāṅgala

   ○kuru-jāṅgala n. the country of the Kurus and Kuru-jāṅgala ib

⋙ kurukṣetra

   ○kṣetrá n. 'the field of the Kurus', N. of an extensive plain near Delhi (the scene of the great battles between the Kurus and Pāṇḍus) AitBr. ŚBr. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl. the inhabitants of that country (renowned for their bravery) Mn. vii, 193

⋙ kurukṣetraka

   ○kṣetraka ās m. pl. the inhabitants of the Kuru-kshetra VarBṛS

⋙ kurukṣetrin

   ○kṣetrin mfn. (with yoga) a solar day, in the course of which three lunar days, three asterisms, and three yogas occur

⋙ kurugārhapata

   ○gārhapata n. ? Pāṇ. 6-2, 42

⋙ kurucara

   ○cara mf(ī)n. ifc. f. ā Pāṇ. 4-1, 14 and 15 Pat

⋙ kurucilla

   ○cilla m. a crab L

⋙ kurujāṅgala

   ○jāṅgala n. N. of a country MBh. R. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl. the inhabitants of that country MBh. BhP. VarBṛS

⋙ kurutīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 7036 ff

⋙ kurunadikā

   ○nadikā f. = ku-nad○ Comm. on Lāṭy

⋙ kurunandana

   ○nandana m. a descendant of Kuru (as Arjuna, Yudhishṭhira, &c.) Bhag. &c

⋙ kurupañcāla

   ○pañcālá ās m. pl. the Kurus and Pañcālas Kāṭh. AitBr. ŚBr. MBh 
   • -trā́ ind. as among the Kurus and Pañcālas ŚBr. iii

⋙ kurupatha

   ○patha m. 'N. of a man', kaurupathi

⋙ kurupāṇḍava

   ○pāṇḍava au, ās m. du. and pl. the descendants of Kuru (i.e. of Dhṛita-rāshṭra) and of Pāṇḍu MBh. i, 2234 Rājat

⋙ kurupiśaṅgila

   ○piśaṅgila mf(ā)n.? VS. xxiii, 55 f

⋙ kurupuṃgava

   ○puṃgava m. a Kuru chief (in the Draupadī-haraṇa applied to the Pāṇḍu princes)

⋙ kurubāhu

   ○bāhu m. a kind of bird L

⋙ kurubilva

   ○bilva m. a ruby L

⋙ kurubilvaka

   ○bilvaka m. = kulmāṣa L

⋙ kururāj

   ○rāj m. 'lord of the Kurus', N. of Duryodhana L

⋙ kururāja

   ○rāja m. N. of Yudhishṭhira MBh. xvi, 7

⋙ kururājya

   ○rājya n. the Kuru realm

⋙ kuruvaṃśa

   ○vaṃśa m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kuruvaṃśaka

   ○vaṃśaka m. id. ib

⋙ kuruvatsa

   ○vatsa m. N. of a prince (vḷ. for -vaśa)

⋙ kuruvarṇaka

   ○varṇaka ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 364

⋙ kuruvaśa

   ○vaśa m. N. of a prince BhP. ix, 24, 5:

⋙ kuruvājapeya

   ○vājapeya m. a particular kind of Vājapeya ŚāṅkhŚr. Lāṭy

⋙ kuruvista

   ○vista m. a Pala of gold (in weight equal to about 700 troy grains) Hcat. =

⋙ kuruvṛddha

   ○vṛddha m. N. of Bhīshma Bhag. i, 12

⋙ kuruśravaṇa

   ○śrávaṇa m. N. of a prince RV. x, 32, 9 and 33, 4

⋙ kuruśreṣṭha

   ○śreṣṭha m. N. of Arjuna Bhag

⋙ kurusattama

   ○sattama m. id. ib

⋙ kurusuti

   ○suti m. N. of a Vedic poet (author of RV. viii, 76-78)

⋙ kuruhāra

   ○hāra m. N. of an Agra-hāra Rājat. i, 88

≫ kuruka

   kuruka m. N. of a prince (v. l. for ruruka) VP


   kurukullā f. (fr. ○ru-kulyā, 'belonging to the Kuru race' ?), N. of a Buddh. deity


   kuruṅgá m. N. of a prince RV. viii, 4, 19. [Page 294, Column 2] 


   kuruṭa m. a kind of pot-herb (Marsilea quadrifolia) L. (cf. kuraṇṭa.)

≫ kuruṭin

   kuruṭin ī m. a horse L


   kuruṇṭa m. yellow amaranth L 
   • yellow Barleria L 
   • (ī), f. a doll, puppet made of wood L 
   • the wife of a Brāhman L

≫ kuruṇṭaka

   kuruṇṭaka m. yellow amaranth or Barleria Suśr 
   • (ikā), f. id. ib

≫ kuruṇṭha

   kuruṇṭha m. yellow amaranth or Barleria Lalit


   kuruṇḍi m. N. of a Ṛishi in the third Manv-antara VP


   kuruta ? g. hasty-ādi (v. l.) 
   • (ā), f. a particular high number Lalit

⋙ kurutapāda

   ○pāda mfn. g. hasty-ādi, v. l


   kurumba m. a kind of orange (= kula-pālaka) L 
   • (ā), f. the plant Phlomis ceylanica (commonly Droṇa-pushpī) L 
   • (ī), f. a kind of pepper L

≫ kurumbikā

   kurumbikā f. the plant Phlomis ceylanica L


   kururī for kurarī, q.v


   kurula m. a curl or lock of hair (especially on the forehead) L


   kuruvaka for kurabaka, q.v


   kuruvinda m. a kind of barley Suśr. Comm. on Śiś. ix, 8 
   • a fragrant grass (Cyperus rotundus) L 
   • the plant Terminalia Catappa L 
   • the bud of a flower L 
   • = kulmāṣa (cf. kuru-bilvaka) L 
   • (as, am), m. n. a ruby Suśr. Daś. Śiś. ix, 8 
   • (am), n. black salt L 
   • cinnabar L

≫ kuruvindaka

   kuruvindaka m. a wild variety of Dolichos biflorus L


   kurūṭín mfn. perhaps = kirīṭin AV. x, 1, 15


   ku-rūpa &c. 1. ku


   kurū́ru m. a species of worm AV. ii, 31, 2 and ix, 2, 22


   kurkuṭa m. (= kukk○) a cock Pañcat

⋙ kurkuṭāhi

   kurkuṭâhi m. a kind of serpent L. (cf. kukkuṭâhi.)

⋙ kurkuṭīvrata

   kurkuṭī-vrata n. = kukk○, q.v. BhavP


   kurkurá m. (= kukk○) a dog AV. VarBṛS. Pañcat

≫ kurkurīya

   kurkurīya Nom. P. ○yati, to behave like a dog Pāṇ. 8-2, 78 Pat


   kurcikā f. (= kūrc○) the milky juice of a bulbous √L 
   • a needle L


   kurṇaja m. N. of a plant (commonly kulañjana) L


   kurd ○rdana, for kūrd, &c., q.v


   kurpara for kūrp○, q.v


   kurpāsa for kūrp○, q.v


   kurmala kúlmala


   kurvat mfn. (pr. p. P., √1. kṛ) doing, acting, &c 
   • acting as a servant, agent, servant L 
   • present, actual AitBr. iv, 31, 3

⋙ kurvadrūpa

   kurvad-rūpa n. cause (according to the Cārvākas) W

≫ kurvāṇa

   kurvāṇa mfn. (pr. p. Ā.) doing, making 
   • acting as a servant, agent L


   kul cl. 1. kolati, to accumulate, collect Dhātup. xx, 12 
   • to be of kin, behave as a kinsman ib 
   • to proceed continuously or without interruption ib 
   • to count ib


   kúla n. (ifc. f. ā) a herd, troop, flock, assemblage, multitude, number, &c. (of quadrupeds, birds, insects, &c., or of inanimate objects, e.g. go-kula, a herd of cows R. &c 
   • mahiṣīk○, a herd of female buffaloes Ṛitus 
   • ali-k○, a swarm of bees Śiś. Gīt. &c 
   • alaka-k○, a multitude of curls BhP.) 
   • a race, family, community, tribe, caste, set, company (e.g. brāhmaṇa-k○, the caste of the Brāhmans BhP 
   • padātīnāṃ kula, infantry Rājat. v, 247) 
   • (ifc. with a gen. sg.) a lot, gang (e.g. caurasya-k○, a gang of thieves) Pāṇ. 6-3, 21 Kāś 
   • the residence of a family, seat of a community, inhabited country (as much ground as can be ploughed by two ploughs each drawn by six bulls Comm. on Mn. vii, 119) [Page 294, Column 3] 
   • a house, abode MBh 
   • a noble or eminent family or race Mn. MBh. &c 
   • high station (in comp. 'chief, principal', cf. kula-giri, &c.) 
   • the body L 
   • the front, forepart W 
   • a blue stone L 
   • (with Śāktas) N. of Śakti and of the rites observed in her worship (cf. kaula) 
   • = kula-nakṣatra, q.v. Tantras 
   • m. the chief of a corporation or guild L 
   • = kula-vāra, q.v. Tantras 
   • N. of a man R. vii, 43, 2 
   • (ā), f. 'a principal day', N. of the 4th and 8th and 12th and 14th day in a pakṣa, or half-month Tantras 
   • (ī), f. a wife's elder sister L 
   • the plant Solanum Jacquini or Solanum longum L

⋙ kulakajjala

   ○kajjala m. disgrace of the family

⋙ kulakaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka m. 'a thorn in a family', a bad member of a family Comm. on MBh. i, 170, 15

⋙ kulakanyakā

   ○kanyakā f. a girl of good family R

⋙ kulakanyā

   ○kanyā f. id

⋙ kulakara

   ○kara m. the founder of a family, ancestor MBh

⋙ kulakarkaṭī

   ○karkaṭī for kulaka-kark○, q.v

⋙ kulakartṛ

   ○kartṛ m. the founder of a family or race, ancestor MBh. xv, 988

⋙ kulakarman

   ○karman n. the peculiar or proper duty of a family, any observance peculiar to a family W

⋙ kulakalaṅka

   ○kalaṅka m. 'a family stain', any one who disgraces his family W 
   • -kārin mfn. disgracing one's family Pañcat

⋙ kulakalaṅkita

   ○kalaṅkita mfn. causing disgrace to a family Kathās. xxii, 216

⋙ kulakuṇḍalinī

   ○kuṇḍalinī f. N. of a particular Śakti

⋙ kulakūṇī

   ○kūṇī f. a harlot Gal

⋙ kulakauśika

   ○kauśika m. N. of an author of Mantras

⋙ kulakṣaya

   ○kṣaya m. decay of a race or family MBh. iii, 13231 
   • (ā), f. a sort of cowach (Mucuna pruritus) L

⋙ kulagariman

   ○gariman m. family pride or dignity

⋙ kulagiri

   ○giri m. a chief mountain-range (any one of the seven principal ranges supposed to exist in each Varsha or division of a continent 
   • those of Bhārata-varsha are Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, Śuktimat, Ṛiksha, Vindhya, and Pāripātra or Pāriyātra) BhP

⋙ kulaguru

   ○guru m. the head of a family, family preceptor VP

⋙ kulagṛha

   ○gṛha n. a noble house Ṛitus. vi, 21

⋙ kulagopa

   ○gopá m. the protector of a domicile TS. vi

⋙ kulagaurava

   ○gaurava n. family importance

⋙ kulaghna

   ○ghna mf(ā MBh. xiii, 2397 
   • ī R. ii, 35, 6)n. destroying a family

⋙ kulaṃkula

   ○ṃkula mfn. visiting houses one after the other ŚāṅkhGṛ. Gaut

⋙ kulacandra

   ○candra m. N. of the author of a Comm. on the Kāt 
   • of the author of the Durgāvākya-prabodha

⋙ kulacūḍāmaṇi

   ○cūḍāmaṇi m. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kulacyuta

   ○cyuta mfn. expelled from a family

⋙ kulaja

   ○ja mf(ā)n. born in a noble family, well-born, of good breed Mn. viii, 179 Pañcat. Sāh. &c 
   • (am), n. sour gruel Gal

⋙ kulajana

   ○jana m. a person belonging to a noble family Mṛicch

⋙ kulajāta

   ○jāta mfn. born in a noble family R. i, 71, 2

⋙ kulatattvavid

   ○tattva-vid mfn. knowing the true state of a family

⋙ kulatantu

   ○tantu m. 'the thread coming down from a race', the last representative of a family MBh. i

⋙ kulatas

   ○tas ind. by birth

⋙ kulatithi

   ○tithi f. = kulā, q.v. L

⋙ kulatilaka

   ○tilaka m. the glory of a family

⋙ kuladamana

   ○damana mfn. subduing a family, holding it in subjection, g. nandy-ādi

⋙ kuladīpa

   ○dīpa m. the lamp or light or glory of a race or family 
   • kula-dīpôtsava m. N. of a festival

⋙ kuladīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wk. (treating on the noble families of Bengāl)

⋙ kuladuhitṛ

   ○duhitṛ (Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Vārtt. 9), f. the daughter of a noble family, high-born maiden Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kuladūṣaṇa

   ○dūṣaṇa mfn. disgracing one's family Mṛicch

⋙ kuladeva

   ○deva m. the family deity BrahmaP 
   • (ī or metrically shortened i), f. 'principal goddess', N. of Durgā BhP. x, 52, 42

⋙ kuladevatā

   ○devatā f. the family deity Kum. vii, 27 VP. &c 
   • = -devii f. N. of Durgā W

⋙ kuladaiva

   ○daiva n. family destiny BhP. ix, 5, 9 
   • the family deity BhP. ix, 9, 43

⋙ kuladaivata

   ○daivata n. the family deity R. i, 72, 14

⋙ kuladhara

   ○dhara m. 'upholder of his family', N. of a prince Kathās. lx, 3

⋙ kuladharma

   ○dharma m. practice or observance peculiar to a tribe or family, peculiar duty of caste or race ĀśvGṛ. Āp. Mn. &c 
   • peculiar practice or duty of the Kaulas

⋙ kuladhāraka

   ○dhāraka m. 'upholder of the family', a son L

⋙ kuladhurya

   ○dhurya mfn. one who is able to support a family (as a grown-up son) Ragh. vii, 68

⋙ kulanakṣatra

   ○nakṣatra n. any Nakshatra or lunar mansion distinguished above others, any auspicious asterism Tantras

⋙ kulanandana

   ○nandana m. ā f. a boy or girl causing joy or doing honour to a family Pañcat. BhP. Vet

⋙ kulanāga

   ○nāga m. a chief of the Nāgas RāmatUp

⋙ kulanāyikā

   ○nāyikā f. a girl worshipped at the celebration of the orgies of the left-hand Śāktas

⋙ kulanārī

   ○nārī f. a woman of good family, high-bred virtuous woman Hit

⋙ kulanāśa

   ○nāśa m. 'destroying its family', a camel L 
   • a reprobate, outcast W

⋙ kulanindā

   ○nindā f. family disgrace

⋙ kulanimnagā

   ○nimnagā f. a principal river Rājat. iv, 308. [Page 295, Column 1] 

⋙ kulaṃdhara

   ○ṃ-dhara mfn. upholding one's family BhP. i, 13, 15

⋙ kulapañcāśikā

   ○pañcāśikā f. N. of wk

⋙ kulapatana

   ○patana n. decay or disgrace of a family Pañcat

⋙ kulapati

   ○pati m. the head or chief of a family MBh. R. Mṛicch. &c

⋙ kulaparamparā

   ○paramparā f. the series of generations comprising a race

⋙ kulaparvata

   ○parvata m. = -giri, q.v

⋙ kulapā

   ○pā́ mf. the chief of a family or race or tribe RV. x, 179, 2 AV

⋙ kulapāṃsukā

   ○pāṃsukā f. an unchaste woman W

⋙ kulapāta

   ○pāta for kūla-p○ MBh. xii, 12059

⋙ kulapālaka

   ○pālaka mfn. protecting or providing for a family 
   • (as), f. a kind of orange (= kurumba) L 
   • (ikā), f. a virtuous high-born woman 
   • N. of a woman Daś

⋙ kulapāli


⋙ kulapālī

   ○pālī f. 'family-protectress', a high-born virtuous woman L

⋙ kulaputra

   ○putra m. a son of a noble family, respectable youth MBh. Mṛicch. Daś. &c 
   • the plant Artemisia indica L 
   • (ī), f. the daughter of a good family, high-born or respectable girl (= -duhitṛ) Pāṇ. 6-3, 70 Vārtt. 9 
   • kulaputra-jana m. a son of a noble family Mṛicch

⋙ kulaputraka

   ○putraka m. a son of a noble family Kathās 
   • the plant Artemisia indica Bhpr

⋙ kulapuruṣa

   ○puruṣa m. a man of good family, noble or respectable man Bhartṛ. i, 91 
   • an ancestor, family progenitor W

⋙ kulapūrvaka

   ○pūrvaka m. an ancestor R. ii, 73, 24 (ifc. f. ā)

⋙ kulapūrvaga

   ○pūrva-ga v. l. for -pūrvaka, q.v

⋙ kulaprakāśa

   ○prakāśa m. N. of wk

⋙ kulapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m. the lamp or light or glory of a family Hcar

⋙ kulaprasūta

   ○prasūta mfn. born in a noble family Pañcat

⋙ kulabālikā

   ○bālikā f. (= -pālikā) a virtuous high-born woman L

⋙ kulabīja

   ○bīja m. the head or chief of a guild Gal

⋙ kulabhava

   ○bhava mfn. born in a noble family

⋙ kulabhavana

   ○bhavana n. the chief residence Kād

⋙ kulabhāryā

   ○bhāryā f. a virtuous or noble wife Pāṇ. 1-3, 47 Kāś

⋙ kulabhūbhṛt

   ○bhū-bhṛt m. = -giri Ragh. xvii, 78 Kathās 
   • an excellent prince Kathās. ic, 7

⋙ kulabhūṣaṇa

   ○bhūṣaṇa mfn. 'family-adorning', a family ornament

⋙ kulabhṛtyā

   ○bhṛtyā f. the nursing of a pregnant woman L 
   • a midwife, nurse W. (cf. kumāra-bhṛtyā.)

⋙ kulabhedakara

   ○bheda-kara m. one who causes discord in a family

⋙ kulabhraṣṭa

   ○bhraṣṭa mfn. expelled from a family

⋙ kulamaryādā

   ○maryādā f. family honour or respectability

⋙ kulamātṛkā

   ○mātṛkā f. a kind of spear Gal

⋙ kulamārga

   ○mārga m. the best or principal way, way of honesty 
   • the doctrine of the Kaulas 
   • -tantra n. a collective N. for 64 Tantras

⋙ kulamitra

   ○mitra n. a friend of the family W 
   • m. = -bīja Gal

⋙ kulampuna

   ○m-puna n. 'purifying a family', N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 6074 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. xiii, 7646

⋙ kulambhara

   ○m-bhara mfn. carrying or upholding a family (with anaḍ-vah, a bull kept for breeding) MBh. xiii, 4427 
   • m. v. l. for kujambhala (a thief) L

⋙ kulayukti

   ○yukti f. N. of wk

⋙ kulayoṣit

   ○yoṣit f. a virtuous high-born woman Mn. iii, 245 Kathās

⋙ kularakṣaka

   ○rakṣaka mfn. preserving a family

⋙ kularatnamālā


⋙ kularatnamālikā

   ○ratnamālikā f. N. of two works

⋙ kularddhika

   ○rddhika (ṛddh○), m. the son of a cousin Gal

⋙ kulavat

   ○vat mfn. (g. balâdi) belonging to a noble family R. Kathās

⋙ kulavadhū

   ○vadhū f. a virtuous wife, respectable woman KapS. iii, 70 
   • -tā f. virtue in a wife

⋙ kulavarṇā

   ○varṇā f. a species of the plant Convolvulus with red blossoms (= rakta-trivṛt) L

⋙ kulavartman

   ○vartman n. (= -mārga) the doctrine of the Kaulas

⋙ kulavardhana

   ○vardhana mfn. increasing or advancing or propagating a family R

⋙ kulavāra

   ○vāra m. 'a principal day', Tuesday or Friday Tantras

⋙ kulavidyā

   ○vidyā f. knowledge handed down in a family Mālav

⋙ kulavipra

   ○vipra m. a family priest L

⋙ kulavṛddha

   ○vṛddha m. the oldest member or head of a family BhP

⋙ kulavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. family advancement

⋙ kulavyāpin

   ○vyāpin mfn. attaching or applicable to tribe or caste

⋙ kulavrata

   ○vrata n. a family vow, traditional custom or manners in a family Śak. Mālav. Ragh. iii, 70

⋙ kulaśikharin

   ○śikharin m. = -giri Bhartṛ

⋙ kulaśīla

   ○śīla n. character or conduct honourable to a family 
   • -vat mfn. endowed with a noble character or disposition Hcat 
   • -samanvita mfn. id

⋙ kulaśulka

   ○śulka n. the present to be given to the father-in-law for his daughter before marriage L

⋙ kulaśekhara

   ○śekhara m. N. of the author of the Mukunda-mālā

⋙ kulaśaila

   ○śaila m. = -giri Kathās. cxix, 16

⋙ kulasreṣṭhin

   ○sreṣṭhin mfn. of good family, eminent in family 
   • (ī), m. the chief of a guild L

⋙ kulasa

   ○sa mfn. (√so) ruining a family Comm. on MBh. i, 170, 15

⋙ kulasaṃkhyā

   ○saṃkhyā f. ranking or being reckoned as a family, family respectability Mn. iii, 66

⋙ kulasattra

   ○sattra n. a family sacrifice KātyŚr

⋙ kulasaṃtati

   ○saṃtati f. propagation of a family, descendants Mn. v, 159 MBh

⋙ kulasaṃnidhi

   ○saṃnidhi m. the presence of a number of persons or of witnesses Mn. viii, 194 and 201

⋙ kulasamudbhava

   ○samudbhava mfn. born in a noble family Hit

⋙ kulasambhava

   ○sambhava mfn. id. L

⋙ kulasāra

   ○sāra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kulasundarī

   ○sundarī f. N. of a deity BrahmaP

⋙ kulasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of wk

⋙ kulasevaka

   ○sevaka m. an excellent attendant or servant Pañcat. [Page 295, Column 2] 

⋙ kulasaurabha

   ○saurabha n. N. of a plant (= maruvaka) L

⋙ kulastrī

   ○strī f. a woman of good family, respectable or virtuous woman MBh. R. &c

⋙ kulasthiti

   ○sthiti f. custom observed in a family Kād 
   • antiquity or prosperity of a family W

⋙ kulahaṇḍaka

   ○haṇḍaka for kūla-h○, q.v

⋙ kulahīna

   ○hīna mfn. of low origin Mudr

⋙ kulākula

   kulâkula mfn. excellent and not excellent, middling W 
   • of mixed character or origin W 
   • m. (or kulâkula-vāra, m.) Wednesday Tantras. (cf. kula-vāra) 
   • N. of a Dānava (v. l. ○li) Hariv. 12936 
   • (am), n. (or kulâkula-tithi f.) the second, sixth, and tenth lunar day in a half-month Tantras 
   • (am), n. (or kulâkulanakṣatra n.) 'an asterism of mixed character', N. of the lunar mansions Ārdrā, Mūlā, Abhijit, and Śatabhishā Tantras 
   • -tithi f. -nakṣatra n. -vāra m. before

⋙ kulākuli

   kulâkuli m. N. of a Dānava (v. l. for kulâkula, q.v.)

⋙ kulāṅkura

   kulâṅkura m. offspring of a family Śak

⋙ kulāṅganā

   kulâṅganā f. a respectable or virtuous woman MBh. &c

⋙ kulāṅgāra

   kulâṅgāra m. 'a family fire-brand', a man who foments domestic dissensions or ruins his family Pañcat. BhP. Prasannar 
   • (ī), f. a woman who ruins her family Hariv. 9940

⋙ kulācala

   kulâcala m. = kula-giri BhP. Kathās 
   • N. of a Dānava (vḷ. for kulâkula) Hariv

⋙ kulācāra

   kulâcāra m. the peculiar or proper duty of a family or caste

⋙ kulācārya

   kulâcārya m. a family teacher, family priest BhP. VP 
   • a person well versed in pedigrees and customs of different families and employed to contract marriages between them L 
   • a genealogist W

⋙ kulādya

   kulâdya adhivājya-k○

⋙ kulādri

   kulâdri m. = kula-giri BhP. Rājat. iii, 341

⋙ kulādhāraka

   kulâdhāraka m. 'upholder of a family', a son L. (cf. kula-dhār○.)

⋙ kulānanda

   kulânanda m. 'the joy of his family', N. of an author of Mantras

⋙ kulānala

   kulânala m. 'a family fire-brand (cf. kulâṅgāra)', N. of a man

⋙ kulāntakaraṇa

   kulânta-karaṇa mfn. one who ruins his family MBh

⋙ kulānvaya

   kulânvaya m. noble descent MBh. v, 1136 ; xii, 4300

⋙ kulānvita

   kulânvita mfn. sprung from a noble family Pañcat

⋙ kulāpīḍa

   kulâpīḍa m. the glory of a family Ragh. xviii, 28

⋙ kulābhimāna

   kulâbhimāna n. family pride

⋙ kulābhimānin

   kulâbhimānin mfn. proud of birth or of family descent

⋙ kulāmṛta

   kulâmṛta n. N. of wk

⋙ kulāmbā

   kulâmbā f. 'mother of a family', family deity BrahmaP

⋙ kulārṇava

   kulârṇava m. N. of a Tantra work 
   • -tantra n. id

⋙ kulālambin

   kulâlambin mfn. supporting or maintaining a family W

⋙ kulāṣṭamī

   kulâṣṭamī f. (with Śāktas) N. of a particular eighth day

⋙ kulecara

   kulecara a kind of plant Suśr

⋙ kuleśāna

   kulêśāna m. N. of an author of Tantras

⋙ kuleśvara

   kulêśvara m. the lord or chief of a family L 
   • 'the lord ?', N. of Śiva L 
   • of an author of Mantras 
   • (ī), f. N. of Durgā 
   • ○śvarī-tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kulotkaṭa

   kulôtkaṭa mfn. excellent by birth L 
   • m. a horse of good breed L

⋙ kulotkarṣa

   kulôtkarṣa m. family eminence

⋙ kulotpanna

   kulôtpanna mfn. sprung from a good family, well-born 
   • belonging to a family (as property, &c.)

⋙ kulodgata

   kulôdgata mfn. sprung from a noble family Mn. vii

⋙ kuloddeśa

   kulôddeśa n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kulodbhava

   kulôdbhava mfn. = kulôdgata L

⋙ kulodbhūta

   kulôdbhūta mfn. id

⋙ kulodvaha

   kulôdvaha mfn. propagating the family of, descendant of (gen. or in comp.) MBh. iii, 676 R

⋙ kulopakula

   kulôpakula n. 'excellent and less excellent', N. of certain lunar mansions Sūryapr

⋙ kulopadeśa

   kulôpadeśa m. family name W

≫ kulaka

   kulaka n. ifc. a multitude BhP. v, 7, 11 
   • the stone of a fruit Car 
   • a sort of gourd (Trichosanthes dioeca) L 
   • a collection of three or four ṛājat. or five ṣāh. stanzas in which the government of verb and noun is carried throughout (contrary to the practice of closing the sense with each verse) 
   • a kind of prose composition with few compound words 
   • m. the chief of a guild L 
   • any artisan of eminent birth L 
   • an ant-hill, mole-hill L 
   • a sort of mouse 
   • a green snake L 
   • a kind of ebony (Diospyros tomentosa) L 
   • another species of ebony (commonly Ku-pīlu) Bhpr 
   • another plant (commonly maruvaka, śukla-puṣpa, tilaka) L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of the Śūdras in Kuśa-dviipa BhP. v, 20, 16

⋙ kulakakarkaṭī

   ○karkaṭī f. a species of gourd L

≫ kulara

   kulara mfn. g. aśmâdi (not in Kāś.)

≫ kulāyana

   kulāyana m. N. of a man Pravar

≫ kulika

   kulika mfn. of good family W 
   • m. a kinsman Yājñ. ii, 233 
   • the chief or head man of a guild L 
   • any artisan of eminent birth L 
   • a hunter BhP. x, 47, 19 
   • a thorny plant (Ruellia longifolia or Asteracantha longifolia) L 
   • (= kulavāra) Tuesday or Friday 
   • one of the eight chiefs of the Nāgas or serpent-race (described as having a half-moon on the top of his head and being of a dusky-brown colour) MBh. i, 2549 BhP. RāmatUp. [Page 295, Column 3] 
   • N. of a prince VP 
   • a kind of poison Gal

⋙ kulikavelā

   ○velā f. certain portions of each day on which it is improper to begin any good business

≫ kulin

   kulin mfn. belonging to a noble family, g. balâdi 
   • (inī), f. the plant Impatiens balsamina L

≫ kulīna

   kulīna mf(ā Pāṇ. 4-1, 139)n. belonging to the family of (in comp.) ŚBr. ChUp. MBh. R 
   • of high or eminent descent, well-born Mn. Yājñ. &c 
   • of good breed (as horses or elephants) R. v, 12, 31 
   • m. a horse of good breed L 
   • a Brāhman of the highest class in Bengāl (i.e. a member of one of the eight principal families of the Vārêndra division or of one of the six chief families of the Rāḍha or Rāṛh division as classified by Balāl Sen, Rāja of Bengāl, in the twelfth century 
   • common names of the latter families are Mukharjea, Banarjea, Chatarjea, &c.) 
   • a worshipper of Śakti accord. to the left-hand ritual W 
   • (ā), f. a variety of the Āryā metre 
   • (am), n. a disease of the nails Suśr

⋙ kulīnatā

   ○tā f. rank, family respectability

⋙ kulīnatva

   ○tva n. id. Bhartṛ. i, 61

≫ kulīnaka

   kulīnaka mfn. of good family W 
   • m. a kind of wild kidney-bean (Phaseolus trilobus) L

≫ kulīya

   kulīya mfn. belonging to the family of (in comp.) Pañcad

≫ kuleya

   kuleya mfn. ifc. id. MBh. i, 6804

≫ kulya 1

   kulya mf(ā)n. relating to a family or race Bhartṛ. iii, 24 (ifc.) BhP. vii, 6, 12 ; x, 57, 1 (cf. rāja-k○) 
   • belonging to a congregation or corporation W 
   • of good family, well-descended Pāṇ. 4-1, 140 
   • m. a respectable man L 
   • N. of a teacher (the pupil of Paushpañji) BhP. xii, 6, 79 
   • 1. (ā́), f. (perhaps) custom or habit of a family AV. xi, 3, 13 
   • a virtuous or respectable woman L 
   • the medicinal plant Celtis orientalis (= jīvantikâuṣadhi) L 
   • the plant Solanum longum L 
   • (am), n. friendly inquiry after family affairs or domestic accidents (condolence, congratulation, &c.) W


   kulakka m. a cymbal (beating time, in music) L


   kulaṅgá m. (= kuraṅga) an antelope MaitrS 
   • (ī), f. vḷ. for kuliṅgī, q.v


   kulañja m. the plant Alpinia Galanga L

≫ kulañjana

   kulañjana m. id. L


   kulaṭa m. (fr. kula and √aṭ Pāṇ. 4-1, 127 Kāś.), any son except one's own offspring (an adopted son, bought son, &c.) W 
   • (ā), f. (g. śakandhv-ādi) an unchaste woman Āp. Yājñ. &c. (cf. kumāra-k○) 
   • an honourable female mendicant Pāṇ. 4-1, 127 Kāś

⋙ kulaṭāpati

   kulaṭā-pati m. the husband of an unchaste woman, cuckold W 
   • (ī), f. (= kunaṭī) red arsenic L


   kulattha m. (fr. kula?, cf. aśvattha, kapittha), a kind of pulse (Dolichos uniflorus) Pāṇ. 4-4, 4 MBh. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 373 VP 
   • (ā), f. a kind of Dolichos (Glycine labialis) L 
   • a blue stone used in medicine and applied as a collyrium to the eyes and as an astringent to sores, &c. L 
   • a species of metre

≫ kulatthikā

   kulatthikā f. a kind of Dolichos (cf. araṇyak○) Suśr 
   • a blue stone used as a collyrium &c. L


   kulabha m. N. of a Daitya (v. l. sulabha) Hariv. 12940


   kulākṣutā f. a bitch W


   kulāṭa m. a kind of small fish L


   kulābhi v. l. for ku-nābhi L


   kulā́ya n. (in later language also as m. Pañcat. &c.) a woven texture, web, nest (of a bird), case or investing integument, receptacle, home AV. TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • the body as the dwellingplace of the soul AV. ŚBr. xiv BhP 
   • the kennel or resting-place of a dog Pāṇ. 1-3, 21 Vārtt. 4 
   • a place, spot in general L 
   • (with agneḥ Vait 
   • or with indrâgnyoḥ TāṇḍyaBr. ĀśvŚr. &c.) N. of a particular Ekâha (cf. aindrâgna-k○.)

⋙ kulāyanilāya

   ○nilāya m. the act of sitting in a nest, hatching, brooding

⋙ kulāyanilāyin

   ○nilāyin mfn. sitting in a nest, brooding 
   • ([-nilAyi)tA] f. the act of hatching, &c

⋙ kulāyastha

   ○stha m. 'nest-dweller', a bird L

≫ kulāyayat

   kulāyáyat mfn. (pr. p. P.) building nests or a resting-place RV. vii, 50, 1

≫ kulāyikā

   kulāyikā f. a bird-cage, aviary L. [Page 296, Column 1] 

≫ kulāyin

   kulāyín mfn. forming a nest, shaped like a nest RV. vi, 15, 16 VS. TS 
   • (inī), f. an aviary Gal 
   • N. of a liturgical service TāṇḍyaBr. Lāṭy. Comm. on Nyāyam


   kulāyana kúla


   kúlāla m. (fr. √kul Uṇ. i, 117), a potter VS. xvi, 27 Pāṇ. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • a wild cock (Phasianus gallus) L 
   • an owl L 
   • N. of a prince VP 
   • (ī), f. the wife of a potter Rājat. viii, 138 
   • (= kulatthā) the plant Glycine labialis L 
   • a blue stone applied as a collyrium to the eyes L

⋙ kulālakukkuṭa

   ○kukkuṭa m. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus) VarBṛS

⋙ kulālakṛta

   ○kṛta (kúl○), mfn. made by a potter MaitrS. i, 8, 3

⋙ kulālacakra

   ○cakra n. a potter's disk BhP. v, 22, 2

⋙ kulālavat

   ○vat ind. like a potter

⋙ kulālaśālā

   ○śālā f. a potter's workshop, JābālaUp


   kulālikā for ○lāyikā, q.v


   kulāha m. a horse of a lightbrown colour with black knees L

≫ kulāhaka

   kulāhaka m. a lizard, chamelion L 
   • the plant Celsia coromandelina L


   kulāhala m. N. of a plant (= alambuṣa, gocchāla, bhū-kadamba, commonly Kokaśimā, Coryza terebinthina or Celsia coromandelina [see kulāhaka], a plant which dogs are fond of smelling before they expel urine) Suśr


   kuli m. the hand L 
   • (is), f. (= ○lī) Solanum Jacquini (prickly nightshade) L


   kulika kúla


   kuliṅkaka ○liṅgaka


   ku-liṅga ○ṅgaka, 1. ku


   kulija n. a particular vessel Kauś. 12 and 43 
   • a sort of measure Pāṇ. 5-1, 55 (ifc. f. ā Kāś. or ī)

≫ kulijika

   kulijika mf(ī)n. ifc. fr. kulija Pāṇ. 5-1, 55

≫ kulijīna

   kulijīna mf(ā)n. id. ib


   kulin kúla


   kulinda ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh 
   • m. a prince of the Kulindas ib

⋙ kulindopatyaka

   kulindôpatyaka ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 363


   kulira for ○līra, q.v. L


   kúliśa m. (fr. 1. ku and liśa for riśa fr. √riś), an axe, hatchet RV. i, 32, 5 and iii, 2, 1 AV. MBh 
   • (am), n. [as m. Naigh. Nir. and L.] the thunderbolt of Indra MBh. Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • (= vajra) a diamond Megh. Rājat. vi, 273 
   • m. a sort of fish Suśr 
   • (as, am), m. n. the plant Heliotropium indicum L 
   • (ī́), f. N. of a river (supposed to be in the middle region of the sky) RV. i, 104, 4

⋙ kuliśadruma

   ○druma m. a sort of Opuntia tree Npr

⋙ kuliśadhara

   ○dhara m. 'holding the thunderbolt', N. of Indra VarBṛS

⋙ kuliśanāyaka

   ○nāyaka m. a kind of coitus

⋙ kuliśapāṇi

   ○pāṇi m. = -dhara Śiś. xi, 43

⋙ kuliśabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. = -dhara VarBṛS

⋙ kuliśalepa

   ○lepa m. = vajra-l○, q.v. VarBṛS

⋙ kuliśāṅkuśā

   kuliśâṅkuśā f. N. of one of the sixteen Vidyā-deviis L

⋙ kuliśāsana

   kuliśâsana m. 'having a diamond seat', N. of Śākya-muni L

≫ kuliśāya

   kuliśāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to be equal to the thunderbolt or to a diamond (in hardness) Hcar


   kuliśāsana = kuliś^āna q.v. (s.v. kúliśa) or = kuli-śāsana, 'one who commands with his hand (kuli)', N. of Śākya-muni L


   kulī kúla


   kulīkáya m. a kind of aquatic animal TS. v, 5, 13, 1 
   • (kulīpáya) VS. xxiv, 21 and 35

≫ kulīkā

   kulī́kā f. a kind of bird VS. xxiv, 24


   kulīna &c. kúla


   kulīnasa n. water L


   kulīpáya ○līkáya


   kulīra m. a crab Suśr. Pañcat 
   • the sign of the zodiac Cancer R. i, 19, 8 VarBṛ

⋙ kulīraviṣāṇikā

   ○viṣāṇikā f. a kind of oak-apple Bhpr

⋙ kulīraśṛṅgī

   ○śṛṅgī f. id. ib

⋙ kulīrād

   kulīrâd m. 'eating i. e. destroying crabs', a young crab (the old crab being supposed to perish on producing young) L

≫ kulīraka

   kulīraka m. a small crab Pañcat. [Page 296, Column 2] 


   kulīśa as, am m. n. (= kuliśa) Indra's thunderbolt L


   kuluka n. the fur or foulness of the tongue L. (v. l. kulvaka)


   kulukka-guñjā f. (for ulkā-g○?) a firebrand L


   kuluṅgá m. (= kulaṅgá) an antelope VS. xxiv TS. v


   ku-luñcá 1. ku


   kulūta ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. Kād. &c

≫ kulūtaka

   kulūtaka ās m. pl. id. VarBṛS 
   • m. sg. a Kulūta man, Pratāpar


   kulūna N. of a place, g. kacchâdi (Kāś.)


   kule-cara &c. kúla


   kulphá m. (= gulphá 
   • √3. kal Uṇ.) the ancle RV. vii, 50, 2 ŚBr. xi 
   • (as, am), m. n. a disease L

⋙ kulphadaghna

   ○daghná mfn. reaching down to the ancle ŚBr. xii


   kúlmala n. the part of an arrow or spear by which the head is attached to the shaft MaitrS. AV. (once kúrmala) ŚBr. iii 
   • sin Uṇ. iv, 189

⋙ kulmalabarhiṣa

   ○barhiṣa m. N. of a Vedic poet (author of RV. x, 126) RAnukr

⋙ kulmalabarhis

   ○barhis m. id. TāṇḍyaBr. xv


   kulmāṣa m. (also ās m. pl.) sour gruel (prepared by the spontaneous fermentation of the juice of fruits or of boiled rice) Suśr 
   • an inferior kind of grain, half-ripe barley ChUp. BhP. v, 9, 12 Bhpr 
   • m. a kind of disease L 
   • (am), n. sour gruel L 
   • forced rice L 
   • a sort of Phaseolus (= rāja-māṣa) L 
   • a species of Dolichos (= yāvaka) L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a river Hariv. 9507

⋙ kulmāṣakhāda

   ○khāda mfn. eating sour gruel Pāṇ. 3-2, 81 Kāś

⋙ kulmāṣābhiṣuta

   kulmāṣâbhiṣuta n. sour gruel L


   kulmí m. or f. a herd TS. ii

kulya 1

   kulya 1. kulyā́. kúla

kulya 2

   kúlya mfn. (fr. 2. kulyā́), presiding over a river (as a deity) VS. xvi, 37

≫ kulyā 2

   kulyā́ f. a small river, canal, channel for irrigation, ditch, dyke or trench RV. VS. AV. &c 
   • (ifc. f. ā) Ragh. vii, 46 
   • N. of a river MBh. xiii, 1742

≫ kulyāya

   kulyāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a river Bhartṛ. ii, 78

kulya 3

   kulya n. a receptacle for bones (left from a burnt corpse) MBh. i, 150, 13 Hariv. 2098 
   • a bone L 
   • flesh L 
   • a winnowing basket L 
   • a measure of eight Droṇas L


   kullūka m. N. of a celebrated commentator on Manu (he was born in Gaur, and lived about 300 years ago) 
   • (ā), f. (with Śāktas) N. of certain syllables preceding a Mantra

⋙ kullūkabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. title given to the commentator Kullūka


   kulva mfn. bald KātyŚr. (cf. áti-k○) [Lat. calvus.]


   kulvaka kuluka


   kulharikā f. a pot Bhpr

≫ kulharī

   kulharī f. id. ib


   kuva n. a water-lily, lotus L. (cf. kuvala, &c.)


   kuvakālukā f. N. of a vegetable (= gholī-śāka) L


   ku-vakra &c. 1. ku


   kuvama m. the sun Comm. MBh. xiii, 4486


   kuváya m. (= kváyi) a kind of bird MaitrS. iii, 14, 20


   kuvara mfn. (= tuv○) astringent in flavour L 
   • (ī), f. a sort of fish Gal


   ku-vartman &c. 1. ku


   kúvala as, ī mf. (g. gaurâdi) the jujube tree (Zizyphus Jujuba) L 
   • (am), n. the fruit of that tree Kāṭh. VS. ŚBr. KātyŚr 
   • (= kuvalaya) the water-lily Kathās. liii, 88 [Page 296, Column 3] 
   • a pearl L

⋙ kuvalakuṇa

   ○kuṇa m. the time when the tree Zizyphus Jujuba bears fruits, g. pīlv-ādi

⋙ kuvalaprastha

   ○prastha m. N. of a town, g. karky-ādi (vḷ. for kurala-pr○)

⋙ kuvalasaktu

   ○saktú avas m. pl. Jujuba fruits and barley grains ŚBr. xii

⋙ kuvalāśva

   kuvalâśva m. N. of the prince Dhundhumāra MBh. iii, 13486 Hariv. 671 
   • (vv. ll. kubal○, kuvalayâśva and ○śvaka, q.v.)

⋙ kuvaleśaya

   kuvaleśaya m. 'resting on a water-lily', N. of Vishṇu MBh. xiii, 7012

kuvalaya 1

   kuvalaya n. the water-lily (especially the blue variety, the flower of which opens at night) MBh. Suśr. Megh. &c 
   • (ifc. f. ā) Kathās 
   • m. N. of the horse of Kuvalayâśva MārkP. (cf. kuvala.)

⋙ kuvalayadṛś

   ○dṛś f. 'lotus-eyed', a handsome woman Bhartṛ. Śāntiś. &c

⋙ kuvalayanayanā

   ○nayanā f. id. Mālav

⋙ kuvalayapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town

⋙ kuvalayamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of blue water-lilies Prasannar

⋙ kuvalayamālā

   ○mālā f. N. of a mare Kathās

⋙ kuvalayavatī

   ○vatī f. 'possessing water-lilies', N. of a princess Kathās. lxx, 215

⋙ kuvalayaditya

   kuvalayáditya m. N. of a prince (= ○yâpīḍa) Rājat. iv, 355

⋙ kuvalayānanda

   kuvalayânanda m. N. of wk. on rhetoric by Apya-dīkshita

⋙ kuvalayāpīḍa

   kuvalayâpīḍa m. N. of a prince (= ○yâditya) Rājat. iv, 362 ff 
   • N. of a Daitya (who, changed to an elephant, became the vehicle of Kaṃsa) Hariv. Gīt 
   • N. of an elephant Kathās. cxiii, 19

⋙ kuvalayāvalī

   kuvalayâvalī f. N. of a princess Kathās. xx, 49

⋙ kuvalayāśva

   kuvalayâśva m. N. of the prince Dhundhumāra VP 
   • N. of the prince Pratardana MārkP. (v. l. kubal○) BhP. ix, 17, 6 
   • -caritra n. 'the adventures of Kuvalayâśva', N. of a Prākṛit poem (composed by Viśvanātha Kavi-rāja) Sāh

⋙ kuvalayāśvaka

   kuvalayâśvaka m. N. of the prince Dhundhumāra BhP. ix, 6, 21

⋙ kuvalayāśvīya

   kuvalayâśvīya n. the story of Kuvalayâśva MārkP

≫ kuvalayita

   kuvalayita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) decorated with water-lilies Ragh. xi, 93

≫ kuvalayinī

   kuvalayinī f. an assemblage of water-lilies, place abounding with them L

kuvalaya 2

   ku-valaya 2. ku


   ku-vastra &c. 1. ku


   kuvāṭa m. = kav○ L

≫ kuvāṭaka

   kuvāṭaka as m. id. Gal


   ku-vāda &c. 1. ku


   kuvít-sa m. (fr. kuvíd), any one, an unknown person RV. vi, 45, 24

≫ kuvid

   kuvíd ind. (fr. 1. ku and id 
   • g. câdi), if, whether (a particle of interrogation used in direct and indirect questions) RV. AV. ŚBr 
   • 'where, where at all' ['often, frequently' Sāy.] RV. iv, 51, 4 
   • (a verb following this particle does not lose its accent Pāṇ. 8-1, 30) 
   • = bahu Naigh. iii, 1


   kuvinda m. (= kupinda) a weaver Kathās. Comm. on Bādar

≫ kuvindaka

   kuvindaka m. id. BrahmaP 
   • (in music) a kind of measure


   ku-vivāha &c. 1. ku


   kuvīrā f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 27


   ku-vṛtti &c. 1. ku


   kuvera &c. kubera


   kuvela n. (= kuvalaya) a blue water-lily L


   ku-vaidya &c. 1. ku


   kuś cl. 4. P. kuśyati, to embrace, enfold Dhātup. xxvi, 109 (v. l. kus)


   kuśá m. grass ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ 
   • (the Brāhmaṇas commonly call it darbhá) 
   • the sacred grass used at certain religious ceremonies (Poa cynosuroides, a grass with long pointed stalks) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • a rope (made of Kuśa grass) used for connecting the yoke of a plough with the pole L 
   • N. of a son of Vasu Uparicara Hariv. 1806 
   • of the founder of Kuśathalī SkandaP 
   • of a son of Balākâśva (grandson of Balāka, father of Kuśāmba or Kuśa-nābha) R. BhP. ix, 19, 4 
   • of a son of Suhotra (cf. kāśa) BhP 
   • of a son of Vidarbha ib 
   • of a son of Rāma (cf. kuśīlava) Hariv. 822 BhP. Ragh. xvi, 72 
   • of and son of Lava (king of Kaśmira) Rājat. i, 88 
   • one of the great Dviipas or divisions of the universe (surrounded by the sea of liquified butter) BhP. v, 1, 32 VP. [Page 297, Column 1] 
   • (ā), f. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 46) a small pin or piece of wood (used as a mark in recitation) Lāṭy. ii, 6, 1 and 4 
   • a cord (cf. káśā) L 
   • a horse's bridle (cf. káśā) L 
   • N. of a plant (commonly Madhu-karkaṭikā) L 
   • (ī́), f. ( = kuśā) a small pin (used as a mark in recitation and consisting of wood ṃaitrṣ. iv or of metal ṭBr. i "ṣBr. iii 
   • a ploughshare L 
   • a pod of cotton L 
   • (am), n. water 
   • (mfn.) wicked, depraved L 
   • mad, inebriate L

⋙ kuśakāśamaya

   ○kāśa-maya mfn. made of the Kuśa and Kāśa grass BhP. iii, 22, 31

⋙ kuśaketu

   ○ketu m. N. of Brahmā Gal

⋙ kuśacīra

   ○cīra n. a garment made of Kuśa grass R. ii, 37, 10 
   • (ā), f. 'covered with a garment of Kuśa grass', N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 23

⋙ kuśaja

   ○ja ās m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. kuśala) VP

⋙ kuśadūrvāmaya

   ○dūrvā-maya mfn. made of the Kuśa and Dūrvā grass Hcat

⋙ kuśadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. N. of one of the seven large Dviipas or divisions of the universe MBh. xiii, 673 BhP. MatsyaP

⋙ kuśadhārā

   ○dhārā f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 24

⋙ kuśadhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. N. of a prince (a son of Hrasva-roman) R. BrahmaP 
   • (a grandson of Hrasva-roman) BhP

⋙ kuśanagara

   ○nagara n. N. of the town in which Śākya-muni died Buddh

⋙ kuśanābha

   ○nābha m. N. of a son of Kuśa Hariv. R. BhP. Kathās

⋙ kuśanāman

   ○nāman for śiśu-n○, q.v. L

⋙ kuśanāra

   ○nāra v. l. for -dhārā

⋙ kuśanetra

   ○netra m. N. of a Daitya Hariv. 12944

⋙ kuśapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa n. a kind of oak-apple L 
   • N. of a plant (= granthi-parṇa) or of a perfume so called L

⋙ kuśapuṣpaka

   ○puṣpaka n. a kind of poison Car. vi, 23

⋙ kuśaplava

   ○plava m. N. of a hermitage R. i, 46, 8 (ed. Bomb.)

⋙ kuśaplavana

   ○plavana n. N. of a Tīrtha ib. MBh. iii, 8179

⋙ kuśabindu

   ○bindu avas m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 9, 56

⋙ kuśamuṣṭi

   ○muṣṭi mf. a handful of sacred grass KātyŚr. MBh. &c 
   • (mfn.) having the hand full of sacred grass

⋙ kuśarajju

   ○rajju f. a string made of Kuśa grass Gobh

⋙ kuśalava

   ○lava au m. du. the two sons of Rāma called Kuśa and Lava

⋙ kuśavat

   ○vat mfn. covered with Kuśa grass MBh. iii, 10533 Ragh. xiv, 28 
   • (tī), f. N. of a town (= -sthalī) MBh. iii, 11792 (cf. kuśā-vatī)

⋙ kuśavāri

   ○vāri n. water in which KuŚa grass has been soaked Mn. xi, 148

⋙ kuśavīrā

   ○vīrā v. l. for -cīrā, q.v

⋙ kuśastamba

   ○stamba m. a bundle of Kuśa grass KātyŚr. ĀśvGṛ. BhP. VP 
   • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. xiii, 1714

⋙ kuśasthala

   ○sthala n. N. of the town Kānyakubja Hcar 
   • (ī), f. N. of the town Dvārakā MBh. ii, 614 Hariv. BhP. Bālar

⋙ kuśahasta

   ○hasta mfn. having Kuśa grass in the hand or in the paw (as applied to the tiger) Hit

⋙ kuśākara

   kuśâkara m. fire (the sacrificial fire being made on a bundle of Kuśa grass) L

⋙ kuśākṣa

   kuśâkṣa m. 'having sharp eyes', a monkey L

⋙ kuśāgra

   kuśâgra n. the sharp point of a blade of the Kuśa grass MBh. iii, 11023 
   • N. of a prince (the son of Bṛihad-ratha) Hariv. 1807 BhP 
   • (mfn.) sharp, shrewd W 
   • -buddhi mfn. one whose intelligence is as sharp as the point of Kuśa grass, shrewd, intelligent Ragh. v, 4 
   • (is), f. shrewdness W

⋙ kuśāgrīya

   kuśâgrīya mfn. sharp as the point of Kuśa grass, penetrating Pāṇ. 5-3, 105 
   • -mati mfn. of subtle intellect, possessing mental acumen L

⋙ kuśāṅkura

   kuśâṅkura m. a blade of Kuśa grass W

⋙ kuśāṅgurīya

   kuśâṅgurīya n. a ring of Kuśa grass (worn at religious ceremonies) W

⋙ kuśāṅgurīyaka

   kuśâṅgurīyaka n. id. ib

⋙ kuśāraṇi

   kuśâraṇi m. 'one who may be irritated by a Kuśa blade', N. of the sage Durvāsas (famous for his irascibility) L

⋙ kuśāvatī

   kuśā-vatī f. N. of a town (residence of Kuśa son of Rāma) R. Mṛicch. Ragh. Divyâv

⋙ kuśāvarta

   kuśâvarta m. N. of a Tīrtha or passage of the Ganges Vishṇ. MBh. xiii, 1700 BhP. ŚivaP 
   • N. of a son of Ṛishabha BhP. v, 4, 10 
   • of a Muni BrahmaP 
   • (ās), m. pl. the family of that Muni ib

⋙ kuśāvaleha

   kuśâvaleha m. a kind of electuary

⋙ kuśāśva

   kuśâśva m. N. of a prince (v. l. kriśâśva) R. i. 47, 16 
   • (also v. l. for kuśāmba, q.v. ) R. 2

⋙ kuśāsana

   kuśâsana n. a small mat of sacred grass (on which a Brāhman sits when performing his devotion) 
   • for 2. 1. ku (ku-śāsana). 1

⋙ kuśīlava

   kuśī-lava au m. du. = kuśa-lava R. i

⋙ kuśeśaya

   kuśe-śaya mfn. lying in Kuśa grass MBh. xiii, 1698 
   • m. a kind of tree (Pterospermum Acerifolium) L 
   • the Indian crane L 
   • N. of a mountain in Kuśa-dviipa VP 
   • (am), n. 'lying in water', a water-lily MBh. R. &c 
   • [once (ā), f. Hariv. 8428] 
   • -kara m. 'having rays like waterlilies', the sun W 
   • -bhū m. N. of Brahmā Bālar 
   • -maya mf(ī)n. consisting of water-lilies R. vii, 36, 10 
   • -locanā f. a lotus-eyed woman Bhām 
   • kuśeśayâkṣa mfn. lotus-eyed Ragh. xviii, 3 Rājat

⋙ kuśodaka

   kuśôdaka n. = kuśa-vāri Mn. xi, 212 Yājñ. iii, 315 
   • (ā), f. N. of Dākshāyaṇī in Kuśadviipa MatsyaP

⋙ kuśorṇā

   kuśôrṇā́ ās f. pl. wool made of grass ŚBr. ii, 5, 21, 15. [Page 297, Column 2] 

≫ kuśi

   kuśi (in comp. for kuśin)

⋙ kuśigrāmaka

   ○grāmaka m. N. of a village of the Mallas Buddh

⋙ kuśinagara

   ○nagara n. N. of the capital of the Mallas Buddh 
   • (ī), f. id. ib

≫ kuśikā

   kuśikā f. a piece of wood used as a splint for a broken leg Car. viii, 23

≫ kuśita

   kuśita mfn. mixed or combined with water (v. l. kuṣita) L

≫ kuśin

   kuśin mfn. furnished with Kuśa grass MBh. xiii, 973 
   • (ī), m. N. of Vālmīki (so called with reference to Kuśa the son of Rāma) L


   ku-śaṅku 1. ku


   kuśaṇḍa ās m. pl. (= ku-ṣaṇḍa?), N. of a people VP 
   • (ī), f. = kuśaṇḍikā

≫ kuśaṇḍikā

   kuśaṇḍikā f. consecration of the sacred fire Jyot


   kuśapa m. a drinking vessel L 
   • (v. l. ○śaya.)

≫ kuśaya

   kuśayá m. a cistern Naigh. iii, 23


   kú-śara &c. 1. ku


   kúśala mf(ā)n. (gaṇas sidhmâdi, śreṇy-ādi, and śramaṇâdi) right, proper, suitable, good (e.g. kuśalaṃ √man, to consider good, approve AitBr. ŚāṅkhŚr.) 
   • well, healthy, in good condition, prosperous R. &c 
   • fit for, competent, able, skilful, clever, conversant with (loc. [Pāṇ. 2-3, 40 ChUp. Mn. &c.], gen. [Pāṇ. 2-3, 40 Yājñ. ii, 181], inf. ṃBh., or in comp. [gaṇa śauṇḍâdi 
   • Gaut Mn. &c.]) 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 359 
   • N. of the Brāhmans in Kuśadviipa BhP. v, 20, 16 
   • m. N. of Śiva 
   • of a prince VP 
   • of a grammarian (author of the Pañjikā-pradīpa) 
   • (ā), f. N. of a woman, g. bāhv-ādi 
   • (ī), f. the plant Oxalis Corniculata (= aśmantaka) L 
   • the plant kṣudrâmlikā L 
   • (am), n. welfare, well-being, prosperous condition, happiness TUp. Gaut. Āp. MBh. &c. [kuśalam-√pracch, to ask after another's welfare, to say 'how do you do?' Mn. MBh. &c 
   • kuśalaṃ te (optionally with dat. Pāṇ. 2-3, 73), 'hail to thee!' (used as a salutation, especially in greeting a Brāhman) MBh. &c.] 
   • benevolence R. ii, 34, 22 
   • virtue L 
   • cleverness, competence, ability Pañcat 
   • N. of a Varsha governed by Kuśala VP 
   • (am), ind. well, in a proper manner, properly ChUp 
   • (in comp.) g. vispaṣṭâdi 
   • happily, cheerfully, (with √ās, 'to be well') BhP 
   • (ena), ind. in due order Gobh. (also in comp. kuśala-)

⋙ kuśalakāma

   ○kāma mfn. desirous of happiness 
   • m. desire for happiness

⋙ kuśalatā

   ○tā f. cleverness, ability, conversancy with (loc.) Mṛicch 
   • acuteness of sensation Mn. xii, 73

⋙ kuśalatva

   ○tva n. cleverness, skilfulness

⋙ kuśalapraśna

   ○praśna m. friendly enquiry after a person's health or welfare, salutation, saying 'how do you do?' MBh. Hit. Vet. BhP

⋙ kuśalabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. wise, able, intelligent

⋙ kuśalavat

   ○vat mfn. well, healthy Kathās. cxx, 129

⋙ kuśalavāc

   ○vāc mfn. eloquent Subh

⋙ kuśalasāgara

   ○sāgara m. N. of a scribe (pupil of Lāvaṇya-ratna)

⋙ kuśalīkṛ

   kuśalī-√kṛ to make right or proper, arrange in due order ĀśvGṛ.: Caus. -kārayati, 'to cause to make right', to cause to shave (the head) Gobh

≫ kuśalin

   kuśalin mfn. healthy, well, prosperous MBh. &c 
   • auspicious, favourable Sāh 
   • clever 
   • virtuous W

≫ kuśalya

   kuśalya ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 9, 40


   kuśāmba m. (g. śubhrâdi 
   • cf. kūś○), N. of a son of Vasu Uparicara MBh. i, 2363 BhP 
   • N. of a son of Kuśa (who was the founder of the town Kauśāmbī R. i, 34, 3) Hariv. 1425

≫ kuśāmbu

   kuśāmbu v. l. for ○ba (the son of Kuśa) BhP


   kuśāla m. N. of a prince VP


   ku-śālmalī &c. 1. ku


   kuśi m. an owl L


   kuśiká mfn. squint-eyed L 
   • (ás), m. N. of the father or grandfather ṃBh. ḥariv. of Viśvā-mitra RV. iii, 33, 5 MBh. &c 
   • of the father of Gāthin or Gādhin or Gādhi (the latter being sometimes identified with Indra, who is called Kauśika or Kuśikôttama MBh. xiii, 800 
   • Gādhi is also regarded as the father of Viśvā-mitra MBh. R.) 
   • (ā́s), m. pl. the descendants of Kuśika RV. AitBr. &c 
   • N. of a people VarBṛS 
   • m. N. of the thirteenth Kalpa VāyuP 
   • the sediment of oil L 
   • the plant Ṣorea Robusta L 
   • the plant Terminalia Bellerica L 
   • the plant Vatika Robusta L 
   • (as, am), m. n. a ploughshare L 
   • (ā), f. the top of the col

⋙ kuśikaṃdhara

   ○ṃ-dhara m. N. of a Muni VāyuP. [Page 297, Column 3] 

⋙ kuśikasūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of a Sūtra belonging to the AV. (generally called Kauśika-sūtra, IW. p. 157)


   kuśita col. 2


   ku-śimbi &c. 1. ku


   kuśīti m. N. of a teacher VāyuP

≫ kuśīda

   kuśīda m. id. BhP. xii, 6, 79 
   • ( kúsīda and kusīdín.)


   kuśīraka g. sakhy-ādi (also Gaṇar. 273 
   • uśīra Kāś.)


   ku-śīla 1. ku

kuśīlava 2

   kuśīlava m. (fr. ku-śīla?), a bard, herald, actor, mime Mn. MBh. Mṛicch. Mālatīm 
   • a newsmonger L 
   • N. of Vālmīki (cf. kuśin) L 
   • (au), m. du., kuśá

≫ kuśīvaśa

   kuśīvaśa m. N. of Vālmīki L


   kuśūla kusū́la


   kuśe-śaya &c. kuśá


   kuśrí or kúśri m. N. of a teacher ŚBr. x, xiv


   ku-śruta &c. 1. ku


   kuṣ cl. 9. P. kuṣṇāti (ind. p. kuṣitvā Pāṇ. 1-2, 7 
   • aor. akoṣīt Pāṇ. Sch.), to tear asunder Bhaṭṭ 
   • to pinch Car. i, 8 VP. iii, 12, 9 
   • to force or draw out, extract Bhaṭṭ 
   • to knead Comm. on KātyŚr. (perf. p. kuṣita) 
   • to test, examine (?) 
   • to shine (?): cl. 6. kuṣati, to gnaw, nibble BhP. iii, 16, 10: Pass. kuṣyati and ○te, 'to weigh, balance' ṇBḍ. Pāṇ. 3-1, 90


   ku-ṣaṇḍa 1. ku


   kuṣala for kuśala, q.v. L


   kuṣávā f. (perhaps) N. of a river RV. iv, 18, 8 ('N. of a Rākshasī' Sāy.)


   kuṣāku mfn. burning, scorching L 
   • wicked, detestable W 
   • (us), m. (= kaṣ○) fire Uṇ. iii, 76 
   • the sun ib 
   • a monkey L


   kuṣāru m. 'N. of a man', kauṣārava


   kuṣika m. N. of a prince MBh. ii, 8, 10 (v. l. kuśika)


   kuṣita kuśita and √kuṣ


   kuṣī́taka m. a kind of bird TS. v 
   • N. of a man TāṇḍyaBr. Pāṇ. 4-1, 124 Comm. on BṛĀrUp 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of that man, g. upakâdi


   kuṣīda mfn. indifferent, apathetic W 
   • (am), n. for kusīda, q.v. L

≫ kuṣīdin

   kuṣīdin ī m. N. of a teacher (for kuśīti) W


   kuṣubhya Nom. P. ○bhyati, 'to throw' or 'to despise', g. kaṇḍv-ādi


   kuṣúmbha m. the venom-bag of an insect AV. ii, 32, 6 (cf. kusumbha.)

≫ kuṣumbhaka

   kuṣumbhaká m. id. RV. i, 191, 15 
   • a venomous insect ['an ichneumon' Sāy.] ib. 16


   kuṣṭa mf(ā)n. being of a particular colour TāṇḍyaBr. xxi, 1, 7

⋙ kuṣṭacit

   ○cit g. kathâdi Kāś. (vv. ll. -vid and kuṣṭha-vid)


   kúṣṭha as, am m. n. (fr. 1. ku + stha Pāṇ. 8-3, 97) the plant Costus speciosus or arabicus (used as a remedy for the disease called takmán) AV. Kauś. 35 R. ii, 94, 23 Suśr 
   • the plant Saussurea auriculata 
   • m. (= kakundara) cavity of the loin [Comm 
   • but perhaps = kúṣṭhikā] VS. xxv, 6 
   • (ā), f. the prominent part of anything, mouth or opening (of a basket) TāṇḍyaBr. xxi PārGṛ. Comm. on KātyŚr 
   • = kúṣṭhikā (taken as measure equal to 'one-twelfth') MaitrS. iii, 7, 7 
   • (am), n. leprosy (of which eighteen varieties are enumerated, i.e. seven severe and eleven less so) Suśr. Bhartṛ. i, 89 Kathās 
   • a sort of poison L

⋙ kuṣṭhakaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka m. the tree Acacia Catechu Npr

⋙ kuṣṭhakanda

   ○kanda m. the plant Trichosanthes dioeca Gal

⋙ kuṣṭhaketu

   ○ketu m. N. of a shrub akin to the Cassia auriculata L

⋙ kuṣṭhagandhi

   ○gandhi n. the fragrant bark of the plant Feronia elephantum L

⋙ kuṣṭhagala

   ○gala mfn. having a leprous throat Caurap

⋙ kuṣṭhaghna

   ○ghna m. 'curing leprosy', N. of the medicinal plant Hiyāvalī (= hitâvalī) L 
   • N. of a remedy for leprosy Suśr. [Page 298, Column 1] 
   • (ī), f. an esculent √(Solanum indicum, = kāka-mācī) W 
   • the tree Ficus oppositifolia L 
   • the plant Vernonia anthelminthica Bhpr

⋙ kuṣṭhacikitsita

   ○cikitsita n. the cure of leprosy

⋙ kuṣṭhaja

   ○ja mfn. produced by leprosy Suśr

⋙ kuṣṭhanāśana

   ○nāśana m. 'curing leprosy', the √of Dioscorea L 
   • white pepper or mustard L 
   • the tree Lipeocercis serrata (= kṣīrīśa-vṛkṣa) L

⋙ kuṣṭhanāśinī

   ○nāśinī f. 'curing leprosy', the plant Vernonia anthelminthica L 
   • the plant Proralia corylifolia (commonly Hākuca) L

⋙ kuṣṭhanodana

   ○nodana m. 'curing leprosy', the red Khadira tree L

⋙ kuṣṭhamaya

   ○maya mfn. full of leprosy, leprous

⋙ kuṣṭharoga

   ○roga m. the disease called leprosy

⋙ kuṣṭhavid

   ○vid mfn. kuṣṭa-cit

⋙ kuṣṭhasūdana

   ○sūdana m. 'subduing leprosy', the Cassia tree (Cassia or Cathartocarpus Fistula) L

⋙ kuṣṭhahantṛ

   ○hantṛ m. 'removing leprosy', a kind of bulbous plant L 
   • (trī), f. = -nāśinī L

⋙ kuṣṭhahara

   ○hara m. = -sūdana Gal

⋙ kuṣṭhahṛt

   ○hṛt m. = -kaṇṭaka L

⋙ kuṣṭhāṅga

   kuṣṭhâṅga mfn. having leprous limbs Vet

⋙ kuṣṭhānvita

   kuṣṭhânvita mfn. afflicted with leprosy

⋙ kuṣṭhāri

   kuṣṭhâri m. 'enemy of leprosy', sulphur L 
   • the plant Acacia Catechu L 
   • the plant Acacia Farnesiana L 
   • = kuṣṭha-kanda L 
   • a sort of Helianthus (ādityapattra, or arka-p○) L

≫ kuṣṭhaka

   kuṣṭhaka aṅgāra-k○

≫ kuṣṭhikā

   kúṣṭhikā f. a dew-claw, spur [considered worthless for sacrificial purposes 
   • 'the contents of the entrails' Sāy.] AV. AitBr. ii, 11

≫ kuṣṭhita

   kuṣṭhita mfn. leprous Suśr

≫ kuṣṭhin

   kuṣṭhin mfn. id. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. MBh. &c


   ku-ṣṭhala n. Pāṇ. 8-3, 96


   kúṣṭhikā &c. kúṣṭha


   kuṣmala n. a leaf Uṇ


   kuṣmāṇḍa m. (cf. kūṣm○) a kind of pumpkin-gourd (Beninkasa cerifera) MBh. xiii, 4364 (kūśm○ ed. Bomb.) Suśr 
   • = bhrūṇântara (a state of the womb in gestation W.) L 
   • false conception (?) 
   • (am), n. N. of the verses VS. xx, 14 ff. TĀr. (kūśm○) MBh. xiii, 6236 ff. (kūśm○ ed. Bomb.) 
   • (ās), m. pl. a class of demons (or of demi-gods attached to Śiva 
   • cf. kumbhâṇḍa) BhP. x VP. (kūṣm○) Kathās 
   • m. N. of a demon causing disease Hariv. 9560 (v. l. kūṣm○) 
   • (ī), f. the gourd Beninkasa Cerifera L 
   • N. of the verses VS. xx, 14 ff. ( kūṣm○) L 
   • N. of Durgā Hariv. 10245 (v. l. kūṣm○)

≫ kuṣmāṇḍaka

   kuṣmāṇḍaka m. the gourd Beninkasa Cerifera Bhpr. Car. (kūṣm○) 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1556 (kūśm○), ed. Bomb.) 
   • N. of an attendant of Śiva L. (vḷ. kūṣm○)


   kus vḷ. for √kuś, q.v


   ku-sakhī &c. 1. ku


   kusala for kuśala, q.v


   ku-sahâya &c. 1. ku


   kusita m. (fr. √kus = kuś?), an inhabited country Uṇ 
   • a kind of demon Pāṇ. 4-1, 37 
   • (ā́), f. = kusitā́yī MaitrS. iii, 2, 6 
   • (kústā) iv, 2, 3

≫ kusitāyī

   kusitā́yī f. a kind of demon MaitrS

≫ kusida

   kusida m. id. Pāṇ. 4-1, 37

≫ kusidāyī

   kusidāyī f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 37) id. Kāṭh. x, 5 
   • the wife of a money-lender L


   kúsindha n. a trunk AV. Kāṭh. ŚBr


   ku-simbī f. = -śimbī L


   kúsīda mfn. (fr. 1. ku and √sad? 
   • cf. kuṣīda), lazy, inert (?) TS. vii 
   • (am), n. any loan or thing lent to be repaid with interest, lending money upon interest, usury TS. iii Gobh. Gaut. Pāṇ. &c 
   • red sandal wood L 
   • (as, ā), mf. a money-lender, usurer L

⋙ kusīdapatha

   ○patha m. usury, usurious interest Mn. viii, 152

⋙ kusīdavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. usurious interest on money Gaut. Mn. viii, 151

≫ kusīdāyī

   kusīdāyī f. the wife of a usurer Vop. iv, 25

≫ kusīdika

   kusīdika as, ī mf. a usurer Pāṇ. 4-4, 31

≫ kusīdin

   kusīdín ī m. id. Nir. ŚBr. xiii ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Gaut 
   • ( kuśīti) N. of a descendant of Kaṇva (author of RV. viii, 81-83) RAnukr 
   • of a teacher VP


   ku-suta 2. ku


   kusuma n. (fr. √kus Uṇ 
   • g. ardharcâdi), a flower, blossom Mn. xi, 70 R. &c. (ifc. f. ā) Mālav. & Ratnāv. [Page 298, Column 2] 
   • N. of the shorter sections of Deveśvara's Kavi-kalpa-latā (the longer chapters being called stabaka) 
   • fruit L 
   • the menstrual discharge L 
   • a particular disease of the eyes L 
   • m. a form of fire Hariv. 10465 
   • N. of an attendant of the sixth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L 
   • N. of a prince Buddh

⋙ kusumakārmuka

   ○kārmuka m. 'having flowers for his bow', Kāma (the god of love) Śiś. vi, 16

⋙ kusumaketu

   ○ketu m. id., Vāsav 
   • -maṇḍalin m. N. of a Kiṃnara Buddh

⋙ kusumakomala

   ○komala mfn. tender as a flower W

⋙ kusumacāpa

   ○cāpa m. = -kārmuka Ragh. Ṛitus. Ratnāv

⋙ kusumacita

   ○cita mfn. heaped with flowers

⋙ kusumajaya

   ○jaya m. N. of a prince Buddh

⋙ kusumadanta

   ○danta m. (= puṣpa-d○), N. of a mystical being VarBṛS

⋙ kusumadeva

   ○deva m. N. of an author

⋙ kusumadruma

   ○druma m. a tree full of blossom Ragh. xvi, 36

⋙ kusumadhanus

   ○dhanus m. = -kārmuka Viddh

⋙ kusumadhanvan

   ○dhanvan m. id., Ratnāv

⋙ kusumadhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. = -pura GārgīS

⋙ kusumanaga

   ○naga m. N. of a mountain VarBṛS

⋙ kusumanagara

   ○nagara n. = -pura, Caṇḍak

⋙ kusumapura

   ○pura n. N. of the town Pāṭali-putra Āryabh. Mudr. Kathās. &c

⋙ kusumaphala

   ○phala m. the plant Croton Tamalgota Npr

⋙ kusumabāṇa

   ○bāṇa m. 'flower-arrowed', N. of the god of love L 
   • the flower-arrow of the god of love Śak. (v. l.) Pañcat

⋙ kusumamadhya

   ○madhya n. N. of a tree bearing a large acid fruit (commonly Cālitā Gāc, Cordia Myxa or Dillenia Indica) L

⋙ kusumamaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of flowers Viddh. Kād. Prab

⋙ kusumamārgaṇa

   ○mārgaṇa m. (= -bāṇa) the god of love Kād

⋙ kusumalakṣman

   ○lakṣman m. 'having flowers as a symbol', Pradyumna Śiś. xix, 22

⋙ kusumalatā

   ○latā f. a creeper in blossom Śak

⋙ kusumavat

   ○vat mfn. furnished with flowers, in flower W 
   • (tī), f. a female during menstruation W 
   • = kusuma-pura W

⋙ kusumavicitra

   ○vicitra mf(ā)n. having various flowers 
   • (ā), f. N. of a metre consisting of four lines of twelve syllables each

⋙ kusumaśayana

   ○śayana n. a couch of flowers Śak. Vet

⋙ kusumaśara

   ○śara m. = -bāṇa Kathās. Gīt 
   • -tva n. the state of one who has flowers for arrows Śak 
   • ○râsana m. = -kārmuka Gīt. xi, 4

⋙ kusumaśekharavijaya

   ○śekhara-vijaya m. N. of a play Sāh

⋙ kusumasanātha

   ○sanātha mfn. possessed of flowers, having flowers

⋙ kusumasambhava

   ○sambhava m. N. of the tenth month Sūryapr

⋙ kusumasāyaka

   ○sāyaka m. = -bāṇa Daś

⋙ kusumasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of a merchant Kathās. lxvii, 36

⋙ kusumastabaka

   ○stabaka m. a bunch of flowers, nosegay, bouquet Bhartṛ. ii, 25 
   • N. of a metre

⋙ kusumākara

   kusumâkara m. a quantity of flowers or place abounding with them L 
   • a nosegay L 
   • spring Bhag. x, 35

⋙ kusumāñjana

   kusumâñjana n. the calx of brass (used as a collyrium) L

⋙ kusumāñjali

   kusumâñjali f. a handful of flowers (properly as much as will fill both hands), Ratnāv 
   • N. of a philosophical work (written by Udayana Ācārya to prove the existence of a Supreme Being, and consisting of seventy-two Kārikās divided into five chapters) Sarvad 
   • -kārikā-vyākhyā, -ṭīkā f. -prakāśa, -prakāśa-makaraṇḍa, -makaraṇḍa m. -vṛtti, -vyākhyā f. N. of commentaries on the preceding work

⋙ kusumātmaka

   kusumâtmaka n. saffron

⋙ kusumādhipa

   kusumâdhipa m. 'the prince of flowers', the Campa (a tree which bears a yellow fragrant flower, Michelia Campaka) L

⋙ kusumādhirāj

   kusumâdhirāj m. id. L

⋙ kusumāyudha

   kusumâyudha m. 'flower-armed', N. of Kāma (the god of love, his arrows being tipped with flowers) Śak. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • N. of a Brāhman Kathās

⋙ kusumāvacaya

   kusumâvacaya m. gathering flowers Mṛicch. Śak. Kathās

⋙ kusumāvataṃsaka

   kusumâvataṃsaka n. a chaplet, crown of flowers

⋙ kusumāvalī

   kusumâvalī f. N. of a medicinal work

⋙ kusumāsava

   kusumâsava n. 'flower-liquor', honey

⋙ kusumāstra

   kusumâstra m. = kusumâyudha Ragh. vii, 58

⋙ kusumeśvaratīrtha

   kusumêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

⋙ kusumeṣu

   kusumêṣu m. = ○ma-bāṇa Pañcat. Kād. Śiś. viii, 70 
   • (u), n. the bow of Kāma W

⋙ kusumojjvala

   kusumôjjvala mfn. brilliant with blossoms

⋙ kusumoda

   kusumôda m. N. of a prince VP 
   • (am), n. 'flower-sea', of the Varsha governed by that prince ib

≫ kusumaya

   kusumaya Nom. P. ○yati, to produce flowers Viddh 
   • to furnish with flowers Śiś. vi, 62

≫ kusumita

   kusumita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) furnished with flowers, in flower MBh. Mṛicch. &c

⋙ kusumitalatā

   ○latā or f. N. of a metre consisting of four lines of eighteen syllables each

⋙ kusumitalatāvellikā

   ○latā-vellikā f. N. of a metre consisting of four lines of eighteen syllables each

≫ kusumya

   kusumya Nom. P. ○yati, to begin to flower (?), g. kaṇḍv-ādi


   kusumāla m. a thief L


   kusumbaka as, am m. n. a kind of vegetable Car. i, 27

≫ kusumbha

   kusumbha m. [am n. L.] safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) Suśr. VarBṛS. Śiś. &c 
   • saffron (Crocus sativus) L 
   • 'the water-pot of the student and Saṃnyāsin', -vat 
   • m. outward affection (compared with the colour of safflower) Sāh. [Page 298, Column 3] 
   • N. of a mountain BhP. v, 16, 27 
   • (ī), f. = manthara L 
   • (am), n. gold L

⋙ kusumbharāga

   ○rāga m. the colour of safflower Ṛitus 
   • (mfn.) 'resembling the colour of safflower', outward (as affection) Sāh

⋙ kusumbhavat

   ○vat mfn. furnished with a water-pot Mn. vi, 52

≫ kusumbhalā

   kusumbhalā f. a kind of Curcumā Npr


   kusurubínda m. N. of a descendant of Uddālaka TS. vii TāṇḍyaBr. ṢaḍvBr

⋙ kusurubindadaśarātra

   ○daśa-rātra n. N. of particular observances (lasting ten days)

≫ kusurubindu

   kusurubindu m. = ○nda (author of VS. viii, 42 and 23)

⋙ kusurubindutrirātra

   ○tri-rātra n. N. of particular observances (lasting three days) ŚāṅkhŚr


   ku-sū 2. ku


   kusū́la m. (also written kuśūla) a granary, store-room (in which rice or other grain is kept) BhP 
   • a frying-pan L 
   • pulse L 
   • a kind of goblin AV. viii, 6, 10

⋙ kusūladhānya

   ○dhānya n. grain stored for three years' consumption W 
   • (mfn.) having grain stored for three years' consumption Yājñ. i, 128

⋙ kusūladhānyaka

   ○dhānyaka m. a householder &c. who has three years' grain in store Mn. iv, 7

⋙ kusūlapāda

   ○pāda mfn. g. hasty-ādi

⋙ kusūlapūraṇāḍhaka

   ○pūraṇâḍhaka mfn. being (like to mere empty) measures filling a granary Hit

⋙ kusūlabila

   ○bila n. Pāṇ. 6-2, 102


   ku-sṛti &c. 1. ku


   kústā kusita


   kustuka m. N. of a teacher VBr


   kustubha m. (derived fr. kaustubha), N. of Vishṇu L


   kustumbarī f. the plant coriander Suśr. (cf. tumburī.)

≫ kustumburu

   kustumburu m. id. Suśr 
   • (sa-k○) VarBṛS 
   • (u), n. the seed of coriander Pāṇ. 6-1, 143


   kustumbaru m. N. of one of Kubera's attendants MBh. ii, 397


   ku-strī &c. 1. ku

kuh 1

   kuh cl. 10. Ā. kuhayate, to surprise or astonish or cheat by trickery or jugglery Dhātup. xxxv, 47

≫ kuha 1

   kuha m. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 216) N. of Kubera L 
   • a rogue, cheat R. ii, 109, 27 (a-k○, 'no deceiver')

≫ kuhaka 1

   kuhaka m. (Uṇ. ii, 38) a cheat, rogue, juggler MBh. BhP. Kām 
   • an impostor Āp 
   • a kind of frog Suśr 
   • N. of a Nāga prince BhP 
   • (am), n. juggling, deception, trickery Hit. BhP. &c 
   • (ā), f. id. MBh. v, 5461

⋙ kuhakakāra

   ○kāra mfn. practising jugglery, cheating

⋙ kuhakakāraka

   ○kāraka mfn. id 
   • (ikā), f. a bawd Gal

⋙ kuhakacakita

   ○cakita mfn. afraid of a trick, suspicious, cautious Hit

⋙ kuhakajīvaka

   ○jīvaka m. one who lives by slight-of-hand, juggler, cheat VarBṛS

⋙ kuhakajīvin

   ○jīvin m. id. MBh

⋙ kuhakajña

   ○jña m. 'knowing jugglery', cheat, juggler VarBṛS

⋙ kuhakavṛtti

   ○vṛtti f. juggling, slight-of-hand 
   • hypocrisy

≫ kuhana

   kuhana mfn. envious, hypocritical L 
   • m. a mouse, rat L 
   • a snake L 
   • N. of a man MBh. iii, 15598 
   • (am, ā), f. hypocrisy, assumed and false sanctity, interested performance of religious austerities L 
   • (ā), f. envy Gal 
   • (am), n. a small earthen vessel L 
   • a glass vessel L

≫ kuhanikā

   kuhanikā f. jugglery L 
   • hypocrisy L

kuh 2

   kuh viṣū-k○

kuha 2

   kúha ind. (fr. 1. ku), where? RV

⋙ kuhacid

   ○cid (kúha-), ind. wherever RV. i, 184, 1 
   • to any place RV. i, 24, 10 
   • kuhacid-víd mfn. whereever being RV. vii, 32, 19

⋙ kuhaśrutīya

   ○"ṣśrutīya mfn. belonging to the hymn that begins with kúha śrutáḥ (RV. x, 22) ŚāṅkhBr. xxii, 8

≫ kuhayā

   kuhayā́ ind. where? RV. viii, 24, 30

⋙ kuhayākṛti

   ○kṛti mfn. where active? ib. (voc.)

kuhaka 2

   kuhaka ind. onomat. from the cry of a cock, &c., only in comp

⋙ kuhakasvana

   ○svana m. a wild cock (Phasianus gallus) L

⋙ kuhakasvara

   ○svara m. id. L

⋙ kuhakārāva

   kuhakârāva m. neighing HPariś

≫ kuhakuhārāva

   kuhakuhârāva m. the clamour or cries of Dātyūha Bālar. xxviii, 13


   kuhakka m. (in music) a kind of measure


   kuhana &c. √kuh. [Page 299, Column 1] 


   kuhara m. (fr. √kuh = guh?), N. of a serpent belonging to the Krodha-vaśa race MBh. i, 2701 Hariv. 229 
   • (am), n. a cavity, hollow, hole Bhartṛ. Hit. Prab. &c 
   • a small window (?) VarBṛS 
   • the ear L 
   • the throat or larynx L 
   • a guttural sound L 
   • proximity L 
   • copulation Daś

≫ kuharita

   kuharita n. noise, sound L 
   • the song or cry of the Kokila or Indian cuckoo L 
   • a sound uttered in copulation L


   kuhali m. the leaf of the Piper Betel (commonly called Pān) with small pieces of the Areca-nut and Catechu and a little lime (chewed by persons in the East and especially offered to the persons at a matrimonial ceremony) L


   kuhā f. a kind of Zizyphus tree Bhpr

⋙ kuhāvatī

   ○vatī f. N. of Durgā L


   ku-hārīta 1. ku


   kuhī f. a mist, fog Gal

kuhu 1

   kuhu m. N. of a particular weight Hcat 
   • (us), f. (= 1. kuhu) the new moon Pāṇ. Siddh

kuhu 2

   kuhu ind. onomat. from the cry of the Kolika, &c., only in comp 
   • 2. kuhū

⋙ kuhurava

   ○rava m. the cry of the Kokila MBh. xv, 724


   kuhukuhāya (fr. kuhu-kuha for kuha-kuha, where? where?), Nom. Ā. ○yate, to show one's admiration MBh. iii, 14129


   ku-huṃkāra 1. ku

kuhū 1

   kuhū́ ūs f. (fr. √kuh = guh?), the new moon (personified as a daughter of Aṅgiras) AV. Kāṭh. TS. AitBr. &c 
   • the first day of the first quarter (on which the moon rises invisible) W 
   • N. of one of the seven rivers of Plaksha-dviipa VP. BhP. v, 20, 10

⋙ kuhūpāla

   ○pāla m. the king of turtles (supposed to uphold the world) W

kuhū 2

   kuhū ind. = 2. kuhu

⋙ kuhūkaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo (?) Sāh

⋙ kuhūmukha

   ○mukha m. id. L

⋙ kuhūrava

   ○rava m. id. L 
   • = kuhu-rava Naish. ix, 38

≫ kuhūs

   kuhūs ind. = 2. kuhu Gīt. i, 47


   kuhūla n. a pit filled with stakes L


   kuheḍikā f. fog, mist L

≫ kuheḍī

   kuheḍī f. id. L

≫ kuhelikā

   kuhelikā f. id. L


   ku-hvāna 1. ku

kū 1

   kū or ku, cl. 2. P. kauti (Ved. kaviiti Pāṇ. 7-3, 95), or cl. 1. Ā. kavate (Dhātup. xxii, 54), or cl. 6. kuvate (ib. xxviii, 108), or cl. 9. P. Ā. [k�UnAti], [k�UnAte] (perf. 3. pl. cukuvur Bhaṭṭ.), to sound, make any noise, cry out, moan, cry (as a bird), coo, hum (as a bee) &c. Bhaṭṭ.: cl. 1. kávate, to move Naigh. ii, 14: Intens. Ā. kokūyate (Nir. Pāṇ.), P. Ā. kokaviiti and cokūyate (Pāṇ. 7-4, 63 Kāś.), to cry aloud Bhaṭṭ 
   • [Gk. ?.] [299, 1]

kū 2

   kū́ ind. (= kvá) where? RV. v, 74, 1

⋙ kūcid

   ○cid (kū́-), ind. anywhere RV. ix, 87, 8 
   • (kūcid) -arthín mfn. striving to get anywhere ['seeking oblations from any quarter', Sāy] RV. iv, 7, 6

kū 3

   kū ūs f. a female Piśāca or goblin L


   kūkuda m. one who gives a girl in marriage with due ceremony and suitable decorations Hcat


   kūca m. (= kuca) the female breast (especially that of a young or unmarried woman) Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 91 
   • an elephant ib


   kūcakā f. the milky juice of a bulbous plant (= kūrcikā) L


   kū́-cakra n. (for kūpa-c○?) a wheel for raising water from a well [NBD 
   • 'the female breast' Gmn.] RV. x, 102, 11


   kūcavāra m. N. of a locality Pāṇ. 4-3, 94 
   • of a man, g. bidâdi


   kūcikā f. a small brush or hairpencil L 
   • a key L. (cf. kūrcikā.)

≫ kūcī

   kūcī f. (Uṇ. iv, 93) a paint brush, pencil Suśr. [Page 299, Column 2] 


   kūcid-arthín 2. kū́


   kūcī kūcikā


   kūcīkā f. a sort of animal (belonging to the division called bhūmi-śaya) Car. i, 27


   kūcchaliṅga au m. du. = kukundara L


   kūj cl. 1. P. kū́jati (perf. cukūja Kum. iii, 32 &c.), to make any inarticulate or monotonous sound, utter a cry (as a bird), coo (as a pigeon), caw (as a crow), warble, moan, groan, utter any indistinct sound AV. vii, 95, 2 MBh. R. &c 
   • 'to fill with monotonous sounds', &c., kūjita 
   • to blow or breathe (the flute) BhP. x, 21, 2

≫ kūja

   kūja m. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 59 Kāś.) cooing, murmuring, warbling, &c. MBh. i, 4916 R. ii, 59, 10 
   • rumbling (as of the bowels, &c.) Suśr

≫ kūjaka

   kūjaka mf(ikā)n. 'cooing, warbling', &c 
   • kala-k○

≫ kūjana

   kūjana n. the uttering of any inarticulate sound, cooing, moaning 
   • the rattling of wheels Pāṇ. 1-3, 21 Vārtt 
   • rumbling of the bowels Suśr

≫ kūjita

   kūjita mfn. uttered inarticulately, cooed, &c. Vikr. &c 
   • filled with monotonous sounds, &c. R. iii, 78, 27 Vet 
   • (am), n. the cry of a bird, cooing, warbling, cackling, &c. R. Mālav. Vikr. &c

≫ kūjitavya

   kūjitavya n. only (e), loc. ind. when answer is to be given MBh. xii, 109, 15

≫ kūjin

   kūjin mfn. warbling, &c 
   • making a rumbling sound in the bowels Suśr

≫ kūjya

   kūjya mfn. (p. fut. Pass.) Pāṇ. 7-3, 59 Kāś


   kūṭ cl. 10. P. kūṭayati, to burn Dhātup. xxxv, 38 
   • to give pain ib 
   • to be distressed ib 
   • to counsel, advise ib.: Ā. kūṭayate, to avoid or decline giving Dhātup. xxxiii, 28 
   • to render indistinct or unintelligible, render confused or foul ib 
   • to be distressed, despair ib


   kū́ṭa n. the bone of the forehead with its projections or prominences, horn RV. x, 102, 4 AV. ŚBr. AitBr 
   • a kind of vessel or implement Kauś. 16 
   • (as, am), m. n. any prominence or projection (e.g. aṃsa-k○, akṣi-k○, qq. vv.) 
   • summit, peak or summit of a mountain MBh. &c 
   • summit, head, i.e. the highest, most excellent, first BhP. ii, 9, 19 
   • a heap, multitude (e.g. abhra-k○, a multitude of clouds) MBh. R. BhP 
   • part of a plough, ploughshare, body of a plough L 
   • an iron mallet MBh. xvi, 4, 6 
   • a trap for catching deer, concealed weapon (as a dagger in a wooden case, sword-stick, &c.) R. Pañcat 
   • (as L 
   • am), m. n. illusion, fraud, trick, untruth, falsehood L 
   • a puzzling question, enigma BhP. vi, 5, 10 and 29 
   • m. a kind of hall (= maṇḍapa) Hcat 
   • N. of a particular constellation VarBṛ. xii, 8 and 16 
   • a subdivision of Graha-yuddha Sūryas 
   • a mystical N. of the letter kṣa RāmatUp 
   • N. of Agastya (cf. kuṭaja) L 
   • of an enemy of Vishṇu R. BhP. x 
   • (as, am), m. n. uniform substance (as the etherial element, &c.) L 
   • a water-jar Hcar 
   • a kind of plant L 
   • (as, ī), mf. a house, dwelling (cf. kuṭa and kuṭī) L 
   • (kūtá), mf(ā́)n. not horned or cornuted (as an animal with incomplete continuations of the bone of the forehead) AV. xii, 4, 3 TS. i Kāṭh. &c 
   • false, untrue, deceitful Mn. Yājñ. Kathās. &c 
   • base (as coins) Yājñ. ii, 241 
   • m. an ox whose horns are broken L 
   • (am), n. counterfeited objects (of a merchant) VarBṛ. xiv, 3

⋙ kūṭakarman

   ○karman n. fraudulent act, trick Daś

⋙ kūṭakāra

   ○kāra m. a cheat, false witness W

⋙ kūṭakāraka

   ○kāraka m. id. Mn. iii, 158 (= MBh. xiii, 4276)

⋙ kūṭakṛt

   ○kṛt m. a cheat, briber, falsifier of (gen.) Yājñ 
   • a Kāyastha or man of the writer-caste L 
   • N. of Śiva L

⋙ kūṭakhaḍga

   ○khaḍga m. a hidden sword, sword-stick R. vi, 80, 4

⋙ kūṭagrantha

   ○grantha m. N. of wk. (attributed to Vyāsa)

⋙ kūṭacchadman

   ○cchadman m. a rogue, cheat Pañcat

⋙ kūṭaja

   ○ja m. (= kuṭ○) the tree Wrightia antidysenterica R. iv, 29, 10

⋙ kūṭatakṣ

   ○takṣ mfn. Pāṇ. 7-1, 84 Vārtt. 2 Pat

⋙ kūṭatā

   ○tā f. falsehood

⋙ kūṭatāpasa

   ○tāpasa m. a pretended ascetic Kathās

⋙ kūṭatulā

   ○tulā f. a false pair of scales Pañcat

⋙ kūṭatva

   ○tva n. = -tā

⋙ kūṭadharma

   ○dharma mfn. (a country) where falsehood is considered a duty BhP

⋙ kūṭaparva

   ○parva v. l. for -pūrva, q.v. L

⋙ kūṭapākala

   ○pākala m. a bilious fever (of men) Bhpr 
   • fever in an elephant Mālatīm

⋙ kūṭapālaka

   ○pālaka m. a potter's kiln L., v. l. for -pākala, q.v

⋙ kūṭapāśa

   ○pāśa m. a trap Pañcat. Kād

⋙ kūṭapūrī

   ○pūrī f. (= karāyikā) a kind of crane VarBṛS. (metrically also ○ri). [Page 299, Column 3] 

⋙ kūṭapūrva

   ○pūrva m. fever in an elephant L

⋙ kūṭabandha

   ○bandha m. = -pāśa Ragh. xiii, 19 
   • (am), ind. p. Pāṇ. 3-4, 41 Kāś

⋙ kūṭamāna

   ○māna n. false measure or weight MBh

⋙ kūṭamudgara

   ○mudgara m. a concealed weapon similar to a hammer MBh. Hariv. R. MārkP 
   • N. of wk

⋙ kūṭamohana

   ○mohana m. 'baffling or bewildering rogues', N. of Skanda MBh. iii, 14632

⋙ kūṭayantra

   ○yantra n. a trap or snare L

⋙ kūṭayuddha

   ○yuddha n. a treacherous or unfair battle Ragh. xvii, 69 
   • (mfn.) fighting treacherously R. i, 22, 7

⋙ kūṭayodhin

   ○yodhin mfn. fighting unfairly or treacherously R

⋙ kūṭaracanā

   ○racanā f. artifice, trick Kathās. lvii, 115 
   • a laid trap Pañcat

⋙ kūṭalekha

   ○lekha m. a falsified document Kathās. cxxiv, 198

⋙ kūṭalekhya

   ○lekhya n. id. Pañcat. (ed. Bomb.)

⋙ kūṭavyavahārin

   ○vyavahārin m. a deceitful merchant Vishṇ

⋙ kūṭaśas

   ○śas ind. in heaps, by crowds MBh

⋙ kūṭaśālmali

   ○śālmali mf. the plant Andersonia Rohitaka L 
   • a fabulous cotton plant with sharp thorns (with which the wicked are tortured in the world of Yama) MBh. (also ○lika, m.) R. (○lī, f.) Ragh. xii, 95 
   • N. of a hell PadmaP

⋙ kūṭaśālmalika

   ○śālmalika m

⋙ kūṭaśālmalī

   ○śālmalī f. -śālmali

⋙ kūṭaśāsana

   ○śāsana n. a forged grant or decree Mn. ix, 232

⋙ kūṭaśaila

   ○śaila m. N. of a mountain VP

⋙ kūṭasaṃkrānti

   ○saṃkrānti f. the entrance of the sun into another zodiacal sign after midnight L

⋙ kūṭasaṃghaṭitalakṣaṇa

   ○saṃghaṭita-lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ kūṭasaṃdoha

   ○saṃdoha m. id

⋙ kūṭasākṣin

   ○sâkṣin m. a false witness Gaut. Yājñ. ii, 77 MārkP

⋙ kūṭasākṣya

   ○sākṣya n. a false testimony HYog. ii, 54

⋙ kūṭastha

   ○stha mfn. standing at the top, keeping the highest position Comm. on ŚBr. i, 4, 2, 4 
   • standing in a multitude of or in the midst of (in comp.) BhP. i, 11, 36 
   • (in phil.) immovable, uniform, unchangeable (as the soul, spirit, space, ether, sound, &c.) Up. Pat. Bhag. vi, xii BhP. iii, &c. (Pāli kūṭaṭṭha, Sāmaññaphala-sutta) 
   • (as, am), m. n. a kind of perfume (a species of dried shell-fish, commonly Nathi) L 
   • (am), n. the soul W 
   • -tā f. unchangeableness, uniformity 
   • -tva n. id. Comm. on KapS 
   • -dīpa m. N. of a treatise forming part of the Pañcadaśī

⋙ kūṭasvarṇa

   ○svarṇa n. alloyed or counterfeit gold Yājñ. ii, 297 Hcat

⋙ kūṭaheman

   ○heman n. id. Naish. xxii, 52

⋙ kūṭākṣa

   kūṭâkṣa m. loaded or false dice Yājñ. ii, 202

⋙ kūṭākhyāna

   kūṭâkhyāna n. = kūṭakâkhy○, q.v

⋙ kūṭāgāra

   kūṭâgāra m. n. an upper room, apartment on the top of a house R. Mṛicch. Car. &c 
   • -śālā f. id. Buddh. Jain

⋙ kūṭāyu

   kūṭâyu m. a Moringa with red blossoms L

⋙ kūṭārtha

   kūṭârtha m. ambiguity of meaning, fiction 
   • -bhāṣitā f. (scil. kathā) = kūṭakâkhyāna, q.v. L

⋙ kūṭopāya

   kūṭôpâya m. trick, fraud, stratagem W

≫ kūṭaka

   kūṭaka mfn. base (as a coin) Yājñ. ii, 241 
   • m. a braid or tress of hair L 
   • N. of a fragrant plant L 
   • of a mountain BhP. v, 19, 16 
   • (am), n. elevation, prominence, projection L. ( akṣik○) 
   • 'a ploughshare', or 'the body of a plough (i.e. the wood without the ploughshare and pole)' L

⋙ kūṭakākhyāna

   kūṭakâkhyāna n. a tale containing passages of ambiguous meanings

≫ kūṭīkṛ

   kūṭī-√kṛ to heap Comm. on MBh. v, 48, 24


   kūṭī́ v. l. for kūdī́

kūḍ 1

   kūḍ cl. 6. P. kūḍati, to eat, graze Dhātup. xxviii, 88 
   • to become firm or fat or solid ib. (vḷ. kṛḍ)

kūḍ 2

   kūḍ (= 2. kūl), cl. 10. P. kūḍayati (subj. 3. du. kūḻayātas), to burn, scorch RV. viii, 26, 10 
   • (impf. akūlayat) AitBr. iv, 9 Kapishṭh. iv, 2


   kūḍya n. (= kuḍya) a wall L


   kūṇ cl. 1. kūṇati, to contract, shrink, shorten Kpr.: Caus. P. Ā. kūṇayati, ○te, to draw together, contract, close Dhātup. xxxiii, 15 
   • xxxv, 42

≫ kūṇita

   kūṇita mfn. contracted, shut, closed Suśr

⋙ kūṇitekṣaṇa

   kūṇitêkṣaṇa m. 'having the eyes shut', a hawk L


   kūṇakuccha m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants L. (cf. kauṇakutsya.)


   kūṇi mfn. (= kuṇi) crooked-armed L 
   • (is), m. a sort of bird Gal


   kūṇika m. N. of a prince of Campā HPariś 
   • (kūnika) VP 
   • (a), f. the horn of any animal L 
   • the peg of a lute (= kalikā) L


   kūtanā ās f. pl., N. of particular waters Kāṭh. xxx, 6 
   • (kótanā) TS. iii, 3, 3, 1. Kāṭh. xxx, 6 
   • (kótanā) TS. iii, 3, 3, 1. [Page 300, Column 1] 


   kū7dara 1. ku


   kūdī́ f. a bunch of twigs, bunch (v. l. kūṭī́) AV. v, 19, 12 Kauś

⋙ kūdīmaya

   ○maya mfn. consisting of a bunch Kauś. 21


   kūddāla m. (= kudd○) mountain ebony (Bauhinia variegata) L


   kūp cl. 10. P. kūpayati, to be weak, weaken Dhātup. xxxv, 17


   kū́pa m. (fr. 1. ku and áp? 
   • cf. anūpá, dviipá), a hole, hollow, cave RV. i, 105, 17 AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • a pit well ŚāṅkhGṛ. Mn. Mṛicch. &c 
   • a post to which a boat or ship is moored L 
   • a mast L 
   • a tree or rock in the midst of a river L 
   • a leather oil vessel L 
   • = mṛn-māna L 
   • (ī), f. a small well W 
   • the navel W 
   • a flask, bottle W 
   • [Gk. ?.]

⋙ kūpakacchapa

   ○kacchapa m. 'a tortoise in [300, 1] a well', a man without experience (who has seen nothing of the world), g. pātresamitâdi and yuktârohy-ādi

⋙ kūpakandara

   ○kandara m. N. of a man BhP. x, 63, 8 and 16

⋙ kūpakāra

   ○kāra m. a well-digger R. ii, 80, 3

⋙ kūpakūrma

   ○kūrma m. = -kacchapa

⋙ kūpakhā

   ○khā m. Ved. a well-digger Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 67 and vi, 4, 41

⋙ kūpakhānaka

   ○khānaka m. id. Kathās. lxvi, 134

⋙ kūpacakra

   ○cakra n. a wheel for raising water from a well Up

⋙ kūpaja

   ○ja m. 'produced from pores', hair L

⋙ kūpajala

   ○jala n. well-water, spring-water 
   • ○lôdvāhana n. = kūpa-cakra Gal

⋙ kūpadardura

   ○dardura m. = -kacchapa MBh. v, 5509 Pañcat

⋙ kūpabila

   ○bila n. Pāṇ. 6-2, 102

⋙ kūpamaṇḍūka

   ○maṇḍūka m. (g. pātresamitâdi) = -kacchapa Prasannar. Hit 
   • (ī), f. id. Bhaṭṭ. v, 85

⋙ kūpayantra

   ○yantra n. = -cakra Mṛicch

⋙ kūparājya

   ○rājya n. N. of a country

⋙ kūpaśaya

   ○śaya mfn. hidden in a well MBh. v, 160, 102

⋙ kūpāṅka

   kūpâṅka m. bristling or erection of the hairs of the body L

⋙ kūpāṅga

   kūpâṅga v. l. for kūpâṅka

⋙ kūpepiśācaka

   kūpe-piśācaka ās m. pl. Pāṇ. 2-1, 44 Kāś

⋙ kūpodaka

   kūpôdaka n. well-water

≫ kūpaka

   kūpaka m. (g. prekṣâdi) a hole, hollow, cave L 
   • the hollow below the loins L 
   • a pore VarBṛS 
   • a small well 
   • a hole dug for water in the dry bed of a rivulet L 
   • a stake &c. to which a boat is moored L 
   • the mast of a vessel L 
   • a rock or tree in the midst of a river L 
   • a funeral pile (or 'a hole dug under a funeral pile') L 
   • a leather oil vessel L 
   • = a-cyutā L 
   • (ikā), f. a stone or rock in the middle of a stream L 
   • = a-cyutā L

≫ kūpāya

   kūpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to become a well Bhartṛ. ii, 78

≫ kūpika

   kūpika mfn. fr. kūpa g. kumudâdi 
   • (ā), f. kūpaka

≫ kūpya

   kū́pya mf(ā)n. (g. gav-ādi) being in a hole or well VS. TS. TBr. ŚBr. KātyŚr


   kūpat ind., g. câdi


   kūpāda m. = kūkuda L


   kūpāra m. (= akūp○) the ocean L


   kūpuṣa n. the bladder L


   kū́bara as, or am m. or n. the pole of a carriage or the wooden frame to which the yoke is fixed, MaitṛS. Gobh. MBh. &c. (ifc. f. ā Hcat.) 
   • (ī́,), f. id. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhBr. &c 
   • a carriage drawn by oxen L 
   • m. a hump-backed man L 
   • (mfn.) beautiful, agreeable L

⋙ kūbarasthāna

   ○sthāna n. the seat on a carriage Sāy. on RV. iii, 14, 3

≫ kūbarin

   kūbarin ī m. a carriage W


   kūma n. a lake, pond L


   kū-manas mfn. (1. ku) Ved. wicked-minded Pāṇ. 6-3, 133, Kāś


   kū́-yava n. N. of particular grains MaitrS. ii, 11, 4 Kapishṭh. xxviii, 9 
   • (kú-y○) VS. xviii, 10 
   • (ās), m. pl. id. TS. iv


   kūra n. boiled rice Bhpr


   kūrkura m. N. of a demon who persecutes children (perhaps cough or some similar disease personified) PārGṛ. i, 16


   kūrcá m. rarely n. (g. ardharcâdi) a bunch of anything, bundle of grass, &c. (often used as a seat) TS. vii ŚBr. &c 
   • a fan, brush NarasP 
   • a handful of Kuśa grass or peacock's feathers Comm. on MBh 
   • m. (n. L.) 'ball, roll', N. of certain parts of the human body (as the hands, feet, neck, and the membrum virile) Suśr. [Page 300, Column 2] 
   • the upper part of the nose (the part between the eyebrows) L 
   • (as L 
   • am), m. n. the beard Kād. Rājat. BhavP 
   • (beard of a buck) Comm. on KātyŚr 
   • (Prākṛit kucca) Śak 
   • the tip of the thumb and middle finger brought in contact so as to pinch &c. W 
   • deceit, fraud, hypocrisy L 
   • false praise, unmerited commendation either of one's self or another person, boasting, flattery L 
   • hardness, solidity L 
   • m. the head L 
   • a store-room L 
   • the mystical syllable huṃ, or hrūṃ

⋙ kūrcaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. 'beard-leaved', the plant Gymnema sylvestre Npr

⋙ kūrcaśiras

   ○śiras n. the upper part of the palm of the hand and foot Suśr

⋙ kūrcaśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa m. N. of a plant (commonly Jīvaka, one of the eight principal medicaments) L

⋙ kūrcaśīrṣaka

   ○śīrṣaka m. id. L

⋙ kūrcaśekhara

   ○śekhara the cocoa-nut tree L

⋙ kūrcāmukha

   kūrcā-mukha m. N. of a Ṛishi MBh. xiii, 252

≫ kūrcaka

   kūrcaka m. a bunch, bushel Jain. Comm 
   • a brush for cleaning the teeth, painter's brush &c. Suśr. Kād 
   • N. of certain parts of the human body ( kūrca) Suśr 
   • (ifc.) the beard 
   • = kūrca-śīrṣa Npr 
   • (ikā), f. a painting brush or pencil L 
   • a key L. (cf. kūcikā) 
   • a needle L 
   • a bud, blossom L 
   • inspissated milk Suśr 
   • (am.), n. tri-k○

≫ kūrcakin

   kūrcakin mfn. stuffed, puffy Suśr

≫ kūrcala

   kūrcala mfn. bearded (as an animal) Comm. on ŚāṅkhŚr. and KātyŚr

≫ kūrcin

   kūrcin mfn. having a long beard VarBṛ


   kūrd cl. 1. P. Ā. kūrdati, ○te (perf. cukūrda Hariv 
   • aor. akūrdiṣṭa Bhaṭṭ.), to leap, jump MBh. vi, 101 Hariv. Bhaṭṭ.: Ā. kūrdate, to play Dhātup. ii, 20

≫ kūrda

   kūrda m. 'a jump', prajāpateḥ k○, 'Prajāpati's jump', N. of a Sāman

≫ kūrdana

   kūrdana n. leaping. Pañcat. Comm. on VS 
   • playing, sport L 
   • (ā), f. the day of full moon in the month Caitra (a festival day in honour of Kāma-deva or the god of love) Gal 
   • (ī), f. id. L


   kūrpa n. the space between the eyebrows L

⋙ kūrpadṛś

   ○dṛś mfn. one whose eyes are formed in a particular manner BhP. x, 87, 18 ('having sand in the eyes' Comm.)

≫ kūrpaka

   kūrpaka n. = kūrpa Gal


   kūrpara m. the elbow Suśr. Daś. Bālar. Comm. on KātyŚr: the knee L 
   • N. of a village 
   • (ā), f. the elbow L

≫ kūrparita

   kūrparita mfn. struck by the elbow Bālar


   kūrpasa n. the inner part of a cocoa-nut Gal


   kūrpāsa m. a cuirass or quilted jacket (worn as armour) L 
   • (= cola) a jacket Comm. on Naish. xxii, 42

≫ kūrpāsaka

   kūrpāsaka m. a bodice, jacket (with short sleeves worn next the body, especially by women), Ṛitus 
   • a cuirass, corselet Hcar. Śiś. v, 23


   kūrmá m. a tortoise, turtle VS. TS. &c. (ifc. f. ā MBh. iv, 2016) 
   • the earth considered as a tortoise swimming on the waters ( -vibhāga) 
   • (hence) N. of the fourteenth Adhyāya of VarBṛS. VarYogay. ix, 4 
   • a particular figure or intertwining of the fingers (mudrā) Tantras 
   • one of the outer winds of the body (causing the closing of the eyes) Vedântas 
   • N. of a deity Rasik 
   • of a serpent or Kādraveya king MBh. i, 2549 
   • of a Ṛishi (son of Gṛitsa-mada, author of RV. ii, 27-29) RAnukr 
   • Vishṇu's second incarnation (descent in the form of a tortoise to support the mountain Mandara at the churning of the ocean) NarasP. &c 
   • (ī), f. a female tortoise 
   • [cf. ?, ?, ?.]

⋙ kūrmakalpa

   ○kalpa m. N. of a particular Kalpa or period of time Hcat

⋙ kūrmacakra

   ○cakra n. N. of a mystical diagram

⋙ kūrmadvādaśī

   ○dvādaśī f. the twelfth day in the light (or dark?) half of the month Pausha, VārP

⋙ kūrmanātha

   ○nātha m. N. of an author of Mantras

⋙ kūrmapati

   ○pati m. the king of turtles (who upholds the earth) Subh

⋙ kūrmapitta

   ○pitta n. the bilious humor of a tortoise Suśr 
   • a vessel with water PārGṛ. i, 14

⋙ kūrmapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. 'Purāṇa of the tortoise incarnation', the 15th of the eighteen Purāṇas

⋙ kūrmapṛṣṭha

   ○pṛṣṭha n. the back or shell of a tortoise 
   • m. globe-amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) L 
   • N. of a Yaksha BrahmaP 
   • ○ṣṭhâsthi n. tortoise-shell 
   • ○ṣṭhônnata mfn. raised or elevated like the back of a tortoise MBh. [Page 300, Column 3] 

⋙ kūrmapṛṣṭhaka

   ○pṛṣṭhaka n. the cover of a dish, lid L

⋙ kūrmaramaṇī

   ○ramaṇī f. a female tortoise Naish. xii, 106

⋙ kūrmarāja

   ○rāja m. the king of turtles (who upholds the world). L

⋙ kūrmalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ kūrmavibhāga

   ○vibhāga m. division of the globe or semi-globe of the earth AV. Pariś. VarBṛS

⋙ kūrmāṅga

   kūrmâṅga n. the globe of the earth VarYogay

⋙ kūrmāvatāra

   kūrmâvatāra m. the tortoise incarnation (of Vishṇu)

⋙ kūrmāsana

   kūrmâsana n. a particular posture in sitting (practised by ascetics)

≫ kūrmikā

   kūrmikā f. a kind of musical instrument


   kūrmi and ○rmin, tuvi-k○

kūl 1

   kūl cl. 1. P. kūlati, 'to cover, hide', or 'to keep off, obstruct' (derived from kūla) Dhātup. xv, 18

kūl 2

   kūl = √2. kūḍ, q.v

≫ kūlita

   kūlita mfn. burnt, scorched Suśr


   kū́la n. a declivity, slope RV. viii, 47, 11 
   • a shore, bank ŚBr. xiv Nir. Mn. &c. (ifc. Pāṇ. 6-2, 121 ; 129 & 135 
   • f. ā MBh. xiv, 1163) 
   • a heap, mound, tope Car 
   • a pond or pool L 
   • the rear of an army L 
   • N. of a locality, g. dhūmâdi 
   • [cf. aja-kūlā, anu-kūla, ut-k○ &c. ; cf. also Hib. cul, 'custody, guard, defence, back part of anything' ; col, 'an impediment' ; Lat. collis?]

⋙ kūlaṃkaṣa

   ○ṃkaṣa mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 42) carrying or tearing away the bank Śak 
   • (am), n. the ocean, sea L 
   • stream or current of a river W 
   • (ā), f. a river L

⋙ kūlacara

   ○cara mfn. frequenting the banks of rivers, grazing there &c. Suśr

⋙ kūlajāta

   ○jāta mfn. growing on the bank Pañcat

⋙ kūlataṇḍula

   ○taṇḍula m. breakers, surges L

⋙ kūlaṃdhaya

   ○ṃ-dhaya mf(ī)n. Vop. xxvi, 53

⋙ kūlabhū

   ○bhū f. a bank, land upon the bank or shore L

⋙ kūlamudruja

   ○m-udruja mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 31) breaking down banks (as a river &c.) Ragh. iv, 22

⋙ kūlamudvaha

   ○m-udvaha mfn. carrying or tearing away the bank (as a river &c.) Pāṇ. 3-2, 31

⋙ kūlavat

   ○vat mfn. furnished with shores, g. balâdi 
   • (tī), f. a river L

⋙ kūlahaṇḍa

   ○haṇḍa m. = -taṇḍula L

⋙ kūlahaṇḍaka

   ○haṇḍaka m. id. L

⋙ kūlecara

   kūlecara mfn. = kūla-c○ Bhpr

≫ kūlaka

   kūlaka as, am m. n. a bank, shore L 
   • a mound, heap, tope L 
   • m. an ant-hill L 
   • N. of a mountain Divyâv 
   • (am), n. the plant Trichosanthes dioeca L 
   • (ikā), f. bottom part of the Indian lute (cf. kūṇikā) W

≫ kūlin

   kūlin mfn. furnished with banks or shores, g. balâdi 
   • (inī), f. a river Rājat. v, 68

≫ kūlya

   kū́lya mfn. belonging to a bank VS. xvi, 42


   kūlāsa g. saṃkalâdi


   kūli m. N. of a Brāhman, Kathārn


   kūlika m. N. of a prince Mcar 
   • (ā), f. kūlaka


   kūlin &c. kū́la


   kū́lbaja ? AV. xii, 5, 12 and 53


   kūlva mfn. 'bald', only in áti-k○, v. l. for áti-kulva, q.v


   kūvara for kūbara, q.v


   kūvāra = kūpāra q.v. L


   kūśāmba m. (cf. kuś○) N. of a man TāṇḍyaBr. viii, 6, 8


   kūśmá m. (probably) N. of an imp or goblin VS. xxv, 7 
   • (kūṣmá) MaitrS. iii, 15, 9


   kūśmāṇḍa v. l. for kuṣm○, q.v

≫ kūśmāṇḍaka

   kūśmāṇḍaka v. l. for kuṣm○ q.v


   kūṣmá v. l. for kūśmá, q.v


   kūṣmāṇḍa v. l. for kuṣm○, q.v 
   • (ā), f. N. of Durgā 
   • (ī), f. id. ( kuṣm○) 
   • (yas), f. pl., N. of the verses VS. xx, 14-16 (spoken in a certain rite for penance or expiation) Yājñ. iii, 304 
   • (am, āni), n. sg. and pl. id. Gaut. Mn. viii, 106

⋙ kūṣmāṇḍadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ kūṣmāṇḍarājaputra

   ○rāja-putra m. N. of a demon

≫ kūṣmāṇḍaka

   kūṣmāṇḍaka v. l. for kuṣm○, q.v

≫ kūṣmāṇḍinī

   kūṣmāṇḍinī f. N. of a goddess


   kūhanā f. (= kuh○) hypocrisy L


   kūhā f. (= kuhī) a fog L

kṛ 1

   kṛ Ved. I. cl. 2. P. 2. sg. kárṣi du. kṛthás pl. kṛthá 
   • Ā. 2. sg. kṛṣé 
   • impf. 2. and 3. sg. ákar, 3. sg. rarely ákat (ŚBr. iii, xi) [Page 301, Column 1] 
   • 3. du. ákartām 
   • pl. ákarma, ákarta (also BhP. ix), ákran (aor., according to Pāṇ. 4-2, 80 Kāś.) 
   • Ā. ákri (RV. x, 159, 4 and 174, 4), ákṛthās (RV. v, 30, 8), ákṛta (RV.) 
   • akrātām (ŚāṅkhŚr.), ákrata (RV. AV.): Impv. kṛdhí (also MBh. i, 5141 and BhP. viii), kṛtám, kṛtá 
   • Ā. kṛṣvá, kṛdhvám 
   • Subj. 2. and 3. sg. kar pl. kárma, kárta and kartana, kran 
   • Ā. 3. sg. kṛta (RV. ix, 69, 5), 3. pl. kránta (RV. i, 141, 3): Pot. kriyāma (RV. x, 32, 9) 
   • pr. p. P. (nom. pl.) krántas Ā. krāṇá. II. cl. 1. P. kárasi, kárati, kárathas, káratas, káranti 
   • Ā. kárase, kárate, kárāmahe: impf. ákaram, ákaras, ákarat (aor., according to Pāṇ. 3-1, 59): Impv. kára, káratam, káratām: Subj. káram, kárāṇi, káras, kárat, kárāma, káran 
   • Ā. karāmahai 
   • pr. p. (f.) kárantī (Naigh.) III. cl. 5. P. kṛṇómi, ○ṇóṣi, ○ṇóti, kṛṇuthás, kṛṇmás and kṛṇmasi, kṛṇuthá, kṛṇvánti 
   • Ā. kṛṇvé, kṛṇuṣé, kṛṇuté, 3. du. kṛṇvaíte (RV. vi, 25, 4) 
   • pl. kṛṇmáhe, kṛṇváte: impf. ákṛṇos, ákṛṇot, ákṛṇutam, ákṛṇuta and ○ṇotana (RV. i, 110, 8), ákṛṇvan 
   • Ā. 3. sg. ákṛṇuta pl. ákṛṇudhvam, ákṛṇvata: Impv. kṛṇú or kṛṇuhí or kṛṇutā́t, kṛṇótu, kṛṇutám, kṛṇutā́m, 2. pl. kṛṇutá or kṛṇóta or kṛṇótana, 3. pl. kṛṇvántu 
   • Ā. kṛṇuṣvá, kṛṇutā́m, kṛṇvā́thām, kṛṇudhvám: Subj. kṛṇávas, ○ṇávat or ○ṇávāt, kṛṇávāva, ○ṇávāma, ○ṇávātha, ○ṇávatha, ○ṇávan 
   • Ā. kṛṇávai (once ○ṇavā RV. x, 95, 2), kṛṇavase (also ŚvetUp. ii, 7, v. l. ○ṇvase), kṛṇavate, kṛṇávāvahai, kṛṇávāmahai, 3. pl. kṛṇávanta (RV.) or kṛṇavante or kṛṇvata (RV.): Pot. Ā. kṛṇviitá 
   • pr. p. P. kṛṇvát (f. ○vatī́), Ā. kṛṇvāṇá. IV) cl. 8 (this is the usual formation in the Brāhmaṇas 
   • Sūtras, and in classical Sanskṛit), P. karómi (ep. kurmi MBh. iii, 10943 R. ii, 12, 33) 
   • kurvás, kuruthás, kurutás, kurmás [kulmas in an interpolation after RV. x, 128], kuruthá, kurvánti 
   • Ā. kurvé, &c., 3. pl. kurváte (Pāṇ. 6-4, 108-110): impf. akaravam, akaros, akarot, akurva, &c 
   • Ā. 3. sg. akuruta pl. akurvata: Impv. kuru, karotu (in the earlier language 2. and 3. sg. kurutāt, 3. sg. also BhP. vi, 4, 34), kuruta or kurutana (Nir. iv, 7) 
   • Ā. kuruṣva, kurudhvam, kurvátām: Subj. karavāṇi, karavas, ○vāt, ○vāva or ○vāvas (Pāṇ. 3-4, 98 Kāś.), ○vāma or ○vāmas (ib.), ○vātha, ○van 
   • Ā. karavai, kuruthās, karavāvahai (TUp 
   • ○he MBh. iii, 10762), karavaithe, ○vaite (Pāṇ. 3-4, 95, Kāś), ○vāmahai (○he MBh. R. i, 18, 12): Pot. P. kuryām, Ā. kurviiya (Pāṇ. 6-4, 109 and 110) 
   • pr. p. P. kurvát (f. ○vatī́) 
   • Ā. kurvāṇá: perf. P. cakā́ra, cakártha, cakṛvá, cakṛmá, cakrá (Pāṇ. 7-2, 13) 
   • Ā. cakré, cakriré 
   • p. cakṛvas (acc. cakrúṣam RV. x, 137, 1) 
   • Ā. cakrāṇa (Vop.): 2nd fut. kariṣyáti 
   • Subj. 2. sg. kariṣyā́s (RV. iv, 30, 23) 
   • 1st fut. kártā: Prec. kriyāsam: aor. P. Ved. cakaram (RV. iv, 42, 6), acakrat (RV. iv, 18, 12), ácakriran (RV. viii, 6, 20) 
   • Ā. 1. sg. kṛske (RV. x, 49, 7) 
   • Class. akārṣīt (Pāṇ. 7-2, 1 Kāś 
   • once akāraṣīt BhP. i, 10, 1) 
   • Pass. aor. reflex. akāri and akṛta (Pāṇ. 3-1, 62 Kāś.): Inf. kártum, Ved. kártave, kártavaí, kártos ( ss.vv.) 
   • ind. p. kṛtvā́, Ved. kṛtvií ṛV. and kṛtvā́ya [TS. iv, v] 
   • to do, make, perform, accomplish, cause, effect, prepare, undertake RV. &c 
   • to do anything for the advantage or injury of another (gen. or loc.) MBh. R. &c 
   • to execute, carry out (as an order or command) ib 
   • to manufacture, prepare, work at, elaborate, build ib 
   • to form or construct one thing out of another (abl. or instr.) R. i, 2, 44 Hit. &c 
   • to employ, use, make use of (instr.) ŚvetUp. Mn. x, 91 MBh. &c 
   • to compose, describe R. i 
   • to cultivate Yājñ. ii, 158 (cf. Mn. x, 114) 
   • to accomplish any period, bring to completion, spend (e.g. varṣāṇi daśa cakruḥ, 'they spent ten years' MBh. xv, 6 
   • kṣaṇaṃ kuru, 'wait a moment' MBh 
   • cf. kritakṣaṇa) 
   • to place, put, lay, bring, lead, take hold of (acc. or loc. or instr., e.g. ardháṃ-√kṛ, to take to one's own side or party, cause to share in (gen 
   • 2. ardhá) 
   • haste or pāṇau-√kṛ, to take by the hand, marry Pāṇ. 1-4, 77 
   • hṛdayena-√kṛ, to place in one's heart, love Mṛicch 
   • hṛdi-√kṛ, to take to heart, mind, think over, consider Rājat. v, 313 
   • manasi-√kṛ id. R. ii, 64, 8 Hcar 
   • to determine, purpose [ind. p. ○si kṛtvā or ○si-kṛtya] Pāṇ. 1-4, 75 
   • vaśe-√kṛ, to place in subjection, become master of Mn. ii, 100) 
   • to direct the thoughts, mind, &c. (mánas [RV. Mn. MBh. &c.] or buddhim [Nal. xxvi, 10] or matim ṃBh. ṛ. or bhāvam ib., &c.) towards any object, turn the attention to, resolve upon, determine on (loc., dat., inf., or a sentence with iti e.g. mā śoke manaḥ kṛthāḥ, do not turn your mind to grief Nal. xiv, 22 [301, 2] 
   • gamanāya matiṃ cakre, he resolved upon going R. i, 9, 55 
   • alābuṃ samutsraṣṭuṃ manaś cakre, he resolved to create a gourd MBh. iii, 8844 
   • draṣṭā tavâsmī7ti matiṃ cakāra, he determined to see him MBh. iii, 12335) 
   • to think of (acc.) R. i, 21, 14 
   • to make, render (with two acc., e.g. ādityaṃ kāṣṭhām akurvata, they made the sun their goal AitBr. iv, 7) RV. ŚBr. &c 
   • to procure for another, bestow, grant (with gen. or loc.) RV. VS. ŚBr. &c 
   • Ā. to procure for one's self, appropriate, assume ŚBr. BṛĀrUp. Mn. vii, 10 &c 
   • to give aid, help any one to get anything (dat.) RV. VS 
   • to make liable to (dat.) RV. iii, 41, 6 ŚBr. iv 
   • to injure, violate (e.g. kanyāṃ-√kṛ, to violate a maiden) Mn. viii, 367 and 369 
   • to appoint, institute ChUp. Mn 
   • to give an order, commission Mn. R. ii, 2, 8 
   • to cause to get rid of, free from (abl. or -tas) Pāṇ. 5-4, 49 Kāś 
   • to begin (e.g. cakre śobhayitum purīm, they began to adorn the city) R. ii, 6, 10 
   • to proceed, act, put in practice VS. ŚBr. AitBr. &c 
   • to worship, sacrifice RV. ŚBr. Mn. iii, 210 
   • to make a sound (svaram or śabdam) MBh. iii, 11718 Pāṇ. 4-4, 34 Hit.), utter, pronounce (often ifc. with the sounds phaṭ, phut, bhāṇ, váṣaṭ, svadhā́, svā́hā, hiṃ), pronounce any formula (Mn. ii, 74 and xi, 33) 
   • (with numeral adverbs ending in dhā) to divide, separate or break up into parts (e.g. dvidhā-√kṛ, to divide into two parts, ind. p. dvidhā kṛtvā or dvidhā-kṛtya or -kāram Pāṇ. 3-4, 62 
   • sahasradhā-√kṛ, to break into a thousand pieces) 
   • (with adverbs ending in vat) to make like or similar, consider equivalent (e.g. rājyaṃ tṛṇa-vat kṛtvā, valuing the kingdom like a straw Vet.) 
   • (with adverbs ending in sāt) to reduce anything to, cause to become, make subject ( ātma-sāt, bhasma-sāt) Pāṇ. 5-4, 52ff. The above senses of √kṛ may be variously modified or almost infinitely extended according to the noun with which this √is connected, as in the following examples: sakhyaṃ-√kṛ, to contract friendship with 
   • pūjāṃ-√kṛ, to honour 
   • rājyaṃ-√kṛ, to reign 
   • snehaṃ-√kṛ, to show affection 
   • ājñāṃ or nideśaṃ or śāsanaṃ or kāmaṃ or yācanāṃ or vacaḥ or vacanaṃ or vākyaṃ-√kṛ, to perform any one's command or wish or request &c 
   • dharmaṃ-√kṛ, to do one's duty Mn. vii, 136 
   • nakhāni-√kṛ, 'to clean one's nails', kṛta-nakha 
   • udakaṃ ṃn. Yājñ. ṛ. ḍaś. or salilaṃ [R. i, 44, 49] √kṛ, to offer a libation of Water to the dead 
   • to perform ablutions 
   • astrāṇi-√kṛ, to practise the use of weapons MBh. iii, 11824 
   • darduraṃ-√kṛ, to breathe the flute Pāṇ. 4-4, 34 
   • daṇḍaṃ-√kṛ, to inflict punishment &c. Vet 
   • kālaṃ-√kṛ, to bring one's time to an end, i.e. to die 
   • ciraṃ-√kṛ, to be long in doing anything, delay 
   • manasā (for ○si, above) √kṛ, to place in one's mind, think of, meditate MBh 
   • śirasā-√kṛ, to place on one's the head 
   • mūrdhnā-√kṛ, to place on one's head, obey, honour. Very rarely in Veda (AV. xviii, 2, 27), but commonly in the Brāhmaṇas, Sūtras, and especially in classical Sanskṛit the perf. forms cakāra and cakre auxiliarily used to form the periphrastical perfect of verbs, especially of causatives, e.g. āsāṃ cakre, 'he sat down' 
   • gamayā́ṃ cakāra, 'he caused to go' [see Pāṇ. 3-1, 40 
   • in Veda some other forms of √kṛ are used in a similar way, viz. pr. karoti ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • impf. akar MaitrS. and Kāṭh 
   • 3. pl. akran MaitrS. and TBr 
   • Prec. kriyāt MaitrS. ( Pāṇ. 3-1, 42) 
   • according to Pāṇ. 3-1, 41, also karotu with √vid]. Caus. kārayati, ○te, to cause to act or do, cause another to perform, have anything made or done by another (double acc., instr. and acc. [see Pāṇ. 1-4, 53], e.g. sabhāṃ kāritavān, he caused an assembly to be made Hit 
   • rāja-darśanaṃ māṃ kāraya, cause me to have an audience of the king 
   • vāṇijyaṃ kārayed vaiśyam, he ought to cause the Vaiśya to engage in trade Mn. viii, 410 
   • na śakṣyāmi kiṃcit kārayituṃ tvayā, I shall not be able to have anything done by thee MBh. ii, 6) 
   • to cause to manufacture or form or cultivate Lāṭy. Yājñ. ii, 158 MBh. &c 
   • to cause to place or put, have anything placed, put upon, &c. (e.g. taṃ citrapaṭaṃ vāsa-gṛhe bhittāv akārayat, he had the picture placed on the wall in his house Kathās. v, 30) Mn. viii, 251. Sometimes the Caus. of √kṛ is used for the simple verb or without a causal signification (e.g. padaṃ kārayati, he pronounces a word Pāṇ. 1-3, 71 Kāś. [301, 3] 
   • mithyā k○, he pronounces wrongly ib 
   • kaikeyīm anu rājānaṃ kāraya, treat or deal with Kaikeyī as the king does R. ii, 58, 16): Desid. cíkīrṣati (aor. 2. sg. acikīrṣīs ŚBr. iii), ep. also ○te, to wish to make or do, intend to do, design, intend, begin, strive after AV. xii, 4, 19 ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c 
   • to wish to sacrifice or worship AV. v, 8, 3: Intens. 3. pl. karikrati (pr. p. kárikrat, Naigh. ii, 1 and Pāṇ. 7-4, 65), to do repeatedly RV. AV. TS 
   • Class. carkarti or carikarti or carīkarti [Pāṇ. 7-4, 92 Kāś.], also carkarīti or carikarīti or carīkarīti or cekrīyate ib. ṣch. Vop. ; [Hib. caraim, 'I perform, execute' ; ceard, 'an art, trade, business, function' ; sucridh, 'easy' ; Old Germ. karawan, 'to prepare' ; Mod. Germ. gar, 'prepared (as food)' ; Lat. creo, ceremonia 
   • ?.]

≫ kṛt 1

   kṛt mfn. only ifc. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 182) making, doing, performing, accomplishing, effecting, manufacturing, acting, one who accomplishes or performs anything, author ( su-k○, karma-k○, pāpa-k○, &c.) 
   • (t), m. an affix used to form nouns from roots VPrāt. Pāṇ. 3-1, 93 ; 4, 67 ; vi, 1, 71 ; vii, 2, 8 and 11 ; 3, 33 ; viii, 4, 29 
   • a noun formed with that affix Nir. PārGṛ. Gobh. Pāṇ

⋙ kṛttattvabodhinī

   ○tattva-bodhinī f. N. of a grammatical treatise

⋙ kṛtpaṭala

   ○paṭala m. N. of a treatise on Kṛit affixes

⋙ kṛdanta

   kṛd-anta m. a word ending with a Kṛit affix (such a word would be called by Pāṇ. simply kṛt)

⋙ kṛllopa

   kṛl-lopa m. the rejection of a Kṛit affix

≫ kṛta 1

   kṛtá mfn. done, made, accomplished, performed RV. AV. &c 
   • prepared, made ready ib 
   • obtained, gained, acquired, placed at hand AV. iii, 24, 5 
   • well done, proper, good ŚBr. iv 
   • cultivated Mn. x, 114 
   • appointed (as a duty) Yājñ. ii, 186 
   • relating or referring to Yājñ. ii, 210 
   • m. N. of one of the Viśve Devās MBh. xiii, 4356 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. ix, 24, 45 
   • of a son of Saṃnati and pupil of Hiraṇya-nābha Hariv. 1080 BhP. xii, 6, 80 
   • of a son of Kṛita-ratha and father of Vibudha VP 
   • of a son of Jaya and father of Haryavana BhP. ix, 17, 17 
   • of a son of Cyavana and father of Upari-cara VāyuP 
   • (am), n. (with saha or with instr.) 'done with', away with, enough of, no need of, &c. (e.g. kṛtaṃ saṃdehena, away with doubt Śak 
   • k"ṣ parihāsena, enough of joking ib.) 
   • the past tense AitBr. v, 1 
   • (ám), n. deed, work, action RV. AV. ŚvetUp. Mn. &c 
   • service done, kind action, benefit (cf. kṛta-jña and -ghna) MBh. v, 1692 Pañcat 
   • magic, sorcery SāmavBr 
   • consequence, result L 
   • aim Vop. i, 2 
   • stake at a game RV. AV 
   • prize or booty gained in battle ib 
   • N. of the die or of the side of a die marked with four points or dots (this is the lucky or winning die) VS. xxx, 18 TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • (also the collective N. of the four dice in opposition to the fifth die called kali Comm. on VS. x, 28) 
   • (hence) the number 'four' VarBṛS. Sūryas 
   • N. of the first of the four ages of the world (also called satya or 'the golden age', comprehending together with the morning and evening dawn 4800 years of men ṃn. ṃBh. ḥariv. or according to the later conception [BhP. &c. Comm. on Mn. i, 69] 4800 years of the gods or 1, 728, 000 years of men) 
   • (e), loc. ind. on account of, for the sake of, for (with gen. or ifc., e.g. mama kṛte or mat-kṛte, on my account, for me) Yājñ. i, 216 MBh. R. &c 
   • (ena), instr. ind., id. MBh. R. i, 76, 6 and vi, 85, 10

⋙ kṛtakapaṭa

   ○kapaṭa mfn. deceiving, beguiling

⋙ kṛtakara

   ○kara m. N. of Śiva Gal

⋙ kṛtakartavya

   ○kartavya mfn. one who has performed what was to be done, one who has done or discharged his duty Prab

⋙ kṛtakarman

   ○karman n. an act that has been accomplished Subh 
   • (kṛtá-k○), mfn. one who has done his work or duty ŚBr. MBh. R. Ragh. ix, 3 
   • clever, able L

⋙ kṛtakalpa

   ○kalpa mfn. one who knows the customary rites R. ii, 1, 16 
   • -taru m. N. of wk

⋙ kṛtakāma

   ○kāma mf(ā)n. one whose desire is attained, satisfied R

⋙ kṛtakārin

   ○kārin mfn. doing again what has been done already Pat 
   • doing any work MBh. i, 5551 (= xii, 5307)

⋙ kṛtakārya

   ○kārya n. an attained object Śak 
   • (mfn.) one who has obtained his object Yājñ. ii, 189 R. Kathās 
   • one who has no need of another person's aid (instr.) MBh. xiii, 3862 
   • -tva n. the state of having obtained one's object Kathās. [Page 302, Column 1] 

⋙ kṛtakāla

   ○kāla m. appointed time Yājñ. ii, 184 
   • (mfn.) 'fixed or settled as to time', sent, deposited &c. for a certain time Nār 
   • one who has accomplished a certain time, who has waited a certain time MBh. ii, 1875

⋙ kṛtakūrcaka

   ○kūrcaka mfn. tied up as a small bundle or brush

⋙ kṛtakṛtya

   ○kṛtya n. what has been done and what is to be done Up 
   • (mfn.) one who has done his duty or accomplished a business R 
   • one who has attained any object or purpose, contented, satisfied with (loc. R. vii, 59, 3) AitUp. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • -tā f. the full discharge of any duty or realisation of any object, accomplishment, success Mn. MBh. KapS. &c 
   • -bhāva m. id. Naish. vi, 106

⋙ kṛtakoṭi

   ○koṭi m. N. of a Kāśyapa L 
   • of Upavarsha L

⋙ kṛtakopa

   ○kopa mfn. one who shows anger, angry, indignant

⋙ kṛtakautuka

   ○kautuka mfn. one who engages in sport, playful

⋙ kṛtakraya

   ○kraya m. one who makes a purchase, a purchaser

⋙ kṛtakriya

   ○kriya mfn. one who has accomplished any act W 
   • one who has fulfilled his duty W 
   • one who has performed a religious ceremony Mn. v, 99 ; ix, 102

⋙ kṛtakrudha

   ○krudha mfn. one who shows anger, angry, resentful

⋙ kṛtakṣaṇa

   ○kṣaṇa mfn. one who waits for the right moment, one who waits impatiently for a person or thing (loc., or acc. with prati, or inf., or in comp 
   • e.g. kṛta-kṣaṇâhaṃ te gamnaṃ prati, I am waiting impatiently for thy going R. ii, 29, 15 
   • te bhūmiṇ gantuṃ kṛta-kṣaṇāḥ, they are waiting for the time to proceed to the earth MBh. i, 2505) 
   • having leisure Car. viii, 3 
   • ready at hand, not tarrying or lingering Car. iii, 8 
   • liable to (in comp.) Comm. on ChUp 
   • m. N. of a prince MBh. ii, 122

⋙ kṛtaghātayatna

   ○ghāta-yatna mfn. one who makes efforts to slay, trying to kill

⋙ kṛtaghna

   ○ghna mf(ā)n. 'destroying past services or benefits, unmindful of (services) rendered, ungrateful Mn. R. &c. BrahmaP. (sixteen kinds of ungrateful men are enumerated) 
   • defeating or rendering vain all previous measures W 
   • -tā f. ingratitude Pañcat. Sāh 
   • -tva n. id. MārkP 
   • kṛtaghnī-kṛti f. representing as ungrateful Naish. vi, 85

⋙ kṛtacihna

   ○cihna mfn. marked MBh. iii, 280, 35

⋙ kṛtacūḍa

   ○cūḍa m. a boy on whom the ceremony of tonsure has been performed Mn. v, 58 and 67

⋙ kṛtacetas

   ○cetas m. N. of a Brāhman MBh. iii, 985

⋙ kṛtacchandas

   ○cchandas āṃsi n. p., N. of a class of metres

⋙ kṛtacchidra

   ○cchidra mfn. having a hole BhP. iii, 11, 9 
   • (ā), f. the plant Luffa acutangula L

⋙ kṛtajanman

   ○janman mfn. born, produced, generated

⋙ kṛtajña

   ○jña mf(ā)n. knowing what is right, correct in conduct MBh. xii, 104, 6 
   • acknowledging past services or benefits, mindful of former aid or favours, grateful Mn. Yājñ. &c 
   • m. a dog L 
   • N. of Śiva L 
   • -tā f. gratitude R. Pañcat 
   • -tva n. id 
   • -śīla m. N. of a Prākṛit poet

⋙ kṛtaṃjaya

   ○ṃ-jaya m. 'conquering the Kṛita age', N. of the seventeenth Vyāsa VāyuP 
   • of a prince BhP. ix, 12, 12

⋙ kṛtatanutrāṇa

   ○tanu-trāṇa mfn. covered with armour, mailed

⋙ kṛtatīrtha

   ○tīrtha mfn. one who has visited holy places, who frequents them W 
   • an adviser, one fertile in expedients W 
   • 'furnished with a passage', rendered accessible or easy Kir. ii, 3

⋙ kṛtatrāṇā

   ○trāṇā f. the tree Ficus heterophylla L

⋙ kṛtatva

   ○tva n. the state of being effected KātyŚr. Jaim. iii, 4, 40

⋙ kṛtatvara

   ○tvara mf(ā)n. making haste, hurrying, Ratnāv

⋙ kṛtadāra

   ○dāra mfn. married Mn. MBh. R. (cf. dāra-kriyā.)

⋙ kṛtadāsa

   ○dāsa m. one who offers himself as a servant for a certain time

⋙ kṛtadeśa

   ○deśa mfn. one whose place is fixed Jaim

⋙ kṛtadyuti

   ○dyuti f. N. of the wife of king Citra-ketu BhP. vi, 14, 30

⋙ kṛtadviṣṭa

   ○dviṣṭa (kritá-), mfn. one who has shown anger (at the doings of another person) AV. vii, 113, 1

⋙ kṛtadhanvan

   ○dhanvan vḷ. for -varman, q.v

⋙ kṛtadharma

   ○dharma m. 'one who performs his duty', N. of a man VP

⋙ kṛtadharman

   ○dharman m. id. ib

⋙ kṛtadhī

   ○dhī mfn. of formed mind, prudent, considerate Mudr 
   • learned, educated Sāh 
   • determined, resolved on (inf.) Mudr. Bh. xi, 6, 39

⋙ kṛtadhvaṃsa

   ○dhvaṃsa mfn. defeated, overpowered W 
   • injured, destroyed W 
   • (= -ghna) destroying past transactions W

⋙ kṛtadhvaj

   ○dhvaj (kṛtá-), mfn. furnished with banners RV. vii, 83, 2

⋙ kṛtadhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. N. of a prince (son of Dharmadhvaja) BhP. ix, 13, 19 and 20

⋙ kṛtadhvasta

   ○dhvasta mfn. lost after being once possessed or acquired W

⋙ kṛtanakha

   ○nakha mfn. one who has cleaned his nails Kauś. 54

⋙ kṛtanandana

   ○nandana m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kṛtanāmaka

   ○nāmaka mfn. named Hariv. 3436

⋙ kṛtanāśaka

   ○nāśaka mfn. (= -ghna) ungrateful Hit

⋙ kṛtanaśana

   ○naśana mfn. id

⋙ kṛtanityakriya

   ○nitya-kriya mfn. one who has duly performed his daily religious observances

⋙ kṛtanirṇejana

   ○nirṇejana mfn. one who has performed penance or made expiation Mn. xi, 190

⋙ kṛtaniścaya

   ○niścaya mfn. determined or resolved on (dat., loc., inf. or in comp.) R. iii, 50, 16 Bhag. ii, 37 &c. [Page 302, Column 2] 
   • resolute (as speech) Kād 
   • one who has ascertained anything, sure, certain

⋙ kṛtaniścayin

   ○niścayin mfn. one who has formed a resolution, determined, resolved Pañcat

⋙ kṛtapaṇa

   ○paṇa mf(ā)n. one who has laid a wager (with loc. of the stake) MBh. i, 1203 and 1206

⋙ kṛtaparva

   ○parva n. (= -yuga) the golden age of the world ṢaḍvBr

⋙ kṛtapaścāttāpa

   ○paścāttāpa mfn. one who has performed penance, showing regret or penitence

⋙ kṛtapuṅkha

   ○puṅkha mfn. 'one who has fixed the feathers of his arrows', skilled in archery L

⋙ kṛtapuṇya

   ○puṇya mf(ā)n. one who has accomplished meritorious acts in a former life, happy R. MārkP

⋙ kṛtapūrva

   ○pūrva mfn. done formerly Daś 
   • -nāśana n. the forgetting of past services, ingratitude Hit

⋙ kṛtapūrvin

   ○pūrvin mfn. one by whom anything (acc.) was formerly done Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-2, 87 and ii, 3, 65

⋙ kṛtapauruṣa

   ○pauruṣa mfn. one who does a manly act, behaving gallantly

⋙ kṛtaprajña

   ○prajña mfn. wise, prudent MBh. v, 1246 Kathās

⋙ kṛtapraṇāma

   ○praṇāma mfn. making obeisance, saluting

⋙ kṛtapratikṛta

   ○pratikṛta n. assault and counter-assault, attack and resistance MBh. iv, 351 Ragh. xii, 94 
   • retaliation for an assault R. vi, 91, 10

⋙ kṛtapratijña

   ○pratijña mfn. one who fulfils a promise or agreement

⋙ kṛtaprayatna

   ○prayatna mfn. one who makes effort, active, persevering Pañcat. (= Hit.)

⋙ kṛtaprayojana

   ○prayojana mfn. one who has attained his object Kathās. xiii, 158

⋙ kṛtapraharaṇa

   ○praharaṇa mfn. one who has practised the use of weapons MBh. v, 5733

⋙ kṛtapriya

   ○priya mfn. one who has been favoured or pleased MBh. iii, 166, 14

⋙ kṛtaphala

   ○phala mfn. 'fruitful', successful W 
   • (ā), f. N. of a plant (= kola-śimbī) L 
   • (am), n. consequence of an act, result W 
   • N. of a poisonous substance L

⋙ kṛtabandhu

   ○bandhu m. N. of a prince MBh. i, 231

⋙ kṛtabāhu

   ○bāhu mfn. laying hands upon, grasping, touching W

⋙ kṛtabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. of formed mind, learned, wise VarBṛS. KapS. v, 50 
   • (a-k○) Bhag. xviii, 16 
   • one who has made a resolution, resolved (with dat. Vikr. or inf. ḥariv.) Mn. i, 97 (cf. MBh. v, 110) and vii, 30 Yājñ. i, 354 MBh. &c 
   • informed of one's duty, one who knows how religious rites ought to be conducted W

⋙ kṛtabrahman

   ○brahman (kṛtá-), mfn. one who has performed his devotions RV. ii, 25, 1 
   • (a deity) towards whom devotion is performed RV. vi, 20, 3 
   • (a sacrifice) in which prayers are duly offered RV. vii, 70, 6

⋙ kṛtabhaga

   ○bhaga m. N. of a man (pl. his family) Saṃskārak

⋙ kṛtabhaya

   ○bhaya mfn. alarmed, apprehensive

⋙ kṛtabhāva

   ○bhāva mfn. one whose mind is directed towards anything (loc.) R. vi, 70, 12

⋙ kṛtabhūtamaitra

   ○bhūtamaitra mfn. friendly to all

⋙ kṛtabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. a place ready made Āp

⋙ kṛtabhojana

   ○bhojana mfn. one who has dined or made a meal

⋙ kṛtamaṅgala

   ○maṅgala mf(ā)n. blessed, consecrated ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 12 Suśr. Kathās. MārkP

⋙ kṛtamati

   ○mati mfn. one who has taken a resolution, who has resolved upon anything MBh. xiii, 2211

⋙ kṛtamanoratha

   ○manoratha mfn. one whose wishes are fulfilled R. v, 50, 1

⋙ kṛtamandāra

   ○mandāra m. N. of a man Rājat. v, 35

⋙ kṛtamanyu

   ○manyu mfn. indignant

⋙ kṛtamārga

   ○mārga mfn. having a road or path made

⋙ kṛtamāla

   ○māla m. the spotted antelope Suśr 
   • the tree Cassia fistula Suśr 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river BhP. v, 19, 18 ; x, 79, 16

⋙ kṛtamālaka

   ○mālaka m. the spotted antelope Gal 
   • the tree Cassia fistula L

⋙ kṛtamukha

   ○mukha mfn. skilled, clever L

⋙ kṛtamūlya

   ○mūlya mfn. of a fixed price Yājñ. ii, 63

⋙ kṛtamaitra

   ○maitra mfn. one who performs friendly acts, friendly

⋙ kṛtayajus

   ○yajus (kṛtá-), mfn. one who has uttered the sacrificial formulas TS. i, 5, 2, 4

⋙ kṛtayajña

   ○yajña m. N. of a son of Cyavana and father of Upari-cara Hariv. 1803 VP

⋙ kṛtayaśas

   ○yaśas m. N. of a descendant of Aṅgiras (author of RV. ix, 108, 10 and 11) RAnukr

⋙ kṛtayuga

   ○yuga n. the first of the four ages of the world, golden age Mn. MBh. Hariv. Sūryas. ( kṛta above) 
   • kṛtayugāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble the golden age, Pratāpar

⋙ kṛtayūṣa

   ○yūṣa m. the juice of pulses prepared with salt and fat L

⋙ kṛtayogya

   ○yogya mfn. joining in combat

⋙ kṛtaratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a grandson of Maru BhP. ix, 13, 16

⋙ kṛtarava

   ○rava mfn. making a cry, sounding, singing

⋙ kṛtaruc

   ○ruc mfn. splendid, brilliant

⋙ kṛtaruṣa

   ○ruṣa mfn. angry, displeased

⋙ kṛtalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa mf(ā)n. marked, stamped, branded Gobh. MBh 
   • (a-k○) Lāṭy 
   • noted for good qualities, excellent, amiable 
   • stigmatized Mn. ix, 239 
   • caused by (in comp.) R. vi, 95, 19 
   • relating to (in comp.) MBh. xiii, 16, 23 Hariv. 5031 
   • m. N. of a man Hariv. 1940

⋙ kṛtalavaṇa

   ○lavaṇa n. factitious salt Vishṇ

⋙ kṛtavat

   ○vat mfn. perf. p. P. √kṛ, one who has done or made anything 
   • one who holds the stake at a game (?) Nir. v, 22 (tī), f. N. of a river VP

⋙ kṛtavarman

   ○varman m. N. of several princes, especially of a son of Hṛidika and of a son of Kanaka or Dhanaka MBh. Hariv. &c. [Page 302, Column 3] 
   • N. of the father of the thirteenth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī L

⋙ kṛtavasati

   ○vasati mfn. one who has taken up his abode, dwelling Megh. Pañcat. Śāntiś

⋙ kṛtavāpa

   ○vāpa m. a penitent who has shaven his head and chin Mn. xi, 108

⋙ kṛtavāpana

   ○vāpana m. id. Mn. xi, 78

⋙ kṛtavikāra

   ○vikāra mfn. any one or anything that has undergone change, altered, changed

⋙ kṛtavikrama

   ○vikrama mfn. displaying valour, making vigorous efforts

⋙ kṛtavikriya

   ○vikriya mfn. = -vikāra

⋙ kṛtavidya

   ○vidya mfn. one who has acquired knowledge, well informed, learned MBh. R. Pañcat

⋙ kṛtavilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of a man, Śaṅkar

⋙ kṛtavivāha

   ○vivāha mfn. one who has contracted marriage, married

⋙ kṛtavismaya

   ○vismaya mfn. astonished 
   • astonishing

⋙ kṛtavīrya

   ○vīrya (kṛtá-), mfn. one who is strong or powerful AV. xvii, 1, 27 
   • m. N. of a prince (son of Kanaka or Dhanaka and father of Arjuna 
   • cf. kārtaviirya) MBh. Hariv. BhP 
   • of a medical teacher Suśr

⋙ kṛtavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi mfn. (a word) whose (first syllable) has been vṛiddhied

⋙ kṛtavega

   ○vega m. N. of a prince MBh. ii, 320

⋙ kṛtavetana

   ○vetana mfn. one who receives wages (as a hired servant or labourer) Yājñ. ii, 164

⋙ kṛtavedin

   ○vedin mfn. (= -jña) one who acknowledges past benefits or services, grateful Mudr. Lalit 
   • observant of propriety W

⋙ kṛtavedhaka

   ○vedhaka m. a sort of Ghoshā with white flowers L

⋙ kṛtavedhana

   ○vedhana m. id. Suśr 
   • (ā), f. = -cchidrā L

⋙ kṛtavepathu

   ○vepathu mfn. trembling

⋙ kṛtaveṣa

   ○veṣa mfn. one who has assumed clothing, attired, decorated Gīt. xi, 1 
   • m. 'N. of a man', kārtaveṣa

⋙ kṛtavyadhana

   ○vyadhana mf(ī)n. skilled in piercing AV. v, 14, 9

⋙ kṛtavyalīka

   ○vyalīka mfn. annoyed, vexed

⋙ kṛtavrata

   ○vrata m. N. of a pupil of Loma-harshaṇa

⋙ kṛtaśakti

   ○śakti mfn. one who puts forth his strength or displays courage

⋙ kṛtaśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kṛtaśastraniḥśrama

   ○śastra-niḥśrama mfn. exercised in arms MBh. i, 5443

⋙ kṛtaśilpa

   ○śilpa mfn. one who has learned his art or is skilled in his own trade Yājñ. ii, 184

⋙ kṛtaśobha

   ○śobha mfn. splendid, brilliant, beautiful W 
   • dexterous W

⋙ kṛtaśobha

   ○śobha mfn. one who has performed purification, purified, free from bodily impurities Mn. MBh. R 
   • (as or am), m. or n. N. of a locality MatsyaP

⋙ kṛtaśrama

   ○śrama mfn. one who has made great exertions, painstaking, laborious (with loc. or ifc.) MBh. R. &c 
   • m. N. of a Muni MBh. ii, 109

⋙ kṛtaśrāma

   ○śrāma for -śrama R. i, 21, 6

⋙ kṛtasaṃsarga

   ○saṃsarga mfn. brought into contact, united

⋙ kṛtasaṃskāra

   ○saṃskāra mfn. one who has performed all the purificatory rites, initiated Mn. ix, 326 Ragh. x, 79 
   • prepared, adorned

⋙ kṛtasaṃkalpa

   ○saṃkalpa mfn. one who has formed a resolution

⋙ kṛtasaṃketa

   ○saṃketa mfn. one who has made an agreement or appointment

⋙ kṛtasaṃjña

   ○saṃjña mfn. one to whom a sign has been given Rājat. iv, 221 
   • (pl.) having agreed upon special signs Mn. vii, 190 
   • initiated (into a plan) MBh. xiv, 588 (a-k○ neg.)

⋙ kṛtasaṃnāha

   ○saṃnāha mfn. cased in armour

⋙ kṛtasaṃnidhāna

   ○saṃnidhāna mfn. = -saṃsarga

⋙ kṛtasapatnikā

   ○sapatnikā f. a woman whose husband has taken another wife, superseded wife L

⋙ kṛtasampuṭa

   ○sampuṭa mfn. = ○tâñjali-puṭa, VārP

⋙ kṛtasambandha

   ○sambandha mfn. connected, allied

⋙ kṛtasavya

   ○savya mfn. one who has the sacred thread over the left shoulder Comm. on KātyŚr

⋙ kṛtasāpatnikā


⋙ kṛtasāpatnī


⋙ kṛtasāpatnīkā

   ○sāpatnīkā f. = -sapatnikā L

⋙ kṛtastoma

   ○stoma m. N. of certain Stomas

⋙ kṛtasthalā

   ○sthalā́ f. N. of an Apsaras TS. iv MaitrS. ii, 8, 10 
   • (○lī) VP

⋙ kṛtasthiti

   ○sthiti mfn. one who has taken up an abode

⋙ kṛtasneha

   ○sneha mfn. one who shows affection, affectionate

⋙ kṛtasmara

   ○smara m. N. of a mountain VP 
   • -carita n. N. of wk

⋙ kṛtasvara

   ○svara mfn. having the original accent Lāṭy

⋙ kṛtasvastyayana

   ○svasty-ayana mf(ā)n. blessed or commended to the protection of gods previous to any journey or undertaking MBh. R. BhP

⋙ kṛtasvecchāhāra

   ○svecchâhāra mfn. one who feeds or eats at pleasure

⋙ kṛtahasta

   ○hasta mfn. one who has exercised his hands, dexterous, skilled (especially in archery) Hariv 
   • -tal f. dexterity MBh. iv, 1976 
   • -vat ind. in a clever way MBh. iv, 1843

⋙ kṛtākṛta

   kṛtâkṛta mfn. done and not done, done in part but not completed MBh. xii, 6542 (= 9946) 
   • prepared and not prepared, manufactured and not manufactured MBh. xiii, 2794 Yājñ. i, 286 
   • optional ĀśvŚr. ĀśvGṛ 
   • indifferent MBh. xiii, 7612 
   • (ám, é), n. sg. and du. what has been done and what has not been done AV. xix, 9, 2 ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 27 KaṭhUp. ii, 14 
   • -prasaṅgin mfn. in Gr. = nitya

⋙ kṛtākṛtyasama

   kṛtâkṛtyasama ās m. pl. 'indifferent as to what has been done and what ought to be done', N. of a sect

⋙ kṛtāgama

   kṛtâgama mfn. one who has made progress, advanced

⋙ kṛtāgas

   kṛtấgas mfn. one who has committed an offence, criminal, sinful AV. xii, 5, 60 and 65 MBh. Amar 
   • (a-k○ neg.) R. i, 7, 13. [Page 303, Column 1] 

⋙ kṛtāgaska

   kṛtâgas-ka mfn. id. BhP. x, 88, 29

⋙ kṛtāgni

   kṛtâgni m. N. of a son of Kanaka or Dhanaka Hariv. 1850 BhP. ix, 23, 22

⋙ kṛtāgnikārya

   kṛtâgni-kārya m. a Brāhman who has offered the usual fire-oblation

⋙ kṛtāṅka

   kṛtâṅka mfn. marked, branded Mn. viii, 281 R. ii, 15, 37 
   • numbered W

⋙ kṛtāñjali

   kṛtâñjali mfn. one who joins the hollowed palms in reverence or to solicit a favour (holding the hollowed palms together as if to receive alms or an offering), standing in a reverent or respectful posture Mn. MBh. R 
   • m. a shrub used in medicine and in magical potions L 
   • -puṭa mf(ā)n. joining the palms of the hands for obeisance or for holding offerings of water &c. R. i, 39, 9

⋙ kṛtātithya

   kṛtâtithya mf(ā)n. one who has practised hospitality 
   • one who has received hospitality, regaled R. iii, 7, 1 Daś

⋙ kṛtātman

   kṛtâtman mfn. one whose spirit is disciplined MuṇḍUp. Mn. MBh. &c

⋙ kṛtādara

   kṛtâdara mf(ā)n. one to whom regard or attention has been paid Kathās

⋙ kṛtānati

   kṛtânati mfn. one who bends in reverence, bowing, paying homage or respect 
   • one to whom homage is paid Rājat. v, 215

⋙ kṛtānana

   kṛtânana mfn. possessing a great experience Gal

⋙ kṛtānukara

   kṛtânukara mfn. imitating what has been done by another, following another's example, not independent ŚBr. KātyŚr

⋙ kṛtānukūlya

   kṛtânukūlya mfn. compliant, kind, favouring

⋙ kṛtānukṛtakārin

   kṛtânukṛta-kārin mfn. doing anything before and after R. vi, 91, 28

⋙ kṛtānuvyādha

   kṛtânuvyādha mfn. mixed, combined W

⋙ kṛtānusāra

   kṛtânusāra m. established practice, custom

⋙ kṛtānta

   kṛtânta mfn. causing an end, bringing to an end, leading to a decisive termination BhP. ix, 6, 13 
   • whose end is action, W 
   • m. 'the inevitable result of actions done in a past existence', destiny, fate R. Pañcat. Megh. Vet 
   • death personified, N. of Yama (god of death) MārkP. Hit 
   • a demonstrated conclusion, dogma Bhag. xviii, 13 
   • a conclusion MBh. xii, 218, 27 
   • (in Gr.) a fixed form or name (?) Pat. Introd. (on Vārtt. 1) and on Pāṇ. 1-1, 1 Vārtt. 4 
   • a sinful or inauspicious action L 
   • 'closing the week', Saturday L 
   • (ā), f. a kind of medicinal drug or perfume (= reṇukā) L 
   • -kālâsura m. N. of an Asura GaṇP 
   • -janaka, 'father of Yama', N. of the sun L 
   • -saṃtrāsa m. N. of a Rākshasa Kathās. lxxxvi, 137

⋙ kṛtāntara

   kṛtântara mfn. one who has prepared a passage to any object (gen.) Kād

⋙ kṛtānna

   kṛtânná n. prepared or cooked food ŚBr. xiii KātyŚr. Lāṭy. Mn. Suśr 
   • digested food, excrement 
   • (mfn.) eating W

⋙ kṛtāpakāra

   kṛtâpakāra mfn. injured, wronged, discomfited, overpowered 
   • doing wrong, offending

⋙ kṛtāpakṛta

   kṛtâpakṛta mfn. done for and against, done well and done wrong, g. śākapārthivâdi

⋙ kṛtāpadāna

   kṛtâpadāna mfn. one who has completed a great or noble work

⋙ kṛtāparādha

   kṛtâparādha mfn. one who has committed an offence against (gen.), guilty, culpable Vikr. Mālav

⋙ kṛtābhaya

   kṛtâbhaya mfn. saved from danger or fear W

⋙ kṛtābharaṇa

   kṛtâbharaṇa mfn. adorned

⋙ kṛtābhiṣeka

   kṛtâbhiṣeka mfn. one who has performed a religious ablution R. i, 44, 30 
   • consecrated, inaugurated 
   • m. a prince who has been inaugurated 
   • (ā), f. the consecrated wife of a prince Gal

⋙ kṛtābhisaraṇaveṣa

   kṛtâbhisaraṇa-veṣa mfn. attired in the dress of a maiden who goes to meet her lover Vikr

⋙ kṛtābhyāsa

   kṛtâbhyāsa mfn. trained, exercised, practised

⋙ kṛtāya

   kṛtâya m. the die called Kṛita Comm. on ChUp. (in the text kṛtāya is dat. of ○ta)

⋙ kṛtāyāsa

   kṛtâyāsa mfn. labouring, suffering

⋙ kṛtārgha

   kṛtârgha mfn. received or welcomed by the Argha offering PārGṛ 
   • m. N. of the nineteenth Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī L. (v. l. kṛtârtha)

⋙ kṛtārtanāda

   kṛtârta-nāda mfn. one who makes cries of pain

⋙ kṛtārtha

   kṛtârtha mf(ā)n. one who has attained an end or object or has accomplished a purpose or desire, successful, satisfied, contented MuṇḍUp. ŚvetUp. MBh. &c 
   • clever Comm. on L 
   • m. v. l. for kṛtârgha, q.v 
   • -ta f. accomplishment of an object, success Ragh. viii, 3 Gīt. v, 19 Kathās 
   • -tva n. id. Sāh 
   • kṛtârthī-√kṛ, to render successful, content, satisfy Kathās. lxxiv, 125 
   • ○rthīkaraṇa mfn. rendering successful Kathās 
   • ○rthīkṛta mfn. rendered successful, Dhū0rtas. Amar 
   • ○rthī-√bhū, to become successful, be contented Mālatīm 
   • ○rthī-bhūta mfn. become successful

⋙ kṛtārthanīya

   kṛtârthanīya mfn. to be rendered successful Naish. ix, 51

⋙ kṛtārthaya

   kṛtârthaya Nom. P. ○yati, to render successful, content, satisfy Mālatīm. Kād. Śiś. Naish. Viddh

⋙ kṛtālaka

   kṛtâlaka m. N. of one of Śiva's attendants Comm. on L

⋙ kṛtālaya

   kṛtâlaya mfn. one who has taken up his abode in any place (loc. or in comp., e.g. svarga-k○, an inhabitant of heaven) R. &c. [Page 303, Column 2] 
   • m. a dog L

⋙ kṛtāloka

   kṛtâloka mfn. supplied with light, lighted W

⋙ kṛtāvadhāna

   kṛtâvadhāna mfn. one who takes care, careful, cautious, attentive

⋙ kṛtāvadhi

   kṛtâvadhi mfn. having a fixed limit, fixed, appointed, agreed upon 
   • bounded, limited

⋙ kṛtāvamarṣa

   kṛtâvamarṣa mfn. one who has effaced from recollection 
   • intolerant

⋙ kṛtāvaśyaka

   kṛtâvaśyaka mfn. one who has done all that is necessary

⋙ kṛtāvasakthika

   kṛtâvasakthika mfn. seated on the hams with the knees tied together or the hips and knees surrounded by a cloth KātyŚr

⋙ kṛtāvastha

   kṛtâvastha mfn. settled, received (as a guest) Āp. Mn. viii, 60

⋙ kṛtāvāsa

   kṛtâvāsa m. a lodging W 
   • (mfn.) lodging

⋙ kṛtāśa

   kṛtâśa mfn. one who forms hopes, hoping for anything ['despairing' Comm.] MBh. iii, 31, 37

⋙ kṛtāśaṃsa

   kṛtâśaṃsa mfn. one who forms hopes or expectations, hoping Kād

⋙ kṛtāśana

   kṛtâśana mfn. one who makes a meal, feeding upon

⋙ kṛtāsanaparigraha

   kṛtâsana-parigraha mfn. one who has taken a seat

⋙ kṛtāskandana

   kṛtâskandana mfn. one who has made an attack, assailing, attacking 
   • effacing from recollection (?) W

⋙ kṛtāstra

   kṛtâstra mfn. one who has exercised himself in throwing arrows or other weapons, skilled in archery MBh. R 
   • armed 
   • m. N. of a warrior MBh. ii, 127 
   • -tā f. consummate skill or proficiency in the use of arms MBh. i, 5156

⋙ kṛtāspada

   kṛtâspada mfn. one who takes up a station or residence or abode 
   • supporting, resting on 
   • governed, ruled

⋙ kṛtāhaka

   kṛtâhaka mfn. (fr. ahan), one who has performed the daily ceremonies or devotions

⋙ kṛtāhāra


⋙ kṛtāhāraka

   kṛtâhāraka mfn. one who has eaten food or made a meal

⋙ kṛtāhvāna

   kṛtāhvāna mfn. summoned, called, challenged

⋙ kṛterṣya

   kṛtêrṣya mfn. envious, jealous

⋙ kṛtoṃkāra

   kṛtoṃkāra mfn. (cf. Pāṇ. 6-1, 95) one who has pronounced the holy syllable om Vet. v, 1

⋙ kṛtoccais

   kṛtôccais ind. raised on high (?), g. svar-ādi and Pāṇ. 5-4, 57

⋙ kṛtotsāha

   kṛtôtsāha mfn. one who has made effort, striving

⋙ kṛtodaka

   kṛtôdaka mfn. one who has performed his ablutions MBh. iii, 8141 
   • one who has offered a libation of water to the dead MBh. R

⋙ kṛtodvāha

   kṛtôdvāha mfn. performing penance by standing with uplifted arms W 
   • married MBh. R. Kathās

⋙ kṛtonmāda

   kṛtônmāda mfn. one who feigns to be insane Kathās. xviii, 250

⋙ kṛtopakāra

   kṛtôpakāra mf(ā)n. assisted, befriended Kum. iii, 73 
   • one who has rendered a service, giving aid, friendly

⋙ kṛtopacāra

   kṛtôpacāra mfn. served, waited upon

⋙ kṛtopanayana

   kṛtôpanayana m. one who has been invested with the sacrificial cord Mn. ii, 108 and 173

⋙ kṛtopabhoga

   kṛtôpabhoga mfn. used, enjoyed

⋙ kṛtaujas

   kṛtâujas m. N. of a son of Kanaka or Dhanaka Hariv. 1850 BhP. ix, 23, 22

≫ kṛtaka

   kṛtaka mfn. artificial, factitious, done artificially, made, prepared, not produced spontaneously Nir. MBh. &c 
   • not natural, adopted (as a son) MBh. xiii, 2630 Megh 
   • assumed, simulated, false MBh. Pañcat. Ragh. xviii, 51 &c 
   • (am or a- in comp.), ind. in a simulated manner Śiś. ix, 83 Kathās 
   • m. N. of a son of Vasu-deva BhP. ix, 24, 47 
   • of a son of Cyavana VP 
   • (am), n. a kind of salt (= viḍ-lavaṇa) L 
   • sulphate of copper L

≫ kṛtaya

   kṛtaya Nom. P. ○yati (aor. acīkṛtat or acak○ Vop.), to take the die called Kṛita Pāṇ. 3-1, 21

≫ kṛtānta


⋙ kṛtārtha

   kṛtârtha &c. kṛtá

≫ kṛtāvin

   kṛtāvin mfn. skilled Divyâv

≫ kṛti 1

   kṛ́ti f. the act of doing, making, performing, manufacturing, composing ŚBr. x ChUp. Pañcat. Kāś. &c 
   • action, activity MBh. iii, 12480 Bhāshāp. Tarkas 
   • creation, work Vop 
   • literary work Mālav. Ragh. Pāṇ. 6-2, 151 Kāś 
   • a house of relics Divyâv 
   • 'magic', -kara 
   • a witch (cf. kṛtyā) Deviim 
   • a kind of Anushṭubh metre (consisting of two Pādas of twelve syllables each and a third Pāda of eight syllables) RPrāt 
   • another metre (a stanza of four lines with twenty syllables in each) RPrāt 
   • (hence) the number twenty VarBṛ 
   • a collective N. of the metres kṛti, prak○, āk○, vik○, saṃk○, abhik○, and utkṛti 
   • a square number VarBṛ 
   • (in dram.) confirmation of any obtainment Sāh. Daśar. Pratāpar 
   • N. of the wife of Saṃhrāda and mother of Pañca-jana BhP. vi, 18, 13 
   • (is), m. N. of several persons MBh. ii, 320 and 1882 Hariv. BhP. MārkP 
   • of a pupil of Hiraṇya-nābha VāyuP

⋙ kṛtikara

   ○kara m. 'practising magic or enchantment', N. of Rāvaṇa L. (cf. kṛtyā-rāvaṇa.)

⋙ kṛtimat

   ○mat m. N. of a prince (son of Yavii-nara) BhP. ix, 21, 27

⋙ kṛtiratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kṛtirāta

   ○rāta m. N. of a prince R. VP. BhP

⋙ kṛtiroman

   ○roman m. N. of a son of Kṛiti-rāta R. i, 73, 10 and 11

⋙ kṛtisādhyatva

   ○sādhya-tva n. the state of being accomplished by exertion

≫ kṛtin

   kṛtin mfn. one who acts, active MBh. xii, 8682 ; xiii, 305 [Page 303, Column 3] 
   • expert, clever, skilful, knowing, learned (with loc. or ifc.) MBh. Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • good, virtuous L 
   • pure, pious L 
   • obeying, doing what is enjoined W 
   • one who has attained an object or accomplished a purpose, satisfied Śak. Ragh. Vikr. &c 
   • (ī), m. N. of a son of Cyavana and father of Upari-cara BhP. ix, 22, 5 
   • N. of a son of Saṃnatimat ib. 21, 28

⋙ kṛtitva

   kṛti-tva n. the state of one who has attained any object Kathās

≫ kṛtī

   kṛtī in comp. for ○ti

⋙ kṛtīsuta

   ○suta m. 'the son of Kṛitī (= Kṛiti)', N. of Ruci-parvan MBh. vii, 1177

≫ kṛte


⋙ kṛtena

   kṛtena loc. instr. ind., s.v. kṛtá

≫ kṛteyu

   kṛteyu m. N. of a son of Raudrâśva VP

≫ kṛteyuka

   kṛteyuka m. id. BhP. ix, 20, 4

≫ kṛtnu

   kṛtnú mfn. working well, able to work, skilful, clever, an artificer or mechanic, artist RV 
   • (us), m. N. of a Ṛishi (author of RV. viii, 79) RAnukr

≫ kṛtya

   kṛtya mfn. 'to be done or performed', (am), n. ind. anybody (gen.) is concerned about (instr.) Mṛicch 
   • practicable, feasible W 
   • right, proper to be done MBh. R. &c 
   • one who may be seduced from allegiance or alliance, who may be bribed or hired (as an assassin) Rājat. v, 247 
   • (in med.) to be treated or attended with (in comp.) Suśr 
   • m. (scil. pratyaya) the class of affixes forming the fut. p. Pass. (as tavya, anīya, ya, elima, &c.) Pāṇ 
   • a kind of evil spirit (named either with or without the addition of yakṣa, mānuṣa, asura, &c.) Buddh. (perhaps v. l. for ○tyā below) 
   • (ā́) f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 100) action, act, deed, performance, achievement AV. v, 9, 8 Mn. xi, 125 MBh. xii, 3837 
   • (with gen. rujas) ill usage or treatment Mn. xi, 67 
   • magic, enchantment AV. &c 
   • (especially personified) a kind of female evil spirit or sorceress RV. x, 85, 28 & 29 VS. &c 
   • a female deity to whom sacrifices are offered for destructive and magical purposes L 
   • N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 18 
   • (am), n. what ought to be done, what is proper or fit, duty, office Mn. R. &c 
   • action, business, performance, service Śak. Sarvad. &c 
   • purpose, end, object, motive, cause MBh. &c

⋙ kṛtyakalpataru

   ○kalpa-taru m. N. of wk. on jurisprudence

⋙ kṛtyakalpadruma

   ○kalpa-druma m. id

⋙ kṛtyakalpalatā

   ○kalpalatā f. N. of wk. by Vācaspati-miśra

⋙ kṛtyakaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of work

⋙ kṛtyacintā

   ○cintā f. thinking of any possibility Nyāyam

⋙ kṛtyacintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk. by Śiva-rāma

⋙ kṛtyajña

   ○jña mfn. one who knows what is to be done, learned

⋙ kṛtyatattva

   ○tattva n. 'the true nature of duty or obligation', N. of wk

⋙ kṛtyatama

   ○"ṣtama n. anything most proper or fit MBh

⋙ kṛtyatā

   ○tā f. seduction from allegiance or alliance Suśr

⋙ kṛtyapradīpa

   ○pradīpa m

⋙ kṛtyamañjarī

   ○mañjarī f

⋙ kṛtyamahārṇava

   ○mahârṇava m

⋙ kṛtyaratna

   ○ratna n

⋙ kṛtyaratnākara

   ○ratnâkara m

⋙ kṛtyaratnāvalī

   ○ratnâvalī f

⋙ kṛtyarāja

   ○rāja m. N. of wks

⋙ kṛtyavat

   ○vat mfn. having any business, engaged in any occupation MBh. i, 5153 ff 
   • having any request MBh. iii, 270, 6 
   • wanting, longing for (instr.) R. vii, 92, 15 
   • having the power to do something (loc.) R. iii, 75, 66

⋙ kṛtyavartman

   ○vartman n. the right way or manner in which any object is to be effected

⋙ kṛtyavid

   ○vid mfn. knowing duty Daś

⋙ kṛtyavidhi

   ○vidhi m. the way to do anything, rule, precept

⋙ kṛtyaśeṣa

   ○śeṣa mfn. one who has left some work to be done, who has not finished his task BhP. iii, 2, 14

⋙ kṛtyasāra

   ○sāra m. 'essence of what is to be done', N. of a work

⋙ kṛtyākṛtya

   kṛtyâkṛtya n. what is to be done and what is not to be done, right and wrong Suśr. Pañcat. Sāh

≫ kṛtyakā

   kṛtyakā f. an enchantress, witch, woman who is the cause of injury or destruction Nal. xiii, 29

≫ kṛtyā

   kṛtyā́ f. of kṛtya, q.v

⋙ kṛtyākṛt

   ○kṛ́t mfn. practising magic or sorcery, bewitching AV

⋙ kṛtyādūṣaṇa

   ○dū́ṣaṇa mf(ī)n. counteracting magic, destroying its effect AV

⋙ kṛtyādūṣi

   ○dū́ṣi mfn. id. AV. ii, 4, 6

⋙ kṛtyārāvaṇa

   ○rāvaṇa m. N. of wk. Sāh

⋙ kṛtyārūpa

   ○rūpa (○tyā́-), mfn. looking like a phantom ŚBr. iv

⋙ kṛtyāstra

   kṛtyâstra n. N. of a Mantra, Tantr

≫ kṛtrima

   kṛtríma mf(ā)n. made artificially, factitious, artificial, not naturally or spontaneously produced RV. AV. &c 
   • falsified Yājñ. ii, 247 Kathās 
   • not natural, adopted (as a son) Mn. Yājñ. ii, 131 MBh. Kathās 
   • assumed, simulated 
   • not necessarily connected with the nature of anything, adventitious Pañcat 
   • m. incense, olibanum L 
   • an adopted son L 
   • (am), n. a kind of salt (the common Bit Noben, or Bit Lavan [viḍ-lavaṇa], obtained by cooking) L 
   • a kind of perfume (= javadi) L 
   • sulphate of copper (used as a collyrium) L 
   • (ā), f. a channel Gal

⋙ kṛtrimatā

   ○tā f. shrewdness, cunningness Mcar

⋙ kṛtrimatva

   ○tva n. the being made, factitiousness

⋙ kṛtrimadhūpa

   ○dhūpa m. incense, olibanum L

⋙ kṛtrimadhūpaka

   ○dhūpaka m. compound perfume (containing ten or eighteen ingredients)

⋙ kṛtrimaputra

   ○putra m. an adopted son W. [Page 304, Column 1] 

⋙ kṛtrimaputraka

   ○putraka m. a doll Kum. i, 29 
   • (ikā), f. id. Kathās. xxiv, 29

⋙ kṛtrimabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. an artificial floor W

⋙ kṛtrimamitra

   ○mitra n. an acquired friend (on whom benefits have been conferred or from whom they have been received) Yājñ. Sch

⋙ kṛtrimaratna

   ○ratna n. 'false jewel', glass Npr

⋙ kṛtrimavana

   ○vana n. a plantation, park

⋙ kṛtrimaśatru

   ○śatru m. an acquired enemy W

⋙ kṛtrimāri

   kṛtrimâri m. id. Comm. on Yājñ

⋙ kṛtrimārti

   kṛtrimârti mfn. feigning to be lowspirited Daś

⋙ kṛtrimodāsīna

   kṛtrimôdāsīna m. an acquired neutral Comm. on Yājñ

≫ kṛtrimaka

   kṛtrimaka m. olibanum Gal

≫ kṛtvan

   kṛ́tvan mf(varī)n. causing, effecting (ifc.) Lāṭy 
   • active, busy RV. viii, 24, 25 ; ix, 65, 23 ; x, 144, 3 
   • (īs), Ved. f. pl. (= kṛtyā́s) the magic powers AV. iv, 18, 1

≫ kṛtvarī

   kṛ́tvarī f. of kṛ́tvan, q.v

≫ kṛtvas

   kṛ́tvas ind. at the end of a numeral or numeral adjective, = fold, times (e.g. daśa-kṛtvas, ten times 
   • bahu-k○, many times 
   • pañca-k○, fivefold Pāṇ. 2-3, 64). In the Veda kṛ́tvas is used as a separate word (e.g. bhū́ri k○, many times RV. iii, 18, 4 
   • páñca k○ TS. vi), but according to Pāṇ. 5-4, 17 and 20 (Vop. vii, 70) it is only an affix, and it is so used in classical Sanskṛit 
   • it was originally an acc. pl. fr. kṛtu, formed by the affix tu fr. √1. kṛ (cf. also kṛt in sakṛ́t.)

≫ kṛtvā

   kṛtvā́ ind. p. having done, s.v. √1. kṛ

≫ kṛtvāya

   kṛtvā́ya 1

⋙ kṛtvī

   kṛtvī́ ind. p. ib

≫ kṛtvī 2

   kṛtvī f. N. of a daughter of Śuka (wife of Aṇuha ṇīpa and mother of Brahma-datta) Hariv. 981 and 1242 BhP. ix, 21, 25

≫ kṛtvya

   kṛtvya mfn. one who is able to perform anything, strong, efficacious RV 
   • having accomplished many deeds, exerting one's power RV

≫ kriyamāṇa

   kriyamāṇa mfn. (pr. Pass. p.) being done &c

kṛ 2

   kṛ cl. 3. P. p. cakrát (Pot. 2. sg. cakriyās 
   • aor. 1. sg. akārṣam [AV. vii, 7, 1] or akāriṣam [RV. iv, 39, 6]), to make mention of, praise, speak highly of (gen.) RV. AV.: Intens. (1. sg. carkarmi, 1. pl. carkirāma, 3. pl. carkiran 
   • Impv. 2. sg. carkṛtā́t and carkṛdhi 
   • aor. 3. sg. Ā. cárkṛṣe), id. RV. AV. (cf. kārú, kīrí, kīrtí.)

kṛ 3

   kṛ to injure, &c. √2. kṝ

≫ kṛta 2

   kṛta mfn. injured, killed L. (cf. 2. kīrṇa.)

≫ kṛti 2

   kṛti f. hurt, hurting, injuring L 
   • (ís), m. or f. a kind of weapon, sort of knife or dagger RV. i, 168, 3


   kṛka m. the throat, larynx L. (cf. kṛ́kāṭa) 
   • the navel Comm. on Uṇ. i, 6

⋙ kṛkadāśū

   ○dāśū́ m. or f. a kind of evil spirit ['one who hurts or injures' Sāy.] RV. i, 29, 7


   kṛkaṇa m. a kind of partridge (commonly Kae10r, Perdrix sylvatica, cf. kṛkara and krakara) L 
   • a worm L 
   • = āya-sthāna g. śuṇḍikâdi 
   • N. of a man VP 
   • of a locality Pāṇ. 4-2, 145

≫ kṛkaṇīya

   kṛkaṇīya mfn. coming from Kṛikaṇa Pāṇ. 4-2, 145

≫ kṛkaṇeyu

   kṛkaṇeyu m. N. of a son of Raudrâśva MBh. i, 3700 Hariv


   kṛkaṇṭhaka m. N. of a venomous animal Car. vi, 23


   kṛka-dāśū́ kṛka


   kṛkara m. a kind of partridge (= kṛkaṇa, q.v.) SāmavBr. R. iv, 50, 2 
   • a kind of pepper (Piper Chaba) L 
   • the fragrant oleander tree (?) L 
   • one of the five vital airs (that which assists in digestion) Vedântas 
   • N. of Śiva L 
   • (ā), f. long pepper L

≫ kṛkala

   kṛkala m. (= ○kara) a kind of partridge R. vii, 53, 19 
   • one of the five vital airs 
   • (ā), f. (= kṛkarā) long pepper L


   kṛkalāsá m. a lizard, chameleon MaitrS. VS. ŚBr. &c

⋙ kṛkalāsatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP

⋙ kṛkalāsatva

   ○tva n. the state of a chameleon MBh. xiii, 332

⋙ kṛkalāsadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of a mystical work

≫ kṛkalāsaka

   kṛkalāsaka m. = ○lāsa MBh. xiii, 736 Suśr


   kṛkavā́ku m. a cock VS. AV. MaitrS. &c 
   • a peacock R. ii, 28, 10 
   • a lizard, chameleon (= kṛkalāsa) L 
   • (us), f. a hen Pāṇ. 4-1, 66 Vārtt. [Page 304, Column 2] 

⋙ kṛkavākudhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. 'having a cock in his banner', N. of Kārttikeya L


   kṛkaṣā f. a kind of bird (= kaṅkaṇa-hārikā) PārGṛ. i, 19


   kṛ́kāṭa n. the joint of the neck AV. ix, 7, 1 
   • (ī), f. id. VarBṛS. li, 9

≫ kṛkāṭaka

   kṛkāṭaka n. the neck L 
   • a part of a column R. VarBṛS 
   • (ikā), f. the joint of the neck Suśr


   kṛkālikā f. a kind of bird Pañcat


   kṛkin ī m. N. of a mythical king Buddh


   kṛkulāsa v. l. for kṛkal○ L


   kṛcchrá mf(ā)n. (perhaps fr. √kṛś, and connected with kaṣṭa), causing trouble or pain, painful, attended with pain or labour MBh. R. Pañcat. Suśr 
   • being in a difficult or painful situation R. ii, 78, 14 
   • bad, evil, wicked W 
   • (am), ind. miserably, painfully, with difficulty R. iv, 22, 7 
   • (as, am), m. n. difficulty, trouble, labour, hardship, calamity, pain, danger (often ifc., e.g. vana-vāsak○, the difficulties of living in a forest 
   • mūtra-k○, q.v 
   • artha-kṛcchreṣu, in difficulties, in a miserable situation MBh. iii, 65 Nal. xv, 3 
   • prâṇakṛcchra, danger of life MBh. ii, 6 BhP.) RV. x, 52, 4 Nir. AitBr. &c 
   • ischury (= mūtra-k○) L 
   • bodily mortification, austerity, penance Gaut. Mn. &c 
   • a particular kind of religious penance Mn. Yājñ 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu MBh. xii, 12864 
   • (eṇa, or a- in comp.), instr. ind. with difficulty, with great exertion, painfully, hardly, scarcely Pāṇ. 2-3, 33 R. Suśr. &c. (alpa-kṛcchreṇa, 'easily' SaddhP.) 
   • (āt), abl. ind. id. MBh. R. &c 
   • (in comp. with a perf. Pass. p. Pāṇ. 2-1, 39 
   • vi ; 3, 2.)

⋙ kṛcchrakarman

   ○karman n. a difficult act, difficulty, labour Kathās

⋙ kṛcchrakāla

   ○kāla m. a season of difficulty or of danger MBh. i

⋙ kṛcchrakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. undergoing a penance Yājñ. iii, 328

⋙ kṛcchragata

   ○gata mfn. undergoing trouble or misery, suffering pain, distressed MBh. R. Bhartṛ 
   • undergoing a penance MBh

⋙ kṛcchratas

   ○tas ind. with difficulty MBh. iii, 2036

⋙ kṛcchratā

   ○tā f. painful or dangerous state (especially in disease) Suśr

⋙ kṛcchradvādaśarātra

   ○dvādaśa-rātra m. N. of penance lasting twelve days Āp

⋙ kṛcchrapatita

   ○patita mfn. fallen into distress Kathās

⋙ kṛcchraprāṇa

   ○prâṇa mfn. one whose life is in danger, hardly supporting life MBh. R. BhP 
   • breathing with difficulty W

⋙ kṛcchrabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. encompassed with pain and distress MBh. ii, 15, 2

⋙ kṛcchrabhojin

   ○bhojin mfn. undergoing austerities MBh. xii, 1247

⋙ kṛcchramūtrapurīṣatva

   ○mūtra-purīṣa-tva n. difficulty in evacuating the bladder and intestines Suśr

⋙ kṛcchrarūpa

   ○rūpa mfn. being in difficulties MBh. iii, 34, 13

⋙ kṛcchraśas

   ○śas ind. with difficulty, scarcely Kāṭh. xxv, 2

⋙ kṛcchrasaṃvatsara

   ○saṃvatsara m. N. of a penance lasting one year Āp

⋙ kṛcchrasādhya

   ○sādhya mfn. to be done with difficulty Mcar 
   • curable with difficulty Suśr

⋙ kṛcchrātikṛcchra

   kṛcchrâtikṛcchra m. N. of a penance (taking no sustenance but water for 3, 9, 12, or 21 days) Gaut. xxvi, 20 Yājñ. iii, 321 
   • (au), m. du. the ordinary and the extraordinary penance Gaut. xix, 20 Mn. xi, 208

⋙ kṛcchrānmukta

   kṛcchrānmukta mfn. freed from trouble Pāṇ. 2-1, 39 and vi, 3, 2 Kāś

⋙ kṛcchrāpta

   kṛcchrâpta mfn. gained with difficulty

⋙ kṛcchrābda

   kṛcchrâbda m. = kṛcchra-saṃvatsara Gaut

⋙ kṛcchrāri

   kṛcchrâri m. 'enemy of pain', removing ischury, N. of a plant (a species of Bilva) L

⋙ kṛcchrārdha

   kṛcchrârdha m. an inferior penance lasting only six days Āp

⋙ kṛcchrībhū

   kṛcchrī-√bhū to become embarrassed ChUp. v, 3, 7

⋙ kṛcchreśrit

   kṛcchre-śrít mfn. undergoing danger RV. vi, 75, 9

⋙ kṛcchronmīla

   kṛcchrônmīla m. a disease of the eye-lids, ŚārṅgS

≫ kṛcchrāya

   kṛcchrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (g. sukhâdi), to feel pain &c. ĀpŚr 
   • to have wicked designs Pāṇ. 3-1, 14 Kāś 
   • (Bhaṭṭ. xvii, 76.)

≫ kṛcchrin

   kṛcchrin mfn. encompassed with difficulties, being in trouble, feeling pain, g. sukhâdi 
   • (a-k○ Pāṇ. 3-2, 130.)


   kṛḍ v. l. for 1. kūḍ, q.v


   kṛṇañja for kuṇ○, q.v


   kṛṇu m. a painter L


   kṛṇuṣva-pāja-vatī yas f. pl., N. of the verses RV. iv, 4, 1 ff. ĀpŚr

≫ kṛṇuṣvapājīyā

   kṛṇuṣva-pājīyā ās f. pl. id. ib. Comm

kṛt 2

   kṛt cl. 6. P. kṛntáti, ep. also Ā. ○te and cl. 1. P. kartati (perf. cakarta, 2nd fut. kartsyati or kartiṣyati, 1st fut. kartitā Pāṇ. 7-2, 57 [Page 304, Column 3] 
   • Subj. kṛntát 
   • aor. akartīt, Ved. 2. sg. akṛtas), to cut, cut in pieces, cut off, divide, tear asunder, destroy RV. AV. AitBr. MBh. &c.: Caus. kartayati id. Pañcat.: Desid. cikartiṣati or cikṛtsati Pāṇ. 7-2, 57 
   • [cf. ?, ? ; Lith. kertu inf. kirsti, 'to cut' ; Slav. korjū, 'to split' ; Lat. curtus, culter ; Hib. ceartaighim, 'I prune, trim, cut' ; cuirc, 'a knife.']

≫ kṛtā

   kṛ́tā f. an abyss RV. ii, 35, 5

≫ kṛtta 1

   kṛtta mfn. cut, cut off, divided MBh. &c. (á-kṛtta-nābhi, 'one whose navel string is not cut' ŚBr. xiv)

⋙ kṛttaruhā

   ○ruhā f. the plant Cocculus cordifolius L

≫ kṛtti

   kṛ́tti f. skin, hide RV. viii, 90, 6 VS. AV 
   • a garment made of skin (fr. √3. kṛt?) Nir. v, 22 
   • the hide or skin on which the religious student sits or sleeps, &c. (usually the skin of an antelope) W 
   • the birch tree L 
   • the bark of the birch tree (used for writing upon, for making hooka pipes, &c.) W 
   • (= kṛ́ttikā) one of the lunar mansions (the Pleiads) L 
   • a house Naigh. iii, 4 (probably with reference to RV. viii, 90, 6 
   • but cf. kuṭī) 
   • food Nir. v, 22 
   • fame (yaśas) ib. ; [Hib. cart ; Lat. cortex.)

⋙ kṛttipattrī

   ○pattrī f. a species of Karañja Gal

⋙ kṛttiratha

   ○ratha m. N. of a prince R. i, 73, 8 and 9

⋙ kṛttivāsa

   ○vāsa m. = -vāsas, in comp. ○sêśvara-liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP

⋙ kṛttivāsas

   ○vāsas (kṛ́tti-), m. 'covered with a skin', N. of Rudra-Śiva VS. iii, 61 MBh. Kum. Mālav 
   • (ās), f. N. of Durgā Hariv. 3285

⋙ kṛttyadhīvāsa

   kṛtty-adhīvāsá m. a skin used as a garment TBr. iii, 9, 20, 1

≫ kṛttikā

   kṛ́ttikā ās f. pl. (rarely sg. MBh. iii, 14464 BhP. vi, 14, 30), N. of a constellation (the Pleiads, originally the first, but in later times the third lunar mansion, having Agni as its regent 
   • this constellation, containing six stars, is sometimes represented as a flame or as a kind of razor or knife 
   • for their oldest names TS. iv, 4, 5, 1 
   • in mythol. the six Kṛittikās are nymphs who became the nurses of the god of war, Kārttikeya) AV. TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • white spots VarBṛS. lxv, 5 Sch 
   • a vehicle, cart ŚBr. xiii Sch

⋙ kṛttikāñji

   ○ñji (○kâñ), mfn. having white spots ŚBr. xiii, 4, 2, 4 KātyŚr

⋙ kṛttikāpiñjara

   ○piñjara mfn. red with white spots Hcar

⋙ kṛttikābhava

   ○bhava m. 'being in the lunar mansion Kṛittikā', N. of the moon L

⋙ kṛttikāsambhava

   ○sambhava m. id. Gal

⋙ kṛttikāsuta

   ○suta m. 'son of the Kṛittikās', N. of Skanda or Kārttikeya (the nymphs called Kṛittikās being his foster-mothers) L

≫ kṛntatra

   kṛntátra n. a section, shred, chip RV. x, 27, 23 AitBr 
   • (ifc. ○trá ŚBr. xii) 
   • (= k.ṛítā) an abyss (?) RV. x, 86, 20 ŚāṅkhBr 
   • a plough Uṇ. iii, 108

≫ kṛntana

   kṛntana n. cutting, cutting off, dividing BhP. iii, 30, 28 and vi, 2, 46 (cf. tantu-, śiraḥ-.)

≫ kṛnttavicakṣaṇā

   kṛntta-vicakṣaṇā f. (Impv. 2. pl. fr. √2. kṛt), g. mayūra-vyaṃsakâdi

≫ kṛnddhivicakṣaṇā

   kṛnddhi-vicakṣaṇā f. (Impv. 2. sg.) ib

kṛt 3

   kṛt cl. 7. P. kṛṇátti (impf. 3. pl. ákṛntan), to twist threads, spin AV. TS. ii ŚBr. iii MaitrS. = TāṇḍyaBr. (Nir. iii, 21) 
   • to wind (as a snake) AV. i, 27, 2 (pr. p. f. kṛntatī́) 
   • to surround, encompass, attire Dhātup. xxix, 10

≫ kṛtadvasu

   kṛtád-vasu mfn. distributing goods (?) RV. viii, 31, 9

≫ kṛtta 2

   kṛtta mfn. surrounded, attired L


   kṛ́tā √2. kṛt


   kṛtânta kṛtârtha, p. 303, col. 2

≫ kṛtāvin


⋙ kṛti


⋙ kṛtin

   kṛ́tin &c. ib

kṛtta 1

   kṛtta and 2 √2. and √3. kṛt


   kṛ́tti kṛ́ttikā, √2. kṛt


   kṛtnú kṛtya, √1. kṛ

≫ kṛtrima


⋙ kṛtvan


⋙ kṛtvas

   kṛ́tvas &c. ib


   kṛtsa n. entire, whole L 
   • water Uṇ. iii, 66

≫ kṛtsna

   kṛtsná mf(ā)n. (rarely used in pl. R. iv, 43, 64) all, whole, entire ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • m. N. of a man 
   • (am), n. water L 
   • the flank or hip W 
   • the belly L

⋙ kṛtsnakāraka

   ○kāraka mfn. what everybody is able to do MBh. iii, 283, 25

⋙ kṛtsnagata

   ○gata m. N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kṛtsnatara

   ○"ṣtara mfn. more complete in number AitĀr

⋙ kṛtsnatā

   ○tā (kṛtsná-), f. totality, completeness ŚBr

⋙ kṛtsnatva

   ○tva n. id. Kathās

⋙ kṛtsnavid

   ○vid mfn. omniscient Bhag. iii, 29

⋙ kṛtsnavīta

   ○vītá mfn. completely covered or mailed TS. iv

⋙ kṛtsnavṛta

   ○vṛ́ta mfn. completely covered ŚBr. iii

⋙ kṛtsnaśas

   ○śas ind. wholly, entirely, altogether Mn. vii, 215 MBh. &c. [Page 305, Column 1] 

⋙ kṛtsnahṛdaya

   ○hṛ́daya n. the whole heart VS. xxxix, 8

⋙ kṛtsnākarā

   kṛtsnâkarā f. N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kṛtsnāgata

   kṛtsnâgata m. N. of a fabulous mountain ib

⋙ kṛtsnāyata

   kṛtsnâyatá mfn. stretched out to its full length VS. xvi, 20

≫ kṛtsnaka

   kṛtsnaka mfn. all, every ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 29, 9


   kṛtha tanū- and putra-kṛthá


   kṛd-anta 1. kṛt, p. 301


   kṛ́dara n. a store-room VS. xxix, 1 (Nir. iii, 20) 
   • m. id. Uṇ. v, 41


   kṛdhú mfn. shortened, mutilated, small, deficient RV. iv, 5, 14 VS. xxiii, 28 
   • (superl. kradhiṣṭha and compar. kradhīyas) Kāṭh

⋙ kṛdhukarṇa

   ○kárṇa mfn. having short ears (as a sort of imp) AV. xi, 9, 7 and 10, 7 
   • hearing badly RV. x, 27, 5

≫ kṛdhuka

   kṛdhuka mfn. = kṛdhú Naigh. iii, 2 (v. l.)


   kṛntátra ○ntana, &c. √2. kṛt

kṛp 1

   kṛ́p f. (only instr. kṛpā́) beautiful appearance, beauty, splendour RV. VS. iv, 25

⋙ kṛpanīḻa

   kṛpá-nīḻa mfn. (for kṛpā́-n○) one whose home is splendour, dwelling in splendour (N. of Agni) RV. x, 20, 3 ['the support of sacred rites' Sāy.]

⋙ kṛpānīla

   kṛpā-nīla m. N. of a man Saṃskārak

kṛp 2

   kṛp cl. 6. Ā. kṛpate (impf. akṛ-panta 
   • aor. 3. pl. akṛpran and cakṛpánta, 3. sg. akrapiṣṭa 
   • pr. p. kṛ́pamāṇa), to mourn, long for (acc.) RV 
   • to lament, implore RV. AV. v, 19, 3: cl. 10. P. kṛpayati (impf. akṛpayat 
   • p. kṛpáyat gen. sg. m. kṛpayatás RV. viii, 46, 16), to mourn, grieve, lament (with acc.) RV 
   • to pity BhP. viii, 7, 40 
   • to be weak Dhātup. xxxv, 17 (cf. kṛpāya and √krap.)

≫ kṛpa

   kṛ́pa m. N. of a man (described as a friend of Indra) RV. viii, 3, 12 and 4, 2 
   • m. and (ī), f. N. of the son and daughter of the sage Śaradvat (who performed severe penance 
   • the jealous Indra therefore sent a nymph to tempt him, but without success 
   • however, twin sons were born to the sage in a clump of grass [śara-stambe], who were found by king Śāntanu and out of pity [kṛpā] taken home and reared 
   • the daughter, Kṛipī, married Droṇa, and had by him a son called Aśvatthāman 
   • the son, Kṛipa, became one of the council at Hastināpura, and is sometimes called Gautama, sometimes Śāradvata 
   • according to Hariv. and VP., Kṛipa and Kṛipī were only distant descendants of Śaradvat 
   • according to others, Kṛipa = Vyāsa or = a son of Kṛishṇa) MBh. &c 
   • (ā), f. s.v. below

⋙ kṛpanīḻa

   ○nīḻa s.v. 1. kṛ́p

⋙ kṛpācārya

   kṛpâcārya m. N. of Gautama Gal

≫ kṛpaṇa 1

   kṛpaṇá mf(ā́ 
   • ī g. bahv-ādi)n. (gaṇas śreṇyādi and sukhâdi Pāṇ. 8-2, 18 Pat.) inclined to grieve, pitiable, miserable, poor, wretched, feeble ŚBr. xi, xiv MBh. &c 
   • resulting from tears AV. xi, 8, 28 
   • low, vile W 
   • miserly, stingy Pañcat. Hit 
   • m. a poor man VarBṛS 
   • a scraper, niggard Pañcat. ŚārṅgP 
   • a worm L 
   • N. of a man VP 
   • (am), ind. miserably, pitiably MBh. Pañcat. Daś 
   • (kṛpáṇam), n. wretchedness, misery RV. x, 99, 9 AitBr. vii, 13 ŚāṅkhŚr. Mn. iv, 185 &c 
   • (sa-kṛpaṇam, 'miserably, pitiably'), Śāntiś. (cf. kārpaṇya.)

⋙ kṛpaṇakāśin

   ○kāśin mfn. looking suppliantly or desirous TS. iii, 4, 7, 3

⋙ kṛpaṇatva

   ○tva n. misery, wretchedness MBh. ii, 1361

⋙ kṛpaṇadhī

   ○dhī mfn. little-minded W

⋙ kṛpaṇanindā

   ○nindā f. 'censure of the miser', N. of a chapter of ŚārṅgP

⋙ kṛpaṇabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. = -dhī W

⋙ kṛpaṇavatsala

   ○vatsala mfn. kind to the poor. W

⋙ kṛpaṇavarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. looking miserably Daś

≫ kṛpaṇa 2

   kṛpaṇa Nom. Ā. (3. pl. kṛpáṇanta) to long for, desire RV. x, 74, 3

≫ kṛpaṇāya

   kṛpaṇāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to lament, g. sukhâdi

≫ kṛpaṇin

   kṛpaṇin mfn. miserable, being in misery ib

≫ kṛpaṇya

   kṛpaṇya Nom. P. ○yáti, to wish, desire, pray for RV. viii, 39, 4 
   • = √arc Naigh. iii, 14

≫ kṛpaṇyu

   kṛpaṇyú mfn. 'one who praises' (= stotṛ) Naigh. iii, 16

≫ kṛpaya

   kṛpaya Nom. P. p. ○yát, only gen. sg. m. ○yatás, s.v. √2. kṛp

≫ kṛpā

   kṛpā f. (g. bhidâdi) pity, tenderness, compassion (with gen. or loc 
   • kṛpāṃ-√kṛ, to pity with loc. Nal. xvii R.) MBh. &c 
   • N. of a river (v. l. rūpā) VP

⋙ kṛpākara

   kṛpâkara m. 'a mine of compassion', extremely compassionate Hcat

⋙ kṛpādṛṣṭi

   kṛpādṛṣṭi f. a look with favour, kind look W

⋙ kṛpāvaita

   kṛpâvaita m. 'unrivalled in compassion', N. of a Buddha L

⋙ kṛpānīla

   kṛpā-nīla s.v. 1. kṛ́p

⋙ kṛpānvita

   kṛpânvita mfn. pitiful, merciful, compassionate. [Page 305, Column 2] 

⋙ kṛpāmaya

   kṛpā-maya mfn. id

⋙ kṛpāmiśra

   kṛpā-miśra m. N. of a son of Deva-miśra

⋙ kṛpāvat

   kṛpā-vat mfn. = -maya Kum. v, 26

⋙ kṛpāviṣṭa

   kṛpâviṣṭa mfn. id. MBh. ii, 333

⋙ kṛpāsāgara

   kṛpā-sāgara m. 'an ocean of compassion', = kṛpâkara

⋙ kṛpāsindhu

   kṛpā-sindhu m. id. Sarvad

⋙ kṛpāhīna

   kṛpā-hīna mfn. pitiless, unfeeling

≫ kṛpāya

   kṛpāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (Pot. ○yīta), to mourn, grieve, lament Nir. ii, 12 
   • to have pity MBh.: P. ○yáti, to praise (cf. kṛpaṇyú) Naigh. iii, 14

≫ kṛpāyita

   kṛpāyita n. lamenting MBh. iii, 337

⋙ kṛpāyitavat

   ○vat mfn. lamenting, mourning ib. (ed. Bomb.)

≫ kṛpālu

   kṛpālu mfn. pitiful, compassionate (with gen.) MBh. BhP. Daś

⋙ kṛpālutā

   ○tā f. compassion Kathās. Subh

≫ kṛpī

   kṛpī f. of kṛpa, q.v

⋙ kṛpīpati

   ○pati m. 'husband of Kṛipī', N. of Droṇa L

⋙ kṛpīputra

   ○putra m. 'son of Kṛipī', N. of Aśvatthāman L

⋙ kṛpīsuta

   ○suta m. id. L


   kṛpá-nīḻa 1. kṛ́p


   kṛpāṇa m. (Pāṇ. 7-2, 18 Pat.) a sword Daś. Prab 
   • a sacrificial knife W 
   • (ī), f. a pair of scissors, dagger, knife Kād. (cf. ajākṛpāṇīya.)

⋙ kṛpāṇaketu

   ○ketu m. 'having a pair of shears in his banner', N. of a Vidyā-dhara Bālar

≫ kṛpāṇaka

   kṛpāṇaka m. a sword, scimitar L 
   • (ikā), f. a dagger Kathās. lī (ifc.) 
   • liii, 91 
   • lxxviii, 10

≫ kṛpāṇi

   kṛpāṇi m. N. of a man Vātsyāy. ii, 7, 32


   kṛpā-nīla 1. kṛ́p


   kṛ́pīṭa n. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 18 Pat.) underwood ['fuel' Gmn.] RV. x, 28, 8 
   • wood, forest L 
   • fuel L 
   • water Naigh. i, 12 Uṇ 
   • the belly Uṇ

⋙ kṛpīṭapāla

   ○pāla m. a rudder or large oar used as one L 
   • the ocean L 
   • wind L

⋙ kṛpīṭayoni

   ○yoni m. 'woodborn', fire L


   kṛ́mi or krími m. (fr. √kram Uṇ.), a worm, insect VS. TS. AV. ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • 'a spider' ( -tantu-jāla) 
   • a silk-worm L 
   • a shieldlouse L 
   • an ant L 
   • lac (red dye caused by insects) L 
   • N. of a son (of Uśīnara Hariv. 1676 ff 
   • of Bhajamāna Hariv. 2002) 
   • of an Asura (brother of Rāvaṇa) L 
   • of a Nāga-rāja Buddh. L 
   • (is), f. N. of the wife of Uśīnara and mother of Kṛimi Hariv. 1675 and VP. (v. l. kṛmī) 
   • N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 17 ; [Lith. kirminis, kirmele ; Russ. c8ervj ; Hib. cruimh ; Cambro-Brit. pryv ; Goth. vaurms ; Lat. vermi-s for quermi-s.]

⋙ kṛmikaṇṭaka

   ○kaṇṭaka n. 'destroying worms', Ficus glomerata L 
   • Embelia Ribes 
   • another plant (= citrā or citrâṅga) L

⋙ kṛmikara

   ○kara m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr

⋙ kṛmikarṇa

   ○karṇa m. worms or lice generated in the external ear Suśr

⋙ kṛmikarṇaka

   ○karṇaka m. id. ib

⋙ kṛmikṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. generating worms L

⋙ kṛmikośa

   ○kośa m. the cocoon of a silk-worm L 
   • -ja mfn. silken Gal 
   • ○śôttha mfn. id. L

⋙ kṛmigranthi

   ○granthi m. a disease of the eyes (caused by animalculae generated at the roots of the eye-lashes) Suśr

⋙ kṛmighātin

   ○ghātin m. (= -kaṇṭaka) the plant Embelia Ribes Suśr. (v. l. krami-gh○)

⋙ kṛmighna

   ○ghna mfn. vermifuge, anthelmintic Suśr 
   • (as, am), m. n. = -ghātin Bhpr 
   • m. the onion L 
   • the √of the jujube L 
   • the marking-nut plant L 
   • (ā), f. curcuma Bhpr 
   • (ī), f. = -ghātin L 
   • the plant Vernonia anthelminthica L 
   • = dhūmra-pattrā L

⋙ kṛmicaṇḍeśvara

   ○caṇḍêśvara n. N. of a Liṅga MatsyaP

⋙ kṛmija

   ○ja mfn. produced by worms (as silk) Pañcat 
   • (ā), f. a shield-louse L 
   • (am), n. = -jagdha L

⋙ kṛmijagdha

   ○jagdha n. 'eaten by worms', Agallochum Bhpr

⋙ kṛmijalaja

   ○jala-ja m. an animal living in a shell, shell-fish L

⋙ kṛmijit

   ○jit m. = -ghātin Npr

⋙ kṛmitantujāla

   ○tantu-jāla n. a cobweb Ragh. xvi, 20

⋙ kṛmitā

   ○tā f. the state of a worm or insect Hcat

⋙ kṛmidantaka

   ○dantaka m. toothache with decay of the teeth Suśr

⋙ kṛmidrava

   ○drava n. cochineal Npr

⋙ kṛmiparvata

   ○parvata m. an ant-hill L

⋙ kṛmipurīṣakā

   ○purīṣakā f. a kind of blue fly Gal

⋙ kṛmipūyavaha

   ○pūya-vaha m. N. of a hell VP

⋙ kṛmiphala

   ○phala m. the tree Ficus glomerata Npr

⋙ kṛmibhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa m. N. of a hell VP

⋙ kṛmibhojana

   ○bhojana mfn. feeding on worms BhP. MārkP 
   • m. N. of a hell BhP. v, 26, 7 and 18

⋙ kṛmimat

   ○mat mfn. (g. yavâdi) affected or covered with worms Gobh

⋙ kṛmirāga

   ○rāga mfn. dyed red (with lac produced by an insect) R. iv, 22, 18

⋙ kṛmiripu

   ○ripu m. = -ghātin Bhpr

⋙ kṛmiroga

   ○roga m. disease caused by worms Suśr

⋙ kṛmilohaka

   ○lohaka n. 'lac-coloured metal', iron Gal

⋙ kṛmivarṇa

   ○varṇa m. or n. (?), red cloth Buddh. L

⋙ kṛmivāriruha

   ○vāri-ruha m. = -jala-ja L

⋙ kṛmivṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. the plant Mangifera sylvatica Bhpr

⋙ kṛmiśaṅkha

   ○śaṅkha m. = -jala-ja L

⋙ kṛmiśatru

   ○śatru m. = -ghātin Npr 
   • the plant Erythrina fulgens L

⋙ kṛmiśātrava

   ○śātrava m. 'vermifuge', Acacia farnesiana L

⋙ kṛmiśukti

   ○śukti f. a bivalve shell, muscle L

⋙ kṛmiśaila

   ○śaila m. = -parvata L

⋙ kṛmiśailaka

   ○śailaka m. id. L

⋙ kṛmisarārī

   ○sarārī f. a kind of venomous insect Suśr. [Page 305, Column 3] 

⋙ kṛmisū

   ○sū f. = -śukti L

⋙ kṛmisūtra

   ○sūtra n. N. of a particular disease

⋙ kṛmisena

   ○sena m. N. of a Yaksha Buddh

⋙ kṛmihantṛ

   ○hantṛ mfn. vermifuge, anthelmintic W

⋙ kṛmihara

   ○hara m. = -ghātin Bhpr

⋙ kṛmihā

   ○hā f. id. L

≫ kṛmika

   kṛmika m. a small worm MBh. i, 1800 BhP. iii, 31, 27 
   • (am), n. (= kram○) betel nut L

≫ kṛmiṇa

   kṛmiṇa mf(ā)n. (g. pāmâdi) having worms ĀpŚr. xv, 19, 5

≫ kṛmin

   kṛmin ī m. a worm Hariv. 11327 (for the sake of metre) 
   • (mfn.) affected with worms W

≫ kṛmila

   kṛmila mf(ā)n. having worms, wormy Suśr 
   • (ā), f. a woman bearing many children L 
   • N. of a town (called after Kṛimi) Hariv. 1678

⋙ kṛmilāśva

   kṛmilâśva m. N. of a son of Bāhyâśva Hariv. 1779

≫ kṛmilikā

   kṛmilikā f. linen cloth dyed with red colour Buddh. L

≫ kṛmiśa

   kṛmiśa m. N. of a hell VP 
   • of a Yaksha Divyâv. xxix

≫ kṛmī

   kṛmī f. N. of the wife of Uśīnara, = kṛmi, q.v

≫ kṛmīlaka

   kṛmīlaka m. Phaseolus aconitifolius L


   kṛmuká m. a kind of tree Kāṭh. xix, 10 ŚBr. vi, 6, 2, 11 Kauś. 28 Mahīdh. on VS. xi, 70 (cf. kārmuka, krumuká, and kramuka.)


   kṛv = √1. kṛ Pāṇ. 3-1, 80 Dhātup. xv, 89: kṛṇváti, √2. kṝ


   kṛvi m. N. of a utensil used by a weaver, loom (?) Uṇ. iv, 57 (cf. krívi.)


   kṛś cl. 4. P. kṛ́śyati (perf. cakárśa 
   • ind. p. kṛśitvā or karś Pāṇ. 1-2, 25), to become lean or thin, become emaciated or feeble AV. xii, 3, 16 ŚBr. xi 
   • to cause (the moon) to wane Dhātup. xxvi, 117: Caus. karśayati, to make thin or lean, attenuate, emaciate, keep short of food Āp. Bhag. Suśr. &c 
   • to lessen, diminish Kāvyâd. ii, 109 ; [perhaps. Lat. parco, parcus.]

≫ kṛśa

   kṛśá mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 8-2, 55) lean, emaciated, thin, spare, weak, feeble RV. AV. &c 
   • small, little, minute, insignificant Mn. MBh. R. Mṛicch. &c 
   • 'poor', kṛśī-kṛta 
   • m. a kind of fish Gal 
   • a kind of bird Inscr 
   • N. of a Ṛishi (author of RV. viii, 55), viii, 54, 2 and 59, 3 ; x, 40, 8 MBh. i, xiii 
   • N. of Sāṃkṛityāyana Car. i, 12 
   • of Nāga MBh. i, 2152 
   • (pl.) the descendants of Kṛiśa, g. yaskâdi (Gaṇar. 27) 
   • (ī), f. g. gaurâdi (ib. 45) 
   • [cf. ?. fr. ?]

⋙ kṛśakūṭa

   ○kūṭa m. a kind of bird Gal

⋙ kṛśagava

   ○gava mfn. one who has lean cattle MBh. xii, 228

⋙ kṛśagu

   ○gu (○śá-), mfn. id. AV. iv, 15, 6

⋙ kṛśacañcu

   ○cañcu m. 'having a thin beak', a heron Gal

⋙ kṛśatā

   ○tā f. leanness, thinness MBh. Suśr. Sāh

⋙ kṛśatva

   ○tva n. id. Suśr. Pañcat

⋙ kṛśadhana

   ○dhana mfn. having little property, poor Bhartṛ. ii, 61

⋙ kṛśanāśa

   ○nāśa for -nāsa MBh. xii, 10365

⋙ kṛśanāsa

   ○nāsa m. 'having a thin nose', N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 284, 91

⋙ kṛśapaśu

   ○paśu (○śá-), mfn. performed with lean victims ŚBr. xi

⋙ kṛśabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. weak-minded Subh

⋙ kṛśabhṛtya

   ○bhṛtya mfn. one who feeds his servants scantily MBh. xii, 228

⋙ kṛśavṛtti

   ○vṛtti mfn. having little livelihood MBh. xiii, 3180 R. MārkP

⋙ kṛśaśākha

   ○śākha m. 'small-twigged', Hedyotis Burmanniana L

⋙ kṛśākṣa

   kṛśâkṣa m. 'small-eyed', a spider W

⋙ kṛśāṅga

   kṛśâṅga mf(ī)n. 'thin-bodied', emaciate, spare, thin MBh. Pañcat. &c 
   • m. N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10365 
   • (ī), f. a woman with slender shape 
   • the plant Priyaṅgu L 
   • N. of an Apsaras VP

⋙ kṛśātithi

   kṛśâtithi mfn. one who keeps his guests short of food MBh. xii, 228

⋙ kṛśārtha

   kṛśârtha mfn. = ○śa-dhana ib

⋙ kṛśāśa

   kṛśâśa mfn. having little hope Naish. vi, 76

⋙ kṛśāśva

   kṛśâśva mfn. having lean horses Subh 
   • m. (= Zd. keresâspa), N. of several persons MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • of an author of directions to players and dancers Pāṇ. 4-3, 111

⋙ kṛśāśvin

   kṛśâśvin inas m. pl. the pupils of Kṛiśâśva ib. (cf. iv, 2, 66) 
   • (ī), m. a dancer, actor L

⋙ kṛśodara

   kṛśôdara mf(ī)n. thin-waisted Daś. Kād. Viddh

≫ kṛśaka

   kṛśaka mfn. thin, slender 
   • (ikā), f. the plant Salvinia cucculata L. (cf. kārśakeya.)

≫ kṛśana 1

   kṛśana m. the beating of the pulse, pulsation Gobh. ii, 10, 30

≫ kṛśāluka

   kṛśāluka mfn. leanish Divyâv. xxxvii

≫ kṛśita

   kṛśita mfn. emaciated AitBr. ii, 3

≫ kṛśī

   kṛśī ind. in comp. for ○śá

⋙ kṛśīkṛ

   ○√kṛ to make lean Kathās

⋙ kṛśīkṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. made lean ib 
   • made poor Mṛicch

⋙ kṛśībhū

   ○√bhū to become lean or emaciated Hcat 
   • to become small, shrink

kṛśana 2

   kṛ́śana n. a pearl, mother-of-pearl RV. i, 35, 4 and x, 68, 11 AV. iv, 10, 7 
   • gold Naigh. i, 2 
   • form, shape ib. iii, 7 
   • (mfn.) yielding or containing pearls AV. iv, 10, 1 and 3 (cf. Kauś. 58) 
   • (cf. ūrdhvá-k○.) [Page 306, Column 1] 

⋙ kṛśanāvat

   kṛśanā́-vat mfn. decorated with pearls RV. i, 126, 4

≫ kṛśanin

   kṛśanín mfn. = ○nā́-vat RV. vii, 18, 23


   kṛśara for kṛsara, q.v


   kṛśalā f. the hair of the head L


   kṛśāku m. heating W 
   • grieving W


   kṛśānavaka ○nuka

≫ kṛśānu

   kṛśā́nu m. (fr. √kṛś for kṛṣ?), 'bending the bow', N. applied to a good archer (connected with ástṛ, 'an archer', though sometimes used alone 
   • Kṛiśānu, according to some, is a divine being, in character like Rudra or identified with him 
   • armed with the lightning he defends the 'heavenly' Soma from the hawk, who tries to steal and bear it from heaven to earth) RV. VS. iv, 27 AitBr. iii, 26 
   • N. of Agni or fire VS. v, 32 ŚāṅkhŚr. vi, 12, 3 
   • (hence) fire Suśr. Ragh. Kum. Bhartṛ 
   • N. of Vishṇu VarBṛS. xliii, 54 
   • of a Gandharva 
   • Plumbago zeylanica L

⋙ kṛśānuga

   ○ga m. Naravelia zeylanica Npr

⋙ kṛśānuretas

   ○retas m. 'whose semen virile is fire', N. of Śiva L

≫ kṛśānuka

   kṛśānuka or mfn. containing the word Kṛiśānu, g. goṣad-ādi

⋙ kṛśānavaka

   kṛśānavaka ṅaṇar. 436 ṣch., mfn. containing the word Kṛiśānu, g. goṣad-ādi

kṛṣ 1

   kṛṣ cl. 1. P. kárṣati, rarely Ā. ○te (perf. cakarṣa, 2. sg. ○ṣitha Pāṇ. 7-2, 62 Kāś 
   • fut. karkṣyati or krakṣy○ 
   • kṛṣiṣy○ Divyâv. xvii 
   • karṣṭā or kraṣṭā Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Kāś 
   • aor. akṛkṣat [or akārkṣīt] or akrākṣīt, iii, 1, 44 Vārtt. 7 
   • inf. kraṣṭum), to draw, draw to one's self, drag, pull, drag away, tear RV. AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • to lead or conduct (as an army) MBh 
   • to bend (a bow) Ragh. v, 50 
   • to draw into one's power, become master of, overpower Mn. ii, 215 MBh. iv, 20 R. Pañcat 
   • to obtain Mn. iii, 66 
   • to take away anything (acc.) from any one (acc.) Vop. v, 8 
   • to draw or make furrows, plough RV. viii, 22, 6 Lāṭy. v, 1, 4 Vait. (Ā.) R. iii, 4, 12 BhP. (ind. p. kṛṣṭvā): cl. 6. P. Ā. kṛṣáti, ○te (p. kṛṣát), to draw or make furrows, plough RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • Ā. to obtain by ploughing AV. xii, 2, 16 
   • to travel over MBh. iii, 16021: Caus. karṣayati, to draw, drag RV. x, 119, 11 (aor. 1. sg. acikṛṣam) R. Mṛicch 
   • to draw or tear out MBh. iii, 2307 
   • to pull to and fro, cause pain, torture, torment Mn. MBh. &c 
   • 'to plough', karṣita: Intens. (pr. p. and Subj. 3. sg. cárkṛṣat 
   • impf. 3. pl. acarkṛṣur) to plough RV. AV 
   • carīkṛṣyate or Ved. karīk○, to plough repeatedly Pāṇ. 7-4, 64 ; [Lith. karsśu, plesśau ; Russ. c8eshu ; Lat. verro, vello ; Goth. falh.]

≫ kṛṣ 2

   kṛṣ mfn. kaṃsa-k○

≫ kṛṣa

   kṛṣa m. a ploughshare Gal

≫ kṛṣaka

   kṛṣaka m. a ploughman, husbandman, farmer Cāṇ 
   • a ploughshare L 
   • an ox L 
   • (ikā), f. cultivation of the soil Cāṇ

≫ kṛṣāṇa

   kṛṣāṇa mfn. (pr. p. Ā.) ploughing (ifc.) Yājñ. ii, 150 
   • m. a ploughman, farmer Gal

≫ kṛṣāyu

   kṛṣāyu mfn. ploughing (as an ox) AV. Paipp. ix, 2, 5

≫ kṛṣi

   kṛṣí f. (exceptionally pl. VS. iv, 10 Subh.) ploughing, cultivation of the soil, agriculture (one of the Vṛittis of a Vaiśya Vishṇ.) RV. VS. &c 
   • the cultivation of the soil personified ŚBr. xi 
   • the harvest Yājñ. i, 275 Dhūrtas 
   • the earth (= bhū) MBh. v, 2563

⋙ kṛṣikara

   ○kara m. a ploughman VarBṛS. VarBṛ

⋙ kṛṣikarman

   ○karman n. agriculture Pañcat

⋙ kṛṣikarmānta

   ○karmânta n. id. Kāraṇḍ. Lalit

⋙ kṛṣikṛt

   ○kṛt m. = -kara VarBṛS. VarBṛ

⋙ kṛṣigrāma

   ○grāma m. an agricultural village Lalit

⋙ kṛṣijīvin

   ○jīvin m. = -kara VarBṛS

⋙ kṛṣitantra

   ○tantra āṇi n. pl. the fruits of the field MBh. ii, 5, 117

⋙ kṛṣidviṣṭa

   ○dviṣṭa m. 'hated by ploughmen', a kind of sparrow L

⋙ kṛṣiphala

   ○phala n. harvest Megh. 16

⋙ kṛṣibhāgin

   ○bhāgin m. = -kara Hcat

⋙ kṛṣirata

   ○rata m. id. VarBṛS

⋙ kṛṣiloha

   ○loha n. 'plough-metal', iron L

⋙ kṛṣisaṃśita

   ○saṃśita (○ṣí-), mfn. stirred up by ploughing AV. x, 5, 34

⋙ kṛṣisaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. N. of wk. (said to be written by Parāśara)

⋙ kṛṣisevā

   ○sevā f. agriculture W

≫ kṛṣika

   kṛṣika m. (Uṇ. ii, 41) a cultivator of the soil, husbandman L 
   • the ploughshare L

≫ kṛṣī

   kṛṣī f. (= ○ṣi) field MBh. i, 7207

⋙ kṛṣībala

   ○bala m. N. of a sage MBh. ii, 295

≫ kṛṣīvala

   kṛṣīvala m. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 112 ; vi, 3, 118) a cultivator of the soil, husbandman Mn. ix, 38 & x, 90 Yājñ. MBh. ii, 210 &c. [Page 306, Column 2] 

≫ kṛṣṭa

   kṛṣṭa mfn. drawn &c. (ifc.) Ragh. Śak. &c 
   • ploughed or tilled (ifc.) Pañcat. &c 
   • (ás or ám) m. or n. cultivated ground ŚBr. v 
   • m. 'lengthened', N. of a particular note (in music) TPrāt

⋙ kṛṣṭaja

   ○ja mfn. grown in cultivated ground, cultivated (as plants) Mn. xi, 144

⋙ kṛṣṭapacya

   ○pacyá mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 114) ripening in cultivated ground, sown or ripening after ploughing (as rice &c.), cultivated (as plants) VS. xviii, 14 TāṇḍyaBr. BhP. vii, 12, 18

⋙ kṛṣṭapākya

   ○pākya mfn. id. L

⋙ kṛṣṭaphala

   ○phala n. the product of a harvest Yājñ. ii, 158

⋙ kṛṣṭabhūmijā

   ○bhūmi-jā f. (for kṛṣṇa-bh○?) a kind of grass L

⋙ kṛṣṭamatīkṛ

   ○matī-√kṛ (fr. matya), to plough and harrow HPariś. ii, 357

⋙ kṛṣṭarādhi

   ○rādhi (kṛṣṭá-), mfn. successful in agriculture AV. viii, 10, 24

⋙ kṛṣṭasamīkṛ

   ○samī-√kṛ = -matī-√kṛ Śiś. xii, 21 
   • ○mī-kṛta mfn. ploughed and harrowed Pāṇ. 2-1, 49 Kāś

⋙ kṛṣṭopta

   kṛṣṭôpta mfn. sown on cultivated ground MBh. xiii, 4702

≫ kṛṣṭi

   kṛṣṭí ayas f. pl. (once only sg. RV. iv, 42, 1) men, races of men (sometimes with the epithet mā́nuṣīs [i, 59, 5 and vi, 18, 2] or nā́huṣīs [vi, 46, 7] or mānaviís [AV. iii, 24, 3] 
   • cf. carṣaṇí 
   • originally the word may have meant cultivated ground, then an inhabited land, next its inhabitants, and lastly any race of men 
   • Indra and Agni have the N. rā́jā or pátiḥ kṛṣṭīnā́m 
   • the term páñca kṛṣṭáyas, perhaps originally designating the five Āryan tribes of the Yadus, Turvaśas, Druhyus, Anus, and Pūrus, comprehends the whole human race, not only the Āryan tribes) RV. AV 
   • (is), f. ploughing, cultivating the soil L 
   • attracting, drawing L 
   • 'harvest', the consequences (karma-k○) Naish. vi, 100 
   • (is), m. a teacher, learned man or Paṇḍit Hariv. 3588 SkandaP

⋙ kṛṣṭiprā

   ○prā́ mfn. pervading the human race RV. iv, 38, 9

⋙ kṛṣṭihan

   ○hán mfn. subduing nations, ix, 71, 2

⋙ kṛṣṭyojas

   kṛṣṭy-ojas mfn. overpowering men, vii, 82, 9

≫ kṛṣya

   kṛṣya mfn. to be ploughed Ragh. ix, 80 
   • pulled to and fro R. (ed. Gorr.) ii, 61, 24


   kṛṣāṇu for kṛśānu, q.v. L. Sch


   kṛṣkara m. N. of Śiva L

kṛṣṇa 1

   kṛṣṇá mf(ā́)n. black, dark, dark-blue (opposed to śvetá, śuklá, róhita, and aruṇá) RV. AV. &c 
   • wicked, evil Vop. vii, 82 
   • m. (with or without pakṣa) the dark half of the lunar month from full to new moon Mn. Yājñ. Bhag. Suśr 
   • the fourth or Kali-yuga L 
   • (kṛ́ṣṇas), m. black (the colour) or dark-blue (which is often confounded with black by the Hindūs) L 
   • the antelope RV. x, 94, 5 VS. TS. ŚBr. BhP 
   • a kind of animal feeding on carrion AV. xi, 2, 2 (kṛṣṇá) 
   • the Indian cuckoo or Kokila (cf. R. ii, 52, 2) L 
   • a crow L 
   • Carissa Carandas L 
   • N. of one of the poets of the RV. (descended from Aṅgiras) RV. viii, 85, 3 and 4 ŚāṅkhBr. xxx, 9 
   • (a son of Devakī and pupil of Ghora Āṅgirasa) ChUp. iii, 17, 6 
   • N. of a celebrated Avatār of the god Vishṇu, or sometimes identified with Vishṇu himself [MBh. v, 2563 ; xiv, 1589 ff. Hariv. 2359 &c.] as distinct from his ten Avatārs or incarnations (in the earlier legends he appears as a great hero and teacher ṃBh. Bhag. 
   • in the more recent he is deified, and is often represented as a young and amorous shepherd with flowing hair and a flute in his hand 
   • the following are a few particulars of his birth and history as related in Hariv. 3304 ff. and in the Purāṇas &c.: Vasu-deva, who was a descendant of Yadu and Yayāti, had two wives, Rohiṇī and Devakī 
   • the latter had eight sons of whom the eighth was Kṛishṇa 
   • Kaṃsa, king of Mathurā and cousin of Devakī, was informed by a prediction that one of these sons would kill him 
   • he therefore kept Vasu-deva and his wife in confinement, and slew their first six children 
   • the seventh was Balarāma who was saved by being abstracted from the womb of Devakī and transferred to that of Rohiṇī 
   • the eighth was Kṛishṇa who was born with black skin and a peculiar mark on his breast 
   • his father Vasu-deva managed to escape from Mathurā with the child, and favoured by the gods found a herdsman named Nanda whose wife Yaśo-dā had just been delivered of a son which Vasu-deva conveyed to Devakī after substituting his own in its place. Nanda with his wife Yaśo-dā took the infant Kṛishṇa and settled first in Gokula or Vraja, and afterwards in Vṛindāvana, where Kṛishṇa and Bala-rāma grew up together, roaming in the woods and joining in the sports of the herdsmen's sons [Page 306, Column 3] 
   • Kṛishṇa as a youth contested the sovereignty of Indra, and was victorious over that god, who descended from heaven to praise Kṛishṇa, and made him lord over the cattle [Hariv. 3787 ff. ; 7456 ff. VP.] 
   • Kṛishṇa is described as sporting constantly with the Gopīs or shepherdesses [Hariv. 4078 ff. ; 8301 ff. VP. Gīt.] of whom a thousand became his wives, though only eight are specified, Rādhā being the favourite [Hariv. 6694 ff. ; 9177 ff. VP.] 
   • Kṛishṇa built and fortified a city called Dvārakā in Gujarāt, and thither transported the inhabitants of Mathurā after killing Kaṃsa 
   • Kṛishṇa had various wives besides the Gopīs, and by Rukmiṇī had a son Pradyumna who is usually identified with Kāma-deva 
   • with Jains, Kṛishṇa is one of the nine black Vasu-devas 
   • with Buddhists he is the chief of the black demons, who are the enemies of Buddha and the white demons) 
   • N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2559 
   • of an Asura Hariv. 12936 Sāy. on RV. i, 101, 1 
   • of a king of the Nāgas MBh. ii, 360 Divyâv. ii 
   • of Arjuna (the most renowned of the Pāṇḍu princes, so named apparently from his colour as a child) MBh. iv, 1389 
   • of Vyāsa MBh. Hariv. 11089 
   • of Hārita, -hārita 
   • of a son of Śuka by Pīvarī (teacher of the Yoga) Hariv. 980 ff 
   • of a pupil of Bharad-vāja Kathās. vii, 15 
   • of Havir-dhāna Hariv. 83 VP. BhP. iv, 24, 8 
   • of a son of Arjuna Hariv. 1892 
   • of an adopted son of A-samañjas, 2039 
   • of a chief of the Andhras VP 
   • of the author of a Comm. on the MBh 
   • of a poet 
   • of the author of a Comm. on the Dayā-bhāga 
   • of the son of Keśavârka and grandson of Jayâditya 
   • of the father of Tāna-bhaṭṭa and uncle of Raṅga-nātha 
   • of the father of Dāmôdara and uncle of Malhaṇa 
   • of the father of Prabhūjika and uncle of Vidyā-dhara 
   • of the father of Madana 
   • of the grammarian Rāma-candra 
   • of the son of Vāruṇêndra and father of Lakshmaṇa 
   • of the father of Hīra-bhaṭṭa (author of the Comm. called Carakabhāshya, and of the work Sāhitya-sudhā-samudra) 
   • N. of a hell VP 
   • (au), m. du. Kṛishṇa and Arjuna MBh. i, 8287 ; iii, 8279 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of the Śūdras in Śālmala-dviipa VP 
   • (ā), f. a kind of leech Suśr 
   • a kind of venomous insect ib 
   • N. of several plants (Piper longum L 
   • the Indigo plant L 
   • a grape L 
   • a Punar-navā with dark blossoms L 
   • Gmelina arborea L 
   • Nigella indica L 
   • Sinapis ramosa L 
   • Vernonia anthelminthica L 
   • = kākolī L 
   • a sort of Sārivā L.) Suśr 
   • a kind of perfume (= parpaṭī) Bhpr 
   • N. of Draupadī MBh 
   • of Durgā MBh. iv, 184 
   • of one of the seven tongues of fire L. Sch 
   • of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2640 
   • of a Yoginī Hcat 
   • (with or without gaṅgā) N. of the river Kistna MBh. xiii, 4888 PadmaP. NārP 
   • (ī́), f. night RV. vii, 71, 1 
   • (ám), n. blackness, darkness, i, 123, 1 and 9 
   • the black part of the eye ŚBr. x, xii, xiii, xiv Suśr 
   • the black spots in the moon TBr. i, 2, 1, 2 
   • a kind of demon or spirit of darkness RV. iv, 16, 13 
   • black pepper L 
   • black Agallochum L 
   • iron L 
   • lead L 
   • antimony L 
   • blue vitriol L 
   • [cf. kā́rṣṇa, &c. ; cf. also Russ. c8ernyi, 'black.']

⋙ kṛṣṇakaṭukā

   ○kaṭukā f. black Helleborus Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇakanda

   ○kanda n. the red lotus (Nymphaea rubra) L

⋙ kṛṣṇakaravira

   ○karavira m. a black variety of Oleander L

⋙ kṛṣṇakarkaṭaka

   ○karkaṭaka m. a kind of black crab Suśr

⋙ kṛṣṇakarṇa

   ○kárṇa mf(ī)n. (g. suvāstv-ādi) black-eared AV. v, 17, 15 MaitrS. ii, 5, 7 
   • ○rṇámṛta n. 'nectar for Kṛishṇa's ears', N. of a poem by Bilvamaṅgala

⋙ kṛṣṇakarburavarṇa

   ○karbura-varṇa m. 'of a variegated dark colour', a kind of bird Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇakarman

   ○karman n. 'making black', a peculiar manner of cauterising Suśr 
   • (mfn.) doing wrong, criminal L

⋙ kṛṣṇakali

   ○kali f. = -keli L

⋙ kṛṣṇakavaca

   ○kavaca n. a kind of prayer or Mantra BrahmaP

⋙ kṛṣṇakāka

   ○kāka m. a raven L

⋙ kṛṣṇakāpotī

   ○kāpotī f. a kind of plant Suśr. (cf. śveta-k○ and kṛṣṇa-sarpā.)

⋙ kṛṣṇakāṣṭha

   ○kāṣṭha n. a black variety of Agallochum L

⋙ kṛṣṇakiṃkaraprakriyā

   ○kiṃkara-prakriyā f. N. of wk

⋙ kṛṣṇakīrtana

   ○kīrtana n. 'praise of Kṛishṇa', N. of a work

⋙ kṛṣṇakutūhala

   ○kutūhala n. N. of wk

⋙ kṛṣṇakeli

   ○keli f. Mirabilis Jalapa L

⋙ kṛṣṇakeśa

   ○keśa m. black-haired ĀpŚr. v, 1, 1 Sch 
   • N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2563

⋙ kṛṣṇakohala

   ○kohala m. a gamester, gambler L

⋙ kṛṣṇakrīḍita

   ○krīḍita n. 'Kṛishṇa's sports', N. of a poem by Keśavârka (celebrating the god Kṛishṇa)

⋙ kṛṣṇakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. 'Kṛishṇa-section', N. of BrahmaP. iv

⋙ kṛṣṇagaṅgā

   ○gaṅgā f. the river Kistna ( kṛṣṇā) L

⋙ kṛṣṇagati

   ○gati m. 'whose way is black', fire MBh. xiii, 4071 Ragh. vi, 42

⋙ kṛṣṇagandhā

   ○gandhā f. Hyperanthera Moringa Suśr. [Page 307, Column 1] 

⋙ kṛṣṇagarbha

   ○garbha m. the plant Myrica sapida (= kaṭphala) L 
   • (kṛṣṇá-garbhās), f. pl. the waters contained in the black cavities of the clouds [Comm. on Nir. iv, 24 
   • 'the pregnant wives of the Asura Kṛishṇa' Sāy.] RV. i, 101, 1

⋙ kṛṣṇagala

   ○gala m. 'having a black throat', a kind of bird Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇagiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain R. vi, 2, 34 Pāṇ. 6-3, 117 Kāś

⋙ kṛṣṇagupta

   ○gupta m. N. of a man Bādar. iv, 3, 5 Sch

⋙ kṛṣṇagulma

   ○gulma m. (= -garbha) the plant Myrica sapida Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇagodhā

   ○godhā f. a kind of venomous insect Suśr

⋙ kṛṣṇagrīva

   ○grīva (kṛṣṇá-), mf(ī́)n. blacknecked VS. TS. Kāṭh. ŚBr. xiii Hariv. 9874

⋙ kṛṣṇacañcuka

   ○cañcuka m. a kind of pea (= caṇaka) L

⋙ kṛṣṇacaturdaśī

   ○caturdaśī f. the fourteenth day in the dark half of the month Kathās. Vet

⋙ kṛṣṇacandra

   ○candra m. N. of a copyist who lived about AḌ. 1730 (son of Rāma-candra) 
   • N. of a prince of the eighteenth century 
   • -deva-śarman m. N. of a logician who lived about AḌ. 1736

⋙ kṛṣṇacara

   ○cara mfn. belonging formerly or in a former existence to Kṛishṇa Vop. vii, 67

⋙ kṛṣṇacūḍā

   ○cūḍā f. the plant Caesalpina pulcherrima L

⋙ kṛṣṇacūḍikā

   ○cūḍikā f. the tree Abrus precatorius L

⋙ kṛṣṇacūrṇa

   ○cūrṇa n. rust of iron, iron filings L

⋙ kṛṣṇacaitanya

   ○caitanya m. N. of the famous prophet Caitanya 
   • -purī m. N. of a philosopher

⋙ kṛṣṇacchavi

   ○cchavi f. the skin of the black antelope ['a black cloud' Comm.] MBh. iv, 6, 9

⋙ kṛṣṇaja

   ○ja m. 'Kṛishṇa's son', N. of Pradyumna Hariv. 9322

⋙ kṛṣṇajaṃhas

   ○jaṃhas (kṛṣṇá-), mfn. black-winged ['having a black path' Sāy. and Gmn.] RV. i, 141, 7

⋙ kṛṣṇajaṭā

   ○jaṭā f. Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī L

⋙ kṛṣṇajanaka

   ○janaka m. 'father of Kṛishṇa', N. of Vasudeva Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇajanmakhaṇḍa

   ○janma-khaṇḍa n. 'section on Kṛishṇa's birth', N. of a section of BrahmaP

⋙ kṛṣṇajanmāṣṭamī

   ○janmâṣṭamī f. 'Kṛishṇa's birth-day', the eighth day of the second half of the month Śrāvana PadmaP. (cf. kṛṣṇâṣṭamī below.)

⋙ kṛṣṇajī

   ○jī m. N. of a man

⋙ kṛṣṇajīra

   ○jīra m. Nigella indica (having a small black seed used for medical and culinary purposes) Bhpr

⋙ kṛṣṇajīraka

   ○jīraka m. id. KātyŚr. xix, 1, 20 Sch

⋙ kṛṣṇajīvanī

   ○jīvanī f. a species of the Tulasī plant BrahmaP

⋙ kṛṣṇajyotirvid

   ○jyotir-vid m. N. of an author

⋙ kṛṣṇataṇḍulā

   ○taṇḍulā f. the plant Gynandropsis pentaphylla L 
   • Piper longum L

⋙ kṛṣṇatarkālaṃkāra

   ○tarkâlaṃkāra m. N. of a scholiast

⋙ kṛṣṇatā

   ○tā f. blackness Suśr 
   • the state of the waning moon Hcat

⋙ kṛṣṇatāmra

   ○tāmra mfn. dark red Sūryas 
   • (am), n. a kind of sandal-wood L

⋙ kṛṣṇatāra

   ○tāra m. 'black-eyed', an antelope L 
   • (ā), f. the black of the eye Tarkas

⋙ kṛṣṇatāla

   ○tāla m. Xanthochymus pictorius Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇatila

   ○tila m. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 3 Kāś.) black sesamum Suśr

⋙ kṛṣṇatilya

   ○"ṣtilya mfn. fr. -tila Pāṇ. 5-1, 20 Vārtt. 1 Pat

⋙ kṛṣṇatīrtha

   ○tīrtha m. N. of a teacher of Rāma-tīrtha 
   • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP

⋙ kṛṣṇatuṇḍa

   ○tuṇḍa m. 'black-beaked', a kind of poisonous insect Suśr

⋙ kṛṣṇatūṣa

   ○tūṣa (○ṣṇá-), mfn. having a black seam or selvage TS

⋙ kṛṣṇatrivṛtā

   ○trivṛtā f. a kind of Ipomoea (black Te"ri) L

⋙ kṛṣṇatva

   ○tva n. blackness Suśr 
   • the state of Kṛishṇa MBh. i, 4236

⋙ kṛṣṇadatta

   ○datta m. 'given by Kṛishṇa', N. of the author of a work on music

⋙ kṛṣṇadanta

   ○danta mfn. having black teeth PārGṛ. i, 12, 4 
   • (ā), f. the tree Gmelina arborea L

⋙ kṛṣṇadarśana

   ○darśana m. N. of a pupil of Śaṃkarâcārya

⋙ kṛṣṇadaśa

   ○daśa mfn. = -tūṣa Lāṭy. KātyŚr

⋙ kṛṣṇadāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of the author of the poem Camatkāra-candrikā 
   • of the author of the work Caitanya-caritâmṛita 
   • of the author of the poem Prêta-tattvanirūpaṇa 
   • of a son of Harsha (author of the Vimala-nātha-purāṇa)

⋙ kṛṣṇadīkṣita

   ○dīkṣita m. N. of a teacher

⋙ kṛṣṇadeva

   ○deva m. N. of a son of Nārāyaṇa (author of the Prayoga-sāra) 
   • of a copyist (son of Paṇḍyā-purushôttama-deva) 
   • of another man Inscr

⋙ kṛṣṇadeha

   ○deha m. 'black-bodied', a large black bee L

⋙ kṛṣṇadaivajña

   ○daiva-jña m. N. of a man

⋙ kṛṣṇadra

   ○drá n. ? AV. ix, 7, 4

⋙ kṛṣṇadvādaśī

   ○dvādaśī f. the twelfth day in the dark half of the month Ashāḍha, VārP

⋙ kṛṣṇadvaipāyana

   ○dvaipāyana m. 'black islander', N. of Vyāsa (compiler of the MBh. and of the Purāṇas 
   • so named because of his dark complexion and because he was brought forth by Satyavatī on a dviipa or island in the Ganges) MBh. Hariv. Bādar. iii, 3, 32 Sch. VP

⋙ kṛṣṇadhattūra


⋙ kṛṣṇadhattūraka

   ○dhattūraka m. a dark species of Datura or thorn-apple (Datura fastuosa) L

⋙ kṛṣṇadhānya

   ○dhānya n. a black variety of barley Āp

⋙ kṛṣṇadhūrjaṭidīkṣita

   ○dhūrjaṭi-dīkṣita m. N. of an author

⋙ kṛṣṇanagara

   ○nagara n. N. of a small district (called after a town situated in it)

⋙ kṛṣṇanandana

   ○nandana m. = -ja Hariv. 9331

⋙ kṛṣṇanayana

   ○nayana mfn. black-eyed MBh

⋙ kṛṣṇanetra

   ○netra m. 'black-eyed', N. of Śiva MBh. xiv, 8, 21

⋙ kṛṣṇapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. the dark half of a month (fifteen days during which the moon is on the wane, time from full to new moon) KātyŚr. xv ĀśvGṛ. iv, 5 Mn. Yājñ. &c 
   • 'standing on the side of Kṛishṇa', N. of Arjuna L. [Page 307, Column 2] 

⋙ kṛṣṇapakṣika

   ○"ṣpakṣika m. 'standing on the side of the Nāga king Kṛishṇa', N. of a king of the Nāgas Buddh

⋙ kṛṣṇapakṣīya

   ○"ṣpakṣīya mfn. pertaining to the wane of the moon W

⋙ kṛṣṇapaṇḍita

   ○paṇḍita m. (= -miśra) N. of the author of the Prab 
   • of a scholiast on the Prakriyākaumudī

⋙ kṛṣṇapadī

   ○padī f. a female with black feet, g. kumbhapady-ādi

⋙ kṛṣṇaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. the plant Ocimum pilosum L

⋙ kṛṣṇapavi

   ○pavi (○ṣṇá-), mfn. having black tires (said of Agni) RV. vii, 8, 2

⋙ kṛṣṇapāṃsu

   ○pāṃsu mfn. having black earth Gobh. iv, 7, 2

⋙ kṛṣṇapāka

   ○pāka m. Carissa Carandas (bearing a small fruit which, when ripe, is of a black colour 
   • commonly Karinda or Karonda) L 
   • -phala m. id. L

⋙ kṛṣṇapāṇḍura

   ○pāṇḍura mfn. greyish white L

⋙ kṛṣṇapiṅgala

   ○piṅgala mf(ā)n. dark-brown in colour R. ii, 69, 14 
   • m. N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi 
   • (ā), f. N. of the goddess Durgā MBh. vi, 796

⋙ kṛṣṇapiṅgā

   ○piṅgā f. (= ○ṅgalā) N. of Durgā Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇapiṇḍītaka

   ○piṇḍītaka m. a dark variety of Māyana (Cyperus rotundus or Vangueria spinosa) L

⋙ kṛṣṇapiṇḍīra

   ○piṇḍīra m. id. L

⋙ kṛṣṇapipīlī

   ○pipīlī f. a kind of black ant L

⋙ kṛṣṇapilla

   ○pilla m. N. of a poet

⋙ kṛṣṇapuccha

   ○puccha m. 'black-tailed', the fish Rohita Bhpr

⋙ kṛṣṇapucchaka

   ○pucchaka m. a kind of antelope L

[[ ]]

   kṛṣṇapuruṣottamasiddhāntopaniṣad3kṛṣṇá--puruṣôttama-siddhântôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up

⋙ kṛṣṇapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. 'black-blossomed', = -dhattūra L 
   • (ī), f. the plant Priyaṅgu L

⋙ kṛṣṇaprut

   ○prút mfn. moving in darkness ['taking or imparting a black colour' Sāy.] RV. i, 140, 3

⋙ kṛṣṇapremāmṛta

   ○premâmṛta n. 'nectar of Kṛishṇa's love', N. of a poem

⋙ kṛṣṇaphala

   ○phala m. 'having a black fruit', = -pāka L 
   • (ā), f. the plant Vernonia anthelminthica Bhpr 
   • a variety of Mucuna Bhpr

⋙ kṛṣṇabandhu

   ○bandhu m. friend of darkness Lalit

⋙ kṛṣṇabarbaraka

   ○barbaraka m. N. of a plant L

⋙ kṛṣṇabalakṣa

   ○balakṣa mfn. black and white Lāṭy. viii, 6, 15 KātyŚr. xxii

⋙ kṛṣṇabīja

   ○bīja m. 'having a black seed', a Moringa with red blossoms L 
   • (am), n. a water-melon L

⋙ kṛṣṇabhakta

   ○bhakta m. a worshipper of Kṛishṇa PadmaP 
   • N. of a Brāhman SkandaP

⋙ kṛṣṇabhakti

   ○bhakti f. 'worship of Kṛishṇa', N. of a work 
   • -candrikā f. N. of a drama

⋙ kṛṣṇabhakṣa

   ○bhakṣa mfn. eating dark food Gobh

⋙ kṛṣṇabhaginī

   ○bhaginī f. 'Kṛishṇa's sister', N. of Durgā Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a grammarian 
   • of a poet 
   • (ī), f. N. of a Comm. written by Kṛishṇa-bhaṭṭa

⋙ kṛṣṇabhaṭṭīya

   ○"ṣbhaṭṭīya n. N. of wk. composed by Kṛishṇa-bhaṭṭa

⋙ kṛṣṇabhasman

   ○bhasman n. sulphate of mercury L

⋙ kṛṣṇabhujaṃga

   ○bhujaṃga m. 'black snake', Coluber Nāga

⋙ kṛṣṇabhū

   ○bhū f. = -bhūma Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇabhūma

   ○bhūma m. (Pāṇ. 5-4, 75 Kāś.) soil or ground with black earth Comm. on Yājñ. ii, 6

⋙ kṛṣṇabhūmika

   ○bhūmika m. id. Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇabhūmijā

   ○bhūmi-jā f. 'growing in a black soil', a species of grass L

⋙ kṛṣṇabhedā

   ○bhedā f. the plant Helleborus niger Bhpr

⋙ kṛṣṇabhogin

   ○bhogin m. = -bhujaṃga Gīt. vi, 12

⋙ kṛṣṇamaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. the black part of the eye Suśr

⋙ kṛṣṇamatsya

   ○matsya m. 'black-fish', N. of a fish Suśr

⋙ kṛṣṇamallikā

   ○mallikā f. the plant Ocimum Sanctum L

⋙ kṛṣṇamasūra

   ○masūra m. a black kind of lentil Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇamārga

   ○mārga mfn. (fr. mṛga), coming from the black antelope Hcat

⋙ kṛṣṇamārgaṇa

   ○mārgaṇa n. the skin of the black antelope ib

⋙ kṛṣṇamāluka

   ○māluka m. = -mallikā L

⋙ kṛṣṇamitra

   ○mitra m. 'Kṛishṇa's friend', N. of the son of Rāma-sevaka (grandson of Devii-datta, author of the Mañjūshā-kuñcikā)

⋙ kṛṣṇamiśra

   ○miśra m. (= -paṇḍita) N. of the author of Prab 
   • of another man

⋙ kṛṣṇamukha

   ○mukha mf(ī)n. having a black mouth Suśr 
   • having black nipples ib 
   • m. N. of an Asura Hariv. 12936 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a sect, Buddh 
   • -taṇḍula m. a kind of rice Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇamudga

   ○mudga m. a sort of pulse (Phaseolus Mungo) L

⋙ kṛṣṇamūlī

   ○mūlī f. 'having a black √', a variety of the Sārivā plant L

⋙ kṛṣṇamṛga

   ○mṛga m. the black antelope MBh. iii, 1961 R. Śak

⋙ kṛṣṇamṛttika

   ○mṛttika mfn. having a dark soil or blue mould (as a country) L 
   • (ā), f. black earth Bhpr 
   • N. of a Grāma W

⋙ kṛṣṇamṛd

   ○mṛd f. black soil or earth L

⋙ kṛṣṇamaunin

   ○maunin m. 'keeping a vow of Kṛishṇa', N. of an author

⋙ kṛṣṇayajurveda

   ○yajur-veda m. the black Yajurveda

⋙ kṛṣṇayajurvedīya

   ○"ṣyajurvedīya mfn. belonging to the black Yajur-veda

⋙ kṛṣṇayāma

   ○yāma (○ṣṇá-), mfn. having a black path (said of Agni) RV. vi, 6, 1

⋙ kṛṣṇayāmala

   ○yāmala n. N. of a Tantra

[[ ]]

   kṛṣṇayudhiṣṭhiradharmagoṣṭhī3kṛṣṇá--yudhiṣṭhira-dharma-goṣṭhī f. N. of wk

⋙ kṛṣṇayoni

   ○yoni (○ṣṇá-), mfn. having a black pudendum muliebre RV. ii, 20, 7

⋙ kṛṣṇarakta

   ○rakta mfn. of a dark-red colour L

⋙ kṛṣṇarāja

   ○rāja m. N. of a man

⋙ kṛṣṇarāma

   ○rāma m. N. of a prince

⋙ kṛṣṇarāmāya

   ○rāmāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, only p. ○yita mfn. representing Kṛishṇa and Rāma BhP. x, 30, 17

⋙ kṛṣṇaruhā

   ○ruhā f. N. of a plant (= jatukā) L

⋙ kṛṣṇarūpya

   ○rūpya mfn. = -cara Vop. vii, 67

⋙ kṛṣṇalalāma

   ○lalāma mfn. having a black spot Kāṭh. xiii, 5

⋙ kṛṣṇalavaṇa

   ○lavaṇa n. black salt L 
   • a factitious salt (either that prepared by evaporation from saline soil, or the medicinal kind [= viḍ-lavaṇa], a muriate of soda with a portion of sulphur and iron) L. [Page 307, Column 3] 

⋙ kṛṣṇalīlātaraṃgiṇī

   ○līlā-taraṃgiṇī f. 'description of Kṛishṇa's sports', N. of a poem by Nārāyaṇa-tīrtha

⋙ kṛṣṇaloha

   ○loha n. the loadstone Suśr 
   • iron Vishṇ

⋙ kṛṣṇalohita

   ○lohita mfn. dark-red, of a purple colour L

⋙ kṛṣṇavaktra

   ○vaktra mfn. having a black mouth (as an ape) L

⋙ kṛṣṇavarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. of a black colour, dark-blue L 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2642

⋙ kṛṣṇavartani

   ○vartani (○ṣṇá-), mfn. having a black path (said of Agni) RV. viii, 23, 19 AV. i, 28, 2

⋙ kṛṣṇavartman

   ○vartman m. 'whose way is black', fire Mn. ii, 94 MBh. R. Ragh. xi, 42 
   • the marking-nut plant (Plumbago Zeylanica) L 
   • N. of Rāhu L 
   • a man of evil conduct, low man, outcast, black-guard L

⋙ kṛṣṇavallikā

   ○vallikā f. = -ruhā L

⋙ kṛṣṇavallī

   ○vallī f. = -mallikā L 
   • a black variety of Sārivā L

⋙ kṛṣṇavastra

   ○vastra mfn. wearing black clothes Gobh. iii, 2, 13

⋙ kṛṣṇavānara

   ○vānara m. a black kind of monkey L

⋙ kṛṣṇavāla

   ○vāla (○ṣṇá-), mfn. black-tailed MaitrS. iii, 7, 4 (= Kapishṭh.) MBh. i, 20, 5

⋙ kṛṣṇavāsa

   ○vāsa mfn. wearing black clothes (said of Śiva) MBh. xiii, 14, 289

⋙ kṛṣṇavāsas

   ○vāsas mfn. wearing black clothes R. ii, 69, 14

⋙ kṛṣṇavinoda

   ○vinoda m. 'divertisement of Kṛishṇa', N. of wk

⋙ kṛṣṇavinnā

   ○vinnā f. v. l. for -veṇā

⋙ kṛṣṇaviṣāṇa

   ○viṣāṇa n. the horns of a black antelope (whose inner sides are covered with dark hair) Lāṭy. ix, 1, 23 
   • (ā́), f. id. TS. vi ŚBr. iii, iv, v KātyŚr

⋙ kṛṣṇavṛntā

   ○vṛntā f. the trumpet flower (Bignonia suaveolens) L 
   • a leguminous plant (Glycine debilis) L 
   • Gmelina arborea L

⋙ kṛṣṇavṛntikā

   ○vṛntikā f. Gmelina arborea L

⋙ kṛṣṇaveṇā

   ○veṇā f. N. of a river MBh. &c. (vv. ll. ○veṇṇā Hariv. 12825 & Pāṇ. 2-1, 21 Kāś 
   • ○veṇyā L 
   • ○veṇvā MBh. ii, 372) 
   • (ī), f. id. BhP. v, 19, 18

⋙ kṛṣṇaveṇṇā


⋙ kṛṣṇaveṇyā


⋙ kṛṣṇaveṇvā

   ○veṇvā -veṇā

⋙ kṛṣṇavetra

   ○vetra m. the plant Calamus Rotang Bhpr

⋙ kṛṣṇavyathis

   ○vyathis (○ṣṇá-), mfn. one whose path is black (said of Agni) RV. ii, 4, 7

⋙ kṛṣṇavyāla

   ○vyāla m. Plumbago rosea Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇavrīhi

   ○vrīhi m. a black sort of rice KātyŚr. Suśr. (cf. ŚBr. v, 3, 1, 13.)

⋙ kṛṣṇaśakuni

   ○śakuní m. a crow AV. xix, 57, 4 Kauś. PārGṛ

⋙ kṛṣṇaśakti

   ○śakti m. N. of a man Kathās

⋙ kṛṣṇaśaṃkaraśarman

   ○śaṃkara-śarman m. N. of a man Viddh

⋙ kṛṣṇaśapha

   ○śapha (○ṣṇá-), mfn. having black hoofs MaitrS. iii, 7, 4 (= Kapishṭh.)

⋙ kṛṣṇaśabala

   ○śabala (○ṣṇá-), mfn. (Pāṇ. 2-1, 69 Kāś.) of a dark variegated colour MaitrS. ii, 5, 7

⋙ kṛṣṇaśarman

   ○śarman m. 'protected by Kṛishṇa', N. of an author

⋙ kṛṣṇaśalkin

   ○śalkin m. 'black-twigged', Cyprinus Rohita Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇaśāli

   ○śāli m. a black sort of rice L

⋙ kṛṣṇaśiṃśapā

   ○śiṃśapā f. the tree Dalbergia Sissoo L

⋙ kṛṣṇaśigru

   ○śigru m. the plant Moringa pterygosperma L

⋙ kṛṣṇaśimbikā

   ○śimbikā f. a kind of kidney-bean L

⋙ kṛṣṇaśimbī

   ○śimbī f. id. L

⋙ kṛṣṇaśilā

   ○śilā ās f. pl. 'the black stones', N. of a place GopBr. i, 2, 7

⋙ kṛṣṇaśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga m. a buffalo with black horns L

⋙ kṛṣṇaśṛta

   ○śṛta mfn. worshipping or devoted to Kṛishṇa W

⋙ kṛṣṇaṣaṣṭika

   ○ṣaṣṭika m. or a black sort of rice SāmavBr

⋙ kṛṣṇaṣaṣṭikā

   ○ṣaṣṭikā f. a black sort of rice SāmavBr

⋙ kṛṣṇasakha

   ○sakha m. 'friend of Kṛishṇa', N. of Arjuna L 
   • (ī), f. cummin seed L

⋙ kṛṣṇasamudbhavā

   ○samudbhavā f. = -veṇā L

⋙ kṛṣṇasaras

   ○saras n. N. of a lake SkandaP

⋙ kṛṣṇasarpa

   ○sarpa m. = -bhujaṃga MBh. R. Suśr. Pañcat. &c 
   • (ā), f. = -kāpotī Suśr

⋙ kṛṣṇasarṣapa

   ○sarṣapa m. black mustard L

⋙ kṛṣṇasāra

   ○sāra mf(ī)n. chiefly black, black and white (as the eye), spotted black Nal. R. Vikr. Hcat. &c 
   • m. (with or without mṛga) the spotted antelope Mn. ii, 23 Śak. Megh. &c 
   • Dalbergia Sissoo L 
   • Euphorbia antiquorum L 
   • Acacia Catechu L 
   • (ā), f. Dalbergia Sissoo L 
   • Euphorbia antiquorum L 
   • the eyeball Nyāyad 
   • -mukha n. N. of a particular position of the hand PSarv

⋙ kṛṣṇasāraṅga

   ○sāraṅga (○ṣṇá-), mfn. (Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-1, 69 and vi, 2, 3) spotted black ŚBr. iii, xiii KātyŚr 
   • m. the spotted antelope Śak. (v. l.) 
   • (ī), f. a female black antelope Kathās. lix, 42

⋙ kṛṣṇasārathi

   ○sārathi m. 'having Kṛishṇa for a charioteer', N. of Arjuna MBh. vi, 95, 79 and 117, 19 
   • Terminalia Arjuna L

⋙ kṛṣṇasārivā

   ○sārivā f. a black variety of Sārivā L

⋙ kṛṣṇasārvabhauma

   ○sārvabhauma m. N. of a poet

⋙ kṛṣṇasiṃha

   ○siṃha m. N. of the author of the work Trepana-kriyā-kathā Jain

⋙ kṛṣṇasīta

   ○sīta (○ṣṇá-), mfn. drawing black furrows ['having a black path' Sāy.] RV. i, 140, 4

⋙ kṛṣṇasundara

   ○sundara m. N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi and tika-kitavâdi

⋙ kṛṣṇasū

   ○sū f. 'Kṛishṇa's mother', N. of Devakī Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇasūtra

   ○sūtra m. N. of a hell VP

⋙ kṛṣṇasūnu

   ○sūnu m. = -ja Hariv. 9324

⋙ kṛṣṇasevāhnika

   ○sevâhnika n. N. of wk

⋙ kṛṣṇasaireyaka

   ○saireyaka m. a variety of Barleria Car. vi, 24

⋙ kṛṣṇaskandha

   ○skandha m. 'having a black stem', a kind of tree Comm. on L

⋙ kṛṣṇasvasṛ

   ○svasṛ f. = -bhaginī L

⋙ kṛṣṇahārita

   ○hārita m. N. of a Ṛishi AitĀr

⋙ kṛṣṇākṣa

   kṛṣṇâkṣa m. a black die MBh. iv, 1, 25

⋙ kṛṣṇāgata

   kṛṣṇâgata mfn. devoted to Kṛishṇa W

⋙ kṛṣṇāgarukāṣṭha

   kṛṣṇâgaru-kāṣṭha n. a black variety of Aloe wood Gal

⋙ kṛṣāguru

   kṛṣâguru n. id. Kād. [Page 308, Column 1] 
   • -maya mfn. made of that Aloe wood Hcat

⋙ kṛṣṇāgraja

   kṛṣṇâgraja m. 'elder brother of Kṛishṇa', N. of Bala-deva Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇāṅga

   kṛṣṇâṅga m. 'black-bodied', a kind of parrot Gal 
   • (ī), f. N. of an Apsaras VP

⋙ kṛṣṇāṅghri

   kṛṣṇâṅghri mfn. having black legs Comm. on TPrāt

⋙ kṛṣṇācala

   kṛṣṇâcala m. 'black mountain', N. of the mountain Raivata (part of the western portion of the Vindhya chain 
   • also one of the nine principal chains that separate the nine divisions or Varshas of the known world) L

⋙ kṛṣṇājina

   kṛṣṇâjiná n. the skin of the black antelope AV. TS. ŚBr. AitBr. &c 
   • m. 'covered with a skin of the black antelope', N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his descendants, g. upakâdi and tikakitavâdi Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-3, 82 and) vi, 2, 165 
   • -grīvá mfn. having a skin of the black antelope round the neck ŚBr. iii

⋙ kṛṣṇājinin

   kṛṣṇâjinin mfn. covered with the skin of a black antelope MBh. xiv, 2113

⋙ kṛṣṇāñjanagiri

   kṛṣṇâñjana-giri m. N. of a mountain (cf. añj○) R. iii, 55, 5

⋙ kṛṣṇāñjanī

   kṛṣṇâñjanī f. (= kālâñj○) a kind of shrub L

⋙ kṛṣṇāñji

   kṛṣṇấñji mfn. having black marks VS. xxiv, 4

⋙ kṛṣṇātreya

   kṛṣṇâtreya m. N. of a sage Car. Jyot. ŚārṅgS

⋙ kṛṣṇādhvan

   kṛṣṇấdhvan mfn. having a black path (said of Agni) RV. ii, 4, 6 ; vi, 10, 4

⋙ kṛṣṇānadī

   kṛṣṇā-nadī f. the Kistna river L

⋙ kṛṣṇānanda

   kṛṣṇânanda m. N. of a scholiast 
   • of the author of the Tantra-sāra 
   • -svāmin m. N. of a man

⋙ kṛṣṇāntara

   kṛṣṇântara n. the loadstone Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇābhā

   kṛṣṇâbhā f. N. of a shrub L

⋙ kṛṣṇābhra


⋙ kṛṣṇābhraka

   kṛṣṇâbhraka n. dark talc L

⋙ kṛṣṇāmiṣa

   kṛṣṇâmiṣa n. iron L

⋙ kṛṣṇāmṛtataraṃgikā

   kṛṣṇâmṛta-taraṃgikā f

⋙ kṛṣṇāmṛtatamahārṇava

   kṛṣṇâmṛta-ta-mahârṇava m. N. of two works

⋙ kṛṣṇāyas

   kṛṣṇâyas n. black or crude iron, iron VarBṛS. Suśr. ChUp. vi, 1, 6 Sch

⋙ kṛṣṇāyasa

   kṛṣṇâyasa n. id. ChUp. MBh. Suśr. (cf. kālây○ and kārṣṇây○.)

⋙ kṛṣṇārcanavidhi

   kṛṣṇârcana-vidhi m. 'rules for praising Kṛishṇa', N. of wk

⋙ kṛṣṇārcis

   kṛṣṇârcis m. 'dark-flamed (through smoke)', fire L

⋙ kṛṣṇārjaka

   kṛṣṇârjaka m. = ○ṣṇa-mallikā L

⋙ kṛṣṇālaṃkāra

   kṛṣṇâlaṃkāra m. N. of a Comm

⋙ kṛṣṇālu

   kṛṣṇâlu m. N. of a bulbous plant L

⋙ kṛṣṇālpaka

   kṛṣṇâlpaka m. black Aloe wood VarBṛS. lxxviii, 1 Sch

⋙ kṛṣṇāvatāra

   kṛṣṇâvatāra m. an Avatār or incarnation of Kṛishṇa W

⋙ kṛṣṇāvadāta

   kṛṣṇâvadāta mfn. black and white W

⋙ kṛṣṇāvāsa

   kṛṣṇâvāsa m. 'abode of Kṛishṇa', N. of the holy fig-tree (Ficus religiosa) L

⋙ kṛṣṇāśraya

   kṛṣṇâśraya m. 'devotion to Kṛishṇa', N. of a work

⋙ kṛṣṇāśrita

   kṛṣṇâśrita mfn. devoted to or a votary of Kṛishṇa W

⋙ kṛṣṇāṣṭamirata

   kṛṣṇâṣṭami-rata m. ('metrically for ○mI-r○) 'rejoicing at Kṛishṇa's birthday ( kṛṣṇa-janmâṣṭamī)', N. of Śiva MBh. xiii, 14, 290

⋙ kṛṣṇāṣṭamī

   kṛṣṇâṣṭamī f. = ○ṣṇa-janmâṣṭ○ BhavP. MatsyaP 
   • the eighth day in the dark half of any month Kulârṇ

⋙ kṛṣṇāhi

   kṛṣṇâhi m. = ○ṣṇa-bhujaṃga Kathās. lvi, 127 Pañcad

⋙ kṛṣṇāhvaya

   kṛṣṇâhvaya ās m. pl., N. of a school Caraṇ

⋙ kṛṣṇekṣu

   kṛṣṇêkṣu m. a sort of sugar-cane L

⋙ kṛṣṇaita

   kṛṣṇâitá mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-2, 3 Kāś.) spotted black TS. v, vii

⋙ kṛṣṇodara

   kṛṣṇôdara m. 'having a black belly', a kind of snake Suśr 
   • -śiras m. 'having a black belly and a black head', N. of a bird Gal

⋙ kṛṣṇodumbarikā

   kṛṣṇôdumbarikā f. the tree Ficus oppositifolia (cf. kākôdumbara) L

⋙ kṛṣṇopaniṣad

   kṛṣṇôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up. (in praise of the god Kṛishṇa, being part of the Gopālôpanishad)

⋙ kṛṣṇoraga

   kṛṣṇôraga m. = kṛṣṇa-bhujaṃga MBh

⋙ kṛṣṇo syākhareṣṭhaka

   kṛṣṇo'sy-ākhareṣṭhaka mfn. (an Adhyāya or Anuvāka) beginning with the words kṛ́ṣṇo'sy ākhare-ṣṭháḥ. (TS. i, 1, 11, 1 VS. ii, 1), g. goṣad-ādi

⋙ kṛṣṇaujas

   kṛṣṇâujas m. N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2577

≫ kṛṣṇa 2

   kṛṣṇa Nom. P. ○ṣṇati, to behave or act like Kṛishṇa Vop. xxi, 7

≫ kṛṣṇaka

   kṛṣṇaka m. (g. sthūlâdi) 'blackish', a kind of plant (perhaps black Sesamum) Kauś. 80 
   • a shortened N. for Kṛishṇâjina Pāṇ. 5-3, 82 Sch 
   • (ikā), f. black, black substance Kād. Hcar 
   • a kind of bird (= śyāmā) L 
   • black mustard (Sinapis ramosa) L

≫ kṛṣṇala

   kṛṣṇála n. rarely [Yājñ. i, 362] m. (g. sidhmâdi) the black berry of the plant Abrus precatorius used as a weight (the average weight being between one and two grains) Kāṭh. TBr. Mn. Yājñ. Comm. on KātyŚr. &c 
   • a coin of the same weight Mn. Yājñ 
   • a piece of gold of the same weight TS. Kauś. Nyāyam 
   • (ā), f. Abrus precatorius (a shrub bearing a small black and red berry, = guñjā, raktikā) L

≫ kṛṣṇalaka

   kṛṣṇalaka as or am m. or n. ifc. (= ○la) the black berry of the plant Abrus precatorius used as a weight Mn. viii, 134 Hcat. [Page 308, Column 2] 

≫ kṛṣṇaśa

   kṛṣṇaśa mfn. blackish ['extremely black' Sāy.] AitBr. v, 14 TāṇḍyaBr. KātyŚr. Lāṭy

≫ kṛṣṇāya

   kṛṣṇāya Nom. P. ○yati, to represent Kṛishṇa BhP. x, 30, 15: Ā. ○yate, to blacken Hit 
   • to behave like Kṛishṇa Vop. xxi, 7

≫ kṛṣṇikā

   kṛṣṇikā kṛṣṇaka

≫ kṛṣṇiman

   kṛṣṇiman ā m. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 161 Kāś.) black, blackness Mudr

≫ kṛṣṇiya

   kṛṣṇiyá m. N. of a man (protected by the Aśvins) RV. i, 116, 23 and 117, 7

≫ kṛṣṇī

   kṛṣṇī ind. in comp

⋙ kṛṣṇīas

   ○√as (Pot. ○ṣṇīsyāt), to become black Vop. vii, 82

⋙ kṛṣṇīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. blackening Suśr

⋙ kṛṣṇīkṛ

   ○√kṛ to blacken, make black Vop. vii, 82

⋙ kṛṣṇībhū

   ○√bhū to become black ib

≫ kṛṣṇeya

   kṛṣṇeya m. 'N. of a man', (ās), m. pl. his descendants Pravar


   kṛṣya p. 306, col. 2


   kṛsara m. (Pāṇ. 8-3, 59 Vārtt. 1 
   • often spelt kṛśara) a dish consisting of sesamum and grain (mixture of rice and peas with a few spices) ṢaḍvBr. v, 2 Kauś. ĀśvGṛ. Gobh. Mn. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl. id. Suśr. Kathās 
   • (ā), f. id. Suśr. Bhpr 
   • (am), n. id. MBh. MārkP

kṝ 1

   kṝ cl. 6. P. kiráti (Pāṇ. 7-1, 100 
   • perf. -cakāra Pāṇ. 7-4, 11 Kāś. ; 2nd fut. kariṣyati ; 1st fut. karitā or karītā Vop. xiii, 2 
   • aor. akārīt [Ved. sáṃ kā́riṣat] 
   • ind. p. -kīrya 
   • Pass. kīryate), to pour out, scatter, throw, cast, disperse RV. i, 32, 13 MBh. &c 
   • to throw up in a heap, heap up Kāṭh. xxviii, 4: Ā. kirate, to throw off from one's self RV. iv, 38, 7: P. to strew, pour over, fill with, cover with MBh. R 
   • (perf. 3. pl. cakarur) Bhaṭṭ.: Desid. cikariṣati Pāṇ. 7-2, 75: Intens. cākarti Pāṇ. 7-4, 92 Kāś 
   • [Gk. ?, ?.] [308, 2]

kṝ 2

   kṝ (or v. l. kṛ), cl. 5. and 9. P. Ā. kṛṇoti, ○ṇute, ○ṇāti, ○ṇīte, to hurt, injure, kill Dhātup. Vop. xvi, 2 
   • kṛṇváti Naigh. ii, 19

kṝ 3

   kṝ (vḷ. for gṝ), cl. 10. Ā. kārayate, to know Dhātup. xxxiii, 33 
   • to inform ib


   kṝt √kīrt


   kḷp cl. 1. Ā. kálpate (Pāṇ. 8-2, 18 
   • perf. cakḷpe, 3. pl. cākḷpré RV. x, 130, 5 and 6 ; 2nd fut. kalpiṣyate and kalpsy○ [3. du. kalpsyete AitBr 
   • vv. ll. kḷps○ and klaps○], or kalpsyati 
   • Cond. akalpiṣyata, or ○lpsyat ; 1st fut. kalpitā or kalptā [see Pāṇ. 7-2, 60] 
   • aor. akḷpta or ○pat 
   • pr. and perf. only Ā. Pāṇ. 1-3, 91-93), to be well ordered or regulated, be well managed, succeed AV. TS. ŚBr. &c 
   • to bear suitable relation to anything, correspond, be adapted to, in accordance with, suitable to (instr.) RV. i, 170, 2 AV. &c 
   • to be fit for (loc.) R 
   • to accommodate one's self to, be favourable to, subserve, effect (with dat.) VS. ŚBr. xiv AitBr. Mn. &c 
   • to partake of (dat.) KaṭhUp. Mn. Bhag. &c 
   • to fall to the share, be shared or partaken by (loc., dat. or gen., e.g. yajñó devéṣu kalpatām, 'let the sacrifice be shared by the gods' VS. xix, 45) VS. AitBr. ChUp. MBh 
   • to become (with nom.) RV. x, 130, 5 and 6 AV. Bhaṭṭ 
   • (with dat. [Pāṇ. 2-3, 13 Vārtt. 2] R. Pañcat.) 
   • to happen, occur BhP. iii, 16, 12 Bhaṭṭ 
   • to prepare, arrange Bhaṭṭ. xiv, 89 
   • to produce, cause, effect, create (with acc.) BhP. iii, 7, 25 Bhaṭṭ 
   • to declare as, consider as (with double acc.) Pañcat. (perf. p. kḷptavat): Caus. P. Ā. kalpáyati, ○te, (aor. acīkḷpat or cākḷpat [AV. vi, 35, 3], Subj. cīkḷpāti RV. x, 157, 2), to set in order, arrange, distribute, dispose RV. AV. AitBr 
   • to bring into suitable connection with RV. x, 2, 4 
   • to prepare, arrange RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • to fit out, furnish with (instr.) TS. ii 
   • to help any one in obtaining anything (dat. or loc. or gen.) ŚvetUp. MBh. R. ii, 43, 19 
   • to fix, settle Daś 
   • to declare as, consider as (with double acc., e.g. mātaram enāṃ kalpayantu, 'let them consider her as their mother' Kum. vi, 80) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to make, execute, bring about RV. AV. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • to frame, form, invent, compose (as a poem &c.), imagine Mn. i, 102 &c 
   • to perform (as a ceremony &c.) Lāṭy 
   • to trim, cut VarBṛS 
   • (in Prākṛit) Śak 
   • to pronounce a formula or verse which contains the √kḷp ŚBr. ix: Desid. cikḷpsati or cikalpiṣate Pāṇ. 1-3, 92 and vii, 2, 60 ; [Goth. hilpa ; Eng. help ; Germ. helfe ; Lith. gelbmi.] [Page 308, Column 3] 

≫ kḷpta

   kḷptá mfn. arranged, prepared, ready, in order, complete, right, perfect AitBr. ŚBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. &c 
   • at hand BhP. vi, 10, 32 
   • made, done 
   • formed, framed 
   • caused, produced, effected, invented, contrived, created BhP. &c 
   • fixed, settled, prescribed Mn. iii, 69 
   • xi, 27 
   • ascertained, determined (as an opinion) Kathās. cxxiii, 147 
   • cut, clipt, pared, shorn Mn. Suśr

⋙ kḷptakīlā

   ○kīlā f. title deed (lease of a house &c.) L

⋙ kḷptakeśanakhaśmaśru

   ○keśa-nakha-śmaśru mfn. having the hair, nails, and beard cut or arranged Mn. iv, 35 and vi, 52

⋙ kḷptadhūpa

   ○dhūpa m. olibanum L

⋙ kḷptanakha

   ○nakha mfn. having the nails cut or arranged Suśr

≫ kḷpti

   klṛ́pti f. preparation, making or becoming conformable, accomplishment VS. xviii, 11 TS. v ŚBr. (kḷptí, xiii) ŚāṅkhŚr. ĀśvGṛ. i, 23, 15 
   • diśāṃ kl○, 'fixing the regions' (N. of the verses AV. xx, 128, 1 ff.) AitBr. vi, 32 ŚāṅkhŚr. iv, 9, 2 and xii, 20, 1 
   • invention, contrivance 
   • obtainment Rājat. v, 463 
   • description Lāṭy. vi, 9, 1 Sch 
   • N. of certain formulas or verses containing the √kḷp ŚBr. v, 2, 1, 3 Nyāyam. iii, 8, 14 Sch

≫ kḷptika

   kḷptika n. = prakraya L


   kekaya ās m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe MBh. R. &c 
   • m. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 2 and g. bhargâdi) a chief of that tribe (prince of the solar race) MBh. iii, 10284 R. ii 
   • (ī), f. a princess of that tribe (wife of Daśa-ratha and mother of Bharata) R. ii, 70, 20 (cf. kaikeya.)


   kekara mfn. squint-eyed Mn. iii, 159 (v. l.) VarBṛS. lxx, 19 (cf. kedara, ṭeraka.)

⋙ kekaranetra

   ○netra mfn. id. VarBṛS. lxviii, 65

⋙ kekaralocana

   ○locana mfn. id. Kathās. cxxiii, 164

⋙ kekarākṣa

   kekarâkṣa mfn. id

≫ kekaraka

   kekaraka mfn. = ○ra Cāṇ


   kekala m. (for kelaka?) a dancer W


   kekā f. the cry of a peacock MBh. Mṛicch. Megh. &c

⋙ kekārava

   ○rava m. id. Kād

⋙ kekāsura

   kekâsura m. N. of an Asura

≫ kekāya

   kekāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to cry (as a peacock) Vāsant

≫ kekāvala

   kekāvala m. a peacock L

≫ kekika

   kekika m. id., g. vrīhy-ādi

≫ kekin

   kekin ī m. (g. vrīhy-ādi), id. Bhartṛ. i, 44 SkandaP

⋙ kekiśikhā

   keki-śikhā f. (= mayūra-ś○), N. of a shrub L


   kekāṇa N. of a locality


   kekâsura ○kika, &c. kekā


   kekeyī for kaik○, q.v. L


   kecuka as, ā mf. a plant with an esculent √(Colocasia antiquorum) Suśr. (vv. ll. kevuka and ○vūka) 
   • (am), n. the esculent √of that plant L. (cf. kacu, kacvii kemuka, and kevuka.)


   keñca m. a kind of sparrow Gal


   keṇikā f. a tent L


   kéta m. (√4. cit) desire, wish, will, intention ['wealth', 'atmosphere, sky' Sāy.] RV. VS. TS. ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • a house, abode BhP 
   • mark, sign BhP. i, 16, 34 
   • apparition, shape Naigh. iii, 9

⋙ ketapū

   ○pū́ mfn. purifying the desire or will VS. ix, 1 and xi, 7 MaitrS. i, 11, 1

⋙ ketavedas

   ○vedas (kéta-), mfn. knowing the intention ['knowing the wealth of another' Sāy.] RV. i, 104, 3

⋙ ketasap

   ○sáp m(nom. pl. -sā́pas)fn. obeying the will (of another), obedient ['touching the sky' Sāy.], v, 58, 3

≫ ketana

   ketana n. a summons, invitation Mn. iv, 110 MBh. MārkP 
   • a house, abode MBh. R. BhP. Kathās 
   • 'abode of the soul', the body Gīt. vii, 5 (ifc. f. ā) 
   • place, site Kathās. xxvi, 44 
   • sign, mark, symbol (of a deity), ensign (of a warrior), flag or banner (e g. vānara-k○, 'one who has a monkey as his ensign or arms' MBh 
   • also makara-k○, &c.) MBh. R. Ragh. ix, 38 
   • business, indispensable act Mālatīm

≫ ketaya

   ketaya Nom. P. ○yati, to summon, call or invite MBh. xiii, 1596 
   • to fix or appoint a time L 
   • to counsel or advise W 
   • to hear Vop

≫ ketayitṛ

   ketayitṛ mf(trī)n. one who summons Sāy. on RV. i, 113, 19

≫ ketita

   ketita mfn. called, summoned Mn. iii, 190 MBh. xiii, 1613 and 6233 
   • dwelt, inhabited W


   ketaka m. the tree Pandanus odoratissimus MBh. R. Megh. &c. [Page 309, Column 1] 
   • (ī), f. (g. gaurâdi Gaṇar. 46) id. Gīt. Vet. Sāh. ŚivaP

≫ ketaki

   ketaki metrically for ○kī f. Suśr. Bhartṛ. Gīt


   ketana ○taya, &c. kéta


   ketali-kīrti m. N. of the author of the work Megha-mālā


   ketú m. (fr. √4. cit), bright appearance, clearness, brightness (often pl., 'rays of light') RV. VS. AV 
   • lamp, flame, torch ib 
   • day-time ŚāṅkhBr 
   • (Naigh. iii, 9) apparition, form, shape RV. PārGṛ 
   • sign, mark, ensign, flag, banner RV. AV. MBh. &c 
   • a chief, leader, eminent person RV. R. iv, 28, 18 Ragh. ii, 33 BhP 
   • intellect, judgment, discernment (?) RV. v, 66, 4 AV. x, 2, 12 
   • any unusual or striking phenomenon, comet, meteor, falling star AdbhBr. Mn. i, 38 VarBṛS. BhP. &c 
   • the dragon's tail or descending node (considered in astron. as the 9th planet, and in mythol. as the body of the demon Saiṃhikeya son of ṣiṃhikā which was severed from the head or Rāhu by Vishṇu at the churning of the ocean, but was rendered immortal by having tasted the Amṛita) Hariv. 4259 R. VP 
   • 'a pigmy race', -gaṇa below 
   • disease L 
   • an enemy L 
   • N. of a son of Agni (author of RV. x, 156) RAnukr 
   • (with the patr. Vājya) VBr 
   • N. of a Dānava Hariv. 198 
   • of a son (of Ṛishabha BhP. v, 4, 10 
   • of the 4th Manu, viii, 1, 27) 
   • aruṇā́ḥ ketávaḥ, 'red apparitions', a class of spirits (a kind of sacrificial fire is called after them āruṇaketuka, q.v.) AV. xi, 10, 1 f. and 7 TĀr. MBh. xii, 26, 7

⋙ ketugaṇa

   ○gaṇa m. the dwarfish inhabitants of Kuśa-dviipa (children of Jaimini) Tāj

⋙ ketugraha

   ○graha m. the descending node ( above s.v. ketu) L 
   • -vallabha m. = ○tu-ratna Npr

⋙ ketucakra

   ○cakra n. a kind of diagram

⋙ ketutārā

   ○tārā f. a comet W

⋙ ketudharman

   ○dharman m. N. of a man (v. l. -varman) MBh. xiv, 2154

⋙ ketubha

   ○bha m. a cloud L

⋙ ketubhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. being or become a banner Nal. xii, 28

⋙ ketumat

   ○mát mfn. endowed with brightness AV 
   • (interpolation after RV. viii, 56) 
   • clear (as a sound) RV. vi, 47, 31 AV. iii, 19, 6 
   • (ān), m. a Yaksha Gal 
   • N. of a Muni VāyuP 
   • of a Dānava MBh. Hariv 
   • of a regent of the western part of the world (son of Rajas) VP 
   • of a son of Kshema and father of Suketu Hariv. 1593 
   • of a son of Kshemya and father of Varsha-ketu, 1750 
   • of a warrior MBh. ii, 122 and 127 
   • of a son of Dhanvantari BhP. ix, 17, 5 
   • of Ambarīsha, ix, 6, 1 
   • N. of a mountain Buddh 
   • of a palace of Vāsu-deva's wife Sunandā Hariv. 8989 
   • (tī), f. a metre (of 2 x 21 syllables) 
   • N. of the wife of Sumālin R. vii, 5, 37 
   • N. of a locality W

⋙ ketumāla

   ○māla m. N. of a son of Āgnīdhra VP 
   • of a boar R. v, 9, 66 BhP 
   • m. pl., N. of a people Hariv. 8227 and 8654 
   • (as, am), m. n. one of the nine great divisions of the known world (the western portion or Varsha of Jambū-dviipa, called after Ketu-māla) Sūryas. VP. BhP 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 8368 ff

⋙ ketumālaka

   ○mālaka m. or n. the Varsha called Ketu-māla (q.v.) VP

⋙ ketumāli

   ○māli ○lin

⋙ ketumālin

   ○mālin m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. (metrically also ○li) 
   • of a Muni VāyuP

⋙ ketuyaṣṭi

   ○yaṣṭi f. a flag-staff Ragh. xii, 103

⋙ keturatna

   ○ratna n. 'Rāhu's favourite', beryl L

⋙ ketuvarman

   ○varman -dharman

⋙ ketuvīrya

   ○vīrya m. N. of a Dānava Hariv. 198

⋙ ketuśṛṅga

   ○śṛṅga m. N. of a king MBh. i, 230 
   • of a Muni VāyuP


   kedara mfn. = kekara L 
   • m. N. of a plant L


   kedāra m. (n. L.) a field or meadow, especially one under water Mn. ix, 38 & 44 MBh. R. &c 
   • kapilasya k○, 'Kapila's field', N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 6042 ff 
   • mataṅgasya k○, 'Mataṅga's field', another Tīrtha, 8159 
   • a basin for water round the √of a tree L 
   • a bed in a garden or field W 
   • plain, area KātyŚr. xviii, 5, 4 Sch 
   • N. of a particular constellation VarBṛ 
   • of a Rāga (in music) 
   • of a mountain country (the modern Kedār, part of the Himâlaya mountains W.) MBh. vi, 427 NandiP 
   • N. of Śiva as worshipped in the Himâlaya 
   • of the author of a work entitled Abdhi 
   • (ī), f. N. of a Rāgiṇī 
   • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha MatsyaP 
   • of a Liṅga ib 
   • (in the Himâlaya) ŚivaP

⋙ kedārakaṭu

   ○kaṭu f. (?) a kind of plant Gal

⋙ kedārakaṭukā

   ○kaṭukā f. a kind of Helleborus L

⋙ kedārakalpa

   ○kalpa m. N. of a section of the SkandaP. NandiP

⋙ kedārakhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. a small dyke (earth raised to keep out water) W 
   • a break in the dyke raised round a field (to keep out water) MBh. i, ch. 3. [Page 309, Column 2] 

⋙ kedāraja

   ○ja n. the fruit of Cerasus Puddum L

⋙ kedāratīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

⋙ kedāradeva

   ○deva m. N. of a man

⋙ kedāranātha

   ○nātha m. N. of Śiva as worshipped in the Himâlaya

⋙ kedārapurāṇa

   ○purāṇa n. N. of a Purāṇa

⋙ kedārabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of an author

⋙ kedāramalla

   ○malla m. N. of Mandanapāla

⋙ kedāramāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of a section of the VāyuP

⋙ kedāraliṅga

   ○liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga Śaṃkar

⋙ kedāraśambhu

   ○śambhu m. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik

⋙ kedārasetu

   ○setu m. a dyke raised round a field Car. iii, 3

⋙ kedāreśa

   kedārêśa m. N. of a statue of Śiva in Kāśī SkandaP 
   • (am), n. N. of a Liṅga NandiP

⋙ kedāreśvara

   kedārêśvara m. (= ○rêśa), Śiva's statue in Kāśī SkandaP 
   • (am), n. N. of a Tīrtha in the Himâlaya 
   • -liṅga n. N. of a Liṅga SkandaP 
   • -sthalī f. N. of a locality KapSaṃh

≫ kedāraka

   kedāraka m. a kind of rice Suśr 
   • (ikā), f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī


   kéna instr. ind. (fr. 2. ká), by what? ŚBr. iv MBh. i, ch. 3 
   • whence? MBh. xiii, 2167 R. vi, 12, 4 
   • how? why? Pañcat. Bhartṛ

⋙ keneṣitopaniṣad

   kenêṣitôpaniṣad t f. N. of an Up. (beginning with the word kenêṣitam)

⋙ kenopaniṣad

   kenôpaniṣad t f. id. (beginning with kena)


   kenatī f. N. of the wife of Kāma (the god of love) L


   kenava m. N. of a teacher (pupil of Śākapūrṇi) VP


   kenāra m. the head L 
   • 'a skull' or 'the temples, upper part of the cheek' (kapāla, or kapola) L 
   • a joint L 
   • a division of hell, hell compared to a potter's kiln L


   kenipá m. a sage RV. x, 44, 4 (cf. āke-nipá.)


   kenipāta m. the helm, rudder, large oar used as a rudder L

≫ kenipātaka

   kenipātaka m. id. L

≫ kenipātana

   kenipātana n. id. Gal


   kendu m. a kind of ebony (Diospyros embryopteris) L

⋙ kenduvilla

   ○villa v. l. for kindubilva, q.v

≫ kenduka

   kenduka m. another variety of ebony (yielding a species of tar, Diospyros glutinosa) L 
   • (in music) a kind of measure


   kendra n. (borrowed fr. Gk. ?), the centre [309, 2] of a circle 
   • the equation of the centre 
   • the argument of a circle 
   • the argument of an equation W 
   • the distance of a planet from the first point of its orbit in the fourth, seventh, or tenth degree Sūryas. &c 
   • the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth lunar mansion VarBṛS. VarBṛ. (cf. dvitīya-k○, patana-k○, manda-k○, śīghra-k○.)

≫ kendrakā

   kendrakā f. for kecukā (q.v.) Suśr


   kep cl. 1. Ā. kepate, to shake or tremble Dhātup. x, 7 
   • to go ib. (cf. √gep.)

≫ kepi

   képi mfn. trembling, shaking RV. x, 44, 6 
   • unclean Nir. v, 24


   kema-druma m. in astron. = ? VarBṛ. xiii, 3 and 6


   kemuka m. (= kecuka) Colocasia antiquorum Bhpr 
   • Costus speciosus L


   kembuka n. cabbage Car 
   • the kernel of the Areca nut Npr


   keyūra n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm MBh. R. Ragh. &c 
   • m. id. Bhartṛ. ii, 16 
   • a kind of coitus 
   • N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ

⋙ keyūradharā

   ○dharā f. 'wearing a bracelet on the upper arm', N. of an Apsaras Kāraṇḍ

⋙ keyūrabala

   ○bala m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit

≫ keyūraka

   keyūraka m. N. of a Gandharva Kād

≫ keyūrāya

   keyūrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to represent a keyūra Sāh

≫ keyūrin

   keyūrin mfn. decorated with a bracelet on the upper arm Kād. Hcar. MārkP. xxiii, 102


   keraka for kerala, q.v


   kerala ās m. pl., N. of the inhabitants of Malabar MBh. (once keraka, ii, 1173) Hariv. R. VarBṛS 
   • m. (g. kambojâdi) the king of the Keralas MBh. iii, 15250 
   • N. of a son of Ākrīḍa (from whom the people of Kerala is derived) Hariv. 1836 
   • (ī), f. a Kerala woman Kād 
   • N. of an astronomical treatise L 
   • a Horā or period of time equal to about one hour L. [Page 309, Column 3] 
   • (am), n. N. of the country inhabited by the Keralas MBh. vi, 352

⋙ keralajātaka


⋙ keralatantra

   ○tantra n

⋙ keralasiddhānta

   ○siddhânta m. N. of wks

⋙ keralotpatti

   keralôtpatti f. N. of wk

≫ keralaka

   keralaka ās m. pl., N. of the inhabitants of Malabar VarBṛS. xiv, 12 
   • m. N. of a Nāga demon VāmP 
   • (ikā), f. N. of a woman, Vāsav


   keru mahi-k○


   kel cl. 1. P. kelati, to shake, tremble Dhātup. xv, 30 
   • to go or move ib 
   • to be frolic-some, sport (cf. Prākṛit √kīl = krīḍ) W

≫ kelaka

   kelaka m. a dancer, tumbler, one who walks or dances on the edge of a sword L. (cf. kekala.)

≫ kelāya

   kelāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (fr. √krīḍ), to sport, play, g. kaṇḍv-ādi

≫ keli

   keli is mf. play, sport, amorous sport, pastime, amusement Mn. viii, 357 Mṛicch. &c 
   • disguise, concealment Gal 
   • (is), f. the earth L

⋙ kelikadamba

   ○kadamba m. (= -vṛkṣa) a variety of the Kadamba L

⋙ kelikamala

   ○kamala n. a lotus flower for playing with Caurap

⋙ kelikala

   ○kala mfn. amusing one's self Hariv. ii, 75, 55 (v. l. -kila) 
   • (ā), f. amorous or sportive accents or address W 
   • sportive skill, wantonness W 
   • the Vīṇā or lute of Sarasvatī L

⋙ kelikalaha

   ○kalaha m. a quarrel in jest or joke L

⋙ kelikānana

   ○kānana n. a pleasure-grove L

⋙ kelikila

   ○kila mfn. sporting, amusing one's self Hariv. 3380 (v. l. -kala) 
   • finding pleasure in (in comp.), 7671 
   • wanton, arrogant 
   • litigious, quarrelsome, 3209 
   • m. the confidential companion, of the hero of a drama (in general a sort of buffoon) L 
   • N. of one of Śiva's attendants L 
   • (ā), f. sport, amusement Comm. on L 
   • N. of Rati (the wife of Kāma-deva) L 
   • N. of a town VP

⋙ kelikīrṇa

   ○kīrṇa m. 'full of amusement', a camel L

⋙ kelikuñcikā

   ○kuñcikā f. a wife's younger sister L. (cf. kal○.)

⋙ kelikailāsa

   ○kailāsa m. a mountain that is to represent the Kailāsa mountain Viddh

⋙ kelikośa

   ○kośa m. 'receptacle of amusement', a dancer, actor L

⋙ keligṛha

   ○gṛha n. a pleasure-house, private apartment Comm. on Amar

⋙ kelināgara

   ○nāgara m. a sensualist, enjoyer of worldly pleasures L

⋙ keliniketana

   ○niketana n. = -gṛha Amar

⋙ kelipara

   ○para mfn. wanton, sportive W

⋙ kelipalvala

   ○palvala n. a pleasure-pond Naish. i, 117

⋙ kelimaṇḍapa


⋙ kelimandira

   ○mandira n. = -gṛha, Śāntiś. Caurap

⋙ kelimukha

   ○mukha m. pastime, sport L

⋙ keliraṅga

   ○raṅga m. a pleasure-ground Dhūrtas

⋙ keliraivataka

   ○raivataka n. N. of a treatise Sāh

⋙ kelivana

   ○vana n. = -kānana ŚārṅgP

⋙ kelivṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. a species of the Kadamba (commonly Keli-kadamba, Nauclea cordifolia, being abundant in the scene of Kṛishṇa's sports with the Gopīs) L

⋙ keliśayana

   ○śayana n. a pleasure-couch Gīt. xi, 2

⋙ keliśuṣi

   ○śuṣi f. the earth W

⋙ keliśaila

   ○śaila m. a pleasure-hill Dhūrtan

⋙ keliśvetasahasrapattra

   ○śveta-sahasra-pattra Nom. P. ○ttrati, to represent a white lotus for playing with Prasannar

⋙ kelisaciva

   ○saciva m. minister of the sports, master of the revels L

⋙ kelisadana

   ○sadana n. = -gṛha Gīt. xi, 14

⋙ kelisāra

   ○sāra m. N. of a Vidyā-dhara Bālar

⋙ kelisthalī

   ○sthalī f. a place of pleasure, play-ground, Śāntiś. i, 16

≫ kelika

   kelika mfn. sporting, sportive W 
   • the tree Jonesia Aśoka L

≫ kelita

   kelita n. ifc., kali- = kelī-kalita Subh

≫ kelī

   kelī f. rarely for keli (play, sport)

⋙ kelīkalita

   ○kalita n. amusement, jest, play Bālar

⋙ kelīpika

   ○pika m. a cuckoo kept for pleasure Sāh

⋙ kelīvanī

   ○vanī f. a pleasure-park Sāh

⋙ kelīśālabhañjikā

   ○śāla-bhañjikā f. a small statue Daś


   kela ○lu, a particular high number Buddh. L


   kelaṭaka = kemuka (q.v.) Npr


   kelāya ○li, &c. √kel


   kelāsa m. crystal W


   kelūṭa n. a kind of pot-herb Car. i, 27 
   • = kemuka, or a kind of Udumbara Npr


   kev cl. 1. Ā. kevate, to serve, attend to Dhātup. xiv, 39 (cf. √sev.)


   kévaṭa m. a cave, hollow RV. vi, 54, 7 (cf. avaṭá.)


   kevárta m. (= kaiv○) a fisherman VS. xxx, 16


   kévala m. (nom. pl. e RV. x, 51, 9) f. (ī RV. x, 73, 6 AV. ŚBr 
   • ā Mn. &c., Pāṇ. 4-1, 30)n. (in comp. Pāṇ. 2-1, 49) exclusively one's own (not common to others) RV. AV 
   • alone, only, mere, sole, one, excluding others RV. AV. TS. &c 
   • not connected with anything else, isolated, abstract, absolute [Page 310, Column 1] 
   • simple, pure, uncompounded, unmingled ŚBr. &c 
   • entire, whole, all Mn. MBh. &c 
   • selfish, envious L 
   • (am), ind. only, merely, solely (na kevalam - api, not only-but also Ragh. VP. Rājat 
   • kevalam-na tu, only - but not, Śṛiṅgār.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • entirely, wholly, absolutely R. ii, 87, 23 
   • but Kād. Hcar 
   • (= nirṇītam) certainly, decidedly L 
   • m. (= kelaka) a dancer, tumbler Gal 
   • N. of a prince BhP. ix, 2, 30 
   • (ā), f. N. of a locality MBh. iii, 254, 10 (vḷ. ○lī) 
   • (ī), f. 'the whole of a philosophical system', pāśaka-k○ 
   • N. of a locality (v. l. for ○lā, q.v.) 
   • (am), n. the doctrine of the absolute unity of spirit 
   • the highest possible knowledge (= kevala-jñāna) Jain 
   • N. of a country (v. l. kerala) MBh. vi, 9, 34

⋙ kevalakarmin

   ○karmin mfn. performing mere works (without intelligence) Bādar. iii, 1, 7 Sch

⋙ kevalajñāna

   ○jñāna n. the highest possible knowledge Jain

⋙ kevalajñānin

   ○jñānin m. 'possessing the kevala-jñāna', an Arhat Jain

⋙ kevalatas

   ○tas ind. only Comm. on Yājñ

⋙ kevalatva

   ○tva n. the state of standing by itself or alone VPrāt. Sch

⋙ kevaladravya

   ○dravya n. mere matter or substance RāmatUp 
   • black pepper L

⋙ kevalanaiyāyika

   ○naiyāyika m. a mere logician (not versed in any other science) Pāṇ. 2-1, 49 Sch

⋙ kevalaputrā

   ○putrā f. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik

⋙ kevalabarhis

   ○barhis (kév○), mfn. having its own sacrificial straw ŚBr. ii

⋙ kevalabrahmopaniṣad

   ○brahmôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up

⋙ kevalamānuṣa

   ○mānuṣa m. a mere man (and nothing else) MBh. xii

⋙ kevalavātika

   ○vātika mf(ī)n. applied for diseases of a simple rheumatic kind Car

⋙ kevalavaiyākaraṇa

   ○vaiyākaraṇa m. a mere grammarian (not versed in any other science)

⋙ kevalavyatirekin

   ○vyatirekin mfn. pertaining only to separateness Tarkas

⋙ kevalaśas

   ○śas ind. completely AitBr. vi, 9

⋙ kevalāgha

   kévalâgha mfn. alone guilty RV. x, 117, 6

⋙ kevalātman

   kevalâtman mfn. one whose nature is absolute unity Kum. ii, 4

⋙ kevalādin

   kevalâdín mfn. eating by one's self alone RV. x, 117, 6

⋙ kevalādvaitavādakuliśa

   kevalâdvaita-vāda-kuliśa n. N. of wk

⋙ kevalānvayin

   kevalânvayin mfn. pertaining only to connection Tarkas 
   • ○yi-grantha m. -rahasya n. -vāda m. N. of wks

≫ kevalin

   kevalin mfn. alone, one, only W 
   • (ī), m. 'devoted to the doctrine of the absolute unity of spirit', a meditative ascetic BhP. iv, 25, 39 ; vi, 5, 40 
   • 'possessing the kevala (-jñāna)', an Arhat Jain


   kevāla f. ī g. gaurâdi (not in Kāś. and Gaṇar.)

⋙ kevālīas

   kevālī-√as root

⋙ kevālakṛ

   ○kṛ [= √hiṃs Gaṇar. 97 Sch.], root

⋙ kevālabhū

   ○bhū g. ūry-ādi?


   kevāsī ind. only in comp

⋙ kevāsīas


⋙ kevāsīkṛ

   ○√kṛ [= √hiṃs Gaṇar. 73 Sch.],

⋙ kevāsībhū

   ○√bhū g. ūry-ādi (not in Kāś.)


   kevikā f. N. of a flower (commonly kevera) L

≫ kevī

   kevī f. id. L


   kevuka or ○vūka = kecuka, q.v. Car

keśa 1

   kéśa m. (√kliś Uṇ 
   • ifc. ā or ī Pāṇ. 4-1, 54) the hair of the head AV. VS. ŚBr. &c 
   • the mane (of a horse or lion) MBh. i, 8008 Śak. Sch 
   • a kind of perfume (hrīvera) L 
   • N. of a mineral VarBṛS. lxxvii, 23 
   • N. of Varuṇa L 
   • of Vishṇu L 
   • of a Daitya L 
   • of a locality Romakas 
   • (pl.) the tail (of the Bos grunniens) Pāṇ. 2-3, 36 Kāś. (v. l. vāla) 
   • (ī), f. a lock of hair on the crown of the head L 
   • the Indigo plant L 
   • Carpopogon pruriens L 
   • another plant (bhūta-keśī) L 
   • N. of Durgā L

⋙ keśakarman

   ○karman n. dressing or arranging the hair of the head MBh. iv, 78

⋙ keśakarṣaṇa

   ○karṣaṇa n. pulling or tearing by the hair Veṇis

⋙ keśakalāpa

   ○kalâpa m. a mass or quantity of hair, head of hair Kathās. lxx, 13

⋙ keśakāra

   ○kāra m. (for kośa-k○) a sort of sugar-cane Bhpr

⋙ keśakārin

   ○kārin mfn. dressing or arranging the hair of the head MBh. iv, 412

⋙ keśakīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. a louse or insect in the hair Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • -ṭâvapatita mfn. that on which a louse has fallen MBh. xiii, 1577 (cf. kīṭâvapanna.)

⋙ keśagarbha

   ○garbha m. = ○bhaka W 
   • N. of Varuṇa W

⋙ keśagarbhaka

   ○garbhaka m. a braid of hair L

⋙ keśagṛhīta

   ○gṛhīta mfn. pulled or seized by the hair

⋙ keśagranthi

   ○granthi m. a tie of hair BhP. x, 39, 14

⋙ keśagraha

   ○graha m. pulling the hair Mn. iv, 83 Kathās

⋙ keśagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. id. R. iii, 46, 2 Megh

⋙ keśagrāham

   ○grāham ind. so as to pull the hair Pāṇ. 3-4, 50 Kāś

⋙ keśaghna

   ○ghna n. 'destroying the hair', morbid baldness, falling of the hair L

⋙ keśacaṇa

   ○caṇa mfn. known by his hair, having fine hair Pāṇ. 5-2, 26

⋙ keśacūḍa

   ○cūḍa mfn. one who has dressed his hair in a top-knot Pāṇ. 2-2, 24 Vārtt. 13 Pat

⋙ keśacaitya

   ○caitya n. N. of a Caitya W

⋙ keśacchid

   ○cchid m. a hair-dresser, barber L

⋙ keśajāha

   ○jāha n. the √of the hair, g. karṇâdi. [Page 310, Column 2] 

⋙ keśadamanī

   ○damanī f. 'destroying the hair', Prosopis spicigera Gal

⋙ keśadṛṃhaṇa

   ○dṛ́ṃhaṇa mf(ī)n. serving for fastening the hair AV. vi, 21, 3

⋙ keśadhara

   ○dhara ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 26

⋙ keśadhāraṇa

   ○dhāraṇa n. keeping, i.e. not cutting the hair BhP. xii, 2, 6

⋙ keśadhāriṇī

   ○dhāriṇī f. N. of a plant (the √of sweet flag) L

⋙ keśadhṛt

   ○dhṛt m. id. L

⋙ keśapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. side of the hair, temple ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 28 ĀśvGṛ. i, 7, 16 and 17, 8 
   • much or ornamented hair, tuft MBh. Prasannar. (ifc. f. ā)

⋙ keśapaṅkti

   ○paṅkti f. a row or line or quantity of hair

⋙ keśaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. Achyranthes aspera (apâmārgá) L

⋙ keśapāśa

   ○pāśa m. much or ornamented hair, tuft MBh. Kum. Vikr. Ṛitus. (ifc. f. ā), &c 
   • (ī), f. a lock of hair hanging down from the top of the head L

⋙ keśapiṅgala

   ○piṅgala m. N. of a Brāhman

⋙ keśapradharṣaṇa

   ○pradharṣaṇa n. = -karṣaṇa MBh. vii, 102, 21

⋙ keśaprasāra

   ○prasāra m. cleaning the hair BhP. x, 59, 45 and 61, 6

⋙ keśabandha

   ○bandha m. a hair-band MBh. iv, 190 BhP 
   • = -veṣa L 
   • a particular position of the hands in dancing

⋙ keśabhū

   ○bhū f. 'hairground', head L

⋙ keśabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. the skull on which hair grows Jain. Suśr

⋙ keśamaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. a lock of hair Kauś

⋙ keśamathanī

   ○mathanī f. = -damanī L

⋙ keśamardana

   ○mardana n. cleaning the hair (v. l. -mārjana, one of the 64 kalās) Comm. on BhP. x, 45, 36

⋙ keśamārjaka

   ○mārjaka m. n. a comb L

⋙ keśamārjana

   ○mārjana n. v. l. for -mardana 
   • a comb L

⋙ keśamiśra

   ○miśrá mf(ā́)n. 'mingled with hair', soiled by hair ŚBr. ii, 2, 4, 5

⋙ keśamuṣṭi

   ○muṣṭi f. a handful of hair W 
   • Melia Bukayun Bhpr. i, 204 
   • another plant (viṣa-muṣṭi) L

⋙ keśamuṣṭika

   ○muṣṭika m. Melia Bukayun L

⋙ keśayantrī

   ○yantrī f. N. of one the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2635

⋙ keśaracanā

   ○racanā f. arranging or dressing the hair Ṛitus. iv, 15

⋙ keśarañjana

   ○rañjana n. colouring the hair ŚārṅgP 
   • m. the vegetable Eclipta prostrata L

⋙ keśarāja

   ○rāja m. (= -rañjana) Eclipta prostrata L 
   • Wedelia calendulacea L

⋙ keśaruhā

   ○ruhā f. a species of the Croton plant (bhadra-dantikā) L

⋙ keśarūpā

   ○rūpā f. 'hair-shaped', Vanda Roxburghī L

⋙ keśaromā

   ○romā f. Mucuna pruritus Gal

⋙ keśaluñcaka

   ○luñcaka m. 'pulling the hair', a Jain ascetic Prab

⋙ keśaluñcana

   ○luñcana m. id. Hcar 
   • (am), n. pulling the hair Daś

⋙ keśavat

   ○vat (kéśa-), mfn. (= keśavá Pāṇ. 5-2, 109) having long hair MārkP 
   • having a mane RV. viii, 116, 5 
   • (tī), f. N. of a river

⋙ keśavapana

   ○vapana n. shaving or cutting the hair ĀśvGṛ

⋙ keśavapanīya

   ○"ṣvapanīya m. 'hair-cutting or -shaving', N. of a festival (belonging to the Rāja-sūya) ŚBr. v TāṇḍyaBr. xviii KātyŚr. Lāṭy. ŚāṅkhŚr

⋙ keśavardhana

   ○várdhana mf(ī)n. causing the hair to grow AV. vi, 21, 3 and 137, 1 
   • (ī), f. Sida rhomboides L

⋙ keśaveṣa

   ○veṣa m. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 42) a tress of hair ĀśvGṛ

⋙ keśaveṣṭa

   ○veṣṭa m. the parting of the hair APrāt. iii, 43 Sch

⋙ keśavyaparopaṇa

   ○vyaparopaṇa n. pulling the hair Ragh. iii, 56

⋙ keśavyudāharaṇa

   ○vyudāharaṇa n. N. of wk

⋙ keśaśūla

   ○śūla n. disease of the hair MBh. iii, 12846

⋙ keśaśmaśru

   ○śmaśrú n. (g. rājadantâdi) the hair of the head and the beard AV. viii, 2, 17 ŚBr. KātyŚr 
   • (ūṇi), n. pl. id. ŚāṅkhŚr

⋙ keśastuka

   ○stuka m. a lock of hair Kauś. 42

⋙ keśahantṛphalā

   ○hantṛ-phalā f. 'having fruits that destroy the hair', = -damanī Npr

⋙ keśahantrī

   ○hantrī f. id. L

⋙ keśahasta

   ○hasta m. much or ornamented hair, tuft MBh. iii, 1822 Śiś. viii, 27 Veṇis. (quoted in Sāh.) 
   • the hair for a hand Śiś. viii, 27

⋙ keśahṛtphalā

   ○hṛt-phalā f. = -hantṛ-ph○ Npr

⋙ keśākeśi

   keśā-keśi ind. (Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-2, 27 ; v, 4, 127 and vi, 3, 137 Gaṇar. 95 Sch.) hair to hair, head to head Yājñ. ii, 283 MBh

⋙ keśāgra

   keśâgra n. the top of a hair ŚāṅkhGṛ

⋙ keśāda

   keśâda m. 'eating the hair', N. of a parasitical insect Car. Suśr

⋙ keśānta

   keśânta m. (ifc. f. ā) the border of the hair on the forehead ŚāṅkhGṛ. TUp. R. Suśr 
   • long hair hanging down, lock of hair, tuft MBh. R. &c 
   • cutting off the hair finally (as a religious ceremony performed upon Brāhmans at 16 years of age, Kshatriyas at 22, and Vaiśyas at 24) PārGṛ. Gobh. Mn. ii, 65 Yājñ. i, 36 
   • -karaṇa n. id. Gobh. iii, 1, 2

⋙ keśāntika

   keśântika mfn. extending to the end of the hair as far as the forehead Mn. ii, 46 
   • relating to the ceremony of final tonsure W

⋙ keśāpahā

   keśâpahā f. = ○śa-damanī Npr

⋙ keśāmbu

   keśâmbu n. Pavonia odorata Bhpr

⋙ keśāri

   keśâri m. 'enemy of the hair', Mesua Ferrea L

⋙ keśāruhā

   keśâruhā f. = ○śa-vardhanī L

⋙ keśārhā

   keśârhā f. N. of a plant (mahā-nīlī) L

⋙ keśāli

   keśâli m. 'row of hair', Eclipta prostrata (keśa-rañjana) Npr

⋙ keśāvamarṣaṇa

   keśâvamarṣaṇa n. pulling the hair, especially amorously playing with it or rubbing it &c. W

⋙ keśoccaya

   keśôccaya m. much or handsome hair W

⋙ keśoṇḍuka

   keśôṇḍuka m. a sling or knot of hair Suśr 
   • net-like apparitions seen while the eyes are shut AitĀr. (ed. ○ṇḍraka)

⋙ kośoṇḍraka

   kośôṇḍraka ○ṇḍuka. [Page 310, Column 3] 

⋙ keśaka

   keśaka mfn. bestowing care upon the hair Pāṇ. 5-2, 66 Kāś

≫ keśara

   keśara &c. késara

≫ keśava

   keśavá mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 109) having long or much or handsome hair AV. viii, 6, 23 ŚBr. KātyŚr 
   • m. N. of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • (hence) of the month Mārgaśīrsha VarBṛS. cv, 14 
   • Rottleria tinctoria L 
   • N. of the author of a lexicon called Kalpa-dru 
   • of the author of the Dvaita-pariśishṭa 
   • of the father of Govinda and Rucikara 
   • of the father of Brāhma and uncle of Maheśvara 
   • of the son of Viśva-dhara and brother of Kari-nātha 
   • of the father of Vopa-deva

[[ ]]

   keśavajātakapaddhatyudāharaṇa3keśavá--jātakapaddhaty-udāharaṇa n. a Comm. by Viśva-nātha on the work Jātaka-paddhati

⋙ keśavajīnandaśarman

   ○jī-nanda-śarman m. N. of an author

⋙ keśavadāsa

   ○dāsa m. N. of several authors

⋙ keśavadīkṣita

   ○dīkṣita m. N. of a man

⋙ keśavadaivajña

   ○daivajña m. N. of an astronomer

⋙ keśavaprabhu

   ○prabhu m. N. of a man

⋙ keśavabhakti

   ○bhakti f. devotion to Kṛishṇa W

⋙ keśavabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man

⋙ keśavamiśra

   ○miśra m. N. of the author of the Dvaita-parisishṭa and of the Chandoga-pariśishṭa

⋙ keśavaśikṣā

   ○śikṣā f. N. of a Śikshā

⋙ keśavaśreṣṭhin

   ○śreṣṭhin m. N. of a merchant

⋙ keśavasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a grammarian, Śūdradh

⋙ keśavācārya

   keśavâcārya m. N. of a teacher

⋙ keśavāditya

   keśavâditya m. a form of the sun SkandaP

⋙ keśavāyudha

   keśavâyudha m. 'Kṛishṇa's weapon', the Mango tree L

⋙ keśavārka

   keśavârka m. = ○vâditya SkandaP 
   • N. of the author of the Kṛishṇa-krīḍita (son of Jayâditya and grandson of Rāṇiga) 
   • N. of the author of the Jātaka-paddhati 
   • of the author of the Vivāhavṛindāvana

⋙ keśavālaya

   keśavâlaya m. 'Keśava's abode', the holy fig-tree L

⋙ keśavāvāsa

   keśavâvāsa m. id. L

≫ keśi 1

   keśi m. (= ○śin), N. of an Asura Hariv

≫ keśi 2

   keśi (in comp. for keśín)

⋙ keśigṛhapati

   ○gṛhapati (○śí.), m. 'whose householder is Keśin (Dārbhya)', belonging to Keśin's family ŚBr. xi, 8, 4, 1

⋙ keśitīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha

⋙ keśidhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. N. of a prince (son of Kṛita-dhvaja) BhP. ix, 13, 20

⋙ keśiniṣūdana

   ○niṣūdana m. 'slayer of the Asura Keśin', Kṛishṇa Bhag. xviii, 1 (v. l. -nisūd○)

⋙ keśimathana

   ○mathana m. id. Gīt. ii, 11

⋙ keśisūdana

   ○sūdana m. id. MBh. ii, 1214

⋙ keśihan

   ○han m. id. MBh. Hariv

⋙ keśihantṛ

   ○hantṛ m. id. MBh. ii, 1402

≫ keśika

   keśika mfn. having fine or luxuriant hair Pāṇ. 5-2, 109 
   • m. the plant Asparagus racemosus L 
   • (ī), f. N. of the mother of Jahnu VP

≫ keśin

   keśín mfn. (Pāṇ. 5-2, 109) having fine or long hair (said of Rudra [cf. kapardin], of his female attendants, of female demons, and of men) AV. xi, 2, 18 (cf. RV. x, 136, 1 ff.) and 31 ; xii, 5, 48 ; xiv, 2, 59 
   • having a mane (as Indra's and Agni's horses) RV 
   • having tips (as rays or flames) RV. i, 140, 8 and 151, 6 
   • (ī), m. 'N. of Rudra' ( before) 
   • of Vishṇu L 
   • 'a horse' ( before) 
   • a lion L 
   • N. of an Asura slain by Kṛishṇa MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva and Kauśalyā BhP. ix, 24, 47 
   • (Pāṇ. 6-4, 165) N. of Dārbhya or Dālbhya 
   • (inī), f. N. of Durgā 
   • (gana kurv-ādi) N. of an Apsaras MBh. i, 2558 ; iii, 14562 
   • of a Rākshasī Buddh 
   • of the daughter of the king of Vidarbha (wife of Sagara and mother of A-samañjas) Hariv. 797 ff. R 
   • of the wife of Ājamīḍha (Suhotra) and mother of Jahnu MBh. i, 3722 Hariv. 1416 and 1756 
   • of the wife of Viśravas and mother of Rāvaṇa and Kumbha-karṇa BhP. vii, 1, 43 
   • of a servant of Damayantī Nal. xxii, 1 
   • of the daughter of a Brāhman Buddh 
   • Chrysopogon aciculatus L 
   • Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī L 
   • (inī), f. kaiśiná 
   • (ínīs), Ved. f. pl. 'the attendants of Rudra' ( before) 
   • 'N. of certain female demons' ( before)

≫ keśya

   kéśya mfn. being in the hair AV. xiv, 2, 68 
   • suitable to the hair Suśr 
   • m. (= ○śa-rañjana) Eclipta prostrata L 
   • (am), n. black Aloe wood L

keśa 2

   kêśa n. 'whose lord is Prajā-pati ( 3. ká)', the lunar mansion Rohiṇī


   keśaṭa mfn. 'richly endowed with', madhu- 
   • m. a goat L 
   • a louse L 
   • Bignonia Indica L 
   • the parching arrow of Kāma (the god of love) L 
   • a brother (cf. mātṛ-) L 
   • N. of Vishṇu L 
   • N. of a man Kathās. cxxiii, 157


   keśavá ○śi, &c. 1. kéśa


   késara n. the hair (of the brow) VS. xix, 91 
   • (in classical literature usually keśara), m. or n. (?), the mane (of a horse or lion) R. Śak. Pañcat. &c 
   • (ā), f. id. KātyŚr. (kes○) 
   • (am), n. the tail of the Bos grunniens (used as a fan for driving away flies) L 
   • (as L 
   • am), m. n. the filament of a lotus or of any vegetable R. Suśr. Śak. &c 
   • a fibre (as of a Mango fruit) Suśr 
   • m. the plants Rottleria tinctoria, Mimusops Elengi, and Mesua ferrea MBh. xiii, 5042 R. Lalit. Kum. Megh. [Page 311, Column 1] 
   • (am), n. the flower of those plants L 
   • (as, ā, am), mf. n. Asa foetida L 
   • (am), n. gold L 
   • sulphate of iron L 
   • N. of a metre (of 4 x 18 syllables) 
   • m. N. of a mountain MBh. vi, 11, 23 ; [Lat. eoesaries ; Angl. Sax. haer ; Eng. hair ; Germ. ḥār.]

⋙ kesaragrāma

   ○grāma m. N. of a village Kshitîś

⋙ kesarapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Vāsant

⋙ kesaraprābandhā

   ○prābandhā (kés○), f. N. of a woman AV. v, 18, 11

⋙ kesaramālā

   ○mālā f. N. of wk

⋙ kesaravat

   ○vat (kés○), mfn. having a mane ŚBr. vi

⋙ kesaravara

   ○vara n. saffron L

⋙ keśarāgra

   keśarâgra n. the tips of a mane Hit

⋙ keśarācala

   keśarâcala m. pl. 'the filament mountains', N. of the mountains situated round Meru (which is called 'the seed-vessel of the earth' 
   • karṇikâcala) BhP. v, 17, 6

⋙ keśarāpīḍa

   keśarâpīḍa m. N. of an art (kalā) Gal

⋙ keśarāmla

   keśarâmla m. the citron tree L

⋙ keśaroccaṭā

   keśarôccaṭā f. a variety of Cyperus L

≫ keśarāla

   keśarāla mfn. rich in filaments Vām. v, 2, 34

≫ keśari

   keśari m. (= ○rin), N. of the father of Hanumat R. iv, 33, 14 
   • vi ; vii, 40, 7

≫ keśarikā

   keśarikā f. = keśa-vardhanī L 
   • a clout for cleaning vessels HPariś. i, 249

≫ keśarin

   keśarin or mfn. having a mane MBh. i, iii

⋙ kesarin

   kesarin mfn. having a mane MBh. i, iii 
   • (ī), m. a lion MBh. Suśr. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • a horse TBr. Sch 
   • N. of an aquatic bird Car. i, 27 
   • the plant Rottleria tinctoria L 
   • the plant Mesua ferrea L 
   • a citron tree L 
   • a variety of Moringa with red flowers (= rakta-śigru) L 
   • N. of a monkey (husband of the mother of Hanumat) MBh. iii, 11193 R. Daś 
   • N. of a prince Lalit 
   • of a mountain VP 
   • (iṇī), f. a lioness Kathās. lxx, 102

⋙ kesarisuta

   kesari-suta m. 'son of Kesarin', N. of Hanumat L


   kesārukā (or keśār○), f. for kaśer○, the back-bone L. Sch


   kehla-deva m. N. of a man


   kai cl. 1. P. kāyati, to sound Dhātup. xxii, 19


   kaiṃśuka mfn. belonging to or coming from a Kiṃśuka tree (or Butea frondosa) Suśr


   kaikaya m. the king of the Kekayas BhP. ix, 24, 37 
   • (ās), m. pl. the sons of that king ib 
   • (= kek○) the Kekayas MBh. Hariv. &c 
   • (ī), f. the daughter of a king of the Kekayas R

≫ kaikeya

   kaikeya m. (Pāṇ. 7-3, 2) 'a descendant of Kekaya', prince of the Kekayas ŚBr. x ChUp 
   • N. of a son of Śivi (from whom the Kaikeyas are derived) Hariv. 1680 BhP. ix, 23, 3 
   • N. of Dhṛishṭaketu (king of the Kaikeyas and father of the five Kaikeyas) VP 
   • (ās), m. pl. the Kekayas R 
   • (ī), f. the daughter of a prince of the Kekayas (one of the wives of Daśa-ratha and mother of Bharata R. Ragh.) MBh. Daś 
   • (am), n. the language of the Kekayas


   kaikasa m. patr. fr. kīkasa g. śārṅgaravâdi 
   • (ī), f. N. of a daughter of the Rākshasa Sumālin R. vii, 5, 40 and 9, 7


   kaíkeya ○kaya


   kaiṃkarāyaṇa m. patr. fr. kiṃkara g. 1. naḍâdi

≫ kaiṃkarya

   kaiṃkarya n. the office of a servant, servitude BhP. iii, 2, 22


   kaiṃkalāyana m. patr. fr. kiṃkala g. 1. naḍâdi


   kaiṃkirāta mfn. coming from the tree kiṃ-kirāta (or Jonesia Aśoka) Ratnâv


   kaicchikila ās m. pl., N. of a people VP. (cf. kailik○.)


   kaijava m. N. of a teacher (for kaitava?) VāyuP


   kaiṭa mfn. (fr. kīṭa), coming from an insect Suśr


   kaiṭabha m. N. of an Asura (slain by Vishṇu) MBh. iii Hariv. Suśr. BhP. BrahmaP. &c 
   • (ā, or ī), f. N. of Durgā L 
   • (am), n. N. of a class of writings Divyâv. xxxiii (Pāli keṭubha) VarYogay

⋙ kaiṭabhajit

   ○jit m. 'conqueror of the Asura Kaiṭabha', N. of Vishṇu Śiś. ix, 30

⋙ kaiṭabhadviṣ

   ○dviṣ m. 'enemy of Kaiṭabha', id., i, 23

⋙ kaiṭabhabhid

   ○bhid m. 'slayer of Kaiṭabha', id. Ānand

⋙ kaiṭabhahan

   ○han m. id. L. [Page 311, Column 2] 

⋙ kaiṭabhāri

   kaiṭabhâri m. = ○bha-dviṣ Kād

⋙ kaiṭabhārdana

   kaiṭabhârdana m. = ○bha-jit BhP. iii, 24, 18

⋙ kaiṭabheśvaralakṣaṇa

   kaiṭabhêśvaralakṣaṇa n. (= kaiṭabha n.), N. of a class of writings Lalit

⋙ kaiṭabheśvarī

   kaiṭabhêśvarī f. = ○bhī, DeviiP


   kaiṭarya m. N. of a medicinal plant (Azadirachta indica L 
   • Melia Bukayun L 
   • Vangueria spinosa L 
   • Myrica sapida Comm. on Car. i, 4) Suśr

≫ kaiḍarya

   kaiḍarya m. N. of a plant (Cardiospermum Halicacabum L 
   • Myrica sapida L.) Car. vi, 15


   kaitaka mfn. (fr. ket○), coming from the tree Pandanus odoratissimus Ragh. iv, 55 
   • (am), n. the flower of that tree L


   kaitava mf(ī)n. (fr. kit○), deceitful Hariv. 7095 
   • m. patr. of Ulūka MBh. i, 7002 
   • (ī), f. fraud, deceit Bālar 
   • (am), n. the stake in a game MBh. ii, 2163 Nal. xxvi, 10 
   • gambling L 
   • deceit, fraud, cheating, roguery R. v, 86, 19 Kum. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • beryl L

⋙ kaitavaprayoga

   ○prayoga m. a trick, device

⋙ kaitavavāda

   ○vāda m. falsehood, evasion Gīt. viii, 2

⋙ kaitavāpahnuti

   kaitavâpahnuti f. a kind of rhetorical figure Comm. on Vāsav

≫ kaitavaka

   kaitavaka n. a trick in gambling MBh. ii, 2060

≫ kaitavāyana

   kaitavāyana m. patr. fr. kitava g. aśvâdi

≫ kaitavāyani

   kaitavāyani m. id., g. tikâdi

≫ kaitavoya

   kaitavoya m. patr. of Ulūka Hariv. 5019 and 5500

≫ kaitavya

   kaitavya m. id. MBh. v, 5412 ; 5535 and 5579


   kaitāyana m. patr. fr. kita g. aśvâdi

≫ kaitiputra

   kaiti-putra m. N. of a teacher VāyuP


   kaidarbha m. a patr. fr. kid○ g. bidâdi (Kāś.)


   kaidāra mfn. being on or growing in a kedāra field Suśr 
   • m. rice L 
   • (am), n. a multitude of kedāra fields Comm. on L

≫ kaidāraka

   kaidāraka n. a multitude of kedāra fields Pāṇ. 4-2, 40 f

≫ kaidārika

   kaidārika n. id. ib. Śiś. xii, 42

≫ kaidārya

   kaidārya n. id. Pāṇ. 4-2, 40 f


   kaiṃdarbha v. l. for kaid○, q.v


   kaiṃdāsa m. patr. fr. kiṃ-dāsa g. bidâdi

≫ kaiṃdāsāyana

   kaiṃdāsāyana m. patr. fr. ○dāsa g. haritâdi


   kaiṃnara mfn. coming from Kiṃnara, g. takṣaśilâdi


   kaimarthakya n. asking the reason (kim-artham, 'why?') Pat. on Pāṇ. 3-1, 46 Vārtt. 1 and 2, 127 Vārtt. 1 Bādar. i, 3, 33 Sch

≫ kaimarthya

   kaimarthya n. id. Pāṇ. 1-4, 3 Pat. (○thakya ed. K.) Pratāpar. Kāvyâd. ii, 123 Sch

≫ kaimāyani

   kaimāyani m. patr. fr. kim Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 93 Vārtt. 13

≫ kaimutika

   kaimutika mfn. relating to or based on the 'how much more?' or 'how much less? (kim uta)', only in comp

⋙ kaimutikanyāya

   ○nyāya m. the rule of 'how much more?' or 'how much less?' arguing a fortiori Kuval. Saṃskārak. Comm. on Kir. vii, 27 and BhP. x, 33, 30

≫ kaimutya

   kaimutya n. the relation of 'how much more?' or 'how much less?' Kuval

⋙ kaimutyanyāya

   ○nyāya m. = ○tika-ny○ (q.v.), Pratāpar. Comm. on BhP


   kaiyaṭa m. N. of a son of Jaiyaṭa (author of a Comm. on Pat.)

≫ kaiyyaṭa

   kaiyyaṭa m. id


   kairaṇaka fr. kiraṇa g. arīhaṇâdi


   kairalī f. (fr. keraka), the plant Embelia Ribes L. (cf. kairāla.)

≫ kairaleya

   kairaleya m. a king of the Keralas Hariv. 5501


   kairava m. a gambler, cheat L 
   • an enemy L 
   • for kaur○ Hariv. 5020 
   • (ī), f. moonlight L 
   • Trigonella foenum graecum L 
   • (am), n. (g. puṣkarâdi) the white lotus-flower (blossoming at night) MBh. i, 86 Bhartṛ. Kathās. &c

⋙ kairavakorakīya

   ○korakīya Nom. P. ○yati, to resemble a lotus bud ŚārṅgP

⋙ kairavabandhu

   ○bandhu m. 'friend of the lotus flower', N. of the moon L. [Page 311, Column 3] 

⋙ kairavin

   kairavin ī m. the moon L 
   • (iṇī), f. the white water-lily or lotus Bhām 
   • (g. puṣkarâdi) a place or pond abounding in water-lilies, assemblage of lotuses L

⋙ kairaviṇīkhaṇḍa

   kairaviṇī-khaṇḍa n. a multitude of spots filled with water-lilies, g. kamalâdi (Kāś.)


   kairāṭaka m. a species of vegetable poison L


   kairāta mfn. relating to or belonging to the Kirātas MBh. Kathās 
   • m. a prince of the Kirātas MBh. ii, 1869 
   • N. of a serpent AV. v, 13, 5 
   • of a bird (belonging to the class called Pratuda) Car. i, 27 
   • a strong man L 
   • (am), n. the plant Agathotes Chirayta L 
   • a kind of sandal wood L

⋙ kairātasaras

   ○saras n. N. of a lake or pond SkandaP

≫ kairātaka

   kairātaka mfn. belonging to the Kirātas AV. x, 4, 14 (f. ○tikā́) MBh. ii, 1867 (f. ○takī)


   kairāla n. Embelia Ribes (used as a remedy for worms) L 
   • (ī), f. id. (cf. kairalī.)


   kairiśi m. (fr. kiriśa), patr. of Sutvan AitBr. viii, 28, 18


   kairmedura v. l. for kaumed○


   kaila m. patr Pravar 
   • (am), n. (fr. keli), sport, pleasure W


   kailakila vḷ. for kailik○


   kailāta m. patr. fr. kil○ g. bidâdi

≫ kailātaka

   kailātaka mfn. (for ○lālaka?, fr. kīlāla)?, n. with madhu, honey MBh. vii, 4353


   kailāvata ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 26


   kailāsa m. N. of a mountain (fabulous residence of Kubera and paradise of Śiva 
   • placed in the Himâlaya range and regarded as one of the loftiest peaks to the north of the Mānasa lake) MBh. iii, 503 & 1697 Hariv. R. iii, iv, 44, 27 VarBṛS. &c 
   • a particular form of temple VarBṛS

⋙ kailāsanātha

   ○nātha m. 'sovereign of the Kailāsa mountain', N. of Kubera Vikr. Ragh. v, 28

⋙ kailāsaniketana

   ○niketana m. 'having his abode on the Kailāsa', N. of Śiva L

⋙ kailāsapaṇḍita

   ○paṇḍita m. N. of a copyist

⋙ kailāsapati

   ○pati m. 'lord of the Kailāsa', N. of Śiva L

⋙ kailāsaśikharavāsin

   ○śikharavāsin m. 'dwelling on the summit of the Kailāsa', N. of Śiva

⋙ kailāsaukas

   kailāsâukas m. 'having his abode on the Kailāsa', N. of Kubera L


   kailikila ās m. pl., N. of a people (perhaps a Yavana tribe 
   • v. l. kailak○) VP


   kailiñja mf(ī)n. made of a thin plank (kiliñja) Suśr


   kaivarta m. (cf. kev○) a fisherman (born of a prostitute by a Kshatriya or of an Āyogava female by a Nishāda father) Mn. viii, 260 ; x, 34 MBh. R. &c 
   • (ī), f. the wife of a fisherman L 
   • the grass Cyperus rotundus L

⋙ kaivartamusta

   ○musta n. the grass Cyperus rotundus L 
   • (ā), f. id. Bhpr

⋙ kaivartamustaka

   ○mustaka n. id. Comm. on Car. i, 3

⋙ kaivartīmustaka

   kaivartī-mustaka n. id. L

≫ kaivartaka

   kaivartaka m. a fisherman R. ii, 83, 15 Kathās. cxii, 113 
   • (ikā), f. N. of a plant L

≫ kaivartimustaka

   kaivarti-mustaka n. = ○rtI-m○ above L

≫ kaivartīya

   kaivartīya mfn. relating to a fisherman (as a tale) Kathās. cxii, 111


   kaivala n. = kairāla L


   kaivalya n. (fr. kévala), isolation Vām 
   • absolute unity Vedântas. BhP 
   • perfect isolation, abstraction, detachment from all other connections, detachment of the soul from matter or further transmigrations, beatitude MBh. KapS. Sāṃkhyak. &c 
   • for vaikalya Rājat. vii, 1149 
   • (mf(ā)n.) leading to eternal happiness or emancipation MBh. xiii, 1101

⋙ kaivalyakalpadruma

   ○kalpa-druma m. N. of a Comm

⋙ kaivalyatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra

⋙ kaivalyadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of a Comm. by Hemâdri

⋙ kaivalyānanda

   kaivalyânanda m. N. of a teacher

⋙ kaivalyāśrama

   kaivalyâśrama m. N. of a pupil of Govinda (author of a Comm. on Anand.)

⋙ kaivalyendra

   kaivalyêndra m. N. of the instructor of Rāyanendra

⋙ kaivalyopaniṣad

   kaivalyôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up


   kaiśava mf(ī)n. (fr. keś○), relating or belonging to Kṛishṇa Hariv. 15377 Ragh. xvii, 29

≫ kaiśika

   kaiśika mf(ī)n. (fr. kéśa), hair-like, fine as a hair Suśr 
   • m. (in music) N. of a Rāga 
   • love, passion, lust L 
   • N. of a prince (son of Vidarbha and brother of Kratha) [Page 312, Column 1] 
   • of several men Hariv. VP 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a subdivision of the Yādavas (descended from Kaiśika) MBh. ii, 585 Ragh. Mālav 
   • (ī), f. (scil. vṛtti) one of the four varieties of dramatic style (graceful style, suited especially to the passion of love) Bhar. xx, 45 ff. Daśar. ii, 44 Pratāpar. Sāh. (v. l. kauśikī) 
   • N. of a locality or of a river MBh. iii, 10095 
   • for kauśikī (N. of Durgā) L 
   • (am), n. the whole mass of hair, head of hair Pāṇ. 4-2, 48

≫ kaiśina

   kaiśiná mf(ī́)n. (Pāṇ. 6-4, 165) taught by Keśin Dārbhya ŚāṅkhBr. vii, 4 (○nī dīkṣā, also keś"ṣ d○, N. of a number of Mantras ĀpŚr. x, 10, 6) 
   • descended from Keśin Kāṭh. xxvi, 9 ŚBr. xi, 8, 4, 6

≫ kaiśinya

   kaiśinya m. metron. fr. keśinī g. kurv-ādi

≫ kaiśya

   kaiśya n. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 48) the whole mass of hair, head of hair Naish. iv, 114


   kaiśora n. (fr. kiś○ Pāṇ. 5-1, 129 Kāś.), youth, boyhood (from the age of ten to that of fifteen) BhP. iii, 28, 17 
   • (ifc.) iv, 25, 24 and x, 45, 3

⋙ kaiśoravayas

   ○vayas mfn. having the age of a youth, ix, 2, 15

≫ kaiśoraka

   kaiśoraka mf(ikā)n. youthful Bhpr. iv, 226 
   • (am), n. the youths and girls Hariv. 4081

⋙ kaiśorakaguggulu

   ○guggulu n. a kind of elixir, ŚārṅgS. ii, 7, 17

≫ kaiśori

   kaiśori m. patr., g. kurv-ādi

≫ kaiśorikeya

   kaiśorikeya m. metron. fr. kiśorikā g. śubhrâdi

≫ kaiśorya

   kaíśorya m. (g. kurv-ādi) patr. fr. kaiśori, N. of Kāpya ŚBr. xiv, 5, 5, 22 and 7, 3, 28


   kaiśya above


   kaiṣkindha mfn. coming from Kishkindhā, g. sindhv-ādi


   ko ind. Oh no! (?) Divyâv. iv 
   • a prefix in ko-jāgara, ko-mala, ko-vida, &c., related to 1. ku (cf. the prefixes ka, kava, kā, kim, ku.)


   kóka m. (onomat.) a wolf R. iii, 52, 45 ; v, 26, 9 
   • 'a cuckoo', -yātu below 
   • the ruddy goose MBh. xiii, 1816 VarBṛS. xii, lxxxvi Gīt. Sāh 
   • a frog L 
   • a small house-lizard L 
   • a kind of noxious parasitical animal AV. v, 23, 4 ; viii, 6, 2 
   • the wild date tree L 
   • N. of Vishṇu L 
   • of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2562 (?) 
   • of a son of Śoṇa ŚBr. xiii 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river (vḷ. for kośā) VP 
   • of a locality (= kokâmukha), VārP 
   • (ī), f. the female of the ruddy goose Kuval

⋙ kokadeva

   ○deva m. a pigeon L 
   • N. of an author

⋙ kokanakha

   ○nakha ās m. pl., N. of a people (v. l. for koka-baka, q.v.)

⋙ kokanada

   ○nada ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. ii, 1026 
   • m. N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2562 f. and 2576 
   • (am), n. the flower of the red water-lily MBh. Śiś. iv, 46 Gīt. x, 5 
   • -cchavi m. the colour of the red lotus L 
   • (mfn.) of the colour of the red lotus L

⋙ kokanadaya

   ○nadaya Nom. P. ○yati, to take for a red lotus Bhām

⋙ kokanadinī

   ○nadinī f. the red water-lily Kathās. xxx, 78

⋙ kokapitṛ

   ○pitṛ́ m. 'father of Koka' or 'whose father is named Koka', N. of a man ŚBr. xiii, 5, 4, 17

⋙ kokabaka

   ○baka ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 369 (vv. ll. -nakha and kokaraka)

⋙ kokabandhu

   ○bandhu m. 'friend of the ruddy goose', the sun L

⋙ kokamukha

   ○mukha mf(ā)n. wolf-faced (Durgā) MBh. vi, 800

⋙ kokayātu

   ○yātu (kóka-), m. a ghost in the shape of a cuckoo RV. vii, 104, 22

⋙ kokavāca

   ○vāca m. = kokaḍa L

⋙ kokaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. N. of an indecent treatise on the art of love (ascribed to a Paṇḍit named Koka)

⋙ kokākṣa

   kokâkṣa m. 'wolf-eyed', kaukâkṣa

⋙ kokāgra

   kokâgra m. N. of a shrub (samaṣṭhila) L

⋙ kokāmukha

   kokâmukha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 8136 ; xiii, 1738 Hariv. VārP

≫ kokaḍa

   kokaḍa m. the Indian fox L

≫ kokovāca

   koko-vāca m. (= koka-v○), id. Npr


   kokathu m. the wood-pigeon Gal. (cf. ○ka-deva.)


   koka-nada &c. kóka


   kokaraka koka-baka


   kokalika m. N. of a man Buddh

≫ kokalī

   kokalī f. N. of a woman ib


   kokā-mukha kóka


   kokāha m. a white horse L


   kokila m. (onomat 
   • √kuk Uṇ.) the Kokila or Koī0l (black or Indian cuckoo [Page 312, Column 2] 
   • frequently alluded to in Hindū poetry, its musical cry being supposed to inspire tender emotions) MBh. R. &c 
   • a kind of mouse Suśr. Ashṭâṅg 
   • a kind of snake Gal 
   • a kind of venomous insect Suśr 
   • a kind of sugar-cane (cf. ○lêkṣu) Gal 
   • a lighted coal L 
   • N. of an author Bhojapr. Śūdradh 
   • of a Rāja-putra (considered as a Ṛishi), Kāṭh Anukr 
   • of a mouse MBh. v, 5444 
   • (ā), f. (g. ajâdi) the female of a Kokila Kum. Ragh. Bhartṛ

⋙ kokilanayana

   ○nayana m. 'having eyes like those of the Koī0l', a plant bearing a dark black flower (Capparis spinosa or Asteracantha longifolia or Barleria longifolia) L

⋙ kokilapriya

   ○priya m. 'dear to the Kokila', (in music) a kind of measure

⋙ kokilamaitrāvaruṇa

   ○maitrāvaruṇa n. 'relating to the duties or office of the Maitrāvaruṇa priest at the Kaukila ceremony', N. of a treatise

⋙ kokilasmṛti

   ○smṛti f. N. of a similar treatise

⋙ kokilahotra

   ○hotra n. 'relating to the duties or office of the Hotṛi priest at the Kaukila ceremony', N. of a treatise

⋙ kokilākṣa

   kokilâkṣa m. = ○lanayana Hcar

⋙ kokilākṣaka

   kokilâkṣaka m. id. L

⋙ kokilābhivyāhārin

   kokilâbhivyāhārin mfn. speaking like the Koī0l Pāṇ. 6-2, 80 Kāś

⋙ kokilāvāsa

   kokilâvāsa m. 'abode of the Koī0l', the mango tree L

⋙ kokilekṣu

   kokilêkṣu m. the black variety of sugar-cane (cf. kṛṣṇêkṣu) L

⋙ kokileṣṭā

   kokilêṣṭā f. 'dear to the Koil', a kind of Jambū tree L

⋙ kokilotsava

   kokilôtsava m. 'a festival to the Koil', = ○lâvāsa L

≫ kokilaka

   kokilaka m. the Indian cuckoo 
   • N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2575 
   • (am), n. a metre (of 4 X 17 syllables)

≫ kokilā

   kokilā (f. of kokila, q.v.)

⋙ kokilādevī

   ○devī f. N. of a goddess

⋙ kokilāmāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of a section of the SkandaP

⋙ kokilārahasya

   ○rahasya n. N. of wk

⋙ kokilāvrata

   ○vrata n. N. of an observance


   koko-vāca kóka


   kokkaṭa = koṅk○, q.v


   kokkvoka m. N. of the author of the Rati-rahasya, Mallin


   koṅka ās m. pl., N. of a people BhP. v, 6, 8 and 10 (cf. kauṅka.)


   koṅkaṭa m. N. of a scholiast on the Amara-kośa (v. l. kokk○)


   koṅkaṇa ās m. pl., N. of a people on the western shore of the Dekhan MBh. vi, 9, 60 VarBṛS. xiv, 12 Daś. Rājat. iv, 159 
   • (ā), f. a Koṅkaṇa woman W 
   • N. of the mother of ParaśuRāma L 
   • (am), n. a kind of weapon L

≫ koṅkaṇaka

   koṅkaṇaka ās m. pl. (= ○ṇa), N. of a people on the western shore of the Dekhan Hariv. 784

≫ koṅkaṇā

   koṅkaṇā (f. of ○ṇa q.v.)

⋙ koṅkaṇāvatī

   ○vatī f. N. of a river Hariv. 9510

⋙ koṅkaṇāsuta

   ○suta m. 'son of Koṅkaṇā', N. of Paraśu-Rāma L

≫ koṅkāṇa

   koṅkāṇa mf(ī)n. coming from Koṅkaṇa (as a horse 
   • cf. kauṅkaṇôdbhūta) Kathās. cxxi, 278


   koṃ-kāra m. the sound kom Pañcat


   koṅgi a kind of weapon Gal


   koca m. (g. jvalâdi) drying up, desiccation Suśr 
   • a man of mixed caste (offspring of a fisherman by a female of the butcher tribe) BrahmaP. (v. l. koñca.)


   ko-jāgara m. a kind of festival (night of full moon in month Āśvina ṣeptember-October, celebrated with various games 
   • accord. to some fr. kaḥ and jāgara, 'who is awake?' the exclamation of Lakshmī, who descending on this night, promised wealth to all that were awake 
   • hence the night is spent in festivity in honour of the goddess) LiṅgaP

⋙ kojāgaramāhātmya

   ○māhātmya n. N. of wk


   koñca v. l. for koca, q.v


   koñja m. = kauñca, q.v. L. Sch


   koṭa m. (g. aśmâdi) a fort, stronghold (cf. koṭṭa) Vāstuv. xi, 28 
   • a shed, hut L. (cf. kuṭī) 
   • curvature (fr. √kuṭ) W 
   • a beard L 
   • a kind of diagram (?) 
   • (ā), f. Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Pat 
   • cf. a-, amara-, devii-

⋙ koṭacakra

   ○cakra n. a kind of diagram

⋙ koṭapa

   ○pa m. 'guarding the fort', a kind of official man Gal 
   • -rāja m. N. of a prince Vātsyāy. v, 5, 25

⋙ koṭapāla

   ○pāla m. 'guarding the fort', the tutelar deity of a fort Vāstuv. xi, 23 and 53 
   • also koṭṭa-p○

⋙ koṭayuddhanirṇaya

   ○yuddha-nirṇaya m. 'disquisition on fighting from strongholds', N. of wk

⋙ koṭaśiras

   ○śiras n. the parapet of a wall Gal. [Page 312, Column 3] 

⋙ koṭādri

   koṭâdri m. N. of a mountain Rājat. iv, 5

≫ koṭaka

   koṭaka m. curving, bending W 
   • m. a builder of sheds or huts, thatcher, carpenter (man of mixed caste, son of a mason and of the daughter of a potter) BrahmaP

≫ koṭana

   koṭana m. winter L

≫ koṭara

   koṭara [as m. L.], n. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 117 ; viii, 4, 4 
   • g. aśmâdi) the hollow of a tree MBh. Śak. Mālav. &c 
   • cave, cavity BhP. x MārkP. Rājat. v, 439 ŚārṅgP 
   • Alangium decapetalum L 
   • N. of a man 
   • (ā), f. Ipomoea Turpethum Car. vii, 7 
   • N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, (2632 and ) 2635 
   • of the mother of Bāṇa BhP. x, 63, 20 
   • (ī), f. a naked woman L 
   • N. of Durgā L

⋙ koṭarapuṣpa

   ○puṣpa m. N. of a plant Gal. (cf. koṭhara-puṣpī.)

⋙ koṭaravāsinī

   ○vāsinī f. 'dwelling in hollow trees', white variety of Ipomoea Turpethum Npr

⋙ koṭarasthā

   ○sthā f. id. ib

⋙ koṭarāvaṇa

   koṭarā-vaṇa n. N. of a wood in which there are hollow trees Pāṇ. 6-3, 117 ; viii, 4, 4

≫ koṭavika

   koṭavika n. a kind of salt L

≫ koṭavī

   koṭavī f. (for koṭṭ○) a naked woman L 
   • a form of Durgā and mother of Bāṇa Hariv. (v. l. koṭṭ○) 
   • N. of the tutelar deity of the Daityas VP. (v. l. koṭṭ○)

≫ koṭāya

   koṭāya Ā. ○yate, fr. koṭā Pāṇ. 3-1, 17 Pat

≫ koṭi

   koṭi f. the curved end of a bow or of claws, &c., end or top of anything, edge or point (of a sword), horns or cusps (of the moon) MBh. &c 
   • the highest point, eminence, excellence Pañcat. Ratnâv. Sarvad 
   • 'a point or side in an argument or disputation', (if there are two) 'alternative', -dvaya below 
   • the highest number in the older system of numbers (viz. a Krore or ten millions) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • the complement of an arc to 90 degrees 
   • the perpendicular side of a right-angled triangle Sūryas 
   • Medicago esculenta L

⋙ koṭikṛt

   ○kṛt m. N. of Guṇâḍhya Gal

⋙ koṭijit

   ○jit m. 'conquering ten millions', N. of Kāli-dāsa L

⋙ koṭijīvā

   ○jīvā f. the cosine of an angle in a right-angled triangle

⋙ koṭijyā

   ○jyā f. id. Sūryas

⋙ koṭitīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha MBh. iii, 4091 and 5087 MatsyaP. ŚivaP

⋙ koṭidvaya

   ○dvaya n. 'the two ends', i.e. two alternatives Sāh. Sarvad. Comm. on KapS. and Prab

⋙ koṭidhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. a millionaire Siṃhâs

⋙ koṭipātra

   ○pātra n. a rudder L

⋙ koṭipāla

   ○pāla for koṭṭa-p○

⋙ koṭipura

   ○pura n. N. of a town, Kathárn

⋙ koṭimat

   ○mat mfn. furnished with a point Śak

⋙ koṭilakṣākṣī

   ○lakṣâkṣī f. 'having lacs of Krores of eyes', N. of a goddess

⋙ koṭiliṅga

   ○liṅga n. N. of a Tīrtha Rasik 
   • ○ṅgêśvara n. id. KapSaṃh

⋙ koṭivarṣa

   ○varṣa n. N. of a city (Vāṇapura or Devikote on the Coromandel coast) VarBṛS. ix, 11 VāyuP 
   • (v. l. ○TI-v○ L.) 
   • (ā), f. Medicago esculenta L. (v. l. ○TI-v○)

⋙ koṭivedhin

   ○vedhin mfn. 'striking an edge', i.e. performing most difficult things Rājat. i, 110 
   • (ī), m. N. of a plant Kālac. v, 225

⋙ koṭiśas

   ○śas ind. by ten millions, in innumerable multitudes MBh. R. Ragh. BhP

⋙ koṭiśrī

   ○śrī f. N. of Durgā L

⋙ koṭisthā

   ○sthā f. N. of the tutelar deity of the family of Cyāvāna BrahmaP

⋙ koṭihoma

   ○homa m. a kind of sacrificial offering AV. Pariś. BhavP 
   • -vidhi m. N. of wk

⋙ koṭīśvara

   koṭī7śvara m. 'the lord of ten millions', a millionaire Kathās. lvi, 64 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

≫ koṭika

   koṭika m. (scil. maṇḍūka) a kind of frog Suśr 
   • an insect (coccinella of various kinds) L 
   • N. of the son of a prince MBh. iii, 15586 
   • (ā), f. 'lowest end of anything', the vilest of (in comp.) Pañcat 
   • the plant Trigonella corniculata Bhpr

⋙ koṭikāsya

   koṭikâsya m. N. of a son of king Su-ratha MBh. iii, 15582 ff

≫ koṭira

   koṭira m. the hair (collected on the forehead in the shape of a horn) L 
   • an ichneumon L 
   • (= koṭika) an insect (coccinella of various kinds) L 
   • N. of Indra L 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2632 (koṭarā, v. l.)

≫ koṭiśa

   koṭiśa m. 'pointed', a harrow L 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 2146

≫ koṭī

   koṭī f. = koṭi

⋙ koṭīkarṇa

   ○karṇa m. N. of Śroṇa Divyâv. i

⋙ koṭīdhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. v. l. for ○Ti-dhv○, q.v

⋙ koṭīvarṣa

   ○varṣa n. v. l. for ○Ti-v○, q.v 
   • (in Prākṛit koḍī-varisa Jain 
   • cf. kauṇḍī-vṛṣa.)

≫ koṭīra

   koṭīra m. (= ○ṭira) long entangled hair Naish. xi, 18 
   • a crest, diadem Pārśvan. ii, 1 and 54

≫ koṭīśa

   koṭīśa as, am m. n. (= ○ṭiśa) a harrow L

≫ koṭṭa

   koṭṭa m. [am n. L.] a fort, stronghold (= koṭa). Kathās

⋙ koṭṭakāraka

   ○kāraka m. 'making a strong hold', a sort of animal Car. i, 27

⋙ koṭṭapāla

   ○pāla m. (cf. koṭa-p○) the commander of a stronghold Pañcat. Vet. xiii, 11 ff. (vv. ll. koṭa- and koṭi-)

⋙ koṭṭapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town in Magadha Bhadrab. [Page 313, Column 1] 

⋙ koṭṭarāja


⋙ koṭṭarājan

   ○rājan m. the governor of a castle Lalit. Divyâv. iii, xix

≫ koṭṭavī

   koṭṭavī f. (= koṭavii) a naked woman Rājat. v, 439 
   • v. l. for koṭavii, q.v

⋙ koṭṭavīpura

   ○pura n. N. of the town koṭi-varṣa (q.v.) L

≫ koṭṭāra

   koṭṭāra m. a fortified town, stronghold L 
   • a pond or well L 
   • the stairs of a pond L 
   • a libertine (= nāgara) L

≫ koṭya

   koṭya ās m. pl. = koḍya R. ii, 82, 7


   koṭha m. (fr. kuṣṭha), a species of leprosy with large round spots (ringworm, impetigo) Suśr

≫ koṭhaka

   koṭhaka m. Alangium hexapetalum Gal

≫ koṭhara

   koṭhara m. id. L. (cf. koṭara.)

⋙ koṭharapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. Convolvulus argenteus L


   koḍā f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī (v. l. kodrā)


   koḍya ās m. pl., N. of a people Lalit. (vv. ll. kauḍya and kauta 
   • cf. kotya)


   koṇa m. a corner, angle Pañcat. Daś. RāmatUp. Kathās 
   • an intermediate point of the compass VarBṛS 
   • (hence) the number, 'four' Hcat 
   • the quill of a lute, fiddle-stick, drum-stick, &c. R. ii, 71, 26 & 81, 2 Kād 
   • a sort of musical instrument, stringed musical instrument L 
   • the sharp edge of a sword W 
   • a staff, club Hcar 
   • the planet Saturn (fr. ?) Āryabh. VarBṛ 
   • the planet Mars L

⋙ koṇakuṇa

   ○kuṇa m. a bug L. (cf. kola-k○.)

⋙ koṇakoṣṭha

   ○koṣṭha a corner field AgP. xl, 15

⋙ koṇakoṣṭhaka

   ○koṣṭhaka id. ib. 17

⋙ koṇadiś

   ○diś f. an intermediate point of the compass VarBṛS

⋙ koṇadeśa

   ○deśa m. N. of a locality Vīrac

⋙ koṇanara

   ○nara m. = -śaṅku Gaṇit

⋙ koṇapa

   ○pa m. (for kauṇapa?) = nirṛti BhP. x, 12, 29 Sch

⋙ koṇavādin

   ○vādin m. N. of Śiva L

⋙ koṇavṛtta

   ○vṛtta n. a vertical circle extending from north-east to south-west or from north-west to south-east Gol

⋙ koṇaśaṅku

   ○śaṅku m. the sinus of the height of the sun (the sun standing neither in the vertical circle (-vṛtta, q.v.) nor in the Unmaṇḍala) Gol

⋙ koṇaspṛgvṛtta

   ○spṛg-vṛtta n. a circle in contact with the angles of a figure 
   • an exterior circle (one circumscribed)

⋙ koṇākoṇi

   koṇā-koṇi ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 127) from angle to angle, from one corner to the other, cornerwise, diagonally W

⋙ koṇāditya

   koṇâditya n. (perhaps) = koṇârka

⋙ koṇārka

   koṇârka n. N. of a place sacred to Purushôttama


   koṇi mfn. (= kuṇi) having a crooked arm L

≫ koṇeya


⋙ koṇeyana

   koṇeyana kauṇeyá

≫ koṇerabhaṭṭa

   koṇera-bhaṭṭa m. N. of a son of Vishṇu and father of Rudra-bhaṭṭa


   koṇḍa-bhaṭṭa m. N. of the author of the Vṛiddha-vaiyākaraṇa-bhūshaṇa


   kótanā kūtanā


   kotha mfn. (√kuth) 'afflicted with pain' or 'churned' (śaṭita, or mathita) L 
   • m. putrefaction, corruption Suśr 
   • a sore, gangrene Suśr 
   • a disease of the eyes (inflammation and ulceration of the angles of the eyelids) L 
   • churning L


   kotharī f. Cactus opuntia L


   ko-daṇḍa m. n. ḻ. a bow Mālav. Bhartṛ. BhP. Kathās. xxii, 92 Rājat. v, 104 Hit 
   • m. an eyebrow (shaped like a bow) L 
   • a creeping plant L 
   • N. of a country L

≫ kodaṇḍin

   kodaṇḍin mfn. armed with a bow (said of Śiva)


   kodāra m. a kind of grain Comm. on KātyŚr. i, 6, 8


   kodrava m. a species of grain eaten by the poor (Paspalum scrobiculatum) MBh. xiii, 4363 Suśr. Bhartṛ. KātyŚr. Paddh. and Sch


   kodrā koḍā


   konālaka m. a kind of aquatic bird Suśr

≫ konāli

   konāli m. id. (?) ib

≫ konīla

   konīla m. id. Npr


   kontala for kaunt○, q.v


   konva m. N. of a mountain VP. (cf. kola-giri and kolla-g○.)

≫ konvaśira

   konvaśira ās m. pl., N. of a degraded warrior-tribe MBh. xiii, 2158 (cf. kolvagireya.)


   kopa m. (√kup) morbid irritation or disorder of the humors of the body Suśr. [Page 313, Column 2] 
   • fury (of fire, arms, war, &c.) VarBṛS. VarBṛ 
   • passion, wrath, anger, rage (with loc., gen., prati, or upari, or ifc.) Mn. iii, 230 & viii, 280 MBh. &c. (rarely pl. Hit 
   • ifc. f. ā Mālav 
   • sa-kopa, 'enraged' Pañcat 
   • sa-kopam, 'angrily' Pañcat. Hit.) 
   • the state of being in contradiction with, incompatibleness with Bādar. ii, 1, 26

⋙ kopakāraṇa

   ○kāraṇa n. cause of anger

⋙ kopakrama

   ○krama (1. kopa-krama, for 2. below), m. one who goes to anger, passionate W

⋙ kopacchada

   ○cchada m. a kind of incense (dhūpa) VarBṛS

⋙ kopajanman

   ○janman mfn. produced by wrath or anger Kir. ii, 37

⋙ kopajvalita

   ○jvalita mfn. inflamed with wrath, enraged

⋙ kopatas

   ○tas ind. through anger, angrily

⋙ kopadīpta

   ○dīpta mfn. incensed or inflamed with anger

⋙ kopapada

   ○pada n. appearance of anger, pretended wrath W

⋙ kopaparīta

   ○parī7ta mfn. affected by anger

⋙ kopalatā

   ○latā f. the plant Gynandropsis pentaphylla L

⋙ kopavat

   ○vat mfn. angry, passionate W 
   • (tī), f. a metre of four lines of fourteen syllables each

⋙ kopavaśa

   ○vaśa m. subjection to anger

⋙ kopavega

   ○vega m. impetuosity of anger or passion W 
   • N. of a Ṛishi MBh. ii, 111

⋙ kopavairin

   ○vairin m. 'enemy of (i.e. removing) the morbid irritation of the humors of the body', the plant Sesbania grandiflora Npr

⋙ kopasamanvita

   ○samanvita mfn. affected by anger

⋙ kopākula

   kopâkula mfn. agitated with anger, furious, enraged

⋙ kopākopi

   kopā-kopi ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 127) in mutual anger, in reciprocal wrath W

⋙ kopāviṣṭa

   kopâviṣṭa mfn. affected with anger

≫ kopaka

   kopaka mfn. inclined to feel angry Mcar

≫ kopana

   kopana mf(ā)n. inclined to passion, passionate, wrathful, angry MBh. R. &c 
   • irritating, causing morbid irritation or disorder of the humors Suśr 
   • m. N. of an Asura Hariv. 2284 
   • (am), n. irritating MBh. xiv, 466 
   • morbid irritation of the humors of the body Pāṇ. 5-1, 38 Vārtt. 1 Suśr 
   • making angry MBh. xiii, 2426 
   • (ā), f. a passionate woman W

≫ kopanaka

   kopanaka n. a kind of perfume (= coraka) L

≫ kopanīya

   kopanīya mfn. to be made angry W 
   • tending to make angry Sarvad

≫ kopayiṣṇu

   kopayiṣṇu mfn. intending to exasperate MBh. i, 6836

≫ kopāya

   kopāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to rage (as a passion) Hariv. 15567 (v. l.)

≫ kopita

   kopita mfn. enraged, furious Mn. ix, 315 MBh. i, 1323 R. iv, 33, 32 BhP. i, 7, 48

≫ kopin

   kopin mfn. angry, passionate (with loc.) R. iii, 16, 29 Gīt. x, 3 
   • (ifc.) irritating, stirring up, Suśr 
   • (ī), m. the water-pigeon (jala-pārāvata) L

⋙ kopiyajña

   kopi-yajña m. N. of a man Saṃskārak

≫ kopya

   kopya mfn. to be made angry MBh. v, 34

kopakrama 2

   kôpakrama n. (fr. 3. ká), Brahmā's creation L. Sch

≫ kopajña

   kôpajña n. id. ib


   koma n. = kloma Comm. on L


   komala mf(ā)n. (fr. ko = ku, mala fr. √mlai, 'easily fading away' ?), tender, soft (opposed to karkaśa), bland, sweet, pleasing, charming, agreeable R. Mṛicch. Suśr. Śak. &c. (said of the style, rīti Kpr.) 
   • (ā), f. a kind of date L 
   • (am), n. water L 
   • silk Gal 
   • nutmeg ib 
   • (for kosala Hariv. 12832 VāyuP.)

⋙ komalagīta

   ○gīta n. a sweet song

⋙ komalagītaka

   ○gītaka n. id

⋙ komalacchada

   ○cchada m. 'tender-leaved', N. of a plant Gal

⋙ komalataṇḍula

   ○taṇḍula m. a sort of rice ib

⋙ komalatā

   ○tā f. softness, tenderness

⋙ komalatva

   ○tva n. id

⋙ komaladala

   ○dala m. n. 'tender-leaved', = kamala (Lotus Nelumbium)

⋙ komalavalkalā

   ○valkalā f. 'having tender bark', the plant Cicca disticha Bhpr

⋙ komalasvabhāva

   ○svabhāva mfn. tender-natured

⋙ komalāṅga

   komalâṅga mf(ī)n. having a tender body Daś

≫ komalaka

   komalaka n. the fibres of the stalk of a lotus L


   komāsikā f. a budding fruit (= jālikā) L


   komyá mfn. polished (? 
   • = kāmya, 'lovely' Sāy.) RV. i, 171, 3


   ko-yaṣṭi m. 'having legs like sticks', the lapwing (or 'a small white crane, commonly called a paddy-bird') Mn. v, 13 Yājñ. i, 173 BhP. viii, 2, 15 Vet. vi, 10

⋙ koyaṣṭibha

   ○bha m. id. (= ṭiṭṭibha Comm.) R. ii, 54, 41

≫ koyaṣṭika

   koyaṣṭika m. id. MBh. xiii, 2835 R. iii, 78, 23 and vi, 15, 9 Suśr. Mālatīm


   kora m. (√kur) a movable joint (as of the fingers, the knee, &c.) Suśr 
   • amphiarthrosis W. [Page 313, Column 3] 
   • a bud W

⋙ koradūṣa

   ○dūṣa m. = kodrava (q.v.) Suśr

⋙ koradūṣaka

   ○dūṣaka m. id. MBh. iii, 13027 Suśr. KātyŚr. ii, 1, Paddh

≫ koraka

   koraka as, am m. n. (g. tārakâdi) a bud R. ii, 59, 8 Suśr. Śak 
   • (ifc. Bhāshāp. Gīt. xii, 14) 
   • the fibres of the stalk of a lotus L 
   • a species of perfume (commonly Cor, cora) L 
   • another perfume (a berry containing a resinous and fragrant substance, = kakkolaka) L

≫ korakita

   korakita mfn. (g. tārakâdi) covered with buds Naish. iii, 121 
   • ifc. filled with Siṃhâs

≫ korita

   korita mfn. scraped out of the ground Bhpr. ii, 26 
   • pounded, ground W 
   • budded, sprouted W


   koraṅgī f. small cardamoms L


   koralī f. N. of a town ŚivaP

≫ korilā

   korilā f. id. ib


   korpya = kaurpya, q.v


   kola m. (jvalâdi), a hog (cf. kroḍa) Yājñ. iii, 273 Vop 
   • a raft Divyâv. iii 
   • the breast, haunch, hip or flank, lap (cf. kroḍa) L 
   • an embrace, embracing L 
   • a kind of weapon L 
   • N. of a plant (= citra, citraka) L 
   • the planet Saturn L 
   • N. of Śiva Gal 
   • N. of a son of Ākrīḍa Hariv. 1836 
   • N. of a degraded warrior-tribe (outcast, one degraded by Sagara from the military order) Hariv. (v. l. koli-sarpa, q.v.) 
   • a man of a mixed caste BrahmaP 
   • a barbarian, Kol, of a tribe inhabiting the hills in central India W 
   • (as, am), m. n. the weight of one Tola (= 2 ṭaṅka [or śāṇa Ashṭâṅg.] = 1/2 karṣa ŚārṅgS.) 
   • (ā), f. Piper longum L 
   • Piper Chaba L 
   • (a, ī), f. the jujube tree L 
   • (am), n. the fruit of the jujube (cf. kuvala) ChUp. vii, 3, 1 Lalit. Suśr 
   • black pepper L 
   • the grain of Piper Chaba L

⋙ kolakanda

   ○kanda m. a sort of bulbous plant (used as a remedy for worms) L

⋙ kolakarkaṭikā

   ○karkaṭikā f. a variety of date (= madhukharjūrikā) L

⋙ kolakarkaṭī

   ○karkaṭī f. id. Gal

⋙ kolakila

   ○kila ās m. pl., N. of a people VP. (v. l. koli-k○)

⋙ kolakuṇa

   ○kuṇa m. a bug L 
   • (cf koṇa-k○.)

⋙ kolagajinī

   ○gajinī f. Scindapsus officinalis Npr

⋙ kolagiri

   ○giri m. N. of a mountain MBh. ii, 1171

⋙ kolatā

   ○tā f. the state of a hog, Śis. xiv, 86

⋙ koladala

   ○dala n. a kind of perfume L

⋙ kolanāsikā

   ○nāsikā f. 'resembling the nose of a hog', N. of a plant (= vaṅkiṇī) L

⋙ kolapuccha

   ○puccha m. a heron L

⋙ kolamuktā

   ○muktā f. N. of a plant Gal

⋙ kolamūla

   ○mūla n. the √of long pepper L

⋙ kolavallī

   ○vallī f. the plant Pothos officinalis (with a pungent fruit resembling pepper) L 
   • Piper Chaba L

⋙ kolaśimbī

   ○śimbī f. Carpopogon pruriens (commonly Ālukuśī) Bhpr

⋙ kolākoli

   kolā-koli ind. (cf. Pāṇ. 5-4, 127) with mutual embraces W

⋙ kolākṣa

   kolâkṣa n. 'a hog's eye', a particular hole in wood VarBṛS. lxxix, 32 f

⋙ kolākhya

   kolâkhya n. 'named after a hog', id. Vāstuv. x, 93

⋙ kolāñca

   kolâñca m. N. of Kaliṅga (the Coromandel coast from Kuttack to Madras 
   • but, accord. to some, this place is in Hindustān, with Kanouj for its capital) W

⋙ kolātmaja

   kolâtmaja m. 'produced by the Kolā plant (Zizyphus Jujuba)', the fruit of the jujube Npr

⋙ kolāpura

   kolā-pura n. N. of a town SkandaP. Vīrac

⋙ kolāvidhvaṃsin

   kolā-vidhvaṃsin inas m. pl., N. of a royal family MārkP. lxxxi, 4 f

⋙ kolekṣaṇa

   kolêkṣaṇa n. = kolâkṣa VarBṛS. lxxix, 36

≫ kolaka

   kolaka m. Alangium hexapetalum L 
   • Cordia Myxa L 
   • (am), n. a kind of perfume Bhpr 
   • black pepper L

⋙ kolakagrāma

   ○grāma m. N. of a village

≫ kolikagardabha

   kolika-gardabha m. a kind of ass Divyâv. xii


   ko-lambaka m. the body of a lute (the whole of it except the strings) L

≫ kolambī

   ko-lambī f. Śiva's lute Gal


   kolāhala as, am m. n. (onomat.) a loud and confused sound, uproar, great and indistinct noise (of men, animals, &c.) R. iii, vi Pañcat. Daś. MārkP. &c 
   • (as, ā), mf. (in music) a kind of Rāga 
   • m. N. of a prince VP 
   • of a personified mountain MBh. i, 2367 f

≫ kolāhalin

   kolāhalin mfn. ifc. filled with noise Kād


   koli is mf. the jujube tree (Zizyphus Jujuba) L

⋙ kolikila

   ○kila ās m. pl., v. l. for kolak○, q.v

⋙ kolisarpa

   ○sarpa ās m. pl., N. of a degraded warrior-tribe MBh. xiii, 2104 Hariv. 782 (v. l. -sparśa)

⋙ kolisparśa

   ○sparśa -sarpa


   kolita m. N. of Maudgalyāyana Buddh. (Divyâv. xxvii)


   kolūka N. of a country R. iv, 43, 8 (vv. ll. kolūta and śailūta) (cf. ulūka, ulūṭa, utūla, kulūṭa, kulūta, kaulūta.) [Page 314, Column 1] 


   kolyā f. (= kolā) Piper longum L


   kollaka m. N. of a mountain BhP. v, 19, 16 (cf. konva, konvaśira, kola.)

≫ kollagiri

   kolla-giri m. (= kola-g○) id. VarBṛS. xiv

≫ kollagireya

   kollagireya ās m. pl. 'dwelling on the Kolla mountain', N. of a people or tribe MBh. xiv, 2476 (kolvag○ ed. Calc.)

≫ kollapura

   kolla-pura n. = kolā-p○ Vīrac. ix


   kolvagireya kollag


   ko-vida mf(ā)n. (√vid) experienced, skilled, learned in (loc., gen., or ifc., e.g. aśveṣu, or aśvānām or aśva-kovida, 'skilled in horses') Mn. vii, 26 MBh. R. &c 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of the Kshatriyas in Kuśa-dviipa BhP. v, 20, 16

⋙ kovidatva

   ○tva n. skilfulness (ifc.) Daś


   ko-vidāra m. 'easily to be split', or 'to be split with difficulty' (? cf. kuddala, kuddāla), Bauhinia variegata Gobh. MBh. R. Suśr. Ṛitus 
   • one of the trees of paradise Hariv. 7169 Lalit


   kóśa m. (n. L 
   • in class. literature kośa, or koṣa 
   • fr. √kuś or kuṣ?, related to kukṣí and koṣṭha?), a cask, vessel for holding liquids, (metaphorically) cloud RV. AV. Suśr 
   • a pail, bucket RV 
   • a drinking-vessel, cup L 
   • a box, cupboard, drawer, trunk RV. vi, 47, 23 AV. xix, 72, 1 ŚBr 
   • the interior or inner part of a carriage RV 
   • (ifc.) MBh. viii, 1733 
   • a sheath, scabbard, &c. MBh. R. VarBṛS 
   • a case, covering, cover AV. ChUp. MuṇḍUp. TUp. PārGṛ. BhP 
   • store-room, store, provisions Mn. MBh. &c 
   • a treasury, apartment where money or plate is kept, treasure, accumulated wealth (gold or silver, wrought or unwrought, as plate, jewellery, &c.) ib 
   • (in surg.) a kind of bandage Suśr 
   • a dictionary, lexicon or vocabulary 
   • a poetical collection, collection of sentences &c. Kāvyâd. i, 13 Sāh 
   • a bud, flower-cup, seed-vessel (cf. bīja-) R. Ragh. BhP. Dhūrtas 
   • the sheath or integument of a plant, pod, nut-shell MārkP 
   • a nutmeg L 
   • the inner part of the fruit of Artocarpus integrifolia and of similar fruits L 
   • the cocoon of a silk-worm Yājñ. iii, 147 Vedântas 
   • the membrane covering an egg (in the womb) Suśr. VarBṛ. MārkP 
   • the vulva L 
   • a testicle or the scrotum Suśr. VarBṛS 
   • the penis W 
   • an egg L 
   • (in Vedânta phil.) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are, 1. the ānanda-maya k○ or 'sheath of pleasure', forming the kāraṇa-śarīra or 'causal frame' 
   • 2. the vijñāna-maya or buddhi-m○ or mano-m○ or prâṇa-m"ṣ k○, 'the sheath of intellect or will or life', forming the sūkṣma-śarīra or 'subtile frame' 
   • 3. the anna-m"ṣ k○, 'the sheath of nourishment', forming the sthūla-śarīra or 'gross frame') Vedântas 
   • (ifc.) a ball or globe (e.g. sūtra-, a ball of thread L 
   • netra-, the eye-ball R. iii, 79, 28) 
   • the water used at an ordeal or judicial trial (the defendant drinks thrice of it after some idol has been washed in it) Yājñ. ii, 95 
   • an oath Rājat. v, 325 
   • a cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace (○śaṃ-√pā, to drink from that cup) Rājat. vii, 8 ; 75 ; 460 and 493 ; viii, 283 
   • N. of a conjunction of planets VarBṛS 
   • of the 2nd astrological mansion, Var Yogay 
   • (with Buddh.) of a collection of Gāthā verses Kāraṇḍ. Hcar 
   • (ā), f. N. of a river MBh. vi, 9, 34 
   • of a courtesan HPariś. viii, 8 
   • (ī), f. 'a bud', arka- 
   • a seedvessel L 
   • the beard of corn L 
   • a shoe, sandal L 
   • a kind of perfume Gal 
   • an iron ploughshare ib 
   • [cf. kókkos.]

⋙ kośakāra

   ○kāra m. one who makes scabbards or cases or boxes, &c. R. iv, 40, 26 (kauśi-k○ Hariv. 12831) 
   • (f. ī́) VS. xxx, 14 
   • a compiler of a dictionary, lexicographer RāmatUp 
   • the silkworm (or the insect while in its cocoon W.) KapS. BhP. MārkP 
   • a chrysalis or pupa W 
   • (as, am), m. n. a kind of sugar-cane Suśr. Bhpr. Bālar 
   • -kīṭa m. a silk-worm L 
   • -vasana n. a silken garment VarBṛ. xxvii, 31

⋙ kośakāraka

   ○kāraka m. a silkworm Yājñ. iii, 147 
   • (ikā), f. a female bee Gal 
   • N. of a collection of Gāthā verses (ascribed to Vasubandhu) Buddh

⋙ kośakālin

   ○kālin m. or a kind of aquatic bird Npr

⋙ kośakālī

   ○kālī f. a kind of aquatic bird Npr

⋙ kośakṛt

   ○kṛt m. a kind of sugar-cane Suśr

⋙ kośagṛha

   ○gṛha n. a treasury, room in which valuable garments, precious stones &c. are kept R. ii, 39, 16 f. Ragh. v, 29. [Page 314, Column 2] 

⋙ kośagrahaṇa

   ○grahaṇa n. 'drinking the water used at an ordeal', undergoing an ordeal W

⋙ kośacañcu

   ○cañcu m. the Indian crane L

⋙ kośaja

   ○ja n. 'coming from the cocoon', silk L

⋙ kośajāta

   ○jāta n. treasure, wealth Ragh. v, 1

⋙ kośadāsa

   ○dāsa m. 'treasure-slave', N. of a man Daś

⋙ kośadhānya

   ○dhānya n. any leguminous plant VarBṛS. viii, 8 (cf. kośī-dh○, kauśī-dh○.)

⋙ kośadhāvana

   ○dhāvana mf(ī)n. slipping out of the frame (a door) TBr. iii, 6, 2, 2 (á-k○ neg.)

⋙ kośanāyaka

   ○nāyaka m. a chief over treasure, treasurer W 
   • N. of Kubera W

⋙ kośapāla

   ○pāla m. a treasure-guardian MBh. xv, 612

⋙ kośapīthin

   ○pīthin mfn. one who exhausts or has exhausted the wealth of any one Rājat. v, 422 and vi, 211

⋙ kośapeṭaka

   ○peṭaka m. n. a chest or strong box in which treasure is kept Vikr

⋙ kośaphala

   ○phala n. the scrotum VarBṛS. lxvii, 9 
   • a nutmeg L 
   • a kind of perfume (a berry containing a waxy and fragrant substance) L 
   • m. Luffa foetida or a similar plant L 
   • (ā), f. a cucurbitaceous plant (= pīta-ghoṣā) L 
   • the plant Cucumis utilissimus L 
   • the plant Ipomoea Turpethum Npr

⋙ kośabhūtā

   ○bhūtā mfn. treasured, stored, accumulated W

⋙ kośarakṣin

   ○rakṣin m. = -pāla Kathās. lxx, 33

⋙ kośavat

   ○vat mfn. forming a receptacle (as a wound) Car. vi, 13 
   • possessing treasures, rich, wealthy MBh. Kathās. lxi, 215 
   • (ān), m. 'having a sheath', a sword Gal 
   • (tī), f. Cucumis acutangulus or sulcatus Suśr

⋙ kośavāri

   ○vāri n. water used at an ordeal Kathās. cxix, 35 and 42

⋙ kośavāsin

   ○vāsin m. 'living in a shell', any animal incased in a shell Suśr 
   • a chryalis or pupa W

⋙ kośavāhana

   ○vāhana n. treasure and vehicles Daś

⋙ kośavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. swelled testicle, enlargement of the scrotum from hernia &c. L

⋙ kośaveśman

   ○veśman n. a treasury Kathās. xxiv, 133

⋙ kośaśāyikā

   ○śāyikā f. a clasp-knife or one lying in a sheath L

⋙ kośaśuddhi

   ○śuddhi f. purification by ordeal W

⋙ kośaskṛt

   ○skṛt m. a silk-worm BhP. vii, 6, 13

⋙ kośastha

   ○stha m. 'incased', any shelled insect or animal (as a snail &c.) Suśr 
   • a chrysalis or pupa, silk-worm in its cocoon W

⋙ kośahīna

   ○hīna mfn. without treasure, deprived of riches Mn. vii, 148

⋙ kośāṃśa

   kośâṃśa m. part of a treasure, portion of any one's wealth

⋙ kośāgāra

   kośâgāra m. n. a treasure-house, store-room, treasury MBh. R. Kathās 
   • ○râdhikārin m. a treasurer Kathās

⋙ kośāṅga

   kośâṅga m. or n. a kind of reed or grass (commonly Ikāda) L

⋙ kośāṇḍa

   kośâṇḍa m. (= aṇḍa-kośa) the scrotum Gal

⋙ kośādhipati

   kośâdhipati m. a superintendent of the treasury, treasurer W 
   • N. of Kubera W

⋙ kośādhīśa

   kośâdhī7śa m. id. W

⋙ kośādhyakṣa

   kośâdhyakṣa m. a treasurer VarBṛS. Pañcat. Kathās 
   • N. of Kubera W

⋙ kośāpaharaṇa

   kośâpaharaṇa n. carrying off treasure

⋙ kośāpahartṛ

   kośâpahartṛ m. one who carries off treasure Mn. ix, 275

⋙ kośāmra

   kośâmra m. Mangifera sylvatica Bhpr 
   • (am), n. the fruit of that plant Suśr

⋙ kośīdhānya

   kośīdhānya n. = kośa-dh○ ĀpŚr. iv, 2 f. Sch

⋙ kośekṣaṇa

   kośêkṣaṇa mfn. having projecting or prominent eyes VarBṛS. lxix, 20

⋙ kośeśa

   kośêśa m. a treasurer Siṃhâs

≫ kośaka

   kośaka m. an egg, testicle L 
   • (ikā), f. a drinking-vessel L 
   • (am), n. case, receptacle of (in comp.) MārkP. xi, 5

≫ kośayī

   kóśayī f. (perhaps) the contents of a cupboard or drawer RV. vi, 47, 22

≫ kośikā

   kośikā f. of kośaka, q.v

≫ kośin

   kośin ī m. the mango tree L

≫ kośilā

   kośilā f. a kind of bean (Phaseolus trilobus) L

≫ kośya

   kośyá au or e (?), m. or n. (?) du. two lumps of flesh near the heart of a sacrificial horse VS. xxxix, 8 (cf. ni-kośyá.)


   kośala &c. kosala


   kośātaka (or koṣāt○), m. hair L 
   • (ī), f. (gaṇas gaurâdi and harītaky-ādi), N. of a plant and of its fruit (Trichosanthes dioeca, or Luffa acutangula, or Luffa pentandra L.) ŚāṅkhGṛ. Car. Suśr. (cf. mahā-k○) 
   • a moonlight night L 
   • (am), n. the fruit of the plant Kośātakī Car

≫ kośātakin

   kośātakin ī m. trade, business L 
   • a trader, merchant L 
   • submarine fire L


   kośikā ○śin, ○śilā, &c. kóśa

koṣa 1

   koṣa kośa

koṣa 2

   koṣá ās m. pl. (g. pacâdi), N. of a family of priests ŚBr. x, 5, 5, 8 
   • (ā), f. 'N. of a river', v. l. for kośā

⋙ koṣadhāvana

   ○dhāvana kośa-dh○

≫ koṣaṇa

   koṣaṇa n. (√kuṣ) tearing &c. Comm. on APrāt. iii, 75 
   • (ī), f. jīva-k○


   koṣṭha m. (√kuṣ? 
   • probably related to kukṣí and kóśa), any one of the viscera of the body (particularly the stomach, abdomen) MBh. Suśr. &c. [Page 314, Column 3] 
   • (as L 
   • am), m. n. a granary, store-room MBh. BhP. (ifc. f. ā) 
   • a treasury W 
   • m. an inner apartment L 
   • the shell of anything W 
   • a kind of pan, pot Kauś. Pat. Car. Bhpr 
   • property (or mfn. 'own') L 
   • night L 
   • (am), n. a surrounding wall BhP. iv, 28, 57 
   • any enclosed space or area, chess square VarBṛS. liii, 42 Hcat. Tithyād. KātyŚr. Sch

⋙ koṣṭhakoṭi

   ○koṭi m. N. of an attendant of Śiva L. Sch

⋙ koṣṭhatāpa

   ○tāpa m. excessive heat in the abdomen Gal

⋙ koṣṭhapāla

   ○pāla m. a municipal officer, constable W 
   • a watch, guard, watch of a city W 
   • a store-keeper, treasurer W

⋙ koṣṭhabheda

   ○bheda m. = -śuddhi ŚārṅgS. i, 7, 57

⋙ koṣṭharoga

   ○roga m. a disease of the abdomen VarBṛS. civ, 5

⋙ koṣṭhavat

   ○vat m. N. of a mountain MBh. xiv, 1174

⋙ koṣṭhaśuddhi

   ○śuddhi f. evacuation of the bowels

⋙ koṣṭhasaṃtāpa

   ○saṃtāpa m. = -tāpa L

⋙ koṣṭhāgāra

   koṣṭhâgāra n. a store-room, store Mn. ix, 280 R. &c 
   • a treasury W 
   • any enclosed space or area 
   • the lunar mansion Maghā VarBṛS

⋙ koṣṭhāgārika

   koṣṭhâgārika m. 'living in store-rooms', a wasp Suśr. Bhpr 
   • a steward Divyâv. xx

⋙ koṣṭhāgārin

   koṣṭhâgārin m. = ○rika, a wasp Suśr

⋙ koṣṭhāgni

   koṣṭhâgni m. 'fire in the stomach', the digestive faculty GarbhUp

⋙ koṣṭhānāha

   koṣṭhânāha m. constipation, costiveness Car

⋙ koṣṭhīpradīpa

   koṣṭhī-pradīpa m. N. of wk. on astronomy

⋙ koṣṭhekṣu

   koṣṭhêkṣu m. a kind of sugar-cane L

≫ koṣṭhaka

   koṣṭhaka as or am m. or n. a receptacle for (in comp.) Car 
   • 'a granary, store-room', annak○ 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of vessel, pan Bhpr 
   • (am), n. a treasury W 
   • a surrounding wall (ifc.) BhP. iv, 28, 56 
   • a surrounded field, quarter VarBṛS. AgP. Hcat. (ifc. f. ā) 
   • a brick trough for watering cattle W 
   • N. of a town Buddh. (Divyâv. xxix)

≫ koṣṭhakīkṛtya

   koṣṭhakī-kṛtya ind. p. surrounding, enclosing MBh. vi, 2463 ; xiv, 2230

≫ koṣṭhila

   koṣṭhila m. N. of a man Buddh. (cf. kauṣṭh○.)

≫ koṣṭhīkṛ

   koṣṭhī-√kṛ to surround, enclose MBh. vi, 101, 32

≫ koṣṭhya

   koṣṭhya mfn. proceeding from the chest, emitted (as a sound) from the centre of the lungs RPrāt. xiii, 1


   kôṣṇa mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 107) moderately warm, tepid Suśr. Ragh. i, 84 
   • (am), n. warmth W. (cf. kavôṣṇa, kad-uṣṇa.)


   kosala ās m. pl. (in later texts generally, spelt kośala), N. of a country and the warrior-tribe inhabiting it (descendants of Māthavya Videgha ŚBr. i) Pāṇ. 4-1, 171 MBh. &c. (kośalānāṃ [v. l. kauśal○ R. vi, 86, 43] nakṣatra, N. of a lunar mansion R. (ed. Bomb.) vi, 103, 35) 
   • m. N. of the country of Kosala R. i, 5, 5 
   • N. of the capital of that country or Ayodhyā (the modern Oude) L 
   • (ā), f. id. MBh. Nal. Ragh. (ed. Calc.) i, 35, &c

⋙ kosalavideha

   ○videhá ās m. pl. the Kosalas and the Videhas ŚBr. i

⋙ kosalajā

   ○jā f. 'the daughter of a king of the Kosalas', N. of Daśa-ratha's wife (mother of Rāma) RāmatUp

⋙ kosalātmajā

   kosalâtma-jā f. id. L


   kosāra m. (= karṣū́) a furrow, trench Comm. on KātyŚr. xv, 1, 9 and xxi, 3, 26


   kosida for kaus○, q.v


   kohaḍa m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi

≫ kohara

   kohara m. v. l. for kohala, q.v

≫ kohala

   kohala mfn. speaking indistinctly L 
   • m. a sort of spirituous liquor (made of barley) Suśr 
   • a kind of musical instrument (?) L 
   • N. of a Muni (inventor or first teacher of the drama) MBh. i, xiii VāyuP 
   • N. of a Prākṛit grammarian (v. l. kohara) 
   • of a writer on music 
   • (ī), f. a kind of spirituous liquor (= kuṣmāṇḍa-surā) Npr

⋙ kohaleśvaratīrtha

   kohalêśvara-tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

≫ kohalīya

   kohalīya n. N. of Kohala's work on music


   kohita m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi


   kohin ī m. the tree Wrightia antidysenterica L


   kohlāsa m. (in music) N. of a Rāga


   kaukâkṣa v. l. for gaukakṣa


   kaukila as, ī mf., N. of a ceremony Lāṭy. v, 4, 20 f. TBr. Sch 
   • m. patr. fr. kokila, and metron. fr. kokilā Pāṇ. 4-1, 120 Pat


   kaukuṭṭaka ās m. pl., N. of a people (vv. ll. ○kuntaka and ○kundaka) MBh. vi, 367 VP. [Page 315, Column 1] 


   kaukuṇḍihi m. N. of a Ṛishi


   kaukuntaka ○kuṭṭaka


   kaukura ās m. pl. (fr. kukura), N. of a people MBh. ii, 1804 and 1871 ; xvi, 134


   kaukuruṇḍi m. N. of a teacher SaṃhUp. v


   kaukulikā f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2633


   kaukuvādi m. patr. (fr. kuku-vāda = -vāc?) Pravar


   kaukūstá m. N. of a man ŚBr. iv


   kaukṛtya n. (fr. ku-kṛta, or -kṛtya), evil doing, wickedness L 
   • repentance L


   kaukkuṭa mfn. (fr. kukk○), relating to a cock or domestic fowl, gallinaceous R. ii, 91, 65 Suśr 
   • (am), n. (scil. āsana) a particular manner of being seated, NārP

≫ kaukkuṭika

   kaukkuṭika m. a poulterer, one who sells fowls L 
   • a kind of low caste Kāraṇḍ 
   • (Pāṇ. 4-4, 46) a kind of mendicant who walks with his eyes fixed on the ground for fear of treading upon insects &c. L 
   • a hypocrite L 
   • a pigeon L

≫ kaukkuṭikandala

   kaukkuṭi-kandala m. a species of snake L. (cf. kukkuṭâbha and ○ṭâhi.)

≫ kaukkuḍīvaha

   kaukkuḍīvaha n. N. of a village of the Bāhīkas Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Vārtt. 26 (vḷ. ○kkuTIv○)

≫ kaukkuḍīvahaka

   kaukkuḍīvahaka mfn. coming from that village ib. (vḷ. ○kkuTIv○)


   kaukṣa mfn. (fr. kukṣí), abdominal, ventral Pāṇ. 4-2, 96 Kāś

≫ kaukṣaka

   kaukṣaka mfn. g. dhūmâdi

≫ kaukṣeya

   kaukṣeya mfn. being in the belly Pāṇ. 4-3, 56 
   • m. 'sheathed', a sword Bhaṭṭ. iv, 31

≫ kaukṣeyaka

   kaukṣeyaka m. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 96) 'being in a sheath', a sword Daś. Pratāpar 
   • a scymitar, knife Kād


   kauṅka m. the country Koṅka (= koṅkaṇa) L

≫ kauṅkaṇa

   kauṅkaṇa ās m. pl. (= koṅk○), N. of a people MBh. vi, 367 (koṅk○ ed. Bomb.) VarBṛS. xvi, 11

⋙ kauṅkaṇodbhūta

   kauṅkaṇôdbhūta mfn. coming from Koṅkaṇa (as a horse of good breed) Gal. (cf. koṅkāṇa.)

≫ kauṅkiṇa

   kauṅkiṇa ās m. pl. = ○kaṇa L


   kauṅkuma mf(ī)n. consisting of saffron (kuṅkuma) Hcat 
   • dyed with saffron Hariv. 7072 
   • of saffron colour Viddh 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of sixty particular Ketus VarBṛS. xi, 21


   kaucavāra m. patr. fr. kūcavāra g. bidâdi

≫ kaucavārya

   kaucavārya mfn. coming from Kūcavāra Pāṇ. 4-3, 94


   kaucahasti m. patr. fr. kucahasta Saṃskārak. (pl.)


   kaucā-pāka m. a kind of decoction


   kaucumāra-yoga m. (fr. kuc○), a particular art (kalā) BhP. x, 45, 36 Sch


   kauja mfn. (fr. ku-ja), relating or belonging to the planet Mars VarBṛ. viii, xviii, xxiv 
   • (said of Tuesday) Vishṇ. lxxviii, 3

≫ kaujapa

   kaujapa m. patr. fr. kuja-pa Pāṇ. 6-2, 37


   kauñca m. (for krauñca?), N. of a mountain (part of the Himâlaya range) L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a locality Romakas

⋙ kauñcādri

   kauñcâdri m. the Kauñca mountain Bālar

≫ kauñcikī

   kauñcikī f. (with Kaulas) one of the eight A-kulas Kulârṇ


   kauñjara mf(ī)n. (fr. kuñj○), belonging to an elephant MBh. xii, 8932 (= xiii, 5580) BhP. viii, 4, 12 
   • (am), n. a particular method of sitting, NārP


   kauñjāyana ās m. pl. (fr. kuñja), N. of a mountain tribe (descended from Kuñja) Pāṇ. 4-1, 98 and v, 3, 113 
   • (ī), f. a princess of that tribe (or the wife of a Brāhman or of any venerable personage belonging to that tribe L.) ib. [Page 315, Column 2] 

≫ kauñjāyanya

   kauñjāyanya m. a prince of the Kauñjāyanas ib

≫ kauñji

   kauñji m. patr. fr. kuñja Pāṇ. 4-1, 98 Kāś

kauṭa 1

   kauṭa mfn. (fr. kuṭi), living in one's own house, independent, free Pāṇ. 5-4, 95 
   • m. (= kuṭa-ja) Wrightia antidysenterica Bhpr. i, 206

⋙ kauṭatakṣa

   ○takṣa m. an independent carpenter (who works at home on his own account and not for a village or corporation) Pāṇ. 5-4, 95

⋙ kauṭaphala

   ○phala n. a fruit of kauṭa Car. viii, 11

≫ kauṭaja

   kauṭaja mfn. coming from the plant Wrightia antidysenterica (kuṭa-ja) Suśr 
   • m. the plant Wrightia antidysenterica Bhpr. iii, 159

≫ kauṭajabhārika

   kauṭajabhārika mfn. (fr. kuṭaja-bhāra), carrying or bearing a load of Wrightia antidysenterica, g. vaṃśâdi

≫ kauṭajika

   kauṭajika mfn. id. ib

≫ kauṭāyana

   kauṭāyana m. patr. fr. kuṭa g. aśvâdi

≫ kauṭi

   kauṭi m. id., g. krauḍy-ādi (not in Kāś.)

≫ kauṭya 1

   kauṭya m. id., g. kurv-ādi 
   • (ā), f. of kauṭi g. krauḍy-ādi (not in Kāś.)

kauṭa 2

   kauṭa mfn. (fr. kū́ṭa), fraudulent, dishonest 
   • snared, wired W 
   • (am), n. fraud, falsehood W

⋙ kauṭasākṣin

   ○sâkṣin m. a false witness (= kūṭa-s○) Comm. on Yājñ

⋙ kauṭasākṣya

   ○sâkṣya n. false evidence Gaut. Mn. viii, 117 and 122 f 
   • xi, 56

≫ kauṭakika

   kauṭakika mfn. one whose occupation is to catch animals in traps or caves &c. L 
   • m. a vendor of the flesh of birds or beasts, hunter, poacher, butcher, &c. L

≫ kauṭasthya

   kauṭasthya n. the state of being kūṭastha i.e. uniform or unchangeable Sarvad. Sch. on Śaṃk. on Bādar. ii, 2, 10

≫ kauṭika

   kauṭika mfn. (g. kumudâdi 
   • = kauṭakika) one whose business is to catch animals in traps &c. L 
   • relating to a snare or trap W 
   • fraudulent, dishonest W 
   • m. one who kills animals and sells their flesh for his own subsistence, poacher L

≫ kauṭīya

   kauṭīya mfn. g. kṛśâśvâdi

≫ kauṭya 2

   kauṭya mfn. g. saṃkāśâdi


   kauṭabhī for kaiṭ○, q.v


   kauṭali m. patr. Saṃskārak

≫ kauṭalya

   kauṭalya m. (for ○ṭilya), N. of Cāṇakya L


   kauṭavī f. = koṭ○, a naked woman L


   kauṭasthya 2. kauṭa


   kauṭāyana ○ṭi, 1. kauṭa


   kauṭika 2. kauṭa


   kauṭiryā v. l. for ○ṭīryā


   kauṭilika m. (fr. kuṭilikā Pāṇ. 4-4, 18) 'deceiving the hunter or the deer ṣch. by particular movements', a deer ['a hunter' Sch.] Kāś 
   • 'using the tool called kuṭilikā', a blacksmith ib

≫ kauṭilya

   kauṭilya m. (fr. kuṭila), N. of Cāṇakya Daś. Mudr 
   • N. of a grammarian (?) Hemac. Mallin. on Kum. vi, 37 and on Ṛagh. iii f. xv and xvii f 
   • (am), n. crookedness, curvature, curliness of the hair Pāṇ. 3-1, 23 Pañcat 
   • falsehood, dishonesty Pañcat. Rājat 
   • a kind of horse-radish L

⋙ kauṭilyaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. Cāṇakya's doctrine (diplomacy) Kād


   kauṭīgava mfn. fr. ○vya g. kaṇvâdi

≫ kauṭīgavya

   kauṭīgavya m. patr. fr. kuṭī-gu g. gargâdi


   kauṭīya 2. kauṭa


   kauṭīra mfn. belonging to or made from the plant Kuṭīra, g. bilvâdi

≫ kauṭīryā

   kauṭīryā f. 'living in a hut (? kuṭīra)', N. of Durgā Hariv. 10245 (v. l. ○ṭiryā)


   kauṭumba mfn. (fr. kuṭ○), necessary for the household ĀśvGṛ. ii, 6, 10 
   • (am), n. family relationship Rājat. v, 395

≫ kauṭumbika

   kauṭumbika mfn. belonging to or constituting a family BhP. v, 14, 3 
   • m. the father or master of a family BhP. iv, 28, 12 and v, 13, 8


   kauṭṭanya n. (fr. kuṭṭanī), the procuring of women for immoral purposes Rājat. vii, 289 and 297

kauṭya 1

   kauṭya. and 2 1. and 2. kauṭa. [Page 315, Column 3] 


   kauṭhāra m. patr. fr. kuṭhāra g. śivâdi

≫ kauṭhārikeya

   kauṭhārikeya m. metron. fr. kuṭhārikā g. śubhrâdi


   kauṭhuma mf(ī)n. fr. kuṭhumi W. (cf. kauthuma.)


   kauḍavika mf(ī)n. (Kāś. on Pāṇ. 5-1, 52 and vii, 3, 17) sown with a Kuḍava of grain (as a field &c.), containing a Kuḍava Car. vi, 17


   kauḍeyaka mfn. fr. kuḍyā g. kattry-ādi


   kauḍodari m. (for kauṇḍ○? fr. kuṇḍôdara), N. of a man Pravar


   kauḍya v. l. for koḍya, q.v


   kauṇakutsya m. (cf. kūṇakuccha), N. of a Brāhman MBh. i, 962


   kauṇapa mfn. (fr. kúṇ○,), coming from corpses Bālar 
   • m. 'feeding upon corpses', a Rākshasa or goblin MBh. i, 6450 Śak. (v. l.) BhP. x, 12, 29 
   • N. of a Nāga (these beings are supposed to eat human flesh) MBh. i, 2147

⋙ kauṇapadanta

   ○danta m. N. of Bhīshma (uncle of the Pāṇḍus) L

⋙ kauṇapāśana

   kauṇapâśana m. N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1559


   kauṇinda ās m. pl. (vḷ. kaulinda, q.v.), N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 30 
   • m. a prince of that people ib. 33


   kauṇeyá m. (fr. kuṇi), patr. of Rajana TS. ii, 3, 8, 1 TāṇḍyaBr. xiii, 4, 11 
   • (koṇeya and ○yana) Kāṭh. xi, 1


   kauṇṭharavya m. patr. fr. kuṇṭha-rava AitĀr

≫ kauṇṭhya

   kauṇṭhya n. (fr. kuṇṭha), bluntness VarBṛS. l, 26


   kauṇḍapāyina mfn. with ayana, N. of a Soma libation (= kuṇḍa-pāyinām ay○) Lāṭy 
   • kauṇḍapāyinām ay○ for ○nam ay○, or for kuṇḍa-pāyinām ay○ ŚāṅkhŚr. xiii, 24, 1 Lāṭy. i, 4, 23 Sch. KātyŚr. iv, 1, 1 Sch. Bādar. iii, 3, 40 Sch


   kauṇḍala mfn. (fr. kuṇḍ○), furnished with rings, g. jyotsnâdi

≫ kauṇḍalika

   kauṇḍalika mfn. id., g. kumudâdi


   kauṇḍāgnaka v. l. for kāṇḍ○

≫ kauṇḍāyana

   kauṇḍāyana mfn. fr. kuṇḍa g. pakṣâdi


   kauṇḍina mfn. fr. ○nya g. kaṇvâdi 
   • (ī), f. of ○nya, pā́rāśarī-kauṇḍinī-pútra

≫ kauṇḍineyaka

   kauṇḍineyaka mfn. fr. kuṇḍina g. kattryādi

≫ kauṇḍinya

   kaúṇḍinya m. patr. fr. kuṇḍina (or metron. fr. kuṇḍinī g. gargâdi) ŚBr. xiv ĀśvŚr. Pravar. MBh. ii, 111 Lalit. Divyâv. xxxii 
   • N. of an old grammarian TPrāt. i, 5 and ii, 5 ff 
   • (vyākaraṇa-) Buddh 
   • of Jaya-deva (cf. vidarbhī-k○ and ājñāta-k○) 
   • mfn. coming from Kuṇḍina Prasannar

≫ kauṇḍinyaka

   kauṇḍinyaka n. N. of a Kalpa-sūtra Comm. on Jaim. i, 3, 11

≫ kauṇḍinyāyana

   kaúṇḍinyāyana or m. patr. fr. ○nya ŚBr. xiv, 5, 5, 20 and 7, 3, 26

⋙ kauṇḍinyāyana

   kaúṇḍinyāyaná m. patr. fr. ○nya ŚBr. xiv, 5, 5, 20 and 7, 3, 26

≫ kauṇḍila


⋙ kauṇḍilya

   kauṇḍilya for ○nya Lalit. Hit


   kauṇḍilyaka m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr


   kauṇḍī-vṛṣa ās m. pl. = kuṇḍīviṣa MBh. vi, 2410 (kuṇḍ○ ed. Bomb.)

≫ kauṇḍīvṛsī

   kauṇḍīvṛsī ? Pāṇ. 6-3, 34 Vārtt. 4 Pat

≫ kauṇḍīvṛsya

   kauṇḍīvṛsya ? ib. (cf. koṭī-varṣa.)


   kauṇḍôdari kauḍ○

≫ kauṇḍoparatha

   kauṇḍôparatha ās m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe Pāṇ. 5-3, 116

≫ kauṇḍoparathīya

   kauṇḍôparathīya a prince of that tribe ib


   kauṇya n. (fr. kuṇi), paralysis of the hands Suśr


   kauta v. l. for koḍya, q.v


   kautapa mfn. fr. ku-tapa g. jyotsnâdi


   kautaskuta mfn. fr. kutaḥ kutaḥ g. kaskâdi


   kautasta m. patr. fr. kutasta TāṇḍyaBr. xxv, 15, 3. [Page 316, Column 1] 


   kautuka n. (fr. kut○ 
   • g. yuvâdi), curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for (loc. or in comp.), eagerness, vehemence impatience Pañcat. Kathās. (ifc. f. ā) &c 
   • anything causing curiosity or admiration or interest, any singular or surprising object, wonder Pañcat. Kathās. Vet 
   • festivity, gaiety, festival, show, solemn ceremony (esp. the ceremony with the marriage-thread or necklace preceding a marriage) Kum. Daś. Bhartṛ. BhP. &c 
   • the marriage-thread or necklace Kathās. li, 223 
   • pleasure, happiness, prosperity BhP. i, 17, 26 
   • N. of nine particular substances Hcat. i, 110, 19 ; ii, 49, 10 
   • sport, pastime L 
   • public diversion L 
   • song, dance, show, spectacle L 
   • season of enjoyment L 
   • kind or friendly greeting, civility L 
   • (āt), abl. ind. out of curiosity or interest Kathās. Hit 
   • for amusement, as a relaxation W

⋙ kautukakriyā

   ○kriyā f. a marriage ceremony Ragh. xi, 53

⋙ kautukagṛha

   ○gṛha n. the house in which a marriage takes place Hcar. ŚāṅkhGṛ. i, 12 Sch

⋙ kautukacintāmaṇi

   ○cintāmaṇi m. N. of wk

⋙ kautukatoraṇa

   ○toraṇa n. (ifc. f. ā) a triumphal arch erected at certain festivals BhP. i, 11, 14

⋙ kautukapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Kathās. liv, 152

⋙ kautukamaṅgala

   ○maṅgala n. (ifc. f. ā) an auspicious ceremony (esp. the ceremony with the marriage-thread preceding a marriage) MBh. i, 5056 R. BhP. &c

⋙ kautukamaya

   ○maya mfn. being full of curiosity (as youth, vayas) Kād

⋙ kautukarahasya

   ○rahasya n. N. of a comedy

⋙ kautukalīlāvatī

   ○līlāvatī f. N. of wk

⋙ kautukavat

   ○vat mfn. interesting (as news) Prasannar

⋙ kautukasarvasva

   ○sarvasva n. N. of a comedy

⋙ kautukāgāra

   kautukâgāra m. n. a room for festivity, room in which a marriage ceremony takes place Kum. vii, 94 Kathās. li, 221 
   • ciii, 189

≫ kautuki

   kautuki (in comp. for ○kin)

⋙ kautukitā

   ○tā f. curiosity, desire, eagerness Naish. v, 13

⋙ kautukibhāva

   ○bhāva m. id., 60

≫ kautukita

   kautukita mfn. eagerly interested, eager Prasannar

≫ kautukin

   kautukin mfn. full of curiosity or admiration or interest in anything, vehemently desirous, eager (ifc.) Kathās. liv, 52 Sāh. Prasannar 
   • festive, gay, jocose W


   kautūhala n. (fr. kut○ 
   • g. yuvâdi), curiosity, interest in anything, vehement desire for (loc., or acc. with prati, or inf.) MBh. R. &c 
   • anything causing curiosity, any unusual phenomenon Megh. 48 
   • a festival MBh. i, 7918 Divyâv. i

⋙ kautūhalatā

   ○tā f. curiosity, interest in anything R. vii, 76, 35

⋙ kautūhalapara

   ○para mfn. curious, inquisitive

⋙ kautūhalānvita

   kautūhalânvita mfn. eager, vehement, curious MārkP

≫ kautūhalya

   kautūhalya n. curiosity, g. brāhmaṇâdi


   kautomata n. (fr. kuto matam), an inquiry as to the origin of an opinion (?) MantraBr. ii, 4, 8 
   • m. the Mantra beginning with kautomatam (?) Gobh. iv, 5, 19


   kaútsa mfn. relating to Kutsa RPrāt 
   • m. patr. of a teacher ŚBr. x ĀśvŚr. Nir. &c 
   • of Durmitra and Sumitra RAnukr 
   • of a pupil of Vara-tantu Ragh. v, 1 
   • of a son-in-law of Bhagī-ratha MBh. xiii, 6270 
   • of Jaimini MBh. i, 2046 
   • N. of a degraded family ( √kuts) KātyŚr 
   • (ī), f. 'a female descendant of Kutsa', kaútsī-pútra 
   • (am), n. N. of a Sûkta (composed by Kutsa) Mn. xi, 249 
   • of different Sāmans ĀrshBr. Lāṭy

⋙ kautsīputra

   kaútsī-pútra m. 'the son of Kautsī', N. of a teacher ŚBr. xiv, 9, 4, 31

≫ kautsāyana

   kautsāyana mf(ī)n. fr. kutsa g. pakṣâdi 
   • relating to Kutsāyana MaitrUp. v, 1


   kauthuma m. patr. fr. Kuthumin, N. of a teacher Pravar. BrahmaP 
   • of Pārāśarya VāyuP 
   • (ī), f. a female descendant of Kuthumin Vop. iv, 15 
   • (ās), m. pl. the school of Kuthumin Pāṇ. 6-4, 144 Vārtt. 1 
   • g. kārta-kaujapâdi 
   • (kaudhuma) Divyâv. xxxiii

≫ kauthumaka

   kauthumaka n. the Brāhmaṇa of the school of Kuthumin Comm. on Bādar. iii, 3, 1


   kaudālika m. (fr. kudāla), a man of a mixed caste (son of a fisherman by a woman of the washerman caste) W

≫ kaudālīka

   kaudālīka m. id. BrahmaP

≫ kauddāla

   kauddāla mf(ī)n. made of kuddāla wood Baudh. iii, 1, 7 and 2, 5 f


   kaudravika n. (fr. kodrava), sochal salt L

≫ kaudravīṇa

   kaudravīṇa mfn. sown with Kodrava (as a field &c.) Pāṇ. 5-2, 1 Kāś

≫ kaudravīṇaka

   kaudravīṇaka mfn. id. Gal. [Page 316, Column 2] 


   kaudrāyaṇa ○ṇaka g. arīhaṇâdi (vḷ. kaundr○ Gaṇar. 289 
   • not in Kāś.)


   kaudreya m. (g. gṛṣṭy-ādi) patr. fr. Kudri KātyŚr. x, 2, 21 Pravar


   kaunakīya ās m. pl., N. of a school of the AV. (for ○nakhīya?) Caraṇ


   kaunakhya n. (fr. ku-nakha), the condition of one who has a disease of the nails Mn. xi, 49 
   • ugliness of the nails W


   kaunāmi m. patr. fr. ku-nāman g. bāhv-ādi

≫ kaunāmika

   kaunāmika mf(ā or ī)n., g. kāśy-ādi


   kauntá ? MaitrS. iv, 2, 6


   kauntala ās m. pl., N. of a people Hariv. 784 (v. l. kont○)


   kauntāyani mfn. fr. kuntī g. karṇâdi


   kauntālī f. ? Bālar


   kauntika m. (fr. kunta), a spearman, soldier armed with a spear L

≫ kauntī

   kauntī f. (fr. kunta or ○ti), a sort of perfume Car. vi, 17 Bhpr 
   • N. of a river BhP. xii, 1, 37


   kaunteya m. metron. fr. Kuntī, N. of Yudhishṭhira, Bhīma-sena, and Arjuna MBh. iii, 19 Nal. Hit 
   • the tree Terminalia Arjuna L

≫ kauntya

   kauntya m. a king of the Kuntis Pāṇ. 4-1, 176 Kāś


   kaunda mf(ī)n. relating to or coming from jasmine (kunda) Vikr. Amar. 54


   kaundrāyaṇa v. l. for kaudr○


   kaupa mf(ī)n. (fr. kūpa), coming from a well or cistern Suśr. Sāh 
   • (am), n. well-water W

≫ kaupīna

   kaupīna n. the pudenda, privities MBh. BhP. Pañcat. Kathās 
   • a small piece of cloth worn over the privities by poor persons Pañcat. Daś. Bhartṛ 
   • (= a-kārya Pāṇ. 5-2, 20) a wrong or improper act, sin MBh. v, 2684 
   • (xiii, 2491.)

⋙ kaupīnavat

   ○vat mfn. one who has only a piece of cloth over the privities

≫ kaupya

   kaupya mfn. coming from a well Suśr


   kaupādakī = kaumod○ L. Sch


   kaupiñjala m. patr. fr. ku-p○ g. śivâdi 
   • mfn. Pāṇ. 4-3, 112


   kaupīna kaupa


   kauputraka n. fr. ku-putra g. manojñâdi


   kaupodakī = kaumod○ L. Sch


   kaupya kaupa


   kaubera mf(ī)n. relating or belonging to Kubera (as kāṣṭhā, or diś, the region) MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • (ī), f. (scil. diś) Kubera's region, i.e. the north quarter R. Ragh. &c 
   • the Śakti or female energy of Kubera L 
   • the plant Costus speciosus or arabicus L

⋙ kauberatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha ŚivaP

≫ kauberikeya

   kauberikeya m. metron. fr. kuberikā g. śubhrâdi

≫ kauberiṇī

   kauberiṇī f. the Śakti of Kubera Bālar. (pl.)


   kaubjya n. (fr. kubjá), hump-backedness Suśr


   kaúmāra mf(ī)n. (fr. kumārá, or ○rī Pāṇ. 4-2, 13), juvenile, youthful, belonging to a youth or young girl, maiden, maidenly, (kaúmāra loká, the youths and girls AV. xii, 3, 47 
   • kaumārī bhāryā [Pat. and Kāś. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 13], 'a virgin wife, one who has not had a husband previously' R 
   • kaumāra pati [Kāś 
   • or ○ra bhartṛ Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 13], 'a man who marries a virgin' Kathās. cxxvii, 55 
   • kaumāra vrata, a vow of abstinence MBh.) 
   • soft, tender W 
   • relating to the god of war, belonging or peculiar to him, relating to Sanat-kumāra MBh. BhP. Kathās. ii, 76 Parāś. Madhus 
   • m. the son of a maiden L 
   • N. of a mountain (cf. -parvata) MBh. vi, 426 
   • (ās), m. pl. the followers of Kumāra's grammar, Prauḍh 
   • (ī), f. one of the seven Mātṛis or personified energies of the gods, Śakti of Kumāra or Kārttikeya (the god of war) BrahmaP. [Page 316, Column 3] DeviibhP 
   • a kind of bulbous √( = vārāhī-kanda) L 
   • (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī 
   • (am), n. childhood, youth (from birth to the age of five), maidenhood (to the age of sixteen) Mn. ix, 3 MBh. R. &c 
   • (ifc. f. ā) Kathās

⋙ kaumāracārin

   ○cārin mfn. abstinent, chaste (= brahma-c○) MBh. xiii, 5853

⋙ kaumāratantra

   ○tantra n. the section of a medical work treating of the rearing and education of children

⋙ kaumāraparvata

   ○parvata m. N. of a mountain NarasP

⋙ kaumārabrahmacārin

   ○brahma-cārin mfn. = -cārin MBh. i, 443 and 4733 Kathās. lxvi, 155

⋙ kaumāravratacārin

   ○vrata-cārin mfn. id. MBh. xiii, 2039

⋙ kaumārahara

   ○hara mfn. devirginating Sāh

≫ kaumāraka

   kaumāraka n. childhood, juvenile age MārkP. Sāh 
   • (ikā), f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī

≫ kaumāraprabhṛtyaka

   kaumāraprabhṛtyaka n. (fr. kumāraprabhṛti), the rearing and education of children (a department of medical science) Car. i, 30

≫ kaumārabhṛtya

   kaumārabhṛtya n. (fr. kumāra-bhṛtyā), id. Suśr

≫ kaumārarājya

   kaumārarājya n. (fr. kumāra-rāja), the position of an heir-apparent R. ii, 58, 20 (vḷ. kum○)

≫ kaumārahārita

   kaumārahārita m. patr. fr. kumārahārita Pravar

≫ kaumārāyaṇa

   kaumārāyaṇa m. (g. 1. naḍâdi) patr. fr. kumāra Pravar

≫ kaumārika

   kaumārika mfn. liking girls or daughters MBh. i, 4054 
   • relating to Kumāra (as a Tantra)

⋙ kaumārikatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra Ānand. Sch

≫ kaumārikeya

   kaumārikeya m. metron. fr. kumārikā g. śubhrâdi

≫ kaumārila

   kaumārila mfn. relating to or composed by Kumārila Comm. on Prab


   kaumuda m. patr. fr. Kumuda ĀrshBr 
   • the month Kārttika (October-November) MBh. xiii 
   • (ī), f. moonlight, moonshine (from its causing the Kumudas to blossom 
   • also Moonlight personified as the wife of Candra or the moon) Ragh. Kum. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • elucidation (the word Kaumudī being metaphorically used like other words of similar import [cf. candrikā] at the end of grammatical commentaries and other explanatory works to imply that the book so designated throws much light on the subject of which it treats, e.g. padârtha-k○, prakriyā-k○, laghu-k○, vaiṣamya-k○, siddhânta-k○) 
   • the day of full moon in the month Kārttika (sacred to Kārttikeya), festival in honour of Kārttikeya held on that day MBh. i, 7648 ; xiii, 6132 PSarv 
   • the day of full moon in the month Āśvina L 
   • a festival in general L 
   • (= kumud-vatī) the water-lily (Nymphaea esculenta) BhP. x, 65, 18 
   • a metre (of 2 X 24 syllables) 
   • N. of a river Śaṃkar 
   • (am), n. (with vrata) N. of a particular observance AgP

≫ kaumudagandhyā

   kaumudagandhyā f. patr. Pāṇ. 6-1, 13 Vārtt. 2 Pat

≫ kaumudika

   kaumudika mfn. relating to water-lilies, abounding with them Pāṇ. 4-2, 80 
   • (ā), f. N. of a female friend of Umā L 
   • of a female servant in Kāli-dāsa's play Mālav

≫ kaumudī

   kaumudī (f. of ○da, q.v.)

⋙ kaumudīcāra

   ○cāra m. n. the day of full moon in month Āśvina L

⋙ kaumudījīvana

   ○jīvana m. 'living on the water-lily', N. of the bird Cakora L

⋙ kaumudītaru

   ○taru m. the stick of a lamp Gal

⋙ kaumudīnirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ kaumudīpati

   ○pati m. 'husband of the moonlight', the moon L

⋙ kaumudīpracāra

   ○pracāra m. a kind of game Vātsyāy

⋙ kaumudīprabhā

   ○prabhā f. N. of a Comm

⋙ kaumudīrajanī

   ○rajanī f. a moonlight night Hcar

⋙ kaumudīvilāsa

   ○vilāsa m. N. of wk

⋙ kaumudīvṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru L

≫ kaumudvateya

   kaumudvateya m. metron. fr kumudvatī Ragh. xviii, 2


   kaumedura N. of a locality, g. takṣaśilâdi (Kāś.) 
   • (mfn.) ib


   kaumodakī f. (fr. ku-modaka?), N. of the club of Vishṇu or Kṛishṇa (given to him by Varuṇa) MBh. i, 8200 Hariv. BhP. &c

≫ kaumodī

   kaumodī f. = ○dakī L


   kaumbha mfn. (fr. kumbhá g. saṃkalâdi), put into a pot Suśr

≫ kaumbhakarṇa

   kaumbhakarṇa mfn. belonging to Kumbhakarṇa Bālar

≫ kaumbhakarṇi

   kaumbhakarṇi m. patr. fr. Kumbhakarṇa Bhaṭṭ. xv, 120

≫ kaumbhakāraka

   kaumbhakāraka n. 'anything made by a potter', g. kulālâdi

≫ kaumbhakāri

   kaumbhakāri m. the son of a potter Pāṇ. 4-1, 153 Kāś. [Page 317, Column 1] 

≫ kaumbhakāreya

   kaumbhakāreya m. the son of a female potter Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-1, 14 Vārtt. 5 and 48 Vārtt. 8

≫ kaumbhakārya

   kaumbhakārya m. = ○kāri Pāṇ. 4-1, 153 Sch. (not in Kāś.)

≫ kaumbhāyana

   kaumbhāyana mfn. fr. kumbha g. pakṣâdi

≫ kaumbhāyani

   kaumbhāyani mfn. fr. kumbhī g. karṇâdi

≫ kaumbheyaka

   kaumbheyaka mfn. fr. kumbhī g. kattryādi

≫ kaumbhya

   kaumbhya mfn. (g. saṃkāśâdi) put into a pot (ghṛta) SāmavBr. ii, 2, 3 and 8, 4 
   • m. patr. of Babhru TāṇḍyaBr. xv, 3, 13


   kaurama m. N. of a man (v. l. ○ruma) AV. xx, 127, 1


   kaúrayāṇa m. (fr. kur○?), patr. of Pāka-sthāman RV. viii, 3, 21 (Nir. v, 25)


   kaurava mf(ī)n. (= ○vaka Pāṇ. 4-2, 130 
   • g. utsâdi and kacchâdi) relating or belonging to the Kurus MBh. VarBṛS 
   • (kṣetra = kuru-kṣ○) Megh 
   • m. patr. fr. Kuru, descendant of Kuru (generally used in pl.) MBh. Hariv. &c. (ifc. f. ā MBh. i, 7961) 
   • (ī), f. Trigonella foenum graecum Gal

⋙ kauravapāṇḍavīya

   ○"ṣpāṇḍavīya mfn. relating to the Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas, Pracāṇḍ

≫ kauravaka

   kauravaka mfn. fr. kúru Pāṇ. 4-2, 130 
   • g. kacchâdi

≫ kauravāyaṇi

   kauravāyaṇi m. patr. fr. kúru g. tikâdi

≫ kauraveya

   kauraveya ās m. the descendants of Kuru MBh. i, 5689 f. ; iii, 313 and 14744 ; iv, 1136

≫ kauravya

   kauravyá m. (gaṇas tikâdi and bhargâdi) patr. fr. Kuru, descendant of Kuru AV. xx, 127, 8 (kaúravya) ŚBr. xii ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh. &c 
   • N. of a Nāga (father of Ulūpi) MBh. i 
   • (ās), m. pl. = pāṇḍavās MBh 
   • N. of a people MBh. vi, 362

≫ kauravyāyaṇa

   kauravyāyaṇa m. patr. fr. ○vyá, descendant of Kauravya Pravar 
   • (ī), f. of kauravyá Pāṇ. 4-1, 19

⋙ kauravyāyaṇīputra

   kaúravyāyaṇī-pútra m. 'son of a female descendant of Kuru', N. of a teacher ŚBr. xiv, 8, 1, 1

≫ kauravyāyaṇi

   kauravyāyaṇi m. patr. fr. ○vyá g. tikâdi

≫ kaurukātya

   kaurukātya m. patr. fr. kuru-kata g. gargâdi

≫ kaurukullaka

   kaurukullaka ās m. pl. (fr. kuru-kullā), N. of a Buddhist school

≫ kaurujaṅgala

   kaurujaṅgala or mfn. fr. kurujaṅgala Pāṇ. 7-3, 25 Kāś

⋙ kaurujāṅgala

   kaurujāṅgala mfn. fr. kurujaṅgala Pāṇ. 7-3, 25 Kāś

≫ kaurupañcāla

   kaúrupañcāla for ○pAJc○ ŚBr. xi, 4, 1, 2

≫ kaurupathi

   kaurupathi m. patr. fr. kuru-patha, N. of a Ṛishi Kauś

≫ kaurupāñcāla

   kaúrupāñcāla mfn. (g. anuśatikâdi) belonging to the race of the Kurus and Pañcālas ŚBr. i, 7, 2, 8


   kauruma kaurama


   kaurpara mfn. (fr. kūrp○), being at the elbow Suśr


   kaurpi m. (borrowed fr. Gk. ?) the sign [317, 1] Scorpio VarBṛ. i, 7 (v. l.)

≫ kaurpya

   kaurpya m. id. ib


   kaurma mfn. (fr. kūrma), relating or belonging or peculiar to a tortoise Pañcat 
   • m. (scil. avatāra) the Avatāra of Vishṇu as a tortoise BhP. xi, 4, 18 
   • N. of a great period or Kalpa (the day of full moon of Brahmā) 
   • (am), n. (scil. āsana) a particular manner of being seated, NārP 
   • (scil. purāṇa) N. of a Purāṇa (on the subject of Vishṇu's descent as a tortoise) Sarvad

⋙ kaurmopapurāṇa

   kaurmôpapurāṇa n. N. of an Upa-purāṇa


   kaurvata mfn. fr. kurvat Pāṇ. 3-2, 124 Vārtt. 3 Pat


   kaula mf(ī)n. (fr. kúla), relating or belonging to a family, extending over a whole family or race R. iv, 28, 9 
   • heritable in a family BhP. xii, 3, 36 
   • sprung from a noble family L 
   • belonging or particular to the Kaulas Kulârṇ 
   • m. a worshipper of Śakti accord. to the left-hand ritual ib 
   • a kind of weight (kola) Gal 
   • (ī), f. noble descent, Var Yogay 
   • (am), n. the doctrine and practices of the left-hand Śāktas Kulârṇ

⋙ kaulamārga

   ○mārga m. (= kul○) the doctrine of the Kaulas, Tantr

⋙ kaularahasya

   ○rahasya n. 'esoteric doctrine of the Kaulas', N. of wk

⋙ kaulavrata

   ○vrata n. living accord. to the traditional rule of a family

⋙ kaulārcanadīpikā

   kaulârcana-dīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ kaulāvalīya

   kaulâvalīya n. N. of a Tantra Tantras. [Page 317, Column 2] 

⋙ kauleśabhairavī

   kaulêśa-bhairavī f. a form of Durgā ib

⋙ kauleśvara

   kaulêśvara m. (with Śāktas) N. of an author of Mantras, Tantr

⋙ kaulopaniṣad

   kaulôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up

≫ kaulakeya

   kaulakeya mfn. sprung from a noble family L 
   • m. for kaulaṭeya, q.v. L

≫ kaulattha

   kaulattha mf(ī Pāṇ. 4-4, 4)n. (fr. kul○), made or prepared with Dolichos uniflorus Suśr 
   • (am), n. a drink prepared with Kulattha ib

≫ kaulatthīna

   kaulatthīna mfn. sown with Dolichos uniflorus (as a field) Pāṇ. 5-2, 1 Kāś

≫ kaulapata

   kaulapata mf(ī)n. fr. kula-pati g. aśvapaty-ādi

≫ kaulapatya

   kaulapatya n. (fr. kula-pati), the state of the head of a family R. vii, 59, 2, 38 f. and 47

≫ kaulaputra

   kaulaputra n. (fr. kula-p○), the state of a son of a good family Hcar

≫ kaulaputraka

   kaulaputraka n. id., g. manojñâdi

≫ kaulika

   kaulika mfn. belonging to a family or race, ancestral, customary or heritable in a family W 
   • m. a weaver VarBṛS. lxxxvii, 20 Pañcat 
   • a follower of the left-hand Śākta ritual Kulârṇ. Tantras 
   • (hence) a heretic L

⋙ kaulikatantra

   ○tantra n. N. of a Tantra Tantras

≫ kaulīna

   kaulīna mf(ā)n. belonging or peculiar to a noble family R. v, 87, 12 
   • m. a follower of the left-hand Śākta ritual W 
   • (= kaulakeya) the son of a female beggar W 
   • (ās), m. pl. the pupils of Kaulīni Pāṇ. 4-1, 90 Vārtt. 4 Pat 
   • (am), n. rumour, report, evil report, detraction Śak. Ragh. xiv, 36 and 84 Megh. Kathās. (ifc. f. ā) 
   • family scandal W 
   • disgraceful or improper act Kād 
   • high birth (fr. kulīna) Kathās. lī, 182 (?) 
   • combat of animals or birds or snakes &c., cock-fighting &c., gambling by setting animals to fight together L 
   • the pudenda, privities (for kaupīna?) L

≫ kaulīni

   kaulīni m. patr. fr. kulīna Pāṇ. 4-1, 90 Vārtt. 4 Pat

≫ kaulīnya

   kaulīnya n. high birth, nobility Pañcat 
   • family honour W 
   • family trouble or scandal W

≫ kauleya

   kauleya mfn. sprung from a noble family Comm. on L 
   • of the left-hand Śākta sect W 
   • m. 'a domestic animal', i.e. 'a dog', -kuṭumbinī

⋙ kauleyakuṭumbinī

   ○kuṭumbinī f. 'a dog's wife', bitch Kād

≫ kauleyaka

   kauleyaka mfn. sprung from a noble family Pāṇ. 4-1, 140 
   • pertaining to a family W 
   • m. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 96) 'domestic animal' (or 'of good breed'?), a dog (esp. a hunting dog) Kād. Hcar

≫ kaulya

   kaulya mfn. sprung from a noble family Comm. on L 
   • of the left-hand Śākta sect W 
   • (am), n. noble descent MBh. v, 1240


   kaulaka mfn. fr. kū́la g. dhūmâdi

⋙ kaulakāvatī

   kaulakâvatī́ nom. du. m. (fr. kū́la and āvát?), N. of two Ṛishis MaitrS. ii, 1, 3

≫ kaulaki

   kaulaki m. patr. Pravar

≫ kauli

   kauli m. Pāṇ. Siddh.) patr. Pravar


   kaulakeya kaula


   kaulaṭineya as, ī mf. (fr. kulaṭā), the son or daughter of a female beggar (or of a disloyal wife L.) Pāṇ. 4-1, 127 Kāś

≫ kaulaṭeya

   kaulaṭeya as, ī mf. id. ib

≫ kaulaṭera

   kaulaṭera as, ā mf. the son or daughter of a disloyal wife ib 
   • of a female beggar Comm. on L


   kaulattha &c. kaula


   kaulaba m. N. of the third Karaṇa or astronomical period VarBṛS. ic, 4 and 6

≫ kaulava

   kaulava m. id. Koshṭhīpr

⋙ kaulavārṇava

   kaulavârṇava m. N. of a Tantra


   kaulālá m. (Ved. = kúl○ Pāṇ. 5-4, 36 Vārtt. 1) a potter ['the son of a potter' Comm.] VS. xxx, 7 
   • (am), n. (fr. kúl○), potter's ware, pottery ĀśvGṛ. iv, 3, 19

⋙ kaulālacakra

   ○cakrá n. a potter's wheel ŚBr. xi, 8, 1, 1

≫ kaulālaka

   kaulālaka n. anything made by a potter, earthenware, porcelain Pāṇ. 4-3, 118


   kaulāsa mfn. fr. kūl○ g. saṃkalâdi


   kauli kaulaka


   kaulika kaula


   kaulitará mfn. ? (said of the demon Śambara) RV. iv, 30, 14


   kaulinda ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. (v. l. for kauṇinda) [Page 317, Column 3] 
   • m. a prince of that people, iv, 24


   kauliśāyani mfn. fr. kuliśa g. karṇâdi

≫ kauliśika

   kauliśika mf(ī)n. resembling a thunderbolt, g. aṅguly-ādi


   kaulīká m. (= kulī́kā) a kind of bird VS. xxiv, 24 MaitrS. iii, 14, 5


   kaulīna &c. kaula


   kaulīrā f. (fr. kulīra), N. of a plant (= karkaṭa-śṛṅgī) L


   kaulūta ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. x, 11 
   • m. a prince of that people (vḷ. ○lūbha) Mudr 
   • (mfn.) fr. kul○ g. kacchâdi (vv. ll. ○lūtara, ○lūna Kāś. and ulūpa ṅaṇar. 327 ṣch.)

≫ kaulūtara


⋙ kaulūna

   kaulūna ○lūta


   kauleya ○leyaka, kaula


   kaulmalabarhiṣa n. N. of several Sāmans (called after kulmala-b○) TāṇḍyaBr. xv, 3, 20 Lāṭy. iv, 5, 26 and vii, 2, 1 ; 13 and 15


   kaulmāṣika mf(ī)n. (fr. kulmāṣa) = kulmāṣe sādhu g. guḍâdi

≫ kaulmāṣī

   kaulmāṣī f. a day of full moon on which Kulmāsha is eaten Pāṇ. 5-2, 83

≫ kaulmāṣīṇa

   kaulmāṣīṇa mf(ā)n. sown with or fit for Kulmāsha (as a field) Comm. on L


   kaulya kaula


   kauvala n. (= kuv○) the jujube Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-3, 140 Vārtt. 1 and 156 Vārtt. 3


   kauvidārya mfn. fr. ko-vidāra g. pragady-ādi


   kauvindī f. (fr. kuvinda), the wife of a weaver SkandaP


   kauśá mf(ī)n. made of Kuśa grass ŚBr. v KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr. MBh 
   • m. = kuśa-dviipa VP 
   • (am), n. (scil. nagara) 'the town of Kuśa', N. of Kānyakubja L

⋙ kauśāmbhas

   kauśâmbhas n. water in which Kuśa grass has been boiled Deviim

≫ kauśika 1

   kauśika mfn. (fr. kuśā or kuśī́), 'having paws', an owl Suśr. VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c 
   • an ichneumon L 
   • (mfn.) coming from an owl Suśr

⋙ kauśikatā

   ○tā (○ká-), f. the state of being kept together by two pins (and 'the state of being Sūrya [see 3. kauśiká])' TBr. i, 5, 10, 2. -1

⋙ kauśikatva

   ○tvá n. id. MaitrS. iv, 5, 7

⋙ kauśikāṅguli

   kauśikâṅguli m. 'having paws like an owl', N. of a teacher Pravar

⋙ kauśikārāti

   kauśikârāti m. 'enemy of owls', a crow L

⋙ kauśikāri

   kauśikâri m. id. L

⋙ kauśikyoja

   kauśiky-oja m. 'abode of owls' (oja = ojas), N. of a tree (= śākhoṭa) L

≫ kauśya

   kauśya mfn. made of Kuśa grass MBh 
   • m. patr. fr. Kuśa (= kaúṣya) ŚBr. x, 5, 5, 1 Sch

kauśa 2

   kauśa mfn. (fr. kóśa), silken BhP. iii, 4, 7 Buddh. L

≫ kauśakī

   kauśakī f. (for ○śikī?), N. of one of the eight A-kulas Kulârṇ

≫ kauśika 2

   kauśika mfn. forming a receptacle (as a wound 
   • kośa-vat) Bhpr. vi, 35 (v. l. kauṣṭhika) 
   • sheathed (a sword) MBh. iii, 11461 
   • silken MBh. iii 
   • m. one who is versed in dictionaries L 
   • a lexicographer L 
   • one who catches snakes L 
   • the fragrant substance bdellium L 
   • marrow L 
   • a kind of seed L 
   • (ā), f. a drinking-vessel (v. l. kośikā) L 
   • (ī), f. N. of a goddess sprung from the body of Pārvatī MārkP. lxxxv, 40 KālP. DeviiP 
   • (am), n. silk, silk cloth Yājñ. i, 186 MBh. xiii, 5502 
   • a silk garment BhP. x, 83, 28

≫ kauśikāra

   kauśi-kāra kośa-kāra

≫ kauśīdhānya

   kauśī-dhānya n. = kośa-dh○, q.v. Baudh. (Comm. on KātyŚr. ii, 1, 10)

≫ kauśeya

   kauśeya mfn. silken MBh. &c 
   • (am), n. silk, silk cloth, silk petticoat or trowsers, a woman's lower garments of silk Pāṇ. 4-3, 42 Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • N. of a locality Romakas

≫ kauśeyaka

   kauśeyaka n. silk cloth VarBṛS. xxvii, 27


   kauśala n. (fr. kuś○ 
   • g. yuvâdi) well-being, welfare, good fortune, prosperity MBh. iv, 486 BhP 
   • skilfulness, cleverness, experience (with loc. or ifc.) Suśr. Mṛicch. Pañcat. &c 
   • (ī), f. friendly inquiry, greeting, salutation L 
   • a respectful present, Nazr L 
   • ( also kausala.)

≫ kauśali

   kauśali m. metron. fr. kuśalā g. bāhv-ādi. [Page 318, Column 1] 

≫ kauśalikā

   kauśalikā f. a present, respectful gift Kathās

≫ kauśalya

   kauśalya m. a kind of pavilion Vāstuv 
   • (am), n. (g. brāhmaṇâdi) welfare, well-being, prosperity MBh. R 
   • cleverness, skilfulness, experience (ifc.) SaddhP. Bhpr 
   • (ā), f. kausalya


   kauśāmba mfn. (fr. kuś○), belonging to Kauśāmbī (as a territory, maṇḍala) Inscr 
   • (ī), f. (g. nady-ādi), N. of an ancient city (now represented by the village of Kosam, on the Jumnā, near Allahābād 
   • also called vatsa-pattana) R. i, 34, 6 Divyâv. xxxvi f. Pāṇ. 4-2, 68 Kāś. Kathās. iv, 18 ; ix, 5 
   • lxvi, 193 MatsyaP. Hit

≫ kauśāmbi

   kauśāmbi f. = ○bī VarBṛS. xvi, 3

≫ kauśāmbikā

   kauśāmbikā f. N. of a woman Ratnâv

≫ kauśāmbīya

   kauśāmbīya mfn. coming from Kauśāmbī ib

≫ kauśāṃbeya

   kauśāṃbeyá m. (g. śubhrâdi) patr. fr. kuśāmba ŚBr. xii, 2, 2, 13 GopBr. i, 4, 24 
   • mfn. fr. kauśāmbī g. nady-ādi

≫ kauśāmbya

   kauśāmbya m. a prince of Kauśāmbī Hariv. 5017 and 5498


   kauśâśvī v. l. for ○śāmbī R

kauśika 3

   kauśiká mfn. relating to Kuśika (or to Kauśika) MBh. xiii, 2719 
   • m. (g. bidâdi) patr. of Viśvā-mitra (who was the son or grandson of Kuśika), interpolation after RV. x, 85 MBh. R 
   • of Gādhi Hariv. 1457 
   • of Bhadra-śarman VBr 
   • N. of a teacher (author of the Kauśikasūtra, brother of Paippalādi) BṛĀrUp. Kauś. Pāṇ. 4-3, 103 Hariv. 11074 
   • N. of a grammarian Hariv. 5501 
   • of one of Jarāsandha's generals MBh. ii, 885 
   • N. of Indra (as originally perhaps belonging to the Kuśikas or friendly to them) RV. i, 10, 11 ŚBr. iii, 3, 4, 19 ṢaḍvBr. TĀr. ĀśvŚr. MBh. &c 
   • of Sūrya TBr. i, 5, 10, 2 Sch 
   • of a son of Vasu-deva VP 
   • of Śiva L 
   • of an Asura Hariv. 2288 
   • Vatika robusta L 
   • (in music) N. of a Rāga 
   • (for kaiśika) love, passion L 
   • (ās), m. pl. the descendants of Kuśika Hariv. 1770 ff 
   • (of Kuśa) R. i, 35, 20 
   • (ī), f. (in music) N. of a Rāgiṇī 
   • N. of Durgā Hariv. 3260 and 3270 
   • N. of a Śikshā 
   • of a river in Bahar (commonly Kosi or Koosa, created by Viśvā-mitra, or identified with Satyavatī, the sister of Viśvā-mitra) MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • N. of a Buddhist female beggar Mālav 
   • for kaiśikī, q.v. Sāh

⋙ kauśikatā

   ○tā (○ká-), f. 1. kauśika

⋙ kauśikatva

   ○tvá n. ib 
   • the state of being a descendant of Kuśika Hariv. 1774 
   • the state of being Kauśika (i.e. Indra), 12489

⋙ kauśikapriya

   ○priya m. 'dear to Kauśika', N. of Rāma L

⋙ kauśikaphala

   ○phala m. the cocoa-nut (said to have been created by Viśvā-mitra, i.e. Kauśika, when endeavouring to form a human being in rivalry of Brahmā, the nut being the rudiment of a head W.) L

⋙ kauśikātmaja

   kauśikâtmaja m. 'Indra's son', N. of Arjuna L

⋙ kauśikāditya

   kauśikâditya n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP

⋙ kauśikāyudha

   kauśikâyudha n. 'Indra's bow', the rainbow L

⋙ kauśikāraṇya

   kauśikâraṇya n. 'Kauśika's wood', N. of a town Hariv. iii, 44, 48

≫ kauśikāyani

   kauśikāyaní m. patr. fr. kauśiká, N. of a teacher ŚBr. xiv, 5, 5, 21 and 7, 3, 27

≫ kauśikin

   kauśikin inas m. pl. the pupils of Kauśika Pāṇ. 4-3, 103 ; iv, 2, 66 Kāś

≫ kauśikī

   kauśikī (f. of ○ka, q.v.)

⋙ kauśikīputra

   ○putra m. N. of a teacher BṛĀrUp. vi, 5, 1

≫ kauśila

   kauśila m. a familiar N. for Kauśika Vām. v, 2, 63

≫ kauśilya

   kauśilya m. patr. of the prince Hiraṇyanābha VāyuP


   kauśija ās m. pl., N. of a people MBh. vi, 349 (v. l. kosala)


   kauśila ○lya, 3. kauśiká


   kauśī-dhānya 2. kauśa


   kauśīrakeya mfn. fr. kuśīraka g. sakhy-ādi


   kauśīlava n. (fr. kuś○), the profession of an actor or dancer Gobh. iii, 1, 19

≫ kauśīlavya

   kauśīlavya n. id. Mn. xi, 65


   kauśeya ○yaka, 2. kauśa


   kauśya 1. kauśa


   kauśreya m. patr. fr. kuśri Kāṭh. xx, 8 and xxi, 9


   kauṣārava m. patr. fr. Kushāru AitBr. viii, 28 (N. of Maitreya) BhP. i, 13, 2 
   • iii. [Page 318, Column 2] 

⋙ kauṣāravi

   kauṣāravi m. id. BhP. ii, 10, 49 ; iii, 10, 3


   kauṣītaka m. patr. fr. kuṣ○, N. of Kahoḍa ĀśvGṛ 
   • (ī), f. patr. of Agastya's wife L 
   • N. of a Śākhā of the RV 
   • (am), n. N. of a Brāhmaṇa ŚāṅkhBr. ŚāṅkhŚr. Bādar. iii, 3, 1 Sch

≫ kauṣītaki

   kaúṣītaki m. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 124 Kāś.) patr. fr. kuṣī́taka ŚBr. ii TāṇḍyaBr. xvii (pl.) ŚāṅkhŚr. ChUp. Pravar

⋙ kauṣītakibrāhmaṇa

   ○brāhmaṇa n. N. of a Brāhmaṇa (= ŚāṅkhBr.) 
   • = KaushUp. Bādar. i, 4, 16 Sch. and iii, 3, 10 Sch 
   • ○ṇôpaniṣad f. id., i, 1, 28 Sch

⋙ kauṣītakirahasya

   ○rahasya n. id., iii, 3, 26 Sch 
   • -brāhmaṇa n. id. Comm. on Mn. iv, 23

⋙ kauṣītakyupaniṣad

   kauṣītaky-upaniṣad f. N. of an Up

≫ kauṣītakin

   kauṣītakin inas m. 'the pupils of ○ka', N. of a school ĀśvGṛ. i, 23, 5 Bādar. Sch

≫ kauṣītakeya

   kaúṣītakeya m. = ○ka, N. of Kahoḍa ŚBr. xiv, 6, 4, 1 
   • of a Kāśyapa Pāṇ. 4-1, 124


   kauṣīdya kausīdya


   kauṣeya m. (fr. koṣá), N. of a Ṛishi R. vii, 1, 4 
   • also v. l. for kauśeya (q.v.) R. iii, iv MārkP. xv, 27

≫ kauṣya

   kaúṣya m. patr. fr. koṣá Kāṭh. xxii, 6 f. ŚBr. x, 5, 5, 1


   kauṣṭacitka mfn. fr. kuṣṭa-cit g. kathâdi (Kāś.), v. l. for ○ṣṭhavitka


   kauṣṭhá mfn. (fr. koṣṭha), being in the stomach or abdomen Sarvad 
   • being in a storeroom ŚBr. i, 1, 2, 7

≫ kauṣṭhika 1

   kauṣṭhika v. l. for 2. kauśika

≫ kauṣṭhya

   kauṣṭhya mfn. being in the abdomen Yājñ. iii, 95 
   • extremely rich (?) TĀr. vi, 5, 2

kauṣṭhika 2

   kauṣṭhika mfn. (fr. kuṣṭha), treating of leprosy Car. ii, 5 and vi, 18

≫ kauṣṭhavitka

   kauṣṭhavitka mfn. (fr. kuṣṭha-vid), useful for the knowledge of leprosy ṅaṇar. 337 ṣch., g. kathâdi (cf. kauṣḻacitka.)


   kauṣṭhila &c. mahā-k○


   kauṣmāṇḍa mfn. addressed to the demons called Kūshmāṇḍa (as a Mantra) VarBṛS

≫ kauṣmāṇḍika

   kauṣmāṇḍika mfn. id. AV. Pariś. xlī, 2


   kaúṣya kauṣeya


   kausala (often spelt kauśala), mfn. belonging to the Kosalas (a country) Divyâv. vii, xii 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. x, 14 Romakas. SŚaṃkar 
   • of a dynasty BhP. xii, 1, 33 
   • v. l. for kos○, q.v 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of Kṛishṇa's wives, x, 83, 6 
   • (ī), f. N. of one of Vasu-deva's wives VP

≫ kausalaka

   kausalaka ās m. pl. (spelt kauśal○), N. of a people VarBṛS 
   • (mfn.) belonging to the Kosalas ib

≫ kausaleya

   kausaleya m. = ○lyeya L

≫ kausalya

   kaúsalya mfn. (often spelt kauś○) belonging to the people of the Kosalas 
   • m. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 171) a prince of the Kosalas ŚBr. xiii ŚāṅkhŚr. PraśnUp. Hariv. &c 
   • (ā), f. 'daughter of a prince of the Kosalas', N. of the wife of Pūru and mother of Janam-ejaya MBh. i, 3764 
   • of the wife of Satvat Hariv. 1999 
   • of Daśa-ratha's wife (mother of Rāma-candra) MBh. iii, 15879 R 
   • of the mother of Dhṛita-rāshṭra L 
   • of the mother of Pāṇḍu L

≫ kausalyā

   kausalyā (f. of ○lya, q.v.)

⋙ kausalyānandana

   ○nandana m. 'son of Kausalyā', Rāma L

⋙ kausalyāmātṛ

   ○mātṛ m. 'having Kausalyā for his mother', Rāma MBh. iii, 16572

≫ kausalyāyani

   kausalyāyani m. patr. fr. ○lya Pāṇ. 4-1, 155 
   • metron. fr. ○lyā (or patr. fr. kosala), N. of Rāma Bhaṭṭ. vii, 90

≫ kausalyeya

   kausalyeya m. metron. fr. ○lyā, N. of Rāma-candra Prasannar


   kausitá m. N. of a pool (mentioned in connection with kusitā́yī, q.v.) MaitrS. ii, 1, 11 MānGṛ. i, 6

≫ kausida

   kausida m. (spelt kos○) id. Kāṭh. x, 5

≫ kausīda

   kausīda mf(ī)n. (fr. kus○), connected with or relating to a loan, usurious Mn. viii, 143

≫ kausīdya

   kausīdya n. sloth, indolence Lalit. (printed ed. kauṣ○) 
   • the practice of usury L


   kausuma mf(ī)n. (fr. kus○), coming from or belonging to flowers (as pollen) Sāh 
   • made of flowers Naish. vii, 28 AgP. xliii, 10 Kathās. civ, 13 Bālar 
   • (am), n. (= kusumâñjana) the ashes of brass (used as a collyrium) L

≫ kausumāyudha

   kausumâyudha mfn. (fr. kus○), relating to the god of love Vet. xx, 19. [Page 318, Column 3] 


   kausumbha mf(ī)n. prepared with safflower Suśr 
   • (Pāṇ. 4-2, 1 Kāś.) dyed with safflower, orange Ratnâv 
   • m. wild safflower L 
   • (am), n. (with śāka) safflower prepared as a potherb, VārP 
   • anything dyed with safflower Cāṇ

≫ kausumbhaka

   kausumbhaka mfn. dyed with safflower AgP


   kausurubinda m. patr. fr. kus○ GopBr. i, 4, 24 
   • N. of a Daśa-rātra ceremony KātyŚr. xxiii f. Drāhy. xxx, 3

≫ kausurubindi

   kaúsurubindi m. patr. fr. kusurubinda ŚBr. xii, 2, 2, 13


   kausṛtika m. (fr. ku-sṛti), a juggler, conjurer Pāṇ. 5-2, 75 Kāś


   kaustubha as, am m. n. (cf. kust○), N. of a celebrated jewel (obtained with thirteen other precious things at the churning of the ocean and suspended on the breast of Kṛishṇa or Vishṇu) MBh. Hariv. R. &c 
   • m. a manner of joining the fingers Tantras 
   • = kiṃtughna AV. Jyot 
   • (am), n. a kind of oil (sarṣapôdbhava) KātyŚr. i, 8, 37 Sch 
   • N. of wk

⋙ kaustubhadhāman

   ○dhāman m. 'abode of the Kaustubha', Vishṇu Prasannar

⋙ kaustubhabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'wearing the Kaustubha', id. Kpr

⋙ kaustubhalakṣaṇa

   ○lakṣaṇa m. 'whose mark is the Kaustubha', id. W

⋙ kaustubhavakṣas

   ○vakṣas m. 'whose breast is decorated with the Kaustubha', id. L

⋙ kaustubhoras

   kaustubhôras m. id. Gal

≫ kaustubhīya

   kaustubhīya mfn. relating or belonging to the Kaustubha jewel Bālar


   kaustra n. the state of being a bad wife (ku-strī), g. yuvâdi


   kauhaḍa m. patr. fr. koh○ g. śivâdi Pāṇ. 2-4, 58 Kāś

≫ kauhaḍi

   kauhaḍi m. id. ib

≫ kauhala

   kauhala m. patr. fr. koh○ VBr

⋙ kauhalīputra

   kauhalīputra m. 'son of a female descendant of Kohala', N. of a grammarian TPrāt. ii, 5

≫ kauhalīya

   kauhalīya ās m. pl., N. of a school Gobh. iii


   kauhita m. patr. fr. koh○ g. śivâdi


   knaṃs cl. 1. 10. P. ○sati, ○sayati Dhātup. xxxiii, 90 (cf. √kuṃś, kuṃs, knas, kraṃś.)


   knath cl. 1. P. ○thati, to hurt Dhātup. xix, 38 (cf. √krath, klath.)


   knas cl. 4. P. ○syati, to be crooked (in mind or body) Dhātup. xxvi, 26 
   • to shine ib.: Caus. knasayati, to shine Dhātup. xix, 65 Vop. (cf. √knaṃs.)

≫ knasa

   knasa mfn. shining (?) Vop. xxvi, 30 (cf. caknasa.)


   knu or knū, cl. 9. P. Ā. knunāti, ○nīte or knūnāti, ○nīte, to sound Dhātup. xxxi, 10


   knūy cl. 1. Ā. knūyate (ind. p. knoyitvā Vop. xxvi, 207), to be wet Dhātup. xiv, 14 
   • to make a creaking sound ib 
   • to stink L.: Caus. P. knopayati (Pāṇ. 7-3, 36 and 86), to make wet Nir. vii, 14 (Sāy. on RV. i, 1, 1)

≫ knūta

   knūta mfn. stinking W 
   • noisy W 
   • wet W

≫ knūyitṛ

   knūyitṛ mfn. stinking Pāṇ. 3-2, 152 Kāś

≫ knopana

   knopana a-kn○

≫ knopam

   knopam ind. ifc. cela-k○, vastra-k○


   kmar cl. 1. P. kmarati, to be crooked (in body or mind), be fraudulent Dhātup. xv, 47 (cf. √hvṛ.)


   kyá n. (fr. 3. ká), anything agreeable to Prajā-pati ŚBr. x, 3, 4, 2 and 4 ; 4, 1, 4 and 15 ff


   kyát = kíyat (q.v.), how much? TBr. iii, 2, 9, 7


   kyāku u n. a fungus Āp. Gaut


   kyā́mbū ūs f. = kiyā́mbu AV. xviii, 3, 6 TĀr. vi, 4, 1 (kyāmbū́)


   kraṃś cl. 1. P. (?) ○śati, to illuminate Nir. ii, 25 (cf. √knaṃs, knas.)


   krakaca as, am m. n. a saw MBh. &c 
   • m. a kind of musical instrument MBh. vii, 1676 ; ix, 2676 
   • Ardea virgo Npr 
   • N. of a plant (Capparis aphylla L.) Kād 
   • of a hell PadmaP 
   • of a Kāpālika priest SŚaṃkar 
   • (ā), f. = -cchada L

⋙ krakacacchada

   ○cchada m. 'saw-leaved', Pandanus odoratissimus L

⋙ krakacatvac

   ○tvac m. id. Npr

⋙ krakacapattra

   ○pattra m. the teak tree L. [Page 319, Column 1] 

⋙ krakacapad

   ○pad (nom. -pād), m. 'saw-footed', a lizard, chameleon L

⋙ krakacapṛṣṭhī

   ○pṛṣṭhī f. 'saw-backed', Cojus Cobojus (a fish with numerous small spines in the back) L

⋙ krakacavyavahāra

   ○vyavahāra m. a particular method of computing or rating a heap of wood Līl

≫ krākacika

   krākacika m. a sawyer R. ii, 83, 14

≫ krākacya

   krākacya mfn. to be sawed Līl

⋙ krākacyavyavahṛti

   ○vyavahṛti f. = krakaca-vyavahāra ib


   krakaṇa m. (onomat.) a kind of partridge (commonly Kayar, Perdix sylvatica) W. (cf. kṛkaṇa.)

≫ krakara

   krakara m. id. Suśr 
   • ( also -tva) 
   • (= krakaca) Ardea virgo L 
   • the plant Capparis aphylla L 
   • a saw L 
   • a poor man L 
   • disease L

⋙ krakaratva

   ○tva n. the state of a partridge MBh. xiii, 5501 (= MārkP. xv, 27)


   krakaraṭa m. a lark Dhanv

≫ krakarāṭa

   krakarāṭa m. id. ib


   krakucchanda m. N. of the 1st of the five Buddhas of the present Kalpa Buddh


   krakṣ an obs. √, ava-krakṣín, vana-krakṣá

≫ krakṣamāṇa

   krákṣamāṇa mfn. (pr. p. Ā.) roaring, raving RV. viii, 76, 11


   kraḍana n. (for kruḍ○?) submerging, ducking Comm. on KātyŚr. v, 5, 31


   krátu m. (√1. kṛ, or 2. kṛ), plan, design, intention, resolution, determination, purpose RV. VS. ŚBr. BṛĀrUp 
   • desire, will (instr. krátvā, willingly, readily RV 
   • ékena krátunā, through the mere will RV. ii, 13, 11) 
   • power, ability RV 
   • deliberation, consultation RV. VS 
   • intelligence, understanding (e.g. bhadrá krátu, right judgment, good understanding 
   • also in conjunction or in comp. or ifc. with dákṣa, krátu-dákṣau and dakṣakratū́) RV. VS. TS. ŚBr 
   • inspiration, enlightenment RV 
   • a sacrificial rite or ceremony, sacrifice (as the Aśva-medha sacrifice), offering, worship (also personified R. vii, 90, 9) AitBr. ŚBr. xi ĀśvŚr. &c 
   • Kratu as intelligence personified (as a son of Brahmā and one of the Prajā-patis or the seven or ten principal Ṛishis Mn. i, 35 MBh. i, 2518 & 2568 Hariv. &c 
   • ṇ. of a star VarBṛS 
   • married to Kriyā and father of 60, 000 Vālikhilyas BhP. iv, 1, 39 
   • husband of Haya-śirā, vi, 6, 33) 
   • N. of one of the Viśve-devās VP 
   • of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. x, 61, 12 
   • of a son of Ūru and Āgneyī Hariv. 73 
   • of the author of a Dharma-śāstra Parāś. Śūdradh 
   • (us), m. or f. (?), N. of a river in Plaksha-dviipa (v. l. kramu) VP 
   • [cf. a-, ádbhuta-, abhí-, &c 
   • cf. also ?.]

⋙ kratukaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. N. of a sacrificial offering ĀpŚr. xii, 6, 5 and iv, 1, 5

⋙ kratukarman

   ○karman n. a sacrificial ceremony L

⋙ kratukriyā

   ○kriyā f. id

⋙ kratucchada

   ○cchada m. one skilled in sacrifice (?) W 
   • for kraku-cchanda W

⋙ kratujit

   ○jít m. N. of a man TS. ii Kāṭh. (cf. -víd.)

⋙ kratutulya

   ○tulya mfn. equal to an Aśvamedha in merit W

⋙ kratudakṣiṇā

   ○dakṣiṇā f. sacrificial reward ŚāṅkhŚr

⋙ kratudeva

   ○deva m. N. of the man Kathās. cxiv, 91

⋙ kratudruh

   ○druh (nom. -dhruk), m. an enemy of sacrifices, Asura L

⋙ kratudviṣ

   ○dviṣ (nom. -dviṭ), m. id. L

⋙ kratudhvaṃsin

   ○dhvaṃsin m. 'destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice', N. of Śiva L

⋙ kratudhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. N. of a Rudra BhP. iii, 12, 13 (v. l. ṛtu-dh○)

⋙ kratupati

   ○pati m. 'lord of a sacrifice', the performer of a sacrifice, iv, 19, 29

⋙ kratupaśu

   ○paśu m. a sacrificial animal ŚāṅkhŚr. xv, 1, 21 
   • a horse (especially one fit for the Aśva-medha) L

⋙ kratupā

   ○pā́ mfn. watching one's sentiments or intentions TS. iii, 3, 10, 1

⋙ kratupuruṣa

   ○puruṣa m. N. of Vishṇu L

⋙ kratuprā

   ○prā́ mfn. granting a desire or power RV. x, 100, 12 
   • becoming inspired or enlightened, iv, 39, 2

⋙ kratuprāvan

   ○prā́van mfn. granting a desire or power, x, 100, 11

⋙ kratuphala

   ○phala n. the reward of a sacrifice, object for which it is performed

⋙ kratubhuj

   ○bhuj m. 'one who eats the sacrificial oblation', a god, deity L

⋙ kratumat

   ○mat (krátu-), mfn. intelligent, prudent, wise RV 
   • having power, vigorous (as Indra) RV 
   • (ān), m. N. of a son of Viśvā-mitra BhP. ix, 16, 36

⋙ kratumaya

   ○máya mfn. endowed with intelligence ŚBr. x ChUp

⋙ kratuyaṣṭi

   ○yaṣṭi f. a kind of bird Gal

⋙ kraturāj

   ○rāj m. the chief of sacrifices, most excellent sacrifice (i.e. the Aśva-medha) Mn. xi, 260 
   • (the Rāja-sūya) BhP. x

⋙ kraturāja

   ○rāja m. the chief of sacrifices (i.e. the Rāja-sūya sacrifice performed by a monarch who has made all the princes of the world tributary to himself) BhP. x, 72, 3

⋙ kraturāta

   ○rāta m. vḷ. for kīrti-r○ VP

⋙ kratuvikrayin

   ○vikrayin mfn. one who sells the possible benefits of a sacrifice performed by himself Mn. iv, 214. [Page 319, Column 2] 

⋙ kratuvikrāyaka

   ○vikrāyaka mfn. id. ib. Kull

⋙ kratuvid

   ○víd mfn. granting power or knowledge RV 
   • causing inspiration, inspiring RV 
   • prudent, wise RV 
   • (t), m. N. of a man AitBr. vii, 34 (cf. -jít.)

⋙ kratuśeṣa

   ○śeṣa m. N. of wk

⋙ kratusaṃkhyā

   ○saṃkhyā f. N. of the thirteenth of Kātyāyana's Pariśishṭas

⋙ kratusaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. N. of a Pariśishṭa of the SV 
   • -pariśiṣṭa n. id

⋙ kratusiddhi

   ○siddhi f. completion of a sacrifice, attainment of the object for which it is performed

⋙ kratusthalā

   ○sthalā́ f. N. of an Apsaras (= kṛta-sth○, q.v.) VS. xv, 15 (cf. ṛtu-sth○, ghṛta-sth○.)

⋙ kratuspṛś

   ○spṛś mfn. causing inspiration ĀśvŚr. v, 19

⋙ kratuhaya

   ○haya m. a sacrificial horse L

⋙ kratūttama

   kratū7ttama m. = kratu-rāja L

⋙ kratūdakṣau

   krátū-dákṣau nom. du. m. intelligence and ability VS. vii, 27 ŚBr. iv, 1, 4, 1 ; xiv, 3, 1, 31

⋙ kratvaṅga

   kratv-aṅga n. a sacrificial utensil VarBṛS. lxix, 24

⋙ kratvāmagha

   krátvā-magha mfn. constituting a reward gained through intelligence (horses) RV. v, 33, 9

≫ kratūya

   kratūya Nom. P. ○yáti, to exert the intellect RV. iv, 24, 4 ; x, 64, 2


   krath cl. 1. P. ○thati, to hurt, kill Dhātup. xix, 39: Caus. krāthayati, to hurt, injure, destroy (with gen. of the person hurt Pāṇ. 2-3, 56) Dhātup. xxxiv, 19 
   • to rejoice, revel, be in high gig TBr. ii, 3, 9, 9 (cf. √knath, klath.)

≫ kratha

   kratha ās m. pl., N. of a race (always named together with the Kaiśikas and belonging to the Yādava people) MBh. ii, 585 
   • N. of a son of Vidarbha and brother of Kaiśika (ancestor of the Krathas) MBh. Hariv. BhP 
   • N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2572 
   • (= krathana) N. of an Asura, i, 2665 f. Hariv. 2284 ; 12940 and 14287

≫ krathana

   krathana mfn. one who is in danger of suffocation Car 
   • m. N. of an Asura MBh. i Hariv. 12696 
   • of a Nāga (son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra) MBh. i, 4550 
   • of a monkey R. iv, v, vi 
   • (am), n. cutting through (as with an ax) Prab 
   • slaughter, killing L 
   • sudden interruption of breath Suśr

≫ krathanaka

   krathanaka m. N. of a camel Pañcat 
   • (am), n. a black sort of Agallochum L


   krad √krand


   kradhiṣṭha mfn. superl. of kṛdhú, q.v. Kāṭh. xxv, 7 f. and 10 ; xxix, 8 KāṭhAnukr

≫ kradhīyas

   kradhīyas mfn. compar. of kṛdhú, q.v. ib


   krand cl. 1 . P. Ā. krándati, krandate (v. l. kradate fr. √krad Dhātup 
   • Subj. krándat 
   • impf. krandat and ákrandat 
   • aor. 2. sg. kradas, cakradas, and ákrān, 3. sg. akrān and ákrān 
   • akrandīt Pāṇ. 7-4, 65 Kāś 
   • p. krándat), to neigh (as a horse), roar (metaphorically applied to the clouds and to wind and water) RV. VS. ŚBr. vi 
   • to creak (as a wheel) ŚBr. xi 
   • to sound, make a noise Ratnâv 
   • to cry piteously, weep, lament, grieve, be confused with sorrow RV. x, 95, 13 MBh. &c 
   • to call out piteously to any one (acc.) Kathās. (perf. cakranda) MārkP.: Caus. krandayati (aor. ácikradat, 3. pl. ○dan), to cause to roar RV. VS. AV 
   • to cause to weep or lament Suśr 
   • to roar, rave RV. VS. AV 
   • to neigh after (acc.) RV. ix, 67, 4 and x, 96, 10: Intens. P. kánikrantti (Ā. ○ntte AdbhBr 
   • p. kánikradat, once kánikrat RV. ix, 63, 20 
   • p. Ā. kanikradyámana ŚBr. vi), to neigh, roar, rave, cry out RV. AV 
   • to creak, crackle RV. ; [Goth. gre1ta, 'to lament.']

≫ kranda

   kránda m. neighing AV. xi, 2, 22 
   • a cry, calling out AV. xi, 2, 2 and 4, 2

≫ krandadiṣṭi

   krandád-iṣṭi mfn. moving with a great noise or roaring (said of Vāyu) RV. x, 100, 2

≫ krandana

   krandana m. 'crier', a cat L 
   • (am), n. crying out, calling 
   • mutual daring or defiance, challenging L 
   • lamenting, weeping Pañcat. Hit

⋙ krandanadhvani

   ○dhvani m. cry of grief, lamentation Hit

≫ krandanu

   krandanú m. roaring, shaking RV. vii, 42, 1

≫ krandas

   krándas as n. battle-cry RV. viii, 38, 1 
   • (asī), du. two contending armies shouting defiance ['heaven and earth' Sāy.] RV. ii, 12, 8 ; vi, 25, 4 ; x, 121, 6

≫ krandita

   krandita mfn. wept, called or cried out Kathās. cxiv, 120 
   • (am), n. weeping L 
   • calling L 
   • mutual daring W

≫ kranditṛ

   kranditṛ mfn. crier, roaring, crying W

≫ krandya

   krándya n. neighing TBr. ii, 7, 7, 1 (cf. parjánya-k○.)


   krap cl. 1. Ā. krapate, to compassionate Dhātup. xix, 9 
   • to go ib. (cf. √kṛp.) [Page 319, Column 3] 


   kram cl. 1. P. Ā. krā́mati (Pāṇ. 7-3, 76 
   • ep. also kramati), kramate (Pāṇ. 1-3, 43, ep. also krāmate 
   • according to Pāṇ. 3-1, 70 also cl. 4. P. krāmyati [kramyati Vop.] 
   • aor. akramīt RV. &c 
   • Ā. krámiṣṭa, kraṃsate [RV. i, 121, 1], 3. pl. cákramanta [RV. ii, 19, 2] 
   • perf. cakrāma, or cakrame 
   • p. cakramāṇá RV. x, 123, 3 
   • fut. kramiṣyati or kraṃsyate ind. p. krāntvā, krantvā, or kramitvā Pāṇ. 6-4, 18 and vii, 2, 36), to step, walk, go, go towards, approach (with áccha, ádhi acc. or loc.) RV. AV. TS. &c 
   • to approach in order to ask for assistance (with loc.) AV. iv, 11, 12 and xix, 17, 1 
   • to go across, go over MBh. R. &c 
   • Ved. to climb (as on a tree's branch) Pāṇ. 7-1, 40 Kāś 
   • to cover (in copulation) AV. iv, 4, 7 
   • to stretch over, project over, tower above, (ind. p. krāntvā) Ragh. i, 14 
   • to take possession of Pañcat 
   • Ā. to undertake, strive after, make effort for (dat.) Pāṇ. 1-3, 38 ; iii, 1, 14 Kāś 
   • (loc.) Bhaṭṭ. xv, 20 
   • Ā. (Pāṇ. 1-. 3, 38) to proceed well, advance, make progress, gain a footing, succeed, have effect MBh. R. Bhaṭṭ 
   • to be appliable or practicable Sarvad 
   • P. to be liable to the peculiar arrangement of a Vedic text called Krama (i.e. to be doubled, as a letter or word) RPrāt. vi, 4 
   • Ā. to read according to the Krama arrangement of a Vedic text RPrāt. Lāṭy. (a-krānta): Caus. P. kramayati, to cause to step ŚBr. v 
   • xi 
   • kramayati or krām○, to make liable to the peculiar arrangement called Krama (i.e. to double a letter or word) RPrāt. &c.: Intens. caṅkramyate (Pāṇ. 3-1, 23 Kāś 
   • p. caṅ-kramyámāṇa [TS. vii, 1, 19, 3 MBh.] or ○kramam○ MBh. i, 7919 and BhP. v, 6, 7) or caṅkramīti (MBh. xiv, 137 and 141 
   • impf. 2. pl. caṅkramata RV. viii, 55, 4 
   • fut. p. caṅkramiṣyát TS. vii, 1, 19, 3 
   • ind. p. ○mitvā Vop. v, 3 
   • cf. ○mitá), to step to and fro, walk or wander about

≫ krama

   kráma m. a step AV. x, 5, 25 ff. TS. iii MBh. &c 
   • going, proceeding, course (cf. kāla-k○) Mṛicch. Pañcat. Mālatīm. Hit 
   • the way R. ii, 25, 2 
   • a position taken (by an animal &c.) before making a spring or attacking Pañcat. Bhaṭṭ. ii, 9 
   • the foot MBh. iii, 14316 
   • uninterrupted or regular progress, order, series, regular arrangement, succession (e.g. varṇa-krameṇa, 'in the order of the castes' Mn. viii, 24 and ix, 85) AV. viii, 9, 10 RPrāt. xv, 5 KātyŚr. R. &c 
   • hereditary descent Yājñ. ii, 119 
   • method, manner (e.g. yena krameṇa, in which manner R. ii, 26, 20 
   • tad-anusaraṇa-krameṇa, so as to go on following him Hit.) 
   • diet Car. vi, 13 
   • custom, rule sanctioned by tradition MārkP. xxiii, 112 
   • (kramaṃ √1. kṛ, 'to follow that rule') Nyāyam 
   • occasion, cause (with gen. or ifc.) Kathās. xviii, 380 Hit 
   • 'progressing step by step', a peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member, either word or letter, to the 2nd, then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd, the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4 h, and so on 
   • this manner of reading in relation to words is called pada- [TPrāt. ii, 12], in relation to conjunct consonants varṇa- ib.) Prāt 
   • the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner ib 
   • (in dram.) attainment of the object desired (or accord. to others 'noticing of any one's affection') Daśar. i, 36 f. Sāh. Pratāpar 
   • (in rhet.) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession) Vām. iv, 3, 17 
   • power, strength L 
   • (eṇa, āt), instr. abl. ind. in regular course, gradually, by degrees R. Pañcat. Ragh. &c 
   • according to order or rank or series Mn. Ragh. &c

⋙ kramakārikā

   ○kārikā f. N. of wk

⋙ kramakāla

   ○kāla m. = -pāṭha APrāt. iv, 123 f. Sch 
   • -yoga m. (= kāla-) the events as resulting successively in time MBh. iii, 8733

⋙ kramakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. following traditional rule or custom Nyāyam

⋙ kramaghana

   ○ghana m. a kind of Krama-pāṭha

⋙ kramacaṭa

   ○caṭa m. id. (v. l. -jaṭā)

⋙ kramacandrikā

   ○candrikā f. N. of wk.,

⋙ kramaja

   ○ja mfn. produced by the Krama arrangement, APrāt. VPrāt

⋙ kramajaṭā

   ○jaṭā f. -caṭa

⋙ kramajit

   ○jit m. N. of a prince MBh. ii, 123

⋙ kramajyakā

   ○jyakā f. the sinus Gol

⋙ kramajyā

   ○jyā f. id. Sūryas. ii, 32 and 60

⋙ kramatas

   ○tas ind. gradually, successively 
   • in order

⋙ kramatrairāśika

   ○trairāśika a particular method of applying the direct rule of three (opposed to vyasta-tr○ or viloma-tr○)

⋙ kramadaṇḍa

   ○daṇḍa m. a kind of Krama-pāṭha

⋙ kramadīpikā

   ○dīpikā f. N. of wk

⋙ kramadhvaja

   ○dhvaja m. a kind of Krama-pāṭha

⋙ kramapada

   ○pada n. the conjunction of words in the Krama reading (more usually pada-krama) APrāt. iv, 110. iv, 110. [Page 320, Column 1] 

⋙ kramapāṭha

   ○pāṭha m. the Krama reading (i. e. a peculiar 'step by step' arrangement of a Vedic text made to secure it from all possible error by, as it were, combining the Saṃhitā-pāṭha and the Padapāṭha, i.e. by giving the words both as connected and unconnected with following and preceding words 
   • also krama above) VPrāt. iv, 180 Sch. Pāṇ. 8-4, 28, Kaiy

⋙ kramapāra

   ○pāra m. a kind of Kramapāṭha

⋙ kramapūraka

   ○pūraka m. N. of a tree (perhaps Getonia floribunda) L

⋙ kramapravaktṛ

   ○pravaktṛ m. a teacher of the Krama(-pāṭha) RPrāt. xi, 33

⋙ kramaprāpta

   ○prâpta mfn. obtained by hereditary descent Nal. xii, 36

⋙ kramabhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. interruption of order

⋙ kramabhāvin

   ○bhāvin mfn. successive Nyāyad. iii, 1, 3 Sch

⋙ kramabhraṣṭa

   ○bhraṣṭa n. interrupted or irregular order of words or meanings, Pratāpar

⋙ kramamālā

   ○mālā f. a kind of Krama-pāṭha

⋙ kramayoga

   ○yoga m. succession, regular order, successive or methodical practice Mn. i, 42 R. vi, 16, 60 
   • (ena), instr. ind. in regular manner Mn. MBh. i, 5287

⋙ kramayaugapadya

   ○yaugapadya e n. du. successive order and simultaneousness Sarvad

⋙ kramaratnāvalī

   ○ratnâvalī f. N. of wk

⋙ kramaratha

   ○ratha m. a kind of Krama-pāṭa

⋙ kramarājya

   ○rājya n. N. of a locality Rājat. v, 87

⋙ kramalekhā

   ○lekhā f. a kind of Kramapāṭha

⋙ kramavat

   ○vat ind. in the manner of the Krama(-pāṭha) APrāt. iv, 123

⋙ kramavattu

   ○vattu N. of a district in Kaśmira Rājat. v, 39 
   • (-varta) iii, 227

⋙ kramavarta

   ○varta -vattu

⋙ kramavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. gradual growth or increase MBh. xii, 3308

⋙ kramaśaṭha

   ○śaṭha m. a kind of Krama-pāṭha

⋙ kramaśas

   ○śas ind. gradually, by degrees Mn. R. Suśr. KapS. &c 
   • regularly, seriatim Mn. R. Sāṃkhyak. &c

⋙ kramaśāstra

   ○śāstra n. rules relating to the Krama(-pāṭha) RPrāt

⋙ kramaśikhā

   ○śikhā f. a kind of Krama-pāṭha

⋙ kramasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. a Vedic Saṃhitā written according to the Krama method Comm. on VPrāt 
   • ○tôdāharaṇa n. an example from a Krama-saṃhitā

⋙ kramasaṃgraha

   ○saṃgraha m. N. of a treatise

⋙ kramasaṃdarbhaprabhāsa

   ○saṃdarbha-prabhāsa m. N. of a chapter (khaṇḍa) in a particular work

⋙ kramasaras

   ○saras n. N. of a sacred pond Kathās. lxxiii, 95

⋙ kramasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of wk

⋙ kramastuti

   ○stuti f. N. of wk

⋙ kramākrama

   kramâkrama au m. du. = krama-yaugapadya, q.v. Sarvad

⋙ kramākrānta

   kramâkrānta mfn. attacked by any one who has taken up a position of advantage Kād

⋙ kramagata

   kramágata mfn. descended or inherited lineally, (anything) coming from one's ancestors in regular succession Nār 
   • (a servant) Pañcat. &c 
   • often ifc. Mn. ii, 18 Yājñ. Pañcat. Hit 
   • successive, in due order Car. iii, 8 
   • -tva n. hereditary succession or possession W

⋙ kramāditya

   kramâditya m. N. of king Skanda-gupta

⋙ kramādhyayana

   kramâdhyayana n. reciting or reading according to the Krama method APrāt. iv, 108 f. Sch

⋙ kramādhyāyin

   kramâdhyāyin mfn. studying the Krama arrangement of a Vedic text VPrāt. iv, 179 Sch

⋙ kramānuyāyin

   kramânuyāyin mfn. following the methodical order

⋙ kramānusāra

   kramânusāra m. regular order, due arrangement

⋙ kramānvaya

   kramânvaya m. id

⋙ kramāyāta

   kramâyāta mfn. descended or inherited lineally, coming from one's ancestors in regular succession W 
   • one who has acceded to the throne by succession Pañcat 
   • proceeding in regular order W

⋙ kramāvasāna

   kramâvasāna n. the end of a word in the Krama-pāṭha

⋙ krametara

   kramêtara mfn. not arranged according to the Krama-pāṭha, g. ukthâdi

⋙ kramokta

   kramôkta mfn. enjoined for the Krama arrangement W

⋙ kramoḍhā

   kramôḍhā f. married in order (i.e. not before an elder sister) Kāty

⋙ kramodvega

   kramôdvega m. an ox L

≫ kramaka

   kramaka mfn. going, proceeding W 
   • orderly, methodical W 
   • m. succession Jaim. v, 4, 1 
   • a student who goes through a regular course of study, who proceeds methodically W 
   • one who reads or knows the Krama(-pāṭha) Pāṇ. 4-2, 61

≫ kramaṇa

   krámaṇa m. a step KātyŚr. iii, 8, 11 Sch 
   • the foot L 
   • a horse L 
   • N. of a son of Bhaja-māna Hariv. 2002 
   • (am), n. stepping, walking, going RV. vi, 70, 3 Yājñ. i, 188 Mṛicch. BhP 
   • stepping or treading upon (in comp.) ŚāṅkhGṛ 
   • transgressing (ifc.) MBh. xii, 16254 R. v, 1 (at end) 
   • a step RV. i, 155, 5 
   • approaching or undertaking anything (dat.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 14 
   • treatment of words or letters according to the Krama arrangement (i.e. doubling letters or words &c.) RPrāt. xiv

≫ kramaṇīya

   kramaṇīya mfn. to be gone to or beyond W

≫ kramadīśvara

   kramad-īśvara as, m 
   • N. of the author of the grammar called Saṃkshipta-sāra

≫ kramamāṇa

   kramamāṇa mfn. (pr. p. Ā.) proceeding

≫ kramika

   kramika mfn. (anything) that comes from one's ancestors in regular succession, inherited lineally MBh. ii, 166 
   • successive Comm. on KapS. i, 38 & 40 Kuval. [Page 320, Column 2] 

⋙ kramitṛ

   kramitṛ mfn. walking &c. Vop. xxvi, 28

≫ kramya

   kramya mfn. to be treated or attended medically Car. viii, 2 (cf. saha-k○.)

≫ krā

   krā udadhi- 
   • dadhi- and rudhi-krā́

≫ krānta

   krāntá mfn. gone, gone over or across 
   • spread, extended 
   • attacking, invading, gone to or against 
   • overcome (as by astonishment) Ragh. xiv, 17 
   • surpassed 
   • m. a horse L 
   • (in astron.) declination W 
   • (ā), f. N. of a plant (a kind of Solanum) L 
   • a species of the Atyashṭi metre 
   • (am), n. a step (viṣṇoḥ krānta, 'the step of Vishṇu', N. of a ceremony ŚBr. xiii 
   • cf. viṣṇu-krama) ŚBr. Mn. xii, 121 
   • (in astron.) a certain aspect when the moon is in conjunction with a planet

≫ krānti

   krānti f. going, proceeding, step L 
   • overcoming, surpassing W 
   • attacking L 
   • declination of a planet Sūryas. i, 68 ; ii, 28 and 58 ff 
   • the sun's course (ifc.) HPariś. vii, 3 
   • the sun's course on the globe, ecliptic

⋙ krāntikakṣā

   ○kakṣā f. the sun's course, ecliptic

⋙ krāntikṣetra

   ○kṣetra n. a figure described by the ecliptic

⋙ krāntijīvā

   ○jīvā f. the sine of the ecliptic Gaṇit

⋙ krāntijyakā

   ○jyakā f. id. Gol. vii, 46

⋙ krāntijyā

   ○jyā f. id. Sūryas. ii, iii, xi

⋙ krāntipāta

   ○pāta m. the intersection of the ecliptic and equinoctial circles (i.e. the equinoctial points or nodes of the ecliptic) Sūryas. Gol 
   • -gati f. motion of the nodes of the ecliptic, precession of the equinox

⋙ krāntibhāga

   ○bhāga m. the declination of a point of the ecliptic

⋙ krāntibhujā

   ○bhujā f. the cosinus of declination Āryabh. iv, 24 Sch

⋙ krāntimaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. 'the circle of the sun's course', ecliptic W

⋙ krāntimaurvī

   ○maurvī f. = -jīvā Gol

⋙ krāntivalaya

   ○valaya m. = -maṇḍala Sūryas 
   • the space within the tropics W

⋙ krāntivṛtta

   ○vṛtta n. = -maṇḍala Comm. on Sūryas. v, 1

⋙ krāntiśiñjinī

   ○śiñjinī f. = -jīvā Gol. viii, 60

≫ krāntu

   krāntu m. a bird Uṇ. v, 43

≫ krāntvā

   krāntvā ind. p. s.v. √kram

≫ krāmaṇa

   krāmaṇa n. a particular process applied to mercury Sarvad

≫ krāmat

   krāmat mfn. (pr. p. P.) walking, going, &c

≫ krāmika

   krāmika mfn. one who studies or knows the Krama(-pāṭha), g. ukthâdi (Kāś.)

≫ krāmetaraka

   krāmêtaraka mfn. one who studies or knows a kramêtara text, g. ukthâdi


   krami for kṛmi (q.v.), a worm MBh. xii, 4872 (kṛmi ed. Bomb.) Suśr. MārkP. xv, 22


   kramu m. the betel-nut tree (Areca Faufel or Catechu) L 
   • N. of a river in Plakshadvipa (vḷ. for kratu) VP

≫ kramuka

   kramuka m. (cf. kṛm○) the betel-nut tree (Areca Faufel or Catechu) ṢaḍvBr. iv, 4 Suśr. BhP 
   • the mulberry tree (Morus indica, brahmadāru) L 
   • a red variety of the Lodhra tree (paṭṭika-lodhra) L 
   • a variety of Cyperus (bhadramustaka) L 
   • the fruit of the cotton tree L 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people Rājat. iv, 159 
   • (ī), f. the betel-nut tree L

⋙ kramukapuṣpaka

   ○puṣpaka m. N. of a tree Gal

⋙ kramukaphala

   ○phala n. the Areca nut L


   kramuñja m. N. of a mountain VP


   kramela m. (borrowed fr. Gk. ?) the camel, [320, 2] L

≫ kramelaka

   kramelaka m. id. Pañcat. Naish. vi ŚārṅgP


   kramya √kram


   krayá &c. √krī


   kravaṇá mfn. timid [NBD 
   • 'worshipping' Sāy.] RV. v, 44, 9


   kravi á-kravi-hasta

≫ kraviṣṇu

   kraviṣṇú mfn. desirous of raw flesh, x, 87, 5

≫ kravis

   kravis is n. raw flesh, carrion, i, 162, 9 and 10 ; x, 87, 16 AV.viii, 6, 23 
   • [Gk. ? ; Lat. cruor, [320, 2] cruentus, crūdus, caro ; Lith. krauja-s, 'blood' ; Russ. krovj ; Hib. cru ; Old Germ. hreo.]

≫ kravya

   kravyá mfn. = krūrá TS. v 
   • m. perhaps = agni kravyâd (q.v.) ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • (am), n. (Nir.) raw flesh, carrion BhP. Kathās

⋙ kravyaghātana

   ○ghātana m. 'killed for its flesh (cf. BhP. v, 26, 12)', a deer, antelope L

⋙ kravyabhakṣin

   ○bhakṣin mfn. eating carrion, carnivorous Kathās

⋙ kravyabhuj

   ○bhuj mfn. id. Suśr 
   • (k), m. a Rākshasa W

⋙ kravyabhojana

   ○bhojana mfn. carnivorous W

⋙ kravyamukha

   ○mukha m. 'one who has flesh in his mouth', N. of a wolf Pañcat

⋙ kravyavāhana

   ○vā́hana mfn. carrying corpses (said of Agni) [v. l. kavya-v○ (q.v.) Sāy 
   • VS. xix, 65] RV. x, 16, 11

⋙ kravyākhya

   kravyâkhya kravyâda at end. [Page 320, Column 3] 

⋙ kravyād

   kravyâd mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 69) consuming flesh or corpses (as the fire of the funeral pile or Agni in one of his terrible forms) RV. x, 16, 9 and 10 ; 87, 5 VS. i, 17 AV. ŚBr. Kauś 
   • (said of a Yātu-dhāna and other evil beings, imps, and goblins) RV. &c 
   • carnivorous Mn. Yājñ. MBh 
   • (t), m. a carnivorous animal, beast of prey Kathās 
   • N. of a Rakshas W

⋙ kravyāda

   kravyâda mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 69 Kāś.) consuming flesh or corpses (as Agni) MBh. i, 932 Gṛihyās. i, 11 Tithyād 
   • m. a carnivorous animal, beast of prey MBh. i, 115, 24 
   • a lion L 
   • a hawk L 
   • a goblin, Rākshasa W 
   • the fire of the funeral pile W 
   • N. of a metallic substance Bhpr. iv, 30 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the nine Samidhs Gṛihyās. i, 27 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a class of Manes VP 
   • of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 18 (v. l. ○vyâkhya)

⋙ kravyādas

   kravyâdas m. a beast of prey Āp

⋙ kravyāśin

   kravyâśin mfn. carnivorous W 
   • (ī), m. a demon W 
   • an anthropophagus W


   kraśita mfn. (fr. kraśaya Nom. P 
   • fr. kṛśá), made thin or lean, emaciated Śiś. ix, 61

≫ kraśiman

   kraśiman ā m. (g. dṛḍhâdi) leanness, emaciation Kād 
   • shallowness (of a river) ib

≫ kraśiṣṭha

   kraśiṣṭha mfn. superl. of kṛśá Pāṇ. 6-4, 161 Pat

≫ kraśīyas

   kraśīyas mfn. (compar. of kṛśá ib.) extremely lean Naish. i, 84


   kraṣṭavya mfn. (√kṛṣ), to be dragged Pāṇ. 2-3, 71 Kāś 
   • to be drawn out (as from the womb) Kathās. xxvi, 164


   krā √kram


   krākacika ○cya, krakaca


   krāṇā́ ind. willingly, readily, speedily RV. i, 58, 3 and 139, 1 ; v, 10, 2 ; ix, 86, 19 and 102, 1 ; x, 61, 1 
   • [fr. √1. kṛ, '= kurvāṇa, kartṛ, &c.' Sāy.]


   krātha m. (√krath), killing, murder L 
   • patr. fr. Kratha Hariv 
   • N. of a prince MBh. i, 2676 ; iii, 489 
   • of a son of Dhṛita-rāshṭra, i, 3747 
   • of an attendant in Skanda's retinue, ix, 2572 
   • of a Nāga, xvi, 120 
   • of a monkey, iii, 16287

⋙ krātheśvara

   krāthêśvara m. N. of a pupil of Āpastamba VāmP. (v. l. krodhêśvo)

≫ krāthana

   krāthana n. moving Sarvad

≫ krāthin

   krāthin para-k○


   krāntá krānti, &c. √kram

≫ krāmaṇa


⋙ krāmat


⋙ krāmika

   krāmika ib


   krāyaka √krī


   krími for kṛ́mi, q.v

≫ krimṇa

   krimṇa mfn. (= kṛmiṇa) having worms ĀpŚr. ix, 20, 2


   kriya m. (borrowed fr. Gk.?.) the sign [320, 3] Aries VarBṛ. i, iii, x, xvii ; Gaṇit. Horāś


   kriyamāṇa mfn. Pass. p. √1. kṛ, q.v

≫ kriyamāṇaka

   kriyamāṇaka n. a literary essay VarBṛS. i, 5

≫ kriyā

   kriyā f. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 100), doing, performing, performance, occupation with (in comp.), business, act, action, undertaking, activity, work, labour. KātyŚr. Mn. Yājñ. &c 
   • bodily action, exercise of the limbs L 
   • (in Gr.) action (as the general idea expressed by any verb), verb Kāś. on Pāṇ. 1-3, 1 &c. (according to later grammarians a verb is of two kinds, sakarma-kriyā, 'active', and akarma-k○, 'intransitive') 
   • a noun of action W 
   • a literary work Vikr 
   • medical treatment or practice, applying a remedy, cure ( sama-kriya-tva and viṣama-k○) Suśr 
   • a religious rite or ceremony, sacrificial act, sacrifice Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • with caramā, 'the last ceremony', rites performed immediately after death, obsequies, purificatory rites (as ablution &c.) MBh. iv, 834 R. vi, 96, 10 
   • religious action, worship BhP. vii, 14, 39 RāmatUp 
   • Religious Action (personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma MBh. i, 2578 Hariv. 12452 BhP 
   • or as a daughter of Kardama and wife of Kratu BhP.) 
   • judicial investigation (by human means, as by witnesses, documents, &c., or by superhuman means, as by various ordeals) Comm. on Yājñ 
   • atonement L 
   • disquisition L 
   • study L 
   • means, expedient L

⋙ kriyākara

   ○kara m. one who performs an action W 
   • a student W

⋙ kriyākartṛ

   ○kartṛ m. a doer of an action, agent W

⋙ kriyākalāpa

   ○kalâpa m. N. of wk 
   • the great body of ceremonies enjoined in the Hindū law W. [Page 321, Column 1] 
   • a number of actions of any kind W 
   • all the particulars of any business W

⋙ kriyākāṇḍa

   ○kāṇḍa n. the portion of a Śruti text treating of the sacrifices

⋙ kriyākāra

   ○kāra m. a beginner, novice L 
   • an agreement Kāraṇḍ. xvii 
   • an arrangement, rule Divyâv

⋙ kriyākaumudī

   ○kaumudī f. N. of wk. by Govindânanda

⋙ kriyāgupta

   ○gupta n. a phrase the verb of which is hidden, SārṅgP

⋙ kriyāguptaka

   ○guptaka n. N. of wk. (?) Gaṇar

⋙ kriyāgupti

   ○gupti f. = ○pta Sāh

⋙ kriyātantra

   ○tantra n. 'a Tantra of action', one of the four classes of Tantras. Buddh

⋙ kriyātipatti

   kriyâtipatti f. the non-realization of an action Pāṇ. 3-3, 139 
   • (hence) the characteristics and the terminations of the conditional Kāt. iii, 1, 33

⋙ kriyātmaka

   kriyâtmaka mfn. (anything) the nature of which is action Vedântas. (-tva n. abstr.)

⋙ kriyādīpaka

   kriyā-dīpaka n. a simile in which a verb forms the Tertium comparationis Kāvyâd. ii, 99 Sch

⋙ kriyādveṣin

   kriyā-dveṣin m. one who is averse to the part of a law-suit called kriyā i.e. to witnesses, documents, ordeals, &c. (one of the five kinds of witnesses whose testimonials are hurtful to the cause) Comm. on Yājñ. ii, 6

⋙ kriyādvaita

   kriyā-dvaita n. efficient cause (as resigning all to God) W

⋙ kriyānibandha

   kriyā-nibandha m. N. of wk

⋙ kriyānirdeśa

   kriyā-nirdeśa m. evidence

⋙ kriyānurūpa

   kriyânurūpa mfn. conformable to the act, according to the action

⋙ kriyāntara

   kriyântara n. interruption of an action Pāṇ. 3-4, 57 
   • another action Pāṇ. 2-3, 37 Kāś

⋙ kriyānvita

   kriyânvita mfn. practising ritual observances

⋙ kriyāpaṭu

   kriyā-paṭu mfn. clever, dextrous

⋙ kriyāpatha

   kriyā-patha m. manner of medical treatment or application of remedies Suśr. iv 
   • ○tham atikrānta mfn. 'beyond medical treatment', incurable Car. v, 11

⋙ kriyāpada

   kriyāpada n. 'action-word', a verb

⋙ kriyāpaddhati

   kriyā-paddhati f. N. of wk

⋙ kriyāpara

   kriyā-para mfn. attentive to the performance of one's duties W

⋙ kriyāpavarga

   kriyâpavarga m. end of an affair W 
   • liberation from ceremonial acts W

⋙ kriyāpātra

   kriyā-pātra n. a man praisable for his actions

⋙ kriyāpāda

   kriyā-pāda m. the third division of a suit at law (witnesses, written documents, and other proofs adduced by the complainants, rejoinder of the plaintiff)

⋙ kriyāprabandha

   kriyā-prabandha m. uninterrupted continuity of an action Pāṇ. 3-3, 135

⋙ kriyāprasaṅga

   kriyāprasaṅga m. course of proceeding W

⋙ kriyāphala

   kriyāphala n. result or consequence of acts

⋙ kriyābhyupagama

   kriyâbhyupagama m. special compact or agreement Mn. ix, 53

⋙ kriyāmbudhi

   kriyâmbudhi m. N. of wk. by Prâṇa-krishṇa

⋙ kriyāyukta

   kriyā-yukta mfn. active, moving L

⋙ kriyāyoga

   kriyā-yoga m. the connection with an action or verb APrāt. Pāṇ. 1-1, 14 Kār 
   • the employment of expedients or instruments MBh. iii, 69 Suśr 
   • the practical form of the Yoga philosophy (union with the deity by due performance of the duties of every day life, active devotion) Yogas. ii, 1 BhP. iv, 13, 3 
   • N. of wk 
   • -sāra m. a section of the PadmaP

⋙ kriyāratnasamuccaya

   kriyā-ratna-samuccaya m. N. of wk.,

⋙ kriyāroha

   kriyâroha m. = cakra-vāta L

⋙ kriyārtha

   kriyârtha m. an action as object Jaim. i, 1, 25 mf(ā)n. having an action (i.e. another action) as its aim Pāṇ. 2-3, 14 
   • -tva n. the state of aiming at or leading to actions Jaim. i, 2, 1

⋙ kriyālāghava

   kriyā-lāghava n. ease in the functions (of an organ) Bhpr

⋙ kriyālopa

   kriyālopa m. discontinuance or loss of any of the essential ceremonies Mn. ix, 180 ; x, 43 BrahmaP

⋙ kriyāvat

   kriyā-vat mfn. one who performs an action, active, busy, understanding business, fit for it MuṇḍUp. Hit 
   • (ifc.) Dhūrtas. i, 12 
   • performing ceremonies in the right manner ŚāṅkhGṛ. MuṇḍUp. MBh. R 
   • consisting of or connected with a religious ceremony (as the rite of initiation)

⋙ kriyāvaśa

   kriyā-vaśa mfn. subject to the influence of acts W 
   • m. necessary influence of acts done or to be done, necessity W

⋙ kriyāvasanna

   kriyâvasanna mfn. one who loses a lawsuit through the statements of the witnesses &c

⋙ kriyāvācaka

   kriyā-vācaka mfn. expressing an action (as a verbal noun)

⋙ kriyāvācin

   kriyā-vācin mfn. id. W

⋙ kriyāvādin

   kriyā-vādin m. one who states the arguments in a law-suit Comm. on Yājñ 
   • a plaintiff ib

⋙ kriyāvidhi

   kriyāvidhi m. a rule of action Mn. ix, 220. ; xii, 87 
   • mode of performing any rite W 
   • conduct of affairs W 
   • -jña mfn. conversant with business Pañcat 
   • understanding the ritual W

⋙ kriyāviśāla

   kriyā-viśāla n. N. of the thirteenth of the fourteen Pūrvas or most ancient Jaina writings

⋙ kriyāviśeṣaṇa

   kriyā-viśeṣaṇa n. 'that which defines an action more closely', an adverb Pāṇ. 2-3, 33 Kāś

⋙ kriyāvyavadhāyaka

   kriyā-vyavadhāyaka mfn. interrupting an action Pāṇ. 3-4, 57 Kāś

⋙ kriyāśakti

   kriyā-śakti f. 'capability to act', = karmêndriya (q.v.) 
   • a Śakti or supernatural power as appearing in actions (opposed to dhī-ś○) Sarvad. vi 
   • -mat mfn. possessing the power of action Vedântas. [Page 321, Column 2] 

⋙ kriyāsaṃskāra

   kriyāsaṃskāra m. combining or confounding different methods of medical treatment Bhpr

⋙ kriyāsamabhihāra

   kriyā-samabhihāra m. repetition of any act or intensity of action (as represented by the Intens.) Pāṇ. 3-1, 22 and 4, 2

⋙ kriyāsamuccaya

   kriyā-samuccaya m. N. of wk

⋙ kriyāsamūha

   kriyā-samūha m. the whole of the ceremonies from impregnation (viṣeka) to cremation (śmaśāna) Vishṇ

⋙ kriyāsāra

   kriyā-sāra m. N. of wk

⋙ kriyāsiddhi

   kriyā-siddhi f. accomplishment of an action

⋙ kriyāsthānakavicāra

   kriyā-sthānaka-vicāra m. N. of a Jain work

⋙ kriyendriya

   kriyêndriya n. = karmênd○ (q.v.) L


   krívi m. a N. of Rudra (vḷ. kráyin, q.v.) 
   • a leather bag (metaphorically 'a cloud') RV 
   • a well Naigh. iii, 23 
   • N. of an Asura Sāy 
   • (is, ayas), m. sg. and pl. the original N. of the Pañcālas ŚBr. xiii, 5, 4, 7 
   • (perhaps also RV. viii, 20, 24 and 22, 12) (cf. kraívya.)

krī 1

   krī cl. 9. P. Ā. krīṇā́ti. krīṇīte (fut. p. kreṣyat Lāṭy 
   • ind. p. krīvā́ AV. Mn.), to buy, purchase (with instr. of the price, and abl. or gen. of the person from whom anything is bought, e.g. ká imám indraṃ daśábhir dhenúbhir máma krīṇāti, who will buy this Indra of me for ten cows? RV. iv, 24, 10 
   • yam mātā-pitror antikāt [or sakāśāt] krīṇīyāt whom he may buy from his father and mother Mn. ix, 174 
   • krīṇīṣva tad daśabhiḥ suvarṇaih, buy that for ten suvarṇas): Caus. P. krāpayati Pāṇ. 6-1, 48 ; [Hib. creanaim, 'I buy, purchase' ; Gk. ? ? Lith. prekis, [321, 2] perku (?) ; Lat. pretium ; Eng. hire.]

⋙ kryādi

   kry-ādi ayas m. pl. the roots beginning with krī i.e. those of the ninth class

≫ kraya

   krayá m. buying, purchase VS. TS. ŚBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c 
   • the purchase-price VarBṛS. lxxxii, 9

⋙ krayakrīta

   ○krīta mfn. bought, purchased Hit

⋙ krayadravya

   ○dravya n. anything for which anything else is bought or exchanged KātyŚr. i, 8, 21 Sch

⋙ krayalekhya

   ○lekhya n. deed of sale, conveyance, Bṛihasp

⋙ krayavikraya

   ○vikraya as, au m. sg. and du. buying and selling, trade Mn. MBh. Pañcat. iii 
   • ○yânuśaya m. repenting of a purchase, annulling of purchase or sale Mn. viii, 5

⋙ krayavikrayika

   ○"ṣvikrayika m. a trader or merchant, dealer Pāṇ. 4-4, 13

⋙ krayavikrayin

   ○vikrayin mfn. one who buys or sells, who strikes a bargain Mn. v, 51 ; viii, 400 
   • (ifc.) Yājñ. ii, 262

⋙ krayaśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa n. (= kapi-s○) the coping of a wall L

⋙ krayākraya

   krayâkraya 'buying and not buying', commerce Car. i, 15

⋙ krayākrayikā

   krayâkrayikā f. g. śāka-pārthiv^ādi

⋙ krayāroha

   krayâroha m. 'place where goods are piled up for sale', a market, fair L

≫ krayaṇa

   krayaṇa n. buying KātyŚr. x, xiv Lāṭy

≫ krayaṇīya

   krayaṇīya mfn. to be bought KātyŚr. xvi

≫ krayāṇaka

   krayāṇaka n. any purchasable object, ware Vet. iii Siṃhâs. Jain. Comm

≫ krayika

   krayika mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 13 Siddh.) buying MBh. xiii, 5633 
   • m. a buyer, trader, dealer Uṇ. ii, 45

≫ krayin

   kráyin ī m. a buyer, purchaser Yājñ. Sch 
   • N. of Rudra TS. i, 8, 14, 2 TBr. i 
   • (krīvi VS. x, 20.)

≫ krayya

   kráyya mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 82) exhibited for sale, purchasable ŚBr. iii, 3, 3, 1 KātyŚr. vii, 8, 2f 
   • xix

≫ krāyaka

   krāyaka m. a buyer, trader L

≫ krāyika

   krāyika m. id. Divyâv. xxxv

≫ krī 2

   krī yava-krī, sadyaḥ-krī́

≫ krīta

   krītá mfn. bought, purchased ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • purchased from his natural parents (as a son 
   • one of the twelve kinds of sons acknowledged by the ancient Hindū law) Mn. ix, 160 
   • won by (instr.) Śak. iii (v. l.) 
   • ifc. (with the purchase-price 
   • f. ī) Pāṇ. 4-1, 50 ; vi, 2, 151 
   • (f. also ā) Siddh 
   • (ás), m. N. of a man MaitrS. iv, 2, 6 
   • (ās), m. pl. a sort of despised caste W 
   • (am), n. a bargain Comm. on Yājñ. ii, 6

⋙ krītatva

   ○tva n. the being bought Jaim. vi, 1, 19

⋙ krītānuśaya

   krītânuśaya m. repenting a purchase, returning a purchase upon the seller (admissible in some cases by law)

⋙ krītāpati

   krītā-pati m. the husband of a wife acquired by purchase Nir. vi, 9

≫ krītaka

   krītaka mfn. bought from his natural parents (and adopted as male issue) Mn. ix, 174 Pravar

≫ kreṇi

   kreṇi m. buying, purchasing L

≫ kreṇī

   kreṇī f. id. Comm. on Uṇ. iv, 48

≫ kretavya

   kretavya mfn. purchasable, MRh. xiii, 2450

≫ kretṛ

   kretṛ tā m. a buyer, purchaser Yājñ. ii, 168 and 253 MBh. iii, 13711

≫ kreya

   kreya mfn. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 82 Kāś.) purchasable Rājat. v, 270 (ifc.)

⋙ kreyada

   ○da m. one who exhibits anything for sale, seller L


   krīḍ cl. 1. P. krī́ḍati (or krī́ḻati RV 
   • ep. also Ā 
   • perf. cikrīḍa MBh 
   • fut. p. krīḍiṣyat BhP. iii, 17, 24 [Page 321, Column 3] 
   • aor. akrīḍīt Bhaṭṭ.), to play, sport, amuse one's self, frolic, gambol, dally (used of men, animals, the wind and waves, &c.) RV. VS. AV. &c 
   • to jest, joke with (instr. or instr. with saha or sârdham 
   • once acc. Mṛicch.) Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c.: Caus. krīḍayati, to cause to play, allow to play MBh. i, 6440 ; iv, 329 BhP

≫ krīḍa

   krīḍá mfn. playing, sporting (said of the winds) RV. i, 37, 1 and 5 ; 166, 2 
   • m. sport, play L 
   • (ā́), f. sport, play, pastime, amusement, amorous sport (often in comp., e.g. krīḍā-mudaḥ f. pl. the pleasures of playing or of amorous sport Gīt. ix, 9 
   • kṛṣṇa-k○, sport with Kṛishṇa BhP. ii, 3, 15 
   • jala-k○, playing about in water MBh. Pañcat. BhP 
   • toya-k○ id. Megh.) VS. xviii, 5 R. Suśr. &c 
   • working miracles for one's amusement Lalit 
   • disrespect shown by jest or joke L 
   • a play-ground MBh. iii, 12318 
   • (in music) a kind of measure

≫ krīḍaka

   krīḍaka m. one who sports, player L

≫ krīḍat

   krī́ḍat mfn. playing, sportive RV. AV. &c

≫ krīḍana

   krīḍana m. 'playing', N. of the wind Gal 
   • (am.), n. playing, play, sporting, &c. R. BhP. Hit

≫ krīḍanaka

   krīḍanaka mf(ikā)n. playing, jesting L 
   • m. a plaything MBh. Śak. BhP. &c 
   • (ikā), f. a nurse who entertains children with plays Divyâv

⋙ krīḍanakatā

   ○tā f. 'the state of a plaything', (ayā), instr. ind. after the manner of a plaything BhP. v, 26, 32

≫ krīḍanīya

   krīḍanīya n. a plaything, toy MBh. xiii, 4206 Kād

≫ krīḍanīyaka

   krīḍanīyaka m. id. Kathās. li, lxxi

⋙ krīḍanīyakasaṃnibha

   ○saṃnibha mfn. like a toy or doll Kathās. xii, 74

≫ krīḍamāna

   krīḍamāna mfn. (ep.) sporting MBh. R

≫ krīḍā

   krīḍā (f. of ○ḍá, q.v.)

⋙ krīḍākapitva

   ○kapi-tva n. imitating an ape for amusement or in jest Mcar

⋙ krīḍākānana

   ○kānana n. a pleasure-grove Bhartṛ. iii, 15

⋙ krīḍākāsāra

   ○kāsāra a pleasure-pond Daś. p. v

⋙ krīḍākumāra

   ○kumāra m. N. of a Gandharva Bālar. iv, 8

⋙ krīḍākūṭa

   ○"ṣkūṭa (krīḍâk○), n. sportive or wanton purpose or desire W

⋙ krīḍāketana

   ○ketana n. a pleasure-house Kathās. cxiv, 57

⋙ krīḍākopa

   ○kopa m. anger in sport, assumed anger Amar

⋙ krīḍākautuka

   ○kautuka n. wanton curiosity Kathās. xviii, 153 
   • sport, pastime, enjoyment W 
   • lasciviousness W

⋙ krīḍākauśala

   ○kauśala n. the art of joking Daś

⋙ krīḍākhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa n. N. of GaṇP. ii

⋙ krīḍāgṛha

   ○gṛha m. n. a pleasure-house R. Sāh. 675 Sch

⋙ krīḍācaṅkramaṇa

   ○caṅkramaṇa N. of a locality Rājat. vi, 308

⋙ krīḍācandra

   ○candra a metre of 4 x 18 syllables 
   • m. N. of a poet

⋙ krīḍātāla

   ○tāla m. (in music) a kind of measure

⋙ krīḍānārī

   ○nārī f. a harlot, courtezan Hariv. 8309

⋙ krīḍāparicchada

   ○paricchada m. plaything, toy BhP. vii, 5, 56

⋙ krīḍāparvata

   ○parvata m. a playhill or pleasure-hill, pleasure-mound or hillock in a garden Kād

⋙ krīḍāparvataka

   ○parvataka m. id. ib

⋙ krīḍāpura

   ○pura n. a town visited for amusement

⋙ krīḍāpradeśa

   ○pradeśa m. a play-ground MBh. iii, 164, 6

⋙ krīḍāmaya

   ○maya mf(ī)n. consisting of play or sport MBh. xiv, 1486

⋙ krīḍāmayūra

   ○mayūra m. a peacock kept for amusement Ragh. xvi, 14

⋙ krīḍāmarkaṭapota

   ○markaṭa-pota m. a young monkey serving as a plaything Kathās. lxxv, 26

⋙ krīḍāmahīdhra

   ○mahīdhra m. = -parvata Ratnâv. iv, 14

⋙ krīḍāmṛga

   ○mṛga m. an animal kept for pleasure, toy-deer R. v, 20, 12 BhP. vi, 2, 37

⋙ krīḍāratna

   ○ratna n. 'gem of sports', copulation L

⋙ krīḍāratha

   ○ratha m. a pleasure-chariot, carriage used for amusement (opposed to a war-chariot) MBh. xiii, 2782

⋙ krīḍārasa

   ○rasa m. enjoying sport Ratnâv. i 
   • maya mfn. consisting of pleasure-water Kathās. xxviii, 99

⋙ krīḍārasātala

   ○rasātala n. N. of wk. Sāh. 550 Sch

⋙ krīḍārājatasudhāpātra

   ○rājata-sudhā-pātra Nom. P. ○trati, to represent a silver liquor-cup used as an object of amusement Prasannar

⋙ krīḍārudrāya

   ○rudrāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to resemble Rudra while playing

⋙ krīḍāvat

   ○vat mfn. sportive, playful

⋙ krīḍāvana

   ○vana n. a pleasure-grove, park

⋙ krīḍāvāpī

   ○vāpī f. a pleasure-pond (in which turtles, fishes, &c. are kept for pleasure) VarBṛS

⋙ krīḍāveśman

   ○veśman n. a pleasure-house Vikr. ii, 22

⋙ krīḍāśakunta

   ○śakunta m. a bird kept for amusement Pañcat. i, 155

⋙ krīḍāśaila

   ○śaila m. = -parvata Megh. Hcat. i, 6

⋙ krīḍāsaras

   ○saras n. a pleasure-pond Hit

⋙ krīḍāsthāna

   ○sthāna n. a play-ground R. vi, 83, 48 Pañcad

⋙ krīḍoddeśa

   krīḍôddeśa m. id. R. ii 94, 12

≫ krīḍāpanikā

   krīḍāpanikā f. = ○danikā Divyâv. xxxii

≫ krīḍi

   krīḍí or mfn. playing, sporting RV. MaitrS. i, 10, 6

⋙ krīli

   krīlí mfn. playing, sporting RV. MaitrS. i, 10, 6 
   • (said of the winds) RV. i, 87, 3

≫ krīḍita

   krīḍita mfn. having played Pañcat 
   • (am), n. sport, play MBh. iii, 11067 R. v, 13, 23 and 55

≫ krīḍitaka

   krīḍitaka māṇavaka-k○

≫ krīḍitṛ

   krīḍitṛ tā m. one who sports, player BhP. i, 13, 40

≫ krīḍin

   krīḍín mfn. playing, sporting (said of the winds) VS. TS. i, 6, 7, 5 ŚBr. ii, 5, 3, 20 (cf. śva-k○) 
   • (ī), m. N. of a man Pravar

⋙ krīḍitva

   krīḍi-tvá n. the state of one who is sporting TBr. i, 6, 7, 5. [Page 322, Column 1] 

≫ krīḍu

   krīḍú or mfn. playing (Soma) RV. ix, 20, 7

⋙ krīḻu

   krīḻú mfn. playing (Soma) RV. ix, 20, 7

⋙ krīḍumat

   ○mát mfn. id. (flames), x, 3, 5


   krītá &c. √krī


   krība mfn. = klība accord. to a gloss on KātyŚr. xv, 10, 18


   kru mitra-krú


   krukta √1. kruñc

kruñc 1

   kruñc (Pāṇ. 3-2, 59), cl. 1. P. kruñcati, 'to curve or make crooked' or 'to be crooked, move crookedly' Dhātup. vii, 4 
   • 'to become small, shrink', or 'to make small, lessen' ib 
   • to go towards, approach Vop

≫ krukta

   krukta mfn. crooked, curved W

≫ kruñc 2

   krúñc ṅ m. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 59) a kind of snipe, curlew VS. xix, 73 TāṇḍyaBr. xiii Bhaṭṭ 
   • N. of a Ṛishi Comm. TāṇḍyaBr. xiii (cf. krauñcá.)

≫ kruñca

   krúñca m. a kind of snipe, curlew VS. xxiv, 22 and 31 MaitrS. Āp 
   • (= krauñca) N. of a mountain L 
   • (au), m. du.? VS. xxv, 6 
   • (ā), f. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 91 Vārtt. 4 Pat 
   • g. ajâdi 
   • g. vyāghrâdi Gaṇar. 108) a female snipe or curlew L 
   • a kind of Viṇā or lute L

⋙ kruñcāmat

   kruñcā-mat mfn. g. yavâdi

≫ kruñcakīya

   kruñcakīya ās m. pl. Kāś. or ○yā f. (fr. kruñcā Pāṇ. 4-2, 91 Vārtt. 2), N. of a locality, g. bilvakâdi


   kruḍ cl. 6. P. kruḍati, to sink, dive Dhātup. xxviii, 100 
   • to be or become thick Comm. on VS. xxv, 8 
   • (cf. kraḍana, √kūḍ, and krūḍ): Caus. or cl. 10. P. fr. √krūḍ, krūdayati, to make thick (?) Kāṭh. vi, 3 and 7


   krud utkrodá

krudh 1

   krudh cl. 4. P. krúdhyati (ep. rarely Ā. ○te MBh. i, 59, 21 
   • ( also krudhyamāna) 
   • perf. cukrodha ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • fut. 2nd krotsyati Pāṇ. 8-2, 37 Kāś 
   • fut. 1st kroddhā Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh 
   • aor. Subj. 2. sg. krudhas AV. MBh 
   • inf. kroddhum Nal.), to become angry, be wrathful or angry with (dat. [Pāṇ. 1-4, 37] or gen.), on account of (loc.): Caus. krodháyati (aor. ácukrudhat RV. v, 34, 7 
   • Subj. 1. sg. cukrudham, 1. pl. ○dhāma), to make angry, provoke, irritate RV. AV. R. (inf. krodhayitum) ; [Lith. rus-tus, 'angry' ; rus-tybê 'anger' ; Gk. ? Germ. [322, 1] groll ; Hib. corruidhe, anger, wrath, motion' ; corruigh, 'fury, resentment.'] 

≫ kruddha

   kruddhá mfn. irritated, provoked, angry with (dat., gen., loc., or upari or prati) on account of (acc. with anu Bhaṭṭ.) RV. AV. TS. ŚBr. MBh. &c 
   • fierce, cruel W 
   • (am), n. anger W

≫ krudh 2

   krudh t f. anger, wrath Kathās. lxxvi, 18 (instr. ○dhā, in a passion') 
   • (dhas), f. pl. anger Rājat. iii, 514 (516 ed. Calc.)

≫ krudhā

   krudhā f. anger L. Sch

≫ krudhmi

   krúdhmi mfn. irritable RV. vii, 56, 8

≫ krudhyat

   krudhyat mfn. being angry, feeling provoked Mn. vi, 48 MBh

≫ krudhyamāna

   krudhyamāna mfn. id. BhP. vi, 4, 5

≫ krodha

   kródha m. anger, wrath, passion VS. xxx, 14 AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • (ifc. f. ā) Amar 
   • Anger (personified as a child of Lobha and Nikṛiti 
   • or of Death 
   • or of Brahmā) VP 
   • N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2543 Hariv 
   • of the mystic syllable hum or hrūṃ, Rāmat Up 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the thirteen daughters of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa MBh. i, 2520 Hariv 
   • (ī), f. (in music) N. of a Śruti 
   • (am), n. N. of the fifty-ninth year of the sixty years' Bṛihaspati cycle VarBṛS

⋙ krodhacakṣus

   ○cakṣus n. an eye glowing with anger Hit

⋙ krodhaja

   ○ja mfn. proceeding from or engendered by wrath (as the eight vices, hatred, envy, oppression, violence, &c.) Mn. vii, 45-51

⋙ krodhabhairava

   ○bhairava m. a form of Bhairava (or Śiva) BrahmaP

⋙ krodhamantra

   ○mantra m. N. of a Mantra

⋙ krodhamaya

   ○máya mfn. one whose nature is anger ŚBr. xiv 
   • of angry disposition, passionate R. vii, 65, 31

⋙ krodhamukha

   ○mukha mf(ī)n. one who has an angry countenance Cāṇ. Subh

⋙ krodhamūrchita

   ○mūrchita mfn. infatuated with anger, passionate MBh. iii, 1864 R. i, 1, 48 
   • m. a kind of perfume L

⋙ krodhavarjita

   ○varjita mfn. free from wrath, calm

⋙ krodhavardhana

   ○vardhana m. N. of a Dānava MBh. i, 2682 Hariv

⋙ krodhavaśa

   ○vaśa m. the power of anger MBh. i, 3949 (cf. Mn. ii, 214) 
   • (mfn.)with gaṇa, or(as, ās), m. sg. and pl. 'passionate', N. of several kinds of evil spirits MBh. Hariv. BhP 
   • m. N. of. a Rakshas MBh. iii, 16365 ; xiii, 4291 
   • (ā), f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kaśyapa MBh. i, 2624 Hariv. R. BhP. [Page 322, Column 2] 
   • -ga mfn. subject to anger Pañcat

⋙ krodhaśatru

   ○śatru m. N. of an Asura MBh. i, 65, 35

⋙ krodhasamanvita

   ○samanvita mfn. filled with anger

⋙ krodhahantṛ

   ○hantṛ m. N. of an Asura MBh. i, 2543 and 2682 Hariv

⋙ krodhahāsa

   ○hāsa m. wrathful laughing Bālar

⋙ krodhānvita

   krodhânvita mfn. wrathful, angry

⋙ krodhāmarṣajihmabhrū

   krodhâmarṣa-jihma-bhrū mfn. bending the brow with anger and impatience

⋙ krodheśvara

   krodhêśvara m. = krāthêsv○, q.v

⋙ krodhojjhita

   krodhôjjhita mfn. free from wrath, composed, calm

⋙ krodhodana

   krodhôdana m. vḷ. for śuddhôd○ (q.v.) VP

≫ krodhana

   krodhana mf(ā)n. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 151) inclined to wrath, passionate, angry (with loc. Yājñ. i, 333) MBh. &c 
   • m. ( = krodha) the 59th year in the sixty years' Bṛihaspati cycle Romakas 
   • N. of a son of Kauśika and pupil of Garga Hariv. 1189 
   • of a son of A-yuta and father of Devâtithi BhP. ix, 22, 11 
   • of a man Kathās. lviii, 84 
   • of a Śākta author of Mantras 
   • (ā), f. a passionate woman, vixen L 
   • N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2624 
   • of a Yoginī Hcat 
   • (am), n. 'the being angry, anger', only ifc. sa-kr○ (q.v.)

≫ krodhanīya

   krodhanīya mfn. anything which may produce anger, provocative R. ii, 41, 3 
   • (am), n. (hence) an injury W

≫ krodhālu

   krodhālu mfn. passionate, violent Suśr. vi

≫ krodhin

   krodhin mfn. id iii, 4, 62 
   • m. a buffalo L 
   • a dog L 
   • a rhinoceros L 
   • the 38th year of the sixty years' Bṛihaspati cycle VarBṛS. viii, 41 Romakas 
   • (inī), f. a mystical N. of the letter r

⋙ krodhitva

   krodhitva n. the state of being passionate R. vii, 18, 16

≫ krodhiṣṭha

   krodhiṣṭha mfn. very irate or wrathful L


   krunth vḷ. for √kunth Dhātup


   krúmu f. N. of a river (tributary of the Indus) RV. v, 53, 9 and x, 75, 6


   krumuká m. (cf. kṛmuká, kram○) a piece of wood or match used to catch the sacrificial fire when kindled by friction TS. v, 1, 9, 5 TBr. i, 4, 7, 3 ĀpŚr. xiv, 24


   kruś cl. I. P. króśati (rarely Ā., krośamāna 
   • aor. ákrukṣat RV. x, 146, 4 
   • perf. cukrośa R 
   • fut. 2nd krokṣyati and 1st kroṣṭā Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh.), to cry out, shriek, yell, bawl, call out, halloo RV. AV. MBh. &c 
   • to exclaim R. i, 9, 59 
   • to lament, weep Mn. MBh. &c 
   • to make a singing noise (as the ear) Kauś. 58: Intens. cokruśīti Pāṇ. 7-4, 82 Sch. ; [Lith. klykiu, 'to cry' ; kryksśtauju ; Hib. cruisigh, 'music, song' ; Lat. crocis, crocito ; Gk. [322, 2] ? ? ? Goth. krukja.]

≫ kruśvan

   kruśvan ā m. 'crier', a jackal Uṇ. iv, 115

≫ kruṣṭa

   kruṣṭa mfn. calling or crying at (acc.), scolding MBh. xiii, 2135 
   • called at, abused Buddh 
   • cried, wept W 
   • cried aloud, bawled W 
   • clamorous, loud (said of a particular Svara) SāmavBr. (also superl. -tama) TPrāt 
   • (am), n. crying, weeping, sobbing, noise L

≫ krośa

   króśa m. (cf. klóśa) a cry, yell, shriek, shout VS. xxx, 19 TS. vii (cf. karṇa-k○) 
   • 'the range of the voice in calling or hallooing', a measure of distance (an Indian league, commonly called a Kos= 1000 Daṇḍas = 4000 Hastas = 1/4 Yojana 
   • according to others = 2000 Daṇḍas = 8000 Hastas = 1/2 Gavyūti) KātyŚr. MBh. &c 
   • (ám), n. (g. jvalâdi), N. of different Sāmans TS. vii Lāṭy. ĀrshBr

⋙ krośatāla

   ○tāla m. a large or double drum L

⋙ krośadhvani

   ○dhvani m. id. L

⋙ krośamātragata

   ○mātra-gata mfn. gone to the length of a Krośa

⋙ krośamātrasthita

   ○mātra-sthita mfn. standing at the distance of a Krośa

⋙ krośayuga

   ○yuga n. a measure of two Krośas (= 4000 yards or about 2.5 miles 
   • this seems to correspond to the modern Krośa or Kos, but the standard varies)

≫ krośat

   króśat mfn. crying or calling at (acc.) RV. x, 94. 4 
   • lamenting, weeping R. i, 54, 7 
   • calling out

≫ krośana

   krośaná mfn. crying RV. x, 27, 18 
   • (ā), f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2635 
   • (am), n. crying Suśr. iii, 9, 10

≫ krośamāna

   krośamāna mfn. crying R. i, 60, 19 ; iii, 66, 17

≫ krośin

   krośin uṣṭra-k○ (also Pāṇ. 6-2, 80 Kāś.)

≫ kroṣṭu

   kroṣṭu (must form strong cases and may form weak cases from kroṣṭṝ, Gramm. 128. c Pāṇ. 7-1, 95 and 97), m. 'crier', a jackal Yājñ. i, 148 
   • N. of a son of Yadu and father of Vṛijinīvat Hariv. 1906 and 1969

⋙ kroṣṭukarṇa

   ○karṇa N. of a locality, g. takṣa-śilâdi

⋙ kroṣṭupāda

   ○pāda m. N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his family, g. yaskâdi

⋙ kroṣṭupucchikā

   ○pucchikā f. Hemionitis cordifolia L

⋙ kroṣṭupucchī

   ○pucchī f. id. L. [Page 322, Column 3] 

⋙ kroṣṭuphala

   ○phala m. Terminalia Catappa L

⋙ kroṣṭumāna

   ○māna m. N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his family, g. yaskâdi

⋙ kroṣṭumāya

   ○māya m. N. of a man, and (ās), m. pl. his family ib. (Gaṇar. 26)

⋙ kroṣṭuvinnā

   ○vinnā f. = -pucchikā L

≫ kroṣṭuka

   kroṣṭuka m. a jackal MBh 
   • 'N. of a man', krauṣṭuki 
   • (ī), f. 'a female jackal', N. of a daughter of Krodha-vaśā and mother of the yellow apes R. iii, 20, 22 and 26

⋙ kroṣṭukapucchikā

   ○pucchikā f. = kroṣṭu-p○ L

⋙ kroṣṭukamāna

   ○māna v. l. for kroṣṭu-m○

⋙ kroṣṭukamekhalā

   ○mekhalā f. = -pucchikā L

⋙ kroṣṭukaśiras

   ○śiras n. a disease of the knee Suśr. ii, 1, 75 ; iii, 8, 14 ; iv, 5, 32

≫ kroṣṭṛ

   kroṣṭṛ mfn. crying, lamenting BhP. x, 15, 36 
   • (ṭā́), m. (not used in the weakest cases, kroṣṭu Pāṇ. 7-1, 95 and 97) 'crier', a jackal RV. x, 18, 4 AV. VS. MBh 
   • N. of a son of Yadu and father of Vṛijinivat MBh. xiii, 6832 Hariv. 1843 BhP 
   • (ṭrī), f. (g. gaurâdi) the female of a jackal L 
   • a kind of Convolvulus L 
   • another plant (= lāṅgalī) L

≫ kroṣṭrīya

   kroṣṭrīya ās m. pl., N. of a school of grammarians Pat. on Pāṇ. 1-1, 3 Vārtt. 6


   krūḍ √kruḍ


   krūrá mf(ā́)n. (fr. kraví-s, cf. sthūrá and sthávira), wounded, hurt, sore ŚBr 
   • 'bloody, raw', cruel, fierce, ferocious, pitiless, harsh, formidable AV. TS. vi Mn. &c 
   • inauspicious (as opposed to saumya and a-krūra, said of the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh signs of the zodiac, which are supposed to have a malignant influence Jyot 
   • said of planets VarBṛS.) 
   • hard, solid Suśr. Śak. Pañcat 
   • strong (as a bow, opposed to manda) Nār 
   • hot, sharp, disagreeable L 
   • (am), ind. in a formidable manner MBh. iii, 15669 
   • (as, am), m. n. boiled rice (cf. kūra) L 
   • m. a hawk L 
   • a heron L 
   • red oleander (= rakta-karaviira) L 
   • (ā), f. a variety of Punarnavā with red blossoms L 
   • (ám), n. a wound, sore AV. VS. TS. ŚBr 
   • blood-shedding, slaughter, cruelty, any horrible deed, harshness AV. AitBr. i, 26 Mn. i, 29 &c 
   • any frightful apparition AdbhBr 
   • a kind of house Gal

⋙ krūrakarman

   ○karmán n. a bloody or terrible deed ŚBr. v Suśr 
   • any hard or difficult labour Śak. (v. l.) 
   • (mfn.) performing bloody or terrible deeds, fierce, cruel, unrelenting MBh. iii, 13253 R. Pañcat. Vet 
   • (ā), m. N. of a plant (= kaṭu-tumbinī) L 
   • (krūra-karma) -kṛt mfn. perpetrating cruel actions W 
   • (t), m. a rapacious animal Mn. xii, 58

⋙ krūrakṛkara

   ○kṛkara m. a heron Gal

⋙ krūrakṛt

   ○kṛ́t mfn. performing bloody or terrible deeds, cruel TBr. i

⋙ krūrakoṣṭha

   ○koṣṭha m. costive bowels unaffected by strong purgatives 
   • (mfn.) one whose bowels are costive Suśr

⋙ krūragandha

   ○gandha m. 'smelling formidably', sulphur L 
   • (ā), f. a variety of Opuntia (= kanthārī) L

⋙ krūragandhaka

   ○gandhaka m. sulphur Gal

⋙ krūracarita

   ○carita mfn. addicted to cruel practices, cruel, ferocious

⋙ krūraceṣṭita

   ○ceṣṭita mfn. id. Pañcat

⋙ krūratā

   ○tā f. cruelty Mn. x, 58

⋙ krūratva

   ○tva n. id

⋙ krūradantī

   ○dantī f. 'having bloody or cruel teeth', N. of Durgā L

⋙ krūradṛś

   ○dṛś mfn. evil-eyed (said of an owl) Kathās. lxii, 27 
   • of terrible aspect, mischievous, cruel 
   • (k), m. N. of the planet Śani or Saturn 
   • of the planet Mars 
   • (krūra-dṛk) -patha, 'one whose path gives an inauspicious aspect', m. the planet Saturn Gal

⋙ krūradṛṣṭi

   ○dṛṣṭi f. a formidable look or glance Pañcat

⋙ krūradhūrta

   ○dhūrta m. a kind of thorn-apple L. (cf. kṛṣṇa-dattūraka.)

⋙ krūraniścaya

   ○niścaya mf(ā)n. one who has made a cruel resolution Ragh. xii, 4

⋙ krūraprakṛtika

   ○prakṛtika mfn. of a cruel character Prab

⋙ krūrabuddhi

   ○buddhi mfn. cruel-minded MBh. i, 154, 7

⋙ krūramānasa

   ○mānasa mfn. id. MBh. i, 209, 3

⋙ krūrarava

   ○rava m. 'having an inauspicious or frightful cry', a jackal (?) W

⋙ krūrarāvin

   ○rāvin m. a raven L

⋙ krūralocana

   ○locana m. 'of an inauspicious aspect', N. of the planet Saturn' L 
   • N. of an owl Kathās. lxii, 101

⋙ krūrasamācāra

   ○samācāra mf(ā)n. behaving cruelly or fiercely R. vi, 98, 23

⋙ krūrasarpavat

   ○sarpa-vat ind. like an enraged serpent W

⋙ krūrasvara

   ○svara mfn. crying frightfully R. iii, 64, 2

⋙ krūrākṛti

   krūrâkṛti m. 'of a formidable appearance', N. of Rāvaṇa (the ruler of Laṅkā) L

⋙ krūrākṣa

   krūrâkṣa m. 'evil-eyed', N. of an owl (minister of the owl-king Ari-mardana) Pañcat. iii

⋙ krūrācāra

   krūrâcāra mfn. following cruel or savage practices, behaving cruelly Mn. iv, 246 
   • -vihāra-vat mfn. behaving cruelly and rejoicing in cruelties Mn. x, 9

⋙ krūrātman

   krūrâtman m. 'of a cruel nature', N. of the planet Saturn L

⋙ krūrālāpin

   krūrâlāpin m. = ○ra-rāvin (q.v.) Npr

⋙ krūrāśaya

   krūrâśaya mf(ā)n. one whose bowels are torpid or costive Suśr 
   • containing fierce animals (as a river) Bhartṛ. i, 80 
   • of a terrible or fierce disposition (as women) ib. [Page 323, Column 1] 

⋙ krūropasaṃhata

   krūrôpasaṃhata mfn. connected with cruelty W

≫ krūrīkṛ

   krūrī́-√kṛ to make sore, wound ŚBr


   krūrca for kūrca (the beard) W


   kreṅ-kāra m. the sound kreṅ Kād. Bālar. iv, 11 
   • x

≫ kreṅkṛti

   kreṅ-kṛti f. id. Bhojapr


   kreṅkā-rava = kekā-r○ Hcar


   kreṇi ○ṇī, kretavya, &c. √1. krī


   kraiḍiná mf(ī)n. (fr. krīḍín), belonging to the Maruts or winds ŚBr. xi, 5, 2, 4 ĀśvŚr. ix, 2 ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv, 10, 7 KātyŚr. ii and iv Sch

≫ kraiḍinīyā

   kraiḍinīyā f. scil. iṣṭi, the Ishṭi or sacrificial oblation sacred to the Maruts KātyŚr. ii and iv Sch


   kraívya m. a king of the Krivis ŚBr. xiii, 5, 4, 7


   kroñca m. (for krauñca), N. of a mountain Gal

⋙ kroñcakumārikā

   ○kumārikā f. a kind of Rākshasī Divyâv. xviii, xxxv

⋙ kroñcadāraṇa

   ○dāraṇa = krauñca-d○, q.v. L. Sch

⋙ kroñcapadī

   ○padī krauñca-p○


   kroḍá m. (n. in later language L.) the breast, chest, bosom (of men and animals) AV. VS. KātyŚr. &c 
   • (of a bird) R. vii, 18, 32 
   • (pl.) MBh. xiii, 2660 
   • (named as a place where money is kept) Mṛicch. ii 
   • ifc. f. ā Pāṇ. 4-1, 56 (e.g. kalyāṇa-kroḍā, a woman with a well-formed breast Kāś.) 
   • the flank, hollow above the hip W 
   • the lap (= aṅka) L 
   • the interior of anything, cavity, hollow Bālar. vi, 65 Hit 
   • m. a hog Pañcat. BhP. VārP. Kathās 
   • N. of the planet Saturn L 
   • 'anything left in the bosom', an additional verse or note Kām. Sch 
   • N. of a teacher, Kaiy. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 66 Vārtt. 6 Pat. (cf. krauḍa) 
   • (ā), f. the breast, bosom L 
   • N. of a plant L 
   • (ī), f. a sow Kathās. liii, 120 
   • the yam √L 
   • (am), n. id. L

⋙ kroḍakanyā

   ○kanyā f. the yam √L

⋙ kroḍakaseruka

   ○kaseruka m. Cyperus rotundus Bhpr

⋙ kroḍakāntā

   ○kāntā f. 'dear to Saturn (?)', the earth L

⋙ kroḍakhorā

   ○khorā f. N. of a plant Gal

⋙ kroḍacūḍā

   ○cūḍā f. N. of a plant (= mahā-śrāvaṇikā) L

⋙ kroḍatīrtha

   ○tīrtha n. N. of a Tirtha KapSaṃh

⋙ kroḍapattra

   ○pattra n. (cf. kroḍa) an additional leaf. postscript, supplement, codicil to a will

⋙ kroḍaparṇī

   ○parṇī f. a prickly nightshade (Solanum Jacquini) L

⋙ kroḍapāda

   ○pāda m. a tortoise L

⋙ kroḍapālī

   ○pālī f. the chest Bālar

⋙ kroḍamalla


⋙ kroḍamallaka

   ○mallaka m. a beggar Buddh

⋙ kroḍaloman

   ○loman āni n. pl. hairs on the breast Kauś

⋙ kroḍavallabhā

   ○vallabhā f. a variety of Cyperus Gal

⋙ kroḍavāla

   ○vāla m. a pig's bristle Kathās

⋙ kroḍāṅka

   kroḍâṅka m. a tortoise W

⋙ kroḍāṅghri

   kroḍâṅghri m. id. L

⋙ kroḍāsya

   kroḍâsya mfn. having a snout like a hog VarYogay. vi, 23

⋙ kroḍeṣṭā

   kroḍêṣṭā f. 'dear to hogs' the grass Cyperus rotundus L

≫ kroḍī

   kroḍī f. and ind. in comp

⋙ kroḍīkaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. embracing L

⋙ kroḍīkṛ

   ○√kṛ to embrace Hit 
   • to become master of Hcar

⋙ kroḍīkṛti

   ○kṛti f. embracing L

⋙ kroḍīmukha

   ○mukha m. 'having a snout like a sow', a rhinoceros L


   krotha for krātha (but √.krunth), killing, murder W


   kródha &c. √1. krudh


   króśa &c. √kruś


   kroṣṭa m. N. of a man Pravar

⋙ kroṣṭekṣu

   kroṣṭêkṣu for koṣṭhêkṣu, q.v. L


   kroṣṭu kroṣṭuka, √kruś

≫ kroṣṭṛ


⋙ kroṣṭrīya

   kroṣṭrīya ib


   krauñcá mfn. (fr. krúñca g. prajñâdi), 'curlew-like', with vyūha, = ○câruṇa MBh. vi, 51, 1 
   • m. a kind of curlew TS. v Āp. i, 17, 36 Mn. &c 
   • the emblem of the fifth Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇi L 
   • an osprey L 
   • patr. (or metron. fr. kruñcā Pāṇ. 4-1, 120 Kār.), N. of a pupil of Śākapūrṇi VP 
   • N. of a mountain (part of the Himâlaya range, situated in the eastern part of the chain on the north of Assam 
   • said to have been split by Kārttikeya VP.) TĀr. i, 31, 2 MBh. iii, 14331 ; vi, 462 ; ix, 2700 ff. R. &c 
   • N. of one of the Dvipas of the world (surrounded by the sea of curds) VarBṛS. BhP. MatsyaP. BhavP. VārP 
   • N. of an Asura or Rakshas W 
   • (ā), f. the female curlew Comm. on L 
   • (ī), f. id. R 
   • N. of a daughter of Tāmrā and mother of the curlews R 
   • (am), n. a kind of poison Car. vi, 23 
   • (scil. astra) N. of a mythical weapon R. i, 29, 12 and 56, 9 
   • N. of several Sāmans TāṇḍyaBr. xi [Page 323, Column 2] 
   • xiii Lāṭy. ĀrshBr 
   • of a particular kind of recitation TS. ii, 5, 11, 1 ChUp. ii, 22, 1 (scil. gāna) 
   • a particular method of sitting, NārP

⋙ krauñcadāraṇa

   ○dāraṇa m. 'Krauñca-splitter', Kārttikeya L

⋙ krauñcadvīpa

   ○dvīpa m. N. of a Dviipa ( krauñca) L. -niṣadana, n. a particular kind of being seated (practised by Yogins) Sarvad. -niṣūdana m. = -dāraṇa MBh. iii, 8138 (ed. Bomb.)

⋙ krauñcapakṣa

   ○pakṣa mfn. (horses)the flanks of which are similar to the wings of a curlew R. v, 12, 35

⋙ krauñcapadā

   ○padā f. a metre of 4 x 25 syllables

⋙ krauñcapadī

   ○padī f. N. of a locality MBh. xiii, 1728 (vḷ. kroñc○)

⋙ krauñcapura

   ○pura n. N. of a town Hariv

⋙ krauñcabandham

   ○bandham ind. so as to make a knot called after the wings of a curlew Pāṇ. 3-4, 42 Kāś

⋙ krauñcabradhna

   ○bradhna m. N. of a Ṛishi BrahmaP. (also pl.)

⋙ krauñcarandhra

   ○randhra n. the Krauñca pass (split by the deity Kārttikeya and by Paraśu-rāma) Megh

⋙ krauñcaripu

   ○ripu m. 'enemy of the Krauñca mountain', = -dāraṇa Pañcat

⋙ krauñcavat

   ○vat m. N. of a mountain (= krauñca) Hariv. 11447

⋙ krauñcavana

   ○vana n. N. of a town R. vii, 59, 20

⋙ krauñcaśatru

   ○śatru m.= -ripu Mṛicch

⋙ krauñcasūdana

   ○sūdana m. id. Suśr

⋙ krauñcācala

   krauñcâcala m. the Krauñca mountain 
   • -dveṣin m. 'enemy of the Krauñca mountain', N. of Paraśu-rāma ( krauñca-randhra) Bālar

⋙ krauñcādana

   krauñcâdana n. 'curlew's food', the fibres of the stalk of the lotus Car. i, 27 
   • the plant Arum orixense L 
   • long pepper L 
   • another plant (= ciñcoṭaka) L 
   • (ī), f. the seed of a lotus L

⋙ krauñcāraṇya

   krauñcâraṇya n. N. of a forest R. vi, 74, 18 (cf. iii, 74, 7)

⋙ krauñcārāti

   krauñcârāti m. = krauñca-ripu L

⋙ krauñcāri

   krauñcâri m. id. L 
   • (= ○câcala-dveṣin), N. of Paraśu-rāma Bālar. iv, 22

⋙ krauñcārṇa

   krauñcârṇa m. a kind of battle array MBh. vi, 50, 40

≫ krauñcākṣi

   krauñcâkṣi m. patr. fr. ○kṣa Saṃskārak

≫ krauñcikīputra

   kraúñcikī-pútra m. N. of a teacher ŚBr. xiv, 9, 4, 32


   krauḍa mf(ī)n. (fr. kroḍá), belonging to a hog BhP. ii, 7, 1 
   • coming from a hog VarBṛS 
   • (= vārāha) relating to Vishṇu's Avatār as a hog BhP. xi, 4, 18 
   • (ās), m. pl. the school of Kroḍa Pat. on Pāṇ. 4-2, 66 Vārtt. 6

≫ krauḍi

   krauḍi m. patr. fr. kroḍá Pāṇ. 4-1, 80

≫ krauḍyā

   krauḍyā f. of ○ḍi ib

≫ kraulāyana

   kraulāyana m. patr. fr. krola (for ○ḍa) Pravar. (krol○ MS.)


   kraurya n. (fr. krūrá), cruelty, fierceness, hard-heartedness Mn. xii, 33 Śak. vii VarBṛS. Kathās. cvi, 130 (pl.) 
   • terribleness W


   kraulāyana krauḍa


   krauśaśatika mfn. (fr. krośaśata), one who goes 100 Krośas or leagues Pāṇ. 5-1, 74 Vārtt. 1 
   • one who deserves to be approached from a distance of 100 leagues (a teacher) Vārtt. 2

≫ krauṣṭāyana

   krauṣṭāyana v. l. for ○STrAy○

≫ krauṣṭukarṇa

   krauṣṭukarṇa mfn. coming from Kroshṭukarṇa, g. takṣaśilâdi

≫ krauṣṭuki

   krauṣṭuki m. patr. fr. kroṣṭuka, N. of a grammarian Nir. viii, 2 Bṛih 
   • of an astrologer AV.Pariś. VarBṛS. i, 11 Sch 
   • (ayas), m. pl., N. of a warrior-tribe belonging to the Trigarta-shashṭhas Pāṇ. 5-3, 116 Kār

≫ krauṣṭukīya

   krauṣṭukīya m. a prince of the warriortribe called Kraushṭukis Pāṇ. 5-3, 116 Kār

≫ krauṣṭra

   krauṣṭra mfn. fr. kroṣṭri Pat. on Pāṇ. 7-2, 117 Vārtt. 1

≫ krauṣṭrāyaṇa

   krauṣṭrāyaṇa m. patr. fr. kroṣṭri g. arīhaṇâdi

≫ krauṣṭrāyaṇaka

   krauṣṭrāyaṇaka mfn. fr. ○yaṇa ib


   kry-ādi √krī


   klath cl. 1. P. (p. kláthat) to be formed into clots or lumps VS. xxxix, 5 
   • to hurt, kill Dhātup. xix, 40

≫ klathana

   klathana n. forming into clots or lumps Mahīdh. on VS. xxxix, 5


   klad √kland


   kladī́vat (cf. √klid), wet, moist (?) AV. vii, 90, 3


   kland (cf. √krand), cl. 1. P. klandati to call Dhātup. iii, 35 
   • to lament, weep ib 
   • Ā. klandate (v. l. kladate, fr. √klad), to be confounded or troubled Dhātup. xix, 12 
   • to sound ŚiraUp 
   • [cf. ?.]

≫ klanda

   klandá mf(ā)n. crying, noisy AV. ii, 2, 5. klap vḷ. for √hlap, q.v. [Page 323, Column 3] 


   klapuṣa n. the bladder Gal


   klam (= √śram q.v.), cl. 1. 4. klāmati, klāmyati (Pāṇ. 3-1, 70 ; vii, 3, 74 f.), to be or become fatigued, be weary or exhausted Bhaṭṭ. v, xii, xiv, xvii, 10 and 102 Kād.: Caus. klāmayati, to fatigue ŚiraUp

≫ klama

   klama m. fatigue, exhaustion, languor, weariness MBh. Śak. iii, 18 Suśr. BhP 
   • (ifc. Mn. &c 
   • f. ā MBh. Nal.)

≫ klamatha

   klamatha m. fatigue, exhaustion L

≫ klamathu

   klamathu m. id. L

≫ klamin

   klamin mfn. becoming tired, languishing, g. śamâdi

⋙ klamitā

   klami-tā f

⋙ klamitva

   klami-tva n. exhaustion W

≫ klānta

   klānta mfn. tired, fatigued, exhausted, languishing, wearied MBh. R. Śak. Megh. &c 
   • depressed in spirits, Var Yogay 
   • dried, up, withering Śak. Ragh. x, 49 
   • thin, emaciated Śak. (compar.)

⋙ klāntamanas

   ○manas mfn. languid, low-spirited Śak

⋙ klāntavadana

   ○vadana mfn. having a weary face

≫ klānti

   klānti f. fatigue, weariness Bhartṛ. i, 36

⋙ klānticchid

   ○cchid mfn. relieving fatigue, refreshing

⋙ klānticcheda

   ○ccheda m. removing fatigue, restoring


   klav cl. 1. Ā. klavate, to fear, be afraid Dhātup. xix, 13 (Vop.)

≫ klavita

   klavita mfn. uttered hesitatingly, stammered SaṃhUp. vii, 3


   klid cl. 4. klidyati (rarely Ā. ○te Vet.), to be or become wet or damp Suśr. Bhaṭṭ. Hit 
   • to rot, putrefy Car. vi, 30: Caus. P. kledayati, to bedew, wet, moisten Bhag. ii, 23 Suśr. i, 6, 3 ; iii, 5, 1 
   • (aor. aciklidat) Bhaṭṭ. xv, 48 
   • 'to soil', kledita

≫ klindat

   klindat mfn. (√2. klind) wet Mudr. iii, 20

≫ klinna

   klinna mfn. moistened, wet MBh. R. &c 
   • running (as an eye) Pāṇ. 5-2, 33 Vārtt. 2 
   • rotted, putrefied Car. i, 11 and 27 Lalit. xii 
   • soft, moved (the heart) BhP. iv, 3, 10 and ix, 11, 5 
   • m. N. of a Śākta author of Mantras 
   • (ā), f. the plant Solanum diffusum L

⋙ klinnatva

   ○tva n. the being wet Suśr

⋙ klinnanetra

   ○netra mfn. having running eyes L 
   • having moist eyes, pitiful L

⋙ klinnavartman

   ○vartman n. excess of the lachrymal discharge, watering of the eyes Suśr

⋙ klinnahṛd

   ○hṛd mfn. tender-hearted

⋙ klinnākṣa

   klinnâkṣa mfn. having moist eyes, blear-eyed L

≫ klinnaka

   klinnaka mfn. moistened a little Comm. on Gobh. ii, 1, 10

≫ kleda

   kleda m. wetness, dampness, moisture Yājñ. MBh. R. Suśr. &c 
   • running, discharge (from a sore) Suśr 
   • rotting, putrefying Car. i, 20 and vi, 11

⋙ kledavat

   ○vat mfn. moist, flowing Suśr. iv, 1, 64 and 6, 1

≫ kledaka

   kledaka mfn. wetting, moistening W 
   • m. phlegm in the stomach, excess of saliva W

≫ kledan

   kledan ā m. the moon Uṇ. i, 158

≫ kledana

   kledana mfn. making wet, moistening Suśr 
   • m. phlegm, phlegmatic or watery humor (cf. kapha) L 
   • a species of phlegm L 
   • (am), n. wetting, moistening Suśr. BhP 
   • oozing, trickling W

⋙ kledanabhāva

   ○bhāva m. the being moistened or wet Tattvas

≫ kledita

   kledita mfn. soiled Subh

≫ kledin

   kledin mfn. moistening, wet Kpr 
   • (inī), f. N. of a plant Hariv. 3843 (v. l. ketakī)

≫ kledu

   kledu m. the moon Uṇ. i, 10 
   • a morbid combination (saṃnipāta) of the three humors of the body, complication of disorders L

≫ kledya

   kledya mfn. a-kl○ (Bhag. ii, 24)

klind 1

   klind cl. 1. P. Ā. klindati, ○te, to lament Dhātup. ii, 14 ; iii, 36 (cf. √kland.)

klind 2

   klind pr. p. ○dat. √klid

≫ klinna


⋙ klinnaka

   klinnaka ib


   klíb p, f. (vḷ, kḷb 
   • √kḷp?) accomplishment ['the created world' Sāy.] VS. xl, 15 ŚBr. xiv, 8, 3, 1


   kliś cl. 9. P. kliśnāti (perf. cikleśa 
   • ind. p. kliśitvā, or kliṣṭvā Pāṇ. 1-2, 7 ; vii, 2, 50), to torment, trouble, molest, cause pain, afflict MBh. R. &c 
   • to suffer, feel pain Bhaṭṭ.: cl. 4. P. kliśjati, to torment, cause pain (with acc.) MBh. xii, 6621 Ragh. xiii, 73 
   • Ā. kliśyate (rarely P. ○ti Mn. viii, 169 MBh. iii, 10241 
   • p. kliśyamāna), to be tormented or molested, be afflicted, feel pain MBh. R. &c 
   • (P.) to be sinful Divyâv. xx: Caus. P. kleśayati (rarely Ā. Suśr 
   • aor. Subj. 2. sg. cikliśas Bhaṭṭ.), to torment, molest R. v, 27, 33 Suśr. Bhaṭṭ. vi, 17. [Page 324, Column 1] 

≫ kliśita

   kliśita mfn. molested Pāṇ. 7-2, 50

⋙ kliśitavat

   ○vat mfn. suffering pain or distress W

≫ kliśyamāna

   kliśyamāna mfn. being distressed MBh. R

≫ kliṣṭa

   kliṣṭa mfn. (Pāṇ. 7-2, 50) molested, tormented, afflicted, distressed R. Mālav. Śak. &c 
   • wearied, hurt, injured, being in bad condition, worn R. Śak. Megh. Suśr 
   • connected with pain or suffering KapS. ii, 33 Yogas. Pañcat 
   • (in rhet.) forced, obscure, not easily intelligible (cf. √kleś) Sāh. Pratāpar. Vām. ii, 1, 21 ff 
   • (am), ind. in distress BhP. i, 9, 12

⋙ kliṣṭatva

   ○tva n. obscurity (of a passage) Sāh

⋙ kliṣṭavartman

   ○vartman n. a disease of the eyelids (cf. klinna-v○) Suśr. vi, 3, 16

⋙ kliṣṭavṛtti

   ○vṛtti mfn. leading a wretched life Kathās. iii, 14

≫ kliṣṭi

   kliṣṭi f. affliction, distress L 
   • service L

≫ kleśa

   kleśa m. pain, affliction, distress, pain from disease, anguish ŚvetUp. Mn. Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • (in Yoga phil. five Kleśas are named, viz. a-vidyā, 'ignorance', asmi-tā, egotism', rāga, 'desire', dveṣa, 'aversion', and abhiniveśa, tenacity of mundane existence' Yogas. Prab. Sarvad 
   • the Buddhists reckon ten, viz. three of the body [murder, theft, adultery], four of speech [lying, slander, abuse, unprofitable conversation], three of the mind [covetousness, malice, scepticism] Buddh. Sarvad.) 
   • wrath, anger L 
   • worldly occupation, care, trouble (= vyavasāya) L

⋙ kleśakārin

   ○kārin mfn. causing pain, afflicting Pañcat

⋙ kleśakṣama

   ○kṣama mfn. capable of enduring pain and trouble Suśr

⋙ kleśada

   ○da mfn. distressing

⋙ kleśanāśana

   ○nāśana mfn. destroying or palliating trouble

⋙ kleśaprahāṇa

   ○prahāṇa n. termination of distress (especially of worldly cares and passions) W

⋙ kleśabhāgin

   ○bhāgin mfn. having trouble

⋙ kleśabhāj

   ○bhāj mfn. id

⋙ kleśāpaha

   kleśâpaha mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 50) allaying pain or suffering, consolatory, consoling (said of a son) Kāś 
   • palliative W 
   • m. a son W

≫ kleśaka

   kleśaka mfn. giving pain, troublesome, annoying, afflicting Pāṇ. 3-2, 146

≫ kleśana

   kleśana n. disgust (ifc.) Car. ii, 1

≫ kleśala

   kleśala m. pain BhP. x, 14, 4

≫ kleśita

   kleśita mfn. pained, distressed, afflicted MBh. iii, 10872 and 11173 ; iv, 1296 MārkP. xx Śṛiṅgār

≫ kleśin

   kleśin mfn. causing pain or suffering (ifc.) Ragh. xii, 76 (ed. Calc.) 
   • hurting, injuring Megh

≫ kleṣṭṛ

   kleṣṭṛ ṭā m. one who causes pain or suffering MBh. iii, 1076


   klīta m. a kind of venomous insect Suśr. v, 8, 9

≫ klītaka

   klītaka mfn. (grains) prepared as dough or paste Gobh. ii, 1, 10 
   • (am), n. dough or paste (ifc.) ĀśvGṛ. iii, 8, 8 
   • (prepared from sweet root) Bhpr 
   • Glycyrrhiza glabra or echinata (sweet root) Car. i, 1 
   • (ā), f. id. ĀpŚr. xv, 3, 16 
   • m. or n. N. of a plant with a poisonous √Suśr. v, 2, 3

≫ klītakikā

   klītakikā f. the Indigo plant (kāla-klītaka) L

≫ klītanaka

   klītanaka n. a variety of the sweet √plant L

≫ klītanāyaka

   klītanāyaka n. id. L

≫ klītanī

   klītanī f. the Indigo plant L

≫ klaitakika

   klaitakika n. a fermented liquor prepared from the Klitaka √, wine, spirituous liquor L


   klīb cl. 1. Ā. klibate, to be impotent, behave like a eunuch Pāṇ. 3-1, 11 Pat 
   • to be timorous or modest or unassuming Dhātup. x, 18: cl. 10. Ā. klībayate, to be unmanly or timorous MBh. vi, 4334 (v. l.) Kathās. civ, 126

≫ klība

   klībá mf(ā́)n. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 11 Vārtt. 3) impotent, emasculated, a eunuch AV. VS. TS. ŚBr. Mn. &c 
   • unmanly, timorous, weak, idle, a coward MBh. Mṛicch. BhP. &c 
   • having no water (as a cloud) Daś 
   • (in lexicography) of the neuter gender 
   • (am), n. (in lexicography) the neuter gender

⋙ klībatā

   ○tā f. impotence Suśr 
   • weakness (as of a grass) ŚārṅgP 
   • (a-k○, 'manliness' Ragh. viii, 83) 
   • the being neuter

⋙ klībatva

   ○tva n. impotence MBh. ii, 1457

⋙ klībayoga

   ○yoga m. N. of a particular constellation VarBṛ

⋙ klībarūpa

   ○rūpa (○bá-), mfn. similar to a eunuch AV. viii, 6, 7

⋙ klībaliṅga

   ○liṅga n. the neuter gender W

⋙ klībavat

   ○vat ind. like a base man, like a weak-minded or effeminate person

≫ klībāya

   klībāya Nom. Ā. ○yate, to behave like a eunuch Vop. xxi, 7

≫ klaibya

   klaíbya n. impotence TS. ii Suśr. Hit 
   • unmanliness, weakness, timidity, cowardice MBh. R. BhP. Hit 
   • weakness (as of a lotus leaf) Ragh. xii, 86 
   • the neuter gender W


   klīv klīva, for klīb, &c., q.v. [Page 324, Column 2] 


   klu cl, 1. Ā. klavate, to move Dhātup. xxii, 60


   kleda &c. √klid


   kleś cl. 1. Ā. kleśate, to speak articulately Dhātup. xvi, 6 
   • to speak inarticulately (cf. kliṣṭa) ib 
   • to strike, kill ib


   kleśa &c. √kliś


   klaitakika klīta


   klaibya √klīb


   kloma n. = klóman L

≫ kloman

   klóman ā m. the right lung AV. VS. Kāṭh. ŚBr. &c 
   • (ānas) m. pl. the lungs VS. xxv, 8 ŚBr. x, 6, 4, 1 
   • (a), n. the right lung Suśr 
   • [Gk. ? and ? ; Lat. pulmo.]

⋙ klomanhṛdaya

   ○hṛdayá n. sg. [324, 2] the right lung and the heart ŚBr. iv, 5, 4, 6


   klóśa m. (= króśa) calling out to ['fear' Sāy.] RV. vi, 46, 14


   kvá ind. (fr. 1. ku Pāṇ. 5-3, 12 
   • Vī, 2, 105), loc. of 2. ká = kasmin, or katarasmin Mn. x, 66 (kva śreyas-tvam, in whom is the preference?) Kathās. lxxxiii, 36 
   • where? in what place? whither? RV. (sometimes connected with particles áha, íd, iva, svíd) &c 
   • (connected with nu) Nal. Mālav 
   • (with nu khalu) Śak 
   • (with √bhū, √as) how is it with? what has become of? i.e. it is done with RV. i, 161, 4 ; vii, 88, 5 AV. x, 8, 7 ŚBr. Pāṇ. 3-1, 12 Vārtt. 1 Pat 
   • (with gata) how is it with? Nal. Daś. (kva gatas tava mayy anurāgaḥ, what has become of your affection for me ?) 
   • or kva alone may have the same meaning (e. g. kva sukham, where is happiness? i.e. there is no such thing as happiness, Sāntis.) Pañcat. Naish. i, 20 
   • (after a negative phrase) how much less? R. i, 67, 10 
   • kva - kva or kutra-kva (implying excessive incongruity) where is this? where is that? how distant is this from that? how little does this agree with that? (e.g. kva sūrya-prabhavo vaṃśaḥ kva câlpa-viṣayā matiḥ, how can my limited intellect describe the solar race? Ragh. i, 2) MBh. R. &c 
   • kvâpi, anywhere, somewhere, to some place, in a certain place Nal. Pañcat. Kathās 
   • sometimes Sāh. Hit 
   • na kva ca, nowhere, never BhP. iv, 29, 64 
   • na kva cana, nowhere MBh. xiv, 560 
   • kva cid = kasminiś-cid Pañcat 
   • anywhere, somewhere, to any place, in a certain place Mn. R. Śak. &c 
   • in a certain case, at some time, once upon a time Nal. Pañcat. &c 
   • sometimes Comm 
   • kvacid-kvacid, here - there, here and there, in various places MBh. i 
   • now - then, now and then R. iii, 50, 7 Bhartṛ. i, 4 
   • na kvacid, nowhere, never, by no means Mn. Yājñ. Nal. &c 
   • kvacid api na id. Megh 
   • yatra kvâpi, wherever, in whatsoever place Bhartṛ. iii, 91 
   • yátra kvá-ca id. ŚBr. ChUp. Lāṭy. BhP 
   • yatra kva-cana, in or to whatsoever place 
   • in any case or matter whatever Mn. ix, 233 
   • whenever BhP. v, 21, 9 
   • yatra kva vâtha - tatra tatrâpi, wherever-there BhP. i, 17, 36

⋙ kvajanman

   ○janman mfn. where born? MBh. i 7114

⋙ kvanivāsa

   ○nivāsa mfn. where dwelling? MBh. i, 190, 31

⋙ kvastha

   ○stha mfn. where being? Pat. on Śivas. 2 Vārtt. 3

≫ kvatya

   kvatya mfn. being where? Pāṇ. 4-2, 104 Pat

≫ kvatyaka

   kvatyaka mf(ikā)n. id. Vop. iv, 7

≫ kvācitka

   kvācitka mf(ī)n. (fr. kva-cid), met with occasionally or somewhere (as a reading) Nyāyam. Comm. on TS. and ĀpŚr


   kvaṅgu m. (= kaṅgu) a variety of Panic (Panicum italicum) L


   kvaṇ cl. 1. P. kvaṇati (pr. p. kvaṇat), to sound, make any sound, tinkle Amar. Kathās. lxxxv, 25 Hit 
   • to hum (as a bee) Bhaṭṭ. vi, 84 
   • (said of Kiṃnaras and Yātu-dhānas) Kum. i, 55 and Bhaṭṭ. (aor. 3. pl. akvāṇiṣur): Caus. P. kvaṇayati (pr. p. f. ○yatī), to cause to sound, make sound (as a musical instrument), blow (the flute) BhP. iii, 15, 21 ; x, 44, 13 and 16 
   • to produce a sound with (instr.), iv, 24, 12 ; x, 60, 8

≫ kvaṇa

   kvaṇa m. the sound or tone of any musical instrument L 
   • sound in general L

≫ kvaṇana

   kvaṇana n. sounding, sound of any musical instrument L 
   • m. a small earthen pot L. [Page 324, Column 3] 

⋙ kvaṇita

   kvaṇita mfn. sounded, twanged (as a stringed instrument) W 
   • humming (as a bee) Vikr 
   • n. sound, twang Ragh. and Gīt. (ifc.) Bhaṭṭ. -veṇu mfn. one who has breathed the flute BhP. x, 21, 12

⋙ kvaṇitekṣaṇa

   kvaṇitêkṣaṇa m. a vulture Npr

≫ kvāna

   kvāna m. sounding, sound (especially of a musical instrument) Sāh. 732 Sch. Kathās. cxx, 106


   kvath cl. 1. Ā. kvathate, to boil, prepare by heat Kāṭh 
   • to digest W 
   • to be hot (as the heart) Hcar.: Caus. kvāthayati, to cause to boil, decoct Kauś. ŚārṅgS 
   • (Pass. kvāthyate) MBh. Suśr. i, 45, 3 MārkP. xii, 36

≫ kvatha

   kvatha m. (g. jvalâdi) a decoction, extract

≫ kvathana

   kvathana n. boiling by (in comp., agni-) Suśr. i, 45, 4

≫ kvathikā

   kvathikā f. a decoction made with milk Npr

≫ kvathita

   kvathita mfn. boiled, decocted, stewed Mn. vi ; 20 Suśr. BhP. &c 
   • being hot Kathās. xc, 61 
   • digested W 
   • (ā), f. a decoction prepared with Curcuma, Asa foetida, and milk Bhpr 
   • (am), n. a spirituous liquor, (prepared with honey) Npr

⋙ kvathitadrava

   ○drava m. spirituous liquor Npr

≫ kvātha

   kvātha m. (g. jvalâdi) boiling Yājñ. iii, 253 Sch 
   • a decoction, any solution or infusion prepared with a continued or gentle heat VarBṛS. vli, 49 Suśr. ŚārṅgS 
   • the mixture of the materials for a decoction W 
   • pain, sorrow, distress L

⋙ kvāthodbhava

   kvāthôdbhava mfn. produced by boiling L 
   • (am), n. blue vitriol used as a collyrium W

≫ kvāthayitavya

   kvāthayitavya mfn. to be boiled VarBṛS. lvii, 2

≫ kvāthi

   kvāthi m. (fr. kvatha, 'boiling pot', cf. kumbha-janman), N. of Agastya L


   kv-adhaḥ-stha mfn. (fr. 2. ku), 'standing below on the earth' KaṭhUp. i, 28 (a wrong reading)


   kváyi m. a kind of bird VS. xxiv, 29 TS. v, 5, 17, 1 (= mṛga-viśeṣa Sch.)


   kvála ās m. pl. (= kúvala) jujube fruit (used for coagulating substances) TS. ii, 5, 3, 5


   kv-aha 2. ku at end


   kvācitka kvá


   kvāṇa √kvaṇ


   kvātha &c. √kvath


   kvâpi kvá


   kvel v. l. for √kṣvel, q.v


   kśā (Pāṇ. 2-4, 54 Vārtt. 1) = √khyā MaitrS. Kāṭh. ( anu-kśāti &c. ; xv, 5: 2. du. Ā. cakśāthe for cakṣāthe of the RV.) 
   • accordingly √kśā is mentioned as forming some tenses of √khyā and √cakṣ Pāṇ. 2-4, 54 Kāś. (ā-kśātā, ā-kśātum, ā-kśātavya) Vop. ix, 37 f

kṣa 1

   kṣa (fr. √1. or 2. kṣi), dyukṣá 
   • m. a field L 
   • the protector or cultivator of a field, peasant L

kṣa 2

   kṣa mfn. (fr. √4. kṣi), tuvikṣá 
   • m. destruction, loss L 
   • destruction of the world L 
   • lightning L 
   • a demon or Rakshas L 
   • the fourth incarnation of Vishṇu (as the manlion or nara-siṃha) L


   kṣaj or kṣañj, cl. 1. Ā. kṣajate or kṣañj○ to go, approach Dhātup. xix, 7 
   • to give ib.: cl. 10. P. kṣañjayati, to live in pain or want Dhātup. xxxii, 78


   kṣaṇ √kṣan

kṣaṇa 1

   kṣaṇa m. any instantaneous point of time, instant, twinkling of an eye, moment Nal. Śak. Ragh. &c 
   • a moment regarded as a measure of time (equal to thirty Kalās or four minutes L 
   • or (in astron.) to 48 minutes VarBṛS. &c 
   • or 4/5 or 24/35 seconds BhP. iii, 11, 7 and 8) 
   • a leisure moment, vacant time, leisure (e.g. kṣaṇaṃ-√kṛ, to have leisure for, wait patiently for MBh 
   • cf. kṛta-kṣaṇa) 
   • a fit or suitable moment, opportunity (kṣaṇaṃ-√kṛ, to give an opportunity. MBh. iv, 666 
   • cf. datta-kṣaṇa and labdha-kṣ○) 
   • a festival Megh. Daś. BhP. iii, 3, 21 
   • a certain day of the fortnight (as the full moon, change of the moon, &c.) Sarvad 
   • dependence L 
   • the centre, middle L 
   • (am), n. an instant, moment Bhartṛ. (= Subh.) 
   • (am.), acc. ind. for an instant R. vi, 92, 35 BrahmaP. Vet. &c. [Page 325, Column 1] 
   • in a moment Ragh. xii, 36 Śāntiś. (cf. tat-kṣaṇam) 
   • (eṇa), instr. ind. in a moment Nal. R. &c 
   • (āt), abl. ind. after an instant, immediately, at once Mn. R. Śak. &c 
   • tataḥ kṣaṇāt (= tat-kṣaṇāt, q.v.), immediately upon that Kathās 
   • kṣaṇāt-kṣaṇāt, in this moment - in that moment Rājat. viii, 898 
   • (eṣu), loc. ind. immediately, at once R. vi, 55, 19 
   • kṣaṇe kṣaṇe, every instant, every moment Rājat. v, 165 and 337

⋙ kṣaṇakleśa

   ○kleśa m. momentary pain Ragh. xii, 76 Vikr. Megh

⋙ kṣaṇakṣaṇam

   ○kṣaṇam ind. = -mātram L

⋙ kṣaṇakṣepa

   ○kṣepa m. a momentary delay

⋙ kṣaṇada

   ○da m. an astrologer L 
   • (ā), f. 'giving leisure', night (= kṣaṇinī) Ragh. BhP 
   • lightning L 
   • turmeric L 
   • (am), n. (= kṣaṇadândhya) night-blindness Suśr. vi, 17, 15 
   • water L 
   • (kṣaṇadā) -kara m. 'making night', the moon Śiś. ix ; 70 
   • -kṛt m. id., Vāsav 
   • -cara m. 'night-walker', Rakshas, goblin MBh. R. iii, 35, 4 and 55, 12 ; v, 88, 22 Ragh. xiii, 75 
   • kṣaṇadândhya n. night-blindness, nyctalopsis (cf. kṣapândhya, naktândhya) Suśr 
   • kṣaṇadêśa m. 'lord of the night', the moon Bālar. iv, 5

⋙ kṣaṇadṛṣṭa

   ○dṛṣṭa mfn. seen for an instant, momentarily visible 
   • -naṣṭa mfn. seen for an instant and immediately lost out of sight Pañcat. Mcar. v, 1 Hcar

⋙ kṣaṇadeśa

   ○dêśa kṣaṇa-da at end

⋙ kṣaṇadyuti

   ○dyuti f. momentary flash, lightning W. (cf. -prabhā and acira-dy○

⋙ kṣaṇanaṣṭadṛṣṭa

   ○naṣṭa-dṛṣṭa inaccurately for -dṛṣṭa-naṣṭa (q.v.) Mṛicch. v, 4

⋙ kṣaṇaniśvāsa

   ○niśvāsa m. 'breathing momentarily', the Gangetic porpoise L

⋙ kṣaṇaprakāśā

   ○prakāśā f. = -dyuti W

⋙ kṣaṇaprabha

   ○prabha mfn. gleaming or flashing for an instant W 
   • (ā), f. = -dyuti L

⋙ kṣaṇabhaṅga

   ○bhaṅga m. (with Buddh.) continual, decay of things (denial of the continued identity of any part of nature, maintainment that the universe perishes and undergoes a new creation every instant) Sarvad 
   • -vāda m. the doctrine of the continual decay of things Bādar. ii, 1, 18 Sch 
   • -vādin mfn. one who asserts that doctrine Sarvad

⋙ kṣaṇabhaṅgin

   ○bhaṅgin mfn. perishing in an instant, transient, perishable Kathās. xxv, 163 Rājat. iv, 388

⋙ kṣaṇabhaṅgura

   ○bhaṅgura mf(ā)n. id. Bhartṛ. Pañcat. BhP. Kām. Hit

⋙ kṣaṇabhūta

   ○bhūta mfn. momentary, short-lived R. i, 45, 3

⋙ kṣaṇamātra

   ○mātra n. 'only a moment', (am), ind. only for a moment Ragh. i, 73 
   • (eṇa), instr. ind. in a mere moment R. iv, 38, 36 
   • ○trânurāgin mfn. one whose affection lasts only a moment L

⋙ kṣaṇarāmin

   ○rāmin m. 'loving for a moment only', a pigeon L

⋙ kṣaṇavighna

   ○vighna n. a momentary hindrance

⋙ kṣaṇavighnita

   ○vighnita mfn. hindered for a moment Ragh. xii, 53

⋙ kṣaṇavidhvaṃsin

   ○vidhvaṃsin mfn. collapsing or perishing in a moment Hit 
   • (ī), m. 'one who professes the doctrine of the kṣaṇa-vidhaṃsa (= -bhaṅga, q.v.)', aBuddhist

⋙ kṣaṇavīrya

   ○vīrya n. an auspicious Kshaṇa or Muhūrta VarYogay

⋙ kṣaṇavṛṣṭi

   ○vṛṣṭi f. rain that is to be expected in a moment VarBṛS. (cf. sadyo-v○)

⋙ kṣaṇaśas

   ○śas ind: for moments only MBh. v, 2842

⋙ kṣaṇāntara

   kṣaṇântara n. 'the interval of a moment', (e), loc. ind. after a little while, the next moment, thereupon Pañcat. Kathās 
   • kiṃcit kṣaṇântaram acc. ind. for a moment R. ii, 114, 12

⋙ kṣaṇārdha

   kṣaṇârdha n. half the measure of time called Kshaṇa, half a moment, small space of time W

⋙ kṣaṇepāka

   kṣaṇe-pāka mfn. ripe or done in a moment, g. nyaṅhv-ādi

≫ kṣaṇika

   kṣaṇika mf(ī)n. momentary, transient Ragh. Prab. Bhāshāp. &c 
   • having leisure, profiting of an opportunity BhP. xi, 27, 44 Hit 
   • (ā), f. lightning L

⋙ kṣaṇikatā

   ○tā f. momentariness, continual decay and change of everything (cf. kṣaṇa-bhaṅga) Bādar. ii, 2, 25 Sch

⋙ kṣaṇikatva

   ○tva n. id. Sarvad

⋙ kṣaṇikavāda

   ○vāda m. = kṣaṇa-bhaṅga-v○ (q.v.) Bādar. ii, 1, 18 Sch. (v. l.)

≫ kṣaṇita

   kṣaṇita mfn. having a leisure moment, g. tārakâdi

≫ kṣaṇin

   kṣaṇin mfn. id. MBh. ii, 558 
   • momentary, transient W 
   • (inī), f. (= kṣaṇa-dā, q.v.) night L

kṣaṇa 2

   kṣaṇa ○ṇatu, ○ṇana, &c. √kṣan

⋙ kṣata


⋙ kṣati

   kṣati kṣatin. ib


   kṣattṛ́ √kṣad


   kṣatrá n. (√1. kṣi? 
   • g. ardharcâdi) sg. and pl. dominion, supremacy, power, might (whether human or supernatural, especially applied to the power of Varuṇa-Mitra and Indra) RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. ii 
   • xi 
   • sg. and pl. government, governing body RV. AV. VS. x, 17 TBr. ii 
   • the military or reigning order (the members of which in the earliest times, as represented by the Vedic hymns, were generally called Rājanya, not Kshatriya 
   • afterwards, when the difference between Brahman and Kshatra or the priestly and civil authorities became more distinct, applied to the second or reigning or military caste) VS. AV. TS. &c. [Page 325, Column 2] 
   • a member of the military or second order or caste, warrior Mn. MBh. &c. (fancifully derived fr. kṣatāt tra fr. √trai i.e. 'a preserver from injury' Ragh. ii, 53) 
   • the rank of a member of the reigning or military order, authority of the second caste AitBr. viii, 5 ŚBr. xiii, 1, 5, 2 BhP. iii, ix 
   • wealth Naigh. ii, 10 
   • water, i, 12 
   • the body L 
   • Tabernaemontana coronaria (v. l. chattra) L 
   • (ī), f. a woman of the second caste L

⋙ kṣatradeva

   ○deva m. N. of a man (with the patr. Śaikhaṇḍi) MBh. vii, 955

⋙ kṣatradharma

   ○dharma m. the duty of the second caste or of a Kshatriya, bravery, military conduct Mn. v, 98 MBh. R 
   • N. of a prince (= ○rman) VP 
   • ○rmânuga mfn. following or observing the duty of a soldier

⋙ kṣatradharman

   ○dharman mfn. fulfilling the duties of the second caste MBh. v, 179, 37 
   • N. of a prince Hariv. VP. BhP. ; ix, 17, 18

⋙ kṣatradhṛti

   ○dhṛti f. 'support of supreme power', N. of part of the Rāja-sūya ceremony KātyŚr. xv, 9, 20 Lāṭy. viii, 11, 11

⋙ kṣatrapa

   ○pa m. a governor, Satrap (a word found on coins and in Inscr.) (cf. mahā-kṣ○.)

⋙ kṣatrapati

   ○pati (○trá-), m. the possessor of dominion VS. x, 17 TBr. ii ŚBr. xi KātyŚr

⋙ kṣatrabandhu

   ○bandhu mfn. one who belongs to the military order W 
   • (us), m. a member of the Kshatriya caste Mn. MBh. &c 
   • 'a mere Kshatriya', i.e. a Kshatriya by birth but not by his actions (a term of abuse) R. BhP

⋙ kṣatrabhṛt

   ○bhṛt mfn. one who holds or confers dominion VS.: xxvii, 7 TS. ii (pl.) TBr. ii ŚāṅkhŚr. ĀśvŚr 
   • (t), m. a member of the second caste R. ii, 95, 21

⋙ kṣatrabheda

   ○bheda m. N. of Śata-dhanvan Gal

⋙ kṣatramātra

   ○mātrá n. anything included by the term Kshatra ŚBr. xiv

⋙ kṣatrayoga

   ○yogá m. union of the princely order AV. x, 5, 2

⋙ kṣatrarūpa

   ○rūpa n. the nature of the Kshatra AitBr. viii, 7

⋙ kṣatravat

   ○vat mfn. endowed with princely dignity ĀśvŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr

⋙ kṣatravani

   ○váni mfn. favourable to the princely order VS

⋙ kṣatravardhana

   ○várdhana mfn. promoting dominion AV. x, 6, 29

⋙ kṣatravidyā

   ○vidyā f. (Pāṇ. 4-2, 60 Pat 
   • g. ṛg-ayanâdi) the knowledge or science possessed by the Kshatriya or military order (= dhanur-veda Comm.) ChUp. vii, 1, 2 ff

⋙ kṣatravṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. Mucukunda (Pterospermum suberifolium) L. -

⋙ kṣatravṛddha

   ○vṛddha m. N. of a prince Hariv. 1517 BhP. ix, 17, 1-18 VP

⋙ kṣatravṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi f. increase of power Āp 
   • (is), m. N. of one of the sons of Manu Raucya Hariv. 489

⋙ kṣatravṛdh

   ○vṛdh m. = -vṛddha BhP. ix, 17, 2

⋙ kṣatraveda

   ○veda m. the Veda of the Kshatriya or military order R. i, 65, 22

⋙ kṣatraśrī

   ○śrī́ f. having the glory of sovereignty or power RV. i, 25, 5 and vi, 26, 8

⋙ kṣatrasaṃgrahītṛ

   ○saṃgrahītṛ m. pl., kṣāttra-saṃg○

⋙ kṣatrasava

   ○sava m. N. of a sacrificial ceremony ŚāṅkhŚr. xiv 
   • (ifc.) Mn. v, 23

⋙ kṣatrasāman

   ○sāman n. N. of two Sāmans TāṇḍyaBr. ix

⋙ kṣatrānvaya

   kṣatrânvaya mfn. belonging to the second or military caste R. i, 1, 96

⋙ kṣatrāyatanīya

   kṣatrâyatanīya mfn. based on the Kshatra or kingly power Lāṭy. vi, 6, 8 and 18 ; 8, 3

⋙ kṣatrānjas

   kṣatrânjas m. N. of a prince VP

≫ kṣatrin

   kṣatrin ī m. a man of the second caste L

≫ kṣatriya

   kṣatríya mfn. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 38 
   • g. śreṇyādi) governing, endowed with sovereignty RV. AV. iv, 22, 1 VS. TBr.ī 
   • m. a member of the military or reigning order (which in later times constituted the second caste) AV. ŚBr. AitBr. KātyŚr. Mn. &c 
   • (ifc. f. ā) MBh 
   • N. of a Daśa-pūrvin Jain 
   • a red horse Gal 
   • (ās), m. N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv, 28 
   • (ā), f. (Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Vārtt. 7) a woman of the military or second caste Mn. Yājñ. MBh. (e.g. kṣ"ṣ te, your wife that belongs to the second caste) 
   • N. of Durgā Hariv. 3290 
   • (ī), f. the wife of a man of the second caste Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Siddh 
   • (am), n. the power or rank of the sovereign RV. iv, 12, 3 ; v, 69, 1 ; vii, 104, 13 AV. vi, 76, 3

⋙ kṣatriyajāti

   ○jāti f. the military tribe or caste Mn. x, 43

⋙ kṣatriyatā

   ○tā f. the order or rank of a Kshatriya AitBr. vii, 24

⋙ kṣatriyatva

   ○tva m. id. MBh. iii, 13957

⋙ kṣatriyadharma

   ○dharma m. the duty or occupation of the warrior-tribe, war, government, &c. Mn. x, 81 Nal. R. BhP

⋙ kṣatriyadharman

   ○dharman mfn. having the duties of a soldier or of the second caste W

⋙ kṣatriyaprāya

   ○prāya mfn. mostly consisting of the military tribe

⋙ kṣatriyabruva

   ○bruva mfn. pretending to be a Kshatriya MBh. xii, 3565

⋙ kṣatriyamardana

   ○mardana mfn. destroying the Kshatriyas MBh. vii, 3652 and 5060 
   • (sarva-kṣ○ ) i, 5125

⋙ kṣatriyayajña

   ○yajñá m. the sacrifice of a Kshatriya ŚBr. xiii, 4, 1, 2

⋙ kṣatriyayuvan

   ○yuvan mfn. g. yuvâdi

⋙ kṣatriyarāja

   ○rāja m. the chief of Kshatriyas W

⋙ kṣatriyarṣabha

   ○rṣabha (ṛṣ○), m. the best of Kshatriyas: (cf. g. vyāghrâdi.)

⋙ kṣatriyavarā

   ○varā f. a wild variety of Curcumis L

⋙ kṣatriyahaṇa

   ○haṇa mfn. one who destroys the military caste MBh. v, 7116. [Page 325, Column 3] 

⋙ kṣatriyāntakara

   kṣatriyânta-kara m. id., N. of Paraśu-rāma Mcar. ii, vishk

⋙ kṣatriyāri

   kṣatriyâri m. 'enemy of the Kshatriyas', N. of Paraśu-rāma Gal

≫ kṣatriyakā

   kṣatriyakā f. a woman belonging to the military or second caste Pāṇ. 7-3, 46 Kāś

≫ kṣatriyāṇī

   kṣatriyāṇī f. id. Pāṇ. 4-1, 49 Vārtt. 7 
   • the wife of a man of the second caste Vop. iv, 24

≫ kṣatriyikā

   kṣatriyikā f. = ○yakā Pāṇ. 7-3, 46 Kāś

≫ kṣātra

   kṣātra mf(ī)n. (fr. kṣatrá), belonging or relating or peculiar to the second caste Mn. vii, 87 Yājñ. MBh. &c 
   • (am), n. the dignity of a ruler or governor MBh. iii, 5097 and xiii, 3026 R. ii f. v

≫ kṣātravidya

   kṣātravidya mfn. fr. kṣatra-vidyā Pāṇ. 4-2, 60 Pat 
   • g. ṛg-ayanâdi

≫ kṣātri

   kṣātri m. (fr. kṣatrá) the son of a man of the second caste Pāṇ. 4-1, 138 Kāś

kṣad 1

   kṣad cl. 1. Ā. kṣádate (perf. p. cakṣadāná), to cut, dissect, divide, kill RV. i, 116, 16 and 117, 18 AitBr. i, 15 
   • to carve (meat), distribute (food) AV. x, 6, 5 
   • to take food, consume, eat RV. i, 25, 17 (2. sg. Ā. or dat. inf. kṣádase) and x, 79, 7 (perf. cakṣadé). [As a Sautra √kṣad means 'to cover, shelter.']

≫ kṣattṛ

   kṣattṛ́ ttā m. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 135 Vārtt. 6 ; vi, 4, 11) one who cuts or carves or distributes anything RV. vi, 13, 2 AV. ŚBr. xiii ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • an attendant, (especially) door-keeper, porter (cf. anukṣ○) AV. ix, 6, 49 VS. xxx, 13 TBr. &c 
   • a chamberlain Kathās. lī, 106 and 117 
   • a charioteer, coachman VS. xvi, 26 (ŚatarUp. iv) ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 1, 16 (vḷ. for kṣatra) 
   • the son of a Sūdra man and a Kshatriya woman (or the son of a Kshatriya man and a Śūdra woman [called Ugra Mn. x, 12] L 
   • or the son of a Śūdra man and a Vaiśya woman [called Āyogava Mn. x, 12] Uṇ. ii, 90) Mn. x, 12-26 and 49 Yājñ. i, 94 
   • the son of a female slave L 
   • (hence) N. of Vidura (as the son of the celebrated Vyāsa by a female slave) MBh. i, 7381 ; iii, 246 BhP. iii, 1, 1-3 
   • N. of Brahmā L 
   • a fish L

≫ kṣad 2

   kṣad bāhu-kṣád

≫ kṣadana

   kṣadana n. carving, dividing W

≫ kṣadman

   kṣádman a n. a carving knife RV. i, 130, 4 and x, 106, 17 
   • (pieces of) food (cut off or carved) Naigh. ii, 7 
   • water, i, 11

≫ kṣāttra

   kṣāttra n. (fr. kṣattṛ́), 'a number of charioteers', in comp

⋙ saṃgrahītṛ

   saṃgrahītṛ m. pl. charioteers and drivers ŚBr. xiii, 4, 2, 5 and 5, 2, 8 KātyŚr. xx, 1, 16 
   • (kṣatra-s○ ŚāṅkhŚr. xvi, 1, 16.)

kṣan 1

   kṣan (or kṣaṇ), cl. 8. P. kṣaṇóti (aor. akṣaṇīt Pāṇ. 7-2, 5 
   • cf. a-kṣaṇvat), to hurt, injure, wound ŚBr. (inf. kṣaṇítos, xiv, 8, 14, 4) Kum. v, 54 
   • to break (a bow) Ragh. xi, 72: Ā. kṣaṇuté (aor. Subj. 2. sg. kṣaṇiṣṭhās, Pot kṣaṇviita), to hurt one's self, be injured or wounded AV. x, 1, 16 ŚBr. iv, 4, 3, 13 and 6, 1, 6 TBr. iii 
   • [cf. ? ? ? ? for ??]

≫ kṣaṇa 2

   kṣaṇa m. killing (= māraṇa) Gal

≫ kṣaṇana

   kṣaṇana n. hurting, injuring Suśr. iv, 7, 31 and 34, 17 
   • killing, slaughter W

≫ kṣaṇanu

   kṣaṇanu m. a wound, sore L

≫ kṣata

   kṣatá mfn. wounded, hurt, injured ŚBr. vi Yājñ. &c 
   • broken, torn, rent, destroyed, impaired MBh. &c 
   • diminished, trodden or broken down 
   • (ā), f. a violated girl Yājñ 
   • (am), n. a hurt, wound, sore, contusion MBh. Suśr. &c 
   • rupture or ulcer of the respiratory organs 
   • N. of the sixth astrological mansion VarBṛ. i, 16

⋙ kṣatakāsa

   ○kāsa m. a cough produced by injury Bhpr

⋙ kṣatakṛt

   ○kṛt m. 'producing sores', Semecarpus Anacardium Npr

⋙ kṣatakṛta

   ○kṛta mfn. produced by injury Bhpr

⋙ kṣataghna

   ○ghna mfn. 'removing sores', the plant Conyza lacera W 
   • (ā, ī), f. lac, the animal dye L

⋙ kṣataja

   ○ja mfn. produced by a wound or injury (e.g. kāsa, a kind of cough 
   • also visarpa Bhpr. vi) Suśr 
   • (am), n. blood MBh. ii, 403 R. Suśr. Ragh. vii, 40 
   • pus, matter L 
   • -pāta m. issue of blood VarBṛS. vc, 48 
   • -ṣṭhīvin mfn. vomiting blood Bhpr. iii

⋙ kṣatajanman

   ○janman n. 'produced by a wound', blood Gal

⋙ kṣatatejas

   ○tejas mfn. dimmed, obscured (as light or power)

⋙ kṣatapuṇyaleśa

   ○puṇya-leśa mfn. one who has his stock of merit exhausted BhP. iii, 1, 9

⋙ kṣatayoni

   ○yoni f. having a violated womb

⋙ kṣatarohaṇa

   ○rohaṇa n. healing or closing of a wound MBh. xiii, 5189

⋙ kṣatavikṣata

   ○vikṣata mfn. covered with cuts and wounds, mangled W

⋙ kṣatavidhvaṃsin

   ○vidhvaṃsin m. 'removing sores', the plant Argyreia speciosa or argentea L

⋙ kṣatavṛtti

   ○vṛtti mfn. being without the means of support R. ii, 32, 28 
   • (is), f. destitution W

⋙ kṣatavraṇa

   ○vraṇa m. a sore produced by an injury Bhpr. [Page 326, Column 1] 

⋙ kṣatavrata

   ○vrata mfn. one who has violated a vow or religious engagement L

⋙ kṣatasarpaṇa

   ○sarpaṇa n. loss of the faculty of moving Suśr

⋙ kṣatahara

   ○hara n. 'removing sores', Agallochum or Aloe wood L

⋙ kṣatābhyaṅga

   kṣatâbhyaṅga m. 'mutilated portion of a Havis', i. e. the portion from which anything has been taken away KātyŚr. iii, 3, Paddh

⋙ kṣatāri

   kṣatâri mfn. 'one whose enemies are destroyed', victorious, triumphant

⋙ kṣatottha

   kṣatôttha mfn. produced by injury (as cough) Suśr

⋙ kṣatodara

   kṣatôdara n. injury of the bowels by any indigestive substance, flux, dysentery Bhpr

⋙ kṣatodbhava

   kṣatôdbhava mfn. produced by injury Suśr 
   • (am), n. (= kṣata-ja) blood MBh. xiii, 2797

⋙ kṣatāujas

   kṣatâujas mfn. 'of diminished power', impaired, weakened, reduced

≫ kṣati

   kṣati f. injury, hurt, wound MBh. &c 
   • loss, want (of the means of living. cf. kṣata-vṛtti) Hit 
   • damage, disadvantage MBh. &c 
   • defect, fault, mistake Sāh 
   • destruction, removal of (in comp.) Kum. ii, 24 Rājat. v, 234 Śāntiś

⋙ kṣatimat

   ○mat mfn. wounded Śiś. xix, 78

≫ kṣatin

   kṣatin mfn. wounded, injured Car. vi, 17 
   • (for kṣata-kāsin) one who has a cough produced by an injury Bhpr. i

kṣan 2

   kṣan aor. Subj. 3. pl. √ghas, q.v


   kṣantavya ○ntṛ, √kṣarm

kṣap 1

   kṣap cl. 1. P. Ā. kṣapati, ○te (pr. p. kṣápamāṇa 
   • inf. kṣapitum BhP. iii, 23, 6), to be abstinent, fast, do penance SV. Kauś. Mn. v, 69 MBh. &c 
   • (for √kṣip Ṛitus. v, 9.)

≫ kṣapa

   kṣapa mfn. v. l. for kṣama, q.v

≫ kṣapaka

   kṣapaka mfn. one who is abstinent HPariś

≫ kṣapaṇa 1

   kṣapaṇa m. 'fasting', a religious mendicant, Jaina (or Buddhist) mendicant L 
   • N. of a Samādhi Kāraṇḍ 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a Buddhist school L 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Yoginī Hcat 
   • (am), n. abstinence, chastisement of the body ['pause, interuption (of study), defilement, impurity' Comm 
   • 2. kṣapaṇa] PārGṛ. Gaut. Mn. iv, 222 ; v, 71 MBh. xiii, 5145

≫ kṣapaṇaka

   kṣapaṇaka m. a religious mendicant, (especially a) Jaina mendicant who wears no garments MBh. i, 789 Cāṇ. Pañcat. Kād. &c 
   • N. of an author supposed to have lived at the court of king Vikramâditya (perhaps the Jaina astronomer Siddha-sena)

⋙ kṣapaṇakavihāra

   ○vihāra m. a Jaina monastery Daś

≫ kṣapaṇībhūta

   kṣapaṇī-bhūta mfn. one who has adopted the habit or appearance of a religious mendicant Daś

≫ kṣapayiṣṇu 1

   kṣapayiṣṇu mfn. one who intends to efface or do penance for (acc.) BhP. x, 82, 6

kṣap 2

   kṣap cl. 10. P. kṣapayati, to throw, cast Dhātup. xxxv, 84 (cf. √kṣip.)

≫ kṣapaṇī

   kṣapaṇī f. = kṣep○ W

kṣap 3

   kṣap = Caus. √4. kṣi, q.v

≫ kṣapaṇa 2

   kṣapaṇa mfn. ifc. (cf. akṣa-kṣ○) one who destroys, destructive BhP 
   • m. N. of Śiva 
   • (am), n. destroying, diminishing, suppressing, expelling MBh. Suśr. BhP 
   • 'passing (as time), waiting, pause', = 1. kṣapaṇa, q.v

≫ kṣapaṇyu

   kṣapaṇyu m. an offence L

≫ kṣapayiṣṇu 2

   kṣapayiṣṇu mfn. destroying BhP. x, 37, 22

≫ kṣapita

   kṣapita mfn. destroyed, ruined, diminished, suppressed Ragh. viii, 46 BhP. iv, 31, 6

≫ kṣapitavya

   kṣapitavya mfn. to be passed away or finished Kād

kṣap 4

   kṣáp p f. night RV 
   • a measure of time equivalent to a whole day of twenty-four hours RV 
   • darkness RV. i, 64, 8 
   • water Naigh. i, 12 
   • kṣápaḥ, kṣapáḥ, 1. kṣapā́ acc. pl., gen. sg., instr, ind. at night RV 
   • [Gk., ? ; Lat. [326, 1] crepus-culum]

≫ kṣapā 2

   kṣapā́ f. (Naigh. i, 7 
   • for 1. ksk○ 4. kṣáp) night RV. iv, 53, 7 (instr. pl. ○pā́bhis) AitBr. i, 13 MBh. &c 
   • a measure of time equivalent to a whole day of twenty-four hours Jyot 
   • turmeric L

⋙ kṣapākara

   ○kara m. 'making the night', the moon VarBṛS. VarBṛ. Daś. Kād

⋙ kṣapākṛt

   ○kṛt m. id. Śiś. xiii, 53:

⋙ kṣapāghana

   ○ghana m. a dark cloud or dark nocturnal clouds

⋙ kṣapācara

   ○cara m. 'night-walker', a Rakshas, goblin MBh. R. HYog 
   • any animal that goes out for prey in the night (as owls, jackals, &c.) VarBṛS. vli, 66

⋙ kṣapājala

   ○jala n. night-dew Kād

⋙ kṣapāṭa

   kṣapâṭa m. 'night-walker', a Rakshas, goblin Bhaṭṭ. ī. 30

⋙ kṣapātyaya

   kṣapâtyaya m. end of the night, dawn R. Ragh. Daś. [Page 326, Column 2] 

⋙ kṣapānātha

   kṣapā-nātha m. 'lord of the night', the moon VarBṛ. v, 2 Śiś. iii, 22

⋙ kṣapāndhya

   kṣapândhya n. night-blindness ( = kṣaṇadândhya) Suśr. vi, 17, 23

⋙ kṣapāpati

   kṣapā-pati m. = -nātha L 
   • camphor L

⋙ kṣapāpaha

   kṣapâpaha m. 'removing night', the sun R. vii, 23, 2, 12

⋙ kṣapāramaṇa

   kṣapā-ramaṇa m. 'night-lover', the moon 
   • -śekhara m. 'wearing the moon on his head', N. of Śiva Rājat. iii, 269

⋙ kṣapārdha

   kṣapârdha n. midnight Sūryas

⋙ kṣapāvasāna

   kṣapâvasāna n. end of the night 
   • (e), loc. ind. on the following morning Daś

⋙ kṣapāvṛtti

   kṣapā-vṛtti mfn. going out for food in the night VarBṛS

⋙ kṣapāvyapāya

   kṣapāvyapâya m. = ○pâtyaya R. v, 19, 35

⋙ kṣapāśaya

   kṣapāśaya mfn. lying on anything (in comp.) during night MBh. iv, 597

⋙ kṣapāha

   kṣapâha n. a day and night Mn. i, 68

⋙ kṣapeśa

   kṣapêśa m. = kṣapā-nātha Vāsant


   kṣapaṇa √1. and √3. kṣap 
   • (ī), ind., 1. kṣapaṇa 
   • f. √2. kṣap

≫ kṣapaṇyu


⋙ kṣapayiṣṇu

   kṣapayiṣṇu √1. and √3. kskap


   kṣapā́ 4. kṣáp


   kṣa-pā́vat 2. kṣám


   kṣapitavya √3. kṣap

kṣam 1

   kṣam cl. 1. Ā. kṣámate (ep. also P. ○ti 
   • Ved. cl. 2. P. kṣamiti Pāṇ. 7-2, 34 
   • cl. 4. P. kṣāmyati [Impv. Ā. 3. sg. kṣamyatām BhP. vi, 3, 30] Pāṇ. 7-3, 74 
   • perf. cakṣame MBh. &c., 3. pl. ○mire ŚBr 
   • 1. du. cakṣaṇvahe & 1. pl. ○ṇmahe Pāṇ. 8-2, 65 Sch 
   • fut. 2nd kṣaṃsyate, ○ti, kṣamiṣyati 
   • aor. 2. sg. akṣaṃsthās Bhaṭṭ 
   • inf. kṣantum MBh. &c.), to be patient or composed, suppress anger, keep quiet RV. x, 104, 6 MBh. R. &c 
   • to submit to (dat.) ŚBr. iii 
   • iv 
   • to bear patiently, endure, put up with (acc.), suffer MBh. R. Ragh 
   • to pardon, forgive anything (acc.) to (gen. or dat.) MBh. R. &c. (e.g. kṣamasva me tad, forgive me that Ragh. xiv, 58) 
   • to allow, permit, suffer Sāh. (Kuval.) 
   • (with Pot.) Daś 
   • to bear any one, be indulgent to MBh. iii, 13051 R. iv, 27, 22 VarBṛS. Pañcat. (Pass.) Hit 
   • to resist Pāṇ. 1-3, 33 Sch 
   • to be able to do anything (inf.) Śiś. i, 38 and ix, 65 
   • to seem good Divyâv. iv: Caus. P. Ā. kṣamayati, kṣāmayate, to ask any one (acc.) pardon for anything (acc.) MBh. Bhag. Pañcat 
   • (perf. kṣamayām āsa) to suffer or bear patiently R. v, 49, 11 (cf. kṣamāpaya) ; [Goth. hramja (?) Angl. Sax. hremman, 'to hinder, disquiet.']

≫ kṣantavya

   kṣantavya mfn. to be borne or endured or suffered or submitted to patiently 
   • to be pardoned or forgiven Mn. MBh. R. &c 
   • (am), n. impers. pardon to be given by any one (gen.) for (abl.) MBh. i, 40, 53 Kathās. cxix, 53

≫ kṣantṛ

   kṣantṛ mfn. one who pardons or bears patiently MBh. xiii, 4873

≫ kṣam 2

   kṣám f. (nom. kṣā́s acc. kṣā́m instr. kṣamā́ once jmā́ [RV. vi, 52, 15], dat. kṣe [? RV. iv, 3, 6], gen. abl. gmás, jmás, once kṣmás [RV. i, 100, 15], loc. kṣámi 
   • du. nom. kṣā́mā [RV. ii, 39, 7 ; x, 12, 1 
   • cf. dyā́va-kṣā́mā] 
   • pl. nom. kṣāmas [RV. viii, 70, 4 
   • kṣā́mīs fr. ○mi SV.], kṣā́s RV. iv, 28, 5], acc. kṣā́s [RV. x, 2, 6], loc. kṣā́su RV. i, 127, 10 and v, 64, 2) the ground, earth, ? RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. vi 
   • [cf. kṣmā 
   • cf. also Gk. ?, ? ; [326, 2] Lat. humus, homo.]

⋙ kṣapāvat

   kṣa-pā́vat and m. 'earth-protector', ruler, governor RV. i, 70, 3 and x, 29, 1

⋙ kṣap

   kṣá-p○ m. 'earth-protector', ruler, governor RV. i, 70, 3 and x, 29, 1 
   • (kṣá-p○) iii, 55, 17 ; vii, 10, 5 and viii, 71, 2

≫ kṣama

   kṣamá mf(ā)n. (g. pacâdi) patient (said of the earth, perhaps with reference to 2. kṣám) AV. xii, 1, 29 
   • ifc. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 1 Vārtt. 8) enduring, suffering, bearing, submissive, resisting MBh. Śak. Kum. v, 40 
   • adequate, competent, able, fit for (loc. or inf. or in comp., e.g. vayaṃ tyaktuṃ kṣamāḥ, 'we are able to quit', Śāntiś.) Nal. R. Ragh. &c 
   • favourable to (gen.) R. ii, 35, 31 
   • bearable, tolerable Śak. Pañcat. (= Subh.) 
   • fit, appropriate, becoming.), suitable proper for (gen., dat., loc., inf. or in comp.) MBh. (e.g. kṣamaṃ kauravāṇām, proper for the Kauravas, iii, 252) R. (e.g. na sa kṣamaḥ kopayitum, 'he is not a fit object', for anger', iv, 32, 20) &c 
   • m. 'the patient', N. of Śiva 
   • a kind of sparrow L 
   • (ā), f. patience, forbearance, indulgence (one of the sāmānya-dharmās i.e. an obligation to all castes Vishṇ.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • kṣamāṃ √kṛ, to be indulgent to, have patience or bear with (prati MBh. iii, 1027 
   • or gen., Śāntiś.) 
   • 'Patience' (personified as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Pulaha VP.) Hariv. 14035 Prab. [Page 326, Column 3] 
   • tameness (as of an antelope) R. iii, 49, 25 
   • resistance Pāṇ. 1-3, 33 Sch 
   • (= 2. kṣám) the earth VarBṛS. Pañcat. &c 
   • (hence) the number 'one' 
   • N. of Durgā, DeviiP 
   • the Khadira tree (Acacia Catechu) L 
   • N. of a species of the Atijagati metre 
   • N. of a female shepherd BrahmaP 
   • of a Śākta authoress of Mantras 
   • of a river (= vetravatī) Gal 
   • for kṣapā́ (night) L. ; (am), n. propriety fitness W. [Hib. cam, 'strong, mighty 
   • power' ; cama, 'brave.']

⋙ kṣamatā

   ○tā f. ability, fitness, capability

⋙ kṣamatva

   ○tva n. id. (with loc. or ifc.) Sāh. Sarvad. Comm. on KapS. and on Mn. ix, 161

⋙ kṣamavat

   ○vat mfn. knowing what is proper or right R. v, 89, 68 
   • for kṣām○, q.v

≫ kṣamaṇīya

   kṣamaṇīya mfn. to be suffered or patiently borne R. v, 79, 9 ; vii, 13, 36

≫ kṣamā 1

   kṣamā́ (instr. of 2. kṣám q.v.), ind. on the earth, on the floor, g. svar-ādi 
   • [Gk. ?, [326, 3] ?.]

⋙ kṣamācara

   ○cará mfn. being in the ground or under the earth VS. xvi, 57

≫ kṣamā 2

   kṣamā́ (f. of ○má q.v.)

⋙ kṣamākara

   ○kara mfn. 'one who has patience with any one or is indulgent', N. of a Yaksha Gal

⋙ kṣamākalyāṇa

   ○kalyāṇa m. N. of a pupil of Jinalābha-sūri (who composed 1794 AḌ. a Comm. on the Jiva-vicāra)

⋙ kṣamācārya

   kṣamâcārya m. N. of a Sākta author of Mantras

⋙ kṣamātanaya

   kṣamā-tanaya m. 'son of the earth', the planet Mars VarBṛS. vi, 11

⋙ kṣamātala

   kṣamā-tala n. the surface of the earth, ground Bālar. iii, 79

⋙ kṣamādaṃśa

   kṣamā-daṃśa m. Moringa pterygosperma L

⋙ kṣamānvita

   kṣamânvita mfn. endowed with patience, patient, forgiving (with loc.) Mn. vii, 32, &c

⋙ kṣamāpati

   kṣamā-pati m. 'lord of the earth', a king Rājat. v, 126

⋙ kṣamāpanna

   kṣamâpanna mfn. = ○mânvita

⋙ kṣamāpara

   kṣamā-para mfn. very patient, forbearing

⋙ kṣamābhuj

   kṣamā-bhuj m. patient W 
   • (k), m. 'earth-enjoying', a prince, king W

⋙ kṣamābhṛt

   kṣamā-bhṛt m. 'earth-supporter', a mountain Kād 
   • a prince Śiś. xix, 30

⋙ kṣamāmaṇḍala

   kṣamā-maṇḍala n. the orb, whole earth Prab

⋙ kṣamāyukta

   kṣamā-yukta mfn. = ○mânvita

⋙ kṣamāliṅgātmapīḍāvat

   kṣamā-liṅgâtma-pīḍā-vat mfn. (any legal affair) in which testimonies for patience practised and an estimate of one's damage or loss are given Comm. on Yājñ. ii, 6

⋙ kṣamāvat

   kṣamā-vat mfn. patient, enduring, forbearing MBh. R. &c 
   • tame (as elephants) MBh. ii, 1878 
   • (tī), f. N. of the wife of Nidhi-pati

⋙ kṣamāvarta

   kṣamâvarta m. 'whirlpool of patience', N. of a son of Devala VP

⋙ kṣamāśīla

   kṣamā-śīla mfn. practising patience, patient MBh

⋙ kṣamāśramaṇa

   kṣamāśramaṇa m. a Jaina ascetic HPariś

⋙ kṣamāṣoḍaśī

   kṣamāṣoḍaśī f. N. of wk

≫ kṣamāpaṇa

   kṣamāpaṇa n. the begging pardon Bhām

≫ kṣamāpaya

   kṣamāpaya Nom. P. Ā. ○yati, ○yate, to ask any one's (acc.) pardon BhP. iv ; v, 10, 16 ; ix, 4, 71

≫ kṣamita

   kṣamita mfn. pardoned MBh. ii, 1582

≫ kṣamitavya

   kṣamitavya mfn. to be endured or patiently borne or pardoned R. v, 24, 7

≫ kṣamitṛ

   kṣamitṛ mfn. enduring, patient L

≫ kṣamin

   kṣamin mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 141) id. (with loc.) Yājñ. i, 133 ; ii, 200 MBh. BhP. Bhartṛ. Vet

≫ kṣamībhū

   kṣamī-√bhū to become able to do anything (dat.) HPariś. i, 229

≫ kṣamya

   kṣámya mfn. being in the earth, terrestrial, ? RV. ii, 14, 11 and vii, 46, 2

≫ kṣā

   kṣā́ f. (derived fr. some forms of 2. kṣám) the earth, ground Naigh. i, 1 Nir. ii, 2 Sāy

≫ kṣānta 1

   kṣānta mfn. (g. priyâdi) borne, endured (soḍha) L 
   • pardoned MBh. Pañcat 
   • (Pāṇ. 3-2, 188 Kār.) enduring, patient Mn. v, 158 Yājñ. R. Ragh. (compar. -tara) 
   • m. (g. utkarâdi) N. of a man, g. aśvâdi 
   • of a hunter Hariv. 1206 
   • of Śiva (cf. kṣama) 
   • (ā), f. 'the patient one', the earth L 
   • (am), n. patience, indulgence R. i, 34, 32 and 33

≫ kṣāntāyana

   kṣāntāyana m. patr. fr. ○ta g. aśvâdi

≫ kṣānti

   kṣānti f. patient waiting for anything Vop. xxiii, 3 
   • patience, forbearance, endurance, indulgence Mn. v, 107 MBh. R. &c 
   • the state of saintly abstraction Divyâv. vi, xii, xviii 
   • (in music) N. of a Śruti 
   • N. of a river VP

⋙ kṣāntipāramitā

   ○pāramitā f. the Pāramitā or accomplishment of indulgence Kāraṇḍ

⋙ kṣāntipāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a prince Buddh

⋙ kṣāntipriyā

   ○priyā f. N. of a Gandharva girl Kāraṇḍ. i

⋙ kṣāntimat

   ○mat mfn. patient, enduring, indulgent Rājat. v, 4

⋙ kṣāntivādin

   ○vādin m. N. of a Ṛishi Kāraṇḍ. x

⋙ kṣāntiśīla

   ○śīla m. N. of a man Kathās. lxxv, 23

≫ kṣāntīya

   kṣāntīya mfn. fr. ○ta g. utkarâdi

≫ kṣāntu

   kṣāntu mfn. patient, enduring Uṇ 
   • (us), m. a father. L

≫ kṣāman

   kṣā́man a n. earth, soil, ground RV. [Page 327, Column 1] 

≫ kṣāmi 1

   kṣā́mi s.v. 2. kṣám

≫ kṣāmya

   kṣāmya mfn. to be borne patiently or pardoned MBh. ii, 1517 and 1582


   kṣamasya = kṣāmâsya (q.v.) L


   kṣamā́ &c. √1. kṣam


   kṣamuda as, or am m. or n. (?) a particular high number Buddh. L


   kṣamp cl. 1. and 10. P. ○pati, ○payati, to suffer, bear Dhātup. xxxii, 77 
   • to love, like ib


   kṣámya √1. kṣám


   kṣáya √1. 2. and 4. kṣi

≫ kṣayaṇa

   kṣayaṇa √2. and √4. kṣi


   kṣayathu m. for kṣav○, q.v. L


   kṣayád-vira √1. kṣi


   kṣayika ○yita, &c. √4. kṣi

≫ kṣayya

   kṣayya a-kṣayyá


   kṣar cl. 1. P. kṣárati (ep. also Ā. ○te 
   • Ved. cl. 2. P. kṣariti Pāṇ. 7-2, 34 
   • Subj. kṣarat 
   • impf. ákṣarat 
   • aor. 3. sg. akṣār (cf. Nir. v, 3) 
   • akṣārīt Pāṇ. 7-2, 2 
   • p. kṣárat 
   • inf. kṣáradhyai RV. i, 63, 8), to flow, stream, glide, distil, trickle RV. AV. ŚBr. R. &c 
   • to melt away, wane, perish Mn. MBh. iii, 7001 
   • to fall or slip from, be deprived of (abl.) MBh. xiii, 4716 
   • to cause to flow, pour out RV. AV. vii, 18, 2 Mn. ii, 107 MBh. &c. (with mūtram, 'to urine' Car. ii, 4) 
   • to give forth a stream, give forth anything richly MBh. Hariv. 8898 (pf. cakṣāra) R. Ragh.: Caus. kṣārayati, to cause to flow (as urine) Vait 
   • to overflow or soil with acrid substances (cf. kṣāra) MārkP. viii, 142 (cf. kṣārita.)

≫ kṣara

   kṣara mf(ā)n. (g. jvalâdi) melting away, perishable ŚvetUp. MBh. Bhag 
   • m. a cloud L 
   • (am), n. water L 
   • the body MBh. xiv, 470

⋙ kṣaraja

   ○ja mfn. (= kṣare-ja Pāṇ. 6-3, 16) produced by distillation W

⋙ kṣarapattrā

   ○pattrā f. N. of a small shrub W

⋙ kṣarabhāva

   ○bhāva mfn. mutable, dissoluble

⋙ kṣarātmaka

   kṣarâtmaka mfn. of a perishable nature, perishable MārkP. xxiii, 33

⋙ kṣareja

   kṣare-ja mfn. = ○ra-ja Pāṇ. 6-3, 16

≫ kṣaraka

   kṣaraka mf(ikā)n. pouring forth (ifc.) Deviim

≫ kṣaraṇa

   kṣaraṇa n. flowing, trickling, distilling, dropping (e.g. aṅgulī-, perspiration of the fingers Ragh. xix, 19) Suśr 
   • pouring forth Vop 
   • splashing, spattering ib

≫ kṣarita

   kṣarita mfn. dropped, liquefied, oozed W 
   • flowing, trickling W

≫ kṣarin

   kṣarin ī m. 'flowing, dropping, trickling', the rainy season L

≫ kṣarya

   kṣarya mfn. fr. ○ra g. gav-ādi

≫ kṣāra

   kṣāra mf(ā)n. (g. jvalâdi) caustic, biting, corrosive, acrid, pungent, saline, converted to alkali or ashes by distillation (fr. √kṣai?) R. Pañcat. BhP. &c 
   • sharp, keen (as the wind) Kāvyâd. ii, 104 
   • m. any corrosive or acrid or saline substance (esp. an alkali such as soda or potash), caustic alkali (one species of cautery) Kāty. Yājñ. iii, 36 MBh. &c 
   • juice, essence W 
   • treacle, molasses L 
   • glass L 
   • (am), n. any corrosive or acrid substance Kathās. xciii, 14 
   • a factitious or medicinal salt (commonly black salt, viḍ-lavaṇa and kṛṣṇa-l○) W 
   • water W

⋙ kṣārakardama

   ○kardama m. 'a pool of saline or acrid mud', N. of a hell BhP. v, 26, 7 and 30

⋙ kṣārakarman

   ○karman n. applying caustic alkali (Lapis infernalis) to proud flesh &c., applying acrid remedies in general

⋙ kṣārakīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. a kind of insect L

⋙ kṣārakṛtya

   ○kṛtya mfn. to be treated with caustic alkali Suśr. i, 11, 15

⋙ kṣārakṣata

   ○kṣata mfn. damaged by factitious salt or saltpetre Mṛicch. iii, 14. kṣīṇa mfn. id., 12

⋙ kṣāratantra

   ○tantra n. the method of cauterization Car. vi, 5

⋙ kṣārataila

   ○taila n. oil cooked with alkaline ingredients GāruḍaP

⋙ kṣāratraya

   ○traya n. 'a triad of acrid substances', natron, saltpetre, and borax L

⋙ kṣāratritaya

   ○tritaya n. id. L

⋙ kṣāradalā

   ○dalā f. a variety of Chenopodium L

⋙ kṣāradru

   ○dru m. 'a tree that yields abundant potash', Schreberia Swietenoides L

⋙ kṣāradvaya

   ○dvaya n. a pair of acrid substances (i.e. svarjikā and yāva-śūka) Bhpr

⋙ kṣāranadī

   ○nadī f. 'alkaline river', N. of a river in one of the hells R. vii, 21, 15 Divyâv. viii MārkP. xiv, 68

⋙ kṣārapattra

   ○pattra m. n. = -dalā L

⋙ kṣārapattraka

   ○pattraka m. id. L 
   • (ikā), f. id. L

⋙ kṣārapayas

   ○payas m. 'the salt ocean', in comp. ○yo-bhū m. a snake Viddh. iii, 19

⋙ kṣārapāṇi

   ○pāṇi m. N. of a Ṛishi Hariv. 9575 
   • (vḷ. for kṣīra-p○) Bhpr

⋙ kṣārapāta

   ○pāta m. applying acrid remedies Hcar. [Page 327, Column 2] 

⋙ kṣārapāla

   ○pāla m. N. of a Ṛishi (v. l. for -pāṇi)

⋙ kṣārapūrvadaśaka

   ○pūrva-daśaka n. a decade of acrid substances L

⋙ kṣārabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. saline soil L

⋙ kṣāramadhya

   ○madhya m. Achyranthes aspera L

⋙ kṣāramṛttikā

   ○mṛttikā f. saline soil (especially an impure sulphate of soda) KātyŚr. iv, 8, 16 Sch

⋙ kṣāramelaka

   ○melaka m. N. of an alkaline substance L

⋙ kṣārameha

   ○meha m. a morbid state of the urine (in which its smell and taste resemble that of potash) Car. ii, 4 Suśr

⋙ kṣāramehin

   ○mehin mfn. one whose urine has that smell and taste ib

⋙ kṣārarasa

   ○rasa m. a saline or alkaline flavour W

⋙ kṣāralavaṇa

   ○lavaṇa e n. du. any alkaline substance and salt MānGṛ 
   • -varjana n. keeping off alkaline substances and salt Hcat. (cf. a-kṣ○)

⋙ kṣāravṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. = -dru L

⋙ kṣāraśreṣṭha

   ○śreṣṭha m. id. L 
   • the tree Butea frondosa L 
   • (am), n. alkaline earth (= vajra-kṣāra) L

⋙ kṣāraṣaṭka

   ○ṣaṭ-ka n. six kinds of trees distinguished by their sap (Butea frondosa, Grislea tomentosa, Achyranthes aspera, Cowach, Ghaṇṭā-pāṭali, Coraya) W

⋙ kṣārasamudra

   ○samudra m. the salt ocean BhP. v, 17, 6 Romakas

⋙ kṣārasindhu

   ○sindhu m. id

⋙ kṣārasūtra

   ○sūtra n. caustic thread (applied to fistulas &c.) Suśr

⋙ kṣārākṣa

   kṣārâkṣa mfn. having an artificial eye made of glass Buddh. L

⋙ kṣārāgada

   kṣārâgada m. an antidote prepared by extracting the alkaline particles from the ashes of plants Suśr. v, 7, 3

⋙ kṣārāccha

   kṣārâccha n. sea-salt L

⋙ kṣārāñjana

   kṣārâñjana n. an alkaline unguent Suśr

⋙ kṣārāmbu

   kṣārâmbu n. an alkaline juice or fluid Śak. Sch

⋙ kṣārāmbudhi

   kṣārâmbudhi m. the salt ocean W

⋙ kṣāroda

   kṣārôda m. id. BhP. v

⋙ kṣārodaka

   kṣārôdaka n. = ○râmbu Suśr 
   • (in comp. with amlôdaka) Mn. v, 114 and Yājñ. i, 190

⋙ kṣārodadhi

   kṣārôdadhi m. = ○râmbudhi W

≫ kṣāraka

   kṣāraka m. alkali Suśr 
   • a juice, essence W 
   • a net for catching birds MBh. xii, 5473 and 5560 
   • a cage or basket for birds or fish L 
   • a multitude of young buds (cf. -jāta) Comm. on L 
   • a washerman L 
   • (ikā), f. hunger L

⋙ kṣārakajāta

   ○jāta mfn. blossoming Lalit. vii

≫ kṣāraṇa

   kṣāraṇa n. distilling W 
   • converting to alkali or ashes W 
   • a particular process applied to mercury Sarvad. ix 
   • (ā), f. accusing of adultery (cf. ā-kṣārṇā) L

≫ kṣārita

   kṣārita mfn. distilled from saline matter, strained through alkaline ashes &c. L 
   • calumniated, falsely accused (esp. of adultery), accused of a crime (loc.) MBh. ii, 238 
   • (instr.) R. (ed. Gorr.) ii, 109, 55

≫ kṣārīya

   kṣārīya mfn. fr. ○ra g. utkarâdi

kṣal 1

   kṣal v. l. for √kṣar Dhātup. xx

kṣal 2

   kṣal (related to √kṣar), cl. 10. P. kṣālayati to wash, wash off 
   • purify, cleanse, clean Śiś. i, 38 Kathās. Hit. ; [Lith. skalauju, 'to wash off' 
   • skalbju, to wash' ; Mod. Germ. [sp�le]?]

≫ kṣāla

   kṣāla m. washing, washing off

≫ kṣālana

   kṣālana mfn. washing, washing or wiping off Pañcat. (ifc.) 
   • (am), n. washing, washing off, cleansing with water MBh. ii, 1295 Pañcat. MārkP. Kathās. lī, 239 
   • sprinkling W

⋙ kṣālanayantra

   kṣālana-yantra n. apparatus for washing clothes L

≫ kṣālanīya

   kṣālanīya mfn. to be washed or cleansed

≫ kṣālita

   kṣālita mfn. washed, cleansed, cleaned Suśr. Prab. v, 24 
   • wiped away, removed Rājat. v, 59

≫ kṣālitavya

   kṣālitavya mfn. = ○lanīya


   kṣáva ○vaka, ○vathu, √1. kṣu


   kṣā́ √1. kṣam


   kṣātí √kṣai


   kṣāttra √kṣad


   kṣātra &c. kṣatrá

kṣānta 1

   kṣā́nta mfn. ending with the letter kṣa RāmatUp

kṣānta 2

   kṣānta √1. kṣam

≫ kṣāntāyana


⋙ kṣāntāyanti


⋙ kṣāntāyantīya


⋙ kṣāntāyantu

   kṣāntāyantu ib

≫ kṣāpavitra

   kṣā-pavitra N. of a formula Baudh. iv, 7, 5


   kṣāpáya Caus. √kṣai

≫ kṣāma

   kṣāmá ib


   kṣā́man √1. kṣam

≫ kṣāmi 1

   kṣā́mi s.v. 2. kṣám

kṣāmi 2

   kṣāmi ○min. √kṣai


   kṣāmya √1. kṣam


   kṣāyika √4. kṣi


   kṣāra ○raka, ○raṇa, &c. √kṣar. [Page 327, Column 3] 


   kṣāla ○lana, &c. √2. kṣal


   kṣā́s nom. sg., nom. and acc. pl. of 2. kṣám, q.v

kṣi 1

   kṣi cl. 1. P. kṣáyati (2. du. kṣá-yathas or kṣay○, 2. pl. kṣáyathā 
   • Subj. 1. kṣáyat or kṣayat RV. vi, 23, 10 and vii, 20, 6 ; x, 106, 7 
   • pr. p. kṣáyat), to possess, have power over, rule, govern, be master of (gen.) RV 
   • [Gk. [327, 3] ?.]

≫ kṣaya 1

   kṣaya m. 'dominion' Sāy. (on RV. vii, 46, 2)

≫ kṣayadvīra

   kṣayád-vīra mfn. ruling or governing men (Indra, Rudra, and Pūshan) RV 
   • ['possessed of abiding or of going heroes such as sons &c.' Sāy.]

≫ kṣit 1

   kṣit mfn. ifc. 'ruling', adhi-kṣit, kṣiti-, pṛthivii-, bhū-, mahī-

≫ kṣiti 1

   kṣiti is, f. dominion (Comm.) MBh. xiii, 76, 10

kṣi 2

   kṣi cl. 2. 6. P. kṣéti, kṣiyáti 
   • (3. du. kṣitás, 3. pl. kṣiyanti 
   • Subj. 2. sg. kṣayat, 2. sg. kṣáyas, 3. du. kṣayatas, 1. pl. kṣáyāma 
   • pr. p. kṣiyát 
   • aor. Subj. kṣeṣat 
   • fut. p. kṣeṣyát), to abide, stay, dwell, reside (used especially of an undisturbed or secret residence) RV 
   • to remain, be quiet AV. ŚBr 
   • to inhabit TBr. iii 
   • to go, move (kṣíyati) Naigh. ii, 14 Dhātup.: Caus. (Impv. 2. sg. kṣayáyā 
   • Subj. kṣepayat) to make a person live quietly RV. iii, 46, 2 and v, 9, 7 
   • [Gk. ?.]

≫ kṣaya 2

   kṣáya mfn. dwelling, residing RV. iii, 2, 13 ; viii, 64, 4 
   • m. an abode, dwelling-place, seat, house (cf. uru- and su-kṣáya, rātha-, divikṣayá) RV. VS. v, 38 TS. Pāṇ. MBh. R. BhP 
   • the house of Yama (cf. yama-kṣ○, vaivasvata-kṣ○) 
   • abode in Yama's dominion Comm. on R. (ed. Bomb.) ii, 109, 11 
   • (= kṣití) family, race RV. i, 123, 1

⋙ kṣayataru

   ○taru m. the plant Bignonia suaveolens L

≫ kṣayaṇa 1

   kṣayaṇá mfn. habitable [? m. 'a place with tranquil water' Comm.] VS. xvi, 43 
   • (kṣáyaṇa) TS. iv 
   • (kṣeṇá) MaitrS 
   • m. a bay, harbour Comm. on RPrāt 
   • (am), n. a dwelling place Nir. vi, 6

≫ kṣayas

   kṣayas aurukṣayasa

≫ kṣi 3

   kṣi f. abode L 
   • going, moving L

≫ kṣit 2

   kṣit mfn. ifc. 'dwelling, inhabitant of (in comp.)',
   acyuta-, apsu-, ā-, upa-, giri-, divi-, dhruva-, pari-, bandhu-, vraja- and sa-kṣít 
   • antarikṣa-, pṛthivii-, loka-, sindhu-

≫ kṣitā

   kṣitā f. for 2. kṣiti (q.v.) MBh. xiii, 2017

≫ kṣiti 2

   kṣití f. an abode, dwelling, habitation, house (cf. also uru- and su-kṣití, dhruvá.) RV 
   • (Naigh. i, 1) the earth, soil of the earth Mn. MBh. R. &c 
   • the number 'one' Bijag 
   • (áyas), f. settlements, colonies, races of men, nations (of which five are named 
   • cf. kṛṣṭí) RV 
   • (said of the families of the gods) iii, 20, 4 
   • estates Rājat. v, 109 (cf. uru- and su-kṣití, dhārayát-, dhruvá-, bhava-, raṇa-, samara-.)

⋙ kṣitikaṇa

   ○kaṇa m. a particle of earth, dust L

⋙ kṣitikampa

   ○kampa m. an earthquake MBh. vii, 7867 R. vi, 30, 30 VarBṛS. v, xxi, xxxii,

⋙ kṣitikampana

   ○kampana m. N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2561 
   • of a Daitya Hariv. 12932

⋙ kṣitikṣama

   ○kṣama m. the tree Acacia Catechu L

⋙ kṣitikṣit

   ○kṣit m. 'ruler of the earth', a prince, king Śiś. xiii, 4

⋙ kṣitikṣoda

   ○kṣoda m. a particle of earth, dust Kād

⋙ kṣitikhaṇḍa

   ○khaṇḍa m. a clod or lump of earth W

⋙ kṣitigarbha

   ○garbha m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh

⋙ kṣiticalana

   ○calana n. = -kampa VarBṛS

⋙ kṣitija

   ○ja mfn. earth-born, produced of or in the earth Suśr 
   • m. a tree MBh. iii, 10248 R. vi, 76, 2 
   • a kind of snail or earth-worm (bhū-nāga) L 
   • 'earth-son,'N. of the planet Mars VarBṛ. Gaṇit 
   • of the demon Naraka W 
   • (ā), f. N. of Sītā (the wife of Rāma) W 
   • (am), n. the horizon Āryabh. Sūryas 
   • -tva n. the state of the horizon Gol

⋙ kṣitijantu

   ○jantu m. a kind of snail or earth-worm (= bhū-nāga) L

⋙ kṣitijīvā

   ○jīvā f. the sine of the bow formed by the horizon and the Unmaṇḍala Gaṇit

⋙ kṣitijyā

   ○jyā f. id. Sūryas. ii, 61 Gol

⋙ kṣititanaya

   ○tanaya m. (= -ja) N. of the planet Mars VarBṛS 
   • (ā), f. 'daughter of the earth', N. of Sitā Bālar 
   • -dina n. Tuesday VarBṛS 
   • -divasa-vāra m. id. ib

⋙ kṣititala

   ○tala n. the surface of the earth, ground Pañcat. Bhartṛ. iii, 5 
   • ○lâpsaras f. an Apsaras who walks or lives on the earth Kathās. xvii, 34

⋙ kṣititrāṇa

   ○trāṇa n. protection of the earth (one of the duties of the Kshatriya caste) Vishṇ

⋙ kṣitidina

   ○dina n. a common or Sāvana day Gaṇit

⋙ kṣitideva

   ○deva m. 'earth-god', i.e. a Brāhman BhP. iii, 1, 12. [Page 328, Column 1] 

⋙ kṣitidevatā

   ○devatā f. id. MBh. xiii, 6451

⋙ kṣitidhara

   ○dhara m. 'earthsupporter', a mountain Kum. vii, 94 Bhartṛ

⋙ kṣitidhārin

   ○dhārin mfn. carrying soil or earth Yājñ. ii, 152 Gīt

⋙ kṣitidhenu

   ○dhenu f. the earth considered as a milch-cow Bhartṛ. ii, 38

⋙ kṣitinanda

   ○nanda m. N. of a king Rājat. i, 338

⋙ kṣitinandana

   ○nandana m. (= -ja) N. of the planet Mars

⋙ kṣitināga

   ○nāga m. (= -jantu) a kind of snail or earth-worm L

⋙ kṣitinātha

   ○nātha m. 'lord of the earth', a king L

⋙ kṣitipa

   ○pa m. 'earth-protector', a king Suśr. Pañcat. Śak. Ragh

⋙ kṣitipati

   ○pati m. 'lord of the earth', id. Nal. R. Ragh. Kathās

⋙ kṣitipāla

   ○pāla m. = -pa VarBṛS. Ragh. ii, vii Bhaṭṭ. Caurap. Prab

⋙ kṣitipīṭha

   ○pīṭha n. the surface of the earth W 
   • N. of a town HPariś

⋙ kṣitiputra

   ○putra m. 'son of the earth', N. of the demon Naraka KālP

⋙ kṣitipuruhūta

   ○puru-hūta m. 'the Indra of the earth', a king Inscr

⋙ kṣitipratiṣṭha

   ○pratiṣṭha mfn. dwelling or abiding on the earth W

⋙ kṣitibadarī

   ○badarī f. N. of a plant (= bhū-b○) L

⋙ kṣitibhartṛ

   ○bhartṛ m. = -nātha Naish. ix, 22

⋙ kṣitibhuj

   ○bhuj m. 'one who possesses the earth', a king Bhartṛ. Śāntiś. Prab. Rājat

⋙ kṣitibhū

   ○bhū f. ( = -tanayā) N. of Sītā Bālar

⋙ kṣitibhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'earth-supporter', a mountain Vikr. Ṛitus. Kir 
   • a king Bhartṛ. (v. l. -bhuj) 
   • -tā f. the state of a king, reign Naish. vi, 94

⋙ kṣitimaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. the globe, earth W

⋙ kṣitirasa

   ○rasa m. the juice or essence of the earth VP

⋙ kṣitirāja

   ○rāja m. a prince, king

⋙ kṣitiruh

   ○ruh m. 'growing from the earth', a tree Bhartṛ. Prab

⋙ kṣitiruha

   ○ruha m. id. Śiś. vii, 54 Sāh

⋙ kṣitilavabhuj

   ○lava-bhuj m. 'possessing only a small tract of the earth', a petty prince Bhartṛ. iii, 100

⋙ kṣitivardhana

   ○vardhana m. a corpse L

⋙ kṣitivṛttimat

   ○vṛtti-mat mfn. of a behaviour similar to that of the earth', patient like the earth BhP. iv, 16, 7

⋙ kṣitivyudāsa

   ○vyudāsa m. a cave within the earth L

⋙ kṣitiśacīpati

   ○śacī-pati m. = -puru-hūta Rājat. 1, 99

⋙ kṣitiśatakratu

   ○śata-kratu m. id., iii, 329

⋙ kṣitiśiñjinī

   ○śiñjinī f. = -jīvā Gaṇit

⋙ kṣitisuta

   ○suta m. (= -ja) the planet Mars VarBṛS. VarBṛ 
   • N. of the demon Naraka W

⋙ kṣitisura

   ○sura m. = -deva

⋙ kṣitispṛś

   ○spṛś m. an inhabitant of the earth Ragh. viii, 80

⋙ kṣitīgarbha

   kṣitī-garbha for ○ti-g○, q.v

⋙ kṣitīndra

   kṣitī7ndra m. 'lord of the earth', a king Vcar

⋙ kṣitīśa

   kṣitī7śa m. 'ruler of the earth', a king MBh. iii, 13198 VarBṛS. Ragh. Rājat 
   • N. of a prince of Kānyakubja 
   • -vaṃśâvalī-carita n. 'genealogy and history of Kshitîśa's family', N. of wk. composed in the last century

⋙ kṣitīśvara

   kṣitī7śvara m. 'lord of the earth', a king Ragh.iii, 3 
   • xi, 1 BhP. iii, 13, 9

≫ kṣity

   kṣity (by Sandhi for kṣiti)

⋙ kṣityaditi

   ○aditi f. 'the Aditi of the earth', N. of Devakī (mother of Kṛishṇa) L

⋙ kṣityadhipa

   ○adhipa m. 'lord of the earth', a king VarBṛ. xi, 1

⋙ kṣityutkara

   ○utkara m. a heap of mould, ii, 12

kṣi 4

   kṣi cl. 1. P. kṣayati (only once R. iv, 6, 14), cl. 5. P. kṣiṇoti (ŚBr. Mn. MBh. &c 
   • 1. sg. kṣiṇómi VS. for ○ṇā́mi of AV.), cl. 9. P. kṣiṇā́ti (3. pl. kṣiṇánti 
   • perf. 3. du. cikṣiyatur Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 77 and vii, 4, 10), to destroy, corrupt, ruin, make an end of (acc.), kill, injure RV. AV. &c.: Pass. kṣīyáte (AV. xii, 5, 45 
   • 3. pl. kṣī́yante RV. i, 62, 12 
   • aor. Subj. kṣeṣṭa [AV. iv, 34, 8] or kṣāyi TBr. i 
   • Cond. akṣeṣyata ŚBr. viii), to be diminished, decrease, wane (as the moon), waste away, perish RV. AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • to pass (said of the night) Kathās.: Caus. P. kṣapayati (fut. ○yiṣyati), rarely Ā. ○te (MBh. i, 1838 Daś.), very rarely kṣayayati (MBh. v, 2134, ed. Calc.), to destroy, ruin, make an end of (acc.), finish MBh. R. &c 
   • to weaken Mn. v, 157 MBh. i, 1658 Kum. v, 29 
   • to pass (as the night or time, kṣapām, ○pās, kālam) Pañcat. Kād. ŚārṅgP 
   • [cf. ? ?, &c.]

≫ kṣaya 3

   kṣaya m. (Pāṇ. 6-1, 201) loss, waste, wane, diminution, destruction, decay, wasting or wearing away (often ifc.) Mn. MBh. &c 
   • fall (as of prices, opposed to vṛddhi e.g. kṣayo vṛddhiś ca paṇyānām, 'the fall and rise in the price of commodities') Yājñ. ii, 258 
   • removal W 
   • end, termination (e.g. nidrā-kṣ○, the end of sleep R. vi, 105, 14 
   • dina-kṣaye, at the end of day MBh. i, 699 R. iv, 3, 10 
   • jīvita-kṣaye, at the end of life Daś 
   • āyuṣaḥ kṣ○ id. Ragh 
   • kṣayaṃ √gam, √yā, √i, or upa√i, to become less, be diminished, go to destruction, come to an end, perish Nal. R. Suśr. VarBṛS. Daś. Amar. Hit 
   • kṣayaṃ√nī, to destroy R. v, 36, 51) 
   • consumption, phthisis pulmonalis Suśr. Hcat 
   • sickness in general L 
   • the destruction of the universe Pañcat 
   • (in alg.) a negative quantity, minus Āryabh 
   • = -māsa Jyot 
   • = kṣayâha Gaṇit 
   • N. of a prince VP 
   • (ā), f. N. of a Yogini Hcat 
   • (am), n. N. of the last year in the sixty years' Bṛihaspati cycle VarBṛS. [Page 328, Column 2] 

⋙ kṣayakara

   ○kara mfn. ifc. causing destruction or ruin, destructive, terminating MBh. ii, 2494 Suśr 
   • liberating from existence W 
   • perhaps for kṣayi-kala (said of the moon 'the portions of which are waning') Cāṇ 
   • (as), N. of the 49th year of the sixty years' Bṛihaspati cycle VarBṛS

⋙ kṣayakartṛ

   ○kartṛ mfn. ifc. causing destruction or ruin VP

⋙ kṣayakāla

   ○kāla m. the period of destruction, end of all things

⋙ kṣayakāsa

   ○kāsa m. a consumptive or phthisical cough Car. vi, 20

⋙ kṣayakāsin

   ○kāsin mfn. one who has a consumptive cough

⋙ kṣayakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. causing ruin or loss or destruction VarYogay. Bhag. xi Suśr 
   • (t), m. (= kṣaya) N. of the last year of the sixty years' Bṛihaspati cycle

⋙ kṣayaṃkara

   ○ṃ-kara mf(ī)n. causing destruction or ruin (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. Hcat

⋙ kṣayaja

   ○ja mfn. produced by consumption (as cough) Suśr

⋙ kṣayadivasa

   ○divasa m. the day of the destruction of the universe Hcar

⋙ kṣayanāśinī

   ○nāśinī f. removing consumption', Celtis orientalis (= jīvanti) L

⋙ kṣayapakṣa

   ○pakṣa m. the fortnight of the moon's wane, dark fortnight Kir. ii, 37

⋙ kṣayapravṛtta

   ○pravṛtta mfn. = -ja Suśr

⋙ kṣayamāsa

   ○māsa m. a lunar month that is omitted in the adjustment of the lunar and the solar calendar Jyot. Gaṇit

⋙ kṣayayukta

   ○yukta mfn. ruined (a prince) Kir. ii, 11

⋙ kṣayayukti

   ○yukti f. ruin, ii, 9 
   • necessity or opportunity of destroying W

⋙ kṣayayoga

   ○yoga m. id. W

⋙ kṣayaroga

   ○roga m. consumption VarBṛS. Hcat

⋙ kṣayarogin

   ○"ṣrogin mfn. consumptive Yājñ. Hcat 
   • ○gi-tā f. consumption 
   • ○gi-tva n. id. Mn

⋙ kṣayavāyu

   ○vāyu m. the wind that is to blow at the end of the world W

⋙ kṣayasampad

   ○sampad f. total loss, ruin, destruction W

⋙ kṣayāha

   kṣayâha m. a lunar day that is omitted in the adjustment of the lunar and the solar calendar Gaṇit

⋙ kṣayopaśama

   kṣayôpaśama m. complete annihilation of the desire of being active Jain. (Sarvad. iii)

≫ kṣayaṇa 2

   kṣayaṇa mfn. ifc. 'destroying, annihilating, driving away, dispersing', arāya-, asura-, piśāca-, bhrātṛvya-, yātudhāna-, sadānvā- and sapatna-kṣáyaṇa

≫ kṣayathu

   kṣayathu for kṣavathu, q.v

≫ kṣayayitavya

   kṣayayitavya mfn. to be destroyed R. vi, 17, 4

≫ kṣayi

   kṣayi (in comp. for ○yin, q.v.)

⋙ kṣayikala

   ○kala kṣaya-kara

⋙ kṣayitva

   ○tva n. perishableness, fragility Sarvad. iv KapS. i, 1 Sch

≫ kṣayika

   kṣayika mfn. consumptive Nār

≫ kṣayita

   kṣayita mfn. destroyed, ruined, put an end to, finished MBh. R. Megh. BhP. Kathās 
   • (in math.) divided Sūryas. i, 51

⋙ kṣayitatā

   ○tā f. the being destroyed or annihilated Bādar. iii, 1, 8 Sch

≫ kṣayin

   kṣayin mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 157) wasting, decaying, waning Mn. ix, 314 Ragh. Daś. Bhartṛ 
   • perishable Śak. Megh. &c 
   • consumptive Mn. iii, 7 MBh. xiii, 5089 VarBṛ. xxiii, 17

≫ kṣayiṣṇu

   kṣayiṣṇu mfn. perishable BhP. vii, 7, 40 
   • destroying, removing ib. vi, 16, 41 
   • (ifc.) iii, 13, 25

≫ kṣayya

   kṣayya mfn. (anything) that can be destroyed or removed Pāṇ. 6-1, 81 
   • also a-kṣayyá

≫ kṣāyika

   kṣāyika mfn. resulting from the (kṣayôpa-śama or) annihilation of the desire of being active Jain. (Sarvad. iii)

≫ kṣi 5

   kṣi f. destruction, waste, loss L

≫ kṣita

   kṣitá mfn. (= ?-?) wasted, decayed, exhausted TS. vi 
   • weakened, miserable (as an ascetic) Pāṇ. 6-4, 61 Kāś 
   • ( also á)

⋙ kṣitāyus

   kṣitấyus mfn. one whose life goes to an end RV. k, 161, 2 
   • one whose life is forfeited Pāṇ. 6-4, 61 Kāś

≫ kṣiti 3

   kṣíti f. wane, perishing, ruin, destruction AV 
   • the period of the destruction of the universe, end of the world L. (cf. á-, ásura-.)

≫ kṣitvan

   kṣitvan ā m. the wind Uṇ. iv, 115

≫ kṣiyā

   kṣiyā f. . (g. bhidâdi) loss, waste, destruction L 
   • offence against the customs Pāṇ. 8-1, 60 and ii, 104

≫ kṣīṇa

   kṣīṇá mfn. diminished, wasted, expended, lost, destroyed, worn away, waning (as the moon) ŚBr. MuṇḍUp. ŚvetUp. Mn. &c 
   • weakened, injured, broken, torn, emaciated, feeble Mn. vii, 166 Suśr. Kāś. on Pāṇ. 6-4, 61 & viii, 2, 46 &c 
   • delicate, slender Śak. Gīt. iv, 21 Naish. vii, 81 
   • poor, miserable Pañcat. iv, 16 and 32 
   • (am), n. N. of a disease of the pudenda muliebria Gal

⋙ kṣīṇakarman

   ○karman m. 'one whose desire of being active is completely annihilated', a Jina

⋙ kṣīṇakośa

   ○kośa mfn. one whose wealth is exhausted Rājat. v, 165

⋙ kṣīṇagati

   ○gati mfn. with slackened or diminished motion or progress

⋙ kṣīṇajīvita

   ○jīvita mfn. one who has no means of subsistence R

⋙ kṣīṇatamas

   ○tamas m. N. of a Vihāra Rājat. i, 147

⋙ kṣīṇatā

   ○tā f. the state of wasting away, diminution, decay W 
   • the state of being worn away or injured Mṛicch 
   • emaciation W. [Page 328, Column 3] 

⋙ kṣīṇatva

   ○tva n. the wane (of the moon) Subh

⋙ kṣīṇadhana

   ○dhana mfn. having diminished wealth, impoverished

⋙ kṣīṇapāpa

   ○pāpa mfn. one whose sins are destroyed, purified after having suffered the consequences of sin W

⋙ kṣīṇapuṇya

   ○puṇya mfn. one whose merit is lost, who has enjoyed fruits of merit and is doomed to labour for more in another birth W

⋙ kṣīṇamadhya

   ○madhya mfn. slender-waisted W

⋙ kṣīṇamohaka

   ○mohaka n. (scil. guṇa-sthāna) N. of the twelfth of the fourteen degrees by which final beatitude is attained Jain

⋙ kṣīṇavat

   ○vat mfn. wasted, decayed W

⋙ kṣīṇavāsin

   ○vāsin mfn. inhabiting a dilapidated house W 
   • (ī), m. a dove or pigeon W

⋙ kṣīṇavikrānta

   ○vikrānta mfn. one who has lost courage, destitute of prowess W

⋙ kṣīṇavṛtti

   ○vṛtti mfn. out of employ, having no means of subsistence or maintenance Mn. viii, 341

⋙ kṣīṇaśakti

   ○śakti mfn. one whose strength is wasted, weak, impotent W

⋙ kṣīṇaśarīra

   ○śarīra mfn. one who has a thin or emaciated body W

⋙ kṣīṇasāra

   ○sāra mfn. (a tree) the sap of which is gone, withered MBh. xiii, 5, 19

⋙ kṣīṇasukṛta

   ○sukṛta mfn. one whose stock of merit is exhausted W

⋙ kṣīṇāṅga

   kṣīṇâṅga mfn. one who has emaciated limbs W

⋙ kṣīṇājyakarman

   kṣīṇâjya-karman mfn. 'one who has done with sacrificial ceremonies', a Buddhist W

⋙ kṣīṇādhi

   kṣīṇâdhi mfn. delivered from distress Daś

⋙ kṣīṇāyus

   kṣīṇâyus mfn. (= kṣitấy○) one whose life goes to an end MBh. Kathās

⋙ kṣīṇārtha

   kṣīṇârtha mfn. deprived of property, impoverished Mṛicch

⋙ kṣīṇāśrava

   kṣīṇâśrava mfn. with sin gone Divyâv. xxxvi

⋙ kṣīṇāṣṭakarman

   kṣīṇâṣṭakarman m. 'one who has suppressed any of the eight groups of actions', an Arhat Jain

⋙ kṣīṇopāya

   kṣīṇôpâya mfn. destitute of anything to rely upon Amar. Ṛitus. Rājat. v, 60 ; 165 and 287

≫ kṣīyamāṇa

   kṣīyamāṇa mfn. (Pass. p.) perishing, wasting away, decaying BhP. v, 22, 9 Hit. (cf. á.)

≫ kṣeya

   kṣeya mfn. to be destroyed or removed Pāṇ. 6-1, 81 Kāś

≫ kṣeṣṇu

   kṣeṣṇú mfn. (Vop. xxvi, 144) perishable MaitrS. i, 6, 10


   kṣiṇ cl. 8. P. Ā. ○ṇoti, ṇute, = √4. kṣi, q.v. Dhātup. xxx, 4


   kṣit √1. and √2. kṣi

≫ kṣita

   kṣitá mfn. √4. kṣi 
   • (a), f. √2. kṣi. 1. 2

⋙ kṣiti

   kṣití 3

⋙ kṣiti

   kṣíti √1. 2. and 4. kṣi

kṣiti 4

   kṣiti m. N. of a man Pravar 
   • (is), f. a sort of yellow pigment L 
   • a sort of base metal 
   • = kṣiti-kṣama (s.v. 2. kṣití) Gal


   kṣitvan √4. kṣi


   kṣidra m. disease L 
   • the sun L 
   • a horn L

kṣip 1

   kṣip cl. 6. P. kṣipáti Ā. kṣipate (MBh. &c 
   • cl. 4. P. kṣipyati, only Bhaṭṭ 
   • Subj. kṣipát 
   • perf. cikṣepa MBh. &c 
   • ep. also cikṣipe 
   • fut. 2nd kṣepsyati MBh. &c 
   • ep. also ○te 
   • inf. kṣeptum 
   • Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh.), to throw, cast, send, despatch AV. ix, 1, 10 and 20 Mn. MBh. (Pass. pr. p. kṣipyat, i, 1126) &c 
   • to move hastily (the arms or legs) Mṛicch. BhP. x, 36, 14 
   • to throw a glance (as the eye) Bhartṛ. i, 94 
   • to strike or hit (with a weapon) RV. i, 182, 1-3 
   • to put or place anything on or in (loc.), pour on, scatter, fix or attach to (loc.) Yājñ. i, 230 Bhag. Mṛicch. &c 
   • to direct (the thoughts) upon (loc.) Sarvad 
   • to throw away, cast away, get rid of Bhartṛ. ii, 69 Kathās 
   • to lay (the blame) on (loc.) Hit 
   • to utter abusive words, insult, revile, abuse Mn. MBh. &c 
   • 'to disdain', i.e. to excel, beat, outvie BhP. iv, 8, 24 and 15, 17 
   • to strike down, ruin, destroy BhP. vi, 1, 14 BrahmaP 
   • (Ā. 'to destroy one another, go to ruin', Pot. 3. pl. kṣiperan MBh. iii, 1094) 
   • to pass or while away (the time or night, kālam, kṣapām) Kathās. lv, 154 
   • xcī, 84 
   • to lose (time, kālam 
   • cf. kālakṣepa) R. vii, 80, 14 
   • to skip or pass over (a day, dinam.) Car. vi, 3 
   • (in math.) to add Gol.: Caus. P. kṣepayati, to cause to cast or throw into (antar) Kathās. xiii, 160 
   • to throw into R. ii, 76, 16 
   • to cause to descend into (loc.) Kathās. lxxv, 121 
   • to pass or while away (the night, kṣapām) ib. lvi, 75 
   • (aor. Subj. 2. sg. cikṣipas) to hurt, injure RV. x, 16, 1 (cf. Subj. kṣepayat s.v. √2. kṣi) ; [Lat. sipo, dissipo, for xipo.]

≫ kṣip 2

   kṣíp pas f. pl. (only used in nom 
   • the instr. is formed fr. kṣípā RV. ix, 59, 57) 'the movable ones', the fingers RV. iii, v, ix (Naigh. ii, 5). [Page 329, Column 1] 

≫ kṣipa

   kṣipa mfn. 'throwing, casting', giri-kṣ○ 
   • m. a thrower W 
   • (ā), f. throwing, sending, casting, g. -bhidâdi 
   • (for kṣapā́) night Comm. on L 
   • (kṣípā), f. only instr. pl. ○pābhis, 2. kṣíp

≫ kṣipaka

   kṣipaka m. an archer L 
   • (ā), f. ? Pāṇ. 7-3, 45 Vārtt. 5 
   • g. prêkṣâdi

≫ kṣipakin

   kṣipakin mfn. fr. ○kā g. prêkṣâdi

≫ kṣipaṇi

   kṣipaṇí f. 'moving speedily', gallop ṇBḍ. RV. iv, 40, 4 
   • a missile weapon Uṇ 
   • a kind of net L 
   • = mantra L 
   • = adhvaryu L 
   • an oar Comm. on L. (also ○ṇī f. ib.)

≫ kṣipaṇu

   kṣipaṇú m. 'an archer', or (ú), n. 'a missile weapon' RV. iv, 58, 6 
   • (us), m. air, wind Uṇ. iii, 52

≫ kṣipaṇyu

   kṣipaṇyu mfn. diffusive, what may be sent or scattered, fragrant L 
   • (us), m. the body L 
   • spring Uṇ. iii, 51 Sch

≫ kṣipati

   kṣipati ī du. the arms Naigh. ii, 4 Sch

≫ kṣipasti

   kṣípasti ī du. id. Naigh. ii, 4

≫ kṣipta

   kṣiptá mfn. thrown, cast, sent, despatched, dismissed RV. i, 129, 8 MBh. &c 
   • reviled, despicable (on account of, instr. or -tas) Pāṇ. 5-4, 46 Kāś 
   • (ā), f. (for kṣapā́) night L 
   • (ám), n. a wound caused by shooting or throwing AV. vi, 109, 3 
   • 'scattered', distraction or absence of mind Sarvad

⋙ kṣiptacitta

   ○citta mfn. distracted in mind, absent

⋙ kṣiptatā

   ○tā f. absence of mind MBh. ii, 241,

⋙ kṣiptadeha

   ○deha mfn. one who prostrates the body, who lies down

⋙ kṣiptabheṣaja

   ○bheṣaja mf(ī́)n. healing wounds caused by missile weapons AV. vi, 109, 1

⋙ kṣiptayoni

   ○yoni mfn. of despicable descent (one for whom a Brāhman is not allowed to act as Ṛitv-ij) ĀśvGṛ. i, 23

⋙ kṣiptalaguḍa

   ○laguḍa mfn. one who flings the staff W

⋙ kṣiptottara

   kṣiptôttara n. (scil. vacas, speech) 'the answer of which is destroyed or rendered impossible', unanswerable speech Kām. v, 26

≫ kṣipti

   kṣipti f. sending, throwing W 
   • solving a riddle W 
   • explaining or understanding a hidden meaning W 
   • (in dram.) the becoming known or exposure of a secret Sāh. 373 
   • (in alg.) = kṣiptikā

≫ kṣiptikā

   kṣiptikā f. (in alg.) the quantity to be added to the square of the least √multiplied by the multiplicator (to render it capable of yielding an exact square root)

≫ kṣipnu

   kṣipnu mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 140) = nirākariṣṇu ('throwing obstacles in the way', obstructive W 
   • scornful or fond of abusing BRD.) L

≫ kṣipyat

   kṣipyat mfn. pr. p. Pass., √1. kṣip 
   • (pr. p. P.) throwing, sending W

≫ kṣipyamāṇa

   kṣipyamāṇa mfn. (pr. p. Pass.) being thrown &c 
   • (pr. p. Ā.) throwing, tossing W 
   • casting aside, throwing off W 
   • sending, directing W

≫ kṣipra

   kṣiprá mf(ā)n. (compar. kṣépīyas, superl. kṣépiṣṭha, qq. vv.) springing, flying back with a spring, elastic (as a bow) RV. ii, 24, 8 
   • quick, speedy, swift ŚBr. vi 
   • ix 
   • (said of certain lunar mansions) VarBṛS 
   • m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa Hariv. 9195 
   • (ám), ind. (Naigh ii, 15) quickly, immediately, directly AV. ŚBr. iv 
   • v 
   • xiii Mn. MBh. &c 
   • (am), n. a measure of time (= 1/15 Muhūrta or 15 Etarhis) ŚBr. xii, 3, 2, 5 
   • the part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger and the corresponding part of the foot Suśr 
   • (ā́), ind. (Ved. acc. pl. n.) with a shot RV. iv, 8, 8 
   • (āt), abl. ind. directly, immediately Kathās 
   • (é), loc. ind. id. ŚBr. i 
   • iv 
   • v 
   • x 
   • [cf.Gk. ?]

⋙ kṣiprakāma

   ○kāma mfn. [329, 1] one who wishes to obtain anything speedily SāmavBr

⋙ kṣiprakārin

   ○kārin mfn. acting or working quickly, skilful Uttarar

⋙ kṣipragati

   ○gati mfn. going quickly DaivBr

⋙ kṣipragarbha

   ○garbha m. Myrica sapida Npr

⋙ kṣipradhanvan

   ○dhanvan (○prá-), mfn. armed with an elastic bow which flies back with a spring RV. ix, 90, 3 AV. xi, 4, 23

⋙ kṣipraniścaya

   ○niścaya mfn. .one who decides or resolves quickly Mn. vii, 179

⋙ kṣiprapākin

   ○pākin m. 'ripening quickly', Hibiscus populneoides L

⋙ kṣipramūtratā

   ○mūtra-tā f. N. of a disease of the bladder ŚārṅgS.-

⋙ kṣipraśyena

   ○śyená m. a species of bird MaitrS. iii, 14, 11 ŚBr. x

⋙ kṣiprasaṃdhi

   ○saṃdhi m. a species of Sandhi (cf. kṣaipra) produced by changing the first of two concurrent vowels to its semivowel ŚāṅkhŚr. xii, 13, 5 
   • (mfn.) changed by that Sandhi (as a vowel or syllable)

⋙ kṣiprahasta

   ○hasta m. 'swifthanded', N. of Agni AV. Paipp 
   • of a Rakshas R. vi, 18, 41

⋙ kṣiprahoma

   ○homa m. a speedy sacrifice (in which several ceremonies are omitted) Comm. on Gobh. i, 3, 1

⋙ kṣiprārtha

   kṣiprârtha m. any affair which requires speedy action MBh. v, 1004

⋙ kṣipreṣu

   kṣiprêṣu mfn. one who has quick arrows (Rudra) RV. vii, 46, 1

≫ kṣepa

   kṣepa m. a throw, cast W 
   • throwing, casting, tossing W. [Page 329, Column 2] 
   • stretching (as of the legs) Suśr 
   • a clap (of wings) R. iv, 62, 12 
   • a stroke (of an oar &c.) L. (cf. apaṭī-kṣ○, dṛṣṭi-kṣ○, bhrūkṣ○, saṭā-kṣ○) 
   • moving to and fro Megh. 47 
   • sending, dismissing W 
   • laying on (as pain &c.) besmearing L 
   • transgressing (laṅghana) L 
   • delay, procrastination, dilatoriness Sarvad 
   • 'loss', manaḥ-kṣ○ 
   • accusation Yājñ. ii, 210 
   • (Pāṇ. 2-1, 26 and v, 4, 46) insult, invective, abuse, reviling MBh. i, 555 ; iii, 631 Yājñ. ii, 204 and 211 
   • disrespect, contempt L 
   • pride, haughtiness L 
   • application of a term to something else Bādar. iv, 1, 6 Sch 
   • a nosegay L 
   • (in arithm.) an additive quantity, addendum 
   • the astronomical latitude Sūryas. Gol

⋙ kṣepadina

   ○dina n. = kṣayâha (q.v.) Gol

⋙ kṣepapāta

   ○pāta m. the point where the planets and the moon pass the ecliptic Gol. vi, 14 and 20

⋙ kṣepavṛtta

   ○vṛtta n. the course of the planets and of the moon ib. v, 13 ff

≫ kṣepaka

   kṣepaka mfn. ifc. one who throws or sends Kathās. lxi, 9 
   • destroying Bādar. Sch 
   • inserted, interpolated R. ii, ch. 96 Sch. Naish. xxii, 48 Sch 
   • abusive, disrespectful W 
   • m. a spurious or interpolated passage W 
   • (in arithm.) an additive quantity 
   • a pilot, helmsman Gal

≫ kṣepaṇa

   kṣepaṇa n. the act of throwing, casting, letting fly or go (a bow-string) Nir. ii, 28 MBh. iv, 352 and 1400 
   • throwing away (in boxing) VP. v, 20, 54 
   • sending, directing W 
   • sending away MBh. iii, 13272 
   • passing away or spending time (vḷ. kṣapaṇa) 
   • 'omitting', for 1. kṣapaṇa Mn. iv, 119 
   • sling BhP. iii, 19, 18 ; x, 11, 38 
   • (ī), f. id. R. vi, 7, 24 
   • an oar L 
   • a kind of net L

⋙ kṣepaṇasāra

   ○sāra m. N. of work

≫ kṣepaṇi

   kṣepaṇi f. = ○ṇī, an oar L

≫ kṣepaṇika

   kṣepaṇika m. a boatman, navigator, Vāsav 
   • (mfn.) destroying (nāśaka) ib 
   • = karkarâdi L

≫ kṣepaṇīya

   kṣepaṇīya mfn. to be thrown or cast 
   • (am), n. a sling Ragh. iv, 77

≫ kṣepan

   kṣepan ā m. 'throw, cast', only (○pṇā), instr. ind. quickly TāṇḍyaBr. vii, 6, 4

≫ kṣepāya

   kṣepāya Nom. Ā. ○yate (p. ○yamāṇa), to abuse, revile W

≫ kṣepiman

   kṣepiman ā m. great velocity, speed Pāṇ. 6-4, 156 
   • g. pṛthv-ādi

≫ kṣepiṣṭha

   kṣépiṣṭha mfn. ( kṣiprá Pāṇ. 6-4, 156) quickest, speediest TS. iii, 4, 3, 2

≫ kṣepīyas

   kṣépīyas mfn. ( ib. Pāṇ. 6-4, 156) more quick, speedier ŚBr. vi, 3, 2, 2 
   • (as), ind. as quickly as possible, Śāntiś. iii, 6

≫ kṣeptavya

   kṣeptavya mfn. to be cast or thrown into Kathās. lxxi, 174 
   • to be reviled or abused MBh. i, 1467

≫ kṣeptṛ

   kṣeptṛ mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-1, 94 Sch.) a thrower, caster R. iv, 9, 84 and 18, 21

≫ kṣepnu

   kṣepnú m. springing or flying (of a bowstring) RV. x, 51, 6

≫ kṣepya

   kṣepya mfn. to be thrown or being thrown Hariv. 7524 
   • to be thrown (into, loc.) Suśr 
   • to be placed into Kathās. lxxxix, 26 
   • to be put on (as an ornament) Śak. Sch 
   • to be destroyed Bādar. iv, 3, 14 Sch 
   • (in arithm.) to be added Gol.vi, 19 Gaṇit


   kṣiyā √4. kṣi


   kṣillikā f. N. of the grand mother of king Cakra-varman Rājat. v, 289


   kṣiv . cl. 1. 4. P. kṣevati, kṣīvyati, to eject from the mouth, spit, vomit Dhātup. xv, 59 (v. l. kṣev) 
   • xxvi, 4 (cf. √ṣṭhiv and kṣīb.)


   kṣī = √4. kṣi (derived fr. kṣīṇá, -kṣī́ya) Dhātup. xxxi, 35 (v. l.)


   kṣīj cl. 1. P. ○jati, to sound inarticulately, sigh or groan (as in distress) Dhātup. vii, 63

≫ kṣījana

   kṣījana n. the whistling of hollow reeds or bamboos L


   kṣīṇá √4. kṣi


   kṣīb (or kṣīv), cl. 1. P. kṣībati (or kṣīvati), to eject from the mouth, spit Dhātup. xv, 59 
   • to be drunk or intoxicated W.: Caus. kṣībayati, to excite Bālar. viii, 62 
   • [√.kṣiv &c. ; cf. also Hib. siobhas, 'rage, madness.']

≫ kṣība

   kṣība (or kṣīva), mf(ā)n. (pf. p. Pass. √kṣīb Pāṇ. 8-2, 55) excited, drunk, intoxicated MBh. R. Bhartṛ. BhP. &c

⋙ kṣībatā

   ○tā f. intoxication, drunkenness Kathās. xiii, 10 
   • lvii, 8

⋙ kṣībatva

   ○tva n. id. ib. xxxvi, 87

≫ kṣīban

   kṣīban (or kṣīvan), mfn. = ○ba BhP. v, 17, 20. [Page 329, Column 3] 

≫ kṣībika

   kṣībika (or kṣīvika), mfn. = kṣībeṇa tarati Pāṇ. 8-2, 6 Vārtt. 7 Pat


   kṣīrá n. (fr. √śyai? 
   • fr. √kṣar, or √ghas Nir. ii, 5 
   • fr. √ghas Uṇ. iv, 34 
   • g. ardharcâdi), milk, thickened milk RV. AV. VS. TS. &c. (ifc. f. ā MBh. xiii, 3700) 
   • the milky juice or sap of plants R. Suśr. Megh. 106 Śak. (v. l.) 
   • = -śīrṣa (q.v.) L 
   • water L 
   • m. N. of a grammarian (cf. -svāmin) Rājat. iv, 488 
   • (ā), f. N. of a plant (= kakolī)' L 
   • (ī), f. a dish prepared with milk Bhpr 
   • N. of several plants containing a milky sap (Asclepia rosea, Mimosa Kauki, gigantic swallow-wort, Euphorbia, &c.) L

⋙ kṣīrakañcukin

   ○kañcukin m. (= kṣīrī7śa, q.v.) Lipeocercis serrata L

⋙ kṣīrakaṇṭha

   ○kaṇṭha m. 'having milk in his throat', a youngling Bālar. iv, 1 ; vi, 30 Prasannar

⋙ kṣīrakaṇṭhaka

   ○kaṇṭhaka m. id. L

⋙ kṣīrakanda

   ○kanda m. Batatus paniculata L 
   • (ā), f. id. L

⋙ kṣīrakalambha

   ○kalambha m. 'N. of a man', kṣairakalambhi

⋙ kṣīrakākolikā

   ○kākolikā f. N. of a √from the Himâlays (yielding a milky juice and used by the Hindūs as one of the 8 principal medicaments) L

⋙ kṣīrakākolī

   ○kākolī f. id. Suśr. i, iv

⋙ kṣīrakāṇḍaka

   ○kāṇḍaka m. = -dāru, q.v. L 
   • = -cchada L

⋙ kṣīrakāṣṭhā

   ○kāṣṭhā f. '(a plant) the wood of which yields a milky juice', variety of the figtree L

⋙ kṣīrakīṭa

   ○kīṭa m. an insect or animalcule generated by the fermentation of milk L

⋙ kṣīrakuṇḍa

   ○kuṇḍa n. a milk pot Kathās. lxiii, 189

⋙ kṣīrakṣaya

   ○kṣaya m. drying up of the milk (in the udder) Pañcat. ii

⋙ kṣīrakṣava

   ○kṣava for -yava, q.v

⋙ kṣīrakharjūra

   ○kharjūra m. a variety of date tree L

⋙ kṣīragarbha

   ○garbha m. N. of a certain Brāhman who was born again as a flamingo Hariv

⋙ kṣīragucchaphala

   ○gucchaphala m. Mimusops Kauki L

⋙ kṣīraghṛta

   ○ghṛta n. purified butter mixed with milk Suśr. (cf. -sarpis.)

⋙ kṣīracchada

   ○cchada m. Calotropis gigantea (the leaves of which yield a milky juice). Gal

⋙ kṣīraja

   ○ja n. coagulated milk L

⋙ kṣīrajāla

   ○jāla m. a kind of fish Gal

⋙ kṣīrataraṃgiṇī

   ○taraṃgiṇī f. N. of a grammar (by Kshīra-svāmin)

⋙ kṣīrataru

   ○taru m. a tree with a milky juice VarBṛS. VarYogay

⋙ kṣīratumbī

   ○tumbī f. the bottle-gourd L

⋙ kṣīrataila

   ○taila n. a kind of unguent prepared with milk, oil, &c. Suśr

⋙ kṣīratoyadhi

   ○toyadhi m. = kṣīra-dhi (q.v.) R. vi, 26, 6

⋙ kṣīrada

   ○da mfn. milk-giving, (anything) that yields milk W

⋙ kṣīradala

   ○dala m. = -cchada L

⋙ kṣīradātrī

   ○dātrī f. (a cow) who yields milk MBh. xiii, 4919

⋙ kṣīradāru

   ○dāru m. (= -kāṇḍaka) Tithymalus antiquorum Car. vii, 10

⋙ kṣīradruma

   ○druma m. the holy fig-tree L

⋙ kṣīradhara

   ○dhara m. N. of a prince

⋙ kṣīradhātrī

   ○dhātrī f. a wet-nurse Buddh. L

⋙ kṣīradhi

   ○dhi m. the ocean of milk

⋙ kṣīradhenu

   ○dhenu f. a milk-cow (symbolically represented by milk &c. offered as a gift to a Brāhman), VārP. BhavP

⋙ kṣīranadī

   ○nadī f. N. of a river in the south (Pālār.)

⋙ kṣīranāśa

   ○nāśa m. Trophis aspera

⋙ kṣīranidhi

   ○nidhi m.= -dhi Ragh.i, 12 Pāṇ. 1-4, 51 Siddh

⋙ kṣīranīra

   ○nīra n. (in comp.) milk and water Vet 
   • 'union like the mixing of milk and water', embracing, embrace L 
   • -nidhi m. = kṣīra-dhi

⋙ kṣīrapa

   ○pa mfn. drinking only milk (said of infants Suśr. i, 35, 25 
   • of a class of ascetics MBh. xiii, 646) 
   • m. an infant, young child, xiii, 5986

⋙ kṣīraparṇin

   ○parṇin m. = -cchada L

⋙ kṣīrapalāṇḍu

   ○palāṇḍu m. a kind of onion Suśr

⋙ kṣīrapāka

   ○pāká mfn. cooked in milk RV. viii, 77, 10 
   • -vidhi m. preparing of medicinal drugs by cooking them in milk Bhpr

⋙ kṣīrapāṇa

   ○pāṇa mf(ī)n. (any vessel) out of which milk is drunk L. (also -pāna id.) 
   • (ās), m. pl. 'milk-drinkers', N. of the Uśīnaras Pāṇ. 8-4, 9 Kāś

⋙ kṣīrapāṇi

   ○pāṇi m. N. of a physician Bhpr

⋙ kṣīrapāna

   ○pāna mf(ī)n. = -pāṇa (q.v.) L

⋙ kṣīrapāyin

   ○pāyin mfn. drinking milk W 
   • drinking or imbibing water repeatedly W 
   • (iṇas), m. pl. (= -pāṇa), 'milk-drinkers', N. of the Uśinaras Pāṇ. 3-2, 81 Kāś

⋙ kṣīrapuṣpikā

   ○puṣpikā f. a white variety of Vishṇu-krāntā Npr

⋙ kṣīrapuṣpī

   ○puṣpī f. Andropogon aciculatus Npr

⋙ kṣīraphala

   ○phala m. Carissa Carandas Npr

⋙ kṣīrabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. = -svāmin

⋙ kṣīrabhṛta

   ○bhṛta mfn. supported by milk, receiving wages in the form of milk Mn. viii, 231

⋙ kṣīramadhurā

   ○madhurā f. = kākolī L

⋙ kṣīramaya

   ○maya mfn. representing milk (as wishes or desires) BhP. iv, 18, 9

⋙ kṣīramahārṇava

   ○mahârṇava m. = -dhi Kād

⋙ kṣīramṛtsna

   ○mṛtsna m. N. of a tree Hcar. Sch

⋙ kṣīramocaka

   ○mocaka m. a variety of Moringa (M. hyperanthera) L

⋙ kṣīramoraṭa

   ○moraṭa m. a kind of creeping plant Suśr

⋙ kṣīrayava

   ○yava m. dolomite L

⋙ kṣīrayaṣṭika

   ○yaṣṭika m. (for -ṣāṣṭ○?) a dish of liquorice and milk W

⋙ kṣīrayājin

   ○yājín mfn. presenting oblations of milk (to the gods) ŚBr. i, 6, 4, 14

⋙ kṣīralatā

   ○latā f. = -kanda L

⋙ kṣīraleham

   ○leham ind. so as to lap milk Kauś. 30

⋙ kṣīravat

   ○vat (○rá.), mfn. furnished with milk AV. xviii, 4, 16 
   • (tī), f. N. of a river MBh. iii, 8046

⋙ kṣīravanaspati

   ○vanaspati m. = -taru Hcat

⋙ kṣīravallikā

   ○vallikā f. = -kākolī Bhpr

⋙ kṣīravallī

   ○vallī f. = -kanda L

⋙ kṣīravaha

   ○vaha mf(ā)n. running with milk (as a river) Hcat. [Page 330, Column 1] 

⋙ kṣīravāri

   ○vāri m. = -dhi L 
   • ○ri-dhi m. id. Kathās. xxii, 188 
   • cxiv, 54

⋙ kṣīravikṛti

   ○vikṛti f. any product made from milk (as cheese &c.) L

⋙ kṣīravidārikā

   ○vidārikā f. = -kanda L

⋙ kṣīravidārī

   ○vidārī f. id. L

⋙ kṣīraviṣāṇikā

   ○viṣāṇikā f. = -śṛṅgī L 
   • = -kākolī L

⋙ kṣīravṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru VarBṛS 
   • a common N. for the 4 trees nyagrodha, udumbara (the glomerous fig-tree Śak. iv Suśr.) aśvattha, and madhūka Suśr 
   • = -gucchaphala L

⋙ kṣīravrata

   ○vrata n. living upon milk in consequence of a vow KātyŚr

⋙ kṣīraśara

   ○śara m. the surface or skim of milk, cream, curds L 
   • (ā), f. id. Gal

⋙ kṣīraśāka

   ○śāka n. id. Bhpr

⋙ kṣīraśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa m. the resin of Pinus longifolia L

⋙ kṣīraśīrṣaka

   ○śīrṣaka m. id. Gal

⋙ kṣīraśukla

   ○śukla m. Trapa bispinosa L 
   • = -rājâdanī L 
   • (ā), f. = -kanda Suśr 
   • = -kākolī Bhpr

⋙ kṣīraśṛṅgī

   ○śṛṅgī f. Tragia involucrata Gal

⋙ kṣīraśrī

   ○śrī́ mfn. mixed with milk VS. viii, 57 TS. iv ŚBr. xii

⋙ kṣīraṣāṣṭika

   ○ṣāṣṭika n. Ṣashṭika rice cooked with milk Yājñ. i, 303 (○STh○ ed.)

⋙ kṣīrasaṃtānikā

   ○saṃtānikā f. curds mixed with milk L

⋙ kṣīrasamudra

   ○samudra m. = -dhi Pañcat 
   • (in Śvetadviipa) Tantras

⋙ kṣīrasambhava

   ○sambhava n. sour milk Gal

⋙ kṣīrasarpis

   ○sarpis n. = -ghṛta Suśr

⋙ kṣīrasāgara

   ○sāgara m. = -dhi BhP. viii, 5, 11 
   • -sutā f. 'born from the ocean of milk', N. of Lakshmī

⋙ kṣīrasāra

   ○sāra m. 'essence of milk', cream L 
   • butter W

⋙ kṣīrasindhu

   ○sindhu m. = -dhi Pañcar

⋙ kṣīrasphaṭika

   ○sphaṭika m. a precious stone (described as a kind of milky crystal, perhaps a species of opal) L

⋙ kṣīrasrāva

   ○srāva m. = -śīrṣa Npr

⋙ kṣīrasvāmin

   ○svāmin m. N. of a grammarian and Comm. on the Amara-kosha (according to Kaśmīrian tradition the same with Kshīra, q.v.) Comm. on Kum. vi, 46 &c

⋙ kṣīrahotṛ

   ○hotṛ (○rá-), mfn. (g. yuktârohy-ādi) = -yājín ŚBr. ii KātyŚr

⋙ kṣīrahomin

   ○"ṣhomin mfn. id. KātyŚr

⋙ kṣīrahrada

   ○hrada m. N. of a man, g. śivâdi

⋙ kṣīrāda

   kṣīrâda m. 'sucking milk', an infant at the breast, sucking child W

⋙ kṣīrānna

   kṣīrânna n. rice cooked with milk Subh 
   • ○nnâda mfn. eating rice cooked with milk (as an infant older than two years 
   • or 'eating milk and food', as an infant which is both suckled and fed) Suśr

⋙ kṣīrābdhi

   kṣīrâbdhi m. = ○ra-dhi VP. Kathās. xxii, 186 
   • -ja m. the Amṛita or any of the precious objects produced at the churning of the ocean L 
   • the moon L 
   • Śesha L 
   • Tārkshya L 
   • (ā), f. Lakshmī (cf. ○ra-sāgara-sutā) L 
   • (am), n. sea-salt L 
   • a pearl L 
   • -tanayā f. = -jā L 
   • -putrī f. id. Gal 
   • -mānuṣī f. id. L

⋙ kṣīrāmbudhi

   kṣīrâmbu-dhi m. = ○ra-dhi Veṇis. Bālar. Kathās. xvii, 8

⋙ kṣīrārṇava

   kṣīrârṇava m. id. Hcat

⋙ kṣīrāhva

   kṣīrâhva m. = ○ra-śīrṣa L

⋙ kṣīrāhvaya

   kṣīrâhvaya m. id. L

⋙ kṣīrottarā

   kṣīrôttarā f. inspissated milk Gal

⋙ kṣīrottha

   kṣīrôttha n. 'produced from milk', fresh butter Gal

⋙ kṣīroda

   kṣīrôda m. (Pāṇ. 6-3, 57 Vārtt.) (= ○ra-dhi) the ocean of milk MBh. Hariv. 12834 R. Suśr. Kum. BhP 
   • Nom. P. ○dati, to become the ocean of milk Subh 
   • -jā f. (= kṣīrâbdhi-jā) N. of Lakshmī (in comp. -vasati-janma-bhū, 'the birth-place of ḻakshmī's abode or the lotus flowers', i.e. water) Sāh 
   • -tanayā f. (= -jā) N. of Lakshmī (in comp. -pati, 'the husband of Lakshmī', i. e. Vishṇu) 
   • -nandana m. (= kṣīrâbdhi-ja) the moon L 
   • -mathana n. the churning of the ocean of milk (undertaken by the Devas and Asuras to obtain the Amṛita &c.) MBh. i, 366 R. i, 45, 18 VarBṛS. Deviim 
   • ○dârṇava m. the ocean of milk NṛisUp. Hcat

⋙ kṣīrodaka

   kṣīrôdaka m. N. of a tree Hcar. Sch

⋙ kṣīrodadhi

   kṣīrôdadhi m. = ○radhi MBh. xii, 12778 BhP

⋙ kṣīrodanvat

   kṣīrôdanvat m. id. Prasannar

⋙ kṣīrodīya

   kṣīrôdīya Nom. P. to behave like the ocean of milk Sāh

⋙ kṣīropasecana

   kṣīrôpasecana n. pouring milk upon BhP

⋙ kṣīrormi

   kṣīrôrmi mf. a wave of the ocean of milk Ragh. iv, 27

⋙ kṣīraudana

   kṣīrâudaná m. (Pāṇ. 2-1, 34 Kāś.) rice boiled with milk ŚBr. ii, 5, 3, 4 
   • xi, 5, 7, 5 
   • xiv (○râu4dana) Kauś. Suśr

≫ kṣīraka

   kṣīraka m. N. of a fragrant plant L 
   • (ikā), f. a dish prepared with milk Bhpr 
   • a variety of the date tree MBh. iii, 11570 (= iii, 158, 47, ed. Bomb 
   • v. l. ○ka) Lalit. xxiv

≫ kṣīrasa

   kṣīrasa for kṣīra-rasa, q.v. L

≫ kṣīrasya

   kṣīrasya Nom. P. ○syati, to long for milk or for the breast Pāṇ. 7-1, 51

≫ kṣīrāya

   kṣīrāya Nom. P. ○yati, to be changed into milk Vet

≫ kṣīrāvikā


⋙ kṣīrāvī

   kṣīrāvī f. a variety of Asclepias L

≫ kṣīrika

   kṣīrika m. a kind of serpent Suśr. v, 4, 35 
   • for ○rikā, s.v. ○raka

≫ kṣīrin

   kṣīrín mfn. milky, yielding milk, having plenty of milk AV. vii, 50, 9 Yājñ. i, 204 Mṛicch 
   • containing milky sap (as a tree or plant) ŚBr. vi KātyŚr. Gobh. ĀśvGṛ. Mn. &c 
   • (ī), m. N. of several plants containing a milky sap ( kṣīrī) Suśr 
   • (iṇī), f. a dish prepared with milk Kathās. lxv, 142 f 
   • N. of several plants (Mimusops Kauki L. [Page 330, Column 2] 
   • a variety of acid Asclepias used in medicine L 
   • &c.) Suśr. iv, 9, 26

⋙ kṣīrīśa

   kṣīrī7śa m. 'lord of the plants with a milky sap', = ○ra-kañcukin L

≫ kṣīrībhū

   kṣīrī-√bhū to be changed into milk Bādar. ii, 2, 5 Sch

≫ kṣīrīya

   kṣīrīya Nom. P. ○yati, to desire milk Pāṇ. 7-1, 51 Kāś

≫ kṣīreyī

   kṣīreyī for kṣair○ (q.v.) L


   kṣīv kṣīva, √kṣīb

kṣu 1

   kṣu cl. 2. P. kṣauti (Gaut 
   • pr. p. kṣuvat TāṇḍyaBr. Mn. iv, 43 BhP. ix, 6, 4 
   • perf. cukṣāva Bhaṭṭ 
   • Pass. cukṣuve Śiś. ix, 83 
   • fut. 2nd kṣaviṣyati Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh 
   • fut. 1st kṣavitā Vop 
   • ind. p. kṣutvā Mn. v, 145 MBh.), to sneeze 
   • to cough W.: Desid. cukṣūṣati, to try to sneeze JaimBr.: Caus. Desid. cukṣāvayiṣati Pāṇ. Siddh. ; [Lith. cśaudmi.]

≫ kṣava

   kṣáva m. sneezing AV. xix, 8, 5 
   • cough, catarrh L 
   • black mustard (Sinapis dichotoma) L

⋙ kṣavakṛt

   ○kṛt m. '(anything) which causes sneezing', the plant Artemisia sternutatoria Bhpr

≫ kṣavaka

   kṣavaka m. the plant Achyranthes aspera (= apâmārgá) L 
   • black mustard L 
   • another plant (= bhūtâṅkuśa) L 
   • (ikā), f. a variety of Solanum L 
   • a species of rice W 
   • a woman W 
   • (am), n. a kind of pot-herb Suśr. i, vi

≫ kṣavathu

   kṣavathu m. (Pāṇ. 3-3, 89 Kāś.) sneezing Āp. ii, 3, 2 Suśr 
   • catarrh, cough, irritation of the throat, sore throat (kṣayathu L.) W

≫ kṣut 1

   kṣut t f. a sneeze, sneezing MārkP. xxxv, 24

⋙ kṣujjanikā

   kṣuj-janikā f. 'causing a sneeze', mustard Npr

⋙ kṣutkarī

   kṣut-karī f. id. (commonly kaṅkālikā) L

⋙ kṣudvibodhana

   kṣud-vibodhana m. black mustard Npr

≫ kṣuta

   kṣuta mfn. one who has sneezed MBh. xiii, 7584 
   • (= ava-kṣ○) sneezed upon ib. 1577 
   • for kṣṇuta (sharp) L 
   • m. black mustard Gal 
   • (am), n. (also as, ā mf. L.) sneezing Yājñ. i, 196 Suśr

⋙ kṣutavat

   ○vat mfn. (perf. p. P.) one who has sneezed Caurap

⋙ kṣutābhijanana

   kṣutâbhijanana m. 'causing a sneeze', black mustard L

≫ kṣutaka

   kṣutaka m. black mustard L

≫ kṣuti

   kṣuti f. sneezing Vop. ix, 53

≫ kṣuvat

   kṣuvat mfn. pr. p., s.v. √1. kṣu

kṣu 2

   kṣú u n. (√ghas Naigh. ii, 7) food RV. ix, 97, 22 and x, 61, 12

⋙ kṣumat

   ○mat mfn. abounding in food, nourishing, nutritious RV. TBr. ii 
   • strong, powerful, robust RV


   kṣuj-janikā 1. kṣut


   kṣuṇa m. the soap-berry plant (Sapindus saponaria, = ariṣṭa) L


   kṣuṇṇa ○ṇṇaka, √kṣud

kṣut 1

   kṣut kṣuta, &c. √1. kṣu

kṣut 2

   kṣut for 2, kṣúdh, q.v

kṣud 1

   kṣud cl. 1. P. kṣódati, to strike against, shake RV. vii, 85, 1 (Naigh. ii, 14) 
   • Ā. to move, be agitated or shaken RV. v, 58, 6: cl. 7. P. Ā. kṣuṇatti, kṣuntte (impf. akṣuṇat 
   • aor. 3. pl. akṣautsur 
   • fut. kṣotsyati Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh.), to stamp or trample upon Bhaṭṭ.: Caus. kṣodayati (impf. ákṣodayat), to shake or agitate by stamping RV. iv, 19, 4 
   • to crush, pound, pulverise Suśr 
   • (Nom. P. fr. kṣudrá) to reduce, diminish Bhaṭṭ. xviii, 26 ; [Gk. ?, ? for ?, ?, ? [330, 2] ? Lith. skausti?]

≫ kṣuṇṇa

   kṣuṇṇa mfn. stamped or trampled upon MBh. viii, 4845 VarBṛS. liv Ragh. i, 17 Pañcat. &c 
   • pounded, bruised, crushed, pulverised Suśr. Pāṇ. 4-2, 92 Kāś 
   • broken to pieces, shattered, pierced MBh. iii, 678 Mṛicch. BhP. MārkP 
   • violated (as a vow) R. i, 8, 9 (a-kṣ○) 
   • practised, exercised (as the body) Suśr 
   • thought over repeatedly, reflected on again and again W 
   • one versed in sacred science but unable to explain or teach it W 
   • defeated, overcome W 
   • multiplied Sūryas. (cf. akṣ○.)

⋙ kṣuṇṇamanas

   ○manas mfn. contrite in heart, penitent W

≫ kṣuṇṇaka

   kṣuṇṇaka m. a kind of drum beaten at a funeral L

≫ kṣuda

   kṣuda m. flour, meal L

≫ kṣudra

   kṣudrá mf(ā)n. (compar. kṣodīyas, superl. ○diṣṭha, qq.vv.) minute, diminutive, tiny, very small, little, trifling AV. VS. xiv, 30 TBr. iii ŚBr. ChUp. AitUp. Yājñ. &c 
   • mean, low, vile Mn. vii, 27 Yājñ. i, 309 MBh. &c 
   • wicked (said in joke) Mālav 
   • niggardly, avaricious L 
   • cruel L 
   • poor, indigent L 
   • m. a small particle of rice L. [Page 330, Column 3] 
   • = -roga (q.v.) Suśr 
   • = -panasa (q.v.) L 
   • (ā), f. (Pāṇ. 4-3, 119) a kind of bee Bhpr 
   • a fly, gnat L 
   • a base or despicable woman Pāṇ. 4-1, 131 
   • a maimed or crippled woman ib. Pat 
   • a whore, harlot L 
   • a dancing girl L 
   • a quarrelsome woman L 
   • N. of several plants (Solanum Jacquini, also another variety of Solanum, Oxalis pusilla, Coix barbata, Nardostachys Jaṭā-māṃsī) L 
   • (ám), n. a particle of dust, flour, meal RV. i, 129, 6 and viii, 49, 4 ; [Lith. kūdikis, 'an infant' ; Pers. ? kūdak, 'small a boy.']

⋙ kṣudrakaṇṭakārī

   ○kaṇṭakārī f. a species of small prickly nightshade (Solanum Jacquini) L

⋙ kṣudrakaṇṭakī

   ○kaṇṭakī f. 'having small thorns', a variety of Solanum

⋙ kṣudrakaṇṭārikā

   ○kaṇṭārikā f. = ○ṭakārī L

⋙ kṣudrakaṇṭikā

   ○kaṇṭikā f. = ○ṭakī L

⋙ kṣudrakambu

   ○kambu m. a small shell W

⋙ kṣudrakarman

   ○karman mfn. acting in a low or vile manner R. ii, 53, 18

⋙ kṣudrakalpa

   ○kalpa m. 'the smaller ritual', N. of a class of works

⋙ kṣudrakāralikā

   ○kāralikā f. a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant L

⋙ kṣudrakāravellī

   ○kāravellī f. id. L

⋙ kṣudrakuliśa

   ○kuliśa m. a precious stone L

⋙ kṣudrakuṣṭha

   ○kuṣṭha n. a mild form of leprosy (comprising eleven varieties, whereas the mahā-k○ contains seven severe forms of leprosy) Suśr

⋙ kṣudraklripti

   ○klripti f. arrangement of the minor requirements (of a sacrifice) Lāṭy. vi, 9, 1 Sch

⋙ kṣudrakṣura

   ○kṣura m. a variety of Asteracantha longifolia L

⋙ kṣudraguḍa

   ○guḍa m. lump-sugar Gal

⋙ kṣudragokṣuraka

   ○go-kṣuraka m. = -kṣura L

⋙ kṣudraghaṇṭikā

   ○ghaṇṭikā f. a tinkling ornament, girdle of small bells L

⋙ kṣudraghaṇṭī

   ○ghaṇṭī f. id. L

⋙ kṣudragholī

   ○gholī f. N. of a small shrub (= civillikā) L

⋙ kṣudracañcu

   ○cañcu f. 'having small points', N. of a plant L

⋙ kṣudracandana

   ○candana n. red sandal-wood L

⋙ kṣudracampaka

   ○campaka m. a variety of the Campaka tree Bhpr

⋙ kṣudracirbhitā

   ○cirbhitā f. a variety of Curcumis L

⋙ kṣudracūda

   ○cūda m. 'having a small tuft', a kind of small bird (commonly gośālika) L

⋙ kṣudrajantu

   ○jantu m. any small animal Pāṇ. 2-4, 8 VarBṛS. Hit 
   • a kind of worm (Julus, śata-padī) L

⋙ kṣudrajātīphala

   ○jātī-phala n. a kind of Myrobalan L

⋙ kṣudrajīra

   ○jīra m. small cummin L

⋙ kṣudrajīvā

   ○jīvā f. N. of a plant (= jīvantī) L

⋙ kṣudraṃcara

   ○ṃcara mfn. grazing on small or minute herbs (as a deer) BhP. iv, 29, 53

⋙ kṣudrataṇḍula

   ○taṇḍula m. a grain of rice W

⋙ kṣudratā

   ○tā f. minuteness, smallness W 
   • inferiority, insignificance W 
   • meanness W

⋙ kṣudratāta

   ○tāta m. (= kṣulla-t○) a father's brother L

⋙ kṣudratulasī

   ○tulasī f. a variety of Ocimum L

⋙ kṣudratva

   ○tva n. = -tā W

⋙ kṣudradaṃśikā

   ○daṃśikā f. a small gad-fly L

⋙ kṣudradaṃśī

   ○daṃśī f. id. W

⋙ kṣudradurālabhā

   ○durālabhā f. N. of a thorny plant (much eaten by camels, a variety of Alhagi) L

⋙ kṣudraduḥsparśā

   ○duḥsparśā f. = -kaṇṭārī L

⋙ kṣudradhātrī

   ○dhātrī f. N. of a plant (= karkaṭa) L

⋙ kṣudradhānya

   ○dhānya n. an inferior kind of grain VarBṛS. Bhpr 
   • shrivelled grain L

⋙ kṣudranadī

   ○nadī f. a rivulet VP. ii, 4, 66

⋙ kṣudranāsika

   ○nāsika mfn. one who has a small nose L

⋙ kṣudrapakṣika

   ○pakṣika m. a small bird L

⋙ kṣudrapattrā

   ○pattrā f. 'having small leaves', Oxalis pusilla L

⋙ kṣudrapattrī

   ○pattrī f. another plant (= vacā) Bhpr

⋙ kṣudrapada

   ○pada n. 'a small foot', a kind of measure of length (equal to 10 Aṅgulas), Śulb. i, 6

⋙ kṣudrapanasa

   ○panasa m. the plant Artocarpus Lacucha (lakuca or ḍahu) Bhpr

⋙ kṣudraparṇa

   ○parṇa m. = -tulasī L

⋙ kṣudrapaśu

   ○paśu m. small cattle Gaut. xiii, 14 
   • -mat mfn. possessed of small cattle Āp

⋙ kṣudrapāṣāṇabhedaka

   ○pāṣāṇa-bhedaka m. ṅal.,

⋙ kṣudrapāṣāṇabhedā


⋙ kṣudrapāṣāṇabhedī

   ○pāṣāṇa-bhedī f. N. of a plant (= catuḥpattrī, pārvatī, nagna-bhū, &c.) L

⋙ kṣudrapippalī

   ○pippalī f. wild pepper (= vana-p○) L

⋙ kṣudrapṛṣatī

   ○pṛṣatī (○drá-), f. (a cow) covered with small spots VS. xxiv, 2 MaitrS. iii, 13, 3

⋙ kṣudrapotikā

   ○potikā f. N. of a pot-herb (a variety of Basella) L

⋙ kṣudraphalaka

   ○phalaka m. N. of a plant (= jīvana, Celtis orientalis) L

⋙ kṣudraphalā

   ○phalā f. 'having small fruits', N. of several plants (Ardisia solanacea, Solanum Jacquini, &c.) L

⋙ kṣudrabaka

   ○baka v. l. for kṣudraka, q.v

⋙ kṣudrabalā

   ○balā f. = -potikā L

⋙ kṣudrabuddhi

   ○buddhi m. 'of little understanding' or 'of a low character', N. of a jackal Hit

⋙ kṣudrabha

   ○bha m. a particular measure of weight (= a Kola) SārṅgS. i, 1, 16

⋙ kṣudrabhaṇṭākī

   ○bhaṇṭākī f. = -kaṇṭakī Bhpr

⋙ kṣudrabhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. N. of a man BhP. x, 85, 51

⋙ kṣudramahā

   ○mahā for -sahā, q.v

⋙ kṣudramīna

   ○mīna m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS. xiv

⋙ kṣudramustā

   ○mustā f. the √of Scirpus Kysoor L

⋙ kṣudrarasa

   ○rasa ās m. pl. base pleasures BhP. v, 13, 10 
   • (ā), f. the plant Pongamia glabra L

⋙ kṣudraruhā

   ○ruhā f. the Coloquintida Gal

⋙ kṣudraroga

   ○roga ās m. pl. a class of minor diseases (of which forty-four are enumerated, especially exanthemas of different kinds) Suśr

⋙ kṣudrarogika

   ○"ṣrogika mfn. affected with a disease called kṣudraroga Suśr

⋙ kṣudravaṃśā

   ○vaṃśā f. 'small reed', the plant Mimosa pudica L

⋙ kṣudravajra

   ○vajra m. = -kuliśa Gal

⋙ kṣudravarvaṇā

   ○varvaṇā f. = -daṃśikā L

⋙ kṣudravallī

   ○vallī f. = -potikā L. (v. l.)

⋙ kṣudravārtākinī

   ○vārtākinī f. = -kaṇṭakī L

⋙ kṣudravārtākī

   ○vārtākī f. id. L

⋙ kṣudravāstukī

   ○vāstukī f. a variety of Chenopodium L. [Page 331, Column 1] 

⋙ kṣudravaidehī

   ○vaidehī f. the plant Scindapsus officinalis L

⋙ kṣudraśaṅkha

   ○śaṅkha m. a small conch shell L

⋙ kṣudraśaṇapuṣpikā

   ○śaṇa-puṣpikā f. a variety of Crotolaria L

⋙ kṣudraśarkarā

   ○śarkarā f. a kind of sugar (coming from the Yavanāla) L

⋙ kṣudraśarkarikā

   ○śarkarikā f. id. L

⋙ kṣudraśārdūla

   ○śārdūla m. 'a small tiger', leopard L

⋙ kṣudraśīrṣa

   ○śīrṣa m. the tree Celosia cristata (= mayūra-śikhā) L

⋙ kṣudraśīla

   ○śīla mfn. of a vile character R. iii, 35, 60

⋙ kṣudraśukti

   ○śukti f. a bivalve shell (= jala-ś○) L

⋙ kṣudraśuktikā

   ○śuktikā f. id. L

⋙ kṣudraśyāmā

   ○śyāmā f. the tree Kaṭabhī L

⋙ kṣudraśleṣmāntaka

   ○śleṣmântaka m. the plant Cordia Myxa L

⋙ kṣudraśvāsa

   ○śvāsa m. short breath Suśr

⋙ kṣudraśvetā

   ○śvetā f. = -śyamā Suśr

⋙ kṣudrasamācāra

   ○samācāra mfn. proceeding in a vile manner Pañcat

⋙ kṣudrasahā

   ○sahā f. Phaseolus trilobus Car. (v. l. -mahā) Suśr 
   • = -ruhā L

⋙ kṣudrasuvarṇa

   ○suvarṇa n. bad gold, prince's metal L

⋙ kṣudrasūkta

   ○sū7kta n. a short hymn ŚāṅkhGṛ. ii, 7 
   • m. an author of short hymns ĀśvGṛ. iii, 4, 2 ŚāṅkhGṛ. iv, 10

⋙ kṣudrasphoṭa

   ○sphoṭa m. a pustule L

⋙ kṣudrasvarṇa

   ○svarṇa n. = -suvarṇa Gal

⋙ kṣudrahan

   ○han m. 'killing the wicked', N. of Śiva

⋙ kṣudrahiṅgulikā

   ○hiṅgulikā f. = -kaṇṭakārī L

⋙ kṣudrahiṅgulī

   ○hiṅgulī f. id. W

⋙ kṣudrākṣa

   kṣudrâkṣa mfn. having small eyes, i.e. holes (as a net) MBh. v, 1160 and 4340 (v. l. kṣudrêkṣa)

⋙ kṣudrāgnimantha

   kṣudrâgni-mantha m. Premna spinosa (used for kindling fire) L

⋙ kṣudrācarita

   kṣudrâcarita mfn. visited by common people (as a country) Āp

⋙ kṣudrāñjana

   kṣudrâñjana n. a kind of unguent (applied to the eyes in certain diseases) Suśr

⋙ kṣudrāṇḍa

   kṣudrâṇḍa m. 'born from minute eggs', in comp. -matsyasaṃghāta m. small fry L

⋙ kṣudrātman

   kṣudrâtman mfn. of a low character R. iii, 35, 68

⋙ kṣudrāntra

   kṣudrântra n. the small cavity of the heart W

⋙ kṣudrāpāmārga


⋙ kṣudrāpāmārgaka

   kṣudrâpāmārgaka m. Desmochaeta atropurpurea (= raktâp○, a biennial plant) L

⋙ kṣudrāmalaka

   kṣudrâmalaka n. Myrobalan L 
   • -saṃjña m. N. of a tree (= karkaṭa) L

⋙ kṣudrāmbupanasa

   kṣudrâmbu-panasa m. v. l. for kṣudrâmla-p○ L

⋙ kṣudrāmra

   kṣudrâmra m. Mangifera sylvatica (kośâmra) L

⋙ kṣudrāmlapanasa

   kṣudrâmlapanasa m. = kṣudra-panasa L

⋙ kṣudrāmlā

   kṣudrâmlā f. wood-sorrel L 
   • a species of gourd L

⋙ kṣudrāmlikā

   kṣudrâmlikā f. = kṣudra-pattrā L

⋙ kṣudrekṣa

   kṣudrêkṣa for ○drâkṣa, q.v

⋙ kṣudreṅgudī

   kṣudrêṅgudī f. Alhagi Maurorum L

⋙ kṣudrervāru

   kṣudrêrvāru m. a species of gourd L

⋙ kṣudrailā

   kṣudrâilā f. small cardamoms (different from those called sūkṣmâilā) Suśr

⋙ kṣudrodumbarikā

   kṣudrôdumbarikā f. Ficus oppositifolia (= kākôd○) L

⋙ kṣudropodakanāmnī

   kṣudrôpodaka-nāmnī f. N. of a pot-herb (a variety of Basella) L

⋙ kṣudropodakī

   kṣudrôpodakī f. N. of a pot-herb L

⋙ kṣudrolūka

   kṣudrôlūka m. a kind of small owl L

≫ kṣudraka

   kṣudraka mfn. small, minute Mn. viii, 297 
   • short (as the breath) Suśr 
   • m. N. of a prince (son of Prasenajit) BhP. ix, 12, 14 VP. (v. l. kṣudra-baka) 
   • (ās), m. pl., N. of a people living by warfare (the ?) MBh. ii, 1871 ; vi, 2106 Pāṇ. 5-3, 114 Kāś 
   • (ikā), f. a kind of gad-fly L 
   • small bells employed for ornament (cf. kṣudra-ghaṇṭikā) L 
   • (am), n. N. of a collection of Buddhist works

⋙ kṣudrakamānasa

   ○mānasa n. N. of a lake (in Kaśmīr) Suśr

≫ kṣudrala

   kṣudrala mfn. minute, small, unimportant (applied to animals and diseases), g. sidhmâdi

≫ kṣudrīya

   kṣudrīya mfn. fr. ○drá g. utkarâdi

≫ kṣottavya

   kṣottavya mfn. to be mashed (as a louse &c.) Pat. on Pāṇ. 2-4, 8

≫ kṣottṛ

   kṣottṛ ttā m. a pestle, any implement for grinding Comm. on Uṇ. ii, 94

≫ kṣoda

   kṣoda m. stamping, shattering, crushing into pieces Bālar 
   • pounding, grinding W 
   • the stone or slab on which anything is ground or powdered, mortar &c. W 
   • any pounded or ground or pulverized substance, flour, meal, powder, dust R. ii, 104, 12 Kād. SkandaP. Kathās 
   • a drop Kād 
   • a lump, piece ib 
   • multiplication Gaṇit

⋙ kṣodakṣama

   ○kṣama mfn. '(anything) that endures stamping or pounding', solid, valid Naish. vi, 113 Sāh

⋙ kṣodaraja

   ○raja mfn. ground to dust W

≫ kṣodas

   kṣodas n. (Naigh. i, 12) water in agitation, swell of the sea, rushing or stream of water RV

≫ kṣodita

   kṣodita mfn. pounded, ground W 
   • (am), n. any substance pulverized or ground, powder, dust, flour, meal L

≫ kṣodiman

   kṣodiman ā m. minuteness, excessive smallness or inferiority, g. pṛthv-ādi

≫ kṣodiṣṭha

   kṣódiṣṭha mfn. ( kṣudrá Pāṇ. 6-4, 156) smallest, thinnest MaitrS. i, 8, 6 GopBr. ii, 1, 9 
   • very small or minute W

≫ kṣodīyas

   kṣodīyas mfn. ( kṣudrá Pāṇ. 6-4, 156) smaller, still inferior Kāṭh. xv, 5 Hcar. [Page 331, Column 2] 
   • very fine or minute Śiś. ii, 100 (Sāh.) Hcat. i, 1, 1

≫ kṣodya

   kṣodya mfn. to be stamped or trampled on R. ii, 80, 10 
   • to be pounded W

kṣud 2

   kṣud 1. kṣut and √1. kṣudh

kṣudh 1

   kṣudh cl. 4. P. kṣúdhyati (p. kṣúdhyat 
   • impf. ákṣudhyat 
   • aor. Subj. kṣudhat 
   • fut. 1st kṣoddhā Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh 
   • ind. p. kṣudhitvā Pāṇ. 7-2, 52 Bhaṭṭ. ix, 39), to feel hungry, be hungry RV. i, 104, 7 AV. ii, 29, 4 TS. v, 5, 10, 6 ; vii, 4, 3, 1 Bhaṭṭ

≫ kṣut 2

   kṣut (in comp. for 2. kṣúdh)

⋙ kṣutkṣāma

   ○kṣāma mfn. emaciated by hunger MBh. i, 50, 1 Pañcat. Bhartṛ. Rājat 
   • -kaṇṭha mfn. id. Pañcat

⋙ kṣuttṛṭparīta

   ○tṛṭparī7ta mfn. suffering from hunger and thirst W

⋙ kṣuttṛḍudbhava

   ○tṛḍ-udbhava mfn. beginning to feel hungry and thirsty W

⋙ kṣuttṛṣānvita

   ○tṛṣânvita mfn. suffering from hunger and thirst W

⋙ kṣuttṛṣṇopapīḍita

   ○tṛṣṇôpapīḍita mfn. id. Mn. viii, 67

⋙ kṣutpara

   ○para mfn. very hungry MBh. xiii, 4463

⋙ kṣutparīta

   ○parī7ta mfn. overcome with hunger W

⋙ kṣutpipāsāpariśrānta

   ○pipāsā-pariśrānta mfn. wearied by hunger and thirst R

⋙ kṣutpipāsāparītāṅga

   ○pipāsā-parī7tâṅga mfn. one whose body is affected with hunger and thirst W

⋙ kṣutpipāsārta

   ○pipāsârta mfn. afflicted with hunger and thirst W

⋙ kṣutpipāsita

   ○pipāsita mfn. hungry and thirsty Mn. viii, 93

⋙ kṣutpratīkāra

   ○pratīkāra m. allaying hunger, eating Mn. x, 105

⋙ kṣutsambādha

   ○sambādha (kṣút-), mfn. suffering from famine TS. vii, 4, 11, 2

≫ kṣud

   kṣud (in comp. for 2. kṣúdh)

⋙ kṣudroga

   ○roga m. pain of hunger Pañcat

⋙ kṣudvat

   ○vat mfn. hungry L

≫ kṣudh 2

   kṣudh t f. hunger RV. AV. &c

≫ kṣudhā

   kṣudhā f. (g. ajâdi Gaṇar. 40) id. Nal. Pañcat 
   • a mystical N. of the letter y RāmatUp

⋙ kṣudhākara

   ○kara mfn. causing hunger Vedântas. Dhūrtas

⋙ kṣudhākuśala

   ○kuśala m. N. of a tree L

⋙ kṣudhādhvaṃsa

   ○dhvaṃsa m. allaying hunger W

⋙ kṣudhānaśana

   ○naśana n. 'allaying hunger', food Gal

⋙ kṣudhānvita

   ○"ṣnvita (○dhân○), mfn. afflicted with hunger W

⋙ kṣudhāpīḍita

   ○pīḍita mfn. id. W

⋙ kṣudhābhijanana

   ○"ṣbhijanana (○dhâbh○), for kṣutâbh○ (q.v.) L

⋙ kṣudhāmāra

   ○mārá m. death caused by starvation AV. iv, 17, 6 f

⋙ kṣudhārta

   ○"ṣrta (○dhâr○) mfn. = ○dhânvita Mn. x, 107 MBh. Hit

⋙ kṣudhārdita

   ○"ṣrdita (○dhâr○), mfn. id. MBh

⋙ kṣudhāvat

   ○vat mfn. = -kara W

⋙ kṣudhāviṣṭa

   ○"ṣviṣṭa (○dhâv○), mfn. affected by hunger W

⋙ kṣudhāśānti

   ○śānti f. allaying hunger, satiety, satisfaction Bhartṛ. ii, 23

⋙ kṣudhāsāgara

   ○sāgara m. a kind of drug (used to stimulate the appetite) L

≫ kṣudhālu

   kṣudhālu mfn. hungry, continually hungry Pañcat. i VarBṛS. lxviii, 110 and 114 
   • ci, 9

≫ kṣudhi

   kṣudhi m. N. of a son of Kṛishṇa BhP. x, 61, 16

≫ kṣudhita

   kṣudhita mfn. hungered Pāṇ. 7-2, 52 
   • (g. tārakâdi) hungry ChUp. MBh. R. Suśr. Ragh

≫ kṣun

   kṣun (in comp. for 2. kṣúdh)

⋙ kṣunnivṛtti

   ○nivṛtti f. cessation of hunger, appeasing of appetite W

⋙ kṣunmat

   ○mat mfn. hungry Veṇis. vi

≫ kṣodhuka

   kṣódhuka mfn. hungry TS. i, v, vi ŚBr. xii


   kṣudhuna ās m. pl., N. of a barbarous race Uṇ. iii, 55


   kṣup cl. 6. P. kṣupati, to be depressed or afraid R. vii, 76, 34


   kṣupa m. a bush, shrub (a small tree with short branches and roots W.) Yājñ. ii, 229 MBh. R. ii, 25, 7 VarBṛS 
   • N. of an old king (son of Prasaṃdhi and father of Ikshvāku) MBh 
   • N. of a son of Kṛishṇa by Satya-bhāmā Hariv. 9183 (v. l. kṛpa) 
   • N. of a mountain westward from Dvārakā ib. 8950 (v. l. a-kṣaya) 
   • (ā), f. a bush, shrub Suśr

⋙ kṣupaḍoḍamuṣṭi

   ○ḍoḍa-muṣṭi m. Hoya viridiflora L

⋙ kṣupālu

   kṣupâlu for anūpâlu

≫ kṣupaka

   kṣupaka as, ā mf. a bush, shrub Suśr

≫ kṣumpa

   kṣúmpa m. id. RV. i, 84, 8 (= ahicchattraka Nir. v, 16)

kṣubh 1

   kṣubh cl. 1. Ā. kṣobhate (only once ChUp.), cl. 4. P. Ā. kṣubhyati [MBh. &c.], ○te [Nir. v, 16 MBh. &c.], cl. 5. P. (only Pot. 3. pl. kṣubhnuyur JaimBr.), cl. 9. P. kṣubhnāti (only Bhaṭṭ. according to Pāṇ. 8-4, 39 
   • perf. P. cukṣobha BhP 
   • cukṣubhe MBh. R. Ragh. &c.: Cond. Ā. akṣobhiṣyata Bhaṭṭ. xxi, 6), to shake, tremble, be agitated or disturbed, be unsteady, stumble (literally and metaphorically): Caus. P. kṣobhayati, rarely Ā. ○te, to agitate, cause to shake, disturb, stir up, excite Mn. viii MBh. R. &c.: Desid. of Caus., cukṣobhayiṣu ; [Cambro-Brit. hwbiau, 'to make a sudden push' ; Gk. ? Mod. Germ. schiebe.] [331, 2] [Page 331, Column 3] 

≫ kṣubdha

   kṣubdha mfn. agitated, shaken MBh. iii, 12544 
   • expelled (as a king) Pāṇ. 7-2, 18 Siddh 
   • agitated (mentally), excited, disturbed (in comp. with citta or manas) Suśr 
   • m. the churning-stick Pāṇ. 7-2, 18 
   • a kind of coitus

⋙ kṣubdhatā

   ○tā f. agitation Bhartṛ. iii, 94

⋙ kṣubdhārṇava

   kṣubdhârṇava m. a stormy ocean W

≫ kṣubh 2

   kṣúbh f. (only instr. ○bhā́) a shake, push RV. v, 41, 13

≫ kṣubhā

   kṣubhā f. a kind of weapon ['the deity that presides over punishment' Sch.] MBh. iii, 199

≫ kṣubhita

   kṣubhita mfn. agitated, shaken, tossed, set in motion MBh. R. Suśr. Vikr. Kathās 
   • agitated (mentally), disturbed, frightened, alarmed, afraid (mostly in comp.) R. Pañcat. Kathās 
   • angry, enraged W

≫ kṣobha

   kṣobha m. shaking, agitation, disturbance, tossing, trembling, emotion MBh. R. Ragh. Vikr. Megh. &c 
   • (in dram.) an emotion that is the cause of any harsh speeches or reproaches Sāh. 471 and 480 (cf. bala-kṣ○.)

≫ kṣobhaka

   kṣobhaka mfn. shaking, causing agitation VP. i, 2, 31 
   • m. of a mountain in Kāmâkhyā (sacred to the goddess Durgā) KālP

≫ kṣobhaṇa

   kṣóbhaṇa mfn. shaking, agitating, disturbing, causing emotion RV. x, 103, 1 R. iii, 36, 10 
   • m. N. of Śiva MBh. xii, 10384 
   • of Vishṇu ib. xiii, 6990 
   • N. of one of the five arrows of the god of love Gīt. viii, 1 Sch

≫ kṣobhayitṛ

   kṣobhayitṛ mfn. one who gives the first impulse for anything Bādar. ii, 2, 8 Sch

≫ kṣobhiṇī

   kṣobhiṇī f. (in music) N. of a Śruti

≫ kṣobhya

   kṣobhya mfn. to be agitated or disturbed (ifc.) Kathās. lv, 120


   kṣu-mát 2. kṣú


   kṣumā́ f. N. of an arrow ('causing to tremble', for kṣubhā? Comm.) VS., x, 8 
   • N. of several plants (linseed, Linum usitatissimum 
   • a sort of flax, Bengal San, śaṇa 
   • the Indigo plant 
   • a sort of creeper) L. (cf. kṣauma.)


   kṣump cl. 1. P. kṣúmpati, to go Naigh. ii, 14


   kṣúmpa kṣupa


   kṣur cl. 6. P. kṣurati, to cut, dig, scratch Dhātup. xxviii, 54 
   • to make lines or furrows ib. (cf. √chur.)

≫ kṣura

   kṣurá m. (fr. √kṣṇu? 
   • Gk. ?) a [331, 3] razor RV. i, 166, 10 ; viii, 4, 16 ; x, 28, 9 AV. ŚBr. &c 
   • a razor-like barb or sharp blade attached to an arrow R. iii, 72, 14 (cf. -pra) 
   • Asteracantha longifolia L 
   • = -pattra L 
   • a thorny variety of Gardenia or Randia L 
   • Trilobus lanuginosus L 
   • (for khura) the hoof of a cow W 
   • (for khura) a horse's hoof W 
   • (for khura) the foot of a bedstead L 
   • (ī), f. a knife, dagger (cf. churī) L 
   • (mfn.) = kṣura-vat, 'having claws or hoofs' Sāy. on RV. x, 28, 9

⋙ kṣurakarṇī

   ○karṇī f. N. of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix, 2643

⋙ kṣurakarman

   ○karman n. the operation of shaving VarBṛS

⋙ kṣurakṛtya

   ○kṛtya n. id. Gobh. iii, 1, 22

⋙ kṣurakḷpta

   ○kḷpta mfn. shaved Kathās. xii, 168

⋙ kṣurakriyā

   ○kriyā f. the employment of a razor Pañcat

⋙ kṣuracatuṣṭaya

   ○catuṣṭaya n. the four things necessary for shaving (viz. kṣura, nava-kuśa-tṛṇāni, try-eṇī śalalī, āpaḥ) KātyŚr. v, 1, Padd?

⋙ kṣuradhāna

   ○dhāná n. a razor-case ŚBr. xiv

⋙ kṣuradhāra

   ○dhāra mfn. razor-edged, sharp as a razor MBh. iv, 168 ; xiii, 3259 
   • m. a sharp-edged arrow ib. iv, 2063

⋙ kṣuradhārā

   ○dhārā f. the edge of a razor MBh. xiii, 2230 
   • (pl.) R. vii, 21, 15 
   • N. of a hell Buddh. L

⋙ kṣuranakṣatra

   ○nakṣatra n. any lunar mansion that is auspicious for shaving VarBṛS. īc, 12

⋙ kṣurapattra

   ○pattra n. Saccharum Sara (śara) L

⋙ kṣurapattrika

   ○pattrika f. N. of a pot-herb (Beta bengalensis) L

⋙ kṣurapavi

   ○pavi (○rá-), mfn. sharp-angled, sharp-edged, very sharp AV. xii, 5, 20 and 55 TS. ŚBr. Suparṇ 
   • (is), m. a sharp-edged wheel-band MaitrS. i, 10, 14 ( = Kāṭh. xxxvi, 8 
   • = Nir. v, 5) 
   • N. of a sacrifice performed in one day (ekâha) ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • (am), n. N. of several Sāmans ĀrshBr

⋙ kṣurapra

   ○pra mfn. sharp-edged like a razor BhP. iii, 13, 30 
   • m. a sharp-edged arrow MBh. iii, 14892 ; iv, 1732 Ragh. ix, 62 
   • xi, 29 BhP. Śāntiś. Deviim 
   • a sharp-edged knife (tīkṣṇa-śastra ed. Bomb.) Pañcat. i 
   • a sharp-edged arrow-head ŚārṅgP 
   • a sort of hoe or weeding spade W 
   • -ga n. a sharp-edged arrow L

⋙ kṣurabhaṭṭa

   ○bhaṭṭa m. N. of a man Sāy. (vḷ. pur○)

⋙ kṣurabhāṇḍa

   ○bhāṇḍa n. = -dhāná Pañcat. i

⋙ kṣurabhṛṣṭi

   ○bhṛṣṭi (○rá-), f. furnished with sharp angles AV. xii, 5, 66. [Page 332, Column 1] 

⋙ kṣuramardin

   ○mardin m. a barber L

⋙ kṣurāṅga

   kṣurâṅga m. Trilobus lanuginosus L

⋙ kṣurāṅgaka

   kṣurâṅgaka m. id. Gal

⋙ kṣurābhraka

   kṣurâbhraka N. of particular clouds VarBṛS. xxxiv, 7

⋙ kṣurārpaṇa

   kṣurârpaṇa m. N. of a mountain VarBṛS. xiv, 20

≫ kṣuraka

   kṣuraka m. = ○râṅga Suśr. Bhpr 
   • several other plants (Asteracantha longifolia 
   • the tree Tilaka 
   • = bhūtâṅkuśa) L 
   • the hoof of a cow L 
   • N. of particular clouds VarBṛS 
   • (ikā), f. (cf. churikā) a knife, dagger Rājat. v, 437 Kathās. liv, 40 
   • a small razor W 
   • a sort of earthen vessel L 
   • = kṣura-pattrikā L

≫ kṣurikā

   kṣurikā (f. of ○raka, q.v.)

⋙ kṣurikāpattra

   ○pattra m. = kṣura-p○ L

⋙ kṣurikāphala

   ○phala n. the blade (of a dagger) L

⋙ kṣurikopaniṣad

   kṣurikôpaniṣad f. N. of an Up. belonging to the AV

≫ kṣurin

   kṣurin ī m. a barber L 
   • (iṇī), f. the wife of a barber L 
   • the plant Mimosa pudica L

≫ kṣora

   kṣora m. the act of shaving Vop. (Dhātup. xxviii, 52)


   kṣulika for kṣullaká, q.v


   kṣulla mfn. (originally a Prākṛit form of kṣudrá 
   • derived fr. 2. kṣúdh and √lā Pāṇ. 6-2, 39 Kāś.) small, little, minute, inferior BhP

⋙ kṣullatāta

   ○tāta m. (= kṣudra-t○) the younger brother of a father L

⋙ kṣullatātaka

   ○tātaka m. the father's brother L

≫ kṣullaka

   kṣullaká mf(ā)n. (Naigh. iii, 2) little, small AV. ii, 32, 5 TS. ŚBr. i BhP 
   • low, vile L 
   • poor, indigent L 
   • wicked, malicious, abandoned L 
   • hard L 
   • youngest L 
   • pained, distressed L 
   • m. a small shell L 
   • N. of a prince VP. (v. l. kṣulika) 
   • (am), n. a sort of play or game (= muṣṭi-dyūta) L

⋙ kṣullakakāleya

   ○kāleya n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr

⋙ kṣullakatāpaścitta

   ○tāpaścitta n. the shortest one of the four kinds of Tāpaścitta ĀśvŚr. xii, 5 KātyŚr. ŚāṅkhŚr

⋙ kṣullakavātsapra

   ○vātsapra n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr

⋙ kṣullakavaiśvadeva

   ○vaiśvadeva n. (cf. mahā-v○) Pāṇ. 6-2, 39

⋙ kṣullakavaiṣṭambha

   ○vaiṣṭambha n. N. of a Sāman ĀrshBr


   kṣuvat √1. kṣu


   kṣeḍa ○ḍita, for kṣveḍa, ○ḍita, q.v


   kṣeṇá 1. kṣayaṇá


   kṣeti-vat mfn. containing a form of √2. kṣi (which forms the 3. sg. kṣéti) AitBr. v, 20 and 21


   kṣétra n. (√2. kṣi) landed property, land, soil (kṣétrasya páti, 'lord of the soil', N. of a kind of tutelary deity RV. AV. ii, 8, 5 
   • also kṣétrasya pátnī, 'mistress of the soil', and kṣétrāṇām páti, 'the lord of the soil', N. of tutelary deities AV. ii, 12, 1 VS. xvi, 18) 
   • 'soil of merit', a Buddha or any holy person Divyâv 
   • a field (e.g. ○traṃ-√kṛ, 'to cultivate a field' Mn. Yājñ. ii, 158 
   • cf. sasya-kṣ○) RV. &c 
   • place, region, country RV. AV. iii, 28, 3 TS. vii Suśr. Megh. Vet 
   • a house L 
   • a town L 
   • department, sphere of action MBh. xiv, 126 R. &c 
   • place of origin, place where anything is found Yogas. ii, 4 Suśr. BhP. viii, 12, 33 
   • a sacred spot or district, place of pilgrimage (as Benares &c 
   • often ifc.) BrahmaP 
   • an enclosed plot of ground, portion of space, superficies (e.g. sv-alpa-kṣ○, of a small circuit Yājñ. ii, 156) 
   • (in geom.) a plane figure (as a triangle, circle, &c.) enclosed by lines, any figure considered as having geometrical dimensions Gol 
   • a diagram W 
   • a planetary orbit Gaṇit 
   • a zodiacal sign Sūryas 
   • an astrological mansion VarBṛS. VarBṛ. i, xi 
   • (in chiromancy) certain portions marked out on the palm VarBṛS. lxviii, 1 
   • 'fertile soil', the fertile womb, wife Mn. Yājñ. ii, 127 MBh. R. Śak. BhP 
   • the body (considered as the field of the indwelling soul) Yājñ. iii, 178 Bhag. xiii, 1 and 2 Kum. vi, 77 
   • (in Sāṃkhya phil.) = a-vyakta (q.v.) Tattvas 
   • (ī́) f. only dat. ○triyaí for ○triyā́t (AV. ii, 10, 1) TBr. ii, 5, 6, 1 
   • [cf. á-kṣ○, anya- and kuru-kṣetrá, karma-kṣ○, deva-kṣ○, dharma-kṣ○, raṇa-kṣ○, siddha-kṣ○, su-kṣ○, surêśvarī-kṣ○ ; cf. also Goth. haithi, Them. haithjo ; Germ. ḥeide.]

⋙ kṣetrakara

   ○kara mfn. cultivating a field Pāṇ. 3-2, 21 
   • m. a husband-man. ib

⋙ kṣetrakarkaṭī

   ○karkaṭī f. a kind of gourd L

⋙ kṣetrakarman

   ○karman n. 'soil-cultivation', in comp. ○rma-kṛt m. a husbandman Kathās. xx, 11

⋙ kṣetrakarṣaka

   ○karṣaka m. soil-plougher, husbandman Gaut. xvii, 6. [Page 332, Column 2] 

⋙ kṣetragaṇita

   ○gaṇita n. 'calculating plane figures', geometry

⋙ kṣetragata

   ○gata mfn. 'relating to plane figures', geometrical 
   • ○tôpapatti f. a geometrical proof

⋙ kṣetracirbhiṭā

   ○cirbhiṭā f. a kind of gourd L

⋙ kṣetraja

   ○ja mfn. produced in a field (as corn &c.) L 
   • m. (scil. putra) 'born from the womb', a son who is the offspring of the wife by a kinsman or person duly appointed to raise up issue to the husband (this is one of the twelve kinds of issue allowed by the old Hindū law) Baudh. Gaut. Mn. ix, 159 ff. Yājñ. i, 68 and 69 ; ii, 128 
   • (ā), f. N. of several plants (= śvetakaṇṭakārī, śaśâṇḍulī, go-mūtrikā, śilpikā, caṇikā) L

⋙ kṣetrajāta

   ○jāta mfn. begotten on a wife by another Yājñ. ii, 128

⋙ kṣetrajeṣa

   ○jeṣá m. contest for landed property, acquisition of land RV. i, 33, 15

⋙ kṣetrajña

   ○jñá mfn. knowing localities TBr. iii AitBr. TāṇḍyaBr. ŚBr. xiii ChUp 
   • familiar with the cultivation of the soil (as a husbandman) L 
   • clever, dexterous, skilful (with gen.) MBh. i, 3653 
   • cunning L 
   • m. 'knowing the body', i.e. the soul, the conscious principle in the corporeal frame ŚvetUp. Mn. viii, 96 ; xii, 12 and 14 Yājñ. MBh. Hariv. 11297, &c 
   • a form of Bhairava (or Śiva) 
   • N. of a prince BhP. xii, 1, 4 (vv. ll. kṣatrâujas and kṣemârcis) 
   • (ā), f. a girl fifteen years old who personates the goddess Durgā at a festival of this deity

⋙ kṣetraṃjaya

   ○ṃ-jayá mfn. conquering landed property, Maitr. ii, 2, 11

⋙ kṣetratattva

   ○tattva n. a part of the work Smṛiti-tattva

⋙ kṣetratara

   ○tara (kṣétra-), n. any place or country very fit for being cultivated ŚBr. i

⋙ kṣetratā

   ○tā f. the state of being a seat or residence, seat, place of residence Kathās. iii, 3

⋙ kṣetrada

   ○da m. a form of Bhairava L

⋙ kṣetradūtikā

   ○dūtikā f. Solanum diffusum Bhpr

⋙ kṣetradūtī

   ○dūtī f. id. L

⋙ kṣetradevatā

   ○devatā f. 'the deity of the fields', N. of a serpent Pañcat

⋙ kṣetradharman

   ○dharman m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kṣetrapa

   ○pa m. a deity protecting the fields Pañcad 
   • = -da L

⋙ kṣetrapati

   ○pati m. (g. aśva-patyādi) the owner of a field, landowner, landlord, farmer Hit 
   • = kṣétrasya páti ( s. v. kṣétra) Kāṭh. xxiv, 10

⋙ kṣetrapada

   ○pada n. a place sacred to a deity (gen.) BhP. ix, 4, 20

⋙ kṣetraparpaṭa

   ○parpaṭa m. Oldenlandia biflora or another species L 
   • (ī), f. id. L

⋙ kṣetrapāla

   ○pāla m. a man employed to guard fields Pañcat. MārkP. &c 
   • a tutelary deity (their number is given as 49 Prayog.) Pañcat. iii AgP. Pañcad 
   • N. of Śiva 
   • -rasa m. a kind of medicinal drug L

⋙ kṣetraphala

   ○phala n. (in geom.) the superficial contents of a figure Gol. KātyŚr. Sch

⋙ kṣetrabhakti

   ○bhakti f. the division of a field Pāṇ. 5-1, 46 Kāś

⋙ kṣetrabhūmi

   ○bhūmi f. cultivated land W

⋙ kṣetrayamānikā

   ○yamānikā f. N. of a plant (= vacā) L

⋙ kṣetrarakṣa

   ○rakṣa m. a man employed to guard fields from depredation Pañcat

⋙ kṣetrarāśi

   ○rāśi m. quantity represented by geometrical figures

⋙ kṣetraruhā

   ○ruhā f. a kind of gourd L

⋙ kṣetraliptā

   ○liptā f. a minute of the ecliptic 
   • ○ptī-karaṇa n. reducing to minutes of the ecliptic

⋙ kṣetravasudhā

   ○vasudhā f. cultivated land R. iii, 4, 17

⋙ kṣetravid

   ○víd mfn. (= -jñá) familiar with localities RV. (also compar. -vít-tara, x, 25, 8) TS. v, 2, 8, 5 
   • experienced, clever, skilful Kum. iii, 50 
   • knowing the body (as the soul) Tattvas 
   • (t), m. 'knowing the cultivation of fields', a husbandman W 
   • one who possesses spiritual knowledge, sage W 
   • the soul BhP. iv, 22, 37 (cf. á-kṣ○.)

⋙ kṣetravyavahāra

   ○vyavahāra m. ascertainment of the dimensions of a plane figure Līl 
   • (in geom.) drawing a figure W 
   • geometrical demonstration W

⋙ kṣetrasaṃhitā

   ○saṃhitā f. any geometrical work like Euclid W

⋙ kṣetrasamāsa

   ○samāsa m. N. of a Jaina work

⋙ kṣetrasambhava

   ○sambhava m. 'growing on the fields', Abelmoschus esculentus L 
   • Ricinus communis 
   • (ā), f. a kind of gourd (= śaśâṇḍulī) L

⋙ kṣetrasambhūta

   ○sambhūta m. 'growing on the fields', a kind of grass L

⋙ kṣetrasāti

   ○sāti (kṣétra-), f. acquisition of fields or land RV. vii, 19, 3 (cf. i, 112, 22.)

⋙ kṣetrasādhas

   ○sā́dhas m. one who divides the fields, who fixes the landmarks RV. iii, 8, 7 and viii, 31, 14 (Nir. ii, 2)

⋙ kṣetrasīmā

   ○sīmā f. the boundary of a field or holy place W

⋙ kṣetrastha

   ○stha mfn. residing at a sacred place W

⋙ kṣetrāṃśa

   kṣetrâṃśa m. a degree of the ecliptic Sūryas

⋙ kṣetrājīva

   kṣetrâjīva mfn. living by agriculture L 
   • m. a cultivator L

⋙ kṣetrādhidevatā

   kṣetrâdhidevatā f. the tutelary deity of any consecrated ground Prayog

⋙ kṣetrādhipa

   kṣetrâdhipa m. id 
   • the regent of a sign of the zodiac

⋙ kṣetrāmalakī

   kṣetrâmalakī f. (= bhumy-ām○) Flacourtia cataphracta L

⋙ kṣetrāsā

   kṣetrā-sā́ mfn. gaining or procuring land RV. iv, 38, 1

⋙ kṣetrekṣu

   kṣetrêkṣu m. Andropogon bicolor (= yāvanāla) L

⋙ kṣetropekṣa

   kṣetrôpêkṣa m. N. of a son of Śva-phalka BhP. ix, 24, 15

≫ kṣetrika

   kṣetrika mfn. relating to a field, having a field, agrarian W 
   • m. the owner of a field Gaut. Mn. viii, 241 ff. ; ix, 53 f. [Page 332, Column 3] 
   • a farmer, cultivator W 
   • a husband Nār. Mn. ix, 145

≫ kṣetrin

   kṣetrin mfn. owning a field, cultivating land, agricultural W 
   • (ī), m. the owner of a field Mn. ix, 51 f. Yājñ. ii, 161 (cf. also a-kṣ○) 
   • an agriculturist, husbandman L 
   • a husband Mn. ix, 32 Śak. v 
   • the soul Bhag. xiii, 33 
   • (iṇī), f. Rubia Munjista L

≫ kṣetriya

   kṣetriyá mfn. 'organic' (as a disease), incurable ('curable in a future body, i.e. incurable in the present life' Pāṇ. 5-2, 92) Kpr 
   • m. one who seduces other men's wives, adulterer L 
   • (ám), n. (as m. L.) an organic and incurable disease AV 
   • meadow grass, herbage L 
   • (ā́ṇi), n. pl. the environs of a place AV. ii, 14, 5

⋙ kṣetriyanāśana

   ○nā́śana mf(ī)n. removing a chronic disease AV. ii, 8, 2

≫ kṣetrīkṛ

   kṣetrī-√kṛ to occupy, take possession or become master of (acc.) Kād. AgP. xxx, 22

≫ kṣetrīya

   kṣetrīya Nom. P. ○yati, to desire another man's wife, Śāntiś. i, 26


   kṣeda as m. sorrowing, moaning W


   kṣepa ○paka, ○pana, &c. √kṣip


   kṣéma mf(ā)n. (√2. kṣi) habitable 
   • giving rest or ease or security MBh. R 
   • at ease, prosperous, safe W 
   • m. basis, foundation VS. xviii, 7 AV. iii, 12, 1 and iv, 1, 4 ŚBr. xiii KapS. i, 46 
   • residing, resting, abiding at ease RV. x AV. xiii, 1, 27 
   • iii 
   • viii 
   • (as, am), m. n. (Ved. only m 
   • g. ardharcâdi), safety, tranquillity, peace, rest, security, any secure or easy or comfortable state, weal, happiness RV. AV. VS. Mn. MBh. &c. (kṣéma & yóga [or pra-yúj], rest and exertion, enjoying and acquiring RV. VS. xxx, 14 PārGṛ. MBh. xiii, 3081 
   • cf. kṣema-yoga and yoga-kṣ○ 
   • kṣemaṃ te, 'peace or security may be to thee' [this is also the polite address to a Vaiśya, asking him whether his property is secure Mn. ii, 127], Śāntiś. ii, 18) 
   • final emancipation L 
   • m. a kind of perfume (= caṇḍā) L 
   • Ease or Prosperity (personified as a son of Dharma and Śānti VP 
   • as a son of Titikshā BhP. iv, 1, 51) 
   • N. of a prince MBh. i, 2701 Divyâv. xviii 
   • of a son of Śuci and father of Su-vrata BhP. ix, 22, 46 
   • N. of a kind of college (maṭha) Rājat. vi, 186 
   • (eṇa), instr. ind. at ease 
   • in security, safely R. Mṛicch. Pañcat. BhP 
   • (ifc. with yathā R. ii, 54, 4) 
   • (ais), instr. pl. ind. id. MBh. xiii, 1519 
   • (ā), f. a kind of perfume (= kāṣṭha-guggula, or coraka Comm.) VarBṛS. iii 
   • N. of Durgā L 
   • of another deity (= kṣemaṃ-karī), DeviiP 
   • of an Apsaras MBh. i, 4818 
   • (am), n. N. of one of the seven Varshas in Jambū-dviipa BhP. v, 20, 3

⋙ kṣemakara

   ○kara mfn. conferring peace or security or happiness MBh. xiv, 973 
   • (ī), f. a form of Durgā (cf. kṣemaṃ-k○) VP

⋙ kṣemakarṇa

   ○karṇa m. N. of a son of Mahêśa (who composed, AḌ. 1570, the work Rāga-mālā)

⋙ kṣemakarman

   ○karman mfn. = -kara BhP. ii, 6, 5 
   • N. of a prince VāyuP. (v. l. -dharman, q.v.)

⋙ kṣemakāma

   ○kāma (kṣéma-), mfn. longing for rest RV. x, 94, 12

⋙ kṣemakāra

   ○kāra mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 44) = -kara L

⋙ kṣemakāraka

   ○kāraka mfn. id. Pañcat

⋙ kṣemakutūhala

   ○kutūhala n. N. of a medical work by Kshema-śarman

⋙ kṣemakṛt

   ○kṛt mfn. = -kara Āp. Cāṇ

⋙ kṣemagupta

   ○gupta m. N. of a king of Kaśmīr Rājat. vi, 150 ff

⋙ kṣemaṃkara

   ○ṃ-kara mfn. (= -kāra Pāṇ. 3-2, 44) = -kara Cāṇ. (=ŚārṅgP.) Bhaṭṭ. vi, 105 
   • m. N. of a king of the Trigartas MBh. iii, 15731 
   • of a son of Brahma-datta (Udayana) Buddh 
   • of the author of a recension of Siṃhâs 
   • of a mythical Buddha Divyâv. xviii 
   • (ī), f. Durgā VP. v, 1, 83 
   • N. of another goddess, DeviiP 
   • of the sister of Brahma-datta's son Kshemaṃ-kara Buddh

⋙ kṣemaṃkarin

   ○ṃ-karin m. the Brāhmaṇī kite or Coromandel eagle (bird of good omen), Falco pondicerianus Gal

⋙ kṣemajit

   ○jit m. N. of a prince MatsyaP. (vv. ll. kṣatrâujas, kṣemârcis)

⋙ kṣematara

   ○tara n. a more comfortable state, greater happiness Bhag. i, 46

⋙ kṣemataru

   ○taru m. N. of a tree VarBṛS

⋙ kṣemadarśin

   ○darśin m. N. of a pince of the Kosalas MBh. xii, 3060 ff. and 3850 ff

⋙ kṣemadarśīya

   ○"ṣdarśīya mfn. relating to Kshema-darśin (as a tale, itihâsa) ib. 3849

⋙ kṣemadhanvan

   ○dhanvan m. N. of a son of the third Manu Sāvarṇa Hariv. 480 
   • of a prince (son of Puṇḍarīka) Hariv. 824 BhP. ix, 12, 1 Ragh. xviii, 8 (cf. -dhṛtvan.)

⋙ kṣemadharman

   ○dharman v. l. for -karman (q.v.) BhP. xii, 1, 4

⋙ kṣemadhūrta

   ○dhūrta ās m. pl., N. of a people VarBṛS

⋙ kṣemadhūrti

   ○dhūrti m. N. of a warrior MBh. i, 67, 64 (vḷ. -mūrtī) ; vii, 4013 ff

⋙ kṣemadhṛtvan

   ○dhṛtvan m. (= -dhanvan) N. of a son or descendant of Puṇḍarīka TāṇḍyaBr. xxii

⋙ kṣemaphalā

   ○phalā f. Ficus oppositifolia L. [Page 333, Column 1] 

⋙ kṣemabhūmi

   ○bhūmi m. N. of a prince VāyuP. (v. l. deva-bh○)

⋙ kṣemamūrti

   ○mūrti m. N. of a prince MBh. i, 2700 (vḷ. -dhūrti) and 2735 
   • -tīrtha n. N. of a Tīrtha SkandaP

⋙ kṣemayuktam

   ○yuktam ind. in a prosperous way R. i, 13, 10

⋙ kṣemayoga

   ○yoga au m. du. rest and exertion AitBr

⋙ kṣemarāja

   ○rāja m. (probably = ○mêndra, q.v.) N. of a Śaiva philosopher (pupil of Abhinava-gupta and author of the Stavacintāmaṇi-vṛitti, the Sva-cchandôddyota, the Paramêśa-stotrâvalī-vṛitti, the Paramârtha-saṃgraha-vivṛitti, the Pratyabhijñā-hṛidaya, the Sāmba-pañcāśikā-vivaraṇa, and of other works)

⋙ kṣemavat

   ○vat mfn. attended with tranquillity and security, prosperous Pāṇ. Siddh 
   • (ān), m. N. of a prince VP 
   • (atī), f. N. of a woman Buddh 
   • of a locality

⋙ kṣemavarman

   ○varman m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kṣemavāha

   ○vāha m. N. of an attendant of Skanda MBh. ix, 2568

⋙ kṣemavid

   ○vid m. N. of a prince VP

⋙ kṣemavṛkṣa

   ○vṛkṣa m. = -taru VarBṛS. Sch

⋙ kṣemavṛddhi

   ○vṛddhi m. N. of a Śālva general MBh. iii, 669 ff 
   • (ayas), m. pl., N. of a warrior family (the women are called tanu-keśyas) Pāṇ. 6-3, 35 Vārtt. 5 Pat

⋙ kṣemavṛddhin

   ○vṛddhin m. N. of a man, g. bāhv-ādi

⋙ kṣemaśarman

   ○śarman m. N. of an author

⋙ kṣemaśūra

   ○śūra m. 'a hero in a safe place', a boaster BhP. x, 4, 36

⋙ kṣemāditya

   kṣemâditya m. N. of a man

⋙ kṣemādhi

   kṣemâdhi m. N. of a prince of Mithilā BhP. ix, 13, 23 (cf. kṣemâri.)

⋙ kṣemānanda

   kṣemânanda m. N. of an author

⋙ kṣemāphalā

   kṣemā-phalā for ○ma-ph○ L

⋙ kṣemāri

   kṣemâri m. = kṣemâdhi VP

⋙ kṣemārcis

   kṣemârcis vḷ. for ○ma-jit, q.v

⋙ kṣemāvatī

   kṣemā-vatī f. N. of a town Divyâv. xviii

⋙ kṣemendra

   kṣemêndra m. N. of a celebrated poet of Kaśmīr (surnamed Vyāsa-dāsa and flourishing in the middle of the eleventh century, author of the Bṛihat-kathā(-mañjari), Bhārata-mañjarī, Kalā-vilāsa, Rāmāyaṇa-mañjarī or -kathātsāra, Daśâvatāra-carita, Samaya-mātṛikā, Vyāsâshṭaka, Suvṛitta-tilaka, Loka-prakāśa, Nīti-kalpataru, Rājâvalī) 
   • N. of a Śaiva philosopher (who is probably identical with -rāja 
   • he is the author of the Spanda-nirṇaya and Spanda-saṃdoha) 
   • N. of the author of the Aucityâlaṃkāra and of the Kavikaṇṭhâbharaṇa

⋙ kṣemeśvara

   kṣemêśvara for ○mI7zv○, q.v

≫ kṣemaka

   kṣemaka m. a kind of perfume (= caura) L 
   • N. of a Nāga MBh. i, 1556 
   • of a Rakshas Hariv 
   • of an attendant of Śiva L 
   • of an old king MBh. ii, 117 
   • of a son of Alarka (also called Sunītha) Hariv. 1749 
   • of a son of Nirāmitra MatsyaP 
   • of the last descendant of Parīkshit in the Kali-yuga VP. BhP. ix, 22, 42 f 
   • (am), n. N. of a Varsha in Plaksha-dviipa ruled by Kshemaka VP. ii, 4, 5

≫ kṣemayat

   kṣemayát mfn. (pr. p. fr. Nom. P. ○ya fr. kṣéma) resting RV. iii, 7, 2 
   • granting rest or an abode RV. iv, 33, 10 and v, 47, 4

≫ kṣemin

   kṣemin mfn. enjoying peace or security, safe, secure MBh. (e.g. Nal. xii, 90) BhP. x, 88, 39 Kām

⋙ kṣemīśvara

   kṣemī7śvara m. N. of the author of the Caṇḍa-kauśika

≫ kṣemya

   kṣemyá mf(ā)n. (= ○ma Pāṇ. 5-4, 36 Vārtt. 5 Pat.) resting, at leisure, at ease RV. x, 28, 5 AV. xii, 2, 49 VS. xvi, 33 (kṣémya) ŚBr. vi, 7, 4, 7 ; xiii, 1, 4, 3 PārGṛ 
   • yielding peace and tranquillity (as a country 
   • 'healthy' W.) Mn. vii, 212 
   • giving peace and tranquillity MBh. xiv, 1691 
   • prosperous, auspicious VarBṛS 
   • m. N. of Śiva MBh. xiv, 194 
   • N. of several princes [a son of Sunītha and father of Ketumat Hariv. 1592 f. ; 1750 
   • a son of Ugrâyudha and father of Su-viira ib. 1084 VP. BhP. ix, 21, 29 
   • (= kṣema) a son of Śuci and father of Suvrata VP.] 
   • (ā), f. a form of Durgā VP. v, 1, 83 
   • (ám), n. resting TS. v, 2, 1, 7


   kṣeya √4. kṣi


   kṣev for √kṣiv, q.v


   kṣeṣṇú √4. kṣi


   kṣai cl. 1. P. kṣāyati, to burn, catch or take fire KātyŚr. xxv, 8, 21 Sch 
   • = √4. kṣi Dhātup. xxii, 16: Caus. kṣāpayati (Impv. kṣāpáya), to singe, burn AV. xii, 5, 51 TāṇḍyaBr. xvii, 5, 7

≫ kṣāti

   kṣātí f. singeing, heat RV. vi, 6, 5

≫ kṣāma

   kṣāmá mf(ā)n. burning to ashes, charring MaitrS. i, 8, 9 
   • (Pāṇ. 8-2, 53) scorched, singed KātyŚr. Jaim 
   • dried up, emaciated, wasted, thin, slim, slender Yājñ. i, 80 MBh. R. Megh. &c 
   • weak, debilitated, infirm, slight (especially applied to the voice) R. iii, 58, 14 Suśr. Amar. Rājat. v, 219

⋙ kṣāmakarṣamiśra

   ○karṣa-miśrá mfn. (= sá-kṣāma-karṣa ŚBr. iii) mingled with scorched or singed particles that have been scratched off ŚBr. ii, 5, 2, 46. [Page 333, Column 2] 

⋙ kṣāmakṣāma

   ○kṣāma mfn. quite emaciated Śak. iii, 7

⋙ kṣāmatā

   ○tā f. emaciation, thinness W 
   • debility W

⋙ kṣāmatva

   ○tva n. id. W

⋙ kṣāmavat

   ○vat (kṣā́ma-), mfn. burnt to coal, charred (said of Agni) MaitrS. TS. ii AitBr. vii, 6 KātyŚr. xxv ŚāṅkhŚr 
   • (tī), f. (scil. iṣṭi) N. of a particular sacrificial ceremony BhavP

⋙ kṣāmāṅga

   kṣāmâṅga mfn. having a slender body Bhām

⋙ kṣāmāprastha

   kṣāmāprastha m. N. of a town, g. mālâdi

⋙ kṣāmāsya

   kṣāmâsya n. any diet or any state of the body (as menstruation) incompatible with a particular medical treatment L. (v. l. kṣamasya)

≫ kṣāmi 2

   kṣāmi m. patr. fr. ○ma Pāṇ. 8-2, 1 Kāś

≫ kṣāmin

   kṣāmin mfn. (= kṣāmo'syâsti) ib

⋙ kṣāmimat

   kṣāmi-mat mfn. ib

≫ kṣāmīkṛ

   kṣāmī-√kṛ to shorten ŚārṅgP


   kṣaiṇya n. (fr. kṣīṇa), destruction, wasting away (ifc.), Rāj. v, 262 
   • leanness, slenderness, emaciation W

≫ kṣaiti

   kṣaiti patr. fr. kṣitá Pāṇ. 8-2, 42 Vārtt. 4


   kṣaíta m. (fr. 2. kṣití), the chief of a race, prince RV. ix, 97, 3

⋙ kṣaitavat

   ○vat (kṣaíta.), mfn. princely RV. vi, 2, 1

≫ kṣaitra

   kṣaítra n. (fr. kṣétra), landed property RV. viii, 71, 12 
   • a multitude of fields, g. bhikṣâdi

≫ kṣaitrajitya

   kṣaítrajitya n. (fr. kṣetra-jit), acquisition of land, victorious battle VS. xxxiii, 60

≫ kṣaitrajña

   kṣaitrajña n. (fr. kṣetra-jñá g. yuvâdi), spirituality, nature of the soul W 
   • the knowledge of the soul W

≫ kṣaitrajñya

   kṣaitrajñya n. (g. brāhmaṇâdi), id. W

≫ kṣaitrapata

   kṣaitrapata mf(ī g. aśva-paty-ādi)n. relating to the owner of a field (kṣetra-pati) ĀpŚr

≫ kṣaitrapatya

   kṣaítrapatya n. (fr. kṣetra-pati), dominion, property RV. i, 112, 13 
   • (○tyá), mfn. belonging to the lord of the soil TS. i, 8, 20, 1 ; ii, 2, 1, 5 ŚBr. v, 5, 2, 7 TBr. i, 4, 4, 2 KātyŚr. xv


   kṣaipra mfn. (fr. kṣiprá), 'produced by speaking quickly', a term for a kind of Sandhi produced by changing the first of two concurrent vowels to its semivowel RPrāt 
   • the Svarita accent on a syllable formed with that Sandhi RPrāt. VPrāt. APrāt 
   • (am), n. quickness, speediness, g. pṛthv-ādi

⋙ kṣaiprayukta

   ○yukta mfn. joined by the Kshaipra Sandhi W

⋙ kṣaipravarṇa

   ○varṇa mfn. containing a semivowel RPrāt

⋙ kṣaiprībhāvya

   kṣaiprī-bhāvya mfn. id. RPrāt. vii, 5

≫ kṣaiprya

   kṣaiprya n. quickness Bādar. iv, 3, 1 Sch


   kṣaimavṛddhi m. a patr. fr. kṣema-vṛddhin g. gahâdi and raivatikâdi

≫ kṣaimavṛddhīya

   kṣaimavṛddhīya mfn. fr. ○ddhi ib


   kṣairakalambhi m. a patr. fr. kṣīra-kalambha, N. of a teacher Lāṭy. x, 10, 20

≫ kṣairahrada

   kṣairahrada m. patr. fr. kṣīra-hr○ g. śivâdi

≫ kṣaireya

   kṣaireya mf(ī)n. prepared with milk, milky Pāṇ. 4-2, 20 
   • (ī), f. a dish prepared with milk L


   kṣoṭ cl. 10. P. kṣoṭayati, to throw, cast Dhātup. xxxv, 23 (cf. √khoṭ.)


   kṣoḍa m. the post to which an elephant is fastened L. (cf. a-kṣobha.)


   kṣoṇá mfn. immovable [or m. 'a kind of lute' Sāy 
   • = kṣayaṇa Nir. v, 6] RV. i, 117, 8 
   • (ī́), f. (nom. sg. also ○ṇī́s nom. pl. ○ṇī́s, once ○ṇáyas RV. x, 22, 9) a multitude of men, people (as opposed to the chief) RV 
   • the earth R. i, 42, 23 BhP. v, 18, 28 and viii, 6, 2 
   • (ī́), f. Ved. nom. du. 'the two sets of people', i.e. the inhabitants of heaven and earth ['heaven and earth' Naigh. iii, 30] RV. ii, 16, 3 ; viii, 7, 22 ; 52, 10 
   • 99, 6

≫ kṣoṇi

   kṣoṇi f. (= ○ṇī) the earth BhP. iv, 21, 35 
   • (áyas), f. pl., kṣoṇá

⋙ kṣoṇipati

   ○pati m. 'earth-lord', a king

⋙ kṣoṇipāla

   ○pāla m. 'earth-protector', id. Prasannar. vii, 65

⋙ kṣoṇīndra

   kṣoṇī7ndra m. = ○ṇi-pati

≫ kṣoṇī

   kṣoṇī (f. of ○ṇá, q.v.)

⋙ kṣoṇīdeva

   ○deva m. 'earth-god', a Brāhman

⋙ kṣoṇīdharamiśra

   ○dhara-miśra m. N. of a commentator

⋙ kṣoṇīpati

   ○pati m. = ○Ni-p○ Kathās. vc, 92

⋙ kṣoṇīmaṇḍala

   ○maṇḍala n. the orb of the earth Bālar

⋙ kṣoṇīmaya

   ○maya mfn. containing or representing the earth (said of Vishṇu in his fish-incarnation) BhP. ii, 7, 12

⋙ kṣoṇīramaṇa

   ○ramaṇa m. 'earth-lord', a king Vāsant

⋙ kṣoṇīruh

   ○ruh m. 'growing from the earth', a tree Prasannar. iv, 6

≫ kṣauṇī

   kṣauṇī f. the earth BhP. iii, 54, 3 and 24, 42

⋙ kṣauṇītala

   ○tala n. the surface of the earth W

⋙ kṣauṇīprācīra

   ○prācīra m. 'surrounding the earth', the ocean L

⋙ kṣauṇībhuj

   ○bhuj m. 'enjoying the earth', a king, Śāntiś. i, 10. [Page 333, Column 3] 

⋙ kṣauṇībhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. 'upholder of the earth', mountain Uttarar. ii, 29


   kṣottavya &c. √kṣud

≫ kṣoda


⋙ kṣodas


⋙ kṣodita

   kṣódita &c. ib


   kṣódhuka √1. kṣudh


   kṣobha ○bhaka, &c. √kṣubh


   kṣoma as, am m. n. (√kṣu Uṇ. i, 138) a room on the house-top (aṭṭa) Comm. on L 
   • (am), n. (for kṣauma) linen (dukūla) L

≫ kṣomaka

   kṣomaka m. = kṣaum○ L. (cf. kṣema.)


   kṣora √kṣur


   kṣauṇī kṣoṇá above


   kṣaudra m. (fr. kṣudra and ○drā), Michelia Campaka MBh. iii, 11569 
   • N. of a mixed caste (son of a Vaideha and a Māgadhī) MBh. xiii, 2584 
   • (am), n. smallness, minuteness, g. pṛthvādi 
   • honey, species of honey L 
   • water L 
   • N. of a Sūtra of the SV

⋙ kṣaudrajā

   ○jā f. honey-sugar L

⋙ kṣaudradhātu

   ○dhātu m. a kind of mineral substance (= mākṣika) L

⋙ kṣaudrapriya

   ○priya m. N. of a tree (species of Bassia) L

⋙ kṣaudrameha

   ○meha m. the disease diabetes mellitus Suśr

⋙ kṣaudramehin

   ○"ṣmehin mfn. affected with that disease ib

⋙ kṣaudraśarkarā

   ○śarkarā f. = -jā L

≫ kṣaudraka

   kṣaudraka m. patr. fr. kṣudr○ Pāṇ. 4-1, 168 Vārtt. 1 Pat. (pl.) 
   • (ī), f. of kṣaudrakya Pāṇ. 5-3, 114 Kāś 
   • (am), n. (fr. kṣudrā), honey Gal

≫ kṣaudrakamālava

   kṣaudrakamālava mf(ī) n. formed by Kshudrakas and Mālavas (an army) Pāṇ. 4-2, 45 Pat

≫ kṣaudrakamālavaka

   kṣaudraka-mālavaka mfn. ib

≫ kṣaudrakya

   kṣaudrakya m. patr. fr. (or a servant of) ○ka Pāṇ. 4-1, 168 Vārtt. 1 Pat 
   • (mfn.) small L

≫ kṣaudreya

   kṣaudreya n. (fr. kṣudrā), wax L


   kṣauma mf(ī)n. (fr. kṣumā 
   • = kṣoma Uṇ. i, 138), made of linen, linen Lāṭy. Gobh. PārGṛ. &c 
   • covered with linen W 
   • prepared from linseed (as oil) Suśr 
   • (as, am), m. n. = aṭṭa (an airy room on the top of a house, apartment on the roof, back of an edifice, fortified place in front of a building, building of a particular form W 
   • cf. kṣoma) L 
   • (ī), f. flax (Linum usitatissimum) L 
   • (am), n. linen cloth or garment KātyŚr. Gaut. Mn. &c. (also = dukūla L.) 
   • linseed Suśr 
   • the flower of flax L

⋙ kṣaumamaya

   ○maya mfn. made of linen Hcat

≫ kṣaumaka

   kṣaumaka m. (cf. kṣom○) a kind of perfume L

≫ kṣaumika

   kṣaumika mf(ī)n. made of linen Kauś. 57


   kṣaura mfn. (fr. kṣurá), performed with a razor (with karman, 'shaving') VarBṛS. īc, 12 
   • (as), m.= -mantra Sāy. on TS. i 
   • (ī), f. a razor W 
   • (am), n. shaving the head, shaving in general (○raṃ √1. kṛ, to shave Hit 
   • ○raṃ, Caus. √1. kṛ, to have one's self shaved Hit.) Cāṇ

⋙ kṣaurakaraṇa

   ○karaṇa n. shaving Hit

⋙ kṣaurakarman

   ○karman n. id. Cāṇ 
   • ( also s.v. kṣaura.)

⋙ kṣauranakṣatra

   ○nakṣatra n. (= khṣura-n○) any lunar mansion auspicious for shaving, VarBṛS. īc, 12

⋙ kṣauranirṇaya

   ○nirṇaya m. N. of wk

⋙ kṣauramantra

   ○mantra ās m. pl., N. of the formulas TS. i, 2, 1, 1 ff. Sāy

⋙ kṣaurarkṣa

   ○rkṣa (-ṛkṣa), n. = -nakṣatra VarYogay. ii, 35

⋙ kṣauravidhi

   ○vidhi m. = -karaṇa

≫ kṣaurapavya

   kṣaurapavya mfn. (fr. kṣurá-pavi), very sharp-edged, very sharp BhP. vi, 5, 8 ('formed out of razors and thunderbolts', Burnouf)

≫ kṣaurika

   kṣaurika m. a barber, shaver L


   kṣṇu cl. 2. P. kṣṇauti (Dhātup. xxiv, 28 
   • fut. 1st kṣṇavitā Pāṇ. 7-2, 10 Siddh 
   • pr. p. kṣṇuvāṇá), to whet, sharpen AV. v, 20, 1 
   • [Gk. ?, ?, kṣurá.] [333, 3]

≫ kṣṇut

   kṣṇut anyataḥ- and ubhayataḥ-kṣṇút

≫ kṣṇuta

   kṣṇutá mfn. whetted, sharpened ŚBr. vi

≫ kṣṇotra

   kṣṇótra n. a whet-stone RV. ii, 39, 7


   kṣmā́ f. (cf. 2. kṣám Naigh. i, 1 Nir. x, 7) the earth R. iii, 35, 63 BhP. Ragh. Bhartṛ. &c 
   • (ayā́), instr. ind. (= 1. kṣamā́) on the earth RV. VS. xxxiii, 92

⋙ kṣmāṃśa

   ○"ṣṃśa (○mâṃ○), m. a district of land L

⋙ kṣmācakra

   ○cakra n. the orb Bālar. iii, 70

⋙ kṣmāja

   ○ja m. 'earth-born', the planet Mars 
   • n. the horizon Gol

⋙ kṣmātala

   ○tala n. the surface of the earth MārkP. xxiii, 47

⋙ kṣmādhara

   ○dhara m. 'upholder of the earth', a mountain Mālatīm. Bālar 
   • (hence) the number, 'seven' Gaṇit

⋙ kṣmādhṛti

   ○dhṛti m. 'one who has to support the earth', a king Rājat. v, 476

⋙ kṣmānta

   ○"ṣnta (○mân○), m. 'the ends of the earth', i.e. the whole earth Pañcat

⋙ kṣmāpa

   ○pa m. 'earth-protector', a king Rājat. v, 314 and 457

⋙ kṣmāpati

   ○pati m. 'earth-lord', id., v, 59 
   • (ifc.) Gīt. i, 4. [Page 334, Column 1] 

⋙ kṣmāpāla

   ○pāla m. = -pa Prasannar. Rājat. v, 319

⋙ kṣmābhartṛ

   ○bhartṛ m. = -pati Daś. p. i

⋙ kṣmābhuj

   ○bhuj m. 'enjoying the earth', a king Rājat. v, 50

⋙ kṣmābhṛt

   ○bhṛt m. (= -dhara) a mountain BhP. x, 67, 7 Kathās 
   • = -dhṛti Pañcat. Kathās. lxxiii, 330 Bālar. iii, 63

⋙ kṣmāruh

   ○ruh m. 'growing from the earth', a tree Rājat. viii, 240

⋙ kṣmāvalaya

   ○valaya m. n. = -cakra Siṃhâs 
   • (= -ja) the horizon Gol

⋙ kṣmāvṛṣa

   ○vṛṣa m. 'earth-bull', i.e. a mighty king Rājat. v, 126

⋙ kṣmāśayana

   ○śayana n. lying or being buried in the earth MBh. iii, 13456

⋙ kṣmeśa

   kṣmêśa m. = khsmā-pati VarBṛS. xix, 2


   kṣmāy cl. 1. Ā. ○yate (impf. akṣmāyata and perf. cakṣmāye Bhaṭṭ.), to shake, tremble Dhātup. xiv, 45: Caus. P. kṣmāpayati (Pāṇ. 7-3, 36), to cause to shake Bhaṭṭ. xvii, 85

≫ kṣmāyita

   kṣmāyita mfn. shaken, made to tremble W 
   • trembling W

≫ kṣmāyitṛ

   kṣmāyitṛ mfn. (Pāṇ. 3-2, 152 Kāś.) trembling, shaking W


   kṣmīl cl. 1. P. ○lati, to twinkle, close the eyelids Dhātup. xv, 13 (cf. √mīl.)


   kṣraum ind. a mystic exclamation BhP. v, 18, 8


   kṣvíṅkā f. a kind of animal RV. x, 87, 7 
   • ('red-mouthed monkey' Sch.) TS. v, 5, 15, 1

kṣviḍ 1

   kṣviḍ (or 1. kṣvid), cl. 1. P. kṣveḍati (Suśr 
   • Pot. ○ḍet Mn. iv, 64 
   • pr. p. ○ḍat R. iv, 45, 8 
   • kṣvedati Kāṭh.), to utter an inarticulate sound, hum, murmur, growl, roar, hiss, whistle, rattle: Caus. P. kṣveḍayati id. MBh. iii, 12379

≫ kṣviṇṇa 1

   kṣviṇṇa mfn. (fr. √1 . kṣvid Kāś. on Pāṇ. 3-2, 187 and vii, 2, 16), sounded inarticulately Pat. Introd. on Vārtt. 18

≫ kṣveḍa 1

   kṣveḍa mfn. curved, crooked, bent L 
   • wicked, depraved W 
   • difficult to be approached L 
   • m. singing or buzzing in the ear (from hardening of the wax &c 
   • cf. karṇa-kṣ○) Suśr 
   • sound, noise L 
   • a Cucurbitaceous plant (Luffa pentandra or acutangula, = pīta-ghoṣā) Car 
   • a mystical N. of the letter m (also kṣvela RāmatUp 
   • cf. viṣa = 2. kṣveḍa) 
   • (ā), f. 'the roaring of a lion' or 'battle-cry' L 
   • a bamboo rod or stake L 
   • a kind of Cucurbitaceous plant (= kośātakī) L 
   • (am), n. the flower of the Luffa or Ghosha plant L 
   • the fruit of a red kind of swallow-wort L

≫ kṣveḍana

   kṣveḍana n. hissing Mn. iv, 64 Sch 
   • hissing pronunciation (of sibilants) RPrāt. xiv, 6

≫ kṣveḍita 1

   kṣveḍita as, am m. n. (g. ardharcâdi) humming, murmuring, growling MBh. i, 2820. Hariv. 13238 ff 
   • 'a lion's roaring' or 'battle-cry' L

≫ kṣveḍin

   kṣveḍin gehe-kṣv○

kṣviḍ 2

   kṣviḍ (or 2. kṣvid = √svid), cl. 1. Ā. kṣveḍate, kṣvedate, to be wet or unctuous, exude, emit sap Dhātup. xviii, 4. cl. 4. P. kṣvidyati id. ib. xxvi, 134

≫ kṣviṇṇa 2

   kṣviṇṇa mfn. (fr. √2. kṣvid), unctuous W

≫ kṣveḍa 2

   kṣveḍa m. venom, poison MBh. iii, 12389 Kuval


   kṣvid √1. and √2. kṣviḍ

≫ kṣveḍa 1

   kṣveḍa&2 &c. ib


   kṣveḍikā = kṣvelikā, q.v

≫ kṣveḍita 2

   kṣveḍita = kṣvelitaq.v


   kṣvel cl. 1. P. ○lati (vḷ. kvel Dhātup. xv, 32 
   • probably fr. Prākṛit √kel = krīḍ), to leap, jump, play R. v 
   • vi 
   • to shake, tremble W. ; [Old. Germ. suillu, sual, suall.]

≫ kṣvelana

   kṣvelana n. play, jest BhP. xi, 17, 32

≫ kṣveli

   kṣveli f. (= keli) id. BhP. v, 1, 29 ; x, xi

≫ kṣvelikā

   kṣvelikā f. id. BhP. v, 8, 18 
   • for kṣveḍikā udaka-kṣ○

≫ kṣvelita

   kṣvelita n. (also m. Pāṇ. Siddh.) id. BhP. x, 22, 12 
   • (pl.) viii, 9, 11 
   • (kṣveḍita) MBh. xiv, 1760 (Sch.)


   kṣvela for 1. kṣveḍa, q.v


   kṣvelana &c. √kṣvel